Antonella Elia, Rania Shalabi “Do you speak English?” Student’s book - Volume 1 1

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Do you speak English?

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Antonella Elia, Rania Shalabi “Do you speak English?” Student’s book - Volume 1


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Antonella Elia, Rania Shalabi “Do you speak English?” Student’s book - Volume 1


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Antonella Elia, Rania Shalabi “Do you speak English?” Student’s book - Volume 1



Where is my classroom?

LANGUAGE IN USE First day at a new school

Where is my classroom?


Greeting (salutare)

Introducing Yourself (presentarsi)

Asking how someone is (chiedere come sta qualcuno)


Classroom objects/school facilities



British school system


‘Another brick in the wall’ by Pink Floyd


Personal Subject pronouns (pronomi personali soggetto)

Verb “to be” (verbo essere)

Definite and indefinite article (articoli determinativi e indeterminativi)

Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns (aggettivi e pronomi dimostrativi)


Education in England

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Antonella Elia, Rania Shalabi “Do you speak English?” Student’s book - Volume 1



FIRST DAY AT A NEW SCHOOL 1. Activity Listen to the dialogue (Track 1.1) Ascolta il dialogo

Chloe: Good morning! My name is Chloe. What’s your name? Sandra: Hello Chloe. I am Sandra. How are you? Chloe: I’m fine thank you. What’s your name? Mark: My name’s Mark. Sandra: Hi Mark, nice to meet you. Mark: Nice to meet you too. Sandra: Where are you from Mark? Mark: I’m from Scotland. And you? Sandra: I’m from Ireland. Mark: What about you Chloe? Where are you from? Chloe: I’m from England.

2. Exercise Now read the dialogue and fill in the gaps Adesso leggi il dialogo e inserisci le parole mancanti 1. ………… morning! My name …………

Paul. 2. What’………… your name? 3. My name’………… Andrew. 4. Nice to ………… you Andrew. 5. Nice to meet you ………… . WHERE IS MY CLASSROOM?

Chloe: Excuse me, is this room 5? Secretary: No it’s not. This is the computer room. Chloe: What’s this room? Secretary: It is the toilet. Chloe: Ok, thank you.

Chloe: Excuse me, is this room 5? Student: No it isn’t. It’s room 6. Room 5 is there. Chloe: Thanks! Bye. Student: Bye. 3. Exercise Fill in the gaps Riempi gli spazi vuoti 1. This ………… room 4. 2. ………… this the computer room? 3. No it …………’ ………, it is room 7. 4. What is …………? 5. This is ………… .

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Antonella Elia, Rania Shalabi “Do you speak English?” Student’s book - Volume 1


COMMUNICATIVE FUNCTIONS 1. Exercise Put the words in the correct order. Metti in ordine le parole nelle frasi seguenti. 1. is/what/name?/your 2. morning/my/good/is/name/Sandra. 3. years/I’m/sixteen/old 4. classroom/this/my/is 5. you/meet/to/nice/too. Crossword Puzzle


5. buon pomeriggio

7. ciao (quando si va via)

8. il mio nome è


1. stanza

2. ciao (quandi ci si incontra)

3. buongiorno

4. cognome

6. notte


SCHOOL AND EDUCATION Scuola ed istruzione

3. Exercise Find the corresponding word in Italian. Trova la parola corrispondente italiana alle seguenti aree della scuola.

1. gym a. aula magna

2. computer lab b. bar

3. swimming pool c. piscine

4. library d. aula docenti

5. corridor e. palestra

6. auditorium f. biblioteca

7. staff room g. corridoi

8. coffee bar h. parcheggio

9. car park i. laboratorio di informatica

10. classrooms j. aule

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4. Exercise Put in the correct definition next to the images below. Inserisci la definizione giusta affianco alla figura

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5. Exercise Using a dictionary for help, put in the correct word under the corresponding image Aiutandoti con il vocabolario in caso di difficoltà, inserisci le parole sotto l’immagine corrispondente. Ad ogni lineetta corrisponde una lettera.

computer diary book exercise-book dustbin chalk door window map

board pupil dvd-player teacher

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These are some of the subjects taught in English schools. Write the corresponding subjects in Italian Queste sono alcune tra le materie insegnate nelle scuole in U.K. Scrivi le materie corrispondenti in italiano

6. Exercise Do you study the same subjects at school in Italy? Discuss the differences with your teacher and classmates and write down some notes Studi le stesse materie a scuola in Italia? Discutine con il tuo insegnante e I tuoi compagni di classe e scrivi delle note.




