Awaken 2012 RHS Course Notes – Part I Levels of Mind and Awareness http://www.innermasterytools.com/ UNFOLDING GREATEST HUMAN POTENTIAL AT THIS TIME...........2 INTRODUCTION...............................................3 Connecting to the New Future ~ Need to Elevate the Past................................ 5 How to Work with this Material............................................................................ 6 Primary Objectives: Vertical Awaring, Increasing Vibratory Hum, Strengthening the Etheric..................................................................................... 7 Clarification on the Christ..................................................................................... 8 Your Evolution is a Cosmic Concern…................................................................ 10 PART I: LEVELS OF MIND AND AWARENESS.....................12 MIND AND CONSCIOUSNESS.....................................12 DEFINITIONS...............................................13 Consciousness...................................................................................................... 13 Resistance to Change Begets Illusion ~ Embracing Change causes Evolution ............................................................................................................................... 14 The Mind and Its Many Points of Awareness.................................................... 16 The Ego............................................. 18 The Higher Self and Angelic Consciousness...........21 The Higher Self Projects Outer Life.................23 The Two Minds..................................................................................................... 25 The Thinking Separated Mind.........................26 The Functional Enlightened Mind.....................27 The Bridge of Vertical-Awaring......................27 Fasting for the Separated Mind......................28 Unlearning to be the False Self so that the True Self can be Revealed.....................................29 Glimpse into Vertical-Awaring.......................29 APPENDIX A: SUPPLEMENTARY READING FOR PART I.............33 1. UNDERSTANDING THE ETHERIC BODY...........................33 2- SPACE AND TIME IN THE ETHERIC BODY........................38 Glimpsing the Bigger Story through Merging Space and Time................................................ 39 3. Our Life Reflected Throughout the Cosmos.............41 Copyright 2012 Anita L. Briggs All Rights Reserved 1

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Awaken 2012 RHS Course Notes – Part I Levels of Mind and Awarenesshttp://www.innermasterytools.com/


INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................3Connecting to the New Future ~ Need to Elevate the Past.........................................5How to Work with this Material..................................................................................6Primary Objectives: Vertical Awaring, Increasing Vibratory Hum, Strengthening the Etheric..........................................................................................................................7Clarification on the Christ...........................................................................................8Your Evolution is a Cosmic Concern….....................................................................10

PART I: LEVELS OF MIND AND AWARENESS.....................................................12

MIND AND CONSCIOUSNESS...........................................................................................12DEFINITIONS...................................................................................................................13

Consciousness............................................................................................................13Resistance to Change Begets Illusion ~ Embracing Change causes Evolution........14The Mind and Its Many Points of Awareness............................................................16

The Ego..................................................................................................................18The Higher Self and Angelic Consciousness.........................................................21The Higher Self Projects Outer Life......................................................................23

The Two Minds..........................................................................................................25The Thinking Separated Mind...............................................................................26The Functional Enlightened Mind.........................................................................27The Bridge of Vertical-Awaring............................................................................27Fasting for the Separated Mind..............................................................................28Unlearning to be the False Self so that the True Self can be Revealed.................29Glimpse into Vertical-Awaring.............................................................................29

APPENDIX A: SUPPLEMENTARY READING FOR PART I.................................33

1. UNDERSTANDING THE ETHERIC BODY......................................................................332- SPACE AND TIME IN THE ETHERIC BODY..................................................................38

Glimpsing the Bigger Story through Merging Space and Time............................393. Our Life Reflected Throughout the Cosmos.............................................................41

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Awaken 2012 RHS Course Notes – Part I Levels of Mind and Awarenesshttp://www.innermasterytools.com/

Unfolding Greatest Human Potential at this Time

As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Faust

I dedicate this work to supporting participants to know and trust themselves…

My Background….

Many of you in the program are familiar with my work, but for those who are not I will give you a brief picture. I have been a student of the esoteric for over 25 years, and changed careers and entered into healing in 2000, after going through personal life challenges. From 2000-2006 I studied all manner of alternative modalities, including Medicina Sagrada, Rapid Eye Therapy, EFT and related energy medicine techniques, Akashic reading, acupuncture, and more. I was continually looking for more effective, quicker, more profound healing techniques—mostly prompted by new clients that proved the other techniques inadequate. I am a researcher by training, and explored how these modalities worked: what they did, what level of the energy bodies they affected, what their limitations were, etc. That is when I felt deeper knowings stirring within, and developed the Inner Mastery Tools, which are best described as light fractal consciousness that support wholeness at all levels. The IMTs underwent their own evolution as I continued with mine, and they are now powerful enough that I am training healing practitioners in their use.

In tandem with this (around 2009), I became driven to understand how to embody Christ Consciousness because I knew it was critical at the turn of the millennium and I did not feel it as palpable living force within me, despite all that I was doing toward spiritual awakening. This led me on a journey first into the human body and then into the underbelly of chaos on the planet in order to understand why and how our bodies were so shut down. After intense exploratory work that was immensely supported by many Light Beings, I have come to a clearer understanding of what the human being must attain to in order to best navigate the challenging years ahead. The period between 2011-2017 are the great years of transitioning into higher consciousness, and each year will become increasingly intense until about 2017. The outcome is not at all assured, and depends on how deeply individuals connect to God within. These are the most momentous times in evolution.

This work reflects my understanding of what we need to achieve in order to become agents of conscious forward evolution for the whole of humanity. Healing is no longer optional; it truly is an evolutionary necessity. And the more who awaken, the more that others will be stirred out of their sleep.

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The human being is a marvel of creation. We have so much potential within, that we truly may be spiritual giants, and yet, the sad reality on the planet is that most people feel quite powerless and at the mercy of outer conditions. Our nature is love and were we to express this nature right now, the world would change within a very short time. A major hindrance to the expression of love at present is the level of fear and the strong hold it has over the minds of many.

