Our Vision A Community Transforming Lives Our Values Grace, Inclusion, Dignity, Faith and Hope Uniting Church in Australia 22nd November 2015 Parramatta Mission: Congregational life@ Westmead & Parramatta & Hospitality, Community and Mental Health Services across Greater Sydney and beyond Our News

Uniting Church Our News Australia - Parramatta MissionFROM PARRAMATTA TO PARIS A special time of prayer and reflection for Paris and the innocent victims of recent terrorist attacks

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Page 1: Uniting Church Our News Australia - Parramatta MissionFROM PARRAMATTA TO PARIS A special time of prayer and reflection for Paris and the innocent victims of recent terrorist attacks

Our Vision

A Community Transforming Lives

Our Values Grace, Inclusion, Dignity,

Faith and Hope

Uniting Church

in Australia

22nd November 2015

Parramatta Mission:

Congregational life@ Westmead & Parramatta

& Hospitality, Community and Mental Health Services across Greater Sydney

and beyond

Our News

Page 2: Uniting Church Our News Australia - Parramatta MissionFROM PARRAMATTA TO PARIS A special time of prayer and reflection for Paris and the innocent victims of recent terrorist attacks


FROM PARRAMATTA TO PARIS A special time of prayer and reflection for Paris and the innocent victims of recent terrorist attacks across the world was held last Monday at Leigh Memorial. Attendees included congregation members, PM staff, members of the public and Neil El-Khadomi of the Parramatta Mosque - who brought a warm message of peace, unity and hope. Prayers written by those present will be forwarded to the French consulate. Please continue to pray for all who have lost loved ones in Paris and elsewhere - and please also come and join our congregation's 'Community Peace Dinner' on Saturday 5 December (see the special invitation in this newsletter) - and help to share a positive message of goodwill, unity and peace with others in our local community at this troubling time. Tickets $20 pp. Please see the Leigh Memorial leaders for tickets & further details. THE LEIGH MEMORIAL 'GIVING TREE' - STARTS NEXT SUNDAY! Our Leigh Memorial Christmas 'Giving Tree' will operate inside the church over 2 Sundays this Advent: 29 November and 6 December. Gifts need to be delivered un-wrapped please. No second-hand items can be accepted and children's toys should be safe/ not battery operated. Donations can be for men, women, teenagers or children - and will be delivered to those being assisted within Parramatta Mission's programs. Some suggestions for teens & adults include toiletries, wallets, backpacks, caps, sunscreen/ sunglasses etc. Thanks to everyone! Enquiries: Liz/ Sunday School @ Leigh team. YOUNG ADULTS: NEWS & CONGRATULATIONS Warmest congratulations to all of our amazing young people on their achievements throughout the year, including Joanna and Charlotte on becoming Prefects at their respective high schools for 2016. Good wishes to Georgia who has now completed her HSC & graduated from high school with plans to work overseas - and to Nicole, who has joined an international student exchange program through her school, with many exciting opportunities also on the horizon. Students from our high school group - Shaalane, Sarah, Thomas, Johana, Ulita, Vili & Lisa continue to make excellent achievements at school and to display talents in everything from art to dance, technology and sport. "Well done" also to Rebecca, Emma and Callum on completing another year of their respective university and TAFE studies/ work. Prayers for all as they embrace wonderful challenges and contribute richly to their schools and the community. All young people of our congregation are being provided with sponsorship to attend the Community Peace Dinner on 5 December.

Foster your faith this week as you read:

Is 64:1-9 Ps 80:1-7,17-19 1 Cor 1:3-9 Mk 13:24-37

Page 3: Uniting Church Our News Australia - Parramatta MissionFROM PARRAMATTA TO PARIS A special time of prayer and reflection for Paris and the innocent victims of recent terrorist attacks

Parramatta Mission projects supported in the Uniting Church

Please pray for: Living as a multicultural church

Ministry with people in prison

Ministry with hospital patients living with a mental illness

Hospital chaplaincy with patients, staff & families


Photos from the special time of prayer, lament and contemplation held at Leigh Memorial last Monday are included here. A full transcript of the lament for Paris and all victims of terrorism around the world will be printed in this year's Parramatta Mission 'Advent Collection' - which is being released next Sunday to mark the commencement of Advent 2015.