…………………………………………………………… 7. Exercise • What is High School Musical?

• Have you ever watched the movie?

• If not, find on internet what it is about.

High School Musical is ……………………………


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ENGLISH SCHOOL SYSTEM Il sistema scolastico inglese

8. Exercise What are the corresponding school levels in Italy? Do English schools have the same structure? A cosa corrispondono i seguenti livelli scolastici in Italia? la scuola inglese ha la stessa struttura della scuola italiana? Kindergarten Primary school Junior school Secondary school Sixth form/College University

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9. Exercise Listen to the Pink Floyd song, “Another Brick in the Wall”. This is a song about school, or better still against school. Fill in the gaps with the missing words and

have fun singing it with your teacher and classmates. Ascolta la canzone dei Pink Floyd “Another brick in the wall”. E’ una canzone sulla scuola, o meglio contro la scuola! Inserisci negli spazi vuoti le parole mancanti e divertiti a cantarla con il tuo insegnante e tuoi compagni di classe.

ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL ……… don't need no education

We don’t need no thought control

No dark sarcasm in the ………

……… leave their kids alone

Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!

All in all ……… ……… just another brick in the wall.

All in all ……… ……… just another brick in the wall.

……… don't need no education

……… don’ t need no thought control

……… dark sarcasm in the classroom

……… leave them kids alone Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!

All in all ……… ……… just another brick in the wall.

All in all ……… ……… just another brick in the wall.

"Wrong, Do it again!"

"If ……… don't eat your meat, ……… can't have any pudding. How can ………

……… any pudding if ……… don't eat your meat?"

" ………! Yes, ……… behind the bike sheds, stand still


10. Exercise Put in order these song sequences Metti in ordine queste sequenze della canzone

Teachers, leave those kids alone. Hey, teacher, leave those kids alone! We don’t need no thought control. All in all you’re just another brick in the wall. All in all you’re just another brick in the wall. We don’t need no education. No dark sarcasm in the classroom.

You can watch “Another brick in the wall” video on YouTube


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PERSONAL PRONOUNS (SUBJECT) Pronomi personali soggetto

Nella lingua inglese, contrariamente all’italiano dove può anche essere sottinteso, il pronome personale soggetto deve essere sempre espresso. Il pronome personale “I” è scritto sempre in maiuscolo. Il pronome personale “you” si usa sia per il singolare (tu), quanto per il plurale (voi) quanto per la forma di rispetto (lei)

Pronomi personali soggetto

She is my best friend Lei è la mia migliore amica

I am French Sono francese Are you Mrs Simpson? Sei la signora Simpson? John, you are late! John, sei in ritardo!

Il pronome neutro “it” si riferisce alle cose e agli animali senza distinzione tra maschile e femminile. Anche il pronome personale “they” viene utilizzato al plurale per persone, animali e cose, sia maschili che femminili.

It is a nice apartment E’ un bell’appartamento It is an interesting comedy E’ una commedia interessante They are teachers Sono insegnanti They are cheese and ham sandwiches Sono panini al formaggio e al prosciutto

1. Exercise Substitute the underlined words with a suitable personal pronoun Sostituisci le parole sottolineate con il pronome personale corrispondente. 1. The cakes are very tasty 2. Your dirty shoes are outside the door. 3. Anna is a very good teacher 4. Tom is not at school 5. My friends are at the cinema 6. John, Mary and I are very happy 7. Peter’s dog is on the sofa 8. Sheila is at the restaurant with his boyfriend. 2. Exercise Circle the correct personal pronoun Cerchia il pronome personale corretto 1. What nationality is Tom Cruise? (He/it) is American. 2. Is George British? Yes, (he/she) is. 3. Where are Ann and Peter from? (They/we) are from Scotland. 4. Are he/you German? Yes, (we/you) are. 5. John, are you/he at the gym? Yes, (you/I) am. 6. Where are the boys? (He/they) are at home.

