'UK TBBSDALB H&ROIJRY—WlSDSBSOAY, JANE % 'IMS Ja have OQ pacha 1 h . «, Bit;- _| autfcartji"* K.^" 9 to o a * Hi a arm 7 h»» S Corps. u Ion of 5a. to t h ; Iho appeal [aldrea's Enou* ^brave soU U t t (nloreis of t , itry eater 0 ? 1 y let c o l l e c t o r s »> be Brighton !i n ,. pg f>r forai K , |C»oii*u Vlcrj. jadjuvif, Wits, Be C toUto, H. D |sheR>7 »l Vljta'' mm3, nmp'.ofaat T»ad W'i *Jn-itni, Mil bo attajaaii by»l S igiaaa-g. •17th (3a»7i0)) Hllry, at B-.rtis.rij |B, NawctatH -oa- M CtsHle, ot chi •Territorials), H Taring (• m she iNiwborm? 1 !, a Light Iitantrj, pah Gutrds. 17th Battalion |w»s through tua jboen ia Fraocj pities, will, U is ag *ia lor this M>.. tb. i President- mater >o 33, waj fastle, un -iu I laga, <>( the Bar. \I.H, Vr.'JWSTl. of Mr Rabart Battalion Durham •), ia ia Darher ludif •(field, shut i and with baaa Ion tbe head with ; shall. I* letter from ths rn C,»oiie:a' M >«% Jgratitnda for the pa Council sad the •eneral'y to 'be Ithe Wai«saatid9 d gr.»tlfiad at |rything assooi'.'-fri [hid baan catfio-l b -»tvio^ wijh tae Iloha Grabvo, of •raa ia hoapicil at •ftacta of ga-t. , i J pn's hcapit*! ar c )iaoldac.oi >* Greaa Oraovn, singing to t 118 lioini whe:i i> jt rrrivad. _ hal soim ^ Northumb 'jrlaud Inaster Fmi' i n r * ak in the . too " Fig« 1I >8 in iho Baro** AS f^r sumo y 3 1 " lunsaor B»ts.»i'>'> itb.e preaan* ia now doing soon (Idof bit'.le. Jiffera baraavomaa' b Captain t:toJ naotion, his ha' BocCe-orge ? I noo day. f " g be South W*- 8 * i Colonel rr - T t! i I or imj iod to • Battalion D nfb *J5 pwerby ia ye&Ti' B.irvio ' w , n idit, aad was V Are yaars P'^ KS, being g'' B 0 , Ihonorary r t Ha wi ^^Ju- Maeianga t o a Bather commit" ilhilefournl» 0, ^;;, "Barney " b " 3 Dnadaa, son <>i f lraoa««rred K IHighlaadora t J ' " „ k aud appo'--;^;' ..a Irlth the u,tl „,iy Iadia. H "^'ja ( ,a ll and bntbe rU il. w«e revi-^ on Monday. J b, and 304h. » 6 the all -terrib)« * [the thr^a diffe' ans themaalve'' f,r Jaoe J 1 a B*rro was "»* rf, a n |a Wh»r*" u ' j i a s C .t.a, able yonug UPPER DALE MOTES. [BY OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Two d«atlis cocnrred at MidSletnn cn Saturday, which remoyed twa well-knowi) "jrcotlPineD in the town. The firs 1 , was tbat Ur John Thompson, »f Tov.ii Bud, aged a(i ve»r«, who bad been in declining health for gome t i m e . Mr Thorn pscn need to be a blacksmith for the la? e L-rodim Le»d Company S Hnde Top, but recently ca^ied oa tba ))B6 ; oe5H (f bntf.-r f.nd r-g? df % . Tr» vreond jf,%th was that ef Mr Oeorgo Pitkuej, "f ^eeley-teracp, who was a j iner, and carried gg hir-'irr'n ct R-.«rb« r/T . Mid<?'»ttoo. I t ic jbout ten soars sine.' »Sr Pinks-ey had bis first paralytic seizure, and since that ti:r« he has yea frequei»"/y snbjacted to ice.au attacks, wb!ch have brrngh*. shimt * gradnal flecliae. go was ft prcatlisent rremb^i- til the Baptist Church at. MWdteten, and elao tor .k ^ gra«t jnttrest ir Band < i hope wcrk. He was jecretary for the Middlet sn Gta Compauy for t comber of y«>ar8, bui, owirg to failing he:ith, bad to reIioqf«i*ih tl.o D'-al, wc! wan succeeded his son, M i Stanley Pinkrey. * + * The quarterly meeting of Middlctoc ptimitiTe Method:st station toas held cn Saturday afternoon in the Bowlees Chapel. The Rer. C. Pettier presided, and there was a rood i'epreoentatir >3 of tt-o varions societies |rese;;t. -The cnm^ric.i? vetnm showed ft ilight increase ic mnmbcrsbip. The ordinary income wis very satisfactory, but the expend i- tnre haJ been inereasod by tun repairs at the Mara?, which c*uand a deficit oa the qa^rter's working. Arrangements were made fot « p meetiugs to be held at (be varions p'sces in the circuit. The reqoestB from tho societies «ere received sod sanctit'ifd.—Tcs was nuvided by the society. V Bowlees Primitive Methodist Snpd'.y school anniversary was cslobratnd last Satnrdsy and Sunday. On Saturday night a public meeting was held, under the presidency of M r J. W, Kettlewell, of Romttidklrk. The Rev. C. Pettier gave an address, and a number of tho gocday soholars contributed reoitatiocs. The meeting was well attended, and the supper, which followed, w..s very inrgely patronised. -On Sunday afternoon sad evening special lemons were preached by Mr Thomas Masou, of Williogton, and rec'tatiors and special singing were again contributed by the children. The choir assisted iutheslngirg. The services were bright, acd wero largely attended. V The sad news that Lanec-Cj^porsi R. L. Rcbsof the 8th Dntbam Light Iufmtfj, and oi e of the Bede College Compacy, had died of weneds in a hospital r.t. Rou'ers VSH received at Middlntnn last TLursd '.y ramxiot* with the deepest regret. Mr Robson wtts assistant-master at the Council School at Middletcn. whrro ha I:-id farmed capy friondi?, and was highly esteemed noii only by the children bnt by the inhabitants gent rally. He was a keen sportsmar, and entered into the pastimes of the children, which made them lock upon him as their el ampion Me v. Hr> an enthusiasiio golf pia>er t and was captain of the local club. He wan a iiae figure, and h VJ ttroog eBdut -ince, and figured bijft 'ly as a forward in Hartlopuol Rovers Ru^by Football Club. The first intimation of bis whereabouts was when be was wounded and tsk-.ti a prisoner at Ypres, on Ap;ii 25rb. HA died on May Hh. Lance-Corporal R -c-soa was 26 rears of age. Perhaps tbe beet idea can be formed by a letter wri^ien by Private Dunn to UrR .Nix3», Stock t«'.-rood, West HartlepboL Hs stys: •' A Wjst Hartleoool lad of oars put up a grand fight on April '25th. He was badly wounded, but v>eat on fighting with the machine g u n nntil bo was bit again. What became of him we don't know. He was very brave, arid fotght the be*" of all. His naxe is R. H. Rob:o.i, a good Kugby football player. We called him ' Barney.'" Mr Robsoa is the tiist Uitld'.*Hia man who '.-.a been killed in this war. Mrs R)bson also lost a son in the South Mrioau w»r. e MrsG. W. Walton, of Wesley-ter-ace, got word oa Saturday uiorr.iog tbat hoc husband had besc s'ightly w-.-.ucded ia aoMor. *** The picture hall, Mlddietc:', --a" wa;5 patronised last week-end, whan stmo in tores iog fi'nrsa were sbown. la the faegs of the wolf" ws8 a western drama of uuoh interest. Other films of a hnmoions and instructive naturo were exhibited. The weekly exhibitions are biing continued with MSSBV. *** Midd.'otoa Gas Company are increasing their price of gas from the 1- of July owing to tbe rile in the price of coals. 4«. 61. per thousand cubic feet is the present rate, and moter rents of 4s. a year are charged. Consumers think the price ia high without this increase. The price of m'ik has also risen 50 per cent, this summer. I t bas been the oustom to retail it at Id. par pint fur six in-t the, «nd X^*.. par pint tor the remaining six tnoctbs. This year •he price bas not been lowered, wbioh bas caused a good deal of commeci'. *** Snow fall in Upper Teesdaie and Lacfuala list Saturday. The hills wore covered, and ihe weather was very cold. The War. PLUCKY BftBNARO CftSTiE MFM. LETTER FROM THE F«0ST. local Wounded Soldier's Experience. Private W. Brawn, of the 6th Battalion Durham Light Infantry, who is in the Bristol Vard of the Sussex County Hospital at Brighton, writes to his sister. Mrf Jchn Appleby, 14, Tborngate, Barnard Castle, ..'or date 17th May, 1915. He says he has 'ieen wountled In thn left forearm, shrapnel i -ell having goto right through, sod he has a obtained a cuprprn'-d fracture of the botAo. He fears t'cat iif will h«3 in hospital for a long IWF. He underwent an operation in France on the preceding Friday, and he thinks they iiU* some good. fJe v.as wooude6 on 'he previous Thursday, about twelve o'cloek', while he was oil'.rjg his> rlfls. They wrr« in tbo support trenches to tho Eesex Regiuif ut and tbe 18tb HuRsars. The Germans started s ^MltDg our •reaches at 3-30 in the SMisicg, at Ypre?, sad *-hey w a r e firing from tbrea sides, the position i- K the shape of a horse-shoe, with the Germans ail around (be outside, acd the little lin« of khaki inside, " Shells were flyinff abcut like hailstorms. tr>d, whsn I got taopod, I had the first fie'.! dressing pru >>tj I bad crawled dewu the railway abtu- tbree sailea, wcon I fa'ntt.d an^ 'e'i (iown. 1 rl-n'fc know how long I lay, but I soon found on'. lh*fc I was r.ot out of tbei? zone of fire, f o r s» * Jack Jobnsoc' must have {bought I was sharomiog, so ha ,-er.tly shifted mo dowr tho hil'. The shell burst just about fi.o yards in front of where I wxs lying, w j set my arm blcedicg. I t was a good job it was Mining bard ail the time, on it refreshed m<\ and off 1 want again for other two miles be! vo I found a relieving hospita'. Wo were i.hen sent by motor-cars to Berlew Hospital, where thn doctor dressed rue t»p'*!>, acd we got a cup of cocos and bread and j»m Of course I was amors hundreds of cur lads of al! r:.;.ittiet>ts.M'd at ouo 'vaiook i.otb» morning we were seut to the citation, and to"k train f. Boulogno. but the hospital there v i s so full that we had to return up Franca to a place called Eiiaples, where I went strnigbt thionga y operation, abrut four o'clock in i.ho after- Boon. They took seme shell PUI', HJH? put :\ Khrough my arm. We should have noma ver to Erglaed cn S-uurday. only there were too marsy stretcher cases, '.;.d so we had to stop till Monday. Wo got we:l fed. There wore three shiploads cl M J-"icii d in England on Monday.'' Staindrop Police Court. FRIDAY.—Before Lord B»rn».rd (pr?nidingl Messrs H. L. Fife, J. W. Hartley, acd J. W. " Davidson. Keeping Dogs Without a License, James Darby, miner, of Cookfield, was fined JJ t i l for keeping a dog without a license.— William Close, of Staindrop, was fined 7c. 6d. w a simiUr off aace. The Motorist Case. John Stanley Alders n, miner, Wham, w*s Joed ^t. fid. for noo producing bis motor ^irer'a license for endors-meat. Aldersoa *JJ flaed fll at the April court tor riding "•tor bicycle at Cockfield without having a "flight. He did not produce bis license as ''Hestod by the police, .»nd on attending tbe pjHttwas :»»ked to give the license to the Weir, of tbo Court for endorsement. This ho wioised tu do tbe next day, hnf did tot do so, ? 6 "as thereupon summoned to appear ?«'nard Castle on Wedneodsy last, bu ^graao was sent by him from Blackpool """Eg that r,e was stranded tbere with J*a>hed machiue. Tbo case wj s remitted *lndrop Court.—Defendant cow appeared H a npiessed his regret at tbo default 8 "gg ested Botanical Specimens for the Bowes Museum. To the Editor of the " Teesdale Mercury atr E A R ^ I R > has struck mo as being rather JJ^ge that you have not, to my knowledge *°'our splendid Museum at Barnard Castle, i ," e «tion of presserl local alpine plants, some """San are very rare. I think it would be anm y W e " s P e L t " i h " trustees allowed thS»°3? °' t b ? ! a r g° amount they havo i gj* disposal every year towards such t ^ a t i v e o b j e c t Tbo study of botany is «armi 0g and highly interesting pursuit, and m7 c ! ,tri °fc i s * centre of attraction to J2JJS of the horticultural and other learned hl»k **' w h«se researohes have proved nel »k5i ne 0 1 t h e fl9 a n d plant-lifo of jj ^nourhood. Specimens of tbe series rj ?"*y noted would be a simple yet valuable ^•Hluo, i think, to tbe ocstly exhibits of tho "»es Museum.—I am. faitbfully, j B * ^ORB8T «lN -TEE8DALE READER. 'We lit, MB, nstructive Letter from Private Bailey. Tho " Teesdale Mercury " on the Western Battlefield. Private J. Bailoy.rf frha Gth Battalion Durham ight Iefantry (Territonals), writing to his mothe? at 51, Bridgegate, Barnard Castle, on May 15tb, 1915, says: "Just a few lines to say I am out of hospital, and am in tbe convalescont camp at Rouen. 1 expect to be sent to tbo basa la ."- d-.v or two, and got back to the boys with tbfs fits*, dr.-f . I hart very fc*rd luck ic missing tbe best t(.r England, bn'. I was we'-i r-sated in the fios^isal. 1 was very glad to hesr Second-Lieut. Nichols^u had g-t to England, for he led us a Slant, I got a parcel from Mr Nevisarj to-day, snd I wrote a reply thnuking iro. I have cot rocivad any word from you or anyone elso yet, but I expect tbs- S is due to being shifted about so much. I dou't think that thero is aayone in Englund -.vho can realise what the war ia like over Lero. for there are tbousxnds of shells fired o?ery day on both eider. We happened to drop right acoosg the stillest fighting there L...3 been sloee the war began, ard it speuk« volntnes for I he 1 Terriers' hat tfcey ii?.vo he'd cut s o well f o r fbe> first time under h.^svy fire It ia mmcvcilcus how one gets used to Seeks Sogd men, and nloo men killed without t«e\ii '•: norvous, aud it is a pity to soa the fino buildicgs ^nd cathedrals levelled to the gronud with Grrmsn snell fire. The town of Ypres is abuclately wrecked, and the streets are ploughed up «ith shells. Whrn tbe 'Jack Jcbiison's* hit tbe grouau they !e»ve hclo itbout fifteen or t«reaty »eot wide, ar.d six or seven feet d^.ep, Wher, i gc t buck to tbe battalion again I will write a A ta'.l you. Y n send oici ,«.' Teend«l» Meruury 'every week, for 1 got moti.- news of on? follows <.ut of the ona Mr Nas'soi sent me ti :an I fcivo besrd since I got hit." i'rivato Bailey adds that inc. firs; person ho aj»w in tbo eonvialesoaot cam;? was itis uncle Jin'a s.»s (Pred). who w^s wonaded with shrapD©'. He is LOW progressing sasia.".c:. rily. .ocal "Terriers" Behind the Firing line. Uodcr dtto Msty o'.b, Prlv^t-o E Y:.uog, of he locnl Territorial*, iu a letter tu his wife at BaxnarK Castlr, says they are now a short distance behind the firiog line, tmd are expect- ing to ba moved further back s-till, where they can get » little rest. There is very littie chance of sleep with shells eoostjaatly whistling overhead, tut it is surprising bt w lorg ona can keep fresh acd eyes open whon one is compelled. He said it wcultl osako some pnopla wonder if they s^w what tho shells did with tbe ruilwnyp. TUcy twisted tho rails all shapes. H e w< u i d lika soma of the young follows who h*.«» not yet listed to See what tho men out there are going through, and then they would bo eager to g« acd help to finish it. It would be a (rood job if it was all over. I t i s hell itself, at.d nothing eise. Private Joe Coulthard, of the Second Kite Balloon Squadron., A Plucky Abb y Bridge Lad. "v-to J. Ooolthsrd, who ft! Ketviog with 'bo B Itfah Expp.-'iMonxrv i f "r s ;,•, trriticg fritn hfrance ' n Msy 21st to his .<»thor sod tnotht? at the Abbey Bridge, Barnard Crtstle, sayo : I received your parcel safely, with the very welcome gifts inside. I might mention tbat chocolate is about the most useful thing to rooeive, as we are apt to get our meals at rathor irregular tiaae*, so a little bit of chocolate br los you ales?. Up to now, though, v,e have dene fairly well rs r»g*n ?H our food. W?. h»v» got to otw heidqus'ter 1 ; by now. This is our third csrrp si;.Co arrivtci? here, and w.