CONTACT DETAILS UPCOMING EVENTS JULY Assembly—P-2 (hosted by 1/2 Anderson)— Monday 29th July—2:00pm AUGUST Southern Band Tour at IPS—Friday 9th August—10:00am to 11:00am Assembly—3-6 (hosted by 5/6 Brancher) —Monday 12th August—2:00pm Band Workshops—Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd August—C3 Convention Centre— South Hobart Winterfest—Friday 23rd August Assembly—P-2 (hosted by 1/2 Coombes) —Monday 26th August—2:00pm SEPTEMBER Jumping Jack overnight tour to NW coastThursday 5th and Friday 6th September Assembly—3-6 (hosted by 5/6 Holmstrom) —Monday 9th September—2:00pm LiL Excursion to Sustainability Learning Centre—Friday 13th September Grade 3-5 Swimming & Water Safety Program—Monday 16th to Friday 27th September SICKNESS Please keep children at home for 24 hours after they stop vomiting to minimise the spread of contagious viruses throughout the school. Welcome Back Everyone Term 3 is always an exciting time in the school year, but with the completion of our new Administration Block the return to school has been approached with even greater anticipation. As is obvious, the majority of the building project has been completed and there are only some minor building works that need to be tidied up before we move in by the end of the week. Unfortunately, not all the furniture that has been ordered will arrive for another few weeks. However, all administration for the school will be run out of the new building from the beginning of next week. This will provide the opportunity for the school community to become accustomed to the new building and see how this new facility will enhance all aspects of the school. The professional learning for staff on Monday was highly productive. We were most fortunate to have Dewayne Everett-Smith deliver an enlightening and thought provoking session on Tasmanian Aboriginal Culture and the role we have as educators in exposing our students to this important cross-curriculum priority of the Australian Curriculum. Dewayne encouraged the staff to consider yarning circles as a way to engage students in this learning, an approach similar to the inquiry circles that many teachers use in their classrooms. The remainder of the day was allocated to grade teaching teams developing a mathematics scope and sequence for their grade levels. This is some of the important work in mathematics that was commenced last term. To conclude the day the Grade 3-6 teachers participated in a session focusing on the school’s expectations of student behaviour and the need for us as staff to be very clear on what we consider respectful behaviour looks like at Illawarra Primary School.

UPCOMING EVENTS Welcome Back Everyone · contagious viruses throughout the school. Welcome Back Everyone Term 3 is always an exciting time in the school year, but with the completion

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Page 1: UPCOMING EVENTS Welcome Back Everyone · contagious viruses throughout the school. Welcome Back Everyone Term 3 is always an exciting time in the school year, but with the completion




Assembly—P-2 (hosted by 1/2 Anderson)—

Monday 29th July—2:00pm


Southern Band Tour at IPS—Friday 9th

August—10:00am to 11:00am

Assembly—3-6 (hosted by 5/6 Brancher)

—Monday 12th August—2:00pm

Band Workshops—Wednesday 21st and

Thursday 22nd August—C3 Convention Centre—

South Hobart

Winterfest—Friday 23rd August

Assembly—P-2 (hosted by 1/2 Coombes)

—Monday 26th August—2:00pm


Jumping Jack overnight tour to NW coast—

Thursday 5th and Friday 6th September

Assembly—3-6 (hosted by 5/6 Holmstrom)

—Monday 9th September—2:00pm

LiL Excursion to Sustainability Learning

Centre—Friday 13th September

Grade 3-5 Swimming & Water Safety

Program—Monday 16th to Friday 27th



Please keep children at home for 24 hours

after they stop vomiting to

minimise the spread of

contagious viruses

throughout the school.

Welcome Back Everyone

Term 3 is always an exciting time in the school year, but

with the completion of our new Administration Block the

return to school has been approached with even greater

anticipation. As is obvious, the majority of the building

project has been completed and there are only some

minor building works that need to be tidied up before we

move in by the end of the week. Unfortunately, not all

the furniture that has been ordered will arrive for another

few weeks. However, all administration for the school

will be run out of the new building from the beginning of

next week. This will provide the opportunity for the

school community to become accustomed to the new

building and see how this new facility will enhance all

aspects of the school.

