Uterine Epithelial Changes During Placentation in the Viviparous Skink Eulamprus tympanum Susan M. Adams, 1,2 * Sylvia Lui, 2 Susan M. Jones, 3 Michael B. Thompson, 1 and Christopher R. Murphy 2 1 School of Biological Sciences and Wildlife Research Institute, The University of Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia 2 School of Medical Sciences (Anatomy and Histology), The University of Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia 3 Comparative Endocrinological Research Group, School of Zoology, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia ABSTRACT We used scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to describe the complete ontogeny of simple placentation and the development of both the yolk sac placentae and chorioallantoic placentae from nonreproductive through postparturition phases in the maternal uterine epithe- lium of the Australian skink, Eulamprus tympanum. We chose E. tympanum, a species with a simple, noninva- sive placenta, and which we know, has little net nutrient uptake during gestation to develop hypotheses about placental function and to identify any difference between the oviparous and viviparous conditions. Placental dif- ferentiation into the chorioallantoic placenta and yolk sac placenta occurs from embryonic Stage 29; both pla- centae are simple structures without specialized features for materno/fetal connection. The uterine epithelial cells are not squamous as previously described by Claire Weekes, but are columnar, becoming increasingly atte- nuated because of the pressure of the impinging under- lying capillaries as gestation progresses. When the females are nonreproductive, the luminal uterine surface is flat and the microvillous cells that contain electron- dense vesicles partly obscure the ciliated cells. As vitello- genesis progresses, the microvillous cells are less hyper- trophied than in nonreproductive females. After ovula- tion and fertilization, there is no regional differentiation of the uterine epithelium around the circumference of the egg. The first differentiation, associated with the chorioallantoic placentae and yolk sac placentae, occurs at embryonic Stage 29 and continues through to Stage 39. As gestation proceeds, the uterine chorioallantoic placenta forms ridges, the microvillous cells become less hypertrophied, ciliated cells are less abundant, the underlying blood vessels increase in size, and the gland openings at the uterine surface are more apparent. In contrast, the yolk sac placenta has no particular folding with cells having a random orientation and where the microvillous cells remain hypertrophied throughout ges- tation. However, the ciliated cells become less abundant as gestation proceeds, as also seen in the chorioallantoic placenta. Secretory vesicles are visible in the uterine lumen. All placental differentiation and cell detail is lost at Stage 40, and the uterine structure has returned to the nonreproductive condition within 2 weeks. Circulat- ing progesterone concentrations begin to rise during late vitellogenesis, peak at embryonic Stages 28–30, and decline after Stage 35 in the later stages of gestation. The coincidence between the time of oviposition and placental differentiation demonstrates a similarity dur- ing gestation in the uterus between oviparous and simple placental viviparous squamates. J. Morphol. 268:385–400, 2007. Ó 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. KEY WORDS: uterine epithelium; scanning electron microscopy; skink; plasma membrane transformation; placental morphology Viviparity has numerous independent origins in vertebrates. Most of these lineages originate more frequently in reptilian evolution than in any other vertebrate (Blackburn, 1993; Smith and Shine, 1997). Viviparity in the extant reptile fauna occurs only in the Squamata (lizards and snakes), which also has oviparous species (Smith and Shine, 1997). Most of the nutrients required by the developing embryo in oviparous species are encased within the egg shell, whereas viviparity provides added opportunity for the provision of nutrients to the egg and embryo. Several fundamental changes have occurred to accommodate the increase in egg retention and longer in utero incubation in the switch in reproductive mode from oviparity to vivi- parity (Shine and Bull, 1979). During the evolution of viviparity, maternal tissues needed to respond to a greater need for oxygen and water exchange than in oviparous species. Calcium, normally sup- plemented by the eggshell in oviparous species, also had to be supplemented by the mother, pre- sumably resulting in modification to uterine function and development (Packard et al., 1977; Andrews, 2004). Contract grant sponsor: ARC Discovery. *Correspondence to: Dr. Susan Adams, School of Medical Sciences (Anatomy and Histology), Anderson Stuart Building F13, The Uni- versity of Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] Published online 13 March 2007 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/jmor.10520 JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY 268:385–400 (2007) Ó 2007 WILEY-LISS, INC.

Uterine epithelial changes during placentation in the ... › 4245 › 1 › 4245.pdf · are not squamous as previously described by Claire Weekes, but are columnar, becoming increasingly

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Uterine Epithelial Changes During Placentationin the Viviparous Skink Eulamprus tympanum

Susan M. Adams,1,2* Sylvia Lui,2 Susan M. Jones,3 Michael B. Thompson,1

and Christopher R. Murphy2

1School of Biological Sciences and Wildlife Research Institute, The University of Sydney,New South Wales 2006, Australia2School of Medical Sciences (Anatomy and Histology), The University of Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia3Comparative Endocrinological Research Group, School of Zoology, University of Tasmania, Hobart,Tasmania 7001, Australia

ABSTRACT We used scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) todescribe the complete ontogeny of simple placentationand the development of both the yolk sac placentae andchorioallantoic placentae from nonreproductive throughpostparturition phases in the maternal uterine epithe-lium of the Australian skink, Eulamprus tympanum. Wechose E. tympanum, a species with a simple, noninva-sive placenta, and which we know, has little net nutrientuptake during gestation to develop hypotheses aboutplacental function and to identify any difference betweenthe oviparous and viviparous conditions. Placental dif-ferentiation into the chorioallantoic placenta and yolksac placenta occurs from embryonic Stage 29; both pla-centae are simple structures without specialized featuresfor materno/fetal connection. The uterine epithelial cellsare not squamous as previously described by ClaireWeekes, but are columnar, becoming increasingly atte-nuated because of the pressure of the impinging under-lying capillaries as gestation progresses. When thefemales are nonreproductive, the luminal uterine surfaceis flat and the microvillous cells that contain electron-dense vesicles partly obscure the ciliated cells. As vitello-genesis progresses, the microvillous cells are less hyper-trophied than in nonreproductive females. After ovula-tion and fertilization, there is no regional differentiationof the uterine epithelium around the circumference ofthe egg. The first differentiation, associated with thechorioallantoic placentae and yolk sac placentae, occursat embryonic Stage 29 and continues through to Stage39. As gestation proceeds, the uterine chorioallantoicplacenta forms ridges, the microvillous cells become lesshypertrophied, ciliated cells are less abundant, theunderlying blood vessels increase in size, and the glandopenings at the uterine surface are more apparent. Incontrast, the yolk sac placenta has no particular foldingwith cells having a random orientation and where themicrovillous cells remain hypertrophied throughout ges-tation. However, the ciliated cells become less abundantas gestation proceeds, as also seen in the chorioallantoicplacenta. Secretory vesicles are visible in the uterinelumen. All placental differentiation and cell detail is lostat Stage 40, and the uterine structure has returned tothe nonreproductive condition within 2 weeks. Circulat-ing progesterone concentrations begin to rise during latevitellogenesis, peak at embryonic Stages 28–30, anddecline after Stage 35 in the later stages of gestation.The coincidence between the time of oviposition and

