KENTUCKY GAZETTE "extI UMfttR 9. J BY J. BRADFORD, ON MAIN STREET, WB ERE SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE RECEIVED AT I5PER ANNUM' Foreign Intelligence. England. "LONDON, Auguftip. but and that lost fucli 'can The whiSh we hae this than the n"fg 'I' h,n' the, on way to May 10 relate, is ot io awrul and, a nature, that we cannot, without considerable agitation and pajn, difchaige our duty in commu- nicating it to the public. It will ex cite wonder, even in this fnaracqlous TU ,Wc sill and V Vi onaon the and in tce of feeu wi t The -- and the his for h,s one en of the rout and Me "' bV an and the rM,. be the of an have dav MP "' I 1 " of evert. T- -;- ,,M a,ony of pa- - which fcem to to less than fa m to the of rthe of It and that Ita- - uly as the in the French be An ar t in y is ver ve count) sand Iskely 'to many attack. owards or Auftu? appear to have even responded been, from on Welt bank Bref- - tia, These l army Buonaparte been i ficm Vendee to sixth beeri routed fliort been November 12, t,ribUte,fuadlnira")n 'eot5at'on between a conqueror a troops dead to ikill& on have wro't luppliant. field prodigies ; aftonifliment Whether victorious republicans It it said miration a, e in ot a will Ulm th orajth.and la"oulck SJt?tu m reIati",f cation, of Mr. and vouchfafeto ly as a army 3 ? intelligence futinln- - '" c6ndition !"H1' " doubt Pceed J " r" 7 'j' s"'iuiiicguvcnimciusot v ror mere is no iorce to op-rop- e. French are nn- - Europe on their surrender, we know Italy, fIom ; amidtt ngeling fenti- - .. , .liUiUtKrwBot & ments fliame. foriow. m- - So rh, -- f .L --- .. ""- -' " m tner ':... .: ..u.iy par" " .ependet dignation, French ooerate nn fh Republics, Or still fb r fl while nut- - tn.rs.1. ..i- - !.,! 1 11 i- -: J 1 i .. ." : . jiiw jiswrwneamiiirfs.hfmh mn nt,r a . . . ' . . . : 'campaign, may perhaps produce nas King- - . j l neglect a nation .io" 'iuthoriJS fr? " , Probat,hV " aganft fton Southampton, a remarkable thai ftn.iharized h defeat, ftbfta. "J r"?7?J " u P"" W,th &,ea,t Br5tain bm' swift faiIinS ellel- - c0PPer bottomed, reconciled tp disgrace. In 1P', v"" '0r " T n."!cfl overwhelmed in order to oVing home effects ; day, we learnt Wan7 thrnfn!n ? P" own caam,tl" d dangers, and purpose sailed Friday still moeS ?PT'i P '7 ',rcfled " coming. , immediate accommodation, to AnM ,o Wn imnendin. m... .5 Ell,Plr?' - . .. lolicitous fnte.efts this laid Wore , '- iviniiiinn. est powers; in word, ?- -" --- - C";, .."i",V",le.n?,,,,P J.?'very unportant ftatB ! us be little 'total deftruclion eftahlilhed system Europe. was natuial realonable ifthe Imperial comtfliould consider quarter which alone could vulnerable. scattered an extend y gapd occupied in cohftraininga restless people, lcemed present 1 Italy, therefore, b . . directed. It thorfght the lcaiinfr wa""eft laifethe His hrlt this withtlte jformed formidable On ult the Fiench iituated the ot di Gaida, and eicnclled the capital the fuccefles h6wever, ptovedtiJ as forced twenty five thousand men have thousand fdventy anniliilafced Saturday, 1796. tEXrtiOTON the thousand their of battle the feelings condescend toihe luppli- - W univerfaT wh1thr now disputed matters Ammft and ,t,r. ajrainft chartered ome eourfeot H:..i.l mutinous thettoih Jhort-Ine- d c.L - ii- - i j n - . ... . . . ..".. '. X r" nis misiormncs. i noie relneCuno- r- -. a (which may, perhaps, in the of suppliant ambafla- - particularly inte.eftin? ui c nr rnp nu mr n a.. .1 -- . ... .. . - o ... " ""rs ivir. Hammond leem tt.i. excrcnejj ior imploring the likely to out 1 iciii.il 10 a to the ma- nic Body. accused the Emperor of haina protratfted hostilities , his niinifte'r rcciiminated, 'al'crib-in- g the calamities of war to inactivity and pufilanimity j may both in be favorable points of true Ror the was toliften niellina, .MKi.kK (lcnurnniMi i i J . . . republicans, it incendiary France, intrigufcs up weakening unexhauitcd ; ambition, inducement humiliating, Gprmnnv wiiat a delpcratcfootinffthevmufl- mA . : : be thecircumllancc. interest. j !hey neceflary a . We are peifectly fenfiblc !. v .! w .! . ns fhai.i ... v. t i a foi Durbofe n. i. - . ' -- . fa.c ' ' - . . & u mil rnem rn riiic j .... h. w,w IT . I' J 1 Jl' . .! AMSTERDAM, ":rZAZT," P- - defireofPe.ce. t!,,""S.C" K"???'0 scendS: !?r -- ...the LmeSe riEuythonfand men: nVn," conci,,0,f hot lenomcerieemsto havethoughthim ItCtfeXiot t'mh SSTou infiff conque.oV didtate compcnfation Wantua and ThV aie all'd'f of uiotection uu" acknowledfre. that he of Salo, the of trivial. I he of had rein- - La eel th days tak- en, army nd of which larEe its it. of not 17. fcrini,. ,nt0 which Lisbon fntfr one iacc """"' """ ECJ Oei all the part anu w ' I ' O " '..I , . . Thus, proud afleinbly, there-iViefentati- greatett number princes political aflbciation, oblig- ed depend safety, acci- dental command humiliation serving notice, andme- - volume "Huaiuiuiiidiufibi.ai- - a nerphnnfin brig alarm which ,th.C mMed about elude efforts moment Sw7Hii panea cieciee runs, grant peace They which ue 1J. LCI lltTIl .11111 llllla .. H. w i I prevailed w sc detcltatiou lead-agaiu- tt; Ktirred puipofe, dou6t, exhauitino- - foreign domestic rcndeilng little apow- - mnvir,;,,,- - iiecrntinrfl. n..! judged fou"d send duke. remsoiciiis: r. 'r?t Co - and that excel- - '" "V"Is : ' o? in to lofTcs a rhufe to 5. to etfca y of those , r, , . : a force. diove from pott aster f ft they f been 6 A pofc thetti rdcrs u uc 10 uii lk a 0 is of of and ftafs it v. ere eVer a to its Upon the precai mercy modei ation of thole who may armies of France. This wi etched not alone de- - of as an awful tiation be x on of "v canine mat "" ihe the of the an.. ".' be and that whose ing into with they haOe and their and mies, and easy prey her have grant terms, mneraoie ivhvli may fiom that lime Frpnrh tLviiwi.ua, rnnint-pnt- ULUkAIIUIll- l- called Z fo,n, which he does -- im. self siege VSI recove lieir hope Lago them from and onrhiit-fniit-.- their ions oc groisiy ignomi- nious peace natuial fruii abominable detell one, without abhoriing other The articles peace truth commfcntaiy principles and effecls will betheie written charac Ileafon- - ,. ..w. ence Ruflia. th nf;n..t.: Jhc the would appear she it war of all they can to fn tant ?, to of Augnft ambaflador from the king said to arrived jiguc; it lsconhacntK repoited "Z,Z - Wit J condition of liiilv ? fpr the which the rJu 1 Loirjbardy. fuccefle cor- - r son so ihortlv Brefciano. at the in personal i's believe inconnitent. His be of his No man can the in be of the ters that be mistaken. he of Empress of in of is no ic ait viri th ih- - on in An Prufliais be ana nd ? V is, that hostilities 1 and seem Inevitable, two having unable to adjult amicably the diilion. of Poland. SUABIA, Auguft8. th French enter- - 4 111., l ..i . .... .t. ., . c" "", ironi wnence tne "- - their p.evl! example of the viciffitndc of All those fi,t "lulelr "'"!". 1 he impeiial- - , umortunareiy human afFai.s. ho h fln w .. i.,.k j.-- o ,, V ins are retreating to liavaiia, ebrated country; which 1,tiH,n ' " ""u'CJ ;" P "X ana for present, take their nofition be- - e combined powersfo lonE hdped to f, cl nr w ' ir: t VT. S"Ci ?" "'CUi' P''umP- - hid the Lech It is said that arch- - . - i v. . ..- -. v. uuiuitiHiiuu ai t. luuua M.11U in ia.ru area irrnnranrr w i i j..i . n 1 . . mortal wonna to uietrencn re- - likely tobepiodudliveof " ' "y themoft rtr- - by that ruinous and i,?om nous I rible conreouences A viftnrv n,r .1,, be converted into burg on thefecond instant, on his rhegraveofthe,oyalifts,andtLbett ty, hifto.y and re. dignity of e to Bavana, will join part of Wanen m fery of republican fol.liers. He of Europe is as important to the French " Auuft i, Heben s army, with which he will as. parched without delay .gainft wirta- - otoZS wl ? mendettel-d'is- 9 .f ttf !1fiA dates and particulais of Htoiies fl V the astonishing events w hich followed, a, e country' s.rrSrthaVhasnoB: f L&ltInd'ffiS Vi" " f n1Itho?rd Wnd gen. fpimperfedl that we can ohly give a jeCt of ther veheration so many 1- - Ah JsgiveSn the ve. y general fcetch of them. It ap- - degraded laid prost, ate in paper no tile fi. ft in poih t of T tmTT" pears, however, that Buonaparte their reverence will be changed we think tnevertheleft" 'fU,U-,- ; tacked Auftnant Lonado , Fear feszed at all the fpnt;m.?,f Li,,u of n Salo ; and afc first of these places Xh produce obedience Severn K, rft aPP" " bhe best info.med in this made six prlfoners, k,- - itW bened T Si'Z Di X ?m ftS SV1 r f- -cft .v hole extent of line ; at tflt gJ f conftkc' "or wSh J effs'to Vienna-so- me have been ab! and Mdntechiafo, fts Iuhs uiope politically, as I y (l,rd enough to trust their withfuchgfuccef have i Air. SewweeK nottSS' ft0 f- i- -- chants, of Belgrade, ti.n. 1A- . 