r -- m1: WJ '; ' ?: ' ' " H 'Vf r . . ".. "WwWi - -- ' . wwwfrPtw Ife "5HI 1 nllttin. H o Mi Xf. No. HONOLULU, 11. I. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 21 SO CENTS SUBSCRIPTION PER MONTH $ r r , H J- - .''', m w 'ft v wi X a at PfiSr " To,. Y., THE DAILY BULLETIN Is and publlshod at tho ofttco, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, - BO cents per Month. A I lrc nlf Communications Daily A lv irtlsoments, tc ensure sho ilJ bo handed In boforo ono o'clock P. M WALTER HILL Editor and W.A.S.Beals & Colloctor JAS. Q. Steam Printing Office. Nowspapcr, Book and Job of all kinds douo on the most terms. Boll Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 Commission Moronants. a. W. MAOFARLANE & Co. MPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Honolulu, u. i. Oueen street. - - 1048 At COMPANY, CBBBWBB (Limiwd) General Mercantile and Agents. list OK OKKirEUS: P. 0. Jonks, Jr. .. & J. O. Uahtku. .. ii Hon. 0. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen, H. N iwtj ly T. WATBRHOOSK, JOHN and Dealer In General Merchandise, Queen it., 1 8. N. Castle -- J. B. P. Castle & OOOKB, CASTliB and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. tiO King it., I OUni SpreckcU. Wm. O. Irwin. IRWIN & COMPANY, WGK Factors and Commissloa Agents, I AT S. QRINBAOM St CO., SSL Importers of Geueral Mer- - and Couiiniaaiou Mercliauts, Unuolulu, and 121 Califoiulu street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. Bt CO., WILDER Dealers In Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sar. and (of every kind, cor. Fort and U.ueea sts., i, aLoweis, & OOOKB, LBWHJBB to Lewers & and s In Lumbpr and all kinds ot Fort street, 1 Ac Co., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 389 Beaver Block, GERTZ, 1 CHR. No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.lE and Dealer in Gent's, Ladles' and boots, shoes and WILLIAM MILLEB Cabinetmaker And UpUoIstercr, No.I13P,'.: Hotel strcot, jtOjpposlte International Hotel, and Valking Sticks, Made of every kind of NATIVE WOODS rackets, Curtain Poles, &c, made of the latent designs. CITY CARNAGE CO. STAND? Corner of Nunauu A Hotel Streets. BIND UP TELEPHONE 457, This Company has been re- cently organized, and guarantees to fiirni.h ootid uiinvuvances. tr't'twtithy drivers, and will make no extortion a'.e largcs. AU calls will bo promptly attended to in The Daily Blletin AND BULLETIN SUMMARY Can bolhnd from J.lIISorEU, s i : Meiehint Street, A. M. : J. W, Hinqlet, : 1 t : Hotel Street Hkv Williams, awailauHoiel Prolesslonaiu. CLAItENCE WILDEtl I TOLSET ASIirOUU. ASHFOIIU. ASHFORD & ASHFORD, Law, Chancery, Conveyancing, Admiralty. Ilankruiitcy, 1'iobate, Etc., Ktc., X.tc. Office: Old Capitol Building, adjoin. Ing U ncial i JM. MONSABBAT, ATl'OUNEY ...,. and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of the bought, sold ami leased, on commixslun. Loans ucgolla ted, Lugul Drawn. Wo SS Merchant st. Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islanili- - W' CECIL uur and at Law Notarv Public, and Aueut for tuklun Ac knowledgmeuts of for tin Islaud ol Oahu. Muicnuui sliuut, Houo-'ulu- . ALFRED MAQOON, J ATlUlt-sEYATLA- 173 42 street. ly JOHN T. DABB. and Couusellor-at-Law- . Oifick: No. 13 Bpreckela' Block, ? M. THOMPSON, A.tloriioy-ul-X-.a- w. Office lu Ounpueii'd llloci, i.oi. Foit& Meruuuut S '., 11. 1. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. tST When deslrt d, will nlve the luw in a vtri.t.-i- i us 10 ihu pr. bible lt of the upou the luUs hiaied. fnHN A. Hahsinoer. O Ageut to tuku Acknowledgmcntt to Contracts for Labor. Interior JlUce, P. GRAY. M. D., 1y AND SURGEON, Office, first door west of Library Hours, troin U to 11 a in., and 2 to 4 ami 7 to B p.m. U to 11 a.m. tar Residence, No. 40 Aluken, near Hotel Street. ' DR. BMEB80N, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Eesidence and Office, 196 Fort St. i o to m A.M., Office Uouns-- I I to 3 i m., (7 to 8 Telephone (Bell and No. 140. 177 tf DR. IWAI, PliyHieinu tiuU Surfrcon, Taking tlie pliuo of Dr. Goto, Will treat Leprosy after Dr. Goto's Method. Ufllee hours t Kakiinko from 0 lu 1 a.m. txcepi Sun la. ill visit puiieuta ui Hull' residence, by ruqutfat.' All oilier trcii'ol at lii ott'.oe coiner of l'ui.chbowl mill B r inula M. Oilku hours I to 0 p, m ; Ou auudi ys 8 to 12 . in. Lell Telephonj No. 387. 49. Dr. F. Jj. Miner. L BE AT T B OFKUE (F WI Ur. Bioiiie un.ilN TUiubir Is , wuen ho will tike poo. iiui of the Mnkeu Oiticu II ur finmb (o 10 n. m. fr mi 2 to 4 n'ul f i cm 0 to f p.m. M.ituul 1'tleplione 3 1. 2ui i8. n. M. UENSON. O. W. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Fort Street, - Depot for Boerioko & HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Sick'ccker's Perfumes and Toilet KcquMiis, I2y & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo-- t Street, Block, ITono 210 Honolulu, H. I. J. H. SOFEIt, (Successor to J. M. Oat, Jr. & Co,) Dealers In all kinds of STATIONERY, Tho Latest Papers always on hand at tho Gazette Block, Merchant Strrci US'-T- ho Admiialty Chant-aliMiy- s nn I111111I. 1 by A. M. HEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, Street, Honolulu, H, Mutual Tel. 371. Hell Tel.0!t. Law Books & a Orders token for Nowspnpers, Pcrioill. cnls Broks, MhsIp, etc., from any ptrt of tho world, having made all nrrauec. monts thoiefor whilst in Sun V nnct o u Bed JUubber StninpH to Order. QUAKER DAIKY PRODUCE MARKET Cor. Kins and AlaUea Mia. Keeps toiiftiittly on hand lnrgo tup I ll.s of ISLAND BUTTER Eck", Cheeae, DrcNMCil Poultry on Ice, Foreign and UonieMtlc Fruits and Vegetables. ICOlllf 0. WF.8T, E. 0 SCIIUUAN. l'.o Idci.t. Hew,ai.CemeieITCB. (Llmlti-il-l & Dealers in Cumberland Hard Lumber, : And all kinds of : Carriage and Wagon Materials. 82 Cm ALVIN II. RASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PAPER-RULE- and BLANK-BOO- K Munufacturur. Book of ull description neath ami executed. BlucU, Ruoin 10 unci ll,Mcr 72;J cliitui street. 13 Thos. Lindsay, MANUFACTUEIKQ JEWELER. 108 No. CO Nuuanu i: trcet. 1 WEMER CO. SIuiiuIu.'Iiii-Iiii- c JuuellerH, NO. iM H'X'IIX-JXO'J- . Const iiiilj on tut ml a lurge assortmeu of every nof Gold and Sllvei Pliiied Ware, &c. KftS ly PIOJV13E11 STEAM CANDY FACTOR! A.xNX UAKIiHY. F. HORN, l'rnrticul . onfeuiiouer, Pa-ti- j Cook mill linker. 71 Hotel St. - Telei bone 74 LAINE & CO. Have a Luige block ol ihu VERY BEST HAY. Gri'ixixi, JLOte., Vhieh Ldmc-- i Al.uktl I'lici A.ND-Doliv- ered Free to any part of the Cit) rOU THE Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. Ill- - UAi..rOR.UA Agenu for ihe Uumer lolephuue. CommissionerofDeedsforCalifurnU Telephone No. 147. 7U0 Wolfe & Company, Grocery and Feed Store, 07iimd 00 Until street, Fresh and received bj' everi Steamer. P. O. Box 1U0, Bell 'lelephone No. 310 Mutual Teliphuue No. 194. nil I tl in Beaver JtL The Best Lunch in Tea and Coffee at 11 Hours The lne't Biaid ol Cigars & 1 obacco always on baud. II. .1 Proprietor. tnoli tan Marke vi KINO M'UEET, O. .T. WAI.ilVI3Tl, Propvlutor. Meats from Finest Herds. Fiimllies and Shipping SUPPLIED ON NOTICE and at tho LowoKt Blurltet All meats delivered from this Market arc thoroughly chilled Immediately nftet killinir by inenns of n Bell.Coliiinn Pa- tent Dry Air Hcfrigetntoi. cat so treated rolitln till Its Juicy rrnpi'rlli' iinil Is GlIAUANTEItllTO Kkkv L'IKIIKI MKII DKI.lVI'UVTilAJJ Ir no Micat. 71 ly NEW & ATIRACTIVE STOCK AT' The Popular Millinery House 104 Street, Honolulu, ZV. S. WoriS, - - DProprietor. The Latest Novelties for Coming Events ! Wc crc now owing nn o'egunt nnil a mo complc e 11 soitmmt of Oriental Laco and Embroidery Fl ncrs "spi(la"y telei cd lor ill s mn-ki- 't, In Whl Vr a n, Ecru, n.l Blink, which we 1110 lioiiiig at uc.i 1101 k I'rti.e . Now Patterns, Parasols and Jerseys, Newest and l.nlrtl in .li-i- s y- - in all lolors, incliuling Fawn und T.in Co'or Ladies' bilk and Embroidered Gloves and In all tin) Nov Shade, nt pricoi lower tl an In rctuf re. Dressed and Undressed Kid Gloves In nil the of Tin, with stitched b ck'. -- t3aTho Latest"G3a and Shirt-Fro- nt Collar,-- a Iu Whl e nnu Percale.. THE HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. In this department wo offer a mn-- t com) let" lire of IIo-- c for Ladles, Gents, and Children low iiiUh. THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Wc rrldo ourselves with hivlnj virbtvof Wish l)rcs mit'crla'i In the Kingdom, nil ilie new nuituiials 111 il ica hi d 1 ill-.n- n I g'lhrtuteup.Lci lower tlmii el-e- tc, nnil ini u ih ImliO'' our tt eksb fore puroliu.-l- i g 9Iri. ."HellN' BittnltllHliincnt on the HAY HAY and-GRA- IN GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest Quality, . Lowest Prices. UNION FEED CO,, Telephones 175. Corner Edinburgh & Queon Streets. J. IJOPP & CO. 74 liiiijs .Ntrtcl. Mu u'lictu ers mil In Oiter of all k mil-- oT Furniture & Uphols'.cry FINE EEILING A SPECIALTY. l kinds ol Jobbing pronp'ly attended to. CHAilS TO RENT 'or Bil s nr Pa tie In sninll vr 1 'gi 81 qiinnt' If . ly. A. lllacksniilli Work: &- - -- 5r Carriage Buildincr, Painting and & KIBE Strut, STREET, OPPOSITE HOPPERS. Iutruu!CM li-o- nud Morohitut St. Every description of work in tho above lines pci formed in a first-clas- s manner. Also, Horse Shoeing: a Specialty. - Bell Telephone, 107. - (3J7 ly) Bell Telephone, 107. - w iU CAL. o M U o Tho Lngcr Bi'or Was Awarded o u At tint Ex o Ilii J a W. C. 6 fcoom HONOLULU, FORT EST Horses and Treated for all Diseases. ItiHidoncc: 31 X. O. XIOX 408. 20tf rSTBrl t li'iihoio 3-- kl J5i-- Oli Rose i r i E of the n! ovo 2- - B First a a n of 1E83 in d 1 80 o n o Ot - tto64 JOSE, & AGENTS. $WmWmt4mf Richard Cayford, VETERINARY, Sliooino; Toi, MOUGAN, Trimming, Praises, Prizes Fred'ricksburg Brewing Go. PEACOCK C0.,f H. E. MclNTYRE & BRO., IMIOUTEKS AND DEAIEHS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed, P.AbT FOHT AND KINO STHPETP. New On ii n i ehid by every Pnckcl from llu- - Fitrrpc Pio Ii Ciillii'ii i I'ii'iii Ii oir Stiiiti ei A I '' en full'i'iillv aiicndul to. mil (ion - . m to fU'" r of tin ri Im of r ! im- I Imil iodl o'l. cited. Sati.tuuioii l'bnt 01Jli.c Bo lib. Telephone ho. K'J. 108 ly 1KUKKK LUCAS, Jl and Builder,' K a nude, Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Window Frames, Blind, Sashes Door, ami all klmlc of Wood, work dn'ish. Scroll and llaiid Suwllig. All kludh of Miiivlug and Pl-i- tug, Morticing and Tenanting. Ordern nt'iidcd to und work guaranteed. Orilers from ihu other Is anils solicited Rhoads & Greene, House and Architects. I'liino, Sprcillcaiiimsniiil dctnllcd Drawi- ng- lor till kliniMM wood i luick liuiluiiigi, ami Etitnntc given 1 .1 inesame. Ail jniiiiiug pmnipio -- cmlul 10 mid (.hare- - inoieriitu Au if ihu nb iu work tntiii-Ui- l 10 iur can-- , will receive our pur.-oui- tl Unlerc fiom thx other inl.tuds boliuited. ana Shop, 88 Queen St. tf.i.ki-iii)Nk;)I- Ilnnolnlu, M.iy 7, 18fcC. S2!I ly E. E. MAYHEW, CONIRACIOR & BLHi I'Elt, ft') Hotel trcet, . . II. I (Opposite Fn-liii- n Stnblis). P. 0. Box 315; Bell Telephone 53. All work in ni line rdllifully (loin-I'liiu- s and rpi'i:llli'iilioti4 mill-- , .lull bing in all deinils done nt hlioit noilcc Uiiod Work nnil Low Cliarm-- c in my 31 otto. I t O. KAVANAGH, ituixii3rt. lo im Bnllii, rum is und llilck mil done in. terms. 'J i Bint ii i St., nczi Commercial S.duon P w. Ilnx i.u. Ordc s fr m the other s punc ii a ly a ictiiliil to. " 2 Builder. Onice, corner Alnkea nnil Queen street-- . UL'TUaI. 1EI.I rnoMi, 3 S. ' .114 P. Rm FEED HARRISON, and Coulructor, 0 P.O. II ix 478. o. Meiircrvziii:. Contrnvtor mill ltuililur. S otoi nn I I'tH e tlttid up, c Ivi-- nn nil kinds of mill mm iiiill'liug, I'Ihii- - nnil SMCili(-iiiioi- i fur ui-li- ST O.lli-u- , IM llerctiiiiiii St . Mutual Tuiuphone, ii'fi; Poatoillci- - Box UK). :l.a ly NTERPRIS P PLANIAQ MILL. F I Alakcn, ncnr St. I A.1. F. RUPPRECHT, Fresco Piiinter. 126 St, Honolulu, H L CUUm -- f Honolulu iron works MlHwHteuni sugnr mills, boil erit, coolers; iron, briii-- s and lead cast ings; macliiuery of ovory made to order. nttuntinu pah to ship's blank smithiug. Job vsorU exi uted at short notice. ) R. MORE 6l Co., Ship's t General r" All work nud nemlv Piu fornuii. CO'i 3m Hustacefc Robertson r It AV M. ltl N . promptly at. t. tended to. nttuntlon paid lo the Storing-- Shipping of goods In transit to the other IA mils. and Sand in cpiHUtltlus 10, suit at lowest pilceu O.llci', iidolnlng E. P. Adiiiiis & Co'r 1 Hon n 0111. HU ly Mnttinl T l.'i honn Nn. I". JOHN MACOON, Office 42 Mirohant St, Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. ltfly ' t - S'kjd.MJ- - i AM '1 Aa. tin .llVilllMWMt-'- - Iusuranco. EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society OF THE UNITED STATES. Assets Jan t. 1887 - $75,510,472.78 Surplus New Yotk State Standard 20,495,175.76 New Inturanco wrltlon In 1886 111,540,203.00 The Free Tontine Return Pre- mium Policy Contilinnll the latest concessions, tho mnt lllienil form of Polity extant. IM. No whatever upon t rate I, or occupa- tion a nr 1 year. Uu I Indlspiitiib'e at law, or ulnr a yvni-H- . Ird. Non-f- i rfeltablu after 3 yenri. I Ii. Tito S iilety tuirnniccs in piy uot i u y Hie l ui oof tne Polity iu un-- of dc ih duiiiig the Toi.iinu puiid ch bin, but lo iLtuni ull picuiiutus paid us well. .1 Ii If iw urcd turvivco the Tontine peliud Six vnikil und ntlrnciive ollirul him three if which i low li I tii in iimiiniiii: I liu eoniriict, noil ilneu allow him to lOMlnuo the tniiii-- . tar A Hull' tin is rf I en ih cliins aid iu nil piirisollhe worhl. Cluiii.H piiid imtnediiitily upi u uLuiit of M.tNliiuiiiry jroof ol di-ui- mil not i Iter '0 tli.y . t3f-t- u law null . t3f No dtlays. Kor lurtl.cr puttleulars coiislU ALEX. J. CARTWRIGIIT, Go itr.il Agnil II iwallun Islands. 1 HI FIRE, LIFE, " MARINE INSUHAKCE. Is Fire Insurance Co, 1$ Assets, $5,055,000 J$ Commercial Insuranco Co, "m (F.r. ujcI Murine) - ' As;t?, $450,000 Angle-Nevad- a Assuranco Corporation m (Fire M .rim-- ) M paid up, $2,000,000 M iouth lish Fire and Marice Ins. Co Vl C.pital, $10,000,000 ',$ New Ycrk Life Insurance Co. '1 Assets, $75,000,000 C.O.BEitGEll. 3 Hi M Qkneral A.-- i 11 , hlunds. "HJWly ffl ' CASTLE & COOKE, Lire, Fire & Marine Agenti. Sf'l 4 AOtNTS FOU The Jtew .MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. The Fire Insurance Co. ui Cunu. The Union null Marine Insurance Co. ol tSau K.iiIilIm.o, Cula. 11)1 iy Prussian National Insurance Comp'v lo4d, Capital, Reichtmarks. pitE iim ersl ed, buviug bien ap X. puuti.ila0wu, ol Ilieiibiivt-Cniiipun- .or the llmwuiiiii leluuds, is to uxepi rikb, iigiiiii!i Fire, ou Buildings, fill nllllie, iK rcliuuillsi;, i'ruiluce,bugar iUth etc., mi Hit- - irfcisi 'lui..s Luitei Adjusted and Payable in Honolulu. II. IHEMSCHNElDElt, ITQ l . Wlldn A Co'h. W3I, McCAXlU.KSS, Vo. 0 Quei' "! Fish Dealer in choicest llecf, Veui. jtutiou, ruu, Ac, Ar Family ami Shlppiug Orders eurufully ittemled to. Live siock to 'essels at sho.'l uoilee, and Vegetablis f nil lclnd iii pllwl in onliT H4lt ly New Photograph Rooms. OVEU Nlcltol's Mnro. Fori strt, ihu Pic uri'K, l'oiiinlt unit vii'"". I liitclas '. k. buiiafucliuti guuruutccd. HSJly J. a. UOXsuaLVES. mi (MnaauEigiJ!TJ 'iiwi"r.'twiMu Vol. 1(5(57. 1367. '$L printed BUL.bfc.TLV. Insertion, Proprietor Shipping Roportor CLEVIOR, Manager. Bulletin Printing favorablo Commission .President Manager ..Treasurer Secretary rmiECTOKS: ATiBIIOL'SlS. Importer Honolulu. Alhcrton-- G. Shipping Honolulu. Honolulu. ohuudiHe Building Materials Honolulu. F.J.Lowioy, O.M.Cooke. Dickson.) Iiuportera Building Materials, Honolulu Honolulu. Importer Children's slippers. Canes Cornices, Carriage DAILY Hewltt, VAlLLAXCOOnT P.mUOlimu. Kingdom Dueumeuts (Gazette BROWN, Counsellor Instruments Merchant Honolulu, Attorney Honolulu. Uonuiu.u, opii.iun, uuiueiitlou Honolulu. PHYSICIAN Build- ing. Sundays, Evening. Mutual), JapaneHe. ewryihy rcfiieiiio Honflulu. Sccclilk's HOLLISTER William's Foreign KnglWh erchant Lawyers' Stationery Specialty. Miinnger. Importers Iron, Coal, Wood Binding iiromtitly Campbell & iivMirlpil. Jewelry, Watthct, isolleiedul AGKNTc Groceries I'rovi.-lim- s Town, NOI.TB. Choicest SHORT l?a-ic- o. Khesui.y-s- ii Fort Dress Design? Mitts aispiciul tlu'lurO't lueoimiue elcwheie. Goods 79 81 IIn(p Cattle ARkpn Strot. m Brewery the SAN COItNEH S'n'ifnrd uaruul.cd. Contractor Honolulu. Bracket, Turning, promptly Builders furiiislud iit.H'iillon. Office Honolulu. Ttingi-S- et Stouewuik O.Boxn7. Etnllclei Ouvcii Nuuanu engines, dei-rlptio- i Particular Blacksmith Machinist. Piomptly I.Lordcis forCartaec Purllculur Also, Black White V othcrwlso monthly 1 tl '51 VJ Hartfoid am. Capital, NOLULU. Insur'ce Cugland iEtna lliiiiluiil, KBlAllUHUKU 9,000,000 preparid Fuvuiuuii. Promptly Market, ftirnUlad Showing Calleiy, J""