Page 4: Uniting Church Our News Australia - Parramatta MissionFROM PARRAMATTA TO PARIS A special time of prayer and reflection for Paris and the innocent victims of recent terrorist attacks

What a wonderful God. Each week we have more people coming regularly to our different activities or to come and pray or meet with Rev Christine. God is at work in wonderful ways.

The second reprint of the cook book is happening. If you are interested in purchasing a cookbook, please contact Lorna asap. Cost $10. They will make a great Christmas Present- and people have already given feedback about some of the recipes and how easy they are to make.

We had an opportunity this week to bring food from The Children’s Hospital at Westmead which was excess from a seminar and take it to Hope Hostel. This is yet another example of how we are building bridges between the congregation and the hospitals and the wider ministry of Parramatta Mission. Not to mention the gifts we bring today for Meals Plus. And don’t forget opportunities to give money for the Angel Tree or for Parramatta Mission Christmas Hampers.

And the possum has been caught. Well one of them. We discovered there was a baby in the cage and the mother was sitting on top. The baby has now been removed and taken to a safe place and we hope to have the mother caught soon so they can be reunited. Who needs bats in the belfry when you can have cute, but very smelly, possums?

We have members of the Fijian Congregation coming to join us on the 29th

November before as many people as possible travel into the city for the People’s Climate March. This is especially important as our brothers and sisters in the Pacific are especially affected by the climate change. Please wear purple and we meet at Pitt Street Uniting Church at 12.00 for a short time of prayer before the march starting at 1.00pm.


Deepening faith Bible Study Mondays from 2.00- 3.30pm

Hospitality and Support

Time Out Café Tuesday and Thursdays 11.00-1.30

Open Door Wednesday 1.00-3.30pm

Tai Chi Fridays 10.00-11.00

Save the date:

1st December- Christmas Carols Concert- with the William Clarke College

Singers- 12.30pm with tea/coffee/cake following


December- Congregation Christmas Party 12-3.00pm

Page 5: Uniting Church Our News Australia - Parramatta MissionFROM PARRAMATTA TO PARIS A special time of prayer and reflection for Paris and the innocent victims of recent terrorist attacks

Pastoral message for this week…..

Love overcomes fear

Items this week— Coffee and long life milk

Parramatta Mission annual Christmas food and gift drive.

Gingerbread House Making Afternoon A great time was had by all who attended and some of those who did it from

home. Thanks to Julie Hamilton for this wonderful yearly event.

Page 6: Uniting Church Our News Australia - Parramatta MissionFROM PARRAMATTA TO PARIS A special time of prayer and reflection for Paris and the innocent victims of recent terrorist attacks

Excerpts from the Gospel of Mark

1:1 The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Mark 8 27 And on the way he began to ask his disciples: “Who do people say that I am?” 28 And they told him saying, “John the Baptist; and others say Elijah, and others that you are one of the prophets.” 29 And he questioned them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter, answering, said to him, “You are the Christ.” 30 And he rebuked them that they might tell no one about him. 31 Jesus began to teach them that it is necessary for the Son of Man to suffer much and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and scribes, and be killed and after three days rise again.

10:7 They brought the colt to Jesus, they threw on it their coats, and he sat on it. 8 And they spread many of their garments on the way and they cut from the fields many leafy branches. 9 And those who went before, and those who went behind cried out, “Hosanna, blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. 10 Blessed is the coming kingdom of our Father David, Hosanna in the highest”.

12: 17 Jesus said to them, Render to Caesar the things of Caesar’s, and to God the things of God.”

12:28 And one of the scribes came and hearing them debating, knowing that Jesus answered them well, questioned him, “What is the first commandment of all?” 29 And Jesus answered, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one, 30 and you shall love the Lord your God out of all your heart, and out of all your soul, and out of all you mind and out of all your strength.’ 31 The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no greater command-ment than these.”

15:24 And they crucified him, and divided his garments, casting a lot on them to decide who might take what. 25 Now it was the third hour and they crucified him. 26 And a notice of the accusation against him had been written, “The king of the Jews.”

