B uzz urwash OUR COMMUNITIES NEWSLETTER SINCE 1991 Destruction Bay Waste Facility— Winter Hours (Oct 1 —Apr 30 Sunday 3PM—7 PM Monday closed Tuesday closed Wednesday 12 PM—4 PM Thursday 12 PM—4 PM Friday closed Saturday 12 PM—4 PM Chiefs Update Page 2 KFN Department Updates Page 35 Healthy Living Page 4-6 Memorial Garden Page 7 Harvest Camp Page 89 Glaciology research Page 1011 Community events Page 12 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Elders Council Meeting Dates October 16, 2019 November 13, 2019 December 11, 2019 Council Meeting Dates October 18, 2019 November 15, 2019 No meeting in Dec.

uzzurwash - KFN...First Nation Shool visit on Septem er 23-25. YFN leadership on Oto er 1-2. Eduation meeting on Oto er 3. oun il transition meetings on Oto er 4th. ounil will e doing

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Page 1: uzzurwash - KFN...First Nation Shool visit on Septem er 23-25. YFN leadership on Oto er 1-2. Eduation meeting on Oto er 3. oun il transition meetings on Oto er 4th. ounil will e doing

B uzz urwash

O U R C O M M U N I T I E S N E W S L E T T E R S I N C E 1 9 9 1

Destruction Bay Waste Facility—

Winter Hours (Oct 1 —Apr 30

Sunday 3PM—7 PM

Monday closed

Tuesday closed

Wednesday 12 PM—4 PM

Thursday 12 PM—4 PM

Friday closed

Saturday 12 PM—4 PM

Chiefs Update

Page 2

KFN Department Updates

Page 3—5

Healthy Living

Page 4-6

Memorial Garden

Page 7

Harvest Camp

Page 8—9

Glaciology research

Page 10—11

Community events

Page 12



Elders Council Meeting


October 16, 2019

November 13, 2019

December 11, 2019

Council Meeting Dates

October 18, 2019

November 15, 2019

No meeting in Dec.

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“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality”

Warren G Bennis

Chiefs Update

Chief’s Update June -September 2019


Happy Fall to all KFN Citizens! I want to acknowledge outgoing council members Keith Johnson, Shannon Walker and Pascale Dubois

and to thank them for leadership and support over the last term. I would also like to congratulate Christabelle Carlick on being re-

elected for another term and to newly elected council Kathleen Johnson, Curtis Carlick and Colesen Ford. I am looking forward to

working with this new council.

Over the last couple of months I have been busy attending our annual Harvest Camp, Chiefs committee on education (CCOE), Assem-

bly of First Nations (AFN) Annual General Assembly held in Fredericton NB. I attended YG’s Geothermal workshop in Chena AK the first

weekend in September, Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council 12th Biennial Summit in Fairbanks AK on September 17-20. CCOE

First Nation School visit on September 23-25. CYFN leadership on October 1-2. Education meeting on October 3. Council transition

meetings on October 4th. Council will be doing strategic planning on October 16-17th.

The next council meetings are on October 18th and November 15th. In November the 2020 calendar will be set. All regularly council

meetings will now be on Fridays to accommodate councils schedule.

Upcoming Events are included in the newsletter. Updates and important information will be available on the KFN website, www.kfn.ca

Council Swearing In Ceremony August 24, 2019 Shä̖w níthän,

Chief Bob Dickson

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PWMS Update

Furnace maintenance ongoing and near completion.

Chimney cleaning ongoing

Lot prep has begun on the duplexes in Copper Joe Subdivision.

Ongoing certification and maintenance of PWMS vehicles to maintain compliance with Motor Vehicles.

The greenspace between the Admin building and the Jacquot hall has been upgraded with a new lawn and fencing. This allows our

citizens and children to enjoy the space in safety and comfort.

It’s been a busy season for Public Works! I’m happy to report that the new Water Treatment Facility is moving well under construction

and on schedule to be operational on May 30th 2020. About Water Treatment, we have upgraded the filtration at the current Water

Treatment Facility to improve the aesthetic quality of Water delivered to our residents. Residential Water Tanks have been cleaned

and assessed, Public Works did identify some issues with Well Water and Filtration, these issue’s have been addressed as well and our

residents are pleased with the results

Nan na je has proven to be a fantastic location for cultural events. From the G.A to Harvest Camp and many events in between, PWMS

has been working to improve the functional capability of Nan na je to meet the needs of our individual departments. With that said,

we have decided to upgrade the power grid at Nan na je. Solvest will be upgrading our Solar application as well as a new generator.

