V0L- XV.Ff* 4,569. .NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1855. PRICE TWO CENTS. NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. TUB irtU-iOUM DAILY TRIBTOK h riiLi.Hi, EVERT Wo un i no _|D ivinimo. tSrvoty iictrriD.) BT ÖRltLRr A HctilRATII, at in marts »iiiüi.i .on or *attt< tan »> »i cs "HI" OeFOIITt TNI (TV ntLX rsl WiT»».i ifi I it, «Bt*7l ».. ,i i;| kcu r«r «.»!. Bta#U Ca-pjet Two GtBte. Mill ttbrtibn K m»». « «h«**1 to* til BMOths. $4; MM U.. BtOaUll 5* TilK %KW-VOFIK WKBHXY TBIBUMB, A TRRT LABUK PAPER FviB THE COU"tTBT, a easl'thed toon liTiti.it Moiiiio tt the low price of f>. pot sr.ee m m advance, thit* rovft to* %V>; »>». eop»ss Ryj *)t Ian sopies for BIS; ,and a psper U a do M eooti-.e* be- »«*« I*» tiro* for which It U p3d. * t'ertiaeuvo't for tbl* JkVMwmU shlrged SEVENTY FHL CKNH PtR ÜBE ati each baa*tttoe. ______ TIIK iKVI-WKK.M.V TRIHt'*JF, kl snlttsesd every ttunir and PaiDtr Moa*ito. Mtj fjt} ¦nuH» Two eooles for B5; F've e- plea for $il 16. Ai- . Hiwixtii lloti a Una for «ach lose. don. TIIK TOW-YORK TRIBtStt fOl I.1OfI1I CIR00LATIOR, m pekllihed oa Hiee>psj*«re. of «a*b Malt Stearour for Liverpool tt B5 pe t aa: um, postage Included. Bias's copies oil Coats. THE aTEW-TORK TTUBUXB TOR CALIf OIN1A ORIOON, AND THE IADOwicm Id LANDS, at pnU'«h«d oa it* departure of easa Mall Steamer foi Asp lo¬ rn ail at Bl Mi par samara. Blngle copies Six Csaka 0«tciai Notices. Paar.Office Malice.- A,. EXTRA MAIfcrCALlPtJR RHA he par Btaaaner MT LOl IS, will close at tbis office) oa TVEeDAT. tbe 11th mat., a: 1 .'e'oeb p m. _ISAAC V. KOfVLKR. Postmaster. .fateI nffaayV Klnqoenr I'Mloeoj.hl. »I I.e. tnr. -< m Ptttlilaaliatn Sttiyv..«j.t Intti'ute New York, Tt'EiDA Y saat PklDAY EVENING 1, o> 1*. Brook «r. Institute, WED.NPSUAY aad MI SDAY KVKNINOS Willlamebnrih, ¦katiPotl Aeterno v Rooms, cor. 4<b sod South b:ii-et., MON¬ DAY sad till RSUA Y. Adula inn 10 cents. ~Cbea>.lcal I.ertarea. Dr. DOilEhU/s would retp«r.tfu aarncei t* th tt 'fi- *" ^t,j L»- inr* of bit Conr*ion the IMP''»'*- DrBABLK KOROS. tLigb», Meat, Elec'.rV.lty aid M-.gn.it- wan) will he oelnrr.d on Wei -NKSDAY EVENINO at 7, «Veloe» in tbe Clen 1 a. Lecture -o'm o' the N»w York M«4i .at i'»lieg« Pai* Hih st., near tth av. r-u'ijei'.-" Hott," with aipei im» r ial i -h'iiiudi Tickets let the C at>< *?; tirt'e lAokstt, 75 rants-to be ob- taiasd st Mettrr. Pike h N».i,t. No 418 Broadway; D. Aopia- Ml Co. No. 3*6 Bioai.wiy; C. S. Krane's aad Co., No. 252 ttrcadway ; or at tbe Medi-.u College. LerluieM. p. K. Rrwtherhawd, N. V..The kwsäääl Lseaars ia th* Cooiss. fur lb. benefit of *ha hartty Koad. will be> serivr red ia the Lasture Rwm nf the Mercantile Li'.r*ry AaaocwthiTj (Attor r'a-») r.n f(IKHI)\Y E*riNINO, toe 11th last, at I cVloek. by the. Rev t ORNP.LILM R. SVOPE if Baltimore. nBljec'.: Tjt ' ocpie«t of Spain by th* Moora." Adulation 25 c nU. TWASil toi ttle at tba door. Nallre ta Hosdav School Tevacherw. -Ry special re- aaear. of the Bos d of alenue t ftbe.NK-VYlHK 8CN0AY BCItOtIL UMON, K. a PACKARD **q Secra'try of th* Aaterirta Sun. a* School Colon w ,i deliver tba Toird Le tnrs tt BwJ Mil* t* Btraaay 8<ao»] Teaehsrto'Ns» York, Brook- «a a»d vlcloliy on WKtipilSDaY EV/.NINO, Dec 12. at o'slrrk, id the Central Pre.bytarian Church »jmome-it, cor- twr af (acre. Subject.' The Taacb-r Tea:alng." Hop* t baprl Lertarea.-vv. O DIX. lata of the I'oitod ¦tales Legation st Oalto, will repeat st Hops Chapel, oa WTD*<P.BOaY KVKNINO 12th inet.. hit l.ectnro delivered .t ths BD ilbaonlan lisiltute.on " 8paril«h Power In Amnrirt, arkh a detcription. from partonal ohtervation, of the climates, so>t.arysid piodnctioat of the Weitem Slops of the Andes." .I attra'ed hy a diagram. Arli.-iinion 26 cents. Commence at 7| e'eiock. aTaaala, Turkey wad the War.-At th* request of asveral gert sm> a if influence in Brooklyn the Re. Dr. BAUD wl I gives teiie* of THREE LP.crURE8 in thu city .ai " Rsttia, Tatkey tnd the War," illuttraUad hy arg-and asrsiltnt Maps. The fi st will be given TO NIOHT, at tbe ntiai Institute, in Joialemon-it., coatmemciag st 7j o'c v k M will re a'e to Turkay, its Ilittory aad I'ratsnt MUta." A1 atiissioa 25 ceats. Calltaa's Third Lecture an (.>olos* will delivered THIS (fhtuida)) E\I NINO. D»c. It, in Hope ( hipel, at 7J o'elKk eolje. .: "Ths Inter! .r of oor Earth in a Melted Volcaiii« Action," Ac Tickets 25 cants. Tbe Krgtular VfonlMy 71. < fln« s>f th- llrwoklvn Tann« >l,».-. ('hrlallan \a-oi Imiori will babeid TtfH FVKMNO In the Lejtnre-Rootij of tbe Klrit Prasbyerlao Chareh (Usury tt >, eotnmencloi at 71 o'clock. Essay will bairatJ by Dr. LLOYD.S iMe m . Tho »otrur of Ki»»npfe " J. T. CONKLINO, Chairman Lecture Com. Tbe l iidesrlnned, having been appointed s committee to tat Me ths Htv Mr. Arthur of fjondon. (now on a vitit to this aoantry ) to delivnr s isetureoo "Systematic Christiao Beae^o- aatw*,'' take mach p eaanre in a- nooi cmg tha» Mr A-taur will Awileer the Itctnis at the Broadwsy Tabernacle r n tVEDNER. DA5 P.VEMNO, tbe 12-h mit at 7J r'clock. Tho im|»-tanca at" the tohj.ct too the high trending of the leetorsr will no donbt ladsce s g-««ral attendance sf Chitatiant of all denom'aat'oae. W. tv. PHILLIP«, » N. TY^O. wiloIAM ADAttS, JOHN BNoX P. TH »MCSON, JOSEPH HOLDRICH, CHAS. «I BAMsji s Ci n ¦ m,.,. At minion will ho fr**. Keula reir.1 I ate1st« ore- tftHrt> mm* Litabar Ea^bauaaTa, ata. Tt Caaalau. ffew-trnk. Tba (JaDoe fs ssubdaho* by ths [mil tttisii it ol Emifatleu, wMBBJ can aJwayt he foaod largs itewt of LABORER.i aad iBRTAN'fS at very low rates of araaa*. ssad passoas can have their orders tilled by writing to ths BaBwrtatMrlaa*, and aeniiut tha tnoiLt oaceaaary to pay tba aaasaa«> af ths parlies reqaire*. No feea iharaed to employers. JAMES P. PAGAN, Bapariotandsnt. TUnnsumcnto AI a D e M y of MUSIC . EXTRA NIOBT.inl BEN E PIT of A I Ii NOR AMODIO. On Tl. ESI) A Y Doc. ii, 1156, Doalsstu's (has* Ops.a lo 3 arU, L U C K E / I A llORQIA. Lai resia Borg »..Ma.1 DE LA ORANGE MaBeo Oritnt..Mad. NANTIER DIDIKE Oei.asr..«.*"»' BRIOSOLI (Who wii introduce a new Aria from L nlta Mil er. BI«Borl RtiVf.RE, OIULIO sod ARNOLD!. Mnn«. MONPLAISIR, who has voinatsered hi* tarrlctt, eriil dtae* a Pte rie Trois, Lr'H Kl HIH DC TYROL, with Mi's. DE LA \ IGNE tad Mad. C10CCA. Neat regnla.- Opera Wight, Tlll'R&«»AY,Dsc. 13 115.«. THE BARBER OK SEVILLE. a-a>w.m<.. .ONE DOLLAR. Baaare a Ssata. 50 osntt Extra. Ampbitboater, 2a eeata. Bxataaal Dire. lor and Coodaeuir.MAX MARET/.KK. Doori . pen at 7 Opera commences at 8. Baesrved seats msy '>e obtained at ths Principal Offioa, eor- .ar Snsdwsy ana .ft f ; at Danskln't Agency, Jollie's Mo¬ at* flk re No 519 Broaawav and at Hall A Mou't Piano-forte aaw Mösle Stot* N.. t3U Broadway._ A CA DEMY of MU^K .-OKA1SD BACKED .A CONCERT tor tke bENEEIT of the BENEV )t.ENT noCIKTY of ibe LADIES of ST. VINC'.NT DE PAUL, on g[ MiAi EVENING, Deo. Id hy the whole Operatic Troupe .f tbe Aear'amy. aad a GRAND Ii ii.-iilv Ticksua-L Bstarrd Mats 50 cdats satra. to be obtained at the Academy oaly. t immun r < ite- e R de Ti obi land, F. Poneert, t h. a.air Joha O'fJrien, Anthine Bernard, Jas. R MallBuj. E. Lemaitre, Eugeae P.ankett, T. La Moatsga*, Ranitsy Crookt, C. de Montho en, .ante' Devlin. Lotnl tt Comeau, R. O-snt Whit«, Varto» Haraalno. Felix iogoldtby. L. Boo.|net, Aathony Hcgua' I l onuo, T. James Olovsr, TV *-*e Launay, Wl.liaiu Nl'do, VieMr Daraad. Alfrel P.nnkBft. H de Coorey, H. J. Ändertj«, J Oattelair. L. J. White, . Loali Biotas, at Uel.tr A B. Thst'jtt. Robert Dredrichi, A Begodia G. *. Barry, E. L. Millet, *>. Prancbrre. J. MUhaa, H. L. Hrgnt*, «Ab. H. Pains. VVtu O'Brisn, E. Masseras, c C H. r C Lf* aUe. V. Dellao, . Dorne ,T R i't '-t Olovsr. 1. Deluionlco, C Gigrxax PaalThsbaoJ. H. Qutcksn Geo. C. Genet._ EIGHTH AH\HV AL BENEFIT of THE DRAMATIC FOND WtQ teks plscs at ths BROADWAY THEATER, on WEDNESDAY. Dec. 12.1155, Bsaatar ths superintendence of Kt. O. STEBBINS, President. TBlltTIBS JAMES T. BRADY, ssq., W P. CHAPMAN, aso,, J. BROl GHAM, BSQ.. J McKEON.eitj. J. PRFSCOTT HALL, asq coMMtTTB* o* rcaroaMa*i c. .V R. BLABE. Broadway Theater: J BROt'OHAM, Wal- lark's, aad t. MOORE larton'i Theater. A taost ataraitlvs b.,1 an! be prassnted Boa Bot k open at the Tt.ee«er on MJNDAY, Dac 10, where aaJv tKkets and placet can be secured. 1 . * W. C WE MY US. Becretary. 11 18» MARIA ^. BRAIN E RD 91 ^"'/.'"STCOM FRT IN NEW-YORK. Oa THl R-DAT EVENING. Dec 20, at NIBLO'S SALOON. Bee fatai e advertiaements. _ A~~T u E N £ Uli, BROOKLYN. MISS ANNA SP1NOLA, the American Pri ma Dcnna a resident of Brooklyn, will make Rwi dab a i it lbs above oamed Hall on THURSDAY EVENING. Dec 15.1155, an » i VOt AL AND INSTRl'MENTAL CONCERT, .twisted tf »Bs fo *Wfca| «ml ent artltU: ?!'" V.k' BoPraao, her first appearance la public. Mr APTOM IS .Le aeleWated 11«put C"**PEjAllOIl, tbs great OnitsrUt; aad Mr. O J. EVAN*, tea diet^iauvh*d P:aoist_ TICKITS PIPTY CENT» Tobe had at ths prleclpa' Maaic aid Bookstores aad at the I tall I a the sveLing ol the I aacmr. «Poors open at 1 o'clock j the Concert will commence at 1 ^»ithsprc^TvwBaBe will *s pabtltaed la future advartiaamrnti. Re a I) I N O 8 BAvd l^CITA T ION 8^J~B. BIOWN wi I L-. uro oa THE LICE OF R »BKKT Hi BN latrod-cli g the S: >vh dialect, aad ^ve Realitaa and ¦ «a*t from the beat wn'trt; also repeat by reuuaer RCl uaa. Spare hat Tree,' which received anh o l,d »p.' a'aaie 'a..' avaftlaa. la Ciialon Ha'l. Aator plsce oo WED.NES- DAY r VE.w»Wt>. C*6- lJ- « Tt»'*-ocA tfokst* 25 casts. uTBBar-tTTkw** MUSEUM. - I VI h tful" HOLI- t> DaT i .¥TERTAIN»IENTS -Tl ESDAY, Ds«. 11- v. . ^ B ths aew Ihraraatls Pairy Romaoee, foil of EL?. " etl.ed REKORB ATIOV. Aflar TT*. \Tl POT) X PILLICODOY; and a at. NO; se.TNr. Mi- roairt f.r ra.*«' » tb* LIGMW DEN ai too 7 p .a. the LIVING WI_^>KAwW,A*. may ». jee. at all times. Adc-aaaee u> til ti eaaU; Calldraa aaaer ia, la) seots._ ihn MARnatW family industrial M SOCIETY wLi hold ? TAIB ia the base seat of the Man- wars' Cetxrcb, rovner of Mac'-vn aad Catharlae-tU . tMarur tt lathe Bad Dsceu-her, .' 1 P coatinala« *\e.ttT AFTERNOON tnti WHIN* dariag the week Aajaatwa BMcaata. NIBLO" GARDEN.- TIESDAT EVENING, Deceeo er It, 1855 THE WONDEBFUl EAVF.L FAMILY. __L*at Night button'of AflPHODtL rECOND NIGHT OF THE NEW F.NrO*flg|R. FIRST N OH T of t-iE ELOPEMENT. To cnmg>eace with lb* mic Peatoin mo of . THE SECRET MAB.RIA3E. Ubarartere by the II AVr l FAMILY. Followed by the Ballet Pantomime of THE ELOPEMENT. Nrw Descee, Retntifui Table*** Vivnti. To conclude wtth (he Fairy Pu.t jro n.- of ASPHODEL ; Or, »he MAGIC FES. Charte trt by the BAVEL FAMILT. FMCCt or admimioc TICKET.".FIFTY CENTS Orcbeetra Sea't.ej) OS FriTtte Boxe* .-. . 6 uO Borr Office open dtlW from Sam. to 3 p. m., for tecur-ng Orrbeetre Seatt end Private Boxe« only. Doxa open at 6$ Prrf,rmaoc*.i to commence at 7}. BTÖADWA7~THEATER-E. A. Manhall' aole Laatee..Boxee and Parquet, 50 centa; Family Circle tmi Upper Tier. 25 cenU; Privat« Boxee, 05 end 06..Uoora open at let commence \t 1 r>Y.ir,-»._THiS EVKNINO, will be perforni'd : BEAUTY AND THE BEA8F. Bee-itv.Littie Mary Moral the Beaat..Mtae Lov'ee Marth Bong: " vO Jockie Franral"-".'.i'tle Jennie. THE WADERINO MINS'rkl. Jem Regt with ibe popular, doleful, paibet'c. tympt'he'lc Uisenteb.e hletory of " Viiiiktnt end hie Dinah," Matter Marih. BHrRTONr»^C H AM B BBS 8 TREE T ¦ TUESDAY, And every evening thit week, tie oew American Comely of fame FREIENSES, Or, Both Stors or »oor> SocrrtY, which tonttnue* to draw crowded and delighted audience*. Mr Berryman.M'. Bu ton. Whltleiocre O. Jordan; Mlllrdolltr, Mr. Bradley; Mn Mllle- do.lar. MiaThorne; Mn. '>.,;.|*d. Mrt. Burton; Mrt. Crockery, Mn Hughe*; Florence, M » Tb.'ine. To c nrlude triik fbe ItuaTbable Force of TURNING the TABLES, In »hieb Mr. Burton, Mr. g. Jordan and Mrt. Burton wlU appear. A new Two Act Comedy ia in rebeareal. \ ATIONAL TTTEATER.A. H. PURDY, Man- i. t ag.r and Proprietor..Dreae Circle, 2nc*nta; Fit, lUeeaU: Orokeetra Cbaira 50 eta-THIS EVENING will be performed: EVA, TUE IRIS 1 PRINCESS. Cathn lio.Mr. J. H Aller. | Era.Mrt. S. B. Wi kint THE FOUNTAIN OF BEAUTY. Kkg Pretty....Mlai Ha'bawty k a. regoddun.. Mr. O. L. Fox Sort and I>*ne«. STATE SECRETS Thlmbiawell.J. Herbert Maod..Mr*. Wrej WALLACK'» THEATER.Boxe* and Tar quet, 60 cent*; Family Circle, tS cento; Stalle, Ol; Pri¬ vate Boxea. B6 and t>7.. Door* open at 64 o'clock, performance eorxmince et 7.-THI« EVENING aril) 1.. performeu: THE LITTLE THEABURK. Maycrnbluth.Mr. Leafr Lady tlowiid.Mra Hjey the FIRST RIGHT. Mona Dufard .Mr. H. Placido t-abel a.Miat Gannon THE SECRET. Tboma*.Mr. G. Hoilanl Madane Dnpuit..Mra. W alert A~CADF,MY HALL, No. 061 Broadway, opposite b01 a tt.For positively twelve night« on y. comm-nmg MONDAY Dec H\ lh.'5. The principal membir* of ti e origi¬ nal and we.l known CHR STY'S MINSTRELS, organised in IM-, ccmpiUing e. H. Plotce, J. W. Rat nor, N.W.Gould, J. B. Donnlker, l-wia Maira. t. Clirlaiian, B. Mai ory, W P. Collioa, H. Huntington, I.. Condlt and Jtaeph Murphy, who treat reapeetfu>ly announce to ibeir ad rneodt and pttroa* in bew York twelve of their CHASTE AND fA S HIONABLE Ml HICAL s0irke8, at above. Since tbeir latt appearance in tlila city they bare added to tbeir a'ready eiteoeiv* repertoire many new tnngt. dan cat, Ac and tr.ev will n w be able to p,e aectaNKW PROGRAMME TrjROUOHOUT, replete with new motlral gemt, new character dance*, and new bureequai- The flu cbinion Fan.i.y. Ten mlaate* at the Academy of Ma¬ ate, with tome new, quaint, qti'zii**! and quiet bonmit*.In fact, a little of everything and ev.rybody For e aht yearl tbe ebove troupe perfotrred at No. 4'2 Brotowmy, under tie direc¬ tion of e. P. Cb'Uty.wbo in on longer connected wltb tkecsrpa. In fee', their namet are at far Mar aabonaebold word* For pa*- tlcu'art tee billa. Tiekru, 25 cent*. P.Rri.i .a None*.. The above troupe have (now) no connection with E. P. Chnt'.y. On MONDAY, Dec. 24. they perform In Philadelphia UCKLEr* 8EBENADER8, No.638 BROAD¬ WAY.