Most people believe that the conditions of the world can harm them and also that they must figure out how to ensure some level of security. Most believe in scarcity of resources, and powerlessness over the direction of world affairs. Most everyone operates in life from the ‘thinking separated mind’ that looks at things in terms of preservation of the self. This part of our mind is powerless, and so it operates only from fear. And even if you are not in survival mode or in fear because you have secured enough for yourself, your attachment to external things is hindering you from being able to move into the deeper levels toward your god self, where the resolutions for what we are facing collectively must spring forth.

We are all influenced to a very large degree by consensual reality, which is based in wrong thought and fed by deception. Our social, political, cultural, and economic structures so not serve the highest good of individuals, but rather drive the machine of greed and power that has no clear identity. We say this state of affairs is due to human nature—but if we understand human nature in truth, we would wake up in horror and see the consensus as completely dehumanizing. This can be ignored no longer. Humanity has entered adulthood and must get its act together.

All are called at this time to break free from the deception and illusion, so that we can become inwardly free. As we free ourselves from the lies and bravely look at things in truth, we will already be on our way to true resolution. The power of consciousness knows no limits; each human being has this potential within them. The power of the Universe—, the power that created the phenomenal world, the galaxies, the earth, the flowers, the oceans, and that conceived its beauty, majesty, and perfection—is within your being. The secret is that this power is wielded by love, which is only accessible in freedom. Only in inward freedom can we truly wield the power of love to consciously create our lives and that is necessary to bring this realm to a higher order reality. Attaining to inner freedom at this time is an evolutionary necessity, and this program is dedicated to helping you achieve this.

Many questions may be rising up in you at this point; be patient and many will be answered in the course of the program.

The very interesting thing about the human being is that he or she can be a spiritual giant and have great impact in the world right now. We are like sleeping giants who do

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not know their own strength and so have become afraid of the dark. The forces of chaos (dark) are feeling rather smug because all they need do is keep up the level of fear and chaos in the world and we are instantly disempowered as we scramble to look after ourselves. Our power is through love in freedom, and there can be no fear in love. We disempower ourselves when we allow apparent conditions to cause fear in us. In fear, we are cut off from our power. We then tend to look after ourselves first—but spiritual law is such that we can only truly have what we give freely to others. The resolution is to surrender the fear to a higher order of understanding, and remain rooted in love—love is the power to reorder those conditions. Love is the creative principle and power of the universe.

But it is not enough to simply know this and to ‘try’ to get there; we need to reclaim the levels and faculties of our being that we have abandoned or lost, and when we awaken them, we will fill them in with our inner presence quite naturally. From a greater sense of true presence, love emerges of its own because that is our essential nature. This process of deeper understanding and awaking to who you are is what you will learn in this program.

There is much information that will help you to understand the immense power we have within us, but if you get one thing out of this program, let it be the ability to remain rooted in love no matter what. There is no power greater to transform your life than being love and allowing the vibrations of the deeper mind to reorder conditions physically, emotionally/mentally, and spiritually. Not only will your personal life transform, but you will be supporting humanity’s future, the viability of which depends upon people anchoring in the higher vibrations that are here to bring resolution to the travesties in this realm.

May this program be most deeply transformative for you!

The teachings in this program are to help you to understand the incredible being that you are. You will be guided through steps to awaken to the true self and tap into greater healing and creational power, so that you can receive and wield the higher vibrational energies that are flowing on the planet presently. We are being supported to higher consciousness that will lift us out from the web of fear that is holding us down in the lower vibrational realm. That is what 2012 is about, and the energies this year are most intense and this will continue for several years to come.

We must wrest ourselves from the consensus and move into the deeper mind of the ‘Absolute’—the consciousness that is beyond duality, which knows no obstacles in manifesting its visions. When you recognize outer conditions as merely the result of past or consensus thought—in no way binding unless by your thinking— and are tapping into that depth within, you become unstoppable and of an unwavering faith that moves mountains. Consciousness creates its vision when it no longer opposes itself with conflicting thought. And if you can conceive it, you can achieve it because what consciousness can envision, it knows how to manifest. Both vision and fulfilment arise in the same moment in the deeper realms of the mind. The manifestation is assured in the

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mind that does not oppose itself and keeps the faith. And when you know this truly—with your whole being—the potentials in life become infinite.

Everyone is invited to awaken to higher consciousness, but you must stop the habitual patterns that keep you in the separated mind, release attachment and face its underlying fear, and continually surrender the lower self to allow a higher order of being to come in. You can’t reach higher (or deeper) when burdened by the false self.

The Living Light (known as the Christ or the Son aspect of God) is seeking embodiment in people presently, in order that a new future become possible for humanity. This power is not for a chosen few, but rather for anyone and everyone who will surrender the old and make room for these energies to incarnate in them. These are unprecedented times, and the opportunity to make such a leap in awakening has never occurred before in all time.

Connecting to the New Future ~ Need to Elevate the Past

The field of futures has changed completely. The future is like a standing wave of potential...not at all like the 'apparent' linear causation world of even ten or twenty years ago. And the potential opening up is nothing like what we have known...we are on the verge of a new creational phase with new rules. The old creation has run its course and will not be supported because it serves no longer. If you look around, you will notice how many people’s lives are falling apart or moving toward entropy. This is because they are plugged in (imaginatively) to the old futures that can no longer be. We will witness many structures crumbling in the years ahead, and again, this is because they do not have a future and so cannot be moved forward.

