Sunday of the Resurrection Christ is risen, Alleluia, Alleluia! Throughout the Lenten season we have prepared to celebrate the great days of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and into the Easter Vigil. In doing so we experience as our own, the Lord’s Passover, death on the cross and being raised into glory in life that exists for all eternity. The way of Christ has opened before us. Christ welcomes us into being one with God and all creation. The three days of the Triduum are not even enough for such wonder. So the Church gives us fifty days, from Easter Sunday to Pentecost. These days are celebrated “in joyful exultation as one feast day, or better as one ‘great Sunday’.” The weeks are named ‘of’ Easter, not ‘in’ Easter because, unlike Advent or Lent, they do not prepare us for a feast but prolong the celebration of Christ’s resurrection. Every Sunday is to the Christian week what the Easter season is to the liturgical year. Always we celebrate that we are a water- drenched and Spirit-filled people who have passed over into new life in the risen Christ. RCIA: the local Church rejoices with Ethel and Kayla as they are welcomed into full Communion with the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and reception of First Eucharist. Jubilee Parish celebrates joyfully this great occasion and thanks God and these our friends. They inspire us all in our call to be witnesses to the resurrected Christ. The parish is also extremely grateful to their catechists, sponsors and family who have walked with them on this journey. May the good work that God has begun in you, flow through into even greater wonders. Baptisms: Also immersed into the life of Christ this Easter are Maximilien, Henry, Thomas, Isabel, Luca and Alexa. The parish rejoices in this abundance of new life in Christ. Blessings on their parents as they accept the privilege and responsibility of nurturing their children in the faith and love of the Church. Praise God and our liturgists! Jubilee Parish is extremely grateful to all who have worked so hard to energise our worship throughout Holy Week. From Palm Sunday of the Passion of Our Lord, through Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday there has been an enormous amount of planning, organisation and practices. The list involved is large, too large to even attempt naming. THANK YOU! Special notes to the facilitators of the different celebrations, the musicians, and singers who put in extra practices. Easter blessings be with you for your spirited involvement. Parisians and the world in shock and mourning as the Cathedral of Notre Dame was engulfed in flames at the beginning of the week. Many of us have worshipped there and have been inspired by the magnificence of human artistry in giving glory to God. We pray with the people of Paris and France in their grief. And with the flow of these days, pray that the Cathedral can rise from these ashes. Archbishop Mark Coleridge: “Whoever you are, there is some deep chord struck by what has happened at the heart of Paris. Because Notre Dame is not just a sacred space it is Parish Priest Fr Gerry Kalinowski [email protected] Fr Marty Larsen [email protected] Fr Tony Girvan Deacons Rev. Peter Devenish-Meares Rev. Brendan Gormley Jubilee Parish Office 333 Given Terrace, Paddington, 4064 Postal Address Post Office Box 1, Red Hill, Q, 4059 Office Telephone Number: 07 3369 5351 (Office) EMERGENCY Pager Number: 07 3309 1069 Jubilee Parish Website: www.jubileeparish.com Jubilee Parish Email & Newsletter Parish Secretary: Linda Parker [email protected] Baptism & Wedding Information Cathy Currie [email protected] [email protected] Community Services Liaison Sarah Dunlop [email protected] Finance [email protected] Local Safeguarding Representative Ray Orr [email protected] Sacramental Programme Jenny Donnelly [email protected] Youth Coordinator Georgina Devenish-Meares [email protected] Pastoral Associate Gina Clare [email protected] Jubilee Catholic Parish EMBRACING THE COMMUNITIES OF : St Ambrose’s , Newmarket ~ St Brigid’s , Red Hill ~ St Finbarr’s , Ashgrove ~ St Joan of Arc , Herston ~ St Mary Magdalene , Bardon ~ St Thomas More’s , Petrie Terrace ~ Sacred Heart , Rosalie SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION 21 APRIL 2019 (YEAR C) Proper of the Mass First Reading: Acts 10:34, 37-43 Second Reading: Colossians 3:1-4 Response: This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Christ has become our paschal sacrifice; let us feast with joy in the Lord. Alleluia! Gospel: John 1-9 “He is not here, for He has risen. As He said.” Matthew 28:6

Jubilee Catholic Parish · life that exists for all eternity. The way of Christ ... Archdiocese of Paris and the Notre-Dame Paris community,” the Diocese of Parramatta said in a

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Page 1: Jubilee Catholic Parish · life that exists for all eternity. The way of Christ ... Archdiocese of Paris and the Notre-Dame Paris community,” the Diocese of Parramatta said in a



Sunday of the Resurrection

Christ is risen, Alleluia, Alleluia! Throughout the

Lenten season we have prepared to celebrate

the great days of Holy Thursday, Good Friday

and into the Easter Vigil. In doing so we

experience as our own, the Lord’s Passover,

death on the cross and being raised into glory in

life that exists for all eternity. The way of Christ

has opened before us. Christ welcomes us into

being one with God and all creation.

