Unit 8 - All Contents

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Active VoiceActive Voice

Passive VoicePassive Voice


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We use the active form to saye use the active form to saywhat the subject does.hat the subject does.

For example:or example:

I speak English every day atspeak English every day at


I repaired the flat tire on the car.repaired the flat tire on the car.

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Passive Voiceassive Voice

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We use the passive form to say whate use the passive form to say whathappens to people and things, to sayappens to people and things, to say

what is done to them.hat is done to them.

For example:or example:English is spoken here.nglish is spoken here.

The car is being repaired.he car is being repaired.

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We use the passive form when wee use the passive form when wedon't know who did the action.on't know who did the action.

For example:or example:

The car was damaged while ithe car was damaged while itwas parked on the street.as parked on the street.

The shirts were made in Turkey.he shirts were made in Turkey.

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We use the passive form when whate use the passive form when whatwas done is more important thanas done is more important than

who did it.ho did it.For example:or example:

It was approved by Gerry last week.t was approved by Gerry last week.

I was informed by the Humanwas informed by the HumanResources Manager only two daysesources Manager only two days


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Passive Voice in Different TensesPassive Voice in Different Tenses


designed.had beenhad beenThe car/cars

Past perfect

designed.werewasThe car/carsPast

designed.have beenhas beenThe car/carsPresent perfect




are being


is being

The car/cars

The car/


Present Simple


Plural VerbSingular Verb


Helping VerbSubjectTenses

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Passive Voice in Different TensesPassive Voice in Different Tenses


designed.might bemight beThe car/



designed.should beshould beThe car/cars


designed.must bemust beThe car/carsmust

designed.can becan beThe car/cars




are going tobe

will be

is going to be

will be

The car/cars

The car/cars

be going to

will (Future)

Plural VerbSingular Verb


Helping VerbSubjectTenses

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A prefix is a group of lettersprefix is a group of letters

which you can add to thehich you can add to thebeginning of a root word* toeginning of a root word* to

change the meaning of thehange the meaning of theword.ord.

e.g..g. misis + fortune = misfortunefortune = misfortune

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** A root word A root word stands on its own as astands on its own as aword but you can make new wordsword but you can make new words

 from it by adding beginnings from it by adding beginnings(prefixes) and endings (suffixes).(prefixes) and endings (suffixes).

For example, 'comfort' is a root word.For example, 'comfort' is a root word.By adding the prefix ' By adding the prefix ' dis dis ' and the ' and the 

suffix 'able' you can make new words suffix 'able' you can make new words such as 'discomfort' and 'comfortable'.such as 'discomfort' and 'comfortable'.

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[wrong orbadly]





utterly ]







Prefixes Word Listsrefixes Word Lists

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outer, over,superior,excessive]

Prefixes Word Listsrefixes Word Lists

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immatureaturem unkindindn

Wordoot Wordrefix

1. Generally when you add a prefix to a root word* the. Generally when you add a prefix to a root word* the

spelling of the prefix and the root words stays the same.pelling of the prefix and the root words stays the same.

Adding prefixes to root wordsdding prefixes to root words

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When you add a prefix to a root word the spelling ofboth usually stays the same, although when theprefix 'all' is added to a root word the final 'l' of 'all'is dropped.

all + together = altogetherall + ways = always


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Wordoot Wordrefix

2. With some root words more than one type of prefix. With some root words more than one type of prefixmay be added to give the word different meanings.ay be added to give the word different meanings.

Adding prefixes to root wordsdding prefixes to root words

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Wordoot Wordrefixrefix

3. Sometimes you can add more than one prefix to aword at the same time.

Adding prefixes to root wordsdding prefixes to root words

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Worduffixoot Wordrefix

4. You can also add a prefix to a word which already has. You can also add a prefix to a word which already hasa suffix* added to it.suffix* added to it.

Adding prefixes to root wordsdding prefixes to root words

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unconscious, unusual, uncommon,unbelievable, unselfish, unreliable,unambitious, unhelpful

disappear, dishonest, disorganised, disloyal


impossible, impatient, impolite, immature

incorrect, inconsiderate, informal,insensitive

irresponsible, irregular







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A suffix is a word ending. Itsuffix is a word ending. Itis a group of letters you cans a group of letters you can

add to the end of a root word*dd to the end of a root word*

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Usually when you add a suffix to asually when you add a suffix to aroot word the spelling of both stays theoot word the spelling of both stays the

same:ame:e.g. care +.g. care + fulul = carefulcareful

Suffix Spelling Rulesuffix Spelling Rules - Double Lettersouble Letters

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But there are several important groups of wordsut there are several important groups of wordswhere the spelling of the root word changes whenhere the spelling of the root word changes whenyou add a suffix.ou add a suffix.