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r. . ".. "WwWi - -- ' .


Ife "5HI 1 nllttin. H




$r r,

HJ- -


mw'ft v









Is and publlshod at tho ofttco,

Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).Subscription, - BO cents per Month.

A I lrc nlf Communications Daily

A lv irtlsoments, tc ensuresho ilJ bo handed In boforo ono o'clockP. M

WALTER HILL Editor and

W.A.S.Beals & Colloctor


Steam Printing Office.

Nowspapcr, Book and Job of

all kinds douo on the mostterms.Boll Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. 250

Commission Moronants.



MERCHANTS.Honolulu, u. i.Oueen street. - -



General Mercantile andAgents.

list OK OKKirEUS:

P. 0. Jonks, Jr. . . &

J. O. Uahtku. . . ii

Hon. 0. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen,H. N

iwtj ly

T. WATBRHOOSK,JOHN and Dealer In GeneralMerchandise, Queen it., 1

8. N. Castle --J. B. P. Castle

& OOOKB,CASTliB and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. tiO King it.,


OUni SpreckcU. Wm. O. Irwin.

IRWIN & COMPANY,WGK Factors and CommissloaAgents, I

AT S. QRINBAOM St CO.,SSL Importers of Geueral Mer- -

and Couiiniaaiou Mercliauts,Unuolulu, and

121 Califoiulu street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

Bt CO.,WILDER Dealers In Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sar. and

(of every kind, cor. Fort and U.ueea sts.,i,

aLoweis,& OOOKB,

LBWHJBB to Lewers &

and s In Lumbpr and allkinds ot Fort street,


Ac Co.,

Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

389 Beaver Block,

GERTZ, 1CHR. No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.lEand Dealer in Gent's, Ladles'

and boots, shoes and



And UpUoIstercr,No.I13P,'.: Hotel strcot,

jtOjpposlte International Hotel,

and Valking Sticks,Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSrackets, Curtain Poles, &c,

made of the latent designs.


STAND?Corner of Nunauu A Hotel Streets.


This Company has been re-

cently organized, and guarantees tofiirni.h ootid uiinvuvances. tr't'twtithydrivers, and will make no extortion a'.e

largcs.AU calls will bo promptly attended to


The Daily Blletin



Can bolhnd from

J.lIISorEU, s i : Meiehint Street,A. M. :

J. W, Hinqlet, : 1 t : Hotel Street

Hkv Williams, awailauHoiel




Law, Chancery, Conveyancing,Admiralty. Ilankruiitcy, 1'iobate,

Etc., Ktc., X.tc.Office: Old Capitol Building, adjoin.

Ing U ncial i


...,.and Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of the bought, sold amileased, on commixslun. Loans ucgollated, Lugul Drawn. Wo SS

Merchant st. Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islanili- - W'

CECIL uur and at LawNotarv Public, and Aueut for tuklun Acknowledgmeuts of for tinIslaud ol Oahu. Muicnuui sliuut, Houo-'ulu- .


173 42 street. ly


and Couusellor-at-Law- .

Oifick: No. 13 Bpreckela' Block,


M. THOMPSON,A.tloriioy-ul-X-.a- w.

Office lu Ounpueii'd llloci, i.oi. Foit&Meruuuut S '., 11. 1.


tST When deslrt d, will nlve the luw ina vtri.t.-i- i us 10 ihu pr. bible lt

of the upou the luUshiaied.

fnHN A. Hahsinoer.O Ageut to tuku Acknowledgmcnttto Contracts for Labor. Interior JlUce,


Office, first door west of LibraryHours, troin U to 11 a in., and 2 to 4

ami 7 to B p.m. U to 11 a.m.

tar Residence, No. 40 Aluken, nearHotel Street.



Eesidence and Office, 196 Fort St.i o to m A.M.,

Office Uouns-- I I to 3 i m.,(7 to 8

Telephone (Bell and No. 140.177 tf

DR. IWAI,PliyHieinu tiuU Surfrcon,

Taking tlie pliuo of Dr. Goto,Will treat Leprosy after Dr. Goto's Method.

Ufllee hours t Kakiinko from 0 lu 1

a.m. txcepi Sun la.ill visit puiieuta ui Hull' residence,

by ruqutfat.'All oilier trcii'ol at lii ott'.oe

coiner of l'ui.chbowl mill B r inula M.Oilku hours I to 0 p, m ; Ou auudi ys

8 to 12 . in.Lell Telephonj No. 387. 49.

Dr. F. Jj. Miner.L BE AT T B OFKUE (FWI Ur. Bioiiie un.ilN TUiubir Is ,

wuen ho will tike poo. iiui of theMnkeu Oiticu II ur finmb(o 10 n. m. fr mi 2 to 4 n'ul f i cm 0 to fp.m. M.ituul 1'tleplione 3 1. 2ui i8.



Manufacturing and Dispensing


113 & 110 Fort Street, -Depot for Boerioko &


Sick'ccker's Perfumes and ToiletKcquMiis, I2y

& CO.

Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo-- t Street, Block, ITono210 Honolulu, H. I.

J. H. SOFEIt,(Successor to J. M. Oat, Jr. & Co,)

Dealers In all kinds of

STATIONERY,Tho Latest Papers always onhand at tho Gazette Block, MerchantStrrci

US'-T-ho Admiialty Chant-aliMiy- s

nn I111111I. 1 by

A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Street, Honolulu, H,

Mutual Tel. 371. Hell Tel.0!t.

Law Books & a

Orders token for Nowspnpers, Pcrioill.cnls Broks, MhsIp, etc., from any ptrtof tho world, having made all nrrauec.monts thoiefor whilst in Sun V nnct o u

Bed JUubber StninpH to Order.


PRODUCE MARKETCor. Kins and AlaUea Mia.

Keeps toiiftiittly on hand lnrgo tupI ll.s of

ISLAND BUTTEREck", Cheeae, DrcNMCil Poultry on

Ice, Foreign and UonieMtlc

Fruits and Vegetables.ICOlllf

0. WF.8T, E. 0 SCIIUUAN.l'.o Idci.t.


& Dealers in

Cumberland HardLumber,

: And all kinds of :

Carriage and Wagon Materials.82 Cm



Munufacturur.Book of ull description neath

ami executed.BlucU, Ruoin 10 unci ll,Mcr

72;J cliitui street. 13


108 No. CO Nuuanu i: trcet. 1

WEMER CO.SIuiiuIu.'Iiii-Iiii- c JuuellerH,


Const iiiilj on tut ml a lurge assortmeuof every nofGold and Sllvei Pliiied Ware, &c.

KftS ly



F. HORN, l'rnrticul . onfeuiiouer,Pa-ti- j Cook mill linker.

71 Hotel St. - Telei bone 74

LAINE & CO.Have a Luige block ol ihu

VERY BEST HAY.Gri'ixixi, JLOte.,

Vhieh Ldmc-- i Al.uktl I'liciA.ND-Doliv- ered

Free to any part of the Cit)

rOU THEPacific Mutual Life Insurance Co.

Ill- - UAi..rOR.UA

Agenu for ihe Uumer lolephuue.

CommissionerofDeedsforCalifurnUTelephone No. 147. 7U0

Wolfe & Company,Grocery and Feed Store,

07iimd 00 Until street,Fresh and received

bj' everi Steamer.P. O. Box 1U0, Bell 'lelephone No.

310 Mutual Teliphuue No. 194.nil I tl in

Beaver JtLThe Best Lunch in

Tea and Coffee at 11 Hours

The lne't Biaid ol

Cigars & 1 obaccoalways on baud.

II. .1 Proprietor.

tnoli tan Markevi


O. .T. WAI.ilVI3Tl, Propvlutor.

Meats from Finest Herds.

Fiimllies and Shipping


and at tho

LowoKt BlurltetAll meats delivered from this Market

arc thoroughly chilled Immediately nftetkillinir by inenns of n Bell.Coliiinn Pa-

tent Dry Air Hcfrigetntoi. cat sotreated rolitln till Its Juicy rrnpi'rlli'iinil Is GlIAUANTEItllTO Kkkv L'IKIIKI

MKII DKI.lVI'UVTilAJJ Irno Micat. 71 ly


The Popular Millinery House104 Street, Honolulu,

ZV. S. WoriS, - - DProprietor.

The Latest Novelties for Coming Events !

Wc crc now owing nn o'egunt nnil a mo complc e 11 soitmmt of

Oriental Laco and Embroidery Fl ncrs"spi(la"y telei cd lor ill s mn-ki- 't, In Whl Vr a n, Ecru, n.l Blink, which we

1110 lioiiiig at uc.i 1101 k I'rti.e .

Now Patterns, Parasols and Jerseys,Newest and l.nlrtl in .li-i- s y- - in all lolors, incliuling Fawn und T.in Co'or

Ladies' bilk and Embroidered Gloves andIn all tin) Nov Shade, nt pricoi lower tl an In rctuf re.

Dressed and Undressed Kid GlovesIn nil the of Tin, with stitched b ck'.

--t3aTho Latest"G3a and Shirt-Fro- nt Collar,-- aIu Whl e nnu Percale..

THE HOSIERY DEPARTMENT.In this department wo offer a mn-- t com) let" lire of IIo-- c for Ladles, Gents, and

Children low iiiUh.

THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT.Wc rrldo ourselves with hivlnj virbtvof Wish l)rcs mit'crla'i In the

Kingdom, nil ilie new nuituiials 111 il ica hi d 1 ill-.n- n I g'lhrtuteup.Lcilower tlmii el-e- tc, nnil ini u ih ImliO'' our

tt eksb fore puroliu.-l- i g

9Iri. ."HellN' BittnltllHliincnt on the


GRAIN.Largest Stocks,

Choicest Quality, .