When final installation is complete the old solar system will be installed at KFN’s Cultus complex.

A new 16 x 20 log cabin has been started and work will be continuing in October to get it clad to the weather.

Housing Update

As Winter approaches, Public Works has been diligently servicing Wood Stoves and Chimneys, Inspecting Smoke Alarms along with CO

detectors. If you have any questions or concerns regarding appliances or devices, Example: Woodstove Care or Cycle Burning, please

contact us. September 30th was the first day of Furnace Maintenance, upon completion we will be moving on to the installation of

new Fuel Tanks for KFN homes.

Lot prep has begun on the duplexes in Copper Joe Subdivision. The lots are cleared, and installation of culverts, driveways and hauling

pit run has begun. The duplexes will be put out to tender as soon plans have been finalized and approved for construction by YG Build-

ing Safety.

Work has started on the First Nation Energy Efficiency Program (FNEEP), with work ongoing until completion. This work will include

removing the old siding and Tyvek. A vapor permeable Tyvek air barrier will be installed with 9 inches of rock wool insulation added to

the exterior to increase the R value of the units. Siding will be installed over the insulation.

Attic insulation will be added to bring the R value above the ceiling to R-60. Below the floor the insulation will be inspected and re-

placed if it is required. At this time the heat ducting will be inspected, and any faults will be fixed or replaced.

The units will be very airtight and HRV systems will be added to ensure proper tempered air will be provided to each room.

Funding for this project is provided by Yukon Government through Yukon Housing Corporation. A big shout out to YHC for their exper-

tise and resources in designing this program to increase the energy efficiency of our residential units.

Work has commenced on 3 Ta-an-na Crescent. 22 Old Allan Street is getting a new metal roof. 17 A & B Old Allan has been perma-

chinked and painted.

Ongoing maintenance, regular and emergency, is always ongoing.

If there are issues with your residential unit please see Ron Bouvier, Housing Manger for KFN @ 841-4274 x 254

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Wellness & Education Department Update

Hi Everyone, here is a brief update for our department.

We have a new hire, Laurie Bouvier who was hired as the Home Support Coordinator. She has been working and training with staff in

the department.

We still have the Community Support Position open till filled. If any members are interested, please contact the HR dept.

We held a one-day Wellness & Education workshop on trauma with Nataschaa for staff. We are planning on doing a Grief workshop

for Elders and Community on October 1, 2019. The Afternoon will be for Elders and the evening for Community. Posters are up and

dinner is provided.

Our KFN Wellness Counsellors, Nataschaa will be in the community Oct 1 & 3rd, 2019. Jody Studney next visit will be October 28 &


CYFN is hosting a “Our Families, Our Ways” gathering on Oct. 28 & 29th, 2019 in Whitehorse. If anyone is interested in attending

please contact me or Kelli Backstrom at the KFN offices, 867-841-4274.

If you have any concerns or ideas for Wellness & Education activities or workshops, please drop by or let us know.

Thanks for all your support and participation in our activities.

Kathleen Johnson, Director

Fall is here with the leaves changing and wind blowing.

Case-Manager Update:

1)Elder’s Wood and Fuel Program.

Please contact Kelli Backstrom

2) Adult Games Night will begin in October, watch for

notifications on community boards.

Kluane First Nation Daycare

May 2019 -Mother’s Day month we had jar art that turned into candle holders made for our mother’s. Taylor and I had some training

at Yukon College for Early Childhood Education we did some great net working with other Early Childhood Educators. We also started

our greenhouse germination this month. We also had a successful inspection from our licensing officer this month.

June 2019-Summer started off nice and warm and every second Tuesday we travelled to Tthechal Dhal. This month was also Taylors

last day of her Spring semester; and the start of her Summer semester for her Early Childhood Education.

July-August 2019-We had a great time at the Cultus Bay Summer Camp we travelled in every day and harvested summer harvesting


Just a friendly reminder that our children will also need to be prepared at daycare for cooler weather fall/winter wear such as (warm

winter coat, winter hat, raincoat, rain boots and mitts, extra: socks, pants, sweater, t-shirts, sweater)

Our daycare will be moving forward in the fall winter harvesting cranberries, rose hips, winter spruce sap; etc. etc. We will also be

preparing for Halloween and winter safety as we are losing daylight.

