nmttm. . 't At -- 1 -- 4 (I f)1Tf' 9 IU' i 1! V OL. V. NO. 291. BOXOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TIirUSDAY, DKCKMKKK L iSSO. PK1C1? 5 CENTS. THE DAILY drrrtisrmriits. drrrlisrnunts. Adrrrlisrmrnt. attrm;wav.i.m, TO l'LANTERS. . 1.. PTM VV. SUN FIRE OFFICE Pacific Coiiiinercial Advertiser 5 PVi'.LIHf;L, Erer.v Morning Kxcciit Sundays. $ytmy mmnn mm W" H i 1 Ks I. K KKTlii V.l.'rs l.i II A V AI JKAI. Teleplioiu Ni.. 17s Hivvls deliverer1 protup--t !;. . Sprnaucc, Stanley A: Co., Importers nd Johher f Fine WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS 410 Front tM., Sin Frnnr lr. t tt A w I.tAi' tt. TVIt. MV.VKV IVt Ml DAVIS & C0WEM, Santa Cruz Lime, fMlNRTFKS0F KXiillMI INMfTI . A M ' ' F. L MKNT, n,A.nKll, FIHK rOtlCK, HHK t'UY, Ftc. tll-5- 1 liHI MV street. V- - 1t ml W,hlnstott, r. O. Km l.M. N N Fit Clt"aV t.f-'.t.- 7 .1. 0. JOHNSON C0M lKATHKR, 1IAKNKSS, SADDI.ICUY, VIRKMKX-- FQIMI MKNTS. 12 and 14 Vine street, San Frinclr.co, i Airentu for Klrhy'n teanla Crnti Tanneries. Hl Hnrnenfi and all other kind, of leather. 4 te lv w. h. vt. 1 1. i. tv. viurn. KI A.I S t M 1 ..I".TliLK WholextUo and li.alerH In Hay, Crain and Feed !2.S ami 27 M'Ktlt NTlIfKT, between MarWetand M iislon, S N FHANCISCO 4rf4r Mollrltotl. Meo?t-l- y Whit tier, Fuller .V: Co., Manufacturer of rOA'KKi: whiti: lead, PAClhlC RUIiliKI? PA1S1, TAINTS. Oils. WINVHVW (IIA'-- s nj AK TINTS' M ATKKI Al.N, Sl.ill'rnnl M t t Kftn t'rAtirlf.4 fid C. MAIN. F. H. WINVHFTFK Main k Winchester, Manufacturer. Mid Importer of llrirnetni, Na.l.l ivn, llrlllr, Mlil, COLLARS. SAPDI.FRY WAUK, F1V. No. 51, 218, 2I n1 '3il Ilaftery H Ir'ft, San Iriiiolvii, llln.traterl calalotxie went on implication. icl i cli'J V MANHOOD RLST0RE0 Tht rriton thai TTi.inr m. f't rtiftn f.f mrtt nf RKMIX.M. W EAKSESH, Los ; OF MAX-1OO- of fhsrratit ertrVi te. rfive or try fttt, t carter? to n rtvm plication railed PROSTA TOK-KHK- PR. LIKHIfi'S IX VtCOIlA 7XK t. the OX I. Frre for PKO.1 TA TOKKlfXA. ft1 ce, fl 00 fxr parlorr?, fl yitctrtrTr, f 1(100. iluittf to frarth and Self-.- 4 na Ijjff erf free. Addrrn LIE kit l! S HE X .f A K I 'for Ih wt of of Vr , tit) f.Vrtry .f., .Vrr?i "I'rtnnifM, Cat-10- 1 tl l)o,l Jie, Sweeney S: Co., frit I'l'tinrltcn, fill. Whole. ate dealer. III flutter, Clie".e, l.ftril , iitnl all Vlnd of pro vtt..na. SOI.i ; A fl'.NTS I t Mi I. ll.l.t. no. lll .1 l.lltltt' muted Mcnlt. II. M. liiee- - ii:.u1e Itritmll t hlntK limit Henry Vrrlitue' t'rtniie.l leiitut mot limit Srtnnao, Ami ii. Hume' I Inn Itifttul i t'fttine.l Mnlittfin. li'4 in. fi''.i 7 (L M. .losselyn V Co., I m port ei . nnd W hnle.nl e Imalet, In Ship Chandlery, IHttn.l n 1iirl't l..nn l inmltio, Aent,f.i Tnniiton "h. nthliiR M lal M nnnfat tnr . Itig Cotiipnny. I2fe'2ty WAIKHHOUSK & liFSTFK. AVnrt in 1 jiunhiM' cMUviMii: m r i : 11 1 v i in tn tlenle Street, inn I riuiil.io I I It " 7 ltMVI STItAUSS cV ( ()., t I no.l Ir put I ei y ti . t t I i an. I ao I 'a I. I o.portt I , of I oi ly M n ad '..m. o I. I 'it cool., tto'lert , Padleq no. I i.eet , Put t'lilllt y llood, So)e 'i..ili ini , rl'iil M a n f in I a l e) of lie eee. b "I. I IMII N I I! I V l. 1 Kb I I nl 11 I NM 1 1 poi "'i WKNMIK A CO. n't I ort 4lreel. Ifnvo on bant Ne.r I itiiiai ntol II emeninde I ft elt j J W ni (lies, nr.'irrlr(4, ,rrlifr,Ht And oinn'iu !" ef nil ltle.f i SUtrtM- - mil GiiM Plntn. I liajnnt toll. Se Iff e. etl l le fot I t I u i. la II. e I'A'ill! Wl'.'l! N1 - OUT P I l.llV ' p. rb.llj ttctytnlt Imk In it 1 1 l InnurtiM, mf" 'lole p.t.t'f't I' I'C I I II n. M r I t tour'' 1 1 H O F I. I KS T K I. 1 H V. I 17 1". 1 Nl ilAM KS KFFF.i TKD ri'ON KVKKV J. description ff iropi-rt- a: th rurrt-n- t riit jircmniui. 7fn! Jtt.ur,:i . issr - - 327. S3,'1.. 70" C'lHiiiis arruiitrort ly On- !i. al ;h .1 iroa;i t:ril' ami iiiiemlity. Tlx- 1i:ris,i!.-ti'!- i of tbt- - I.( a: TriUk .s rcoiv; iiiz'- G. W. Macfarlane &l Co.. wtf April tt. fur the Hawaiian Ulaiids. ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL, l" A PITA I. 1 il.tMH MH I N1.IMI TKD I.IAl;ll.Cn . j re I iiHiins i 1I lesrrilin 11 will be ett'ect.'d at Model ate Kates of I'rrm oia, by the undersigned. WM. i. I UW1X A t ' Ji -- .) wtf Maunders ftir 11 aw. Islands l ire ami Marine Insurance Co. Ol e ZtnlniKl. t ' A I'l l' A I.. : l0.tP.MMH0 living t:statllliol an Aticnc.v nt U Honolulu, for the Hawaiian Islands, the un- dersigned are prepared to accept risks aK.iinst Fire in dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks on carco, freights, bottniry, profits and conunissions. IiioM promptly Hl.iiiMlel V aHlle. l!lwlf W.M. IKWI.N VO. Saloon. Best of Ales, Wines and Liquors ALWAYS ON HANlb Faney .IrlnKn ol xer.v .t.erlpl Ion n ee I e 11 y . 11. II. AVcbb, SOdAwly lropi'ietor. JOHN COOK, House Carpenter tV HuilMer. :tl Aliiltoi Street. W ill furnish sthenics nnd i.i;ikc coi lrmls foi any deseription of v ood buildings. Jobbliii: of all kinds done, and s;i t .sf :ct ion guaranteed. I 'ha rues 11s low lis the low est r,r tf THOMAS LINDSAY .Maimfueturinx Jewtler, ... tilt V.. ........ M.r... ,( I (tiS7 lloiiolnlii, II. I. ParMcnlar atten tbn paid to repairing .T..U Furnislied or I Tn Til rn ish'l 'OI'l Ail ON I.rN Al.ll.O AND P1KOII 'IM., 1 11 mi h-- eomplele for looiel( eepi 11 1. rf of hove and e:u rint'e; pi 1 ie i- - rd n . Apply lo CM AS .1 I si I I.. 17 o ITlf Cor l ortnnd I!deSI. I'll BEAVER SALOON. M ". I'llKI si K KK I. 'ppo;te Wil'ler V '.'.: iirirK rux , t r.t Pi r. w IfliST-d.As- S I.IVUIKS, KIIIU;, Trlt. SOIH U irfK, m.m.i 1: 11.1. CJitrJii'- - jiikI 'I'ohiict'tpi ! of iti.- - r nu n ps Plain t:i 1 Kmifj fl t't.S p ', re. f rf .rr. tl'e f rinfn' t'lf'Tf. a f.Hrife Vnrl. f r j r.t K KS'f 'V''A ft r V SMOKERS ART2CI,KS. r.ri f e rrf,rr. aee. Tb 1 ropn-y- .r ..'.til l r.e pi wi to rt- - ivf n'l frrrn b f i l. r rcl n," I';. ' " jei. r n i ' v .I... rr.av Htsirf. h i.i st it. inHr.t a tj a ni: n ttrirr H. J. X0LTK. Jt rf Cl.KKNC W . oi.xn x' Awliforrt A Athtorvt. ATTOHNKVs. (H V.U.ORs, WUCITOKs, ADVOVATKS. KTC1. O.Vi'- ll.irtlnUi Hte, .lJointnK the Pot OftK--: 4Mtl JOHN T. DARE. Atlornr nml VniieIlor nt !.. Olhce 2. S!rv-lel- s Hl,-v..),- t ,; ;.Tolu5n. 1TC KMI. HHOWN, ATTill NK V - A T-l.- W AND V. Notsr Public. tVnipt eU's Block. Merchunt street M, THOMPSON. ATTOUN KY - AT-- L A W , And Solictor in Chancery Office, '"airipbeilV Ilhvk . se.ui.1 story , nxm X ami w. Kntrani on Merchant street, Honolulu, H. 1. 44 tf J. 1Y1. MONSARRAT. ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC. Krnl I'.sinlo tit fn iMrt nt the Ktrtir Bourht. Sold and Leaned on (Vmmtmton IjOhiin Neicotmred unit l,Ki IoeumentA lrwn j i x,2: mi:koixtsthi:i:t, Onrette Block. Honolulu. 4Vtf Metropolitan Market l4lU STHKr'.T. O, J . W ,M I V K, PKOPH1KTOR. 4 lio. 1 tlciit frm l'lnet llerl niilic- - mt Mpplng nupplled on NHoKT .NOT 1CK and at the Lowest Market Priees. Ml m. iin il. hvi'ri'.l from tin, iiinilo'i nrc th.a j onglv ehllled lininedintely lifter kllllm? bv menu, j ef 11 Bell Colemnn I'BtetH Iry A1r Hi frlxerntor Menlno Hinted retain, all In Juicy piopcrtli,. land la fir AM MT.Kf To KKM' PONUKII AFII-- 1M-.I.- I VI- - BV THAN ITIFHI.V-K- I t- - 11 VI" A I 47 tt I Kl )N-ILVin- v rouinlalion Timhors ! ! We lint), junl t ed f in A u( I a I la r f w I ron - bntk Foundation Timber.. M7.J IB'fl Inilii ,. 12 l eet l.on. Ami ltIH liiitii,, in I'eel long I he-i- tlitibeifl, n. Ilnlr nutiii .igtilnr,, at!' la"ul no iold mid durable 3, Iron, ao. for foo toinlion poi po.en, or olher. ef IiVp li'xtute, can not be on t p:iu .1 . ( J. I rwin tV:, ( . rnittoci-i- r I'l.ANTKKK. ATTKNTION ! i! I I Put r " l d, M brl,; CONl'I !,' v I, if h t e o't i I'd f ' .) nlc on t aiion a I I. f to. m t ' jWM. IL I H WIN ev iV lor; bi yi If MONTIIIiV I'AYMKNTS. t ii ..''.""'" for I v r l Itbitf a'"! ("I. I'lnll'if o I Ho I'm lib (i.iiiiiirnliil t'u t lltir fifi,.,. n from II. I .lulP be pr'.ei,f . for pBT to.-e- : If oool .lit, Mat ' b Ia, Cittu spret kels W.u Irwiu. CLAUS SPKECKELS CO., BANKER: UnNuHLl. HAWAIIAN ISLAM', XTi.w KxrbaiujH n tlie r:iic'.j'al parts of tli worl'i. Will receive deposits ou ojen account, tuKke co!!eciions and conduct a ffeiu-ra- l hhnkins and exctiHiie business. Deposits lieuring intereat received in their -v j iiit's Iepartment subject to published ruies and rvtftil.ttioas. 7(H-;u- M. PHILLIPS & Co., anil Wholesale Ieler in IiiiKrler Boot, Shoes, IIat8, Men's Furnish- - in? and Fancy tioods. No. 11 Kaahumumi street. j Honolulu. H. I. 25tf-- tt i CI. ALB SPKKCKKI.S am. o irw.n. VM. Q. IRWIN Co., 4.AK FAlTOllS mikI (onimiooioii 81 AtiKSl'S. Honolulu H. I. MACFARLANE & C0-- , T1IWT.IAT.K DKAT.EKN AX) ir... erai .loDDers in i.m ana liwi i'it. o. 12 ii nnli ii in mi n Street. liosou'n:. as-t- f H. HACKFELD & CO., r KM KiL t'OMJIISSIOX AUKXTN. JW JB tf Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. r. BANNING. W. MAKKTK.N8. I OPPKKMKI.T ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., K Vi.iiiiiHsloii .M re Ii 1niMrterH Honolulu, H. I. 27-t- f WJL .McCAXDLESS, Xo. lue'ii Street. V ish Market. lealer in choicest BKKF, V l;AI MlTiO-N- , MH,etc. Family and shijpinf Orders carefully attende.I to. Live Stock furnished to vesseU at short notice, and veicetahlen of all kliid supplied to order. tf InTOTICK (II VF. NOTICF. THAT FIUtM ANI IHKUF.liY s date I will not be responsible lor anv deb in c outrarted without the written order of "inyalf or wife. KAMI Id. I'AKKI.It Houolulu, September 10, lSSC. HTMdeclI W. II. ALDIMCH, (tieneral IIisIiich AkciiI, H.is removed to . I. I. IiW!ett's utore, Queen t., where he will attend to any liiifli Hem entrusted to his enrp. hKI'OT OF I'NION D.MItV. Orders for milk rtpertf ully nolicifed, aiid prompt attention yiven to the delivery of th New I'liotoira!! JJoom MC1IOIH MTOHK. Ffl:T STP.KI I', OVKU tlie Sliootlnjf ''lery. I'ir f 'ir, Port- raits and Views. KirHt-cla- i work. Sullsfio tio'i guaranteed. lHay'i A. U'jSHLt.H. Emplovmeiit OfIic3e ri-Il- F. i;NIKItsIflN'KI HAS MOVKJ IN K) 1 the uttir of Mr. J . K. Wiseman, w lo re be will be preparer! to furnish honiehold TVarifi, collect biiln. do An?l'-Chifi- e Interpretini;, arel general rei.n'ri en. .r. 1 SOVUNd. DPv. r. OO TO IAN ANT) HVVJiV.OS. r.FI'ROsY A i I)tiYsIC fiffif. bri'ir. at Kkasto. frorrij ' to 1 a. rn. .v.rj day exrej.t Su relay. Will vilt I ifitnt, at fl.eir ri'lrc by rTifit. All ofr, T .lie fr-af- at hi r.ff.re, rr.r ner I"i frar i trf. if?jr ho-ir- . fr'.rn I (', ' rn , S'ir,-ii- 7 n, fr'Jii I'. I2i.rn, ll.'-ipr- j TO FtlON'T. r'.rn, rantry, veririii rw.m.t." 1 br ir !' iar;j. r4rria?- - ln. "riinfi , .11 in H'v. l '.r !'r. Af f i7to F. K. HI V'riRV atl'e-jf.- c Co.'. Sror. F .rt .rf. .tviil Sf iff CHKIST.MAS W0HK. p.: v. ami r r.r.T t ri v. i.cnf. JKTTr ny ic.r.-- l r.f rr.tril. Mr.tfwt, rr.'.ri-.arrrr- ., .tr.1 '.nirl ini 'iilin'l f'.r Tr,ry x-,r- j. Orlr. ta!"if-'.rfr.r:trri4rirlr.- rf,-rui.- fi-''- r,1 if-- .i t- - r. 1 a',r-'.a.1- fP.S f. r "fp.'if'r, jl f 'it trcf. V iai Tlephi-'- N'o 'vVI Automat it- - Trash Feeiliu; Furnaces. Ffi four alii? five foot fiirnaiVf. complete it!i pr:-!- ' (irs. ltnriTs am! irn.h oaTners. Machines f U is make art- - iu ii. successful ep.-r;Ul:- a: Sp-- kelsvi'le, MskeeSntrar t'nipsi.y am, etlier Ila'ii nori.. A No. a cons.e n un lit of Hnvcik u!" ttit- - !;:t'-s- l imprevt ii.ciCis. PLANTERS AND OTHERS 1 ntcresteil are requested to call an. I examine tlie atMive. For prices and tnrtiier particulars up ply to Wm. G. Irwin V Co.. A Ken It. doxe mxiii The uinlersicttcd Ktv now prepitrod to re ceivc rlers fo:r this lYlehrated IVrtiiizer from the manufactory of V.uck V Ohlandt Shu Francisco. The following is a repot t of the compo- nent piirts, s obtained by Chemical ainly-sis- : Water S.10 jx r ci nt t)ii,-:i;ii- o Matter "29. IS Sihciotis Mstti r .... i.fio " " l.une :u.7o " Phosphoric Acid :?. 11 " Oxide of Iron . .sr " Carbonic Acid Alks Suits. 10(1. to Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. Orders fieccirctJ will have lVom-fin- Careful Attention. W. G. Irwin iV Co., Agents or the Hawaiian IsIsii.Ih GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, t. i. . i . Manufacture ami supply all kimls i lt.U. eH. I'lHt Hlld l,lll I lB '!. i;iai.ei-- ' ltt.-ii'ls- . I'xi... V.t: W. G. RICHARDSON, UK.SIDKNT AilKNT 20. l.elel.rir "ilncl. lei. phone No. 17. S N I IMH. It. Siecliil Atle.illoi. uleti to 1 .n rife ( oiili Hell. 11 HAw 'Flic liisdon Iron tv Loeoinotive Works, Corner of Peule a u! Ilmuinl Sinvls, sN I'll M lt ....('All I"of N I W. 1 1 . TA VMII! Piesl lent .1 ;S. M OO II I Si pet ililendent II.HKHS ol' WTF. M MA( IIIM;HV, IN 1t all it brani'ben; s.(e,,m:oiit, sienmxbip, I, and I. nellies nml Itoib r, llli;h I'resmite or I 'lonpoiiml. s .:M VF.HSKI.M. of all k ImN. bnilt complete with llulNof Wood, I ron nr ( omposlle. U I'l N A It V KNfilNKN i'oni)'oiiiid'd when ad- visable. S IK AM I, MN( II lis, Ibucei and steam Tnet eoostl'Ueted Willi ref'-r.'Oe.- to file trade in wbleh they are to be e.nploveil. sp.-ed- , foii-nuif- e and draft of water unnrniiteed. Sill A P. r'lll.si ANI Ml (IMI M1KINH M CHINKItV made after Hie ne.it tieinoveil plans. Also, all (toiler Iron Work inMin" t"il therewith WM'KIt I'll i:, of Holler or sheet Iron. 1. f any ste, mud.' iti uuitablo b HKtbs for eonoeefitn l'.. tlo r, or siei.a P.olle.t, Pun. bed nml P.t k"l fot siepiioiit, ready lobe iivete.1 on (he KtMlllrl. IIVHI! l l.li' IIIVIIIMl, P...i!er U ok and Ualet lip.' m. ide by tliiK s f o I Wb 10 ' o ' . Itl . t"d b II 'lr:it:li'" P,iiilM.f M-- lonely, thai .pialiiy of work beiay far nipeilor tn band soil U . MUM' Wolf K", Hhip nod SI111111 Cup'itriiM, steam YVInelies. Air and I 'it . ilia ( in Pomp1!, tnieb ,'ifier the moMt iipproved plaim. Sol.!': Mil N IN and moniifaf furri for the Pa e He C. mt of the H' lio- - 'arufy Poller. Pl'MPS Idreet Aitlni; pine pa, 'or 1 1 rlu it Ion nr t'itV V'ert'M' p!llp'ie. boPt wllb tl.e f'l"- - bra(e. Imvy Valve Motion, si peri'.r t" any other pomp. ! N . s '.V 1 1.1 I M4 Honolulu liniirn No. . Ilpqtfilrs, Spreek Is Plot k i;ent for Hawmbiri I'llatebi t i in I d w on 1 1:. ani 111 Hotel Street. Honolulu. II .. (Opf.a-;t!- I 141,1,1.1.1 s:,r,.(j P. O. POV il".. :i f r f f i i pifovp r. i i lo - ..ft in oiv line f..i'l,t'iOv PH !1 ip i.P .ioroi r.iP'le. f'bblr.K It. 1. '"'.,. 1 ,, . k.,.r o..t.e. rn.-.'- w r.rk nr.l In- b .Mr. 7 (, , ' rn ii.' l. ii. shi;sovh;h .V r f,rr rr,;-"- fr r I f'''s !'.'! f,' I. I ( . '. ' e f tf "" r ,r f. (r, a'ld l.o'-'f"'- ' rr"''", irtren e I ir' .1. rr. . ' " 1 ' r r 'if f r. r I ( ... . ,'. o o I ' p i w j r,,f. P i e ..!a s:l- - i! v t f .'.. in. 'f f'.t'l r i rr. ,rt a ?, I r. A ,, .,, V" "5 r.f r. H Iri" !... Inc. a r. ! -- if, vrroi fifr 1 e r i Arrif-- "... I n r I. s; 4 o o , o fr ' (I 'o I f.-- r 'I r ' f , r r v " r f ffo !'. s p ' t fl i H I . r.'.r 1 lit t I . ft re I t 17 ,.Vill.!'.r"t. lti-- of po-.H,- f.ffiee; II ' 1 1 ir- I 1 1'; rr bur. t r. .1 I if re i f -- en. Daily l. C. aivhktier. one far n Daily I. c. .1 kVf.irn-.KK- . h.x ihoiiUi-- . :i 00 Daily I". '. Aivi:ktikk, tari umnMis 1 5') j ' Daily I'. ('. Auvhit'skk, per montn . VVklkly P. C AIjVL.-.ti'-j.k- . niic yenr 5 00 F eun W. J". ('.A. iiiciurims; tiiLHg'- - 6 50 j Payable lnrariab'j in Adraucr Perfectly Satisfactory. plttf', a." lj,t..t r 1 mmm Customer But ain't tlio trousers ton lonr Merchant Too long? Iey is nrnle to tit a man erzekJy your size. If your leps hajpen to te a drifle short you must quarrel mifc nature not de tailor. The Julg. Somnifr Migration. MOXKYBAOS AND FAMILY ON THE WlXfl. Texas Sifting. Ancient Methods of Measuring Tim. Iso wonder the ancients didn't get along in the world as well as the peolo of to-da- y they lost too much tim And the reason they kt time was Ixtause of their imjerfect ways of measuring it. They had to detvnd on the un dial for the most iart. A sun dial might be vary useful when there was any sun, but it was entirely useless on cloudy days and during the night. In the latter case the truant husband inclined to hang out lato profited much. It might te two o'chxk in the morning when ho crept in, but ho could swear it was only 10, and his poor wife had no way of proving that hr was lying. It re- moves much of the bitterness of a lio when you can't prove it on a fellow. The (J reeks and Romans, of whom we have occasion to speak occasionally, although this is not a strictly classical journal, had an im- provement on tlio sun dial, which they could resort to u hen the sun dial was on a strike for eight hours as a day's work. It was a large jar filled with water, and a hole was made in the lxttom through which the water could escape. The flow of the water told off the hours. It was called the clepsydra, whieh means "The water steals away." Sometimes an old Roman who had been drinking a good many Roman, punches before going to lied would wake up in the silent watches we mean sun dial f the night, parched witii thirst. No other liquid handy he would drink the contents of his clejisydra. That stopped the clock, of course, and he would everlastingly li" abed waiting for moriing to come. He would never miss the water till the clepsydra was dry. King Alfred burned candles o tell tlm time by, each candle lusting two hours. A dozen candl"S would make one day, though he got a little confused when the grocer, in order to hold th royal patronage and adver-ti- :' lumself as the l candle maker for the king, gave him thirteen for a dozen. There are few kin-- s since Alfred's tim who could make note of time iu that manner, W?eause so many of them were in the habit of burning their candles at both ends. Texas Sifting The 011 anl rrjr" Tare. I know a community of foreigners in this wise, city of New York, that, though it docs not hold to the Mormon creed, holds lirmly to this one of it- beliefs. 1 has one common cure for every mortal ill from consumption to corns oil an'! prayer. The oil is kerosene and is applied externally with friction. The rr.finirs of this he-ott- od Sand are FLngli-.b- , ai;'i they are part of a considerable body of their kind that pran up th'-r- s ,rn years ago. They are woniiLg people, tiirifty and prnd?at. and !;v-- j sober and domestic lives. Veetaria.nim is op.i of their doc- trines; another is to never rev! the newv papers on account o! th wickedness th-- y record. Alfred Trunr.-I- in Ne'-- Y'T Ne vs. In I'rie of faliforrjl. Calii ri.i i is a wor; A witfcll ielf. : an.! enonifi, u r.ror.. ut: lul. tor the entir-- : rjyxvn th United .i:--it3- : with a cnvzy 1 them and - l arA sl'.v.'-- r er.'.r.h tntj tLerxi '.vlrh I'. l '.v-ri- vra'fred and tirri- - varie '::..s a.'.d ve.aViM than ti.at of anv "lar ara rn rhe fare of f-.- e earti W.th cer.TT h a of h.'' ca: tot b- - fr,n-- d ftl.se her. in the wr; 1. and ;th a c rr. ate Mch:-.- h for healrhf1;. teas 13 unexcelled. r'Aii.V.rr.f U tmly a world with:.-- . it!f. A.-.-d I h sny a padlie. Ccr New Vcr'i World. Or4ler Mllclel. liKKA ! We have receive! a ooits.;r'iMlnl o tile mot Kcoiioimcni hi. I Valuable Feed b.r nl, kinds of Stock, vlr.- - roOKEI) LIXSEEh 3IEAL. It Is the ic rent est Fl.t-'- i former. Milk and Butter pro,liicoi m us,.. Oil fake Meal slum s aboc t '7 percent, ofnn rlttv matter: this nearlj :! per cent. I Of Bs. o this meal Is eqi.nl to 30 ff-- if oiili, or SIH Its. of ecru, or to 77 . of wheat Iuh!. I'o-- r Sale in Lais ta Suit. AUo. urn I niivalied .M IM.li I I Kl, as well an on r cmuhI supply ef the b:-s- t kinds tt H), 1h. llii(. Corn, l:te.. Kle. I j A 1 N Vj ,c v'. :; tf lolm V. Col hum, 1 mporter and I'enler in I I ny and Cii'aiii, I'orner Kmc ami Mi'mnVrn S(r.etH. J.xxls Cehvered promptly. Mutual telephone '17. :tr tf TKI.KPlIONi: Ti.-- s FNTERPRISP P IMiAMNh MILL l Ali.I.eti. iM'itr ueii St. .i-- tf To ilio. Public 1 ne 1 iiruie i rniisior i o.. I llhe.' witbC h . M lib t 4.' Ml I. hil.it Hie. t. Bell Telephone 377. Mutual Telephone ''!)! lam full piepiredtn .b. all Vie. P. of drio nee, haiilim? ..r iiiovIok Woi k . all of w nt.-- will e.iai . llllt.'o to etel lite fallbfull . S. I". I) It II IM, Prop) letor i r . so i' j-- ; i:, Will i e r lo L M. Oat. Jr.. V Co., STATI0NF.RS v NFAVS DKAI.KHS, Hairniirii, t,'nirt(c Jiht'li, U7 tlercl.ni.f it., Ilonol tI it. II . I. ' tf JOSIttLV IMLNOV XI a ( 1 1 i 11 ' W 1 I sT r- -i to ft I I M'tiuiiil Nil ret. s 1 i:vi i'.i 11 Vl'iniif . l.. r- - '.I N I . Ti't fil hi. ! !'l 4n nltil, I, a od liiiliv'V i i iiiti;iiii ,1 ( il Of I v n I" .. t't-il- J ta . (. . ..ml ..ll;- i. I; 'el - I hi.o.1 wo'ifi voim:i'.; m r!iiNi:i:v, M ' If t N f J .; J I 11 , ) 1, f P It P ; 1 "' vvi, p :, j ( ii ill';) i'l pf 11 vii - I ? I tNow, j.i' ..inn .(i i t "'I I J i r . ' t t'1" " Mi" I. el r.t V - " ! I J f.. t,f,. I. tod i 'I : f .1 fir . f .0 of (be of Fefsltl l a I'. or Mi. ' Mt-- po . . , . 1 V It t t irnmt-- r I1 fall ., I i. ! ! I lef'f to tie ''' lfe.-- 't. - .f.- t r.tXTTX'.VJi e .JTSlWr" 7CJr v-- - y.yj

