Karthik Subramanian (Logout) | Home | About Us | Resources iKompassportal » Version 4 » Quizzes » Simulation 2 (200 Questions - 3 Hrs.30 Mins) » Review of attempt 1 1 Marks: 1 Choose one answer. a. Cultural communication matrix analyses b. Lack of trust c. Misinterpretation of body language d. Language and educational differences In managing international, multinational and transnational projects, all of the following could present communication challenges, except: Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1. 2 Marks: 1 Choose one answer. a. Edward Deming b. Juran c. Pareto d. Philip Crosby 80% of the problems are found in 20% of the work is a concept of: Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. 3 Marks: 1 Choose one answer. a. Cause and effect diagram b. Scatter diagram c. Decision Tree Analysis d. Monte Carlo analysis A tool that analyzes the inputs to a process to identify the causes of errors is called: Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1. 4 Marks: 1 Choose one answer. a. Competitive b. Passive c. Expedient d. Cooperative A buyer and seller expect to spend the next 6 months in negotiation of a complex contract, as part of a 5-year business agreement. Which of the following negotiation styles will provide the most mutually-beneficial solution? Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. 5 A contingency plan is executed when: Simulation 2 (200 Questions - 3 Hrs.30 Mins) Review of attempt 1 Started on Sunday, 19 December 2010, 08:16 AM Completed on Sunday, 19 December 2010, 10:56 AM Time taken 2 hours 39 mins Grade 116 out of a maximum of 200 (58%) Version 4: Simulation 2 (200 Questions - 3 Hrs.30 Mins) http://www.ikompassportal.com/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=8897&s... 1 of 32 12/19/2010 6:59 PM

Version 4: Simulation 2 (200 Questions - 3 Hrs.30 Mins) · iKompassportal » Version 4 » Quizzes » Simulation 2 (200 Questions - 3 Hrs.30 ... all of the following could present

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Karthik Subramanian (Logout)

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iKompassportal » Version 4 » Quizzes » Simulation 2 (200 Questions - 3 Hrs.30 Mins) » Review of attempt 1

1Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Cultural communication matrix analyses

b. Lack of trust

c. Misinterpretation of body language

d. Language and educational differences

In managing international, multinational and transnational projects, all of the following could present communication challenges,



Marks for this submission: 0/1.

2Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Edward Deming

b. Juran

c. Pareto

d. Philip Crosby

80% of the problems are found in 20% of the work is a concept of:


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

3Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Cause and effect diagram

b. Scatter diagram

c. Decision Tree Analysis

d. Monte Carlo analysis

A tool that analyzes the inputs to a process to identify the causes of errors is called:


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

4Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Competitive

b. Passive

c. Expedient

d. Cooperative

A buyer and seller expect to spend the next 6 months in negotiation of a complex contract, as part of a 5-year business agreement.

Which of the following negotiation styles will provide the most mutually-beneficial solution?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

5 A contingency plan is executed when:

Simulation 2 (200 Questions - 3 Hrs.30 Mins)

Review of attempt 1

Started on Sunday, 19 December 2010, 08:16 AM

Completed on Sunday, 19 December 2010, 10:56 AM

Time taken 2 hours 39 mins

Grade 116 out of a maximum of 200 (58%)

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1 of 32 12/19/2010 6:59 PM

Marks: 1 a. An identified risk occurs.

b. When a workaround is needed.

c. There is a deviation from plan

d. A risk is identified.


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

6Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. A planned response that defines the steps to be taken if an identified risk event should occur.

b. A deviation from the baseline

c. A workaround

d. A reserve used to allow for future situations which may be planned for only in part.

A contingency plan is:


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7Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. An input to the Estimate Costs process.

b. A subsidiary element of the project charter.

c. A plan for describing how cost variances will be managed.

d. Is an input to Develop Project Charter process

A cost management plan is:


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

8Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. $31,000

b. $15,000

c. $0

d. $19,000

A cost-plus-incentive-fee (CPIF) contract has an estimated cost of $150,000 with a predetermined fee of $15,000 and a share ratio of80/20. The actual cost of the project is $130,000. What is the seller’s final fee?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

9Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Organizational breakdown structure (OBS)

b. Resource assignment chart

c. Staffing management plan

d. Responsibility assignment matrix (RAM)

A document or tool which describes when and how human resource requirements will be met is called a:


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

10Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. A project management plan

b. A risk analysis

c. A project scope management plan

d. A scope statement

A document which describes how project scope will be managed and how scope changes will be integrated into the project is:


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

11Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. $5,000

b. $0

c. $15,000

d. $10,000

A fixed-price-plus-incentive-fee (FPIF) contract has a target cost of $130,000, a target profit of $15,000, a target price of $145,000, a

ceiling price of $160,000, and a share ratio of 80/20. The actual cost of the project was $150,000. What is the fee the seller is entitledto claim?


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2 of 32 12/19/2010 6:59 PM

Marks for this submission: 1/1.12Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. When major problems delay the project completion date or budget targets.

b. When formal training plans cannot be implemented.

c. When team members are accountable to both functional and project managers.

d. A strong matrix management structure.

A key barrier to team development is:


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13Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Consultation in a group

b. Consensus

c. One-to-one consultation

d. Autocratic

A leadership style in which the project manager shares problems with team members and formulates solutions as a group is called:


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

14Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Negative Lag

b. Negative Lead

c. Lag time

d. Finish to Finish

A modification of a logical relationship that allows an acceleration of the successor task is represented by:


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15Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. AON

b. ADM


d. AOA

A network diagram that uses nodes to represent activities and arrows to show the activity dependencies and allows no loops is called:


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16Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Clear channels of authority

b. Role conflict struggles

c. Team understanding

d. Trust

A newly-formed project team typically exhibits which of the following characteristics?


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17Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Integrator

b. Mentor

c. Coach

d. Risk Manager

A project has the involvement of many organizations, inside and outside the company. Which of the following roles of the project

manager is mostly relied upon?


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18Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. A document describing the organizational breakdown structure of the company.

A project management plan is:

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3 of 32 12/19/2010 6:59 PM

b. A narrative description of products or services to be supplied.

c. A document that defines how the project is executed, monitored and controlled and closed.

d. A document issued by senior management that provides the project manager with the authority to applyorganizational resources to project activities.