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3. Exercise Use the correct personal pronouns. Watch the words in brackets. Usa il pronome personale corretto, attenzione alle parole tra parentesi.

Example: ……. often reads books. (Lisa) Answer: She often reads books. 1. …………. is dreaming. (George) 2. …………. is green. (the blackboard) 3. …………. are on the wall. (the posters) 4. …………. is running. (the dog) 5. …………. are watching TV. (my mother and I) 6. …………. are in the garden. (the flowers) 7. …………. is riding his bike. (Tom) 8. …………. is from Bristol. (Victoria) 9. …………. has got a brother. (Diana) 10. Have …………. got a computer, Mandy?

THE VERB “TO BE” - SIMPLE PRESENT Il verbo essere - il presente indicativo

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Nella lingua inglese in contesti informali e colloquiali è molto utilizzata la forma contratta del verbo to be. I’m your brother Sono tuo fratello Mary’s at home Mary è a casa It’s an old bicycle E’ una vecchia bicicletta They’re in Florence Sono a Firenze Come si nota nella tabella, la forma negativa del verbo ‘to be’ si ottiene inserendo “not” dopo il verbo essere, o utlilizzando la forma contratta “isn’t” o ‘aren’t”. It is not (isn’t) an easy game! Non è un gioco semplice We are not (aren’t) there Non siamo lì. Il soggetto è posto davanti al verbo essere nella forma interrogativa. La forma contratta del verbo essere non deve essere mai utilizzata nelle risposte brevi affermative, mentre la si può utilizzare nelle forme negative. Is she English? Yes, she is E’ inglese? Si Are they friends? Yes, they are Sono amici? Si Are they sisters? No they aren’t Sono sorelle? No, non lo sono 4. Exercise Correct the sentences Correggi le frasi 1. Washington is the capital of the U.K. ……………………..…………………………………. 2. Buenos dias is Italian …………………………………………………………. 3. Rome is in Australia …………………………………………………………. 4. Francois and Louise are Italian names. …………………………………………………………. 5. The Italian president is a woman. …………………………………………………………. 6. The most important towns in Italy are …………………………………………………………. Genova and Messina. 5. Exercise Rewrite the sentences using the contracted form where possible. Riscrivi queste frasi usando la forma contratta ogni volta che è possibile.

1. Are you a doctor? No, I am not. I am a teacher.

2. Who is that child?

3. This is your boarding card.

4. That is her card.

5. George is not in France. He is in Germany.

6. Hello, my name is Mike.

7. They are good girls.

8. His father is Portuguese. 9. My mother is Chinese.

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DEFINITE AND INDEFINITE ARTICLES Articoli determinativi ed indeterminativi

L’articolo determinativo inglese “the” è invariabile nel genere e nel numero. Pertanto traduce gli articoli determinativi italiani “il, lo, la , i, gli, le”.

the men gli uomini the cats i gatti the boys i ragazzi the women le donne

La pronuncia di questo articolo è variabile. La diversa pronuncia dipende dalla parola che segue l’articolo. Se cioè la prima lettera della parola è consonante o vocale. L’ “h” iniziale di parola, normalmente aspirata, è considerata consonante. Esistono solo quattro parole di uso corrente che iniziano con h muta (cioè con suono vocalico) e sono: HONEST (onesto), HEIR (erede), HOUR (ora), HONOUR (onore). Gli articoli indeterminativi inglesi ‘a’, ‘an’ corrispondono alle forme italiane “un, uno, una”. In inglese l’articolo è invariabile nel genere. Si utilizza: A davanti alle parole che iniziano con consonante o h aspirata. An davanti alle parole che incominciano con vocale o con h muta.

a bicycle a cat a hospital a year a dog una bicicletta un gatto un ospedale un anno un cane an actress an hour an heir an orange an apple un attore un’ora un erede un arancia una mela

1. Exercise Now match the sentences with the corresponding image. Look up any words you do not know in the dictionary. Adesso associa ogni frase all’immagine corrispondente. Nel caso in cui non conoscessi il significato delle parole, consulta il vocabolario.