At f)1Tf' - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38357/1/1886120901.pdf · lKATHKR, 1IAKNKSS, SADDI.ICUY, ... ltMVI STItAUSS

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. 't At --1 --4

(I f)1Tf' 9

IU' i 1!


THE DAILY drrrtisrmriits. drrrlisrnunts. Adrrrlisrmrnt.

attrm;wav.i.m,TO l'LANTERS. . 1.. PTM VV.SUN FIRE OFFICEPacific Coiiiinercial Advertiser

5 PVi'.LIHf;L,

Erer.v Morning Kxcciit Sundays.

$ytmy mmnn mm

W" H i 1 Ks I. K KKTlii

V.l.'rs l.i

II A V AI JKAI.Teleplioiu Ni.. 17s

Hivvls deliverer1 protup--t !;. .

Sprnaucc, Stanley A: Co.,Importers nd Johher f Fine


410 Front tM., Sin Frnnr lr.t tt A w

I.tAi' tt. TVIt. MV.VKV IVt MlDAVIS & C0WEM,

Santa Cruz Lime,fMlNRTFKS0F KXiillMI INMfTI . A M ' ' F.L MKNT, n,A.nKll, FIHK rOtlCK, HHKt'UY, Ftc.tll-5- 1 liHI MV street. V- - 1t ml W,hlnstott,

r. O. Km l.M. N N Fit Clt"aVt.f-'.t.- 7

.1. 0. JOHNSON C0M



12 and 14 Vine street, San Frinclr.co, i

Airentu for Klrhy'n teanla Crnti Tanneries. HlHnrnenfi and all other kind, of leather.

4 te lv

w. h. vt. 1 1. i. tv. viurn.KI A.I S t M 1 ..I".TliLK

WholextUo and li.alerH In

Hay, Crain and Feed!2.S ami 27 M'Ktlt NTlIfKT,

between MarWetand M iislon, S N FHANCISCO4rf4r Mollrltotl. Meo?t-l- y

Whit tier, Fuller .V: Co.,Manufacturer of

rOA'KKi: whiti: lead,PAClhlC RUIiliKI? PA1S1,


Sl.ill'rnnl M t t Kftn t'rAtirlf.4fid


Main k Winchester,Manufacturer. Mid Importer of

llrirnetni, Na.l.l ivn, llrlllr, Mlil,COLLARS. SAPDI.FRY WAUK, F1V.

No. 51, 218, 2I n1 '3il Ilaftery H Ir'ft, SanIriiiolvii, llln.traterl calalotxie went

on implication. icl i cli'J V


Tht rriton thai TTi.inr m. f't rtiftn f.f mrtt nfRKMIX.M. W EAKSESH, Los ; OF MAX-1OO-

of fhsrratit ertrVi te. rfive or tryfttt,t carter? to n rtvm plication railed PROSTA TOK-KHK-

PR. LIKHIfi'S IX VtCOIlA 7XK t.the OX I. Frre for PKO.1 TA TOKKlfXA. ft1 ce,fl 00 fxr parlorr?, fl yitctrtrTr, f 1(100. iluittf tofrarth and Self-.- 4 na Ijjff erf free. Addrrn LIE

kit l! S HE X .f A K I 'for Ih wt of of Vr ,

tit) f.Vrtry .f., .Vrr?i "I'rtnnifM, Cat-10- 1


l)o,l Jie, Sweeney S: Co.,frit I'l'tinrltcn, fill.

Whole. ate dealer. III flutter, Clie".e, l.ftril , iitnlall Vlnd of pro vtt..na.

SOI.i ; A fl'.NTS I t Mi

I. ll.l.t. no. lll .1 l.lltltt' mutedMcnlt.

II. M. liiee- - ii:.u1e Itritmll t hlntKlimit

Henry Vrrlitue' t'rtniie.l leiitut motlimit Srtnnao,

Ami ii. Hume' I Inn Itifttul it'fttine.l Mnlittfin. li'4 in. fi''.i 7

(L M. .losselyn V Co.,I m port ei . nnd W hnle.nl e Imalet, In

Ship Chandlery,IHttn.l n 1iirl't l..nn l inmltio,Aent,f.i Tnniiton "h. nthliiR M lal M nnnfat tnr .

Itig Cotiipnny. I2fe'2ty


AVnrt in 1 jiunhiM'cMUviMii: m r i : 1 1 1 v i

in tn tlenle Street, inn I riuiil.ioI I It " 7

ltMVI STItAUSS cV ( ().,t I no.l Ir put I ei y t i . t t I i an. I a o I 'a I.

I o.portt I , of I oi ly M n ad '..m. o I. I 'it cool.,tto'lert , Padleq no. I i.eet , Put t'lilllt y llood,

So)e 'i..ili ini , rl'iil M a n f in I a l e) of lie eee.b "I. I IMII N I I! I V l. 1 Kb I I nl 11 I NM

1 1 poi "'i

WKNMIK A CO.n't I ort 4lreel.

Ifnvo on bant Ne.r I itiiiai ntol II emenindeI ft elt j

J W ni (lies, nr.'irrlr(4, ,rrlifr,Ht

And oinn'iu !" ef nil ltle.f i

SUtrtM- - mil GiiM Plntn.I liajnnt toll. Se Iff e.

etl l le fot I t I u i. la II. e

I'A'ill! Wl'.'l! N1 - OUT P I l.llV' p. rb.llj

ttctytnlt Imk In it 1 1 l InnurtiM,mf" 'lole p.t.t'f't I' I'C I I I I n. M r I t

tour'' 1 1 H

O F I. I

K S T K I. 1 H V. I 17 1".

1 Nl ilAM KS KFFF.i TKD ri'ON KVKKVJ. description ff iropi-rt- a: th rurrt-n- t riit


7fn! Jtt.ur,:i . issr - - 327. S3,'1.. 70"

C'lHiiiis arruiitrort ly On- !i. al ;h .1

iroa;i t:ril' ami iiiiemlity.

Tlx- 1i:ris,i!.-ti'!- i of tbt-- I.( a: TriUk .s rcoiv; iiiz'-

G. W. Macfarlane &l Co..

wtf April tt. fur the Hawaiian Ulaiids.



l" A PITA I. 1 il.tMH MH

I N1.IMI TKD I.IAl;ll.Cn .

j re I iiHiins i 1I lesrrilin11 will be ett'ect.'d at Model ate Kates of I'rrmoia, by the undersigned.

WM. i. I UW1X A t 'Ji -- .) wtf Maunders ftir 11 aw. Islands

l ire ami Marine Insurance Co.

Ol e ZtnlniKl.t ' A I'l l' A I.. : l0.tP.MMH0

living t:statllliol an Aticnc.v ntU Honolulu, for the Hawaiian Islands, the un-

dersigned are prepared to accept risks aK.iinst Firein dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on carco,freights, bottniry, profits and conunissions.

IiioM promptly Hl.iiiMlel V aHlle.l!lwlf W.M. IKWI.N VO.


Best of Ales, Wines and Liquors


Faney .IrlnKn ol xer.v .t.erlpl Ionn ee I e 1 1 y .

11. II. AVcbb,SOdAwly lropi'ietor.


House Carpenter tV HuilMer.:tl Aliiltoi Street.

W ill furnish sthenics nnd i.i;ikc coi lrmls foiany deseription of v ood buildings.

Jobbliii: of all kinds done, and s;i t .sf :ct ionguaranteed.

I 'ha rues 11s low lis the low est r,r tf


.Maimfueturinx Jewtler,... tilt V.. ........ M.r... ,( I

(tiS7lloiiolnlii, II. I.

ParMcnlar atten tbn paid to repairing .T..U

Furnislied or I Tn Til rn ish'l

'OI'l Ail ON I.rN Al.ll.O AND P1KOII 'IM.,1 11 mi h-- eomplele for looiel( eepi 11 1. rfof hove and e:u rint'e; pi 1 ie i-

- rd n . Apply loCM AS .1 I si I I..

17 o ITlf Cor l ortnnd I!deSI.


M ". I'llKI si K K K I .

'ppo;te Wil'ler V '.'.:

iirirK rux , t r.t Pi r. w


Trlt. SOIH U irfK, m.m.i 1: 11.1.

CJitrJii'- - jiikI 'I'ohiict'tpi !

of iti.- - r nu n ps

Plain t:i 1 Kmifj fl t't.S p ', re. f rf .rr.

tl'e f rinfn' t'lf'Tf. a f.Hrife Vnrl. f r j

r.t K KS'f 'V''A ft r V


r.ri f e rrf,rr. aee.

Tb 1 ropn-y- .r ..'.til l r.e pi wi to rt-- ivf n'l

frrrn b f i l. r rcl n," I';. ' " jei. r n i' v

.I... rr.av Htsirf. h

i.i st it. inHr.t a tj a ni: nttrirr

H. J. X0LTK.Jt rf

Cl.KKNC W . oi.xn x'

Awliforrt A Athtorvt.ATTOHNKVs. (H V.U.ORs, WUCITOKs,


O.Vi'- ll.irtlnUi Hte, .lJointnK the PotOftK--: 4Mtl


Atlornr nml VniieIlor nt !..Olhce 2. S!rv-lel- s Hl,-v..),- t ,; ;.Tolu5n.


KMI. HHOWN, ATTill N K V - A T-l.- W ANDV. Notsr Public. tVnipt eU's Block. Merchuntstreet



And Solictor in Chancery Office, '"airipbeilVIlhvk . se.ui.1 story , nxm X ami w. Kntrani onMerchant street, Honolulu, H. 1. 44 tf



Krnl I'.sinlo tit fn iMrt nt the KtrtirBourht. Sold and Leaned on (Vmmtmton

IjOhiin Neicotmred unit l,Ki IoeumentA lrwnj

i x,2: mi:koixtsthi:i:t,Onrette Block. Honolulu. 4Vtf

Metropolitan Market

l4lU STHKr'.T.


4 lio. 1 tlciit frm l'lnet llerl

niilic- - mt Mpplng nupplled on NHoKT

.NOT 1CK and at the

Lowest Market Priees.

