Unipart Rail – Delivery Performance Tracker User Guide – Part 1 Accessing the Tracker & Basic Functionality Site: www.unipartrail.com Select Infrastructure Portal Select Login Option V:\Procurement\EXCEL\NRS Rail\Expediting\DPT Manual Part 1 January 2007 Draft2.doc - 1 -

Unipart Rail – Delivery Performance Tracker...Unipart Rail – Delivery Performance Tracker This report will display all open Unipart Rail purchase orders placed with the supplier

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Unipart Rail – Delivery Performance Tracker

User Guide – Part 1

Accessing the Tracker & Basic Functionality Site: www.unipartrail.com

Select Infrastructure Portal

Select Login Option

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Unipart Rail – Delivery Performance Tracker

Input Username & Unipart Rail provided Password in boxes (per above). Enter. The next screen will ask you to accept the Terms & Conditions. Upon acceptance the following screen will be displayed.

Select Planning Section You will be directed to a page providing selection options for Unipart Rail/Supplier reports. Select Delivery Performance Tracker

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Unipart Rail – Delivery Performance Tracker This report will display all open Unipart Rail purchase orders placed with the supplier. These include the number ranges:- 45xxxxxxxx – direct delivery to customer 55xxxxxxxx or 57xxxxxxxx – deliveries to Unipart Rail DC at Crewe 65xxxxxxxx – Scheduled orders to be delivered to Unipart Rail DC at Crewe

As can be seen from the page displayed (per above), the standard format and functionality is as previously, allowing the user to export, filter, move from page to page etc etc. The detail displays basic data for each purchase order line, but does not allow the user to change details or dates from this view. To enable this function, the user needs to select by purchase order to further drill into this detail. (See User Guide Part 2 for further details)

Basic Data / Display As you can see from the display, each line is colour coded:- GREEN – Confirmation of delivery date. Unipart Rail are not looking for an improved delivery date as it stands, purely confirmation / acknowledgement that the agreed delivery date will be met (or not). AMBER – UNIPART RAIL are looking for the supplier to improve on the quoted delivery date (this may be a date that is not yet due). RED – The delivery date has now passed, and the delivery is late. This needs immediate attention by the supplier. BLUE – The supplier has confirmed that an item has been delivered on this purchase order line, the date of delivery and the delivery location.

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Unipart Rail – Delivery Performance Tracker Where a line is ‘greyed out’, this denotes that the supplier has reviewed. Where it is not, the supplier needs to review and confirm delivery etc. Purchase Order – Unipart Rail Reference Purchase Order No Item – Line item for each Purchase Order Material – Unipart Rail Catalogue Number – XXXX/XXXXXX Short Text – Short Item Description for each material Unipart Rail Ref – Unipart Rail internal reference Order Date – Date that purchase order was raised at Unipart Rail Sup. Pt. No – Supplier Part No – referenced within the SAP system, and automatically populated at Purchase Order Input Stage Supplier Ref – Supplier populated unique reference number. Input by the supplier on drill down page (see Page xx) Open Qty – open quantity on purchase order line Current Posn – Volume of Unipart Rail Stock on Hand that day (Includes Customer Order requirements for the next X weeks). Where denoted in red (ie negative stock situation), Unipart Rail will be looking for an improved delivery (AMBER colour coded). On pre-fixed ‘45’ direct delivery to customer orders, this will be displayed as blank. Unipart Rail Reqd Date – date of Unipart Rail required delivery (Contract / Supplier Quoted lead-time) ie Supplier measured date. Where date displayed in RED, denotes a failed delivery in terms of original date required and will effect the supplier performance monthly statistics. Selecting (Clicking) on the Purchase Order No (Column 1), will display the following details, and allows the user to update as required.

Part 2 of the User Guide will provide further details in terms of the way this is to be used. V:\Procurement\EXCEL\NRS Rail\Expediting\DPT Manual Part 1 January 2007 Draft2.doc - 4 -