Movement in life occurs when we connect with a destination and then will ourselves there. This happens unconsciously for most people, and up until recently doing this unconsciously was viable because the future was on the same vibrational realm as was the past. It has always been that the present moment arises from the confluence of past and future streams meeting, but now that the future is completely different, we need to consciously understand it so that we can imagine anew and bring a real stream toward us. When the destination that we reach for is non-existent and not even possible, then we cannot move forward and we enter into confusion.  While we don’t have to know what this future looks like, we do have to work with deepening consciousness so that we are in sync with the creative mind of the future (i.e. the Divine Mind).

Whatever this future may be, what you can count on is that the assumptions, beliefs, and perspectives that you have held about life and who you are, up until now, all need to be surrendered so that a new order of life can come into being in you. The new future will come toward you when you are vibrationally in resonance to it. And this brings us to a deeper examination of the past.

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Until your past is brought to a higher order to meet the future, it will be vibrationally dissonant to the future and you will experience things falling apart in your life with increasing intensity. Image two streams of water emptying into a basin; now if one is also at a higher level then there will be a big clash and you will get tumultuous ‘white water’. I live near the Bay of Fundy that has the highest tides in the world because of this phenomenon. The old future no longer exists, and a new future of much higher ‘vibratory hum’ is moving in. In order to leap up toward it, we must resolve and elevate our past because it acts as the single-most potent vibrational force dragging us down. Connecting to the new future is critical at this time. And doing so offers greatest potential to take that leap in consciousness, which will make navigating the times ahead easier. But we need a strong foundation as springboard to support that leap.

Through the material in this program you will learn to synchronize with the Divine Mind much more deeply, and will be supported to extract the essential from your past story so that it may act as springboard to leap into the new future that awaits those who are striving to awaken. In addition, you will learn ways to engage the power centers within so that you are continually reaching for greater insight, impetus, inspiration, etc. from this higher-level future.

* * * * *

How to Work with this Material

There is a lot of material in this program because things are approached from many angles. At first you may find some parts difficult to grasp. I suggest that you be patient. As you take in the whole, the parts will become clearer and a grand picture will begin to form and everything will come to life and make more sense.

There is a wide variance in spiritual understanding in the audience that I am addressing. While this program is geared to anyone who wishes to synchronize with the energies and the needs of time, it is also for those who are so inclined to ponder on spiritual truth, and so the deeper understanding and rationale is also given (to some degree) for what is here presented. I have restrained myself in this regard, but have not cut out the esoteric information altogether.

So please understand the difficulty and balance I am trying to strike. There is so much to convey at this momentous time. I am greatly challenged with keeping things simple, because simplicity of creation can only be truly grasped by a synthesis of its complexity. We must observe the whole in order to understand the principles out of which the parts have emerged; otherwise there is room for misunderstanding. My solution to this was to put the more esoteric writing into appendices and supplementary articles that I refer to in the main reading material. Please only read these if you have the interest and the time. ‘Supplementary’ means just that. So please do not feel you have to read everything the first time through. Please do not feel deficient if you do not grasp the supplementary

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information fully either. You will take in what you need, and you will also absorb at deeper levels that are not always conscious. Ideas are repeated and reinforced through the discussions and exercises, so you will take in all that you need to in the course of the program.

The practical application through the audios and exercises are the most important things to do. And as you do them and feel the shifts, the esoteric information will become easier for you to understand…and may even be unnecessary as you may have your own deeper grasp on things.

I have broken up the manual into weekly instalments. You will find the reading for week 1 below, and will get the other instalments separately and as the program progresses.

Primary Objectives: Vertical Awaring, Increasing Vibratory Hum, Strengthening the Etheric

A primary objective of this program is to teach you how to move your point of operating in life from the separated mind to Consciousness that is infinite and knows no limitation. This is taught through a process that I refer to as vertical-awaring. The actual process of vertical-awaring is described in a separate manual that is part of the material for week 3. Each week, you will be attaining new competencies and understandings in order to be able to achieve vertical-awaring in life. In vertical-awaring through learning to go into the deeper states of mind, you can magnify your ‘vertical’ connection within at any time in the day in a matter minutes. The manual of exercises has several simple techniques which, when done a few times daily, can completely change your alignment and vibratory hum.

Your vibration is your ‘attractor factor’ or ‘manifestation magnet’, as some people refer to it. The higher your vibration, the more information you have access to, the more you merge in ‘pure awareness’, the more you operate outside of time, the closer you are to your Higher Self, the greater the ‘speed of life’ you operate within, the faster and ‘grander’ you manifest, and the more powerful an agent of conscious evolution that you become at this most critical of times.

Another primary objective, as discussed in the program synopsis, is to heal, strengthen and enliven the etheric body---the body of life force energy that awakens on the strength of your character and moral nature. With a strong etheric body, we naturally embrace life in full accountability and responsibility to creation. The Christ energies moving into this planetary realm to support the necessary leap in consciousness at present takes hold primarily in the ‘transformed’ etheric body. And it is through etheric consciousness that we may behold the Christ at present. The Christ is an etheric presence and power actively supporting our awakening and the ascension of the earth.

The impulse is one of living love, which hat is making itself available to those who are seeking to be a force of forward evolution at present. And our etheric bodies are the most vulnerable to shrinking and shrivelling up from the effects of materialism1. The lack of

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acknowledgment of spirit in the way that we live is shrinking the life force body, which in turn hardens the physical body and hinders its evolution, making it vulnerable to the forces of chaos. So lack of power in the etheric body allows the devolutionary powers to take hold, and the corollary also holds, that is, an increase in power in the etheric body will prevent the forces of chaos from assuming power over humanity. The increased power will allow the living love to take hold within our being.

You may read full details on the etheric body in Appendix A- section 1, Understanding the Etheric Body. (This is supplementary reading).

Clarification on the Christ

When I use the term “The Christ”, please understand that it is also the function that is the focus. There is the Christ Impulse seeded in each human being that is the function of the Christ mission. The Being of the Christ is not separate from God.