Sometimes the spelling changes because of theometimes the spelling changes because of the

'Doubling' rules.Doubling' rules.

Suffix Spelling Rulesuffix Spelling Rules - Double Lettersouble Letters

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1] For most short (one syllable) words that end in a] For most short (one syllable) words that end in asingle consonantingle consonant (anything but 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u')anything but 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u') yououneed to double the last letter when you add a suffix:eed to double the last letter when you add a suffix:

e.g. run +.g. run + ingng = runningrunningsun + y = sunnyun + y = sunny

If the word ends with more than one consonant, youf the word ends with more than one consonant, youdon'ton't double the last letter:ouble the last letter:

e.g. pump +.g. pump + edd = pumpedpumped

sing +ing + ingng = singingsinging

Suffix Spelling Rulesuffix Spelling Rules - Double Lettersouble Letters

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2] For most longer (more than one syllable)words that end in 'l' you need to double the 'l'when you add the suffix:

e.g. travel + ing = travellingcancel + ed = cancelled

Suffix Spelling Rulesuffix Spelling Rules - Double Lettersouble Letters

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3] For most longer (more than one syllable) words that have the] For most longer (more than one syllable) words that have the

stress on the last syllable when you say them AND end in atress on the last syllable when you say them AND end in asingle consonantingle consonant (anything but 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u')anything but 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u') you need toou need todouble the last letter:ouble the last letter:

e.g. begin +.g. begin +


= beginnerbeginner

prefer +refer + ingng = preferringpreferring

If the word has more than one syllable and ends in a singlef the word has more than one syllable and ends in a single

consonant, but the stress isn't on the last syllable, then youonsonant, but the stress isn't on the last syllable, then you don'ton'tneed to double the last letter before adding a suffix:eed to double the last letter before adding a suffix:e.g. offer +.g. offer + ingng = offeringoffering

benefit +enefit + edd = benefitedbenefited

Suffix Spelling Rulesuffix Spelling Rules - Double Lettersouble Letters

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4] If you have a word ending in a consonant and] If you have a word ending in a consonant anda suffix starting in a consonant, you don't needsuffix starting in a consonant, you don't needto double the last letter of the word:o double the last letter of the word:

e.g..g. enrolnrol + mentent = enrolmentenrolmentcommit +ommit + mentent = commitmentcommitment

Suffix Spelling Rulesuffix Spelling Rules - Double Lettersouble Letters

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'y' to 'i' ruley' to 'i' rule

When you add a suffix to a word which ends in ahen you add a suffix to a word which ends in aconsonant followed by a 'y', change the 'y' to 'i'.onsonant followed by a 'y', change the 'y' to 'i'.

e.g. The word 'happy' ends in '.g. The word 'happy' ends in 'pyy'..

When you add the suffix 'hen you add the suffix 'nessess', change the 'y' to 'i' to, change the 'y' to 'i' tomake the word happiness:ake the word happiness:

happy +appy + nessess = happiness.happiness.

More suffix spelling rulesore suffix spelling rules

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Exceptions to the rule.xceptions to the rule.

If you are adding the suffix 'f you are adding the suffix 'ingng' to a word ending into a word ending in

'y', keep the 'y'.y', keep the 'y'.e.g. The word 'copy' ends in '.g. The word 'copy' ends in 'pyy'..

When you add 'hen you add 'ingng' the 'y' doesn't change to an 'i'the 'y' doesn't change to an 'i'because you would have 2 'ecause you would have 2 'i's's together:ogether:

copy +opy + ingng = copying.copying.

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Silent 'e' ruleilent 'e' rule

When you add a 'y' or a suffix which starts with a vowelhen you add a 'y' or a suffix which starts with a vowel(a,e,i,o,u,e,i,o,u) to a word which ends in a silent 'e', drop the silent 'e'.to a word which ends in a silent 'e', drop the silent 'e'.