7 i . 'c happen to be here as thi. time ficldpieces.andmadefi.'thoufandpri3: tltiie e ioS ?i a'T ? 8- - commandant b, thi. Jonemong whbm w.re two gene- - f , b c , , Maln o,lt w ce Cf 1 ?. What the particulars 6f event, ,""",! S HuSarian howit7'rf ff! fca,:brS, tWlvC ,fl so PPofite to ,that coiifidenc which succeeded this great victo.y CJ. hicL BSJritt fSa ;Vhich ge of hi. majesty's were we have not yet learnt, pere moments, sustained totter, so, tv W T "g ,l,rP'" 'f been their astonishing and fortnnSs ns rhP l,or-- f i....f ........" ,,ana l.' a t0 merchants to reftbre all the rfcfult, thatih five (proba- bly fiom the first the instant) twelve tlifcufaitd Aflftriahs made prifohers, have of cannon their whole cdmpleatly and dispersed In this the loch the the Pitt, lcnna the the and whe- - this by the ruin We had were by pcrs. and """j and by unit- ed for and the Hill imure rl.rm clJ who fW- - morable that dust; haJ awfitl billed, pieces nume- - tenor this .nr. ""J and - r-- . - -- - ...... ..j.. iulu ill imi c Lii:inniriiiiinnm-- . o. it ... . j lla nn fh?o n..onn. C. ru i. 1. i. . .. .t j . Hungariahasbeerideaftotvoic'e-d- f CoeVor nX" Tf'J0' themTrom taking j:i.z,i r. : . i. . .. . uMiuicuiuvcrcign, wmcnin Au&uft " ' . has fnnw for the and .:,,ii.. the the the the war. the ot the tI,c yet L h" war. ment the ruhians the hea'ds been' On the , , that mnft and the '& trea- - vay- - the for Spain ges and the the but has nds the icfult the a" the ?' killed situ ? the but the five has inrr A..ft i.i... : i.ifi ... A. .- - i - ..v.. ... LJ ; " j. otn. 16. LllCir jnore in : mat t.:j... ? h i i . .. '."? .id, ?,:!. JG,rm.n'paPp"s'F It, "S.Vf "fj'T, Wi" ?'l l'.!,' rence that irenein KleV.Pi- - hns ,..- -s k!..;j .... u ' . ' w.m nticugwiiwumE, ?d , buttle mrtfenWr. f !,' , :"..;. "r "u ,. ."! ',VnV only fbr the protection of his own peiiod has ,rous, brave and difcipl.nedarmy torn- - negotiation (for so it will ttlll &n hVvinfe beerifoLht Hnr '"' .P ' afc?offiPll manded by of the most celebrated ridiculously called M with the captive MaritnL, the t, oop Punr the tV been able fueceed'ng(.yars' hi fn of which fuehitraordfnaiyefForfs tK brrelTtVbelieV hat Sofc nndeJ nWnSerwho i d ?!H -- Ce "jZ? andfacrificeswe.emade; which was fopie wretched terms capitulation, relieve hartitv wa? ingratitude, cow- - Germany on the w.,ich the BpJr of oth- - th.CblbnI?rkof by con, tefy may their j;ff J in which weie cle- - ii. n.ntv t r Di, tntr a Lo l .fi..J.i..in. r:.u r..' . ." ,? " "1--- "a,c J.UH.V..I.H.WI Miumuynui mc court this been granted by the French to the of Vienna. Emperor at Munich. The term nero- - At a calmer moment we might ex- - may appl.'ed to such tranf. press. our aftonifliment at these flu- - aftfons, but negotiation implies at pendous and almost incredible events, Jcait feme equality, There i no n- - unu. nn... a minister to ene- - Sweden, is to howevei to erwhnniihcv inai will of will best nature Its cannot influ. jutt at between Ruffians crowned inftantthe ... .., ft.ucted. !"""? will throuffh "fiacity .ugC ff. ai hen! at- - people hundred their Lona- - 5c all ?$ as to se Hich ..wm.w. irnnnc riinr hBa.. ...t.b iii-i- n uuiiucil ui nny rurure ii ' totelll. Af,f Ratllbon hi, be one betwecft protect of of a i annrnacn. - 4 i is . . ...- - VPI hi HOC OMflntl hh'Ja , e have not time now to pv? the terms of confidencei had already of his action , the result of bliflrd a calm in tlie atritated rnindu wnicn was tnat atte. conl.derabje loss of tJ.e people , hut that which, contl on the part of the rrench. the Auftri- - rmPH mnf V r,f!.ft. Uii .....' xnswere driten bk, leaving seven ,ival of Dou jW'Jarlcftiof N4."