-i are now "ermewbere In B?'giou»," so wo a'o seeieg a iittle bit i f thn; country. I might mention that this is our hach etcppicp;-p!s.ce. am Wl*ot« d in R woodeo hot, " U h straw to ep oi,-,vid siu very eomfortr.hie, ts I siiri b: ? .?«>, Uiil '-r t'o: ri•.•cu'.' | u(ir<rn:es. We > ivo t'csic ©veiy day with n g»«n»o|>ho»», which keeps us qni<i> >ivc.lv and hp.ppy. Wn bad m%roh of abont ton milns last week-«wd. stock it alright, but tbomaiio bore bra nwfal to mtreh 6r>. atd ala,» b»d for the t »»i =,p.?rtr. They can baat the Abb*-/ »or-is. Thia wust hsve besn a terrible place iinring tbe winter •Jontk*. Our fire 1 night here I bad the plpiMrure 'V liv ^T tig on ftu&'d in a word, and The Versatile Private Harry Patterson. ti>e 2(lth of Ifit! Piivr. •: f?arr» Wriiin^T from the battloflol Vjty, to bta risee t,h- tow Patternno. of the Sod BnrhatDS, who bas beer ab»ra<J tiww August Ir.'Jt-- • ar -••*F. i9a?lare<* by Ragland on tbe A b of t h a t mt'riMa—-says ; ir still in the beat of health, and feels quite tii;. We are h'.v^r;? "obampion" weather nosf. " In fact it is > ' •••••> hot to do anything," bn vows, and continues : " They are keepinrr yon well guarded ut Bernard Castle with fioHi»rs. I would iika t o h a v a c.!>rr'a to the old town at Wbitsor<tido. but I oxpec'; I shall tava to stop where I pva until the war is all over. Ii is strange that uncle Geoigo has enlisted, but, if be had :>ot they wonl-3 havi cade him itt the ead. for I an sure ooesflripti'jn is eoming, sad then there win »ot bs aoy men kit who will make soldier •;. Wo are stilt having % qui.it 'dmr, though there are plenty of a'.x-.'f) llvi '-ig, both enrg and tho GerL^atif!, which keep us alive. v?s have beiea moving t'v.nl: !\»f'y f ' o m ojrte placo to «UO ! .S:««B in I'VftiJt^. !ieS;iiani, I *.zi billoiad U? c ... use withl breach people, vho are very r.ice l»lk, acd c<> R'.J tbov cat foi as I doo't know h>«? tbeylilve, for I never sea tham take ai >ything exaoicirg reap i r coffee," . of h lima it .vr.s, fof tbe heavy rjnno * ? « constantly gotiig. >:s.>'ll/ r*> opu-r 'or a <>»e- r Vo noo'3 see tte lushes, •*i«o the atar-ahsHfi, wltich illuminate all ate and for f r r , ooogb. I t wss s v«ry good Bt*rt for roe, but by bow I have got "bout us"..' so beav'.'B *n« shells explodieR. Last Sncda* w«ti t lovely :ls.y,aad our aircr?t!; was oc the "buzz'nil tho while. Seeing them in tie »ir, with shells burstisg \\\ ari f>".$, wrs really a prettv rtight -!i:t!e .white polls which tiaug in ttie ^ii; >'or k n g eimugb. I aa> glad to 9%v toey didn't manage to bring one down. Aeroplanes sra on tbe go ev ry day. Tbe only thiog that docs really stop thtsni ie mist. While I &m writing enver*) /re up,. »u<! the guns ar» harS »fc it again, i manaRe BO Bleep alright at nighta through- ;t. 8inca arriviKg here v.« l.avo been very eusy ever." day preparicg things, ard yesterday wo ijommersc-d cperii- tioos. Thay bis.''mVi beep up above t«n rnir'nt*s before the shells cama flying ovc!?, bun every- one was a miss, arid 1 hope they all will bo in t'i^ future. Tha toT-n very oloaa to hero is praoatnally deserted There is br.fd!; ?. civil ij!; ia the stiorts, si.d all tba &hcps .«« clogeil IS l^as been slielJcd sevfii-al times, ar.ri is r"»lly a v c y funny sight To buy acy'-bing here is fr.irly expensive, always a liUio tbove English prices- We are getting used to tbe money by row. At prescat I have ErE'-ish, French, and Belgiatt coins, so am getting quite r. mixture As I mentioned on my post-oard we sre ci^se to tbe Duthams' camp. J. Walker, when I Saw Mm, vra <3 just about leaving for the trenches. There are several of tbe Barney boya there, hut Gregory and J. Walker were tbe only two 1 s-,w. I shall try ;«nd have huother trio. I wp.s teld T . Croft was at home oa tea sick- list. To-night I havo just received a letter fr< ra Willie, saying be was at the bridge. I ^ish he h*d only been with me. He hasn't; put any add;ens' on, aa he aaya they are soon moving agaio from Salisbury Plait,. He seems surprised to think I have beaten him here. Jast at present a machiue is up. Six shells bsvo baen firou at it,with no result. It is well out of range. At oar last , i< en we had a cqneert at one of the oafes, quite a merry time. There were Beven cuuntrks rapreeented—black and otherwise. It e^ems strange to think i t is Whitsnntido at the week-end, but anyhow I trust the we&thei is floe, ami that you all have a nico time, No Hondon for me. This time it will be out herr. I received your lust lattar whetl I was on fjuard, ia tb^ wood, somewhere abonb midnight. Sit it quite livened or<« UP. I B,"O Georgo Nixoc l'»s tratsferr^d iatd tbo Btgineers, Tbfcre are ploaty of tho boys' names iu tha papo»:s. Ptnased to hosi ithoy hci a iiood eooeert ,wt Rokeb; Private J. Gregory Wounded, tvate J. Oreeory, Of tbe 6lb Battalion im Li'-: ~ Inftr:try (Territorials), writing ia trifo />', Barnard Castle, under data ufsday, May .27».b, otatas that bis -^glmwt restiog c . Wbi4 Sunday, bu*. sfc 3 o'clock ollowiog morniog they got a taste of the tone gases which *h>i G'jrm+rs are nsiag. Pi D tc fi W/.iO tb-i P"is It made tho Territosiala leave tbfir pciitioes, HoHever, they wsct straight to the front with tbeif moufcha covered, tuid on their way the 9:mo qne^r' gigbte. for it was daylight Wfc.'hi they roac'ied the rreuch^s the anorny b"gfn to she'" then), aa«I it Wiia htll on o iddlesc-x regiment w* 8 i n .'the a-tia* erjehes. Ttoy b»I to make a bayonet oharge, A reither brigade, howewttr, got there batons tib^.ia, rod took a lot of Qermtn oriaont-rs soma guna. Tho Middlesex v'stment 'est a grett numbsr of oteo. It wss 6 lot qni-alor oa Tuesday. At one o'clock yesterday moroiog, whiist ttetieh-diggiag operatbiu -*»ere 1»< progress, the Gerrr.aris ondried flee from i t . * o f ths r. Maxim sues- »od too Tar»-itori*'n tS'i to roi.iro. About 6-30 a.m. ito v.-s s i t t i n g i n a. litt a dug-out in tbe, treoct, w!t St a oi- c-t Of shell otaiL' through th« and aisrnck him ia the itfwet para of the back. He wan »okfu to the bospi but hopes to be si ight ag ycon 0,-« he Late Lieutenant Orde-Powlett. Cerman Snipers are Real 1 Devils.' Mr Hugh Salvin Baper Again Fighting for his Country. With tha G.-ack Canadirn Rsgimsni. Private H. S. Raper, who is * natite of Barnard Castle,sod i*feo e m l g r r . t : d t« f ^ w j e i r s ago, is once more ic England, actuated by the highest patriotic motives. Ho t?a& wi naned in the Beer War. fie ia a private Soldier fp the 24 t h Battalion Victoria Rifles, Number 2 PIMOOP , 2od Oasadlan Kxpsditlorjary Pates, «nd, writme from somewhere in Kent to ^n old friend ia .his ttiwn, says be is now o.ily thirty- six miles from the firir.g line. Ha cmnot yet s*y wbor';c»r he will bo ftble to come north, ssa tiiey expect to bo sent abroad shortly. H>, procfcfcds: "What fcrtl Seme. fur. Tha 24th Battalion Victor 5a Rifiss are the crack regiment of C.'.aadB. Gsmo boys, everyone. Tbo wifa and childreii, ara coming to England next month till the v>%t i? ovi". I wonder if I shall get plugged again. Wo (tho boys) go to Folke- stone every iiight by motor-car for a; little recreati »n. This district is iovely. Don't fail to aond mo the r^dres* I want. I would liko to 33a uim .>gaiu, just for old times'sake " Symptthy inm Teestiata, .sadannouno«anentthai L'eusei > • 1' cv Powlitt (4th Yi-rkf) htB sjnt i i s -to- ie in action in V IH>. o$ussd Kid &sproad sorrow and oeep ' ore 1 - He was " u;: •ran »'f gresi; pre wire, beir.g fch*- sen i she B.ti.W.G. A.Ordo-Powlett, W.P.IorRioom r.i- shire, a-icl grandsnh of Lord Bolton. Ho attained his majority OIIV- . few w.^ks 'ffei brive young ofiicer wt- b*s laid down bis life for his Kicg »ud ecuutry, -wrs t;r»»tl> boibveri by fcbo patriotic in.-; - 1 oommaudle^. jfJandoience from Cathersroni, Unionists The following tester raai seat t... his : —MCotherstonc, 24ib May, 1915: PEAR K OBDE-POWLBTT , -Oa buhalf of tee botbetstune Coitservativo and TJ-'i^nist Assoeiatit r. w« Hag to assure yen of ihe sorrow with which learn of the lefiS you havo sustsinesl' bj ihe death of yt;ue sou in action Our deep -.••« sympathy is with ycu sod jour famil?, •"•> d we feell that your truest our.solation ia tbit he diod for hia oocntty.— We l iro, youts faithfnlly, W.| J. FRATER , Preside:.! ; J. If. BOUKMB, Secretary."—Mr Orde-Powlett's reply: " 2 5 Yolks, Regiment, Long B3 'ato",27tn May, 1915 : DflAR MR FRATER,—Piossa convey our rusce/ 1 .: th»nks for the expres.ioe of sympathy io yonr kitid letter. My sou's death hss bet;: a terrible blow, but it ia a great Onoaolatiuc «o know tbat ws have the sympathy of ccr frieona. —Yours sincerely, W, A. ORDE-POWXETT.'' Memorial Service, There wss a large gathirirg io the Pariah Church of Waneley, whea a mem 'rial service was beld for the late Lieut. i; 'm Perey Ordo- Prjwlot*, who w»a killed i o F w - c » oa *i;; 17sb. Tho sorvioa was conducted by tbe Rev. B. Orde-Powiftct, i-«c6or of Wei-sley, Brookes presiding at tha orgao. CominnnicMting with his father (Mr Wallace Gregory. Bridge-end), Private J. Gregory, of the 6th Durham Light Infantry, says : We bava just come back from the front for a well-earned rest, after having been amongst it for a week, dsy and night. The German snipers are real " devils," and very ^ood ehois, too. It is awful hem, and it is a good thirg i t has not happened in England, I am sorry to say tbat Thomas Barwood bus besa sliglitly wcurjded in the head. I myself nave hsd two narrow escapes. I n a no re addressed tnhis little brother the same writer sdds: I eaniiot t<-!' you all ycu want to know. When w n are in the trenches wo stay tuero wet or fixe. Yon would like to SEO tbe big spoils bursting, but you mt'st bo n long way off. It is just liko fire- works nloi>g too German tnraioaea at light time. They send up a lot l f sUr-abelis, which light up all tbe place, W. Brown has been wounded, and I think ha hso lost part of his arm, Private B. H. Seniles, of the 5bb Battalion Durham Light Infantry (Territorials) communicates with his father under «"at« April Gib. Hei'tys: " I received your small parcel •»;th tbstkp. Let me Unow if you have gel tho photographs- If you have do not dispesa of them notil you receive my instructions. Have you bad aoy word fiom Torniay yet ? I haven't. Auntie still sends me papers. We are not allowed to tell you where we are, or what wa are doing, so you muBt wait till I come back. You might give Wilf. Robinson my address, and tell him to write to me. Also give him my heartiest congratulations "—Writing on April tbe lOcb, Robert Henry Smiles said " they seem to bave oarned a good rest, and are now a good way from the trencbes. He says he really cannot tell bis parents in a letter what is happening out yonder, so tbey mnst w*it patiently till be returns. He hopes they like tee photo of bis company, ?..d dues cot i.lvk the war can possibly last much logger." [Unfortunately this view is by no means shared by older heads.-BD.J Gunner Richard Watson in France. Nephew of ths Teosdale Poet and the " Good Old Barney Paper," Kr Clarkson, dliver, King'c Head . Hotel, Barnard Castle, has bad a letter from Gunrer Ricbard Watsoo, late 'busman at this hotel, who is now in Franco. The good-natured acd jovial soldier, in bis characteristic way, says : You would think I had gone dead by mo not sending ycu a Hoe, but we bave been having a pretty rough time of it. I got yeur " Teesdale Mercury " all right, and was awfully glad to Bee a bits looal news, aa there is pothing I ecjoy better than a looir ?,t the good old Barney paper. I got » little surprise tbe other day. I was at . and the first one I met was Dick CcuHhard, and yen can guess how pleased I was to meat hirr. I also saw Walker, the sweep, and Hofana Beer. Thoy hsd boen in "dock," but they looked extra, and tho first thing I asked for wsa the " Teesdale Hexcury." Tbey said they had just left Joe Ashmnre, and hleo had seen Ted Procter. Dick toll? ma tbat poor" Kelly" Walker had been killed. Wall, old pal, remember mo to 'Billy 'Basin* a" acd Wi.'t.oe, and tell thorn I am going to send them a letter soon—that is, if I am spared, and I hope I may be. The Germans are very diriy fighters. Their gas bombs are awfnl, Tbey know that their "numbers ara up." and they are trying to do as much haim as they car,bat they find there am somn plucky lads wbo '-!<w« come from Barnard Castlo. Wo go into action like a thousand men. Don't forges to lemembor me to Mr and Mrs Atkinson, aud to Tom Rii-\ , Jim, atid tho f»>-mor ttsid all. Wo hro having lovely weather out bero—quite a charge fn>m England. Tbe only thing teat beats ma is tbo talk of the French people. I don't understand a word they say, so I have got a French bock, and, when I havo got a bit of time to spare, I read it. Sergt. T. Smiles, of Barnard Castle, Wounded. " Just a liue to lot you know I am feeling a lot better," writes Sergt. 'ihomas .-Sioiles, i f the 6th Durham Light Infantry, from Franca, to his patents at Bernard Castle. Ha ?.dds : " I was wounded reoeatiy, and I am cow in hospital. Write back s^d tell me if you have had any word from Harry lately." The French Wounded Emergency Fund- Monthly Collection Around Somas ri Castlo Miss Bell-Irvinfr, who, looal acorcary fop tbe abova fund, has to collect monthly towarois tho groa'o need an-3nr»3t al? tto poorer Frerch hospltalB, is very pleased, to report bavisg beon able to sand £7 collected during May, £5 los. htyuog been oiestred— after all exrjcasea hag been paid—nt r.fce concert in Bokeby sc»,o -J-rccm CB May 7to, and the following gcnijrcco rloeatiooB received; Mrs Pulleino, Richmond, 10s.; RSrs Peacock, Sp'nham House, HarnipghajJ (collect" in Spaucam orid Hope), 10-. ; J. ~ Alexaodor Adams, Skreatlam, 5s.; ?« w,?1 as raost acceptable par cole of work, frcaa Miss Ra>ioe, 27, Newgata ; »ad Mies Harris, i,Horsa-rfisrkeS. Bernard Castle. Th&t oontributb ns r-rw badly noedtti and vary gr^;efu!iy received !>y t«bo French ia shewn iu teo tollowiog iriLt? fjrem one of the reprfitentattvea of the fuat) diatriontir -g parcels in France:—Rockafott en Terre, March otb.-Wa bavs joe's re't !~-«a from Brest, which compsetes onr iong tour of more than 2,500 kilometres end 64 hospite'ts. Iti all cr.nm tee hospitals are delighted with tjhe bales, ar.