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submission: 1/1.

19Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Monitor & Control Risks

b. Distribute Information.

c. Verify Scope.

d. Administer Procurements.

A project management professional can use earned value performance data in all of the following processes except:


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20Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Start by saying “I wish I had more time to prepare”

b. Wear attire that shows respect for the customer

c. Welcome the customer and allow questions

d. Check to see if the lighting of the room is acceptable

A project manager is giving a presentation to the customer about the status of a project. Which one of the following things should theproject manager not do?


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21Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. A highly detailed approach to managing the work breakdown structure scope

b. How the project scope will be defined, documented, verified, managed and controlled by the projectmanagement team.

c. An assessment of the stability of the stakeholder environment

d. The stakeholders expectation on how changes will be identified and by what priority they will be addressed

A project scope management plan describes:


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22Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Deflect

b. Transfer

c. Avoid

d. Mitigate

A risk response strategy which involves eliminating a threat is called:


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23Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Is a tool for the project manager to justify budget changes

b. Is an information management system to support identifying, documenting, and managing project scopechanges.

c. Defines the procedures by which the project scope may be changed.

d. Is a system of discipline to effectively control change within the scope of a project.

A scope change control system:


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24Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. The SOW was adequate

b. The independent estimates are most likely incorrect and the proposed pricing correct

c. The marketplace has changed

d. The prospective seller responded fully to the SOW.

A significant difference between independent estimates and proposed pricing could mean that:


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4 of 32 12/19/2010 6:59 PM

Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Checklist

b. Pareto diagram

c. Quality Policy

d. Trend analysis

A structured tool, usually industry or activity specific, used to verify that a set of required steps has been performed is called:


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26Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Arbitration

b. Negotiation

c. Smoothing

d. Forcing

A technique for resolving conflict in which the parties agree to have a neutral third party hear the dispute and make a decision is



Marks for this submission: 0/1.

27Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Scope definition matrix

b. Roles assignment matrix

c. Project scope and roles matrix

d. Responsibility assignment matrix

A tool which links the project roles and responsibilities to the WBS is called:


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28Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Body language

b. Memos

c. Issue logs

d. Entering data into a spreadsheet

All of the following are communication tools except:


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29Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Performance reports

b. Forecast

c. Requested changes

d. Trend analysis

All of the following are outputs from Report Performance except:


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30Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Control Schedule

b. Perform Integrated Change Control

c. Develop Project Management Plan

d. Direct and Manage Project Execution

All of the following processes are part of Project Integration Management, except:


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31Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. It is often an internal legal document

b. It identifies the project manager's authority and responsibility

c. It usually does not identify cost and time estimates

All of the following statements about the project charter are correct except:

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5 of 32 12/19/2010 6:59 PM

d. It identifies management and/or customer approved scope of the project Correct

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submission: 1/1.

32Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Critical chain method

b. Calendar-integrated activities

c. Activity on Line

d. Time-phased events

Among the common types of Develop Schedule tools and techniques are Schedule Network Analysis, Critical Path Method and:


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33Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. A hammock

b. A milestone

c. A dummy activity

d. Free Float activity

An activity that consumes no time or resources and shows only that a dependency exists between two activities is called:


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34Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. By assigning specific responsibilities to each project employee

b. By asking the sponsor to pressure the team

c. Integrating activities only during crisis periods

d. Through periodic integration team meetings

An effective way to accelerate the project integration process is:


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35Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. All, or almost all, team members are moved away to decentralized physical locations

b. Establishing a war room where team members can meet periodically.

c. Active team members may be at different physical locations.

d. Virtual meeting rooms

An example of a co-location strategy is:


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36Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Salaries of full-time project staff

b. Costs of materials used in the project

c. Rental of project office

d. Salaries of corporate executives

An example of indirect costs would be :


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37Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Using proven technology in the development of a product to lessen the probability that the product will notwork

b. Purchasing insurance

c. Accepting a lower profit if costs overrun

d. Eliminating the cause of a risk

An example of risk mitigation is:


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38Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Uses bottom-up estimating techniques.

Analogous estimating:

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b. Is similar to parametric estimating.

c. Uses the actual costs from a previous, similar project

d. Is generally more costly than other techniques.


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submission: 1/1.

39Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Provide accurate and truthful representations in the preparation of estimates regarding costs, services andexpected results

b. Respect the confidentiality of sensitive information

c. Satisfy the scope and objectives of your professional services

d. Ensure that each project has a fully developed project charter in strict accordance with PMBoK Guidedictates

As a practicing PMP, you have a responsibility for all of the following except:


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40Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Help the team identify alternative schedules.

b. Tell the customer that no changes will be made to the schedule.

c. Provide much closer supervision.

d. Do nothing.

As a result of a recent customer meeting, the customer requests a change in design that will affect the production schedules. Theproject manager should:


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41Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Estimating future projects.

b. Changing the project scope.

c. Validating the quality process

d. Defining future tasks in the project.

As part of the quality audit, the scope statement is checked against the work results to ensure the conformance to the customer

requirements. The results should be documented and used for:


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

42Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Use the standard media that has been in effect for your previous projects

b. Discuss the available options with the stakeholders and obtain their input

c. Use multiple forms of media to ensure that everyone receives the information

d. Obtain additional funding from the project sponsor and develop a project specific communicationsinfrastructure.

As part of your project management plan you must develop an effective method of communication for your multinational team of

stakeholders. You have several choices of media available. The appropriate action to take in the development of the communicationplans would be to:


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43Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Approve the release as requested

b. Completely rewrite the press release and include the correct information

c. Approve the release but send a memo to the sponsor advising that you are aware of the discrepancy andwill refer any questions you receive to the sponsor

d. Inform the project sponsor of the discrepancy and refuse to approve the release

As the project manager for a very large and highly visible project you receive a preliminary press release for your approval before

distribution. You are expected to approve the release without comment. Your review identifies a major discrepancy regarding somekey project financial estimates that may mislead the intended recipients. As the project manager it is your responsibility to:


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

44Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. 99.74%

b. 68%

c. 95%

Assuming a PERT weighted average computation, what is the probability of completing the project within plus-or-minus 3 standard

deviations of the mean?

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d. 75% Correct

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submission: 1/1.

45Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Level 2

b. Level 3

c. Level 1

d. Level 5

At which level of the Work Breakdown Structure is project integration management most costly to perform?


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46Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Crashing

b. Changing the scope

c. Taking away resources

d. Performing activities in parallel rather than in series

Based upon the situation, which method shown below would normally not be acceptable for shortening the schedule.


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47Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Influencing the factors which create changes to the schedule baseline to ensure that changes arebeneficial.

b. Reporting risk variances during weekly staff meetings

c. Allocating the overall estimates to individual work packages in order to establish a cost baseline.

d. Monitoring cost performance to detect and understand variances from the cost baseline.

Cost control is concerned with:


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48Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Cost of all work resulting from nonconformance to the requirements

b. Activity cost estimates

c. Resource costs

d. Cost of all work to build a product or service that conforms to the requirements

Cost of quality includes:


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49Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Subdividing the major project deliverables into smaller, more manageable components.

b. Subdividing the project into logical divisions of effort aligned within the performing organization'sfunctional areas

c. What happens when changes to the project scope are ignored.

d. Defining a general product description into more discrete definitions of individual components

Decomposition is


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50Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Lateral thinking

b. Value engineering

c. Cost/benefit analysis

d. Constraints analysis

Define Scope includes alternatives identification, which can be conducted by the common technique of:


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51Marks: 1

Choose one answer.

Develop Project Charter is all of the following except:

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a. A process of formally recognizing that a new project exists.

b. A process whose inputs are product description, expert judgment, project selection methods

c. It links the project to the ongoing work of the performing organization.

d. A process of formally recognizing that an existing project should continue into its next phase.


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52Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Analyze Product

b. Define Scope

c. Plan Scope

d. Develop Project

Developing a written project scope statement as the basis for future project decisions is part of the following process:


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53Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Overhead

b. Freight

c. Purchased parts

d. Travel

Direct costs include all of the following except:


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54Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Accept the offer and issue an internal configuration change request to the design group.

b. Obtain additional information about the request and the customer's personal need before accepting theoffer.

c. Delay acceptance of the offer until you can ensure that you can protect yourself from any legal liabilities.

d. Refrain from accepting the offer and advise the customer to submit a request to the change control board.

During an informal meeting with your project client you are offered a substantial monetary incentive to alter the configuration of theproduct to meet the client's personal need. This change may result in additional project costs and schedule delays. The appropriate

action to take would be:


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55Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Agree on the lowest price possible

b. Establish effective communication channels between both parties

c. Identify all procurement risks

d. Arrive at a price that is fair to both parties

During negotiations the most important goal for both parties should be to:


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56Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Define Activities

b. Estimate Activity Durations

c. Sequence Activities

d. Develop Schedule

During what Time Management Process are the specific activities that must be performed to produce the deliverables in the WBSidentified and documented?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

57Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Maintaining confidentiality of sensitive information obtained during the project life cycle.

b. Ensuring that personal interest does not interfere with your decision making process.

c. Accepting gifts in exchange for favoring one contractor over another

Each of the following describes the use of an ethical approach except:

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9 of 32 12/19/2010 6:59 PM

d. Attempting to understand the religious and cultural sensitivities of the country in which you have beenassigned.


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submission: 1/1.

58Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Tests the "official" position of the project against a statistically forecasted range of final possibilities basedon actual project performance

b. Shows specific tasks in which cost overruns are expected to occur and, thus, focuses the project manager'sattention on critical tasks

c. Ensures that management reserve or contingency will not be needed

d. Provides management with the final BAC, PV, and EV

Earned value should be used to estimate final project costs because it.


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59Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Elaspsed Time

b. Fixed Effort

c. Earned Time

d. Fixed Duration

The contractor for a construction project tells the project manager that the duration for building and painting the wall is X days.Through independent estimates, the project manager has determined the duration to be Y days. The contractor tells the project

manager that his estimates are based on a 24/7 calendar since his team will be working on a rotation basis. The project manager’sestimates are based on calendar days that include only business days. Estimates by the contractor are called:


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60Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Acceptance

b. Transfer

c. Insurance

d. Mitigate

Entering into a contract with an insurance company is an example of which risk response strategy?


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61Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. BAC – ETC


c. ETC - AC

d. BAC + AC

Estimate at Completion is determined by:


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62Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Involves linking project costs to the chart of accounts

b. Includes controlling factors that cause variations to the cost baseline.

c. Involves aggregating the estimated cost of individual schedule activities.

d. Involves developing an estimate of the costs of the resources needed to complete project activities.

Estimating costs:


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63Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Exerts one's view at the potential expense of another party.

b. Establishes a lose-lose situation.

c. Is also known as “Management by objectives”

d. Emphasizes areas of agreement while avoiding points of disagreement.

Forcing, as a means to manage conflict:


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64Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Distribute Information

b. Plan Organization

c. Report Performance

d. Close Project or Phase

Formal acceptance by the client or sponsor of the project should be prepared and distributed during which process?


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65Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Total Float

b. Lead

c. Float

d. Free Float

The amount of time that an activity can be delayed from its early start without delaying the project end date is called:


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66Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Plan Procurements should include consideration of potential subcontracts

b. Subcontractors are first considered during the Administer Procurements

c. Plan Procurements does not include consideration of potential subcontracts since this is the duty of thecontractor.

d. Prior performance from a Seller is not considered during the Conduct Procurements

From a buyer's standpoint, which of the following is true?


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67Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. 6.1

b. 4

c. 6

d. 6.3

Given the following estimates: Optimistic 3 days, Pessimistic 9 days, and most likely 6 days, what is the PERT weighted average?


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68Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. The AC is 120 and the EV is 100.

b. The EV is 100 and the PV is 120.

c. The PV is 100 and the EV is 120.

d. The AC is 100 and the EV is 120.

Which of the following choices indicates that a project has a burn rate of 1.2? Hint- Burn rate is the same as the Cost Performance



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69Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. 60-80%

b. 40-60%

c. 50-70%

d. 75-90%

How much time does the typical project manager spend communicating both formally and informally?


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70Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Project Management Team

b. Project Manager

c. Line Managers

Human resource administration is the primary responsibility of the:

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d. Human Resources Department Incorrect

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submission: 0/1.

71Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. 75%

b. 56%

c. 50%

d. 65%

If a project has an 80% chance of having the scope defined by a certain date and a 70% chance of obtaining approval for the scope bya certain date, what is the probability of both events occurring?


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72Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. A cost plus percentage contract

b. A fixed price contract

c. A cost reimbursable contract

d. A unit price contract

If the seller is paid a preset amount for delivery of a product or service, it is :


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73Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Stakeholder

b. Project manager

c. Subject matter expert

d. Change control board

In making key changes to project activities, it is important to have a formal change process and a ___________ responsible forapproving or rejecting requests.


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74Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Lose-Win

b. Win-Win

c. Lose-Lose

d. Win-Lose

In negotiating with functional department managers, project managers often find themselves using which two-party conflict

management approach?


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75Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Firm-fixed-price contract

b. Cost-plus-fixed-fee contract

c. Cost-plus-incentive-fee contract

d. Fixed-price-contract

In which of the following contract types is the seller's profit variable


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76Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Weak matrix

b. Strong matrix

c. Optimized matrix

d. Functional

In which of the following organizations is the project manager’s role likely to be full-time?


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77Marks: 1

Choose one answer.

In which type of organization is team building likely to be most difficult?

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a. Hierarchical

b. Projectized

c. Functional

d. Matrix


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78Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Projectized

b. Strong Matrix

c. Weak Matrix

d. Balanced Matrix

In which type of organization(s) is the project manager's role most likely part-time ?


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79Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Adding more resources may create additional work and produce inefficiencies (e.g. additional people mayneed training and supervision.

b. No activities are time-dependent or resource-dependent

c. Governmental regulations never placed restrictions on the number of people used on certain activities or inthe physical location of the project

d. The skill levels of the added resources are always appropriate for the activities to be performed

Increasing resources on the critical path activities may not always shorten the length of the project because:


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80Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Iterative risk sensitivity analysis

b. Koenig analysis

c. Sales projections

d. business case and the contract

Inputs used in Develop Project Charter include:


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

81Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Power to distribute information as one sees fit.

b. Power earned based on a person's technical knowledge, skill, or expertise in a particular area.

c. Power derived from a person's formal position in the organization.

d. Power bestowed due to a person's personal qualities and abilities.

Legitimate power is:


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82Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Includes only the cost of the development or acquisition of a product or service.

b. Does not take into consideration the effect of project decisions on the cost of using the resulting product.

c. Includes acquisition, operating, and disposal costs when evaluating various alternatives.

d. Includes only direct costs

Life cycle costing:


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83Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Known unknowns

b. Unknown unknowns

c. Pure risks

d. Business risks

Management contingency reserves are used to handle which of the following :


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84Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Monte Carlo analysis


c. Delphi

d. CPM

Most schedule simulations are based on which of the following?


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85Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Mutual trust and cooperation

b. Uncertainty and caution

c. Generalities and vagueness

d. Sincerity and compassion

Negotiating across different cultures can be extra challenging, especially when little is known about each other. Successful cross-

cultural negotiation should be conducted in an atmosphere of ___________________________.


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

86Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Slack for each activity; critical path

b. Manpower shortages; high risk activities

c. Slack for each activity; high risk activities

d. High risk activities; non-critical paths

Once the logic of a network is laid out the project manager will conduct a forward pass and then a backward pass through the network.Doing this will provide information on the ___________ and the identification of the _____________.


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87Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Cannot produce higher levels of accuracy

b. Uses the actual cost of a similar project to estimate total project costs.

c. Uses rates and factors based on historical experience to estimate costs.

d. Is done at the end of the project lifecycle

Parametric estimating:


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

88Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. EV/BAC

b. EV-AC



Percent complete is calculated by:


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89Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Estimate Costs

b. Level Resources

c. Control Costs

Project Cost Management includes all of the following except:

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d. Determine Budget Correct

Marks for this

submission: 1/1.

90Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Correlation and Regression Analysis

b. Cause and Effect Diagram

c. Paerto chart

d. Scatter Diagram

Project Manager for a Research and Development project is studying the possible relationship between changes observed in twovariables. She plots the relationship showing the dependent and independent variables on a graph with a line that represents the

degree of correlation between the two variables. Which of the below represents the graph


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

91Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Keep the priorities clear

b. Analyze the work occasionally to determine what can be eliminated

c. Schedule the most interesting activities at energy peaks

d. When problems arise, blame the stakeholders

Project managers spend a considerable amount of time communicating and interacting with project stakeholders. Which of the

following is the most useful reminder for project managers?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

92Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Identify Risks

b. Scope Risks

c. Monitor and Control Risks

d. Plan Risk Responses

Project Risk Management includes all of the following processes except:


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

93Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Market demand

b. Legal requirement

c. Technological advance

d. Successful RFP bidding

Projects are typically authorized as a result of any of the following except:


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

94Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Number of features and functions

b. Zero defects found

c. Conformance to customer baselines

d. Degree to which an inherent set of characteristic fulfill requirements

Quality is:


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

95Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Accelerating as many tasks as possible

b. Accelerating the performance of tasks on the critical path

c. Reducing the overall project duration by industry standard of 10%

d. Accelerating just the non-critical tasks

In crashing the schedule, you would focus on:


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96Marks: 1

Choose one answer.

Risks are accepted when:

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a. You develop a contingency plan to execute should the risk event occur

b. You reduce the probability of the risk event occurring

c. You avoid the consequences of the risk.

d. You develop a fallback plan to execute should the risk event occur.


