Unit 3Jesus is Coming Again Key Quest Verse Isaiah 65; Revelation 21, 22 “Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth” (Isaiah 65:17a). When God created people, He knew they would choose to sin and so He had a plan to save us all along. God’s greatest desire is to father us (Rev. 21:3) and to have us adore, obey and love Him. He wishes to co-exist with us in an eternal, perfect place like the Garden of Eden, where there will be no more death, nor disease, only this time, there will be no disobedience from His people. The whole Bible points in this Kingdom-direction. Isaiah understood this clearly in a beautiful vision God gave him of His holiness, then of the millennial Kingdom. This book is a special book from God , and if you look closely, you will see that it is, sort of, a mini-Bible. It has 66 chapters, like our 66 books and the chapters are unique, too. The first 39 chapters have a very Old Testament flair and the last 27 chapters sound very much like the New Testament. Isaiah writes that in the end, God will make everything new again, where animals will no longer be dan- gerous and people will live to be a very old age. In exile, on the island of Patmos, John saw a similar vision and wrote of it in Revelation. It was as if God was giving John this vision to encourage him and give him hope during this lonely time. Revelation shows that God will take the things man has misused, perverted and twisted, and make it all new. God will change the nature of every living being and the environment in which we all live. Text Bible Background Unit 3-PR-B-1 New Heaven, New Earth By: Julie Gallagher

Unit 3—Jesus is Coming Again New Heaven, New Earth

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Page 1: Unit 3—Jesus is Coming Again New Heaven, New Earth

Unit 3—Jesus is Coming Again

Key Quest Verse

Isaiah 65; Revelation 21, 22

“Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth” (Isaiah 65:17a).

When God created people, He knew they would choose to sin and so He had a plan to save us all

along. God’s greatest desire is to father us (Rev. 21:3) and to have us adore, obey and love Him.

He wishes to co-exist with us in an eternal, perfect place like the Garden of Eden, where there

will be no more death, nor disease, only this time, there will be no disobedience from His people.

The whole Bible points in this Kingdom-direction. Isaiah understood this clearly in a beautiful

vision God gave him of His holiness, then of the millennial Kingdom. This book is a special

book from God , and if you look closely, you will see that it is, sort of, a mini-Bible. It has 66

chapters, like our 66 books and the chapters are unique, too. The first 39 chapters have a very

Old Testament flair and the last 27 chapters sound very much like the New Testament. Isaiah

writes that in the end, God will make everything new again, where animals will no longer be dan-

gerous and people will live to be a very old age.

In exile, on the island of Patmos, John saw a similar vision and wrote of it in Revelation. It was

as if God was giving John this vision to encourage him and give him hope during this lonely

time. Revelation shows that God will take the things man has misused, perverted and twisted,

and make it all new. God will change the nature of every living being and the environment in

which we all live.


Bible Background

Unit 3-PR-B-1

New Heaven, New Earth

By: Julie Gallagher

Page 2: Unit 3—Jesus is Coming Again New Heaven, New Earth

Unit 3—Jesus is Coming Again

Leader’s Devotion

What I want my students to:

Know: The Kingdom will be on the earth.

Feel: Want to be part of the Kingdom on Earth.

Do: Practice praising God.

Take a few minutes to meditate on Revelation 21 and 22. Isn’t it amazing to think of what life in

the Kingdom will be like? The dwelling of God will be with man. He will live with us and we

will be His people and He will be our God. His glory will light the earth so there is no need of

the sun, moon or stars. We will worship Him. I have to believe that our praise will just bubble

out of us continually, that we will not be able to stop praising Him. As you prepare this lesson,

stop and see the wonder of it all and praise our God who gives this gift of eternal life to us.

Lesson Quest

Unit 3-PR-B-2

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Unit 3—Jesus is Coming Again


Materials: First aid items including: Band-Aids, crutches, medicine, ice pack, Ace bandage, etc.