The Christ brings the impetus and faculty or substance to find our way Home in full consciousness. The meaning of the word Christ is to be anointed.1 There is a Being in the higher realms (an aspect of God that is the Son) who took on that task to be the Anointment…and He poured out the substance of “anointing” from His Being. The Christ Impulse is the anointment of the human being into godhood. The Christ aspect of God incarnated as man (2000 years ago), but that ‘man’ is not the focus here. If the Being were important we would speak of a certain being…it is not the Being, but rather the function that is important. And so the holy texts speak of “The Christ”, and “Christ Michael” and “Christ Krishna”. What this means is that Archangel Michael is a Christ, or an anointed one. The Christ is an office in planetary realms taken up by various ascended beings at different times in the course of evolution.

To be christed is to have merged the whole being and evolution with God. And similarly does each human being have the potential to become anointed or ‘enchristed’ by unfolding this potential or “Christ Impulse” that has been seeded within. So please understand the way in which this term is used. It is not Christ of the Christian religions that have distorted this holy sacrament and made it only for those who adhere to dogma. The Christ is not a divisive force; on the contrary it is the most powerful unifying force for all of humanity and all sentient beings in the cosmos. The Christ does not pertain to humanity alone, but to all consciousness in creation. The Christ Impulse is the call to come Home—into harmony and Oneness with All That Is. Please understand this so that you are not bringing in distortion when you read this manual. I have done all that I could energetically to keep the words pristine and intentional, and invite you to do likewise by consciously taking in this meaning that may be new for you.

1 From conversations with Gerald O’Donnell (creator of the audios in this program).

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”The Christ penetrates the Earth, sends His radiance forth into the world, and remains eternally united with the aura of the Earth. To see the Earth today devoid of the Christ-Spirit underlying it, means seeing nothing but the corruptible, perishing earth, the decomposing corpse; into however many small particles we split it up, we see nothing but the corpse of the earth in dissolution if we do not understand the Christ. Wherever we see nothing but material substances, we have an illusion before us. In the same way you do not find the truth concerning the human inhabitant of the Earth when you study his decaying corpse.” Rudolf Steiner

The Christ Impulse is the power seeded in mankind to wrest consciousness out of the mortal realm and ascend in consciousness into the realm of eternity. It represents the highest potential that we may aspire to that will enable us to take in the energetic shifts supporting deeper consciousness at present. Ascension is not about leaving the body; rather, it’s about becoming our Higher Self consciousness while incarnated on the earth. This work lays the foundation upon which deeper inner transformation may take place.

Your Higher Self is the spiritual potential that is yours to realize. It is your spiritual Self that dwells in a higher realm. By ‘higher’ is meant ‘deeper’; and the Higher Self is the purified subconscious that is free of distortion. Just like the acorn holds the blueprint for the future mighty oak tree, so too does your Higher Self reflect to you your grandest potential. Your Higher Self is dedicated to supporting you in life, and acts as mirror for your consciousness until such time as you consciously partner with it in life. Your life emerges from the depth of the subconscious, which must be purified through life. Until it is purified, the Higher Self must manifest life through all the distortion. This will be discussed further through the program.

* * * * *

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Your Evolution is a Cosmic Concern….

There is a two-way evolutionary process that goes on in life on this planet. We evolve our soul nature through being incarnated in a body and working to shape our life, and at the same time, we are evolving the human-body-vehicle as well as the planetary-body for future souls to incarnate within. As we live, so we evolve our soul and impact on our future potential evolution. An evolved soul requires an increasingly powerful body as vehicle. Similarly, as the planetary-body evolves, greater cosmic impulses can be taken up within this realm, providing a richer and more powerful incarnational experience. So you see, we are full participants in our evolution—both creator and created.

At each great phase of evolution, humanity must integrate the cosmic impulses that will carry it on an upward evolutionary spiral. This is a moral necessity if we are to be a positive force of evolution. There is no neutrality in this regard. And our ability to keep up with evolution and act out of our true ‘upright’ nature affects all sentient life in this realm as well as the higher realms.

Just as the quality and bounty of plant life on the planet impacts on our health and vitality, so too does the quality and bounty of life within our being impact on the beings of the upper realms to whom we provide ‘nourishment’. Our passions and emotions spill over into the body of earth and are taken up by the elemental beings of nature. By our collective fear and negativity we cause these elementals to turn against their nature and the result are earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, weather anomalies, etc. These are just snippets of information and whole books have been devoted to this subject and many more are still to come: we live deeply embedded and in symbiosis with of our planetary system as well as the cosmos, and nothing that we are and do is without consequence. (This is further elaborated in the supplementary reading article (weeks 1 & 2), A Great Ecosystem based on Reciprocity).

The most important impulse for the whole of cosmic evolution is awaiting our integration presently, and it is a power of the etheric body. Not only are we at a critical time if we consider the timeline that was originally planned for human evolution, but the plans have changed and we face the most crucial juncture ever in the whole of cosmic history—this is a one-time opportunity and the choices made will bind us to a path forward for eternity.

* * * * *

Evolutionary necessity aside, enlivening the etheric body is a big part in becoming a powerful and deliberate creator, because it is from this body that you may wield the cosmic powers of creation. Spiritual power must enter into the etheric life body in order to have impact in this realm. And when aligned with Higher Purpose and Will from the true self that is love, you become a vessel for divine Idea and evolutionary impulses to incarnate in this realm. This is what the first part of this program of awakening is about.

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You will learn to reverse the forces of mortality and move into greater regenerative power and more fully engage the cosmic intelligences of the etheric body so that you can become a powerful co-creative force at this time, open to receiving higher impulses, able to conceive from higher intelligence, and with fully engaged will to manifest in life.