«2 beg oE us to ci nttrine thn good *ork. Tho B6pit»! Mi'ittiiro at Gouria is very poor. Is is rccst miserable, but s.oe doctor anri towsnpeople pro very proud of it. All the be*s, aa well as olbor furelture, wore given by tt« people in the town, so xcu can Imagine how the v? >rds »<a>l*. Tfcry toed eyecytldiiy—frotj nocks to oWorofona, «*t |*onb!vy srere avo Several totyttals badly in peed of help. Hdpital Tesspoi sire No. 18 (505 beds) is very Iwge Sid well kipt, hu> poor. It bas a very fit.o snrgeon (Cicttrdet, ol N«otr&), who has s^veei many lives, bub ho has >'u use his own lDStrnmonts, ft d the operati'ig-room Is very primitive. It i3 a very deserving bospitel acd full,\nd in need of warm olotcicg, sheo 's, air cushioM', as d hot water bottles, besides medical stores. At Bopital des poatagioux thesistornsre usirg pork Madden for ice -bags, »s?d said they wcold not he co bad if rbey did cot smcli so dreadfully Thore is only one air Cttsfclon, a'od they told us how fcwo typhoid patients bad a fight over it one day. Tbe Hopttal &iixte 's very po:."". and jtbere ara ir.so.v soldiers from Northern France kvho havo r,o una to send tbem t'oit>tp, sud no pewefrom tfceir peopio. At Baud there is » hospital for oonvaltacect", which U-. a meat cheerless hole. Do send tho pu.ir things sumothicg to choor them up. It tons so dirty and diurnal. Mists Pell-Irving isoow appealing for a I s collection for the fund tr-is month, and would bo very grateful indeed for coBtributSi.'uo of la. otsly curios Jut:. For Hard Wear wo offer tbo Wellington Cover at 8/-, and an Inner Tube of Stout Red Rubber at 4/6.—Teesdale Cycle Depot. langleydale School Collections thn editor f ft-,e :EAR PIR, - 1 TeeeM< ., :.-.g f. ' Merenrv.*' Vcm tho Serb) 'a C :n i 4 ' > i Lend leg '>> r'",\ r-j for su'i cripttnrB ; • fr-.m too Cor-ra-ioo." i : , O'ii - • • ' Wo I N - f "».••.! b'.:*p si, A son t. 'L (t Colle.g, CaBli?, /or egga. Will yu*J please »u •••• -t. : t !-6 -k- je.'. ter irthen N •t-rn aii you thick best? O.o the 19th May IS %R , nn tbo 26t'o May 40 eg^s woro ae "trn Philippff. Staindrop. for the N s ! Collection Fund. During the n«xt waek . collectors ui.!i call m Sh <o residonttt for oua acriptlona to the BufierirK Bolgi?-- ;i Reigium ami during: tbe followirg weekan eggoolleetlcm will bo rnad'i f-»r the Jfewcaatde MIHtary Hospital for t'.se ulck ni^d.wcapied Boldierss,— I am, dots Sir, yon/-; trutj. W. H. BERRY. Lan«'e?d&ie"School, Barsard Csstle, Slat Hay, 1915. ' aToIlpwingifl the text of tiaeleejte \ r«cvivad: Mt»« Maagrave Watson, fen ?'Rl secretin to ifc • Ra-.'b'an Rritef F^ - : 55, BercefB Street. Oxford Street, •". Kih ilay. 191 i>. DEAR f -iR ,--You will h. K f - - receiver ihs ffiiiial recslpi for tho £2 10c. wbic'i j on kscdly rriii to tbis ttted. Pleass thank the children tor '.ho ttonbio they have raksn iu coilectl.i!; ti>s. acd will yon kindly Convey to the subscribers my c-oimiftee'o Er« ; ff&; s.jank* asid rer T.-i ^iio;: ?"— F ; o m Lteut T. Gibbe: "-'rmstr B«C liege Hospital, N«wcast>e -i«j -Ty <>.May 2".r», 1915. SIR,-I»Q dit 'cued by the • fe-.«r ccmt.-i<'. g to acknow- ledge tba receipt of eggs col: oted by tbe ohlldeen of Laogleydaln sc'iool, d to conve; to tt a donors, thrcngh yoari.;'f ; hie apprEcia- tioti (4 the gift*' afraBliMao ,<3au«n Faraa; « i » «l Wi ••• root M'-a Lndgj, BtMieawa ;• - fii?e>r.t:; t 0,-,;k-er, aod •«« Wir.stors r.nd District's econd Qenerous fgg Contribution. furtherc rstribu'-i-, 9s0 era hr .s bocn «• during Vf-iy . . .\ - • i h * C lleation thn fjli'•-»'!•,-;: "-<r» Hlcholso.i, r 'irstou; . y ; hfaa '1 MgMk, atec Aruia; m Ti- U 'uolu:v; Mit Jtatst , dedgt'boiata Fano; wp b>. Hi;! T.-p ; BJruOoete- , n l M i s Wal > . "v-'i at •-, ; "xiisa B.ittair. Mrs c: , .M>--8 F. W»ika~, r-d ^.'iss Kirkup, Wl?»s - ; KM Km . . I he K-e. >ry,Wiosrec; M- ' r 'tnwvli. L-wBirr,-?; Mrs E-rkup, Mrs 8. K I up, i Mrs Brow , Newsh^m; Mrs sham H-il; Mrs Eggiastooe, The C •»!• f: s, Sttt'oa H--uao ; Art P.»r '. The Lodge, bUubbKraae; 'M'.S P-t- a-yt, TUe S*-cda ; Mrs Smi! i.Oass iniluiuft; UruSwinback^cd Mrs R. b^«>k, Hia;bcl!il»; M-s W. kiujoo, Alw?rt ; Hts Wfli.' , p,i>j:- as Hill ; >drsC>oper. Mio H ;ch;rUB .«j, Walker Hali; Usa ardion, Who* >y Bill; M»w O. Stanton, i U ;no; w.i Mr W. F.lct-ff,st.n, 8 v " N i R'e! Btut Girls' ! he British Tied Cross Societies. To tho Eds' or ot the "Teced»la r.iercuTy." DEAR &IR. AS local secretary ci the '-PfiOay Fund :. tt our Sick »cd V.'oucdid SoUQeM tr .d Ballots " 1 akonld like, througi: ihe medium of your vAluabla ^r.f.er, fca i;.-.->ok ovsryone wf.o neiued to maka fee '.encfir. (or the above d' Betjrint; aocieties each »i gre-.i- sunnean lasii Thuraday u^euifig, VJZ. : tbo prcprieton ut too "Galgate Fancy Fair *n;l Cftt.-,ivti?," who generously gavo tiseir es-'ire tftkiogs; ha public, srhc;» - mlaed I be shows; the meabors of ou:«Urban Diet.,it Coaxcil; tiot ?arSuroyo? (Mr R, E. B«,iot;>, v h o mane tbe rocessary arrsi titmente. The h»odaome aum of £14 9s. 6d. vas rea'isetl aa follows :—A. Newaoate (large ted srj5.*H juiopi'j^ Lcrscs l r.d 6m^ll swizgs), £8 14s. 6i.; J. Smith (lot -ia and d Hy si ) £212E.; W.G.Firmac (aoco-- u' B O v,£i0i.9.; C. Boh30U • )•!<;••;-• s«- g> 1 ' s,.& s '.;i'8/, £1; Wm. Hughes (stalls),7s 3. j Root. Clam (eiati). 5H. ; Thos. Refcajn (eo«t ;M.u e shiee), 5a.; O. Bi'i .iB '1 (swlij. 3s ; total -reeiv-d, £14 9.'. 63. In sttkooarleajging this &m-nr.* Sues 5, B Igrt .-Jvpit .cf, asjs: •"""so «o»<v,-,y t o 6h»i o w n e r s a r»ucti-obeat| at-u si»,li» the> ooamltteaVaastl] grateful 'nvjkn fi v .o soiecdid asm t .f m.oey | t!.cr r.-.s j oonftribntad totrncds t i t s fund. The j moi.Kj «i coiloot ia to bo squally divided I between ths Bt. John's &b.^ th<» U./.iiah Rva j Cr;,us Siciotiea to bo used toj &<j\i parpoasnk j ar.d TI -w v& have i» i macy srssiea in toe I vo-'i U3 pr .v.a of ti..', wotlo I Kure tha object j wiil :• r>pesi to ove.-yooc, sia there are iow who j Boys' Country Work Society Liepartment. > ..'g • thegr . - oca-.'-.!'.•- ' owut foe farm wi >k t*« B.yc' Oourtr. Work Sjciaty are ptoviareji tj plase g'tls nr.d you ,g womet: aa t'~mhouso iiei|rfu Ph* t.tria w-: ; . •• live in," and wiil 1- -ro da'vy w. rk .ou poaitry kcepii.g. aa areH t n p e l p L ^ th»- term-.r's wife H cto house. Tfcej will he under t o oara ol too oocorary c ^ f j i ' ;a _ . H - .i visitors as the bays *ro. uao w.ll oi.Iy tie plied with fatmera' wirts sfbo s.-o iikaiy i.c letk ctrelu'lyafter tiho gsrjV,-.,jd giv . r/,|.' ; ' :- G.rls taunt Im h-Trlahy ai-.d of good c' aracber. Forms t. d fnriher t -,~tleola:s C;» bs eotaiued frjm thn honorary ascro'-y, Boys' Country Work Bod * y i 7, Jobc Bare >< i , W C ; or the local iae -•• i " : . ten 1 J, !&>..:-Irving, Kokoby, Barnard Cassia. Teesdale Volunteer Training Corps. 07 : 100 fPiubor? ieseoi.iod o.: Sacdsy •,'ti • • ion iu the cricks; flei.l for clti':', acd is ia '• * gra .f;i-g to are rocrnin coming fjrvsrd alanJtw nvory week. Thtavajh tbe HsBJUTtt'T - * f - " - f -f .eN.-r.t Ktatera C u t - School 30 ;ifi?s a placed ttt the ctiSi-.r-sV: i f <he e r;a, a :r> foil ^dvaotaga is i. \.g -,btu ••' i'-..a k i - d ffer. T i Uy nod 'lau tday eve.o.-r-a' o ilis *TQ •I 'tHlf t.ken ua vith tils InsUooti i , and Kraut progress laeraiaia ha.,g mad.-. Tho volun'.eer corps ess beccme vdiy *ctive, acd ». HJ vary popular, aud it is hoped that at a . eatif data an a;nbuiau:-o eocii.: aio 1 snail .»:-d bugle basal may b « i o r m < r d » . r . y membarn would '.ska a ~H~,•"'y.z-'y ' enured p»rade. Wcy n-.-i nave r. parade on a j " g T , - _ \ Pac-u »y afters on ? I? s !•> eaa bs arranged the f tfco i «KWP 9 /.'ill certainly ae ince a:>r.'y p- pular. KAAWOOU MOTES. L:s^ tu. C iy PiOj-^fng Teesdalo paouia s-woke^io c ,\~;-'. <n,sc.ow Oiit'g from t w o t j thrco hnhea .oto'i ic the Settle. Ic ia about fifty vt »«g ai ^co t. siuiil -A event occur;ed on tha SBM tfap. lis tl-.o paatah -t Foresb-aud- Frith tb«re are 10th Leicester nogiment ai Oeorbolt Camp. rJack. Thi'i > »l co • • » ! amoog Mac u ; ouug t: J .c« " . [ scrip^ic-, ;. .em aii a.*iec<i. |i J we.i ojser ' ttofl in t'eesdalo : " dive us c in- d let ua get the frrival i f : n - ' Boyai ligers" from ;fledtfationOay at ^tarifoith Church. r*.r^iiam. rjs _f nitig tho 10th Lsicebic;' j Suuroy iifit wan sot cpart aa dedication day c', arrived .'u thin town by j „t Si'jr.f jrth Pnrah Chu.cn of 8-i Michael and e troopa eotrr.iried on tbe j slayfl^ty Trinity. Ao 10-30 o'olotk »hc-rn were :.s. R*>1 Ye&t»> day (Kitchener) apaeiat tr.*in. (-•eat' Central E-jSt Leigh pad P fight about six c 'clock The Njrth-Sswtor Railway Company w. eca.-.uulec to j<?ka up the traio at Meajooreug*! Inaction at 4-10 yesteidtv; morning It v/ja limjd to arriVi io York at 5 1 , and .. 'esve LWliogt -1 at.7-4 bat started 19 mlnu OJ Into from the latter tow t'CO as a 1 : Fsteham, bs-wcoa ! our u-g V r ^j r :• • . c •< U~>IIA- cf t'-e holy nehflTnttta, on Mccda^ j eoatauualoo. la Ike afjeru -Htn, at 2-30, n ehiidf-fV lower aervice t o fc t l a t e . The flowers p.-^r « it-. ».s/t}*t so.-.t t r i the North Kiri>f; lift- m:^ y, M d.',.or ..ugo IraineaiStte! • alter the evening setvica an org reoita' was girea ty Mr Siowart, of E.tkby .j. p; oa. Good no » ^ .- ba s.trvioea. for Barnard C*fc*.and pwcjeclcd the or btkaocger ;>ai'- by ufew lainu-oi ocly ite troop treii:, which carried aevoral harass, wsa a ve.y loop; one, audi wsn r,, vn by two lucmoiivc-f. Oslono; C&ul't-itd, D.'iO.,Ca;- and .U 'jutaua Mye<a-Wjijr;«. o, Quarterm Lifuten.ict R. W"rd, and Battalion Bargoant- le 17.-. re co. gtogatioos wereprpt.. 1 '." i fUs diil-Stio. v/ , - o o i ; 8j...oie. ••- aalf of ihe 9und*y OJiO, 1 i (Barvlct) Large, frosh afcocks i,f Homcoopr.i .bic Medicines for Cattle, Foot Rot Lotioii end Oin'meot, Scour Cure, Sheep Dips of all makes. Tar, Grease, Mschloe OD, eta, at R. W. Raice's, Chemist, Bar^sid Castle A good stock of all tho most noted Sheep Dips always ou hand, at the lowest yrioes, from G, Clarkson Barker, Chou.ist (opposite Calgatc eaiarajMe to Auotioo Mart), U&rnarr? S 'lsr'e. PaU t Ktict*, Rod, Tar, arid Oouper Kemp'a Sheep Marker. Estaoaa DurDcta Ligbt It fai.Uy, wore t •: the p I to receive tha reajmsnt. Colonel Ctrl •., , eommaudlcg the 10th Lei&eatere. >• tig party frcm the 17th Puvhac:^ w.«a al, • <.<..,.. to :».srisc i n A;-: «r,,:, i.,; tha baggage, the }..; -,im? having t.ready prepared tno {re's tnd rativ, 3 at I be Ds'-rbio'lt C:»sn-,t. Two trocp tr&ios nniv'A In ^-.rHcgtcu about tea same tiue.. i- s.htr«. C>S«-J north to Harrogate. fb-.rdid ; j -a > fit'- »••••« i x'-it 17 h Durham Light jefits -y, o-i r . the ti u;io of the ever- pi pui.tr - Mauuiiilaito " ;.<f cur heroic f.\litn tea Frriinc, the tronpa atarehied through the town to Deerbolt Camp I ia m; rtial spirit had enthused thai bthabifaMto tt a c impnratively early hour, and tha progress of tjo troopa was aratCbed wi'h tho kbencst Interaat. The eelcteri", wr.o ..-»». ice tigutfii oiiie.* on toeir caps, bave »-xciating. > » & k..ca waten or- the 8t;'.ent lor the brctzy hi!la of ?:e» 'lie, sod the cbaage willdoubtloasiy ba intoueely relished by libaratirg Homing Pigeons. Two ttt'~n Fined at Hexham unco; the Oafance of His tfsa m Act. Yeajtstday n. • •:!•>„ ic •> .Hexaam Petty ocssblsuvPe*. r •-„mb. drvjci-. / f H9,H»irvey- s rcoj, "Newc^ari- 1 , wj.6 cang .-.d ucdor tbe Daiej -.e of tiio Rec .l.n ^ct wit o Navtng n-.law- fully I 'j ,inte v -'.»i.-3 ' -jar , .a. rs witt.,u»; a permit at fi:x .o,5i, sod Tlr illi»m Or-.bhaai, licecsed v r .etu::lUr, of 315. Soie'da -roaC; Newc ;»i .:i" -vae ebairged ,vii.a hfving Nided a«id abi-itcO Lamb.—The defendants worn es.ci: •fiecu 5 : . . > ^ e Generous-Hearted the Edifoi. 1 tt •"iiidieton. .-t'.lS a " Tc -s Sain -j<- can DEAR SIR,—AS -iroady reported I . coluiacH. see waa Ptovittod f-» who Casus to toe recmiiic.c ^fficj; kl MiddletoB -in -Xoeadala, bn 22.-.-.'. fhe Ladles'Worklog Party were requested by ton Roet uitiiig Committee to make all t.ece^ary Rirr'(,r^;oaie''.tfl, and s-ocorai-i^'.y th'. town was est.v.-seed for anbeeripiioca, tho otileecota everywhere c t e i i - g . t i a sue. B geaMaw Ceapocso that!, '.-.'.-a.- a<! BXpersea had b •• •;• paid, a rub.' t'.tl »o?;.lus remaiha #* *he;r banre. This th< y have decided to t.op^sit, to tfeSurs Bai-c 3 .iLk ea a reeorve fn t provide Us» *». a.-»y fntaw« utaa - Ittieca may visit ?.ii.lnietoc.,ai)d thoy take t: aoppc:- tuoity So tbaok »!• who g*v«s so liberally, bora in menty ;i :.d p-t ,vis!on3, as.d also alt wiio worked so herd to tntUt the effort o««.c .. . Tho following is aatateoteutof accounts, whieU bss been kindly auo.iced by floieSi-s A. ilowe and J. Wataoc. and which we sihail fosl groatiy ohligcd i ! you will insert ir. your next issn^ of the "Toesdalo renry ":—Subacriptiorse, £S 13*. Id ; s*!e of areid &cd cike,£2 8s. &sa ; total receipts, £11 Is. Paid tor hacts : >zo cakefl jscd other i«cit.'<?atai expenses, £4 Its. Id.; btlsncrt io bank, £6 10rf, d\ '•• 1.4 may bo well to ixpi&lo that 'ba reaaoa why so mucu cus. cake Waa left ever wna that ba oommitceii were s.stta to i. «.c ; .i t , 150s..-ioiaig.ando&!< 109 arrived.—Yours v ry t 'u'y, J '.NE DBNT,1 Q , - it riYSUiP,/ 0 " c t 5 ; i ' s j . P.'.UK1N, Treaanmr. Middloton-in-Teeadala^ liny 31st, 1915. Raice's F, ot Rot ijcti. n Ic g xid. I; eonidu't very well be b ::.«r. WV fov tbo saka of conveBicac-.- wo no*' mnko it in tbo fos-ai of an ointateot. IT IS ALSO OOOD, TRY.IT. la Una at 1/-: aob from Ralaaa, Chi o is,, PuBt-card Maps, showing each Theatre pi War in dct-iil. Id. o.-iob, to bo i ••: " 'f ceadale Mercury " Office, Baroaid Castlt. An)o.-i.icg i' tho L\D u. J Pi.ogtt8sivo AB2c«ir .ticr, , { the Brimn* Ciiaaja Division was be'd:, p lu^a i .c, , Saianln;., fur ska BBrp-.be «.f *. • -p log V •• AHMU He: d.-t»jn os aSsdl 'ata ir. t^a byt-ei:otlo« enured hy his joiaUg iataa>w MattonalMini r> saPreaidiot of tab Bo.»,i6 nf E J u c i t l A . V . Hon.o pre- sided, a : r t, ;:u ie.-c or e c^artily ooi3gia>u.-'o..g Mr HticceiBi .ii I his promotion to Cabui.i r.-.-.k, acd te-sffictctiig ccttfideuoe in him. Trie " Dirliegton Mercury " for Jun? 11th, 1773, -Oa Friday list, beii.g His jaaj -B 'j's Goo.-^d 111 '"u Durban reg.-tsaes of milUiA VJ-a reviewail on Barnard C-«".o moor by loo Right Honourable the Ea<l ot Utriu'gt'.u and the C>iecel. The men •parformei taei? ariii c-o the ^abiataotiou of Hia Lordship uod all tho cpecUtoia areaeot. In ihe ev«ui :.g they srere up in ihe Maik*- where f^ree cxcallo.t vo 'V .^g were fi aev .-iAi loyal toastfi were (truck, an.-. Ihaaa was aiao s brillia&t - . arb.j at the Cid Bull inn In hoan uc *t the day Hia Lordahip, t .s a mark ci mrts's cor.uuo., gave them ten guioitts to drink.'' Ph»«ograp»ors vialiif,^ B-rca d Caa^te wil 1 fict' at Riine-'i, the Cheiuu.., au expert willing so five Bdvhaaj »iso frchh Btecks ol Plates, P?p.-ra. a^d othar iihotograpr.ic materials—R. V. Ritjoe. Chuai'it, Barccd Car.cle. mT"l< mhM'.t-l:^, d»*e lifrVffiS. UtiB^S TAi -bt-NTiRK.— > % Gri-y Scar. Spiial, Bewea, t n •jy -S.- ; 1915, Isaac TalbMstits), aged 63 year.'. WaBiuterred ri M *re, oa Tc-sdty, Juae lsc. la •asmoriam. BROWN . Ic ...vie.g macior > ot our dear raoiher lane B.o.vn, Follv, Bgglentobe, who disa on -.i.e 30th ilay, 1914.-Ever icmembered by he* aoi.4 acd daughters. Do not uit IU II we tui^ bar, Tbure U iiich a vacant plaee. We can never toilet her preaenoe. Nor her dear Lamiliar tacc. rtetura Thanks. laRZ TEMPLE ANL- FAMILY, Town H^ad, Siudletoir. be • -U .- 9 iritcda for tab kiHiccsa &•. u i ,ympr!t.-y shown to them ii, their recent 6at. b.:rcavemer.t. MB' biAVV, Si.vt :t<uso;sqd MRS DENT, i . ogiii UiUSt. ti.i.-f. , wjab toexprtsa b--*t ua-..i« to ?!l trior .-a tor their kihM axaMaatona of ay to pa thy i.i,d floral tributes duritg Uaeit st>d beicavem.ct.