Unipart Rail – Delivery Performance Tracker Below will act as basic guide / explanation of each field only. (Denotes Supplier Input) Re-viewed/Status – Colour coded as per explanation above (GREEN, AMBER, RED), and tick box for Supplier to confirm that the order detail has been reviewed/confirmed etc. Purchase Order – Unipart Rail Reference Purchase Order No Item – Line item for each Purchase Order Material – Unipart Rail Catalogue Number – XXXX/XXXXXX Short Text – Short Item Description for each material Open Qty – open quantity on purchase order line Unipart Rail Ref – Unipart Rail internal reference Order Date – Date that purchase order was raised at Unipart Rail Sup. Pt. No – Supplier Part No – referenced within the SAP system, and automatically populated at Purchase Order Input Stage Supplier Ref – Supplier populated unique reference number. * Current Posn – Volume of Unipart Rail Stock on Hand that day (Includes Customer Order requirements for the next X weeks). Improvement Required – Yes / No. In Query with Unipart Rail – Tick Box activated by the supplier Non-Conformance – Tick Box activated by Unipart Rail Price Query - Tick Box activated by the supplier Carriage Charge Omitted - Tick Box activated by the supplier Not Received PO - Tick Box activated by the supplier Purchase Order Text – Unipart Rail populated text (SAP) regarding deliveries / details recorded in conjunction with Suppliers. Unipart Rail Review Comments – Unipart Rail populated text (through Web Delivery Performance Tracker) regarding deliveries / details recorded in conjunction with Suppliers Supplier Review Comments – Supplier populated text (through Web Delivery performance Tracker ) regarding deliveries / details etc Schedule No – Schedule line per item Quantity – open quantity per schedule line Split Deliv – Tick box activated by the supplier Unipart Rail Reqd Date – date of Unipart Rail required delivery (Contract / Supplier Quoted lead-time) ie Supplier measured date. Delivery Date – Supplier quoted delivery date (Auto populated at order creation stage as the same date as Statistical / Unipart Rail Reqd date). Delivery Change Reason – Drop down selection box denoting reasons for changed delivery date Change Count – Count field for number of times the Supplier has changed the delivery date Unipart Rail Actioned – Internal Unipart Rail tick box Later than Required - Yes or No. Comparison of Unipart Rail Requiredd date and the latest promise date from Supplier Supplier Delivered – Tick Box. Populated by the Supplier – where delivered but still showing open at Unipart Rail. Supplier Delivery Date – mandatory completion where previous tick box populated. Only used for this purpose. Date will always be in the past.

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Delivery Address – Drop down selection box detailing delivery address

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User Guide – Part 2

Using the Tracker

Unipart Rail Requirements There are 3 basic areas that Unipart Rail requires the Supplier to focus on, and the colour coding helps to focus accordingly.

1. Late – RED 2. Those requiring improved delivery dates – AMBER 3. Confirmation that the order has been received and that the delivery date will

be met – GREEN

Status 1 - RED - The Unipart Rail desire is that nothing shows as RED- i.e. late in the system in terms of the quoted delivery date. The knock-on in terms of customer service is that this material will automatically be promised as available to our end customers. However if a delivery is missed it is extremely important that the Supplier updates the system ASAP to ensure minimal negative impact. Status 2 - AMBER - The second area for focus is on those materials where Unipart Rail have insufficient inventory to meet current and near future demand, or on a direct to customer delivery (Pre-fixed ‘45’) where an improvement is desired. Neither the Supplier nor Unipart Rail may be late with promised deliveries, but a mutual desire to improve customer service will drive this Status 3 - GREEN – Confirmation delivery date only. Unipart Rail are not asking for an improvement on the delivery quoted. Status 4 – BLUE, requires a Unipart Rail focus and action. This is where the supplier has detailed through the Delivery Performance Tracker, that a delivery has been made to either Unipart Rail or direct to the Customer on Unipart Rail’s behalf and either not been receipted (in the case of a 55/57/65 pre-fixed purchase order), or invoice input (45). Note - There may be a number of schedule lines within the item number (particularly for scheduled 65 pre-fixed orders). Only one colour/status can apply as the initial display (purchase order list) is at item level.

Basic Functionality SORT – Clicking column header will sort in ascending. By clicking again, a descending sort will be performed. EXPORT – Selection of the export function will allow the user to directly export the list of Purchase Orders and the details alongside into an Excel spreadsheet. FILTER – Selection of the filter function will allow the user to view selected records according to filter applied.

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DISPLAY NON-REVIEWED ONLY – This allows the supplier to focus on those order lines that have not yet have been addressed. This ensures that where nothing else has changed time is not wasted re-addressing and checking previous detail.

Working with the Unipart Rail Delivery Performance Tracker The first time that the Supplier uses this may seem arduous depending on the number of orders that are open, however once these have been addressed and providing kept up to date, the task will lessen over a very short period of time. Each purchase order line needs to be addressed on an individual basis and updated. However as previously stated, the ‘report’ is designed to ensure that there is no repetition or re-addressing of the same delivery, unless a condition has changed. Each Supplier will work with the report differently in terms of the way that they tackle it. It is requested however that a check is made for any RED (Overdue – Status 1) orders, as a top priority.