Vi P moeSnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7s1r6n0x5m/data/1274.pdf · KENTUCKY GAZETTE "extI UMfttR 9.J BY J. BRADFORD, ON MAIN STREET, WB ERE SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE RECEIVED AT I5PER ANNUM' Foreign

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Page 1: Vi P moeSnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7s1r6n0x5m/data/1274.pdf · KENTUCKY GAZETTE "extI UMfttR 9.J BY J. BRADFORD, ON MAIN STREET, WB ERE SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE RECEIVED AT I5PER ANNUM' Foreign



Foreign Intelligence.


"LONDON, Auguftip.

but and thatlost

fucli 'canThe whiSh we hae this than the n"fg 'I' h,n' the, on way to

May 10 relate, is ot io awrul and,a nature, that we cannot,

without considerable agitation andpajn, difchaige our duty in commu-nicating it to the public. It will excite wonder, even in this fnaracqlous



and V Vi onaon theand in tce of

feeu wi t The--and the his forh,sone en

of the rout and Me "' bVan

and the rM,. be the of an have dav MP"' I 1 "

of evert. T- -;- ,,Ma,ony of pa--which fcem to to less than

fa m to the ofrthe of

It and thatIta- -

uly as the in theFrench be An ar

t iny is ver ve count)

sand Iskely'to manyattack. owards

or Auftu? appear to haveeven

responded been,from

onWelt bank

Bref- -



army Buonaparte been

i ficm Vendee

to sixth


routed fliortbeen

November 12,

t,ribUte,fuadlnira")n 'eot5at'on between a conqueror a troops deadto ikill& onhave wro't luppliant. fieldprodigies ; aftonifliment Whether victorious republicans It it said

miration a, e in ot a will Ulm th orajth.and la"oulckSJt?tu m reIati",f cation, of Mr. and vouchfafeto ly as a army 3 ?

intelligence futinln-- '" c6ndition !"H1' " doubt PceedJ " r" 7 'j' s"'iuiiicguvcnimciusot v ror mere is no iorce to op-rop- e.French are nn- - Europe on their surrender, we knowItaly, fIom ; amidtt ngeling fenti- - .. ,