The simplest truth is that you are love in essence, and that love is the creative power of the universe. The implication is that you are the creative power of the universe in essence.

Many people will hear this and take it as an excuse for complacency, since they are realized in essence…since they are already love and so ‘all will take care of itself’.

Others will try to ‘emote love’, and suppress everything else to the subconscious mind that will play the suppressed material out in the outer world.

And yet others will zero in on the creative part and figure that they can manifest whatever they want and will teach you the steps that are quite correct manipulations of divine law.

But the facts are:

Your essence is concealed under layers or distortions and deception, and unless you excavate through the layers, you will not find your true self that is love.

Love is not something that takes effort or action, rather it is what you are when you give up the fear and the lies about yourself that you’ve adopted.

And manifestation of ‘effects’ is always possible by taking advantage of divine law, but selfish effects are only temporary and come at a great price of soul distortion and ruination of this creational realm.

So the simple truth holds, but the challenge is how to put that understanding to use in a way that leads to true evolution.

* * * * *

If you are inclined toward the esoteric, refer to Appendix A, Space and Time in the Etheric Body. The appendices contain esoteric and other supplementary reading for those who want more detailed information.

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Part I: Levels of Mind and Awareness

Enter the World Within Where the Sun Always ShinesWho you really are can't be threatened by some seemingly dark moment in life any more than the sun trembles because a cold wind is blowing somewhere on

earth. Guy Finley

Mind and Consciousness

You are a multi-dimensional, multi-modal creator in the making that is here to create your own life and your world within a vibrational realm that allows for the experience of free will as well as complete interdependence. That may seem paradoxical, but it is in the realization of interdependence that you will find the essence of being and enter into true freedom. As you will learn in the course of this program, everything you do has impact to the whole, and yet you are the whole and nothing exists outside of you.

God is in you and you are in God. This holds for all your brothers and sisters, and so you are in other and other in is you by this fact. The ‘golden rule’ is a portal into this mystery. “Do unto others as you would have them do to you”, is the quintessential guideline because in ultimate reality we are all One, and what you do is only ever done to yourself. That said, in human form our consciousness operates on many levels and we need to grasp the full picture in order to learn how to be fully effective and present to this experience.

In this section of the program, you will learn about the levels of awareness that make up the indwelling consciousness of the human being. The Mind may be considered as the processor, while Consciousness is the operator. Most of humanity operates in such a way that the Processor runs the show, while the Operator is totally ignored. This condition leads to chaos.2 In the discussions that follow, I refer to consciousness or awareness as being in the ‘deeper mind’. When deep within the mind, we are at the level of the Operator that is ordered awareness that has access to All That Is.

* * * * *

In this section we cover how to cultivate the ability to engage all levels of awareness. In part three we add the dantien centers of intelligence that represent the Trinity, and in section four we will add the sensory faculties, which are part of the ‘tools’ or powers you have with which to cognize and conceive in the world. The objective is to engage presence through all levels of awareness, powers, and sensory modalities so that you are

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fully actively engaged in the experience of life. Several audio meditations will provide support to develop multi-modal/level/dimensional awareness, and this will be augmented with powerful exercises to move increasingly into the mind of the Higher Self.


ConsciousnessConsciousness is all that is real. Nothing real exists outside of consciousness. Consciousness is the Absolute. The Absolute is All That Is. Within the Absolute is consciousness-at-rest…or ‘isness’. In ‘is-ness’ there is no individuated consciousness…there is no self-awareness. For self-awareness there must be being-ness.

“With awareness, Beingness develops the sense of I-am. When this transformation occurs, Consciousness-at-rest becomes Consciousness-in-movement. This is the Big Bang.”3 Consciousness-at-rest and consciousness-in-movement are not separate; they are aspects of the One (the Tao). From the “none” arises the One, and from the One arises the Two as the yin (Mother) and yang (Father) aspects of God, respectively. And from the two arises the three as the Son. As stated in the Tao Te Ching: the one becomes the two, the two becomes the three, and the three becomes the “ten thousand things”. Those ten thousand things are all emanations of the Tao.

Consciousness-at-rest is potential, while consciousness-in-movement is beingness. God is both no-thing and All That Is. God defies description as no-thing, and is known by many names as all things.

Awareness of the Absolute needs an ego (defined below) in order to experience a personal, differentiated consciousness. And so out of a desire to know itself, the Tao expressed the Yang into the Yin aspects and out of this the Son is born to experience the Father. God experiences Himself through the Sons.

As we realize that we come from the One and are never apart from it, we move our awareness increasingly toward the Absolute, learn to see the One in the ten thousand things, until we become our Higher Self nature or attain enlightenment.

There are two main states of mind—one is the mind of the separated self, and the other is the enlightened mind that knows itself and all things to emanate from the Absolute. The separated mind does not see God and considers itself to be alone, while the gaze of the enlightened mind is on God without fail—nothing else can be seen—and knows itself be at One. Both states are ‘alone’, but at different orders of reality.

I identify a third state of mind that transitions from the separated to the enlightened mind, reaching ever more for Higher Self or angelic consciousness. Understanding and

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embodying this third state of mind, which I call the mind of ‘vertical awaring’, is a primary objective of this program.

Only in consciousness-in-movement is there duality. We cannot know small without the contrast of large, for example. But consciousness-in-movement is not yet in the illusion. Duality recognized as a spectrum of states within the constants of reality dwells in reality. If we experience fear and resist it, then we have fallen into the illusion. Whereas when we recognize the state of fear as an absence or great diminution of love, then we remain cognizant of the constant of reality that is love. That is enlightenment, which resists nothing but sees only the gradations of divine reality. It is only when we resist experience and lose touch with the constants of reality that we ‘fall’ into the illusion, and our ego-mind becomes separated from its Source that is the Absolute.

