mwmm!?,w:imy ?!, -- MV' axuit rus SSl fife PUB Bmlktttt. " f. ' . Vol. XL tfo 1(515. HONOLULU, II. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 25, 1S87. CO CENTS eUDBORIPTION PER MONTH ' .' i 6- - 'I rut WS ""' Lij&W""'"- - . I - JT .Uif !,....- - A ' ., "V ;r - t f;-- x ' Ji& - T-- ' ' THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed and published at tho ofllcc, Queen Btrcct, Honolulu, 11. I., every nfturnoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 50 cents per Month. Addross all Oommunlcatlens Daily Bulletin. Advertisements, tc .ensuro Insertion, should bo handed in before one o'clock .P. M. 'WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor .W.A.S.Qoals Shipping Reporter & Collector :iAS. Q. CLEVIOR, Manager. Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of all kinds done on the most favorable terms. Hell Telophouo No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 2G0 Commission Mnvunants. Goo.W. Macforlan.-- . H. K. Macfarlane D. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS. COMMISSION MER-CilAVT- S AND Sugar Factors, Plre.Proof Building, 52 Queen street, Honolulu. II. I. AGENTS lor The WaikapuSugur Plantation, Maul, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, Tim lTnliL Suirar PlUUtlltloU. OllllU. ""Huelo Sugar Mill, Maul, Mucin Uni'iir Plantation. Maul. Puuloa SUcep Uanch Co., Uawali, L FoWler & Co. Stoum Flow and li- able Tramway Works, Leeds, ,Mirrlees, Watson &Oo's Sugar Machin ery, Glasgow, (Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Pac ' m BREWER St COMPANY, C . (LimlUd) Gknbkal Mkbcantile and Commission Agents. list or oririCKUB: V. C. Jokm, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. O. Oajitek. .. ..Treasurer fc Becretary diurctobs: Hon. 0. R. Bibhop. S. C. Allen, H. WATKBIIOUBE. 88 ly T. WATERHOU8E, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen ft., Honolulu. , 1 B. N. CMtl. i''B- - Atherton. A OOOKB, CA8TLB Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. B0 King at., Honolulu. ! Clans spreckcU. Wm. O. Irwin. ,Tr a. irwin & company, YY Sugar Factors and Commlssloa Agents, Honolulu. 1 GRINBATJM & CO., MS. Importers of General Mer- - .clmudlne and Comuilaslou Merchants, .HkuoIuIu, and 124 California street, , a Ban Francisco, Cat. WILDER Dealers CO., in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, BaP. and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sta., Honolulu. i R. Lowers, V. J. Lowroy, 0. M. Coke. EWERS & OOOKE, L (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials; Fort street, Honolulu BBRQER, 24 Merchant Stbbbt, General Agent lor rhe N. Y. Life Insurance Company, Tho City of London Fire In. GofHmlt'd youth British and National Fire & Ma-rin- o Insurance Co. Macneale & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. The Hartford Firo Insurance Co. The Commercial Firo & Marine Insur- ance Co. 288 Oonsalves Ac Co., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 280 Beaver Block, Honolulu. GERTZ, fc CHR. No. 80 Fort street, Honolul,!" Importer nnd Dealer in Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots, Shoes and slippers. WILLIAM MILLEH Cabinetmaker And Upliolntcrer, No. 03 Hotel strcot, Opposite International Hotel, Canes and Valking Sticks, Mado of ovcry kind of NATIVE WOODS rackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, Ac, made ot the latest designs. Professionals. CLAHKNCK WUUER VOLNKV VAILLANCOUBT Asurouu. ASIirOtU). ASHFORD & ASHFORD, Law, Chancery, Conveyancing, Admiralty, Bankruptcy, Probate, Ktc, Ktc, Etc. Omcu: Old Cnpltol Building, adjoin, lng Ocncral Post-OMc- 3 J.M MON3ARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of tho Kingdom bought, Bold and leased, on commission. .Loans negotia ted, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant Bt. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Huwuiian Islands H0 CEOIL BROWN, and Counsellor at Law Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac kuowledgmonts of Instruments for the Island ol Oahu. Meichant ttreol, Hono-'ul- u. J ALFRED MAQOON, J AT 1 OKNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly TOHN T. DARE. Attorney and Counsellor-nt-I.aw- . Office: No. 12 SpreckeU' Block, Honolulu. 03 M. THOMPSON, A. t to rn ey-- o Ofllce hi Citnpbell'd Block, Coi. Foil & Merchant S., Honolulu, II. 1. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. tST When deslnd, will give tho law in a wrlitjn opinion, an to the prob.ible re- sult of the contention upou the facts btftted. l&BSly A. HASSINOER, JOHN Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior OUlce, Honoluln. rR. IWAI, PhyHlcinn and Hnrgeon. UESIDENCE ANP OFf ICE f 40 EMMA ST Office Hours: from 0 to 12 A. m. Bell Telephone No. 423. 27 GRAY. M. D., PP. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, first door west of Library Build- ing. Hours, from 9 to 11 a.m., and 2 to 4 and 7 to B p.m. Sundays, v to ii a.m. fSg- - Residence, No. 40 Alukea, near Hotel Street. DR. BMERSON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Besidence and Office, 196 Fort St. . ( 8 to 10 A.M., Office Hours 11 to 3 p.m., ( 7 to 8 Evening. Telephone (Bell and Mutual), No. 149. 177 tf JAMES BRODIE. Veterinary Surgeon and residence, ICO King St., opposite Kawaiahao Church. Mu tual Telephone, 354.- - Office Hours from 7 to 0 a. v., and 1 to 2 u. Orders left at tho Pantheon Stables will be prompt- ly attended to. P. O. Box 80. 843 tf U. M. IlKNSOft. O. W. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing . Pharmacists, 118 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Bocrlcko & Scochlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, (checker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y HOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, ITono-21- 0 Honolulu, H. I. A. M. HEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, erchant Street, Honolulu, H. Mutual Tel.:i71. Hell Tol. 30!4. Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty, Orders taken for Newspapers, Priod. cals, Books, Music, elo., from any' part of tho world, having made all arrange, monts therefor whilst In Sun Franchoo. ltcd Ilnblicr Htnnips to Order. 71 O LUSO IIAWAIIANO. persons who want to communl ALL with tho Poituguese, either for buslneBH, or for procuring workmen, servants or any other helps, will find It tho most protllnblo way to advertise In tho Luto tnvaiiano, tho now organ of tho Portuguese colony, which Is pub-lishe- d on Merchant street, Gazette Build, lng, (Post-OIIlc- o Letter Box E.), nnd only charges reasonable rates for adver-tiHument- TF YOU LOOSE ANYTHING, X advertise it In tho Daily Bulletin. a. WK8T, Pioiidcut. i:. (I SCIIUMAN. M imager. Haw'aa. Carriage MT Go. (Limited) Importers & Dealers In Iron, Cumberland Goal, Hard Wood Lumber, : And all kinds of : Carriage and Wagon Materials. 82 Cm CALLATMRMn CORNER OF ALAKEA & KING STREET and see the v fen. vir Cutaway Carriages WW Pheatons, &c, Ho has for puIo cheap, before purchas-7- lug ALVIN1I. KASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PAPER-RULE- and BLANK-BOO- K Manufacturer. Book Binding of all description neatly and promptly executed. Campbell Block, Rooms 10 and ll.Mer. 722 chant street. ly Thos. Lindsay, MANUFACTURING JEWELER. 1CS No. CO Nuuanu fctrcct. IV WENNER & CO. aianafticturlng Jowcllern, NO. OS FOBT STllJEET. Constnutly on hand n largo assortment of every descrlptlnnof Jewelry, Watches, Gold and Silver Plated Ware. &c. 9!)8 ly PIOIVEHIR STEAM CANDY FACTORY F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. "9KST Tclcphono 74 LAINE & CO. Have a Large Stock of the VEEY BE HAY. 3-rai-n, Etc., Which is offered at Lowest Market Prices AND Delivered Free to any part of the City AGENTS FOR THE Paciflo Mutual Life Insurance (Jo. OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for the Hoover Telephone. CommissionerofDeodsfor California Telephone No. 147. 706 Wolfe & Company, Grocery and Feed Store, C7aud 00 Hotel street, Fresh Groceries and Provisions recoived by every Steamer. P. O. Bos 1!!0, Bell Telephone No. 310 Mutual Telephone No. 194. 501 Hm $53l Saloon The Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours The lnest Brand ot Cigars & Tobacco always on band. U. J NOLTE, Proprietor. tali tan larke t KINO STREET, O. J. VA.tiXiElt, Proprietor. Choioest Meats from Finest Herds. Families nnd Shipping SUPPLIED ON SHORT NOTICE and nt tho Lowowl; Mui'lcet PricoH. All meats delivered from this Market aro thoroughly chilled immediately after kllllnc by means of a Pa- tent Dry Air Itefrlgoratot. Meat so treated retains nil its Juicy properties, and Is GUAllANTKItPTO Kkki'Lonokk AVTKIt DUI.IVB" V 7 ilAN FttKBULV-KII.l- v- eo Meat. 71 ly NEW & ATTRACTIVE STOCK oier AT The Popular Millinery House 104 Fort Street, Honolulu, S. JSSOHS, - - Proprietor. TV. The Latest Novelties We arc now showing an elegant nnd -- wto Oriental Laco and Embroidery Fl'imccs Especially selected for th's market, in Whlic, Cn am, Ecru, and Black, which wc ure offering at Bed Rock Price?. New Dress Fntterns, Parasols and Jerseys, Newest and Latest Designs in Jerseys In all colors, Including Fawn and Tan Color Iiiulies' Silk ami Embroidered Gloves and Mitts In nil the New Shade?, at prices lower than heretofore. Dressed and Undressed Kid Gloves In all the shades of T.m, with stitched hacks. -- aThe Latest- - asrChemisette and Shirt-Fro- nt Collar,-T- j In White and Percale.. THE HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. In this department wo oiler a most complote lino of Uoso for Ladles, Gents, and Children at special low rates. Events ! a complete Edinburgh & THE DRESS DEPARTMENT. Wc pride ourselves with having the largest variety of Wash Dress materials In the Kingdom, all the new nmlerlals in stilpcs and lnhls. nnd guarantee piices lower than cUcwheve, and Invite the Indloi to examine our ttjeks beforo Mrs. Mollis' Dressmaking on the premises. HAY HAY and -- GRAIN GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest Quality, Lowest Prices. UNION FEED CO.. Telephones 175, Corner The Lager Beer of At the Queen purchasing totootmtoooitotoo Fred'ricksburg Brewing Go. SAN JOSE, CAL. Was Awarded Expositions for Streets. GOODS Establishment W. C. PEACOCK & CO., 20 0m HONOLULU, AGENTS. A. MORGAN,. Blacksmith Work; "E Carriage Building, Painting ami "Qeksj Trimming, 79U1KHM, - - Old Ease Premises XCntrunccM lroin ICingr aud Morolmut St. Bell 107. -- tat 1887; alHO and grcnt variety reduced prices. CO. 16 Im most assortment of elsewhere. n 1. B tho above Brewery O XT 5-- B M . the First Prizes g s p. o of 1885 and 1680 o n o P. ly) fST Bell 107. M. N. Having bought out rr Buslnrs", to Inform tho thnt ho will promptly tin'isfor or deliver all iHcgiigo ciitriicicd to his and will endeavor to sutibfactlon to all his patrons at all times. Stand, at same place 81 King Stecct. E3TBoth Telephones, No, 80. 281m Every description of work iu tho nbovo lines performed in a first-cla-ss manner. Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty. t3T Telephone, (327 beg1 care, glvo H. E. MclNTYRE & BRO., IMPORTERS AND DEALEHS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed, EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS. New Goods received by every Packet from tho Fcstcrn Slates and jjurrpo Fresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended to. and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island oiders roll, oiled. Hatiff'iHlnn irminintfrd. Post. Oltlre Box 14fl. Telephone No. fla. 108 ly WALLPAPER! Just received ex "Alamcdi," 5,000 ROLLS! I'attcriiH of Border Ceiling Decoration In ut WILDER & Coming tocooooooowotwootiooMOomo4 Telephone, SANDERS public iisurtikiii LUCAS, Contractor 2j IMI vffi TIAUKinr and Builder,' nirl nade. Honolulu. Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work fln'.sh. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed., Orders from tho other is solicited Rhoads & Greene, House Builders and Architects. Plaus, Specifications and detailed Draw-tngr- - furnished for all kinds ot wood or brick buildlngH, and Estimates given for the same. All jobbing promptly to and charges moileraio. Any of tho above work entrusted to our care, will receive our personal attention. Orders from the other islands solicited. Office and Shop, 88 Queen St. TKI.EI'IIONB 318. Honolulu, May 7, 1880. 323 ly E. E. MAYHEW, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER, 80 Hotel street, - Honolulu, H. I (Opposite Fashion Stables). P. 0. Box 315; Bell Telephone 53. All work In my line faithfully done. Plans and specifications made. Job. bing in all details done at short notice. Good Work and Low Charge: Ih my Motto. UD CKAVANAGH, Steam Boilers, Furnaces aud Ranges Set. Brick nnd Stonework done On reasonable terms. Alnpal St., Second door from Bcrctanla- - F. O. HOX 457. Orders from the other Islands punc tually attended to. "2ly "E. B.THOMAS, Builder. Office, corner Alakca and Queen streets, MUTUAL TELEPHONE, 335. 314 P. O. Box 117. 0m FEED HABBIS0N, .Builder and Contractor. 30 P. O. Box 478. I. TMCelSZElVZIE, Contractor nnd Builder. S'orc3 nnd offices fitted up, Estimates given ou all kinds of brick and wooden buildings, Pinna and Specifications fur- nished. tSTOnicc, 110 llcrctanla St.; Mutual Telephone, 352; Poslolllce Box, IW). 322 ly NTERPRIS f PLANING MILL. I" Alakca, near uecn St. Telephone 55. F. RUPPRECHT, . Fresco 3?intv, 120 Nuuanu St, Honolulu, H. I CO Urn Jtrfr HONOLULU IRON "WORKS, MyBaaStcam engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; iron, .brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of ovcry description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at shorfnotico. 1 R. MORE & Co., Ship's Blacksmith & General Machinist. VW All work Promptly and neatly Per-forme- 20.ri 3m JOHN CREEN. Baggage Express, 9G. Stand: Cor. Fort and Kinir His,, in front of Hammer's Harden rhop. All expio-siig- e prompt. IvatlcndrdtoHtroHMUiililr rnio.t)flm J. H. SUPER, (Successor to J. M. Oat, Jr. & Co,) Dealers In all kinds of STATIONE RY, Tho Latest Forolgn Papers always on hand at tho GazctU Block, Merchant Street tar Tho English Admiralty Charts always ou hand. 1 by JOHN MACOON, Office 42 Merchant St., Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18 ly Insurance. EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society OF THE UNITED STATES. Aiiett Jan. 1, 1887 $75,510,472.70 Surplus New York Stalo Standard .... 20,405,175.70 New Inturanco written in 108C 111,540,203.00 The Free Tontine Return Pre- mium Policy Contains all the latest concessions, tho most liberal form of Policy extant. 1st. No. restrictions- whatever upon travel. rcHidcnce or ocenjiu-tio- n alter 1 year. 2ud. Indisputable at law, or otherwise uftcr It yearn. 3rd. Nonforfeitable after 11 yearn. 4th. Tho Society guarantee to pny uot t illy the face of the Policy in cune of de lh durlug the Tontine period chosen, but to return all premiums paid us well. 5th If il rurvlves tho Tontine period Six varied nnd attractive op- tions aro oflered him three of whicn nl.ow him to terminate tho contract, mid three allow him to continue the nunc. C2T A Bulletin Is Issued monthly of Dcaih Claims paid in all purls ot the world. Claims paid immediately upon receipt of satisfactory proof of death, and not alter 10 days. tSJTNo law suits. t2f"No delays. For further particulars consult ALEX. J. OAHTWItlGHT, General Agent Hawaiian Islands. 11)10 THE NEW YORK Life Insurance Co. Old. Successlul. Trustworthy. Purely Mutual. No Stockholders. Dividends Annually. OJROAJNISClflr) 18-1- 5. Assets over -- Surplus $70,000,000 over - 14,000,000 It iisues tho Best forms of policy and pays tho JLA1U3EST Tontine Divi- dends of uny Company. The latest Advantage added, to ItsNcn Forlcltiug Limited Toutluo Policies it A guaranteed return of nil IVciniumM paid, in' addition to Face ot l'olicy, in case of death during thuToutinu petiud. For full particulars apply to C. 0. BERGER, Honolulu, General Agent Hawaiian Islands. I'Jtt CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marine Insur'oe Agents. AUKNTd VOU Tho c' Kntfloiiit MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. Tho iEtna Fire Insuronco Co., of Hartford, Conn. The Ualou Firo nurt .Marine Insurance Co. of Ban FiaucUcu, Cula. uUy Prussian National Insurance- - Comp'v ESTABLISHED 1845, Capital 9,000,000 Relchsmarks, riMIE undersigned, having been up JL pointed agent of the iibovo Company fur the Hawuiiau Islands, Is prepared to uccepl risks, against Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on tho most Favorable Tuiuh ' Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo in Honolulu. H. RIEMENBCHNEIDER, 070 lv mi WUdirA-Uo'a- . WM. McOANDLFJSS, No. 0 Quee" trcit . . Fish Market, Dealer In choicest Beef, Veal, Mutton, fUU, Ac, Family nnd Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Livo siock furuishtd to vessels at sho.'t notice, and Vegetables of nil kind mipplleil in order. MO ly New Photograph Itooms. OVER NIchol's moic, Fort Uriel, tho Shooting Gallery Pic-lure- Portraits and Vl vs. Flu' class woik. Satisfaction gnu inteed. ltaoiy J.A.GONSALVEB. r.u..A.. ifrSkfmP' W :''.' 'JM. ,ii;Miiii,f&B&fmwMmi0Wi'm'mm m,"k " nw ' ' smt .

