Various • Recall: LS1 plan to consolidate trigger control, throttling, and distribution systems into one Trigger and Clock Distribution System (TCDS) – Subsystem input at meeting 1 April (https ://indico.cern.ch/event/310364 / ) – Summary of concerns from subsystems • Upgrade not as transparent as they were led to believe (some work involved) • The time schedule is late (installation in August) • It’s not going to work out of the box (little expertise left in subsystems to commission) – Need to sit with TCDS experts to hash these things out… • Assembled “to do” list for Run Coord. team based on mtgs w/subsystems https:// twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/CMSRucoP2PSummary – My list of things to do is on the last page… • Assembling info for CMS input to LHC Beam Operations Workshop – CMS input = statements on bunch spacing, pileup limitations, leveling methods, special runs, beam energy, bunch length, non-colliding bunches… – Initial chat w/ATLAS Run Coordinator: ATLAS input similar to CMS – To be discussed and made official at CMS XC meeting on Friday 11 April 3 Apr 2014 G. Rakness (UCLA) 1


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Various. Recall: LS1 plan to consolidate trigger control, throttling, and distribution systems into one Trigger and Clock Distribution System (TCDS) Subsystem input at meeting 1 April ( https ://indico.cern.ch/event/310364 / ) Summary of concerns from subsystems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Various

Various• Recall: LS1 plan to consolidate trigger control, throttling, and distribution

systems into one Trigger and Clock Distribution System (TCDS)– Subsystem input at meeting 1 April (https://indico.cern.ch/event/310364/)– Summary of concerns from subsystems

• Upgrade not as transparent as they were led to believe (some work involved)• The time schedule is late (installation in August)• It’s not going to work out of the box (little expertise left in subsystems to commission)

– Need to sit with TCDS experts to hash these things out…

• Assembled “to do” list for Run Coord. team based on mtgs w/subsystems– https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/CMSRucoP2PSummary – My list of things to do is on the last page…

• Assembling info for CMS input to LHC Beam Operations Workshop– CMS input = statements on bunch spacing, pileup limitations, leveling methods, special

runs, beam energy, bunch length, non-colliding bunches… – Initial chat w/ATLAS Run Coordinator: ATLAS input similar to CMS– To be discussed and made official at CMS XC meeting on Friday 11 April3 Apr 2014 G. Rakness (UCLA) 1

Page 2: Various

G. Rakness (UCLA) 2

Not just attending meetings and making lists… I wrote a script!

• Script to generate emails to institution leaders (e.g., Jay and Bob) about # of central shifts expected and # performed– Gets input from few web pages…

• Number of authors per institute (this was not easy to find!)• Name of Collaboration Board representatives• Name(s) of deputies• Number of credits already performed

– Need input from Paris Sphicas to “personalize” the email…• Jay said Paris did a nice job in the Publications Committee to

personalize their emails• Don’t want it to look like an automatically generated email, if possible

– Need to run the email past Spokespeople to give it the “OK”• I expect an email of facts should be relatively easy to get the “OK”

3 Apr 2014

Page 3: Various

G. Rakness (UCLA) 3

To do• April Global Run: 7 – 11 April

– https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/AprilGlobalRun2014

• Sort out what is happening with shift administration– Andrea won’t be extended past October… then what?

• Work out LHC/CMS handshake schedule– Technical Coordination, BRIL, …

• My items from RC to-do list– Clean up sources to "action list" from the meetings – Make sure that HF is fine as min-bias trigger for low lumi – Come up with best guess-timates for integrated and instantaneous

luminosity during LHC startup – Monitor TCDS developments/scheduling– Follow up problems w/ECAL laser calibration data xfer to Tier-0 – Follow up SCAL FED

3 Apr 2014