Unmanned Air Vehile (UAV) Wing Design and Manufacture

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  • 7/31/2019 Unmanned Air Vehile (UAV) Wing Design and Manufacture


    Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) Wing Design

    and Manufacture

    Submitted by

    Chong Shao Ming

    Department of Mechanical Engineering

    In partial fulf il lment of the requirements for

    Degree of Bachelor of Engineering

    National University of Singapore

  • 7/31/2019 Unmanned Air Vehile (UAV) Wing Design and Manufacture



    This paper documents the development of a UAV wing, encompassing the entire process

    from design to manufacture, and finally its implementation on an aircraft. Beginning with

    wing design and analysis, requirements are first identified and related concepts are

    formulated. A literature survey is then conducted to establish focus for analysis.

    Analysis is conducted for the four main design parameters. Firstly, airfoil selection is decided

    using 2D CFD analysis. Verification of Xfoil is done by evaluating its results with available

    wind tunnel data. It is subsequently used to extend the data library to incorporate a wider

    selection. Reviewing the lift and stability requirements as well as stall patterns, GEMINI and

    NACA0012 are the final selections for wing and tail airfoils respectively. Limitations of Xfoil

    necessitate the use of 3D CFD analysis tool, Fluent, on planform selection. Justification is

    first established for the choice of k-omega (Shear Stress Transportation) turbulent model.

    Aerodynamic data is then generated for four different planforms with different

    combinations of rectangular and tapered section. Their drag coefficients were found to be

    lower than the baseline. However, they are not convincingly significant to justify their

    selection over the rectangular baseline, which yields practical and aerodynamic benefits. For

    dihedral and the sizing of control surfaces, practical data on stability and control derivatives

    are derived from literature. Computations are subsequently carried out to determine the

    design parameters.

    To fabricate the wings, a computer numerical controlled system was developed. It

    comprises of three sections. The mechanical parts were fabricated from scratch, while the

    electronic components and the software were obtained from credible sources. To optimize

    the performance of the system, mechanical calibrations were first carried out. The selection

  • 7/31/2019 Unmanned Air Vehile (UAV) Wing Design and Manufacture


    of wire heat and cutting speed has significant implications on the dimensional accuracy,

    hence, empirical tests are conducted to derive the optimum values. Finally, the accuracy

    and precision of the system is put the test through a detailed inspection of fabricated airfoils

    cross section. The coordinates were registered and analyzed using Xfoil to yield

    aerodynamic data. Differences were deemed acceptable.

    With the established fabrication process, prototype aircrafts were assembled subsequently.

    Other than demonstrating air worthiness, flight test is the most practical way to verify the

    results from computational analysis. To achieve this, flight instruments and a data storage

    device are mounted on the aircraft and flight data were collected. Analyses of the records

    were carried out to derive the lift and glide ratio. Deviations from computational analysis

    were justified and accounted for.

  • 7/31/2019 Unmanned Air Vehile (UAV) Wing Design and Manufacture



    The author wishes to express sincere appreciation to the supervisor, Assoc Prof Gerard Leng

    for his patience and guidance throughout the course of project. His role as a mentor was

    invaluable. Gratitude is also extended to the Staff and Technicians of the Dynamics Lab for

    their administrative and technical support. Special appreciation also goes to Mr Anthony

    Low, President of Radio Modellers Singapore, for his kind assistance in flight test.

  • 7/31/2019 Unmanned Air Vehile (UAV) Wing Design and Manufacture


    Table of Contents

    List of Figures ....................................................................................................................... i

    List of Tables ....................................................................................................................... iii

    List of Symbols.....................................................................................................................iv

    Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1

    Background and Overview ......................................................................................................... 1

    Objectives .................................................................................................................................... 1

    Design and Analysis ............................................................................................................. 2

    Methodology............................................................................................................................... 2Requirements and Parameters .................................................................................................. 3

    Mission Requirements ........................................................................................................... 3

    Categorization of Parameters ................................................................................................ 3

    Critical Performance parameters .......................................................................................... 4

    Determining Stability Requirements ..................................................................................... 5

    Literature Survey ........................................................................................................................ 5

    Findings for Airfoil .................................................................................................................. 5

    Findings for Planform ............................................................................................................. 6

    Concept of Dihedral................................................................................................................ 7

    Control Surfaces ..................................................................................................................... 8

    Analysis ........................................................................................................................................ 8

    Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 8

    Airfoil Analysis and Selection .............................................................................................. 9

    Planform Analysis and Selection ......................................................................................... 14

    Dihedral Analysis and Computation .................................................................................... 18Control Surfaces Analysis and Computation ...................................................................... 18

    Fabrication ........................................................................................................................ 20

    Implementing CNC Solution ..................................................................................................... 20

    Mot ivations ........................................................................................................................... 20

    System Design, Manufacture and Assembly ...................................................................... 21

    System Calibration and Optimization ................................................................................. 22

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    Fabrication Precision Analysis.................................................................................................. 23

    Mot ivation and Procedures ................................................................................................. 23Results ................................................................................................................................... 24

    Fabrication and Assembly .................................................................................................... 26

    Flight Test and Analysis ..................................................................................................... 27

    Motivation ................................................................................................................................. 27

    Deriving glide ratio ................................................................................................................... 27

    Diagnosis of preliminary flights ............................................................................................... 28

    Analysis of flight data ............................................................................................................... 28

    Results and Evaluation ............................................................................................................. 29

    Verifying Lift .......................................................................................................................... 30

    Verifying CL/CD ..................................................................................................................... 30

    Recommendations .................................................................................................................... 30

    Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 31

    References ......................................................................................................................... 32

    Appendices .......................................................................................................................... a

    Requirements and Parameters .................................................................................................. a

    Fabrication Design and Assembly ........................................................................................... b

    Fabrication Calibration and precision check...................................................................... c

    Fabrication Customisation and innovation in design ........................................................ d

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    List of Figures

    Figure 1: Project Overview ............................................................................................................. 1

    Figure 2: Methodology ................................................................................................................... 2

    Figure 3: Dihedral Effects ............................................................................................................... 7

    Figure 4: GEMINI (Cl vs alpha) ........................................................................................................ 9

    Figure 5: GEMINI (Cl vs Cd)............................................................................................................. 9

    Figure 6: ClarkY (Cl vs alpha) ........................................................................................................ 10

    Figure 7: ClarkY (Cl vs cd) ............................................................................................................. 10

    Figure 8: NACA64010 (Cl vs alpha) .............................................................................................. 10Figure 9: NACA64010 (Cl vs Cd) ................................................................................................... 10

    Figure 10: SD8020 (Cl vs alpha).................................................................................................... 10

    Figure 11: SD8020 (Cl vs Cd) ........................................................................................................ 10

    Figure 12: Comparing Xfoil data .................................................................................................. 11

    Figure 13: Comparing actual data ................................................................................................ 11

    Figure 14: Cl vs alpha for short listed wing airfoils ...................................................................... 12

    Figure 15: Cl/Cd vs alpha for short listed wing airfoils ................................................................ 12

    Figure 16: Cl vs alpha for short listed tail airfoils......................................................................... 13

    Figure 17: Cl / Cd vs alpha for short listed tail airfoils ................................................................. 13

    Figure 18: ComparingTurbulence Models (Cl vs Cd) .................................................................. 15

    Figure 19: ComparingTurbulence Models (Cl vs alpha) ............................................................. 15

    Figure 20: Comparing Various Formulations .............................................................................. 15

    Figure 21: Pressure Contour for Baseline ................................................................................... 16

    Figure 22: Combination of Rectangular and Tapered Section ................................................... 16

    Figure 23: CL vs CD for various planforms .................................................................................. 16

    Figure 24: CL vs alpha for various planforms .............................................................................. 16

    Figure 25: CL / CD vs alpha for various planforms ...................................................................... 17

    Figure 26: Flap Effectiveness vs Surface Ratio ............................................................................ 20

    Figure 27: Percentage deviation in Cut area vs Wire Current (for various cutt ing speeds) .... 23

    Figure 28: Comparison between Actual and Fabricated Coordinates for GEMINI airfoil ........ 24

    Figure 29: Comparison between Actual and Fabricated Coordinates for NACA0012 airfoil ... 24

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    Figure 30: Percentage deviation in dimension vs Position (GEMINI) ........................................ 24

    Figure 31: Percentage deviation in dimension vs Position (NACA0012)................................... 24Figure 32: Comparing Cl vs alpha between Original and Fabricated GEMINI .......................... 25

    Figure 33: Comparing Cl vs Cd between Original and Fabricated GEMINI ............................... 25

    Figure 34: Comparing Cl vs alpha between Original and Fabricated NACA0012 ..................... 25

    Figure 35: Comparing Cl vs Cd between Original and Fabricated NACA0012 .......................... 25

    Figure 36: Assembly ...................................................................................................................... 26

    Figure 37: Unpowered Glide ........................................................................................................ 27

    Figure 38: 3D Flight path on map ................................................................................................ 29

    Figure 39: Flight path - Altitude h (m) vs Distance R (m) ........................................................... 29

    Figure 40: Assembled Units ............................................................................................................ c

    Figure 41: Individual mechanical parts.......................................................................................... c

    Figure 42: Soldered PCB ................................................................................................................. c

    Figure 43: Individual Electronic Parts ............................................................................................ c

    Figure 44: Wire Joint ....................................................................................................................... c

    Figure 45: Markings for wire height .............................................................................................. c

    Figure 46: Spirit level for horizontal alignment ............................................................................ c

    Figure 47: Markings for parallel alignment ................................................................................... c

    Figure 48: Set-up for Fabrication precision check ........................................................................ d

    Figure 49: Close-up view to acquire coordinates ......................................................................... d

    Figure 50: Flexibility in in adjusting tail position and angle ......................................................... d

    Figure 52: Close-up view on control horns and rods.................................................................... d

    Figure 51: Sleeve cuts to house structural reinforcements ......................................................... d

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    List of Tables

    Table 1: Designated Objectives ...................................................................................................... 2

    Table 2: Aircraft Specifications ...................................................................................................... 3

    Table 3: Classification of Parameters ............................................................................................ 3

    Table 4: Literature Survey Findings for Airfoil .............................................................................. 6

    Table 5: Literature Survey Findings for Planform ......................................................................... 6

    Table 6: Recommendation for Aileron .......................................................................................... 8

    Table 7: Recommendations for Elevator and Rudder .................................................................. 8

    Table 8: Scope of analysis............................................................................................................... 8Table 9: Selected Data for Wing airfoils ...................................................................................... 12

    Table 10: Selected Data for Tail airfoils ....................................................................................... 13

    Table 11: Short list of Turbulence Models from literature ......................................................... 14

    Table 12: Planform Cases ............................................................................................................. 16

    Table 13: Fluent results for various planforms ........................................................................... 17

    Table 14: Computation results for various control surfaces...................................................... 20

    Table 15: Innovation in mechanical design ................................................................................. 21

    Table 16: Fabrication Procedures and Time taken ..................................................................... 26