16:1 And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome, bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. 5 And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right having been clothed in a white robe, and they were utterly amazed. 6 But he said to them, “Do not be utterly amazed. You seek Jesus, the Nazarene, the one who was crucified. He was raised, he is not here; see the place where they put him. 7 But go tell his disciples and Peter, “He is going before you to Galilee”; you will see him there just as he told you”. 8 And going out they fled from the tomb, for trembling and terror had them; and they told no one nothing for they were afraid. (Translations by Keith Hamilton)

Page 7: Uniting Church Our News Australia - Parramatta MissionFROM PARRAMATTA TO PARIS A special time of prayer and reflection for Paris and the innocent victims of recent terrorist attacks

Reflection This Sunday is the last Sunday of the church year. It is called either Christ the King or Reign of Christ. The church celebrates that the reign of God is coming on earth as it is in heaven. It also celebrates the affirmation of faith that at the end of time, Christ will reign in God. What does this reign look like? We look to the Bible to see what Christians mean by this. What we see is not rule by the end of a gun. Indeed, what we see is not coercion, but self-giving. Mark’s gospel paints a picture of the contrast between fear and faith. We see people trying to make Jesus king by use of force. Indeed, Judas, who betrayed Jesus, was of the Zealot sect who believed that the reign of God would come by force, and clearly he was disillusioned by Jesus’ teaching that that was not the way. In contract law, one of the elements is that the person making a contract does so of their own free will, without coercion. Coercion is different to persuasion. Persuasion is encouragement or exhortation. Coercion is emotional or physical duress, compulsion or force. In the event of coercion, a contract can be made void. It stands to reason that any coercion to force a person to act does not have their “heart” or will. Indeed it is against their will. In any relationship, it is the “winning of the will” that enables a true decision to be made. Often a group will make a forced decision in response to a speaker’s or leader’s coercive pressure, and then later after the meeting fall from that decision. It also happens in one on one meetings, where one person feels they were coerced into a decision, from which they later renounce because the only decision they made was to give into the force for the sake of a false peace. The reign of Christ, which this Sunday celebrates, is in the self-giving of Jesus and summarised in the commandments to love God and love our neighbour. True faith involves freedom to decide. It is an act of the will. We choose as an act of the will whether or not to take up the commandments as a model for life. It is indeed a model in which faith is the opposite of fear, and love is the predominant action. Blessings, Keith Hamilton

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Page 10: Uniting Church Our News Australia - Parramatta MissionFROM PARRAMATTA TO PARIS A special time of prayer and reflection for Paris and the innocent victims of recent terrorist attacks

시드니 조은 교회 Sydney Jo-Eun Church 13-47

이십 육번째 성령강림주일 (26th Pentecost of Sunday)

개회 찬송 (Entrance Hymn) 예배를 위한 묵상

예배의 부름 (Calling) 전현구 목사

송영 (Gloria)

사도신경 신앙고백 (The Apostle’s Creed) …………………………….다함께

찬양/찬송 (Chorus & Hymns)

기도 (Prayer) 다함께


성경 봉독 (Scripture Reading)

말씀 (Preaching)- 전현구 목사

성찬 및 봉헌 찬송 (Holy Communion & Offertory Hymn)

나눔과 알림 (Announcement & Notices)

폐회 찬송 (Final Hymn)

축도 (Benediction) 전현구 담임목사

새 6장 통 2장

새9장 통 53 장

새270장 통214장

마가복음 2:1-12

예수의 문으로 들어가자?

새 635 장 하늘에 계신 우리 아버지

새521장 통253장

수요기도회 :오후 7시


새벽기도회 : 오전6시


QT나눔 & 성경공부

주일 오후4:00

할렐루야! 오늘 함께 예배드린 여러분에게 주님이 주시는 평안이 충만하시길 축복합니다

성령충만함으로 주께서 주신 사명 잘 감당하는 건강한 교회로 세워지길 기도합니다

매일 성경으로 묵상하는 QT를 하고 적용하는 훈련을 합니다.

한 영혼을 구원하는 전도에 자원하는 마음으로 열심히 동참합니다.