Procedure: Can anyone tell me what you do with these things? Have any of you ever had to

use one of these? Let children briefly share stories. How do you feel when you fall down and

get hurt? You feel pain, you cry, sad because it happened. I have something exciting to tell

you. When Jesus comes back we will never have to use these things again. We’ll never get

hurt again. The Bible tells us in the book of Revelation that there will be no more pain or

sickness or crying in the Kingdom. Won’t that be great? Listen carefully to the story to see

just how great the Kingdom will be.


Materials: Use newspapers or magazines to find pictures or articles of litter, pollution, poverty,

or disasters

Procedure: Look at and discuss the pictures and articles you’ve brought. How do these pic-

tures make you feel? They make me feel sad. I think these things make God sad, too.

When He made the world, it was perfect and beautiful and we haven’t done a very good job

of taking care of it. There are a lot of things that people do to the earth. They hurt animals

and plants and even hurt each other. This isn’t the way that God wants our world to be.

Today we are going to learn about how the world will be after Jesus comes back to the

earth. We’ll have a nice new world to enjoy.

Option A



Unit 3-PR-B-3

Option B

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Unit 3—Jesus is Coming Again

Teacher Tip: Provide markers for students to highlight portions of the story in their Bibles

Does anyone remember how God created the world? How long did it take Him? Do you

remember the name of the Garden where Adam and Eve first lived? The Garden of Eden.

It was a perfect, beautiful place where there was no sin. Well, remember what happened

next? Eve was tempted and Adam and Eve sinned. After they sinned, they were kicked out

of the Garden and had to take care of the earth. Now we see what shape our world is in

and it’s really not too good. There’s all kinds of pollution and people fighting. The good

news is that it is not going to be like this forever.

The Bible tells us, in the book of Isaiah, that God is going to create a new heavens and a

new earth. When Jesus comes back, we will live forever in the Kingdom here on the earth.

It will be like the Garden of Eden. There will be no sin. It will be a beautiful place to live

with all kinds of trees and flowers and plenty of food.

The Bible also tells us that all the animals will be tame and get along together. Wolves will

live with lambs, and lions with calves. In the Kingdom, even children like you will be able

to lead the lions and play near the snakes, because they won’t hurt you.

You won’t get hurt at all! You’ll never get sick again. We won’t need doctors or hospitals.

People who have been blind will be able to see and people who are lame will walk again.

So, there will be no more crying and no one will be sad. We’ll all be happy.

We’ll be so happy that we’ll be singing and praising God. The exciting part is that the Bi-

ble tells us that God, Himself, will live with us. We won’t need to have the sun, moon or

stars, because God will be our light. It also says that there will be no temple or church, be-

cause God and Jesus will live with us.

The book of Revelation tells us that there will be a new Jerusalem. This city will be made of

pure gold. There will be walls around the city with 12 gates. Even the walls will be deco-

rated with precious jewels. The whole city will sparkle and shine and be the most beautiful

things we’ve ever seen.

So, when you look around and see bad things happen, remember that Jesus is coming soon

and will make our earth like new again. We will live forever in the Kingdom with God and

with Jesus.

Bible Story

Unit 3-PR-B-4

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Unit 3—Jesus is Coming Again

Quest Connection


Materials: Chalkboard, chalk or butcher paper, markers, basket, slips of paper with the follow-

ing suggestions written on them: doctor, lion tamer, thief, blind person, fireman

In our story we talked about what the Kingdom will be like when Jesus comes back to the

earth. Let’s make a list of things that will not be in the Kingdom. Here are a few things to

get you started: light bulbs, bug repellent, vitamins, Kleenex . . . I’ve thought of some jobs

that people won’t have in the Kingdom. Let’s act them out for each other and try to guess


Procedure: Let children draw a slip of paper and act out the occupation listed.

Prayer: We can’t wait to see what it will be like in Your Kingdom. Thank You, God, that

everything will be perfect.

We Won’t Need . . .


