Using Video Streaming to Enhance Instruction Outline of Presentation Just a little time on definitions/explanations A little bit more time on history – how did Dixie get unitedstreaming? Now some practical stuff – how does it work at Dixie? unitedstreaming.com/Lesson plans/specific ideas/web sites/ yeah, how can I really use this stuff?

Using Video Streaming to Enhance

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Using Video Streaming to Enhance Instruction

Outline of Presentation• Just a little time on definitions/explanations• A little bit more time on history – how did Dixie get unitedstreaming?• Now some practical stuff – how does it work at Dixie?

unitedstreaming.com/Lesson plans/specific ideas/web sites/ yeah, how can I really use this stuff?

Video Streaming refers to the process of viewing video over the Internet. A “streamed file is simultaneously downloaded and viewed, but leaves behind no physical file on the viewer’s machine.” …usually means availability of the video on demand, but it can mean a video broadcast in real time as an event unfolds (a.k.a. “web-casting” or “multi-casting”) …users (with permission) can also download video clips, save them and include them in multimedia presentations or web sites.


Effectiveness of Video Streaming in Instruction

Leads to more attentive and more knowledgeable and higher-achieving students.

Use leads to better prepared and more knowledgeable and,consequently, more effective teachers.

Changes the nature of the classroom in ways that facilitate learning.

Advantages to Video Streaming

Streaming requires minimal computer memory.

The required plug-ins (Quicktime, Windows Media Player, etc.) are free.

…provides schools with a substantial video collection at minimal cost.

More Advantages to Video Streaming

• Teachers and students can access the video clips whenever and wherever they want.

• It addresses a variety of multiple intelligences and can supplement instruction for at-risk or gifted students equally well.

Disadvantages of Video Streaming

Bandwidth varies greatly and can hinder the amount of data transmittable in a given amount of time.

Only a modest amount of material cleared for digital rights; need for more content which meets educational excellence.

Teacher’s motivation and abilities may limit the amount of use.

• This is cool but it takes forever on my computer and it cuts off in the middle and…fixing the problems.

Image from: http://www.glorianon.com/

Fixing the problems…

• Let 4th/5th graders stream the videos directly.

Primary students can access videos downloaded on the Network. A shortcut can be placed in their grade folders on the Network so they could access them.

• Videos can be downloaded to CD’s using a CD burner and teachers could check them out to use with students.

video Books for students to access.http://www.dixie.fcps.net/LibSkills/video_books.htm

So I make…

• thematic unit web pages in collaboration with teachers.

• http://www.dixie.fcps.net/WebQuests/all_about_economics.htm


• lesson plans which incorporate streaming video.

• http://www.dixie.fcps.net/LibSkills/NewSkills/libskillK1.8.htm


And teachers use it to: help students complete research projects.

customize assignments for students, especially those with special needs.

enhance instruction for reading groups/individual reading enrichment.

bring real world examples into the classroom.

…help students complete research projects.

Intermediate students work on a portfolio piece which is an article about an endangered animal. They access the United Streaming site to locate a video about their animal.

…customize assignments for students, especially those with special needs.

Individual students can work at their own pace, stopping or restarting a video as needed. They can also use headphones so it does not disturb other students.

…enhance instruction for reading groups/individual reading enrichment.

Students read a book, then watch the video in small reading groups or as individuals. They can compare and contrast the two mediums.

…bring real world examples into the classroom.

Have students work on a unit about a country, then found videos with information about the country, the people and culture and shared clips with the students.

Accessing video steaming with unitedstreaming.com

There are several ways to search. Keyword, subject, topic, grade. And CURRICULUM STANDARDS.

When you click on Curriculum Standards, it comes up with the different curricular areas. You can choose one…

…and it will come up with specific videos which correlate with those standards.

When you choose a video, you have the option to stream or download and you can also choose a video clip or the entire video.

There are also teacher guides for many of the videos.


• Reed, R. (August, 2001) Streaming Technology: An Effective tool for e-learning experiences. National Association of Media and Technology Centers’ Bulletin, 1-3

• Roach, R. Making the most of Multimedia. Black Issues in Higher Education, 19

• Van Horn, R. (2001) Streaming Video and rich media. Phi Delta Kappa, 82. 561-562

Bibliography (con’t.)

• Weiser, C. Video Streaming. Media and Methods, 38

• Wise, M. and Groom, F. M. (1996) The effects of enriching classroom learning with the systematic employment of multimedia. Education, 117, 61-69