The professional learning for staff on Monday was highly

productive. We were most fortunate to have Dewayne

Everett-Smith deliver an enlightening and thought

provoking session on Tasmanian Aboriginal Culture and

the role we have as educators in exposing our students to

this important cross-curriculum priority of the Australian

Curriculum. Dewayne encouraged the staff to consider

yarning circles as a way to engage students in this learning,

an approach similar to the inquiry circles that many

teachers use in their classrooms. The remainder of the

day was allocated to grade teaching teams developing a

mathematics scope and sequence for their grade levels.

This is some of the important work in mathematics that

was commenced last term. To conclude the day the

Grade 3-6 teachers participated in a session focusing on

the school’s expectations of student behaviour and the

need for us as staff to be very clear on what we consider

respectful behaviour looks like at Illawarra Primary School.

Page 2: UPCOMING EVENTS Welcome Back Everyone · contagious viruses throughout the school. Welcome Back Everyone Term 3 is always an exciting time in the school year, but with the completion



Thank you for supporting the school to

purchase equipment using the Earn and Learn

points donated this year. The school has been able

to purchase science equipment and

outdoor play equipment for our art and craft

break time activities to the value of over $1,000!!!

A big thank you to Sam Degenaar for her help in

collating the points.

ONYA AWARDS Illawarra Primary School Expectations

Is it safe? Is it fair? Does it show you care

Care and Understanding:

Mason S for transferring the knowledge and skills learnt

in Art by teaching a new student how to draw portraits.

Willow B for looking out for her friends and treating

her classmates with respect.


Harry B for not giving up when making a mistake in Art.

Turning an oops into a background design. Justin S for

staying focussed on his Art tasks, and being productive in

class time. Klara K for always trying her best in her

work. Flynn M for working hard on his reading and

therefore making great progress. Betanya B for

always doing her best and making so much improvement

this year with all her learning. Mawgan C for enabling

himself to achieve well through good listening, being

interested, and feeling positive about challenges. Mollie

C for working carefully in maths to improve her

understanding. Juliette R for working carefully in maths

to improve her understanding. Ella McG for applying

herself to her learning and becoming more

confident in her abilities in all areas of learning.

Matthew C for making a concerted effort to develop

his understanding of numbers, sequences, patterns and

addition. Ollie B for working very hard in class and

showing great delight in his own success when he

understands a new idea. Oliver C for a huge

improvement with his handwriting and spelling, which

helps him write stories more independently. Violet K

for being an enthusiastic learner who listens to feedback

to improve her work. Alby P for being an enthusiastic

learner who gives his best.

Honesty and Integrity:

Jacob S for always doing the right thing and consistently

demonstrating good learning behaviours. Anabelle S for

always having a mature approach to her learning.

Annabelle models responsible and considerate behaviour

and supports others in class. Chloe W for always having

a mature approach to her learning. Chloe models

responsible and considerate behaviour and supports

others in their learning. Christian T for a big

improvement with his attitude to learning. It’s wonderful

to see Christian’s progress in class. Carli A for showing

more confidence with written tasks and being more

willing to answer questions during whole class time.

A focus for the school this term will be how we

can support the learning of students and the school

community regarding minimising our reliance on

single use plastic. Some students were exposed to

this concept last year. Over the next two weeks,

through participating in Plasticwise Taroona

beeswax wrap workshops, all students at Illawarra

will be provided the opportunity to develop an

understanding of what they can do to address this

environmental issue. I look forward to how this

learning will encourage students to continue to be

responsible members of society and limit the

amount of single use plastic both used in and

brought into the school.

As mentioned above, with the school’s Capital

Works Building Project nearing completion, it is

important to reinforce the need for all members of

the school community to return to the safe

practices that involve the dropping off and picking

up of students at the beginning and end of the

school day. Please remember that the school’s

main carpark off Tinderbox Road is for the

exclusive use of staff unless there is a need to use

the disabled carparks near the Library or students

are being “kissed and dropped” off at the beginning

of the school day. Also, I remind everyone that

the turning circle of Thonrton Close is a no

standing zone and that cars should not be parked

in this area for extended periods of time, either at

the beginning or at the end of the school day.

Have a great term everyone.