placental differentiation demonstrates a similarity dur-ing gestation in the uterus between oviparous andsimple placental viviparous squamates. J. Morphol.268:385–400, 2007. � 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

KEY WORDS: uterine epithelium; scanning electronmicroscopy; skink; plasma membrane transformation;placental morphology

Viviparity has numerous independent origins invertebrates. Most of these lineages originate morefrequently in reptilian evolution than in any othervertebrate (Blackburn, 1993; Smith and Shine,1997). Viviparity in the extant reptile fauna occursonly in the Squamata (lizards and snakes), whichalso has oviparous species (Smith and Shine, 1997).

Most of the nutrients required by the developingembryo in oviparous species are encased withinthe egg shell, whereas viviparity provides addedopportunity for the provision of nutrients to theegg and embryo. Several fundamental changeshave occurred to accommodate the increase in eggretention and longer in utero incubation in theswitch in reproductive mode from oviparity to vivi-parity (Shine and Bull, 1979). During the evolutionof viviparity, maternal tissues needed to respondto a greater need for oxygen and water exchangethan in oviparous species. Calcium, normally sup-plemented by the eggshell in oviparous species,also had to be supplemented by the mother, pre-sumably resulting in modification to uterine functionand development (Packard et al., 1977; Andrews,2004).

Contract grant sponsor: ARC Discovery.

*Correspondence to: Dr. Susan Adams, School of Medical Sciences(Anatomy and Histology), Anderson Stuart Building F13, The Uni-versity of Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia.E-mail: [email protected]

Published online 13 March 2007 inWiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com)DOI: 10.1002/jmor.10520

JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY 268:385–400 (2007)


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Placental development in lizards involves bothmaternal and fetal tissues forming a noninvasiveplacenta but does not involve the invasiveness andcomplex breakdown and reconstruction of mater-nal uterine tissue of some eutherian mammals(Blackburn, 1993; Murphy et al., 2000). The evolu-tionary framework of four placental types in squa-mate reptiles based on the chorioallantoic placenta(Weekes, 1935; Blackburn, 1993) is proving to besomewhat of a simplification now that more de-scriptions of placentae, and how they change dur-ing gestation, become available (Stewart andThompson, 2000). The original categories do notinclude the yolk sac placental structure and do notaccount for cellular changes during the develop-ment of gestation. Electron microscopy can nowaccurately show cellular details that were not sus-pected previously.

We used scanning electron microscopy (SEM)and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) tocorrelate the surface topography to the underlyingultrastructure and reveal correlations betweenplacental structure and potential function. Themorphological features of the uterine epitheliumfrom a quiescent state, through gestation to post-parturition, and changes in plasma progesteroneduring gestation, are described for a completeontogeny of the reptilian chorioallantoic Type Isimple placenta, adding further to the Weekes(1935) Type-I classification and contributing tounderstanding possible morphological functions ina Type I ‘‘simple’’ placenta.


Animal Collection

Fifty Eulamprus tympanum (Repilia, Squamata, Scincidae)females (snout vent length: 72–86 mm; weight: 7.4–15 g) werecollected from Kanangra Boyd National Park, New SouthWales, Australia, (338 59’S, 1508 030 E) between November 2003and January 2004 by hand using a lure (Durden et al., 1995).Lizards were sexed in the field and the females transported tothe University of Sydney. They were housed in individual glassaquaria (420 mm 3 240 mm 3 200 mm) in a temperature-con-trolled room (19–218C). Heat was provided for 9 h/day by a 25-W incandescent heat lamp suspended over one end of theaquarium, creating a thermal gradient of 20–358C so that theanimals could thermoregulate at will. Water was provided adlibitum and mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) and crickets (Achetadomestica) dusted with Herptivite (multivitamins) and phos-phorous-free calcium with Vitamin D supplement (Rep-Cal1

Research Labs, CA) were offered every second day. Shelter wasprovided in the form of rocks, bark, and leaf litter.

Tissue Preparation and Electron Microscopy

Females were selected for dissection by gently palpatingthe abdomen with a forefinger and thumb for the size of theembryos. Skinks were euthanased by intrathoracic lethal injec-tion of 0.1 ml of sodium pentobarbitone (Nembutal, Merial).Their necks were cut, severing the central vertebrae and majorblood vessels. Blood was collected in heparinized microhematoc-

rit capillary tubes (Red Tip, Sherwood Medical Industries, USA)and transferred to 1.5 ml ependorf tubes. Blood was stored onice for at least an hour before being centrifuged. Plasma wasplaced into a fresh ependorf tube and frozen in liquid nitrogenprior to radioimmunoassay. A ventral incision exposed the ovi-ducts and the uteri were removed, with intact embryos if preg-nant. The number, appearance, and size of the ovarian follicleswere recorded. Dissection and fixation of uteri were carried outin 2.5% EM grade glutaraldehyde (AGAR Scientific, UK) in 0.1M phosphate buffer, pH7.4 (PB). The uteri were sectionedtransversely into the respective uterine egg chambers, whichwere then cut longitudinally to expose the uterine lumen. Theembryos were removed and fixed in 10% neutral buffered for-malin for later embryo staging using the scheme of Dufaureand Hubert (1961). The sections were fixed in 2.5% glutaralde-hyde for 1 h and then randomly allocated for TEM and SEM.The tissues were rinsed in phosphate buffer, postfixed for 1 h inaqueous 1% osmium tetroxide (OsO4) (Johnson Matthey Chemi-cals, Royston, Hertfordshire, UK) and dehydrated through gradedethanols 50–100%. The groups obtained for analysis were non-reproductive, vitellogenic, the stages early through to late gesta-tion (Table 1), and 48 h and 2 weeks postpartum.

