PB11402 15 Rev. 1A Using MDC Manager to Manage Power Settings Addendum A This addendum explains how to use the MDC Manager to configure and manage the power settings for the M7. It is organized into the following sections: Launching MDC Manager , on page 16 Setting and Changing the MDC Manager Password, on page 17 System Tray Power Status Icons, on page 18 About the Power Settings, on page 19 Power Tab Overview, on page 20 Reviewing and Adjusting Power Settings, on page 20 Computer Power Options, on page 21 Shutdown Options, on page 22 Shutdown Sequence, on page 22 Shutdown Timers, on page 23 Viewing the Voltage Graph, on page 24 Using Windows Power Plans, on page 25 Updating the Firmware, on page 27

Using MDC Manager to Manage Power Settings · Using MDC Manager to Manage Power Settings AddendumA This addendum explains how to use the MDC Manager to configure and manage the power

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Using MDC Manager to Manage Power Settings

A d d e n d u mA

This addendum explains how to use the MDC Manager to configure and manage the power settings for the M7. It is organized into the following sections:

Launching MDC Manager, on page 16

Setting and Changing the MDC Manager Password, on page 17

System Tray Power Status Icons, on page 18

About the Power Settings, on page 19

Power Tab Overview, on page 20

Reviewing and Adjusting Power Settings, on page 20– Computer Power Options, on page 21– Shutdown Options, on page 22– Shutdown Sequence, on page 22– Shutdown Timers, on page 23

Viewing the Voltage Graph, on page 24

Using Windows Power Plans, on page 25

Updating the Firmware, on page 27

PB11402 15 Rev. 1A

Addendum A. Using MDC Manager to Manage Power Settings M7 Mobile Computer System Launching MDC Manager Installation & Operation Manual

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Launching MDC ManagerThe MDC Manager is a software application that is used to view and configure Data911’s Mobile Data Computer (MDC) settings, such as the power settings for the M7.

The MDC Manager sits in the system tray, from which you can launch it. (If MDC Manager is not installed on your system, contact Data911 support. See page 5.)

To launch the MDC Manager:1. Double-click the MDC Manager icon in the system tray to open it.

Figure 1 MDC Manager in the system tray

MDC Manager opens, showing summary information. You may see the General tab, the Power tab, or another tab. MDC Manager can manage a variety of optional MDC modules and connected devices, so depending on the specific equipment combination you have, you may see one or more additional tabs in the window.

Figure 2 MDC Manager Initial Window - General Tab (non-Admin view)

MDC Manager icon

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Minimize will hide thwindow.

Various tabs are shown, depending on the specific equipment combination

16 PB11402 Rev. 1A

M7 Mobile Computer System Addendum A. Using MDC Manager to Manage Power Settings Installation & Operation Manual Setting and Changing the MDC Manager Password

2. Touch or click the Admin button to shift into Admin view, where you can set and change various settings.

3. Enter the password, if prompted. If no password has been set, you will not be prompted.

Setting and Changing the MDC Manager Password

Initially, Admin mode is accessible by any user of the system. You can configure the MDC Manager to require a password for Admin mode access.

To set or change the password:1. Launch the MDC Manager, click the Admin button, and then click the Set

Password... button on the right side of the window.

2. Enter your current password in the current password field.

If there is no current password, leave that field blank.

3. Enter the desired new password in the New Password field.

4. Confirm the new password in the Confirm Password field.

5. Click OK.

Note: If you have lost your password and need to reset it, contact Data911 support for assistance.

PB11402 17 Rev. 1A

Addendum A. Using MDC Manager to Manage Power Settings M7 Mobile Computer System System Tray Power Status Icons Installation & Operation Manual

System Tray Power Status IconsThe MDC Manager icon changes in response to different states of the M7 System and the vehicle engine. This allows users to see at a glance when there is a condition that might be problematic.

Green Icon: Engine is running (voltage is over 13.25V). No shutdown conditions.

Yellow Icon: Engine is not running (voltage is below 13.25V). No shutdown conditions.

Red Icon: A shutdown condition is present. A shutdown timer is running. A popup dialog box will display the remaining time and shutdown condition.

Black Icon: Connection to the Power Control Module has been lost. Open the MDC Manager and check the status bar to indicate which condition is present.

18 PB11402 Rev. 1A

M7 Mobile Computer System Addendum A. Using MDC Manager to Manage Power Settings Installation & Operation Manual About the Power Settings

About the Power SettingsThe M7 Mobile Computer System includes an internal power control module (PCM) and software that helps protect the system against unsafe operating conditions and allows the operating system to monitor and control power events.

For example, it monitors the input voltage and temperature of the M7 Mobile Computer System and will perform a structured shut down of Windows if the input voltage drops below a specified input level. This will keep the vehicle battery from draining and keep Windows from crashing in the event of a low power situation. Similarly, if the temperature of the system is too high, it will be shut down to protect the M7 Mobile Computer System Processor.