University of Hawaii · mwmm!?,w:imy ?!,--MV' SSl axuit rus fife PUB Bmlktttt. " f. ' Vol. XL tfo 1(515. HONOLULU, II. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 25, 1S87. . CO CENTS eUDBORIPTION

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Page 1: University of Hawaii · mwmm!?,w:imy ?!,--MV' SSl axuit rus fife PUB Bmlktttt. " f. ' Vol. XL tfo 1(515. HONOLULU, II. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 25, 1S87. . CO CENTS eUDBORIPTION

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fife PUB Bmlktttt. " f. '




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T-- ' '


Is printed and published at tho ofllcc,Queen Btrcct, Honolulu, 11. I., every

nfturnoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 50 cents per Month.

Addross all Oommunlcatlens DailyBulletin.

Advertisements, tc .ensuro Insertion,should bo handed in before one o'clock.P. M.

'WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

.W.A.S.Qoals Shipping Reporter & Collector

:iAS. Q. CLEVIOR, Manager.

Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of

all kinds done on the most favorableterms.Hell Telophouo No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. 2G0

Commission Mnvunants.

Goo.W. Macforlan.--. H. K. Macfarlane




Sugar Factors,Plre.Proof Building, 52 Queen street,

Honolulu. II. I.AGENTS lor

The WaikapuSugur Plantation, Maul,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,Tim lTnliL Suirar PlUUtlltloU. OllllU.

""Huelo Sugar Mill, Maul,Mucin Uni'iir Plantation. Maul.Puuloa SUcep Uanch Co., Uawali,L FoWler & Co. Stoum Flow and li-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,,Mirrlees, Watson &Oo's Sugar Machin

ery, Glasgow,(Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Pac '


Gknbkal Mkbcantile andCommission Agents.

list or oririCKUB:

V. C. Jokm, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Oajitek. . . ..Treasurer fc Becretary

diurctobs:Hon. 0. R. Bibhop. S. C. Allen,


T. WATERHOU8E,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen ft., Honolulu. ,


B. N. CMtl. i''B- - Atherton.A OOOKB,CA8TLB Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. B0 King at.,Honolulu. !

Clans spreckcU. Wm. O. Irwin.

,Tr a. irwin & company,YY Sugar Factors and Commlssloa

Agents, Honolulu. 1

GRINBATJM & CO.,MS. Importers of General Mer- -

.clmudlne and Comuilaslou Merchants,.HkuoIuIu, and

124 California street,, a Ban Francisco, Cat.

WILDER DealersCO.,

in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, BaP. and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sta.,Honolulu. iR. Lowers, V. J. Lowroy, 0. M. Coke.

EWERS & OOOKE,L (successors to Lowers & Dickson.)Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials; Fort street,Honolulu


24 Merchant Stbbbt,General Agent lor

rhe N. Y. Life Insurance Company,

Tho City of London Fire In. GofHmlt'd

youth British and National Fire & Ma-rin- o

Insurance Co.

Macneale & Urban Safes,

The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine

Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.

The Hartford Firo Insurance Co.

The Commercial Firo & Marine Insur-ance Co.


Oonsalves Ac Co.,

Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

280 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

GERTZ, fcCHR. No. 80 Fort street, Honolul,!"Importer nnd Dealer in Gent's, Ladles'and Children's boots, Shoes and slippers.



And Upliolntcrer,No. 03 Hotel strcot,

Opposite International Hotel,

Canes and Valking Sticks,Mado of ovcry kind of

NATIVE WOODSrackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, Ac,

made ot the latest designs.




Law, Chancery, Conveyancing,Admiralty, Bankruptcy, Probate,

Ktc, Ktc, Etc.Omcu: Old Cnpltol Building, adjoin,

lng Ocncral Post-OMc- 3


and Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of tho Kingdom bought, Bold andleased, on commission. .Loans negotiated, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27

Merchant Bt. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Huwuiian Islands H0

CEOIL BROWN,and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ackuowledgmonts of Instruments for theIsland ol Oahu. Meichant ttreol, Hono-'ul- u.


173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly


Attorney and Counsellor-nt-I.aw- .

Office: No. 12 SpreckeU' Block,

Honolulu. 03

M. THOMPSON,A. t to rn ey-- o

Ofllce hi Citnpbell'd Block, Coi. Foil &

Merchant S., Honolulu, II. 1.


tST When deslnd, will give tho law ina wrlitjn opinion, an to the prob.ible re-

sult of the contention upou the factsbtftted. l&BSly

A. HASSINOER,JOHNAgent to take Acknowledgmentsto Contracts for Labor. Interior OUlce,Honoluln.


PhyHlcinn and Hnrgeon.UESIDENCE ANP OFf ICE f 40 EMMA ST

Office Hours: from 0 to 12 A. m.

Bell Telephone No. 423. 27


Office, first door west of Library Build-

ing. Hours, from 9 to 11 a.m., and 2 to 4and 7 to B p.m. Sundays, v to ii a.m.

fSg-- Residence, No. 40 Alukea, nearHotel Street.


Besidence and Office, 196 Fort St. .

( 8 to 10 A.M.,Office Hours 1 1 to 3 p.m.,

( 7 to 8 Evening.Telephone (Bell and Mutual), No. 149.

177 tf

JAMES BRODIE.Veterinary Surgeon

and residence, ICO King St.,opposite Kawaiahao Church. Mu

tual Telephone, 354.- - Office Hours from7 to 0 a. v., and 1 to 2 u. Orders leftat tho Pantheon Stables will be prompt-ly attended to.

P. O. Box 80. 843 tf

U. M. IlKNSOft. O. W. SMITH.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

. Pharmacists,

118 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Bocrlcko & Scochlk's


(checker's Perfumes and ToiletRequisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, ITono-21- 0

Honolulu, H. I.

A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

erchant Street, Honolulu, H.

Mutual Tel.:i71. Hell Tol. 30!4.

Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty,

Orders taken for Newspapers, Priod.cals, Books, Music, elo., from any' partof tho world, having made all arrange,monts therefor whilst In Sun Franchoo.

ltcd Ilnblicr Htnnips to Order.71

O LUSO IIAWAIIANO.persons who want to communlALL with tho Poituguese, either

for buslneBH, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other helps, will find Ittho most protllnblo way to advertise Intho Luto tnvaiiano, tho now organ oftho Portuguese colony, which Is pub-lishe- d

on Merchant street, Gazette Build,lng, (Post-OIIlc- o Letter Box E.), nndonly charges reasonable rates for adver-tiHument-

TF YOU LOOSE ANYTHING,X advertise it In tho Daily Bulletin.

a. WK8T,Pioiidcut.

i:. (I SCIIUMAN.M imager.

Haw'aa. Carriage MT Go.


Importers & Dealers In

Iron, Cumberland Goal, HardWood Lumber,

: And all kinds of :

Carriage and Wagon Materials.82 Cm



v fen. vir Cutaway Carriages

WW Pheatons, &c,

Ho has for puIo cheap, before purchas-7-




Manufacturer.Book Binding of all description neatly

and promptly executed.Campbell Block, Rooms 10 and ll.Mer.722 chant street. ly


1CS No. CO Nuuanu fctrcct. IV

WENNER & CO.aianafticturlng Jowcllern,

NO. OS FOBT STllJEET.Constnutly on hand n largo assortment

of every descrlptlnnof Jewelry, Watches,Gold and Silver Plated Ware. &c.

9!)8 ly



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. "9KST Tclcphono 74

LAINE & CO.Have a Large Stock of the

VEEY BE HAY.3-rai-n, Etc.,

Which is offered at Lowest Market PricesAND

Delivered Free to any part of the City

AGENTS FOR THEPaciflo Mutual Life Insurance (Jo.


Agents for the Hoover Telephone.

CommissionerofDeodsfor California

Telephone No. 147. 706

Wolfe & Company,Grocery and Feed Store,

C7aud 00 Hotel street,Fresh Groceries and Provisions recoived

by every Steamer.P. O. Bos 1!!0, Bell Telephone No.

310 Mutual Telephone No. 194.501 Hm

$53l Saloon

The Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours

The lnest Brand ot

Cigars & Tobaccoalways on band.

U. J NOLTE, Proprietor.

talitan larketKINO STREET,

O. J. VA.tiXiElt, Proprietor.

Choioest Meats from Finest Herds.

Families nnd Shipping


and nt tho

Lowowl; Mui'lcet PricoH.