.liUiUtKrwBot & ments fliame. foriow. m- - So rh, -- f .L--- .. ""- -' " mtner ':... .:..u.iy par" " .ependet dignation, French ooerate nn fhRepublics, Or still fb r fl while nut- - tn.rs.1. ..i-- !.,! 1 11 i- -: J 1 i ..." : . jiiwjiswrwneamiiirfs.hfmh mn nt,r a . . . ' . . . :

'campaign, may perhaps produce nas King- -.j lneglect a nation .io" 'iuthoriJS fr? " , Probat,hV " aganft fton Southampton, a remarkablethai ftn.iharized h defeat, ftbfta. "J r"?7?J " u P"" W,th &,ea,t Br5tain bm' swift faiIinS ellel- - c0PPer bottomed,

reconciled tp disgrace. In 1P', v"" '0r " T n."!cfl overwhelmed in order to oVing home effects ;

day, we learnt Wan7 thrnfn!n ? P" own caam,tl" d dangers, and purpose sailed Fridaystill moeS ?PT'i P '7 ',rcfled " coming. ,

immediate accommodation, to AnM ,oWn imnendin. m... .5 Ell,Plr?' - . .. lolicitous fnte.efts this laid Wore, '- iviniiiinn.est powers; in word, ?- -" --- - C";, .."i",V",le.n?,,,,P J.?'very unportant ftatB

! us be little'total deftruclion

eftahlilhed system Europe.was natuial realonable

ifthe Imperial comtfliould considerquarter which alone

could vulnerable.scattered an extend y

gapd occupied in cohftraininga restlesspeople, lcemed

present1 Italy, therefore,

b. .directed. It thorfght

the lcaiinfr



His hrlt thiswithtlte

jformed formidableOn ult the Fiench

iituated theot di Gaida, and

eicnclledthe capital the

fuccefles h6wever, ptovedtiJas

forced twenty five thousand men




Saturday, 1796.tEXrtiOTON

the thousand theirof battle

thefeelings condescend toihe luppli- -

WuniverfaT wh1thr

nowdisputed matters Ammft

and ,t,r.ajrainft






Jhort-Ine- d

c.L - ii- - i j n - . ... . . .

..".. '. X r" nis misiormncs. i noie relneCuno- r- -.

a (which may, perhaps, in the of suppliant ambafla- - particularly inte.eftin?ui c nr rnp nu mr n a.. .1 -- . ... .. . - o... " ""rs ivir. Hammond leem

tt.i. excrcnejj ior imploring the likely to out1 iciii.il 10 a to the ma-nic Body. accused the Emperorof haina protratfted hostilities ,his niinifte'r rcciiminated, 'al'crib-in- g

the calamities of war toinactivity and pufilanimity j

may both in befavorable points of true Rorthe




.MKi.kK (lcnurnniMi i


J .. .

republicans, itincendiary France,

intrigufcsup weakening

unexhauitcd ; ambition,inducementhumiliating, Gprmnnv

wiiat adelpcratcfootinffthevmufl- mA . : :

be thecircumllancc. interest.j !hey neceflary a . We are peifectly fenfiblc

!. v .! w .! . ns fhai.i ... v. t



foi Durbofe n. i. - . '-- . fa.c' ' - . . & u mil rnem rn riiic




IT . I' J 1 Jl' . .!


":rZAZT," P- - defireofPe.ce. t!,,""S.C" K"???'0

scendS: !?r -- ...the LmeSeriEuythonfand men: nVn," conci,,0,f hotlenomcerieemsto havethoughthim ItCtfeXiot t'mh SSTou infiff

conque.oV didtate compcnfationWantua and ThVaie all'd'fof uiotection uu" acknowledfre.


heof Salo,the


trivial. I heof had rein- -



tak-en, army

nd ofwhich


it.of not 17.fcrini,.

,nt0 which Lisbonfntfr


iacc""""' """ECJ


all the


w ' I ' O " '..I ,. .

