Urbanization Leads to Reforms 1

Urbanization Leads to Reforms 1. Problems with Urbanization caused by industrialization Crime Fire Poverty Disease High death rate Illiteracy Problems

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Page 1: Urbanization Leads to Reforms 1. Problems with Urbanization caused by industrialization Crime Fire Poverty Disease High death rate Illiteracy Problems

Urbanization Leads to Reforms


Page 2: Urbanization Leads to Reforms 1. Problems with Urbanization caused by industrialization Crime Fire Poverty Disease High death rate Illiteracy Problems

Problems with Urbanization caused by industrialization

• Crime• Fire• Poverty• Disease• High death rate• Illiteracy• Problems with transportation


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• The average American worker earned approximately $12.98 per week for 59 hours of work in 1900---$674.96 a year.

• During the decade 1910-1919 the average worker's salary increased to $750 a year.


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Modern Problems Led to aNew Social Reform Movement

• Goals of Progressive Movement1. Protect social welfare2. Promote moral improvement3. Create economic reform4. Encourage efficiency in industry and by

the workers4

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• help the poor people in urban areas by creating community centers, churches, and social services

• Jane Addams created a settlement house called Hull House in Chicago to help urban immigrants adjust to life in America– Hull House offered language classes, day care, and

cultural activities– They also sent nurses into the homes of the sick


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• Settlement houses exposed its middle-class female employees to the poverty, political corruption, and intolerable working and living conditions of other Americans

• Most female progressives defended their new activities as an extension of their traditional roles of wife and mother


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Other Social Reform Organizations

• The Salvation Army– Soup kitchens, child care, educate urban

immigarnts about values of hard work and temperance

• The YMCA– Young Men’s Christian Association– Libraries, classes, pools, sport/recreation facilities


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Labor Reforms• Florence Kelly was chosen to

be the state of Illinois’ 1st factory inspector

• She also pushed for 8 hour work days and better working conditions for women and children


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Increasing Industrial Efficiency

• Industrial reformers used scientific management studies to determine how quickly each task could be performed

• This led to the introduction of the assembly line

• Production increased but at the cost of human fatigue and high employee turnover


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• Henry Ford attracted employees to work at his automobile plant by offering them an 8 hour work day and a wage of $5 a day to work on the Ford Assembly lines

• The Model T made its debut in 1908 with a purchase price of $825.00. Over ten thousand were sold. Four years later the price dropped to $575.00


In 1915, it took 93 minutes to assemble a Model T

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Women’s Suffrage Gained Momentum

• National American Woman Suffrage Association 1890

• Led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the woman who organized the first women’s rights convention in 1848 (remember Seneca Falls?)

• Susan B. Anthony was another female rights advocate


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• By 1900, a new generation of women activists were present, led by Carrie Chapman Catt

• Women should have the right to vote because they knew about the issues in urban areas and could help public health boards, police commissions, and school boards

• Women’s traditional private home duties were now connected to the public world of the city


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Helping the Female African American

• Ida B. Wells rallied toward better treatment for Blacks

• She formed the National Association of Colored Women in 1896.


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Prohibition replaced Temperance• The evils of alcohol increased as America became

more industrial.• The temperance movement had started with the

Second Great Awakening in the early’ 1800’s• Women became involved in this reform

movement because they often saw first hand the affects of alcohol on their families

• At the turn of the century, the new focus was to prohibit alcohol completely

• Women became actively involved the crusade to improve the American morals to remove alcohol


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Battling the Evils of Alcohol

• The National Prohibition Party formed in 1869.

• The Anti-Saloon League was formed in 1893.


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The Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)

• Rallied against alcohol, calling for national prohibition

• Leaders included Frances E. Willard and Carrie A. Nation (Kansas Cyclone)


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Raking Muck with the Muckrakers• Journalists who wrote

about the corruption in business, industry, and public life

• Ida Tarbell wrote a monthly magazine series called, “The History of Standard Oil” in which she criticized John D. Rockefeller’s cut throat tactics in eliminating the competition 19

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Upton Sinclair

• A muckraker journalist who originally wrote “The Jungle” to expose the horrible working conditions and exploitation of the workers within the Chicago meat-packing industry

• Instead, readers were horrified by what was in the meat they had been eating


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The Government Regulated the Food Industry

• President Theodore Roosevelt read, The Jungle, and called upon Congress to pass legislature to set standards for the food and drug industries1. The Pure Food and Drug Act—required truth in

labeling in foods and medicines—no harmful additives2. The Meat Inspection Act (1906)—dictated cleanliness

standards for the meat industry and created the federal meat inspection program to grade quality of meats


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How the Other Half Lives


•Jacob Riis’s book showed the plight of the urban poor, mostly immigrants who were forced to live in small cramped spaces that lacked adequate sanitation or ventilation