I would like to take this time and thank Taylor for dedicating her time, and her effort in furthering her education at the end of the fall

semester Taylor will have a full Early Childhood Education Level 1A. She has already been enrolled in the level 2 courses to complete

her level 2.

Keep up the great work Taylor; we are so proud and happy that you have chosen the Early Childhood Education Field.

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Healthy Living Update:

We have had a busy summer and are now ready to focus on the

upcoming fall and winter season.

September 30th is Orange Shirt Day. We will be honoring this

event with a special luncheon and special orange shirts.

October 2nd is our Oktoberfest Celebration. Join us at lunch for a

wonderful Oktoberfest lunch.

Fun facts:

1. This year it is the 189th Oktoberfest! It has happened in Munich most years since 1810, only being cancelled in the face of war or cholera outbreaks.

2. It is forbidden to drink any beer other than Munich-brewed beer at Oktoberfest. The beer must have been brewed in the city walls and come from one of six special history breweries. This is designated “Oktoberfest bier” - and all of the breweries are very proud to be making it!

3. Locals don’t call it Oktoberfest. Instead, they call it the “Wies’n”, after the Theresenwiese field where Oktoberfest is held each year.

4. Though Oktoberfest is world-famous, it is still predominantly attended by Bavarians. 72% of the guests are from Bavaria itself, with 15% coming from outside Germany.

5. It doesn’t start in October. Rather, it begins in mid-September and usually finishes on the first or second day of October.

6. The first Oktoberfest was held to celebrate the marriage of Crown Prince Ludwig, later to become King Ludwig I, to Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen, and was originally a horse race.

7. Albert Einstein actually worked at Oktoberfest when he was young, putting up beer tents.

National Family Week is coming up October 7th to 13th, we are currently planning special activities for this week so stay tuned….

We will also be planning a Thanksgiving Dinner during with week so make sure you are ready to eat turkey.

bead this in your own style challenge is beginning October 1st. Make sure you grab the monthly pattern and beads from the Healthy Living Coordinator.

Bead this in your style Challenge

Come join in this fun new group!!

Rules: The overall design must stay the same. You can add things or move a few things around, but the purpose of this challenge is to use this design and bead it in your style! If you change too many things, then it’s not the Challenge Design anymore.

This design is for the challenge only. YOU CANNOT SELL YOUR CHALLENGE PIECES. Gift your final piece to a friend or family, or trade with another artist.

How to submit: Once you are done your challenge piece, send a picture of it to: [email protected] or come see the Healthy Living Coordinator to get a picture of your challenge piece to post.

DEADLINE: All pieces must be completed, and pictures submitted to the Healthy Living Coordinator no later than the last day of the month.

The challenge resets the first of every month with a new design.

Happy Beading!!

Tralee MacDonald, Healthy Living Coordinator will provide beads and the pattern for each months’ challenge. To choose bead colors and supplies come to the Healthy Living Coordinator office located in the Wellness Department of the Administration building.

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Update for citizens There will be changes made to the allocation of work gear funding offered through the Indigenous Skills and

Employment Training Program. Some of those changes will include and are not limited to…

• provide a list of the gear you require to purchase for employment with an approximate quote

• the fund will be available to individuals bi-yearly exceptions will apply

• funding will be available first to those whose job requires specific personal protective equipment and those who’s work puts

excessive wear and tear on gear

• funding allocation will cap off at $250, additional funding will require further explanation and proof of need

Examples of situations where funding would be approved include

1. New employment where the client is required to own specific personal protective equipment to meet safety standards

2. Funding needed because of large gaps between times of employment, where the client has very little appropriate gear to use

on the job

3. Accepting a job in a field new to the client where they have not been able to gather gear required for the specific new line of


4. Situations where the execution of the job requires the client come prepared with specific gear not typically owned by an indi-


Home Support

My Name is Laurier Bouvier, I have been hired as the new

Home Support Coordinator. I am originally from Deer Lake,

N.L. and have spent most of my years living in Fort McMur-

ray, AB. In my spare time, I enjoy participating in many out-

door activities such as fishing, quad ding, camping, and going

for long walks. I also enjoy cooking and spending time with

my family and friends. I am planning to come by for visits as

well spending time to get to know everyone. I am enthusias-

tic about joining the team and I look forward to meeting

everyone. KFN Back to School Grind September 28, 2019

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Memorial Garden 2019 Thanks to Kluane First Nation, Kluane Danā Shaw, KCDLP, Kluane Dana Trust, Burwash Landing Recreation Committee and Yukon

Government for their generous contributions towards the community Memorial Garden. Thanks to Michael Johnson and Nadaya

Johnson for all of their hard work preparing this site. A special thanks to all the volunteers who came out and contributed to-

wards the memorial Garden, especially Robin Bradasch and Monica Johnson.