Silent 'e' words are ones that end with a consonant and have anilent 'e' words are ones that end with a consonant and have an 'e'e'at the end, such as hope, like, love. If you say the word to yout the end, such as hope, like, love. If you say the word to yourselfselfyou don't really hear the 'e' at the end.ou don't really hear the 'e' at the end.

e.g. The word 'noise' ends in a silent 'e'..g. The word 'noise' ends in a silent 'e'.

When you add the suffix 'y', the 'e' is dropped to make the wordhen you add the suffix 'y', the 'e' is dropped to make the word,noisy:oisy:

noise + y = noisy.oise + y = noisy.

More suffix spelling rulesore suffix spelling rules

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The word 'like' ends in a silent 'e'.he word 'like' ends in a silent 'e'.

When you add the suffix 'hen you add the suffix 'ingng', the 'e' is dropped to make, the 'e' is dropped to makethe word, liking:he word, liking:like +ike + ingng = liking.liking.

Exceptions to the rule.xceptions to the rule.If a word ends in 'f a word ends in 'cee', or ', or 'gee', keep the 'e' if you add a, keep the 'e' if you add asuffix beginning with either an 'a', or an 'o'. (This isuffix beginning with either an 'a', or an 'o'. (This is

done to keep the 'c' or 'g' sounding soft.)one to keep the 'c' or 'g' sounding soft.)e.g. The word 'peace' ends in '.g. The word 'peace' ends in 'cee'..

When you add on the suffix 'able' the silent 'e' is kept tohen you add on the suffix 'able' the silent 'e' is kept to

make the word, peaceable: peace + able = peaceableake the word, peaceable: peace + able = peaceable

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NB: All these rules also apply to words whichB: All these rules also apply to words whichhave a prefix before the root word.ave a prefix before the root word.

For example if you add the suffix 'or example if you add the suffix 'nessess' to theto theroot word 'unhappy' you would still change theoot word 'unhappy' you would still change the'y' to 'i': un + happy +y' to 'i': un + happy + nessess = unhappinessunhappiness

More suffix spelling rulesore suffix spelling rules

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1] Adding '] Adding '-tionion'

Adding 'dding 'tionion' to a root word can change the word fromto a root word can change the word froma verb (action word) to a noun (name of person, placeverb (action word) to a noun (name of person, placeor thing):r thing):

e.g. inject (verb) +.g. inject (verb) + tionion = injection (noun)injection (noun)instruct (verb) +nstruct (verb) + tionion = instruction (noun)instruction (noun)

Sometimes the spelling changes slightly between theometimes the spelling changes slightly between the

verb and the noun. The important thing is that youerb and the noun. The important thing is that youcan see that the verb and noun are related in meaning.an see that the verb and noun are related in meaning.

e.g. relax (verb) +.g. relax (verb) + tionion = relaxation (noun)relaxation (noun)

describe (verb) +escribe (verb) + tionion = description (noun)description (noun)

From Verbs to Nouns...rom Verbs to Nouns...

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2] Adding '] Adding '-sionion'

Adding 'dding 'sionion' to a root word can also change the wordto a root word can also change the wordfrom a verb (action word) to a noun (name of person,rom a verb (action word) to a noun (name of person,place or thing).lace or thing).

Note again that the spelling often changes slightly.ote again that the spelling often changes slightly.The important thing is that you can see that the verbhe important thing is that you can see that the verb

and noun are related in meaning:nd noun are related in meaning:e.g. confuse (verb) +.g. confuse (verb) + sionion = confusion (noun)confusion (noun)

explode (verb) +xplode (verb) + sionion = explosion (noun)explosion (noun)

discuss (verb) +iscuss (verb) + sionion = discussion (noun)discussion (noun)

From Verbs to Nouns...rom Verbs to Nouns...

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Use this when:se this when:

The root word ends in 'he root word ends in 'ndd' (extend(extend - extension), 'xtension), 'vertert'


- conversion), 'de' (decideonversion), 'de' (decide

- decision), or 'ecision), or '


'(admitadmit - admission).dmission).

From Verbs to Nouns...rom Verbs to Nouns...

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When a word ends with the suffix 'hen a word ends with the suffix '-cianian' youyoucan tell that the word is talking about a personan tell that the word is talking about a personand what they do for a living.nd what they do for a living.

e.g. music +.g. music + cianian = musicianmusicianpolitic +olitic + cianian = politicianpolitician

mathematics +athematics + cianian =mathematicianathematician


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