I will first discuss how illusion comes about before presenting details on the levels of the mind.

Resistance to Change Begets Illusion ~ Embracing Change causes Evolution

In the phenomenal world, what we can count on is change. And strangely, that is the very thing that we resist! Resistance to change begets the illusion because it’s going counter to evolution that seeks ever greater complexity and synthesis. Evolution accelerates as we embrace continual inner change, and illusion spreads when we resist it.

And we never really stagnate because we are always in movement. So if we are not embracing change, we are going in the opposite direction toward devolution. There is no standing still in life. If you think that things have to get better eventually, think again! Devolution is toward worse and worse until something breaks. Often awakening happens through life becoming too painful—we can no longer go on as we have, because life becomes increasingly unbearable. The only solution is to cease and desist, and admit that we understand very little about it.

Resistance is the cause of repetition, and as corollary, non-resistance causes the new to unfold. The reason that the universe is SO VAST with billions of galaxies and experiential worlds is because God resists nothing. Illusion is repetition born of resistance, while reality is the ever new that emerges through embracing change. When we resist, we lose sight of the potential growth within the experience and thusly do we fall outside of reality or ever newness.

It is not possible to grow through resistance, which is choosing to be in stasis; in resistance there is fear, and there is no growth in fear. In facing fear with courage we allow something new to be birthed within conscious awareness…we meet inner opposition and surrender to greater self.

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Rudolf Steiner4 describes how in the beginnings of creation, God commanded backward movement in all of the spiritual hierarchies in order to create the opposition that was necessary to instigate growth. These were Beings who were devotional to the Divine Plan and working ‘lawfully’ at obstructing evolution—all for the sake of forcing the need to awaken greater power within the others who would have to transcend the obstructions.

So both the ‘backward’ spirits and the ‘forward’ spirits were serving a perfection that can only come from the overcoming of oppositional forces. And why is this necessary?

It’s necessary because evolution is ever new and ever greaterness. Had we been created fully present to our god nature, we would be god-clones and there is nothing new in that, as God already exists. We could never have known ourselves as individuated and unique beings of divine nature and power unless we had the experience of discovering it within the possibility of not discovering it!

In the John Gospel it is said that Christ is our brother, but God wants us to be His friend. The Christ is the Way that we come to know God as our Friend. And this can only happen as we uncover all that is latent within and grow into our full divine stature. And we do this when challenged in some manner, because otherwise we don’t ‘own’ and utilize the powers within. As we learn through what comes as opposition, we then realize that within us is infinite potential to achieve anything we can imagine and to meet any challenge no matter how big.

We either habitually challenge ourselves inwardly through deep introspection and facing of our fears head on, or we wait for life to challenge us through opposition—either way, we come to experience shadow elements within us that reflect the backward movement that has taken place macrocosmically. We play out macrocosmic evolution within the microcosm of human being.

As you come to understand this fully, you will know that life is your best ally. At first the opposition is there to nudge you to know yourself in truth, and later it works to nudge you to greater self. But you can nudge it and challenge it too, through reaching out for far greater than was ever imagined. Life is your Higher Self expressing you! At first it expresses the small false you within a larger context of potential, and later as the indwelling consciousness expands it expresses your soul nature and orientation that exists outside of time, and still further, as you embrace Oneness, it may express a more cosmic you.

Man emerged from the outpouring of these spiritual hierarchies—both forward and backward Beings. And so within us we have the powers of the forward macrocosmic Beings in latency, and alongside are the oppositional tendencies from those who were ordered to serve the Divine Plan through opposing evolution. We are a microcosm of the macrocosm, and all the elements of creation are contained within us. It is important that you understand this, because when you do you will embrace the opportunity to illuminate your shadow parts rather than run away from them and deny that they exist. You did not

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create those elements in you, and they are there for your benefit. Within the shadow self resides the greatest potential light. If you run away, you make them heavier and harder to overcome, and you delay the moment of awakening.

The biggest culprit in sustaining self-denial has come from proscribed morality in religion. If we all understood that the shadow is not something to be ashamed of, but is there to force our evolution, we would naturally deal with it as it arises and there would be no judgment in the world. Moreover, we would know that denying it is futile, because the pain will simply repeat itself in varied ways until things are dealt with.

Understand that life is a mirror for you to self-reflect with. When you deny what is coming up in you, through blame (“she has made me into an angry man”, “he is a bully that makes me afraid”, “we bring out the worst in each other”), through distraction (workaholic, social media addiction, etc.), or deadening yourself (medicating, drinking, etc.), you hide the mirror and can no longer self-reflect…and life then repeats itself over and over again. All resistance to life is lost opportunity to serve the perfection of the Divine Plan for humanity. And this service is not for yourself alone, as your life is also reflected outwardly into the cosmos for all to benefit by. I had a very interesting dream about this when I was working on this material. You can read about it in appendix A, in the section, 3. Our Life Reflected Throughout the Cosmos.

* * * * *

The necessity to create obstruction has long passed, and it is time to rein in the oppositional forces that have run amuck. And so we are called to take stock of the current state of things and overcome those oppositional forces within our being. And we don’t have to go any further than our own lives, because we have all been hypnotically lulled by consensual reality to some degree. We’ve all come here at this particular time in evolution in order to meet the challenges that would force a leap to much higher ground than would otherwise happen under purely divinely orchestrated opposition. This is a grand opportunity for an evolutionary leap in a single lifetime, to reveal ourselves ever more deeply in our god nature. The GF (Guy Finley) audio, Essential Laws of Spiritual Alchemy is a good one that fleshes out these ideas.