하늘에 가득한 영광의 하나님

변찮는 주님의 사랑과

성부 성자 성령께

주일 예배오후 1시

구원으로 인도하는

새502장 통 259장 빛의 사자들이여 어서가서(1)

Page 11: Uniting Church Our News Australia - Parramatta MissionFROM PARRAMATTA TO PARIS A special time of prayer and reflection for Paris and the innocent victims of recent terrorist attacks

People’s Climate March Program

Pacific Island communities wear RED and traditional wear

9.45am: Leigh Fijian join Worship at Westmead Church

11am: Train from Westmead to Town Hall

12pm: P.I communities meeting point at Pitt St Uniting Church

12pm- 12.30pm: Prayer Service @ Pitt St Uniting

12.30pm-1pm: P.I Communities to walk to the Domain

1pm-2pm- PCM Ceremony: Speeches/stories, live music, videos, 1 minute

silence for communities already impacted (packed lunch can be eaten)

2pm: March commences with Smoking Ceremony by Indigenous leader and

didgeridoo music

3pm: March will conclude at the Opera house

After the march: Depart from Circular Quay (via train)

Fijian Congregation

Vunau Vunau Lesi Vunau






29-Nov Westmead 9.45am Church Service - People’s Climate March

06-Dec Inise Foiakau Josefa Foiakau M.2

13-Dec Rev. Keith Fil Kamotu Youth

Other Important Details...

Duration: 1hour (2km walk from the

Domain to the Opera House)

Security: There will be a large police

presence for safety precautions

Transport: Extra public transport is

being negotiated with NSW Transport. If

small buses or other pick is arranged,

Circular Quay is the best pick up point

Bring: hats, water, sunscreen, packed

lunch, poncho (in case it rains)

Page 12: Uniting Church Our News Australia - Parramatta MissionFROM PARRAMATTA TO PARIS A special time of prayer and reflection for Paris and the innocent victims of recent terrorist attacks

Worship Services at Parramatta Mission

Mon to Fri 9.00am - 2.00pm Open Church @ Leigh Memorial

Tuesday 1.10pm Holy Communion @ Leigh

Sunday 9.30am Leigh Memorial Congregation @ Leigh

9.45am Westmead Congregation @ Westmead

11.15am Leigh Fijian Congregation @ Leigh

1.30pm Korean Faith Community @ Leigh

7.00pm Praise, Prayer, Cake & Coffee @ Leigh

Our Congregations are committed to praying for our Congregations, Staff and the People we walk with in their journey of recovery:

India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka

UC congregations of the Cumberland Zone: Dundas/Ermington, Northmead, North Rocks, Carlingford, West Epping, Centenary, Wentworthville, Holroyd, Greystanes, Grantham Heights, Parramatta Mission, Auburn.

For the worship, witness and service of: Wesley Uniting Church Castle Hill The Ministerial team at present 2015 and into the future, The Induction of new Minister (Rev Greg Woolnough) January 2016,The future planning of Wesley Castle Hill Church within the Castle Hill precinct. (Prior to and after the Railway and Castle Towers additions). The Community Connections within the Church congregation.

PM Leigh Fijian: Anare Vocea, Toa Family, Dale & Silo, Kula Diqoliwasa, Niko Balavu and Bera family

PM Leigh Memorial: Frank & Lynn; Ken and Nell. Col. PM Westmead:Naomi, Robyne, Doreen and David, Robyn and Greg, Deidre and

husband, Rajes (Sandra), Phyllis, Billie, Vita, Satik, Nancy, Ashlee, Mrs R, Olivia, Ruth, baby James and family, Robyn and George, Fran and her husband, Michelle and family, Don, Soo Ling and her family, Caroline A, Ashima and Anusha Saxena, Scott and family.

PM UnitingHospitality; UnitingHope; UnitingRecovery; Pray for grace for all, healing and wholeness, wisdom, patience, diligence and fulfilment in work.

For staff: the work on the building redevelopment in Parramatta and renovations at Westmead

Westmead Mission Worker Pastor Trish Rooney Mobile: 0478 301 698

Westmead Congregation Rev Christine Bayliss Kelly 0409 925 607

Westmead Church 175 Hawkesbury Road Westmead: 98919354 Senior Minister/Group CEO Rev Keith Hamilton 0417 487 446 Leigh Memorial Congregation Rev Dr Manas Ghosh 0429 892 548 Leigh Memorial Church 119 Macquarie St Parramatta

Leigh Fijian Congregation: 9891 2277

Church Office: 9891 2277 Email : [email protected]

Prayer Points