UPPER The War. PLUCKY BftBNARO MFM. •••• -t.teesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1915/June-02/June-02-1915-05.pdfLETTER • FROM THE F«0ST. local Wounded Soldier's Experience. Private

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Page 1: UPPER The War. PLUCKY BftBNARO MFM. •••• -t.teesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1915/June-02/June-02-1915-05.pdfLETTER • FROM THE F«0ST. local Wounded Soldier's Experience. Private

'UK T B B S D A L B H & R O I J R Y — W l S D S B S O A Y , J A N E % ' I M S

J a have

• O Q

p a c h a 1 h . « ,

Bit;-_ | a u t f c a r t j i " *

K . ^ " 9 to o a *

H i a arm 7 h»»

S Corps. u

Ion of 5a. t o t h ; Iho appeal [aldrea's E n o u * ^ b r a v e s o U U t t

( n l o r e i s of t ,

i t ry ea te r 0 ?

1 y

l e t co l lec tors »> be B r i g h t o n ! i n , .

p g f>r f o r a i K ,

| C » o i i * u V l c r j .

j a d j u v i f , Wits, Be C toUto , H . D

| s h e R > 7 » l Vljta''

mm3, nmp'.ofaat T » a d W ' i*Jn-itni , M i l bo a t t a j aa i i by»l S igiaaa-g.

• 1 7 t h (3a»7i0)) H l l r y , a t B-.rtis.rij | B , N a w c t a t H - o a -

M CtsHle, ot chi • T e r r i t o r i a l s ) , H T a r i n g ( • m she

i N i w b o r m ? 1 ! , a L i g h t I i t a n t r j ,

pah G u t r d s .

17th Bat ta l ion |w»s t h r o u g h tua j b o e n ia F r a o c j pities, w i l l , U is

• ag*ia l o r t h i s

M>.. tb. i President-mater >o 33, w a j fastle, un -iu I

laga, <>( t h e Bar . \I.H, V r . ' J W S T l .

of M r Rabar t B a t t a l i o n Durham • ) , i a i a Darher lud i f •(field, shut

i and wi th baaa Ion tbe head wi th

; shall .

I * letter f r o m ths rn C,»oiie:a' M >«%

J g r a t i t n d a f o r the p a Council s a d the • e n e r a l ' y t o 'be Ithe Wai«saatid9

d gr.»tlfiad at |rything assooi'.'-fri

[ h i d baan catf io- l

b-»tvio^ w i j h tae I loha G r a b v o , of

•raa i a h o a p i c i l at • f t a c t a of ga-t. , i J

pn 's hcap i t* ! ar c ) iaoldac.oi >*

Greaa Oraovn , singing t o t 1 1 8

l i o i n i whe: i i > j t


_ h a l so im ^ Northumb ' jrlaud

Inaster F m i ' i n r * ak i n the

. t oo " F i g « 1 I > 8 i n i h o B a r o * *

A S f^r sumo y 3 1 " lunsaor B»ts.»i'>'>

i t b . e preaan* i a now d o i n g soon

(Idof b i t ' . l e .

Jiff era baraavomaa' b Cap ta in t : t o J naotion, his h a ' BocCe-orge ? I n o o day . f " g

be South W*- 8 *

i Colonel H» r r - T

t ! i I or i m j iod to •

Battalion Dnfb*J5 p w e r b y i a a ° ye&Ti' B.irvio ' w , n

i d i t , a ad was

V A r e yaa r s P ' ^ K S , b e ing g ' ' B

0 , Ihonorary r * ° t

Ha w i ^ ^ J u -M a e i a n g a t o a B a t h e r commit" i lh i le fournl» 0 , ^;; ,

• "Barney " b " 3

Dnadaa, son <>i f lraoa««rred K IHighlaadora t J ' " „ k aud appo'--;^;' ..a

I r l t h the " » u , t l „ , i y

Iadia . H"^' ja ( , a

l l and b n t b e r U

i l . w « e r e v i - ^ on Monday. J

b, and 304h. » 6

the al l - terr ib)« * „ [the thr^a d i f f e ' ans t h e m a a l v e ' '

f , r Jaoe J1


B * r r o was " » * r f ,

a n | a Wh»r*" u ' j i a s

C . t . a , able yonug


[ B Y O U R OWN C O R R E S P O N D E N T . ]

Two d«atlis cocnrred a t M i d S l e t n n cn Saturday, w h i c h remoyed t w a wel l -knowi ) "jrcotlPineD i n the t o w n . The firs1, was t b a t Ur John Thompson, » f Tov. i i Bud , aged a(i ve»r«, who bad been i n d e c l i n i n g hea l th for gome t ime. M r Thorn pscn need to be a blacksmith for the la?e L-rodim Le»d Company S Hnde Top , b u t r ecen t ly c a ^ i e d oa tba ))B6;oe5H ( f bn t f . - r f.nd r-g? df % . T r » vreond jf,%th was t h a t ef M r Oeorgo P i t k u e j , " f ^eeley-teracp, who was a j iner , and ca r r i ed gg hir-'irr'n c t R - . « r b « r / T . Mid<?'»ttoo. I t ic jbout ten soars sine.' »Sr Pinks-ey had bis first paralytic seizure, and since t h a t t i : r« he has yea frequei»"/y snbjacted to ice.au a t tacks, wb!ch have brrngh*. sh imt * gradnal flecliae. go was ft prcatlisent rremb^i- t i l the Bapt i s t Church at. MWdte t en , and e lao tor .k ^ gra«t jnttrest i r Band < i hope w c r k . He was jecretary for the M i d d l e t sn Gta Compauy for t comber of y«>ar8, b u i , o w i r g t o f a i l i n g h e : i t h , bad to reIioqf«i*ih t l . o D'-al, wc! wan succeeded h» his son, M i Stanley P i n k r e y .