-* very evknino THIS WEEK. The d .le- (nl and pathetic Tragedy, V1LL1KIN3 and HIS DI "JaH with the heaailfol TRICK HORBE. Comneacetet 7> o"c ock. licketa k'. eent*. B G T EO. CHRISTY & WOOD'* MINSTREItS, No. 4>44 BROADWAY. OFEN EVERT EVENING, tlckete. tft aenta. KU tmatneee ttaiuacted ky U. WOOD. 1HB AMERICAN JUVENILE BELL RIN(J- EKB Tbeee wonderful performere appear nightly at No. 472 Biotoway, Mei.baclct' ilall. The eotertainwent conaittt of Sr mi. Duett and Cboiue»e, lntertseraed with the aeiightful Bell Rlng.ug, by thleecetmp iahed family of Juvenile Matictana. Go and hear tbeas, and take the chi.dien w;th you. 1^HE^RY8TÄX~PALACE.--The^ letitr.tr having potaea.Kin of tbi* beanOfal Beildlr g H wi 1 be mad* iaiereeting and attraatlve. at-.au and Gae-Enginea wl.l be need forpropelling a variety ot novel Maek'nerT. 8 atn ary, Caatlngt, Tapeetry, Agricultural Implementa, and numer cot itber aitlclet of great mein can be to- n in tbe Fa a-e. The American Inttiiute will receive and keep In order kit article, cat novelty and utility for the laepectlon of tbe public. WM B. LEONaRD, Correepondlng Savetary and Afent. KCHANICS* HALL, No. 472 Broadway . The American Troupe of Juvetille Bell Ringer* an 1 Vocal latt, tbe Alexander Family, whoee aatoniautng axecutlon te drawing ctowded boutee niabtly. Ticket*. 25 ceatt; children kalf pree. CommesciBg evenlngi at 7) o'clock; Baiurday alternooca at 3 o'clock. I^HE CRYSTAL PALACE ia OPEN, and cob- tarn* many new and valuable euiioettiee, marble statuary, i'alnange, Caetingt In Platter and Bronae Machinery, AgrioaJ- tavral Impl<mrnte. Modele, Terra Cotta Ornament*, Annlent Tapeetry, UlD*trative of DON QUIXOTE, and valaed at 02on.00o, once the property of a Bpantab Monareb, now la tbe aoeteartoc of aa Ameriean cltiteo. It wi.l repay tbe euriout aad fbe lovere of art «o vltit the Cryttal Palace. LADIES' OYRTER SUITER and FAIR THIS AFTERNODN and EVENING at th* Odd Fdlowt' Hall, Hobtken. Admittance I2J centa. D"~rSHElJK)RF GAUERT, No. 497 Broadway, C4»taaa 180 of the Baeet PAINTINGS ever pat tpoa ItxJalUliom. Opeo DAT and EVrNING. Admiataaae » eta. Xcbd Pnblicatitona. HOLD YOUR SIDES! THE G&AND DOUBLE PICTORIAL PICAYUNE fcir the Htlidayt la now rea4y. It eoatalnt: I. Large Fiontianlece. covering half of the f.nt page, eon- tolnlrg nearly ONE HUNDRED comic figure*, enticed "An Original Package <-f Choice iu ' Tbe fan In tbi* maftbe teen ae It cannot he deoetlbod. Z New Yeai'a Addreae In dogeerel. by that aever-to be- eitlt gui*b*d, lamed Darky, Piof. Ju IntCwaar Hannibti. 3. Twelve Ckineaturee on the firat patty of the eeaeon at Mki. Grubka. 4. Twelv* Cur* on tb* edveature* of Mr. Jeak* at a popular Dane't i Academy. 5. Twelve Caricature* on Trout Flaking. fi. Twelve Caricatnree on Branah't Trave't la Europe Ln eetrcb of the Ma'eell'e Nativity (wttb the alligator). 7 Twenty Cut* on tbe G etningt from tbe Meyor*t Book. 8. Tbe aad Story of the Levee and Death of V liikint and hi* Dinah, with coplout Notea by tbe Minatrel, 1.1 unrated wiih twenty-four Cancaturee. a The Arrival and Debut of Re,- - la New-York, told ia aix capital Ctncaieiva 10. Twelve Cutt on the Foarth>of-July Ce'ebration. Betide fifty ether epleodid and tel kg Cut* oa the *v*at* of tbe u Rebuoee, Ac Pike tix centa. By iiiail, roar rata, on receipt of price. BOSS. JONES k TOUSKY, A«woia, No lfoNataau it N v and No 2> Clark-et., Cbvago. Bamplea Graiie.Agent* Wanted.Buhar*the now THREE GOOD JOURNALS FOR 1856!. Tb* following are well adapted to all reader*.' LIFE ILLUSTRATED; A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY PAPER, devoted go Neart. Literature Seienea. tb* Arta; K) htmrvv XT, Ixrkovt- MBkT aadFaoiiagta. Fubliabed weekly at Bjl a year. THE WATER-CURE JOURNAL Hyilropathv. it* PhUoeophy and Pi actio*; Pbyaijbgy, Anau cany and the Lewi of Life and Health. Bit year. THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL; Devoted to a I BBS** Pr. *reet;.e meatrarea fx tb* Elevation aad !nsp.ovemett of Mankind, llinitiated. Si a year. Fob Tnatx DoLLaki all tb>ee will teat* ytar. AdJreet FOWLEK k\v ELLS No. 308 Bond way. New York. Jutt puh libe l: W OODWORTH - YOITH » CABINET, TV AND UNCLE FRANK'S DO. LkR MAUAZtNE. Fob iaicaav. l*'-, Tbl* nur bar ooataie* 40 large 8ro. pace*, an accurate portrait of tbe editor elegantly engnved on . eel, aad ¦ filled with the rlcbeet aid rareat gemt from tbe editor and hi* eeaocletei. ¦tH>8lrl by upward o< TWENTY FIVE HANDSOME EH. GRAVIN<>9. New i* tb* time to tubecil>e Yeariv eab- Kripllou otaly 01, fear etrpie«, 03 50; fiv* eopioe, *». Sing!* tpecimtn number* l.'i cente D. A. WOODWORTH. FaNith*r. Ne. 118 Newau-et.. _New Tork. Ib Preae: THE WHITE CHIEF: A LBGEND OF NORTHERN MEXICO. by carr Mat** «l DE WITT k DAVEnPGRT. FeSllehera. Ntk 1*0 aad IB* Natna r. LOOK OUT for YOUNG AMERICA, a a«w Meekly Cemlc aa* Ratiilcal Paper apieitfidly U'aetrated. FUtt aamber realty BATCH OA t, Dee. 15. Be»4 ia yomr irltrt T.^BTBOBO !io W Naawu at., New Tora. Te he hat) tf a.1 Ntwt Ageeta. FRENCH WrrHOLT A TEACHER . Jut Pubiiabed. THE FRENCH HPKAKF.B. tod COLLOQUIAL PHRASE BOOE. An ur< ltd tgreeab e methtd tf nequ'ri*g t rrirait ct tvl apeak c| knew edge of be French tijttrt. it PIUBCII .iTLta, Teeehei and Tranelttor cf L*egaeg>a-Author of " Sper.ith Te*;aer." 110 pagea. cloth rtrso » eeuW. la rpeahieg of '.bit work. .Mr. Bot'er »eyi: " Tfcj) ob ft: rf .bit werk it to deinonttrate a.g h tint :t tuppoeed to d'ffii ult. it is (act eety ; that wbtt ij vert ee* y '.¦»Tai. it . ' bard to UrgH; tbtt il oar c*i la^nai* bta betti ' ted wl bort Uil or ttudy, we rciy aili become oatarauW to an other by 'he tame enudiltiTier, method. " Aa jou car»leet,y tie* e-.d ri' cjt.mili n».;<r t* you do tbonaandt cf other oV ee't In your daily trev.> i t .4 aa ail thiig* become EreLcl.it« d around tu I doubt aat vi* will gradoilly wed youreelf to my se.ief tba mietet of ki-w!< edge and irnuntalm of tipen nee mty lie acio-itd wi.h Lit 'jt aprllcetion or lacnfice of lime." All thoae wbo detire to have a knew>¦:#* rf 'hi *.-e*?i lee- gutge ebould procure a copy of tbit wo-t «t one .. From The Evening New«, S I. lit. Till littl* v nme aidta learner to an if.aiii- .m cf tieeaywer cf tpeaking tie F.encb language, by the etu.p «if, aa 1 he Mi miLd*. the retJieit method, tt treat* the nnp.i te a eliild, and endeavora to teach him Frtnefa aa aa u.iair. it t iugb: to ape .k tie language of Itt pereata. We ormn.ee 1 it to the eour.der atioc of all learrer« et Fr. :cb,wbo e-lah r»th-r to a-qare a prtrti- ca. and arbitrary, than a phtloaophlctl knowledge if that r inrsa. Frctu (he De.ly Tiaiea, Troy. Tie object and pnipote ot' :Lie work are t ear y ar.d f-. y atattd in the title pig*. From cireory exe-nineti jo, we belie'e it deiervei all that it claimt.I ia an en; tod igre«tt'.e' method of eiqu'iing t pemVe knowledge of the French I aa gaage. It will be found uaefu. and c .nven>nt at a .>:-. k ot i eretre for the general reader at well at "he mere ettiieat. Copiet sailed to my ....«» Puo.labed and l.r tale by GARREIT a. CO., Nu. It le» et Alao for tele by all Bookteilen. WILL be PUBLISHED on WEDNESDAY, LUC Y JiOSTON: Or, WoMta'i Rio hu A.an BnarTTALICM. " Thil it the age cf oddltiet ct loote." One to.., illuatrated. ft IB, Foblitted by ALDKNA BEAHDSLEY. Arjbu'n. The trade in New-York tuppiied »t B'JNCE A BROTHER. New-York. IN PRES S.Ami will b-i pubiithfd in a few dtt: HOME COMFORTS; Or, EC"*, »r iLLl'iTRATeti. By Familiar Seenot cf Every Day L {.: 1 »1:., tj.no., "Trice *5 centi. Tbit wll' prove a valuable bomehol 1 hook, p»-.nlitr y adopted to the want- of the y-ut,* uttk.eper. Il t not a b. jh or re- ceipta, tut a tToaT in wh'oh many prac'lcal ,e»ioc* in etoaomy are inculcartdand illuttiet-.d. BUNCE k BROTHER. No. PN Na.ttu at. \ E L L I E ü I T R U fi O . i* By tbe au ho of " Vera." 12mo *>l. " A truthful portrait oi Co'intry Li'e end VUlaa* Baeetj, < edaiville »nd itt inhabitant' lite up befo.e aa like ibe, memory cl old aecnaiotaf cei; and the «tnkiag ¦..M att J-twe^agou Partoti Pool teecbtng by ttample more than by pr-. cot and the kartb, and *arani*h~HTitrmrwf if hk iieaeeaav toe K-t Jamet Sirjker, ii meet forcibly dninea'ed At an lnttriating atxry It i, one of the b-n we hate read to a long MeMi and ta a correct and forcible inettration of tbt lau.tt and f ibei of re- ligioni lOfllatlee, it dreeitet, ml we Li e no doubt ar| I reejire an extentlTe <irculati in." |txidimercial Remitter. " We i- entiuntd (hit book yetterdav t< jut: recetT 1. We can new ipeak cf ii Iron a moie thoroogb peroaal. It it a de lightfui ttorj-acme oi ihaaaaeeeee, baaewa.eaeel anythug A the kind wbn h me have oit reea, Iii» who b tioiUaait'e in the evening at we did, will find lumaelf pr .bib y no leal for ge ful of time end tlerp.end be aetoniebed tob er tao clock itrike roe wbtr he tapputei it to he eomewhete abia' tea. It errved et jutt inch a t Ich. * * * * It Ii a reuitrhab.y to tereitlng book, tu I of eloquent peae'get which gl'o ecbwui too rarely found In wurkt inteede* tu tocu cats re leloue eeatt" uienta. The o d pattor of Cedtrvlllo It a model 'or hit :ltaa tiaple heeited. faithful devcte: un'ppieci»ted by tae very ecu a wbo have been ltd by him ao »hepberdlr and tenderly to tbe »oid cf 'be Bevior- only vaiued aught when Lit hang, ter¬ ror -preacblnt. law-fbtinde leg, variance-threatcnl,.*. aviccee- .I r bat belc nit p ace iong enough to diive Love aw:y and aol .ti'ute the feat of damnation fur the Faith which abile* in tbe Ooudnrta and Mercy an.1 boundieee Love of tneKeieemer. but read the book, and be made better and wi>er " Pktaburg'i Dttaa-ca. " Tlla it a volume of a high ord>r ot' u.e:it. It. »redeceeaor, Vera,' waa > f tbe lof.lett character ot aba- bit« io'sren, and wet well rrctivid every where, atid i mmir.de a lageaele. Tbit ii even auperlor to that work. It inenlca'jt the tame d: vine faith, chterlai pb loeopby, anc pure ife." tme ionn Spectator. " Lltete Nellie It truly t >em of a child " da on Wnig. " A beautiful and highly interacting tale." |Chri«tlan Ot*e-v-r. "A work of a high order cf merit, and breathiag the pa reit tpirit of pUty." f-Vatcamio. " A tale of trae eit.au merit, and we. *uatai»ed interaat." [Obeerrer. " A heentiful voleme." ( Uhriatlan chroni le. "Crowded with incident*, tbe interett abatet not in the eat'; and bting t religiout romance it hea all the totere*, of an exciting love-aory, which it ia with rrje valuable leeaont of Chiittiaa tr*ala aiid 'liotrpha. Almjet every page it Llutalae- ted by the light of rel'glout experterce." [Lit. Meeteuger. " Tboie wlo have lead Vera' wi I anticipate gra'idcetiaa In the pernial of tbit velum*, and tbry «i,| not dutp pointed. [Chritnan Intel Igeacer. Tbtt it a productlan of the imagi..atlon well ceooeived, beabtifully txgrtaaed. keeping up the Inteieet of th) reader, and leading t* prefiuhle rtflec'iom " I tanner. ROBERT CART2R «y BROTHERS, No. 385 Üruadway. TWO BOOKS of the GREATEST VALUE to MEN OF EVERY .DSTleMI AND PROFE>S10.1. THE AMERICAN ALMANAC, AND REPOSITORY OF I SEFL'L KNOWLbl) IE. roa 115$. One vol. llmo., 550 to* Opp. Free #1 paper #1 ii bouad. To be ready la a few daya The Ameiican Almanac it filled with mt'ter of tbe greatett Importance to every An: et loan It contain* tbe fa' ett informa¬ tion renpeciog the General Governneat of th« United Sta at, and of each tarticular Biete, al«o n h fact* relating to tb* St-ten of Europe aa are uttfa) to our peopl*. Tb* Montai] Magailn* **yt: " Thouaandt of literary men, and literary prcJuctiont of large fam* aid abowy preiesnont, will attod Indebted to thit modeat, ihln, paper co»ered volume; to H* rich and orderly eaaai ui n% tiitie*, it* tab'ei of dry figure* and condeued caaptert of ail manaer of Information Every i: tea, i.a man to aay nothing of the man of baainee*. who owe* I:, will he aaved a vat- dee, of rannlig, and borrowing, and gueancg and blondering, in tbe rourae ef the year. Bleatfngt on the man that' aot' iaveattd,' but arranged fact* "' TREATISE ON ENOLISH PI NCTCATION: Detigned for Letter writer* Authort Printer* and Corrector* of the n anc for tb* uae of Sckooit and Aead-miee, with an tppendix, eouuiaibg Rule* oa the a** of Ctpital*, a .i*t of Aabrevta-'ioa*. Htau on Prtpa'lng Copy and oa Proof raadtng Spocuneat of Proofaheet*. Ac- Flith Ediuon. by John Wiitou. a.. Price #1. ' It la an exceedingly valuable book, and a copr ot' r afaou'd be at tke taivice cf every one who I* eueedj or Ii direct y later- eeted hj the la ge tubjtct of which it treat*, ail who have to write iwportent letter*, record*, and document*, aa wel a* ihoee who write tor the preea. . * * I:a tula U a very fuii expon- tita oflt* ecntan *. and a reae'er of 11 will be eqcai.y aarpriatd and inttructtd by the amount of knowledge wJck It* perutal whl ia par l" |t inttian Exaaioar. crosby. Nichols t Co.. No. Iii Waahiagtx r. Bottoa HOLIDAY JUT1IILE8.« THE BEaT BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. Siuw Ready: DICKENS'S LITTLF: FOLKS: A tail-* of beaailfal Javeailee, telected from I':c»- . workt. in hit own language, with iiia*trat<woa by Dariey. lino, cloto. P tc- tt cen'i each L LITTLE nell, fretn The o d Curioei.y Shop" of t faule» D'ckeoa II SM KI, fiom " Nlciiolat Nickleby" of Caerle* Dicken*. III. THE CHILD WIFE, '. m "David Copptrfi-lo." ef (.t in liickena IV OLIVER AND THE jew FAiJIN from Oliver Twut" of C barlea Dickes a V LITTLE paul, from Dombej end Soa oi Chaxiee Daaaawai VI. FLORENCE DOMBEY. troaa " Dombey aad Son" of ('bailee Dtcktia Tke tlx vo.ame*. in a eea* paper caae. price 02 25. j. s. REDF1ELD, Nu- St a*ekmaa-et., N. X. Tbe Weet Pa»t, Pre* t: aad Fatur*. THE KANZAS REGION.Forest. Pralrie, Demit, Moc»t*ia, VaL* aid Rjvta. By Max Greene. It roatalti a reliable Map of the Te.-r :. :y aad an origaaal Map of th* .';»tr ct now bwtng aettlod; Ibermometr.c Tab.**, thoe- trg th* temperature, w inter and Summer, in different eeetioo* Buttmect of the relative quantitia* of Rain; Correct htearnre¬ in« ut of Dutance*. Direct 100* aa to Koutai and Outri. for tb* Pioneer; Htatory of the San* i Trad*, with tlatit ic. Bynop- ¦t* of recent Land Treaaee. aad fu Information reapectia* Indian Title*; aome Accoant of sVcleneot* rrcestiy male; miaa'e Deerrtptioa* rf mere than . hundred penu-u er *>! tJet; and a Otneral View uf th* Sc:nery, C.ima.e. Wild Pr.- docU-ti, Casehriue* of Soil, and Comnrernai aad Miaetal R'tourc a of Kanee* frcm tb* B. andary to the Roc ay Moun¬ tain* intrrtperwd atth INCIDENTS OF TatVEL ini aaac- dote* ll.'aatrative of the Character of th* Trader* aad Red kf*a. To which ere added eoalee of the organic Law, Hoaeat ad Law. Squatter Law*, ltd Market Prt.et. with o.ber daaJerata which make It a COMP'ETB MANUAL FJS THE EMI wb.ANT and woxk rf rafereooe for tb* Student, aa well a* an citractiv* Book of Weetern Life. Price. 