Ml m. iin il. hvi'ri'.l from tin, iiinilo'i nrc th.aj onglv ehllled lininedintely lifter kllllm? bv menu,j ef 11 Bell Colemnn I'BtetH Iry A1r Hi frlxerntor

Menlno Hinted retain, all In Juicy piopcrtli,.land la fir A M MT.Kf To KKM' PONUKII

AFII-- 1M-.I.- I VI- - BV THAN ITIFHI.V-K-I t- - 11 VI" A I 47 tt

I Kl )N-ILVin- v

rouinlalion Timhors ! !

We lint), junl t ed f in A u( I a I la r f w I ron -

bntk Foundation Timber..

M7.J IB'fl Inilii ,. 12 l eet l.on.Ami ltIH liiitii,, in I'eel long

I he-i- tlitibeifl, n. Ilnlr nutiii .igtilnr,, at!'la"ul no iold mid durable 3, Iron, ao. forfoo toinlion poi po.en, or olher. ef IiVp li'xtute,can not be on t p:iu .1 .

( J. I rwin tV:, ( .

rnittoci-i- r


i! I I

Put r " l d, M brl,; CONl'I !,'

v I, if h t e o't i I'd f ' .) nlc on t aiion a I I. f to.m t '

jWM. IL I H WIN ev iVlor; bi yi If


t ii ..''.""'" for I v r l Itbitf a'"! ("I. I'lnll'ifo I Ho

I'm lib (i.iiiiiirnliil t'u t lltirfifi,.,. n from II. I .lulP be pr'.ei,f . for pBTto.-e-

: If oool .lit, Mat ' b Ia,

Cittu spret kels W.u Irwiu.




XTi.w KxrbaiujH n tlie r:iic'.j'al parts of tliworl'i.

Will receive deposits ou ojen account, tuKkeco!!eciions and conduct a ffeiu-ra- l hhnkins andexctiHiie business.

Deposits lieuring intereat received in their -v j

iiit's Iepartment subject to published ruies andrvtftil.ttioas. 7(H-;u-

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,anil Wholesale Ieler inIiiiKrler Boot, Shoes, IIat8, Men's Furnish- -

in? and Fancy tioods. No. 11 Kaahumumi street. j

Honolulu. H. I. 25tf-- tt i

CI. ALB SPKKCKKI.S am. o irw.n.

VM. Q. IRWIN Co.,4.AK FAlTOllS mikI (onimiooioii81 AtiKSl'S. Honolulu H. I.


T1IWT.IAT.K DKAT.EKN AX) ir...erai .loDDers in i.m ana liwi i'it.

o. 12 ii nnli ii in mi n Street.liosou'n:. as-t- f

H. HACKFELD & CO.,r KM KiL t'OMJIISSIOX AUKXTN.JW JB tf Queen St., Honolulu, H.I.


ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,K Vi.iiiiiHsloii .M re Ii1niMrterH Honolulu, H. I. 27-t- f

WJL .McCAXDLESS,Xo. lue'ii Street.

V ish Market. lealer in choicest BKKF, V l;AIMlTiO-N- , MH,etc.

Family and shijpinf Orders carefully attende.Ito. Live Stock furnished to vesseU at shortnotice, and veicetahlen of all kliid supplied toorder. tf


(II VF. NOTICF. THAT FIUtM ANIIHKUF.liY s date I will not be responsible lor

anv deb in c outrarted without the written orderof "inyalf or wife. KAMI Id. I'AKKI.It

Houolulu, September 10, lSSC. HTMdeclI

W. II. ALDIMCH,(tieneral IIisIiich AkciiI,

H.is removed to .I. I. IiW!ett's utore, Queen t.,where he will attend to any liiifli Hem entrustedto his enrp.


Orders for milk rtpertf ully nolicifed, aiidprompt attention yiven to the delivery of th

New I'liotoira!! JJoom

MC1IOIH MTOHK. Ffl:T STP.KI I',OVKU tlie Sliootlnjf ''lery. I'ir f 'ir, Port-raits and Views. KirHt-cla- i work. Sullsfio tio'iguaranteed. lHay'i A. U'jSHLt.H.

Emplovmeiit OfIic3e

ri-Il- F. i;NIKItsIflN'KI HAS MOVKJ IN K)1 the uttir of Mr. J . K. Wiseman, w lo re be

will be preparer! to furnish honiehold TVarifi,collect biiln. do An?l'-Chifi- e Interpretini;, arelgeneral rei.n'ri en. .r. 1 SOVUNd.


I)tiYsIC fiffif. bri'ir. at Kkasto. frorrij' to 1 a. rn. .v.rj day exrej.t Su relay. Will viltI ifitnt, at fl.eir ri'lrc by rTifit. All ofr, T

.lie fr-af- at hi r.ff.re, rr.r ner I"i

frar i trf. if?jr ho-ir- . fr'.rn I(', ' rn , S'ir,-ii- 7 n, fr'Jii I'. I2i.rn, ll.'-ipr- j


r'.rn, rantry, veririii rw.m.t." 1 br ir !'iar;j. r4rria?- - ln. "riinfi , .11 inH'v. l '.r !'r. Af f i7to F. K. HI V'riRV atl'e-jf.-c

Co.'. Sror. F .rt .rf. .tviil Sf iff


p.: v. ami r r.r.T t ri v. i.cnf.JKTTr ny ic.r.-- l r.f rr.tril. Mr.tfwt, rr.'.ri-.arrrr- .,

.tr.1 '.nirl ini 'iilin'l f'.r Tr,ryx-,r- j. Orlr. ta!"if-'.rfr.r:trri4rirlr.- rf,-rui.-

fi-''- r,1 if-- .i t- - r. 1

a',r-'.a.1- fP.S f. r "fp.'if'r,jl f 'it trcf.

V iai Tlephi-'- N'o 'vVI

Automat it- - Trash Feeiliu;Furnaces.

Ffi four alii? five foot fiirnaiVf. complete it!ipr:-!- ' (irs. ltnriTs am! irn.h oaTners. Machines

f U is make art- - iu ii. successful ep.-r;Ul:- a:Sp-- kelsvi'le, MskeeSntrar t'nipsi.y am, etlierIla'ii nori.. A No. a cons.e n un lit of

Hnvcik u!" ttit- - !;:t'-s- l imprevt ii.ciCis.

PLANTERS AND OTHERS1 ntcresteil are requested to call an. I examine tlieatMive. For prices and tnrtiier particulars upply to

Wm. G. Irwin V Co..A Ken It.

doxe mxiiiThe uinlersicttcd Ktv now prepitrod to re

ceivc rlers fo:r this lYlehrated IVrtiiizerfrom the manufactory of V.uck V OhlandtShu Francisco.

The following is a repot t of the compo-nent piirts, s obtained by Chemical ainly-sis- :

Water S.10 jx r ci ntt)ii,-:i;ii- o Matter "29. ISSihciotis Mstti r .... i.fio " "l.une :u.7o "Phosphoric Acid :?. 11 "Oxide of Iron . .sr "Carbonic AcidAlks Suits.

10(1. toNitrogen 2.7 per cent.Orders fieccirctJ will have lVom-fin-

Careful Attention.

W. G. Irwin iV Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian IsIsii.Ih


t. i. . i .

Manufacture ami supply all kimls i

lt.U. eH.I'lHt Hlld l,lll I lB '!.i;iai.ei-- ' ltt.-ii'ls- .

I'xi... V.t:


20. l.elel.rir "ilncl.lei. phone No. 17. S N I IMH.

It. Siecliil Atle.illoi. uleti to1 .n rife ( oiili Hell. 11 HAw

'Flic liisdonIron tv Loeoinotive Works,

Corner of Peule a u! Ilmuinl Sinvls,

sN I'll M lt ....('All I"of N I

W. 1 1 . TA VMII! Piesl lent.1 ;S. M OO II I Si pet ililendent

II.HKHS ol' WTF. M MA( IIIM;HV, IN1t all it brani'ben; s.(e,,m:oiit, sienmxbip,I,and I. nellies nml Itoib r, llli;h I'resmite orI 'lonpoiiml.s .:M VF.HSKI.M. of all k ImN. bnilt complete

with llulNof Wood, I ron nr ( omposlle.U I'l N A It V KNfilNKN i'oni)'oiiiid'd when ad-

visable.S IK A M I, MN( II lis, Ibucei and steam Tnet

eoostl'Ueted Willi ref'-r.'Oe.- to file trade inwbleh they are to be e.nploveil. sp.-ed- , foii-nuif- e

and draft of water unnrniiteed.Sill A P. r'lll.si ANI Ml (IMI M1KINH M

CHINKItV made after Hie ne.it tieinoveilplans. Also, all (toiler Iron Work inMin" t"iltherewith

WM'KIt I'll i:, of Holler or sheet Iron. 1. f anyste, mud.' iti uuitablo b HKtbs for eonoeefitnl'.. tlo r, or siei.a P.olle.t, Pun. bed nmlP.t k"l fot siepiioiit, ready lobe iivete.1 on(he KtMlllrl.

IIVHI! l l.li' IIIVIIIMl, P...i!er U ok andUalet lip.' m. ide by tliiK s f o I Wb 10 ' o ' .

Itl . t"d b II 'lr:it:li'" P,iiilM.f M-- lonely,thai .pialiiy of work beiay far nipeilor tnband soil U .

MUM' Wolf K", Hhip nod SI111111 Cup'itriiM, steamYVInelies. Air and I 'it . ilia ( in Pomp1!, tnieb,'ifier the moMt iipproved plaim.

Sol.!': Mil N IN and moniifaf furri for the Pae He C. mt of the H' lio- - 'arufy Poller.

Pl'MPS Idreet Aitlni; pine pa, 'or 1 1 rlu it Ion nrt'itV V'ert'M' p!llp'ie. boPt wllb tl.e f'l"- -

bra(e. Imvy Valve Motion, si peri'.r t" anyother pomp.

! N . s '.V 1 1.1 I M4 Honolululiniirn No. . Ilpqtfilrs, Spreek Is Plot k

i;ent for Hawmbiri I'llatebit i in I d w

on 1 1:. ani

111 Hotel Street. Honolulu. II ..

(Opf.a-;t!- I 141,1,1.1.1 s:,r,.(j

P. O. POV il".. :i f r f f i i pifovp r. i


lo -

..ft in oiv line f..i'l,t'iOv PH !1

ip i.P .ioroi r.iP'le. f'bblr.K It. 1. '"'.,. 1 ,,. k.,.r o..t.e. rn.-.'- w r.rk nr.l In- b


7 (, , '

rn ii.'

l. ii. shi;sovh;h .V

r f,rr rr,;-"- f r r I f'''s !'.'! f,' I. I ( . '. ' e f tf "" r,r f. (r, a'ld l.o'-'f"'- ' rr"''", irtren e I ir' .1.

rr. . ' " 1 ' r r 'if f r. r I ( ... . ,'. o o I ' p i w j

r,,f. P i e ..!a s:l- - i! v t f .'.. in. 'f f'.t'lr i rr. ,rt a ?, I r. A ,, .,, V " "5 r.f r. H Iri" !... Inc. ar. ! --if, vrroi fifr

1 e r i Arrif-- "... I n r I. s; 4 o o , o f r ' (I

'o I f.-- r 'I r ' f , r r v " rf ffo !'. s p ' t

fl i H I . r.'.r 1

lit t I . ft re I t 17 ,.Vill.!'.r"t. lti-- of po-.H,-

f.ffiee; II ' 1 1 ir- I 1 1'; rr bur. t r. .1Iif re i f -- en.

Daily l. C. aivhktier. one far nDaily I. c. .1 kVf.irn-.KK- . h.x ihoiiUi-- . :i 00Daily I". '. Aivi:ktikk, tari umnMis 1 5') j

'Daily I'. ('. Auvhit'skk, per montn .

VVklkly P. C AIjVL.-.ti'-j.k- . niic yenr 5 00F eun W. J". ('.A. iiiciurims;

tiiLHg'- - 6 50 j

Payable lnrariab'j in Adraucr

Perfectly Satisfactory.

plttf', a."

lj,t..t r 1


Customer But ain't tlio trousers ton lonrMerchant Too long? Iey is nrnle to tit a

man erzekJy your size. If your leps hajpento te a drifle short you must quarrel mifc

nature not de tailor. The Julg.Somnifr Migration.


Ancient Methods of Measuring Tim.Iso wonder the ancients didn't get along in

the world as well as the peolo of to-da- y

they lost too much tim And the reasonthey kt time was Ixtause of their imjerfectways of measuring it. They had to detvndon the un dial for the most iart. A sundial might be vary useful when there was anysun, but it was entirely useless on cloudy daysand during the night. In the latter case thetruant husband inclined to hang out latoprofited much. It might te two o'chxk inthe morning when ho crept in, but ho couldswear it was only 10, and his poor wife hadno way of proving that hr was lying. It re-

moves much of the bitterness of a lio whenyou can't prove it on a fellow.

The (J reeks and Romans, of whom we haveoccasion to speak occasionally, although thisis not a strictly classical journal, had an im-

provement on tlio sun dial, which they couldresort to u hen the sun dial was on a strikefor eight hours as a day's work. It was alarge jar filled with water, and a hole wasmade in the lxttom through which the watercould escape. The flow of the water told offthe hours. It was called the clepsydra, whiehmeans "The water steals away."

Sometimes an old Roman who had beendrinking a good many Roman, punches beforegoing to lied would wake up in the silentwatches we mean sun dial f the night,parched witii thirst. No other liquidhandy he would drink the contents of hisclejisydra. That stopped the clock, of course,and he would everlastingly li" abed waitingfor moriing to come. He would never missthe water till the clepsydra was dry.

King Alfred burned candles o tell tlmtime by, each candle lusting two hours. Adozen candl"S would make one day, thoughhe got a little confused when the grocer, inorder to hold th royal patronage and adver-ti- :'

lumself as the l candle maker forthe king, gave him thirteen for a dozen.

There are few kin-- s since Alfred's timwho could make note of time iu that manner,W?eause so many of them were in the habit ofburning their candles at both ends. TexasSifting

The 011 anl rrjr" Tare.I know a community of foreigners in

this wise, city of New York, that, thoughit docs not hold to the Mormon creed,holds lirmly to this one of it- beliefs. 1

has one common cure for every mortalill from consumption to corns oil an'!prayer. The oil is kerosene and is appliedexternally with friction. The rr.finirsof this he-ott- od Sand are FLngli-.b- , ai;'ithey are part of a considerable body oftheir kind that pran up th'-r- s ,rn yearsago. They are woniiLg people, tiiriftyand prnd?at. and !;v-- j sober and domesticlives. Veetaria.nim is op.i of their doc-

trines; another is to never rev! the newvpapers on account o! th wickedness th-- y

record. Alfred Trunr.-I- in Ne'-- Y'TNe vs.

In I'rie of faliforrjl.Calii ri.i i is a wor;A witfcll ielf.

:an.! enonifi, u r.ror..ut:lul. tor the entir-- : rjyxvn thUnited .i:--it3- : with a cnvzy 1

them and - l arA sl'.v.'-- r er.'.r.h tntjtLerxi '.vlrh I'. l '.v-ri- vra'fred and tirri- -

varie '::..s a.'.d ve.aViM than ti.atof anv "lar ara r n rhe fare of f-.- e

earti W.th cer.TT h a of h.''ca: tot b-- fr,n-- d ftl.se her. in the wr; 1.

and ;th a c rr. ate Mch:-.- h for healrhf1;.teas 13 unexcelled. r'Aii.V.rr.f U tmly aworld with:.--. it!f. A.-.-d I h sny apadlie. Ccr New Vcr'i World.

Or4ler Mllclel.

liKKA !

We have receive! a ooits.;r'iMlnl o tile motKcoiioimcni hi. I Valuable Feed b.r nl,

kinds of Stock, vlr.- -

roOKEI) LIXSEEh 3IEAL.It Is the ic rent est Fl.t-'- i former. Milk and

Butter pro,liicoi m us,..

Oil fake Meal slum s aboc t '7 percent, ofnnrlttv matter: this nearlj :! per cent.

I Of Bs. o this meal Is eqi.nl to 30 ff-- if oiili,or SIH Its. of ecru, or to 77 . of wheat Iuh!.

I'o--r Sale in Lais ta Suit.AUo. urn I niivalied .M IM.li I I Kl, as well an

on r cmuhI supply ef the b:-s- t kinds tt

H), 1h. llii(. Corn, l:te.. Kle.

I j A 1 N Vj ,c v'.:; tf

lolm V. Col hum,1 mporter and I'enler in

I I ny and Cii'aiii,I'orner Kmc ami Mi'mnVrn S(r.etH.

J.xxls Cehvered promptly.Mutual telephone '17. :tr tf

TKI.KPlIONi: Ti.--s


l Ali.I.eti. iM'itr ueii St..i-- tf

To ilio. Public

1 ne 1 iiruie i rniisior i o..I llhe.' witbC h . M lib t 4.' Ml I. hil.it Hie. t.

Bell Telephone 377. Mutual Telephone ''!)!

lam full piepiredtn .b. all Vie. P. of drio nee,haiilim? ..r iiiovIok Woi k . all of w nt.-- will e.iai .llllt.'o to etel lite fallbfull .

S. I". I) It II IM, Prop) letor

i r . so i' j-- ; i:,Will i e r lo

L M. Oat. Jr.. V Co.,


Hairniirii, t,'nirt(c Jiht'li,U7 tlercl.ni.f it., Ilonol t I it. II . I.

' tf


XI a ( 11 i 11 ' W 1 I sT r--i

to ft I I M'tiuiiil Nil ret.s 1 i:vi i'.i 11

Vl'iniif . l.. r- - '.I N I . Ti't fil hi. ! !'l 4n nltil,I, a od

liiiliv'Vi i iiiti;iiii ,1 ( il

Of I v n I" .. t't-il-

J t a . (. . ..ml ..ll;- i. I; 'el - I hi.o.1

wo'ifi voim:i'.; m r!iiNi:i:v,M ' If t N f J .; J I 11 , ) 1,

f P It P ; 1 "' vvi, p :, j ( ii ill';) i'lpf 11 vii - I ? I tNow, j.i'..inn .(i i t "'I I J i r

. ' t t'1" " Mi" I. el r.t V - " ! I J

f.. t,f,. I. tod i 'I : f .1 fir


f .0 of (be of Fefsltl la I'. or Mi. ' Mt-- po

. . , .1 V It t tirnmt-- r I1

fall., I i. !

! I lef'f to tie ''' lfe.-- 't.- .f.- t

r.tXTTX'.VJi e .JTSlWr"7CJr v--- y.yj



LOCAL AND GENERAL.THE DAILY Xitt- - trmm Inl.Lmia.n . I'-- . '

Pacific Commercial Advertiser tjL;;;v;; ;

CHAS. PETERSEN'S SONS,ri".;':.r.' a'-o- u - it",".' ix.k rr.'.'-- t rIS PUBLISHED


No. 15 TJuuanu Street.

Nun "rn"io. !

A kitA A l.ACNM'.Y an! 11LETEVFRY MOHNING. lA"AAtAnA'''Arival - a large a 1 iition t j our OAPk! we o j'.tr look

T.1- .- I'- -' H ' - ; i.y

Mr Lr-- y L 1 : :

:r:.t- - r.f ' bur. H . .L: '.;

1':- -: :. ar- - : - r:

mer.t. aduring

vl e-- r vi: c-- rraViii tnat are en.m-:- . '

;oliy. They pr r.ayir.l'jT a th '"T ' ar.. .. '. 'j. i. 'ROYAL CLX7I3 012s T7TTT 1

for acinutubix cuootbnfrf VlOltttl

1, a- -i ' your city.V Mr. Her.rv Tur. r; a:. J fa'.-.il- au.e CO.B. F.