    Table 17: Diagnosis of Preliminary Flights .................................................................................. 28

    Table 18: Selected Flight data ...................................................................................................... 29

    Table 19: Parameters from optimization ...................................................................................... a

    Table 20: Breakdown of Mechanical Parts.................................................................................... b

    Table 21: Breakdown of Electronic parts ...................................................................................... b

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    List of Symbols

    Angle of attack, deg Aspect ratio - Span, m Sidewash, deg Chord, m Mean chord, m Sectional drag coefficient Drag coefficient Aileron Control Power, deg-1 Sectional lift coeff icient Slope of sectional lift curve, deg-1 Lift coefficient Slope of sectional lift curve, deg-1 Slope of rolling moment coefficient due to sideslip

    Slope of pitching moment coefficient, deg-1

    Elevator Control Power, deg-1 Slope of yawing moment coefficent due to sideslip, deg-1 Rudder Control Power, deg-1 Aileron deflection, deg Elevator deflection, deg Rudder deflection, deg

    Drag, N Downwash angle, deg Dihedral angle, deg Lift , N Tail efficiency Reynolds Number

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    Density, kg/m3

    Sidewash angle, deg Aileron surface area, m2 Elevator surface area, m2 Rudder surface area, m2 Horizontal tail surface area, m2 Vert ical tail surface area, m2 Flap effectiveness Freestream velocity, m/s Vertical tail volume ratio - Horizontal tail volume ratio - Weight, N Distance of centre of gravity from wing leading edge, m Distance of neutral point from wing leading edge, m

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    Background and Overview

    The interest in Unmanned Air Vehicles has increased tremendously over the past decade

    and a rise in its employment has been predicted (1) for the next twenty years to come.

    Studies have been carried out on overall aspects of UAV design, such as cost-effectiveness

    (2) and multidisciplinary optimization (3).

    Currently, in the area of wing studies, majority of the work are dedicated the assessment of

    novel concepts such as inflatable and retractable wings (4), (5). This paper focuses on the

    development of conventional wings for a Class 1 (as defined in (1)) UAV. The entire process

    will be covered, from the design and analysis to fabrication using a computer controlled

    system. Finally, a flight evaluation was conducted to verify the design. Hence, this project

    encompasses a larger intent, which is to assemble an actual UAV with mission capabilities.

    Collaboration with three other team members is required, each handling an aspect of the

    UAV. The diagram below depicts an overview.


    The project can be divided into three main components namely (1) Design and Analysis, (2)

    Fabrication and (3) Flight Test. Each component comprises of designated objectives to be

    fulfilled to complete the assignment.



    Wing and TailParameters


    UAV with capabilities

    Project Requirements



    Establish objectives

    Fulfill Objectives



    Figure 1: Project Overview

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    Design and Analysis


    Basically, the task of designing involves the manipulation of physical parameters to alter the

    aerodynamics. In turn, this will have direct influence over the aircraft performance and

    stability, and hence, its mission capabilit ies.

    The design process begins with identifying the desired performance and stability, as well as

    the various design parameters to fulfill mission requirements. Subsequently, through

    application of fundamental theory and literature reviews, a shortlist will be generated for

    each parameter. Subsequently, a series of computational analyses will be performed to

    justify the final selection. With the parameters generated, fabrication of the wing prototype

    can then be carried out.

    Components Designated Objectives

    (1) Design and Analysis Designing solutions (i.e. selection of appropriateparameters) to meet mission requirements

    Justification using computational analysis(2) Fabrication Development of a CNC solution to enable rapid and

    precise production of 3D wings

    Verification of equipment reliabilit y and worthiness(3) Flight Test and Analysis Demonstration of airworthiness

    Evaluation of actual f light data

    Requirements and



    SurveyAnalysis Parameters for


    Table 1: Designated Objective

    Figure 2: Methodolog

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    Requirements and Parameters

    Mission Requirements

    The mission requirements of the UAV govern the design of wing. The table below shows the

    general specifications of the aircraft modeled after typical UAVs available in the market.


    Designated Task short range surveillance

    Payload Total aircraft weight < 1kg with Camera and data logger

    Configuration Pusher, high-wing

    Takeoff/ recovery Hand launched takeoff and Belly assisted landing

    Maneuverability Turning radius of

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    Critical Performance parameters

    Lift for aircraft vsThe relationship between the lift coefficient and its corresponding angle of attack is the

    most essential data for wing and tail design. It is primarily governed by the airfoil selection

    and the planform. Aerodynamic concepts have been developed to link the sectional Cl of a

    2D airfoil to 3D wings of finite span using Lifting line theory. It states that (6)


    + 2

    LLT has proven to be reasonably accurate for straight wings in regions before stall .

    Range and Endurance

    vs and/Other than drag estimation, the relationship between drag and lift coefficient is crucial in

    determining the range and endurance of the aircraft. In performance terms (7),







    = 1

    However, it must be noted that for radio controlled flight range is also limited by the radius

    of the signal strength of transmitter and the endurance cannot last beyond its battery


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    Determining Stability Requirements

    Flight stability is a necessity for typical aircrafts. Conditions for static stability, which is the

    tendency of the platform to return to its initial position after a disturbance (8), are shown


    Longitudinal Stability

    Slope of aircraft pitching moment curve,

    = + + Contribution to pitching moment from wing and tail

    = ; = 1

    Lateral Stability

    Slope of aircraft pitching moment curve,

    = + Contribution to yawing moment from vert ical tail,

    = 1 +

    Slope of aircraft rolling moment curve is largely dependent on the dihedral,

    = .2 ()/

    The criteria for static stability is given by

    < 0, > 0, < 0Literature Survey

    Findings for Airfoil

    For considerations involving airfoil selection, literature review yields the following.