All meats delivered from this Marketaro thoroughly chilled immediately afterkllllnc by means of a Pa-

tent Dry Air Itefrlgoratot. Meat sotreated retains nil its Juicy properties,and Is GUAllANTKItPTO Kkki'LonokkAVTKIt DUI.IVB" V 7 ilAN FttKBULV-KII.l- v-

eo Meat. 71 ly


The Popular Millinery House104 Fort Street, Honolulu,

S. JSSOHS, - - Proprietor.TV.

The Latest NoveltiesWe arc now showing an elegant nnd


Oriental Laco and Embroidery Fl'imccsEspecially selected for th's market, in Whlic, Cn am, Ecru, and Black, which wc

ure offering at Bed Rock Price?.

New Dress Fntterns, Parasols and Jerseys,Newest and Latest Designs in Jerseys In all colors, Including Fawn and Tan Color

Iiiulies' Silk ami Embroidered Gloves and MittsIn nil the New Shade?, at prices lower than heretofore.

Dressed and Undressed Kid GlovesIn all the shades of T.m, with stitched hacks.

-- aThe Latest- - asrChemisette and Shirt-Fro- nt Collar,-T-jIn White and Percale..

THE HOSIERY DEPARTMENT.In this department wo oiler a most complote lino of Uoso for Ladles, Gents, and

Children at special low rates.

Events !

a complete

Edinburgh &

THE DRESS DEPARTMENT.Wc pride ourselves with having the largest variety of Wash Dress materials In the

Kingdom, all the new nmlerlals in stilpcs and lnhls. nnd guarantee piiceslower than cUcwheve, and Invite the Indloi to examine our

ttjeks beforo

Mrs. Mollis' Dressmaking on the premises.


GRAIN.Largest Stocks,

Choicest Quality,Lowest Prices.

UNION FEED CO..Telephones 175, Corner

The Lager Beer of

At the



totootmtoooitotooFred'ricksburg Brewing Go.


Was AwardedExpositions






A. MORGAN,.Blacksmith Work; "E Carriage Building,

Painting ami "Qeksj Trimming,

79U1KHM, - - Old Ease Premises

XCntrunccM lroin ICingr aud Morolmut St.

Bell 107. --tat

1887; alHO

andgrcnt variety reduced prices.

CO.16 Im

most assortment of




tho above Brewery O XT

5-- B

M .

the First Prizes g sp. o

of 1885 and 1680 o


ly) fST Bell 107.

M. N.

Having bought out


Buslnrs", to Inform tho thntho will promptly tin'isfor or deliver alliHcgiigo ciitriicicd to his and willendeavor to sutibfactlon to all hispatrons at all times.

Stand, at same place81 King Stecct.

E3TBoth Telephones, No, 80. 281m

Every description of work iu tho nbovo lines performed in a first-cla-ss manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty.t3T Telephone, (327




Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

New Goods received by every Packet from tho Fcstcrn Slates and jjurrpoFresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended to.and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island oiders roll,oiled. Hatiff'iHlnn irminintfrd. Post. Oltlre Box 14fl. Telephone No. fla. 108 ly

WALLPAPER!Just received ex "Alamcdi,"

5,000 ROLLS!I'attcriiH of

Border Ceiling DecorationIn ut









2jIMI vffiTIAUKinrand Builder,'

nirlnade. Honolulu.

Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work fln'.sh. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed., Orders from tho other is


Rhoads & Greene,House Builders and Architects.

Plaus, Specifications and detailed Draw-tngr- -

furnished for all kinds ot wood orbrick buildlngH, and Estimates givenfor the same. All jobbing promptly

to and charges moileraio. Anyof tho above work entrusted to our care,will receive our personal attention.Orders from the other islands solicited.

Office and Shop, 88 Queen St.TKI.EI'IIONB 318.

Honolulu, May 7, 1880. 323 ly


80 Hotel street, - Honolulu, H. I(Opposite Fashion Stables).

P. 0. Box 315; Bell Telephone 53.

All work In my line faithfully done.Plans and specifications made. Job.bing in all details done at short notice.

Good Work and Low Charge:Ih my Motto. UD

CKAVANAGH,Steam Boilers, Furnaces aud Ranges

Set. Brick nnd Stonework done Onreasonable terms.Alnpal St., Second door from Bcrctanla- -

F. O. HOX 457.Orders from the other Islands punc

tually attended to. "2ly

"E. B.THOMAS,Builder.

Office, corner Alakca and Queen streets,MUTUAL TELEPHONE, 335.

314 P. O. Box 117. 0m


.Builder and Contractor.30 P. O. Box 478.

I. TMCelSZElVZIE,Contractor nnd Builder.

S'orc3 nnd offices fitted up, Estimatesgiven ou all kinds of brick and woodenbuildings, Pinna and Specifications fur-nished. tSTOnicc, 110 llcrctanla St.;Mutual Telephone, 352; Poslolllce Box,IW). 322 ly


Alakca, near uecn St.Telephone 55.


Fresco 3?intv,120 Nuuanu St, Honolulu, H. I

CO Urn

Jtrfr HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,MyBaaStcam engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; iron, .brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of ovcry descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at shorfnotico. 1

R. MORE & Co.,Ship's Blacksmith & General Machinist.

VW All work Promptly and neatly Per-forme-

20.ri 3m

JOHN CREEN.Baggage Express, 9G.

Stand: Cor. Fortand Kinir His,, infront of Hammer's

Harden rhop. All expio-siig- e prompt.IvatlcndrdtoHtroHMUiililr rnio.t)flm

J. H. SUPER,(Successor to J. M. Oat, Jr. & Co,)

Dealers In all kinds of

STATIONE RY,Tho Latest Forolgn Papers always onhand at tho GazctU Block, MerchantStreet

tar Tho English Admiralty Chartsalways ou hand. 1 by

JOHN MACOON,Office 42 Merchant St., Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.18 ly



Assurance SocietyOF THE


Aiiett Jan. 1, 1887 $75,510,472.70Surplus New York Stalo

Standard .... 20,405,175.70New Inturanco written in

108C 111,540,203.00

The Free Tontine Return Pre-

mium PolicyContains all the latest concessions, tho

most liberal form of Policy extant.1st. No. restrictions- whatever upon

travel. rcHidcnce or ocenjiu-tio- n

alter 1 year.2ud. Indisputable at law, or otherwise

uftcr It yearn.3rd. Nonforfeitable after 11 yearn.4th. Tho Society guarantee to pny uot

t illy the face of the Policy in cune ofde lh durlug the Tontine periodchosen, but to return all premiumspaid us well.

5th If il rurvlves tho Tontineperiod Six varied nnd attractive op-

tions aro oflered him three of whicnnl.ow him to terminate tho contract,mid three allow him to continue thenunc.C2T A Bulletin Is Issued monthly of

Dcaih Claims paid in all purls ot theworld. Claims paid immediately uponreceipt of satisfactory proof of death,and not alter 10 days.

tSJTNo law suits. t2f"No delays.For further particulars consult

ALEX. J. OAHTWItlGHT,General Agent Hawaiian Islands.



Life Insurance Co.

Old. Successlul. Trustworthy. Purely

Mutual. No Stockholders.

Dividends Annually.

OJROAJNISClflr) 18-1-5.

Assets over --


over - 14,000,000

It iisues tho Best forms of policy andpays tho JLA1U3EST Tontine Divi-

dends of uny Company.

The latest Advantage added, to ItsNcnForlcltiug Limited Toutluo Policies it

A guaranteed return of nilIVciniumM paid, in' additionto Face ot l'olicy, in case of deathduring thuToutinu petiud.

For full particulars apply to

C. 0. BERGER, Honolulu,

General Agent Hawaiian Islands.I'Jtt

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire & Marine Insur'oe Agents.


Tho c' KntfloiiitMUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y,

of Boston.

Tho iEtna Fire Insuronco Co.,of Hartford, Conn.

The Ualou Firo nurt

.Marine Insurance Co.of Ban FiaucUcu, Cula.


Prussian NationalInsurance- - Comp'v


Capital 9,000,000 Relchsmarks,

riMIE undersigned, having been upJL pointed agent of the iibovo Companyfur the Hawuiiau Islands, Is prepared touccepl risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on tho most Favorable Tuiuh '

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo in


070 lv mi WUdirA-Uo'a- .

WM. McOANDLFJSS,No. 0 Quee" trcit . . Fish Market,

Dealer In choicestBeef, Veal, Mutton, fUU, Ac,

Family nnd Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Livo siock furuishtd tovessels at sho.'t notice, and Vegetablesof nil kind mipplleil in order. MO ly

New Photograph Itooms.OVER NIchol's moic, Fort Uriel,

tho Shooting Gallery Pic-lure-

Portraits and Vl vs. Flu' classwoik. Satisfaction gnu inteed.ltaoiy J.A.GONSALVEB.

r.u..A.. ifrSkfmP'W :''.' 'JM.,ii;Miiii,f&B&fmwMmi0Wi'm'mm m,"k" nw '

' smt


Page 2: University of Hawaii · mwmm!?,w:imy ?!,--MV' SSl axuit rus fife PUB Bmlktttt. " f. ' Vol. XL tfo 1(515. HONOLULU, II. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 25, 1S87. . CO CENTS eUDBORIPTION



BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

Draw Exchange on the

Heinle oi Gullibrulu, . F.And tholr agents In


Messrs. N. M. Rothschild A Son, LondonThe Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

London,The Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

Sydney,The Dank of New Zealand: Auckland,

Chrlstchurch, and Wellington,Tho Bank of British Columbia, Vic

torla, B. 0., and Portland, Or.AND

Transact a General Banking Business.009 lv

Daily Bulletin Sumary.

' Published about the End and Middleof each Month.

Contains 40 Columns of InterestingNews Relating to the Var-

ious Islands.

There Is no better publication forsending to friends Abroad, nor is therenny better medium for advertising any(special line of business that may depend,in part, for Its support, upon foreign pa-

tronage. These Summaries go to allparts of the English-speakin- g world,and the demand for them Is constantlyincreasing.

Subscription, including Postage to ForeignCountries, $2.50 per Year.

Notice to SisOn nml after this day,

Mr. Sam McKeagueWill liavj charge of the dellvciy of the

Daily Ilri.i.irriN.

Bui.i.iniN Ofkici:, May

oFledged to neither Sect nor Party.But established tor the benefit of all.

WEDNESDAY. MAY 25. 1887.



Is the dcniuml of the people for :i

change in the management of thepublic affairs of the country, in

which their wishes and interests.shall bo paramount, as outlined in

tliia paper a day or two ago, just,reasonable, and right? In thenineteenth century this question ad-

mits of none but an nllirinalivcanswer.

The same question was ventilated,debated, and decided in favor of thepeople, many years ago, ,'n old Eng-

land. There was an element ofdifficulty which retarded settlementthere which did not exist here. Theyhad an hereditary chief, and werenot the people his slaves, createdfor his special benefit, and had lie

not tho authority from heaven to. jvfi'c'and govern them as he pleased?

Tho decision reached, by gradualsteps, (for long established impres-

sions, however absurd and unsound,are hard to erase) was the directopposite, that government was forthe benefit of the people ; and that,therefore, it must be conducted in away to advance and protect theirwelfare, and not to suit their whimsor gratify the ambitions of tho hereditary chiefs. Moreover, that asthey (the people) contributed theentire funds for carrying on thegovernment, Jhey should direct howtho money should be used, and itmust be expended in their interests.This was a reasonable conclusion,and one that, in this enlightenedage, needs no elucidation nor argu-

mentation to show its soundness.There was no objection to the here-

ditary chiefs retaining their posi-

tions, provided they were willing toperform the duties required. In-

deed, such an arrangement wasthought preferable to the turmoil,expense, and agitation of n periodi-

cal election of a head for a specifiedperiod. But the principle was de-

finitely and firmly established thatthe people were supreme, and theirsovereign's operations controlled

' and restricted by their will.

S.Snicc the first settlement of thisquestion by the IJritish people, his-

tory records several attempts to ig-

nore tho people's supremacy and re-

establish the defunct order of things.

In every instance where the attempthas assumed a formidable aspect, a

rumpus has followed, in which the

people have invariably landed on

top. The most notable of these,and one that must bo well known to

nearly nil of our readers, is tho lit-

tle American racket which originat-

ed in Boston over a social cup of

tea. It took place more than a

rir-- jrfi ijfc '? OiwaTtiiKiAtMffciuiwhundred years ngoa long periodIn a man's lifetime, but a mere day

in the world's longevity. TheAmerican States were then colouicsof tho British Empire, and tho im-

perial authorities essayed to fix up co-

lonial affairs to suit their own taste,without so much as "by your leave,gentlemen." The colonials objected,staling Hint they did not so Interpretthe thirty-nin- e nt tides. They wereloyal to the empire, but decidedlyaverse to being taxed by a body onwhich they were unrepresented. A

scrimmage arose, and the pluckycolonials came out at the big end ofthe horn, with their thumbs at theends of their noses. That little ef-

fort at "taxation without representation" cost the British empire thebrightest diamond in her crown, and

although all Englishmen regret the1093, there is not an intelligent Eng-

lishman to-da- y who does not honor

the spirit, tho pluck, the manliness,and the bravery which broughtabout that result.

The question which begins this

article having been thus decided be-yo-

a peradventure, long ago, by agreat nation hoary with age, itmight be said that nothing remains

for tho kingdom of Hawaii but toaccept and adopt the conclusionwithout- - debate. But let us look alittle into the matter. The Ha-

waiian people are a free and loynlpeople. And by "Hawaiian people"is now meant the native born andtho'.c of foreign birth who haveadopted Hawaii as their home, ofwhatever origin, color, language, orcreed. They are not overburdenedwith undoubting faith in the "divinerights of kings:" but they do be-

lieve strongly in law and order. Theexisting form of government alimited monarchy is in the mainacceptable. They are neither rebelsnor revolutionists. But their notionof government is, that it is for theirbenefit, and not a power confided toone or two persons, to be used forthe glorification and gratification ofthe one or two.