Page 3: UPCOMING EVENTS Welcome Back Everyone · contagious viruses throughout the school. Welcome Back Everyone Term 3 is always an exciting time in the school year, but with the completion

62 296 295/62 271 013,

[email protected]


If your child is unwell or not attending school for any

reason please advise the office on either of the above

phone numbers or email us. If your child is going to be on

extended leave, you need to fill out a long absence form in

the office. If your child is late to school please come to

the office and sign them in. Any urgent notices that need

to be passed on to your children in regards to end of day

pickups can be rung though to the office as we do a daily

announcement at 2.45pm

Many Thanks

Please phone the school office if you would like an


Nick Donnelly Principal

Michael Hayen AP

Cathryn Kelly-Bounds AP

Monika Glover AST

Chris Waugh AST

Deb Doole Business Manager

Nikki Saunders School Psychologist

Samantha Dobson Social Worker

Clare Gregory Speech therapist

What’s been happening in music at Illawarra!

Welcome back to the second part of the year. This is an

exciting time of year for music at our school.

While many classes continue to have their weekly music

lessons our specialist music groups also continue to

develop their work and will be involved in various

performances between now and the end of the year.

At the end of term our Grade 2 choir went and sang at the

Hawthorn Village Aged Care Facility and were received

with many warm messages of thanks for their


Our Grade 6 marimba group has learnt 6 out of the 10

pieces that we need to perform at the annual Marimba

Mania Event where we are hoping to break the world

record for the number of students playing marimbas and

xylophones. This event will be held over two days on

Friday the 8th and Saturday the 9th of November. More

information will follow.

Our Grade 3-6 choir are also busy learning new repertoire

for the annual end of year DEC Concert. Students can go

to: https://soundcloud.com/user-307620727/sets/dec-choir-

2019 to access the songs students need to learn for the

concert. Choir booklets will be sent home in the next


Our Grade 3-4 beginner recorder group continues to

expand their skills on the recorder and I am very much

looking forward to many of them continuing next year in

the advanced recorder program.

On weeks where we do not hold school assemblies we

have been running a guitar group for our Grade 5/6

students, playing through many popular songs, with many

students singing along as they play.

And just to give you a peak preview of what happens in

classroom music, we have some recordings from our

Grade 2/3 and 3/4 classes that are their own

compositions. Please follow this link:



We also have our Winterfest Celebration that will be held

on the 23rd of August (Friday night). All of our

musical groups will get an opportunity to perform at this

fun, family event. More information will follow.

We also had a very special Naidoc Assembly at the end

of term to mark Naidoc Week which was held in the

first week of the school holidays. After working with

Dewayne Everettsmith Aboriginal students at Illawarra

Primary School have been learning a welcome song of

country. This song was sung for the first time at

Illawarra Primary at our Naidoc Assembly and we will

now aim to teach the song to the broader school

community and present the song at all our future

assemblies. This song is very special as it signifies our

place here together.

Yours in music

Cynthia Howard

Music Teacher

Page 4: UPCOMING EVENTS Welcome Back Everyone · contagious viruses throughout the school. Welcome Back Everyone Term 3 is always an exciting time in the school year, but with the completion

It’s Plastic Free July! Illawarra Primary is joining the Plastic Free July challenge! Many students (and staff!) already

bring a Plastic Free Lunch.

How many more Plastic Free lunchboxes can we get in our school?

What can I do to help? * Swap one (or more!) plastic wrapped food items in your child’s lunchbox for foods that are plastic free

* Avoid single-use plastic wrappers

* Pack your child’s lunch in reusable containers or beeswax wraps

* Bring food that doesn’t need plastic wrappers eg. fruit, food in a thermos

* Use a lunchbox with divided compartments

* Have a family chat about the problems of single use plastic. Get your child involved in

reducing plastic in their lunchbox.


Mrs K-B has been working with some students in Mrs Wendy’s 1/2 class to build up and bump up sentences to

create a clear image in the reader’s head. These sentences will form the opening sentence of a short story that the

students will work on next week. Students started with an animal and then considered what they were like, what

they were doing, how they were doing it and where and when they were doing the action. They added each

description in layers until they were happy with their final sentence. They have done a great job at creating powerful


Imogen – A scruffy, skinny dog is tiptoeing silently down a dark alley at midnight.

Xavier – A little, shiny catfish is swimming happily in the calm, warm ocean in the afternoon.

Joshua – A cute, fluffy bunny hopped happily across the grassy plains on a warm summer’s day.

Evie – A slightly singed cheetah sprinted raggedly through the burning jungle late at night.

Finlay – An angry bull is head-butting the farmer madly on a farm at midnight.

Mollie - A fluffy, cute puppy was playing happily in the gaming room at home during the day.

Ellis – At night a skinny alien was erratically flying in the dark space.

Leo – A tiny, shiny fish is swimming slowly in the haunted seas at midnight.

Lola – An abandoned scruffy wolf silently crept down the snowy path on a chilly cold night.

Kyra – A fluffy kookaburra up in the tree tops was playing with sticks and dressing them up in the afternoon.

Nicholas – A fat, dumb hippopotamus is swimming frantically in the shark-infested

ocean at midnight.

Mawgan – A green-shelled turtle is swimming lazily in the slowly moving ocean at mid-


Juliette – A skinny, singed meerkat is frantically jumping up and down over burnt sky

scrapers in the gloomy night sky.

Campbell – A fierce polar bear is destroying the world sadly at 3 am in the North Pole.

Page 5: UPCOMING EVENTS Welcome Back Everyone · contagious viruses throughout the school. Welcome Back Everyone Term 3 is always an exciting time in the school year, but with the completion

This week and next week, all classes at Illawarra are participating in beeswax wrap making workshops

run by PlasticWise Taroona. We hope to see many beeswax wraps around sandwiches at lunchtimes

so that we can reduce the amount of single use plastic in our school! Each child will be making their

own beeswax wrap. They will also learn more about the problems caused by single use plastic and

what actions they can take to help.

Page 6: UPCOMING EVENTS Welcome Back Everyone · contagious viruses throughout the school. Welcome Back Everyone Term 3 is always an exciting time in the school year, but with the completion

Illawarra Primary School Association (IPSA) Update – The Playground

In 2018, the Illawarra Primary School Association (IPSA) commissioned Playstreet Landscape Architects to

develop a Master Plan that showed how the school could get the most out of its outdoor spaces for the

students; including learning spaces, gardens and play equipment.

Playstreet worked with our students and teachers to generate lots of wonderful ideas that they incorporated

into the final Master Plan (see attached).

IPSA has committed to realising this plan over the long term and established a Playground subcommittee early

in 2019 to support its implementation.

In the short term, we have identified some immediate priorities to deliver as soon as possible.

The first is the number one request from students - a double flying fox!! While the school is making a much-

appreciated contribution, the funding is primarily coming from the past few years’ fundraising activities.

By the end of the year, the flying fox will be installed on the southern edge of the oval as a result of all the

sausage sizzles, free dress days, raffles, fairs, etc that add up to raise the money needed for major playground

equipment. Soon our children will be enjoying the hard work and generosity of the Illawarra families and

teachers that support these activities – thank you to all!!

In addition, the SRC will be involved in painting goals, targets and maybe even some artwork on the much used

grey wall near the basketball courts. We are also planning to construct two bush shelters this year.

The vision board attached to this newsletter

illustrates the funding priorities for the next

couple of years. It is also displayed in the library

and throughout the school.

The next main fundraising event will be

Winterfest on Friday 23 August 2019. We will

need lots of volunteers to make the event a

huge success so please look out for

opportunities to contribute. Funds raised will be

used to refurbish the existing sandpit.

Anyone interested in being involved with IPSA

or the playground is very welcome, please send

us an email! We are particularly keen for parents

new to the school to join us so please, get in

touch and come along to a meeting.

If you have any questions or comments, please

feel free to email:

[email protected]


Vanessa, Kate, Jane & Emma

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Assembly Roster - Term 3

Week Date Hosting class


Monday 29th July



(1/2 Anderson hosting)


Monday 12th August



(5/6 Brancher hosting)


Monday 26th August



(1/2 Coombes hosting)


Monday 9th September



(5/6 Holmstrom hosting)

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We have currently raised $560 through our Entertainment Book sales!

Huge thanks to everybody who has supported Illawarra fundraising by

purchasing their books through us. You can still purchase your digital or

physical book using the link, or from the school office.