K-- t. Ale k.i Horlfr:. ? jiifruiH i ii- - i- -: all tA '. -:

-u- b-riftiua I'Mj-nbl- Altmjilu u; by the Hall, and are r Uia.. y w

Advaarr. ; romed by V..Ar i. ;:.orrvu- - frr.ds.t'toojur,!' tU'n.i Ifxr, i; pirm '( tftr ;.'., Jo-'- - Iti'i S'.h.. I".-- p- . .r hi- - g

wlJi aJay J,.. varjr mi i f:x-,'.K- . through his d'lt.O- - Ot. the J, aid I

fwrw'.rin in of L'j.lt'J -- ta:-ti - araai'llfJK af.y trt . . r.r V:-- .; . - a , . j -- , - - - - - - - - - i - -

' ;a.v w.tn t.'.e i r..r.'i Bahama,OflV-- ni'tnry or4tr.

Matter int0'l"l for pti:i' a'W.o In tb 'J.tor II. L'.' k::. -- 0.'. . I'.nr.C.pa . .

columns ah o ul' 1 ( avMr i.vl V The ...n takes J', i " h-'r- e ori .iOr. -

Coi-lial- , Ji j ien.s. I5itteis, Ite

' t--

.Lit .if-.fr- r: : - ic tr.r

T:r.i - ' I jT?.e I r Hiiii - u f:r

yt-t-rri- r:.::.z. t -- t hs-- t- - u:": thrv-i-'- L

- : wvatL-r- .

II. i:. Ii. IT::.'.-- - L:k-'..- k- v.;.; at

I-Iolic-lilA' GrOOCls,H. U. Box 13tTI-luo- "$Oh.

iav n-x- t to ..Cu.ija :orni ifji' al.ont au'J a-- vr ?

rrrslr.atiori of Hi- - Ex- - 'r'.'.r.cy Ah-."- '

' Vs. f.or.te. Is !:kr.v to a or.' DKESDEX CHIXA OIWAMEXTS.r''il'l t aMr:-'- l nimbly" I. A IV.KTIXfl,

AO'l not Ui lu li vl'I-j- ii (

--A: t:.at Kia ir : 0 A'but th'rr-- ; -- rrr.s to t.-- ZEALAXDIADECEIVED . ex.1 :..NJ.'-- : i rturr.I. Hr was M---- r-. L I'.A;-- 1th Wz.'J: f:rA:A I: year or, t3. au:t,:, :. t --iay t:

a of :Le I'u:.r.o:.:r Ca-ti- e.

. . . . t; , ( ' ,t ,1 . s.- - I U aT H IE

Pacific Commercial Advertiser i T--i tr IT II... t.L-t.-.1- . - -- '. ' . .' I-- t'r,t.e.:- - late re-- I. Alakea ?tr-t- .

v;IJen receivf.--! a toLr;u:.Icatlor frorrs a LVIXJSIC GOODA r ari of : orT-rr- -; tLe returnf . .;.. a:.-- i arcLr:.er.t- whicL

la toir for J aLr t . i.i:.:i 1 :ft; ....rj r.f your 'tJ. H. sopek Mf-r- ' tia&i ,tr- -t , that or." of i r 1. v La-- t.-- n : '.c--r. ,

CRYSTAL tTiIA WOK KM IIol-- l sue! . ,j i , . " v .v ..s-. J .r- - T .r 4:-- INv'I.I'I IN1

..For! - ,T. i. THRCM X-- . i Er.ine Company intend u--l-

perMokoi;!. n the arrival o: tr.e stearierhe $MO. f-- f ine $Tt:.r ';Ur-..-.'- 'i ; t IMnrtin nititrs. Fanrv (tim;k1s. ToysMr- - HayiwrUen im:- - liave'.y pr---e- k--i t-- j

jnveti'ate and on :jy given hy ""I ai'n u th- - I. r.t.r

i )A V I S & Y li.ii hK.Importers aud Dealers in

ZSTo. 52 Jort street.vl-o-.v- hi iM-'-dtl.l- li-t!. rtK.--.j- t of r, ii.v.,:ce of IlEl BLACK . LI.'

TAbl Ik-l- i !- - fiul (hrislma r.Uillr--.

V;Ji .ienc;, f.r tt Xr: :.s. W r.ne.i t:, fa:u:l; a trial t 1 lJU-ar- , IrfMia" Mill a-- a - Author" . tz. juiii ad U iuiia mm L. - fcl..utu.jarl Lit. i:iri!iei i read-:i.iLii.- g I Io.:r.

California and Island IButterA fpr:alty. IIU'ITS. VKOLTAELF. OV TEIis EXTTfll ICE )y r

s'.c.T!.-r- .

FAT COUX FED TUUKEYSFor Ttatkp-ls.- p acJ Siuas. Pr.crf lev. r;i!ity tuarattet-- d and dljv-r- j ron-- j t.

lh Telejilioai-- . . !- -Titff. O. Box 505.

Captain Macgreor fous-- that the ani At:- rr.:vrJ a ;tTVlliliSDAY Dew-iriK-- r Oth. r.nu;n? -a- c-

mal in 'i'jtion had n ati Mill last Mcn-iav- The teanuei

inet .a.;C tlf f- at" U4

! TJie man who the animal i a-

i i i i . i . ..i i , ii iABOUT MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS- -

; reeogntzeu in-ire- i au i m. ju:-- i v.t-.- iT? T!.iya! Hawa:'a:i save it- - reg- -

punifche-- I think that A praise is due j. c.-,z- at the Branch H coital. kI. In lii!inc Ittfd IturLri ali an. I 1. mi n-- .

government for Honolulu is generailv i -.

- - the matter with the view of tr;n;r:n thfcognized. Hut it is a want which is

such enj-.-ye- hy the inmate.-- .The f two other CLlr.ee I t- -; culprit to ju-tic- e.

The sugar pro-j- C la gooh Horner i Lu:i IL'-.- k art-- exLihited at the WEST. DOW & CO.I To. ..k f.,r a to-j- I cr-y- . fvr 1 -- 7. I 'olive Court. The-- e n.en escaped frt-- n

not likely to be supplied for some timeto come. IN'evertheless it is a subjectwhich should not !e lost siht of, andthe discussion of which upon ouserva- -

he W.l ar.thoritie- - riie tinie ?::;ee. an!ably 2,2j tonsThe lotli of November wa- - duly wle- - w --t- ei.

i: i .1 l Ti.. ..t .

. ., , b. . , - t brated, and Laha-n- enjoyed U r.hm tl L...r- - or if--- r

CI.'OCK! iB & CO.,ocurre1 at ineing room j. It i- - r.c-- t

the two tircum-tan-.- e- H. S.ji. athern-elv- es immen-el- v. -- .i..posed uion it to admit of the Minister , Hcu-- e. . ! e want our Governor ba.k. lie

giving anything hke intelligent attention . . , , . , , . , kn-'-wi- j whether

IT V7 ' mi5e 1 great i v an i is tne tnoruuga .n-rn-- j

to one-ha- lf of it, and last nession of the ; have anv fi.r.i-c-ti-.n- .

' of all the Hawaiian- - aroun 1. 'Legislature was distinguished by a t, , . , . There wa- - an-.tlie- r runawav ve-u-ru- av ,

marked intention to dwarf all other de-- ! ur Tsx cU'T rjV,ri.ir!ir. a hore attuned vS a carriage 1 HELJ. FAO.oartmenta and increase the importance i " --- "" w...-- . ran ;iWay fr,.r.: the Hawaiian Pvery -- thies

l.-- akin the haft and a wheel. No oneanil rwtmnitro r.f tlio TnfArl.r Off1..- - !

JuJe Kahaoleli-- ? has got his commi-- - wi in charge it.The unwisdom of this policy is even i

215. 217. 21f. Iiuh street. San Franeiso.

Stationers. .Printers. LitliograrjhersAM'

Blank Book Manufacturers.15 ;y-- s -- rr-

- r -- i . . , .

lent K. the Amelia at Kilo C--


T )i ssion lur anouirr iwj After the av:now manifest in a variety of ways, and, tiie other oay. a native tiai..:t.eu tne m-- :

;urv and rtt-orte- the fal-- e keel twjjtedI'ulire Court.will become more apparent as the sea--

son advances. As a matter of fact, the j

Minister of the Interior, whatever may j

--orBEFORE IV.UCE Jl'.-TiC- E J.tCKEBToX. ah-'U- two tret. Theve-t- i now in thiWi r.Miitv T t- -r th. r.r.rt tr;.:1 r.,i t. . r i if .I.-r:.--:e Itiilwv.

be hia qualifications, cannot attend to ,


J.,....,!,.t La pan and latena were each deah The u-ti- al r'-nthl- convert was he.d a:v ..i:r..:.. .t.. i i:i M I L L 1 X E IX Y G 0 0 P S. with in the u-u- al wav f-- r drunkenne. . ,rt-- reet . hun n la-- t night, the Rev. J.that department as required bv law. We; ... : , .:,,' ,T T. -- .1.,.....

furious and heedless driving. wa the Japanese and CLine-- e niiMon trand c'r iiJ Connectivn with fhe W.fin-- d V f3 cos.

say this in justice to the present incum-bent, just as we should Iiave said it ofhis two predecessors in office under

WILL I'.K lIF.LIi (N- -

Ah Sing was charged with having! 1

The midersitrned lias justopened up a new assort in eutof Goods, suitable for tli

season.W. C. aSlTiOULL,


md Tuesday,Himilar conditions, despite their wider j .. ( OJ uni in hi, mjH. The demand for Mr. Wnilam- -' rh,to- - , , Alillfll .range 01 eijerience and training. . ! eioR and --it hi own reouet wa- - n- - sr-- i Lie piiture.-- ot the dirTermt JuD.ee Orl Uli(lcl ) JIUIHUU t

But in truth and fact the direction and ' , ' event- - ha-- ln something entirelyinandea to the lOtn m.-ia- nt. , . . ... .

1 r -- 1 .r : ,.4, 1.. : t.vt:.-.n- . Tije ,!,r;i:f TRADE ))x MARK

tli and 9 tli..ivelvwith the Minister of the Interior. ! in? au 11 '

. tw my picture,, ani order, ?houl-- i left OVeillber 6 til,11 I 4TTI rA u iin' iii.il 111 i : ... - ..... , .. . ,.:i iiii as r.n .1 - 1 nr.

I .?tant at his own r.pue-t- .with the ceneral requirements of the

. Ah Sans an! Ah ro, charged on re- -

city, well as wuh the routine of local j mand u ilh Lavin or,:uxa ingovernment generaUy. Iubtless the reman!(?J to the o,h in,tant atmachinery of the Board of Health rnav

. : their reque-- t.

be utilized very effectually in the work j . .1 t e r 3T,.i

talb or Mr J. II. Wifkt.At a quarter pat 0 yesterday

morning Mr. J. II. Wieke, an old andmuth respveted resident of Honolulu.

I TAT TT 4 A" "1A".T0I t I I L I l A I hrVata,wfcialL ira .- a 1 a I - - - - - -

of city sanitation,. .

and the iolice mav be ;,r dien at hi? reMuence. A.aKea street, at. : with assault and hattvrv on lvre-- a. tier . ,

made of far greater assistance in eniorc- - i . the ago ot ... years,, months an-- i 11evidence was to the that !e had . . , ,

inz mumci'val regulations than at rre- - '. days, lnecau-- e 01 death was a cancer1 ' struck a Chir.e-- e bov, when die rem on . ,

ent. For example, there should be a ; . , , in the stornacn, irom which tne de- -

regulation forbidding the sweepings of ; had been sutfering acutely fortime at. He wa- - a native ofDefendant was reprimanded and dl -- : o :stores being pushed upon the sidewalks

THE I EAMNG MILLINEII V HOUSE.or into the gutter, to be distributed by - e .... Bremen, irom whence he emigrated mKauaa, the Letormatorv C4i-- l t"y . -

.the wind all over the citv, making the ;

- . . . :. W.7. and has almost tn-- the time 01- who deserted, was remanded to the P.'thstreets unsightly, and occasionally ; . , his arrival up to the present been carry -

frightening horses and endangering instant- - ing on the business of a cabinet maker.life and property. In all well-- ; Burlry on Kins iMrect. ; He was a member of the order of Bed

nTTrjTCirn-v- rA ci

1 J11 1

regulated towns this practice is for- - Men and of the German Benevolent So--dining rooms onbidden; it is the rule in Honolulu. ivty. He leaves a widow, five dangh- - G. I. ilfi.LTH. C. iEJLCoCK

Kin burgianotisiv enteredstreet wereAgain, the equauvii dangerous practice of ; tor-an- d two sons, for whom much vm- -between Tuesday night at a late hour FEKETH & PEACOCK.dropping orange peel and banana skins


j pathy is felt among the c"mmunity.on Hiid Spirit JlerehHiit.Thi

the "footpath sliould be prohibited, jWe-Jnes,Ja- y morning. There are in- -

- Minethat th --as committed sed rr- - Year,practice is eminently dangerous toand on account of the number of ! in a very deulrate manner by one who Kxce-io- r IyJge, I. O. O. F., meets T

accidents in English towns oeca-- ! underst.XKl what he wa, about and who t!ii,oveni for the ordinan-dispatc- h of ; tilla 21 11 stltCtA Large Assortment will be Opened Shortly

life - Honolulu. Jrl. I.fatalfamiliar with the premises. The -- rot-was b!isines. There is nothing unusual insioned by stepping upon orange peel, the -- AT-

SVcte-- witlvSole agents for .1. ,1. Melcher's - ELEPHANT " GIN, Pelli-s-n- 's uncok.red,Imperial Parliament constituted the entrance - this curcum-tane- e beyon-- ihefact tiiat it

. . breakage, the cash drawer wa? broken . t, a;,,Pt. f.i ,y,A ti-- s. v.,,. r,nwetene-- pur-- -- Id BBANI'Y only two qualities- s.'upj-r-- l. 7 and w years oid.l l o " cr i

the United an,J its COTit;Rts aV.stracte-1- . but ;

m.6 1Eec.t:n5 ci the Elge. Regular Hy. AV. Smith C- -footpaths of any town innothing ele is missing. A R.u: '2 a.m. w.ekIv meetings have teen hold since The Popular Millinery House,THJ STL ED EW WHISKY.Kingdom a misdemeanor punishalde b.v

three months' imprisonment. There i on Wedre lay, O.ger Hopkins alj was the Vth day of December, l4o. Ex-

celsior Lodge is therefore an ancient in- - :i passing fancied that he h-a- ni a nei-- e o:

no reason whv similar disregard of i

We otT.T r -- ale at n-li- ed a lurge and well asorte 1--es an 1 trie 1 the front door.the prem; stitution. It has done an infinite amount Aj y UKEBS. SToUTS, W1NI7PIK1TS. LlVEl'llS, etc.',' either In rdhuman life and comfort should not be 104 "Fort Street Honolulu.or duty paid.punished in Honolulu.

. 246.i. o. iiox rot.

UUk 11 A i 'V " of g,d since its loundation : and as thei thought h mu.t have scareu t.e burg.ar ruU and generation succeedsear, on.We mention these as points of 1rjc:i. ?

detail in the work of municipal gov- - l Tiie entran;,e1 generation, its capacity i,r g:o l will not

ernraent which a local governing hodv cutt:n-- Jou? a diminish. This is one of the merits of


--IN . S. SACHS, X3ropi'ietor.Odd Fellowship.would attend to, but which one can !

Moonlistil on-er- l

hardly exject the Ministtrof the Interior ,lhe Ihyal HiUa.uH i...::to look after. There are r.ther matter wi.l ijive a E A. O-- A IN" fe CO.

Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets,VdrfrUnc ir. nils J7Mh.;M KI.L3 S - ur'.Li::.c e?:.,v...s'..ir Lt r, . 4concert this at .:. at. 1. . . ...-.-.- ..l ... , 'r i n . t. .f . .Til.


3 The i- - ur .mm a J-- ntare. mg p- -

fort and well-Win- g of the city populationv.ri.e.

which reed not be enumerated, but Overture - Titu-- ". Mozartwhich will occur to the minds of persons '

YA ku ; i'ai r.ar ien .Mi.-hiel-

who have lived under well-organiz- ed and J-- - m'S T()s-T- SlO TiFWAKTrintelligently administere..l municipal. -- K ka Mi-;- ' i J y rc-ju- k -

..i.--. u, a wrr-!- i Fanta-:- a "Haw.ii! new M: rnvl- -Q U A IrrE 1 i L Y BUSINESS.

I-- asi.l Flops' Fine u!om-ii- i :! Uolltin. l iiriiioliiii doodi.

HATS and CAPS.ciscninrir. -- i- ....... tJjavvrillUCUlsj ,. - , JI 1'.. ---

le thev are neglected here. Bui as ; Waltz ".Iuv i"ee"ru new i.

taxation is increasius:. while profits on Mazurka "At II.. me r.ew". ka "si n t ai n M '".- - l.eUs- - r4FEr.s w--'- 1 . tT TV.- - 'M WILSON'Strade and industries Ol ail kinds are 1e- - - "Hawaii P,.;...i." N'v'.;..;.-ar.- - ,rr. vlI-.c-- I - of i.-u-h. TKINRS. VaLISK- -. Hie. LUi.i :rUe: - ".: .:-i ai. : it;f;..ri to. 115 t;-;- irnara:

t.t--r J "i ar.r : Ji.- - i:.fr. T..- - I' oif r.k eU

..ii-.- a u-f- ! !t ' rtU.T '( ':vf:T il !b ncreasing, the day is not far distant when yi? j. Mid.-- :- :;i kin ily v-

an organization will be formed t j.;jv at thi- - evening ert. tec &j to q.:-T:o- akri. Tt j--

cr-r.!- t of

for the purpose of sec unng a mure er!i-- -.. Bm:i. ira.r, ts.rjt? ti. cwter't l"x. .


CamiiheH's Ulot-k- . Merchant Street, Honolnlu.ESTABIJHEI 7.

Iejl5cient an 1 economical administration ot j Tti lain, ami ih- - s:irin"- - l.ishi.local affairs. While profits were large Ye-ter-l.- iy morning ab-..u- P' ol.kand "business loomed," the average jr-

-M.iie-r- v t! King drove up Nuu- -

Ju-- t receive I. ex Lapwing, a larg- - c nsignn.f-n- t otr.z.lf. ii.' .i.:f!K!f al'.f Led to jrr-ji.jttv-

P. O. Box 315. 72 tlnliia) Trlrphonr 372.taxpayer Bll Trlfpbonf 1T2.ture of

gave little heed to the expend!- - anu Vlev a vmpanieii bv His Excel- - f 1the taxes or the results obtained. ; ;,.n,v lr A1 Mr. U. B. Wil,n. Sg- - j rUlHJY IHU)TIlKl., (4011111110 (1111111 (mditions having changed, and T,n irR? ,, thc Water W,rks. ar.-- l UL VUlUllL:Tf. AN ,KAI, K 1N SHOT.emg no indication oi a return to smitij. in 1- -r t- .i ige ": tne K,..t.H. rati.-- ? aiii !::!, n vin-h-str- r.