Recognising that governmentmust have a head, they appointedand sustained a king for that pur-

pose. Those who did not approveof the selection and appointment of

ministers to him, and to them theappointment of subordinate officials,naturally expecting the choice tofall on honest and competent menin every case, who shall manageaffairs and administer the govern-

ment purely in the interests of thepeople governed.

This leads up to the main point,which is, that the people who haveestablished government for tho purposes of order, security, protection,

&c, also provide the means for itssupport. They pay all the salariesand contribute every cent of moneythat goes into the Government chest.The Government lias no money ofits own, and no means of gettingany independent of the people.

Now, is it not reasonable for thosewho subscribe tho cash to require itsexpenditure in accordance with theirwish? Is it not reasonable for themto demand its disbursement for theirbenefit? And is it not wrong and un-ju- 3l

to take their hard-earne-d coinand fritter it away on objects thatare of no use whatever to them ? Thepeople's wish has been haughtilyspurned, their benefit sadly neglect-

ed, and their money turned intochannels they never intended. Theyhave much cause for dissatisfactionwith their Government, which theGovernment knows, though unwill- -

ing to confess the facts.

A timber ticspasa cubo in Monta-na, which wan decided against theGovernment, has been reversed by tho.Supreme Court of tho Territory. ThoGovernment nued Williams it Smithfor $1 12,000 damages.


ON THURSDAY, MAY 26th,At 10 o'clock n, hi,, at tho storo of M.ItOSENTIIAI. & CO., Paiko Illock,Xuuiinu street, wo will sell at PublicAuction the bahiuce of Stock, consist-ing of

FRENCH CLOCKS!Lump and Chandeliers,Hocks and Stockings, I.aco Curlnins,Wool and Straw Huts,While and Coloieil Shirt?,

Cases of China Teas!llnndkcichlcfs,

o:ni3 ii-.vl.j-l, safe:

niaek Walnut Olllcc Desk,Olllcc Hailing, T.iblej, etc., elc, otc.

ZW All goods to bo mid without re-serve.

E. P. ADAMS & CO.,15 It Auctioneers

--ii i'i ifffMifiifiiHli Jw.iii'fininifi '

j ;

Bnrrett line instituted a suit againstthe American Institute at Londonfor malicious pioseculion, and layshis damages at $50,000.

Col. Laiuout bays President Clove-lan- d

is in good condition and nofears need be expressed for his health.Ho takes sufficient exercise.

Tho Gorman Government has con-sented to take part in the interna-tional eonfeieneo on the sugar pre-miums, proposed by England.

Special Salo of

Fine Foreign FernsOn Thursday, May 20th,

At 12 noon, I will soil nt public unctionnt my Sc$ Koom,


F. jh ii NF. K

ST Terms Cash.liKWIM .1. IjEVHY,

1 1 2t Auctioneer

lty order of JOS. P. MENDONCA,Administrator of tho Estntu of DomingoLope. Itiimns, lato of Honolulu, de-

ceased, I will sell nt Public Auction,

ON TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1887At li! nonn, in front of my salesrooms

Cor. Fort nml Queen Sts.

5 Yoke Working OxenWell broken, and

1 Bullock Cart, Yokes & ChainstSTTEUMS CASII.fl

LEWIS J. LEVEY,45 41 Auctioneer.

Desirable PropertyAT WAIKIKI.

I inn instructed by Mr. 0. 1). Frcelhto oiler for Milu at public auction, nt mytalcs rron,

On Wednesday, June 1st,

At 12 noon, hit very desirable


There is nn abundant supply of FreshWaler, and n line opportunity for SeaUtithing, nt lie tear of the dwelling.

The grounds nro nicely laid out andplanted with trees and (lowers.

There lire ulo

Large Stables and Barn.Servant's room, &c.

Plan of tho properly can be fern atmy olllcc, untl lor further pailloularsapply to Mr. Freclh, at the office ofMacfarlnne it Co.

Terms inndii known nt tini Ttf sale.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,14 (it Auctioneer.

Funeral Notice.rpiIE Ft'NEItAL of tins Into Ml-- sJL ADKLAIDl-- : AMELIA KALANINUIEHE1AMOKU LaZAKUS, willtnku pliitu liom her Into residence, 12J1

Ucrctnulu street, on

Friday, May 27th, at 1 :30 p.m.

Friends nml acquaintances arc repu:t.fully invited to attend. n-i- t


Stamping OutHaving secured the

HOLE AGENCYof tin so Islutid-- t for the

Perfection Stamping Outfit Co.

All orders for pnmo will be filled on ar.rival of steamer Australia, May til, lti87.Parties who have already ordered willplease uall for same at my stoic.

J. H. SOPER,!18 lw i'i! Merehant street.

Illustrated Lectures.

On Art and Travel.

Bf Prif. Sifliiey DlcliasonM. A., of Ilnston.

Under the aucplces of tho Y. M. 0. A.,in heir Hall, on tho Kvenlugs of

May 26th, and 30th,-- AND

.TUIVI2 --2nd,Al 7:30 ji. in.

Nhesu famous lectin cs are Illustratedby ii powerful Slrreoptlcon and havoI'lion delivered with gicit siirtvfs in theleiiiliug.cllk's of tho United Stales.

The views mo rurc, and many of themare bi'iiutilully colored by the bct ar-tists ol Paris nnd London,

Sinalo Tickets, U 71Cou'isu Tickets, :.' 00

For sulo at tho h )oktores,and ol ilie Y..l. 0. A. Kiiterliiiiiuieni Committee,

M) .It

Copartnership Notice.FOLLOWING CHANGE HASTHE placo In tho Copnitncrship

of W. II.' Djniels and Comnany ofWai.Illicit, Maui; W- - II, Ctimmlngs 1ms pur-chased thu iptcrcst of W. II, ICiiiiiu inftilil copartnership llspropetly audbuel.11C4,

Tlie linn now contistR of W. II. Danielsmill W. II. Ciimmlngs.

AV. II. DANIELS it Co.Honolulu, May 1J 1867. 35 2w

Jw. mii v'AJl-- . 'JtitiviF



Kaietaelia Day H

t& K

Fourth Annual Meeting'OF THE

Haw'n Jockey ClubT.) ho held nt Knp o a ii I'i rk,

June IQth and 1 1thOfficial Programmes of Races

First Bay, June 10th, 1887.Uncus to commenc..' at I'.' noon.

ttt. Honolulu Plato, $50Running K:ico; . mllu dash: forHawaiian hrcd hnrsm.

2nd. Reciprocity Plato, $100Running Race; 4 mile diishj opento all.

3rd. Oceanic Purso. $100Mile bents; b.--t !) In Ti; to harness;lieu tor all.

4th. Walkapu Cup, $100 added

Running Ruoc; mllo dash; opento all; winner to beut the record uf"May D" 1:1!).

5lh. Breeder's Plato, $75Runtime; ltace; mile dash; fur all0 vein-- olds.

6th. Hawaiian Plato, $75Running Race; mllo dash; open toall.

Second Day, June 1 1

races to commence, at 10:!J0 a.m. sharp.

1st. The Queen's Plato, $75Itunning Knee; J. mile dash; f.eefor all,

2nd. Kamehanieha Plate, $150Hunning Race; 2 mllu dash; fieeto all.

3rd. Kalakaua Purso, $150'I rutting Kucu; mile heats; best 2 in:t; to huriicbs; open to all.

4th. His Majesty's Cup, $100 added.Itunning liuv; 1 mile ilnh; forHawaiian bred horms; mviutl bymembers of the Jockey Club.

5lh. Hosila Challenge Cup, $100 addoil

Illuming Uncc; mile i iih; winnerlo beat the record i f "Angle A."1 :15J made June 11!, 183IS. Cup lobe run for annually, and to be lid I

bv tho winnei until his time is Inn-te-

at a meeting of tho .foekej Club.Open to all.

Cth. Tho King's Plate, $100Trotting Iticu; for Hawaiian bledhorses only; mile heats; best Iwo inthine; to harness.

7lh. Novelty Race, $100I mMRtliK.il '.running; lstquiirtir$2."",H mllo 9251 mile --'?,' mile '5

Open to nil lliiwiili.iii bred hone".

8th. Jockey Club Post Match,

Sweepstakes, S20, and sJ'.O added.Swuispstnks Tio'Ung or ParingItncu; best 2 in It: free f. r all homeswho have not a leeoid ol :i nil lis. orbetter. To li'iliivtn by. membersof thu Jockey L'luh. "V

9th. Pony Raco, 75Itunning Hiee: 1 mile (I isb; i p'.--

to only 11 tv ni Inn bud horis, noiover 14 hinds, and net under it yrs.old; catch wcie.li .

All entries lo cIom: at 12 o'clock noon,on Mnmlay June (J li 18S7, at the olllieof Hie I'ttii y, and all entrance lees tobe 10 per cent, uuli,9 olherwli-- spcbill.ed. All linn to lie run or trotted undertheriilcn ol the Hawaiian Jockey Club.

Admission ,"0 cimiIi cni'hTo (.5 rami S.utul, i x rn ..50 rents mid $Ciurnigu- - inside of Course.. .'J.'0 uicbQuuiler Stielch llidge IJS.CO eiich

C. 0. BERGEB, Secretary. H. J.C.II id


llllOi account of the prevalence In

the United States of America of thodisease " Contagious I'lcitra-pneti- .

inonia of Cnlllo," notice Is herebygiven Unit all cittle arriving In thisKingdom from uny part of theabovemcntloued country, will beliable to a Quarantine of not lessthan Ninety (90) Days, and possl.lily for a longer period, accordingto Section IV Chapter XXIX of theKcvUcd Liw or 1834.

Hy order of Ihu Hoard of Inspect-oiho- f

Animal)',JAMES 15UODIK,

4 2vr Executive Inspector.

H. C. SHELDONHas opened u


and is picpaied to buildSugar Wagons, Improved stylo,

Dump Carts.Goosonock Sugar Wagons,

Duckboards, Brakes, Expresses,Sugar Coalers, luico Tanks, &c.

IIii'hu Shoeing ti SpeeluUy.Fortl0 cnuYenleiieo of tint nu'b'lc ho

will Mini n loyto Kiiliuliii, Sproekcls.lllo and l'.il.t on 'I ui'Hhiy mid Frlilny-- ;

iiiul lo Wiiihcc nml on Wid.netdays and Satuidiys. 4U2w

To Mechanics.A MASTEK MECHANIC willing lo

MX. apprenllco an intelligent i'ortu.itcso boy of 15, will find onu who speaks j

I'ingllNli, atii lias ucep inrotigii inuschool course, by applying nt

this olllcc.' )!) lw

TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONX ndvetllso In the Daily Bum.uin.



t'tooK!MR. 11. J. HART,


Elite See Cream Parlors,His leliirnel fioui .nui Krijii I co nu I linvlnx

Secured the mmvUth di' a First-Cla- ss Paslry Cook,v h'ch I'tii.b it I lie "Elite," moro tlinn over, to nuike n

Superior quality of all kii.tta of Ico Cream, Sherbets,Water I s, &i

Our I'nnr.v Cuki-- nro tho l'rltlc of Honolulu,And we lniUc ueiy dny Liuly Finger?, Macaroons, Drop Cakes, Coco Dip?, and

many tilhei kinds ton numerous to mention.

Spongo. Fount!. Fruit nml Jelly Cnkcct alwny on linnil,or inndt to older on hoit notice, In uny style.

A floe lino of Choice Candles always in stock.

Weddings, Balls and Parties supplied.The public U Invited to Inspect our slock and store, whtch is now hi fine order.

The Elite lee Cream Parlors,HART & BTEINEK, Proprietors,

Mutual T elc. 3.",S 2?" Open dailv until 11 p. m.-- Hell Tele. 182.;i.

Hell Tel. aH. 3Iitttinl Tel. 1.i.o. nox tin.

CULICK'Stad Business Agency.

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

Nine Cottages to Let or Lcaso in delight-ful locations, within uay rcueii of lliobusiness part of thu city, with accommo-dations suited to nny rctuilrimcnt andon most favotable terms.

Thrco Lodging Establlthmcnli lor Sale-- nilpaying handsomely.

The "Old Corner," at Xuuiinu andQueen Sheets, for sale nnn of the be.--tbuilnesi stands in the cliy.

Thrco Pieces of Real Estato In this di.trlel, ouulde of the city, for sub orlease.To Lot Two count,1''' pie ianly situated

on the Hank if 1'u c'ibowl Hill, to.wards M.nkiki, onu mile fiom llio V.O; tltl glrf il accommodations forsmall families.

To Let A rotlnpe with large yard loomand stable ucroinmodiition 'for a num.In r of horses.

For Salo or Loaso. Lot 1!'(l ft. I y 0", ft. I

Knsterly rnrnor of Foil ami M'liool ,

streets. Water hid of. Title perfect.One of the finest building tltei In thecity.

Lease cl Fish fond lor Sale. A raieI now ollercd to seruru a I

long t:iu of one of thu lnt'st prolitn.blr lUb pom's In tlih disiriel Alarge I

outlay but lately beiu made foranil'tbc pioperly is in tine j


Unrivalled Opportunities for profit-able iiivoHtinpnt.