Lowest Prices.UNION FEED CO,,

Telephones 175. Corner Edinburgh & Queon Streets.

J. IJOPP & CO.74 liiiijs .Ntrtcl.

Mu u'lictu ers mil In Oiter of allk mil-- oT

Furniture & Uphols'.cry

FINE EEILING A SPECIALTY.l kinds ol Jobbing pronp'ly attended to.

CHAilS TO RENT'or Bil s nr Pa tie In sninll vr 1 'gi81 qiinnt' If . ly.

A.lllacksniilli Work: &-- -- 5r Carriage Buildincr,

Painting and& KIBE Strut,


Iutruu!CM li-o- nud Morohitut St.Every description of work in tho above lines pci formed in a first-clas- s manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing: a Specialty.- Bell Telephone, 107. - (3J7 ly) Bell Telephone, 107. -



oM U

o Tho Lngcr Bi'or

Was Awardedo

u At tint Ex o IliiJ

a W. C.

6 fcoom HONOLULU,



Horses and Treated forall Diseases.

ItiHidoncc: 31X. O. XIOX 408. 20tf

rSTBrl t li'iihoio 3--

kl J5i--

Oli Rose



Eof the n! ovo

2-- B

First aa

n of 1E83 in d 1 80 o






Richard Cayford,VETERINARY,

Sliooino; Toi,





Fred'ricksburg Brewing Go.



Groceries, Provisions and Feed,P.AbT FOHT AND KINO STHPETP.

New On ii n i ehid by every Pnckcl from llu- - FitrrpcPio Ii Ciillii'ii i I'ii'iii Ii oir Stiiiti ei A I '' en full'i'iillv aiicndul to.mil (ion - . m to fU'" r of tin ri Im of r ! im- I Imil iodl o'l.cited. Sati.tuuioii l'bnt 01Jli.c Bo lib. Telephone ho. K'J. 108 ly


and Builder,'

K anude,

Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings,Window Frames, Blind,

Sashes Door, ami all klmlc of Wood,work dn'ish. Scroll and llaiidSuwllig. All kludh of Miiivlug and Pl-i-

tug, Morticing and Tenanting.Ordern nt'iidcd to und work

guaranteed. Orilers from ihu other Isanils solicited

Rhoads & Greene,House and Architects.

I'liino, Sprcillcaiiimsniiil dctnllcd Drawi-ng- lor till kliniMM wood i

luick liuiluiiigi, ami Etitnntc given1 .1 inesame. Ail jniiiiiug pmnipio --

cmlul 10 mid (.hare- - inoieriitu Auif ihu nb iu work tntiii-Ui- l 10 iur can-- ,

will receive our pur.-oui- tl

Unlerc fiom thx other inl.tuds boliuited.

ana Shop, 88 Queen St.tf.i.ki-iii)Nk;)I-

Ilnnolnlu, M.iy 7, 18fcC. S2!I ly


ft') Hotel trcet, . . II. I

(Opposite Fn-liii- n Stnblis).

P. 0. Box 315; Bell Telephone 53.

All work in ni line rdllifully (loin-I'liiu- s

and rpi'i:llli'iilioti4 mill-- , .lullbing in all deinils done nt hlioit noilcc

Uiiod Work nnil Low Cliarm-- c

in my 31 otto. I t

O. KAVANAGH,ituixii3rt.

lo im Bnllii, rum is undllilck mil done in.

terms.'J i Bint ii i St., nczi Commercial S.duon

P w. Ilnx i.u.Ordc s fr m the other s punc

ii a ly a ictiiliil to. " 2

Builder.Onice, corner Alnkea nnil Queen street-- .

UL'TUaI. 1EI.I rnoMi, 3 S.'

.114 P. Rm


and Coulructor,0 P.O. II ix 478.

o. Meiircrvziii:.Contrnvtor mill ltuililur.

S otoi nn I I'tH e tlttid up, c

Ivi-- nn nil kinds of mill mmiiiill'liug, I'Ihii- - nnil SMCili(-iiiioi- i furui-li- ST O.lli-u- , IM llerctiiiiiii St .Mutual Tuiuphone, ii'fi; Poatoillci- - BoxUK). :l.a ly



F. RUPPRECHT,Fresco Piiinter.

126 St, Honolulu, H LCUUm

--f Honolulu iron worksMlHwHteuni sugnr mills, boilerit, coolers; iron, briii-- s and lead castings; macliiuery of ovorymade to order. nttuntinu pahto ship's blank smithiug. Job vsorU exi

uted at short notice. )

R. MORE 6l Co.,Ship's t General

r" All work nud nemlv Piufornuii. CO'i 3m

Hustacefc Robertson

r It A V M. ltl N .promptly at.t. tended to. nttuntlon

paid lo the

Storing-- Shippingof goods In transit to the other IA mils.

and Sand

in cpiHUtltlus 10, suit at lowest pilceu

O.llci', iidolnlng E. P. Adiiiiis & Co'r1 Hon n 0111.

HU ly Mnttinl T l.'i honn Nn. I".

JOHN MACOON,Office 42 Mirohant St, Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.ltfly

' t- S'kjd.MJ- - i AM '1 Aa. tin .llVilllMWMt-'- -



Assurance SocietyOF THE


Assets Jan t. 1887 - $75,510,472.78Surplus New Yotk State

Standard 20,495,175.76New Inturanco wrltlon In

1886 111,540,203.00

The Free Tontine Return Pre-

mium PolicyContilinnll the latest concessions, tho

mnt lllienil form of Polity extant.IM. No whatever upon

t rate I, or occupa-tion a nr 1 year.

Uu I Indlspiitiib'e at law, orulnr a yvni-H- .

Ird. Non-f- i rfeltablu after 3 yenri.I Ii. Tito S iilety tuirnniccs in piy uot

i u y Hie l ui oof tne Polity iu un-- ofdc ih duiiiig the Toi.iinu puiidch bin, but lo iLtuni ull picuiiutuspaid us well.

.1 Ii If iw urcd turvivco the Tontinepeliud Six vnikil und ntlrnciive

ollirul him three if whichi low li I tii in iimiiniiii: I liu eoniriict,noil ilneu allow him to lOMlnuo thetniiii-- .

tar A Hull' tin is rfI en ih cliins aid iu nil piirisollheworhl. Cluiii.H piiid imtnediiitily upi uuLuiit of M.tNliiuiiiry jroof ol di-ui-

mil not i Iter '0 tli.y .t3f-t- u law null . t3f No dtlays.

Kor lurtl.cr puttleulars coiislU

ALEX. J. CARTWRIGIIT,Go itr.il Agnil II iwallun Islands.

1 HI



IsFire Insurance Co, 1$

Assets, $5,055,000 J$

Commercial Insuranco Co, "m

(F.r. ujcI Murine) -


As;t?, $450,000Angle-Nevad- a Assuranco Corporation m

(Fire M .rim-- ) M

paid up, $2,000,000 M

iouth lish Fire and Marice Ins. Co Vl

C.pital, $10,000,000 ',$New Ycrk Life Insurance Co. '1

Assets, $75,000,000

C.O.BEitGEll. 3Hi M

Qkneral A.-- i 11 , hlunds."HJWly ffl


Lire, Fire & Marine Agenti. Sf'l4



of Boston.

The Fire Insurance Co.ui Cunu.

The Union null

Marine Insurance Co.ol tSau K.iiIilIm.o, Cula.

11)1 iy

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'v

lo4d,Capital, Reichtmarks.

pitE iim ersl ed, buviug bien apX. puuti.ila0wu, ol Ilieiibiivt-Cniiipun-

.or the llmwuiiiii leluuds, is touxepi rikb, iigiiiii!i Fire, ou Buildings,fill nllllie, iK rcliuuillsi;, i'ruiluce,bugariUth etc., mi Hit-- irfcisi 'lui..sLuitei Adjusted and Payable in

Honolulu.II. IHEMSCHNElDElt,

ITQ l . Wlldn A Co'h.

W3I, McCAXlU.KSS,Vo. 0 Quei' "! Fish

Dealer in choicestllecf, Veui. jtutiou, ruu, Ac, Ar

Family ami Shlppiug Orders eurufullyittemled to. Live siock to'essels at sho.'l uoilee, and Vegetablisf nil lclnd iii pllwl in onliT H4lt ly

New Photograph Rooms.OVEU Nlcltol's Mnro. Fori strt,

ihu Picuri'K, l'oiiinlt unit vii'"". I liitclas'. k. buiiafucliuti guuruutccd.

HSJly J. a. UOXsuaLVES.


(MnaauEigiJ!TJ 'iiwi"r.'twiMu

Vol. 1(5(57. 1367.





Shipping Roportor

CLEVIOR, Manager.




.President Manager..Treasurer Secretary




Alhcrton-- G.





Building Materials


F.J.Lowioy, O.M.Cooke.


Building Materials,Honolulu


ImporterChildren's slippers.












Merchant Honolulu,




















Lawyers' Stationery Specialty.



Iron, Coal,Wood




iivMirlpil. Jewelry, Watthct,



Groceries I'rovi.-lim- s






Khesui.y-s- ii








79 81



ARkpn Strot.

















Ttingi-S- et







dei-rlptio- i


Blacksmith Machinist.


I.Lordcis forCartaecPurllculur

Also, Black White




















Showing Calleiy,


Page 2: Vf Ife nllttin. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa






All persons holding unlcr ,rlvllogc,or those paying water rotcb, iro hereby

notified that the water rates If r tho term

ending December 1)1 18S7, '.ill be due

and payable nt tho ofllceof th Honolulu

"Water Works on tho 1st July, 1SS7.

Alt such ratei remaining unpaid for

fifteen doy9 nftcr they arc due will be

subject to nn additional ten p t cent.

Parties paying rates will please present their last receipts.

CHAS. B. WILSON,Sup't. Hontlulu Water Works.

Approved: L.AUOLO,Minister of Interior.

Honolulu, June 20th 1887. CO lOt.

BISHOP & Co., BAMKJtflSHonolulu, Hftwalian'lBhinds.

Draw Kxchango on tho

Bank ot Oulllbrniii, fi. IT.And their agents in


Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Sou, LondonTho Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

London,Tho Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

Sydney,The Bank of Now Zealand: Auckland,

Chrlstchurch, and Wellington,Tho Bank of Britisli Columbia, Vic

toria, B. U., and L'ortland, Or.and

Transact a General Banking Business.OCSUy


to co)kct lurtl.cBULLETIN

Honolulu Juno 8th. 1887. 57

Pledged to neither Soct por Party.

Eat eitabliihtd lor the benefit vf all.

TUESDAY. JUNE 21. 1887.


Yesterday Jubilee Day openedclear and bright, and 1 o weathercontinued in the fame cr million tilltho day ended. Many nf the busi-ness houses were closed the entiieday, nnd pretty well nil v.iro shut up

sjk uy miu-ua- iags weio uoisteu nnIV over tho town, and on ttiti shipping

in harbor, tho U. S. ST AthTiiis espe-cially making a flno displey. A joynlealuto was fired at 8 o'clock A. M.,and another at noon.

Tho King, with n partv nn horse-back, went to the old royul residencein Nuuanu Valley, and there spentthe day in picuiciug, returning totown in the cool of the c ning.

The principal place ol attractionto the people in genoral was Knpio-lan- i

Park, where the public picnicwas held. TJjo little steamer Ewamndo thrco dips to tho Park, eachtime crummed full of passengers.Busses also ran nt regular intervalsthroughout tho day. Many peoplewent in their own private carriagesand others in public expi esses hiredfor tho occasion. By noon a largocrowd had gathered in the neighbor-hood of tho grand stand, at the racocourse, the people living m the dis-

trict considerably augmenting thenumbers which had gone out fromtho city. All nationalities wore re-

presented.Refreshments, botli solid and liquid,

had been provides in abundance ; buttho committeo arrangements for theirdisbursement were anything butsatisfactory. Tho rabble clement ofthe ciowd, excited by tiio idea of afrco feed, rushed upon tho supplies,seized, demolished, carried oil', andshamefully wasted what others, withappetites sharpened by tho journeyout nnd tho puro air, would liavobeen glad to liavo had tho opportu-nity of quietly eating. The conse-quence was that many peoplo had toenduro hunger until their return totown.

Tho sports, which weio n mainfeature of tho day, were interestingand sometimes exciting. On thewhole, they were very well managed.The prize for tho 100 yards race aset of gold sleeve buttons was wonby Geo. Rosa. Tho prizo for tho 100yards raco for boys under 17 yearsold baseball, bat and gloves waswon by Willio Lucas. Tho prize forthe 250 yards race a gold scarf pinwas won by J. II. Wodohouso, Jr.,The prize for tho 250 ynuls raco forboys under 17 years an Englishsaddle was won by J. Noble. Thoprize for putting tho shot a silverplated ico pail nnd tongs was wonby W. Moore. Geo. llosa won anoxidized cigar box for a J 10 yardsraco. II. M, Whitney, Jr., won awatch charm for throwing a baseball1,295 feet 8 inches. John Ken woniv cigar container, mat di box nndash tray for running hijii jump. Asilver plated ico pitcher nils won byJ. Torbert for tho one mile raco,Tho 100 yards pack race was won byA. L. Atkinson, tho pri o for whichwas a solid silver match ox. Water-hous- o

nnd Walker won tho three-legge- d

raco, and wcro lcvnided withpocket knives. Tho pii.cs wcroawarded immediately nftvr tho sportsterminated. Tiio lloynl HawaiianBand played selections of musicthroughout tho day,

Simultaneously with Pie sports attho raco track, a Jar o companygathered at tho Casino which thoproprietor, Mr. II. J. Nolto, hadkindly thrown open f'r tho occa-

sion. Hero dancing win indulged inby those so inclined.

As evening approached tho peoplebogan gradually to disperse, andjnakp (heir way back to .town by tho

.. ittjllt.i Jn ril-A- -

teVsCiTlsBaHHHflHwv !&'

various means of transport they hadgene - it. Wlillo the liltlo jetty atthe landing was crowded with peoploanxious to get on bo.ud oi the Ewa,the stcumor struck tho end of thostructure and caused it to give way,and its occupants, men, women andchildren, were precipitated into thowater. Nothing more sciious thana disagreeable ducking was expeii-ence-

however, and everybody gotsafely out again.

At 7:110 o'clock in tho evening,ilieuorks wero let oil' nt the Royalschool grounds, on Eninin sticet.Judging from tho hugeness of thogathering nil along the stieet, thomajor part of tho town turned out towitness the display.

Major J. II. Wodehouse, BritishCommissioner nnd ConsithGeneral,held n lecoption from 8 to ,10 o'clock.His residence was brilliantly illuminated for tho occasion. The Kingand his Ministers, and the representatives of foreign countries wereamong the callers. A large numberof residents of all nationalities paidtheir respects. Refreshments werescrvod during the evening. ThoRoyal Hawaiian Band played nselection of appropriate nirs duringthe evening.

It may bo added that a few strag-gling lirewoiks wcro exploded indifferent paits of the city during theevening, aa private ventuics, and thefront of the Biitisli Cjub House puton a clothing of light in honor ofBritain's Queen.


Editor Bulletin: Will you al-

low mo to make nn announcementthrough your columns about anni-versary week at l'unaliou? Thetrustees have given a leave of ab-

sence to Prof. Van Slyke and MissSpooner, beginning with the let ofJune, and as a consequence of thistliero will be no public exercises atOnhu Collego during this week, ex-

cept a niusicalc on Thursday evening,June 23d,

The Punnhou Pieparatory Schoolwill hold its closing exercises on Fii-da- y

morning in their building onBeretanla ctrcet, and the graduatingexeiciscs of Onhu College will beheld jn Fort-t-tie- Church, Fridayevening, Juno 2 J Hi,

Tho evening oxorcUos will beginnt 7:.'J0 o'clock at both places, andtho friendH of the College are cordial-ly invited to be present. On Fiidayevening, in addition to tho essays oftho graduating class", Hon. S, II. Dolewill deliver the unnivers.iry address.