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Black Codes• During Reconstruction, southern states

created laws to restrict the rights of newly freed African Americans without directly violating the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments– African American workers had to sign labor

contracts , be arrested for being unemployed, had to have official papers to travel,

– In addition, African Americans could not:• carry weapons, serve on juries, testify against a white

person in court, or marry a white person


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Restricting Who Could Vote

• The 15th Amendment had guaranteed African American men the right to vote

• To prevent African Americans from voting, southern states required that voters pass a literacy test and pay an annual poll tax

• However, there were many poor and illiterate Caucasian men who were also unable to meet those requirements


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African American men were often given more difficult questions on literacy tests. Sometimes the tests were in a foreign language. Whether a person passed or failed the literacy test was up to the discretion of the test administrator


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1. What body can try to impeachments of the president of the United States? 2. A person appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court is appointed for a ___________ term.3. When the Constitution was originally approved, how many states had to ratify it in order for it to be in effect? 4. Prior to the adoption of the United States Constitution, the organization of states was known as _______________________.5. Of the original 13 states, the one with the largest representation in the first Congress was __________________.6. What words are required by law to be on all coins and paper currency of the United States? 7. Which of the following is a right guaranteed by the Bill of Rights: public education, employment, trial by jury or voting? 8. What officer is designated by the Constitution to be president of the Senate of the United States? 9. To serve as President of the United States, a person must be how old: 35, 40 or 45 years of age? 10. The first sentence of the United States Constitution is called the Preamble. True or False?

Literacy Test Used in Alabama

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The Grandfather Clause• A way to increase the number of white male

voters• If a man’s father or grandfather had been able

to vote prior to January 1, 1867, then he could also vote

• The date is significant because prior to this date, no African Americans had been able to vote, so this exception to the rule did not apply to them


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Plessy V. Ferguson• In 1892, Homer Plessy sat in an “all white”

section aboard a train in Louisiana• He was arrested and later appealed his

conviction claiming that the segregation laws violated his rights under the 14th amendment

• The case went to the supreme court ruled that separate but equal facilities for blacks and whites did not violate the Constitution


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Jim Crow Laws

• Southern states increased discrimination with Jim Crow laws which segregated the races

• States created separate facilities for black and white people in public and private areas

• Schools, parks, hospitals, trains, movie theaters, restaurants, water fountains, etc


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• Racial segregation dominated the nation for the next 50 years

• In reality, the facilities and resources provided for Caucasian populations were almost always superior to the buildings, and resources provided for African Americans

• Separate was not equal


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Booker T. Washington

• Born as a slave• Received a degree from the Hampton Institute

in Virginia• Believed racism would end when African

Americans gained useful labor skills and proved their economic value to society

• This would create a gradual approach to end segregation and discrimination


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• Washington helped to establish Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute (Tuskegee University)

• This enabled African Americans to earn teaching diplomas and learn skills in agricultural, domestic or mechanical work


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W. E. B. DuBois• Graduated from Harvard University

with his doctorate degree in 1895• Wanted immediate political, social,

and economic equality for African Americans

• One of the Founders of the NAACP• He founded the Niagara Movement

which supported a liberal arts education for African Americans so they would have well educated leaders—the “talented 10th” of the community would achieve immediate inclusion in mainstream American life


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N.A.A.C.P.• National Association for the

Advancement of Colored People (1909)

• With 6,000 members by 1914, this organization pushed for full equality among the races


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Progressive President Theodore Roosevelt

• Elected as McKinley’s Vice President in 1900 (as a way to get him out of New York politics)

• Became president in 1904 when McKinley was assassinated

• He used his bold personality and popularity to gain support for his ideas (The Modern President)

• He believed the federal government should be responsible for the public welfare when the states proved unable to deal with the problems


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• Used his presidency as a “bully pulpit” to influence the media and state governments

• Roosevelt’s Square Deal – The progressive reforms

passed during his administration to help the common Americans


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Protecting our National Beauty

• President T. Roosevelt, an avid outdoorsman, set aside 148 million acres of American land for forest reserves, 1.5 million acres for water power sites and 80 million acres to explore for mineral and water resources

• President Roosevelt also established national parks and wildlife sanctuaries

• He advocated conservation which protected some lands while allowing other areas to be developed for the common good


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National Parks 1872-1919


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Political Progressive Reforms

• Initiative (start)Voters could directly propose a law

• ReferendumPeople would vote on the initiative

• Recall (remove)Voters could remove public officials by forcing a new election before the end of the original term


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17th Amendment• As a result of pressure from the public's

progressive reformers, the 17th Amendment was passed to the Constitution in 1913.

• It established the direct election of U.S. senators by the voting residents of each state

2010 Senatorial election for GeorgiaJohnny Issakson-RepublicanMike Thurmond—Democrat