Thus, proud afleinbly, there-iViefentati-

greatett numberprinces

political aflbciation, oblig-ed depend safety,


humiliationserving notice, andme- -


"Huaiuiuiiidiufibi.ai- - a nerphnnfinbrig



,th.C mMed about




Sw7Hiipanea ciecieeruns,

grant peaceThey



1J. LCI lltTIl .11111 llllla

.. H. w


prevailedw sc

detcltatiou lead-agaiu-tt;

Ktirred puipofe, dou6t, exhauitino- -

foreign domestic rcndeilng

littleapow- -

mnvir,;,,,- -iiecrntinrfl. n..!judged

fou"d send

duke. remsoiciiis:


'r?t Co -

and that excel- -'" "V"Is :

' o?in to lofTcsa rhufe to 5.

to etfca y of those, r, , . :

a force.diove

from pott








uc 10





isof of

and ftafs it v. ere eVera

to itsUpon the precai mercy

modei ation of thole who mayarmies of France. This

wi etched not alone de- -of as an awful

tiation be




"v canine mat







and thatwhose ing into with

they haOe andtheir andmies, and easy prey her

have grantterms,


may fiomthat lime

Frpnrh tLviiwi.ua, rnnint-pnt-



Z fo,n, which he

does-- im.

self siege VSIrecove lieir


Lagothem from





oc groisiy ignomi-nious peace natuial fruii

abominabledetell one, without abhoriingother The articles peacetruth commfcntaiy

principles andeffecls will betheie written charac

Ileafon- -

,. ..w.

ence Ruflia.th nf;n..t.:

Jhc the would appear sheit war


theycan to

fn tant?, to


Augnftambaflador from the king

said to arrivedjiguc; it lsconhacntK repoited"Z,Z


WitJcondition of liiilv ? fpr the which

the rJu 1

Loirjbardy. fuccefle cor- - r son








inconnitent. Hisbe

of his No man canthe


of the

ters that be mistaken.

heof Empress of

inof is





ih- -



AnPrufliais be




is, that hostilities1 and seem Inevitable,

two havingunable to adjult amicably the diilion.of Poland.

SUABIA, Auguft8.th French enter- -

4 111., l ..i . .....t. ., . c" "", ironi wnence tne"-- their p.evl!

example of the viciffitndc of All those fi,t "lulelr "'"!". 1 he impeiial- -, umortunareiy human afFai.s. ho h fln w .. i.,.k j.--o ,, V ins are retreating to liavaiia,

ebrated country; which 1,tiH,n ' " ""u'CJ ;" P "X ana for present, take their nofition be- -e combined powersfo lonE hdped to f, cl nrw ' ir: t VT. S"Ci ?" "'CUi' P''umP- - hid the Lech It is said that arch- -. - i v. . ..- -. v. uuiuitiHiiuu ai t. luuua M.11U in ia.ru area irrnnranrr w i i j..i . n 1 . .

mortal wonna to uietrencn re- - likely tobepiodudliveof " ' "ythemoft rtr- - by that ruinous and i,?om nous Irible conreouences A viftnrv n,r .1,, be converted intoburg on thefecond instant, on hisrhegraveofthe,oyalifts,andtLbett ty, hifto.y and re.dignity of e to Bavana, will join part of Wanen

m fery of republican fol.liers. He of Europe is as important to the French"

Auuft i, Heben s army, with which he will as.

parchedwithout delay .gainft wirta- - otoZS wl? mendettel-d'is- 9 .fttf !1fiAdates and particulais of Htoiies fl V the

astonishing events w hich followed, a, e country' s.rrSrthaVhasnoB: f L&ltInd'ffiS Vi" " f n1Itho?rd Wnd gen.fpimperfedl that we can ohly give a jeCt of ther veheration so many 1- - Ah JsgiveSn theve. y general fcetch of them. It ap- - degraded laid prost, ate in paper no tile fi. ft in poih t of T tmTT"pears, however, that Buonaparte their reverence will be changed we think tnevertheleft" 'fU,U-,- ;tacked Auftnant Lonado , Fear feszedat all the fpnt;m.?,f Li,,u ofnSalo ; and afc first of these places Xh produce obedience Severn K, rft aPP" " bhe best info.med in thismade six prlfoners, k,- - itW bened TSi'Z Di X?mftS SV1 r f- -cft

.v hole extent of line ; at tflt gJ f conftkc' "or wSh J effs'to Vienna-so- me have been ab!and Mdntechiafo, fts Iuhs uiope politically, as I y (l,rd enough to trust theirwithfuchgfuccef have i Air. SewweeK nottSS' ft0 f- i- --chants, of Belgrade,

ti.n. 1A-. 7 i . 'c happen to be here as thi. timeficldpieces.andmadefi.'thoufandpri3: tltiie e ioS ?i a'T ? 8- - commandant b, thi.