Tissues were critical point dried (Bal-Tec CPD 030) for SEM.Dried tissue was mounted onto aluminum stubs, sputter coatedto 20 nm with gold, viewed using a Philips Scanning ElectronMicroscope 505 (The Netherlands) operating at 20 kV, and withImageSlave Screen Capture Utility software (Melbourne, Aus-tralia).

For TEM, the tissue was infiltrated with 50% Spurr resin/ac-etone for 2 h and transferred to fresh Spurr 100% resin (AgarScientific, Essex, UK) overnight, embedded in Spurr resin in flatcassette molds (ProSci Tech, Queensland, Australia), and poly-merized at 608C for 24 h. Semithin sections 0.5 lm were cutand stained with toludine blue to determine the presence ofepithelium prior to further trimming. Ribbons of ultrathin (70nm) sections were cut on an Ultracut E1 ultramicrotome(Leica, Germany), and placed onto 200-mesh copper grids (AgarScientific, Essex, UK). Sections were counterstained in 4%aqueous uranyl acetate for 45 min, and Reynolds lead citratefor 8 min. Five grids per specimen were examined using aZeiss 902 (Germany) electron microscope operating at 80 kVand images were digitally captured with a Gatan BioScan digi-tal camera (CA) and Digital Micrograph 3.3 computer software.

TABLE 1. Stages of placental development and sample sizeobtained for SEM and TEM following the embryonic

staging of Dufaure and Hubert (1961)

SEM TEM Animals per stage Gestation

NR NR 6 NonVIT VIT 5EG EG 5 Early– 26 128 28 129 – 2 Mid30 – 131 31 332 32 3– 33 134 – 135 35 436 36 5 Late37 – 138 – 139 39 240 40 248 h POST 48 h POST 3 POST2 wk POST 2 wk POST 3

NR, nonreproductive; VIT, vitellogenic; EG, early gestation;POST, postparturition.


Journal of Morphology DOI 10.1002/jmor

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Radioimmunoassay of Progesterone

Plasma samples of 15–25 ll were extracted in 1-ml iso-octanewith a mean efficiency of 93%. Extracts were assayed by radio-immunoassay using a technique previously validated for lizardplasma (Jones and Swain, 1996); results were corrected forextraction efficiency and plasma volume. The antiserum wasSiroseraTM C-9817 progesterone antiserum used at a dilution of1:250,000 in phosgel (phosphate buffer pH 7.6 with 1% gelatin).All samples were assayed in a single assay, assay accuracy waschecked by inclusion of human multivalent control sera (CON6:Diagnostic Products), and the limit of detection was 0.18 ng/mlplasma (for 25 ll samples).


In mammals, uterine epithelial cells are de-scribed as microvillous and ciliated (Martel et al.,1981; Psychoyos and Nikas, 1994). In more generalbiological literature, the two cell types, on theother hand, are referred to as ciliated and noncili-ated. For the sake of consistency (Junqueira and

Carneiro, 2005), and because a plasma membranetransformation has been shown to occur with vary-ing degrees of microvillous rearrangement, we de-scribe these major cell types in reptiles as ciliatedor microvillous cells.


We use the term ‘‘nonreproductive’’ to refer to anadult female where embryos are absent from theuterus, but the uteri have a characteristic flaccidappearance suggestive of reproduction in a pre-vious season, and the ovaries are without vitel-logenic follicles (<2 mm). The uterine luminalsurface is flattened and without distinctive folding(Fig. 1A). The microvillous cells are columnar andprotrude maximally into the lumen (Fig. 1B), suchthat the ciliated cells are either obscured com-pletely by this protrusion (Fig. 1C), or cause thecilia to appear short and numerically reduced

Fig. 1. Nonreproductive uterine epithelium of Eulamprus tympanum. A: At low magnification, the uterine epithelial surface is rela-tively flat; SEM. B: Higher magnification of the same cells showing the knobbled surface of the microvillous cells (white arrow) and se-cretory vesicles (black arrows); SEM. C: Ciliated cell (CC) with apical cilia obscured by adjacent hypertrophied microvillous cells (MV);TEM. D: Higher magnification of a microvillous cell with electron-dense vesicles in the cytoplasm (white arrows); TEM. n, nucleus; L,uterine lumen; arrowhead, basal lamina.


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(Fig. 1B). The plasma membrane of the microvillouscells is smooth and bare of microvilli (Fig. 1D); how-ever, the apical cell membrane often has a knobbledappearance (Fig. 1B). Small, electron-dense vesiclesoccur throughout the cells, with slight aggregation inthe apical region (Fig. 1D). There is an abundance ofsecretory vesicles (Fig. 1B).


‘‘Vitellogenic’’ refers to females with yellow yolkyfollicles (>2 mm) in the ovaries just prior to ovula-tion. The uterine epithelium has deepening folds(Fig. 2A) and consists of microvillous cells and agreater abundance of mature ciliated cells (Fig. 2B).The microvillous cells are columnar with a knob-bled apical surface, but the apical hypertrophy isnot as great as in nonreproductive females. Thisreduced cell height allows the ciliated cells to beseen (Fig. 2B,C). It is probable that the ciliated

cells are also more numerous, as well as moreexposed by the reduced height of the microvillouscells. There is a similar scattering of small elec-tron-dense vesicles throughout each cell (Fig. 2D)compared to those in nonreproductive females,but with a greater localization in the apical cyto-plasm.

Early Gestation

Early gestation refers to postovulatory femaleswith embryos up to Stage 28 (Dufaure and Hubert,1961), as there are no discernable differences inthe epithelial response to suggest placental differ-entiation through this whole period. The luminaluterine morphology is different from that of non-pregnant uteri during early gestation. The uterineepithelium has distinctive folds (Fig. 3A). The twocell types (ciliated and microvillous) are presentand evenly dispersed across the folds (Fig. 3A,B).