The three days of the Triduum are not even enough for such wonder. So the Church gives

us fifty days, from Easter Sunday to Pentecost. These days are celebrated “in joyful

exultation as one feast day, or better as one ‘great Sunday’.” The weeks are named ‘of’

Easter, not ‘in’ Easter because, unlike Advent or Lent, they do not prepare us for a feast

but prolong the celebration of Christ’s resurrection. Every Sunday is to the Christian week

what the Easter season is to the liturgical year. Always we celebrate that we are a water-

drenched and Spirit-filled people who have passed over into new life in the risen Christ.

RCIA: the local Church rejoices with Ethel and Kayla as they are welcomed into full

Communion with the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation

and reception of First Eucharist. Jubilee Parish celebrates joyfully this great occasion and

thanks God and these our friends. They inspire us all in our call to be witnesses to the

resurrected Christ. The parish is also extremely grateful to their catechists, sponsors and

family who have walked with them on this journey. May the good work that God has begun

in you, flow through into even greater wonders.

Baptisms: Also immersed into the life of Christ this Easter are Maximilien, Henry, Thomas,

Isabel, Luca and Alexa. The parish rejoices in this abundance of new life in Christ.

Blessings on their parents as they accept the privilege and responsibility of nurturing their

children in the faith and love of the Church.

Praise God and our liturgists! Jubilee Parish is extremely grateful to all who have worked

so hard to energise our worship throughout Holy Week. From Palm Sunday of the Passion

of Our Lord, through Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday there

has been an enormous amount of planning, organisation and practices. The list involved

is large, too large to even attempt naming. THANK YOU! Special notes to the facilitators

of the different celebrations, the musicians, and singers who put in extra practices. Easter

blessings be with you for your spirited involvement.

Parisians and the world in shock and mourning as

the Cathedral of Notre Dame was engulfed in flames

at the beginning of the week. Many of us have

worshipped there and have been inspired by the

magnificence of human artistry in giving glory to God.

We pray with the people of Paris and France in their

grief. And with the flow of these days, pray that the

Cathedral can rise from these ashes.

Archbishop Mark Coleridge: “Whoever you are, there is some deep chord struck by what

has happened at the heart of Paris. Because Notre Dame is not just a sacred space it is

Parish Priest Fr Gerry Kalinowski

[email protected]

Fr Marty Larsen [email protected]

Fr Tony Girvan

Deacons Rev. Peter Devenish-Meares

Rev. Brendan Gormley

Jubilee Parish Office

333 Given Terrace, Paddington, 4064

Postal Address

Post Office Box 1, Red Hill, Q, 4059

Office Telephone Number:

07 3369 5351 (Office)

EMERGENCY Pager Number:

07 3309 1069

Jubilee Parish Website:


Jubilee Parish Email & Newsletter

Parish Secretary: Linda Parker

[email protected]

Baptism & Wedding Information

Cathy Currie [email protected]

[email protected]

Community Services Liaison

Sarah Dunlop [email protected]


[email protected]

Local Safeguarding Representative

Ray Orr

[email protected]

Sacramental Programme

Jenny Donnelly

[email protected]

Youth Coordinator

Georgina Devenish-Meares

[email protected]

Pastoral Associate

Gina Clare

[email protected]

Jubilee Catholic Parish


St Ambrose’s, Newmarket ~ St Brigid’s, Red Hill ~ St Finbarr’s, Ashgrove ~ St Joan of Arc, Herston ~

St Mary Magdalene, Bardon ~ St Thomas More’s, Petrie Terrace ~ Sacred Heart, Rosalie


Proper of the Mass First Reading: Acts 10:34, 37-43 Second Reading: Colossians 3:1-4

