20/03/2014 1 Língua Inglesa V Profa. Ma. Glauce Soares Casimiro Tema 1 - People and Places Simple Past Tense: Expressa uma ação que aconteceu em um tempo definido no passado. Formas: Aff.: I went to school yesterday morning. Neg.: I didn‟t go to school yesterday morning. Int.: Did you go to school yesterday morning? The Simple past expresses an action in the past taking place once, never, several times. It can also be used for actions taking place one after another or in the middle of another action. Affirmative: I spoke. Negative: I did not speak. Interrogative: Did I speak? For irregular verbs, use the past form. For regular verbs, just add “ed”.

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Língua Inglesa V

Profa. Ma. Glauce Soares Casimiro

Tema 1 - People and Places

Simple Past Tense:

Expressa uma ação que aconteceu em um tempo definido no passado.


Aff.: I went to school yesterday morning.

Neg.: I didn‟t go to school yesterday morning.

Int.: Did you go to school yesterday morning?

The Simple past expresses an action in the past taking place once, never, several times. It can also be used for actions taking place one after another or in the middle of another action.

Affirmative: I spoke.

Negative: I did not speak.

Interrogative: Did I speak?

For irregular verbs, use the past form. For regular verbs, just add “ed”.

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• Action in the past taking place once, never or several times: He visited his parents every weekend.

• Actions in the past taking place one after the other: He came in, took off his coat and sat down.

• Action in the past taking place in the middle of another action: When I was having breakfast, the phone suddenly rang.

O Presente Perfeito é usado para expressar:

a) Ações que começaram no passado e continuam até o presente.

• I have lived here since 2009.

• She has studied English for three years.

• We have gone shopping by ourselves since 2010.

b) Ações que aconteceram num tempo indefinido no passado. (Se for mencionado ou sugerido o tempo exato em que a ação ocorreu, usa-se o passado simples.)

• I have studied English (tempo indefinido)

• I studied English yesterday. (tempo exato)

c) Ações que aconteceram várias vezes no passado.

• We have seen that film many times.

• He has listen to that music several times.

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d) Ações que acabaram de acontecer.

• The plane has just landed.

• The students have just asked their teacher a question.

e) Unfinished time.

• I have visited my friends this week and I have gone to the supermarket this month.

Examples in Present Perfect:

a) Paul has written his name in my book.

b) I have visited Miami many times.

c) She has lived here all her life.

d) They haven´t read that story several times.

•O Present Perfect Continuous é usado, basicamente, para enfatizar a continuidade de uma ação que começou no passado e que se prolonga até o presente.

•A forma afirmativa do Present Perfect Continuous é feita com o Presente Simples do verbo to have (have / has) + Presente Perfeito do verbo to be + o gerúndio do verbo principal: She has been working as a

Mathematics teacher for 10 years.

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• I've been playing tennis for one hour.

• Women have been fighting for their rights during the last decades.

• You have been talking on the phone since I got home.

• They have been studying for three hours.

• Carol has been going to school by bus since her father's car broke.

• They have been studying hard.

• My parents' ve been travelling around Europe for four months.

• He has been playing guitar for two hours.

• Affirmative form: sujeito + presente simples do verbo to have + presente perfeito do verbo to be + gerúndio do verbo principal


•He was so tired that he fell asleep in a minute.

•The picture was so beautiful that i could not look away.

•Jean was so tired after the party that she decided to lie down and rest instead of cleaning up.

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A) Gerunds:

We use verbs conjugated in the Gerund (verb + ing) with structures that form verb tenses such as the Continuous Tenses that

comprehend The Present Continuous, The Past Continuous, The Future Continuous, the Present Perfect Continuous that you studied in the previous theme.

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In the Continuous Tenses, this way:

Verb “to be” conjugated in the present, past, future, present perfect, etc + gerund form of the principal verb.


•Present Continuous: am/is/are+verb(ing).

•Past Continuous: was/were+verb(ing).

•Future Continuous: will be+verb(ing).

•Present Perfect Continuous: have/has been+verb(ing).

• Examples:

• Jane is watching TV in her couch with her pet dog now. (Present continuous)

• Pam was watching TV when she fell asleep yesterday. (Past Continuous)

• By this time next month I will be cruising in the Mediterranean.

• They have been building that bridge for two years now and they have no idea when the work will be completed. (Present perfect Continuous)

• As you can see the principal verb is conjugated in the gerund form, and the time is expressed with the auxiliary verb “to be” conjugated accordingly in the cases shown.

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• B) Gerunds as Subjects:

• Another use of the Gerund form of the verbs is in the beginning of the sentences, when they are used as Subjects of the clause. In Portuguese language, they correspond to the infinitive form.

• Examples:

• To practice physical activity is important to stay fit. (To practice=infinitive)

• Practicing physical activity is important to stay fit. (Practicing=gerund form)

• To read is my favorite past time. (To read=infinitive)

• Reading is my favorite past time (Reading=gerund form)

• Both sentences have the same meaning.

C) Gerunds after prepositions

Prepositions are parts of speech that appear in several situations in English language. They are used do designate places, time, conditions, states, positions, etc.


• We study at Anhanguera.

• They work in a hospital.

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• The bird flew out of the cage.

• There is a Ticiano on the wall that is worth a fortune!

• She is in no position to complain. After all, she has everything she needs.