30 seott in paper; 50 cuu fee Eual'rx FOWLER am WELLS, lie. 90S Broadway. A. WOODWORTH, No 118 Ns«is»*stTsuj> * t e* WOODWORTH'S YOUrB's CAB IN KT aad RABf EE* MAG A / IN L for S MAN-OF-WAR LIKE: A BOY'* EXPEH'EN E IM TJK D. v N4VT. Daring ¦ Vr-yage twaad :ts WatU c a aa.,? :»* La* I te!., )«¦*»> 75 rears. THK MERCHANT VESSEL; A SAILOR tOYS VOTAOEi fO «Ei TiiE WOA-0. I »il , ln'sro. 7^ -eat*. E^tt ttlft*tjfjBjj a<;j iflaatitfal .¦Weht»« re:«ivd advance .:pi-tof !h- a' «ve work* (roan ths jabluM' .. Uori«, W: rn«a, K*-i A d f ria-taiafi TfctltTatf mü'rrm i s«.cb » iu j'n| about three Banded, du. oecirto p»se». »*<1 ¦** hud.c no ) ..lastitted wi'h. ioe ¦ « 1 eatrnirif- IMJ rV.i 0 -r-.imt inmeaaely poji!»r mull <be j uig pe--pie. and my be retd w:ii graa'. pnrth by **fi)b:dy. lt»y a'* wr:;so in a r~ rjle end nup.nte id 1», bar very p'eair.» «*jl , and thi ds'cnp ksaw ire an-.i-a.'!y t-nd Bid 1.1«-ike. Ws have ra.-eiy been id deep y la'ersstsl ia w< lit it tri» cba^e «r. Ta.y *.*. «abl .he.) aaoaymoa«!*. b b] tbe ia nor will Bad rwt bjeatattj tnow-r ta a aaaaata^reH :n ih ' c::y wba in em hrc k'g'-. y, I tk f fa «.-hararer »'.4 tli tatai ¦ ' ' .«de pa:» Sun Will !«»r»*d w>tb av'd'rt r,->: en!y «v a y mmf tMefVa »« » #et bvis of tietn, tat witu n,«.-res» dt ntny pa.p e atem* s tpiiet * of pay najr» in ib <t t.*V 'jthtit.-vti .il .. «> h»v- read ibe tirk enveiy th-c^tl and flad I'eaVly ecrr'tuMi g »t» a*'-nvite. N .'....» r kM »rr-'trad u 1 . Den*'« Two iis-t Bef-re -h* Var.' " (Hun Von ln"-I ltsa^a'. >. hare se»er bit"- e leea ai. the wiaat* rwi-i.lt-* if a «tip't i.f*-i.» wl man*»-meat «o nwJy rxpuasad.* thin ¦ ret] reader «ho U sot a*ai!or want. : knrw. Every r *ui*ca. linn h ic'etpreted muto be fusilier it Iwlati'i Mr. I- rem«'.*» .t. the renter «tancioatfc» Batf/ldesk aril ri i.' noted " a ugb the spu-'meata I Bees tie ¦net' j or he 11 t.kea e'oit ind bech toji» eip«'r»d ¦.!:..»>-n u-; ... 1M1 Baal Sot cnly tbe th\j. bur ofli en men aa.! ie*w>< »re before I im. n d he kOu«i wbrit he :* ret line . t ta pite. 1 t;e ta.hr.r «...e*i:j kif aayage, thi taaaet he aiiaiitad ma rhta ird »bore, the tre«t3ient rf m n ud h ;y«, ue at hrti»hr to mied tr»o»: irrMta. The croan1.»« m«t nl tr.- book i'i nop)* aiid wel.-io d rnrba ai d a »niec :* of o»e- diawn pfc orei f: B jojaofraaUir, I: *:1 indoee no *>oy» r 1 l«»ee e< m'ortah e h- m-f to »0 to iei. It ai 1 no' be feared 7y raiefol par-n'l;'" thi vry irwon. It !. ettir'aiBint w.-h. M 'he aedsctiae (Uattjef tuot* work* of .he k'.cd. It!* amc '. »iteiii l* buok r ibe Kbool ub.-ary ar. 'be raml'y.'' [W -ntn'* Adroeite. " In .birmiz» ea»« and Di'ara'nee* of r.y!a 1'. eaa HafeaTJ lw> aarpisied. * * ' It !. 13.« the book 'hit 0O]i Bud »:.-t*»ii older peraca* wfB deligbr ,n derr-r ». VV'-*i*ro ChK'iaa A.lr rata. It i* *ie»edip»Jy w»;i arnteo, aod by f*r tue v.- I m*j fij: be' 1 that ae haee over reto " I raisjftaa rty 1 ^'*'o»mar.. Tkeee II ract* are from a f*w 01 the tarty ao kaM of thi p**ei Jut pob t«h»4 by MOORE WILSrACH Kryur,..f:r..it,-!. F.ria.-hiD APPLETON L t ..and hy MILLER.ORION A M I'LL Iii AN No. Parkrj». And by hcckie. en ***una ly. PRE9COTT" HISrOKIC'al WORKS.-Ju«t pob -be.'. PISroRf OP TQE REIOrji OF PHILIP II B, W u II. Preteott. U ith Pnr-ra't*, Map*, P ate*, a.«. Ja»*a Tte Re'rn o'Phi ip II., embiicio* tbs In*, half of tbeait- *»»n h nn tiry, ia .ae of the rawat imporant u wall at itte **' U>| ponirei ot m dem hlit irj. I * 1* r -aaarryta »i tore o: ly it iimi of be p iacipt et ct.*. The War of 'at Rath r laaet. the tatiai, *j toiev of cur own iteleat war ot th« Revootiio; the liefe of Ma t». aid la mom irii.e d''*na) by the Kn'fht* of St. Jt he; the binl>c' cnn.r of u. nJo ia 0/ Aoiuii, tbt berocf Lepantu; t*s 'li » ti ailven'mei of I) .n Setiaaiao of Poriut*>; tha eae>aaeel at tb*t kiitdom by ih< Dil« if Alba; Pbi ip'i union wi h Miry at E-tiaad, and bit war* with El'tsbetb. with tba itory of toe lavicib . trrnila; the Il.juiiiiiob. with it* train ot wtse«; tin ick. nn of ti- Moiirc *. at d the eroei macoer to wh ch i. eatarented; thaat Icrm'ome of tha prominent topic* in the foregrjind of :ha picture which piewrit* a crowd jf iuh-rdi:it'.e detail* of i*e»; lLterrit in retard to t'<e chaetcter tr. coa t of Philip, t id u the Inititatlon* of Spait. then ia toe ptliuy dty* cf her pro.- perlty. Theat'e-it'* for thi* raat tbeuie were '0 be fttherei f'jj tveiy part 11 Europe ; and the tuib ,1 bat f <r tnuy yttr« beej e-1 e,nct them fri 1.1 >b' archive* of iri teat caat'alt. Tbe arxhiae* of Simanca*. in partico a-, "ü'ii rery lately cloeed . li'd't even tbe native bir'ariar, hive bee t opined kB hit r* .rau h«« ar ri hu ctllec.ioo hai >eeo tsrtber enriclied bv MS-t. fron lerne t ( the pric ipal booee* ia tlpaio, the de«eeidaa'* 01 tbe(ie«tn«u cf the «ixteeBth eeruarv. hvarbaeatltt let at rrlfiBil d'-cunjemihae atver hefor* tieea made for the ill Jitrt- tioo i f tl it p*i d AI«o New ind Uniiorm Ed.t: jr.i i . Mr. Pitecrtt't previous wert*: rOhQI'ESt OF Mr XICO. In?v. :i. CONQI EST OK Pr HI". In I vola Kh-DISAM) AND ISABELLA lo^v-.!* MISCELLANIES la 1 toi. Nearly Retly: ENGLISH TK KIT* liy IU pi .v'a do 1 reraoa. PHILLIPS. AAMPSOM A COMPANY Publttherr, No. 11 Win r it Hjitoa. Tbe Trade icppUed by J. C. D,".RHY New Y^rk. ANEW WORK By the Rev. Profeaaor J. II. Infraham. THR PRINCE Of TIIE HOUSE OF DAVID; Ob. THREE il'Ait- IN the HOLY CITY IN TnE DAYS Of pomtic8 PILATK by me. Btv. ravttitoB j 11. maauaaaa, 1 volume, tie pp., 12mo.: Cloth, Gilt, beeaufuiiy lüaitreted. Priee, Bl £>. Prem Tne B . Del] Mail. " The autbor M oue of ibe fatal Veratide tad brilliant w.lfert ot ib' dty. He tnucbe* nothloi that be doe* not ornt'aent, and hi* ity.b ii mut bipplly adapted lor tha p jr rayal ot sscrsd accnei and Incident*." Prom Tbe Recorder. A meter lam N. Y. It i* compribendve in ihot|ht, oraa'e ia *:y e, csptlvtt af in expreanon axd beaatifn! in il aatrati-m." the. trade eupplitd on liberal term*. PUDNE » t RCSSELL, Psb uher», No. 71 John et. N Y. Tbe book will be etnt by mail, pottate paid, on receipt of the price (Bl 3'). A.l order* tnd letter « mail be di-erted to II. DAYTON. Oeneral A fee'. No. :a Jobo ir., N T. NOTICE to DEALERS and the PCBLIC. THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, and all THE ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS. ArrsBfemsntJ bava been concluded by tb* aoder«i»ned wh!:h now eaao.si him to Ball all tbe En* uh Newspaper* to dealer* at lower arieat 'ban eaer before, aud by the advaatata raioed in theae cew arraniemeo'e, (which are exclodvely tv«, a e to blmarlf.) certiinlyaa cheap a* any other Importer, aod it I* he- Ilevid aheaptr. The ondereitned bt* tatrsioel from announc¬ ing toeae advantafei nnti' be ba* had three week** expeiienca In tbelr wotkiug to waiiaat bim in Bdvanciog the above nrttr tit na Tbe arraagtrren'. referred to csnnot be avaMtblt to o'h-r Im- aor.tr*, tadhtnee dealert * beoeSt »y givinf toeir patron- H* CHARLES WILLMER. I NIVERSAL ENOUSH ANO FOREION NEWSPAPER AOBNCY, Nj. I il Soath tt leeood 6001 ) ARTUl'R WILSON. Ageat, New York CHARLES wili.KR. No. 19 Sjoth j t: Livtrpool, Eng. CS iUU\ C 0 P I E 8 BOLD! r»UU\/aad STILL ANOTH ER EDITION PRINTINO- Ir i* 1* s good .tart for a now book, and 00 wonder, ityt the delighted retder of THE WIDOW HFDOTT PAPERS. The Boffa'o Expr*** (good authority tay* they are "Satiric. wiTioLs BEtno of/ensive WITTY, WITHOUT BEING INDELICATE; AND ODD. WlTUOl'r BEING Ihn: if - W* defy say on* to isad 'bees papers wi hoo' GKoWlNG FAITER AND FfELING BETTER One nsat l.'mo.. Uluitrated. Bl .A J. C. DERBY. Publisher. Nsw-Tork. And for s*> at the Be jkitore* on the Cart and Steamboat*. 0 0 K S for tbe HOLIDAYS, la slitsnt and farcy bind inta DLNF.LLaN MANSE; G* Tint* no TataLt or ¦« Diitt rriok 1* acoTLaao: By Mrs. J. Biowb Pattarasa, «a 01 aaier Aga»«; or aketotss ot Contest Ltfs " NELSON'S ILLl'STRATED EDITI0N9 0F THE PORTS, each volans c< ft Ling light mat clam Steel Eaarav.og*, in varicas ityles of bio. in*. PANOX AMAS FOR THE lOl'NG: A **ri*« of Coior*d Toy Bot k* for ahL*ren. Ai*o*l*rg* varitty of REWARD CARDS, pnatsd :a colon, n pscketi. DAILY TEXT BOOKS ¦ morocco, tlagaat. or with gilt rims: itntabie tcr prestara. T. NELSON h SONS, No. 1S1 Nasaaa-tt, Next door to Nassau Sank. Mew B oil and Nsw r 1 P HQLISH PUNCTUATION'. |y Waaoa. A Work for Aothor*, Edttor*. Stadeats. Printers, sad all Writar*. BL PncxocaarHtc Taacaaa. By Weht'.tr. Baat Hoar* Sciooi . Dsy. By Crandal. RI .Coassrsation rt Fta'U and Grace*, rite..tbe American Deba'sr. BI-.A Graumar of Corapoaiika 6Jc .Spirit cf Homscity. *ie -Marrias and Pat*, tage. Bl .Combo'i Pbyttoligy- 75c.-Fowler*« Paya. ology. Aairna: and 5Ieotal 76c . Ecueat.oa Comal*ls. t~ Tks Kansas Region. i7t. cist-¦ w* as it ta, Bl St.. I.lppinc.n'i Oizvtteer cf the Wcrid. B*..Wehatei't great (jiano Dicrlcnan .And all Work«en tht Narrtral aciencea For sale by FQWLE1A WELLS. »6 Sr tdwsy. N. Y LETTERS ON THE SOUND-DUES QÜES- TION .These Letter* tree' of the difieoitj between tbe I sited State« sad Decaaart in a ssrioas aad oonscasnttra* «nasser. Vaiaab.s fscrs and itmtg argamaets srs b mbt to hear npoo its pciats at issae. The ntht of Des nark to Isvy h* trkbbc-Does hj ah.y snstaiaed. saa the poucy of the Adra'nia'ra ticn ihcwt b) its trn. ;ighL Tree lf<. So'd by P. W. CHRISTRRN. fin '»il Broad aay. S- PIRITI ALIKM EXAMINED SCIBNTIFIC- ALLT.-Prof ROBERT HARE'S Q1E4T B JOK ON BPIR111 AL1SM, with sagravingslltnir'ting ths Dt.'sin«eni obi rxrcharJcsJ iaetnt'.on* to detec d**ep :oa and dsaioattrtt* scietuAcniij tb« true agent limited bt t:s lo-caUed Spiri'.aal Maxifsitarioas. pn « g)l 75. p ftf H> casts. A so. Dr. HAKE S LECTU RE ON' SPIRi n'ALISM m 5,900 poopls ia tha Tabernacle. Price 5 real*. JaM pabJished ty _PARTRIDGE A BRITTAN. No. Ui Broadway W. Y. NEW -YORK JOURNAL, Vol. 2. Now ready eoataiaatg aa 'Dane amount of so 4 :»\- ist and aa eadles* variety sal qsaairy of RXrELLENI PICTI res. Price in peps* Bl. DesJesssaasalad ay ROtS JONES A fOCSET, Nc l^NattBBtt.W. T tad N*. 2S Ckark-tt., Chktaa. B AHEW VOLUME of HEWITT- HOUSE¬ HOLD Sli'IUE« KOR LI iTLB POLK*. D. APPLETON h Co.. No* i*S UJ Broadway, Peili.b ihi* Air, «IACK THE OIAN 1' KILLER. MM »0l ii or Ft NTS SERIFS ok ILL MINk'FD Hdt'BEHOLD *TOHlES FOR LITTLE KOLKS. In r»tt erne i qntrto. »Iii. too lup-rl o«.r»«ioiij. print tJ ia the Dee »ty.e.cn »nj riftiur pair, frcm origin tl de*igo«. Pri-B I t ud « t-t 2: cent*, tui bound au i |Ul e .<¦« H cet-a. The avattM will omprnw Iba foil ,wiii fa am: ClM'ttLL*. BttlTY UU tHI ll|l<T. lack TUB GI*BT Bun, Aladpik .> ii I'.outi, Ü(ki Y TwoSrlOtl Lit n f RidRioiv. .Hood. B»»»« rue Woon», juki^p rut tja«\ St»l«, Piir.-dc.au. Tow Till mb This S'-.-t Ka;rv BtOil ¦ cm tor genera'ioce been listened kB Mad :».<! by cr dr-r. at'k an inesprettib.f delight which 0"b»r r-x.li b*»s f died ta tftoni tbem. 1 be c iitr \ inner cf the .. - i.t ett. active manu*r of Uth im thai otcir*«<|ue eretery >'ea-rlbod the mtrveliMe deed* ie,a"e l-lhe reward of virtue ei.d »001 imeat 0 » -. c; r in1** rtrvriy in ti c.rcance witii *th rtl lawt. a* ep- t . .. he tor mr ion of character, rtnder rbem ne.-atiarly ki'attec to i-dBrai children 'o ac.j lire a lev* for leadioa and to aid 't»m to ctutrtare the afltc.loa*. lympathie«, fa icy and im¬ agination. ? bee m r the' rood rxtarplea only ihnJ be imtM»e>l, hta tceo 1 tt Habt -f in the Fic'-ontl Ernie .uBiteU of ti*eo I'andeM Few) BBMt*B\ up.n the aatuiop .ou Mat ioditljrent pic*B-i" h taoi ecouth to give, first ucpre«auOf of Art tj Cell- dree. If thiebevM*tt*e thru ecg-..ige and moraii f a qaerloti- ¦ let wDI >o**eive the oei ende; bat the laja.-j of tblt deal 1,1 twttkjaawatBea do tr.e open intecttun wi.l v.eny. 1h»t th'.t etttiicB 01 tlieee Stone* may be more perfec' '.bee ar , LlbvTi \tai t the pub Ith r baa em be nahe.: it with ei pia- rta *cw . trial Art, *rr m which ch.ldren may dotla ¦ taw»* eaWtett id«w that w.H mtt'ire into U > b***titul ted grind. From The Commen 1*1 Advertiser. " 1! ¦: \ IB* cli drea whc*. rim kwewtedfI of iodere '.»i* to be ta:: M £n in to-.b p*ge* The i .oatiation* a** more e'egant MM exprrwive hta we hare teen it any previous edit! >n 0: me ttety a J ti e book 'a ro hittelul id evtry respect, that it ¦Ul |lT* it* JO*** retdt-rt a leitoo 'n Art at weil at a capita version ¦ 1 ti. .e 1 tiirj tili. It it tb* Cn sf aptoa*i**4 ncM*La fi ¦ tte New-York Tri: an*. Tmi v. ..l... r. » .»*n«d tivet a rich pionuteofrhe character it tb* re-let i' rat a t>. a'.tapi>>ce printed in oil CJiora. wtich iiiitt feature k* Aiuericen iUaatfaawl buoka The plctorla' ktj » .' h are protateiy icittered throoitboat the tte |t*et fall ty cf OawigB, *ni! are execated a a . minted iud Lithly tiaiahad tiyi*.' HOI.II>AY DIVERTISSEMENTS" NOW BEADY A neweiitirn rf -hat mott bean'itnl and entirely orii nal I NTKhTtl NM 1 NT FOR CHILDREN. KAN NY GRAY. A HI»tory cf her LI'e, in a terle* of tlx be».otifa! Flfirt*. fro n Die ul tkajälttt* dtitfit. printed ia oil colort. in ike bett tty'e cf the art A ith poet cal detcri|«iont. '' eftalfe. Crotbt, Ni .riola «V OkV, Boatoa. h*r* ptibliihed a terlti I Irani ti.1 tea tut, printed in oil co'oia, with an tccom- par- vi' i . ry 11 to.**, entitled F»noy li.ay.' which *iv* the tiatoty tf hat Mb, whleh tlie exqoiute ti,oree are Je<i|ned ;o lllua'rate. Llttie kaony it pratertrd in tlx c id rrent chuac- ..: Nee ill- wet a cot aie aitl and Bad e happy home. Walch h* Very r>.. ,ve in *he peeter*; toe 1 to tone frowoed and the eectiT-e a wanderer and told ma'cbe«, t ktad h*aited 'Fen r WtalMr* teetl her hcine where the fed bit elncttot. (ad tathered tb* aid Betrat* fiotn hiil aoi moor, till in her eaaraeBlf el rlower-tlrl aht dlteovrrtd by her rich ancle, who miket het hit pel and a little i*dy ail of which mat be tatNe fn y >b, w n bv ritoree ttthe t'ory pr ceedt. The whole it one of IM e*a*tM ami mott dei'lbttui (tft* for rhi drra that w* have t>er*tep." | Taunton Ot tytt*. IIAURY- ANDAOOIE: Ok, Tin: klOE. t r.t w Serie« of Fltnre* for the antra aaent of Bjj i and tin.a. I attra v a-w deaigoa. with a itory in verae. ilanieenil Agile will be ready fjr publt' itioo outhe iS,\ bj*t, emi will lie fvund cne of t .