Unit 6 Reading I

Unit 6 Reading I What did you hear? the scene of the crime murder The sound of a police car

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Unit 6 Reading I

What did you hear?

the scene of the scene of the crimethe crime


The sound of a police car.

check the scene for clues

a knife, a gun, footprints, fingerprints, some hair, evidence of struggle/fight, …

talk to someone

something unusual they saw or heard

the witnesses

the victim’s friends/workmatesthe victim’s unusual behaviors victim’s enemies

The clues will lead to the arrest of the murderers.

The police

arrested the murderers.

Skim and answer the questions

1.Who was murdered?

2.How many suspects do the police have now?

3.Who has offered a reward of ¥ 50,000 for any information?

A 22-year-old computer programmer.

Only one.

The victim’s parents.

Read the text once again and answer some more questions.

Paragraph One:1.Where did the murder happen?

2.Where was the body found?

In Valley Town.

In the doorway of a clothes shop In Valley Town.

3.What could the police confirm?

4.What was the young man last seen doing ?

5.Who was he going to see?

They confirmed the victim was a computer programmer.

He was leaving his office in New Town at about 7:p.m.

He was going to visit his parents.

Paragraph 2: 1 When did the murder happen?

Between 9 yesterday evening and 1 this morning.

2 Are the police sure that the victim was killed at the place where he was found?

No, they aren’t.

Paragraph 3:

1 Who are the police asking to contact them?

2 What are the police particularly interested in?

Anyone who saw anything unusual last night.

They’re interested in hearing from anyone who saw anything unusual near Upper Street.

3.What was the murdered man attacked with?

4.There wasn’t any evidence of a struggle, was there?

A knife.

Yes, there was.

Paragraph 4:

1 Did the man try to fight off his attacker (s)?

2 Was there only one attacker?

3 What are the police doing now?

Yes, he did.

No, we are not sure. Maybe there was more than one attacker.

They are checking the scene for fingerprints and other clues.

Paragraph 5,6:

1 What are the police also interested in?

2 Did the man have many friends?

3 In the past , the victim was guilty of computer crimes, right?

4 What was he charged with?

They’re also interested in knowing if the victim had any enemies.

Yes, he did.

Yes, he was.

He was charged with breaking into several computer systems over the last year.

Paragraph 7,8:1 What does the suspect look like?

2 What did a witness report?

3 Did the suspect have evidence to

prove he was not guilty?

He is short and thin.

He reported that the suspect was breathing heavily and had blood on his


Yes, he did.

4 What have the victim’s parents offered?

5.How can people contact the police if they know any information?

A reward of 50,000yuan.

They can contact the police on 5550 1212.

Here is the detective’s report, please help him complete it.

A young man was m_________ in Valley Town. The body was f_____ in the doorway of a clothes shop. The v_______ was a computer programmer who worked in New Town. When he l_____ his office, he sai d he was




going to visit his parents. The murder t______ place between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. last night. The victim was killed w______ a knife and there was evidence of a s_______ . We are checking the scene for f______________ , which will help us find the murderer.




A witness saw a man running down Upper Street with b_____ on his shirt. But the man said that he was not g______ .



Thank you !

Good bye!