W. C. MintniTT.


Eprrort BuLLUTix : I do. It is

IWc Oursojf WE govern thiscity. It is a lact. I only fount! itout on Saturday. But it is true.I saw it in the Attvertimr, 1 rule thenubile sentiment of Honolulu. 1

issue my cdiet, and the gieat monand the common men nil hasten toobey.

On Friday I sent a shoit, opinionto the Bulixtjx. Foithwith apowerful body of lending Americancitizens, and a great company ofotbers took decisive action. Theterrible capitalists bulldozed, therank and tile threatened, the un-

happy committee were driven wild,nnd one man actually resigned ratherthan fulfil the truculent behests ofthis imperious "We!"

The taste of power is swecet. Wefeel exalted. We nie exhilaratedit is nice! Mr. Editor, did youever find yourself at tho head ofyour fellow men? Suddenly blossomed out into a great leader r

Occupying the high position towhich your Jofty genius and yourrnie pubijp services had long en-

titled you? If not, you have yetmuch to experience.

But the most marvelous fact isyet to be told. Our magneticgenius for command is soso over-ponerin- g, so supreme overspace and time, that nil those peo-

ple weru set in violent motion, andthe whole racket in full activity sev-

eral hours before anybody hut theprinter had seen or heard of ouredict. At 4 o'clock tho great pro-

clamation began to he read. Thenit was discovered who was at thebottom of nil the trouble, and direwas tho wrath ngalnBt "We,"

Wc are astounded nt the pos-session of such power it is toogieata responsibility. But stopa misgiving seizes us. Auwe!Alas I can it be, dear Editor, thatMessieurs tho capitalists, and therest of the good Americans maypossibly have moved of their ownspontaneous impulse, and that our

my poor little note did nothingmore than echo a general sentiment ?

It is very sad nnd depressing to feelthat one may have to step down andstep along in the ranks after all.

Hunter aside, 1 heartily wish thatwu may drop altercation, withdrawany hard words struck out in heat,inuku all possible concessions, nlpull together as good Americans,and have a rousing Fouitli of July,

S. E. Bishop.Honolulu, June 20, 1887.

our"shTp"of state.Emtoji BiiLi.r.TiN; In tho pro-gies- s

of modern inventions tho wood-en vessels of a generation ago havebeon supplanted by ships built ofiiou. But in the construction oftieee iion ships, a diiliculty in navi-gation ias arisen fiom tho fact, thatthoy tiro affected by a peculini devia-tion of tho compute. Investigation1ms shown thot this is due solely totho position occupied by tho vet-sel- ,

while it was in pioeess of consti no-

tion. Tho iion ship lias ncqniied,to to speak, a specific magnetic char-acter. TJio (touipusH needlo will

tuin to that pnit of tho ship,which was farthest fiom t)io North,as tho veetel lay while it was built.

Our Ship of State was built of suchmaterial, and in such a way, as to

acquire a definite moral character inthe process of its construction. ThisHawaiian nation, by virtue of ilsorigin, is a Christian nation. Itsexihtenco would never have beenrecognized by the Great Powers ofEtuope, and by theit had not been Lai.Hawaiian iiconlu weie eland dcsiied the establishment ofCluislian institutions in thet-- is-

lands. 'I'll i) Hawaiian nation wasbuilt upon the acknowledged piinci-pie- s

of immutable iighteousuess.Such being the facts in the case. Out-Shi-

of State cannot bo navigated,except on such lines as shall recog-nize conscience, character, nnd con-

duct, as the controlling factors in thonational life. Tho olllcers in chargehave recently presumed to disregardthese axiomatic truths. Wo havecome perilously near to sinpwrccK.and to irremediable ruin, politicallyand llnaneially, as well as morally.

Wo need to investigate tho occa-

sion and causes of the present dis-ti- n

bed condition of public nfTairs.It will be found that heathenism,inunoinlilie8,ii nd indecencies have putour ship of State in imminent dan-

ger. When wo have ascertainedthese reasons for the deviation fiomtho right couise, until now we heartho roar of tho breakers ahead, let usat oneu align oursehes anew with theother nations of Cluistcndom. Poittho helm I Let political integritywitli its beaming light bo heneefoilhtho lode-sta- r to diieet our com so.National honor and national pros-peiit- y

cannot be seemed in any otherwnv. A Silif.MAN.


Those who cross the Place doJena see each day an immense build-ing of very bizarre aicliitccturcslowly rising in tho north angle ofthe square. Tliis construction istho future museum of nil religious,otherwise known ns the MusccGuimet. M. Giiimct, n rich Frenchman, has given to the State his won-

derful collection of Hindoo-Chines- e

and Japanese curiosities, with theuiidei standing that the building inwhich they are placed shall be calledthe Muscc Guimet. And, more thanthis, the donor consents to pay halfthe sum necessary for the construc-tion of n palace in which to lodgehis troasuies. Already M. Guimethas spent S200,000, and tho Gov-ernment has furnished the sameamount. In tho first story are to lieplaced the Jnpaucso and Chineseceramics; in the second, Japaneseand Chinese religions; in the third,emblems of Greek, Roman amiHindoo religions. I was curious tosee all these wonderful bibelots, andfor that purpose paid a visit to theirconscrvateur, No. 30 avenue duTrocad'TO. Nothing can be morepuzzling than the view of theseemblems of a past civilization seat-teie- d

about a modem house. Theceilings aie veiy low, and these

'monstrous idols seem crushed bvsome unseen foice; the walls arccovered with I:nkc-mon- j Japanesetapestiios, and one of tlient repre-sents the Japanese Hades. Speci-mens of the most ancient Chinesepottery are seen in ecry stage offabrication : vilrines are filled withJupane-- e ceramics, old Sntsiiniawme, Nienzci pottery, etc., Hindoodivinities, a superb Vishnu sleepingon the serpent Cesha and fioiitiut;on the ocean ; u sedan chair thatbelonged to a Japanese princess midstill bears her aims. In n cornerarc live inaniiiKins representing aJapanese scene. By order of theEmperor, two Japanese fight aduel ; they rush one against theother, brandishing their lances,while the Sofcieign's representa-tive, the goho, watches over thecombat. Belli nd each adversary isliis second, who follows the struglewitli an interest not always seen onthe faces of seconds in Europeancountries. But I shall not muko acatalogue. In a few months theMuscc Guimet will have beenfinished, and all theso wonders willbo classified for tho benefit of tou-rists. Pai is Corr. N. V. Mail andExpress.

Slnndaul timo is being abnndonedin some Michigan cities and towns,and it is thought tho Legislatuio ofthat State will repeal the law thatlegalized its adoption.

TO LET OR LEASE.A rOUSB, coiitnlnlng liveV'oin, bes tli'S dining io mkliclicn and imHry. and

convmlci C't tor u fiimlly; one air' ofirroiii d w II sh'Mlcd wl h ii gcrnlm lies,sltnaud nn Kinm ancet between Alii,put ond K plnliiid his A ply nn ibopremises loTlios Kcwciinile. 07 12


Ktpl)A Two-Stor- y Dwelling House

AVitb 8 room?, lebles kit-he- rnnlri',bnih rom and cl F0t, vl Ii seivniii's'loom, and superior barn mid itnbln noci inmndntlnns Fitimted on Upp rNuii-aii- ii

A vein e, in the most delightful nndbeal by poitlon ot tiio Hiibiiibi, Or a

OneStory CottageWitli (I rnmns 1 oilih s kHo'icn p:intr,Etorit ro in, mil sirwmi ' ioiuuriibobam nnd tublu nnroinmodnthiiH

The above bousi'p-ai- o fuuilBlird, andwill bo teidy to" oaiipiitinn in a fjwwrck". luipiliu of

"T'f W W nALh.rFHE DAILY BULLETIN -T- hoX most popular paper published,


espw"w'?R i -- VTfpPiPP 'mT"ify.r

JUl&iAlcm&umimt;.-- : :i ,l'--, -


( F

Hortolu Furniture

On Thursday, Juno 30 h.

At 10 o'clock a. m.

At tho residence of tho Hon W. C.P il;c, we will hell at Public Auctionthe entile Household Furniture, eim-prisin-

Bureau and Sifa Reg',Vpliolsteicd 1'iiilorl.o 'iigc,Up olscied Kusy Cl.oirs,Khony On ina',OttomansLarge C n re Ru,

Oval Centre Table,4 Li .'lit Chandelier,I la-- lluirClmh t hnln.I'ortiir. iirnl C'oriib.o role,Lac i Cmt litis,1 leg n' Km Sideboard.B. Y. Bedsicul,Tollui Het-- , Bip-lcll- -j Table,Koa Extension Tihlr,Assoiimunt of blhcrplatcd Ware,


Dlnck Walnut Olmlr-- ,11. W. MurbloTop Btucnus,

nihMiinds,O.ik IkMlioi.m Sot,MmiH'8-e.- , Miixqulto Nets Ward.

rulipsHaiigii g m.d Bracket Lamps,

Kitchen Stovo and Utensils!Mc.it Rife, IMrlgerulor, II iy Cutter.

Mower, anil nu oiKerm, 1'ilni', anil Pli'iti, GardenS nnds, Flower Pots, Klo.Eto,

E. P. ADAMS & CO.,G7 01 Ami loners.


K i: mu'cI n '.t to theMetropolitan Market. (It lni



HP. ATTFXTIOX OFAT.LINTEKTluiiils if the Ishutds i i alii d to (lieilx vo valuable will h ie oiler luir lie in lots to suit urrlnow.

Wc have i Ln on band sample lote ofWhit i Oovir, hn.'llsli Ayie.Tinothj, UiiiG it.C g'sTili.TiilKiseui', .i.iibin Uy Q a- - a nl l.nceniesouls, wlili h wu i HVr In mull IntB foi) i tal, mid will alto r cchi-- dis loiquuuiluc of nut Uhs ibau half n ionweight, andi'M'd tuMiiuu wllb diet null.

WM.G 1BWIN&CO.our.


ON THE O'M'ANIC Co., WHAltFof Mi :ili,i)iin rival of Aiisirn

li.t a laigu bliclv Ilm lni vnllsi iglill;stiapicd liiitidlu bioUiii and hnip emiMib iluteil. Any person 'I. IK I'ri'ij.-- nnie ut Paul euinniiis file will besuitably rawaided



Of Tin: MEMiu:n-- of tulQ iten'o IIo pl'al Corpiriiio'i willI k' pi.icu at the luijiu- - of lliu Cliiiinbeul Coiuiueicn hi C.iinplicls lllucl. onFriday July 8di mxi a II a. m.

P.'i or ler,JOB A II. PAT Y.

fiV If Sicy. pro. lein.


fiimlly Mate j peri. ribDiife tii duvu by ladiesoi oaildien Apply to

(l. WroT,iltf At Xo. 0 yuetli St.


LARGE 1 OI'. cor cr PenmrolaONE Lunalilo wiilch can bedivided into two or more building lots.Kn ulro of G. WEST,

105 Of Wc-d- , Dow Si Co


A VALUABLE I'UILDIXG LOT INllouhilii. Having a lrontnc on

King street of (10 feet adjoining the newbrick stoics occupied by Chinese, nndbelonging to tho estate of tbe 1 it Thus.Meek. Enquire of J. I. DOWSETT,

Queen stect, Honolulu, June 13, S7.00 2w


land; rent paid upIn November 20. ifl0". Tliec lotsndjoinMi. Agni'u's pb ce, are femed. Tncri'ari n cnttigo and s'ables on them, aidwotnr Is hud on. Inquire or

02 I w O. BOLTE.

For Sulo or Lease.rpiIOSR PREMISES RITUATI D ONA Pu alum Street callul "luiimnilo.

Ilia," th- - piopi itv of (;. II Juihl, mo foiirnle or foi lease lor n Irrm of ycais.

For paiticulni'H Inquire ofALEX. J. OAimVIUGHT.

Ilnnolulii. Dec. 13, IsfcO IfOS

TO RENT.THE HOUSE AT PRESENT,' coupled by Ibo undcitigned,luiKtli btrcct.

ot tf W. C PAHKE.


lent) furniture at n biut-nli- i.

For piillcnbiiK in'iulioif .Ino, Miiuoon,Agent, M erclinnt sirei I. 27 tf

JOB PRINTING ol nil klndi'w.nt tho Daily OnLUixiN Ofllco

. r. .



i:hAN- D-

Furniture !At Auotion Liberal Credit to Trado.

I am Instructed by a lnriro Impo tltifrFinn to fell at 1 nolle Aticilnn. nt my,SaleioniiH, cormr of Foil ami Qiicmstreets, on

Friday June 24thAt 10 o'clock, n. m.,

alnrgcnml wells Icetcd Stock of Clock.cry.Glnsiwuii' mil Fur.i.tiirc,

c unUtii gotDinner, Broakfost and Toilet Sets !

I'n n y and Common Flower Pols,Ew r nnd mi ln. Sin p Plates,How. s, Jugs, cicni.d

Assorted Crates of CrockoryC .t nnd lV-ssc- 1 unit lers,Mine Olus c , ('pintles.Ill mlt a Ion Cup., tamplc Hottic?,at.d L n. ten s, eu.

Biscuits and CrackerstMiltxn, Pilot nn I Me him Biead,Ki'iiii'h hurer, llluc Mo led doap,)x c.xinrniid Win soi Sou,( team of inrlar, O r o ate of Soda,L'diiin Clii" se, Pic Full s, S hips',Aborted Siuccs, Condensed Milk,Vinegar U Millies, n h Buic,l''pom Salts IlunjailJ 'in-'- , Coik.Safe y Mm h s, v ntpil g Paper,iiUCUCU Till) Mill

Also a cl.ohe lot of -

Vienna Furniture IContl ling of

Siifiis. ' hilrs, etc. Velvet Carpels,benlskln Hug-- , e c, i ic. etc.ZST Tiio go ds wl I bo on lew tic

day bef le the s le.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,C3 lw Am tionecr.


One Black Morse !

Kind and genile, pcrfci tly ljrokrn tosingle and double In lms". mill uidil e,ieifeetly safo for anyone to dr ve ortide.


One Brown Colt!Nearly U j mis old. Well ltoki'ii Io

add e anil pjif jctly snfo fi in importedslock. Appli to.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,Aiii'tji'iuci. Co i er of Foil nivl Qurentll'lClf. 01 w

FOR SALE.OF LAUGE 1'UPINKSSLE.VSE nt Ivoio.ln, HiUMtli, bull.

Hue lor More. A got d o, cuing fortIIOTUL..

With nuniero'K bo I rooms, a" tip io isa want oi a lesaiiiaiit and roninii g

bb'luneiit in Kol.nlu, aim by propilinai aimtiii would Oo a lii'jrmhu liiisi- -

IlC.f.iroiz j. Mxonio.

It l in ll.e ren cr (f llie "hUe nndunlive popithiui n with ovei S( 0 feet olHour i.paec a id i an is on a large 1

with c!oe fe ce, huge wiuernii ply nnevery convcnli ncc. Rtnt 10 n month

I en e 15 ,io-ir- to i n wnl ut ami nimble pil e. Pur' eu m i f.

(ifilw D.L. Al'H.MtT.