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

97Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. EV - PV

b. EV - AC

c. EAC - AC

d. EV/PV

Schedule variance can be determined by:


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

98Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Methods for selecting a project

b. Quality measurement techniques

c. Information distribution tools

d. Models for closing a project

Scoring models, NPV and IRR calculations are all part of:


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

99Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Critical path method, What-if Scenario Analysis

b. Crashing, Fast tracking

c. Resource leveling heuristics, Mathematical analysis

d. Resource Leveling, What-if Scenario Analysis

Simon is a project manager for a software project. During the process of developing the project schedule, Simon notices that his leadprogrammer has been assigned to 3 activities at the same time. Simon makes adjustments to resolve this but notices that his

adjustments could lead to increased project duration. Simon performs analysis to assess the feasibility of the schedule under adverse

conditions. Which of the following techniques is Simon most likely to be using to develop his schedule:


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

100Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Task 2

b. Task 3

c. Task 1

d. Task 5

Task 1 has a PV of 9500, AC of 10,000 and EV of 9500. Task 2 has a PV of 15000, AC of 13000 and EV of 11000. Task 3 has a PV of13000, AC of 13000 and EV of 13000. Task 4 has a PV of 8000, AC of 8000 and EV of 9000. Task 5 has a PV of 10000, AC of 10000 and

EV of 9000. Which task is most over budget?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

101Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Task 1

b. Task 3

c. Task 4

d. Task 2

Task 1 has a PV of 9500, AC of 10,000 and EV of 9500. Task 2 has a PV of 15000, AC of 13000 and EV of 11000. Task 3 has a PV of

13000, AC of 13000 and EV of 13000. Task 4 has a PV of 8000, AC of 8000 and EV of 9000. Task 5 has a PV of 10000, AC of 10000 andEV of 9000. Which task is ahead of schedule and under cost?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

102Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Task 5

Task 1 has a PV of 9500, AC of 10,000 and EV of 9500. Task 2 has a PV of 15000, AC of 13000 and EV of 11000. Task 3 has a PV of

13000, AC of 13000 and EV of 13000. Task 4 has a PV of 8000, AC of 8000 and EV of 9000. Task 5 has a PV of 10000, AC of 10000 and

EV of 9000. Which task is on schedule with a cost variance of $0?

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b. Task 3

c. Task 1

d. Task 2


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submission: 1/1.

103Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Task 3

b. Task 1

c. Task 4

d. Task 2

Task 1 has a PV of 9500, AC of 10,000 and EV of 9500. Task 2 has a PV of 15000, AC of 13000 and EV of 11000. Task 3 has a PV of13000, AC of 13000 and EV of 13000. Task 4 has a PV of 8000, AC of 8000 and EV of 9000. Task 5 has a PV of 10000, AC of 10000 and

EV of 9000. Which task has the greatest schedule variance?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

104Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Value engineering

b. Expert judgment

c. Alternatives identification

d. Technical benefit analysis

Techniques for conducting product analysis include:


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

105Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Operability

b. Availability

c. Usability

d. Flexibility

The ability of a product to be used for different purposes at different capacities and under different conditions determines its:


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

106Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Theory X

b. Theory Z

c. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

d. Contingency Theory

The belief that management's high levels of trust, confidence and commitment to workers leads to high levels of motivation andproductivity on the part of workers is a part of which motivation theory?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

107Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Six sigma

b. Zero defects

c. Just in Time

d. Continuous improvement

The concept of zero inventory is called:


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

108Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Have top management fully support the policy

b. Set objectives that are attainable

c. State specific deadlines

d. Provide consistency throughout the organization

The corporate approach to quality is usually spelled out in the quality policy. The single most important aspect of successfully

implementing the policy is to:


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Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Attribute sampling uses smaller samples sizes and variable sampling uses larger sample sizes

b. Attribute sampling uses fixed sample sizes, variable sampling uses ongoing sample sizes

c. Attribute sampling uses samples that either conform or does not conform, variable sampling is rated on acontinuous scale that measures degree of conformity

d. Attribute sampling is used to measure continuous data, variable sampling is used to measure fixed data

The difference between attribute sampling and variable sampling is:


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

110Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. statistical probability

b. independent probability

c. event phenomenon

d. statistical independence

The independence of two events in which the occurrence of one is not related to the occurrence of the other is called:


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

111Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Project schedule

b. WBS dictionary

c. Contract

d. Cost baseline

The inputs to Determine Budget include all of the following except:


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

112Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Work packages

b. Code of accounts

c. Subtasks

d. Nodes

The items at the lowest developed level of the WBS are called


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

113Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Applied research

b. Operations and support

c. R & D

d. Production

The most expensive phase of life cycle costing is typically:


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114Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Modified standards

b. Definitive

c. Budget

d. Analogy

The most precise and accurate type of estimate for determining project costs is the __________ estimate.


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

115Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Risk management plan

b. Scope statement

c. WBS

The one document that should always be used to help identify risk is the:

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d. Project charter Incorrect

Marks for this

submission: 0/1.

116Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Quality Statement

b. Quality Plan

c. TQM

d. Quality Policy

The overall intentions and direction of an organization with regard to quality as formally expressed by top management is a:


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

117Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Client

b. Customer

c. Sponsor

d. Owner

The party that provides funding to the project and who will be the custodian of the deliverable on completion is the......"


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

118Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Latest revised estimate (LRE)

b. Estimate at Completion (EAC)

c. Budget at Completion (BAC)

d. Budgeted cost of work schedule (BCWS)

The planned cost for the total project at its inception is called the _________________.


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

119Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Perform Quality Assurance

b. Perform Quality Control

c. Plan Quality

d. Review Quality

The process of evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant

quality standards is called:


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

120Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Plan Quality

b. Review Quality

c. Perform Quality Control

d. Perform Quality Assurance

The process of monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards is called:


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

121Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Process Improvement Plan

b. Benchmarking

c. Process Analysis

d. Cost Benefit Analysis

The project manager for a Telecom project develops a process improvement plan to encourage continuous process improvement

during the life of the project. Which of the following is a valid tool or technique to assist the project manager to assure the success ofthe process improvement plan?


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122Marks: 1

The Project Manager for an automobile design project is collecting technical performance data of a series of tests. The data is plottedon a line graph in the order in which they occur. The project manager notices a trend in the technical performance results. Using

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Choose one answer. a. Pareto Chart

b. Cause and Effect Diagram

c. Scatter Diagram

d. Run Chart

mathematical techniques, the project manager forecasts future outcomes based on the historical results. Which tool is the project

manager using:


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123Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Additional resources to crash the schedule

b. Corrective Actions based on causes

c. Permission to start doing activities in parallel

d. Overtime for the team to meet schedule deadline

The Project manager for an IT project realizes that the project deadline is approaching. Only 70% of the project work has been

completed. In order to effectively deal with the situation, the project manager issues a change request. What should the changerequest raised by the project manager authorize


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124Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Disciplinary, autocratic, participative

b. Team building, team development, responsibility assignment

c. Directing, coaching, supporting, delegating

d. Staff planning, team training, performance monitoring

The project manager's leadership style should be matched to the corresponding developmental level of the project team and could

move through successive steps in the following order:


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125Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. A narrative description of work to be performed under contract.

b. A description of the features and functions that are to be included in a product or service.

c. The degree of inherent characteristics of a service

d. A description of the project’s deliverables and the work that needs to be accomplished to deliver a product,service or result with the specified features and functions.