* mott pieaaiug uove tiea p| tb* if earn. MOLL PITCaEK'l OPnUUMOi Ob, FkTBI 10a FoRTiti HirBTBBa, A acnee -fCtrdtde- tigrti fir ilie amuaeuienl o< th* Old and Voung. To be ready cb tut .Mb ii.it. Alto bow rrtti: FIVE ELEGANTLY IL.LI»*TRATEtl BOOKS FoilCHIL- DRKN MOLLY AND Kl rTY-« i h tit c 'trel Uluttrationt 1 HE LOVK OF CO NTRY -W uh tit colored Illtietratioa*. Tlir. BfARS OF ALuLS f L SbL KO-W Uli tlx l-..«*d Dlawtratleea I.Mir Ni"< t F BRI rTANY-SUteeo co med lootrration*. 'I.t.1. HIM) >r 1(11 ANI> ttlE KAIN OODJES-i .Wuli nrar.y 10" colmed li.oetietlota. t g.ea: vaiirty of Juvenile booht by popular aathora Orden t.-om the trade toiielied. « KOSBY, NICHOLS tt Co., at*, lit W'aahlu«toa at Biwtoa. BI.AI TIFUL, TRUTHFUL, INTKRESTINO. .Aumng all tbe Weekly Paper* limed from the Pre** of ojr city, none maket lt> appearai.ee wi'h n:ore .-egulaiil/ then THE NEW-YORK LEDGE*., and nc.r-0 It 10 welc-rne with all claaaet. Tbl* week't nomb*r, row teady, ront'Uni the commencement ot . new Loeei Moiy, tuiltled ILL IN ROttaWTHI ORPIUN'S STORY, oce tf tbe atoet totetM log taMa aeei written and iiuendii y Ulkwlieted The icece cp*n* in tht City of New-Y-irt, a-uc .g tbe " L'f per Top," and iLowt FIFTH'AVBNCE LIE r. in ell it* pbuei. le *ddi'ion. THE.LEDOkit al*o cw: Br.i parti of intertifing »ton»», and cootributioB* from new wrl'ert, among whoa. MEltL LFE.(tvl.oit one et tbe mott p>a*iug vnlreri of Ihi day.) euntril'.ln *ome very tpicy article* every week. So'il by all Newiav a. Price fonr re tin. ROSS. IONFS a TiiCSKY Agenti. No. I'd Naiiau it N f., and bio. «A Clark at,, Chi.*g?. NEW Ml'SIC.-"SPARKIXfi SUNDAY NIGHT;" By S. Markctaio. Mr. MacUteio ha* eer- taU.ly tu n u* ku hit ncog o-.e of the moot natural and taking Meiooict mr hive ever rr. t wi h in a comia too*. No one cm hear the melody alone wiihoot iauahing. Tharn are othar edi¬ tion* of tbi* So»g, but til ar* luih'ior compered with tbl*. A«* for COOK k BktO.'S Edluen, tompotwd bv Markdeta, with beautiful litbograpf.it tit.*. Price BJ Cent*. Mull free. Cljiiontrp arid fancv <&oob*. FIRMS requiriox aew BLANK BOOKS can be furnlahed with eeta a. ready made or made to order, of the beet paper, at the ihorteet notice, by 6LOTE A J AN*S, No. 9B Faitva-**. SLOTE & JANES, No. !* Ftlto» it., Nr.w-Yotic, STATIONEBS, PRINTERS, AM) LI ITIOGR APHEBS. fin* &rt8. GOITIL «V Co. bare oa sxbibitioa for a ahort time " L'HEMICYCLE DU PAL.a-a DES H -.M'I AKTB (tke ApoUMOtl* of the Arte.) Paintfag by Pa*! da la FINK AET GALLERY N. BM Broadway N. T. Sox l'qc tjoliüiine. TJOLIDAY GOODS. AI BALI*. BI-ACK i CO., Mai. ufact turn and Impoiten of -ILVER AND PLATED WARE. DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JEWELRY, Ate. No. 2*7 BkoaBWAV. Miuth eoraertf Murray-etreet, Ne» i .t HAVE r -c> r'ly .- -iied by la'e arrlvaii their ueaal *usply ul RICH AND ELEOANT 0OO0». for the approaching Ho Li IiAY-. ccrr prating ail ifce NEU eTVLES of Dl AMOND AND CTHER RICH JüWFLRT. Rf MAM AND FLORENTINE MOSAICS STONE AND SHELL CAMEOS, new etylee aa 1 very heeu tifuL AU > Ao inttx* of r*:y Fine and Rich CORAL OO JDS, tc^eUtr with A Urge tieortataat cf WATCHES, of all the e*i*hr*ed ma tart in Eaicpe BRONZE GOODS. CLOCKS. CANDELABRA.*, FIGURES AND r ANCY OR¬ NAMENT* PAKUN AND BISuL cl MGURES, l-AN-t. ofERt GLASSES. PORTE-MuNSAi/.M, WORK AND DKi -s CAbEB, OIL PAINTINGS. Ac ALSO Oarti-uel large aatcrtment of CNsET DIAMONDS. RL B1E.* EMERALDS, and other RICH STONED and PEARLS, which with oar txtecaive Manufactaring facLitiee. can have fainliLe* m any ety.e aurchaeer* may detlre, at terv S ioKT NOTICE. Tbe above gcoct, having htes puichaeci aniier very favoraa'* aajtawawa, enable ut to tSer them to the pmb.lc at very LOW PRICES. SILVER WARE. A vary large eaaorttsect of SILVER WARE coaetanLy oa bttd--at pietett r mpneiegfrom Hvtnfy five to stably TEt- »r f* t ote-logethvl with a great »an, ; -A fOUU SPOONS, he. F'.-eiLi .:<.. ruui of purehuixg SILVEB WARE mty here od ar. A.*.*OBTM 'w f L NE«il'AlAD BY AN» O'THt.u 1101 it IN TBE UNITED STATES, aad tt VE.IY MOj- ERAiE FPICEH. HENRY BALL. UU. BLACK. _EBESE/ER ML'NROE. CHRISTMAS and NEW-YEAR PRE SENT 8.-. GOLD WATCHES and STERLING SILVER WARB tr get her with . rich ***or*.m*t.t of DIAMONDti and ail kin it ,'f t&t trold Jewetiy. GOLD LEPINE.foar bole* j*«r*t*4. *,«* (KJLD U ATCHEM frtat.» u «y, SIL\ER WA1 CHE«, jeweled. 10 to too PLATED TEa SETa. -oeble p.ated. 19 to an r-A.i .' CAKk HAS RETS. 4 to Ali our trod* are warranted ta be a* repreeaatt 1 _ h' IKE, LANDER ft lo No. Jl fuimn-et., N. Y. ÜBEFCL PRESENTS for the HOLIDAYS. 1NDIA-RUBBEB DOLLS. DRESSED AND PLAIN, or ext. statt. DOLL'S HEADS. TOYS FIOCRES, BALLS, CjMBB. ac ... - Pea*. Pencil Caeee. vV*it:n« Cane* aad Ind a Bawe* Wmjg Arujilt* of all ttewerption*: LaJlear aad O't^aatej'' _ a* Boat* and CMvahca*. ft« the GO JDYXAR BL BBEK DEPOT, Ne. Xi Brcedway. hetweea Warren tad Cha-nbera. UTTLE* EMPOltUl or FANCY OOOD8. TOYS T>OlL< AND 9AMXS. Ns Sf> B rtadsav. THE PAKTeXiOO« DEPABYratEKT. T' . rfepa." fc... ,(iott#a wtu _l] ^ HNltM, «# *'* ?"' ' '*** r''. *. h"- redraw . AM IMHUO ¦ *f Opera O um, r*id kl« to.. A*. I«1 ' ' I»»-ii.»i»b'« ^uMii.f mil! Iva itautii. priBwfkei.sssd fnil e:.a.sit.ieg «diätere äste At Naee e- werk Oew Bott «t, Oi.., Ac ; r-ort« rao.'.naie«. It*, ft, fi Cares Ar. F Ott OtBtVS ws bav .«». tu« MTSIC B IRES, Whk r-n'u Amercaa Au>. Qaestulss. Waltsas, relha* etvj Sth :i . CH1NK-E (KVOD8. Ott», tb-citr». Die*, flag Pint**, Vettt, Cebta toaadl Cc«DUI* _____ THE COLL OEPASTMtNT. Oer ret a etkia or b eai.f I Dressed Holl* n sotthrl «ht* Thm pebiic.r. ded'bi. ett'sCniisl Pa' t ¦¦' ear ».* rtav*a« ere gv. -co 'be ,-*i*os-ss: Poreeleia. Wax. «ix>«W». Ptpie.- M.che. Rutb-r he Bxia*. Anna. Hate. eases. Heads. Ac. _ TRF TOT PE 'ARTMENT. In rr.'sr *o a.c-mwed*l* on-it <A we have been .eaajwM lecreiee the it/e cf Iw depar'n.-rt. w vb oow oex ;p«e*mrwm tbaa be f tbe it. re. Iiis« by far :be ltre.it ttwoittaeat UttAtJ M] We woald oaJl ettaaiioii to tame ot tbe nine prtawanewa artit!«»: PiLm. Planes. Ha motteatt. Tt«m*t*s. Gee*. Bow*. Wod* Dogs, Ma* a :.ferne, t ape, Rex Tote T'»"1 ToOi's, ho. MECHAM AL MOViNO TOTS. Ea*!' P*r>*rtrr>ett ha* c«tr.)wtrat ao.l attsative cievh*. aasl for tbe convenltocs of ibose a^t faau'tar with our laaroetr*. both Getcnati aid Erterh taie* «rd t ¦ 'emea are 10 »."*eaaea-e- Hl'T tue paioe aid that *i 'cw «. a' tat otv«r r -«* in tbe city. o. w rtPtl LE, 1 ator er of Kaatv Oo-xt* and Toy*. _ No. ill Brtadwey. CHRISTMAS aid LfBW-TBll PRESENTS. .On: trepcita ion tbw i bar.' b*«n rauch large, taaat the prece^u-f Estland Preece aac Osrutay beee been tan- sac led 'or tortllii*. aad we '.tei ocuse.vns tte. * tatet eeee lecticn of FANCY f»OOD« AND TOTi wii n*e«r pr. lerteJ to tA' ^vb.k. We here ae*. eaAaatoreA to oi.uh te te: apeaelie $ op* a* a la-** aaeortateK. to tkafj t»e:y one can bod t'tkle* t ut.I to hie meeaa. W* »a«alei alto Mate Cia' car ford* er* ui* ked iu p ain 64era*, e*4 al- th u|h there I* co ibviaaanf, they ar* at I' w a* the 'teUataj ptice" of »ay iiher heuee ui th* ci y Wliioo ta'aajpttatj to tire cor cataJTiet, we wimi A 'a'l airaert.e <o a few article* tat Tllfc EANCl OitOD.S fr.rvR. BEM-. TraT* irf-Ctiee, W, r*- deiet, Jewal-Caat*. L«di*e* R utea'e*. i>p»-a-Gi*«»ee, Odjr>Sox«*, Boatwnod ta4 Mab. taoy \t r t 1 'e*k», Ac THE GAME üEf ARTttEST. Legeader DtaHe, Lion Huot, Keftatta, Boaibaiaaieal. Boxe* of Game*. BteapifCaaaW. t'. l t >*ige aatortnent of ttnatiB* and umUbc.It* Oamt« r Cbidree. THE DOLL DEPARTMENT. »Vax, ruiioai ioa Purealaia, Rab'.ir, Papier.Mache and Rag, AND UNttREodED. aJat: R.d>e«, .Irin« lUae* Bad H*'«. THE TOf DEPART dENT it oerut''ef* w th e»» ry'h n -h- ». t lUe. .i rfit PI EMPOEil 4, N*. PM Btt ad way. DRESS GOODS and V MBRi »IDKRIES for tB« HOLlDATB.ItB hOiTH.. 1- R RR ITHCBaiarrta etenti n'. 'heir «'.* 1 "k I --ilkt Silk R.ibet* Me re Aar* rlque« Met in . -sd De Laii e* 'he aeloea beieg few* thaa tear. Al»o. W'io PI id* at 4/ per t»k' Of En b, jtd;riee, »oey Natt» >b haaattaea a»»wiaa*at jaat «*» ikta far tea «aaauaa a *>, E«a- 1'iridertd S. ti'*. Pr1-led |*»jBi, R<r>» n«, Ac, ia great tart-P*. No. ffl Canal ft,. foiur djort f. 'Ui H otJ»i». T~"F T b A N U T O y ~~B i <B i HB H O L I D A Y «, ROOERVS I HK IP PANJV bTOlt*:. No. Mil Hr tdwat, |>.il below Otaud it iiina awi iMroat triui Ladlet' and Geatemen'i Dtat*> rtalttl DwM Doli« ItigCtae*. ' yu * t*A*m mm_] lit Biie.t* Bt-m-ct-e* *. Ha^y tl >J'*« »nd fjra* 1 e. Pi re* ¦ c aidCalnaKiguic*, lor Oaoie- atd Paaalia. ihaltwgBtTA Irted Rdlog u. . mtl D*w> Hair iirotltf land < owjba . Pact Pi rle M until rlagi Ai. A ea a* Horae* and W*gti»a Che«* Men aud Batbgau a Wo ,iy Do 1», Hot* *. 0«". *.*. Board a Reticule. Workb. xee. Indeed. *»*ty tarWl* of Kaocy Omo. i and Toy* lha' isa ha foiled in th* k.owo woi.*, all. I wh A wil. I* *oli M iht liw- e*i pticeol Ini^ 'rta'.leB.toc.cw-nr.t.^tettaitUMtBaleoflBa Seaton pietiout to the reu. >»* f fj bu ion* la taeBpi'og. " FJi Id*] t ratal WATCHFS. DIAMONDS, JEWI'.LRY tJaJ y » -1LV EH" ARE 'h ti.lH.tiVr i* tel'bag aU tVtaijf- tioo* ot tito OOLU aud SILVER W ATC JES, .HAU JN» HI «GS and PINS, JEWELS* *e.l SILVEIWASK. at wboleaole and leiad, *t on h l*n thaa 'h« tuaal pii«e*. B**otiiai t.OLU Lit PIN « A'CHE».....» OO'.D np.rACHED LEVKRS fu'l je »eltd. » OOL'I H' N ISO. Kngiaib l atent Lavere.. M Oorci «".t hy Mi I 01 Exp et* ti *U pert* of the I o*ed Statu tut C*n*da, free of eh.r*e . UI'.D V AI.L»rt. Import** Of Watch** tad Jewtl y, Wbo'a**le *tvA Re-ai', No. tl Whl «'., iianal floor, oaar BrcvJ »ay« 1 L V E K . rV A R £. . . O WM. GALA" V - Nu. *f7 BrJiriatreA. .ie door wast of Mtoed wee,) atat* tort'an-If a hand a h rge a.uch of AtLVRit kV «HJ. AI Wholeaale awd B»» -JL Breey article o a-'a oa oar own ureauUea, ander .or ><m eel inapeetlon, tid are coeatantly m*nBfactu*tog to -idar «te*y> th,M m tha i », o> a;.j der go, *i<ae>t tru^joe^r eudee- aag however rith or either*led. SPLENDID CUB IS I MAS OIIT'.Ti* *tb- .criber offen for eale a' * very low rath p'tse on* of hia well known maguilicet' SELF-PLA YINil ORGANi, To tt) even anil ieat dtilv f. .ui 9 to II 1. m. and I to > p. m a: th* i Sice of ileair*. Ben* A EIu'. 18. Broadway, «ev-jan fttat. No. A _ CHARLEd MATES, Arliet. USEFUL Pfi^SEVTB.--Juet iwae«f"fr^ro our Parti ry. kibi eat re pew at.d bean Ifal PENCILS um] PEN CASKS, it Hold tad Silver, g t op esDre tiy for preeer.**. All iU*t njd prlcee, a. oar ufhee, Nu. 1 Maiiea la.e. _ _ A ü BAGuET k Co. V~lNClÖNYl^ÖlrlTf;~W Iuetail Ccofecliooer. Na 'JOl Greeuwnch .'..N Y.,ht* renttaatll ou hand Sugar Toyt, Oroatrent* tor Cake, Gaoa Drepe, Ct "ao- cotia», and aith't* »ulKkta f.r th* Hi'.... Coot and fonnö. f--ll.ll HEWARD.-L06T, on TVJEHDAT, .J\J\J Dec 4, lf«, la Ibii tRy. FoUE THOCSAMD LLtRSia Hank BPD. *eawatewi of about «vjOe ha 30* oat tbe Soxex Bark, ti. i. »b>.ot **Ala «loa the Pt^anar*1 daak if Winnie, N. J., oa* Bl'0 bill ta Trad«*oieu'* Beah of Me «ity.tnd the baJaaca la other c.ant'y haaha th* shove r»- «1 will be paid, oa tpphcation of the ander, by WILLIAM riLLERTON axi No. ui .v*j|..t G (Dai'ts. AN expeneoced Dreca aad CloaBniakar *v abes WOhR by the DAT In t few rnprctt*i* tttalUa*. AeV drm E. WfaVIE. Nu. 4 Aetna* D, near 2d at ARE8PECTABLE 7 /ud^WoboTd wi-bajea hit. CATION. Caa Cook, *ad al*o t a tirtt-iaaa Wa*b->r aatf Iioaer. aad a ill mike hereell genera iy oeefoL Ha* 1. oi e tioo* to either o.ty orcoant.7. I*»« capaMt of tat ig car* ofaDi ' Caa b**eaafor two <aj* at No. m Madletaat, Mcond hi,or, f.o t rcow. AR18PECTAHLE Girl wi.be« a eitoaioo m CHAM HEaMAIM and LAU.NDRES4. <r CHAMBER- MAID and WAITER, ttn do Pia". Cooking. CHy refar- treet. r*n be tetn fvr two day* at Hi. 470ata-»e., ettweeat 3»th aad »th at*. _ RESPECTABLE yoangj Worxtan traata a eit- uatton a* COOR ta apilvste femllT; Bader*«jBade Ma*.a*, .nd I good W«*h*r aad lroner Oood city ...feren.aa be eeea for two dey*(!f so. asgsgec) at N-- ¦. firtt floor front rxnx CITTJAaTOS WANTED.Ai CHAMBERMAID tO and LACNDRE04, or to do Geatral Hoaaswerhha a er vata fimiJy, by t very eipert«aced Girl, witn gold city reitreajee. CtU at No. 104 Watery place, weet of MtDeagal tt SITUATIONS WÄNTED-Aj nrat^liawlJook in * te act hoardinti-hwae*, hotel ar trrtata faaallr, by a very exnerltcced G il who 1»' er bo^nae* th/>reagDiy, tad aa CHAMHCRMA D and WAI PER ar at vFaiter, by . ttty,act!f«j ycaag Woman. Call U No. ?26ta-av., in the Biwknore. SxTUATION'8'WANl ED. By two rtritt^n. tact* Girl*, with «o-»d cut rtlertaoa, one a* a good <;O0IC and to vital! and .'RON in a p'lette fanu v 1 the caaar aa CHAMBEHMAID aid LAI NDRE4B, or woeid do General Hcoaawort. ' all at N*. 73 8th-av ta the Bookstore. I^WO re*pe«table Girla want situations.Oow aa* CHAMBERMAID sod to do EM tROIDERT: the other to do GENERAL HOU«EWoS.R. Good city reAweaseesat* he givtn. Caa he it t for two dtj*. Cail at No. » 5th il ag» .tail* in te nar. WANTED.A litoation br a m*rj«ije>a^r>f TT Wsmaa, ss Nf'RSE or CHAMBERMAID Issaiabia of Ta* ng Care of a Child from it* ttrth. Cat tree cat best af c.ty rsteienee. Caa be tsaalor m. dart it fly-144 East iltt t*., Bom No. H_ VVr ANTED.A .ituatk.n by a or^petaBit jouaa ff WomsnuPIUINtOOR.sadtoitothe WASHINGaai IRONINOof a.m«ll priviteft-Uji "i^f***^**^ f* cisget n? t ate* Dinsir la good wylt- Will scctpt ot t* ;o 01 a meath. Exc«h*at <aty refsrsaea*. CaJi or asnd to »t 14-av. WANTTD.A «itiiatioi aa CHAMBERMAJO sr CHAMBEBMAiO sad ITURrlE. an4 1. u.ui mh tti Ween o* and Irooiig, aad U wUltag to masts * " ^mmJml Ha* tts beet of isfereaca. OtMaB SSijSwi *».m <d*;-! j _ Rl'_ANTc.D. By h re«p*)cUble Girl, a aitttati.iB |> (/TAKE CARE of a BABY aad do PLAIN BE AflNOt l«wi Itig to msks hereelf genertüt awfal. Cos gits the best f f city * App'y *t Ni. iS E*n. t'd-tt httCwttm Sd tadl Lsxtngtan *va Csa hi* taea fir two diyt If not .Lgage: i. vTETÄNTED.By b yonng Womaa, a litoBfiou aa f f CIESSMARPRaod Ml L..t NUR, w old ke t dtaa. * . lespeeub t f*n.iJy toonewhrr* ba tha asigkhirawa* et*L*t- tegtrt-tv. Apply tt No. ti atd et, bttweta Sd aad Lea lag- t<. a av. WANTUD-A littiAtion. br ¦ iw«t>sttl)lB Girl, vv at LAUNDBESScr CH AMqEBMAlD, aad t* etatst Ita W ASHING ta* IROPIING: has best of city refartaea Call rf- it Prise« at fo* twt daya

