Unit 4 Business Plan

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  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    ow to Prepare a

    W inning Business P lan

    Preparing a Business Plan

    Patterns of Entrepreneurship

    Chapter 4

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    Purp se f a Business Plan

    Attracts Investors

    Evaluates Feasibility of Business Concept

    Serves as an Operating Guide

    Attracts Potential Business Partners and KeyEmployees

    Attracts Potential Customers and Suppliers

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    Business Plan Devel pment Guide

    Outline: !e E"ecutive Summary

    Business #escription $ar%et Analysis

    !e $anagement eam


    Critical &is%s !e Financial Pro'ections


  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    The Executive Summary

    Objective: Capture interest of investors

    General overvie( of business idea )o( (ill it (or%

    Bullet form

    Emp!asi*e %ey issues

    +o more t!an ,-. pages S!ould be (ritten last

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    Include the following: Company pro/le

    +ature of t!e product or service o0eringemp!asi*ing any competitive advantages

    Identify foreign1domestic mar%ets to be targeted

    Si*e and gro(t! trend of mar%et

    $a%e-up and bac%ground of t!e managementteam - include individual s%ills

    Financing re2uirements

    Key pro'ections 3i4e45 sales5 gross pro/ts5 +4I46

    The Executive Summary

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    Business Descripti n

    Objective: Provide a detailed overvie( of t!e company and

    t!e nature of t!e product1service o0ering4 S!o( long-term commitment to developing t!e


    S!o( defensible competitive advantage4

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    Business Descripti n

    Include: $ission statement

    )istory be!ind t!e idea or current business

    Company7s current or proposed legal form Proposed entry strategy

    #escription of t!e initial product1service3including any anticipated competitive

    advantages6 Product researc! and development

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    ar!et "nalysis

    Objective: Prepare an opportunity mar%eting analysis4

    #emonstrate !o( to capture a large s!are tosupport t!e venture4

    S!o( !o( to support claims and customerinterest4

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    ar!et "nalysis

    Address: #escription of industry

    #escription of region and1or countries

    3international business6 argeted mar%ets

    $ar%eting researc!


    Barriers to entry $ar%eting strategy

    8 deliver products1services to t!e targeted mar%ets

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    anagement Team

    Objective: S!o( t!at t!e team can e0ectively manage

    t!e product1service into foreign or domestic


    #oes management !ave t!e bac%ground ands%ills to ma%e t!e venture a success9

    )ig!lig!t synergistic s%ills4

    S!o( !o( de/ciencies (ill be covered4

    #o not give up more control t!an absolutelynecessary4

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    Address: Bac%ground and primary responsibilities of t!e

    management team

    Organi*ational structure

    Board of directors1advisors1international tradespecialists


    anagement Team

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    Exit Strategy

    o be determined up-front

    Some options include:8 going public

    8 selling t!e business

    8 a stoc% buy-bac% at t!e going rate

    8 leveraged buy-out

    8 second round of investment

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    #ritical $is!s

    Objective: Identify potential problems t!at could

    signi/cantly a0ect t!e ne( company4

    ;et potential investors %no( up-front t!at t!ereare ris%s associated (it! t!e venture4

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    #ritical $is!s

    Internal8 loss of %ey employees

    8 inade2uate (or%ing capital

    8 unproductive &

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    Continued: Contingency Plans

    8 probabilities

    Insurance Provisions8 /re

    8 liability

    8 automobile

    8 (or%er7s compensation

    8 %ey person

    #ritical $is!s

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    %perati ns

    Objective: Focus on relevant cost4

    #emonstrate ability to carry out implementation4 Integrate operation costs (it! t!e /nancial


  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    Address: International Considerations

    8 mar%et development activities

    8 transportation

    8 e"port documentation

    8 foreign contacts and personal relations!ips

    Future &esearc! and #evelopment Plans

    8 cannot be built around a single service or product

    8 present t!e planned directions of &

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    Continued: Production Plan

    8 procuring and transforming critical resources

    8 internally

    8 e"ternally

    8 time line of events

    Customer Support8 focus on getting and %eeping customers

    8 customer service

    8 (!at role it plays in ac!ieving sales goals

    %perati ns

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    Continued: Personnel

    8 creating management and infrastructure c!arts

    8 !iring

    8 training

    %perati ns

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    The &inancial Pr 'ecti ns

    Objective: Convince t!e investor t!at t!e venture ma%es

    sense from a /nancial standpoint4

    Pro'ections must address:

    8 allocation of e"penses

    8 return on investment

    8 cas! =o( management

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    )istorical /nancial data

    First year /nancial pro'ections by mont!