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    Shape Key characteristics Applications


    CamberedHigh L, low D, low CM

    Wings on high endurance UAVs, RC



    CamberedHigh L, low D, moderate CM

    Wings on short range UAVs, RC

    sports plane

    Symmetrical Moderate L, Moderate D, low CMHorizontal and Vertical Tail,


    Empirical aerodynamic data is compiled in (9) for a selected number of airfoils in each

    category. For the wing airfoil section, moderately cambered airfoil is highly recommended

    for the assigned mission profile (10). The tail sections (horizontal and vertical), symmetrical

    airfoils is the only intuitive option as provisions must be made for lift to be generated on

    upper and lower surface.

    Findings for Planform

    The planform of a wing influences the lift distribution on it, and thus the flight performance.

    Findings from (7), (10) are summarized below.

    Profile Advantage Disadvantages

    Elliptical1. Lowest induced drag

    2. Stalls evenly across spans1. Difficult to fabricate

    Rectangular1. Constant Re reduces risk of t ip stall

    2. Easy to fabricate

    1. Higher induced drag

    2. Higher bending moments


    1. Lower induced drag than rectangular


    2. Smaller bending moment

    1. Risk of t ip stall


    Rect. &


    1. Approach advantages of elliptical

    2. Easier to fabricate

    1. Hazards of t ip stall


    Table 4: Literature Survey Findings for Airfoi

    Table 5: Literature Survey Findings for Planform

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    Despite the advantages of elliptical planform, this option is eliminated due to complexities

    involved in its production. Hence, only the feasibility of introducing taper will be explored.

    Here, the optimum planform selection is a compromise between structural and lower drag

    benefit of small and aerodynamic lift benefit of large (7)This prompts the investigation

    of a combined rectangular and tapered planform.

    Planform of tail sections are of secondary concerns. Their primary role is to provide stability

    in the UAV and this has been resolved in the optimization process through the allocation of

    dimensions. Horizontal tail will adopt a rectangular profile. Vertical tail will adopt a tapered

    ratio of 0.8. To maximize rudder area, sweepback will also be introduced such that trailing

    edges align vertically.

    Concept of Dihedral

    Dihedral is known to bring about rolling stability. A dihedral angle of can bring about

    stabilizing effects by altering the resultant (positive will lead to higher lift) when

    sideslip occurs. Given that the sideslip and dihedral angles are small,

    = = .

    The change in angle of attack will in turn alter the lift on both sides of the wing, hence

    resulting in a restoring moment. Recommendations from (10) yield an angle of 2 degrees.

    Figure 3: Dihedral Effect

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    Control Surfaces

    There are two main aspects to the design of control surfaces, i.e. their position and size.

    Varying them will give different degrees of control effectiveness in terms of roll, pitch and

    yaw. Findings from (10) yield preliminary guidelines for the various surfaces.

    Type of aileron Strip aileron

    / 0.051 to 0.c / b 0.18c from trailing edge / 0.3b

    Elevator Rudder

    / 0.3 to 0.35 / 0.3 to 0.5



    From the previous section, the tasks for the various parameters can now be allocated


    Airfoil Selection within the moderately cambered category

    Planform Selection of the best combination of rectangular and taper

    Dihedral Verifying the angle from literature with theoretical analysis

    Control Surfaces Verifying the sizes from literature with theoretical analysis

    Analysis will be focused on Wing. For tail sections, the scope of this project only requires

    them to fulfill the function of pitch and yaw control, as well as to maintain flight stability.

    Table 6: Recommendation for Aileron

    Table : Recommendations for Elevator and Rudder

    Table 8: Scope of analysi

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    Airfoil Analysis and Selection

    Validating Xfoil

    Background and Motivation

    Xfoil is an interactive program for the design and analysis of subsonic isolated airfoils. It is

    widely received as a credible tool (11), (12) for analysis of airfoil by coupling viscous and

    inviscid formulations. The main purpose of validating Xfoil is to extend the limited library of

    airfoil data in the most efficient manner. Available literature (9) only have data of a few

    airfoils and are limited to Re at intervals of 5 10. Besides this, incorporating a wider

    range airfoil will improve the credibility of the final selection. Finally, given Xfoils relatively

    short computation time, aerodynamic data can be generated quickly across different airfoils.

    Execution and Evaluation

    Data from available literature will be compiled and compared with the plots from Xfoil

    under the same Re. This is carried out for 4 different airfoils at = 10 where real data isavailable from (9). They are Clark Y, GEMINI, NACA64-A-10 and SD8020.

    Data accuracy

    Figure 4: GEMINI (Cl vs alpha) Figure 5: GEMINI (Cl vs Cd)

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    From the graphs, it is observed that the slope of the lift curves generated by Xfoil is fairly

    accurate. The highest deviation belongs to Clark Y, with a percentage of 4.91%. Besides this,

    the stall patterns for the wing candidates are well approximated too. With exceptions to

    NACA0009 It can be seen also that viscous formulations are well documented in Xfoils

    codes as drag estimations are accurate at values before stall.

    Figure 6: ClarkY (Cl vs alpha) Figure : ClarkY (Cl vs cd)

    Figure 8: NACA64010 (Cl vs alpha) Figure 9: NACA64010 (Cl vs Cd)

    Figure 11: SD8020 (Cl v Cd)Figure 10: SD8020 (Cl v alpha)

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    Data trends

    To further justify the use of Xfoil to compare and contrast data of different airfoils, the

    trends for the lift curves are examined. It is observed that in terms of stall angles, (),and (), the order is the same for both the actual and Xfoil data.

    Applying Lifting Line Theory to determine preliminary lift criteria

    With Xfoil proven to be a credible data generator, data is generated for 8 airfoils, doubling

    the size of data at hand. To begin, the required lift coefficient for the finite wing has to be

    determined. For a 1 kg UAV cruising at a speed of 15m/s,

    = 12 =


    0.5 1.225 15 0.204 = 0.349

    Using Lifting Line Theory earlier, as well as introducing a factor of 1.1, the minimum


    was can be determined

    = = 1.1 + 2 = 0.494Determining stability requirements

    For Stability, the minimum criteria is < 0.017 as imposed by the opt imization process =


    Figure 12: Comparing Xfoi dataFigure 13: Comparing actual data

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    Substituting values from optimization, the minimum tail lift slope,

    = 11 2 +

    = 11 27.0180.687

    (0.157) + 0.017

    Where will be resolved after selection of wing airfoil

    Results and Evaluation

    Wing Lift Criteria and Stall Pattern

    Table 9: Selected Data for Wing airfoils

    Clark E197 GEMINI NACA 2415

    Max 1.38 1.15 1.14 1.22Max/ 68 68 62 60 @=5o 0.82 0.76 0.8 0.75


    @=5o 68 55 55 54

    Stall angle 11 13 14 14

    Stall pattern



    Gentle over

    range of 4


    Gentle over

    range of 5




    Figure 14: Cl vs alpha for shortlisted wing airfoils Figure 15: Cl/ Cd vs alpha for shortlisted wing airfoil

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    All of the airfoil fulfills the minimum sectional Cl. Comparing all aspects, GEMINI airfoil gives

    the best overall result. E197 comes close however it loses out slightly over the stall pattern,

    which is crucial for short range RC flight.

    Cd follows a nearly vertical trend, constant drag for varying wing loadings which will aid in

    the design of propulsion system (13).

    Tail Stabili ty Criteria

    Table 10: Selected Data for Tail airfoils

    NACA64A-010 SD8020 NACA009 NACA0012

    Max 0.7 0.92 0.84 1Max/ 35 45 42 45 @=5o 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6@=5o 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08/ @=5o 35 45 42 45Stall angle 6 10 10 10

    Stall pattern Moderatelygentle




    With GEMINI selected as wing airfoil and applying the Lifting Line theory,

    = + 2 = 0.0747 7

    9= 0.0581

    Figure 16: Cl vs alpha for shortlisted tail airfoil Figure 17: Cl / C vs alpha for shortlisted tail airfoil

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    > 0.0123 For all the tail airfoils selected, they are able to fulfill the stability criteria above. SD8020 and

    NACA0012 both present themselves to be feasible options for tail airfoil. NACA0012 is


    Planform Analysis and Selection


    The selection of the planform requires analysis on the 3D profile of the wing. The theoretical

    formulation of LLT is insufficient as it assumes an inviscid model. On the other hand,

    although Xfoil accounts for viscous effects, it is only limited to 2D airfoil. The CFD software

    Fluent provides the solution to this problem. The wing model will be created in Solidworks

    and transferred to Gambit for meshing.

    Turbulence model analysis

    The current flow problem belongs to the low Re category. Findings from (14) have

    shortlisted 3 suitable turbulence models, which will be assessed in this section.

    Table 11: Shortlist of Turbulence Models from literature

    Key Features

    Spalart-Almaras Solves for eddy viscosity

    K-Omega (standard) Calculates specific turbulence dissipation rate

    K-Omega (Shear Stress Transportation) Account for transport of turbulent shear stress

    Plotting the coefficients of lift and drag at various angles of attack yield the following

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    From the graph, it can be observed that the standard version of k-omega model does not

    agree with the other two especially in terms of drag estimation. Eliminating it leaves the

    Spalart-Almaras model and the modified K-omega model. The latter emerged a better

    option as it is able to model flow separation at high with a decline in lift coefficient unlike

    the straight line trend in SA.

    Further Justifications

    To further justify the selection, results from 2D analysis and Lifting Line Theory are

    compared with the SST model. A significant discrepancy can be observed between for the

    LLT model due to its inability to account for viscous effect.

    Figure 18: ComparingTurbulence Models (Cl vs Cd)Figure 19: ComparingTurbulence Models (Cl vs alpha)

    Figure 20: Comparing Various Formulation

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    In addition, the pressure contour plot of SST displays a realistic distribution, where losses

    can be observed at the wing tips due to the trailing vortex.

    Results and Discussion

    With the best k-omega model selected, data is generated for 4 different permutations of

    rectangular and taper planform.

    Table 12: Planform Cases

    Case 1 2 3 4

    y 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.75

    0.5 0.75 0.5 0.75



    Figure 21: Pressure Contour for Baseline

    Figure 22: Combination of Rectangular

    and Tapered Section

    Figure 23: CL vs CD for various planformFigure 24: CL vs alpha for various planform

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    Table 13: Fluent results for various planforms

    Baseline 1 2 3 4

    Max 0.9177 0.9780 0.9482 0.9551 0.9473Max/ 5.5702 5.7109 5.7330 5.7382 5.6803 0.0488 0.0502 0.0495 0.0485 0.0487 @=5o 0.3637 0.3881 0.3851 0.3817 0.3766 @=5o (N) 10.225 9.547 10.150 10.060 10.257

    / @=5o 5.2599 5.4538 5.4801 5.5051 5.4631

    Verification for Lift

    To calculate lift ,

    = 12.

    For baseline, the lift at 15 m/s at 5


    L = 10.225 N. This further verifies that the airfoil

    selection provides sufficient lift for the aircraft of 1 kg (9.81 N).

    Evaluation Drag Reduction vs Practicality

    The results from various combinations do not exhibit data trends pertaining to variations in

    taper ratio and the span of the rectangular section. The intent is to obtain the permutation

    Figure 25: CL / CD vs alpha for various planforms

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    which best approximates an elliptic planform, which is best approximated in case 3. This

    combination gives the lowest drag coefficient and the highest glide ratio / at t rim flight.On the other hand, combinations which deviates from elliptical planform i.e. shorter

    rectangular sections at y theis higher.

    Although case 3 appears to be the best option, the rectangular planform is preferred. Firstly,

    the savings on is rather insignificant (0.6147% reduction), with a penalty on its lift due

    to its reduced surface area. In addition, the risk of incurring tip stall is higher for a tapered

    planform, which will lead to loss of aileron control. Finally, with its ease of fabrication,

    rectangular planform presents itself as the most practical option.

    Dihedral Analysis and Computation

    For a rectangular wing, the earlier formulation for roll stability due to sideslip becomes,


    = From (15) and (16), the value of -0.125 is obtained for for Class 1 UAVs. This will give adihedral angle of 1.636. Available instrument for measurement is only accurate up to

    1for fabrication. As such, the dihedral of 2will be adopted.

    Control Surfaces Analysis and Computation

    Concepts and Formulations

    To quantify terms for analysis, the flap effectiveness parameter (8) is first introduced.

    Generally, it can be expressed as the change in angle of attack due to the surface deflection,


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    For each control surface, i.e. aileron, elevator and rudder, there is a required control power

    which will govern their respective effectiveness parameter. From (8),

    Aileron Control Power (for rolling), applying strip integration for a rectangular wing,


    = ( )

    Elevator Control Power (for pitching),

    = =



    Rudder Control Power (for yawing),





    Computation with data from literature

    Typical values of control power for aircrafts similar to Class 1 UAVs can be obtained from

    empirical findings in (15) and (16). Values of can be computed then. Finally, the control

    surface area can be derived from the relationship between the surface ratios and


    shown below (8).

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    Figure 26: Flap Effectiveness vs Surface Ratio

    Table 14: Computation results for various control surfaces

    Ailerons Elevator Rudder

    Control Power 0.181 -1.9 -0.12

    0.1794 0.5366 0.6676 0.05 0.33 0.45

    The values of the ratios fall well within the guidelines stated earlier in literature surveys, and

    hence they will be employed in fabrication.


    Implementing CNC Solution


    To meet the fabrication requirements, the process must involve a Computer Numerical

    Control (CNC) method. Instead of adopting the method of arranging 2D precision cuts into

    wingspan, the design of a 3D foam cutter is proposed. Despite the uncertainties in reliability,

    the advantages are numerous.

    1. Offers precision and accuracy in shaping complex geometries compared to manualmeans of arranging 2D sections

    2. Capable of rapid prototyping, hence allowing extensive tests to be carried out

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    3. Allows flexibility in re-configuration of wing for different mission profile4. DIY machine costs only a fraction (

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    from PCB to motors. To ensure no errors in circuitry, voltage tests carried out using



    Research has found several CNC softwares. GMFC is justified to be the best option. It is

    easily available online for free, with good reviews awarded. Besides this, there will not be

    any compatibility issues as GMFC works seamlessly with FoamPro PCB.

    System Calibration and Optimization

    Synchronizing Software with Electronics

    In preliminary testing, it was ensured that inputs into the PC results in a correct

    corresponding response from the motor.

    Carriage Positioning and Alignment

    The positioning and alignment of carriages is important to ensure precision in cutting. Firstly,

    using a spirit level, the entire setup is calibrated to the level position. Markings were also

    placed at appropriate locations facilitate the parallel alignment of carriages and the

    positioning of wire to the horizon. It is noted that markings are accurate up to 1 mm.

    Optimization of Cutting

    Motivation and Procedures

    Before proceeding to the accuracy tests, it is necessary to determine the configuration for

    optimum wire performance. A smooth cut depends on the cutting speed as wire heat

    (controlled by varying current magnitude).

    Issues with Underestimation Issues with Overestimation

    Wire heat Unable to melt foam without contact Excessive kerf radius

    Cutting Speed Prolonged heating Insufficient heat leading to contact

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    As such, investigations are conducted on these two factors, current settings and cutting

    speed. Trial cuts are carried out on scrap foam pieces of equal width of 2 cm, through a

    same rectangular profile of 50.0 mm x 40.0 mm. Subsequently, deviations in the cut area

    are tabulated in graphs below. Dimensions are measured using vernier calipers with

    accuracy of 0.1Results

    Figure 27: Percentage deviation in Cut area vs Wire Current (for various cutting speeds)

    Cuts are carried out for 4 different current settings at 4 different speeds. At the cutting

    speed of 1.25m/s and current output of 1.2 A, the deviation is the least among the trends,

    hence establishing itself at the optimum point .

    Fabrication Precision Analysis

    Motivation and Procedures

    With the system calibrated and optimized, the reliability can now be tested. To demonstrate

    the precision of the foam cutter, investigations have to be carried out on the shape of the

    airfoil. Samples cut sections of the wing and tail are fabricated and their coordinates are

    plotted out using microscope magnifier and a X-Y table. The accuracy of the X-Y table is

    0.001. The set-up is show in the appendix.

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    Deviations from input

    Data coordinates obtained (in green) are scaled to the chord length and they are compared

    with the original coordinate plot (red) which was uploaded to the foam cutter.

