PHS NPCC Presbyterian High School National Police Cadet Corps PHS NPCC Unit Newsletter 2015 An Annual Publication by

Unit Newsletter 2015 - WordPress.com · Unit Newsletter 2015 ... 07 Malacca Trip! 09 08 …Till We Meet Again ... We will also meet many more people in life and this trip has shown

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Presbyterian High School

National Police Cadet Corps


Unit Newsletter 2015

An Annual Publication by


In This Issue..

S/N Contents Page

01 OEV Hong Kong 03

02 Unit Hike to HSBC Tree Top Walk 04

03 9th Air Rifle Shooting Competition 06

04 Secondary 1 Orientation Camp 07

05 Youth Celebrate! 07

06 Words from your Senior 08

07 Malacca Trip! 09

08 …Till We Meet Again… 10

09 Awards and Accolades 12

Newsletter Editorial Team Advisor: Insp (NPCC) Muhammad Khairy

Chief Editor: P/H/Insp(NPCC) Lee Hui Ling

Editor: H/Insp (NPCC) Jason Neo

DISCLAIMER: No reproduction of any part of the newsletter is allowed.

Offenders will be severely dealt with.

An annual publication by


OEV Hong Kong 2015

During this Overseas Educational Visit (OEV) to Hong Kong, I faced a lot of challenges. One of which

that plagued my mind was wondering who I could turn to when I needed help, or would the trip be

an enjoyable one since I was the only cadet representing my unit. However, I realised that I had

nothing to worry about. I made many new friends, ones whom I definitely will never ever forget.

This trip to Hong Kong allowed me to better understand the police force in Hong Kong. I visited

places like the Hong Kong Police Headquarters, Hong Kong Police College and even the Police Marine

Port District Headquarters. These are places that not even all Hong Kong citizens can visit and I felt

privileged to be able to learn from them. I can firmly say that the interaction that took place enabled

me to learn so much and inspired me to continue to serve my unit, just like the passionate and

sincere police officers who want to serve members of the public.

Though tiring, I felt truly blessed that I was given a chance to go on this trip. Before this trip, I was

nervous and I did not dare to state my opinion about anything at all. It was because of this trip that

reignited the spark and passion that made me rethink the reason why I joined NPCC in the first place.

At first, I joined NPCC because I saw how tough the training was as compared to other CCAs and so, I

wanted to challenge myself and the general perception that girls are not as strong as boys are. After

this trip, my purpose has now changed. I want to improve the unit in any possible way and make my

cadets my first priority - to make their time in NPCC fun and enriching, and help them become better

people in life. We will also meet many more people in life and this trip has shown me that strong

friendships can be forged despite the short time we have with each other. I have learnt to treasure

time spent with people and be grateful for people who have stayed in my life for a long time and

having such a positive influence on me.

- SSgt(NPCC) Linette Tan



- SSgt(NPCC) Ishida Rika

It was an honour to be given this opportunity to plan the event for the Unit. Since this was the first

event I headed, I was really looking forward to what is to come through this journey planning for an


The First Step

Our Committee started our planning with much ambitions. We envisioned what we would like the

Unit to achieve through this Unit Outing and brainstormed for ideas. Eventually, we decided that the

main activity for this year’s Unit Outing was to hike at MacRitchie Reservoir.

We wanted this event to be fun as we hoped that through this event, our graduating seniors could

take a step back to enjoy themselves after a year of leading the unit. However, through our many

discussions, what seemed like an easy task began to show its difficulty as we start to realise that

there were many factors to take into consideration. This included the safety of the cadets, the

alternative plans if it rains and more. We cannot plan the event on the surface level, but had to

venture deeper into our ideas to ensure that the event can run smoothly.

Once we have started to firm up our idea, we decided to take it on for a test run by going for a recce

trip around MacRitchie Reservoir to understand the surroundings better and improve our plans,

such as the route of the hike and resting point, as well as the final end point where we could conduct

some games. The entire planning phase was difficult, but with the help of the Committee and CIs, we

were able to move on to the next stage of the journey.

The Hike

The day has finally come for us to carry out what we have planned over the past few months. I was

really nervous as we had to put our plans into actions. The Committee members worked together to

ensure that the event ran smoothly by focusing on their own roles. Earlier on in the day, we had to

conduct programme and safety briefing for the cadets and ensured that we had all the logistics

prepared before setting out for the hike at MacRitchie Reservoir.

