Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it? Section A 1 1a-Grammar Focus

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Page 1: Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it? Section A 1 1a-Grammar Focus
Page 2: Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it? Section A 1 1a-Grammar Focus

Unit 10

It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

Unit 10

It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

Section A 1

1a-Grammar Focus

Page 3: Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it? Section A 1 1a-Grammar Focus

Have you ever talked with someone you d

on't know? Where do you talk the people

you don't know? Make a list of these


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in the train station

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Waiting in a bank

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in the subway station

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waiting in line into a park

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1b Listen and number the pictures

above in the order you hear them.

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He’s really good, isn’t he?

He sure is!


3 1

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Look at the pictures and make conversat

ions with you partner.

You can use the expressions in the box.

The train is always late, isn't it?You love violin music, don't you?It looks like rain, doesn't it?

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A: You love violin music, don't you?

B: Yes, I do. I always listen to violin

music at home.

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A: The train is always late, isn't it?

B: Yes, it is. It has been late for about

5 minutes. I am late for work.

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A: The train station is always crowded, isn't it?B: Yes, it is. It is always like this.

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The conversation between unfamiliar

( 不熟悉的 ) people is called small talk.

Small talk can really be about anything,

but often small and unimportant things

like the weather, current events

( 时事 ), sports or movies.

Discuss in fours:

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weather sports





What topic do people usually choose to

make successful small talk?

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Please tell us some unsuccessful small talk


How old are you? (Especially for women.)

Your dress doesn’t look nice, don’t you

think so?

Your cell phone is too cheap, isn’t it?

How much is your skirt?

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2a Listen to the three conversations.

Are they examples of successful or

unsuccessful small talk? Write

“S”(for successful) or “U”(for

unsuccessful) in the blanks.

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Conversation 1

Conversation 2

Conversation 3




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2b Listen to conversation 3 again.

Put the sentences and questions

below in order.

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a. I hope so. I want to go swimming.b. Yes. It rains every Saturday!c. At Franklin Lake.d. Oh? Where do you swim?e. Do you think it’ll stop by noon?f. It always rains on the weekend, doesn’t it?g. Do you ever go there?

A. (Opening Question) (1)B. (Answer) (2) (Question) (3)A. (Answer) (4)B. (Question) (5)A. (Answer) (6) (Question) (7)




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1. I hope so.

我希望如此。 此处 so 是副词 , 用作替代词。意为

“如此” “如是”。如 :

— Our team will win. 我们队会赢的。 — I hope so. 我希望如此。

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2. by noon 在中午之前 by: not later than ( 不晚于 ; …… 之

前 )


I will call you by 10:00 this evening.

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1. The bus is late again, ….2. You’ve been here for a long time, ….3. You hate waiting for the bus, ….4. I’m going to be late for school.5. You often take the bus, ….6. It is going to rain, ….

Topic: complain, how often,

The weather…

How to start a small talk conversation with a stranger?

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Topic: introduction, party, hobby and interest

1. You are xx’s friend,…2. It is a great party,…3. You like sports,…4. They are dancing well,…

How to start a small talk

conversation with a stranger?

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1. You are new here, ….

2. This place is good, ….

3. The food here is special, ….

4. You like the weather here, ….

How to start a small talk conversation with a stranger?

Topic: introduction, talk about the place and food, weather…

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Topic: the match, the players

1. You are a ball game fan,…2. It’s really crowded,…3. The match is exciting,…4. He plays so well,…

How to start a small talk conversation with a stranger?

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You are at a bus stop. Make your own small talk.

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A: It’s really cold today, isn’t it?

B: Yes, it is. I hope the bus comes soon.

A: I do, too, but it’s always late on


B: Oh, I didn’t know that. I usually take

the bus on weekdays.

A: Well, do you take the bus to school?

B: Yes, I do.

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Imagine you are at a concert. Make your

own small talk.

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A: She is really cool, isn’t she? B: Yes, she sure is. She sings so well, doesn’t she? A: Yes, she does. Do you have her new

CDs? B: Yes, I do. I have all her CDs. A: How about her autograph? B: Oh, no. Let’s ask for her autograph

after the concert. A: That’s really a good idea.

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Grammar: 反意疑问句Grammar: 反意疑问句 一、含义 在一个陈述句之后附上一个


如: 1. He isn’t talking, is he?

2. We speak Chinese, don’t we?

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二、结构 陈述句 + 简短附加问句1.前肯定后否定式。 You are good at singing, aren’t you?

2. 前否定后肯定式。 It isn’t a nice day, is it?

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三、基本特点: 1. 前后两部分时态必须一致。 2. 前后两部分主语的人称和数必须

一致 , 而且后一部分的主语常用代词代替。

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四、回答方式: 由于附加疑问句的后半部分是一个

简短的一般疑问句 , 因此可用 yes

或 no 来进行简略回答。但应注意 :

当陈述部分是否定句时 , 应注意汉语和英语的差异。若事实是肯定的 ,

就用“ Yes + 肯定结构”作答 ,

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此时 yes 要翻译为“不” ; 若事实是否定的 , 就用“ No + 否定结构”作答 ,

此时 no 要翻译为“是的”。例如:— You aren’t new here, are you?

你不是新来的 , 是吧?— Yes, I am. 不 , 我是 ( 新来的 ) 。 / No, I’m not. 是的 , 我不是 ( 新来的 ) 。

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1. 当陈述部分是 I am ... 时 , 附加的疑问部分要用 aren’t I 。例如:

I’m fifteen this year, aren’t I?

2. 当陈述部分是 there be 结构时 , 附加的疑问部分要用 be there 。例如:

There isn’t any water in the cup, is


拓 展拓 展拓 展拓 展

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3. 当陈述部分是以 Let’s 开头的表示建议的句子时 , 附加的疑问部分常用 shall we; 当陈述部分是以 Let us

开头的祈使句时 , 附加的疑问部分常用 will you 。例如:

Let’s go shopping, shall we?

Let us have a short rest, will you?

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4. 当陈述部分的主语是 everyone,

someone, anyone, no one, nobody,

somebody 等不定代词时 , 附加的疑问部分的主语可以是 he, 也可以是they 。例如:

Everyone is here, isn’t he / aren’t


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5. 当陈述部分含有 never, few, little,

nothing, no, hardly 等表示否定意义的词时 , 附加的疑问部分用肯定形式。例如:

He never gets up late, does he?

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6. 含有 think的宾语从句主语为第一人称,肯否看主句,反意疑问句主语看从句:

I / We think he is a teacher, isn’t he?

I don’t think he is a teacher, is he?

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【运用】写出下列各句的附加疑问部分 , 每空一词 ( 含缩写 ) 。1. He is playing computer games now,

____ ___?

2. I know little about Lucy, ___ _?

isn’t he

do I

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3. There are 40 students in your class,

______ _____?

4. I’m a little taller than you,

______ _?

5. She can hardly hear the words,

___ ___?

aren’t I

aren’t there

can she

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6. They aren’t in the same class,


7. Gary and Linda were both

pianists, _______ ____?

8. Linda will go to Japan next

week, ________?won’t she

are they

weren’t they

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1. John had a short walk after lunch,


A. did he B. didn’t he

C. had he D. hadn’t he

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2.  — You come from England, don’t


  —  _____. How do you know


A. No, I do     B. No, I don't   

C. Yes, I am  D. Yes, I do

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