Unit 6 Migrati Unit 6 Migrati on on By Peng Zhenz By Peng Zhenz hu hu Nov., 10, 200 Nov., 10, 200 8 8

Unit 6 Migration By Peng Zhenzhu Nov., 10, 2008

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Unit 6 Migration By Peng Zhenzhu Nov., 10, 2008. Ⅰ Lead-in. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Unit 6 Migration

    By Peng Zhenzhu Nov., 10, 2008


  • Lead-inSince the dawn of human evolution, people have been on the move. A migration may be between countries or within countries. Individuals, families, or groups of people may leave a country voluntarily or involuntarily for various reasons. The spread and mix of people of different cultures and ethnic origins has added to the diversity of every country in the world.

  • Warm-up Vocabulary studyDirections: Work with your partner to match the words in the left column with their exact meanings in the right column.

  • Migrationmovement of people from one place to anotherAssimilationintegrating into a new placeRepulsionforcing people to leave a place and become an exile.Immigrationsettling in a foreign countryRefugeean individual who seeks protection in another country.Emigrationleaving a country to live in anotherInvasion taking a place by forceColonizationstarting a territory in a previously occupied land

  • Listen and SpeakSection One Task 1 Listening inDialogueDialogue with JonesDirections: Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions(P.85).

  • Section oneMonologueLabor MigrationDirections: Listen to the monologue and fill the blanks.Words and expressions:Prominent: adj.; Stagnation: n.Auspices: n. Permanent: adj., circular: adj.

  • Labor migration from rural to urban areas has emerged as a prominent phenomenon in China since the mid-1980s after decades of stagnation. Before then, the household registration system had successfully confined the population to the place of birth. Rural to urban migration only occurred at an extremely small scale under the auspices of the government. Since the mid-1980s, a large number of migrants have successfully entered cities without official approval. Although there is no accurate estimation of the scale of migration, it is commonly believed that tens of million rural migrants are residing in cities without the permanent status required to be there, and a large proportion of these people are circular migrants, that is to say, they move back and forth frequently.

  • Task 2 speaking out Role-play (P.86)Make up short conversations based on the following roles and situations. Try to use the expressions offered.Situation 1: Father/ Mother/ Son/DaughterUseful expressionsexcessively high education costsHigh tuition fees for non-local students (fees to study at a school away from the child's registered permanent residence)supporting fees (which migrant workers are required to pay before sending their children to urban public schools)children who are left-behind Section One

  • Task 2 Speaking out Role-play (P.86)Situation 2: Migrant workers / Guangzhou Residents

    The number of migrant workers in Guangdong is estimated at 26.2 million. About 60 percent to 65 percent of the migrant workers wanted to return home for family reunions during the Spring Festival, the traditional Chinese Lunar New Year

  • Dialogue between migrant workers and Guangzhou residents

  • Useful expression for situation 2labor shortage in big citiesenjoying equal residency rightslow wages, heavy workload and poor working conditionsthe establishment of an equal social security systemresidence registration certificates

  • Section Two Desperate JourneyTask 1 listening inListening--News Report 1Desperate JourneyListen to the news and do the exercises on P.88

  • Word tipscavernous: adj. (of a space or hole) very large and deep scheme: vi. to make clever dishonest plans ,stipend: n. a sum of money allotted on a regular basis; usually for some specific purpose converge: vi. (of two or more things) to come together towards the same point ()asphyxiation: n. suffocation. electrocute: vi. kill with electricity undercarriage: n. framework that serves as a support for the body of a vehicle (), , wand: n. a thin supple twig or rod ()

  • Section TwoTask 2 Speaking outA. Group Discussion: Form groups of four and discuss the questions below

    Talk about and compare the migration history of your family. Trace your ancestors and their travels to other countries or other areas of the country. Discuss their motivations of relocation.

    Where would you like to move to after graduation from college? List the reasons why you would like to move there.

  • Section TwoB. Role-playSituation: Having obtained your masters degree in America, you have been offered several job opportunities. Originally, you planned to go back home and find a job in China. Now, you are quite hesitant about whether to stay in America or go back to China. You turn to your parents for advice. Your parent insist that you have more opportunities in China and you should go back to stay with them. Finally, you make your decision after discussing the situation with your parents.Role A: the studentRole B: the father or mother

  • Section Three Friction on ImmigrationTask 1 Listening in News Report 2Friction on ImmigrationListen to the news and do the exercises on p. 91

  • Word Tipsfriction: n. unfriendliness and disagreement caused by two opposing wills or different sets of opinion, ideas, or natures rally: n. a large esp.political public meeting () alpine: adj. of the Alps or other high mountains ignite: vi. to start to burn caption: n. words printed above or below a picture, newspaper article, etc., to say what it is about or give further information. inundate: vi. (often pass) to flood over in large amounts, esp. so as to cover influx: n. (usu. sing.) the esp. sudden arrival of large numbers or quantities ()

  • Section ThreeDirections: Divide the class into two large groups and debate about the statement Should China limit its talents emigration?The pro side: China should limit its talents emigrationThe con side: China should not limit its talents emigration

  • What is brain drain/ brain gainBrain drain or human capital flight is a large emigration of individuals with technical skills or knowledge, normally due to conflict, lack of opportunity, or political instability. A brain drain is usually regarded as an economic cost, since emigrants usually take with them the fraction of value of their training sponsored by the government. The converse phenomenon is brain gain, which occurs when there is a large-scale immigration of technically qualified persons.

  • Since China began market economic reforms in the late 70s, many Chinese began migrating to countries Western Europe and North America. It is estimated that only 30 percent of the 100 000 Chinese students who study abroad annually return to China. The fact is there are many more job opportunities, higher standard of living and education opportunities for Chinese living abroad. As China continues to expand and accelerate market reforms, it faces massive shortage of professionals and also having to compete with western countries for experts.

  • Debate: Should China limit its talents emigration?

    Pro side: China should limit its talents emigration.

    Con side: China shouldnt limit its talents emigrationOpening statement Pro side: 2 minutes Con side: 2 minutesFirst Rebuttal Pro side: 2 minutes Con side: 2 minutesSecond Rebuttal Pro side: 2 minutes Con side:2 minutesThird Rebuttal Pro side: 2 minutes Con side: 2 minutesClosing statement Pro side: 2 minutes Con side: 2 minutes

  • Further Listening Further Listening (News Report 3Immigration to America)

  • Word Tipsapall: vt. to shock deeply; fill with fear, hatred, terror, etc. persecution: n. persistent mistreatment of an individual/group by another groupsenator: n. a member of the senate. awesome: adj. expressing or causing feelings of awe chaos: n. state of complete and thorough disorder and confusion

  • Enrichment Reading

    Immigration and Culture Diversity