The hike was tiring and long, but it was heartening to see everyone encouraging each other and

talking to one another to distract and motivate themselves from the exhaustion they are feeling.

Eventually, the whole unit was able to reach the final destination together, where we proceeded

with lunch and some games before the day ended on a high note.


The True Destination

This journey has provided me with a lot of experience and the main takeaway would be the key to

success in planning an event is Teamwork. Together, the Committee had to work through our

differences to plan and execute the event. Also, without our squad mates coming into the picture to

take on different roles such as Group ICs, Food ICs and more, the event would definitely not be able

to proceed on as smoothly. Through this experience, NPCC has shaped me into a better leader that

would help me in many other aspects of my NPCC life.

Unit Hike 2015


Preparations for the event took place before our mid-year examinations. It includes meetings with

our CIs to understand how the event should be run, and pre-empting problems that may occur and

the corresponding solutions to each problem. The whole event consisted of two briefing days before

the competition day. This year, there were overwhelming responses from other units, applying to

participate in our competition. In total, we accepted 19 units, amounting to more than 200

participants for the event – the most number of participants since this competition started eight

years ago.

The first briefing day for the participants soon came and we realised that things did not go as we

pictured it to be; it was rather disorganised. With this experience, we were better prepared for the

next briefing day and everything was went more smoothly.

On the day of the competition, the Sec two cadets were tasked to help out as Lane ICs. The

additional manpower lightened the load of the CLs, especially when everyone was doing the task to

the best of their ability. This also gave us an opportunity to get to know our squad mates and juniors

better. Looking back on the day, I am glad that we had pre-empted most of the problems prior to

the event. This enabled us to work as a team to overcome the obstacles together during the


I have learnt that regardless of the job position that you are tasked with in a planning committee,

everyone plays an integral part for the team to work effectively. The success of this event would not

have been possible without the help of our juniors, my squad mates, the Instructors and Officers.

-SSgt(NPCC) Bon Lainell Ong Jun Wei



Understanding behind the scenes from the Camp Chief…

This has been a memorable experience as I learnt a lot from being the camp chief. The entire process

from planning to execution, I encountered many challenges due to the lack of time management as I

did not have any prior experience to event planning. This made the preparation of the proposal even

tougher. However, with the help of my instructors, I managed to overcome and learnt a lot.

The help from my squad mates also made the experience much more enjoyable. I really appreciated

their help by coming along with the Committee to purchase logistics required, especially when I tend

to forget the places where the logistics should be purchased from. This is definitely one of the most

memorable moments of the event where I got to spend more time with my squad mates.

- SSgt(NPCC) Chen Ying

Knowing how it all came together from your Assistant Camp Chief…

One of the challenges I faced when planning the camp was to brainstorm for ideas for the games as

they had to be comprehensive yet fun for the cadets to play. During our discussions, there were

disagreements and disputes over how the camp should be conducted but we were able to talk things

out by communicating properly and patiently. Thankfully, our hard work paid off as the cadets

enjoyed the games planned.

Campfire was an activity that it did not go as planned. Even through various reviews, the

performances and song sessions completed much faster than we expected. Critical thinking was

required right on the spot about what we can do at the last minute while the emcees were holding

the fort in front of the audiences. We definitely panicked for a moment but were glad that we could

manage the situation and allowed the Cadets to enjoy thoroughly during the campfire.

- Sgt(NPCC) Loh Yu Hong

Youth Celebrate! is a youth event held at Singapore Sports Hub as part of the nation’s SG50

celebrations and to be able to participate in the Combined Uniform Group Freestyle Drill

Performance was indeed an enriching experience. Freestyle drill is unlike what we practice during

weekly trainings in the Unit, and for 250 cadets from various uniformed groups to perform together,

it definitely posed a challenge. Over the course of the trainings, I made many friends as well. I

definitely feel proud to be part of this event and perform in front of such a large audience crowd.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of this!

-Cpl(NPCC) Kevin Lim

Youth Celebrate!


MALACCA TRIP! NPCC and NCDCC cadets took part in a 3 Days 2 Nights Malacca

learning journey between 26th to 28th May 2015 this year. The

objective is for us to understand the history and cultural diversity in

the region, and foster camaraderie between NPCC and NCDCC. Being my

first overseas trip with the school, this has definitely been an enriching experience for me.

Our journey to Malacca included various stops at tourists attractions such as the Pineapple Farm,

Gula Melaka Cottage industry, Sarang Buaya Agricultural station where we saw things we would

never see in Singapore such as cocoa and oil palm plantation, rubber tapping and planting tapioca.