chroniclingamerica.loc.govV0L- XV.Ff* 4,569. .NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1855. PRICE TWO CENTS. NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. TUBirtU-iOUM DAILYTRIBTOK h riiLi.Hi, EVERT Wouni no _|D ivinimo

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govV0L- XV.Ff* 4,569. .NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1855. PRICE TWO CENTS. NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. TUBirtU-iOUM DAILYTRIBTOK h riiLi.Hi, EVERT Wouni no _|D ivinimo



h riiLi.Hi, EVERT Wo un i no _|D ivinimo.tSrvoty iictrriD.)

BT ÖRltLRr A HctilRATII,at in marts »iiiüi.i .on or *attt< tan »> »i cs

"HI" OeFOIITt TNI (TV ntLXrsl WiT»».i ifi I it, «Bt*7l ».. ,i i;| kcu r«r «.»!. Bta#UCa-pjet Two GtBte. Mill ttbrtibnK m»». « «h«**1to* til BMOths. $4; MM U.. BtOaUll (¦ 5*


a easl'thed toon liTiti.it Moiiiio tt the low price of f>.

pot sr.ee m m advance, thit* rovft to* %V>; »>». eop»ss Ryj*)t Ian sopies for BIS; ,and a psper U a doM eooti-.e* be-»«*« I*» tiro* for which It U p3d. * t'ertiaeuvo't for tbl*JkVMwmU shlrged SEVENTY FHL CKNH PtR ÜBEati each baa*tttoe.


TIIK iKVI-WKK.M.V TRIHt'*JF,kl snlttsesd every ttunir and PaiDtr Moa*ito. Mtj fjt}¦nuH» Two eooles for B5; F've e- plea for $il 16. Ai-.Hiwixtii lloti a Una for «ach lose. don.

TIIK TOW-YORK TRIBtSttfOl I.1OfI1I CIR00LATIOR,m pekllihed oa Hiee>psj*«re. of «a*b Malt Stearour for Liverpooltt B5 pe t aa: um, postage Included. Bias's copies oil Coats.


IADOwicm Id LANDS,at pnU'«h«d oa it* departure of easa Mall Steamer foi Asplo¬rn ail at Bl Mi par samara. Blngle copies Six Csaka

0«tciai Notices.Paar.Office Malice.- A,. EXTRA MAIfcrCALlPtJR

RHA he par Btaaaner MT LOl IS, will close at tbis office) oaTVEeDAT. tbe 11th mat., a: 1 .'e'oeb p m.

_ISAAC V. KOfVLKR. Postmaster.

.fateI nffaayV Klnqoenr I'Mloeoj.hl. »I I.e. tnr. -< m

Ptttlilaaliatn Sttiyv..«j.t Intti'ute New York, Tt'EiDAYsaat PklDAY EVENING 1, o> 1*. Brook «r. Institute,WED.NPSUAY aad MI SDAY KVKNINOS Willlamebnrih,¦katiPotl Aeterno v Rooms, cor. 4<b sod South b:ii-et., MON¬DAY sad till RSUA Y. Adula inn 10 cents.

~Cbea>.lcal I.ertarea. Dr. DOilEhU/s would retp«r.tfu I»aarncei t* th tt 'fi- *" ^t,j L»- inr* of bit Conr*ion the IMP''»'*-DrBABLK KOROS. tLigb», Meat, Elec'.rV.lty aid M-.gn.it-wan) will he oelnrr.d on Wei -NKSDAY EVENINO at 7,«Veloe» in tbe Clen 1 a. Lecture -o'm o' the N»w York M«4i.at i'»lieg« Pai* Hih st., near tth av. r-u'ijei'.-" Hott," withaipei im» r ial i -h'iiiudiTickets let the C at>< *?; tirt'e lAokstt, 75 rants-to be ob-

taiasd st Mettrr. Pike h N».i,t. No 418 Broadway; D. Aopia-Ml Co. No. 3*6 Bioai.wiy; C. S. Krane's aad Co., No. 252ttrcadway ; or at tbe Medi-.u College.LerluieM. p. K. Rrwtherhawd, N. V..The kwsäääl

Lseaars ia th* Cooiss. fur lb. benefit of *ha hartty Koad. willbe> serivr red ia the Lasture Rwm nf the Mercantile Li'.r*ryAaaocwthiTj (Attor r'a-») r.n f(IKHI)\Y E*riNINO, toe 11thlast, at I cVloek. by the. Rev t ORNP.LILM R. SVOPE ifBaltimore. nBljec'.: Tjt ' ocpie«t of Spain by th* Moora."Adulation 25 c nU. TWASil toi ttle at tba door.

Nallre ta Hosdav School Tevacherw. -Ry special re-aaear. of the Bos d of alenue t ftbe.NK-VYlHK 8CN0AYBCItOtIL UMON, K. a PACKARD **q Secra'try of th*Aaterirta Sun. a* School Colon w ,i deliver tba Toird Le tnrstt BwJ Mil* t* Btraaay 8<ao»] Teaehsrto'Ns» York, Brook-

«a a»d vlcloliy on WKtipilSDaY EV/.NINO, Dec 12. ato'slrrk, id the Central Pre.bytarian Church »jmome-it, cor-

twr af (acre. Subject.' The Taacb-r Tea:alng."Hop* t baprl Lertarea.-vv. O DIX. lata of the I'oitod

¦tales Legation st Oalto, will repeat st Hops Chapel, oaWTD*<P.BOaY KVKNINO 12th inet.. hit l.ectnro delivered.t ths BD ilbaonlan lisiltute.on " 8paril«h Power In Amnrirt,arkh a detcription. from partonal ohtervation, of the climates,so>t.arysid piodnctioat of the Weitem Slops of the Andes.".I attra'ed hy a diagram. Arli.-iinion 26 cents. Commence at

7| e'eiock.

aTaaala, Turkey wad the War.-At th* request ofasveral gert sm> a if influence in Brooklyn the Re. Dr.BAUD wl I gives teiie* of THREE LP.crURE8 in thu city.ai " Rsttia, Tatkey tnd the War," illuttraUad hy arg-andasrsiltnt Maps. The fi st will be given TO NIOHT, at tbentiai Institute, in Joialemon-it., coatmemciag st 7j o'c v kM will re a'e to Turkay, its Ilittory aad I'ratsnt MUta." A1atiissioa 25 ceats.

Calltaa's Third Lecture an (.>olos* will I« deliveredTHIS (fhtuida)) E\I NINO. D»c. It, in Hope ( hipel, at 7Jo'elKk eolje. .: "Ths Inter! .r of oor Earth in a Melted

Volcaiii« Action," Ac Tickets 25 cants.

Tbe Krgtular VfonlMy 71. < fln« s>f th- llrwoklvnTann« >l,».-. ('hrlallan \a-oi Imiori will babeid TtfHFVKMNO In the Lejtnre-Rootij of tbe Klrit PrasbyerlaoChareh (Usury tt >, eotnmencloi at 71 o'clock. A» Essay willbairatJ by Dr. LLOYD.S iMe m . Tho »otrur of Ki»»npfe "

J. T. CONKLINO, Chairman Lecture Com.

Tbe l iidesrlnned, having been appointed s committee totat Me ths Htv Mr. Arthur of fjondon. (now on a vitit to thisaoantry ) to delivnr s isetureoo "Systematic Christiao Beae^o-aatw*,'' take mach p eaanre in a- nooi cmg tha» Mr A-taur willAwileer the Itctnis at the Broadwsy Tabernacle r n tVEDNER.DA5 P.VEMNO, tbe 12-h mit at 7J r'clock. Tho im|»-tancaat" the tohj.ct too the high trending of the leetorsr will no donbtladsce s g-««ral attendance sf Chitatiant of all denom'aat'oae.W. tv. PHILLIP«, » N. TY^O. wiloIAM ADAttS, JOHNBNoX P. TH »MCSON, JOSEPH HOLDRICH, CHAS.«I BAMsji s Ci n ¦ m,.,. At minion will ho fr**.

Keula reir.1 I ate1st« ore- tftHrt> mm* Litabar Ea^bauaaTa,ata. Tt Caaalau. ffew-trnk. Tba (JaDoe fs ssubdaho* by ths

[mil tttisii it ol Emifatleu, wMBBJ can aJwayt he foaod largsitewt of LABORER.i aad iBRTAN'fS at very low rates of

araaa*. ssad passoas can have their orders tilled by writing to thsBaBwrtatMrlaa*, and aeniiut tha tnoiLt oaceaaary to pay tbaaaasaa«> af ths parlies reqaire*. No feea iharaed to employers.

JAMES P. PAGAN, Bapariotandsnt.


AI a D e M y of MUSIC .


On Tl. ESI) A Y Doc. ii, 1156,Doalsstu's (has* Ops.a lo 3 arU,

L U C K E / I A llORQIA.Lai resia Borg »..Ma.1 DE LA ORANGEMaBeo Oritnt..Mad. NANTIER DIDIKEOei.asr..«.*"»' BRIOSOLI(Who wii introduce a new Aria from L nlta Mil er.

BI«Borl RtiVf.RE, OIULIO sod ARNOLD!.Mnn«. MONPLAISIR, who has voinatsered hi* tarrlctt,

eriil dtae* a Pte rie Trois,Lr'H Kl HIH DC TYROL,

with Mi's. DE LA \ IGNE tad Mad. C10CCA.Neat regnla.- Opera Wight,Tlll'R&«»AY,Dsc. 13 115.«.


Baaarea Ssata. 50 osntt Extra. Ampbitboater, 2a eeata.

Bxataaal Dire. lor and Coodaeuir.MAX MARET/.KK.Doori . pen at 7 Opera commences at 8.Baesrved seats msy '>e obtained at ths Principal Offioa, eor-

.ar Snsdwsy ana .ft f ; at Danskln't Agency, Jollie's Mo¬at* flk re No 519 Broaawav and at Hall A Mou't Piano-forteaaw Mösle Stot* N.. t3U Broadway._A CADEMY of MU^K .-OKA1SD BACKED.A CONCERT tor tke bENEEIT of the BENEV )t.ENTnoCIKTY of ibe LADIES of ST. VINC'.NT DE PAUL, on

g[ MiAi EVENING, Deo. Id hy the whole Operatic Troupe.f tbe Aear'amy. aad a GRAND Ii ii.-iilv Ticksua-LBstarrd Mats 50 cdats satra. to be obtained at the Academy oaly.

timmunr < ite- e R de Ti obi land, F. Poneert,t h. a.air Joha O'fJrien, Anthine Bernard,Jas. R MallBuj. E. Lemaitre, Eugeae P.ankett,T. La Moatsga*, Ranitsy Crookt, C. de Montho en,.ante' Devlin. Lotnl tt Comeau, R. O-snt Whit«,Varto» Haraalno. Felix iogoldtby. L. Boo.|net,Aathony Hcgua' I l onuo, T. James Olovsr,TV *-*e Launay, Wl.liaiu Nl'do, VieMr Daraad.Alfrel P.nnkBft. H de Coorey, H. J. Ändertj«,J Oattelair. L. J. White, . Loali Biotas,at Uel.tr A B. Thst'jtt. Robert Dredrichi,A Begodia G. *. Barry, E. L. Millet,*>. Prancbrre. J. MUhaa, H. L. Hrgnt*,«Ab. H. Pains. VVtu O'Brisn, E. Masseras,c C H. r C Lf* aUe. V. Dellao,. Dorne ,T R i't '-t Olovsr. 1. Deluionlco,C Gigrxax PaalThsbaoJ. H. Qutcksn



WEDNESDAY. Dec. 12.1155,Bsaatar ths superintendence of

Kt. O. STEBBINS, President.TBlltTIBS

JAMES T. BRADY, ssq., W P. CHAPMAN, aso,,J. BROl GHAM, BSQ.. J McKEON.eitj.

J. PRFSCOTT HALL, asqcoMMtTTB* o* rcaroaMa*i c.

.V R. BLABE. Broadway Theater: J BROt'OHAM, Wal-lark's, aad t. MOORE larton'i Theater.

A taost ataraitlvs b.,1 an! be prassntedBoa Bot k open at the Tt.ee«er on MJNDAY, Dac 10, where

aaJv tKkets and placet can be secured.1 . *W. C WEMY US. Becretary.

11 18» MARIA ^. BRAIN E RD91 ^"'/.'"STCOM FRT IN NEW-YORK.Oa THl R-DAT EVENING. Dec 20, at NIBLO'S SALOON.Bee fatai e advertiaements.



the American Prima Dcnna a resident of Brooklyn, will makeRwi dab a i it lbs above oamed Hall on

THURSDAY EVENING. Dec 15.1155,an » i» i

VOt AL AND INSTRl'MENTAL CONCERT,.twisted tf »Bs fo *Wfca| «ml ent artltU:

?!'" V.k' BoPraao, her first appearance la public.Mr APTOM IS .Le aeleWated 11«putC"**PEjAllOIl, tbs great OnitsrUt; aadMr. O J. EVAN*, tea diet^iauvh*d P:aoist_

TICKITS PIPTY CENT»Tobe had at ths prleclpa' Maaic aid Bookstores aad at the

I tall I a the sveLing ol the I aacmr.«Poors open at 1 o'clock j the Concert will commence at 1

^»ithsprc^TvwBaBe will *s pabtltaed la future advartiaamrnti.

Re a I) I N O 8 BAvd l^CITATION8^J~B.BIOWN wi I L-. uro oa THE LICE OF R »BKKT

Hi BN latrod-cli g the S: >vh dialect, aad ^ve Realitaa and¦ «a*t from the beat wn'trt; also repeat by reuuaerRCl uaa. Spare hat Tree,' which received anh o l,d »p.'a'aaie 'a..' avaftlaa. la Ciialon Ha'l. Aator plsce oo WED.NES-DAY r VE.w»Wt>. C*6- lJ- « Tt»'*-ocA tfokst* 25 casts.

uTBBar-tTTkw** MUSEUM. - I VI I« h tful" HOLI-t> DaT i .¥TERTAIN»IENTS -Tl ESDAY, Ds«. 11-v. . ^ B ths aew Ihraraatls Pairy Romaoee, foil of

EL?. " etl.ed REKORB ATIOV. AflarTT*. \Tl POT) X PILLICODOY; and a at. NO; se.TNr. Mi-

roairt f.r ra.*«' » tb* LIGMW DEN ai 2» too 7 p .a.

the LIVING WI_^>KAwW,A*. may ». jee. at all times.

Adc-aaaee u> til ti eaaU; Calldraa aaaer ia, la) seots._ihn MARnatW family industrialM SOCIETY wLi hold ? TAIB ia the base seat of the Man-

wars' Cetxrcb, rovner of Mac'-vn aad Catharlae-tU . tMarur tt

lathe Bad Dsceu-her, .' 1 P coatinala« *\e.ttTAFTERNOON tnti WHIN* dariag the week AajaatwaBMcaata.


__L*at Night button'of AflPHODtLrECOND NIGHT OF THE NEW F.NrO*flg|R.

FIRST N OH T of t-iE ELOPEMENT.To cnmg>eace with lb* mic Peatoin mo of.

THE SECRET MAB.RIA3E.Ubarartere by the II AVr l FAMILY.Followed by the Ballet Pantomime of

THE ELOPEMENT.Nrw Descee, Retntifui Table*** Vivnti.

To conclude wtth (he Fairy Pu.t jro n.- ofASPHODEL ; Or, »he MAGIC FES.

Charte trt by the BAVEL FAMILT.


Orcbeetra Sea't.ej) OSFriTtte Boxe* .-. . 6 uO

Borr Office open dtlW from Sam. to 3 p. m., for tecur-ngOrrbeetre Seatt end Private Boxe« only.Doxa open at 6$ Prrf,rmaoc*.i to commence at 7}.

BTÖADWA7~THEATER-E. A. Manhall'aole Laatee..Boxee and Parquet, 50 centa; Family Circle

tmi Upper Tier. 25 cenU; Privat« Boxee, 05 end 06..Uooraopen at let commence \t 1 r>Y.ir,-»._THiS EVKNINO, will beperforni'd : BEAUTY AND THE BEA8F.Bee-itv.Littie Mary Moral the Beaat..Mtae Lov'ee Marth

Bong: " vO Jockie Franral"-".'.i'tle Jennie.THE WADERINO MINS'rkl.

Jem Regt with ibe popular, doleful, paibet'c. tympt'he'lcUisenteb.e hletory of " Viiiiktnt end hie Dinah," Matter Marih.


TUESDAY, And every evening thit week,tie oew American Comely offame FREIENSES,

Or, Both Stors or »oor> SocrrtY,which tonttnue* to draw crowded and delighted audience*.Mr Berryman.M'. Bu ton.Whltleiocre O. Jordan; Mlllrdolltr, Mr. Bradley; Mn Mllle-do.lar. MiaThorne; Mn. '>.,;.|*d. Mrt. Burton; Mrt. Crockery,Mn Hughe*; Florence, M » Tb.'ine.

To c nrlude triik fbe ItuaTbable Force ofTURNING the TABLES,

In »hieb Mr. Burton, Mr. g. Jordan and Mrt. Burton wlUappear.A new Two Act Comedy ia in rebeareal.