FOR SALE.Q WHALE BOATS; l lckcd0 iMiale Ho i, ;to fi et Inn ,', II feweep, H fiet wide; 'J 2 In I Ihnitt ;

1 8 trot Sinf itu.il; 2D cKid I mger0 lett long 0 fi el ii fnt.li- whir, 2 le. t

il Inube- - deep. llh innsi mil niil-n- ll

Cnlliplele; I 2 feci Niillng Scow, wiihmust iirnl hails all complete. A"i lv lo

E. R. lY.N.noat Ilul'dornnd General Jobber. 01 if

Taro Flour Poi!

Now Recsipt DiscoV3red forCoo.inj Tan Flour Poi.

On tho Same Prinoiplo as CornMeal or Oat Meal is Cooked.

('no i oiiad of T.iro Flour cooked thiswuj will inuku u pound, ot bard poi.

lake the do. ire. I amount of TaroPloui, mix ft with cold water In butll-oic-

quantities to inuku it n thick pailc.Pluie it in a oro lain put, (mid nontlieO on a slow tile, and lint wnteilowly oi'diuiigh to prevent it Im'nlne.

Keep Blirilug with a npnon or stick foian hour uhilo ciokiui;; ill n ,et it oniino her lower Hie fir titioilier hourWhen cooked li e 1 in a I owl oi ciualni-- h nnd ht it umulu lor hours; ilienit icidy for iibc, ndduir siiiili'ii'iutold wuier to ninUe ii tbu pinpor thick.ue.s. If found li.mpy, squeeze tluouglin piece of uiosipiilo iieltlu.'.

All families Uesiiing con poi willdo well to give 'inro Flutr, piiparidlid way a new til .

Tin s (I siiii g onr poi must lot It re-main two or tin lu days. 05 'iv

Waikiki Bath. House!

TVI R. W. CROOKS having tikenLtx clnrguit tin. V,.niUi It.dli llou-ii- 'begs to inioim tiio iiblln that 1m williu'i tho plmo m a liist-cliis- s bathingtesort.

MR.OR' OKS will nttend toihoiodypatrons of tlm place, and every fffuiiulll bu made io iiinki. li nttraciivo.



A SCOTCH TERRIER DOG,to the name of "Gov

ernor." ' ny person found detainingsaid doir will bo prosecuted.CO 8t W. II. ALDRIOII.

"-- " i .,.,.'mv$h - I -- - - ...?tvm www

-- OF TH-E-



-- 0"IHE-

(l,Y (111(1

To be l fti tholr It nge on King 8 .,

opporito tin Government Nursery.

Monday, July 4, 1887At O o'clock, a.m.


Vnluul ot $ 01, fir tlic highest aggre-gate sioic In ma ches Nw. I, 2 ..nl .1 tobecome i be p Ooity ot ibo marksmanwinning It it r times at rigular mo

tlicII.R. A.Won .Lily b, 1 0. ly J. Brcd'e. M D.Won January 1, 8 7, by Win. Uuger

I.-- TIIE llhOUlE M DAL.

Valued at .".0; also second piize o' $H;third piize 9V.&0. Coiidiiluii cf tbematch: Upon 10 nil inemb.-r- s of the As-

sociation, and membcis ot the rcgulatand volunieer mllliury companies of ill

iiigd nii 10 become ibo property iftbe mark man winning it ihrio thins titicgiilui 111 ciinu- - 01 lliu 11. H. A

Distance, 200 yard; rotinUe, 10; anymill no rille under lliu ruhs; Unihidtoone enlo to each coinpt tittr. Eniruucefer, $1.

Won .Innnary 1, t8fl, by Wm. Unger.on Ju y 0, 1h8G, by C. B. Wlo,

Won January 1, 188, by C. U. WlUon.



Valued 8101; a'-- o 11 to ond prlzo of $";t ird pi zj, Conditions: Open toill I'ouiuis; to becomti III" pioperiy oftbe inurki-uiiii- i winning I th ee limes inlegulur im-itli- nt tuc il It. A.; 10

louiids cicb in lliu 400 and fiCO yardaneiB; any nilliiniy riilo under the

mles; limiiid to one entry for each com-pitilo- r.

Ent'iince fee, 1

Won July 5, H 0, y.1 llrolic, M. D.Won January 1, 18 7, by W. C. King.


Value I ni 8 .".Of Coiipeiilois limile I tomen b of ibo Condi.tion : For In' big ie t aggregate ten 1

it00uiid f09 V'liii 10 p'liud nt e cbliSlU'ici-- ; mil 1111 1 iiy title under thenl n to bion.e il 0 prm eriy of the11 a w lining il three limes nt

(ill ir meeting oi till 11. It. A. Ea.ranro fee, $1

Won .linuaiy 1,iF81, by F..T Iliceh sA on July 5. 180. by J M. DWon Jnnuury I, 1H&7, by Win. Unger.


Four cash piizes, namely: 25 15. 10in d 10 er cent, ot tbu net receipt' o nl tio t : open t nil miirkiucii; uuyniilliary rllloui d'-- r the nih-b- ; lOioundi-- ;

dutiuu-e- , 2 0 y.iid.-'-. Eiitt'auto fee, $1.rJutries Liilimhid.



Open to all nurabcis of the Ass ela-

tion who htvu in vcr undo u reeoid ex-

ceeding 75 per rent ul ituv regular incei.ugof ibe II. R. A. F i'st p.iize, 11 Sil-v-

Med 1 ; tcuiid puzc, one dozenPin t 'grnpliH, pic-euii- d by J J. itiialilb, E(. 0 iidltnn: Rounds, 10;dialaiiCf, 00 jinds; any miJitary rifltnuclei lliu n le . Eniruuce fee, $1. En-tries unlimited



Open lo nil members of lite Asocl i.tlon who laeni'vci in tiio a record ex.;tt ding 05 p r cent at n regular mcei-li.- g

of the II. It A. Phot pibe.aHIIver Hilda); S c mil prlzo Woven Cat-ihlg- o

I clt'iud one hundred Curtiidgcsprescnteu by C II. MiolI.E cp Condi-lion- s

same us in Match No. 0.


Four omh prizes, namely, 25. 15,10und 0 per run nf the net riceiptn.Londiiion: O.ien toall murksuiin whohave never made a record exio ding 70per cent at nni meeiii g of the II. K. A.;roiiiuls.fi; dibtnnce,200 yards; nnymili-1- 1

ry rltles unilir lliu mie.. E trancefee, CO cmts. Entiles unlimited.


Firet prize, ono Smith & Wtwon 3-- :.

calibre nickel pn'cd Rivolv r. Condi,lion: Open lo nil; louiids. 10; distance100 fi cl. En ranee tee, 50 ceuts. En-tries unlimited.

Entrios can bo imiln to thn Secretnry,or at tiio gun stnio of Mrs. Tiio. Lack,nt any timo before, or at tkoRango ontho day cf the mulch.

Etra guns und cartridges can bo ob-

tained at the R ngc.

J. II. FISHER,Secrttaiy.

J. BRODIE, M. D-- ,

Prenidvnt 61 td

rrnfiim BAiiiiiuiiiaUollTcl.ttiH. Slutunl Tol. 1SU.

r.o.iiox ii.-j-.

GULICK'SGeneral Business Agency.


Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.PrcmiiM on Judd Street, at pr'seni occu-

pied by ,1. Emmelutli. Ovcr2ncic3in t xn nt; sitbaiutitit lly enclo-ed- ,ginikd.p.ankd with fruit tree-- , bothloieignaiid unlive ; duralilu buildings.

Premises near Thomai Square, KiilaoKahua,now occupied by Livingstone.

Building Lot, comer of School nd Fortsin vt, oppusito the GovernmentSfiln ol House-S- O ft. on Fort strict,12 t fiet on school strict; one 2.ruomedCollage.

Lot ol Land in Kiillhl Valley, opposite theMorns re in I is.

The "Old Cornor," bhuato on ibo cast cor--nor of Nuuanu and Qucm street-- .

Lot, corner nf Pcus'icohi und WilderAVenues, Miklki, 2 ncies more 01 le.-s- ;may bo dtvlued up lor small home- -

steads.To Let Tint very convcnli nt and dc

kltiiblo cottngu on Merchant streetop oiite the Mutual Tehpl.oue Litllding.

Filly Acres (more or less) in llnulki, castof M anuluu; 14 acrei f ii(.nculiiiriilland; 25 noes all togetlur suitnblefor the cultivation of rice, taro 01 bu.iniin.B. All the niceMiiry buildings;Artesian Wi H, etc.

Lcaso ol Fish Pond nt Wilkiki. A rareoppoituulty for a pn fitublo investmeui.

Cattle Ranch nt Kaannpali, Mnui. suitnbloli r a tunchman of I iii.itc.il means.

Lcaso ol Cottage and Lot with large sinbleaccommodation, n Punchbowl strict,near the Pauoa Slreatn.


Thrco Lodging Houses, furnished nnd do.in l! a prili.ablu business. Situntod nsfollows:

At the loot of Punchbowl sireet; 'On Alukca, ubtv King street ;

On lloiil, bitwein Nuuunu andFori stieel.

For Lease or Sale on Reasonable Terms.

Two Cottages and larga lot above Kinnustreet, 1111 the Hat k of Punch b wl hill.Buildings new and in good condition.Heulihy Jocition; beautiful view

Premises now eccupifd by L. AVny, Esq.,Ki.laok.ibuu. a viry real,dence, fully uppi luted.

Also, n vacint building lot adjoiningthe ubi ve.

TO LET OR LEASE.One Largo Cottage, out Tieretimia

sinci, makiii ol I'uiiubou, 2)4 n.i'csfrom tho Post Uflleo. Togeiher withgr. ti'ids nnd mie ian well. Thesepremises are fully appoln id and verycouveiiieut for a laigc family, and arefuinished with servants' quarters, car-nug- o

house, stables, tc.Ono Large Cottage, on the flank of

ol Punchbowl, IJ4 miles from the PostOfllcc, lully mipp.ied with every convcuiciuc lor inuiicdia'e occupation.Splct did location, beautiful view.

One Cottage, with largo yard aieommo.dutinu, e rncr f l.ll bu nnd King-tticeu- .

Convenient home for mudcr--n

c fiiiui) ; live mlntUCo' walk fiouxthe Post OffiVe

Ton Acres (moie or lcs1) of good rasturolaud sitnaio on the Hovcrmnout roaelin Kulllii tzvo miles front town.

WANTED.A 5 -- Room Cottage with kitchen nnd bath, .

within a Half a mile oi the lost Office.

EMPLOYMENT WANTED.By a Lady, a nuric or houFekcepcr, who

has bad many ycar-- t experience andcan guaianleo satlstactioti.

By a Book-keep- and gene nl businessinau, wbo is aequainied with allbrinehes of mereuntiio business.Wages not an object.

By a Practical Engineer, who can give thebcit of lefercnees if desired.

By n thoroughly competent Dairyman,who understands the business 111 allin branches.

By a man accustomed to plantation work,who Iiih been niuivy jcars a resident of'tliiscountiy.

By Several Men who will make them- -

sele i.suful in doln tho chores in.private 1111111110-- ; taking caio of horses,und carriages, elc.

Full p.irilculars given with togard to-tlt-n

fori going items on application atho Agency. 62.


CHARLES J. FISHELHas received a full line line of


Embroider il SuitsIn White, Cream and Colored,.

A full lino of


Corsets, Hosiery,Linen, Torchon Luces,

Ribbons, Huts, Millinery.

Tie (mm Lilly Hat!ALL THE GO ,

Go inspect Mr. Fishol's New Goods

CHAS. J. FISHEL,Loading Millinery House.

Cor. Fort & Hotel Streets. ,- - '5j yTF YOU WANT A SITUATIONX advertise in tiio Daily Bulletin.







Page 3: Vf Ife nllttin. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa





$ ,




ft gmUjj ttMti


TUESDAY, JUNE 21. 1887.


Juno 20BU Cnlbarlati from Sail tranclsco

.Tiinu 21 ,Stinr W a Unit from Hawaii ana Mnul


Juno 21

Stmr I.lkcllka for KaliuliitBuhr Mikalula for KauaiSehr Mokolll for Mo okalUk i B Kinney for S n FrmioNcoSchr Mol Wnlilno for HiiiiinkiiaStinrO K Bishop for Wnlaimu, Wnlalua,

and Kooluii nt8a inStmr Surprise for Lnupalioclioc, Hono- -

mu, Onoraoa nntl HiloSchr Wallele for KuauBktno Mary WinkJniau for Tort Town-sen- d


.Schr Llholluo for Kauai at 3 p m

Schr Mamioknwal for Koolau at a p in


rp Mnul nnd Hawaii, per steamerfrinmi. .luiifi 20tli-F- or Volcanoi J 1'

Cooke. E tfannliiff, Miss Beaver, MissTucker, G E Whluioy and daughter, FII Newton, W S EIIN, T J Crouloy andwife, M Hedges, G K Wilder, W IIChescborouKh, It VI (If eeborougb, U

J Wood, J Willis and daughter. MissHayes, U S Wilght and wife, II E nia-

cins and wife, J V do Luve.igo, 1Uempter, F Brake, It Spreckels, II IIWood and wife. For llllo and wayporta: U Furneaiix nnd wife, Mr Kujconnd wife, Kcv K Kekuowa and son, ItevKalalwaa, Itev A Tall, Hlght Rev LoidBishop of Olba, Rev r nthcr lenient, DrHartwood and wife, t) N Arnold andwife, M LouUson, I ltubcnstcln, E ABlclenbcrg, Mrs II Webb, Miss AnnieBiers, Mrs Geo li Desna, sister anuchildren, Itev J Hltilo and nbotu 100

Fo'r Port Towuscnd, per barkcntlneMary Winkolinunu, June 21 P Goodand U Sexton.


The barkentne Mary Winkclman,'cleared this afternoon for Fort 1 own-sen- d

In ballast.TUo German bark Cerastes, Captain

Brumnnd, which arrived yesterday, 1C2

days from Liverpool, orougut genu....cargp. She is docked at the Kluatiwharf."" "


"Bk Guillermo,JJk O O Whltmoro, ThompsonBk Sarauac, fchaw

iBk Kalakaua,JBk Don Carlos, Jacobsou,Bktno Morning Star. Tumor'.Bktno Planter, W HPcrriinanPgtn') ronsuelo, CousinsiBk Calbarlco. Perkinsjk Cerastes, Biumund


The captain of tho Guillermo wentas second mato of tho bark Chas.B. Kinney this afternoon.

Mns. P. Hughes aud two childrenleft for San Francisco by tho barkChas. B. Kinnoy this afternoon.


The Japancso Consul, the Attor-noy-Gcncr- al

and J. M. Monsarratpaid a visit to tho Adams this nfter-noo- n.

A painting by Barnficld of CaptainCook's monument at "KealakekuaBay is on view at King Bros., Hotelstreet.

Mn. Chas. J. Fishcl entertained apumber of friends at dinner in thoprivate dining room at tho HawaiianHotel laBt night.

Mr. J. Oat lias mado u newmainsail for tho Likeliko and

a mainsail for tho schoonor Mary.Both sails set well.

.Very good photographs of tho

Masonic party stopping at tho Ha-

waiian Hotel may bo seen at Wil-

liams' gallery, Fort street..

A sea Captain lost a gold ring andsprained ono his fingers in rescuingan elaborately dressed Portugueselady from tho water, in tho jetty acci-

dent yesterday.

Parents, whoso children were intho jetty accident at Waikiki yester-

day, speak in laudatory terms of thokindness of Mrs. B. Cartwright andMiss Von Holt who provided dryclothes for tho children.

Wildkr'b bark Guillermo wont ontho Marino Railway this afternoon tono repaired. WJicu (tho vessel isready for sea Mr. Cbas'.-T- . Wilderwill, ho says, tako licr to tlio SouthPolo in search of tho missing linkbetween tho Hawaiian Governmentand tho people.