Jonemong whbm w.re two gene- - f , b c , , Maln o,lt w ce Cf1 ?.

What the particulars 6f event, ,""",! S HuSarian howit7'rf ff! fca,:brS, tWlvC ,fl so PPofite to ,that coiifidencwhich succeeded this great victo.y CJ. hicL BSJritt fSa ;Vhich ge of hi. majesty'swere we have not yet learnt, pere moments, sustained totter, so, tv W T "g ,l,rP'" 'fbeen their astonishing and fortnnSs ns rhP l,or-- f i....f ........" ,,ana l.' a t0 merchants to reftbre all the

rfcfult, thatih five (proba-bly fiom the first the instant)twelve tlifcufaitd Aflftriahsmade prifohers, have

of cannontheir whole cdmpleatlyand dispersed In this


thethe Pitt,


the andwhe- -



ruin We











imure rl.rm



fW- -morable





billed, pieces

nume- -





- r-- . - -- - ...... ..j.. iulu ill imi c Lii:inniriiiiinnm-- . o. it ... . jlla nn fh?o n..onn. C. ru i. 1. i. . .. .t j .


CoeVor nX" Tf'J0' themTrom takingj:i.z,i r. : . i. . .. .uMiuicuiuvcrcign, wmcnin Au&uft

" '.


for theand




the thewar.



tI,c yet



ment theruhians

the hea'ds been'

On the, ,

that mnft andthe

'& trea- - vay- -


for Spainges and the

the but has ndsthe icfult the

a"the ?'




but the fivehas inrr A..ft i.i...: i.ifi ... A. .- - i -..v.. ... LJ

; "j. otn. 16.


jnore in : matt.:j... ? h i i . ..

'."? .id, ?,:!. JG,rm.n'paPp"s'F It, "S.Vf "fj'T,Wi"?'l l'.!,'rence that irenein KleV.Pi- - hns ,..- -s k!..;j .... u ' . ' w.m nticugwiiwumE,?d , buttle mrtfenWr. f !,' , :"..;. "r "u ,. ."! ',VnV only fbr the protection of his ownpeiiod has

,rous, brave and difcipl.nedarmy torn- - negotiation (for so it will ttlll &n hVvinfe beerifoLht Hnr '"' .P ' afc?offiPllmanded by of the most celebrated ridiculously called M with the captive MaritnL, the t, oop Punr the tVbeen able

fueceed'ng(.yars'hifn of which fuehitraordfnaiyefForfs tK brrelTtVbelieV hat Sofc nndeJ nWnSerwho

i d ?!H -- Ce "jZ?andfacrificeswe.emade; which was fopie wretched terms capitulation, relieve hartitv wa? ingratitude, cow--Germany on the w.,ich the BpJr of oth- -th.CblbnI?rkof by con, tefy may their j;ffJ in which weie cle- - ii. n.ntv t r Di, tntr a Lo l.fi..J.i..in. r:.u r..' . ." ,? " "1--- "a,c

J.UH.V..I.H.WI Miumuynui mc court this been granted by the French to theof Vienna. Emperor at Munich. The term nero- -At a calmer moment we might ex- - may appl.'ed to such tranf.press. our aftonifliment at these flu- - aftfons, but negotiation implies atpendous and almost incredible events, Jcait feme equality, There i no n- -



a ministerto

ene- - Sweden,is to

howevei toerwhnniihcv



of willbest

nature Its



jutt at




ft.ucted. !"""? willthrouffh "fiacity


ff.ai hen!

at- -


their Lona- - 5c all ?$as to


Hich ..wm.w. irnnnc riinr hBa.....t.b iii-i- n uuiiucil

ui nny rurureii

' totelll.Af,f

Ratllbonhi, be

one betwecft protect


a i annrnacn. - 4 iis . . ...- - VPI hi HOC OMflntl hh'Ja ,e have not time now to pv? the terms of confidencei had alreadyof his action , the result of bliflrd a calm in tlie atritated rnindu

wnicn was tnat atte. conl.derabje loss of tJ.e people , hut that which, contlon the part of the rrench. the Auftri- - rmPH mnf V r,f!.ft. Uii .....'xnswere driten bk, leaving seven ,ival of Dou jW'Jarlcftiof N4."