Unit 3-PR-B-5

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Unit 3—Jesus is Coming Again

Quest Connection


Materials: None

Isn’t it great to think what the Kingdom will be like here on the earth when Jesus comes

back? We’re going to play a game today to help us think about what the Kingdom will be


Procedure: Sit in a circle. Have the first child say, “In the Kingdom there will be ____” and fill

in the blank with their own answer (no more war, plenty of food, no terrorists, streets of gold

. . . ). The next child will say, “In the Kingdom there will be (what the first child said) and

_____” adding their own answer. Continue around the circle seeing if they can name all the

things that have been said.

I’m so excited about what the Kingdom will be like. Let’s think this week about how won-

derful our world will be when Jesus comes back.

In the Kingdom There Will Be . . .


Unit 3-PR-B-6

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Unit 3—Jesus is Coming Again

Quest Connection


Materials: Several drinking glasses for each child, water, spoons

The book of Revelation tells us God and Jesus will live with us in the Kingdom and that we

will be praising God. Let’s practice our own water music to praise our God.

Procedure: Let the children experiment with different amounts of water in their glasses. Let

them make up their own songs. Let them be creative. The “songs” do not even have to sound

like songs we know. Let them make a “Joyful Noise.” After a time let each one share their own

song with the class.

Let’s remember to praise God now to help us practice for when we’re in the Kingdom.

Water Music


Unit 3-PR-B-7

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Unit 3—Jesus is Coming Again

Quest Connection


Materials: Large piece of butcher paper, magazines, art supplies including: markers, crayons,

paints, glue, scissors, glitter, etc.

Who can tell me something you learned in our story about what the Kingdom will be like?

What do you think it will look like? How do you think we’ll feel? We’re going to work to-

gether on a mural to show what we think the Kingdom will be like.

Procedure: Let the children work together to create the mural. Let them draw or cut pictures

from magazines. You might want to include glitter for the city of gold.

I think we made a pretty good picture, but I think the Kingdom will be even better than

this. I sure want all of us to be in the Kingdom. What about you?



Unit 3-PR-B-8

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Unit 3—Jesus is Coming Again

Take Care of the Earth


Materials: Egg carton, potting soil, flower seeds, small paper bags, markers, crayons

Quest Connection

When God first made the earth, it was perfect. Now we haven’t taken very good care of

our earth. God is going to create a new earth when Jesus comes back. Let’s make a bag to

collect litter so that we can do our best to take care of our world until Jesus comes.

Procedure: Let the children decorate the bags for collecting litter. Work with the children to

plant seeds in the egg carton. When the flowers begin to grow they can be planted at home or at

the church to help remind us of the new creation to come.


As we watch these flowers grow over the next few weeks, let’s remember that God will be

creating a new earth for us.

Unit 3-PR-B-9

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Unit 3—Jesus is Coming Again

Lion & Lamb Bobble Heads


Materials: Small paper cups or empty yogurt cups, clay, pipe cleaners, glue, cotton balls, small

pencils or small dowel cut into short pieces, felt, markers

Quest Connection

Our Bible tells us that even the animals will get along with each other. A lamb will lie down

by a wolf and a lion by a calf. We’re going to make some bobble head animals today to re-

mind us of how the animals will get along in the Kingdom.

Procedure: Have the children decorate the outside of their cups as animals. Let them choose

which combination of meek, mighty animals they want to make. They can us the cotton balls for

sheep, yellow pipe cleaners for lions, black and white felt for calves, etc. Wrap a pipe cleaner

around a pencil to create a spring. Glue one end of the spring inside the bottom of the cup. Let it

dry. Shape the clay into a cone. Stick the small pencil or dowel into the top of the cone. Finish

the animal by slipping the spring over the pencil or dowel.


Prayer: Thank You, God, for the promise of a peaceful Kingdom where even the animals

will get along.

Unit 3-PR-B-10

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Color the shapes with the dot yellow. Color the rest of the shapes blue to find out some-

thing that Jesus will be wearing when we see Him again.

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