Response: This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Christ has become our paschal sacrifice; let us feast with joy

in the Lord. Alleluia! Gospel: John 1-9

“He is not here, for He has risen. As He said.” – Matthew 28:6

Page 2: Jubilee Catholic Parish · life that exists for all eternity. The way of Christ ... Archdiocese of Paris and the Notre-Dame Paris community,” the Diocese of Parramatta said in a

Monday 22 April

No Mass (Red Hill)

Tuesday 23 April

Mass (Ashgrove) 6:30am

No Mass (Newmarket)

Wednesday 24 April

Mass (Rosalie) 6:30am

Mass (Bardon) 9:00am

Korean Mass (Rosalie) 10:00am

Thursday 25 April – Anzac Day

Mass (Rosalie) 9:00am

No Mass (Bardon)

Friday 26 April

Mass (Ashgrove) 6:30am

No Mass (Bardon)

Vigil Mass

Saturday 27 April

Mass (Rosalie) 4:30pm

Mass (Ashgrove) 6:00pm

Sunday 28April – 2nd Sunday of


Mass (Herston) 7:30am

Mass (Bardon) 8:00am

Mass (Ashgrove) 8:30am

Mass (Petrie Terrace) 8:30am


Mass (Newmarket) 9:30am

Mass (Red Hill) 10:00am

Mass (Rosalie) 10:00am


Mass (Bardon) 10:30am


Mass (St Paul’s Villa) 10:30am

Mass (Ashgrove) 11:30am


Mass (Rosalie) 5:30pm

Parish Noticeboard 24th April – Baptism Preparation Evening 25th April – Anzac Day Mass Sacred Heart at 9am 27th April – Discernment Retreat 28th April – Feast of Divine Mercy, St Brigid’s Church, Red Hill

1:30pm Mass & Reconciliation – 3pm Benediction

a great Church, but it is also a vast storehouse of human memory. In a moment like this,

prayer rises spontaneously from the heart.”

In a sign of solidarity with the Archdiocese of Paris and the Notre Dame community, St

Patrick’s Cathedral in Parramatta rang its bells at midday yesterday for one minute in prayer

and remembrance. “As a community that has also suffered the destruction of a Cathedral,

the Diocese of Parramatta and St Patrick’s Cathedral stand in solidarity with the

Archdiocese of Paris and the Notre-Dame Paris community,” the Diocese of Parramatta said

in a statement.

A special ANZAC Day Mass will be celebrated at Sacred Heart

Church Rosalie on Thursday April 25th at 9am.

The liturgy will include prayers for those killed, wounded or

affected by war and members of the congregation will be invited

to light a candle for their deceased relatives and friends during

the Prayer of the Faithful.

A brief ANZAC ceremony, including recitation of the Ode, the Last Post, a minute’s silence,

Reveille and wreath laying, will take place after the final blessing.

Morning tea will be shared outside after the service, with plenty of ANZAC biscuits on offer.

We look forward to your joining us at this moving and prayerful way to mark ANZAC Day.

PS Our usual trumpeter is unavailable this year. If you or somebody you know would be

willing and able to play the Last Post and Reveille for us, please contact Elizabeth on

3369 3795.

Thank you to the Korean Community for all the extra work they have put into preparing

Sacred Heart Church for Easter.

THANK YOU; from Fr Gerry, Fr Marty and Deacon Brendan for all your support,

encouragement and Easter gifts. They are truly appreciated. Easter Blessings to you.

Being a Welcoming Community:

Parish Easter season resurrection Introducing ourselves at mass

Step 1: Be awake! Easter Season engaging in being a welcoming community. Step 2: Hospitality is EVERYONE’S responsibility at mass. That includes me. If our Community is going to be welcoming, I am going to be hospitable to those I encounter at mass. Step 3: Be Prepared! Having something safe to say: Name, what’s been happening? How’re you going? Step 4: Be happy! Be sociable and open to greeting those around you.


Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will.

We praise you, we bless you, We adore you, we glorify you, We give you thanks for your great glory,

Lord God, heavenly King, O God, Almighty Father.

Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,

You take away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us; You take away the sins of the world,

receive our prayer;

You are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.

For you alone are the Holy One,

you alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,

with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father.


Apostles Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty,

creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his

only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy


(all bow)

born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under

Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he

descended into hell; on the third day he rose again

from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated

at the right hand of God

the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge

the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

The Jubilee Parish office wishes you all a Happy Easter