Fig. 2. Vitellogenic uterine epithelium of Eulamprus tympanum. A: The surface topography shows deepening folds and bothuterine epithelial cell types, ciliated cells, and microvillous cells; SEM. B: Higher magnification of A shows the ciliated cells (whitearrows), microvillous cells with knobbled surfaces (asterix), and secretory droplets (black arrows); SEM. C: Columnar microvillouscells (MV) with reduced hypertrophied apices (black arrows) and greater abundance of ciliated cells (CC); TEM. D: Higher magnifica-tion of C shows the smooth apical surface of a microvillous cell and a greater abundance of electron-dense vesicles (white arrows) when com-pared to nonreproductive epithelium. n, nucleus; L, uterine lumen.


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The microvilli on the microvillous cells are denseand plicate (Fig. 3B). In comparison with the non-reproductive stage, the cell apices are furtherreduced and there are fewer secretory dropletspresent on the surface (Fig. 3B). At this stage ofgestation, there is no obvious differentiation of thechorioallantoic placentae and yolk sac placentae inthe uterus. Electron-dense vesicles still appear inthe apical cytoplasm.

Placental Differentiation

Embryonic Stage 29 is the first stage that showsuterine epithelial differentiation into two distinct

placentae: the chorioallantoic placenta and yolksac placenta.

Chorioallantoic placenta

At Stage 29, there is a formalized epithelialridge. The area surrounding this ridge is randomlyfolded (Fig. 4B), but the ridge develops into a se-ries of radially oriented, parallel ridges by Stage35 (Fig. 5A). The microvillous cells flatten downfurther than in earlier stages (Fig. 4A,C), and byStage 35, the adjoining cell borders are apparentbecause of further loss of apical protrusion(Fig. 5C). The apical plasma membrane is trans-formed into dense, short microvilli (Figs. 4C and5C). Several gland openings are visible on theluminal surface (Fig. 4D). Ciliated cells are furtherreduced or absent altogether during the laterstages of mid-gestation. As gestation progressesthrough mid-gestation, the blood vessels underly-ing the epithelial cells cause a variability in cellsize and shape (Fig. 5B), as the vessels variouslyimpinge into the epithelial cell space causing clus-ters of epithelial cells to become stretched in theapical region of the cytoplasm (Fig. 5C). Thesmaller, microvillous cells at Stages 36 and37 have a maximally protruding apex with bareplasma membranes in varying stages of develop-ment (Fig. 5E), whereas adjoining cells have mini-mal apical protrusion and are abundantly coveredwith low, microvilli (Fig. 5F). There is a reductionin secretory droplets. Large electron-dense vesiclesare sparsely dispersed throughout the microvillouscells (Fig. 5D).

Only microvillous cells are evident in the uterineepithelium in late gestation. The formally foldedepithelial ridges appear more densely arrangedwith microvillous cells of various size (Fig. 6A).The further increase in cell size and shape results ina convex epithelial pouching (Fig. 6A), as the under-lying blood vessels continue to expand, causingpatches of flattened, stretched cells, and obvious cellborders on the ridge crests, and smaller minimallyprotruding cells in the gulleys (Fig. 6A,B). Continuedexpansion of the underlying blood vessels causes theepithelial cell nuclei to be laterally displaced, whichfurther reduces the luminal epithelial barrier(Fig. 6C,D). The stretched cells on the ridges havea flattened appearance and plicate microvilli(Fig. 6B,D). Ultrastructural observation confirmsthe cell size variability from columnar to stret-ched cuboidal. Electron-dense and electron-lucentvesicles are present in the epithelial cells at Stage 39(Fig. 6D).

Yolk sac placenta

There is no particular folding pattern in theuterine epithelium of the yolk sac placenta. Both

Fig. 3. Early gestation uterine epithelium of Eulamprustympanum. A: Distinctive radial folding with a uniform distri-bution of ciliated and microvillous cells; SEM. B: Higher magni-fication of the same area shows reduced number of small secre-tory droplets (arrows), dense, plicate microvilli covering of themicrovillous cells (asterix) and evenly distributed ciliated cells(CC); SEM. Y, yolk droplets.


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ciliated and microvillous cells occur throughoutthe yolk sac placenta at Stage 29. The ciliatedcells are smaller in size and reduced in ciliationcompared to the nondifferentiated precedingstages (Fig. 7A). They are sunken and the ciliaare numerically reduced or absent altogether.The microvillous cells protrude moderately intothe lumen are columnar and covered with short,blebbed microvilli (Fig. 7A). Secretory dropletsand vesicles are present. The uterine epitheliumof the yolk sac placenta at Stages 31–32 is differ-ent from the chorioallantoic placenta as there areno areas of stretched, flattened cells, ridges, orpatterns of distinct folding (Fig. 7B). Ciliatedcells are no longer present and the microvillouscells are uniform in shape and size. The apicalprotrusion is reduced in comparison with that ofStage 29. The apical cytoplasm (TEM) has a thickband of electron-dense vesicles (Fig. 7C), with se-cretory droplets that correspond to those viewedin SEM.

By Stage 35, the epithelial arrangement is stillrandom but has lost the flat appearance and isnow raised or ruched (Fig. 8A). The apical plasmamembrane has a ‘‘knobbled’’ appearance (Fig. 8B)and the blebbed microvilli of earlier stages arereduced, suggesting a plasma membrane transfor-mation as the apical surface flattens down(Fig. 8C). Both the electron-dense vesicles and thesecretory droplets are greatly reduced (Fig. 8C).

The embryonic stages from mid-gestation toStage 39 are subtle. The epithelial folding remainsrandom and bulging. The cells are microvillousand there is now a large variability in size andshape (Fig. 9A,C). Their apical protrusion is mini-mal and they have short microvilli on the apicalperiphery and where the cell borders become moreapparent (Fig. 9A). The central apice retains its‘‘knobbled’’ appearance, which becomes morepronounced as gestation progresses to Stage 39 (Fig.9C). Wrinkled apical plasma membranes show cellsin various stages of collapse at Stage 38 (Fig. 9B).