* + * The q u a r t e r l y meet ing of M i d d l c t o c

ptimitiTe Method:s t s t a t ion toas h e l d c n Saturday afternoon i n t h e Bowlees Chapel. The Rer . C. Pe t t i e r presided, and there was a rood i'epreoentatir>3 of tt-o var ions societies |rese;;t. - T h e cnm^r ic . i? v e t n m showed ft ilight increase i c mnmbcrsbip. The o rd ina ry income w i s ve ry sa t is factory , bu t the expend i -tnre haJ been inereasod by t un repa i rs at the Mara?, wh ich c*uand a def ic i t oa t h e qa^r te r ' s working.—Arrangements were made fo t « p meetiugs to be held a t (be var ions p'sces i n the c i r c u i t . — The reqoestB from tho societies «ere rece ived sod s a n c t i t ' i f d . — T c s was nuvided by the society.

V Bowlees P r i m i t i v e Me thod i s t Snpd'.y school

anniversary was cs lobra tnd las t Sa tnrdsy and Sunday. On Saturday n i g h t a pub l ic meet ing was held, under the presidency of M r J. W, Kettlewell, of Romt t idk l rk . The Rev . C. Pettier gave an address, and a number of tho gocday soholars c o n t r i b u t e d reo i t a t iocs . The meeting was w e l l a t tended, and t h e supper, which fo l lowed, w..s ve ry i n rge ly patronised. - O n Sunday afternoon sad even ing special lemons were preached by M r Thomas Masou, of W i l l i o g t o n , and r e c ' t a t i o r s and special singing were again c o n t r i b u t e d by the c h i l d r e n . The choir assisted i u t h e s l n g i r g . The services were b r igh t , acd wero largely a t tended.

V The sad news t h a t Lanec-Cj^pors i R. L .

R c b s o f the 8 th Dn tbam L i g h t I u f m t f j , and oi e of the Bede College Compacy, had d ied of weneds i n a hospi ta l r.t. Rou 'ers V S H received a t M i d d l n t n n las t TLursd ' .y ramxiot* with the deepest regre t . M r Robson wtts assistant-master a t the Council School a t Middletcn. w h r r o ha I:-id farmed c a p y friondi?, and was h i g h l y esteemed noii only by the children bn t by the inhab i t an t s gent r a l l y . He was a keen spor tsmar , and entered into the pastimes of the c h i l d r e n , w h i c h made them lock upon h im as t h e i r el ampion Me v . Hr> an enthusiasiio golf pia>er t and was capta in of the local c lub . He wan a i iae figure, and h VJ ttroog eBdut-ince, and figured bijft'ly as a forward i n Har t l opuo l Rovers R u ^ b y Footba l l Club. The first i n t i m a t i o n of b is whereabouts was when be was wounded and t s k - . t i a prisoner a t Ypres , on A p ; i i 25rb. H A d i ed on May Hh. Lance-Corporal R -c-soa was 26 rears of age. Perhaps tbe beet idea can be formed by a l e t t e r w r i ^ i e n by Pr iva te Dunn to UrR .Nix3», Stock t«' .-rood, West Har t lepboL Hs s ty s : •' A W j s t H a r t l e o o o l lad of oars p u t up a grand fight on A p r i l '25th. He was badly wounded, b u t v>eat on fighting w i t h t h e machine gun n n t i l bo was b i t again. What became of him we don ' t know. He was very brave, arid f o t g h t the be*" of a l l . H i s n a x e is R. H. Rob:o.i , a good Kugby foo tba l l p layer . We called him ' B a r n e y . ' " M r Robsoa is the tiist Uitld'.*Hia man who '.-.a been k i l l e d i n th i s war. Mrs R)bson also los t a son i n the South Mrioau w»r.

* » e

MrsG. W. Walton, of Wesley-ter-ace, go t word oa Saturday uiorr.iog t b a t hoc husband had besc s ' igh t ly w-.-.ucded i a aoMor.

*** The picture h a l l , Mldd i e t c : ' , --a" wa;5

patronised last week-end, w h a n s tmo in tores iog fi'nrsa were sbown. l a the faegs of the wolf" ws8 a wes te rn drama of u u o h interest. Other films of a hnmoions and instructive na turo were exh ib i t ed . The weekly exhibi t ions are b i i n g cont inued w i t h MSSBV.

*** Midd.'otoa Gas Company are increas ing t h e i r

price of gas from the 1- of Ju ly o w i n g to tbe rile in the pr ice of coals. 4«. 6 1 . per thousand cubic feet is the present ra te , and moter ren ts of 4s. a year are charged. Consumers t h i n k the price ia h i g h w i t h o u t t h i s increase. The price of m ' i k has also r i sen 50 per cent, t h i s summer. I t bas been the oustom t o r e t a i l i t at I d . par p i n t fur s ix i n - t the, «nd X^*.. par pint tor the remain ing s i x tnoctbs. T h i s year •he price bas no t been lowered , w b i o h bas caused a good deal of commeci' .

*** Snow fa l l i n Upper Teesdaie and Lacfuala

list Saturday. The h i l l s wore covered, and ihe weather was ve ry co ld .



local Wounded Soldier's Experience. Pr iva te W. B r a w n , of the 6 th Ba t t a l ion

Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y , who is i n the B r i s t o l Vard of t h e Sussex County Hospi ta l

at B r igh ton , w r i t e s t o his s is ter . M r f Jchn Appleby , 14, Tbornga te , Barnard Castle,

• ..'or da te 17th M a y , 1915. He says he has ' ieen wountled In t h n l e f t forearm, shrapnel i - e l l hav ing g o t o r i g h t t h rough , sod he has a obtained a cuprprn'-d f rac tu re of the botAo. He fears t 'cat iif w i l l h«3 i n hospi ta l for a long

I W F . He unde rwen t an operat ion i n France on t h e preceding F r iday , and he t h i n k s they iiU* some good. fJe v.as wooude6 on ' he previous Thursday, about t w e l v e o'cloek', w h i l e he was oil ' .rjg his> r l f l s . They wr r« i n tbo suppor t t renches t o tho Eesex Regiuif u t and tbe 18tb HuRsars. The Germans s ta r ted s^MltDg our •reaches a t 3-30 i n the S M i s i c g , a t Ypre?, s a d *-hey ware firing f rom tb rea sides, the posi t ion i - K t he shape of a horse-shoe, w i t h the Germans a i l a round (be outs ide, a cd the l i t t l e l in« of k h a k i ins ide , " Shells were flyinff abcut l i k e hailstorms. tr>d, whsn I go t taopod, I had the first fie'.! dressing p ru >>tj I bad c r a w l e d dewu the r a i l w a y a b t u - tbree sailea, wcon I fa 'nt t .d an^ ' e ' i ( iown. 1 rl-n'fc know how l ong I lay , b u t I soon found on'. lh*fc I was r.ot ou t of tbei? zone of fire, for s» * Jack Jobnsoc ' must have {bough t I was sharomiog, so ha ,-er. t ly sh i f ted mo dowr tho h i l ' . The shel l bu r s t j u s t about fi.o yards in f ron t of where I wxs l y i n g , w j set my a rm b lced icg . I t was a good j o b i t was M i n i n g bard a i l the t ime , on i t refreshed m<\ and off 1 wan t again for o ther t w o miles be! vo I found a r e l i e v i n g hospi ta ' . Wo were i.hen sent by motor-cars t o Ber lew Hospi ta l , where t h n doctor dressed rue t»p'*!>, acd we go t a cup of cocos and bread and j»m Of course I was amors hundreds of cu r lads of a l ! r : . ; . i t t ie t>ts .M'd a t ouo 'vaiook i.otb» morning we were seut to the citation, and t o " k t r a i n f. Boulogno. b u t the hospi ta l the re v i s so f u l l t h a t we had t o r e t u r n up Franca to a place ca l led Eiiaples, where I wen t s t r n i g b t t h ionga

y opera t ion , a b r u t four o 'clock i n i.ho after-Boon. They took seme shel l PUI', HJH? pu t :\

Khrough my arm. We should have noma ver t o E r g l a e d cn S-uurday. on ly there were

too marsy s t re tcher cases, ' . ; .d so we had to stop t i l l Monday. Wo go t we : l fed. There wore th ree shiploads cl M J-"icii d i n England on Monday. ' '

Staindrop Police Court. FRIDAY.—Before L o r d B»rn».rd (pr?nid ingl

Messrs H . L . F i f e , J . W. Har t l ey , acd J. W. " Davidson.

Keeping Dogs Without a License, James Darby, miner, of Cookfield, was fined

JJ t i l for keeping a dog w i t h o u t a license.— William Close, of S ta indrop , was fined 7c. 6d. w a s imiUr off aace.

The Motorist Case. John Stanley Alders n, miner, Wham, w*s

Joed ^t. fid. for noo produc ing bis motor ^irer'a license for endors-meat . Aldersoa *JJ flaed fll a t the A p r i l c o u r t tor r i d i n g "•tor b icycle a t Cockfield w i t h o u t h a v i n g a " f l i g h t . He d i d no t produce bis l icense as ' 'Hestod by the police, .»nd on a t t end ing tbe pjHttwas :»»ked t o g ive the l icense t o the Weir, of tbo Cour t for endorsement. T h i s ho wioised tu do tbe n e x t day, hnf d i d t o t do so, ? 6 "as thereupon summoned to appear ?«'nard Castle on Wedneodsy last , bu ^graao was sent b y h i m from Blackpool " " " E g tha t r,e was s t randed tbere w i t h J*a>hed machiue. Tbo case w j s r e m i t t e d

*lndrop Court.—Defendant cow appeared H a np iessed his r eg re t a t tbo d e f a u l t

8"gg ested Botanical Specimens for the Bowes Museum.

To the Ed i to r of the " Teesdale M e r c u r y atr E A R ^ I R > — h a s s t ruck mo as being ra ther JJ^ge tha t you have not , t o my knowledge *°'our splendid Museum a t Barnard Castle, i , " e «t ion of presserl local a lpine plants , some

"""San are ve ry rare . I t h i n k i t wou ld be anm y W e " s P e L t " i h " trustees a l lowed thS»°3? ° ' t b ? ! a r g ° amount they havo i gj* disposal every year towards such t ^ a t i v e o b j e c t T b o s tudy of botany is «armi 0g and h igh ly i n t e r e s t i n g pursu i t , and

m7 c! , t r i °fc i s * cent re of a t t r a c t i o n t o J2JJS of the h o r t i c u l t u r a l and other learned hl»k **' w h « s e researohes have proved nel»k5ine

0 1 t h e fl9'» a n d p l an t - l i fo of j j ^ n o u r h o o d . Specimens of tbe series rj?"*y noted wou ld be a s imple y e t valuable ^ • H l u o , i th ink , t o tbe ocs t ly exh ib i t s of tho

"»es Museum.—I am. f a i t b f u l l y , j B * ^ORB8T« lN -TEE8DALE R E A D E R . ' W e l i t , M B ,

nstructive Letter from Private Bailey. Tho " Teesdale Mercury " on the Western

Battlefield. Pr iva te J. B a i l o y . r f frha Gth Ba t t a l i on Durham i g h t I e f a n t r y ( T e r r i t o n a l s ) , w r i t i n g t o his

mothe? a t 51, Bridgegate , Barnard Castle, on May 15tb, 1915, says : " J u s t a few l ines t o say

I am ou t of hospi ta l , and am in tbe convalescont camp at Rouen. 1 expect to be sent to tbo basa la ."- d-.v or t w o , and got back t o the boys w i t h tbfs fits*, dr.-f . I hart v e r y fc*rd luck i c missing tbe best t(.r England , bn' . I was we'-i r-sated i n the fios^isal. 1 was very glad to hesr

Second-Lieut . Nichols^u had g - t t o England, for he led us a Slant, I got a parcel f rom M r Nevisarj to-day, snd I w r o t e a r ep ly t hnuk ing

iro. I have c o t r o c i v a d any w o r d f rom you or anyone elso ye t , bu t I expect tbs- S is due to be ing sh i f ted about so much. I dou ' t t h i n k t ha t thero i s aayone i n Englund -.vho can realise what the war ia l i k e over Lero. for there are tbousxnds of shells fired o?ery day on bo th eider. We happened to drop r i g h t acoosg the s t i l les t fighting there L...3 been sloee the war began, a r d i t speuk« volntnes for I he 1 T e r r i e r s ' hat tfcey ii?.vo he 'd c u t s o w e l l for fbe> first

t ime under h.^svy fire I t ia mmcvcilcus how one gets used to Seeks Sogd men, and nloo men k i l l e d w i t h o u t t«e\ii '•: norvous, aud i t is a p i t y t o soa the fino bu i ld icgs ^nd cathedrals leve l led to the g ronud w i t h G r r m s n snel l fire. The t o w n of Ypres i s abuclately wrecked, and the s t reets are ploughed up « i t h shells. W h r n tbe ' J a c k Jcbiison's* h i t tbe grouau they !e»ve

hclo itbout fifteen or t«reaty »eot wide , ar.d s ix or seven feet d^.ep, Wher, i gc t buck to tbe ba t ta l ion again I w i l l w r i t e a A ta'.l you . Y

n send o i c i ,«.' Teend«l» Meruury ' e v e r y week, for 1 got moti.- news of on? fol lows <.ut of the ona M r N a s ' s o i sent me t i :an I fcivo besrd since I go t h i t . " i ' r i v a t o Bailey adds t h a t inc. firs; person ho aj»w i n tbo eonvialesoaot cam;? was i t is uncle J i n ' a s.»s (Pred). who w^s wonaded w i t h shrapD©'. He is L O W progressing sasia.".c:. r i l y .

.ocal "Terriers" Behind the Firing line. Uodcr d t t o Msty o'.b, Prlv^t-o E Y: .uog, of

he locnl T e r r i t o r i a l * , i u a l e t t e r tu h is wife a t BaxnarK Cast l r , says they are now a shor t dis tance behind the firiog l ine , tmd are expect­i n g to ba moved fu r the r back s-till , where they can ge t » l i t t l e res t . There is ve ry l i t t i e chance of sleep w i t h shells eoostjaatly w h i s t l i n g overhead, t u t i t is su rp r i s ing bt w l o r g ona can keep fresh acd eyes open whon one i s compelled. He said i t wcu l t l osako some pnopla wonder i f they s^w wha t tho shells d i d w i t h tbe ru i lwnyp . TUcy t w i s t e d tho r a i l s a l l shapes. He w< u i d l i k a soma of the young fol lows who h*.«» no t y e t l i s t ed t o See wha t tho men out there are go ing t h rough , and then they would bo eager to g « acd help to finish i t . I t wou ld be a (rood j ob i f i t was a l l over. I t i s he l l i t se l f , at.d no th ing eise.

