Verax Service Desk - incident management and SLA compliance

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  • 7/30/2019 Verax Service Desk - incident management and SLA compliance


    Copyright Verax Systems. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective

    reamline IT and

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    sure SLA compliance

    d maximize applications

    d network uptimes.

    ontrol incident

    solution workflow from

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    administratorsd resolving incidents,

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    tegrate with other Veraxplications (e.g. NMS &

    PM or Workflow Engine)

    order to create

    vanced incident

    cking scenarios such as

    saster recovery, service

    ovisioning and others.

    Verax Service Desk

    Streamline incident management and ensure SLA compliance


    Verax Service Desk automates and streamlinesincident management, ensuring timely resolutionand SLA compliance.

    Incident management

    Verax Service Desk allows tracking of internally andexternally reported incidents. Each incident recordcontains detailed information including : Description, notes, categories, priority & urgency.

    Internal or client- reported comments. Incident category (e.g. network, application, etc.). These categories are fully user-configurable. Multiple file attachments (screen shots,documents, videos and others). Blocked by and Dependent on lists, allowingproper prioritization of incidents.

    Solution knowledgebase

    Verax Service Desk enables storing of problemresolution information in a searchableknowledgebase. This feature allows for reducingincident resolution time (based on the informationabout prior experiences), facilitates learning,accumulating and sharing knowledge amongsupport team members.

    Resolution activities

    Verax Service Desk allows for a decomposition of task resolutions into detailed activities. Each activityhas associated effort, deadline, status, start and enddate. Activities are presented in calendar views foreasy progress tracking and reporting.

    Configurable incident lifecycleIncident statuses and lifecycles within Verax ServiceDesk are fully user-configurable in order to reflectbusiness processes and procedures. Built-in statuses(e.g. open, in-progress, waiting for customer,resolved, reopen, closed) can be extended withuser-defined fields (e.g. manager validation or clientacceptance).

    Notification and history tracking

    Each change of incident (e.g. status, ownershipaction taken, etc.) is logged in the incident history The changes can be automatically emailed toa client who submitted an incident or to themanagement based on criticality.

    SLA compliance

    Verax Service Desk ensures compliance wiinternal or external Service Level Agreementhus allowing IT to focus and prioritize incident The SLA component includes:

    Resolution times defining incident resolutitimes depending on its priority, category, source(internally- vs. client- reported), etc. Escalation rules defining how to handincidents that are overdue (i.e. not resolved intime specified in SLA conditions), for instancincreasing incident priority or notifyina manager. Multiple escalation levels can bdefined to match a reporting structureof a company (engineer, manager, director, VP). Routing rules specifying individuals or grouto whom incidents should be assigned based onincident priority, category or other criteria.

    Detailed reports on SLA compliance aautomatically generated.

    Security and access permissions

    Verax Service Desk provides access control incident information through a system of usergroups and permissions. Access to individuafeatures and views of (e.g. SLA compliance view

    is controlled by strong security mechanismincluding user execution context, access rightand privileges.

    On-line demo and free version download

    A free, fully functional product with all featureand functions, limited to 200 incidents is availablfor download at: