Presentation of the peninsula scientific

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Presentation of the peninsula scientific

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Peninsula localisation on the urban area of Grenoble

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Analyse of the areaAnalyse of the area

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Built spaces mapBuilt spaces map

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Open spaces mapOpen spaces map

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Road mapRoad map

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Green spaces mapGreen spaces map

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SNCF and CEA property mapSNCF and CEA property map

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Possible mutable spaces mapPossible mutable spaces map

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Uses of the Giant project areaUses of the Giant project area

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Mobility connectionsMobility connections

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Closer mobility connectionsCloser mobility connections

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Area constraintsArea constraints

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Housing built constraintsHousing built constraints

• Development section ( center of energies atomics: “CEA”, company of nanotechnology: “Minatec”…) which not permit a mutability.

• Inundation or nuclear risk zone and ground gliquefaction risk

• Weight of railway and highwayWeight of railway and highway• No COS established by the PLU (COS : it

defines maximal building surface on a lot)defines maximal building surface on a lot)• The more important rule is the height of


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Key issuesKey issues

• Housing: what kind? for who?Housing: what kind? for who? • People scaried by collective Housing, and the

weight of density but at the same time there isweight of density but at the same time there is not enough free spaces to be urbanized H i l d lti f ti lit ti l l i th• How include multi-functionality, particularly in the development section

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Pre scenarioPre-scenario

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The Peninsula scientific a dense, flexible and multi functionality cityand multi-functionality city.

The “rubik’s cubes” city.B f h li i d f ll h b• Because of the limited free spaces all the empty zone must be flexible and multi-functional

• Building park ( 8 floor) to supply housing request for allg p ( ) pp y g q• Urban spaces designed like showcase for an innovative and

sustainable cityC ti f t t b ‘ d t ’ i th• Creation of cross streets by ‘rue des martyrs’ increase the accessibility of various areas

BUT:• There is some areas which not permit the integration of multi-

functionality P bl f th b i k t h i i i k it• Problem of the business market housing in risk site

• Scary of high density building area

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Open the peninsula inside and outsideOpen the peninsula, inside and outside

T hTo open up the area:• Connecting with the closer cities and suburbs thanks to bridges and

north rocade• Requalification of the ‘rue des martyrs’ and of the internal network

(extension of the tramway)Th ‘d bl f il t ti ’The ‘double face railway station’:• A mutlimodal area which increase the links with the midtownSpaces opportunities:Spaces opportunities:• Cheer on the mixity of uses • Promote tecnologics activities to have a show-case aspect.• Put on weight of the work area and a new design for public spaces • Give value to natural means

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Peninsula without carPeninsula without car

T i• To create an attractive area based on sustainable development which improve the quality of life (safety, relax, low pollution…)

•To increase the curiosity for this district (the only districtthis district (the only district without car in Grenoble)

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Peninsula without car

Opportunities :

Peninsula without car

Opportunities :• Get some free spaces to build because of the untangling of car

parks• Promote the image of the area based on utilizing of nature means• Promote the image of the area based on utilizing of nature means

(waterfronts, parks, mountain landscapes and leisure)

Issues :• Develop of multi-functionality and nearness of facilities to permit a

“without cars” life stylewithout cars life style• The extension of the tramway line until Saint Martin-le-Vinoux. • The ‘Rocade Nord’ will permit to receive a part of the car traffic of

the peninsulathe peninsula.• The nearness of railway and bus station will permit to the inhabitants

to have access at good connection transport

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Science for all a dynamic for the city

• For a better integration of the scientific world in the city

• For a better appropriation of the technologies by the iticitizens

• Sciences : a project carriedSciences : a project carried by all the city, not an invisible place for the citizenscitizens

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Science for all a dynamic for the city

Meeting places between the scientific world and the population:Meeting places between the scientific world and the population:• Museum of nanotechnologies • Events implying the populationOrganization of the peninsula linked with the rest of the city :• Common equipments and new design for public spaces

N t t d t th idt d th th• New streets and access to the midtown and the other commonsTo provide diversity :• For all people (not only scientifics and students)For all people (not only scientifics and students)• New activities, flexible housingRisks :• A futurist district too much different from the city• Become a leisure park

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The scientific peninsula: the pHEADLIGHT of Grenoble

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The scientific peninsula: the

S k

pHEADLIGHT of Grenoble

Stakes:• To position structurally compared to the remainder of the city. To find a placestrategic and to justify the site of the “Headlight”.

T fi d f b hi h h t i th it d G bl T• To find a form urban which characterizes the site and Grenoble. To propose astrong architecture which marks our memory and which attracts our glance• To structure the built face - To establish an approach coming from the outsideof the site in order to introduce it into the general dynamics of theof the site in order to introduce it into the general dynamics of theagglomeration and to waterproof the frontage skirting the motorway.

Contraints :• To carry out an element headlight by taking into account its geographicallocation and its use not to make a tower to make a tower of itlocation and its use - not to make a tower to make a tower of it• The question of the landscape in the project and called in question• One or more structuring elements visual?