\ ATIONAL TTTEATER.A. H. PURDY, Man-i. t ag.r and Proprietor..Dreae Circle, 2nc*nta; Fit, lUeeaU:Orokeetra Cbaira 50 eta-THIS EVENING will be performed:

EVA, TUE IRIS 1 PRINCESS.Cathn lio.Mr. J. H Aller. | Era.Mrt. S. B. Wi kint

THE FOUNTAIN OF BEAUTY.Kkg Pretty....Mlai Ha'bawty k a. regoddun.. Mr. O. L. Fox

Sort and I>*ne«.STATE SECRETS

Thlmbiawell.J. Herbert Maod..Mr*. Wrej

WALLACK'» THEATER.Boxe* and Tarquet, 60 cent*; Family Circle, tS cento; Stalle, Ol; Pri¬

vate Boxea. B6 and t>7.. Door* open at 64 o'clock, performanceeorxmince et 7.-THI« EVENING aril) 1.. performeu:

THE LITTLE THEABURK.Maycrnbluth.Mr. Leafr Lady tlowiid.Mra Hjey

the FIRST RIGHT.Mona Dufard .Mr. H. Placido t-abel a.Miat Gannon

THE SECRET.Tboma*.Mr. G. Hoilanl Madane Dnpuit..Mra. Walert

A~CADF,MY HALL, No. 061 Broadway, oppositeb01 a tt.For positively twelve night« on y. comm-nmg

MONDAY Dec H\ lh.'5. The principal membir* of ti e origi¬nal and we.l known

CHR STY'S MINSTRELS,organised in IM-, ccmpiUing

e. H. Plotce, J. W. Rat nor, N.W.Gould,J. B. Donnlker, l-wia Maira. t. Clirlaiian,B. Mai ory, W P. Collioa, H. Huntington,

I.. Condlt and Jtaeph Murphy,who treat reapeetfu>ly announce to ibeir ad rneodt and pttroa*in bew York twelve of their CHASTE AND fA SHIONABLEMl HICAL s0irke8, at above. Since tbeir latt appearancein tlila city they bare added to tbeir a'ready eiteoeiv* repertoiremany new tnngt. dan cat, Ac and tr.ev will n w be able to p,eaectaNKW PROGRAMME TrjROUOHOUT, replete withnew motlral gemt, new character dance*, and new bureequai-The flu cbinion Fan.i.y. Ten mlaate* at the Academy of Ma¬ate, with tome new, quaint, qti'zii**! and quiet bonmit*.Infact, a little of everything and ev.rybody For e aht yearl tbeebove troupe perfotrred at No. 4'2 Brotowmy, under tie direc¬tion of e. P. Cb'Uty.wbo in on longer connected wltb tkecsrpa.In fee', their namet are at far Mar aabonaebold word* For pa*-tlcu'art tee billa. Tiekru, 25 cent*. P.Rri.i .a None*..The above troupe have (now) no connection with E. P. Chnt'.y.On MONDAY, Dec. 24. they perform In PhiladelphiaUCKLEr* 8EBENADER8, No.638 BROAD¬WAY.-* very evknino THIS WEEK. The d .le-

(nl and pathetic Tragedy, V1LL1KIN3 and HIS DI "JaHwith the heaailfol TRICK HORBE. Comneacetet 7> o"c ock.licketa k'. eent*.





OFEN EVERT EVENING, tlckete. tft aenta.KU tmatneee ttaiuacted ky U. WOOD.

1HB AMERICAN JUVENILE BELL RIN(J-EKB Tbeee wonderful performere appear nightly at No.

472 Biotoway, Mei.baclct' ilall. The eotertainwent conaitttof Sr mi. Duett and Cboiue»e, lntertseraed with the aeiightfulBell Rlng.ug, by thleecetmp iahed family of Juvenile Matictana.Go and hear tbeas, and take the chi.dien w;th you.

1^HE^RY8TÄX~PALACE.--The^letitr.tr having potaea.Kin of tbi* beanOfal Beildlr g H wi 1be mad* iaiereeting and attraatlve. at-.au and Gae-Engineawl.l be need forpropelling a variety ot novel Maek'nerT. 8 atn

ary, Caatlngt, Tapeetry, Agricultural Implementa, and numer

cot itber aitlclet of great mein can be to- n in tbe Fa a-e. TheAmerican Inttiiute will receive and keep In order kit article, catnovelty and utility for the laepectlon of tbe public.

WM B. LEONaRD,Correepondlng Savetary and Afent.

KCHANICS* HALL, No. 472 Broadway .The American Troupe of Juvetille Bell Ringer* an 1 Vocal

latt, tbe Alexander Family, whoee aatoniautng axecutlon te

drawing ctowded boutee niabtly. Ticket*. 25 ceatt; childrenkalf pree. CommesciBg evenlngi at 7) o'clock; Baiurdayalternooca at 3 o'clock.

I^HE CRYSTAL PALACE ia OPEN, and cob-tarn* many new and valuable euiioettiee, marble statuary,

i'alnange, Caetingt In Platter and Bronae Machinery, AgrioaJ-tavral Impl<mrnte. Modele, Terra Cotta Ornament*, Annlent

Tapeetry, UlD*trative of DON QUIXOTE, and valaed at

02on.00o, once the property of a Bpantab Monareb, now la tbeaoeteartoc of aa Ameriean cltiteo. It wi.l repay tbe euriout aadfbe lovere of art «o vltit the Cryttal Palace.


Hobtken. Admittance I2J centa.

D"~rSHElJK)RF GAUERT, No. 497 Broadway,C4»taaa 180 of the Baeet PAINTINGS ever pat tpoa

ItxJalUliom. Opeo DAT and EVrNING. Admiataaae » eta.

Xcbd Pnblicatitona.HOLD YOUR SIDES!

THE G&AND DOUBLE PICTORIAL PICAYUNEfcir the Htlidayt la now rea4y. It eoatalnt:

I. Large Fiontianlece. covering half of the f.nt page, eon-

tolnlrg nearly ONE HUNDRED comic figure*, enticed "AnOriginal Package <-f Choice iu ' Tbe fan In tbi* maftbeteen ae It cannot he deoetlbod.Z New Yeai'a Addreae In dogeerel. by that aever-to be-

eitlt gui*b*d, lamed Darky, Piof. Ju IntCwaar Hannibti.3. Twelve Ckineaturee on the firat patty of the eeaeon at Mki.

Grubka.4. Twelv* Cur* on tb* edveature* of Mr. Jeak* at a popular

Dane't i Academy.5. Twelve Caricature* on Trout Flaking.fi. Twelve Caricatnree on Branah't Trave't la Europe Ln

eetrcb of the Ma'eell'e Nativity (wttb the alligator).7 Twenty Cut* on tbe G etningt from tbe Meyor*t Book.8. Tbe aad Story of the Levee and Death of V liikint and hi*

Dinah, with coplout Notea by tbe Minatrel, 1.1unrated wiihtwenty-four Cancaturee.a The Arrival and Debut of Re,- - la New-York, told ia aix

capital Ctncaieiva10. Twelve Cutt on the Foarth>of-July Ce'ebration.Betide fifty ether epleodid and tel kg Cut* oa the *v*at* of

tbe u .» Rebuoee, AcPike tix centa. By iiiail, roar rata, on receipt of price.

BOSS. JONES k TOUSKY, A«woia,No lfoNataau it N v and No 2> Clark-et., Cbvago.

Bamplea Graiie.Agent* Wanted.Buhar*the now

THREE GOOD JOURNALS FOR 1856!.Tb* following are well adapted to all reader*.'


Literature Seienea. tb* Arta; K) htmrvv XT, Ixrkovt-MBkT aadFaoiiagta. Fubliabed weekly at Bjl a year.

THE WATER-CURE JOURNALHyilropathv. it* PhUoeophy and Pi actio*; Pbyaijbgy, Anau

cany and the Lewi of Life and Health. Bit year.

THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL;Devoted to a I BBS** Pr. *reet;.e meatrarea fx tb* Elevation

aad !nsp.ovemett of Mankind, llinitiated. Si a year.

Fob Tnatx DoLLaki all tb>ee will b» teat* ytar. AdJreetFOWLEK k\v v» ELLS No. 308 Bondway. New York.

Jutt puh libe l:


Fob iaicaav. l*'-,Tbl* nur bar ooataie* 40 large 8ro. pace*, an accurate portrait

of tbe editor elegantly engnved on . eel, aad ¦ filled with therlcbeet aid rareat gemt from tbe editor and hi* eeaocletei.¦tH>8lrl by upward o< TWENTY FIVE HANDSOME EH.GRAVIN<>9. New i* tb* time to tubecil>e Yeariv eab-Kripllou otaly 01, fear etrpie«, 03 50; fiv* eopioe, *». Sing!*tpecimtn number* l.'i cente

D. A. WOODWORTH. FaNith*r.Ne. 118 Newau-et..

_New Tork.

Ib Preae:


by carr Mat** «l

DE WITT k DAVEnPGRT. FeSllehera.Ntk 1*0 aad IB* Natna r.

LOOK OUT for YOUNG AMERICA, a a«wMeekly Cemlc aa* Ratiilcal Paper apieitfidly U'aetrated.

FUtt aamber realty BATCHOA t, Dee. 15. Be»4 ia yomr irltrt

w»T.^BTBOBO !io W Naawu at., New Tora.Te he hat) tf a.1 Ntwt Ageeta.



COLLOQUIAL PHRASE BOOE.An ur< ltd tgreeab e methtd tf nequ'ri*g t rrirait ct tvl

apeak c| knew edge of be French tijttrt.it PIUBCII .iTLta,

Teeehei and Tranelttor cf L*egaeg>a-Author of" Sper.ith Te*;aer."

110 pagea. cloth rtrso » eeuW.la rpeahieg of '.bit work. .Mr. Bot'er »eyi: " Tfcj) ob ft: rf

.bit werk it to deinonttrate a.g h tint :t tuppoeed to 3»

d'ffii ult. it is (act eety ; that wbtt ij vert ee* y '.¦»Tai. it . '

bard to UrgH; tbtt il oar c*i la^nai* bta betti ' ted

wl bort Uil or ttudy, we rciy aili become oatarauW to an

other by 'he tame enudiltiTier, method." Aa jou car»leet,y tie* e-.d ri' !» cjt.mili n».;<r t*

you do tbonaandt cf other oV ee't In your daily trev.> i t .4aa ail thiig* become EreLcl.it« d around tu I doubt aat vi*

will gradoilly wed youreelf to my se.ief tba mietet of ki-w!<edge and irnuntalm of tipen nee mty lie acio-itd wi.h Lit 'jtaprllcetion or lacnfice of lime."

All thoae wbo detire to have a knew>¦:#* rf 'hi *.-e*?i lee-gutge ebould procure a copy of tbit wo-t «t one ..

From The Evening New«, S I. lit.Till littl* v nme aidta learner to an if.aiii- .m cf tieeaywer

cf tpeaking tie F.encb language, by the etu.p «if, aa 1 he MimiLd*. the retJieit method, tt treat* the nnp.i te a eliild, andendeavora to teach him Frtnefa aa aa u.iair. it t iugb: to ape .ktie language of Itt pereata. We ormn.ee 1 it to the eour.deratioc of all learrer« et Fr. :cb,wbo e-lah r»th-r to a-qare a prtrti-ca. and arbitrary, than a phtloaophlctl knowledge if that r inrsa.

Frctu (he De.ly Tiaiea, Troy.Tie object and pnipote ot' :Lie work are t ear y ar.d f-. y

atattd in the title pig*. From cireory exe-nineti jo, we belie'eit deiervei all that it claimt.I ia an en; tod igre«tt'.e'method of eiqu'iing t pemVe knowledge of the French I aagaage. It will be found uaefu. and c .nven>nt at a .>:-. k ot i

eretre for the general reader at well at "he mere ettiieat.Copiet sailed to my ....«»

Puo.labed and l.r tale byGARREIT a. CO., Nu. It le» et

Alao for tele by all Bookteilen.


Or, WoMta'i Riohu A.an BnarTTALICM." Thil it the age cf oddltiet ct loote."

One to.., illuatrated. ft IB,Foblitted by ALDKNA BEAHDSLEY. Arjbu'n.

The trade in New-York tuppiied »tB'JNCE A BROTHER. New-York.

IN PRES S.Ami will b-i pubiithfd in a fewdtt:


By Familiar Seenot cf Every Day L {.: 1 »1:., tj.no.,"Trice *5 centi.

Tbit wll' prove a valuable bomehol 1 hook, p»-.nlitr y adoptedto the want- of the y-ut,* uttk.eper. Il t not a b. jh or re-

ceipta, tut a tToaT in wh'oh many prac'lcal ,e»ioc* in etoaomyare inculcartdand illuttiet-.d. BUNCE k BROTHER.

No. PN Na.ttu at.

\ E L L I E ü I T R U fi O .

i* By tbe au ho of " Vera." 12mo *>l." A truthful portrait oi Co'intry Li'e end VUlaa* Baeetj,

< edaiville »nd itt inhabitant' lite up befo.e aa like ibe, memorycl old aecnaiotaf cei; and the «tnkiag ¦..M att J-twe^agouPartoti Pool teecbtng by ttample more than by pr-. cot andthe kartb, and *arani*h~HTitrmrwf if hk iieaeeaav toe K-tJamet Sirjker, ii meet forcibly dninea'ed At an lnttriatingatxry It i, one of the b-n we hate read to a long MeMi and taa correct and forcible inettration of tbt lau.tt and f ibei of re-

ligioni lOfllatlee, it dreeitet, ml we Li e no doubt ar| I reejirean extentlTe <irculati in." |txidimercial Remitter.

" We i- entiuntd (hit book yetterdav t< jut: recetT 1. Wecan new ipeak cf ii Iron a moie thoroogb peroaal. It it a delightfui ttorj-acme oi ihaaaaeeeee, baaewa.eaeel anythug Athe kind wbn h me have oit reea, Iii» who b tioiUaait'ein the evening at we did, will find lumaelf pr .bib y no leal forge ful of time end tlerp.end be aetoniebed tob er tao clockitrike roe wbtr he tapputei it to he eomewhete abia' tea. Iterrved et jutt inch a t Ich. * * * * It Ii a reuitrhab.y to

tereitlng book, tu I of eloquent peae'get which gl'o ecbwuitoo rarely found In wurkt inteede* tu tocu cats re leloue eeatt"uienta. The o d pattor of Cedtrvlllo It a model 'or hit :ltaatiaple heeited. faithful devcte: un'ppieci»ted by tae veryecu a wbo have been ltd by him ao »hepberdlr and tenderly totbe »oid cf 'be Bevior- only vaiued aught when Lit hang, ter¬ror -preacblnt. law-fbtinde leg, variance-threatcnl,.*. aviccee-.I r bat belc nit p ace iong enough to diive Love aw:y and aol.ti'ute the feat of damnation fur the Faith which abile* in tbeOoudnrta and Mercy an.1 boundieee Love of tneKeieemer.but read the book, and be made better and wi>er "

Pktaburg'i Dttaa-ca." Tlla it a volume of a high ord>r ot' u.e:it. It. »redeceeaor,Vera,' waa > f tbe lof.lett character ot aba- bit« io'sren, and

wet well rrctivid every where, atid i mmir.de a lageaele.Tbit ii even auperlor to that work. It inenlca'jt the tame d:vine faith, chterlai pb loeopby, anc pure ife."

tme ionn Spectator." Lltete Nellie It truly t >em of a child " da on Wnig." A beautiful and highly interacting tale."

|Chri«tlan Ot*e-v-r."A work of a high order cf merit, and breathiag the pa reit

tpirit of pUty." f-Vatcamio." A tale of trae eit.au merit, and we. *uatai»ed interaat."

[Obeerrer." A heentiful voleme." ( Uhriatlan chroni le."Crowded with incident*, tbe interett abatet not in the

eat'; and bting t religiout romance it hea all the totere*, ofan exciting love-aory, which it ia with rrje valuable leeaont ofChiittiaa tr*ala aiid 'liotrpha. Almjet every page it Llutalae-ted by the light of rel'glout experterce." [Lit. Meeteuger.

" Tboie wlo have lead Vera' wi I anticipate gra'idcetiaaIn the pernial of tbit velum*, and tbry «i,| not b« dutp

pointed. [Chritnan Intel Igeacer.Tbtt it a productlan of the imagi..atlon well ceooeived,

beabtifully txgrtaaed. keeping up the Inteieet of th) reader,and leading t* prefiuhle rtflec'iom " I tanner.

ROBERT CART2R «y BROTHERS,No. 385 Üruadway.


AND REPOSITORY OF I SEFL'L KNOWLbl) IE. roa 115$.One vol. llmo., 550 to* Opp. Free #1 paper #1 ii bouad.

To be ready la a few dayaThe Ameiican Almanac it filled with mt'ter of tbe greatett

Importance to every An: et loan It contain* tbe fa' ett informa¬tion renpeciog the General Governneat of th« United Sta at,and of each tarticular Biete, al«o n h fact* relating to tb*St-ten of Europe aa are uttfa) to our peopl*.Tb* Montai] Magailn* **yt:" Thouaandt of literary men, and literary prcJuctiont of large

fam* aid abowy preiesnont, will attod Indebted to thit modeat,ihln, paper co»ered volume; to H* rich and orderly eaaai ui n%

tiitie*, it* tab'ei of dry figure* and condeued caaptert of ailmanaer of Information Every i: tea, i.a man to aay nothingof the man of baainee*. who owe* I:, will he aaved a vat- dee, ofrannlig, and borrowing, and gueancg and blondering, in tberourae ef the year. Bleatfngt on the man that' aot' iaveattd,'but arranged fact* "'

TREATISE ON ENOLISH PI NCTCATION: Detignedfor Letter writer* Authort Printer* and Corrector* of the n

anc for tb* uae of Sckooit and Aead-miee, with an tppendix,eouuiaibg Rule* oa the a** of Ctpital*, a .i*t of Aabrevta-'ioa*.Htau on Prtpa'lng Copy and oa Proof raadtng Spocuneat ofProofaheet*. Ac- Flith Ediuon. by John Wiitou. a..

Price #1.' It la an exceedingly valuable book, and a copr ot' r afaou'd

be at tke taivice cf every one who I* eueedj or Ii direct y later-eeted hj the la ge tubjtct of which it treat*, ail who have towrite iwportent letter*, record*, and document*, aa wel a* ihoeewho write tor the preea. . * * I:a tula U a very fuii expon-tita oflt* ecntan *. and a reae'er of 11 will be eqcai.y aarpriatdand inttructtd by the amount of knowledge wJck It* perutalwhlia par l" |t inttian Exaaioar.

crosby. Nichols t Co..No. Iii Waahiagtx r. Bottoa



A tail-* of beaailfal Javeailee, telected from I':c»- .

workt. in hit own language, with iiia*trat<woa by Dariey.lino, cloto. P tc- tt cen'i eachL LITTLE nell, fretn The o d Curioei.y Shop" of

t faule» D'ckeoaII SM KI, fiom " Nlciiolat Nickleby" of Caerle* Dicken*.III. THE CHILD WIFE, '. m "David Copptrfi-lo." ef

(.t in liickenaIV OLIVER AND THE jew FAiJIN from Oliver

Twut" of Cbarlea DickesaV LITTLE paul, from Dombej end Soa oi Chaxiee

DaaaawaiVI. FLORENCE DOMBEY. troaa " Dombey aad Son" of

('bailee DtcktiaTke tlx vo.ame*. in a eea* paper caae. price 02 25.

j. s. REDF1ELD, Nu- St a*ekmaa-et., N. X.Tbe Weet Pa»t, Pre* t: aad Fatur*.

THE KANZAS REGION.Forest. Pralrie,Demit, Moc»t*ia, VaL* aid Rjvta. By Max Greene.

It roatalti a reliable Map of the Te.-r :. :y aad an origaaal Mapof th* .';»tr ct now bwtng aettlod; Ibermometr.c Tab.**, thoe-

trg th* temperature, w inter and Summer, in different eeetioo*

Buttmect of the relative quantitia* of Rain; Correct htearnre¬in« ut of Dutance*. Direct 100* aa to Koutai and Outri. for tb*Pioneer; Htatory of the San* i Trad*, with tlatit ic. Bynop-¦t* of recent Land Treaaee. aad fu Information reapectia*Indian Title*; aome Accoant of sVcleneot* rrcestiy male;miaa'e Deerrtptioa* rf mere than . hundred penu-u er L» *>!tJet; and a Otneral View uf th* Sc:nery, C.ima.e. Wild Pr.-docU-ti, Casehriue* of Soil, and Comnrernai aad MiaetalR'tourc a of Kanee* frcm tb* B. andary to the Roc ay Moun¬tain* intrrtperwd atth INCIDENTS OF TatVEL ini aaac-

dote* ll.'aatrative of the Character of th* Trader* aad Red kf*a.To which ere added eoalee of the organic Law, Hoaeat adLaw. Squatter Law*, ltd Market Prt.et. with o.ber daaJeratawhich make It a COMP'ETB MANUAL FJS THE EMIwb.ANT and woxk rf rafereooe for tb* Student, aa well a* ancitractiv* Book of Weetern Life. Price. 30 seott in paper;50 cuu fee Eual'rx

FOWLER am WELLS, lie. 90S Broadway.A. WOODWORTH, No 118 Ns«is»*stTsuj>



Daring ¦ Vr-yage twaad :ts WatU c a aa.,? :»* La* Ite!., )«¦*»> 75 rears.