    Balance S!eet

    Income Statement

    Cas! Flo( Statement

    Second year /nancial pro'ections by 2uarter

    Five year annual forecasts Brea%-Even Analysis

    &atio Analysis

    The &inancial Pr 'ecti ns

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    (aluati n

    >&esidual ?alue@ commonly used by investors4

    S!ould be done before meeting (it! investors4

    ill !elp you to assess (!at o(ners!ip you may !ave

    to give up based on t!e e"pected &OI for your type ofventure4

    se t!e >time value of money@ e2uation: n Future ?alue Present ?alue 3Di6

    i estimated rate of return investors (ill re2uire based on t!e

    perceived ris% associated (it! your type of venture

    n number of years

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    Calculate t!e future value of t!e up-frontinvestment needed4

    E"ample: Funds needed HH5HHHAverage annual return on investment 3&OI6 J

    F? HH5HHH 3D46

    F? HH5HHH 34,H6

    F? ,5,DH5,.

    (aluati n

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    Example: #etermine t!e point in time t!at (ill be used in

    t!e valuation calculations4

    E"ample: years

    !at are t!e pro'ected after-ta" pro/ts9

    E"ample: D55HH 3year 6

    #etermine t!e valuation factor by loo%ing atsimilar companies in your industry4

    E"ample: DH times after ta" earnings

    D55HH " DH D5H5HH

    (aluati n

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    #etermine t!e amount of e2uity you may !ave togive up5 based on t!e value of t!e venture5 andt!e future value of t!e potential investors7 initial



    ,5,DH5,.-------------- D,JD5H5HH

    (aluati n

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    Balance Sheet

    C Position

    Capital Asset Position

    Capital StructurePro Forma alance !heet:Current Assets Current ;iabilitiesFi"ed Assets ;ong-term #ebtIntangible Assets E2uity

    otal Assets otal ;iabilities E2uity

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    #ash &l w Statement

    Objective: #emonstrate t!at you !ave suLcient cas! to run

    t!e operation4

    Assess t!e timing of future cas! =o(s4

    #evelop a plan for subse2uent rounds of/nancing4

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    Cash Provided "used# from Operations+et income 3loss6#epreciation

    Ad'usted net income 3loss6Cash Provided b$ %or&ing Capital

    Accounts receivable 3increases6 decreasesInventories 3increases6 decreasesAccrued liabilities 3decreases6 increases

    Prepaid e"penses 3decreases6 increases

    Cash Provided "used# b$ ContinuingOperations

    #ash &l w Statement

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan


    Cash Provided "used# from Financing

    Activities;ong-term debt 3decreases6 increasesInterest on notesCas! dividends paidIssuance of stoc%

    'otal Cash Provided "used# fromFinancing Activities

    #ash &l w Statement

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan


    Cash Provided "used# from

    Investment ActivitiesPurc!ase of property5 plant and e2uipmentProceeds from sale of assetsOt!er ac2uisitions

    Cash Provided "used# fromInvestment ActivitiesIncrease 3decrease6 in cas!Cas! at beginning of periodCas! at end of period

    #ash &l w Statement

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    )nc me Statement

    &evenue Pro'ections

    Cost &elations!ips

    ie into t!e Operating Strategy

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    copyright 2003 Jack M. Kaplan

    )nc me Statement

    Pro Forma Income !tatement


    - Cost of Goods Sold

    Gross Pro/t $argin

    - Operating E"penses

    +et Income Before Interest and a"es

    - Interest- a"es

    +et Income 3;oss6

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    $easuring Plan Progress

    Business plan pro'ections are made on a D,-mont! sc!edule but t!e entrepreneur s!ouldfre2uently c!ec% on:

    Pro/t and loss statement4

    Cas! =o( pro'ections4

    Inventory control4

    Production control4

    Muality control4

    Sales control4


    eb site control4

    Using and Implementing theBusiness Plan (cont.)

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    pdating t!e Plan

    Entrepreneurs must be sensitive to c!angesin t!e company5 industry5 and mar%et4

    #etermine (!at revisions are needed ifc!anges are li%ely to a0ect t!e businessplan4

    !is !elps entrepreneurs to:

    $aintain reasonable targets and goals4

    Keep t!e ne( venture on a course to !ig!probability of success4

    Using and Implementing theBusiness Plan (cont.)

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 4 Business Plan


    Why Some Business Plans

    &ail Goals are unreasonable4

    Ob'ectives are not measurable4

    Entrepreneur !as not made a total

    commitment to t!e business or to t!e family4 ;ac% of e"perience in t!e planned business4

    +o sense of potential t!reats or (ea%nesses

    to t!e business4 +o customer need (as establis!ed for t!e

    proposed product or service4