Fig. 4. Chorioallantoic placental differentiation; embryonic Stages 29–33 of Eulamprus tympanum; SEM. A: Stage 29 apical pro-trusion of the microvillous cells has flattened down. Secretory vesicles are seen (black arrows). B: Stages 31–32. The uterine topogra-phy is formally folded into a series of radially oriented, parallel ridges. C: Higher magnification of B shows dense, short microvilli onthe luminal surface of the microvillous cells. D: Stages 32–33. Several gland openings on the luminal surface (black arrows).


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Fig. 5. Chorioallantoic placental differentiation; embryonic Stages 34–37 of Eulamprus tympanum. A: Stages 34–35 showingextensive parallel folding of the uterine epithelial surface; SEM. B: Stages 34–35. The blood vessels underlying the epithelial cellscause a variability in cell size and shape. Smaller protruding cells (black asterix); stretched larger cells (white asterix); SEM. C:Stages 34–35. Clusters of epithelial cells become stretched in the apical region from the thrust of the developing blood vesselsbelow causing stretching of the apical membrane and exposure of the cell borders (arrows); SEM. D: Stages 34–35. Two microvil-lous cells with flattened apices and short microvilli (white arrows) and underlying blood vessel (BV). Red blood cells (asterix). Thecell nucleus (n) sits laterally. L, uterine lumen; TEM. E: Stage 36. The smaller microvillous cells protrude maximally with bare api-cal plasma membrane (asterix). Small secretory vesicles (white arrow); SEM. F: Stage 37. Comparison of large attenuated cellswith low microvillous covering and obvious cell borders (arrows) with developing smaller apically protruding cells with sparse, blebbedmicrovilli (asterix).


Journal of Morphology DOI 10.1002/jmor

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Embryonic Stage 40

The uterine epithelium undergoes immensetransformation at the end of gestation. At Stage40, just prior to birth, the uterus is not only dis-tended and tense but also translucent and ex-tremely thin walled. The chorioallantoic placentaand yolk sac placenta are no longer distinguish-able in this last stage of gestation. The epitheliumis very flat and smooth (Fig. 10A), and cellular def-inition is lost. Ciliated cells are still not apparentand the microvillous cells are large, extremely flatand covered with further reduced thin, plicate,and low microvilli so that the apical cell mem-brane is obvious (Fig. 10B).

Postparturition at 48 h

The uterine epithelium has lost the stretched,flat appearance of Stage 40, and is uniformly

folded 48 h postpartum (Fig. 11A). The microvil-lous cells have lost the flatness of Stage 40 andare now uniform in shape with slight apical pro-trusion and dense plicate microvilli (Fig. 11B). Cili-ated cells and secretory vesicles are absent. Elec-tron-dense vesicles are located in a thick band atthe apical surface of the epithelial cells (Fig. 11C).

Postparturition at 2 Weeks

The uterine epithelium has undergone a vast,transformation by 2 weeks after birth. The epithe-lium is arranged into small, raised mounds of bothciliated and microvillous cells (Fig. 12A,B). Cilio-genesis is evident by the variability of cilia lengthand number (Fig. 12B), but there are also matureciliated cells present. There is also variability ofmicrovillar shape and height and an increase indensity. The microvillous cells are again columnar

Fig. 6. Chorioallantoic placental differentiation; embryonic Stage 39 of Eulamprus tympanum. A: The uterine epithelium showsrandom, convex pouching into the lumen caused by expanding underlying blood vessels creating an alternating pattern of largestretched cells on the ridges (black arrows) and smaller cells in the gullies (white arrows); SEM. B: High magnification of the samecells shows clearly defined cell borders (arrows) and flattened surfaces of attenuated cells; SEM. C: Large blood vessels (BV) justbelow the epithelial surface; TEM. D: High magnification of (C) shows the apical surface of the epithelial cell is uneven and irregulardue to the plicate arrangement of the microvilli (arrowheads); BV, blood vessel; n, displaced nucleus; L, uterine lumen. TEM.


Journal of Morphology DOI 10.1002/jmor

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with mild to moderate apical protrusion and smallelectron-dense vesicles are localized in the apicalcytoplasm (Fig. 12C).

Plasma Progesterone Concentrations

Plasma progesterone concentrations were low(�1.1 ng/ml) in nonreproductive, postpartum, andearly vitellogenic females (Fig. 13). Concentrationsbegan to rise during late vitellogenesis with two ofthree samples recorded as >11 ng/ml. Concen-trations then rose significantly as gestation pro-gressed, reaching peak values at embryo Stages28–30, and declining from Stage 35 through latergestation (Stages 36–39). In the single animal withembryos staged at 40, progesterone concentrationshad fallen to 0.9 ng/ml.


The uterine epithelium of each stage of gestationchanges characteristically as gestation progresses.The microvillous cells of the uterine epithelium ofEulamprus tympanum are columnar and exception-ally tall with the apical cytoplasm bulging into thelumen in nonreproductive females (Hosie et al.,2003; Adams et al., 2005). As with the oviparous liz-ards Crotaphytus collaris and Eumeces obsoletus(Guillette et al., 1989) and the viviparous snake,Thamnophis elegans (Mead et al., 1981; Motz andCallard, 1991), the hypertrophy quickly disappearsonce gestation begins. Similar apical hypertrophyalso occurs in the oviparous turtle, Chrysemys picta(Mead et al., 1981), and suggests a commonality inuterine cells, regardless of mode of parity. The cel-lular hypertrophy in reproductively quiescent liz-ards indicates hormonal stimulation in readinessfor vitellogenesis (Girling, 2002).

Dramatic changes occur in the number and formof ciliated cells during the reproductive cycle. Thenumber of ciliated cells increases greatly duringvitellogenesis, but then falls again as gestationprogresses to be almost absent at the time of pla-cental differentiation (Stage 30 onwards). The sud-den increase in well-developed ciliated cells priorto ovulation suggests that they may be controlledby hormonal changes (Murphy et al., 2000), possi-bly reflected in the rising levels of plasma proges-terone at this stage; unfortunately, low plasma vol-umes did not permit assay of estradiol in our sam-ples. These cells may have a role in the transportof the embryo down the uterus via the wavelikemotile function of their cilia as well as participat-ing in sperm transport for fertilization.