Private Joe Coulthard, of the Second Kite Balloon Squadron.,

A Plucky Abb y Bridge Lad. "v- to J. Oool thsrd , who f t ! Ketv iog w i t h

' bo B Itfah Expp.- 'iMonxrv i f "r s ; , • , t r r i t i c g f r i tn hfrance ' n Msy 21st to his .<»thor sod tnotht? a t the Abbey Br idge , Barnard Crtstle, sayo : I received your parcel safely, w i t h the ve ry welcome g i f t s inside. I m i g h t ment ion tba t chocolate is about the most useful t h i n g to rooeive, as we are ap t t o ge t our meals at r a thor i r r e g u l a r tiaae*, so a l i t t l e b i t of chocolate br los you ales?. Up to now, though, v,e have dene f a i r l y w e l l r s r»g*n?H our food. W?. h » v » got to otw he idqus ' t e r 1 ; by now. This is our t h i r d csrrp si;.Co ar r iv tc i? here, and w.-i are now "ermewbere In B? 'giou»," so wo a 'o seeieg a i i t t l e b i t i f thn; coun t ry . I m igh t mention tha t t h i s is our hach etcppicp;-p!s.ce.

a m Wl*ot« d i n R woodeo hot , " U h s t raw to ep o i , - , v i d s i u very eomfortr.hie, t s I s i i r i

b: ? .?«>, U i i l ' - r t 'o : ri•.•cu'.'|u(ir<rn:es. We > i v o t 'cs ic ©veiy day w i t h n g»«n»o|>ho»», wh ich keeps us qni<i> >ivc.lv and hp.ppy. Wn bad m%roh of abont ton milns last week-«wd. s tock i t a l r i g h t , bu t t b o m a i i o bore bra nwfa l to m t r e h 6r>. a t d ala,» b»d for the t»»i =,p.?rtr. They can baat the Abb*-/ »or-is. Th ia w u s t hsve besn a t e r r i b l e place i i n r i n g tbe w i n t e r •Jontk*. Our fire1 n i gh t here I bad the plpiMrure

'V l i v ^ T tig on ftu&'d i n a w o r d , and

The Versatile Private Harry Patterson. ti>e 2(lth of I f i t !

P i ivr . •: f?arr» Wriiin^T from the ba t t lo f lo l

V j t y , to bta r i s ee t,h- tow Patternno. of the Sod BnrhatDS, who bas beer ab»ra<J t i w w Augus t Ir.'Jt-- • ar - • •*F. i9a?lare<* by Ragland on tbe A b of t ha t mt'riMa—-says ; i r s t i l l i n the beat of heal th , and feels qui te ti i ; . We are h'.v^r;? " o b a m p i o n " weather nosf. " I n fac t i t is >'•••••> hot to do a n y t h i n g , " bn vows, and continues : " They are keepinrr yon w e l l guarded ut Bernard Castle w i t h fioHi»rs. I w o u l d i i k a t o hava c.!>rr'a to the old t o w n at Wbitsor<tido. bu t I oxpec'; I shal l tava t o s top where I pva u n t i l the war i s a l l over. I i i s s t range t h a t uncle Geoigo has enl is ted , bu t , i f be had :>ot they wonl-3 h a v i c a d e h im itt the ead. for I a n sure ooesf l r ip t i ' jn is eoming, sad then there w i n » o t bs aoy men k i t who w i l l make soldier •;. Wo are s t i l t hav ing % q u i . i t 'dmr, though there are p l en ty of a'.x-.'f) l lvi '- ig, bo th enrg and tho GerL^atif!, w h i c h keep us a l ive . v?s have beiea moving t ' v . n l : ! \ » f ' y f ' om ojrte placo t o «UO!.S:««B i n I'VftiJt^. !ieS;iiani, I *.zi b i l l o i a d U? c ... use w i t h l b reach people, v h o are v e r y r.ice l»lk, acd c<> R'.J tbov cat f o i as I doo ' t know h>«? t b e y l i l v e , for I never sea tham take ai>ything e x a o i c i r g reap i r coffee," .

of h l i m a i t .vr.s, fof t b e heavy rjnno * ? « constant ly got i ig . >:s.>'ll/ r*> opu-r 'or a <>»e- r V o noo'3 see t t e lushes, •*i«o the atar-ahsHfi, w l t i c h i l l umina t e a l l a t e and for f r r , ooogb. I t wss s v«ry good B t * r t for roe, bu t by bow I have go t "bou t us"..' so beav ' . 'B *n« shells explodieR. Last Sncda* w«ti t lovely :ls.y,aad our aircr?t!; was oc the " b u z z ' n i l tho wh i l e . Seeing them in t i e »ir , w i t h shells bu r s t i sg \\\ a r i f>".$, w r s rea l ly a p r e t t v rtight - ! i : t ! e .white pol ls w h i c h t iaug i n t t ie ^ i i ; >'or k n g eimugb. I aa> glad to 9%v toey d i d n ' t manage to b r i n g one down. Aeroplanes sra on tbe g o ev ry d a y . Tbe on ly t h i o g t h a t docs rea l ly stop thtsni ie mis t . Whi l e I &m w r i t i n g enver*) / r e up,. »u<! the guns ar» harS »fc i t again, i manaRe BO Bleep a l r i g h t at nighta through- ; t . 8inca a r r i v i K g here v.« l.avo been very eusy ever." day prepar icg th ings , a r d yesterday wo ijommersc-d cper i i -t ioos . Thay bis.''mVi beep up above t«n rnir'nt*s before the shells cama flying ovc!?, bun every­one was a miss, arid 1 hope they a l l w i l l bo i n t ' i ^ fu ture . Tha t o T - n ve ry oloaa t o hero is praoatnally deserted There is b r . fd ! ; ?. c i v i l i j ! ; i a the s t i o r t s , s i .d a l l tba &hcps . « « c loge i l IS l^as been slielJcd sevfii-al times, ar.ri is r"»lly a v c y funny s i g h t To buy acy'-bing here is f r . i r ly expensive, a lways a l i U i o t b o v e Engl ish prices- We are g e t t i n g used to tbe money by r o w . A t prescat I have ErE'-ish, F rench , and Belgiatt coins, so am g e t t i n g q u i t e r. m i x t u r e As I mentioned on my post-oard we sre ci^se t o tbe Duthams ' camp. J . Walker , when I Saw M m , vra<3 j u s t about l eav ing for the trenches. There are several of tbe Barney boya there, hu t Gregory and J. Walker were tbe only t w o 1 s-,w. I sha l l t r y ;«nd have huother t r i o . I wp.s teld T . Crof t was a t home oa tea sick-l i s t . T o - n i g h t I havo jus t received a l e t t e r fr< ra W i l l i e , saying be was at the br idge . I ^ i s h he h * d only been w i t h me. He hasn't; pu t any add;ens' on, aa he aaya they are soon moving agaio from Salisbury Plait , . He seems surpr ised to t h i n k I have beaten h im here. Jast a t present a machiue is up. Six shells bsvo baen firou at i t , w i t h no resul t . I t is w e l l ou t of range. A t oar las t , i< en we had a cqneert a t one of the oafes, qu i t e a mer ry t ime . There were B e v e n c u u n t r k s rapreeented—black and otherwise . I t e^ems strange to t h i n k i t is Whi t snn t ido at the week-end, bu t anyhow I t r u s t the we&thei is floe, ami t h a t you a l l have a nico t ime, No Hondon for me. Th i s t ime i t w i l l be out her r . I received your lus t l a t t a r whetl I was on fjuard, i a t b ^ wood, somewhere abonb m i d n i g h t . Sit i t qu i te l ivened or<« U P . I B,"O Georgo Nixoc l '»s t r a t s f e r r ^ d i a t d tbo Btg ineers , Tbfcre are p loa ty of tho boys' names iu tha papo»:s. Ptnased t o h o s i ithoy h c i a i iood eooeert ,wt Rokeb;

Private J . Gregory Wounded, tva te J . Oreeory, Of tbe 6 lb Ba t ta l ion

i m L i ' - : ~ I n f t r : t r y ( T e r r i t o r i a l s ) , w r i t i n g ia t r i f o />', Barnard Castle, under data

ufsday, May .27».b, otatas tha t b is - ^ g l m w t r e s t i og c . Wbi4 Sunday, bu*. sfc 3 o'clock o l l o w i o g morn iog they go t a taste of the tone gases wh ich *h>i G' j rm+rs are nsiag.

Pi D tc f i W/ .iO tb-i P"is I t made tho Ter r i tos ia la leave t b f i r pc i i t ioes , HoHever , they w s c t s t r a i g h t t o the f r o n t w i t h t b e i f moufcha covered, tuid on t h e i r way the

9:mo qne^r' gigbte. for i t was d a y l i g h t Wfc.'hi t hey roac ' ied the rreuch^s the anorny b " g f n to she'" then), aa«I i t Wiia h t l l on o

iddlesc-x reg iment w*8 i n .'the a-tia* erjehes. T t o y b » I t o make a bayonet oharge,

A reither br igade, howewttr, go t there batons tib^.ia, rod took a l o t of Qermtn oriaont-rs soma guna. Tho Middlesex v ' s t m e n t 'es t a g r e t t numbsr of oteo. I t wss 6 l o t qni-alor oa Tuesday. A t one o'clock yesterday moro iog , w h i i s t t t e t i eh-d igg iag o p e r a t b i u -*»ere 1»< progress, the Gerrr.aris ondried flee from i t . * of t h s r. M a x i m sues- »od too Tar»-itori*'n t S ' i to roi . i ro . Abou t 6-30 a.m. ito v . - s s i t t i n g i n a. l i t t a dug-out i n tbe, t r e o c t , w!t St a oi- c-t Of shel l otaiL' t h rough th« and aisrnck him i a the itfwet para of the back. He wan »okfu t o the bospi b u t hopes to be si i g h t ag • • ycon


he Late Lieutenant Orde-Powlett.

Cerman Snipers are Real 1 Devils.'

Mr Hugh Salvin Baper Again Fighting for his Country.

With tha G.-ack Canadi rn Rsg imsn i .

P r iva te H . S . Raper, who is * n a t i t e of Barnard Cast le ,sod i*feo emlgrr.t: d t« f ^ w j e i r s ago, i s once more i c England, actuated by the h ighes t p a t r i o t i c motives. Ho t?a& wi naned i n the Beer War. fie ia a p r i v a t e Soldier fp the 24 th Bat ta l ion V i c t o r i a Rifles, Number 2 P I M O O P , 2od Oasadlan Kxpsd i t lo r ja ry P a t e s , «nd, w r i t m e from somewhere i n K e n t t o ^n o ld f r iend ia .h is t t i w n , says be is now o. i ly t h i r t y -s ix miles from the firir.g l ine . Ha c m n o t ye t s*y wbor';c»r he w i l l bo ftble t o come nor th , ssa t i i ey expect to bo sent abroad shor t ly . H>, procfcfcds: " W h a t fcrtl Seme. f u r . Tha 24th Ba t t a l ion V i c t o r 5a Rif iss are the crack regiment of C.'.aadB. Gsmo boys, everyone. Tbo wifa and c h i l d r e i i , ara coming to England next month t i l l the v>%t i? o v i " . I wonder i f I shal l get p lugged again. Wo (tho boys) go to Folke­stone every i i i g h t by motor-car for a; l i t t l e rec rea t i »n. Th is d i s t r i c t is i ove ly . Don ' t f a i l t o aond mo the r^dres* I want . I wou ld l i k o to 33a u im .>gaiu, j u s t for o ld t imes 'sake "

Sympt thy inm Teestiata, .sadannouno«anentthai L'eusei > • 1' cv P o w l i t t (4th Y i - r k f ) htB sjnt i i s -to-

ie i n ac t ion i n V IH>. o$ussd Kid&sproad sor row and oeep ' o r e 1 - He was " u ; : •ran »'f gresi; pre w i r e , beir.g fch*- sen • i she B . t i . W . G . A . O r d o - P o w l e t t , W.P . Io rR ioom r . i -shi re , a-icl grandsnh of L o r d Bol ton . Ho a t t a ined h i s ma jo r i ty OIIV- . few w . ^ k s ' f f e i b r i v e young ofiicer wt- b*s l a i d down bis l i f e for his K i c g »ud ecuu t ry , -wrs t;r»»tl> boibveri by fcbo p a t r i o t i c in.-; - 1 oommaudle^.

jfJandoience f rom Cathersroni, Unionists The fo l lowing tester raai seat t... his :

—MCotherstonc, 24ib May, 1915: P E A R K O B D E - P O W L B T T , - O a buhalf of tee botbets tune Coitservat ivo and TJ-'i^nist Assoeiatit r. w« Hag to assure yen of i h e sorrow w i t h which learn of the lefiS you havo sustsinesl' b j i h e death of yt;ue sou i n ac t ion Our deep -.••« sympathy i s w i t h y c u sod j o u r fami l? , •"•> d we feell t ha t your t rues t our.solation ia t b i t he d iod for hia oocnt ty .— We l i ro , youts f a i t h fn l l y , W.| J . F R A T E R , Preside:.! ; J . I f . BOUKMB, Secre ta ry ."—Mr Orde-Powlet t ' s r e p l y : " 2 5 Y o l k s , Regiment , Long B3 ' a to" ,27 tn May, 1915 : DflAR M R F R A T E R , — P i o s s a convey our rusce/1.: th»nks for the expres . ioe of sympathy i o yonr k i t i d l e t t e r . M y sou's death hss bet ; : a t e r r i b l e blow, bu t i t ia a grea t Onoaolatiuc «o know tba t ws have the sympathy of cc r frieona. —Yours s incerely, W, A . O R D E - P O W X E T T . ' '

Memorial Service, There wss a la rge g a t h i r i r g i o the Pariah

Church of Waneley, whea a mem ' r i a l service was be ld for the la te L i e u t . i ; ' m Perey Ordo-Prjwlot*, who w»a k i l l e d io F w - c » oa * i ; ; 17sb. Tho sorvioa was conducted by tbe Rev. B. Orde-Powiftct, i-«c6or of Wei-sley, Brookes p res id ing a t tha orgao.