The default power settings are suitable for many M7 installations. They can be changed to adjust to needs under certain circumstances. You can review and change the settings in the Power tab of MDC Manager. For example, you can:

• Set the Windows Power Plan based on the ignition state

• Review and adjust shutdown timers based on overheating, low voltage, and ignition shut-off

• Control whether users are able to power-down the system manually

• Set the type of shutdown to occur (standard, hibernation, or forced)

PB11402 19 Rev. 1A

Addendum A. Using MDC Manager to Manage Power Settings M7 Mobile Computer System Power Tab Overview Installation & Operation Manual

Power Tab OverviewWhen you first launch MDC Manager and go to the Power tab, you see current power statistics. Figure 3 shows an example of this if you have not entered Admin mode.

Figure 3 MDC Manager Power Tab (non-Admin view)

Graph Button: The Graph button opens up the voltage graph display. Details about the voltage graph display are shown on Viewing the Voltage Graph, on page 24.

Volts: This shows the currently measured voltage at the input connector of the M7.

Temp: This indicates the current internal system temperature as measured by the hardware. The temperature units are in Celsius.

Ignition: This box displays On or Off to indicate the ignition state.

When you want to set or change power features, use the Admin mode (see page 21).

Reviewing and Adjusting Power SettingsIn Admin mode, you can see additional details related to power settings and set or change the configuration settings.

To configure power settings:1. Launch MDC Manager and go to the Admin Power screen (Figure 4). (Touch

or click the Admin button and then the Power tab; enter a password if prompted.)

20 PB11402 Rev. 1A

M7 Mobile Computer System Addendum A. Using MDC Manager to Manage Power Settings Installation & Operation Manual Reviewing and Adjusting Power Settings

Figure 4 MDC Manager Power tab (Admin view)

2. Make the desired changes to settings on the screen and then touch or click Save.

For details, see the sections below:

Computer Power Options, on page 21

Shutdown Options, on page 22

Shutdown Sequence, on page 22

Shutdown Timers, on page 23

Computer Power OptionsThe following options to control computer power are available:

• Switch Windows power plan when ignition changes: When checked, the M7 can switch power schemes when the ignition changes. For example, when the ignition is turned off, you might want the computer to use a power scheme that prolongs battery usage. For more information, see Using Windows Power Plans, on page 25.

• Ignition “On” starts CPU (if off): When checked, turning on the vehicle ignition powers on the computer, if the computer is not already on.

PB11402 21 Rev. 1A

Addendum A. Using MDC Manager to Manage Power Settings M7 Mobile Computer System Reviewing and Adjusting Power Settings Installation & Operation Manual

Shutdown OptionsThe following settings are available to control shutdown.

• Windows shutdown type: You can select the type of Windows shutdown to be used if conditions initiate a shutdown. Choices include:

Standard shutdown. Initiates the standard shutdown sequence. If applications are open that contain unsaved data, Windows notifies the user and allows them to cancel the shutdown in order to save their work. If the user does not cancel the shutdown, Windows proceeds to close the applications and then shuts down. For more information, see Shutdown Sequence, below.

Hibernate. Puts the computer into hibernate mode.

Force shutdown. Forces a Windows shutdown without giving the user an opportunity to save unsaved work and cuts power to the computer.

• Disable Power Button for Shutdown: When checked, prevents the computer power button from being used to shut down the computer.

• Ignition off shuts down CPU: When checked, turning off the ignition initiates shutdown after the time specified. Two additional options can be set when this option is enabled:

Shutdown delay: Lets you specify the amount of time after the ignition is turned off before Windows shutdown commences. (Default is 2:00.)

Shutdown warning before shutdown: Lets you specify the amount of time before shutdown that a warning message is displayed to the vehicle operator. (Default is 1:00.) The warning message allows the user to “snooze” the shutdown in order complete operations on the M7.

• Low voltage limit: When the voltage falls below the limit set here, shutdown will be initiated after two minutes. Default value is 11.5 volts. You can adjust this setting from 9 to 13 V.

Shutdown SequenceWhen a condition triggers a computer shutdown, the vehicle operator is notified through an alert message on the screen so that they can address the problem. They are given an opportunity to “Snooze” (pause) the shutdown for five minutes, after which the countdown to shutdown resumes.

The standard shutdown sequence begins with MDC Manager requesting a Windows shutdown. Applications can pause Windows shutdown to allow users to save their changes, or even abort the shutdown. Two (2:00) minutes after the Windows shutdown request is made, if Windows has not shut down and if the user has not snoozed or cancelled the shutdown, MDC Manager performs a "forced shutdown" of Windows. Unsaved changes will be lost but Windows is allowed to perform a clean shutdown.

22 PB11402 Rev. 1A

M7 Mobile Computer System Addendum A. Using MDC Manager to Manage Power Settings Installation & Operation Manual Reviewing and Adjusting Power Settings

If after an additional 2:00 minutes Windows has not finished its shutdown (for example, if Windows has hung) the system power will be turned off. This escalation sequence insures the system will power-off even in the event of application or Windows problems.

Shutdown TimersThree conditions act as triggers that can cause the computer to shut down—the vehicle ignition is turned off, voltage falls below a certain level, or an unsafe temperature is reached. Each condition is monitored and timed separately. Only when all conditions are within safe limits is the M7 allowed to remain powered on.