-- -.

Tin: Bishop of Olba, accompaniedly ftov. Father Clement, loft yester-day by tho Kinau for a pastoral visitto Hawaii. Tho Brass Band of St.Louis Collego wont to tho wharf and,played the Bishop off. Tho musicwas very grateful to tho ears of thopassengers and bystanders, and seve-

ral wero head to remark favorably ontho boys' modest and becoming be-

havior, as well as on tho quality of.tho music.


Tuesday, Juno 21st.Twenty charges of drunkenness

wero disposed of in tno usual man- -

ncr.Walter Baywator and John Mc-

Laughlin charged with disuniting thoquiot of flic night, forfeited bail of$10 each.

J. M. Dowsott, Harry Whitney andE. Widcmann wero charged with as-

sault and Imttory on a mountedpolice. Remanded to tho 23rd in-

stant.A Jupancso, charged with fast

riding, was discharged.Kalani, charged with assault and

Imttory on Punikola (w). Foundguilty and fined $5 and if 1 costs.

Four Chinamon charged withgaming wero remanded jto tho 27thInstant.

yjffi''jmi wji.'i'jgnjagaBfgyrgaH&gi

iWQjgwrw y&ffi'w J"J3? 7-- ""?"",r-- i "isrtTOMr'v W


Tho Royal Hawaiian Band willgive a .lulillno Concert nt Uio Ha- -

wuiinn Hotel, this eveniiiK, at 7:00o'clock. Tho following is Uio pro-

gramme :

Grand March The Queen's Jubilee............Watson(new)

Gavotte The Queen's Own ()AinllllonPolka Tho Queen's Hussars inow

IicrtelWiili7-In1ill- in noteQuadrillo-Moi- ry England (new)"..

WilliamsGalop Boiling Years (ncwi . .AdicrPolka Old England oreier (new ..

St ran ssMarch Queen Victoria new)... merger

God Save the Qinen.


Mrs. Lack has purchased tho sam-

ple stock of Mr. Flamming, repre-senting a largo commercial house InSydney, Australia) and has placed it,on this market. This stock being asample stock, naturally comprises agreat variety of articles, such as maybo found in a regular variety fancygoods store, and some things ovenwhich arc not looked for in such anestablishment. For instance, thereis a lino of what is known hero asSydney saddles, both ladies' and gen-

tlemen's. Amongst them are two ortlireo geiiiiino hogskin saddles, andanyone in want of such an articlenow lias a chanco which does notoccur every day in Honolulu. Thesegoods arc on exhibition and for salein tlie largo room over Messrs. Yates& McKenzio's ship chandlery stoie,opposite tho Oceanic Steamship.Company's wharf.


A number of the Masonic excursionparty returned from a visit to theVolcano Sunday by tho Kinau.They felt n little tired, but all speakloudly in praiso of tho trip and thewondrous sight they beheld at thocrater, for it was in an exceedinglyactive state. Grand Master Atkinsontold a representative of tho Adver-tiser that lie had enjoyed the tripvery much indeed, and would nothave missed it for anything. Hewas much pleased with the arrange-ments everything being dono fortheir comfort. Tho hospitality oltho Hilo and Kohala people wassomething that will long bo remem-bered by him and the party withhim.

Senator Win. Johnson, who alwayshas n jovial look on his face, told ntthat ho had witnessed a grand andwonderful siiiht at the crater. Thered-h- lava was shooting up in someplaces to a height of fifty feet. Heenjoyed himself very much at Ko-lial- u.

Tho Kinau on her return from theVolcano stopped at Kealakekua Bayto give tho party time to inspectCapt. Cook's monument. Whilethero they noticed a very bright re-

flection in tho vicinity of tho Volca-no. On Friday, when they arrivedat Mahukona, they found an invita-awaitin- g

them to be guests of the Ko-

hala Masons. .It was accepted andwhen tho party arrived at UnionMill Station, they found teams inreadiness to convey them to thoClub House. Soon after they ar-

rived theie all sat down to a banquetsuch as snly tho Kohala people cangive It was a niOBt enjoyable afl'airthroughout.

Tho party spent a whole day atHilo, and visited tho Rainbow Fallsand Wainaku Sugar Mill. At tholatter place they wero hospitably en-

tertained by Mr. John A. Scott, themanager. Tho whole party weregraciously received by Her Excellency Ululani, Governess of Hawaii,at her residonce. Mr. Severance didall ho could to make their stoy atHilo a pleasant one.

Tho Kinau returned to Honoluluearly Sunday morning. At a meet-ing of tho Masonic party, held onboard tho Kinau near Makena land-ing, Juno 18th, the following resolu-tions wero unanimously adopted :

Resolved. That wo tender ourthanks tp WUder's Steamship Com-

pany for fuvors and courtesiesin arranging' and successfully

carrying into effect especially ex-

cursions, whereby tho members oftho party aro enabled tP visit allpoints of intcrcstjn the Islands; andbe it further

Resolved, That our thanks aro duoand aro hereby tendered to John C.Lorenzen, Commander of tho steam-ship Kinau. for his untiring effortsin ministering to tho comfort and en-

hancing the pleasure of this party,both on shipboard and ashore.

E, C, Atj:ihsq;?,Cliaiinuin,

W. M. Jch.n&ton.Secretary.

P. C. Advertiser.


JUNE 1EIIM, 1887.

The Court was held in Wailuku.Island of Maui. Preston J. of thoSupreme Court, presiding; CircuitJudge Hon. Geo. E. Richardson,Associate. Present, A. P. Peter-son Deputy-Attorne- y General, fortjio Crown, Thos. W. Everett Sheriffof tho island, Capt. F. W. FohlbehrPolico officer in charge of prisoners,and membors of the bur. Followingis the caleudar of oases i


Rex. vs. Opiopio Kane (w), de-

serting her husband; appeal fromDistiict Justice of Molokai. Ap-

peal dismissed. No bond filed.Thurston for plaintiff, Poepoo fordefendant.

Rex. vs. Koloho, Makau, Kalau-Jan- i,

and Knmuwela Kekee, Larcenyof animals; appeal from DistiictJustice of Makawao. Nolle, pros,entered. Knlua and Richardson fordefendants.

Rex. vs. Kahole, Manslaughter3rd degree Plea not guilty,Vnivllr.t nnl. irnllt.v. Wtlltlllir fordefendant.

exuMy.wr.v ,wm mm


Bex. vs. Ah illu ct. al., Opiumin possession; appeal from Cit cultCourt. Not sustained not piopcrly before the Court.

Ilex. vs. I). Bigncur, SellingLiquor without licence; appcrpfrom District Justice of Makawao.Nolle, pros, entered ; main witnessdead.

Ilex. vs. Wong How ot. nl., Sel-

ling Opium without liccuco; appealfriiiu Circuit Court on point of law.No appearance of Appellants. Ap-pe- al

dismissed for want of prosecu-tion. Bonds forfeited.

Hex. vs. Thomas K. Kvnns, Man-slaughter. Committed from La-liui-

Police Justice. Plea notguilty. Verdict not guilty. Neu-mann for defendant.

Rex. vs. Lee Pong, Receivingstolen properly; committed fromWailuku Police Justice. Plea notguilty. Nolle. pro9. entered to boprosecuted for larceny. Richard-son for defendant.

Rex. vs. Geo. C. Williams, Brib-ery ; appeal from Police JusticeWailuku. Appeal withdrawn. ,

Rex. vs. Andre do Freitas, Lar-ceny; committed from WailukuPolice Justice. Plea not guilty.Part heard. Nolle, pros, entereddefence not objecting. Richardsonfor defendant.


Pooikl (w) and Kuaelo her hus-

band vs. Kealakua, Ejectment. J.W. Kalua for plaintiffs, W. A. Kin-

ney for defendant. Continued nextTerm.


L. Von.Tcmpskey vs. John Maguel,Trespass and Damages; appealfrom Distiict Justice of Makawao.Jury waived. Appeal allowed, de-

cision of lower Court alllrmed.MIXED JUUV CIVIL CASES.

Wailuku Sugar Co. vs. Paiwi,Ejectment. J. W. Kalua for plain-tiffs, J. Richardson for defendant.Unanimous verdict for plaintiffs.

On the 10th of June Ills Honor inChambers heard the application ofAhin, Alii and Chung Sum, forwrits of habeas corpus. Petitionershad licwi convictod of having opiumunlawful!- - in their possession, andweiccaoh sentenced to 2 years im-

prisonment at hard labor, and topay a lino ot Sl.UUU, on the 1(3

March 1887. Ills Honor releasedi he prisoners fiom custody. JohnRichardson appeared for petitioners.


Luika (w) vs. Frank Scars.Divorce granted. J. W. Kalua forLibellant.

Kelekaha (w) vs. Pelela. Dis-

missed for want of pioseeutioti. J.W. Kalua for Libellant.

Mary Fanell vs. Antonc Fernan-dez. Dismissed. Petition notsworn only acknowledged beforeMossman, notary. J. W. Kalua forLibellant.

Akamu vs. Kaautnana (w).Divorce granted. J. W. Kalua forLibellant.

L. K. N. Pahao vs. Wahlneaea(w). Continued. J. W. Knlua forLibellant.

Kapulo vs. Kailiaha (w). Dis-

missed. Libellant summarily com-

mitted for perjury. J. W. Kapulofor Libellant.

Kamaka vs. Kumaica (w). Di-

vorce granted. W. A. Kinney forLibellant.

Ilanict K. Makakoa (w) vs. W.K. Makakoa. Withdrawn. J. W.Kalua for Libellant.

Kipu Dom Lin (w) vs Dom Lin.Divorco granted. Wife to havechild 2 years old. Richardson forplaintiff.



Tuesday, June 21st.In re bankruptcy of Hui Kacpa,

Mawaiclua, W. P. Kanealli, D. Ku-p- oi

et al.Proof of claims, and election or

appointment of an assignee orassignees,

Two claims proved amounting to8819.55, and T. W. Everett nomi-

nated assignee, his nppolntmoiit toremain in abeyanco until he ariivesheio this p. m.

In re otato of Esther Waha, de-

ceased. Alfred Willis, administra-tor, in person. Ordered that ac-

counts Of Afred Willis, administra-tor, be appioveii ant) lie discharged,.

BEFORE I'ltESTON, J,Iti re bankruptcy of Alan, W,

C. Parko assignee Assignee dis-

charged on filing creditors iccciplsfor final dividends.

In re batiktuptcy of J. F. Mc-

Laughlin. W. C, Pinko assignee.AssiuneoV accounts approved,

final dividend declared, anil he or?dered discharged on filing of credi-tors rcctipts.

In ro estate of Allium (Chinaman)deceased, C. Rolto nttornoy infact for S. Selig, administrator,Jona Austin and Magoon for claimants.

Partly heard and continued tillcalled.

before judp, p. J.Lonowahine et nl vs. Jas. Camp-he- ll

ct al. W. O. Smith for plain,tiffs, W. A. Kinney for defendants,Continued fiom January' 7, 1887,ejectment. Jury waived of Aprilterm. Fuither heard, argued nnddecision reserved.

A Polk county, Ga., man is livingpleasantly with his eighth wife.

A Now York Sppuinl says : It isnssortcd op good nut)ioiity (bat. Mrs.Laugtry and Fruddiu Oeblinrdt willbo married as soon as tlio legal impe-diments aro ioiioved,



When Judgo Dayton entered thePolice Court this morning, it wi3densely crowded. Consuls andacting Consuls, gentlemen of leisure,boys of tho town, a motley Huongof half-sobere- d drunks, dilapidatedwahlncs, and a formidable array oflawycis occupied nearly all the spacethe loom afforded. Theie was 47cases on the slate and at 9 :30 o'clocktho fun began. Drunks pleadedguilty, some forfeited bail and asthe Court proceeded the names ofJack Dowbclt, Harry Whitney andE. Widcmann were called. Thethree aroso and by order of theJudge placed themselves before him.The Marshal lead tho charge int ativc and Mr. Hatch, one of thecouncils for the defendants, demand-ed that the charge be given in Eng-lish. The Judge wanted to know IfMr. Hatch had any riuht to makethe demand. Mr. Hatch said thathe had, whereupon the charge wasread in English by the Judge. Thethree Dowsctt, Whitney and Wide-mati- n

were charged with assaultand battery on Police Ofllecr Dias,while ho was in the dischaige of hisduly between the hours of 11 o'clockSaturday night and 2 o'clock Sun-day morning. Tho Judge asked ifthe defendants weic ready to plead.Tho three stood up and after hearingthe charge pleaded not guilty, andby request of council the case wascontinued until Thursday next. TheCourt room was dealing of bpecla-tnr- s

when the Marshal rose and pre-ferred another charge of assault andbattery on another policeman, onthe same night, against the three.They otood up again and pleadednot guilty. The Marshal wantedthe bail increased, but the Judgethought $200 a piece was sufficient.The Judge then announced to thedefendants that both cases wouldcome up on Thursday. Mr. Hatchwanted to know if there was anymoie chaigcs and ho was politelyinformed by the Marshal that therewould be another when the two nowon hand were disposed of.


About a month ago II. R. McLcodof Orange Creek, Flo., was out in thewoods on horseback, with a double-barrele- d

shot-gu- looking around.He spied a. largo buck and let himhave both barrels, which were loadedwith buckshot. Tho deer tumbledover and Mac went up to him, drewbis knife, seized hold of the antlersand drew tho buck's head over tocut his throat. That is, he made theattempt, but soon discovered that hehad hold of a lively eoipse and onethat was full of war and wrath.Mac and tho buck had it nip andtuck. He wanted to let go and run,but that meant death to him, Heattempted to change his knife fromhis left to his right hand, and inmaking the attempt cut an artery inhis right wrist. The blood flew "andthe palmcttocs wero dyed with the

g lifeblood of Mae, whowas momentarily getting weaker, andthe deer improving in action, windand strength every second. "Just hreverything was beginning to swimand things wero turning blue," saidMac, "1 saw my old dog coming acharging." Just at the nick of timethe courageous dog dashed in andseized tho buck by tho nose, threwhim, and Mac succeeded in killingthe deer. Ho bound up his bleedingbund as best ho could and got backto camp, whore his companions curedfor hipi. The dog saved MeLeod'slifo, as an angry wounded buck is adangerous aniuiul. Mac has tackledhis last deer. Savuunali News.

A wonderful gold mino has beendiscovered in Soiioiu, Mexico. Theminers get pure metal by breakingthe quartz with hammeis.


TUTTS FRUTT S ICE CREAMliiinmtl V h. r .ll Uc hi'lVUi

ii la cvciiiugu UicE 1 u lee Or. am I'ui.lo.s. 07 liTr7 YOU WANT A FIRST CLASSJ bin k. i. on i h Mi.iiu, uui Ri g p

6o buth Tele h me. (Ill Ot.

MISS CHILLBURG RECEIV-J.T- 1cd by the 'Austr.illa" a very tine

and beaut nil assortment ot RtylU.i uill-llne- iy

goods, Her former etnek oftrimmed hats and bonnets, she will sellat coat. Ladled would do well to call atonce. 02 1 m.