CominnnicMting w i t h h is father ( M r Wallace Gregory . Bridge-end), P r iva te J. Gregory, of the 6th Durham L i g h t In fan t ry , says : We bava j u s t come back from the f ron t for a well-earned rest , af ter hav ing been amongst i t for a week, dsy and n igh t . The German snipers are real " dev i l s , " and very ^ood ehois, too. I t is awful hem, and i t is a good t h i r g i t has not happened i n England, I am sorry t o say t b a t Thomas Barwood bus besa s l i g l i t l y wcurjded i n the head. I myself nave hsd t w o nar row escapes. — I n a no re addressed t n h i s l i t t l e b ro the r the same w r i t e r s d d s : I eaniiot t<-!' you a l l y c u wan t to know. When w n are i n the trenches wo stay tuero we t or fixe. Y o n would l i k e t o S E O tbe b i g spoils bu r s t ing , bu t you mt 'st bo n long way off. I t is jus t l i k o fire­works nloi>g too German tnraioaea at l i g h t t ime . They send up a l o t l f sUr-abel is , which l i g h t up a l l tbe place, W. Brown has been wounded, and I t h i n k ha hso lost pa r t of his arm,

Private B. H. Seniles, of the 5bb Ba t ta l ion Durham L i g h t I n f an t ry (Te r r i to r i a l s ) communicates w i t h his father under «"at« A p r i l Gib. H e i ' t y s : " I received your small parcel •»;th t b s t k p . L e t me Unow i f you have g e l tho photographs- I f you have do not dispesa of them n o t i l you receive my ins t ruc t ions . Have you bad aoy word f i o m Torniay ye t ? I haven' t . A u n t i e s t i l l sends me papers. We are no t a l lowed to t e l l you where we are, or wha t wa are do ing , so you muBt w a i t t i l l I come back. Y o u migh t g ive Wi l f . Robinson my address, and t e l l h im t o w r i t e t o me. Also g i v e h im my heart ies t congratula t ions " — W r i t i n g on A p r i l tbe lOcb, Rober t Henry Smiles said " they seem to bave oarned a good rest, and are now a good way from the trencbes. He says he r ea l ly cannot t e l l bis parents i n a l e t t e r wha t is happening ou t yonder, so tbey mnst w * i t pa t i en t ly t i l l be re turns . He hopes they l i k e tee photo of bis company, ?..d dues c o t i . lvk the war can possibly las t much logger." [Unfor tuna te ly t h i s v i ew is by no means shared by older h e a d s . - B D . J

Gunner Richard Watson in France. Nephew of ths Teosdale Poet and the " Good

Old Barney Paper ," K r Clarkson, d l i v e r , K i n g ' c Head . H o t e l ,

Barnard Castle, has bad a l e t t e r f rom Gunre r R icbard Watsoo, la te 'busman a t t h i s hote l , who is now i n Franco. The good-natured acd j o v i a l soldier, i n bis charac te r i s t i c way , says : Y o u w o u l d t h i n k I had gone dead by mo no t sending y c u a Hoe, b u t we bave been hav ing a p r e t t y rough t ime of i t . I got yeur " Teesdale M e r c u r y " a l l r i g h t , and was awfu l ly g lad to Bee a bits looal news, aa there i s p o t h i n g I ecjoy bet ter than a looir ?,t t he good o l d Barney paper. I got » l i t t l e surprise tbe other day. I was a t . and the first one I met was D ick CcuHhard , and yen can guess how pleased I was to meat h i r r . I also saw Walker , the sweep, and Hofana Beer. Thoy hsd boen i n " d o c k , " bu t they looked ex t ra , and tho first t h i n g I asked for wsa the " Teesdale Hexcury . " Tbey said they had j u s t l e f t Joe Ashmnre, and hleo had seen Ted Procter . D i c k toll? ma t b a t p o o r " K e l l y " Walker had been k i l l e d . W a l l , o ld pal , remember mo to ' B i l l y ' B a s i n * a " acd Wi.'t.oe, and t e l l thorn I am go ing to send them a l e t t e r soon—that is , i f I am spared, and I hope I may be. The Germans are ve ry d i r i y fighters. The i r gas bombs are awfnl , Tbey know tha t t he i r "number s ara up ." and they are t r y i n g to do as much h a i m as they c a r , b a t they find there a m somn plucky lads wbo '-!<w« come from Barnard Castlo. Wo go i n to act ion l i k e a thousand men. Don ' t forges to lemembor me to M r and M r s Atk inson , aud t o Tom R i i - \ , J im, atid tho f»>-mor ttsid a l l . Wo hro hav ing love ly weather out bero—quite a charge fn>m England. Tbe only t h i n g teat beats ma is tbo t a lk of the French people. I don ' t understand a word they say, so I have got a French bock, and, when I havo got a b i t o f t ime to spare, I read i t .

Sergt. T. Smiles, of Barnard Castle, Wounded.

" Just a l iue t o l o t you know I am feel ing a l o t be t te r , " w r i t e s Sergt. ' ihomas .-Sioiles, i f the 6th Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y , from Franca, to his patents a t Bernard Castle. Ha ?.dds : " I was wounded reoeat iy , and I am cow i n hospi ta l . W r i t e back s^d t e l l me i f you have had any word from H a r r y l a t e ly . "

The French Wounded Emergency Fund-Monthly Collection Around Somas ri Castlo Mis s Be l l - I rv in f r , who, looal a c o r c a r y

fop tbe abova fund, has to co l lec t monthly towarois t ho groa'o need an-3nr»3t al? t t o poorer F r e r c h hospltalB, i s v e r y pleased, to r epo r t bav i sg beon able t o sand £ 7 col lected d u r i n g M a y , £ 5 l o s . h tyuog b e e n oiestred— after al l exrjcasea hag been paid—nt r.fce concer t i n Bokeby sc»,o -J-rccm C B May 7to, and the f o l l o w i n g gcnijrcco r loeat iooB received; M r s Pul le ino, Richmond, 10s.; RSrs Peacock, Sp 'nham House, HarnipghajJ ( c o l l e c t " i n Spaucam orid Hope), 10-. ; J. ~ Alexaodor Adams, Skreatlam, 5s.; ? « w,?1 as raost acceptable par cole of work , frcaa Miss Ra>ioe, 27, Newgata ; »ad Mies Harr i s , i ,Horsa-rfisrkeS. Bernard Castle. Th&t oon t r i bu tb ns r-rw badly noedt t i and vary gr^ ;efu! iy received !>y t«bo F rench ia shewn i u teo t o l l o w i o g i r i L t ? fjrem one of the reprf i tentat tvea of the fuat) d i a t r i o n t i r - g parcels i n France :—Rockafo t t en Ter re , M a r c h o t b . - W a bavs joe's re't!~-«a f rom Brest , wh ich compsetes onr iong tour of more than 2,500 k i lometres end 64 hospite'ts. I t i a l l cr.nm tee hospitals are de l igh ted w i t h tjhe bales, ar.«2 beg oE us to ci nt tr ine t h n good * o r k . Tho B6pi t»! M i ' i t t i i r o a t Gour ia is ve ry poor. I s is rccst miserable, but s.oe doc tor anri towsnpeople pro very proud of i t . A l l the be*s, aa we l l as o lbor fure l ture , wore g iven by t t « people in the t own , so xcu can Imagine how the v? >rds »<a>l*. Tfcry toed eyecytldiiy—frotj nocks to oWorofona, «*t |*onb!vy s rere avo Several t o t y t t a l s badly i n peed of help . Hdpi ta l Tesspoi sire No. 18 (505 beds) is ve ry I w g e S i d w e l l k i p t , hu> poor. I t bas a very fit.o snrgeon (Cicttrdet, o l N«otr&), who has s^veei many l ives , bub ho has >'u use his own lDStrnmonts, f t d the operat i ' ig- room Is very p r i m i t i v e . I t i3 a ve ry deserving bospi te l acd full,\nd i n need o f w a r m o l o t c i c g , sheo's, a i r c u s h i o M ' , as d hot wa te r bot t les , besides medical stores. A t Bop i t a l des poa tag ioux t he s i s t o rn s r e u s i r g pork M a d d e n for ice-bags, »s?d said they wco ld not he co b a d if rbey d i d co t smcl i so dreadfully Thore is only one a i r Cttsfclon, a'od they to ld us how fcwo t y p h o i d pat ients bad a fight over i t one day. Tbe Hopt ta l & i i x t e 's ve ry po:."". and jtbere ara ir.so.v soldiers from Nor thern France kvho h a v o r,o una t o send tbem t'oit>tp, sud no p e w e f r o m tfceir peopio. A t Baud there is » hosp i t a l for oonvaltacect", w h i c h U-. a meat cheerless hole. Do send tho pu.ir th ings s u m o t h i c g to choor them up . I t tons so d i r t y and diurnal. Mists P e l l - I r v i n g i s o o w appealing for a I s co l lec t ion for the fund tr-is month , and wou ld bo ve ry gra te fu l i n d e e d for coBtributSi.'uo of l a . otsly c u r i o s J u t : .

For H a r d Wear wo offer tbo W e l l i n g t o n Cover a t 8/-, and an Inner Tube of Stout Red Rubber a t 4/6.—Teesdale Cycle Depot.

langleydale School Collections thn editor f ft-,e

: E A R P I R , - 1

• TeeeM< ., :.-.g f. '


Vcm tho Serb) 'a C :n i 4 ' > i Lend leg '>> r'",\ r-j for su ' i c r i p t t n r B ; • fr-.m t oo Cor-ra-ioo." i : , O'ii - • • ' Wo I N

- f "».••.! b'.:*p s i , A son t. 'L ( t Colle.g, C a B l i ? , /or egga . W i l l yu*J please » u

•••• -t. : t ! - 6 - k -

je.'. ter i r t h e n

N •t-rn aii

you t h i c k best? O.o the 19th May IS %R , nn tbo 26t'o May 40 eg^s woro ae " t rn Philippff. S ta indrop . for the N s ! Col lect ion Fund . D u r i n g t h e n«x t waek . col lectors ui.!i c a l l m Sh<o residonttt for oua acr ipt lona to the Bufier irK B o l g i ? - - ; i R e i g i u m ami during: tbe f o l l o w i r g weekan eggoolleet lcm w i l l bo rnad'i f-»r the Jfewcaatde M I H t a r y Hospi ta l for t'.se u lck n i ^d .wcap i ed Boldierss,— I am, do t s Sir , yon/- ; t r u t j . W. H . B E R R Y .

Lan« 'e?d&ie"School , Barsa rd Csstle, S la t H a y , 1915. '

aToIlpwingifl the t e x t o f tiaeleejte \ r«cv ivad : Mt»« Maagrave Watson, f e n ? ' R l

s e c r e t i n t o ifc • Ra-.'b'an R r i t e f F^ - : 55, BercefB Street. Oxford S t ree t , •". Kih i l a y . 191 i>. D E A R f - i R , - - Y o u w i l l h . K f - -receiver i h s • ffiiiial r e c s l p i for tho £2 10c. w b i c ' i j on kscdly r r i i i to tb i s t t ted. Pleass thank the c h i l d r e n to r '.ho t t o n b i o they have raksn iu co i l ec t l . i ! ; t i>s . acd w i l l yon k i n d l y Convey to the subscribers my c-oimiftee 'o E r « ; f f & ; s.jank* asid r e r T . - i ^ i i o ; : ?"— F ; o m Lteut T . G i b b e : " - ' r m s t r B « C l iege Hospi ta l , N«wcast>e-i«j-Ty <>.May 2".r», 1915. S I R , - I » Q d i t 'cued by the • fe-.«r ccmt.-i<'. g t o acknow­ledge tba rece ip t of eggs col : o ted by tbe ohlldeen of Laogleydaln sc ' iool , d to conve; to t t a donors, t h r c n g h yoa r i . ; ' f ; h ie apprEcia-t i o t i (4 the g i f t * '

a f r aB l iMao ,<3au«n Faraa; « i » «l Wi ••• r o o t M ' - a Lndgj , BtMieawa ;• - fii?e>r.t:; t 0 , - , ;k-er , aod •««

Wir.stors r.nd District's econd Qenerous • fgg Contribution.

f u r t h e r c r s t r i b u ' - i - , 9s0 e ra hr . s bocn «• d u r i n g Vf-iy . . .\ - • i h * C l l e a t i o n

t h n fjli '•-»'!•,-;: "-<r» Hlcholso. i , r ' i r s t o u ; . y ; hfaa '1 M g M k ,

a tec A r u i a ; m T i -

U ' u o l u : v ; Mit Jtatst , dedgt'boiata F a n o ; wp b>. H i ; ! T.-p ; BJruOoete- , n l M i s

Wal > . "v- ' i at •-, ; "xiisa B . i t t a i r . M r s c : , .M>--8 F . W»ika~, r - d ^.'iss K i r k u p , Wl?»s - ; K M Km . . I he K - e . > ry ,Wios rec ; M- ' r ' t nwvl i . L - w B i r r , - ? ; M r s E- rkup , M r s 8. K I up, i M r s Brow , N e w s h ^ m ; M r s

sham H - i l ; M r s Eggiastooe, The C •»!• f: s, Sttt'oa H--uao ; Art P.»r '. The Lodge, b U u b b K r a a e ; ' M ' . S P-t- a-yt, TUe S*-cda ; M r s Smi! i.Oass i n i l u i u f t ; U r u S w i n b a c k ^ c d M r s R.

b^«>k, Hia;bcl!il»; M - s W. k i u j o o , A l w ? r t ; Hts W f l i . ' , p, i>j:- as H i l l ; >drsC>oper. • M i o H ; c h ; r U B . « j , Walker H a l i ; Usa a rd ion , Who* >y B i l l ; M » w O. S tan ton ,

i U ; n o ; w.i M r W. F . l c t - f f , s t . n ,

8 v "

N i R'e!

Btut Girls'

!he British Tied Cross Societies.

To tho Eds'or ot the " T e c e d » l a r.iercuTy." D E A R & I R . A S local secretary c i the'-PfiOay

Fund :. tt our Sick » c d V. 'oucdid SoUQeM tr .d Ballots " 1 akonld l i k e , t h roug i : ihe medium of your v A l u a b l a ^r.f.er, fca i;.-.->ok ovsryone wf.o neiued to maka fee '.encfir. (or the above d ' Betjrint; aocieties each »i gre-.i- sunnean lasii Thuraday u^euif ig, VJZ . : tbo p r c p r i e t o n ut too "Ga lga t e Fancy Fair *n;l Cftt.-,ivti?," who generously gavo tiseir es-'ire t f t k iogs ; ha public, srhc;» - mlaed I be s h o ws ; the meabors of ou:«Urban D i e t . , i t C o a x c i l ; t i o t ? a r S u r o y o ? ( M r R, E. B«,iot;>, v h o mane tbe rocessary a r r s i t i tmente . The h»odaome aum of £14 9s. 6d. v a s rea ' isetl aa follows:—A. Newaoate ( large t e d srj5.*H juiopi ' j^ Lcrscs l r.d 6m^l l swizgs) , £8 14s. 6i.; J . Smith (lot -ia and d Hy si ) £212E.; W.G.F i rmac (aoco-- u ' B O v,£i0i.9.; C. Boh30U • )•!<;••;-• s«- g > 1 ' s,.& s '.;i'8/, £ 1 ; Wm. Hughes (stal ls) ,7s 3 . j Roo t . C l a m (eiat i) . 5H. ; Thos. Refcajn (eo«t ;M .u e shiee), 5a.; O. B i ' i . i B ' 1 ( swl i j . 3s ; t o t a l - r e e i v - d , £14 9.'. 63. I n sttkooarleajging th i s &m-nr.* Sues 5, B I g r t . - J v p i t . c f , as js : • •"""so «o»<v,-,y t o 6h»i owners a r»uct i-obeat | at-u si»,li» the> ooamltteaVaastl] gra teful ' n v j k n fi v .o so iecdid asm t.f m .oey | t! .cr r.-.s j oonftribntad totrncds t i t s fund. The j moi .Kj « i co i loot ia t o bo squally d i v i d e d I between ths Bt . John's &b.^ th<» U./ . i iah R v a j Cr;,us S ic io t i ea to bo used toj &<j\i parpoasnk j ar.d TI -w v& have i» i macy srssiea in toe I vo-' i U3 pr .v .a of t i . . ' , wo t lo I Kure tha object j w i i l :• r>pesi to ove.-yooc, sia there are iow who j

Boys' Country Work Society Liepartment.

> ..'g • t h e g r . - oca-.'-.!'.•- ' owut foe fa rm w i >k t * « B . y c ' O o u r t r . Work S j c i a t y are ptoviareji t j plase g ' t l s n r . d you ,g womet: aa t '~mhouso iiei|rfu Ph* t . t r i a w-: ;. •• l i v e i n , " and w i i l 1- -ro da 'vy w . r k .ou p o a i t r y kcepi i .g . aa areH t n p e l p L ^ th»- term-.r's wi fe H c t o house. Tfcej w i l l he under t o oara o l too oocorary c ^ f j i ' ;a _ . H - . i v i s i to r s as the bays *ro . uao w . l l o i . Iy t i e p l i e d w i t h fa tmera ' w i r t s sfbo s.-o i i k a i y i.c l e t k c t r e l u ' l y a f t e r tiho gsrjV,-.,jd g i v . r / , | . ' ; ' :- G.r ls taunt Im h-Trlahy ai-.d of good c ' aracber. Forms t. d fn r ihe r t -,~tleola:s C ;» bs eotaiued f r j m thn honorary a s c r o ' - y , Boys' Country Work Bod * y i 7, Jobc Bare >< i , W C ; or the local iae -•• i " : . ten 1 J, !&>..:-Irving, Kokoby , Barnard Cassia.