Buttheretfie "fiush times" of the past, while the ; practicability ci attaching a water piiv j Zp" AeVn

t'rv--are-- 1 by .b.l.ann Maria Far; LEWis fc CO.,Ill Fori -a mikI fM-)f- r in


f 1

of living remains extravagantly i tol.rin?: hydraulic wcr to Kar a- - a , fv.ligh, municipal exenditure Incomes a UK.torfor the electric li--

ht. It is probable j w.-sr.- rist..i. nmi miiv ii: , mof importance to the taxpayers, tiat it w51I t.? tested near the r-i- -lence

. snu, Kr,,?,. - p j ,..-- (

rho expect the best possible return of t5i0 'ute on Emuta. b it n thing lit III iliU't 1


matter Jnlielis-PIal- z 211. btTiliailV. Staple and Fancy Groceries.0 0

for their forced contribution to the rev- - jt.tinite ha- - yet b.en arrived at. XOTICJ :o:KEKF.FY OI-"F- THaT TI-I- FIKM ofenue. -

It wa-th- e the FRESH GOODSIs Yr VCCtai 0- -. m.:-- - it. H:t. HO .LISTER & CO.. TuT aJW-T-T a4J.:ii' ? 1 , T 1 rhe lare-es-t anil sih k i ri-..j- :.i -- , ?rew - 1 riorv e o. k

v - - vaai V a...Ui 4 i ,.i . ;i j i ' 1 a.,;. t 1 3 T I l 55 Tr, r.,J ... ' '.-- .fISiVi. ti-- I.aL l rf t a ci-ra- . if-ai-- :e

rri.iEi:e, - o i tn f . i.

I.AM KAI mrw, re?;!.;-- c it K ::., a :.g.cards ever seen in this city just arrived; ah articles fror.i the late tai

and of the very laie-- t designs. an urdav next. This ulea ha- - heen givt-- upnew 109 Fort' Street., aaa.- VV4,,j'Jt , t .aT

--Provisions, Etc, Etc.id Satisfaction guaranteed. Tele hone No. 240. V. O. Box No. 297.

the niiddie e

IF"' Yire. a- - thev will keep then; nrearlj' and selei t. Kine P.r..' artHotel street. I i:ext vear. when another fair wili be held. K. 1.

..iii.- -iqfeU A V- .- A.



Fo-ta-s day I may :'.? rcaiTo Tt ariiia:..; . se t o 1 t..TLoub now : ;- . are a'is.In street m ' i t - .;. o - Lur--


Absolutely Pure.

To nooks lul s.v rbe cr- -. t ! ee

: 1. i.xf.ii a a a : e. ".on mAn .1 lar iu - 10. l1. . ; e.i s v t'

r.'.tt nights t cy t err andi'.ruiu

Abet rr:'' W! are d nto ..e day 1 .1 t . tc v:ig.A:. I f.tid my i.a ,y e tvo-- ..

L. Frank ia TL Century.:


A uritu Annioirj- - 1 to l ist iu t- -

tuin listri t of tlie (ilube.There s Htii a cu:a- toiti.l-.ig- Wtwfi'ti

the vigetaLl-.- ani i , rc ia t u: ot rta;ndistricts la the land of t he Apaches alln.itarv M, m to -- p;n se nt. Me- -

i;uite- - a-u- l w il 1 r s- tiushes w itii an un.hrgrowth .'f t rdn;l'if.s. ivm.t w -- oie hilisi :e(.'a. tus th:ck. ts ma .e !: ravines aim s: irn-pass:-

io. Mes-p.nte- :u.d e:t. tu apj..'ar t

ha e a marvelous alaptarin for drawingmoi.-tur-e from the arid soii; lui tae ciaetse.ret of their survn al is iH i h ips rhe;r araa-ntar- e

of thorns, ena: drag them to maintaina inaeh-i!isput-- .l . 1 ::m t ev:st 'e

Near CVrri". ,s in the liil.i a p'autatioii of 1 si 1. hi yonug el.toinnt trees wiodestr03-- e ll.ycnav.i11g n;i i hrowsmg "e--niin-

in a singie year. l.'a':.lae eou d t!. iehe raised only in a rat pro f h t l.eus-- , hutth. mala mu ;er, a veget h e w it

ii".y vislMe Kee-- , en 11 fn lyexpose it-e- lf on tie io".i rain-'- Tht ammai eon o.uitaats are epi.illy 'a i

eeiitipe-.les- an 1 Me.: l n.uitiply uuditurhisl. Hattlesi.akes thrive li .ewrigglers in a mill pond 1 'ox otes h'.e.'a'lv

dogs survive where ir. Yaunor wen .1

perish. Any, like their congeners, the. nr. aland tin hyena, they seem naturally to grav-itate toward the harrei.e-- t regions of ih-h-

hi tat ile earth, to regions Hppa:ent!y unal!e to promise th.an r shelter or fo d.

And the I rigands si e 111 to follow the tea 1

eney of the s;mie law. t in eiiher side of theAtla .tie, deserts 'Spani-- h i. e.,dejiopula'.o 1 disi r:et are h muted hy ro.-her- s

as rums hy owls an I glio.-t- s. Ina.lworn out eouu'ries the o iilaw's knife flenmsamong tiiistip- - 1 thorn.s. I'or armed seifhelp is rno-ti- y notlung hut a rea t.onagainst a rgii'-- s oii -- oiUvi otily a defensixe

The liedouin and the hr.anuiie Imshns!; nothing hut'to le lelt alone. Jo thewoiii that, xvi: h is not leidiiy granted. Imtnature has a way of her own for temperingthe storm to destitute lanii s. Wool, toooften shorn, turns into hrist es. - I 'r. Ke'.ixI . Oswald.

'1 Io I:t;litei 14 of 4ne'H A l tori..All these ladies h ad very dull and hum

drum lives. They are too high to finde a is iu society, 'hey mu-- t i surroundolwith a certain h g a of stupi anl cere-mony; th y have their p. o;.ln in wailing;eviryhody eoHrt.-si'-- or kotows to Uieui.Hut t Ins is the extent of t iieir grandeur.Their iiuouiesare not to he eninpai ed withth revenues of the mdi.lily; their jewelsand toilets arc inferior to th- trni'jun ; ofiimny ot I lie lidiei xvho w;nt oil Mum; tin V

liavu uu i;liMt esl.ite,, or ni iii-io- :ii even,hut mu.t put op w .t h np.u 1 111 nts iii sunnl alf de .1 rie 1 ai H'-'- and the upocfacl" theypresent of inipoverislii I rnyaltv ispitiahleI Hfiier Hem dign.iiied 'I h untion grud ;nt hem tliter allixvan e and flue. fens not fn

11; pot I, t h'-i- children. The deiiuind for adowry is fought hy he Undc nts , em hslicie-siv- niili i lege, nnd fh innin nlw tirethey remain fliol't-ft- tleleincn of theirpo tioil l.eing j;iid. Thi llngli-h- , prh)i.II e sfill willing to Ik taxd for tlm sf.-if- ofthe sovereign and of the htnr f fb tliroii ",

hut not for the fiiji;iotl. (f th' loyal if'ativi-B- vvlin-i- i o i isl.i-ie- . is n hurdeti to th-- inf n 11 lie I cfin iiov r o .1 l.ruielif.

fill the xhole, tlm f.iln of those rvdI oru in a pnla , hu4. not to p:thti;il f"i

iw fur fr'.m n via' l . N"ie of flenipos e ses iiatin al gif s or nttra'tioits pndlei nt to eoiiip")i .at' fet th' ho-- of wimlthnnd iuiliKWi' ti, or t.o o ion t f I e i pJn.-.- i

or e infer n pei nal distin timi iNnno willui.iie luimen or eiir tMs liV tl.osni of t

f hioiis prill's-(- s of ;ois-fc-y- . Thoy -- 'ind

in th light of t h" th oii". hut have ihvh of!s i);ti, d liey el llii on a pic )iie'i

w r ?ion .!. ,'i' n j .1 even cii ciim-ann- - es t"iit'ffod thu admiration whji h their po iij .n

demiinds, ft 1 yvitteeit, t.vhifli roynl liink,p"( .filly foi . w'.nfri, is only mi e"po irn

a ad n tw"-kry- . 1 'orupii uoiis- - wlthont,!:ii ns, pr eiiini iit V. iUiont powt-r- , la t y

'vil:o!p iinjiortioe c, pny Me p.-.i- i ! t v

i nUH'-- i 111 I hi 1 d ' y 1 ec.j , f Je pr ..'.- - --

'on. Adam ' !vle 1 i s l,-t- !.

liHin' I'iiwIi I" llie ( minrf I ..fi '.nt will,? nh'nit tlie tow'i

Jt imli e( on a Cue oi li t ion of jjioni. ivn-l-

'lif a Ifirgl tlOl-- !' enei f'1 I .a nppI'Mj r i r . f 1 foi tle-i- r n-- -', nnd on thegr cind int Ii sf eet iri f otif of jt ri.ii wt mcl i ti cj f hit t yor foity litf.i""d l.f)Morn's h'nt-- s or co. ..i,e' ii 'net 'on'itjni ig 11 gurne c,' U . nnd lout;ing thlO'lgh the open do rs W S'l w licitth'ra w-r- p "ri y in'.i 'i in Hin house. 'Ih'.ywe-.'- hro'igfit ont f ly for sum nnd nir,(dai-- ' f'e t h" pi es ii i'S of (on VRis.p ion,foi th'-- w-- 'roving nid ' o It n dt.oin ;

fo oeh'-- r in a i' o- -t vio o'lsrinl in foi' ti.nnioo'i ir. A ncm t'tolf on' oiim hy on"i.i his lemds i is;rf" f i n g thm 'n'efnily. j

S ;,!-- ,h t t(.l'i''"l v 1 y finding ffurn nilrig-''- , ii'i l 'iliers fe too-- : to Jino'le r mnn j

wi.' w is s'laddiing n hri' h under tl " s'.m I" j

of u will. j

'j 1 n j 'eel tnft a '.ct I lo h n pr of" .r

fe ffiireit'd ,' ncilnlMi I Hi" Ml" ( ' k -- :1. j

m rt. d to fii-e- , r; s n pi 1 enoloir So'. f' ls

nf h f-- t h'! I. "f i : -- of I' p' e'inif i'iJ..;;s nnd spurs, :i I fir -- ' i ri ig H'm

q- - it. h.iy o fi '!'.'! '!' f'". t ti'TS fi tids it 'iii '1 I il f h " 'i"rs 'ifr- -,' i irl .v -- ''( n 'l fr'eo t'1" ihifrii.o''.f t ri i.'i I y it ho i 'in i o n of .'i"r, fern,v j ' ti (' c.vri f'-- i I n oof. mi I

f ,''11", r'-- - OM .'1 Ii ' sir ' r i 'gI('i:.y d ovn or f ''ijp'--n"- infli- or,h pieced it 1. j. c'li with his fir, g s or

ire," ' .irj I), .1 ti, r r I hi-

nt .riH-.- t'. Mi ' 'Mi lo, ri p irr,f , i,.,,r : o- - I i' ' " o n ? , fin In, I

.. : ( ret r.'-- ''noi ri 00 h 'i i I fe- - f,i I

I f.-- 'flit" t .' ' " I '.f 1 ! "r ", r j r ., ' ; 1. 1. , n ' , - nnd o f r e I 1,1

r, , r p'-A- V ' ' if '( trr,e;'i'ig' f 'nf '' ! '1, ... I v.. r, !;!' I ' ''!

I f Mi" - ' - It .f--9 I s H O I.'V, I o--

' - '', ! ' I :'' v r - rijii'.' y

, ,, j '. ., n r, ! to 'i. fi d I ' ' ' r ' 'I I

t. o ' i... I rr, t. ( ,., o. .. t M.r 1 u ' 'c1 1. t oP r f '1


Dfroruiu at Tlieir Sof i.il 0ttierinc.Stnrtitig a C iiveratiii "riildlin ! itn"and His Iiit miiieul T!i Lit Coup!)n tlie riourThf least.

Dar.-.-i- g ainorig th- - Crnckers i Usually ajolo j rl rriianc-e- . The r?el and I J.v. nwni.;t;nie Lic-Iud- several t.rti'-ipaiit- ?. butthe -- pji.s s.ui" is more ipuiar than '.Le lullet.A in rr. tin'.'" the men sit on . t;ie si-i- of thehouse an 1 th- - women ci the ether. The samehue of .l- -r orum is j.rervfed in their

' gathertttgs:, the :n'"! sitting or standing iai ii'jes at one eti-.- l of tlie nx!n s. t & art f orthe enterta.:2ment, while the girls ieeuiychair- - t ranjr.l ag-iin-;-

t the wall onth- - s;J.- -, ma:i:ta.!iing a riu.'li'y ofl-- r ;t:!i. with their arms f...I.i;.-.- l and their toeslixt-i- l on the sii.trn- - j.iank in the fl'.r. whk hw. .'.! 1 'Jo pi!it to a ."" II lrilJt.s.i uiihtary eor.i-..in- v.

The yfung men are ordinarily!i!'ul. N girl would dare ad lres a

Wo.-.- 10 one of th. youths until he presentshnosif I.i fore Ii r an l mak--- s a remark toh'-r- . or a.ks a iuostio!i w lu. h detnar.-- a re-I'l- y.

and to do this the young swain must Lavetiiiiv' to jnak-- ' up his mind, lirst, het!e r lieeau si'.ili ieiit-- overcome hi lahfuh;ess todo it ;:t r.i!. arid, seeoiidiv, wliat he shnil ssiytvheii in- - Ins mad up his mind to say some-thing a iil Tj ji :.ti in which more fortunate--tjteakers .V.i':!e. rs have not unf reeoient-l- y

found theiiist'Jve.s. This remark which oc-

casions such d'S j eo'nation varies, of wir1,with, thj taste and char aeter of the sH-aker-


If lie is of .sentimental turn f mind h.'to tu.j erneivfeiiey, and. standing U1-for- e

I it, t'.-ll- i hi r that "tiiar's a tinerbai'"ei' i.ifo.vohl hi oss ijns on til" reek, f.tldLe'ii fetch h e some if she wants them."

The h.'ing the jiis-- t one uddresssl,n pli s tiniid;y: -- rm 'I.I.s..k' t you. John; I

like dow.XX; 1 issullis 'OWi'l-Mr- v.'Another r n. w ventures to s: left the

ohjeci of hij alniiratioii, s.'ivws himself tcthe stie.'iin j oii-t- , and, iHsst.'.--.sin-

g a mentalorganization of mi jra tieal charac-ter, presents himself with the words: "MisSusan, y.i'.i am't sieii old lirindle lately; she'sgot the jmrULst calf in the settlement, and I

want j'ou to iiame it.""FtID!.IN' .IIM's' A IM'KA li A SOK.

To this implied complimciit i?.iiss Sus:ui an-swers, with l;Ius!i:

'1 11 pick out the jiurtiest name I knows on,Sam. .Maj!e you'll Iil:e to n.ame it afteryour .stvethtjai't"; and with tint speech shenigniiieant ly glances in the direction of a p, i 1

w ho is lossilil' her rival in Sam's admirat ion.Here, as elsewhere, it is the hist step whi hcosts; and as these two speakers have had thehardihood literally to set the hall in motion,conversation rapidly ensues, and the rcvehis fairly liegun. "Kiddlm' Jim" soon makeshis appearance; important ersiia;;os moveslow ly, and, r'ali;:ing that there can If in.(lancing until he irrives, this iii:! inuisli.--individu.tl con.-um- es us much time and hrinsexpectation to as sharp a point ns he choo;,cs.Si siting himself in the chair provided lor him,he lte;:itis to up." This lJ a serioil-operatio-

Oh, shade of i'ngauini, come notnear t his The instrument which, !vthe way, is not a (.'reinon.i, hut none the

lor nil that is thumped from peck te)i ll',-- , and from hridge to nd, in process of

hciiuf timed. The r .111 ,ician screws up astring and holds 4 h MI" 1o his riglit. ear,thi-i- mis icw.s it a little ami holds it, (o hi?left ear; a'l t hia done with the inmostgravity a;i 1 a lif.uilied expretv.ion iif omiit-lian-

whi' ii plainly ' 'y:; whit he hasel'u:ri v. .011 U, i hat ' h- - a i n t. ii'iwli.'ir

1 ii f le: ran) Kciciee o' pl.-iyi- ,1 tidd !..-.-

I'in.TlIy a piic;tt ui'iveui 'lit. re-veal i th ft t ha t tin tiddle is in proj , r conlitem, and an audil;i- - 111 d vi .ihle ft' itenent

is -- ccri anions tie- - yoiji.;rtif voiir pro f e screauis ' riddiui'

Jen '(ii.T-viu- three violent strokes of the

oo.v, ii:,d iitf.-iiu- tlif (omuiind with 11

inork-- d ihvtieiiic ;i e iit 0,1 eac'i word.The ii Mle" ;;nd the t j horea 11 t"mpi;i

tionhuvc put all hi nlness ti I'i: ht ; Mim

111'ist. awkward ru-.- j" e;in n k a tgir I tothiii' tt

uid'T the ' iTcct if mi' Ji and"l.ni.'!.--. in ro : and !oah tle middle'' .hal:t'- ;i!..n to its fon uo'.i t ions. The f j i i

.'l Iv.islij:'- - one in a. ,f f(.(5y.His f i k- JS .ri to the fnetenr" of tlif- 10,'-:- i

kio.r. i'iii', e.iilie his f , ' s 111 fit'tl uponJ .'.'' ! i iC (..'!' ." fii Ji p'- r - t 111 'High t he I I HI U

of the as if his soul 'vi ' HoMting out,lii'.,'- - ;i!' ft il.-- i liis i ns sti,:iii-T-

t !,' ' 11 : i '. a 1 r if is vc-- - rn!.!e. it 1: !oiO,, ; !, it - J i.JoMin' hoi ' ; s j, is-.e- .; .

? '." T fo .'is of ! i' ir isin i;.to !,. ncill'-vi-fii.-S'- if fii" i.o ai : I l.r. )io discord

V. a;.'l I ' i.e t ' is fi i 0 'I, i 11 I on I v I'i"ha o 'I.o 1 rs r main o-- i 'he floor. ',' h':

lit-.'- s tic ''i.: '.f . ir. T'i" true (tr'-'-- mw-l- 't, fir- 1 ':re h ''.to '--

1 rt n t I, si his er

.:;: of admirers.no r.sTs tuf. i,vorsT.

f .r I f h h.'ig'-s- ' "' r' a ms"Fi Idiin' Jim." " W h' k''rs if f ha liv-ri-

'"00T.'.'s I t- I. f int in'err'.-fir'.r- y is

: .'. i v oi." to tlie corn '.a ii v( who Yuily np-j.r-

' i.ife tr,'- s. i.o oro""-- A'hi' .'1 iif'rtf 'neir i - s oj, the ri ,'r i up Jarfiieg

t Hud n ri."i--- . (.'..vevr. do notr. 'ei-- j . .t 1 r: r. 'i j." - '- fi nr, d'i'i'

A :''' r sr-- rt : x. t' its f -'-V- i' y 'ri he pirt of

ri.eio '' ' !(( ifri'-'-- ii lotions '.rito'- 'M '.-- ' .'iris rfi"r of t),e '1,'incrs rif"f'X'.i a n 1 f We ti,ir sejs. one

ia of tii'- fl Vir. 'lie-- " t ::'n r li ').-- r to t ' ' i" ' .'isiou Tii" tl.lll'ris ro-- hr .o k fr'.-- h is r! in- c---

vc ! MS fir'.'i' ! Tf fMf) hi'"S' !ff'i r r t f.-- ' ! ;i ( - .on-.- ! t,- ' I r n i


r f ti." ;.'l. i. '? r i'l i,r rI.i ..',.'' o i - i icidf-ds-

fo ' o .. h","- v . de.-.- i r fi''r'l.' - ysio. ' f en' 'ragirigl

.1,-- o .. or r.'- ii f''if v'.-- i oi ! !