I »il , ln'sro. 7^ -eat*.E^tt ttlft*tjfjBjj a<;j iflaatitfal

.¦Weht»« re:«ivd advance .:pi-tof !h- a' «ve work* (roanths jabluM' .. Uori«, W: rn«a, K*-i A d f ria-taiafiTfctltTatf mü'rrm i i« s«.cb » iu j'n| about three Banded,du. oecirto p»se». »*<1 ¦** hud.c no ) ..lastitted wi'h. ioe ¦ « 1eatrnirif- IMJ rV.i 0 -r-.imt inmeaaely poji!»rmull <be j uig pe--pie. and my be retd w:ii graa'. pnrth by**fi)b:dy. lt»y a'* wr:;so in a r~ rjle end nup.nte id 1»,bar very p'eair.» «*jl , and thi ds'cnp ksaw ire an-.i-a.'!y t-ndBid 1.1«-ike. Ws have ra.-eiy been id deep y la'ersstsl iaw< lit it tri» cba^e «r. Ta.y *.*. «abl .he.) aaoaymoa«!*. b b]tbe ia nor will Bad rwt bjeatattj tnow-r ta a aaaaata^reH:n ih ' c::y wba inem hrc k'g'-. y, I tk f fa «.-hararer »'.4tli tatai ¦ ' ' .«de pa:» Sun

Will !«»r»*d w>tb av'd'rt r,->: en!y «v a y mmf tMefVa »« »

#et bvis of tietn, tat witu n,«.-res» dt ntny pa.p e atem* s

tpiiet * of pay najr» in ib <t t.*V 'jthtit.-vti .il.. «> h»v- read ibe tirk enveiy th-c^tl and flad I'eaVly

ecrr'tuMi g »t» a*'-nvite. N .'....» 1» r kM »rr-'trad u 1 .

Den*'« Two iis-t Bef-re -h* Var.' " (HunVon ln"-I ltsa^a'.>. W« hare se»er bit"- e leea ai. the wiaat* rwi-i.lt-* if a

«tip't i.f*-i.» wl man*»-meat «o nwJy rxpuasad.* thin¦ ret] reader «ho U sot a*ai!or want. : knrw. Everyr *ui*ca. linn h ic'etpreted muto be fusilier it h» Iwlati'iMr. I- rem«'.*» .t. the renter «tancioatfc» Batf/ldesk arilri i.' noted " a ugb the spu-'meata I Bees tie ¦net' j or he 11

t.kea e'oit ind bech toji» eip«'r»d ¦.!:..»>-n u-; ...

1M1 Baal Sot cnly tbe th\j. bur ofli en men aa.! ie*w><

»re before I im. n d he kOu«i wbrit he :* ret line . t ta

pite. 1 t;e ta.hr.r «...e*i:j kif aayage, thi taaaet he aiiaiitadma rhta ird »bore, the tre«t3ient rf m n ud h ;y«, ue athrti»hr to mied tr»o»: irrMta. The croan1.»« m«t nl tr.-

book 1« i'i nop)* aiid wel.-io d rnrba ai d a »niec :* of o»e-

diawn pfc orei f: B jojaofraaUir, I: *:1 indoee no *>oy» r 1

l«»ee e< m'ortah e h- m-f to »0 to iei. It ai 1 no' be feared 7yraiefol par-n'l;'" thi vry irwon. It !. ettir'aiBint w.-h.M'he aedsctiae (Uattjef tuot* work* of .he k'.cd. It!* amc '.

»iteiii l* buok r ibe Kbool ub.-ary ar. 'be raml'y.''[W -ntn'* Adroeite.

" In .birmiz» ea»« and Di'ara'nee* of r.y!a 1'. eaa HafeaTJ lw>

aarpisied. * * ' It !. 13.« the book 'hit 0O]i Bud »:.-t*»iiolder peraca* wfB deligbr ,n derr-r ».

VV'-*i*ro ChK'iaa A.lr rata.It i* *ie»edip»Jy w»;i arnteo, aod by f*r tue v.- I m*j fij:

be' 1 that ae haee over re to " I raisjftaa rty 1 ^'*'o»mar..Tkeee II ract* are from a f*w 01 the tarty ao kaM of thi p**ei

Jut pob t«h»4 byMOORE WILSrACH Kryur,..f:r..it,-!.

F.ria.-hiD APPLETON L t ..and hyMILLER.ORION A M I'LL Iii AN No. 2» Parkrj».

And by hcckie. en ***una ly.

PRE9COTT" HISrOKIC'al WORKS.-Ju«tpob -be.'.


II. Preteott. U ith Pnr-ra't*, Map*, P ate*, a.«. 2» Ja»*aTte Re'rn o'Phi ip II., embiicio* tbs In*, half of tbeait-

*»»n h nn tiry, ia .ae of the rawat imporant u wall at

itte **' U>| ponirei ot m dem hlit irj. I * 1* r -aaarryta »i toreo: ly it iimi of be p iacipt et ct.*. The War of 'at Rath r

laaet. the tatiai, *j toiev of cur own iteleat war ot th«Revootiio; the liefe of Ma t». aid la mom irii.e d''*na) bythe Kn'fht* of St. Jt he; the binl>c' cnn.r of u. nJo ia 0/Aoiuii, tbt berocf Lepantu; t*s 'li » ti ailven'mei of I) .n

Setiaaiao of Poriut*>; tha eae>aaeel at tb*t kiitdom by ih<Dil« if Alba; Pbi ip'i union wi h Miry at E-tiaad, and bitwar* with El'tsbetb. with tba itory of toe lavicib . trrnila;the Il.juiiiiiob. with it* train ot wtse«; tin ick. nn of ti-

Moiirc *. at d the eroei macoer to wh ch i. eatarented; thaatIcrm'ome of tha prominent topic* in the foregrjind of :hapicture which piewrit* a crowd jf iuh-rdi:it'.e detail* of i*e»;lLterrit in retard to t'<e chaetcter tr. coa t of Philip, t id uthe Inititatlon* of Spait. then ia toe ptliuy dty* cf her pro.-perlty.Theat'e-it'* for thi* raat tbeuie were '0 be fttherei f'jj

tveiy part 11 Europe ; and the tuib ,1 bat f <r tnuy yttr« beeje-1 e,nct them fri 1.1 >b' archive* of iri teat caat'alt. Tbearxhiae* of Simanca*. in partico a-, "ü'ii rery lately cloeed. li'd't even tbe native bir'ariar, hive bee t opined kB hit r*.rau h«« ar ri hu ctllec.ioo hai >eeo tsrtber enriclied bv MS-t.fron lerne t ( the pric ipal booee* ia tlpaio, the de«eeidaa'* 01tbe(ie«tn«u cf the «ixteeBth eeruarv. hvarbaeatltt let atrrlfiBil d'-cunjemihae atver hefor* tieea made for the ill Jitrt-tioo i f tl it p*i dAI«o New ind Uniiorm Ed.t: jr.i i . Mr. Pitecrtt't previous

wert*:rOhQI'ESt OF Mr XICO. In?v. :i.CONQI EST OK Pr HI". In I volaKh-DISAM) AND ISABELLA lo^v-.!*MISCELLANIES la 1 toi.

Nearly Retly:ENGLISH TK KIT* liy IU pi .v'a do 1 reraoa.PHILLIPS. AAMPSOM A COMPANY Publttherr,

No. 11 Win r it Hjitoa.Tbe Trade icppUed by J. C. D,".RHY New Y^rk.

ANEW WORKBy the Rev. Profeaaor J. II. Infraham.




by me. Btv. ravttitoB j 11. maauaaaa,1 volume, tie pp., 12mo.: Cloth, Gilt, beeaufuiiy lüaitreted.

Priee, Bl £>.Prem Tne B . Del] Mail.

" The autbor M oue of ibe fatal Veratide tad brilliant w.lfertot ib' dty. He tnucbe* nothloi that be doe* not ornt'aent,and hi* ity.b ii mut bipplly adapted lor tha p jr rayal ot sscrsdaccnei and Incident*."

Prom Tbe Recorder. A meter lam N. Y.It i* compribendve in ihot|ht, oraa'e ia *:y e, csptlvtt af in

expreanon axd beaatifn! in il aatrati-m."the. trade eupplitd on liberal term*.

PUDNE » t RCSSELL, Psb uher»,No. 71 John et. N Y.

Tbe book will be etnt by mail, pottate paid, on receipt of theprice (Bl 3').

A.l order* tnd letter « mail be di-erted toII. DAYTON. Oeneral Afee'.

No. :a Jobo ir., N T.



THE ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS.ArrsBfemsntJ bava been concluded by tb* aoder«i»ned wh!:h

now eaao.si him to Ball all tbe En* uh Newspaper* to dealer*at lower arieat 'ban eaer before, aud by the advaatata raioedin theae cew arraniemeo'e, (which are exclodvely tv«, a e toblmarlf.) certiinlyaa cheap a* any other Importer, aod it I* he-Ilevid aheaptr. The ondereitned bt* tatrsioel from announc¬

ing toeae advantafei nnti' be ba* had three week** expeiiencaIn tbelr wotkiug to waiiaat bim in Bdvanciog the above nrttrtit naTbe arraagtrren'. referred to csnnot be avaMtblt to o'h-r Im-

aor.tr*, tadhtnee dealert * beoeSt »y givinf toeir patron-H*



Nj. I il Soath tt leeood 6001 )ARTUl'R WILSON. Ageat, New YorkCHARLES wili.KR.

No. 19 Sjoth j t: Livtrpool, Eng.

CS iUU\ C 0 P I E 8 BOLD!r»UU\/aad STILL ANOTH ER EDITION PRINTINO-Ir i* 1* s good .tart for a now book, and 00 wonder, ityt the

delighted retder ofTHE WIDOW HFDOTT PAPERS.The Boffa'o Expr*** (good authority tay* they are

"Satiric. wiTioLs BEtno of/ensiveWITTY, WITHOUT BEING INDELICATE;AND ODD. WlTUOl'r BEING Ihn: if -

W* defy say on* to isad 'bees papers wi hoo'GKoWlNG FAITER AND FfELING BETTER

One nsat l.'mo.. Uluitrated. Bl .AJ. C. DERBY. Publisher. Nsw-Tork.

And for s*> at the Be jkitore* on the Cart and Steamboat*.

0 0 K S for tbe HOLIDAYS,la slitsnt and farcy bind inta

DLNF.LLaN MANSE; G* Tint* no TataLt or ¦«

Diitt rriok 1* acoTLaao: By Mrs. J. Biowb Pattarasa, «a

01 aaier Aga»«; or aketotss ot Contest Ltfs "

NELSON'S ILLl'STRATED EDITI0N9 0F THE PORTS,each volans c< ft Ling light mat clam Steel Eaarav.og*, in

varicas ityles of bio. in*.PANOXAMAS FOR THE lOl'NG: A **ri*« of Coior*d

Toy Bot k* for ahL*ren.Ai*o*l*rg* varitty of REWARD CARDS, pnatsd :a colon,

n pscketi.DAILY TEXT BOOKS ¦ morocco, tlagaat. or with gilt

rims: itntabie tcr prestara.T. NELSON h SONS, No. 1S1 Nasaaa-tt,

Next door to Nassau Sank.

Mew B oil and Nsw r 1


A Work for Aothor*, Edttor*. Stadeats. Printers, sad allWritar*. BL

PncxocaarHtc Taacaaa. By Weht'.tr. Baat Hoar*Sciooi . Dsy. By Crandal. RI .Coassrsation rt Fta'U andGrace*, rite..tbe American Deba'sr. BI-.A Graumar ofCorapoaiika 6Jc .Spirit cf Homscity. *ie -Marrias andPat*, tage. Bl .Combo'i Pbyttoligy- 75c.-Fowler*« Paya.ology. Aairna: and 5Ieotal 76c . Ecueat.oa Comal*ls. t~

Tks Kansas Region. i7t. cist-¦ w* as it ta, Bl St..I.lppinc.n'i Oizvtteer cf the Wcrid. B*..Wehatei't great(jiano Dicrlcnan .And all Work«en tht Narrtral acienceaFor sale by FQWLE1A WELLS. »6 Sr tdwsy. N. Y

LETTERS ON THE SOUND-DUES QÜES-TION .These Letter* tree' of the difieoitj between tbe

I sited State« sad Decaaart in a ssrioas aad oonscasnttra*«nasser. Vaiaab.s fscrs and itmtg argamaets srs b mbt tohear npoo its pciats at issae. The ntht of Des nark to Isvy h*trkbbc-Does hj ah.y snstaiaed. saa the poucy of the Adra'nia'raticn ihcwt b) its trn. ;ighL Tree lf<. So'd by

P. W. CHRISTRRN. fin '»il Broad aay.


BPIR111 AL1SM, with sagravingslltnir'ting ths Dt.'sin«eniobi rxrcharJcsJ iaetnt'.on* to detec d**ep :oa and dsaioattrtt*scietuAcniij tb« true agent limited bt t:s lo-caUed Spiri'.aalMaxifsitarioas. pn « g)l 75. p ftf H> casts. A so. Dr.HAKE S LECTU RE ON' SPIRi n'ALISM m 5,900 poopls iatha Tabernacle. Price 5 real*. JaM pabJished ty_PARTRIDGE A BRITTAN. No. Ui Broadway W. Y.

NEW -YORK JOURNAL, Vol. 2.Now ready eoataiaatg aa 'Dane amount of so 4 :»\-

ist and aa eadles* variety sal qsaairy of RXrELLENIPICTI res. Price in peps* Bl. DesJesssaasalad ay

ROtS JONES A fOCSET,Nc l^NattBBtt.W. T tad

N*. 2S Ckark-tt., Chktaa.



D. APPLETON h Co.. No* i*S UJ Broadway,Peili.b ihi* Air,



In r»tt erne i qntrto. »Iii. too lup-rl :¦ o«.r»«ioiij. print tJ iathe Dee »ty.e.cn »nj riftiur pair, frcm origin tl de*igo«.Pri-B I t ud « t-t 2: cent*, tui bound au i|Ul e .<¦« H cet-a.

The avattM will omprnw Iba foil ,wiii fa am:ClM'ttLL*. BttlTY UU tHI ll|l<T.lack TUB GI*BT Bun, Aladpik

.> ii I'.outi, Ü(ki Y TwoSrlOtlLit n f RidRioiv. .Hood. B»»»« 1« rue Woon»,juki^p rut tja«\ St»l«, Piir.-dc.au.

Tow Till mb

This S'-.-t Ka;rv BtOil ¦ cm tor genera'ioce been listenedkB Mad :».<! by cr dr-r. at'k an inesprettib.f delight which0"b»r r-x.li b*»s fdied ta tftoni tbem.

1 be c iitr \ inner cf the .. - i.t ett. active manu*r of Uthim thai otcir*«<|ue eretery >'ea-rlbod the mtrveliMe

deed* ie,a"e l-lhe reward of virtue ei.d »001 imeat 0 » -.

c; r in1** rtrvriy in ti c.rcance witii *th rtl lawt. a* ep-t .

.. he tormr ion of character, rtnder rbem ne.-atiarlyki'attec to i-dBrai children 'o ac.j lire a lev* for leadioa and to

aid 't»m to ctutrtare the afltc.loa*. lympathie«, fa icy and im¬agination.

? bee m r the' rood rxtarplea only ihnJ be imtM»e>l,hta tceo 1 tt Habt -f in the Fic'-ontl Ernie .uBiteU of ti*eo

I'andeM Few) BBMt*B\ up.n the aatuiop .ou Mat ioditljrentpic*B-i" h taoi ecouth to give, first ucpre«auOf of Art tj Cell-dree. IfthiebevM*tt*e thru ecg-..ige and moraii f a qaerloti-¦ let wDI >o**eive the oei ende; bat the laja.-j of tbltdeal 1,1 twttkjaawatBea do tr.e open intecttun wi.l v.eny.1h»t th'.t etttiicB 01 tlieee Stone* may be more perfec' '.bee

ar , LlbvTi \tai t the pub Ith r baa em be nahe.: it with ei pia-rta *cw . trial Art, *rr m which ch.ldren maydotla¦ taw»* eaWtett id«w that w.H mtt'ire into U > b***titulted grind.

From The Commen 1*1 Advertiser." 1! ¦: \ IB* cli drea whc*. rim kwewtedfI of iodere '.»i* to

be ta:: M £n in to-.b p*ge* The i .oatiation* a** more e'egantMM exprrwive hta we hare teen it any previous edit! >n 0: me

ttety a J ti e book 'a ro hittelul id evtry respect, that it ¦Ul|lT* it* JO*** retdt-rt a leitoo 'n Art at weil at a capita version¦ 1 ti. .e 1 tiirj tili. It it tb* Cn sf aptoa*i**4 ncM*La

fi ¦ tte New-York Tri: an*.Tmi v. ..l... r. » .»*n«d tivet a rich pionuteofrhe character

it tb* re-let i' rat a t>. a'.tapi>>ce printed in oil CJiora. wtichiiiitt feature k* Aiuericen iUaatfaawl buoka The plctorla'

ktj » .' h are protateiy icittered throoitboat thette |t*et fall ty cf OawigB, *ni! are execated a a

. minted iud Lithly tiaiahad tiyi*.'


A neweiitirn rf -hat mott bean'itnl and entirely orii nalI NTKhTtl NM 1 NT FOR CHILDREN.

KANNY GRAY.A HI»tory cf her LI'e, in a terle* of tlx be».otifa! Flfirt*. fro n

Die ul tkajälttt* dtitfit. printed ia oil colort. in ike betttty'e cf the art A ith poet cal detcri|«iont.

'' eftalfe. Crotbt, Ni .riola «V OkV, Boatoa. h*r* ptibliihed a

terlti I Irani ti.1 tea tut, printed in oil co'oia, with an tccom-

par- vi' i . ry 11 to.**, entitled F»noy li.ay.' which *iv* thetiatoty tf hat Mb, whleh tlie exqoiute ti,oree are Je<i|ned ;o

lllua'rate. Llttie kaony it pratertrd in tlx c id rrent chuac-..: Nee ill- wet a cot aie aitl and Bad e happy home. Walchh* Very r>.. ,ve in *he peeter*; toe 1 to tone frowoed and

the eectiT-e a wanderer and told ma'cbe«, t ktad h*aited'Fen r WtalMr* teetl her hcine where the fed bit elncttot.(ad tathered tb* aid Betrat* fiotn hiil aoi moor, till in hereaaraeBlf el rlower-tlrl aht i« dlteovrrtd by her rich ancle, whomiket het hit pel and a little i*dy ail of which mat be tatNefn y >b, w n bv ritoree ttthe t'ory pr ceedt. The whole it oneofIM e*a*tM ami mott dei'lbttui (tft* for rhi drra that w*have t>er*tep." | Taunton Ot tytt*.


t r.t w Serie« of Fltnre* for the antra aaent of Bjj i and tin.a.I attra v a-w deaigoa. with a itory in verae.ilanieenil Agile will be ready fjr publt' itioo outhe iS,\

bj*t, emi will lie fvund cne of t .* mott pieaaiug uove tiea p| tb*if earn.

MOLL PITCaEK'l OPnUUMOiOb, FkTBI 10a FoRTiti HirBTBBa, A acnee -fCtrdtde-tigrti fir ilie amuaeuienl o< th* Old and Voung. To be readycb tut .Mb ii.it.