Teesdale Volunteer Training Corps. 07 : 100 fPiubor? i e seo i . i od o.: Sacdsy

• , ' t i • • ion i u the c r i c k s ; flei.l for clti':', a cd is ia '• * g ra . f ; i - g to are r o c r n i n coming f j r v s r d alanJtw nvory week. Thtavajh t be HsBJUTtt'T - * f - " - f -f . eN. - r . t K t a t e r a C u t - School 30 ; if i?s a placed ttt t he ctiSi-.r-sV: i f <he e r ; a , a :r> f o i l ^dvaotaga is i . \ . g -,btu ••' i'-..a k i - d ffer. T i • Uy n o d ' l a u t day eve.o.-r-a' o i l i s *TQ • I ' t H l f t . k e n ua v i t h t i l s InsUooti i , and Kraut progress l a e r a i a i a ha.,g mad.-. Tho volun'.eer corps ess beccme v d i y *c t i ve , acd » . H J va ry popular , aud i t is hoped tha t a t a . ea t i f data an a;nbuiau:-o e o c i i . : aio 1 s n a i l .»:-d bugle basal may b« i o r m < r d » . r . y membarn wou ld '.ska a

~H~,•"'y.z-'y ' enured p»rade. W c y n-.-i nave r. parade on a j " g T , - _ \ Pac-u »y afters on ? I? s !•> eaa bs arranged the

f tfco i «KWP9 / . ' i l l c e r t a in ly ae i n c e a:>r.'y p- pular .

KAAWOOU MOTES. L : s ^ t u . C i y P iOj -^ fng Teesdalo paouia

s-woke^io c ,\~;-'. <n,sc.ow O i i t ' g f rom t w o t j t h r c o h n h e a .oto'i i c the Settle. Ic ia about fifty vt »«g ai^co t. s iu i i l -A event occur ;ed on tha S B M tfap.

lis tl-.o paatah - t Foresb-aud- F r i t h tb«re are

10th Leicester nogiment ai Oeorbolt Camp.

rJack. Thi'i > » l co • • • » ! amoog Mac u ; ouug t : J .c« " . [ s c r ip^ ic - , ;. . e m a i i a.*iec<i. | i J we.i ojser '

ttofl i n t'eesdalo : " d i v e us c in-

d l e t ua ge t the

f r r i v a l i f : n - ' Boyai l i g e r s " from ; fledtfation Oay at ^tarifoith Church. r* . r^ i i am. r j s _ f ni t ig tho 10th Lsicebic; ' j Suuroy i i f i t wan sot cpar t aa ded ica t ion day

c', a r r i v e d .'u t h i n t o w n by j „ t S i ' j r . f j r t h Pnrah Chu .cn of 8-i Michae l and e troopa eotrr.iried on tbe j s layf l^ ty Tr in i ty . Ao 10-30 o 'o lo tk »hc-rn were



Ye&t»> day (Ki tchener ) apaeiat t r .* in . (-•eat ' Centra l E - j S t Le igh pad P f i g h t about six c'clock The Njr th-Sswtor R a i l w a y Company w. eca.-.uulec to j<?ka up the t r a i o a t Meajooreug*! I n a c t i o n at 4-10 yesteidtv; morn ing I t v / ja l i m j d t o a r r iVi i o Y o r k at 5 1 , and .. 'esve LWliogt -1 at.7-4 bat started 19 mlnu O J Into f r o m the l a t t e r t o w

t 'CO as a1: Fsteham, bs-wcoa ! o u r u-g Vr^jr :• • . c •< U~>IIA- c f t '-e ho ly

nehflTnttta, o n M c c d a ^ j eoatauualoo. l a I k e afjeru-Htn, a t 2-30, n e h i i d f - f V l o w e r aervice t o fc t l a t e . The flowers p.-^r « i t - . ».s/t}*t so.-.t tri the N o r t h K i r i > f ; l i f t - m:^ y, M d . ' , . o r . . u g o IraineaiStte! • a l t e r the evening se tv ica a n org reoi ta ' was g i r e a t y M r S iowar t , of E . t k b y . j . p; oa. Good

no » ^ .- • ba s.trvioea. for Barnard C * f c * . a n d pwcjeclcd the or btkaocger ;>ai'- by u f e w l a i n u - o i oc ly i t e t roop t r e i i : , wh ich ca r r i ed aevoral harass, wsa a v e . y loop; one, audi wsn r,, v n by two l u c m o i i v c - f . Oslono; C&ul ' t - i td , D. ' iO. ,Ca;-and .U ' ju taua Mye<a-Wjijr;«. o, Quarterm L i f u t e n . i c t R . W " r d , and Ba t ta l ion Bargoant-

le 17.-.

re co. g toga t ioos w e r e p r p t . . 1

' ." i f U s d i i l - S t i o . v/ , - o o i ; 8j . . . o i e .

••- aalf of i h e 9und*y

O J i O , 1 i (Barv lc t )

Large , frosh afcocks i , f Homcoopr.i.bic Medicines for Cattle, Foot R o t L o t i o i i end Oin 'meo t , Scour Cure, Sheep Dips of a l l makes. Tar, Grease, Msch loe OD, e t a , at R. W. Raice's, Chemist, B a r ^ s i d Castle

A good s tock of a l l tho most noted Sheep Dips a lways ou hand, a t the lowes t yr ioes , f rom G, Clarkson Ba rke r , Chou.ist (opposite Calgatc eaiarajMe to Auo t ioo M a r t ) , U&rnarr? S ' l s r ' e . PaU t K t i c t * , R o d , Ta r , arid Oouper Kemp'a Sheep M a r k e r .

Estaoaa DurDcta L i g b t I t f a i . U y , wore t •: the p I to receive tha reajmsnt . Colonel C t r l •., , eommaudlcg the 10th Lei&eatere. >• t ig pa r ty f rcm the 17th Puvhac:^ w.«a a l , • <.<..,.. t o :».srisc i n A ; - : «r,,:, i . , ; t ha baggage, the } . . ; -,im? hav ing t . r eady prepared tno { r e ' s t n d rativ, 3 a t I be Ds'-rbio'lt C:»sn-,t. T w o t rocp tr&ios nniv'A I n ^ - . r H c g t c u about t ea same tiue.. i- s.htr«. C>S«-J n o r t h to Harrogate .

fb- . rd id ; j -a > fit'- »••••« • i x'-it 17 h Durham L i g h t jef i ts - y , o - i r . the ti u ; io of the ever-pi pui.tr - M a u u i i i l a i t o " ;.<f cu r heroic f.\litn tea F r r i i n c , the t ronpa atarehied t h rough t h e t o w n to Deerbolt Camp I ia m; r t i a l s p i r i t had enthused thai bthabifaMto t t a c impnra t ive ly ear ly hour, and tha progress of t j o troopa was aratCbed w i ' h t ho kbencst Interaat . The eelcteri", wr.o . . - » » . i c e t i gu t f i i • o i i i e . * on t o e i r caps, bave »-xciating.>» & k..ca wa ten or- the 8t;'.ent l o r the b r c t z y hi! la of ? : e » ' l i e , sod the cbaage wi l ldoub t loas iy ba intoueely re l i shed by

libaratirg Homing Pigeons. Two ttt'~n Fined at Hexham unco; the Oafance

of His tfsa m Act. Yeajtstday n. • •:!•>„ i c •> .Hexaam P e t t y

ocssblsuvPe*. r •-„mb. d r v j c i - . / f H9,H»irvey-s r c o j , "Newc^ari- 1, wj.6 cang . - .d ucdor tbe Daie j - .e of t i i o Rec . l . n ^ c t w i t o Navtng n-. law-f u l l y I 'j ,inte v -'.»i.-3 ' -jar , .a. r s witt.,u»; a p e r m i t a t f i : x . o , 5 i , sod T l r i l l i »m Or-.bhaai, l icecsed v r . e tu : : lUr , of 315. Soie 'da -roaC; Newc;»i . : i" -vae ebairged ,vi i .a h f v i n g N i d e d a«id abi-itcO Lamb.—The defendants w o r n es.ci: •fiecu 5 : . . > ^ e

Generous-Hearted the E d i f o i . 1 t t



a " Tc - sSain -j<- c a n D E A R S I R , — A S -iroady repor ted I .

coluiacH. see waa Ptovi t tod f - » who Casus to toe r e c m i i i c . c ^fficj; kl MiddletoB-in-Xoeadala, bn 22.-.-.'. fhe L a d l e s ' W o r k l o g Par ty were requested by ton Roet u i t i i i g Commit tee t o make a l l t . ece^ary Rirr'(,r^;oaie''.tfl, and s-ocorai-i^'.y th'. t o w n was est.v.-seed for anbeeripiioca, tho ot i leecota everywhere c t e i i - g . t i a s u e . B g e a M a w Ceapocso that!, '.-.'.-a.- a<! BXpersea had b •• •;• paid, a rub.' t ' . t l »o?;.lus remaiha #* *he;r banre. This th< y have decided to t.op^sit, to tfeSurs Bai-c 3 . i L k ea a reeorve f n t provide Us» *» . a.-»y fntaw« utaa - Ittieca may v i s i t ?.ii.lnietoc.,ai)d thoy take t: aoppc : -t u o i t y So tbaok » ! • who g*v«s so l i b e r a l l y , bora i n men ty ;i:.d p-t ,vis!on3, as.d also al t wiio worked so he rd t o tntUt the effort o««.c .. . Tho f o l l o w i n g is aatateoteutof accounts, whieU bss been k i n d l y auo.iced by floieSi-s A . i l o w e and J. Wataoc. and wh ich we sihail fos l g roa t iy oh l igcd i ! you w i l l inser t i r . your nex t issn^ of t he "Toesda lo renry ":—Subacriptiorse, £S 13*. I d ; s*!e of a r e i d &cd c i k e , £ 2 8s. &sa ; t o t a l receipts , £11 I s . Paid tor hacts :>zo cakefl jscd other i«cit.'<?atai expenses, £4 I t s . I d . ; bt lsncrt io bank, £6 10rf, d\ '•• 1.4 may bo well to i x p i & l o t h a t ' ba reaaoa why so mucu cus. cake Waa lef t ever wna tha t ba oommitceii were s.stta to i . «.c ; . i t , 150s..-ioiaig.ando&!< 109 ar r ived.—Yours v ry t 'u 'y ,

• J ' . N E • D B N T , 1 Q , -it r i Y S U i P , / 0 " c t 5 ; i ' s

j . P. ' .UK1N, Treaanmr. Middloton-in-Teeadala^ l i n y 31st, 1915.

Raice 's F, o t Ro t i j c t i . n Ic g xid. I ; eonidu't ve ry w e l l be b : : .«r . WV fov tbo saka of conveBicac-.- wo no*' mnko i t i n tbo fos-ai of an ointateot . I T I S A L S O OOOD, T R Y . I T . l a Una at 1 / - : aob from Ralaaa, Chi o is,,

PuBt-card Maps, showing each Theatre pi War i n d c t - i i l . I d . o.-iob, to bo i ••: " ' f ceadale M e r c u r y " Office, Ba roa id Cas t l t .

An)o.- i . icg i' tho L \ D u . J Pi .ogt t8sivo AB2c«ir.ticr, , { the B r i m n * Ciiaaja Div i s ion was b e ' d : , p l u ^ a i . c , , Saianln; . , fur ska BBrp-.be «.f *. • -p l og V •• A H M U He: d.-t»jn os aSsdl ' a ta ir . t^a by t -e i :o t lo« enured hy his j o i a U g iataa>w MattonalMini r> s a P r e a i d i o t of tab Bo.»,i6 nf E J u c i t l A . V . Hon.o pre­sided, a : r t, ; :u ie.-c o r e c ^ a r t i l y ooi3gia>u.-'o..g M r HticceiBi . i i • I h i s promot ion to C a b u i . i r.-.-.k, acd te-sffictctiig ccttfideuoe i n h i m .

Trie " D i r l i e g t o n Mercu ry " for Jun? 11th , 1773, - O a F r i d a y l i s t , be i i .g His j a a j - B ' j ' s Goo.-^d 111 '"u D u r b a n reg.-tsaes of milUiA VJ-a r ev iewai l on Barnard C-«" .o moor by l o o R i g h t Honourable the Ea<l ot U t r i u ' g t ' . u and the C>iecel . The men

•pa r fo rme i taei? a r i i i c-o the ^abiataotiou of Hia Lordship uod a l l tho c p e c U t o i a areaeot. I n ihe ev«ui:.g they srere up in i he M a i k * -where f^ree c x c a l l o . t vo 'V .^g were fi aev . - iAi l oya l toastfi were ( t ruck , an.-. Ihaaa was aiao s b r i l l i a & t - . a rb . j a t the C i d B u l l i n n I n hoan uc *t the day Hia Lordahip , t.s a mark c i mrts's cor.uuo., gave them t e n gu io i t t s to d r i n k . ' '

Ph»«ograp»ors v i a l i i f , ^ B - r c a d Caa^te w i l 1

fict' at R i i n e - ' i , t he Cheiuu.. , au expe r t w i l l i n g so f i v e Bdvhaaj »iso frchh Btecks o l Plates , P?p.-ra. a^d o thar i ihotograpr . ic mater ia ls—R. V. Ri t joe . C h u a i ' i t , B a r c c d Car.cle.

mT"l< mhM'.t-l:^, d»*e l i f r V f f i S .

UtiB^S TAi-bt-NTiRK.— > % Gri-y Scar. S p i i a l , Bewea, t n

•jy - S . - ; 1915, Isaac TalbMstits), aged 63 year.'. — WaBiute r red r i M *re, oa T c - s d t y , Juae lsc.

l a •asmor iam. B R O W N . I c ...vie.g macior > ot our dear raoiher

l a n e B.o.vn, Fo l lv , Bgglentobe, who d i s a o n -.i.e 30th i l a y , 1914 . -Eve r icmembered by he* aoi.4 acd daughters .

Do not uit I U I I we tui^ bar, Tbure U i i i c h a vacant plaee.

We c a n never t o i l e t her preaenoe. Nor her dear Lamil iar tacc.

rtetura Thanks . laRZ T E M P L E A N L - F A M I L Y , T o w n H^ad,

S iud le to i r . be • -U .- 9 i r i t c d a for t ab k i H i c c s a &•. u i ,ympr!t.-y shown to them i i , t h e i r recent 6at. b.:rcavemer.t.

MB' biAVV, S i . v t : t < u s o ; s q d M R S D E N T , i . o g i i i U i U S t . ti.i.-f. , wjab t o e x p r t s a

b--*t ua- . . i« to ?!l t r i o r .-a tor t he i r k i h M axaMaatona of ay t o pa thy i.i,d floral t r i bu t e s d u r i t g Uaeit st>d b e i c a v e m . c t .