A sudden rise in plasma progesterone prior toovulation stimulates the uterine epithelium inoviparous species, resulting in cellular hypertro-phy (Jones and Baxter, 1991; Girling et al., 1998)that is associated with storage of protein and cal-

Fig. 7. Yolk sac placental differentiation; embryonic Stages29–32 of Eulamprus tympanum. A: Stage 29. Ciliated cells aresunken and the cilia numerically reduced (black arrows). Themicrovillous cells show moderate apical protrusion and are cov-ered with short, blebbed microvilli; SEM. B: Stages 31–32. Com-parison of topography to the chorioallantoic placenta (Fig. 4) showsan absence of ridges, distinct folding pattern or groups of stretchedcells. The microvillous cells are uniform in size and shape; SEM.C: Stages 31–32. The apical cytoplasm has a band of electron-dense vesicles (arrows).White arrows, secretory vesicles; TEM.


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careous material of the eggshell (Guillette et al.,1989; Palmer et al., 1993); the epithelial cells arehighly secretory during the egg shelling period,losing all microvillous structure on the apical sur-face (Guillette et al., 1989; Girling et al. 1998).The eggshell becomes a major source of calcium forembryos in oviparous species, once the shelledeggs are oviposited (Packard et al., 1985). Therise in plasma progesterone in Eulamprus tympa-

num may reflect similar changes to their uterinecells, which may represent a source of calciumfrom maternal tissue. In viviparous species, how-ever, there is no calcareous eggshell, and so theuterus provides calcium for embryos that areretained for all of embryonic development (Stewartand Thompson, 2000). A significant provision ofcalcium is from the maternal placenta and hyper-trophy in the uterine epithelial cells may be re-sponsible for calcium production and transport inviviparous squamates.

The rise in plasma progesterone is extendedin Eulamprus tympanum compared to oviparousspecies (Jones and Swain, 1996), and reflects thepattern in macropodid marsupials (Freyer et al.,2003), where the extended elevation of progester-one is linked to an extended secretory phase andmaintenance of gestation. Hence, extended eleva-tion of plasma progesterone concentrations in E.tympanum is probably also associated with uterinesecretion and the maintenance of gestation that islikely to be other than calcium production. Thesimilarity in preovulatory morphology during thevitellogenic and reproductively quiescent phasebetween oviparous species and viviparous specieswith simple placentae (Thompson et al., 2006;Adams et al., 2007) supports the premise that veryfew changes are required for the evolution fromoviparity to viviparity (Shine and Bull, 1979;Blackburn, 1993).

Cilia are reduced in length and density and thecell size is smaller than that of the surroundingmicrovillous cells by the time the chorioallantoicplacentae and yolk sac placentae differentiate(about Stage 30). The uterine epithelium of thechorioallantoic placenta develops distinct foldingpatterns, indicating an increase in cellular activityin the uterus with the changes in reproductiveconditions. The microvillous cells eventually rear-range to develop a dense cover of microvilli andform the two types of placentae.

The decline and absence of ciliated cells duringgestation suggest that the ciliated cells are react-ing to the mechanisms regulating the formation ofthe two placentae and possibly to factors releasedby the developing embryo. The increase of ciliatedcells prior to ovulation, presence during earlystages of gestation and decrease during gestation,is found in squamates with both complex and sim-ple placentae, Hoplodactylus maculatus (Girlinget al., 1997), Chalcides ocellatus tiligugu (Corsoet al., 2000), and Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii(Adams et al., 2005). Presence of cilia at the timeof ovulation is probably associated with the move-ment of ovum down the reproductive tract.

Previous studies describe the regression of cili-ated cells by the loss in the abundance of cilia andreduction in cell number (Girling et al., 1997). Inthe early stages of gestation of Eulamprus tympa-

Fig. 8. Yolk sac placental differentiation; embryonic Stages34–35 of Eulamprus tympanum. A: The uterine epithelium isno longer flat but has a puckered effect; SEM. B: The apical cel-lular surface has a knobbled appearance (asterix) and microvilliare greatly reduced; SEM. C: Flattened apices of the microvil-lous cells (MV). Electron-dense vesicles and secretory dropletsare absent. n, nucleus; L, uterine lumen; arrowheads, blebbedmicrovilli; TEM.


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num, the ciliated cells appear to be overhung andcovered by the swollen apices of adjacent microvil-lous cells, but as gestation progresses throughmid- to late gestation the ciliated cells disappearaltogether. The overgrowth is especially evident bythe hypertrophic microvillous cells during quies-cence and vitellogenesis.

Ontogeny and Function of theChorioallantoic Placenta

Features that distinguish the uterine compo-nents of the chorioallantoic placentae and yolk sacplacentae begin to be apparent at embryonic Stage29 and, by Stages 31–32, the two placental regionsare clearly defined. As gestation proceeds, thecharacteristics of the two placentae diverge fur-ther, presumably reflecting different functions. Thesmooth-surfaced hypertrophic microvillous cells ofthe nonreproductive and vitellogenic uterine epithe-lia reduce in height and develop apical microvilli inthe chorioallantoic placenta during the early stageof gestation, as also occurs in the viviparous geckoHoplodactylus maculatus (Girling et al., 1997) andis similar to the morphology after ovulation in ovip-arous species (Mead et al., 1981; Palmer et al.,1993; Adams et al., 2004). As gestation progresses,cell borders become visible as the microvillous cellsbecome increasingly stretched and attenuated fromthe expansion and impingement of underlying bloodvessels. These vessels therefore cause epithelialridges to form at the luminal surface, allowing easyluminal exposure of the flattened, attenuated cellsfor close apposition with the embryonic membranes.This surface morphology is consistent with the flatapposition of maternal and fetal tissues describedin the Type I placental classification of Weekes(1935). The flattened aggregations of cells withthinned apical cytoplasm allow the chorioallantoicplacenta of Eulamprus tympanum to be welladapted for gas exchange as the resistance to gasdiffusion is progressively reduced during gestationby (1) the development of vascularity towards thelumen; (2) displacement of nuclei and other cyto-plasmic components, reducing the cellular barriersand minimizing the resistance to gas diffusion; (3)the thinning and attenuation of the apical cyto-plasm by the development of capillaries close tothe luminal surface; and (4) the presence of micro-villi, which increases the surface area available fordiffusion.