Full particulars given upon applica.tlon til tlie Agency.

No. 38 Merchant Street, Honolulu.

Wanted Immediately. Kfvu troivl cnrpei-tea- s

can llnd iiiiplnyim-u- t at oiuonni'plii a'ion at 11. u neeniiv. None butlouipi'ii'iii wirkuii'u in oil apply.

Situation Wanted. I5y a piacl-n- l cngl-iii-i!- ',

who i sin givj llio best of refer-cure-

Situations Wanted. By thrco men as liml.Icrs and u. nil help will liuikuthumselvas useful in doiug the choresin n rivato family.

Situation Wanteaas hnuckei per or nutsoby a white lady, of e.speriencu in bothi ap.tcilloi. Would i.cjepi u positionii a ladies' tinvclmg c unpauinu andnsistnut.First-clas- s Hook-keeper- Carpenters,

Steward, Conks, Nur-- c tint) otherskllltil labor dcs'.rlnir iiuploymeiit.

1(12-- 1 if

TO LET.NICK FUItNIS-'HEl- ) FllONTA mom nt N. 4 Garden Lane. 04

Just Landed !

13 " IIcrculcH."

STOCKHOLM TWLin 10 gallon drums,

Just the tiling for Plantation uc.

Boiled Linseed Oil !

in 0 gallon Patent Drums.

Bon Machinery Oilin (J gallon Patent Drums.

Sxif These drums, when emptied, arocon vc i Utile Into buckets.

tSTFiir sale at Lowest rules at

F. A. Schaefer & Co's.ii :tt


and other buses of helpfurnished promptly byJ. E.BROWN & CO.,

CMf 2S Merchant stiiiet

NOTIC13.II ivttig bold my Exprcm lliisl-ncs- s

and gond-wl- ll to Mr M. N.

S uhU'Is, on nt count ol Intended

di'jiailuiu fiom thu Kingdom,I hereby request nil cluiins

agaiiisl mu to bo presented by

the ir.tb of May, and all billsowing mo to bo paid by tho 1st

of Juno, 1837,2Q 3w F. II. OF.DINO.

rpHE DAILY BULLETIN -- TheJL most popular paper piibjlshed,

"- - A.f)J6j&. i TT lft,h'ljftalll i ''rt lldf


mjiju$mltflHmiik,H4Mm'wiitMtiml I1m



Hell Tel. 172. Mutual Tel. !172.V 0. Box 1107.

J. E. BROWN & CO.,Campbell Block, Merchant St.,

Heal Estate Apis, Etc.,Ofl'cr the followliu;:

To Lot. Shop in new brick building onKing street, near Kiiuanu, next toChinese News Co.'s olllccs. Kent verymoderate.

Rooms to Rent Furnished in tho lestlocalities.

To Lei. A Cottage, with kitchenattached ; upper end of NuuanuAvenue, opposite "Valley Home," Inexcellent older. Ealh and water con.Mud nces. Hcut Slf.

To Let. a pleasantly sl'uatcd residence,comprising two enttngew, ouihousci,etc., on l'auoa road, near Punchbowlstreet. Kent very low to meet thetimes.

Hauso and Lot for Sale. Very desirablelcsldcnce on lleretiuila Street. Thehoii'-- contains 1 Ucdronms, Parlor,Dining-room,- - l'anlry, Kitclicn nmlllaihroom, Alosqulto juoof. IIousonew and well built.

Lot 100 by 150 feet with privilego cfbuying next lot. Will lie sold cheap.

For Sale or Lcaso --With immediate pos-session, that valuable estate known asthu NUUANU VALLEY KaNCH.sliuatitl in llio Xutianu Valley. 2Jmiles from tho cliy, nnd undoubtedlytho most eligible site for n milk ornilllc nnd butter dairy In tlilsKhmdom.'I ho oliove splendid property maybehad on easy terms.

For Salo A sp'cudid property of over 5acres of hind oil Lllihii Street;

iu a site for a gentleman'sresidence. An early application nec-essary lo purchase in a single lot. Forparticulars apply to J: E. llrown & Co.

Wanted A respectable woinnn as house-keeper and nurse in a small family.

Employment Department.Situations wanted by

Cooks.Drivers,Hostlers,And other clashes of help.

Custom House Brokers,Money Brokers,Books kept & written up,Accounts collected,Conveyanc ng,Property managed

for absentees.28 Merchant Slreet. 01


Just the tiling to make buckets ufwhen empty. For sale hy

4 Jim A. W. PIERCE&CO..

For 2 Ms Only!

Our Semi Annual

Remnant Salewill take pluco

Next MondayAll our rtnnnuntsj will be

plitcoil on tho counter, amimtirkotl way down.

In Ladies' trimmed anduntrimiued hats avo ai'oprepared to oiler Big Bar-tfitiii- s.

JtenuuuitH la all depart-ments.

Come and see what wooiler you next Monday.

CHAS. J. FISHEL,Loading Millinery House.

Cor. Fort dt Hotel Streets.

FOR SALE,m .& ONK 0001) SOUNDlC k v Y fmolly Mnrc) pcrfsctlyVTir'u1l Ul,fu l" lrive by ladies

vtiiksilL o Children Apply toU. WEST.

21tf At No. 70 Queen St.

i . V'.IYA lltfAl" iHVl'il.rYf-,- ; ' ,fr . . i ,na ,..,! M

jMjMMNjMtwnWftjM yh HMJf y ' 'Jil j

Anstraliau Mail Servico

FOR SAN FI1AXCISCO,Tho now nml fire Al flccl steamship

"Alameda,"Of tlii'i'ciiiiilcSiihih hlptVtnpiiiy wi'l

Loiliionl I ot nil. u rrnm fjtli.'eynti'l Ai.oi.l nd c'l i iiLoui

June 3rd, 1887,And will leave for port nlthliiiillb n..d pussitigcls on tr uuout thatttaic.

For fiolghl or pnssage, having BU- -


WM. 0. IEWIN & CO., Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland,

Tho new aud line Al steel steamship

ii Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic 8tenmhlp Company, wilt

bo duo nt Honolulu from SunFrancisco on or about

June 10th, 1887,And will havo prompt dhpatch withinnlls nnd pnssungcis for tho above port.

For freight or passage, having BU- -PEKIOll ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

:i7 WM. 0. IRWIN & CO., Amenta.


At the lowest figure, of tho finest qual-ity of

GUAVA JELLY!Warranted genuine, made of tho pure

juice only and guaranted to stand


Will not deteriorate in qunllty for anynumber of years. Largo cpuaniitics ex-ported every year, by some ot the lurg.est commercial firms of this city, to dit-ferc- nl

parts of tho United States nndtho German Empire.


Pioneer Steam Candy Factoryand Bakery,

Xtabllslieil in 1SOU.

Practical Confectioner, Pcstry Cookand Ornamcntcr,

Hotel, bet. Xuunnu nnd Fort Hta.Both Telephones No. 74. 01


Having sccurcil the services of

Mr. Henry SaylorHe will In future attend to the wnnta of

my patrons in the Billiard Koom.

o. j. McCarthy.22 lm


Carriages nt ull Iioiiih, dny and night.Saddle Horses, Buggies, Wugonettes nndVillage Carfs wiiu stylish and gentlehorses to let.

FOR SALE.A few Horse?, guaranteed. Second

hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies,Carts and Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to

HULKS & I1AYLKY.1574 ly


Vomer ofXuuanu & Hotel HtrcetM.


This ('arilngd Company has been re-cently organized, ninl guarantees lofiirnl-- h good conveyances, irustwcrthydrlveis. nud will make no cxtoitiomUocliargcs.

All calls will ho ptomptly uttecded to,(IU


lent; furnitiiro nt a bargain.Kor piirticulars rnqitlretf Jno, Mnoon,Agent, Merchant street. 27 tf


LAHOK I Ol'. ron er PcnunpoloONK Ltiiinllln trtfl , which ran bodivided into two or more building lot.Enrpiiro of G. "WEST,

1051 Of "West, Dow & Co.


AN INVALID OIIAIH, largo bIzc.Perfectly new. Finished in fine

style, with book rest and commotio at-

tachment. Address " X," tills olllco10 8t


t rfUfctmiJAilA i

Page 3: University of Hawaii · mwmm!?,w:imy ?!,--MV' SSl axuit rus fife PUB Bmlktttt. " f. ' Vol. XL tfo 1(515. HONOLULU, II. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 25, 1S87. . CO CENTS eUDBORIPTION



r 4--






,f 'S



JiuwvwtMfHiawi MttWMMMM

Ju gnUij gnuWEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1887.


Schr Lttkn from KiikalntiSchr Wnloll from KuiiiiSchr Knvwillunl from KoohiuStmr Wnluinnnlu from Walanne and

WaluluaSchr Mary from Ilatnakua


Stmr Ivvahni for Lnhatna and Uamakuaat 8 a in

Stmr Klhuica Hon for llamakita at 0p m

Sehr.Josephlno for Ewa


Stmr Surprise for KuanIlk Ceylon for San FrnncNcoSchr Kawnllnnl for KoolauSchr Wnloll for LaiipntiochocStmr Walmanalo for Waianac mid wal-aln- a


For Maul and Hawaii, per ctcamcrKlnau, May 24 Major W IT Cornwall,J- - II Kleves and child, Sirs 11 Cornwall,W II Cummins,", W Y Horner, F Hor-

ner and wife, M Horner, J Vlorra, Allnncberg, I lliibensteln, M Shultzy,Mrs A Mahlkoa and nbottt r0 deck.

For Kauai, per steamer Mlkahnla,May 21 Wit Nice, SW Wilcox, W K11 Dovei 111, S K Mahoo andwife, h II Stol.. Dr. Ilrodlc, S Khrllch,H Koblnson, O Itorehgruvlnck and wife,K Schul.e, Mm Cliarman, Y Hnxetonand about 40 deck. ,

For Maul, per steamer l.lkcllkc, May21 Hon S B Dole. A II Smith. DrX 11

KmerbOii, O Unna and about 70 deck.

carcoeTfromIsland ports.Schr Luka --1,020 bngs xugiir.Schy Wnloll 1.000 bags sugar.Schr Kauallaul 800 bags rice.Stmr Walinannlo l,00u water melons,

and l"i0 hags taro.


The bark Sonoma will sail for SanFrancisco or the next day.

The Norwegian bark Vlkar, Is sup-

posed to have sailed from Uiemen aboutApril nth for Honolulu, consigned toHaekfeH & Co.

The bark Ceylon may get nway forSan Franeleeo thta ccnlng, but It In

most likely that she will wait until to-

morrow morning.


nk Ceylon, CalhounJlk Glcngaber. Itullp'tonJlk Sonoma, GrllllthsIlk Kalakiiun,Hk Hercules, ltlesBktno Morning Star. TurnerItktne Makah,Bgtno Linus Spreckcls, DrewBktne Hattle h BangsIlk 0 B KinneyIJKtiic Planter, W It I'errhnniiJlk Peterson


Am bark Tlmour, Brewer, sailedfrom Boston Dec 17, due May

Brit bark Cerates, from Liverpool,duo May

Bnt bk Scottish Lassie, W Slnccr,Failed from Liverpool Jnn 10 duo MnyJ0-3- 1

Am bktne Hattle S Bangs, Tcrrlll,from Hougkoug, duo April 10-1-

Am bktne John Worster, from Nana-lm- o,

B O, duo May 20-3- 0

Am bk St Lncie, sailed from NewYork March 20, duo September 5--

"Ain"'ok" C ff Whltmore, T Thompson,from Departure Bay, due May 20-3- 0


The Road Supervisor wuh repair-

ing tho road on tlio Esplanade-

. Mr. Justice Biekerton will presideat the Intermediary Court to ho held

It lias reached tho London papersthat a political confederation betweenSamoa and Hawaii has been ratified.

A chemical coral formation, whichis a novelty, is on viow nt the windowof Messrs. Hollister it Co.'s store ontfort street.

There will ho tlio usual sorvicesat St. Andrew's Cathedral this even-

ing at 7:30 o'clock," conducted by thoRev. Geo. Wallace.

Mn. A. E. Gaster, of Bucharest, hnsbeen appointed Hawaiian Charge d'Affaires and Consul-Gener- for thoKingdom of Roumania.

"An Answered Prayer" will ho thotlicnio, and 2 Kings 19th chapter thoBcripturo lesson, at tho Fort-stre-

Church prayer meeting.

All entries for tho races to takopla-c- at Kapiohmi Park on tho 10thand 11th June, will close at 12o'clock noon on Monday Juno Gth.

TiiEin Excellencies Walter MurrayGibson and Antono Rosa, attendedby Major John P. Holt, paid theirrespects to Major Wodohouso yester-da- y.

-- m,

The Jubilee Yacht-rac- e, round theBritish Isles, will be started by thei'rinco of Wales from Southend Pier,iustead of from tho Nore, as wasoriginally arranged.

The new water pipes, lately laid onFort street, were tested yesterdaywith 110 pounds pressure to tlionquaro inch. Another and greatortest will bo mntlo

Likelike sails Tuesday, May Hist,for Kahului and Huiin, and returnsto Honolulu on Sunday, Sails againfor same ports on Tuesday, Juno 7th,returning on Saturday,


Tho Kinau sails on Tuesday, Mr31st, for Hilo and way ports, ret"to Honolulu on Saturday, am'sail again on Monday, Jui'for tlio Volcano, returningday.

