US Pivot Flashpoint - Korean Peninsula Boston, April 19, 2014

US Pivot Flashpoint - Korean Peninsula Boston, April 19, 2014

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US Pivot Flashpoint - Korean Peninsula

Boston, April 19, 2014

Every Spring, in March and April, I hold my breath...

According to a 1978 House Armed Services Committee report...

The presence of a real live adversary north of the DMZ makes South Korea the best training ground for US forces.

Ideal Condition for War Games

Risk of Miscalculation

Greatest fear on the Korean peninsula is “a miscalculation. An impulsive decision that causes a kinetic provocation.”

James Thurman

Former U.S. Forces in Korea Commander

“The dangers of miscalculation are pretty significant. The potential for an escalatory spiral is very real.”

Bruce Bennett, Rand Corp. analyst

Missile Offense

“Tailored deterrence”

Strike first and eliminate the missile site prior to launch

Miscalculation is unthinkable...

Unconventional Warfare

“Activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt or overthrow an occupying power or government by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary and guerrilla force in a denied area.”

Balance Knife Exercise 2013 - Train Special Forces to develop a “loyal resistance organization”

As US-ROK forces refine their regime change plans…

...North Korea's acts of defiance grow


Preparing for Offensive Operations

Rethinking Conflict on the Korean Peninsula - Center for New American Security

• Predicts a conflict on the Korean peninsula in the next one to five years

• Recommends ROK armed forces to develop offensive operations capability and developing offensive strike capability

Why won't Nobel peace-laureate President Obama engage North Korea?

Joint Statement of 6-party Talks (2005)

• "Each party will take steps in the initial phase to achieve early denuclearization of the Korean peninsula"

"Directly related parties will negotiate a permanent peace regime on the Korean peninsula"

Obama’s Position

No talks and more restrictive sanctions until NK gives up nukes

Division of Korea is Critical to US interests

• Tension on the Korean peninsula justifies US military presence

• US military presence guarantees US economic interests

Pivot strategy requires the US to lean on Japan and South Korea...

...But the South Korean people have nothing to gain and everything to lose from the US


US Pivot Burdens S Korean Citizens

• South Korea will pay $850 million to host U.S. troops this year, a six per cent increase from last year.

• U.S. Forces in Korea (USFK) may be hoarding close to $1.5 billion of South Korean taxpayer money

US Pivot Destroys Life

Jeju Naval Base for US Aegis Destroyers

Hundreds of thousands of tons of stone have been dumped on corals to make the breakwaters for the harbor. Thousands of massive concrete structures are on the shore. The beautiful rocks of Gureombi have been broken apart and the area filled with concrete. It is an environmental disaster.

- Ann Wright

Nothing to Gain…. from the U.S. Pivot

US Pivot Ignores History

US wants South Korea and Japan to revitalize talks this year on a military intelligence-sharing pact

A strong Japan-South Korea alliance is imperative for the U.S. “pivot strategy”

But the United States ignores history, which

shapes the present.

Most South Koreans (65.8%) view Japan - over China and North Korea - as the number one threat to South Korea

“A nation that forgets history has no future.“

People’s Pivot - Time to Come Together

US OUT of Asia Pacific NO to the US Pivot!

Obama’s Asia tour in late April - Japan, SK, Malaysia, Philippines

4/23 @ 3-4pm Twitter rally (online) using hashtags #USoutofASPac #ASPacNot4Sale

4/25 @ 6:30-8pm Counter-protest to Obama's visit to Asia Pacific Region in NYC