1. banana 2. coat 3. dress 4. orange 5. egg 6. icecream 7. umbrella

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2. Exercise Fill in the gaps using “a” or “an” Inserisci l’articolo “a” o “an” negli spazi vuoti Ex. This is an apple. 1. This is ……………. banana. 2. This is ……………. coat. 3. This is ……………. dress. 4. This is ……………. orange.

5. This is ……………. egg. 6. This is ……………. ice cream. 7. This is ……………. umbrella

3. Exercise Fill in the gaps using ‘a’ or ‘an’ or ‘the’ Inserisci l’articolo “a” o “an” negli spazi vuoti

4. Exercise Fill in the gaps using ‘a’ or ‘an’ Inserisci “a” o “an” negli spazi vuoti 1. ………… unusual name 2. ………… hour 3. ………… jet 4. …...…… whisky

5. ………… instant coffee 6. ………… iceberg 7. ………… helicopter 8. ………… computer

5. Exercise Fill in the gaps using ‘a’ or ‘an’ Inserisci l’articolo “a” o “an” nelle seguenti frasi 1. Dr Coleman is ……… university teacher. 2. George has got ……… Japanese car 3. It costs £2 ……… hour to park your car

here 4. He has got ……… headache

5. They say that Gorge is ……… hero 6. Mrs Philip is ……… honest person 7. Chinese isn’t ……… easy language 8. There is ……… long queue outside the


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6. Exercise Fill in the gaps using ‘a’ or ‘an’ Inserisci l’articolo “a” o “an” nelle seguenti fasi 1. Mary is ……… young American girl 2. That is ……… wealthy man 3. Carol is ……… pretty girl 4. My uncle has got ……… small dog 5. She bought ……… expensive pair of

shoes. 6. There is ……… computer shop near the

hotel. 7. These apples cost £1.50 ……… kilo. 8. John phones me twice ……… day

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7. Exercise Using a dictionary, try to understand the text below and fill in the gaps using ‘a’ ‘an’ or ‘the’ where necessary Aiutandoti con il vocabolario cerca di comprendere il significato generale del testo che segue. Poi completa il testo con gli articoli a, an, the, se necessario. Once ……… old friend of mine and his wife were on holiday in Scotland. They were driving along ……… narrow road beside ……… Loch Ness. It was late in ……… afternoon, and it was getting dark. Suddenly they saw something move across ……… road. It looked like ……… big fish. It had ……… fat body, ……… long neck and ……… long tail. It looked like ……… seal, but it was much bigger than ……… seal. After ……… few seconds it dived into ……… water of ……… lake again and they didn’t see it any more. They think they saw ……… famous monster of Loch Ness. 8. Exercise Complete the sentences using ‘a’ ‘an’ or ‘the’ where necessary Completa il brano con “a”, “an”, “ the”, se necessario. 1. I’ve always been very interested in ……… Middle East. 2. They say it’s ……… most famous cigarette in ……… world. 3. “What do you study?” “Oh, let’s just say I’m ……… student of ……… life!” 4. It’s ……… first time I’ve been to ……… USA. 5. We were glad when we reached ……… top of ……… mountain. 6. John’s been ……… teacher for ……… very long time. 7. ……… bungee jumping can be quite ……… dangerous activity. 8. I’m off to ……… supermarket. Have you got ……… list of ……… things you want? 9. That’s ……… unusual colour for ……… jeans! 10. He’s ……… tallest person in ……… class. 11. ……… apple ……… day keeps ……… doctor away”. (Famous proverb) 12. I didn’t really like ……… end of ……… film. 13. “Once upon ……… time, there was ……… strange old woman who lived in ……… old house in Edinburgh ...” 14. The Cayman Islands are ……… ideal place for ……… relaxing holiday. 15. It’s ……… very difficult problem but they might be able to solve it in ……… future.