* * * * *

The Mind and Its Many Points of AwarenessThoughtforms, memory, feeling states, emotional energy, and will impulse are accessed through the mind, but where is the mind? Mind is non-local—it is spread throughout our being and also connected to a larger field of consciousness, which constitutes part of an interconnecting network that underlies all forms of life and connects macrocosm to microcosm.

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The mind is not the brain nor is it only thinking; it comprises all the different faculties and levels through which intelligence is accessed and expressed, and is also intelligence. The mind is shaped by the hidden reality in which we dwell and through our striving to behold ever more of that reality. The mind is the processor of thought that is consciousness. Neither brain nor mind generates thought, but it feels like this and that is what gets us into level-confusion.

Skills may be cultivated in the mind—as new habits of thinking and feeling—and this is like adding processor capabilities and capacity. You will be doing this in the course of this program. But there is no need to ‘improve’ the ‘Operator’ of the mind, as consciousness is our awareness of God, and God needs no improvement. We need only go deeper within and soak in understandings based in the truth of infinitude and eternality of being. Going deeper within is a skill of the processor (needs to know where to go to get its data), as well as understanding divine truth (added processing capacity for recognition of new data sets, if you will).

Another important point is that the Operator does not need ‘filtering software’. The Operator ultimately is the Mind of God, and that level of awareness is a higher order that transforms anything of a lower vibratory rate to a higher one. When we let the processor/mind filter reality—through judgment, preferences, seeing duality and limitation, avoidance, etc.—we are not able to operate upon our life to elevate it to a higher level. Processor must not become Operator, as this leads to chaos.

While many people say that the mind and body are one reality, this is not quite so. The body outpictures part of the mind’s contents, but the mind is best considered as a collective. The mind is more the software through which consciousness operates, and the body is more the hardware part of the processor.

Before going on with reading, you may wish to take in the following key points:

God is in you and you are in God.Consciousness/Awareness of All That Is is accessed through the deeper mind.Your mind is the Processor, and your consciousness/awareness is Operator. Your level of awareness of God within determines the power of you as Operator in life.Mind is the instrument of your Consciousness. You are a microcosm of the whole universe; all the power of the universe is accessible to you.When you lead from the mind you are in role/level-confusion and chaos is the result.Lead life from the Operator and you are living in the Mind and Heart of God. There is no limit on awareness of the Operator, as the Mind of God is infinite. There is no limit on the Operator’s ability to mobilize universal creative energies to meet its needs.Consciousness resists nothing because it is beyond judgment or preference—it is all-powerful.Whatever you are conscious of becomes your reality.

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Consciousness reorders reality.What you resist in life limits consciousness and your power to reorder life.Evolution is ever new, ever greaterness, and you are in its flow when in non-resistance.Consciousness operates outside of time and space, and is bound by nothing.You are a multi-dimensional/multi-modal being able to process data from the entire universe.From Operator-consciousness, the conception of an Idea and its potential manifestation exist simultaneously. Operator conceives from potential (to be manifested). There is no ‘can’t’ in Operator-awareness; there is simply choice of focus based on soul desire.Train the mind to dream and vision without opposing itself, and you will soon perceive only a world of infinite potential and opportunity. Only your lower ego can negate the vision of your desires and prevent it from being brought into manifestation. There is no enemy but level-confusion. The mind being the operator of thought is the only enemy. Understand the role of the levels of mind and utilize them accordingly, and you become master over life and its means.

The Ego

Understanding our egohood and how it operates in us today leads to great occult mysteries. We emerged from the primordial womb and consciousness of the One into individuation and sense of the many. The possibility of individuated or differentiated consciousness was orchestrated through a slow process of evolution over billions of years. Our ego principle was the ultimate goal of evolution—to develop a vehicle of consciousness that could be emancipated from the Will of God, but that would find its way to alignment with Higher Will out of the wisdom of its essential nature as love. Love in freedom is the divine power of creation, and the human being is being fashioned as an emerging creator capable of wielding that very power if he can come to express love in total freedom.

The ego is made up from a substance that has a tendency to fall back upon itself. Without going into detail, this substance emerged from ‘sacrifice’ of cosmic Beings that had to be refused—not out of rejection, but rather in order to preserve their nature. So some Beings accepted the great sacrifice, while others had to refuse it in order to remain unchanged. And in those in whom their outpouring was not received, there arose a sense of pulling back, and it is on this new energy that entered into creation that both time and the possibility of apparent differentiation from God arose. This latter element is the ego principle that occurs in the human stage of evolution.

This pulling back to self was the substance necessary to establish a sense of individuation from Source. Individuation could only be established within an energy of being pushed

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back or rejected. Love tends to merge into other…and because love is our essence, we needed a substance that tended to fall back to self in order to individuate. So by its inherent nature, the egohood is prone to going into itself rather than merging out of self. But through the “Fall” of man, the egohood fell too deeply into matter and eventually egotism set in, threatening to engulf the ego consciousness completely in the illusion of separation, to the point that the human vehicle would become unusable for soul evolution. The power to counteract the effect of the Fall is the Christ Impulse, which was seeded in humanity two thousand years ago. It is a power of the ego, and a mystery of the blood.

The ego principle dwells within the blood, which was never supposed to be the dense substance that it is today. It was intended that man would have his seat of consciousness in the higher dimensions of the Higher Self, and a sense of egohood or individuality would ‘flash up’ in an etheric blood fluid that would exist only on the cusp of etheric and physical. So we would be forever flashing up on the edge of matter, but never becoming dense, and never plunging in as consciousness into the realm of matter.

A good image for this is one of the puppeteer moving the puppet. We were to be the Higher Self puppeteer that directs a part of itself to experience its creations in a vibrational realm of rich sensory faculties, all for the purpose of learning to create from the many cosmic substances of creation within the leading edge of creation. That was the original divine intent that was thwarted through the Fall of man, which caused our egohood to plunge deeply into a densified and physical blood.