The project scope statement is:


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126Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Phase exits

b. Kill points

c. Deliverable verification

d. Phase gates

The review of key deliverables and project performance at the conclusion of a project phase may be called any of the following except:


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127Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. $93,000

b. $96,000

c. $97,000

d. $103,000

The seller delivers a fixed price plus incentive fee project at a cost of $90,000. The terms of the contract are a ceiling price of

$120,000, a target cost of $ 100,000, a target profit of $10,000, and a target price of $110,000. The share ratio is 70/30. The finalprice (your total reimbursement. is:


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

128Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Internal rate of return (IRR.

The techniques commonly used to determine the profitability of a project include all of the following, except:

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b. Risk assessment model (RAM.

c. Net present value (NPV.

d. Payback period


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submission: 0/1.

129Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Verbal, written, and graphic.

b. Verbal, formal documentation, informal documentation.

c. Verbal, written, and electronic.

d. Written, verbal, and non-verbal.

The three major types of communication are:


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

130Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Sequence Activities

b. Estimate Activity Durations

c. Define Activities

d. Perform Activity Dependencies

The Time Management Process that involves identifying and documenting interactivity dependencies among schedule activities is



Marks for this submission: 1/1.

131Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Project closure and product verification

b. Project closure and lessons learned

c. Close Project or Phase and Close Procurements

d. Contract close out and scope verification

The two closing processes are called:


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

132Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Contingency planning

b. Analysis and reporting

c. Assessment and quantification

d. Identification and handling

The ultimate purpose of project risk management is risk:


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

133Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. The project identifiers

b. The element accounts

c. The work package codes

d. The code of accounts

The unique identifiers assigned to each item of a WBS are often known collectively as:


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

134Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Capital budgeting process

b. Overhead rates

c. Cost account codes

d. Budgeting system

The work breakdown structure, the work packages, and the company’s accounting system are tied together through the:


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135Marks: 1

Choose one answer.

The work that must be done in order to deliver a product with the specified features and functions is:

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a. Staffing scope

b. Product scope

c. Project scope

d. The project


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136Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. A backwards pass

b. Network analysis

c. A forwards pass

d. An analysis of the critical path

To calculate the late start and late finish dates for a set of tasks, you must do:


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137Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Let the schedule slip and inform the customer

b. Make the employees cancel their vacation plans and work overtime

c. First give the employees the choice of working overtime

d. Hire temporary employees for the overtime

To maintain the customer's schedule, massive overtime will be required between Christmas and New Year. Many of your teammembers have put in for vacation during this time. You should:


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138Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. The scope statement

b. Variance reports

c. The scope baseline

d. The project management plan

To the project team, the most valuable document for integrating activities during project execution is:


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139Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Alternatives analysis

b. Quality audits

c. Cost - Benefit analysis

d. Influence diagrams

Tools and techniques used during the Plan Quality process include:


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140Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. The subcontractor can perform the work at a higher cost than the contractor.

b. The work to be subcontracted represents almost all of the overall work effort.

c. The subcontractor can perform the work at a lower cost than the contractor

d. The subcontractor does not possess any special technical and engineering skills that the contractor doesnot have.

Under what circumstances is it better for a contractor to subcontract?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

141Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Baseline

b. Scheduled costs

c. Budgeted costs

d. Estimates upon completion costs

Upon completion of 75% of the project, the schedule and cost estimates incorporating all approved changes are referred to as the:


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142Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Contingency reserves may be set aside for “known unknowns.”

b. Contingency reserves may be set aside for “unknown unknowns.”

c. A contingency reserve is a separately planned quantity used to allow for future situations which may beplanned for only in part.

d. Contingency reserves are normally included in the project's cost and schedule baselines.

Using the PMBOK definition of contingency reserves which are used at the discretion of the project manager, which of the followingstatements about contingency reserves is false?


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143Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Positive float

b. Negative float

c. Idle resources

d. Lots of free float

What are you likely to see as a project progresses in a schedule with fixed dates and little or no slack?


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144Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. When a project manager picks a star on the team and always rewards that person

b. When a project manager is good, the team is good too

c. When a technical person does such a great job that no one can find fault with them

d. The tendency to promote people who are good at technical jobs into managerial positions

What is an example of the ‘halo effect’?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

145Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. The path with zero float.

b. The longest path through the network, which represents the shortest amount of time in which a projectcan be completed.

c. The path with the most activities with the longest durations.

d. The shortest path through the network, which represents the longest amount of time in which a projectcan be completed.

What is the critical path?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

146Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Scope verification is concerned with ensuring that changes are beneficial while quality control is concernedthat the overall work results are correct.

b. Scope verification is primarily concerned with the correctness of work results while quality control isprimarily concerned with the acceptance of work results.

c. There is no difference.

d. Scope verification is primarily concerned with the acceptance of work results while quality control isprimarily concerned with meeting the quality requirements specified for the deliverables

What is the difference between scope verification and quality control?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

147Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. To show task dependencies.

b. To show significant events in the project such as completion of key deliverables.

c. To show resource constraints.

d. To highlight the critical path.

What is the primary purpose of a milestone chart?


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148Marks: 1

Choose one answer.

What is the purpose of the WBS?

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a. To show the organizational structure of a program.

b. To show which work elements have been assigned to organizational units.

c. To ensure that all work within a project is identified and defined within a common framework.

d. To show logical relationships between activities


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149Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. 1.0

b. 1.5

c. 0.6

d. 0.5

Given the following estimates: Optimistic 3 days, Pessimistic 9 days, and most likely 6 days. What is the standard deviation for theestimates in the above problem?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

150Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. $142,000

b. $140,000

c. $143,000

d. $132,000

A cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) contract has an estimated cost of $120,000 with an agreed fee of 10% of the costs. The actual cost of the

project is $130,000. What is the total reimbursement to the seller?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

151Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. A work breakdown structure

b. An arrow diagram network

c. A Gantt chart

d. A bill of materials

What tool have project managers come to use to identify the costs associated with wokrk packages in a project?