ADJECTIVES AND PRONOUNS Aggettivi e pronomi dimostrativi

I dimostrativi THIS (questo/a) THAT (quello/a) sono utilizzati in riferimento a persone, animali e cose. THESE (questi/e) THOSE (quelli/e) sono rispettivamente i plurali di ‘this’ e ‘that’. ‘This e those’ sono utilizzati per indicare persone e cose vicine, mentre ‘that e those’ indicano cose e persone lontane. Nel caso in cui queste formule sono seguite da un sostantivo, hanno valore di aggettivo, altrimenti se utilizzati da soli, hanno valore di pronome.

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This is a pencil Questa è una matita Who is that? Chi è quella? That woman is my mother Quella donna è mia madre This is my cat and these are my dogs Questo è il mio gatto e questi sono i miei cani This is a cheese toast and those are Questo è un toast al formaggio e questi sono panini ham sandwiches al prosciutto 1. Exercise Rewrite these sentences using the plural form Riscrivi le frasi al plurale 1. That lady is very elegant …………………………………….………….…….. 2. Look at that cloud! I think it’s going to rain …………………………………….………….…….. 3. Look at this picture! It’s quite beautiful …………………………………….………….…….. 4. That child is really fat …………………………………….………….…….. 5. Is this your book? No, mine is in my satchel …………………………………….………….…….. 6. Who is that woman near David? …………………………………….………….…….. 7. This theatre is very old. …………………………………….………….…….. 8. Bring me this book, please …………………………………….………….…….. 9. Is this letter for me Giulia? …………………………………….………….…….. 10. This bag is quite heavy. …………………………………….………….…….. 2. Exercise Fill in the gap with ‘this’ ‘these’ ‘that’ or ‘those’ Inserisci ‘this’, ‘these’, ‘that ‘o ‘those’, negli spazi vuoti. 1. My brother got married in 1999. At ……… time he

was a nurse in the local hospital. 2. Are you busy ……… morning? 3. ……… is my sister, Mary, and ……… are my

brothers, Paula and Mark. 4. ……… grapes are really sweet. 5. ……… problem is quite difficult. Can you help me

please? 6. I’d like to buy ……… skirt in the shop window, but

it’s too expensive 7. Do you remember ……… people we met in

London? 8. Excuse me where does ……… bus go? SPOTLIGHT ON BRITISH CULTURE


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(Track 1.2) Education is important in England. English children are required by law to have an education until they are 16 years old. Education is compulsory, but school is not, children are not

required to attend school. They could be educated at home. Education is free for all children from 5 to 18. About 94 per cent of pupils in the UK receive free education from public funds, while 6 per cent attend independent fee paying schools. All government-run schools, state schools, follow the same National Curriculum. British main School holidays are: Christmas (2 weeks), Spring (2 weeks), Summer (6 weeks). In general, children start school on the first day of term after they are 5. At the age of 11, they move on to regular high schools, known as secondary schools. English children are required to attend school until they are 16 years old. At the age of 16, students write an examination called the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education). All students are tested in mathematics, English literature, English composition, chemistry, biology, physics, history or the Classics, one modern language, and

one other subject, such as art or computer studies. After completing the GCSE, some students leave school, others go onto technical college, while others continue at high school for two more years and take a further set of standardized exams, known as A levels, in three or four subjects. These exams determine if a student is eligible for university. There are three main types of secondary schools in England. Comprehensive, Grammar schools and High Schools. Comprehensive schools are open to all children, while Grammar schools require an entrance exam, they are selective schools.

Freely adapted from “Guide to British Life, Culture and Customs” Woodlands Junior School Kent http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/index.htm

1. Exercise Read the sentences below and decide if they are TRUE or FALSE Leggi le frasi seguenti e decide se sono vere o false.

TRUE FALSE 1. Education is not important in England. 2. School is compulsory for all English children. 3. Education is free for all children from 5 to 18. 4. Children can leave school at the age of 16. 5. The are five main types of secondary schools.

2. Exercise Find in the text these words in English Importante, obbligatorio, casa, educazione, scuola, bambini, vacanze, governo, salute, storia, biologia, chimica, esame, giorno, settimana, scuola secondaria, material.