Filtering for Overdue deliveries, Materials where Unipart Rail are requiring improved deliveries, Newly placed Orders etc Select Filter. Pop-up Box will be displayed.

Select Status 1 = Overdue 2 = Earlier Delivery date Required

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3 = Confirmation Only

Select Apply Filter – Only Red (Status 1) Purchase Orders will be displayed. NB Status reminders on each list display page (bottom left hand side)

To filter for new orders (not yet reviewed) – select ‘Display Non-Reviewed only’

This will exclude those that have already been reviewed (i.e. greyed out).

To look for new orders placed either select non-reviewed option, or alternatively filter by created date, or sort (by clicking on column headers) by date, or acknowledgement number.

Updating the Report Select the purchase order. The following screen will be displayed.

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1. Tick the Re-viewed/Status box (by clicking in the box) 2. Check the data is correct and in line with the Supplier records 3. Input your Supplier Reference (if applicable). This will facilitate further

expediting. 4. Check that the price on the Unipart Rail order matches your contract price.

If there is any discrepancy select the Price Query Tick Box 5. Where a carriage charge applies and the Unipart Rail Purchase Order either

omits this charge or differs from the agreed price, select the Carriage Charge omitted selection box.

6. If you have not received the Purchase Order from Unipart Rail select Not Received PO tick box

7. If there is any further query with the order (e.g. insufficient information to allow the processing of it etc), select In Query with Unipart Rail Box.

8. Review / amend the delivery date as applicable and where amendment select reason for delivery date change. If no change then the selection should remain as “- - Select - - “

9. Update comments in Supplier Review Box. Please ensure date of entry of the comments and initials / name of person entering these are input.

10. Select Update box, and upon acceptance of data select ‘back to Expediting List’

In the case of this example, Unipart Rail are only looking for confirmation that the date will be met, and not for improvement (Denoted by colour code GREEN, Status 3). Please note that at a later date, the colour may change to AMBER, should demand outstrip available stock at Unipart Rail, during the purchase order lead-time.

Populated Fields denoted by blue circles in this example. Whilst it is not mandatory to populate text comments each time it is updated or reviewed, this facilitates the process and is recommended. Upon selecting Update, the text will now be ‘archived’ and fully displayed.

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The amended delivery data upon update interfaces in virtual real-time into the Unipart Rail SAP system, therefore it is important that the data is entered accurately. After update button is selected – the user needs to select ‘Back to DP Tracker list’.

Reviewed item is now displayed as reviewed (greyed out). NOTE - Where an item was AMBER or GREEN and reviewed (greyed), but then delivery date missed and therefore showing as in the past – this re-opens the item as NOT reviewed (RED) and thus requiring further attention by the Supplier. Reviewing a RED (Status 1 Delivery Overdue) Purchase Order Line The aim of the Delivery Performance Tracker is that there are no purchase order lines that are displayed as late, due to the potential adverse impact within the supply chain. However where this has happened, it is essential that this is addressed as a matter of urgency.

The Delivery date Field must be updated with a new achievable delivery date, and reason for delivery date change selected (Drop Down Box)*. The Supplier Review Comments need also to be completed with Date of Amendment, appropriate explanation and Initials / Name.

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Selecting Update - will change the status back to Amber (in this instance). If the supplier has delivered the order, then the Supplier delivered Box should be selected and the date of delivery input (This needs to be in the past) The delivery location from the drop down box also need to be selected. Any further back-up, signature details etc should be entered in the Supplier Review Comments – to provide a quick resolution. Note – Upon Updating the Tracker to delivered, this delivery will now move to Status 4 – Blue. This data is reported daily to the appropriate Unipart Rail business area for action and resolution.

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The reasons are as follows:- Capacity – The supplier has failed deliveries due to the current demand outstripping ability to supply. NB Unipart Rail has the ability to systems manage materials and capacity where the constraint is known and both the supplier and Unipart Rail have worked together to manage this area. This can be for a single product or a group of inter-related products and ensures that Unipart Rail only request agreed volumes in agreed periods, and that also the Unipart Rail customer is acknowledged a realistic delivery. Shutdown – Failure is due to Factory Shutdown (Holidays/Christmas) Outsourcing – Supplier has failed to meet agreed delivery due to failure of 3rd party, i.e. Galvaniser/Sub-contractor etc. Staffing – Shortage of Staff has forced delivery slippage LT mismatch – This is where Unipart Rail has requested a delivery in an ‘agreed’ lead-time that conflicts with the Supplier Wrong Price – A pricing difference on the Purchase order has delayed the processing of the order by the Supplier. The Price Query Box should have been selected by Supplier at order receipt to minimise impact and ensure speedy resolution. Unipart Rail on stop – A finance dispute has delayed the processing of the order by the Supplier Bibbys Coll – Unipart Rail/Bibbys have failed to meet agreed collection of material DC Slot – Supplier has been unable to secure a delivery slot with Unipart Rail