DRKNMOLLY AND Kl rTY-« i h tit c 'trel Uluttrationt1 HE LOVK OFCO NTRY -W uh tit colored Illtietratioa*.Tlir. BfARS OF ALuLS f L SbL KO-W Uli tlx l-..«*d

DlawtratleeaI.Mir Ni"< t F BRI rTANY-SUteeo co med lootrration*.'I.t.1. HIM) >r 1(11 ANI> ttlE KAIN OODJES-i .Wuli

nrar.y 10" colmed li.oetietlota.t g.ea: vaiirty of Juvenile booht by popular aathoraOrden t.-om the trade toiielied.

« KOSBY, NICHOLS tt Co.,at*, lit W'aahlu«toa at Biwtoa.

BI.AI TIFUL, TRUTHFUL, INTKRESTINO..Aumng all tbe Weekly Paper* limed from the Pre** of

ojr city, none maket lt> appearai.ee wi'h n:ore .-egulaiil/ thenTHE NEW-YORK LEDGE*.,

and nc.r-0 It 10 welc-rne with all claaaet. Tbl* week't nomb*r,row teady, ront'Uni the commencement ot . new LoeeiMoiy, tuiltled

ILL IN ROttaWTHI ORPIUN'S STORY,oce tftbe atoet totetM log taMa aeei written and iiuendii yUlkwlieted The icece cp*n* in tht City of New-Y-irt, a-uc .gtbe " L'f per Top," and iLowt


in ell it* pbuei. le *ddi'ion. THE.LEDOkit al*o cw: Br.iparti of intertifing »ton»», and cootributioB* from new wrl'ert,among whoa. MEltL LFE.(tvl.oit one et tbe mott p>a*iugvnlreri of Ihi day.) euntril'.ln *ome very tpicy article* everyweek. So'il by all Newiav a. Price fonr re tin.

ROSS. IONFS a TiiCSKY Agenti.No. I'd Naiiau it N f., and bio. «A Clark at,, Chi.*g?.

NEW Ml'SIC.-"SPARKIXfi SUNDAYNIGHT;" By S. Markctaio. Mr. MacUteio ha* eer-

taU.ly tu n u* ku hit ncog o-.e of the moot natural and takingMeiooict mr hive ever rr. t wi h in a comia too*. No one cmhear the melody alone wiihoot iauahing. Tharn are othar edi¬tion* of tbi* So»g, but til ar* luih'ior compered with tbl*. A«*for COOK k BktO.'S Edluen, tompotwd bv Markdeta, withbeautiful litbograpf.it tit.*. Price BJ Cent*. Mull free.

Cljiiontrp arid fancv <&oob*.

FIRMS requiriox aew BLANK BOOKS can befurnlahed with eeta a. ready made or made to order, of the

beet paper, at the ihorteet notice, by 6LOTE A J AN*S,No. 9B Faitva-**.

SLOTE & JANES,No. !* Ftlto» it., Nr.w-Yotic,


fin* &rt8.

GOITIL «V Co. bare oa sxbibitioa for a ahorttime " L'HEMICYCLE DU PAL.a-a DES H -.M'I

AKTB (tke ApoUMOtl* of the Arte.) Paintfag by Pa*! da laFINK AET GALLERY N. BM Broadway N. T.

Sox l'qc tjoliüiine.TJOLIDAY GOODS.AI BALI*. BI-ACK i CO.,

Mai. ufactturn and Impoitenof


JEWELRY, Ate.No. 2*7 BkoaBWAV.

Miuth eoraertf Murray-etreet, Ne» i .t

HAVE r -c> r'ly .- -iied by la'e arrlvaii their ueaal *usply ul

RICH AND ELEOANT 0OO0». for the approaching Ho LiIiAY-. ccrr prating ail ifce NEU eTVLES of Dl AMOND ANDCTHER RICH JüWFLRT.Rf MAM AND FLORENTINE MOSAICSSTONE AND SHELL CAMEOS, new etylee aa 1 very heeu

tifuLAU >

Ao inttx* of r*:y Fine and Rich CORAL OO JDS, tc^eUtrwithA Urge tieortataat cf WATCHES, of all the e*i*hr*ed ma



ALSOOarti-uel large aatcrtment of CNsET DIAMONDS. RL

B1E.* EMERALDS, and other RICH STONED and PEARLS,which with oar txtecaive Manufactaring facLitiee. can havefainliLe* m any ety.e aurchaeer* may detlre, at terv S ioKTNOTICE.Tbe above gcoct, having htes puichaeci aniier very favoraa'*

aajtawawa, enable ut to tSer them to the pmb.lc at veryLOW PRICES.SILVER WARE.

A vary large eaaorttsect of SILVER WARE coaetanLy oabttd--at pietett r mpneiegfrom Hvtnfy five to stably TEt-»r f* t ote-logethvl with a great »an, ; -A fOUUSPOONS, he.

F'.-eiLi .:<.. ruui of purehuixg SILVEB WARE mty hereod ar. A.*.*OBTM 'w f L NE«il'AlAD BY AN» O'THt.u




tr get her with . rich ***or*.m*t.t of DIAMONDti and ail kin it ,'ft&t trold Jewetiy.GOLD LEPINE.foar bole* j*«r*t*4. *,«*(KJLD U ATCHEM frtat.» u «y,SIL\ER WA1 CHE«, jeweled. 10 to tooPLATED TEa SETa. -oeble p.ated. 19 to an

r-A.i .' CAKk HASRETS. 4 to 9»Ali our trod* are warranted ta be a* repreeaatt 1_

h' IKE, LANDER ft lo No. Jl fuimn-et., N. Y.


DRESSED AND PLAIN,or ext. statt.


Pea*. Pencil Caeee. vV*it:n« Cane* aad Ind a Bawe* WmjgArujilt* of all ttewerption*: LaJlear aad O't^aatej'' _

a* Boat* and CMvahca*. ft« the GO JDYXAR BL BBEKDEPOT, Ne. Xi Brcedway. hetweea Warren tad Cha-nbera.



Ns Sf> B rtadsav.

THE PAKTeXiOO« DEPABYratEKT.T' . rfepa." fc... ,(iott#a wtu _l] ^ HNltM, «#

*'* ?"' ' '*** r''. *. h"- redraw . AM IMHUO ¦ *f

Opera O um, r*id kl« to.. A*.I«1 ' ' I»»-ii.»i»b'« ^uMii.f mil! Iva itautii.priBwfkei.sssd fnil e:.a.sit.ieg «diätere äste At Naee e-werk Oew Bott «t, Oi.., Ac ; r-ort« rao.'.naie«. It*,ft,fi Cares Ar.F Ott OtBtVS ws bav .«». tu«

MTSIC B IRES,Whk r-n'u Amercaa Au>. Qaestulss. Waltsas, relha* etvjSth :i .

CH1NK-E (KVOD8.Ott», tb-citr». Die*, flag Pint**, Vettt, Cebta toaadl


THE COLL OEPASTMtNT.Oer ret a etkia or b eai.f I Dressed Holl* n sotthrl «ht* Thm

pebiic.r. ded'bi. ett'sCniisl Pa' t ¦¦' ear ».* rtav*a«

ere gv. -co 'be ,-*i*os-ss: Poreeleia. Wax. «ix>«W».Ptpie.- M.che. Rutb-r he Bxia*. Anna. Hate. eases.Heads. Ac.


TRF TOT PE 'ARTMENT.In rr.'sr *o a.c-mwed*l* on-it <A we have been .eaajwM

lecreiee the it/e cf Iw depar'n.-rt. w vb oow oex ;p«e*mrwmtbaa be f tbe it. re. Iiis« by far :be ltre.it ttwoittaeat UttAtJ

M] We woald oaJl ettaaiioii to tame ot tbe nine prtawanewaartit!«»:

PiLm. Planes. Ha motteatt. Tt«m*t*s.Gee*. Bow*. Wod* Dogs, Ma* a :.ferne,t ape, Rex Tote T'»"1 ToOi's, ho.

MECHAM AL MOViNO TOTS.Ea*!' P*r>*rtrr>ett ha* c«tr.)wtrat ao.l attsative cievh*. aasl

for tbe convenltocs of ibose a^t faau'tar with our laaroetr*.both Getcnati aid Erterh taie* «rd t ¦ 'emea are 10 »."*eaaea-e-

Hl'T tue paioeaid that *i 'cw «. a' tat otv«r r -«* in tbe city.

o. w rtPtl LE,1 ator er of Kaatv Oo-xt* and Toy*.


No. ill Brtadwey.

CHRISTMAS aid LfBW-TBll PRESENTS..On: trepcita ion tbw i bar.' b*«n rauch large, taaat

the prece^u-f Estland Preece aac Osrutay beee been tan-sac led 'or tortllii*. aad we '.tei ocuse.vns tte. * tatet eeeelecticn of

FANCY f»OOD« AND TOTiwii n*e«r pr. lerteJ to tA' ^vb.k. We here ae*. eaAaatoreAto oi.uh te te: apeaelie $ op* a* a la-** aaeortateK. to tkafjt»e:y one can bod t'tkle* t ut.I to hie meeaa. W* »a«aleialto Mate Cia' car ford* er* ui* ked iu p ain 64era*, e*4 al-th u|h there I* co ibviaaanf, they ar* at I' w a* the 'teUatajptice" of »ay iiher heuee ui th* ci y Wliioo ta'aajpttatj totire cor cataJTiet, we wimi A 'a'l airaert.e <o a few article* tat

Tllfc EANCl OitOD.S fr.rvR. BEM-.TraT* irf-Ctiee, W, r*- deiet,Jewal-Caat*. L«di*e* R utea'e*.i>p»-a-Gi*«»ee, Odjr>Sox«*,

Boatwnod ta4 Mab. taoy \t r t 1 'e*k», AcTHE GAME üEf ARTttEST.

Legeader DtaHe, Lion Huot,Keftatta, Boaibaiaaieal.Boxe* of Game*. BteapifCaaaW.

t'. l t >*ige aatortnent of ttnatiB* and umUbc.It* Oamt« r


»Vax, ruiioai ioa Purealaia, Rab'.ir,Papier.Mache and Rag,

AND UNttREodED.aJat:

R.d>e«, .Irin« lUae* Bad H*'«.THE TOf DEPART dENT

it oerut''ef* w th e»» ry'h 0« n -h- ». t lUe..i rfitPI EMPOEil 4, N*. PM Btt ad way.


etenti n'. 'heir «'.* 1 "k I --ilkt Silk R.ibet* Me re Aar*rlque« Met in . -sd De Laii e* 'he aeloea beieg few* thaa tear.

Al»o. W'io PI id* at 4/ per t»k' Of En b, jtd;riee, »oey Natt»>b haaattaea a»»wiaa*at jaat «*» ikta far tea «aaauaa a *>, E«a-1'iridertd S. ti'*. Pr1-led |*»jBi, R<r>» n«, Ac, ia great tart-P*.No. ffl Canal ft,. foiur djort f. 'Ui H otJ»i».

T~"F T b A N U T O y ~~Bi <B i HB

H O L I D A Y «,

ROOERVS I HK IP PANJV bTOlt*:.No. Mil Hr tdwat, |>.il below Otaud it

iiina awi iMroat triuiLadlet' and Geatemen'i Dtat*> rtalttl DwM Doli«ItigCtae*. ' yu * t*A*m mm_]

lit Biie.t* Bt-m-ct-e* *. Ha^y tl >J'*« »nd fjra* 1 e.

Pi re* ¦ c aidCalnaKiguic*, lor Oaoie- atd Paaalia.ihaltwgBtTA Irted Rdlog u. . mtl D*w>

Hair iirotltf land < owjba .

Pact Pi rle M until rlagi Ai. A ea a* Horae* and W*gti»aChe«* Men aud Batbgau a Wo ,iy Do 1», Hot* *. 0«". *.*.

BoardaReticule. Workb. xee.

Indeed. *»*ty tarWl* of Kaocy Omo. i and Toy* lha' isa hafoiled in th* k.owo woi.*, all. I wh A wil. I* *oli M iht liw-

e*i pticeol Ini^ 'rta'.leB.toc.cw-nr.t.^tettaitUMtBaleoflBaSeaton pietiout to the reu. >»* f fj bu ion* la taeBpi'og.


FJi Id*] t ratalWATCHFS. DIAMONDS, JEWI'.LRY tJaJy » -1LV EH" ARE 'h ti.lH.tiVr i* tel'bag aU tVtaijf-

tioo* ot tito OOLU aud SILVER W ATC JES, .HAU JN»HI «GS and PINS, JEWELS* *e.l SILVEIWASK. atwboleaole and leiad, *t on h l*n thaa 'h« tuaal pii«e*.

B**otiiai t.OLU Lit PIN « A'CHE».....»OO'.D np.rACHED LEVKRS fu'l je »eltd. »OOL'I H' N ISO. Kngiaib l atent Lavere.. M

Oorci «".t hy Mi I 01 Exp et* ti *U pert* of the I o*edStatu tut C*n*da, free of eh.r*e .

UI'.D V AI.L»rt. Import**Of Watch** tad Jewtl y, Wbo'a**le *tvA Re-ai',

No. tl Whl «'., iianal floor, oaar BrcvJ »ay«

tÖ 1 L V E K . rV A R £. . .

OWM. GALA" V - Nu. *f7 BrJiriatreA..ie door wast of Mtoed wee,)

atat* tort'an-If a hand a h rge a.uch ofAtLVRit kV «HJ.

AI Wholeaale awd B»» -JLBreey article o a-'a oa oar own ureauUea, ander .or ><m eelinapeetlon, tid are coeatantly m*nBfactu*tog to -idar «te*y>th,M m tha i », o> a;.j der go, *i<ae>t tru^joe^r eudee- aaghowever rith or either*led.

SPLENDID CUBIS I MAS OIIT'.Ti* *tb-.criber offen for eale a' * very low rath p'tse on* of hia

well known maguilicet' SELF-PLA YINil ORGANi, To tt)even anil ieat dtilv f. .ui 9 to II 1. m. and I to > p. m a: th*i Sice of ileair*. Ben* A EIu'. N» 18. Broadway, «ev-jan fttat.No. A



USEFUL Pfi^SEVTB.--Juet iwae«f"fr^ro ourParti ry. kibi eat re pew at.d bean Ifal PENCILS um]

PEN CASKS, it Hold tad Silver, g t op esDre tiy for preeer.**.All iU*t njd prlcee, a. oar ufhee, Nu. 1 Maiiea la.e.


A ü BAGuET k Co.

V~lNClÖNYl^ÖlrlTf;~W IuetailCcofecliooer. Na 'JOl Greeuwnch .'..N Y.,ht* renttaatll

ou hand Sugar Toyt, Oroatrent* tor Cake, Gaoa Drepe, Ct "ao-cotia», and aith't* »ulKkta f.r th* Hi'....

Coot and fonnö.

f--ll.ll HEWARD.-L06T, on TVJEHDAT,.J\J\J Dec 4, lf«, la Ibii tRy. FoUE THOCSAMDLLtRSia Hank BPD. *eawatewi of about «vjOe ha 30* oat

tbe Soxex Bark, ti. i. »b>.ot **Ala «loa the Pt^anar*1 daakif Winnie, N. J., oa* Bl'0 bill ta Trad«*oieu'* Beah of Me«ity.tnd the baJaaca la other c.ant'y haaha th* shove r»-«1 will be paid, oa tpphcation of the ander, by WILLIAMriLLERTON axi No. ui .v*j|..t



AN expeneoced Dreca aad CloaBniakar *v abesWOhR by the DAT In t few rnprctt*i* tttalUa*. AeV

drm E. WfaVIE. Nu. 4 Aetna* D, near 2d at

ARE8PECTABLE 7 /ud^WoboTd wi-bajea hit.CATION. Caa Cook, *ad al*o t a tirtt-iaaa Wa*b->r aatf

Iioaer. aad a ill mike hereell genera iy oeefoL Ha* 1. oi e

tioo* to either o.ty orcoant.7. I*»« capaMt of tat ig car*ofaDi ' Caa b**eaafor two <aj* at No. m Madletaat,Mcond hi,or, f.o t rcow.

AR18PECTAHLE Girl wi.be« a eitoaioo mCHAM HEaMAIM and LAU.NDRES4. <r CHAMBER-

MAID and WAITER, ttn do Pia". Cooking. CHy refar-treet. r*n be tetn fvr two day* at Hi. 470ata-»e., ettweeat3»th aad »th at*.


RESPECTABLE yoangj Worxtan traata a eit-uatton a* COOR ta apilvste femllT; Bader*«jBade Ma*.a*,

.nd 1» I good W«*h*r aad lroner Oood city ...feren.aabe eeea for two dey*(!f so. asgsgec) at N-- ¦.

firtt floor front rxnx

CITTJAaTOS WANTED.Ai CHAMBERMAIDtO and LACNDRE04, or to do Geatral Hoaaswerhha a er vatafimiJy, by t very eipert«aced Girl, witn gold city reitreajee.CtU at No. 104 Watery place, weet of MtDeagal tt

SITUATIONS WÄNTED-Aj nrat^liawlJookin * te act hoardinti-hwae*, hotel ar trrtata faaallr, by a very

exnerltcced G il who 1»' w» er bo^nae* th/>reagDiy, tad aaCHAMHCRMA D and WAI PER ar at vFaiter, by . ttty,act!f«jycaag Woman. Call U No. ?26ta-av., in the Biwknore.

SxTUATION'8'WANlED.By two rtritt^n.tact* Girl*, with «o-»d cut rtlertaoa, one a* a good <;O0IC

and to vital! and .'RON in a p'lette fanu v 1 the caaar aaCHAMBEHMAID aid LAI NDRE4B, or woeid do GeneralHcoaawort. ' all at N*. 73 8th-av ta the Bookstore.

I^WO re*pe«table Girla want situations.Oow aa*CHAMBERMAID sod to do EM tROIDERT: the other

to do GENERAL HOU«EWoS.R. Good city reAweaseesat*he givtn. Caa he it t for two dtj*. Cail at No. » 5th il ag».tail* in te nar.

WANTED.A litoation br a m*rj«ije>a^r>fTT Wsmaa, ss Nf'RSE or CHAMBERMAID Issaiabiaof Ta* ng Care of a Child from it* ttrth. Cat tree cat best afc.ty rsteienee. Caa be tsaalor m. dart it fly-144 East iltt t*.,Bom No.H_VVrANTED.A .ituatk.n by a or^petaBit jouaaff WomsnuPIUINtOOR.sadtoitothe WASHINGaaiIRONINOof a.m«ll priviteft-Uji "i^f***^**^ f*cisget n? t ate* Dinsir la good wylt- Will scctpt ot t* ;o 01a meath. Exc«h*at <aty refsrsaea*. CaJi or asnd to »t 14-av.


1. u.ui mh tti Ween o* and Irooiig, aad U wUltag to masts*" ^mmJml Ha* tts beet of isfereaca. OtMaBSSijSwi *».m <d*;-! j _

Rl'_ANTc.D.By h re«p*)cUble Girl, a aitttati.iB|> (/TAKE CARE of a BABY aad do PLAIN BE AflNOt

l«wi Itig to msks hereelf genertüt awfal. Cos gits the bestf f city * App'y *t Ni. iS E*n. t'd-tt httCwttm Sd tadlLsxtngtan *va Csa hi* taea fir two diyt If not .Lgage: i.

vTETÄNTED.By b yonng Womaa, a litoBfiou aaf f CIESSMARPRaod Ml L..t NUR, w old ke t dtaa.* . lespeeub t f*n.iJy toonewhrr* ba tha asigkhirawa* et*L*t-tegtrt-tv. Apply tt No. ti atd et, bttweta Sd aad Lea lag-t<. a av.

WANTUD-A littiAtion. br ¦ iw«t>sttl)lB Girl,v v at LAUNDBESScr CH AMqEBMAlD, aad t* etatst ItaW ASHING ta* IROPIING: has best of city refartaea Callrf- it Prise«at fo* twt daya