' ,0" '.f r. S '", tiX . I C .'if -: h'nsi.f;',. -- o ';. ' ' ' ' " T t Sos 'X o i.'l r

( 1 d 1; i io--, r'o'f 'if n" ri-.'"-

e. h 1. 'i i If'-- ' i :. 1 ' ' C.-r-. ' f tit

o i o- -. i: .11 id rno! ' ' ' ,') I ' j

v.'-.- - ,.' f. r'forrne-- l '.y ' -

' r; . .. ,.o... ..i.-.- ' .'.rt tl-- p'ir ' f tf,t..,-- , . f, lo.;-iol- nnd o-'- v 1

fro .. ; t r. .' ,. i , i. ,,-.;- y- 1.1 ui Ol Ki-7,- - ' ''- -'

r. J ' ' vi o .. . v 'u s . ci ro;

.ii-- ' ;' o '' .". '1 i,.s ':" f.' f -- 1 t'i do' r - ,: , ,,..) r - Cd .,

s. .;v.'s 'i s r, - lo'.-.'-- !..' n,j fn"

. . .' - f'l 1 ' i.'; ; ri - j':" --- .',:' ' o -

, r. - j r- -. r rapio; ' ' - nr' i ro

s ; o h'nd.d '.o' hhad .:- -

t !':-- . . -- ''I Oj S

' . .- .y ' - - IO.')1. .'.. I' .

1 d ' -.'.O.-O.O-

- .' '.f IO--- ,

r oh O o r. '

,,, j oy - . ,., ' ... , -

' ' e I ,. . r ,. f..-- .

'' '.'-- ' 'II if... . . . o. , ...

o- - .. : o. v,

" - 1 : " '! -- ' ; o' s- ,t' V , .- .',,-- ; v rt a ;

' ' "I I O ' - ' ) i 'A x ' - ' o

r ', - j 1 I r '.' i 1- -

I' , - .

1 1

1.1 I T f. t f

1 f h 1

nevukr'i UfVrej fjr (iiuii lio.-U- .A r'i of " is o:'!ere-- v. uny j

v. t.o w Hi capture and deliver '!. thejaii tii..-- ..!.':. d.'i!:

Hook. His di- - i gi;-i- . a- - :'..!- -. ...lOWs : "1, Til .t? , '!..:,. . U' rv

Jiair, eof -: i . r T I . r . n .; Or1''-'-- b!4 iie ii.'-- ; not main-.- ) ; ..,' a:.i;t j

years ; lo-- t from J i j!' ;

has round on lig:.'. f ai, i- '.r:d '

mark on ri'ht A i1oe, reind i;iikand scar on left o--i i. -- h-a- vy

mark over left"

. dow, t io-.- r'

i, ... '- i . ,

lower iip, eral mo t'- - ri na-.'- o ." i

and breast, long tut ni.dei the hin." ;

A photograph ol th ,-- man is exhibitv-- i at. j

the l'olii-- Station, uhi b his j

features, to be of heavy d--- l ipt i n avdthe true criminal t i.. 'J-- - I


w J'liase if Sw In llin.; AVhlch lii-- t I- - !

eently lli-e- Itvlel. j

A. in iLm of swindling has recently !

up in this e untry. I'm-- - is tiee,.iu,-- t

ra iling of old coins and p.sage stanij s.

v i h wLi.-- coUivtorsj eni i- u t .en liibh s .!

winjj to thi '.'eiuand for sucl: ai tiel s ntl.o part of iiiiiiiisin-.tist- anl ctii r.,pro ; table business L is gro'wn up in co in- - j

le. lei'.in; the o: iginals an l seilin t'.o.ii u:!ini!.ensL.'ly ed pri. e. Sevei .il it a

;ig j tlai-- s o.U' inls s ! t uai re-- t of eertrtia in I'liila ielpu:

h tia 1 in tl.eir posse.'d.n i.tf O s; u iou.sioi'1- - whieli th y bad mamir.ietaie 1 lor t: ispill jiOS'.!. As tl.er.i was i.O . VldetiCJ tint th: oiiis were intt.ii-i- f r.ir ult!i'j:i, l.ii tt o lyto rob on id n d ii s oi ; h ir nioje-- . tit--

guilty part' s wt. o llow u to g ni .ii d u,)oii t.e ir pro. rise t 'US'.f ah t;ie. aiid j a'es in t'.oir p .,s- .i.

It is now learned t ,i tii m :': i rni i $

is manufacturing l ii;le! .'ti es jostamps of a de oiniiiut. n l.ng .si ::- -

wiii h 1 ave attained e:i s:l is;

t.iis i ountry: I v;.s shown se.er I : i

tii .se genuine and spurious tit..c:p t tnollii e of tlio secret lcvnt y ifthere wjs any iii.i'e.vtc-e- . it :;pp. arjd t 1

in favor ;!' t.ie lattei. vh-el- i in ;di .e iwere the better xei u.ed ii on o eo.-.-

and wo kiaaiiship. I aft rward tal .e 1

a .oca! i;u:ic3 'i ttist a! oat tb j e .ect otc .Ui.erJ'eitiiig up-i- t:.e . nl j of tlie-.- curiolie said ic was net so gr. ; t a- - i..igiii i es'tppos-.l- . It would ie i ..euit to sw,;:dl.- ace der in an .lent eoins. t ougb, of o fse,1 o.iio who puri i.as d of wh-uis-- v.. r uiiguto. "er were apt t ir: ta.an in.

lie i hen in.O. in U III-.- ' th;;t siiV'i lia f - kdlars coined i i th j y ar fouts i a rods lie at lioui s.t. 0 lo o,- ' eac':. Ti.e vai.i

upon ti.e pr servation of t.ie.onThe rs hav- - u.se-iti- in d thai tii re arclu. j'i.-cu- i oi th'.3 oeao.eiii.ition th.t'i.weie Circulated, iittie, if .tiiy. It is ti.eseseven wiiie.i com naud th li:;jiio t tigure.TUo e wl,os3 aope.t stne: is not muchdi.sliared s Ii read. ly at while t;iy o.t:-.- - reuicOn ie.-- , whbout regard to eon d. ou,arc soL.l at --:;!). It is a bttlj hingu ar thatw,.i!e coins of l and i'J") are voi tii o lyaf-jwienr- s more than their face . alie,those of iS K Jui i l i a j so expen iv ly.Ths reason for th.s li- -s in the that iu

tiie mi nber of hal.-oo.'iar- s oi;i ! wa-- e

'inpara: l v ely s:uail. and as these galual y 'dsap-pertie- frun cin nl .teai the.rv.dae aecoroiogiy i.--i reus d. ..n tii r fin

Ac win--- t.b-.-rt- ? a meat d :i;;in 1 t;.j i.,i!.-dime- s

of l liwv! or; iUotel ; l lio nto .?' .' ea? h. a- tiig to t.h--i- ..; te

of ir-.-y r.atio:;, ai ! for the sim-- j n

tj.v it a': ove.Ihj si;:is o: nion y i'l d awn from

and lo ' -- i u in ti:e.s-- ; o :e :io,isis V t ery iarze. i . e nuru't--r o.toli-- i tions h.v grttitly i .i;. i;w I o." ,at--

a s. an l miny ri' h rn-e- ii - n;iVrI of j. Ii: oi-jii- n aiel iiarri ii ' n

r tt oi i!uh ni'i;- -, in.. i it th ;r :; 4:

ho by. '1 h'j Ol'r.il e nn.l- - tu eolbrf r.ion ir.A me ica, eniora'-.n- oiri. t v- y oe'.i ription fioi i t.i-- t old e.i.oui.'tl day , .own U ti.eprtjsttnt ti ;.-- . it in h n of lo. i.r)g'' j

i'avrr;ale or 1 looton. Its i.itrias e vaJ-t- ' is ;

atii e i. th.n t'!,' . 'iht s n.i vhi'-- j

.Mr. ; irrniie-! t.m: 1 for it is -

I'Li.a ielphi I ri.s j

TV. sr - is r.n ).rr. :i h or th pn'.-I- i .hii;-;1.0s;Iis, ! h.t '.l."l"T iX M-- l .OU ' lO . I j

r.O it ,t ti.e p n.l .i.i.'ig 'f ia .v t?,r, : i. f ;'

wa to,d by a K"' '' connec 1 '

i h a law-- , ublis'.. r.g t.'.ue ia t..:s city j

tii it ?!.; iinai'id for ie.iS of that 'Inn- V-- r

h. ts . a o.f re;.,i.-xa!i-y wi'ni.i 1 j

ti t set ye-ir- s I'ub'.-t'.- are .ery c.inry j

a.x ur, br.ag.: g o it :. e wii", . oru fla i

i. j the ui tVug pro.'itiL e. T. i tasii j

t;-.- e leg i prof'-sao- bn jj.-'-t- . I. i

'; a re ; t.o ' h ruo .e .n the pra ti-- ". t .atth.?-- ? o iC'5 . ioui. . Nioi.r. '1 firms '

i:r-- j ii.l iti-- to li ia. ge f.- - of ro-i--

'(,; icer. a 'A ho'.e. '; r-.- ' i had

a .. or pa ;'of , ! , wrsit !e i tie i,f t,.,.s. o',.l--- r


:. e.ri hrs ti.e tar tii tr.ire is a grA--.-

;i,.;yl,..ai.n on .. r r: t .el - i rit.s t.,The if i eo ;e of trieI. c .'at i r. i -

r.i i.'s Viw.i r i he t ru it o.' ;i 'r-r.e-- s

07 r mi e. it r. i - o:; e '.' r. jj oeral;11 s. 00 1 rr..i : it v-ij t; a e f '', i.

1 i.e. .a e.-.- . ..1 i.i :,r.v;-r- i' f ?. ?. t,ji.'.-s.iV- r. ; er,.i.. V, r ;. .' t i t it is.Ar.'e: to - e !i 4 '. ' h:y ti,

t '1 get or - 1 i it '.. e . . a ;

d ';i.t ii w'i.e i. rr. i .7 ?o0-;- , f ' - Al. x

w. . i ! e is jr'iVr i i 7 r . o r S H ' l 1 i.'--

1 ens." ;":- s iv. r.

i" '.r:.a:.I . s :' ( - 1 : .

. :v t'r.e - v. . .j 5 i 1 ' o'.t .

. 7 .0 ' r, o 'rii .Jto ;..ai-i.-e- r .n ,

. o -- ;o of r .1 Lf.''

..! :. - 'r1 ,;'

in r.ig'.it r's". .im niidif' a ' r ;a i " f . n g i :

..is 1 o: ' . or T. ri in.: .s v. 1 .... is-

s: , 'i v, ;ri i'-ri- s .v

hy a ...s:. o i i.i,-..-; en, tiv-- r..a

of r.i- t.t i'' v .v'I..--- '. s i '

-9 g s , t .OilA".- - I iV j(.S JT-

;i r.

- ".. i !' r. i 1

',11 oA .1

e ; 1

1 n t -

ifirl I l" I l t 1 tii- - ov o--,

'I- MX. . .i ,1 1 i.-- 'ir

. ' r . w I

'1 ,'''.... . T .. i

,Jo lf-J- (

! 'no r .

: re . ' H- I 1 r .

- y :':T 'i-- .11 I

V- r . . e-f 01.3 .. r" ; .r .o-j.) o v s f.-.- f -- oo-f-'

,,...- .;' t.'jr-,- t ii n n iO""t J.'-,- ' e.. , ;.t -- f to ' to s-f


i ft : e 1 ' ' f. 1 r.

. ,.f r. --, -- s ' ; : .r- -i t '.- - o.t , f I .r --

. -- krt-f ': r-

,. ,o if 'h'--- r

o-' -- r ', " ..' :i 7t f e j. ..-. 1 e- - liy

, r 15 ; f l 0" ' ",cco M

, nvited to alterad th, funeral TO-r,a- v .ti, ...I

M o'clock P. m.. from his I,, rid.we. aU- -I tea htreet.


Martim-lli.- ci.ler is absolutely ,.ure.liea.l advertiM-n.en- t f MartiilliMcider.Yuen Kee 'A-- Co. lilVe removed to HoU-- i

street. .

Martinelli's eider i, the be, t and r,ure-- tmade.

Val Biatz the'Milwaukee lager U-c- r hbnest in the market. Bottled exre-l- v '

tor tLi climate. "!

Malariv, the 'curse of large i, !

positively cured ami prevent.'.! bv the use I

of DuflV's Pure Malt Whisky. J

Undressed kid hves, lu. lies' underwear j

pink, white, cream and blue cashmere justreceived by la-- t at (J. J. Fisher.' !

Stamped splashers, stamj.ed scarf-- ,stamped towels, etc., and Colored cotton towork them with, at N. S. iSa'h-- , I'll Fortstreet.

Dr. lii,t.n A. Sage, M. !., l'ekin, N. V.!

write. : "Ihave been prescribing Dully'- -I'n re Malt Whisky and find it adapted toC:i;s no u i .ri inr ; on-.-.-... , ..I... .1.. .1 ;..- j j - Uf WHiH" S I I I I LI -

For fancy work, a Jine avvirliiii-nt- , ofthenille, pon j;;;,is, fumy chenille, plaitedribbon, and tinsel crescents, etc., at the1 opular J lhmery IIoi-"- , N. S. .n. hs, j.ro- -

prietor.Mes. r. v , ,. Ul( U ( it t',,., of Mauna-keas'.iee- t.

inv.i leave to notify the pubii'-- t

i. ti.ey have jusi re' eived a large wuan- -

' oi XXX and o'.her choice brands ofMatuia of tlu best quality, fur saleat moderate !ficv.-.s- .

J1 lluwaiisii Allien Ultra I So.vivty.

A meeting of the committee of this so- -

ciety, to whom the arraiigeinents for thelair to Yk' held iu Mav next have beenomti led, met on Mondav evening,


I,,ert? I" Ju1 McCuIlv (111

tliO cIldiT), Judge lilekertoll, Mr. B. I.I'Uliiiham and Mr. Webb. A list ot"

firms ..nd individuals, who mav be t x- -

i ?ctei to take an interest in a show oicattle, horsis and other stock, was prepared wi.'i a view of their being speciallycommunicated with as sn as certainpreliminary arrangements for the fairshould have been completed. The J

opinion prevailing among the members j

of the committee that if a suitable place j

near town could be secured in which tohold the fair it should be preferred to i

the Park, Mr. Dillingham w as ap--1

pointed a committee of one to make in- - j

quiries as to certain sites and to report j

thereon. Further business was a - i

j' urne-l until the report on this subjectshould be received. The date fixed for t

the fair is (a.s already announced in the i

Advektisek; the first Saturday in Ma . j

On Tuesday evening the Committee'or Directors, charged with the arrange- -

Inents Mr the Ilorticulural show, held a .

lengthy meeting. There were present :

Hon. A. ij. Cleghorn, Vice President in ;

the L nair; 1T. It. Morvlbbin, Mr. A.Jaeger and Mr. Webb. The for theHorticultural ."rhow had previously b --en"At;1 Vjt a dav in th second week ofM"ay. In regard to the classification of

exhibits it was Te-olv- ed to group t hern '

lrort together fr the purposes of cornji:- -

t'.tion ".ban has been donat the so'ietw'sprevious fair. First, se:ond and per-

haps ether prizes will be given for ' I , the t

be- -t varieties and '2, best indivi l ex- - ;

hiblt.s in the follow-in-? c'as.--s ; liases'cut,, ferns growing,, shriibs andrfverir--g plants 'cu:,, ralni.s ''growing,,orchids growing;, vegetables, !'n.;r-- ,

S'igar ear ;, cereal.- - and folder j.I.int-"- . '

b?ii-:et.- and iioral designs. The-- ct of Arhor Day was dist;us?od , And ir

was resolved to re rie "w the jtittri to tiePresident of the Fioar I of K ideation forthe apriir.tment of a rpe-cia- :-.l ;.oi:-da- v

for ti.is e.

The rttrtrtatioii of Pltt TfiFrom 1 1 (.ovnimiiit n ro r y .

Tht-- . 'ir.dueenvr.t he-l- l out to thether.-.selv-s from the rovr:.-r.ier.- t

N :rjery is being soiTLewha

availed of. Vesfe-- r lay beingthe lay fir putting ia app!.Vdtior.. Mr.r

ieg-- r is -- or:.! to sixty-fou'- - pjr jor.a.:: jior.ZLn tr.em art, .ipare

l.s-r- : no- -a;-r.- ! .. ants a r- -

.ri. ne.-.'.eii x s Vi. : r.'i ir.v f.,and a fe v Ff a'.: an The t

n ::viher of rr-- es name. i in ti.e ori' T'-- co'--


t i.e msei w.th c't.- orr;:t tr-e- s 'r ti.e r.i ""r.f-r--, a;

gripe v.r.H. r'l i, ahiz.ipear, hme xanota r-- etr and .far.-.r.-

p'oiivi. --evral ot the v-.e- r sp.oieard our, ti.e

..'.trv-.- and eucalypt'lsi i r.g iar-- e y i;

r,-.;et-. Thti e:V r.-- ,f Afr. r.i."r--r- . -

'ep.'ii rig '";ver a f. ':n":ier '".f ve irj. t.i r : '

.1 ener.ii i:'er,l-- t i,. tree .e;; tor-- -

latter! beg-- :, to -- ear a'.r. fr;.r.;;, r:-:-- s of fO p'-r- : merit --

'ion ir'.vnrt ao--a- r1 V

.v; . itie ;V,r i.e i He r:-n a

rvho v.i i i. ' ' ajt""in '

,ie ro'-'-TT- i mt'Tlt N trser". Viri-a- :r i t".-

- ne-t- it j''o.it.d.,: .i.tnd Jide ot is .

-- g -- r e

iter ot" iCeannioic;

:i.:.es f"'n 'it e.

a, erreia'-"- ror A': . IV iM V'


ro-'- "'hiding iu '.'tr-- e

M,.jrj. f,i;,.,tj ;','- - .!. or- - - i -

I;.te! and 'fa-'.r.at-e- r

an fi"e viw . '.! 'e I

iti'r ,'!..r .iif! '

,iad .iLf.o:." a V.t-- t. :.e ,;-- ,!

jro'ltltl Vi 1'; if.'tt .ee' lie; M. 'v i- - ;.eif...-- i in

".! )'!! 'ut'el'nt-o'.-V tJ i.i 'jrnH'fvst. .r it :v.4 o'-- v.' e!i 'ot . 10

r'n.,'.-e-, . I'i.o'n' j if' -'- .-

Vt tferded '.; J T '.f-- A 'O

rt'iier -- le , ,i ".'-!

1, '!!. '."it jo ::r tu . ':'-''- r

-- ,er- 'I'iief ',r.- 't - .!'" .r:;iiry.i;iv:pl' 'en :'r'.'f .ir"d.


Lei lit avo- a ilild

C 1 Ci --rV 11 !

Tr.v aPi'M nrcrirsT :s EE.'.i:r daiu .nX cissxr tois.s. x oes tcit et". . 1 r h--

arr nolJ. tor it it. aii I'.nJo t iol f t ttmitti.s iajoVr yissler ft m;hl ci.-iil,'ac-t Ul tti

bo luvp for k lofcjr tluif smok.i troctj- !.,.,rnte-.n-s- lmp.rta Macii ulll. rt-- r Uli.;t,oriMihtil; u-ni- oi tli STeu.twti .t ti,uerviiu nvulrn.. siirt !x it a liiiKl rltrarif 1!:5cox: t.i fcuj tt: Tit lit Vui.t

lii'ir iiijliv tl . nt.;. liiiti e; i!.1,Vi" X.',c i.l'.Mfren; l.iss 01 nj : otct . 1 ,,,i: 1 , urrvoi-.- innll:t. aitciia, rt.--

. T,.'. v .:. ttifii i r- -

;.,le rfn,,'.,i - -- e, m.t.t l ouiif lln x k next tl, i tl or .:li-i,i. wimi 1 jtin? liitt n:pcr.iit use of e.iviii, iir.. T,d tt,tll fi kl.,-i.l- J Kiij.it. i in:.. uii ,n-- j n.i prpTsy.t imtt.