We also got the opportunity to try some simple local games such as Congkak and Gasing.

The second day of the trip was catered for a CIP activity. After a sumptuous buffet breakfast at the

Ramadan Hotel, we made our way to Kasih Sayang Angel Charity Home where we spent the day with

the children there. The children were initially shy and kept away from us and were only friendly with

us after some warming up activities. We were then tasked to do different jobs such as weeding and

painting the doors of the children’s room. As most of us had not painted before, the task proved to

be more difficult than it appeared to be and at the end of the day, it seemed like we have painted

ourselves over instead! Paint was all over our hands, faces and even T-shirts! Despite so, this has

been a meaningful and enriching day for us.

The final day was the time for us to return back to Singapore and we went sightseeing along the way.

I do hope that the school will organise more of such overseas trip for cadets to join!

- Sgt(NPCC) Png Yi Wei Jonas


The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or

touched; they must be felt with the heart. –Helen Keller. And to me,

friendships are one of those beautiful things. The bonds forged with my

squad mates during my secondary school years will never and can

never be forgotten. Etched in my heart were those joyous and

heart-warming moments I spent with them- when we worked

together to attain the desired timing to pitch up a tent, when we

lift up our legs simultaneously to give a cohesive “bang”, when we

sang the campfire songs out loud, when we received the SPF

badges, etc. And surprisingly, even tough moments are memorable!

Of course, I am not saying that scolding and punishments were

enjoyable, but rather, what must truly be appreciated is the fact

that the squad had endured those times together and that we had

encouraged and supported one another regardless.

Yet, besides joyous and happy moments, there will be a time when all of us as students struggle, especially with the increasing workload, the stress from all the tests and examinations and more significantly, the increasing commitments from CCAs as we change our role from followers to leaders. A lot more time and effort will be required and at certain juncture, one might feel drained out. I struggled a little as well, during the last year of my secondary school life, due to the collective stress resulted from both studies and CCA. Proposals that were to be submitted; competitions that were coming up; homework to be done; tests and examinations that were nearing, all these left me burnt-out. But what helped me to overcome such difficulties were the ever encouraging squad mates, teachers and friends. “Jiayou!”, “Endure!”, “You can do it, a little bit more”, “Are you okay?” such words that were said to me during difficult times might seem insignificant to others, but they are words with strength that reassured and motivated me. Therefore, remember to always reach out for help if you are not coping well and always encourage one another because words are powerful!

When facing any difficulties, be it in CCA or studies, have faith in your abilities and always be optimistic. There will be days where everything seems to go wrong but always remind yourself that nothing is impossible as the word itself already says “I’m possible”. Also, do not be fearful to make mistakes as mistakes are what enable us to learn. It is all in the mind, it is a matter of attitude and of changing your mindset, so believe in yourself and take the first step. Lastly, in the midst of all these, do not forget to rest as well and take good care of one another!

- Low Oi Zhen, Station Inspector (NPCC)

Graduated in 2014 as a

Station Inspector of the unit

SPF-NPCC Badge Awardee

CCA Points – A1

GCE ‘O’ Levels 3 pointer

Currently a student at Raffles

Institution Junior College

Love watching dramas,

reading, and going around to

eat good food!!




This year, we bid farewell to two valued teachers from the unit. ASP (NPCC) Chin Kean Kean, whom

had served the Unit since 2007, will be posted to another school to further her career. Alongside her,

INSP (NPCC) Tan Jia Yi, whom had served the unit since 2010 will be stepping down as well. Many

felt sad upon hearing the news that both officers will be stepping down.

Ms Chin Kean Kean is an inspiring officer who is well loved by many in the unit. She

is passionate about the CCA and serve to the best of her abilities. Her unwavering

support to the training and development of the cadets has impacted their life positively.

I have been in the unit since 2007, that’s some 9 years ago. I have witnessed many

batches of Cadets, CIs, HOs and TOs come and go and have many interesting experiences

to share. Though I am not the longest serving officer in the unit, I am glad that my journey

as a Teacher Officer (TO) has been spent engaging the cadets and instructors positively and

contributed to the unit’s Gold Award in UOPA. Any person familiar with this trade would know that

this is no easy accomplishment.