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152Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. When it can be transferred by purchasing insurance.

b. A risk event can never be avoided.

c. When the risk event is unacceptable -- generally one with a very high probability of occurrence and highimpact.

d. When the risk event has a low probability of occurrence and low impact.

When should a risk be avoided?


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153Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. During Implementation phase

b. Risk identification should be performed on a regular basis throughout the project.

c. During Concept phase

d. During Development phase

When should risk identification be performed?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

154Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Configuration control is focused on controlling changes to the project and product baselines while changecontrol is focused on specification of the deliverables and the project

b. Configuration control is focused on deliverables while change control is focused on processes

c. Configuration control is performed by the change control board while change control is performed by theproject sponsor

Which of the below statements is true about configuration control and change control

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d. Configuration control is focused on the specification of both deliverables and processes while changecontrol is focused on controlling changes to the project


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submission: 1/1.

155Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. A contract used when routine, standard cost items are required.

b. A contract used for customized items

c. A contract used when high dollar, non-standard items are required

d. A contract used for variably-priced items

Which of the following are characteristics of a purchase order?


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156Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Procurement documents

b. Contract

c. Internet search

d. Project schedule

Which of the following are inputs to the Conduct Procurements process?


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157Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. It decomposes deliverables into work packages

b. It is created before the scope management plan

c. It describes the features of the product and project

d. It describes the objectives, requirements, and deliverables of the project

Which of the following best describes the purpose of the project scope statement?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

158Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Cost-plus-fixed-fee contract

b. Fixed-price-incentive contract

c. Firm-fixed-price contract

d. Cost plus-incentive-fee contract

Which of the following contract types places the greatest risk on the seller?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

159Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Determine Budget

b. Estimate Activity Durations

c. Estimate Costs

d. Develop Schedule

Which of the following Cost Management processes are concerned with cost baseline?


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160Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Has the least amount of risk

b. Will delay the project completion date if the activities on this path take longer than anticipated

c. Has a high degree of risk

d. Generally the longest path through the project

Which of the following does not represent the critical path?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

161Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Stakeholders have the most influence on the final characteristics of the product at the end of the project.

Which of the following is a common characteristic of most project life cycle descriptions?

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b. Technical transfer happens at the last phase of the lifecycle

c. Cost and staffing are low at the start, higher towards the end, and drop rapidly as the project nearscompletion.

d. The probability of successfully completing the project is highest at the start of the project.


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submission: 1/1.

162Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Weighting system

b. Screening system

c. Scoring system

d. Selecting system

Which of the following is a method for quantifying qualitative data in order to minimize the effect of personal prejudice on selecting theseller?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

163Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Formal acceptance

b. Communications management plan

c. Performance reports

d. Project records

Which of the following is an output from the Plan Communications process?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

164Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. A strong matrix organization

b. Direct executive involvement

c. A project coordinator

d. A functional organization

Which of the following is best for handling cross-functional project needs for a large, complex project?


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165Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. When project planning is complete.

b. Before much project planning has been done.

c. While the project charter is being developed.

d. As early in the project as feasible.

Which of the following is not a good time to assign the project manager?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

166Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Develop Project Team

b. Develop Human Resource Plan

c. Acquire Project Team

d. Distribute Information

Which of the following is not a process of Project Human resource management?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

167Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Manage Stakeholder Expectations

b. Distribute Information

c. Resolve Conflicts

d. Report Performance

Which of the following is not a process of Project Communications Management?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

168 Which of the following is not a tool or technique used during the Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis Process?

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Marks: 1 a. Interviewing

b. Contingency planning

c. Decision tree analysis

d. Sensitivity analysis


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

169Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Milestone chart

b. network diagram

c. Gantt chart

d. fishbone diagram

Which of the following is not an example of a type of schedule report?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

170Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Team performance assessment

b. Project organization charts

c. Staffing management plan

d. Role and responsibilities

Which of the following is not an output of human resource planning?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

171Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Warranty Costs

b. Process control

c. Rework

d. Scrap

Which of the following is not considered a cost of nonconformance to quality?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

172Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Whether to procure

b. Who to procure from

c. What and when to procure

d. How to procure and how much to procure

Which of the following is not considered during the Plan Procurements process?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

173Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Can be objective or subjective

b. Can often be found in procurement documents

c. Used to rate or score proposals

d. They are strictly limited to purchase price only

Which of the following is not true about evaluation criteria?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

174Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Invitation for Bid and Request for Proposal are two examples of procurement documents.

b. They are an output of the Conduct Procurements process.

c. Procurement documents should be structured to facilitate accurate and complete responses fromprospective sellers.

d. Procurement documents are used to seek proposals from prospective sellers.

Which of the following is not true about procurement documents?


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175Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Project managers should ensure that tasks assigned to project participants match their skills and theorganizational climate is conducive to helping them meet their needs and achieving a sense of competence.

b. People tend to be highly productive and motivated if they believe their efforts will lead to successfulresults and that success will lead to personal rewards.

c. People will be motivated to work if their personal needs are met.

d. Clear, specific, and challenging goals generally motivate team members.

Which of the following is part of the expectancy theory of motivation?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

176Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Pure risk can be deflected or transferred to another party through a contract or insurance policy

b. Speculative risk can be deflected or transferred to another party through a contract or insurance policy.

c. No opportunities are associated with speculative risk, only losses.

d. Pure risks involve the chance of both a profit and a loss.

Which of the following is true about risk?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

177Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. ISO 9000 certification ensures that your company produces quality products

b. ISO 9000 is a European standard

c. ISO 9000 is an international standard for quality management systems

d. ISO 9000 is a paperwork nightmare

Which of the following is true?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

178Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Estimates to Complete

b. Performance Report

c. Approved Change Requests

d. Cost Baseline

Which of the following items are not inputs to Control Costs?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

179Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Problem solving

b. Withdrawal

c. Smoothing

d. Forcing

Which of the following models of conflict resolution allows a cooling off period, but seldom resolves the issue in the long term?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

180Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. PERT

b. Path convergence method

c. Schedule simulation

d. CPM

Which of the following network analysis techniques uses a weighted average to compute estimated durations?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

181Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Conduct Procurements

b. Plan Procurements

Which of the following processes involves obtaining information (bids and proposals) from prospective sellers?