If the condition that triggered a shutdown goes away before the shutdown is initiated—for example, if the voltage increases, the temperature drops, or the ignition is restarted—that shutdown timer is cancelled.

Table 1 Shutdown Conditions and Timers

Condition Setting Shutdown delay timer (HH:MM:SS)

Shutdown warning timer (HH:MM:SS)

Ignition off Either Enabled (checked) or Disabled (unchecked). You can specify whether Ignition Off will be a trigger that causes the shutdown of the computer.

Amount of time after the condition is reached until the shutdown sequence starts. You can set the shutdown delay. (Default is 2:00.)

Amount of time before shutdown that the user is warned of pending shutdown. You can set the warning duration. (Default is 1:00.)The warning message users see permits them to “snooze” the shutdown.

Voltage Below Minimum Threshold

Initial setting is 11.5 V. You can adjust this, if appropriate, from 9 to 13 V.

Two minutes (2:00). Not settable.

Two minutes (2:00).Not settable.Snooze permitted.

Temperature Over 90 C

This setting cannot be changed, because this temperature represents an unsafe condition that needs to be addressed.Shutdown begins when temperature exceeds 90 C.

Two minutes (2:00). Not settable.

Two minutes (2:00). Not settable.Snooze not permitted.

PB11402 23 Rev. 1A

Addendum A. Using MDC Manager to Manage Power Settings M7 Mobile Computer System Viewing the Voltage Graph Installation & Operation Manual

Viewing the Voltage GraphIf you are encountering power issues with the M7, you may want to view voltage information for use in troubleshooting. To do so, you use the Voltage Graph. To launch it, click the Graph button in the Power tab.

Figure 5 Voltage Graph

Voltage Scale: Each dark line is a 5V increment, and each light grey line is a 1V increment.

Current Voltage: The input voltage at the instant the graph is draw is displayed. This is the voltage found at the right most portion of the graph.

Voltage Trace: The voltage trace is drawn in real time as received from the Power Control Module. Pause Button: Stops the trace for inspection or to save a snapshot.

Save Button: Saves the current voltage trace to a .PNG file.

Maximize Button: Makes the voltage graph full-screen.

Close Button: Closes the voltage graph.

Tips for using the voltage graph:

• The saved voltage graph images can be sent to the Data911 Hardware Service Department to assist in troubleshooting any power-related issues.

• Fluctuation, generally not exceeding 0.25V to 0.5V, is normal while the engine is running. If fluctuation is very large, it may indicate a weak power or ground connection to the M7.

24 PB11402 Rev. 1A

M7 Mobile Computer System Addendum A. Using MDC Manager to Manage Power Settings Installation & Operation Manual Using Windows Power Plans

• While the engine is cranking, it is not unusual for the system voltage to dip below 7 volts for a brief period of time.

• When the engine is shut down, battery voltage will fall rapidly at first and gradually decline as drain continues.

• A typical lead-acid car battery at 11.5V in-circuit has around 20% remaining. A vehicle’s starting battery is designed to be kept “topped off”. Continual storage and operation below 20% remaining will lead to shortened battery life. For more about battery care, see Battery, on page 77, of the M7 Installation and Operation Guide.

Automotive equipment with large current draw will create a noticeable dip in voltage. These include such items as headlights, brake lights, light bar, power windows, and HVAC blower.

Using Windows Power PlansYou can enable/disable whether Windows Power Plans are adjusted when the vehicle ignition changes. On the M7, Windows has been configured by Data911 to use Power Plans. However, if you re-image the drive, you may need to set them manually.

MDC Manager switches between two default Windows 7 power plans: Balanced and Power Saver. The setting of most interest for both plans is the one which controls how long after last use the display will shut off.

The steps below show you how to locate these settings.

PB11402 25 Rev. 1A

Addendum A. Using MDC Manager to Manage Power Settings M7 Mobile Computer System Using Windows Power Plans Installation & Operation Manual

To access the scheme settings in Windows 7:1. Open the Control Panel and then the Power Options Window, shown below.

Figure 6. Power Options Window

2. Click the Change plan settings link next to Balanced in the Power Options window to configure the power scheme.

The Edit Plan Settings window opens.

Figure 7. Edit Plan Settings

The setting of primary interest on this screen is the Turn off the display setting. One possible setup for this is a long time interval or never for the Balanced plan, and a short time interval for the Power Saver plan.

Note that if the plan changes due to the ignition being switched off and the inactivity timer has already reached the set point of the Power Saver plan, the screen will blank right away. This is normal and expected behavior.

26 PB11402 Rev. 1A

M7 Mobile Computer System Addendum A. Using MDC Manager to Manage Power Settings Installation & Operation Manual Updating the Firmware

Updating the FirmwareThe current version of the firmware is shown in the Admin Power tab.

In the event that Data911 Support directs you to download and upgrade the firmware, you can perform the upgrade through MDC Manager.

To reflash the firmware1. Launch MDC Manager.

2. Touch or click Admin and go to the Power tab.

3. Touch or click the Update Firmware button.

4. Power down and then restart the M7. The new firmware will be used upon restart.

PB11402 27 Rev. 1A