It is a tiett net nil luil.l . iyrs gi-e- e

ltb KlUOlm. tCT tl. llllStil tl'.f. Is K l.-t- k

of oar ui the ll.c ttjlta.-c,-- , i ,l citfr.tt r netssai nj-trifii- ter .t nt Ainiv,n, othrrr is cue t,rmt.i lool. .uls lir inix-.-j tauteriou kiuolrr. atul tt,t -


"Samilor Health i iar,' wy.i. h 1 in.l from nul.t, re!i1i- - ."."Xit piMtiLC'

larl lprttil nt tel-,r-n- , h tut 10 :

1,1 tieo all tlir t)alilie t,ii li tn hr txrt n-.-

from tipalth riKr. It en-i- ' u I1 ffti l

. Wili.l. Is tlhlr 10 tlie t..-tt-', hi:t es rxn'xIs tli etitt nit pistfuiiM a rnr aretna Ni,'jiokrr lieul.l fail M .rive

EDgellireilii's aiijiiler" ('pK fair till, atut t i Hflll 1 1 lont 1 at tl -- nitime. !, taimvn


'tire Hall Whiskvti

ro u

A I ed i c i n a 1 IJV o.fNO 1 ISl.l. Oil,.

Al)soutely run? and Unadultrrrated

IN I'Sf-- inIlltitt4,

rmatlxr liiwttttt$mt,lit.itrintnrl'T'i,


lYenei ioul lv l'liynii irttiH 1 vri v line

Till: ONLY

Pur Slimulaiit.fur .Oip Heli, Itivnlhta Cnnvalpaet lift l'titfrta t,

Aeil IVepIr,

XTt'Alx AM' lilim.nATKII "AOMfN.

AxtnriTf.1 UltsT I ttlr mil l MMMt, at"A'nrM 1' 1 joaillen, Nt-x- t ( '.fix tin, la.. 1 M".

Mai laiiaiu- - A Co.,VM' it'tita


K ,

IVuiiiuni 'V'nlhjy.Itiiiiiiin to let.Jwifli nl xx ifliniitj liiemt.

IliUMS lllrASdNAUl li. Hie lioife isnow lerely 1 ' r 1 hi tl pit t ii M I

MUM. .1. T. WIIITI',vr.7 li.i II tini-H'- .

I li i m )il)Molnl(l puroril)i;i m innnurar-Iiium- I

hi (ho iirrliiinlinio .vrnr lirlorr plnr-h- m

If on (he mm Ixvl,

ami gf-iicnifr- i f m nunt,v inilnrj.l xv-MK'- nhif


A sniiill in nirr Ju(ititIvmI immI lor Mile'j



I if M'l

t t IM Nf-- f f ' fill f . '. t ( 11 in.;y li iti-..i- I (i.. Hi p. ;..ilr i.f fd r f! Ti'OO, ro .a pttte ' I II 'i'l 'I nd. I I fi" ti r v. M I

.f 0,11,1 It rt vo-1- I in ;,.i'"o-- l "f (' ' ' ' ' ' I

Tihi.1 :,. I.- - I'l, l . I'i I'l' M In 1 I. ll'.l I 'I On a .!'-,- Hl-- 1" ; r


: I


- s,

Ji-jiitr- t iiK-i- t t ; interior.p. K. Kauiiuakaol( , l a this day been

at t,e nt ti t.t.i- - Ackuolttments toLaborCoahi t' t' r tiie ilisti ict of tiaua, Maui.

I.. AlIOLiO, .

'.Mi luster of lute rior."Honolulu, 0, ISrit'..

M i d declO w di:v7

Tnst . oll't-ur- " otv.The Tax Collc:iir xxill cuiuiucuu: follectlu;

taxes iu the district ui liilo. Inland of Hawaii, atthe following pl.u'e.s:

from Kaiuat-- e to Oukala, at the North HiloCourt House, Laupahoehot".

Jr'rom Hakalau to K :ik tha, at the Court Houseiu Hilo Town.

uu sujjar plautatious taxt-- s will he coI'iiM?.! atthe o't.co of tach respective plantation. Nolicewill he yiveu beforehand to luauatjtrs hy theTax Collector, or by hi order what day heshould call to collect taxts.

1". I'AHIA,Tax Collector of Hilo, Hawaii.

Hilo, lecfii:ber 1, lS8tI. dwttj

AU water rates due on !fi- -i tudi;n; June j

liST, must te paid at the oi'.-.- : s ol 'In UotjluluWater WorVi ',ei.'i- - t..-- . ijy ,t i'iuary,1 i"tT . Al . ;atv-- i riic iui .. ."r.'l Jauuaiy Is.iSST will !? au moi . i ' .m;-ii-.- i 10 pet cent.Fartics pa. ites w. 1

t- sent their last if-c!p- t.


CilAS. 11. '. IL-SO-

super: nielident Houolulu Water Works.Approved: L. AlIOLO,

Minister of Interior.Honolulu, lV-i'- ui'u;r 1, lssC.

'f.iie "olice.from and after Noveiur.er iss.;, An account j

due the Uegistry Odice will be i oliected at the I

eud.f every month. 1 e-- le ,Uli ou the ;

other island will pleaie remit joi.-v!;.-!

HSU'S Ka f., j

J7ideci5 i r.;istrar of Convcyau. .. jl- v- ' :

I' OUT OF iiiXSOliL'Ll', It. I j

AKiti VAIA.ft'EWEsaAY, IVceruhr .

Stiur Wiialeale, Wtir. fr'ui Hauiakna,Hawaii

Am b'itne Amelia, VV New hall, from TortTownseud. via iiilo. tia.vaxi

Schr t.uiui, Hacauley, trout KauaiSobr Kob Koy, froiu Koolau

lKIAltl t' "... V e i n k o s , Decembers.

Aai hVtne ' Kiikitat, i: . Cutler, fvr PortTo'iifiij, w r- -

Aiu-lj- i Iheoi.ail, J I Ue-- d, for Port Tjw.tt-neu- d

Schr Ualea'iala, Pej-"ii.-- j. Hiwuischr Jl:le .Morris, tor KjjI.usjchr Liholino, for 'rtuu.c

jVeiieii I.e.i:tStair Kilauea Hon., Ca;.:en.-i;- t,e Ita:uaua.

it 5 p iu i


i" i'u i ' i or-iiJ- i it i- -

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ba sot. nme Walker, B A from ,

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from Sau trancicotrtl wri W Ll Wat., j n, ia L- -i .. re. L,.:e, fr'jLu

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ao. nark F..-res-t 'jueeu. I C jI Wiu:!:l,', fr--

am tern J C ford, T H Ortf.t'u, from SuAm tars J H bowers, J H Hum, from Hon-- -

Aiu car Ar;j I' R ralkla'i-l- frm Han-hOi- dt

Bj-- , Catcrec hark Paciio. C OIniian. from ErmaA ui batae W rentier. from '


y s wAra bkta Aatl:. "'ill-Ai- u ii1.. ?ror

Port Towseud, ia ii.i Uawait

) vvii'i cafii'-- i frm iir.'liii lrii.brit Lark OteLt-ral.e- SoUestoa. fr.-t- Lirr- -

J;yjl. d'ie Ja l.-.- il

Am bark F..-Le- fr- m oi,-- : w, Ue

Am bk Mart La Dav:.--. r M jri. irul d : mlKoasoa A'i-ii- t :r- -. Dn--:u- -- r

-- :t:i.ter-t. fr unHa cliTtrrucn i ::: 1-- :!.

i-- .4 iOer 'jari iiyi:, :r-.- ;:.J. 1 le r.ciii- -

b rliermaa bark Her-'ll-s- , --cb.ief-r. .a l.- -l :':

LiVr;.xl t.'c; ji;er .ta, d .ie fcehr'iary Ji-i- S

Haw Lari ur of A L.v :u r 1.. 1

a:a L:aad, 'i ;e .tcm.-- 1 iUaa'ii jla J s i ;.iai

a:k;. via ir iaan'j i hAm ora ir-.i- V- fie N iil- -

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Am :,i ,.e;-iOL-, Li ca.-.-':- r'r-js- -- aa Faac:.--

d ae t 4

Am aip de c iry, :at. S S w, 1 ieLce-i(.e- r l.l 1

Aoi .litae W si f.-- --a a rril',i.M.ti li L;ecem'--;e- -- l 1

Aaa tai F.ureka. H Myer. :'r:m "a a r raa-c:-i-:- ;i,

i'le Lee t--'i

Am tern '.v S E.iwsx. A H Paul, r'rrxn Saa r raa-ci.H-j- n,

d:ieA u ak:u til.a. 1C ; ;r ;m 'a F.na.-;..w- ,

d at - ec dA a S s, Alamela. II i ".f r-- c r'r-.- 'u ta Co

i ro'tit 10 ia r:ai::.w--)- , i-- --":"daw j s .ea.aa t.a. O'.er-saii-ir- -

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ciu'ner sta. to i:'i4.ir. a-- t T'thiaa t' ir'auat sa fnaoiwM

Th fjiop ron..t -:

from . owa. :':a:;T I'll.Ti .. l : 1 '.V.'..et

Port r.jW:iUil Efi-fU- i er it U.

T3? aa .'! i.w-- l .iirtil a ..tii-.;.ar''- v'r:' o ; lir ;


Tti tiaie.-ii-- ta Ttiee'-'.!- Oil - ' .

.i . :i .ikl'.nt Z tt-f.- .t-- r -- : '.1

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A Nw Invention.HYMEN IN IDAHO. drrrlisemenls.


I Grroeei'ies l3i"o visions and FeedThe uulrigtil ofifr ! t RtjUwe-- t n.aiket rr.tfs,

wilITr U'tvivillir. H AUl-Llt- . A, KAT IOKNKK KOHl AM' KINO NTKKLTSj.

New Oood received by everv packet from the Knstt-r- sntles anil Kurope. --'rpsh CaliforniaTroduce by every srearner. All enters fsinfully a!tei.t' to, H"1 tiootis delivered to Rtiy part of thecity tree of chnje. InUntl orders solicited. 'saTisfaelioii nuaratitecd. PostolHoe Kox So. 143

Telephone No. sr.' f.o apJT









1. 4. Ikox ."!. Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,Water Fillers and Coolers. American Cordage, r.arhul an A Plain Annealed Feuce Wire,

Fence Staples.

iXOW L PKESS.1887.1 Fourtli Year of Fublicalion. 1887.


11 I 1 H( ?)I,TJIaJ


For llto Yv:v of 0i- - Lord 1887, ( ontaiiiiii an

Asir()no!iiicaM;iviKV Ecclesiastic'l CalendV

For the 1-Iolitl-

Meriden Silver Plated Ware,A new Invoice in latest patterns. Carriage Paint for use in the country, without Varnish. A new

invoice of the celebrated

Horse Hoes and Cultivators, Harrows, Hoes, Lubricating; Oils, etc., etc., etc.


s i ltlliiciflain A o. ami .Shimih-- I 'o((.

Fort Streetr ut hi v.

Oilieial and .Business1 ' K I'TII

Full Statistical and General InformationRELATING TO THE KAWX ISLANDS.

txivat pains and expense liave been gone to by the Publishers tomake this Almanac and Dikectokv the most uselnl ami eomnreheii- -.: 1. .ri.t.:..i 1.1: .1 t :.. ii . n t- - i .

THE HONOLULU IIION WOKKS CO.Int o onil-l4-l ami olTcr oi- - snle i lollo inu lloil r..

i paik coiirorxi) steel noiLEJjs1 Combination ttoiler, 12 ft. r It. 0 in.

1 Combination Steel toiler, 12 ft. x I ft., also1 Seeoml-llan- d Tubular lloiler, 12 it. x l ft.

je-7 --se Ai nly to Honolulu Iron Works Co.

j sue uik ui me Kiiai uvi'r pu oiisneo in me Jiawaiian ivmdom. itj will he lountl invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists.and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home ami in Foreign Coun- -tries.

j Its Court and Oflicial Calendar carefully corrected to the latestI moment.i Articles of secial vr.l'ie to the Islands have oeen jrearcd bv ex-- jpert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest intheir condition and prospect abroad.

1! T IT (llim TMV l OAAT

Send in your orders for copies early.HA V K I ( ' I'l I V : I )

May 8th Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packages ;

May 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,922 Packages :

To Arrive Per Constielo. 332 Packages,


hm Marrying 'p ,f Ioan ramMyMt UiiKiin Wlirrl f hhij.

W'aoon Wiikkk, 1. T., .July :;i.-- A .vti.nm viio nvtn Historyout.-.tilo- n fuiiit il--- r the forwonioii whk-- xi.-.l-s in pints of tlio vi-st- . Afew vvks fi John I.ano, ft miner h v

xr ui ttiL.cn nick, unil, hh l.o sevinsl likely todi. word viit to Mi in Mis-

souri. In t-- day hU two tster-i- , bothtualln ladles, rouc-bo- Wwon Hfievl, buttoo lulu to now their brother alive. Hm buddUJ a few day- alter th-- telegram hud bo.--

sent, and had boon Lurk-- 1 m tLo little comoUtj under the bill, wherv several men had

him with their ln on.TLv leading mm of th town took thy

ladle in chnruo ami saw that they wt-r-

j)ruj-rl- y caml for at tho hotel, where nearlyverylmdy here callod on them. One of the'

yuum; woinwi vu rather tall and unular,jirohablv 'M y. ai of ue, while the other Mmuch younger fend inorv ji i (n

ance. They were well ni;,h exluiiist--

after their loii J.. tuney, an. I the iiuiy-- r ofthe town, Cuj. liowi-n- , und the shei-itf- ,

vaster Fori I, insisted on their taking arest brfuie attempting to tiaii-in- i t any busi-

ness or thinkirf of home. Theirbrother had some property, and the ii Is de-

cided to remain ami settle tip hi affairs.Alut a w, k nfter their arrival Sheriff

Ford informal some of his friends that he winengaged to Miss Ion, th elder, ami certainaction- - on the part of Cap. Howeii led thaby to lMliev that he was tr iii to da..lathe ees of the younger lmly. That wt tlitov n in an uproar, and from tli.it time onfur several ilas until the matter was settls I

iiojomiiJ woman in America was so indus-triously wmo1 as was Miss Fanny !nne.Tho mayor had a K'! start of the otherlxiys, but he needed it, and more, t'. II hadteeii very kind to the .voting women, how-

ever, ami it tiwk so i m tlii-- s to cut him out,lit Henry Howler, astrappinj; youn fellowof IH had the requisite atnonnt.

In th course of a fv ilavs if was arranvl that the wethlins shoul.l take phvMhere, ainl that th Iarie' mot her shoul.l m

neiit for that the thin miht K' ",T P1"1'fctyle.

Mrs. Ioane arrived here last Monday evenon the warpath, determined that the innr-riaj- e

should not take place. She was acomely, ttcU preserrtsl woman of .V

years, with a lrik way alnf her. When sheKdw her daughters nh burst into tcara, andupbraided them for their forget fulness oftheir dead brother and their immodest hastgenerally-- , and at length, when she saw thesheriff and Howler, she gave thm a piie ofher mind an well. All hands were in dspa:rwhen old Cap. Howen came alon, and lothth .sheriff and Iowlir lxsouht him, asmayor of the town, to intercede in their le-hal- f.

This h lul after a while. 1 le calhsl nMrs. Ioam in the sitting and intro-duced himstlf in m most dinitled maiiuer aatb mayor f Wap;on Wheel, a man neces-aril- y

intenvstl in th welfare .f all itscitizens.

'Tm th mayor of Wayon Whret, maJam."11$ bepan in a iliplotnatic ay to coinpli- - i

ment th Misses IXvme. Ixvelier j;irls henever saw. He could sympathize with the i

KherifT and Bowler, Nvaxise his own heart hailbu touchoL . j

"Now," saiii Howen, '"if ymir husKand washere, madain, I cvxild talk, to him more fnvlv,but "

"I have no busKanJ," said Mrs. Doane witha &Uh. "I un a w idow."

A-- a- wi.low I No husband f" pasixsl tholil Cap., tho idea dawning on hun slowly."Yes, yps, very sad. I s.v. Yes, I sv. I'msorry that Is, I'm g;hul that you are here. Soth omst'iit dotenJ.s entirely upon you.' Of i

fouix it tliVH. Yts, it divs. SupjHVJe youthink this matter over a few minutes, and Iwill call hen airain in half an hour. 1 mustfcei a IU.-U-1 on iiup'trt&iit business and then I

will come lack. lleaso do not talk with any-Kl- y

else uutil j'ou ber. me."Then he out, went home, put on his

loiled shirt, a tarivl up ivllar and a whittmvktie, and a long frvxk coat that he alwayswears ou stat) occasions, anvl with a jold-heade- d

caiie in hLs hand he presented himsx-l-

at the hotel sitting ixxnn the half hourhad expired, M.raL Doane was sitthig in tho '

saiu chair and a!iUot iu the same attitude, .

and as the mayor entered she locked up smil-ingly and complimenteil him on his punctual-ity. After making a few inquiries as to thdsheri:T and Bowler, Mrs. lVane annouui-e- d

that she had aNnit concludtsl to make the lu-s- t

of what she was afraid would l a ld job."But," she said, -- it will necessitate my moving i


here. I never cv-ul- leave thoso girls out htualone never in the world."

Tho old oaptaiiiiUed down his vest, and,after passing his cane from one hand to theother a few times, said: "That is w hat I wasabout to say, Mrs. Doane. You see. we needthe fair svx in this town. Your daughters,lovely girls, will make six, and if you shvuldstay that will U that will ln seven; yes.

ven. Now, I was alxmt to say that. s;!icethe yc-uu- folks are to settle down here soconif ortabty. what i t J prevent you. awidow, as you ohservevl seine time ag-- , fn ni

ttlir.g here also? Ahem."Mr. iVxtne far.r.i hrsv'f v;'--rr- i!r, !.vk- -

el out of th? win Jotv, a::J I: "1 .a: :

what I sai.l. sir."Tht mayor mopxl tu 1 hesvi. ar.l

an erprvsyon si.ifi!-.j- ; that h-- ? vas t- -

try it airain. he Iv.n:Yos. I know, aivi, I wis s."i:.,

the voting f k-- i arv xo have a we.l.i;nr. wLysbo'al int you an-- I. rr of u yr veryolA, also f ure in one? I o;Ter myself to y, :ihumMy. I am tlie mayor of the town, ar i Iown ?7.tV worth of proivrty IwiU help you l k a iter the der c tvatv.r--

Mrs. rane l him , ar. Ifrom her ohoir Tpt or.t cf the n.a w;;b aremark to the that she mi:st have t;:-..-

to thir.k. If he woul i call thj ivxt day fi e

wouli give hiiu an answer. TLit evt j.i::the widow and her dav.htt rs talk-.- l the mat-ter over long and earnestly, and the old cap-tain, who was a LttI- - arj:-."i- . rcoi in frontc-- the hc-- and tiot:r.i all caller that f h-

la-i:-e were in !'oe.i an 1 ou!-.- n-.- t- - syrr,To the leri'T he evv.ti i-- i Iv.s e. r:t. h thremari: that ur.til tc: tlunr .ttiel th- -

cocscti hcrl Lad ; t - star, ! Ivt k " Th- -

nest day th iv..r-iv.-i a favorableand list evening th- - three ottpT,- w. rv

married by the rr.r.ister. Mr N:-rr:s- . thewh-rl- town Ki;. 5 et:.

