Fast food nation Book Review Fast food nation was nice, informational book about comfort foods from its preparation to final stage. Eric Schlosser skillfully presented the evil side of Fast food culture including how and why fast food developed, why they taste so good, how they built trust among the consumers, food preparation, and their labor policies. He also emphasizes how they use children’s psychology for their business and make them life-long customer. Eric also documented the ugly tale of meat packing industries and how they use their money to get rid of federal laws. I would definitely recommend this book to my fellow students and families, so they will become cautious about their fast food meal. Most of the fast food chains used health hazardous ingredients in their foods like poor quality meat for hamburgers, artificial color and flavor for taste, high sugar and trans- fat for fries etc. So, Americans are suffering from obesity, high blood pressure, and Diabetes as a long- term consequence that decreases the average life span of them. Fast food chains now control overall food production of America and they brutally replace the traditional ranchers and farmers who once produce safe food. Centralization and industrialization of today’s fast -food system accelerated the risk of food- borne illnesses like E. coli 0157:H7, Salmonella etc. Eric Schlosser also documented the poor sanitary condition of meat packing plants and how they has avoid laws and used vulnerable migrant workers at low cost to do dirty works. He repeatedly urged to government to establish laws, so that meat- packing industries will provide basic human rights to the workers, who work at meat packing plants.

Up From Slavery Critique

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  Fast food nation Book Review

Fast food nation was nice, informational book about comfort foods from its

preparation to final stage. Eric Schlosser skillfully presented the evil side of Fast

food culture including how and why fast food developed, why they taste so good,

how they built trust among the consumers, food preparation, and their labor

policies. He also emphasizes how they use children’s psychology for their business

and make them life-long customer. Eric also documented the ugly tale of meat

packing industries and how they use their money to get rid of federal laws. I would

definitely recommend this book to my fellow students and families, so they will

become cautious about their fast food meal.

Most of the fast food chains used health hazardous ingredients in their foods

like poor quality meat for hamburgers, artificial color and flavor for taste, high sugar

and trans- fat for fries etc. So, Americans are suffering from obesity, high blood

pressure, and Diabetes as a long- term consequence that decreases the average life

span of them. Fast food chains now control overall food production of America and

they brutally replace the traditional ranchers and farmers who once produce safe

food. Centralization and industrialization of today’s fast -food system accelerated the

risk of food- borne illnesses like E. coli 0157:H7, Salmonella etc. Eric Schlosser also

documented the poor sanitary condition of meat packing plants and how they has

avoid laws and used vulnerable migrant workers at low cost to do dirty works. He

repeatedly urged to government to establish laws, so that meat- packing industries

will provide basic human rights to the workers, who work at meat packing plants.

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Furthermore, I would say Americans needs to think twice when they buy fast-

food; about its origin, and how it can affect them in future. Parents need to provide

healthy food to their children and make them aware about the bad side of fast foods.

Instead of blaming Fast food industries if we choose food properly then we can able

to avoid the diseases like obesity, and diabetes, food poisoning. I would definitely

recommend this book to my friends and family, so that they can wisely choose their

meal. By reading this book one can avoid the bad diseases that happened as a long

term consumption of fast food. It will be a beneficial reading for teenage to adult.

In conclusion, Fast food nation not only make you food critiques, but also led you

the way to get rid of the comfort foods , and choose safe healthy food in future.

UP From Slavery book review

“Up from Slavery” is a autobiography written by Booker T Washington, who was

born as a slave during Civil War. He was very optimistic person, and got his

education from Hampton Institute. He believed that by combining academic

knowledge and trade; a slave could overcome the burdens of slavery. He and his

wife dedicated their life for establishing a vocational school named Tuskegee,

Alabama. For getting primary education he walked 500 miles to reach his dream

institute Hampton and worked as a Janitor to secure his seat to that institute.

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  In Tuskegee Institute, teachers not only taught the students academic knowledge,

but also taught them manners, how to take care of own health, feeling of dignity, and

love for labor. Washington wanted to raise his race from disadvantaged position via

power of education. He and his teachers, whom he described as a philanthropist,

work hard for their students to taught them marketable skill. So, if anybody went to

Tuskegee Institute, then they were prepared for the competitive world after their


Booker was one of the prominent African during Civil war, who was able to

secure funding for his vocational school via his amazing speech to whites. He erect

the Tuskegee building by student labor, because he did not have enough fund to

erect it by professional workers. He was criticized for his philosophy about

Southern whites and the way of establishing civil rights. Although he had power to

achieve more, he never used it for civil right movement. He always focuses on

industrial education that helps his race to get somewhat economic stability. He

showed that labor and perseverance can able go a long way.

Booker believed that a person’s character was build by the obstacles he needed to

overcome to achieve success. Washington was known for his power of speech, who

was able to attain sympathy from white folks for the first time and he believed that

one day whites and blacks can able to live in a harmonious society together. I would

definitely suggest this book to my friends. I think by reading this book I got some

new idea and it teaches me the value of hard work.