AccoitniNa to "Truth'''English lady has so

valuable Easter egg;ivory, lined with wlyolk is a goldon cihuge ruby sot in ''being valued at




X will ho alv(m iioftia uiuSrlthh harl: Glungnbcr

Mn. Lewis J. Levey's regular cashsale will bo held at 10 o'clock

morning.- 't

Several important additions liavobeen mado to C. T. Gulick's laborngency advertisement.

Tomorrow will appear a detailedlist of goods for sale by Mr. J. T.Watrrhouce ex "Sctottish Lassie."

A clearance sale of sundries willtnko place nt Rosenthal's store byE. P. Adams & Co. com-

mencing at 10 A. M.

Mrs. Sam. Parker entertained anumber of lady friends nt lunch to-

day at her residence King street.

The box plan for the performanceof tho Honolulu Minstrels, to bogiven at the Opera House on Satur-day night, will open nt 0 o'clock to-

morrow morning at the olllco of J.E. Brown it Co.

A hkull was exhumed from be-

neath the iloor of the old AstorHouse barber shop, yesterday after-noon. Tho relic, which may have aninteresting history is in the posses-sion of Messrs. Hart it Steiuer.

There will be an extra meeting ofthe W. C. T. U. for tho transaction ofimportant business (Thurs-day) afternoon at !J o'clock in the Y.M.. (J. A. parlors. All members areurgently requested to bo present.

Private Tweedie of Company A,Honolulu Rillcs, was this morningptcscnted by Mr. Swanzy with nleather medal, as n reward for theduck egg he scored yesterday in thebattalion target practice at the II. R.A. Range.

The "Advertiser" states that theresidenco of Mr. J. 11. Paty, Juddstreet, has been purchased by Mr.W. II. Comwell, for Mrs. HenryCornwell, who will take possessionAugust 1st. The price paid was$20,000.

Two stalwart bosses of dilfeiontcallings hnd a two-roun- d set-t- o onMerchant street this noon to vary themonotony of the morning. Hug-ging, knocking down and huttingwas tho order of the light. Friendsstepped in and put a stop to thoquart cl and a few moments later thethe pugilistic bosses were drinkingeach other's health.


Tlio next issue of tho Daily Bul-letin Summary will bo issued onMonday next the HOtli instant. Itwill contain GO columns of originalmatter, comprising 'the best budgetof news for sending abroad. Ordersmay bo left at J. 11. Sopor's, A. M.Howett's, or at tho Bulletin office.Price 10 cents per copy.

"tlnnwrMiLOAT"The Kuokoa says the Knimiloa

took away 27 boys from the Reform( ?) School. About ten-sma- boys areleft under the care of the assistant.Who is now principal of the ReformSchool? Docs Capt. Jackson act inthe double capacity of Admiral oftlie Hawaiian Navy and Head Masterof tho Reform School?

It is said that tho next voyageof the Knimiloa is to he to Italy.There she is to take up the Hawaiianboys who have been trained as navi-gators and engineers. They are totake charge of the nayal vessel thatis being built in France, and biingher out to Hawaii.


Mr. IJcnry Berger the popularlender of the Royal Hawaiian Band,has tho happy knack of dispensingappropriate music on all celebratedoccasions, in a true and hearty spirit.Whether the Fourth of July, theEmperor of China's, Emperor Wil-

liam's or Queen Victoria's Birthday,he is always prepared to furnishwell selected programmes in the bestmusical style. The Professor, as heis generally called, is known to all,but it may not be generally knownthat on Saturday, the lltli June hewill hare completed his fifteenthyear as leader of the Hawaiian Band.This would certainly bo a fitting oc-

casion for the public to rccoguiso insome substantial manner the valu-able services of our talented maestro.


Professor Dickinson's second lect-

ure upon European art and Travelwill be given at the Y. M. C. A. hall

ercning. Tlio successattending Urn first lecture insures alarge attendance, nnd wo look to seea largo audience. The subject oftlio evening: "Tho Artists of Spain"gives opportunity for most pictures-que illustration, and the audiencemay bo sure of a rich treat to eyeand car. Tho views (most of tho'mrichly colored) include Paris andthe Palace of tlio Louvre, Madrid,Seville, Toledo, Cadiz, the Allium-bra- ,

etc., and will be of surpassingbeauty.


Messrs. C, Crozier, W. G. Arm-strong, W. Holt, T. Smith, W.Moore, A. Urnncli, C. J. McCarthy,II. Wodehouse, II. W. Morse, J.Markham, J. D. Holt, E. P. Low,A. Drown, Douglas W. Nickelson,J. Dowsett, D. Davis, J. 11. Wode-house, Jr., and Capt. Rawlston, satdown to the II. Y. &. D. C. dinnerin the Club House Dining Rooms ntG:JJ0 o'clock last evening, J. II.Wodehouse presiding. Soups, salads,meats, and dessert with claret amichampagne were bounteously spread.The toasts wero II. Y. & D. C,Queen Victoria, Tho Winning Crew,


riml Tlio IMwiicil Crow. Bongs wororoudcrud by Mosiis. Brown and '

(.aputlii Kawutou. Alio utuuer wasover at 8 o'clock.


Next Sunday, May 20th, is tlioPentecost Day, a grand festival ap-pointed and solemnly observed evenin apostolic times, and mentioned inthe wiitings of the most ancientfathers and historians of tho church.It is also called in the Englishlanguago Whit Sunday, from theAnglo-Saxo- n Hwitu Sunnandueg,"which means White Sunday,

of the while robe of baptism,which was for many ages adminis-tered piincipally on ono of thosegrand days, Easter Sunday, or Pen-

tecost. Pentecost, which meansfifty, from tlio Greek "nevtykosty,"so called as being the fiftieth dayafter Easter Sunday, is tlio day,when nt the third hour, i. e., about9 o'clock a. m., the Holy Ghostdescended miraculously on the apos-

tles in the form of fiery tongues,and then they were nil filled withthe Holy Spirit, and they began tospeak with divers tongues, accord-ing as the Holy Ghost gave them tospeak. It is the very birthday oftho Catholic Church, because onthat day U,000 persons, the firstconverts to Christianity, wore bap-

tized. The Christian Pentecost isone of those feasts, which, likeEaster, have been transferred fromJudaism to Christianity, and isreally and truly the completion andperfection of tlio Pentecost of theold law. It is a commemoration ofthe solemn and miraculous inaugu-ration of the church in the NewTestament through the interpositionof the Holy Gltu,st, as the HebrewPentecost was a memorial of thesolemn nnd miraculous establish-ment of the church of the old law,through the promulgation of thedivine law on Mount Sinai.

The red color of the vestmentsworn on this festival, as well as onevery day during the octave, reminds us of the form and color ofthe mysterious nnd figurative tonguesof lire in which the Holy Ghostreally and truly came down uponthe apostles. The church doessolemnly chant this glorious hymnof the Holy Ghost "Vein, SanctcSpiritus," "Come, Holy Ghost."Priests and people reflect withwonder and consolation upon themiraculous preservation of theCatholic Church, in which by theinfluence of that same Holy Spirittho great work of salvation throughJesus Christ has continued for wellnigh two thousand years, and willgo on through futuro ages, so thatevery man of good-wil- l can have ashare in the truth, grace, and theatoning death of Christ as truly andas essentially as if he had lived inthe days of Christ himself.

The Pentecost Day will be keptnt the Roman Catholic Cathedral ofHonolulu, as follows: G and 7 a.m., Low Masses with the Holy Com-

munion; 10 A. M., High PontificalMass, followed by Baptism ;ii i. Mm

Confirmation, Rosary and SolemnBenediction of the Most BlessedSacrament.

Father Clement.


Editor Dulletin: Having re-

peatedly read complaints on accountof the horrible condition of Kapio-la- ni

street and seeing that appa-rently no notice has been taken ofthem, I wish to Jog the memory oftho Road Supervisor if he has for-

gotten about them, or add one moretestimony if lie is in doubt as to thecorrectness of previous reports, onlyI would multiply the cause by two.Briefly ns possible I wish to statethat the inconvenience of alightingfrom an express on a rainy eveningwhen halfway up the hill, on accountof being stuck in the street ditch,also trying in vain, when walking,to gel around the abrupt corner ofKnpiolani and Lunalilo streets with-

out sliding off the embankment aboutsix inches wide are very unpleasant.Should the Road Supervisor still be indoubt ho can have all this verifiedif he will call around during the firstgood rain. Resident.


Of all fcocial organizations inHonolulu ; of nil friendly gather-ings and military movements tlioHonolulu Rifles arc fast becomingthe most popular. Under the super-vision of Major V. V. Ashford, whois positively a disciplinarian, whenin uniform, the corps is continuallyadvancing in military proficiency,increasing in strength, and will, inall probabilities, become ono of themain supports of the Kingdom. Thecelebration of the G8th birthdayanniversary of Queen Victoria, bythe Honolulu Rifles, yesterday, wasorderly, soldierly and splendid inevery way. The prize shooting andtarget practice by tlio battalion inthe afternoon and the dinner nt theHotel in tho evening are events thatsignal the progress of tho HonoluluRillus,

At the shooting contest at 1 o'clockyesterday afternoon the HonoluluRifles, in fatigue uniform, assembledat their armory, Rcrctnuia street,and from there marched out to thoII. II. A. Range, King street. Shoot-ing began at about 2:!10 o'clock,oaoli company firing at a separatetarget. TJie distance was 200 yardswith five rounds for each 'man.The afternoon was fair and favor-able for shooting. Rivalry in afriendly degree, existed between thetwo companies and every good shotwas applauded by the members ofthe company in which it was made.

mmmmmm i i m ml I ifUompnny A twin 27 men tnniiu noupoints wilo D with DO menmade 275. Following are thoscores:Major V. V. Ashford 0 1 4 3-- 1G

Captain Hebbaid I S 1! 5 2 10Captain linger It 3 1 ii II 10Adjutant McLcod .1 2 .1 !1 4 15

Quartermaster Hull 0 0 (I 0 0 0Uidnaucc Officer G111111...O 0 3 0 8Lieutenant Prati 4 4 4 4 4- -20

Lieutenant O. W. Aolifonl.ii 0 0 0 :t ."

Lieutenant Shnonon... .0 ( .'I 4 011Heigeant Major Levey.... a 0 a 0 'J (I

Drum Major King 4 t 4 t 4 L'O

COMPANY A.Kel geaut T01 bcrt .' I :t I t- -'J0

Sergeant . T. Wilder.... 0 0 :i 0 :- i- 0Cm poral Wilder I .'I 4 218I ni'iimtilu..-v...- . ....,..Mnmrliw .............a J II 4 413Private Cielghton ....() 0 0 0 001'Uher ....:i a 4 :i 417

KniM!!'.... ....1 a : 2 011KauciooM.. ....j 0 0 :i .1 8Hall ....0244 31:1Ilaulcy.... ....0 2 :i 1 :i 12I.vlc. ....0 0 0000E. A. Mcluerny...4.4 4 It 1118

eConibie 3 0 3 0 0 (I

MeCamlless 0 3 I 3 3111cihcsnev 0 0 0 0 00Cticiiiba.." 2 4 II 3 a IT.

W. W. Smith 3 3 0 2 2- -10

Tweedlo 0 0 0 0 0 O

Whrham 0 2 3 2 t)

Jlrmw U 0 0 2 7.Schuiiian ..3 3 2 4 3 I',.1.1'. Smith ..0 4 3 2 211Klniiev ...1 II fi 4 4- -20

Xlcoll ..3 3 3 4 417COMPANY 11.

Sergeant Winter I 0 II It 010sergeant urown... ... 2 3 3 0 412Private Weight.... ....() 2 0 0 0-- 2

Dower ....0 0 0 0 00Xeedham... ....0 0 3 0 0 3Livingstone 3 !l 3 417Xeal II 0 0 0 0 0Olbsoi 3 3 2 0 311Diedgc 0 2 0 3 0 5Mr-Ca- hv 3 2 3 0 210S G. Wilder, .fr...O 4 II 3 212Oat 2 0 It 3 412Langley .0002 0McDcrmott .0 0 0 2 02M. Gilbert .2000 (- I- 2Wlckc .2 2 3 3 010Wall .2 4 4 0 414F. W. McClicney. .2 3 3 3 3- -U

Pvburn ,.0 1 4 3 31 1

Ordway. .030328O.Branch 0 2 4 0 410Wickman 0 2 3 2 2 t)

Boucher 0 3 2 4 3-- 12

ANhlte 3 3 Oil 5- -HCrozier 2 2 4 0 4- -12

Thurston 4 4 3 4 4-- 10

Maguon 2 3 3 3 213A. C. Smith t 3 3 4 3- -17

In Company A, Kinney and Tor-bc- rt

each made twenty points andtied for the first prize. They shotoff with tho following result:Kinney 3 3 2 4-- 13Toibert 0 3 3 3 312

Tho prize winners arc as follows :

Kinney, Co. A, 1st prize, Spring-field rifle, presented by Quarter-master W. W. Hall ; Sergeant Tor-ber- t,

Co. A, second prize, cartridgebelt, presented by Mr. Geo. Howe ;

Private E. A. Mclnerny, Co. A, 100rounds of ammunition, presentod byMr. Nicoll, and Private Thurston,Co. D, Springfield rifle, presentedby the officers of that company.