They are also used to form expressions and phrasal verbs. In English structures, it is a rule of thumb that whenever a verb follows a preposition it must be conjugated in the

Gerund, like the examples you will see now.


• I am looking forward to seeing you next week!

• She said she will look into checking the list as soon as possible.

Prepositions also follow adjectives:


• Mary is accustomed to cleaning the house herself.

• Paul is afraid of flying.

• The students are thinking of getting

Professor Miller a gift.

So, use the gerund form after any preposition, no matter the time or the tense of the clause!

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D) Modal Verbs of Possibility

(may, might, could)

As you have seen in other themes, Modal verbs are special verbs in English. They have a meaning and they are also used as auxiliary verbs.


May/Might/Could+verb in the bare infinitive (without the infinitive particle “to”)

• She may go now. She does not need to stay any longer.

• I might stay, if you try to convince me.

• We could see that she comes for the party.

The Modal Verbs “may”, “might” and “could”

are used to express possibility in English language. They all refer to a possibility to take place from the present moment to the future and that situations are not certain, but possible.


• It may rain today for it is really hot!

• We might find very amazing adventures in books and documentaries.

• We could try that new Thai restaurant downtown! Word of mouth is it is just exquisite!

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Vamos Praticar

1) Complete the sentences with since or for:

a) I've studied guitar ______ 7 years.

b) We've practiced basketball ______ we were children.

c) We have known each other ______ a long time.

d) They have tried to buy this house ______ years.

e) Rodrigo has lived in Montreal ______ 1998.

2) Use the words given to make up sentences accordingly: E.g.: I / buy / a new house = I have bought new house. a) Paul and Meg / go / to Mexico. b) The Simons / move / from Minneapolis to

Orlando. c) The Red Sox / win / many games in a row. d) The baseball teams /not / play / all week


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3) Now do the same to practice the Present Perfect Continuous form: E.g.: I / think / of buying a new car. I have been thinking of buying a new car. a) The Mets / play poorly / recently b) Martha / practice yoga intensely for the

competition. c) The kids / play in the yard all morning. d) My husband and I / work like dogs for the

past few days.

4) Complete the sentences with a verb in Present Perfect Tense:

Invite forget see take buy read

a) Gabriel has read this magazine.

b) I __________ some new shoes. Do you want to

see them?

c) I can‟t find my sweater. Somebody __________ it.

d) I‟m looking for Bruno. __________ him?

e) Livia is having a party tonight. She __________ a lot of people.

f) I‟m sorry. I__________ your name.

5) Supply the Simple Past, the Simple Present or the Present Perfect Tense.

a) He always_________(give) me beautiful presents.

b) John _______(come) to the party alone last night.

c) He ____________(keep) her photo in his drawer.

d) We _______(bring) many sadwiches for our picnic.

e) They ____(build) many new buildings by the lake.

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6) Answer the questions using “may” or „might”:

a)Where are you going for your holidays?

I haven´t decided yet. I ______________ .

b) What kind of car do you intend do buy?

I´m not sure yet. I __________________.

c) What are you doing this weekend?

I don´t know yet. ___________________.

d) When is your friend coming to visit you?

My friend hasn´t told me yet. _________.


Present Perfect Tense:

Already: já (nas frases afirmativas).

I have already been to Chile.

Ever: alguma vez na vida.

Have you ever gone hiking in the mountains?

Just: indica que a ação acabou de ocorrer.

He has just done the dishes.

Never: nunca.

I have never seen you dressed like this.

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1. já (quando se espera que a resposta seja afirmativa)

Have you cleaned your room yet?

2. ainda (em frases negativas)

No, I haven‟t cleaned my room yet.

Since: desde.

I have been a teacher since 1992.

•For: há, por, faz.

I haven‟t seen him for a long time.

Present Perfect x Simple Past A diferença mais marcante entre os dois

tempos é que o Simple Past refere-se a uma

ação que aconteceu em um tempo determinado no passado (yesterday, 1 hour ago, last year, etc.), enquanto o Present Perfect refere-se a uma ação que já aconteceu, mas o fato de ela acontecido importa mais do que o quando ela aconteceu.

Por exemplo, se a intenção é contar para seu amigo que você finalmente assistiu ao filme que ele indicou, você diz: - I have seen Avatar.

Mas se ele quiser saber quando você

assistiu, você diz: - I saw Avatar last night.

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O simple past é usado ao se referir a situações que já aconteceram e que não tem nenhum tipo de vínculo com o presente. É importante que se diga quando a situação


- I climbed a mountain last year.

- She painted that picture an hour ago.

O Present perfect é usado quando não existe possibilidade de definir o ocorrido no passado. É usado para contar algo que serviu como experiência de vida ou que há vínculos

com o presente. Ex.:

- I have climbed a mountain.

• Examples:

• I have worked as teacher in the past. [Present Perfect]

• I worked as a teacher in 1995. [Past Simple]

• I have studied English already. [Present Perfect: foco na ação, no fato]

• I studied English from 1995 to 1999. [Past Simple: foco em quando aconteceu]

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• Let‟s Read!

• Hey Paulo, have you ever studied English?

• Yes, Márcia. I‘ve studied English in the past. [Present Perfect - foco na ação, no fato]

• Cool! And when was that?

• Oh, I studied English a long time ago, back in 1995. [Past Simple: foco em quando aconteceu]