    Figure 28: Comparison between Actual and Fabricated Coordinates for GEMINI airfoil

    Figure 29: Comparison between Actual and Fabricated Coordinates for NACA0012 airfoil

    Through visual observation, one can hardly observe any difference. As such, graphs are

    plotted to display the percentage deviations. It is shown that the leading and trailing edges

    have the highest discrepancies due to the complications in fabrication.

    Figure 31: Percentage deviation in dimension vs

    Position (NACA0012)

    Figure 30: Percentage deviation in dimension vs

    Position (GEMINI)

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    CFD verification

    For an airfoil, the most practical form of precision check is to evaluate the aerodynamic

    results rather than the dimensional differences. This calls for Xfoil analysis to be carried out

    on the coordinates of fabricated samples.

    Comparing the graphs for GEMINI, the fabricated sample has a higher lift curve slope,

    before experiencing an earlier but gentler stall. This could be attributed to the onset of

    separation as a result of the blunt trailing edge. However, applying the same analysis earlier,

    the lift requirement is met as the Clat cruise=5o is the same. Lower drag is also observed.

    Figure 32: Comparing Cl vs alpha between Original

    and Fabricated GEMINI

    Figure 33: Comparing Cl vs C between Original andFabricated GEMINI

    Figure 34: Comparing Cl vs alpha between Original

    and Fabricated NACA0012Figure 35: Comparing Cl vs C between Original andFabricated NACA0012

  • 7/31/2019 Unmanned Air Vehile (UAV) Wing Design and Manufacture



    For NACA0012, there are hardly any observable differences for both lift and drag curves. As

    the effects on aerodynamics are not significantly critical, the fabrication precision is deemed


    Fabrication and Assembly


    With the system optimized and its precision verified, the way is paved for fabrication. The

    procedures are listed below. To demonstrate the capability of rapid prototyping, the time

    taken for each step is tabulated as well. A set of wings and tail can be ready for assembly in

    less than 100 minutes.

    Table 16: Fabrication Procedures and Time taken

    Steps Time taken (mins)

    1 Cutting of core sections of Wing and tail 20

    2 Cutting of control surfaces and joining to core sections 40

    3 Attaching control horns and rods 40


    The manufactured set is finally assembled into an aircraft. To facilitate the process, several

    modifications are introduced. Sleeve cuts customized to house skeletal support. The

    innovative tail design also allows flexibility in adjustments of position and angle.

    Figure 36: Assembl

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    Flight Test and Analysis


    The best testament for the wing design is to demonstrate its airworthiness. Flight also

    provides the most practical mean to verify results from computational analysis. By

    equipping the UAV with a flight instruments and data logger, information on flight can be

    collected. The aircraft is installed with a GPS tracker, which will record its altitude as well as

    latitude-longitude. The air speed is also collected by means of a pitot tube. Evaluation can

    then be carried out by comparing the results with the ones from earlier analysis.

    Deriving glide ratio

    The glide ratio presents itself as a credible indicator for evaluation to be made. Besides

    being a representative figure for range and endurance, it can also be easily derived. For an

    unpowered flight,

    Figure 37: Unpowered Glide

    = =

    = = 1 = With the altitude (h) and ground distance (R) recorded, the glide ratio can be determined.

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    Diagnosis of preliminary flights

    Prior to the final flight tests, several unsuccessful prototypes were built. Although the main

    issue lies in the lack of skill in flying RC models, there were other fundamental problems

    which were addressed before a successful model was constructed.

    Table 17: Diagnosis of Preliminary Flights

    Problems Rectifications

    Prototype 1 Excessive cross sectional arealeading to unnecessary drag

    Weakness in tail boom

    Replaced Fuselage with a smallerone

    Prototype 2 Discovered the lack of thrust Replaced propeller with a larger onePrototype 3 Weakness in horizontal structure Replaced aluminium rods with

    carbon fibre rods

    Analysis of flight data

    With the issues resolved, successful flights were carried out and the data were collected in

    one of them. Coordinates of the flight path will be plotted on a map (Google Earth).

    Representative flight profiles for cruise and glide will be examined. The flight angle of attack

    is determined by considering the in-built incidence of 5o and flight path with respect to

    the horizon. With this reference angle, comparisons can then be made with theoretical

    analysis results.

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    Results and Evaluation

    Figure 38: 3D Flight path on map

    Figure 39: Flight path - Altitude h (m) vs Distance R (m)

    Table 18: Selected Flight data

    Profile / Sector Powered Cruise Theory Unpowered Glide Theory

    5o 5o 14o 14oAverage speed 15.4 15 13 15

    0.331 0.3637 - -/ - - 3.97 4.549

  • 7/31/2019 Unmanned Air Vehile (UAV) Wing Design and Manufacture



    Verifying Lift

    By demonstrating that aircraft could climb, the lift criterion is met. To further verify,

    can be inferred from a straight and level flight (at the designated cruise speed andwhere L=W.

    @ = 12 =

    12 =



    1,225 15.4 0.204= 0.331

    It can be observed that the lif t coeff icient in real flight is only slightly lesser (9%). This could

    be attributed to interference from the aircraft body.

    Verifying CL/ CD

    With data input from the glide section,

    @ =


    66 38702.4


    = 3.97

    Comparing the flight test result and the theoretical value, a 12.7% deviation is observed.

    This is expected as it only represents the glide ratio of the wing and not the entire aircraft.

    Addit ional drag contributions from other components will result in a lower glide ratio.