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We would like to say a Shaw Nithan – thank you to all the workers, volunteers, donators, and participants who came out

to and enjoyed Kluane First Nation’s 9th Culture & Harvest Gathering,

Here is the list of donors whose contributions make the C&H Gathering fun:

Rocking Star Adventures Dennis Dickson Uplands Mining

Canadian Tire Brenda Carson Yukon Peak Outfitters

Atco Bertha Doris Jennifer Joe

A&W Daniel Tlen Curtis Carlick

Dominos Pizza Lena Johnson Michelle Carlick

Home Hardware Margaret Johnson Nathan Moore

Coast Mountain Sports Kluane Dana Shaw Sandy Johnson

Independent Grocers Robin Bradasch Sam White

Logan Moore Diyet van Lieshout Ken Burns

Malakai Alatini Monica Johnson Amber Berard-Althouse

Gordon Moore Katie Johnson Tracey Hunter

Dwayne Johnson Miche Genest Sheri Atlin

Keith Johnson Alcan Air Bruce Bennett

Bob Dickson KCDCLP Kluane Museum

Mary Jane Johnson Adam Humphrey Shoppers Drug Mart

Vikki Zsohar-Yukon Astronomical Society Fountain Tire Westmark

And any others that gave a hand or pitched in, Shaw Nithan – Thank you and well appreciated.

Culture Activities – August 11, 12, 13, 2019: Dan Kwanje Literacy, Setting lhu’ shemel – fish net Firearm Safety, Place Names,

Beaded Bracelets, Klen – Songs ,Building Bat Houses, Wild Edibles Hike, Inshu Kundhu – Kashesha Case, Garmin In Reach

Training, Night Sky watching, Bat Talk, Infused Water Station, Yoga, Canoeing, Volley Ball, Lacrosse, Hand Games, Drum-

ming, working on moose hide.

Harvest Activities - August 13, 14, 15, 2019: Setting and Running of lhu’ shemel – fish net, Clean – Cut – Hang Fish for smok-

ing, Cutting of Sheep and Moose meat, Berry Picking, Making Jam, Prepping for a Boreal Feast, Packaging the Bounty, and

Sharing of the Foods that was prepared throughout the camp.

Thanks again to all!

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Kluane First Nation @kfnsocial @kfnnews www.kfn.ca

All stories, articles, photos, and opportunities are welcome.

Please have the receptionist take your submission or you can email it to [email protected]

Check out our website for latest updates and follow us on the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Date/Time Event

Oct 7 5:30

Oct 7 6:30-9:00

Dinner—Jacquot Hall

Birch Bark Window Hanging– Jacquot Hall and Cribbage—Youth and Elders Room

Oct 8 12:00—1:30

Oct 8 10:00—3:00

Oct 8 5:30 Dinner

Oct 8 6:30— 9:00

Taking the Pulse—Jacquot Hall

Berry Picking at Andrew Atlin Lake



Oct 9 5:30

Oct 9-Dec 11 6:30

Dinner—Jacquot Hall

Craft & Culture Night

Oct 10 10:00—1:30

Oct 10 5:30

Oct 10 6:30—9:00

Chum Salmon trip with KLS

Dinner—Jacquot Hall

Freezer Jam Workshop—Jacquot Hall

Oct 14 Thanksgiving—Office Closed

Oct 16 10:00—12:00

Oct 16 6:30—9:00

Elders Meeting / Lunch

Craft & Culture Night—Jacquot Hall

Oct 18 Council Meeting/LRH community update

Oct 26 10:00—5:-00 Willow Basket Weaving—Jacquot Hall

Nov 16 11:00—4:00 Christmas Craft Fair—Jacquot Hall

Nov 22/23 10:00-5:00 Pacific Wild Salmon Jarring workshop—Jacquot Hall

Dec 23—Jan 6 Office closed for Christmas Holidays

P.O. Box 20, Burwash Landing, Yukon Territory, Y0B 1V0

Main Ph: (867) 841-4274 Fax: (867) 841-5900

For more information, please visit kfn.ca or contact KFN Reception: (867) 841-4274