The characteristic features of the chorioallantoicplacenta of Eulamprus tympanum are fully ex-pressed during mid-late gestation (Stages 31–39).They are consistent with the oxygen needs of theembryo, which are the highest during late deve-lopment (Thompson, 1989; Andrews, 2004). Thetiming of the characteristic morphology is also con-sistent with the finding that a large portion ofmaternal inspiration of oxygen in E. tympanum,during the later stages of gestation, contributesdirectly to the development of the embryo (Robertand Thompson, 2000). The chorioallantoic placentalvascular development of the uterine epithelium inE. tympanum is consistent with the simple cho-rioallantoic placental development of the viviparoussnakes Thamnophis ordinoides (Blackburn et al.,2002), T. sirtalis and T. radix (Blackburn and

Fig. 9. Yolk sac placental differentiation; embryonic Stages37–39 of Eulamprus tympanum. A: Stage 37. The microvillouscell size and shape show large variability with minimal apicalprotrusion; short microvilli appear at peripheral apices and bor-ders (arrows); SEM. B: Stage 38. Wrinkled apical plasma mem-branes show cells in various stages of collapse (arrows); SEM.C: Stage 39. The central apices are knobbled (asterix) withdense, short microvilli laterally (arrows); SEM.


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Lorenz, 2003) and viviparous lizards, H. maculatus(Girling et al., 1997), and Elgaria coerulae (Stewartand Castillo, 1984).

Species with complex placentae also have a simi-lar pattern of attenuation and vascular develop-ment for gas exchange to Eulamprus tympanum,but the cellular attenuation develops to a greaterdegree (Adams et al., 2005). The overlying epithe-lial cytoplasm of the paraplacentome in lizardswith more complex placentae than E. tympanum,e.g., Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii, decreases to just0.5 lm (Adams et al., 2005). The epithelial cyto-plasm between the blood vessels and lumen inE. tympanum is thin at Stage 39, but the thick-ness is about an order of magnitude greater thanP. entrecasteauxii (�5 lm compared to 0.5 lm).The difference in epithelial distance suggests a dif-ference in the efficiency of oxygen transfer betweencomplex and simple placentae where P. entrecas-teauxii appears adapted for more efficient oxygenexchange.

The classification of Weekes (1935), which wasbased on light microscopy, defined Type I chorioal-lantoic placentae as having a flat apposition ofsquamous epithelia on both the maternal and fetal

sides. Our high resolution electron microscopyreveals that the maternal uterine epithelium ofEulamprus tympanum (called Hinulia quoyi byWeekes, 1927) is not a simple squamous layer, butconsists of columnar cells that are extremely atte-nuated on the ridge apices because of the underly-ing pressure of the increasing vasculature. Thus,the simple chorioallantoic placenta of E. tympa-num is more complex than originally thought.

Uterodomes are smooth, apically bare luminalprotrusions of the cellular surface found in manymammals (Murphy, 2004). They are distinct fromother smooth luminal protrusions, such as secre-tory vesicles and pinopods, in that uterodomesoccupy the entire cell surface (Murphy et al., 2000;Adams et al., 2002). At Stage 36, the smooth domestructures in the chorioallantoic placenta have thesurface characteristics of uterodomes. This is con-sistent with the presence of uterodomes previouslyfound in Eulamprus tympanum in the embryonic(chorioallantoic placenta) hemisphere (Hosie et al.,2003). The presence of uterodomes has been tightlylinked to the increase in progesterone concentra-tion, which, in mammals, is often associated withearly gestation and more notably, implantation(Enders and Nelson, 1973). In E. tympanum, thepeak of plasma progesterone occurs during mid-ges-tation between Stages 31 and 33. The peak coin-cides with the presence of uterodomes during gesta-tion (Hosie et al., 2003) just after the progesteronepeak and may suggest that in the simple placenta,uterodomes, stimulated by progesterone, are associ-ated with placental development and the establish-ment of the connection between maternal and fetalepithelia.

Ontogeny and Function of theYolk Sac Placenta

During development, the differentiation of theyolk sac placenta forms in two stages. Initially, theyolk sac placenta is formed followed by the for-mation of the omphalallantoic placenta (Weekes,1927; Villagran et al., 2005). Differentiation of theuterine side of the yolk-sac placenta in Eulamprustympanum occurs at the same time as the chorioal-lantoic placenta and persists throughout gestation.The cellular changes in the yolk sac placenta dur-ing gestation in E. tympanum are more subtlethan in the chorioallantoic placenta. At the time ofdifferentiation (embryonic Stage 29), the uterineepithelial cells of the yolk sac placenta are singleand clearly demarcated. From Stages 30–36, thecellular surface has a ‘‘knobbled’’ appearance andis different from the smooth appearance found dur-ing the nonreproductive phase. We suggest thatthe rough, knobbled appearance of the apicalplasma membrane in both placentae is closelyassociated with the minute secretory droplets ei-ther just secreted, or about to be secreted, into the

Fig. 10. Embryonic Stage 40 of Eulamprus tympanum. Thechorioallantoic placenta and the yolk sac placenta are no longerdistinguishable. A: The epithelial topography is very flat andsmooth and the cellular definition is lost; SEM. B: Ciliated cellsare not apparent and the microvillous cells are large, extremelyflat and covered with thin, plicate and low microvilli so that ap-ical cell membrane is exposed. Cell borders are obvious(arrows); SEM.


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uterine lumen, thus causing either a disruption orprotrusion of the membrane, resulting in anuneven surface. Electron-dense vesicles in the epi-thelial cells of nonreproductive uteri increase innumber and occur in abundance in the omphlopla-centa at Stages 31–32. By embryonic Stage 37, thesingle cells have formed cellular aggregations withmicrovilli placed peripherally. Unlike the aggregat-ing cells in the chorioallantoic placenta, the yolksac placenta does not arrange into an organized

pattern of alternating aggregated and singularcells but has a random undulating appearance,suggesting that the aggregations are not formedby blood vessels immediately beneath the epithe-lium but may be due to physical attenuationcaused by the growth of the embryo.