    This flight test also highlights areas where improvements can be implemented. To conduct

    an accurate measurement of aerodynamic forces, a wind tunnel analysis can be employed.

    However, detailed cost-benefit analysis must be carried out to ensure its cost-effectiveness.

    In terms of material usage, other types of foam can be explored to seek a stronger and

    lighter option. Again, its cost-effectiveness must be weighed. Subsequently, sheeting can

    also be used to strengthen the wing as well to ensure a smoother air f low.

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    The designated objectives for each section were met. This completes the entire wing

    development, from design and analysis, to the optimization and evaluation of fabrication

    process, and finally to its implementation on a actual UAV where flight analysis is performed.

    With a comprehensive coverage on the fundamentals of a conventional wing design and

    manufacture, this project is provides an excellent platform for further studies to be

    conducted. As demonstrated, the capability of rapid prototyping encourages extensive tests

    to be conducted. Coupled with an established design process, this grants the ability to

    customize wings to perform optimally for different missions. More design parameters e.g.

    geometric twist can be introduced. External features which augment aerodynamics e.g.

    winglets can also be tested by mounting them on the baseline.

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    1. Defense, US Department of.Unmanned Systems Roadmap 20072032. 2007.

    2. Hypothesis about cost-effective unmanned offensive airplane vehicles. Chiesa, Sergio, et

    al. 2000, Aircraft Design.

    3. Mulitdisciplinary Optimisation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Using Multi-Criteria

    Evolutionary Algorithms. Gonzalez, Luiz. F., et al. s.l. : 6th World Congress of Structural and

    Multi-criteria Evolutionary Algorithms, 2005.

    4. Inflatable and Rigidizable Wings for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.Cadogan, David, Graham,

    William and Smith, Tim. s.l. : AIAA, 2003. 2003-6630.

    5. Design, development and testing of a morphing aspect ratio wing using an inflatable

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    6. Bertin, John J.Aerodynamics for Engineers. 1997.

    7. Anderson, John D.Aircraft Performance and Design. 1998.

    8. Nelson, Robert C.Flight Stability and Automatic Control. 1998.

    9. Selig, Michael S., et al.Summary of Low-Speed Airfoil Data Volume 1. 1995.

    10. Stinton, Darroll.The Design of an Airplane.2001.

    11. Multi-objective evolutionary optimization of subsonic airfoils by meta-modelling and

    evolution control. Angelo, S D and Minisci, E.s.l. : Proceedings of the Institution of

    Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2007, Vol. 221.

    12. The aerodynamic shape optimization of airfoils using unconstrained trust region methods.

    Lee, Jaehun, Jung, Kyungjin and Kwon, Jang Hyuk. s.l. : Engineering Optimization, 2009 , Vol.


    13. Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach. Raymer, D. 2006, AIAA.

    14. Catalano, Pietro and Amato, Marcello.An evaluation of RANS turbulence modelling for

    aerodynamic applications . s.l. : Aerospace Science and Technology, 2003.

    15. Rapid Flight Test Prototyping System and the Fleet of UAVs and MAVs at the Naval

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    16. UAV stability derivatives estimation for hardware-in-the-loop simulation of Piccolo

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    Requirements and Parameters

    Table 19: Parameters from optimization

    Dimension Parameters Performance Parameters

    wing aspect ratio 7 weight 10.8 N

    horizontal tail aspect ratio 5 angle of attack 5 degree

    vertical tail aspect ratio 2 velocity 14.8 m/s

    fuselage diameter 0.10 m wing loading 5.4 kg/m2

    fuselage length 0.26 m Cm0 0.086

    CG distance from wing

    leading edge0.05 m Cmalpha -0.982

    wing leading edge distance

    from fuselage tip0.09 m static margin 15.70%

    CG to tail distance 0.68 m

    tail incident angle -0.6

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    Fabrication Design and Assembly

    Table 20: Breakdown of Mechanical Parts

    Section Component Section Component

    Y axis carriageVert ical square stand



    L Bracket Front Mount (X)

    Drawer slide L Bracket Rear Mount (X)

    X axis carriage

    L bar L Bracket End Plate (X)

    Drawer slide

    Actuator /

    Connectors /


    Threaded rod

    Threaded rod Motor Coupler

    Wooden base L bracket Connector

    X Housing

    L bar Threaded Long Nut

    Horizontal plate L flat Bracket

    Vert ical plateCutter

    Nichrome wire

    Tensioning device

    Table 21: Breakdown of Electronic parts

    Component Specification Functions

    Controller/ driver Unipolar chopper Connects to PC via parallel port

    Stepper Motors 2.1A, 200 S/R Precision control of the lead screw

    Power supplies 12, 14 VD Supply power to electronic parts and

    timer module on PCB

    Variable power supply 30V,7A Supply heat to cutter

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    Fabrication Calibration and precision check

    Figure 40: Assembled Unit

    Figure 42: Soldered PCFigure 44: Wire Joint

    Figure 43: IndividualElectronic Parts

    Figure 45: Markings for wire heightFigure 46: Spirit level for horizontal

    alignmentFigure 4 : Markings for parallel


    Figure 41: Individual mechanical part

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    Fabrication Customization and innovation in design

    Coordinates display

    Video Output


    Sample Cut

    X-Y table

    Figure 48: Set-up for Fabrication precision check

    Figure 49: Clos -up view on coordinates acquisition

    Figure 50: Sleeve cuts to housestructural reinforcements

    Figure 52: Close-up view on contro

    horns and rods

    Figure 51: Flexibility in in adjusting

    tail position and angle