THE hotel Free lunchX in evi ry evening i i luo b .r1.

ro.'in. and pa roiia will llnil evon thingin mlt liu mete of the most luuildl uipiiunu. 47 .f

TTAVING oeui.tiy i iiKiigcil a (list.XI il,8- - ( 1 lur mnII .Ull'iililniL' Milker.wi are now Iiilly pupiieil to inaiiiilau-line- ,

n pair and ri'j.1 d ,ny kind nf workin opr line, Old Mir or mnl Pi lureFr.inies Hindu 6s er u gi oil in new, midal pilce within llie nauli of all. Tliopublic aic imi.od t) ci. 11 and inppi'ctomo of thU uork Hcineinhur. ipiy

tiling that iil'OiIh renewing in Gold, old(fold, lironzii. Poppir or Jlcinl e cniido, KlNQIUtoi., Ar Stoiik. 17

SPERRYSNul"7arnik Flour it&

CO , Q iccn S reel. 01

Pit. Flint's Hpjit Remedy is aSpecific for all forms of I'oart Pin-cas- o

and also for Disonscs of Kidneysand Circultiaop. Pescjjptjvo bookwjtb every bottlo. Hanson Smith &Co,. AcontH. 35J


iiT'iml li v. otic I lull Fpciks t.ativoprefcnvil. Iicpiiro at N. b. No.qi Foristicei, U4ilt


Bell Tel. 112 Mm unl Tel. 372.CO Box ,07.

J. E. BROWN & CO,Campbell Block, Merchant St-- ,

For Salo or Laso hc Niiuanu ValleyRanch head of Nuuatiu Valley , tuytenns

For Salo Iioiho and lot on Rcrctanlasir. e , houto marly new contains 0rouniM ploMtnnlU rltirilcd, garden etcin (wculknt oidcr. Would bo toldcliinp.

Land off Llliha Slrocl abiut C acre, aspleudltl propel ty, chm tiling view,fcarly app I at on necessary to pur.clmse hi a tliigiclot.

To Lot or Loaio i 0 roomed cotlngccorner Alio I and KIuhii t'ccU, Li tlOlfietx lOOfiet Rent $10 u month.

Blacksmith Shop lu the new BrickJJtiiluiiig on Kim; strict neai Xuuni.u,reicntl.v occupied by C. T. Hoyt.Opposl o Old Suition House.

Shop on King Street In new brick build.lig tuar NiiUiinti, next door to theC.itnese Noks CVi.'s Ollkc.

Two Cottagos on Punchbowl slreet-b3tv- cen

King iinil lien inula.Handtomo Resldenco on Pauoa Road near

Pun lu.owl stint, large jjr unci witheic. hunt $!0 u inuti h.

Furnished Coltago 5 minutes "iilk from1'i.bt i itRu suiiablo for Magic pchou.lurgc garden.

Collection Department.MR. THOMAS ISCOVESCO Is

authorized to collect mould and lgnreceipts.

Employment Department.All kind of help promptly p.oviihd.

Properties Rented and Sold

Insurance Effected,Custom House Work Dono.

Leases, Contracts, Agree--

mont-- , &c Drawn on ShortNotice.Merchant Street. 0


tMXiriMiurrlr Perfect BELT

aver I avan t'd Birr MadxIGlfwanKleo Ohranle Din.trio Currant BAMMOf bothwithorwiru. KXZRfPuHNiotrr AntDH. ffUhnutMcdlrltio.Kt.Tfrrmn NntftviniT KrtAh. IMA. Knt tft

je JiKr; rlth errr lie it, 7w FrPamtJhlt No.2.Add? NOR

704 BAcfMKTTT0"BT..lUN gfiAWOfBOO.bAl

Feb. .8, 87. 1571 ly


Just the thing tp mnlo buckets ofwhen empty. For sule by

42 1m A. W. PIERCE & CO.

Departure Bay GoalFOU FAMILY USE.

JTust Received !

Kx Dktrc.Tihn Worker, for salein Jo s to Bllll.

f3.f4.0 PoiuuIh per Ton.

WILDER & CO.51 lm


New Goods !

New Fashions!

Mr. L "r KERRHas received and oppned up bin New


CLOTH GOODS!Compiltltigaltirgniind well selected

variity cf

TroiisBriDs,Cialifl!!,elc.Huit illo for tho Beaton,

The 1.0 goods were selected in EnglandI y Mr. Kerr personally, and are gi nran.teed to ho of the finest quality.

Mr Kerr, having seemed tho servicesof a NEW ClITTKlt, he is pre.taolto fulfil onlcis with the utmobtdpait,

23 Merchant St.IflO'i

Oi' I 880,A SwoeuBtakeof$25 Added.

Hiiro to bo run alilm Juno mrrtln? ofilio Hawnllaii .lockoy Club in 189".

Tliruo quart n of n inllit dash for Hit.wiillan bred two your oMh.

Nomina ione, inclo-ilii- afeoofglO. tobo sent to Hui Sicri'tarv of tlio

bib on or before JuneDOIli1PS7. Final nercpinnces at lo ilmbul uifo of swct.'pstahc8 on or beforeJuly 1st 1181.

0. 0. BERQER,Siorttir) Ilm, Jo. kiy club

OJ Sy,


Special Notice to the Ladies.

By the steamer Australia, I have received direct fromEurope, a largo assortment of tho

Latest Novelties in

DRY AND FANCY GOODSwhich I offer at bed rock prices.

New Designs in White Dress GoodsBatiste, Lawns, Embroideries, Laces and other

new goods too numerous to mention.

New Novelties in Dress Goods,Just received, at very low prices.

fcasr'Ladios are invited to call and inspect our stock.

No trouble to show goods.

S. EHRLICH, 63 and 65 Fort Street,1031 (Opprwlip W. G.


Gent's, Youth's and Boy's Fine Custom Made (Mingflats, Caps, FuvniBhing Gcols, Trunks and Valises.


Very Fine Line of



The World's Breakfast FoodPrepared from Snow Flake Whaat.

Also, Highland Scotch Boiled Oats I

Arc an entirely new preparation of wheat anil Onts bjinR cro'ort by Slcnm, mnlonly rtqu ring u short ilmo to prepare them for tho table.

tSTThe nioit nutrltto is foo.I knovn,-"- a

Also, Gerniou, Gem, Graham Flour, Smoked Salmon,Smoked Halibut, Hams, Bacon, Choice D.ites, Truncf, Nun, Itnlslns,

New Zpjlanil, Cullfornlu, and Islai d Potatoes, &c.Also, Uroom Corn, excellent for elilckjii fee 1, for salo by

Chas. Hustace, -



II, I.


Tho F. HORN, of the

180,'t.)informs tho public that this day on he Is fully

to receive orders for

And in all cases tlio fullest as given in formeryears, not only abroad, but aUo in Ilavina references riminirback as far as tho year

Irwin &


In having catered on all stnto occasons, as nlso for heleet par-tie- sgiven by their lalo IV, V andand having tho honor of the present royal

with the delicacies in my having over forty yearsin this lino of

Vrnrtlcnl I'm try Cook li Honolulu.Store and Ice Cream No. 71 Hotel

Hotel andBith No 74. (05 8,,) H.I

Just at

& co'my

Gent's Shoes


King Street.

Hollister & Go.'


Undersigned, Proprietor

Pioneer Steam Candy Factory, BakeryAND ICE CREAM PARLOR,

(EstablishedHespcctfully prepared

Lunches, Dinners, Suppers, Banquets, Balls,guarantees satisfaction,



JIajcsties Kainehanieha KumehamehaLunalilo, supplying householdproduced establishment;practical experience business,

F. HORN,Confectioner, mirtEOrunmciitcr

Faotory, Parlor: Street,.Betweon Nuuanu Streets,

Telephones Honolulu.

ReceivedA largo assortment of---

PERFUMES! PERFUMES!Comprising tho well-kno- brands of



TPav Sale at, X&ocisomiblo 3Pi'ioe.1593 WHOLESALE AND RETAILi

:i' "1

Page 4: Vf Ife nllttin. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa

W- -

ili- -


8V.v -






Pi,.p i







AXWn tarTaTO ?l0Hr Factory,

Wulluku, Mut!,Will rural n commence oner tlont.

Thnradaj--, Mny Otl ,

and will supply Taro Flou in tmyquantities.

With now and improved i iirli'n"nand other apparatus ilio rj ill in.naReriiarnntcisiosui'pty '""1 '"" 'h'wll make a better tl i s of pm tliim vcproduced.

AH orders to bo snnt In II. Cum-mln- ,

Manager, nt ilie Kac ry, Wi.luku, Maul, or to W. G.hwin - o,Agcnti, Honolulu. 41 lm


M J&Mt--v.e.

r". ?

C. BOLTE is the nRpnur myMR.Schooners "Huma" and HonHot," from and after June lt, 1SS7.All bills prior to that dato will pkiuobo presented to me at my olllce, tjuecuStreet, for settlement.

J. I. DOWSETr.Honolulu, June. 1887. Witf

Telephone Both Companies J 10.


-- cjfrir A complete line of -- ao-

SaAJPJL.lC AK1) FiVNCY GUOCEKIEi,Fresh OoodB on Ice by ench r.n lvnl of the O. S S. Co's Steamers. Goods delivered

to nil putts of Hour lulu.Island order solicited and packed with euro, and shipped to nny part cf Ilio Kl'ictb m


JOHN ITT, 1. 8

' ,Ss,j!"wi' - rjwa(u. jhviA

foseinite Skating

jSilfX I IN IS- -

Opon cvory nft rnoou andevening,

Music every Saturday Night.

IS. WALL,1C01 l'roprletor. lyr



and other cl 'frsc. of helpfurnished promptly by

& CO,4a tf 28 Merchant street

P. O. Box 207.

& CO.


KainMii I.



sfeIron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, .



PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd.(Successors to Dillingham & Co., & Samuel Nott.)

IRONMONGERS.New Goods for tlio Holidays! Silver Plated Ware

in New

From the very bes makers.


A. HtoeU oi GoodH in Every JL.ine.









Every Description of

Book and General PrintingExecuted with neatness and dispatch.






.. jiUiCJSSl5WrtfwurAMsS;Kff!fis uuurto isACtifo&&Kfe-j'V.'ftv..J..tt- o

WHO 18 MOTHEK StUOliL?JVic . ii huh ti, ly ilie ii.n-i- -l nrrl.

driit. h i. muli' n ni'"i Vih.ii o illiti'-- ii.v. ml h, 1 ru . t tin the w . tl t it

'lull III hll it ilhi'Uii nli, iii ert.lm, tj i, tilUit.g m u.ii liui iit'iii ii Kaijf


"id h t 'lis tl o.n in iwul ilie thi) 1 r in t 1 j lll.u the f,iuwliigion M.' 1' i.l -

A O i 1.1(1 III 'lt'61 M , !.

'U oa P nr it y httli.g W.i. in , ,t a i

''V ttr in d cl in u tin1 inwi.niiTit.1, lu-- itt.i'lng my cxpoilcntuoimore tliau twenty years, I never knewmi v nronrlctniv or union ihciIIlImu lusuch universal fiivor and demand. It issimply extraordinary, and if I weto toserai ou an ncconnt of every statementinnde to mc in its favor, you would linvoto publish a separato linok to containmy testimonials alone.

(Signed) "Thomas J. Perkins"And then people ask


"CU, BlcomflelduoaO, Pluninlcad,"Jan. 7, 18s5.

"I find tho sale of your nieillclne In.crcasis oery yen, and everyone speakBwell of them Hint trks them. I know alady that attended the Female lln-pl-

lu bolio-squar- e for foiiio montliB, Avltlipnlii!) in back anil, side and bilious, amicould take no food, hut got no liitiutllfrom nny of tho medicines they gavelu r. Before she had luken nil ilie con-

tents of Dim bottle of your .Syrup thefelt iclief and Is now quite ui.ll,

(Signed) " . ii. llAKKIl."

tiik r.rrccT was MAitvnr.i.oJia."Medical Hull, Bnnijor, Jan. C, lSSo."1 heiir copio con-tnut- cpcaklng

very highly of Sclgel' Syrup. Thore Isn case of n y tuiLj mauled ludy in

who liuu been sufl'erlng fromtloniiic.il athma for n lung period, whohad consulted t oinc of the best ) I13 sU

clans of the day, but without dcrixlugany benefit, blic was daily gettingworse, but at liit a lricndhej to tiy Siljicl's Syrup. She procureda bottle, and tho elkct was lnanullotis;she ra idly lui roved, and now bha isiisstiougiiud healthy as ever die hasbeen.

(Signed) "II. Lloyd-Jo.m:s.- "

What is Mother seiqel uoodfor?

ijdi s jot itnsioitu Tin: ni;.vu, uut savesinu livi.no,

Mr. J. "V. Savii.l. of Duinnow.r's.cx.writes September 18-- 1; "J Intro itued5 our medicine into Duumow ulmu.st nssoon as they were brought nut in LouKm. I bold in a short time eighteenpoi.mla' u 01 ill, 1 h,ie Knoun manygrand cases of petmaneut cinej niid.nsyet, no ct.su ut lailtiio N.itlmllhihuiding mmy compel itors, Mother Selgol'syii.p liO'ds It-- , own ground. I Le.iovc

It a good medjclne it will not restorethe Head to Ilio, b t appears to savethe living fiom dying."

A CASH OK Oll.wr.l. COHED.

"Fullhiiin, Jan. 0,1883."It has always given mu leubiire to

recemmend your medicinis to my (into,ncrs, und the icbults of their u&c haveinvariably been most satisfactory. 1

could furnish you many testimonials.One ciso just now occuis to my mind.A constable of the police force of T.iOt.ing, S. V., where I for many years li.itla shop, was a p.iileut of mine, sulleringfri'in a bad attack of gr.ivel. He wnspersuaded to try 'Mother Siegel's Syrup.'tie puiclinscd a bottle at my bhop, andby tho time he had taken half ot it helepoiled nlmself to me as quite cured.The elTect t as slpiply miraculous,

(signed) "J. D, Fi.ohakce."

is Mother Seiqel reliable?Would lescectablo chemists write like

the following if not?A BUltOlOAL OPKltATION AVKUTI.l),

"Ticehurst, Dec.JSSI.Mr. Edwaiid Couke, Chemist, writes:

"Your medicine maintains a stendy salein this district, and is well established111 general favor. 1 kuow an old nnn,over seventy, who some three cr fouryear ago was advised to submit to thooperation for stone. He cortuinly wasbutle ing troin omo disttessing symp-toms, and could Ecarcely walk. lustctidof taking that advice he tried Siegel'sSyrup, with tho result that after onebottle, he could walk about fairly well,and, having taken three or fmu Si. 0 I.

bottles, he was completely cutcl. Hois still about, halo and Jicaity for Idsyears. If any f thcpymptums of theold trouble come on, ho takys a fewdops of tho Syrup, and ull is wellagain."

What People say aboutMother seiqel.

an Kri:iunNci: of foutv vrAits.t'Cosltnm, Hants, Jad. 2, 1835.

"My customers, ovprawblu countrydistrict, avo not vory demonstrative, and1 have no written testimonials to send)but voi bill ndniiiation of your mcoicineis in the ascendant, and my experienceof fotty years' assures mo that no pre-paration has so rapidly acquired a pop-ularity, and f o (Irmly iimlntiiint its lepu.lation ns Mother Seigel's Syrup.3 (signed) "Thomas II. IIakkii."

v piTlio Inter- - Island Steam

Navigation Co., Limited,Keep constantly on hand for salo

Steam Family and Black-mii- Cca

and n general assortment of

415, Bar Iron.

Ju gUjj giU-ljclin- ,


'Every town lintl a Hl)iTt-ol- o

tlun, upon ulihli the Uiilon lint;was kept llutig, often day millnljlit. The llliuity-pitl- e nt Sautl-wii-- lt

wns Vr, lofty, mid was in twopli-cG-

, wilh S11 uh cleati ot fnot-piu-

nailed 011 so thai it might lieu I in led in case of need. At lliutop of tlii- - low. r -- cctioii of tin- - pule,where it joined the topmast, theiewas n cross-tre- e. The ropo whichrun up tho Hag and held it in itsplace was made fast al the cross-tre- e.