I remember the time where I had to cover duties while the OC Unit was away on maternity leave. I

had to oversee to the full daily operation of the Unit and at the same time ensure the well-being of

all in the Unit. However, I was very privileged to have the assistance and support from all my other


I feel one should be thankful for the kinds of opportunities received in life. I am grateful to PHS and

the people in this unit that have made my journey in NPCC a memorable and enriching one.

I am happy to see Hui Ling and Desmond who came into PHS through Direct School Admission (DSA)

as NPCC cadets and become CIs later on. I am also overjoyed to see our cadets Jason and Hui Ling

who went on further to become HOs to serve the Unit and I must say they have also matured into

fine young man and woman respectively. I would also like to thank our CCA HOD, Mr Ruminathan,

OC Unit, Mrs Joyce Yeo for believing in me and guiding me when I first took on the role as the unit’s

DyOC till 2015. I am indeed fortunate to have such good mentors like them.

To my HOs and CIs past and present, some of whom I have worked side by side for many years and

we still remain as friends after so long, I am very happy for the accomplishments you have made for

yourselves after graduating from the unit.

To my cadets past and present, I hope that I have made a difference in your lives as you have indeed

made a positive difference to mine. I will remember the times where I accompanied you for the

courses, competitions, camps and more.

Last but not least, as we celebrate the unit’s past achievements, I would like to wish the unit well on

the journey ahead.

ASP (NPCC) Chin Kean Kean, Deputy OC (2007 – 2015)


Ms Tan Jia Yi is a caring and committed Teacher Officer (TO) in PHS. Alike many other officers,

she looks after the welfare and development of the cadets. She is well respected and loved by all.

My 4.5 years in NPCC as a TO had given me various valuable opportunities to understand and

experience this wonderful CCA. I would like to thank to my fellow TOs (Mrs Yeo, Ms Chin, Mr Phua,

Mr Khairy and Mr Toh) as well as Honorary Officer and Cadet Inspectors (Jason, Hui Ling, Syafiqah,

Franco, Jeremy, Bruce and Desmond) for your support and for introducing me into the NPCC culture

in my beginning years.

The strict and caring culture in PHS NPCC helps to instil values, discipline, life skills and thinking skills.

Training can be tough for the cadets, but with the help of squad mates’ encouragement and their

strong bonding, I observed that the cadets showed strong determination and perseverance to carry

on. As a TO, I’m truly proud of their achievement! In my heart, these cadets had grown stronger and

you are champions! To all cadets, especially my dearest squad (Sec 4 2015), always

remember this Chinese saying “先苦后甜” which translates to “endure the hardship first and

you will reap the fruits of the labour later.”

Lastly, I wish the NPCC unit will continue to grow and glow in its future endeavour.

- INSP (NPCC) Tan Jia Yi, Teacher Officer (2010 – 2015)

At the same time, we bid farewell to Cadet Inspector Franco Mah, who has been serving in the Unit for the past 5 years (2010 – 2015). Ever since he joined PHS NPCC in 2006 as a secondary one cadet,

he has been an inspiring young man. If you go around asking the cadets how they would

describe Franco, you will definitely hear words like Fierce, Funny, Motivational,

Professional, and many more! How can anyone be fierce yet funny and professional at the same time? Yes, He can! He is a role model for many (then and now) and he

definitely left a legend that many would miss. Thank You FRANCO SIR!

From cadet days

To army days

To a fine

young adult


Awards And Accolades

SPF - NPCC Badge Awardees

The SPF-NPCC Badge is the most prestigious badge that a cadet can achieve.

Only 155 cadets across all NPCC Units were awarded this badge in 2015.

SI(NPCC) Chye Renyi, Ashleigh SSgt(NPCC) Jen Han Yen

SI(NPCC) May Soh Yong Qi SSgt(NPCC) Khoo Yong Seng SSgt(NPCC) Aloysius Chia Zi En SSgt(NPCC) Liong Yi En Ian SSgt(NPCC) Amelia Chiam Huan Hua SSgt(NPCC) Samuel Seow Wei Jian

SSgt(NPCC) Chong Jia An SSgt(NPCC) Tang Zhuo Xin Immanuel SSgt(NPCC) Guo Yuan Jia SSgt(NPCC) Zhou Xin Wei

Best Unit Cadets

SSgt (NPCC) Chen Ying

SSgt (NPCC) Linette Tan Hui En

Promotion of Cadet Inspectors

To Senior Cadet Inspectors w.e.f 01 October 2015

SCI (NPCC) Lee Hui Ling

SCI (NPCC) Nur Syafiqah Bte Shaari