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Early Delivery – to be selected when Supplier can accommodate Unipart Rail request (AMBER) for early delivery – see later notes. Plant Failure – Machine Breakdown / Failure, or similar Not Received PO – The non-receipt of the Purchase order at the Supplier has delayed the processing and therefore delivery. The Not Received PO Box should have been selected by Supplier at order update to minimise impact and ensure speedy resolution. Awtg NR Approval – Network Rail have either withdrawn approval or the material is awaiting approval Information Delay ex UR – This option would be selected where there is insufficient information on the Purchase Order to enable processing and this has delayed the delivery. The In Query with Unipart Rail Box should have been selected by Supplier at order receipt to minimise impact and ensure speedy resolution. UR Guesstimated – This is for Unipart Rail use only & will be utilised where we are unable to achieve a response from the Supplier and the slippage is affecting further customer deliveries. The Supplier should replace this with realistic reason. Input of additional text is mandatory where a slippage has occurred, as this data will be utilised to resolve issues and improve future deliveries and communication. Reviewing an AMBER (Status 2 Requiring Improvement) Purchase Order Line Where Unipart Rail need the material to satisfy current and near future customer demand, and have insufficient in stock to meet this requirement, or where a direct to customer (pre-fixed ‘45’) delivery improvement is required, the purchase order line will be displayed as Status 2 (AMBER). The Unipart Rail Required (Statistical date) can be in the future or in the past – but the current quoted delivery date (or agreed lead-time) will be in the future as it stands.

Reference above, the Original Unipart Rail Reqd Date (Statistical Date) was 13/2/07.

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This has now automatically updated to 25/01/07, as improvement was required and the Supplier is still within the agreed lead-time. This ensures a supplier is not penalised for ‘early’ delivery, as may have happened previously relying on manual processes.


Tick Boxes (To be Selected by Supplier for Unipart Rail Action / Resolution)

There are several ‘tick boxes’ that can be selected within the detail screen for each purchase order line. Selection of any of these ensures action by Unipart Rail within an agreed time frame (at worst case next day) and facilitates early resolution and minimal impact on the delivery if any. Inputting full details of the query within the Supplier Text facility further facilitates this process. Upon resolution the tick will be removed and full supporting comments will be input detailing resolution and delay impact.

IN QUERY WITH UNIPART RAIL Select this tick box for any query that is not covered by the other selection options, and needs Unipart Rail attention to enable processing of the order. Back-up text should be entered in the Supplier Review Comments.

NON-CONFORMANCE (Unipart Rail populated)

Where this is shown as ticked, this denotes that whilst the delivery has been made to Unipart rail, the consignment has been no-conformed and will not be receipted until this has been cleared. PRICE QUERY The supplier should select this box, advising the difference in the text box, where any pricing discrepancy (unless pertaining to carriage) CARRIAGE CHARGE OMITTED Where any carriage charge discrepancy (either omission or variation), this box should be selected – full details to be input into the Supplier Text NOT RECEIVED PO Selecting this option will ensure a copy PO is forwarded within 1 working day.

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Where the supplier needs to split the delivery, or amend the volume (on multiple schedule lines or standard purchase orders) then by selection of the ‘Split Deliv’ tick box and clearly inputting details of amendments in the Supplier Review Text box, this will be amended in SAP by Unipart Rail staff the following day in line with the details.

Change Count

The Delivery Performance Tracker records and counts each change to the delivery date.

AMBER – Delivery Slippages

Unipart Rail are reliant on those dates at the very least being met by the supplier (even if part supply), as the end customer will have already been acknowledged in line with Unipart Rail/Supplier contractual/quoted lead-times and purchase order deliveries. Therefore we would appreciate every effort to meet these, even if at times this means juggling other deliveries, which are ‘GREEN’. By communicating and agreeing deliveries with your Unipart Rail Inventory Management Contact, there will be opportunities to move out statistical / Unipart Rail required dates where mutually advantageous and where this does not affect customer service.

Supplier Acknowledgements

Please note Unipart Rail will not be actioning supplier acknowledgements as previously. The supplier input will confirm receipt of order and delivery date(s), and any price query can be highlighted using the Tracker Tick Boxes and supporting text (per above).