THE DINNEU.By tho invitation of Major V. V.

Ashford nearly 100 persons satdown to dinner in the HawaiianHotel dining room last evening. TheHonolulu Rifles, about 60 in num-ber, arrived at the Hotel at 9o'clock, where they were met by theMajor and friends. During theciip.ncr, which was elegantly gottenup, "the following toasts and re-

sponses wero made: His Majestyresponded to by ?rivatc Kin-

ney ; Her Majesty Queen Victoria,responded to by Lieut. C. W. Ash-

ford; our guests, replied to byMajor Ilayley, and also by Mr.Wright, of 7th N. Y. Regiment.The health of Major Ashford, pro-posed by Captain 4Iebbard and re-

plied to by tho Major; the Press,responded to by Mr. Logan, of thoHerald; tho ladies, responded byPrivate C. Crcighton; the futuro ofthe II. R., proposed by LieutenantAshford, and responded to by Pri-vate C. J. McCarthy.

Merriment prevailed throughoutthe evening, and many wittyspeeches were made. After a fewclosing remarks by the Major, atabout 11:16 o'clock, the partybroke up with a feeling of friendshipstronger than ever.

SUPREME COURT.The following matters were hcotd

in Chambers this morning:UEFOtlE JUDD C. .T,

Y. Anin vs. S. Sellg. Plaintiff isthe only surviving partner in thopartnership of Alnina & Anin, ricoplanters, and defendant is admin-btrat-

of decedent's estate. InMarch, 188(1, defendant wns ap-pointed receiver of the firm underbond of 85,000, for the purpose ofwinding up the partnership concern.Dcing about to absent from thekingdom said receiver submitted hisaccounts and asked for approval ofsanio and his discharge After ex-

amination, the Courts approved thoaccounts, discharged the receiver,and cancelled his bond. The part-nership assets were $35,77.0:i,liabilities 29,995.7-l- , balance$5,761.29, ono half of which waspaid to Ahuna'sj administrator, andone-ha- lf to Anin's assignees. Thereceiver appeared in person.

William Watson and others vs.David Watson. This is an equitysuit for partition of property amongthe hoirs of John D. Watson of Ka-neoh- c,

Onhu, deceased. W. A.Kinney for plaintiffs,A. Rosa for de-

fendant. The bill of complaint wnsallowed to be amended, and hearingset for Wednesday June 8th.

UEFOIir. l'UESTOK, J.In the bankruptcy mattor of

Jacob Lyons continued from Mon-

day. The Court approved the as-

signee's accounts, and ordered hisdischarge upon filing of creditorsreceipts for dividend of 1 1 per cent,amount to be distributed is $1,703.-5!- ).

The assigueo in person, L. A,Thurston for creditors.

JMiliiii itiii

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBUSINESS ITEMS,

A WANT SUPPLIED-Ti- ie"Ei.eik" Book, Jui and NewspavekOrriCK, comer of Queen nnd II Street?,opposite olllco of the llonil of Health,have, in eniioemloa with their alrciidyExtensive Prlntli g Establishment, justreceived per S. S. Australia, throughMessrs. Palmer & ley, of San Francis,ro, direct from the minnf ictory, NewYork Oily, A GORDON JOB I'M XT.INO PKE3-3- , ono of tho llne.t and bestin thu world, atid of the largest tlzemade. There la nothing In thlsconntrito compire with It. To examine thisUna piece of workmanship is worth avisit to tho "Elkm: Ofllcc. It excelsIn doing the finest kind of woik In theshortest postible time.

Merchant nnd others requiring Print.Ing of any kinii done at abort notice,and at reasonable rates, will do well togive the "Er.Kr.E" office a call. Tele-phone No. M4. ' lm 33

- .

HAVING 'ecentty engaged a first,ler 11111I Mo'ihling Maker,

we urn now fufly prepared lo manufac-ture, repair and re gild any kind of workin our line. Old Minor and PictureFrames made oer 114 good as new, andnt prices wlihin the reach of all. Thopublic me linl'cil to cull nnd Inspectomc of this work. Renicniher, any

thing that needs renewing in Gold, OldGold, Uronzc. Copper or Metal wo enndo. KINGIIUOS., Aiit Stohk. 17

1 ff LBS. Prch Home-Mod- e Chew.lUu 11 g Slicks, gr It

Po'ps, und f h, delicious Vanillaand Chocolate Creams which I guaran-tee to bu far superior nnd Kilil clieapi rthin any Imported, at F HORN'S Pion-eer Steam Candy Factory und Bakeryund Ice Cr.cn in Parlor. bStf

Dn. Fm.nt'h Heakt Remedy is aSpecific for all forms of Heart l)is-cas- o

and also for Diseases of Kidneysnnd Circultiaon. Descriptive bookwith every bottle. BenBon Smith &Co., Agents. lti

S PERRY'S No. 1 Famllv Flour Isottered for salo bj QONSALVES &

CO., Queen Street. 01

Dew Drop Inn,Cor. King & Nuuanu Sts.

I H N O AV O I? 12 IS .

The finest and best brands of


On Bnturdiy, Mny 28, free drinks nndlunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p in.

EST All kinds of Tcmnernnce Drinks.A. K. FL'LEKALUHI,

.1 lw Proprietor.


11 tf

Taro Flour Factory,AVniluku, Maul,

Will attain commence oprratlonH obThursday, Slay aoth,and will supply Taro Flour In any

quantities.jy'Jh new and Improved machinery

nr.d other nnparntus, the present maiiager BiiaruiiteesTo fi'Jj!!;' Taro Flour thatwll muko a better clas-r)irihtt- tverproduced. ""v.

All orders to be sent to W. II. CifiiTmlns, Manager, nt the Factory, Wal.niKU, dinui, or to w. u. irwm & Co.,Agents, Honolulu. 41 lm

TO RENT.Mill A COTTAGE, Pituated on

ifYffJB S,"a ul urcet, near tho Bridgea containing 5 rooms, besides

pantry, kitchen, bath iom, and billiardroom, wlih f,;incry nd stable.

For further particulars npplvtoGco.O. Leo-i- , nt J. T. Wntcrhouse's Queen St.Store. 44 tf

Assigneo's Xotice.THE undersigned having been thl

duly appointid At slgneo of thueslulo of John M. Kutena, rnnkrut,hen by notifies all panics Indebted tobald ctaio to nuke immediate tmjment,and thotu having claims against Mildestate to present them without dclny athis olllco No. ilS Merchant street Mono,lulu. UIIAS. T. OULICK",

Assignee.Honolulu, Mny 12, 1887. an


NOTICE IS HEREBY QI VEN THATScholtz. of Wulluiiu, Maul,

has sold nil right, title nnd tnurest InIhn blnclttmltli shot), Mmntcd on theriph' si le of Kahului road, in thu saiddlstilci of Wuilukti, to thu ui.derslgned,who will carry on tho busln"S4 In future.

I havo nho appointed Jh. Clius 11.

Cocked, as manuger of the sal I shop,Tho public are invited lo glvo a call,and all blackmithlng work will be

with (tenitnh.117 lm JOHN W. KALUA.


A FULL COURSE of Tbatio PaperFlowers taught for !i. Lessons

clvcn in Cnivon Portniiis; und nlo theI.Uhtning Method of Flower nnd L'linl.senpo Palntl'iir. Flower Painting, 85;Landscape, $10, for full courses.

Orders taken for Crayon Portraits andLanlscupn Paintings.

B&-- IfiO KING STREET, oppositeKawahihio Church. ill lm

The Daily Bulletin



Can be had from

J. II. Sorun, ; Miiehint Street,A. M. Hkwett, :

J. V. Hi.sai.EY, : : Ho'ol StreetIlt.NUY WtlXIAMS, llauftiian lla.el



lust rereived per stmr Auf tralln, a line assortment of

BOYS' CLOTHING!b'peclal attention is called lo our

Boy's Sailov Sc Jei'sey wuits.40 dozen Hog Linen Knee PantF, nt n very low figure, in ttzes up to 12 ycais.

A large assortment of

DRY AND FANCY GOODSA fine lino of Ladle' Jersey, Iicim nnd I'.nil rilderies a greul vnrlely

Jiibt teceUed jirke veiy lw.

RIBBONS! RIBBONS! RIBBONSThcln Stock oi any Iiounc !

Hccelvcd direct from Eastern Mauufjc'.urcrs.A complete nsortment of

Shoes for Ladies, Misses & Children"" of a superior quality nnd pi Ices to suit th; time.

tSTltlands orders receive careful and attention.

S. EHRLIGH, 63 and 65 Fort Street,1021 (Opposite "W. G. Irwin & Co's.)


Gent's, Youth's and Boy's





-- ALSO,

Very Fine Line of




fiats, Gaps, Goods, Trunks Valises.

II. I.5'J

from Snow Flake Wheat.Also, Scotch Boiled Oats !

Are an entirely new preparation of wheat and Oat-t- , lulng ccokcdhy Steam, andonly rupifrlnjr a short lime to prepare them for the table.

CSTThc most nutritious food known.-- !

Also, Gennoa, Gem, Graham Flour, Smoked Salmon,Smoke 1 Halibut, Hams, Bacon, Choice Dates, Pruncp, Nun, Kaisins,

New Zealand, California, und Islat d l'otato?s, &e.Also, llroom Corn, excellent for chicken feed, for snlo by

Olias, - -



&l CO.Fine Custom Mado Clotliin

Gent's Shoe





The World's Breakfast FoodPrepared


Hustace, King-- Street.

The Undersigned, JF. HORN, Proprietor of the

Pioneer Steam Candy Factory, BakeryAND ICE CREAM PARLOR,

(EHtabliNlietl 18(13.)

Respectfully informs tlio public that from this day on lie is fully preparedto receive orders for

Lunches, Dinners, Suppers, Banquets, Balls,And guarantees in all cases the fullest satisfaction, as given in foimeryears, not only abroad, but albo in Honolulu. Having references datingback as far as the year

1863In Honolulu, having catered on nil state occasonn, as also for select par-ties given by their lato Majesties Kamehamelia IV, Ktiinehanieha V, andLunalilo, and having tho honor of supplying the present royal householdwith the delicacies produced in my establishment; having over foity yearspractical experience in this line of business.

F. HORN,Practical Confectioner, ran try Cook nml Ornuuionfci' In II o lolulu.

Factory, Store and Ice Cream Parlor: No. 71 Hotol Street,Botwccn Hotel and Nuuanu Stroets,

'Both Telephones No 74. (05 3m) Eoiolulu.H. I.

Just Received at Hollister & Co.'sA large tiuo:tiiient of

PERFUMES! PERFUMES!Comprising the well-know- n brands of



U'ox Sale nt XfceziHonnllo 3?jrieew'1&J2 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL

Page 4: University of Hawaii · mwmm!?,w:imy ?!,--MV' SSl axuit rus fife PUB Bmlktttt. " f. ' Vol. XL tfo 1(515. HONOLULU, II. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 25, 1S87. . CO CENTS eUDBORIPTION







-- ojnSf A complete

i't't"wirariiiiriTiifiifiiiii in .in

HTAPLE AND JTANOY GHOCERIES,Freih Goods on Ice by each arrival of the O. S, S. Go's Steamers. Goods delivered

to nil purls of IIoin lulu.Island order solicited and packed with care, mid shipped tontiy pari rl the Klncdom

1IU2 .

GEO. EMELHARDT,(Formerly with Samuel Nott).

Import Of ttii1 Dculcr in,STOVES, CHANDELIERS, LAMPS,


Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block, ... Fort Street.

W Store iormerly occupied by 8. NOTT, opposite Sprockets & Co.'a Bank, TS8lfid

JOHN ITT, 1. 8

IT T --r ' ' ' - --

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,



PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd.(Successors to Dillingham & Co., & Samuel Nott.)

IRONMONGERS.New Goods for the Holidays! Silver Plated Ware

in New Designs.

ojeia.tviii:liejr5 rci l.jcjpsFrom the very Flcs makers.


A. Complete $tot!lc oi" GoodH in JEvei-- y Lino.FORT STREET, HONOLULU.




Tifc-- a

P. O. Box 207- -


lino of --TgJao-




Every of

Executed Avith neatness ami




Muni Street



Ornaments, k, k,




Book and General rnntinidispatch.

New Borders,

Oi the Latest Designs.

n hi mi. Muimr- - i -

CT gnUji gatlUii


Late Foreign lews.

Now Yoik, May 9 Thomas A.Edison, tho fiunuus sloctrician, hasreturned from a three month' tripto Floiida. Mr. Ellison says liesucceeded in ridding himself entire-ly of insomnia mill other ills thatbeset his life previous to his depart-Hir- e.

"I went South mostly for nivhealth," Er. Edison said, "but Idid a little experimenting, mostly ontelegraphing, by sea, but have notgone far enough yet to make knownthe progress I havo made. My ex-

periments gave me satisfaction, how-

ever, and next year I think I willhave the work completed. It is anexcellent place down there for suchwork'. The waters arc calm and notdeep, with an unbroken stretch of atleast twenty miles. I think the timewill come when vessels at sea cantalk to each other at a distance oftwenty miles. The talking will bodone by means of dots and signsand anybody can understand them."

Count Andrassy has had a confer-ence with the Emperor for the pur-pose of aking permission to make apublic reply to the North GermanGazette's statements respecting theAustro-Kussia- u agreement of 1872.

