November/December 2017 Veterans Day Assembly By: Zach Spence Many students were involved in our Veterans Day assembly on November 10th. Some of the students made a poster that had a letter on it and it spelled out ‘’Veterans Day.” The Boy Scouts led the school in The Pledge of Allegiance. The chorus sang, and some students presented information about our flag. While there weren’t any USMC, Coast Guard, the others branches were all represented. I asked Mr. Ellison what did he think about the assembly, and he said, ‘’I think the students represented the school and themselves very well.’’ I also asked him what was his favorite part, and he said, ‘’My favorite part was that there was very little activity when it came to adults. It was mostly students presenting.” It was an honor to be able to honor our local heroes! Busy With Basketball By: Raenyn Sliva The boys’ basketball season is off to a great start. I talked to a couple of the players on the team, Wyatt Nicholson and Landen Nolan. I asked, “Who do you think is most dedicated to the team?” Landen said, “I think the whole team is.” Wyatt stated, “I think Bryce is most dedicated.” Then, I asked, ” Who do you think is most likely to get heated (mad) at the ref?” Both Landen and Wyatt’s response was “Mr.McCabe.” On December 12th, the eighth grade players joined the cheerleaders for a performance dedicated to 8th Grade Night. It was a positive way to recognize our eighth grade athletes.

V e t e ra n s D a y A sse mb l y · Ma n y st u d e n t s we re i n vo l ve d i n o u r V e t e ra n s Da y a sse mb l y ... Ma s o n J o h n s o n Jo ki n ’ A ro u n d B y: W

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Page 1: V e t e ra n s D a y A sse mb l y · Ma n y st u d e n t s we re i n vo l ve d i n o u r V e t e ra n s Da y a sse mb l y ... Ma s o n J o h n s o n Jo ki n ’ A ro u n d B y: W

November/December 2017 

Veterans Day Assembly By: Zach Spence

Many students were involved in our Veterans Day assembly on November 10th. Some of the students made a poster that

had a letter on it and it spelled out ‘’Veterans Day.” The Boy Scouts led the school in The Pledge of Allegiance. The

chorus sang, and some students presented information about our flag. While there weren’t any USMC, Coast Guard, the others branches were all represented. I asked Mr. Ellison what did he think about the assembly, and he said, ‘’I think the students represented the school and themselves very well.’’ I also asked him what was his favorite part, and he said, ‘’My favorite part was that there was very little activity when it came to adults. It was mostly students presenting.” It was an honor to be able to honor our local heroes!

Busy With Basketball By: Raenyn Sliva The boys’ basketball season is off to a great start. I talked to a couple of the players on the team, Wyatt Nicholson and Landen Nolan. I asked, “Who do you think is most dedicated to the team?” Landen said, “I think the whole team is.” Wyatt stated, “I think Bryce is most dedicated.” Then, I asked, ” Who do you think is most likely to get heated (mad) at the ref?” Both Landen and Wyatt’s response was “Mr.McCabe.” On December 12th, the eighth grade players joined the cheerleaders for a performance dedicated to 8th Grade Night. It was a positive way to recognize our eighth grade athletes.

Page 2: V e t e ra n s D a y A sse mb l y · Ma n y st u d e n t s we re i n vo l ve d i n o u r V e t e ra n s Da y a sse mb l y ... Ma s o n J o h n s o n Jo ki n ’ A ro u n d B y: W

Kids in the Hall By: Anjel Johnson

Question: What are you doing for your holiday 


Paige Sullivan said, “:Hanging out with my family.” 

Dallas Cunningham said,: “Spending time with my family.” 

Lily Gouty said, “Hanging out with  

my family.” 

Julian Ledesma said:, “Eating food.!”

Shalynn Downing said, “Eating food!” 

   Jocelyn Wilson said:, “Eating food.!” 


Levi Pratt said, “Chillin’’!” 