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c. Administer Procurements

d. Close Procurements


Marks for this

submission: 1/1.

182Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Control Scope

b. Create WBS

c. Collect Requirements

d. Define Scope

Which of the following Project Scope Management processes involves subdividing the major project deliverables into smaller, more

manageable components?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

183Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Once written, the scope statement should never be revised.

b. Project Scope statement and Statement of work are synonymous.

c. It provides a common understanding of the project scope among all project stakeholders.

d. Project justification and project objectives are not included or referenced in the scope statement.

Which of the following statements concerning a project scope statement are true?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

184Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Used when expensive and time-consuming to test the product 100%.

b. If the number of defects found in the sample exceeds the predetermined amount, the entire lot is rejected.

c. Inspection and test standards must be established to ensure that procedures can adequately determineconformance and nonconformance.

d. Less than 7 deviations within 68.26% of the mean are acceptable

Which of the following statements concerning acceptance sampling is not true?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

185Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. It is done during the early phases

b. The cost and accuracy of bottom-up estimating is driven by the size of the individual work items.

c. Larger work items increase both cost and accuracy.

d. Smaller work items increase cost but not necessarily the accuracy.

Which of the following statements concerning bottom-up estimating is true ?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

186Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Neither party wins but both parties get some degree of satisfaction.

b. A Definitive resolution is seldom achieved.

c. Important aspects of the project may be hindered in order to achieve personal objectives.

d. Compromise is generally considered a ‘lose-lose’ situation.

Which of the following statements concerning compromise as a conflict resolution strategy is false?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

187Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Expected monetary value can be expressed as the product of the risk event probability and the risk eventvalue.

b. Uncertainty and risk are greatest at the start of the project and lowest at the end.

c. Opportunities are positive risks that may benefit project objectives, if pursued.

d. The amount at stake is lowest at the end of the project and greatest at the start.

Which of the following statements is false?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

188 Which type of warranty is enacted if a service or product does not meet the level of quality specified in the contract?

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Marks: 1 a. Express warranty

b. Extended warranty

c. Implied warranty of specified quality

d. Implied warranty of merchantability


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

189Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Project manager

b. Entire project team including project manager

c. Senior management

d. Just the planning department

Who should contribute to the development of the project management plan?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

190Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Cause and Effect Diagrams

b. Control Charts

c. Histograms

d. Pareto Diagram

Why-Why and How-How diagrams are generally used in conjunction with?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

191Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Using the PMBoK Guide could provide a common language to help facilitate breaking some project barriers.

b. To compensate for time-zone differences, project team members should establish staggered work hours toensure that the team always works simultaneously.

c. Project performance reports should be prepared and distributed using the language of the host country.

d. ISO standards suggest that identified third world countries generally have unstable economies and shouldnot be sanctioned to host projects with estimated durations greater than one-year.

With respect to global projects, which of the following is most accurate?


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

192Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Refuse to follow the instructions

b. Go over the head of your sponsor seeking advice

c. Follow instructions

d. Follow instructions and request that your name appears, too

You are asked to write a paper for your sponsor so that he/she can present it at a technical meeting. You are informed that his/her

name will be the only name on the paper. You should:


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

193Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Tell the public there is no problem, except for small children and the elderly who need to boil the waterbefore drinking

b. Inform the public that a detailed examination has been ordered to determine the extent to which theproblem exists

c. Educate the public about the advances on water treatment technology and the industry efficiency andsafety record

d. Do nothing because there is extremely low risk for sickness except for some effects on small children andthe elderly

You are managing the design and construction of a public water supply annex. Tests indicate contaminants in the water likely from

your activities. You are told there is an extremely low risk for causing any sickness. As project manager, you should ¬¬¬¬¬¬:


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

194Marks: 1

Choose one answer.

You are the controller on your project. Your project manager has requested that you provide him with a forecast of project costs forthe next 12 months. He needs this information to determine if the budget should be increased or decreased on this major construction

project. In addition to the usual information sources, which of the following should you also consider?

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a. The WBS

b. Cost estimates from similar projects

c. Long-range weather forecasts

d. Existing requested changes


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

195Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Plan-Do-Check-Act

b. Upper control limits

c. The rule of seven

d. Lower control limits

You are using a control chart to analyze defects, when something on the chart causes you to realize that you have a serious qualityproblem:


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

196Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Hold a status report

b. Use formal written communication to inform the client of the project status

c. Update the organizational process assets with your lessons learned

d. Compare the work performance information against the baselines and look for deviations

You created a communication plan, and the team is now working on the project. You’re looking at the work performance information

to evaluate the performance of the project. Which of the following best describes what you should do next?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

197Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Stakeholder analysis

b. Decomposition

c. Scope definition

d. Alternative analysis

You have just started work on the scope statement. While analyzing the deliverables, you discover that it can be delivered in three

different ways and you need to select the best approach. What is the best way to describe what you are doing?


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

198Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Use the customer's test matrix

b. Use the engineering test matrix and inform the customer

c. Use the engineering test matrix without telling the customer

d. Tell your sponsor that you want to set up a meeting with the customer to resolve the conflict

You receive a contract to perform testing for an external client. After contract award, the customer provides you with the test matrixto use for your 16 tests. The vice president for engineering says that the customer's test matrix is wrong, and she will use a different

test matrix, which should give better results. This is a violation of the SOW. Suppose your sponsor is also the vice president for

engineering. You should:


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

199Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Inform the corporate auditors

b. Follow instructions

c. Shut down the project, if possible.

d. Understand the background of management's instructions before taking any action

Your project is running out of cash and significant work remains. You are directed by senior management to instruct your people to useanother project's charge numbers while working on your project. You should:


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200Marks: 1

Choose one answer. a. Forecasts

b. Work performance information

You’ve consulted your Earned Value calculations to find out the EAC and ETC of your project. Which of the following is the best place to

put that information?

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c. Lessons learned

d. Quality control measurements


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submission: 1/1.

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