It is no longer possible to disre-gard the rumors which have repeat-edly gained currency lately concern-ing l'arnell'b health. His privatelife, as every one knows, is passedin the complelcst seclusion. TheIrish members even, if they knew,would not, of course, communicateto the outside world any unwelcomenews about him. From anothersource, however, which I am com-pelled to regard ns trustworthy, Ilearn the health of the Irish leaderis not only bad, but positively alarm-ing. My informant went so far asto add that even his participation inthe future political struggle is doubt-ful. I have reason to believe, butcannot statu positively that his ill-

ness is due to cancer in the stomach.His absence is naturally a subject ofmuch regard. On scvor.il occasionslately, decisions important to theparty have necessarily been come towithout even consulting him. Themalignant and cowardly attacks thathave been rained upon him for somelime past have, I know, caused himvery great buffering. In the ex-

treme case of his death, it would beno exaggeration to ay that themethods of his political enemieskilled him.

With icgard to the division 1'ii-da- y

night, rofusing a select commit-tee, I learned that a deputation ofConservative members) waited uponthe Irish party to say if the latterwere willing, the scope of the pro-posed committee would be so en-

larged as to include the Parnellletter. They, representing a con-siderable number of Conservatives,would support Gladstone's amend-ment. The Irishmen consulted Glad-stone, Morloy and Dillon and subse-quently said they were willing to'have it so enlarged as (o include anycharge made by anybody againstany Irjsh member. Then the Cotgservalives waited on W. II. Smith.He instantly said if any independentaction was taken among his follow-ers he would resign. The matter,therefore, was dropped.

In consequence of the hostile voteof tho Liberal Council in his ownward at Birmingham, John Brightintimated unolllcially that if his con-

duct is not satisfactory to his con-

stituents, ho is ready to resign be-

fore the division of Friday.



Speaking of the newspaper in thuschool, the Hon. AV. A. Cobb said:"The newspaper molds present pub-lic opinion, while the teacher moldsfor tho future. Thu newspaper andthe teacher should go hand in hand.Why not introduce tho newspaperinto this schoolroom as sort of textbook? I know of a school wherenewspapers were placed on file. Allthe news and tho editorial utterancescame in for their share of reading,and examinations were held once aweek. The only diawback to theexperiment was the discovery of somuch lamentable iguoiancu, whenbetter things might ieasonaby have,been expected. An instructor hasinformed them of a newspaper exer-cise df this character among teach-ers in the district whore ho was com-missioner which developed a youngman i!!l years of age who actuallydid not know whether the congress-man for whom lie had just votedserved his constituents at Washing-ton or Albany. A young ladyteacher, to the general question asto the use of the president's cabinet,after some hesitation and reluctanceto impart Iter supeiior, but in thiscase delicate, knowledge, finally re-

plied that the principal iiac of thppresident's cabinet was a place forhis clothes. These aie statementsfounded on fact, and occuncd inthis state." Exchange.

ii "

Thu banks in tho Australian Colo-nics, other than Queensland, haveagreed to icdiieo thu inteiests pay-able on Jlxeil doposits to .1 per cent.

It is said that two-thiids- the piertuuwiio pint of tho old town ofMontono will bu pulled down on ac-

count of thu disasters caused by thuoaithquake,






For Constipation,

Sluggish Liver, etc.

many kinds of catharticmedicines, do not make you

feel worse before you feel better.Their operation is gentle, but thor-

ough, and unattended with disagree-able effects, such as nausea, gripingpains, &c.

Seigei's Operating Pillsare the best family physic that hasever been discovered. They cleansethe bowels from all irritating sub-

stances, and leave them in a healthycondition.

The best remedy extant for thebane of our lives constipation andsluggish liver.

These Pills prevent fevcis and allkinds of sickness, by removing allpoisonous matter from the bowels.They operate briskly, yet mildly,without an' pain.

If you take a severe cold, and arcthreatened with a fever, with painsin the head, back and limbs, one ortwo doses of Seigei's Operat-ing lills will break up the coldand prevent lever.

A coated tongue, with a brackishtaste, caused by foul matter in thestomach. A few doses of Seigei'sOpcrating'j'ills wiI cleanse thestomach, remove the bad taste, andrestore the appetite, and will) it

bring good health. .

Oftentimes disease, or partiallydecayed food, causes sickness, nau-

sea and diarrha-a- . If the bowols arecleansed from this Impurity with adose of Seigei's OperatingPills, these disagreeable effectswill vanish, and good health result.

Seigei's Operating Pillsprevent from excess ineating or drinking. A good dose atbedtime renders a person fit for busi-

ness in the morning.These pills, being Sugar-coate-

are pleasant to take. The disagreeable tasto common to most nilltr'is'obviated.

For Sale by all Chemists, Druggists

and Medicino Vendors,


A. J. White,j


I.OXIMX. 10 it

Tho Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on l for.snlo

Steam Family and Slack) mith Cca

and a general assortment of

us. Bar Iron.

Hawaii Ei Ricepon

Family & Plantation Use !


H. Hackfeld & Co.!17 lw

For Sale or Leii.se.rpiIOSK PIIRMISES SITUATED ONX Punahou Street called "liunniiilo.hlu," tho piopeify of 0. II. ,Judd, mo fortulo or for lease for a term of years,

For particulars inquire ofALEX. J. OAItTWHIGIlT.

Honolulu, Dec, 18. 160. H03



Arrlvo at Honolulu Irom San Francisco.Australia. May 31Zealandia June 10Australia June 28Alameda July 8Australia July 2GMariposa August fAustralia August 23Zealandia September 2Australia t September 20Alameda September 80Austialia October 18Mariposa October 28Australia November 15Zealandia November 25Australia December 13Alameda December 23

Leave Honolulu for San Francisco.

Alameda June 3Australia June 7Mariposa July 1

Australia . Inly 5Zealandia July 21)

Australia August 2Alameda August 2G

Australia August 30Mariposa September 23Australia September 27Zealandia October 21Australia October 25Alameda.. November 18

Australia November 22Mariposa , December 10

Australia December 20Zealandia (1888) January 13

ssaHatf. ELECTRIC:iruf.vnBi in'ufOnlrl'Arfact BELTliodrltatte rv

overinTftntMi W&Z T&yiS2m Best Made!UlTesuncioc Chronic Dl.trio Current ,OReof bothwith or with AiMMmBmMtmUMtKn flfcXKrtirilour ACIDS. WlthrmtMcdMnii.KI rOTmOHUSPKNAOtvr Katftb. 1875. Henri forl Htuiiviiin evorylWt, FmiPnrophhtNo.2.4tldra. P"304 NOR704 BACMKNTO BT..BAN FPANOrsCO. ftA!,.

Feb. 2887. 1 57 1 ly

RYAN'S BOAT BUILDINGIti-u- r ( f Lucas' Mill.


Richard Cayford,VETERINARY,


Horses and Cattle Treated forall Diseases.

IW'NiilciH'p; .' Alnkcii Street,J. o. uox .uH.. aitf

Chas. T. Gulick Notary PublicRecords Smirched, Abstract of Title

Pumlhlied, und ConvtyanuesDrawn on short notice.

Collodion Agcncy,-M- n. JOHN GOOD,.ht, Auihmlzcd Collector.

Employment Agency. Mil, P. MA11COS,Hpu 1..I Agi'iil.

General Business Agency. No. :i8 Mcr--

clia.il SliceCsHell Telephone :.!K.r I". O. JIox 415.


FKANCK.Continental and Colonial

AQENCY.30" Hue de Dunkerque, - - - Paris.

Executes Indc tits for every descriptioni f French, Belgian,Hwli, (icrniHii, aii'l Kngltah Goods, atthu best Munuf ictureis' Lowest Price.

Commission, Two-and.- Half per cent.All Tiiulo Hint Oiih DlrcounH allowedlo Clients. Original Invoices lorwartledwhen ic(jucslel

JScmlltuuccd, through a London orParis Banker, jinj'aLlo on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to theiiiiimigcr.

Tlio Agency Represent, Unyp, andSell, f r Home and Colonial Finns.

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks. Velvetb, Lawns, Cliiutzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloyes,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Featheis, Pearl",IJiiotH and Shoes, GJii'S, andUhina.ware, Clc c'p, Watches,Juuellry, Fanoy Uoods,Klectio-plate- , Musical Instruments,Fan?, Ecclesiastical andOptical Cjooils. JJirrnrs, Toys,l'fitiiiiiuiy, Wines, &n,Oilman's Stores, llcok, ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chioinos, Machinery, &c, &c.

130 ly S


Having fccuiciI thu Services of

Geo. C. Stratemeyerwe are prepared to execute all

ordeiH In

House oi Sig'iiJPsxiiitiiig.


HonAeper1:!' Notice.

SHEETING!ot Sliiinlaiil Hiatal to eliisu out stock,will bo fold at Cost. Sizes as followp,by the piece:

Illenclieil, fl, 7 nuil 8 ininiteiH.llrowu, , 7, 10 nuil 11 inuuteiH.

i24 '4w OAOTIiH & COOKE,

"F YOU WANT A SERVANT,advertise in the Daily Uuuxtin,

Bf YSj1!

I'uTPT'."S Vff- r 7W


New Goods !

New Fashions!

Mr. L. B. KERRHas received and opened up his Kew

Stock of

CLOTH GOODS!Comprising a largo and well-selecte-

variety of


Bultible for tho Season.

These goods were selected in Englandby Mr. Kerr personally, and are gunran.teed to bo of tho finest quality.

Mr. Kerr, liaxdng secured tho servicesof n SEW CUTTEK, ho Is pre.pared to fulfil orders with tho utmostdispatch.

23 Merchant St.1003

Tcrebcue Shaviug Cream !


In lead tubes U thcplcasantet yetmadofor tho face, which with

Patent Terebene Soapis combined with arebcue, the antisep-tic and purifying properties of whicharo wonderful . For tale by

21 iw. CASTLE & COOKE.

J. HOPP & CO.74 Kins Street.

Manufacturers and Importers of allkinds of

Furniture & Upholstery Goods

FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY.All kinds of Jobbin g mptly attended to.

CHAIRS TO RfeNTFor Balls or Patties in small or large

89 epiantttics. ly.

TF YOU FIND ANYTHING.X advertise it in tho Daily Bulletin

Husface & Robertson,

DBAYMP.M.LL orders for Cartage promptly at.

xl. tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof.goods In transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Olllcc, adjoining E. P. Adams & cVsauction room.982 ly M utual Ti lephono No. 19.

Ydsemite Skating


Opon every afternoon andevening.

Music every Saturday Night.

THOMAS E. WAUL,1001 Proprietor. lyr

Honolulu LibraryAN

Reading Room Association.

Cor. Hotel & Alakca SticctN.Open every Day and Evening.

Tho Library conMsts at the presentthno uf over Five Thousand Volumes.

The Heading Ilooui is supplied withabout fifty of tho leading newspapersand lierlndloals.

A Parlor Is provided for conversationMild games.

Terms of membership, fifty cents aaionth, payable-- quurtorlv In advance.No formality required in joining exceptsigning the roll.

Strangers from foreign countries amivisitors from the other islands are wel-come to the rooms at all times as guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of support except tho dues ofmembers, it Is expected that residentsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of Its privileges, and all who feelan intciest lu maintaining an Institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand become regular contributors.

A. J. OAHTWltlGHT, Pies.,M. 31. SCOTT, nt,

II. A. PAKMEhEE, .Secretary,A. L.SMITH, Treasurer,0. T. IlODQEItSi 3I.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Committee,

JOB PRINTING of all ktmhat tho D.iilt .Bulletin Office


w. mn v--v s rrr


Your wives and children will rejolco,

Having found tho Sampler Cigar your choice.


21 First Street, 8. F, 89

For sale Everywhere.P5

Tnliili Leioiafle Dpi, -IlOTKli MTIIKKT.

Teleplione, aoo. 1. o. Box 400.

THE BEST AERATED WATERSThoroughly pure and made by steam, InK laud's Apparatuwith glass pumps. All copper dis-- "per&cd wilh. The nuwest patent inEurope (188(ij.

Crystal Viilvo BottlesOnly In uso for Tahiti Lcmonadde, Grenadino and Perfect Ginger Ale, at 7 centsper dozen, delivered to any part of thecity. And Uodd's Patent Gluss Stoppersfor the celebrated plain dry

HOBA WAT 33 It,So highly efficacious for dyspepsia, assupplied to all the principal iniilics inHonolulu, and exclusively to II. H. AI.'svessels of war.iMlnud order promptly attended to.


April 1, 18;7. 1590 ly



Hay, Grain, Etc.Livormoro Hay

Whole Barley, '

Crashed Barley,

Oil Cake Meal

Oats, Bran.

, Order left at Office, with N. F. Bur-gcb-s,

U King Street, will bo promptlyattended to. 691y

S. M. CARTER,Has on hand for sale, In quantities


Departure Bay Coal, Newcastle Coal,Charcoal.

Hard and Soft Wood, Sawed and Split.Manlenle Hoy,

California Hay,Bran, Oats,

Barley, Corn,

Cracked Corn,

"Wheat, etc.Orders arc hereby solicited and will

bo delivered at any locality within thocity limits.

No. 8 KING STREET.Ilotli TelephoneM. 1M7. 64

Health is Wealth !

Db. E. C. West's Nerve and IJiuin Tbeat-mk.n- t,a Runranteod epecilic for lliutorin, DliiU

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