Landen Haurez (not pictured) said, “Eating food.1” 

Insights By: Maddie Waggs

“When you have a bad day, a really 

bad day, try and treat the world better 

than it treated you.” ― Patrick Stump 



“Whenever you’re feeling down, just 

know the sun will eventually expand, 

and explode killing everything.”-Ryan 



“I know the world’s a broken bone, 

but melt your headache call it home” 

-Ryan Ross 



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Spirit Week Pictures By: Alexis Reffett

Page 4: V e t e ra n s D a y A sse mb l y · Ma n y st u d e n t s we re i n vo l ve d i n o u r V e t e ra n s Da y a sse mb l y ... Ma s o n J o h n s o n Jo ki n ’ A ro u n d B y: W

Star Student By: Zander Hughes

I interviewed seventh grader Logan Carden for Star Student. Did you know that he writes songs? I asked him how many people have sang for him. He explained that mostly his brother sings vocals on his songs. I also asked him how many songs he’s written he said about 4 or 5. He also wanted to clarify that he has no profanity in his songs. I wanted to do this article on Logan, so that maybe he could get more people to sing for his songs. Who knows, maybe one day he will be writing music for someone famous. Stick with it, Logan. You have our support!

Meet the Staff By: Tristen Turner

This year there are a lot of new teachers; one of them is Mrs. Anderson. She used to teach at the grade school, and you might have had her as a teacher. I asked her these questions, and she answered them: 

Q: What would you do if you weren’t a teacher? 

A: She said if she wasn’t a teacher she would probably work somewhere where she could use her hands.  

Q: What is your favorite Christmas movie?  

A: Elf  

Q: What is your favorite donut?  

A: Plain glazed.  

Q: What is your favorite tv show? A: The Big Bang Theory 

Q: What is your favorite pair of socks? 

A: It is hard for me to decide, but I like to wear socks that match the holiday.  


Top Ten By: Ethan Richards

Here are our top ten holidays!

1. Of Coarse, Christmas! 2. Thanksgiving Gobble Gobble 3. Halloween.. Boo! 4. New Years! 5. 4th Of July, Murica! 6. Easter! 7. Valentines, Lots of Love! 8. Veterans Day, Thank Them! 9. Father/Mother’s Day! 10. St. Patrick's Day!

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Wildlife Comics

By: Mason Johnson

Jokin’ Around By: Wyatt Hennig

What do you call a man with a Rubber Toe??


When does a NASA agent eat?


Delicious Descriptions By: Kyla Payne

The result are in! The winner for the 50 words or less description paragraph about your favorite dish during the holidays is Quentin Bina. Here is what he wrote: Stuffing is so good. The way those bread crumbs dance on your tongue,oh! The flavoring of some makes my mouth water from complete and utter divinity! Even the simple boxed stuffing seems to be some of the best stuff on heaven and earth. I can’t get enough of it. Thank you for your submissions. Quentin Bina please come to Mrs.Cravens room to claim you prize.

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Girls Basketball: Eighth Grade Night By: Haylie George

On November 15 the 8th grade girls won their last home game. The girls were very happy that they won. I talked to some eighth graders about their season. I asked Jasmyne Meeker, “How long have you been playing basketball?” She answered, “Four years.” Then I asked, “How do you think your team has done this season?” “Really good,” she commented. She also said that being able to get aggressive is one of the things she enjoys about basketball. . I asked Chloe Brandt, who has been playing basketball for 11 years, how she thought the season went, and she said, “Better than last years.” Hadley Cox, who has been playing for 8 years answered our questions about some girls and their deodorant wearing habits, but we will keep that one to ourselves. On a serious note, I asked her what she enjoyed most about basketball, and she said, “Teamwork.” On the other hand, eighth grader, Desiree Darnell enjoys “body slamming people in a nice way (if that’s possible)”. I also asked about who has the most passion and she said Jasmyn Meeker! Congratulations on a great, season ladies!

Guess Who? By: Makenzie Blanden

Last issues guess who was Taylor Miles! The first three winners were Morgan Saunders, Aaron Williams, and Cole Maxwell Here are some clues this month’s guess who

● It’s a girl ● Favorite color is spendrif (shade of blue) ● Birthday is september 14, 2003 ● 8th grade ● Plays basketball, travel softball, and volleyball ● She is 14 years old