Although the sheriiT and Ii-- . wr are haj : vmec. they d not --ie ;t as as the caY-ai- -i

does. Ke will w.ar hi l:-r- . k.a..-- cx;teviry day hereafter. w York Sun.

Cnriom KflTect of Cold AVeatlier.A curious effect of the ecM weather

railrv'ad transjxrtation was dsoveii inIwrth Cro!ina. where the movement cf tLtrairs on on road 'was brcuh: to an entirertop by the trazing of tha water in thd tui:-e- U

into forsaidal . icicies. which tie ioo-tnctivs-i3

could not bn?aJc Dtru--t Tra

PJJ (&.Z'"CX". f

S) fo.uc j?a" a v.v

mftA t5


IIistetter Met iiimis and Kus iu-l;- o Murphywere tulkiu about one tiling and anotherand ut lu-s- the couvt-rs;ii(jilriftt- to barlx-rs- .

Murphy I've triol a fiil many differentbai and my impression is that they causobaldheudi-dm.'ss- . They talk their customerbaldhcaded. The' just talk the hair riht olftheir customers' heads. My present barler isthe lu-s- t tne I ever haL He hits partially lusthis voit-e- , and cannot sj-a- ab- ve a whisper.

Allow nit to congratulate you.Murphy There is not much cau.M for con-

gratulation after all. You ouht to hear himw hister. He never stops a minute, and to in-

sure length of life, to himself, of cours.', hochews garlic. It is almost enough to makea man prefer death, but. he has fewer discrep-ances than any other l.arlx-- r I over saw.

s It is strange that a barlM-- r lutsnot 't enough to keep his mouth shut..V toiisoria! artist, physionomical hairdresser,facial crauiuiii manipulator andcapillary abrider by the name of Smith, inNew Jersey, who lost his voice entirely, Isiiovvdoiu a rushing business.

Muri'hy Is t hi re no rctm-d- ?

Mc'iinnis I t lnnk t here is. A law shouldl passed i'i'iii" ilny barliers to m er duringbusiness hours an iron ina-- with a .hiinnevthat would carry oi- T- not carry on the con-versation. It is impos-.i- l ile-- to make a b;trlerkcp cpiiet, but I am "in to j;et a patent, outfor my invent ion, bril congress to pass t hlaw, and then my fortune will 1m made.


.X Vitit to tin- - Famous ChkIii- o- Amongthe Visitor I H tort n n:it e.

As the old I! reek :irmi-- s nian l to bat-tle, mi the mt'at uated players lose tiieir last.Napi'le .n to the sound of iliites and sol't

Th band plays In the pavilion onone of the Uic.v of the casino, over-loie- .l

by a balcony, to which tho ruinedian retire and s.Hitlie their lacerate 1 fcel-ieg- s

by listening to t l.e delicious harmonies.No grand r com en room can bj imigined:the splendid cnc.no, t ho ..aniens, turn Pirrac 'dhibsid , the Mediterranean suretcuing itsb.ue expanse of water iu front and me highbare hills behind, whn h comji'ete tho vastaiupitheatro. Nothing b.as b-e- n omitted atMonaco w hich can render its special form of

ice attractive or defuse a rot ate tint overits miseries.

On this occasion there were perhaps 100s. There was not the usual babel of

tongues, though nearly all modern langagescould U hard in the gaming salon. Thefashionable world was not largely rep'6sented, though so:ne ri h womenwere pre.M-nt- As for the majority ot"

wo.uen, though generally well dressed,they wer not of classes toinmon.ydetMued resectal. An obi couple werepassing from one to another of tho four orlive tables that were kept tolerably busy,hajirding a small piece here and there.The modiste con tided to mo with signs ofemotion the fact that she had lost J" francs.Ihe commercial trave er had won V2 francs,and had heroically resolved to keep it,though, as it was still a ly in tho after-noon, it was impo.-sibi- e :o tell what he mightdo later. A b.onde English woman ut oneof the tables was said to have won 10,oufrancs since mi

Tuere was an air of decorum about theplace, people iu low tones, theprincipal part of the noise that broke the

coming from the croupiers. Aboutthe tab'es all ages were represented; some !

with piles of gold liefore them, which wererapidly diminishing; others with a littlehoard, of which but a fev coins remained.Among the eare-wo- women were somew no had evidently earned the money they i

were losing by h.rd !a; or. Due of thesj 1j

saw afterwards, a KKr women of Marseilles, j

who had Ust ail and was begging enough ofthe management to take her home. On thebalcory listening to the band were men an 1

wom-.- with faces so w oo-beg- that it wase i eat they bid adieu to ho;e as weila fortune. l'aris I'or. San Francis, oChronicle.

rraiaiiii; H ilihit-- t f r tlio l'it.I shj tliat iiigenious sjKrt over iu

Jersey is traiain rabi its tOi- - the p.t. Itnseil to le tjnite a iHj'iilar dive 'sion in cor- - !

UAi rural se.tio is of liormany to tram the .

'hig, lusty haros. the country breeds, forlighting. The ileterminatioii and fero.-i:- j

with which they cu V one :;n ther with the j

forejMws an ! iisi;oaiHvvel one auot'.u-- withthe hm ones is a study :"or tht i hi iso '

phcr. In many ut the.r movem. n.s tinyrejvat evact'.y th: ta ti s I have een rsort-rs- to in lnxing and jni.Tin,; matches by j

gla liators ot larger mold. i would imagine i

that the rabbit wo.ild make a j;oo 1 righting I

brute, too. tne San lay in i e:rcra".a, lei.; j

o.i a viit to a plant w rkod lv cixilielalK-r- . 1 was taken by the u; toa mad t:gni in the native i uart.'r. The i

birds had brought from In ha by the i

emigran:s an i like ga:ne-c- ks tthe death. Here i aiuther i:ive!ty the ad- - !

vancoil an 1 etiterpris.ng -! t of the p.ge j

may i.nd a u-e- ti n in. It rabbi's can :

bre I for the pit. as wvl as th. tot. way not i

ip.iails f New York News . abL.e."IIe.-iliiiarte- f ArtNtic Krcerie.

Italy. t::e h 'me of art. i as become thehead pa .rto. s oi aiti-t- i - lorgeri s. Ia t'at- -

anea the police r.--e- a 1 rai Jel a den ofcounterfeiters who L sd ra i t e;r privateetatli-..me:- it for c.c-'.rl- four years, and '

wh.i were caug'nt with a stock in trade oflt.. ' !:ra of sr-ur;- - a- - l ar.k andgold pie 1 he af.er dUtin- -

:TU ..ei i d al te t . tut even expertsf.-an- l: dl.-icu'- to de: na the t?.-hn- i- alshortcoa.iii,;' e: th? t. eas iry notes, whichcocl-.- haw pro.iucei only by a coop-eration if t ie ab e- -t artists and Jithcg

rs. The 3 s.v i k;;oa seoms to have counte-- i

it m.3i. rs iy uun ir-.-d- a ad to have hadsuch a iii.mt-t.-- of foreign nen tha:

va'.h-'rt- i r u oje will pr--ball-y prove to te

deI.-.--- i with the produ t? of their entcr-- ;

r ri-- e ! u: the co:tinieat ot the p: ess cud am. re sT:oas caase f."r alarm in the

th.it iw-?:i- l transaction c-- suchir.a-r..t- u ie .ou'. 1 l.av : their secretf so a:; v a ears. lix L. .:s.vald

lie (J e ; of I'oi-o:m- u llouf j.."ess r C..- ; :o e-:- .s vlg rou-I- v anl

u.t". v aair.s: the n 1 tuat prisonousis !; i 10 Iue-.- L He

t at ad ea e f -- up. e i po;s--:rin.- fromeat.n 4.0 ey ::i y i e- - piaineil on otherB: u S-n- : e p ;:rer cm cat h:-ne-

wit-o- at ;n;:ry. A "ay . atin it in largev .an.. tie- - w;:t.ut f -- d :s .i.n ie to ohc.TU o: gi-t:-i ".: po.v;el con y gr-a-l-

dctra from ti.ed.-m.- l ..ni d th.sv As the t - secrtt s the Lonev it

cou'.d not take pe s n us ir.t ISwithout i::j . ry to it.s-.Ii-. hat w;.l

r. . t hurt t. e l. c- -t. i :i - t d s;-r- i

tu :.aii lei'.gs. i

r. nijlisti ' Man Iilliner.e wj'.l 1; a ve ita" I J- "atar. :;

:irl:.it::et i::Mr. Is.inc-on- . Tory nirt-Mi- s

". vh:'- ;:.r:.::- -

' . : t ::i vt-r- f.i- -

re gv. letter.


MR- - KKwl "KSTS THAT ALL HILLSguinit tie Jul. lit-- IiirtLdav foujnilttee he

t.t to Lira at once. ::.UJcS


l.tti.f, fur ? Kj iiid rvu irr uiouthi Impure at Hjukui hros., tuetn

"trt-t-1- . 3s4 tfi

Householder, Attention !

'l ie m iutersi,; nul will hriul carts alouuit the

city for removing Iioiihh r pl:u-et- l ln.-.-

tmu-r- . nlers to le 1, f t at his ottirr, w4 Ki ug

htrtet. or with the (til Nuiulliul rates will

be i harmed.

isT. ii lii jciiss.llntioliilu, I 'ceiii l er 'J, ls'Mi".. ;i;;H tlecH

1'AII li.niii' made an assignment to 11 V(1 . .IAN UKOS. for the t ot liirt cretlitors.al! i'iimiiis liavun; auyrlaiius aKainst anl '.

" i'Ml. are lo rel.v notii'ieil to present tlii-- withi.r one he is at the o!hce of the niiUet signed,

ali i all ii isoiis owiiid to s.nd C. Al'.MI, or hav-ing any proj eity of hU in their p.iehsioii, areherrhy nolllied to m ike pay m-i- i t a lul iucoiii-.t- l Injat once to the n lulei il.

UYMAN i;ms.ll un-Inl.- Noveiiiher M. IKsf.. ;ijC-ju- l


Steam Navigation Co.il.IMM KU.i

jS'l'KAIKlt V. J. HALL,(MAl.lI.AM.i

1?A TKs ('omnia mie

Will run regular. y to Muahi.-a- . Maul, and JCenauud Knu, llaviiui.


Kit K KM A N ( 'ommauileWill run regularly to Ntovlliwili, Koloa. Kleele

mid Wainu-H- , Kituai.

JSTE A.MEIi C. K. HIS HOP.M ACAII.KY ( oiilimtilder.

Will run regularly n llamou Maui, ami Kukui-lniel- e,

llonokiia mid l'tuiiihall. Hawaii.


Will run regularly 10 Kaaa, Kauut.

T. K. KOSTKK. iTesident.J. K.na, . cretar v.


Couiincreial Advcr


PJUXTLNU OFFICEIs prepreil to Jo all kituls o

Commercial & Legal WorkHaving just Received h Complete and NewAssortment of

dob Types ami Ornaments

Of the I.ttest Stvlef. from the m st Celt-br-

ted Foundries of the United Statis.aud employ nut only Kxverienccd

and Tasty WorKim-n- . c areprepared to turu out

I.eller Ilends.Kill IlenWs.

4"lr-iilHri- .

ll-ml- .

Stntn.eiiiH,ItilU ,l IjiiWhc.

CoiitrartH.JIortiTHite it I it 11 Us.

Miipiiiti" 4tilrH4 f" In II A iniiiii vt Knirll- - ti .

4 MleiKlarn,

IMmil 4 tiv-h- .

StocU ("TtittCrt tes.

Ilnliie r!.Milk lirkPli,

Han! 4 lifek"Onl-r- ,

Itereipt.Mwrrlai'e ( Vrt: ti-- : les.

I ip.lt: 111 n.4 HtJIi ne.

nioitiii ih:sn i in fact o verythitvj which a r.rst-clas- ?

olTice car. d--

v. CURKY HHOTllLR,AMi ! I'.A i.t". !.. I NTMl'OKTK!;s a'ol (.,.;:

K--- aa1 MHrtin t..c:ir;:.t- - ii Keir.:r.t ::. h.-r- Ca.Iar-- i K r. Affet'tsf. r W. V. (irrfitt-r- . lt m .i l n.ir.KtonHrt--t ! ::ir fc,:t i'.I AW.-S0- 1! !':.:. N.i t KKV t r.Ko .in sa:i.

s:rt--. t. Krr-.c- : t a!. r .

FRANK CERTZ,FIorcrter M MannfEctiirer

Of a:i ;vs.-rrt:c- -'

BOOTS & SHOESyr-Qr-- t rs '.toil, the other Is'srJs solicited.

o. 111 Fort t Ilonoliilii.'.-:- .'-t

MUSCAT ' sweet and .In').CHAMPAGNE,



PEACOCK.Telt-pliout-- o. 4tt.

y..w. A.N.

Directory of HonoluluIK Willi

I. i Irwin it Co





Half Barrels,And Boxes.

Ct B K

In Half BarrelsAnd 2i pound Boxes.

1 OWI'KHF.n- -In Boxes.

OOI.DKN C. (C'OKFKK)Iu Half B irrels'

And Boxes.


Soap.HI. I K MdTTI.KIi



4'hhoo 4 rn-- l IJeeiASP- -

I.iiik-I- i TonifiieM.

Flour.FAMILY ;:3 q'larter sacks),

BAKER'S EXTRA (it riaif sacksi

Cs Medium Dread.

Lubricating Oils.

Lime and Cement.

,;ai,flIljIP( 0rriiSalel Iron KMBiiir.", 6, 7, 8, 9, t lengths.


Cordage.Mah: la ami sal, rasana Twine, Whal. Line

1MTUi.w,,i?. 1L.l- -

I'll Steam Piiifand Boiler Covering.

25 "A TENT, (.suitable for camp-ing and nurveiM? parties.,




Mmilrl .

Keep cor-stictl- y on hii-i- , far sale, STEAM,


Will be Sold at the Lowest AInvket Kates.

:o:- -

:o -

Trl onohiln

Fire I.enartment .,i!.. rt.. square Flax

AV. T. Y. SCIIENCK,fel2:f sT: San Friiiu lseo. Cfcl.

lloiaolulu,Miilnnl T .i,l,n . 65.

i . a it r. t Oils, ;isS MniD....n in ) (iiTi....i,.,.,r 10 iron, and cost l.nt llitle'


Housekeeping Good.

and Sheet lieu ork

W. McChesney ct Son,12 anil If in-4i- i Street, Honolulu.

6-- --iu y 2 iy

tk EUR Eli A,". "PARAGON" AM) 46 RED CROSS"4otlou ICulther I.liiotl

i'.UDher Hose, Hone enrts, H. ami I.. Trucks itml1 Heklim. Rubber Harkl .. ... end for '.'TV"circulars ami jiriei s.

36 Cttllfornia street. !M

1876. GEO. W. MNCOJ.N, 1S86.

BUILDER.75 and 77 Kin Street.

Hell Tclepliouo Xo. 2T5. nr.


I.lilil04l .

STEAMER K1XAU,il.oren.en , Coiiiiuunderi,

Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule,-t.uieliiiii-

at Latialna, Mualaeti. Makeiut. Mahti-L.n-

K.iwailme LioiPHiiot lioe. lllioaiul Keauliou:on .MuXI Y. July ;ti. and

o.i everv nltenuite Moi day at t. m.,tl-.- Klnauwill make the VOLC ANO TKll reaelims: Keau- - j

i..... .... W...1II..C.11V in.o-iiiiif-. w li.-r- liorss and

earriaut s r.-i- n weitini: to eoi:v. y pasM-nser- to j

tlie VOLCANO HOlK(tive n.iles m ttie sad lie ,

uinl nlnt-mil--s hy1'iisseiiseis ty lids roiiie will Ikiv.. two days

nnd two uUlUs at llie MlU'AMi noif.I'H'K KI loll T1IK liOl N') VKir TO THK j


Tlie Kiiiaii will arrive in Honolulu Sundaymornings on Volenno trips. On II. lo trips, will j

leave Honolulu oil l ueschiys. an.i return Saturilayniornins:. ,

IWSSKNUKK TIlATNs will ronnert with theKlntm rtt MiUiukonj. I

The Kinau WII.I. TOl i'H at Honokaia am)Paaulmu on t)owu trips fnmi Hi'o for Passe liters j

if a sltiual is nia)- - from the shore. j


(Tliiis, Coiiimanner '

Leaves Houolt.lu every Mo?!tay at .' e. M. torKahul'.ii. Huelo. Hana anii

Utpaliulu. every wet-k- : M okulaii urui Nunevery other week. lietiiriiinc. w:li step at the

ports, nrrivimt tmek saturiiay luoruinus j

For mails and passengers only.


(fanierou. ("omnianitT.. j


Will leave resjularly for Ijth.'ilna. Paaiiliau. Ko-- ;

liols!eie. Ookaia. Kukaiau. Honohina, I.ai)-ahoe- j

hoe. Iaka!au ami uiiomea j

ST E AM E lTLE II UA,(Clark, Comm.ruter

Will leave regvd.irly for same ports" as Kilavi j


STEAMER MOKOLII,lM- - tregor. Commar.ner .

Leaves for the followii x ports tvi-r- alf rt ateiMornlay at 5 p. m.: j

Commencing Ai'iist 2 To 1 ai a!, Kamalo. Pi'- -

koo. I.aha-ina- . Olowalu. Keturiiire to Lahaina.Tukoo. Kainalo, Xjiiiai. arrivintt at Honolulu sat- - j

nriav iv.ornir.2. !

i vni.ndi August 9 To Kacr.nkakui. Kama- -

lo. Pukoc . Ifr.laa, Wuiiim, Pe!-kum- Kahmpara.RettTrriP:: to Pu tio. I af tiliiS. ( ilrwalti. I.a!.:r u. '

IMik'ni, KaTv.alo. Kav.nakaVa:. iirnvitit: ht Hnno- - ;

lulu ati-.r-ia- morn'.ns:. j

C"-T- he Cuapar.v will not be responsible lorny freicht or un !, ss rooeipte.l for. nor

lor personal baacace ur.o-s- plainly marked. ot i

rpsponsihle for money cr je.vefry 'in;es pia'ea inharge of the Purser.All possible care he taker, of Live stock . bet

tb Con; pany n--, not assume any risk oi acc;cpnt.SAM'l. i WIt.I'KR. FresMent-s- .

15. K'lsE, '"r-r-iry- .

OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen strerts. j

Sv It f ar SO ;

Active Aseuts Wanted j

For the cew Lirp. vf.y of rorTKYAND sON'i," V

ire.viu of sr-r- i l."r '.tv-.- a library Initse'.f; v cl ! q t "it: " n . j

The lircest,

Moot Complete-- anil Iieot

Al. aer-t- s wiiitnl f r Pr. lorl's fa-- jRjor.s xtork. Tr.e Ltcl.ts cf History,'"oaf of the r e- -t '. t it.ter-st:7:- h;tc r- - !

:o:l works fTtr I';1 lssi.e-1- cos; t in fiv- - vol- - (

u::-.es-. :a I ' ii a it. I nne l. icJinj. Also, i

"Fictv.M i n Vl-t- i v.e." rv ofKntr:'-- with or.e :re-- m-- i lares

ar..t i. v.r.erf '"i v. andstaJ fr::;. the I: .:.v I.a:: i.

For circ ulir. tt-r- s and i rart-.cv.lir- s aJ- - i



JFoiUflIer ami l'iillilior.Sntt:r street, Francisco, Cal. J57 tf


Lumber and. Coal..Doors. Sash and Rllmlx. ill ,j i r r , i i,

,- " " liuun i,i iiimi i , I f . f-- L AJJ


Stoves, Ranges and

, . , .(opi-r- r