The functions of the yolk sac placenta in Eulam-prus tympanum are unclear, but electron-dense se-cretory vesicles in the omphloplacenta have beenimplicated in histotrophic transfer in the lizardsPseudemoia entrecasteauxii (Adams et al., 2005),Chalcides ocellatus tiligugu (Corso et al., 2000),and the snake Virginia striulata (Stewart andBrasch, 2003), species that have complex yolk sacplacentae. E. tympanum is mostly lecithotrophic(Thompson et al., 2000), but the TEM implicates itin transport of matter to the uterine lumen. Pre-sumably, some of that is taken up by the embryo,even though there is little net uptake of dry matterduring development (Thompson et al., 2000). Thedata on net uptake, however, says nothing aboutflux and it is likely that the yolk sac placenta of E.tympanum is responsible for the provision of somenutrient to the embryo, although the nature of thatmaterial is not known. The presence of microvilliand irregular-shaped glands in the lamina propriasuggests a secretory function in late gestation.

Embryonic Stage 40

Radical changes in morphology occur at Stage40 where all of the cellular characteristics of ges-tation are lost and, in the single animal studied,plasma progesterone concentrations are basal.The microvillous morphology has changed and theepithelial cells are extremely flat. The rapid meta-morphosis from Stage 39 (where the two placen-tae are still evident) to Stage 40 suggests that thephysical capability of the uterus to accommodatethe size of the embryo may have reached its limit.Other factors observed at dissection are consistentwith this suggestion. The embryos burst out oftheir transparent incubation chambers duringexcision and are fully mobile indicating a lateStage 40. The yolk reserves are also depleted, fur-ther suggesting the maximum growth of theembryo had been reached in utero. This loss ofthe placental features and flattening of the epithe-lial cells suggests that the two placentae are of nofurther use in the period just prior to birth. De-spite the exhausted yolk supply, there is no fur-ther nutrient supply via the placenta during pro-longed periods of embryonic Stage 40 in Niveo-scincus metallicus (Swain and Jones, 2000), andthe same is probably true for Eulamprus tympa-num. The extreme thinness of the maternal wallat Stage 40 may be sufficient for vascular diffu-sion of oxygen and prevention of hypoxia in E.tympanum.

Fig. 11. Post parturition at 48 h in Eulamprus tympanum.A: The uterine epithelium is uniformly folded; SEM. B: Themicrovillous cells have lost the flatness of Stage 40 and are uni-form in shape with slight apical protrusion. They are coveredwith dense, plicate microvilli; SEM. C: Ciliated cells and secre-tory vesicles are absent. Electron-dense vesicles are located in aband at the apical cell surface (arrows). L, uterine lumen; n,nucleus; TEM.


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The columnar microvillous epithelial cells haveregained cellular shape and are covered densely

with plicate microvilli by 48 h postpartum, sug-gesting a secretory role during this stage of recov-ery. By 2-week postparturition, ciliated cells reap-pear in abundance and in various stages of cilio-genesis. The reappearance of the ciliated cellssuggests a role in maintaining the luminal surfaceby moving mucous secretions and cellular debrisassociated with labor through the uteri (Palmerand Guillette, 1988). There are no reproductivestudies that describe postbirth uterine morphologyin squamates and especially the transition fromgestation to postparturition. In this study, theperiod of recovery after birth shows that massivecellular activity with cells at different stagesof microvillar and cilia development is evident 2weeks after birth and the reproductively quiescentconditions take longer to achieve.

Timing of Placental Differentiation

During reproductive quiescence, the uterine epi-thelium has a relatively flat surface, forming foldsand ridges as the epithelium approaches gestation.It eventually differentiates into the chorioallantoicplacenta and yolk sac placenta by mid-gestation atabout Stage 29. Despite the presence of an embryoin the oviduct, the two placentae are relativelyunderdeveloped and difficult to distinguish beforeStage 29. Earlier embryos appear as round spheresof yolk and cells, and even at Stage 29, there arefew features that clearly differentiate the two pla-centae. The period where placental differentiationis distinct in the uterine epithelium (betweenStages 29 and 32) coincides approximately withthe timing of oviposition in oviparous species(Andrews and Mathies, 2000; Andrews, 2004).

In oviparous species, the egg shell acts as a bar-rier during prolonged gestation, restricting theavailability of oxygen (Andrews and Mathies,2000; Warner and Andrews, 2003), and hypoxiacan have a detrimental affect on embryonic differ-entiation, growth, mortality, and body size athatching (Andrews and Mathies, 2000). Oviposi-tion occurs at a stage when embryonic oxygendemands begin to increase and exposure of the eggshell to oxygen in the atmosphere facilitates nor-mal, embryonic growth (Andrews, 2004). Placentaldifferentiation in the simple viviparous Eulamprustympanum suggests that the timing of placentaldifferentiation is primarily due to the increase infunctional requirements for normal embryonicgrowth, rather than the simple presence of anembryo. The coincidence between the time of ovi-position and placental differentiation demonstratesa similarity during gestation in the uterus be-tween oviparous and simple placental viviparoussquamates.

In summary, there are definite morphologicalcharacteristics that differentiate the chorioallan-toic and yolk sac placentae in Eulamprus tympa-

Fig. 12. Post parturition at 2 weeks in Eulamprus tympa-num. A: The epithelium is arranged into small, raised moundsof both ciliated and microvillous cells; SEM. B: Ciliogenesis isevident (black arrows); microvillous arrangement is variable(white arrows); SEM. C: The microvillous cells are again colum-nar with moderate apical protrusion; small electron-densevesicles are localized at the apical periphery (arrow). L, uterinelumen; n, nucleus; TEM.


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num. The differentiation does not begin until em-bryonic development has proceeded to the normaltime of oviposition in oviparous species. We pro-pose that the differences in placental differentia-tion reflect different functions for each placenta,with the chorioallantoic placenta being the site forgas exchange and the yolk sac placenta being thesite of secretion of matter into the uterine lumen,where it is presumably taken up by the embryo.These proposals require functional studies to testthem.


Electron microscopy was conducted at the KeyCentre for Microscopy, the Electron MicroscopeUnit at the University of Sydney. Animals werecollected with NSW National Parks and WildlifeService Scientific Permit A2438 and research wasconducted with University of Sydney AnimalEthics number L04/1-2003/3/3682. J. Herbert col-lected and prepared tissue for processing of the liz-ards.


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