"One morning, when the pcoploof Sandwich get up, they found tholing that had been flying proudly attho top of the liberty-pol- o lying inthe tlttst of the street. It had beennailed down by some copperhead intho night, and basely dishonored.It was dusted and run up to tho topagain, amid cheers.

"Thcro it flew all day, but nextmorning it was ngain found in thedust, while a shamofiil object, noless revolting than the figure of adead cat, hung head downward, hadtaken its plueo at tlio top of thepole.

'Then a young man of the village,a mere stripling, catuc tunning upas the croud gathered in horror andindignation, with n hatchet in hishand, mid picked up the flag fromthe ground. lie climbed the polewith tlio flag wrapped around hisshoulders. Up he went ; rested nmoment at the cross-tre- e, whereeverybody expected to sec him tryto run down the object nt the top,and run up tho flag. But in an in-

stant he stat ted up again, climbingthe swaying topmast until he reachedthe very top.

'Here ho lost no time in cuttingloose with n blow the object whichhung there, und it came clashingdown. Next he cut loose the ropoitself, and the people wondeiedwhat he wns d dng. They saw pre-sently, for in u minute lie had theinner edge of the flag against thopole, nuil with nails that he tookfrom his packet, lie was nailing theflag to the must with the back ot hishatchet. When that work was thor-oughly done, and the ling flappedagain in the breeze, amid the cheeisof the people below, the boy beganto descend. And then it was plaintint he had a new use of his hatchet,for, as he came down, he knockedoff, cleat by cleat, the little piecesupon which his own feet had climbedthe pole. Ono after another thoyfell olf, and the blows of the hatchetleft the pole as smooth and clean asbefore these pieces had been tackedon. Again he rested at tlio cross-tre- e,

and again began descending,knocking oft evory piece as fast ashe lelt it, and when lie jumped upontho giotind, not only was the Unionflag flying proudly at the top of thepole, but its removal had been putbeyond hitman ingenuity and agi-lity.

"Tho flag hung there atnind thestorms until, long afterward, it hadbeaten itself into shreds. And thepeople of Sandwich were prouder ofthe tattered ling than they wouldhave been of any new one that couldhave been raised, for it told to thema story of patriotism and bravery.

"It is not much wonder that thoyouth who nailed this flag to themast became a trusted and activecitizen in tlio Western State to whichlie afterward removed, and wasnamed not long ago for ono of thehighest olllcinl honois in that State.His modesty regarding tho incidentis very great, liowever, and it hasalmost faud out of sight." Bos-

ton Transcript,


Generally speaking, bluo eyessignify constanoy and devotion ,tofriends.

The main cliaractristics of thoviolet eyes, which arc called thewoman'B eye, are affection andpurity, cliivulrio belief, and limitedor deficient intellectuality.

Black eyes denote as a rule sen-suous character and an inconstant,tickle disposition. However thereare some noted exceptions to thisrule,

Gray eyes are tho most expres-sive of all eyes and denoto stiongqualities of mind and soul. Per-so-

with gi ay eyes usually have agreat deal of patriotism.

and conceit arecotuuioulv tho characteristic traitsrepresented by the green eye. Whenth'u lingo yeiges of yellowishness itdenotes that the possessor is giftedwith hliniig powers of imagination.

The vt ry li'jlit bluo eye is char-acteristic of the Northern races, andin a woman it suggcrts constancyand titith, steadfastness, simplicity,courage and purpose. In n mnu'itis apt to denoto n phlegmatic dis-

position,Bluo eyes usually go with light

hair, but when thoy go with darkhair nud complexion there is coupledwith tlio iiii'ectionato qualities atendency to deceive, stimulated byan ambition for conquest and lend-

ing to the gratification of admira-tion.

Brown oycs-nr- the eyes of tlioSouth and East, and denoto, as ageneral rule, passion and lack oforiginality. In women thoy meanJealousy and cruelty very often, andIn men courage, superstition andmild rccklessnoss.

Hazel is a very difficult color todetermine, thcro nro fco many

different vnitelli-4- . As n genornltule of this color MlggeH ngood deal of sticnuth ot characterund generally a of mUehlefnuil trlckeiy. A blue-grn- wl hlnoii7.e streaks fnd tiling fi'oin tl 0centtV, tomes ne.uest to hnzel.

X. V. Mall and E.vpic.

lnquliii s are being innde with tl 0view of ascertaining If Harnn

will with theSiicli'ly nl Vii-torii- t in

nigaiii'iii an expitlitiou to the Aid-tirct- k'

regions, 1111 tin- - loiuililon thateach slui I supply a vessel ; the ex-

pedition to start in October next,and to bo under the command ofBaron Nordcnskjold.

Justice Woods, of the 'UnitedStntes Supreme Court, died a fewminutes after 12 o'clock, May 14.

Dublin, Mny 17. Count ilerbcitBismarck arrived in Dublin yester-day. He is tlio guest of tho Lord-Lieutenn-

"Arbor Dny" has led to tho planting of millions of trees in tho West-ern States that would never otherwise have been planted.




Tho following flno assortment ofAll-Color- ed Fireworks

of Iistcin M.unfacturc,Just received In flno coadition at


5 dor. 21b Colored ExhibitionS. S. tt"

fi oz. lib Pnrnclititto S. 8. do"J (biz. 2 b K 1 1'g Hi c'sits (new)5 il z. 21b Hockets S. S doi (in, lib H 'dots S S do

ii ilo ;lliIiiehei(!S. S. ('oU doz. C oz. Hnokets S S. do

J tO.n AX CANDLES.4 di z 0 ball Steel SpanLd

ciloieil and (now J4 dox. (iohli-i- i Showers (new)4 tlnz Union

1H do.. 2 bull 1 irg2 sloft do.. 8.) nil O iiiiTlcs

SO doz 0-- b 1' On dies11 doz 4 null dalles

TltiAXULE WHEELS.ldoz Kb ill Veil oil Wheels,6 doz. tflb TilanglcWheils,

MOW EK A l?..Vk LIGHTSii doz. lib lnrgc(new)


2 doz. No. 1 Bjtteih-8- , extra line

Floral Shells.3 do. No. 1 She U2 di.z. JSo. 2 Shells

Star Mines.4 doz. . U largo (exlra)

Aerolites.1 doz. colon d (i.iw)

Bogardus Cart Shells.IOIloI red (new)

Japanese day fireworks1 djZ. a:to tc 1 (new and amusii g)

JJnlooiis,1 doz. 15 footI doz. 10 feet

13u.1oomh with lire Avorheiittuchmout',

1 doz. 15 t

2 only SO feet

Pi'occnsIou Torclien2 doz. all colors (1 irpe)

rX!o ipedoeN,0 030 full countrj;l white mill bluo lmit-inj-r,

"wit h Ntnr heiiiUBTlti t.ocaru.tiug.

75 yardsSIuhHu. UTufps,

5 doz size tS doz fclze 35 doz. size!)fi doz. size G

G doz. st7.11 fl0 ilea. pIzo P, 61

ECLIPSE.It tf ....i -- .1. Pi. -, -

F YOU FIND ANYTHING,. ndvcithu it 111 the Daii y Hum btin

Honolulu Librar?AND

Reading Room Association.

Cor. Ilntcl & Ahtluu Struct.Open every Day nnd Evening,

Tho Library con&l'ts at tlio presenttime of over Five Thniifiind Volumes.

The Kcailluj; Itnom is Riipplicd withabout tlfty of thu leading uowsp.ipcrsnnd periodic Is.

A I'm lor Is provided for conversation1111I g.iiucs.

Terms of iiieniberMilp,, fifty cpnlB a31011th, payable tpiartmly lu advance,Kn fprinidlty requited lu joining exceptsigning tlio roll,

Slraiigoi-- from foreign countries andvisitors from ilie other Mauds mo wel-come lo the rooms, nt nil times as guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of support except the dues ofmember, it Is expected that 1 cedentsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of Its privileges, and till who feelan 1 ntet est In maintaining an Institutionof tills kind, will put down their nameand become regular contillmtors,

A. .1. OAJITWRIGIIT. Pros.,M. M. SCOTT,II. A. PAHMEhEE. Secretary,A L. SMITH, Tteiumior,O.T. IlODOEItS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall ami Miliary Loinmlttce.

TF YOU WANT A SERVANT,X advertlso in the Daily Bulletin,

Australian Mail Service.

vn six m ax Cisco.The leu ntnl II e A 1 Heel htenli s'i p

u Mariposa,Of UiH'c-MiilcSitiii- i lilpCtiinpiny yr 1

I e ilt, u mi 01 nil 11 itoin M in Cj11 A e 1 ml t i nl 6 it

July 1st, 1887,And wlh 1 11 i. fot Ii nt oc p nt within. 1 a il o (i- - 11111,1, t tlnilttaie.

I or ftolglil or passage, having SU.PEMOK ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto

WM. 0. IHWIN & CO., Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland,

Tho new l fine Al steel Btcamship

"Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Slcnm-hl- p Compiny, will

bo due al Honolulu from SanFraucUco on or nl.out

July 8th, 1887,And will hivo prompt dl patch withiniilUund tuosenfjeiB fir huiitiovu port'.

l'or irelglit t r puff ng", I avlng lt

ACCOM.MOUATIONS, applyto37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.


H5 033 a O25 n PI PII"a w W



O" ri S?


I?$ Vint jr 1 br aw ft a.... 1 r?s sr- - 2ie O 1

s si m Oi 03

3 r(5 m03 70

pr it s

fa ao r0 CD


? (0 a 2 Srf 6 "0

4 03



FRANCE.Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.33 Eue do JJankorquj, . Paris.

Executes lnd ntj for every descriptionf b'lench, ilelglun,

Swlii, German, an I English Gondii, atthu best MitiLf.tUuriMs' t,nwet Trice.

Commlftlon, Twoandu Half per cent.All Tiadc and Cudh ts allowedto Clients. Origin.il Invoices tor wardedwhen requcsteJ.

Remlltanecd, through a London orParis Uaniier, pjyallii on delivery ofSnipping documents; or, direct to thom ui'iger.

Tlio Agency Btiyp, andSell.', f r Home a U Ci lonLl Firms.

Plero Goods, Cauluncrcs, Cambrics,Sllke, Volvelh, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslin, Cat pets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parabola, Haberdashery,Gold and silver Laee,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,B mts and Shoes, Glus, andChina.waro, Oh cits, Watches,Juv.cll.-y- , F.incv Goods.Electio.plato, Musical Instrtimcuts,Fan', Ecilisiusticul unJOptical Goods. Mil rors, Toys.Perluiuoiy, Wines, &o ,OitmiiirsSlorts.Ilcok', ArtistioFutntture, bta'lonery,Chromes, Machlnety, &c, &c.

18ily S

Chas. T. Gulick Notary PublicRecords Senyhcd, Abstract of Title

Film sited, and ConveyancesUruva 011 short no. ice,

Collodion Agency. Mn. JOIIX GOOD,Jn , Authorized Collector.

Employment Agency. Mr. F. MARCOS,Special Agent,

General Business Agency. No. 38 Mer-

chant street.

Itcll Totephouo U4N. P. O. Uox 115.Silt


Onrrlnges at all hours, dry and night.Puddle llorrcs, Rugjles, Wi.gom ttos andVillage Cuts whn stylish and gv'Ltloliortes to let.

FOR SALE.A few HoibO", gtinifttiircd. Second

hind llncVs, Open and Top Baggie,Caits and ltaniess.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up TlIoi hone 32, or npply tn

MILES & II.WLI.V,154 ly

F YOU LOOS E ANYTHING,JL adyeitiKe U In tho Daily Bulletin.

a ; djfiffi,'i?gfr;;;aigWa



y-- y? aaj i'??sAy,'r' """ is.


Your wives and children wilt rejoice,

Having found (ho Sampler Cigar your choice.


21 First Street, S. F, 80

For sale Everywhere.re

Tallin Leiiaile Depot,nOTKL MTIIUKT,

Telephone, :tGO. I. O. Box 400.

THE BEST AERATED WATERSThor uglily pure nnd ninilc by stiam, inHilauiio Atitl.Atiiio.-p- ric Aiparatus-wit- h

gluss pumps. All copperwith. Tl.o newest pitent in

Europe (l,'-8'l-

Crystal Vnlvc SottlcHOnly in lue tor T.iluil l.enioiiii le, Greuud 11 j ami I'eif cl Ginger Ale, tit Totcntsper Uczeit, deliveic I lu unv part of lliucity. And CuduV P.itciu Glats Steppersfor tlio icKbraud j Inn illy

So hlehly elllcaclous lor djfpi-psin- , nssi p.illcd to ull the prlnc put 1 milics lullono.uiu, and cxclubivtly 10 II. It. il.'dvismIj ot war.Island orders promptl- - attended to.

SUNNY SOUTH STEAM WORKS.April I, 18 7. 15f91y



Hay, Grain, Etc.livermore Hay

Whole Bailey,

Crushed Earlcy,

Oil Cake Meal

Oata, Bran.

Order loft at Office, with N. F. Bir-get- s,

14 King Street, vrill be prom t'.yattended to. 69. y

S. M. CARTER,Has on hand for pale, In quantities

totuit:Departure Bay Coal, Newcastle Coal,


Hard and Soft Wood, Sawed and Split.Manleuie Hay,

California Hay,Bran, Oats,

Barley, Cora,,

Cracked Corn,

Wheat, etc.Orders arc hereby solicited and vrill

bodellverid at nny locality within thecity limits. IU

No. 8 KTNGt SXUEHZrl 'Both Telephones, 187. Oi

Health is Wealth!

Dn. E. C. West's Nervk Ann Biuin TnEAT-SIe- nt,

n Biutranteea spoclar fpy Iljsterln, UlnUness. ConvulBloni. Vita, irvons Mearalgiiilloailnclio, Nerroui Frostratloa. caused by tho nuo.of alcohol or tobacco, Wakehunoss. JFontal

Bottenlruc of tho Brain, resulting in in-sanity and loading to miser?, doray end death tl'romuturo Old Acs, BarrcnnMa, Lo5 of Power-i-

either ex. Involuntary Loascs and Hpormator-- .rhoca, caused by of the brain, buIUabuse, or Each box cotitainaono month a troatraont, $1,00 a box, or six boxeafor $3.00, sont by mull prepaid oa receipt ot price

1VE OUAKANTEE BIX BOXESTo euro nny caso, With eaoh ordor roonlvcd byfor six boxen, oooomponied with gWJU, wo willBond tho purch.EMrourwrlttou uuaronicoto ro.land themonoyif tlio trcntraont dooa not orTecka euro. Guarantees issued only by


S50Q REWARD!WE will r llx ! ? r4 r toy l Vm Coept.hrt'

Pjiptptit. bkk llMfUcb. 1 JUtMloa, Cooitip4tloa Crf CwUvtiMu.iudoI cur. sllti Wl', VritUbl. Ll.ir lllli, vbf tk. 41m.

Ilool tt. tutctty cunplltd wlli. Tbty in pitJy tlUll., u4eettrftU w lW. uiufutloo. Gn(u Co.UA. Ur. kom.coi.lJ.U)Sgi.lll.,55c.oli. Vn 111. hj tU Ura((liU. 8u itkvuoUmlu tnd Imluitoal. Tbt rtnulu vuutctured ootr bioiin o. wist co., m w,fn trill yuitft ml t UlU prtftUeu ndjUU 3 citliuuw.

XJolllHtur .t Co.,30 Cm WholcEAlo and Iletall Agent

. " .'-- . ' ' ,. . j j!.!WiaV '& ' ' .' i .. .' .. uSaSJI.Wn . - .. -- "..'. A. .i;..A . ,tJ ....'.. L. ,. u - . ..Oii. r., ,. tiV .. , , .. .....A'.kAJiSi &XidZjm Wt' ..''' .