We must now work to reverse the effects of the Fall, lest we become lost. And the Christ Impulse is that very power to spiritualize the blood, reverse the momentum from self-centered egotism to selflessness, and lift our point of awareness into the consciousness of our Higher Self. The Christ Impulse is a sacrificial substance that must be taken into the ego in order to move it to a higher order of selflessness.

The ego enables a sense of “I” into which the soul merges and may evolve. The ego-“I” is the vessel for the soul. Our soul evolves through a process of clearing past distortion, and then moving into ever greater freedom and creative expression. So there is partnership between the ego-“I” and soul, but the soul is our true being.

As mentioned, there are two elements to our evolution: our soul or self evolution, and the evolution of the human vehicle into which souls may incarnate. The strength of the human vehicle determines the overall evolutionary potential for souls. So these two elements are inextricably bound. And as we evolve through attaining freedom in the soul powers of thinking, feeling, and willing, we transform the human vehicle into its higher spiritual members, furthering evolution for the whole of humanity. What we transform becomes eternally ours to utilize for our incarnations, or to lend out to other souls to enhance theirs.

Through the Christ Impulse, the “I” can transition from raying in into a member that rays outward. We are being assisted toward uniting with the world around us and to eventually

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experience a mystical union with Spirit and the reunification of all the ‘separated selves’. We are striving to consciousness of Oneness in full wakefulness, and we are being assisted to this attainment through changes in the blood substance.2

So the ego-“I” allows for individuation to support soul evolution, but the danger is that it can lead us to separation from Source if we root our consciousness in it. When this happens, we forget that we are also the puppeteer and we put our identity in the puppet. This is the level-confusion that I mentioned earlier.

Most people have become the puppet. Who then is the puppeteer? The forces of chaos assume the power that we give up. Fortunately, it is not difficult to take the power back; we just have to understand how to do this. And learning how to do this as well as how to become skilled at the art of puppeteering is the purpose of this program.

If you ponder on the inherent nature of the ego and the danger of falling further into lower consciousness through egotism, it becomes apparent that the way to move into the power of the Higher Self is through selflessness…or surrendering to a higher Will that is not the will of the self-serving false self. Selflessness will be discussed from many angles in the course of this program. For now, understand this aspect: selflessness is not giving of self at your detriment, but rather giving up the illusion and false self for your ultimate liberation and return to Oneness. Selflessness is an act of surrendering to a higher order of being. You move from serving the false self, to serving the universal Self that is One with all other selves. In selflessness you become liberated from illusion, and spiritual reality begins to reveal itself in the world around you.

The power to turn the momentum of the ego from egotism to selflessness and Oneness is the Christ Impulse that is latent in each human being. The momentum from egotism to selflessness is being forced to some degree at this time in evolution, and that is what the ascension energies are all about. While we still have free will to move away into further separation, that choice is not being ‘tolerated’ anymore, as no further learning can be had through that. What this means is that spiritual support is withdrawing from the realm of separation (the illusion), and those who persist in making that choice will be left to their own demise.

The ego is a necessary principle to experiencing the human stage of freedom. Paradoxically, the false self is the part that moves us away from freedom, and only in cultivating true selflessness will we discover what was truly intended as human freedom. We were gifted with freedom in order to explore any part of creation, not to dwell in the illusion outside of creation. Within our freedom as beings of love lies our greatest creative power; but so long as we are in the false self, we cannot find that true power that comes from self-mastery, and will only find the surrogate power that controls others, violates their freedom, and disrupts the harmony of the vibrational realm. In fully embodying creative power, we wield the means of manifestation in this realm through focused intention aligned with the good of all.

2 This is part of the Adam-2 template that was gifted to mankind in 2011 and into which we must all transition.

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Competition, pride, greed, and fear are the energies that keep people in the false self that operates outside of divine reality. As we surrender these states of mind and allow a higher order of being, we move increasingly to the true self—the undistorted soul nature that can express through the higher selfless ego-“I”.

Many teachings will tell you that the ego is the enemy, but this is not so. The false ego or false self is only the enemy so long as you believe yourself to be that; but once you realize that it is not who you are, it becomes another ‘part’ to be transformed through the power of love. As you reach for greater awakening, your point of awareness will move increasingly away from the ego aspect of the personal nature; enlightenment is the state at which this personal aspect ceases to be present altogether. But until then, it is not the enemy, but rather a necessary part that supports our evolution to Oneness in full conscious awareness. Know its role as anchoring point from which selflessness must emerge, and you will become master over it and unfold the power of freedom in that process.

Evolution From False Ego to Higher Selfless Ego

The path of our evolution to becoming creators is one of first emerging from God as unconscious beings, moving into increasing differentiation or sense of separate consciousness, and then from that individuated consciousness, moving into conscious and deliberate merging in God consciousness—in freedom and thus in full co-creative power. So we emerge from God in unconsciousness and dependency and return in full consciousness and freedom. That is the full cycle of becoming a conscious co-creator.

The Higher Self and Angelic Consciousness

The Higher Self dwells in a state of angelic consciousness, which is one level above the human-level consciousness and the one to which we strive.

Steiner describes that at rest, the angelic being is spirit-filled, and in movement angels express outwardly what they were filled with inwardly. In other words, angels’ inner and outer worlds are a seamless flow of beingness surrendered to a higher order reality. When they are at rest they have no sense of self because they are merged and surrendered to All That Is. It is only in their manifestation or outer expression that they have a sense of themselves…they can perceive their nature by their outer expression. And in sensing their nature they rejoice and strive even more so that they are spirit-filled to even greater depth.

One cannot speak of individual initiative or will of an angel, because their impulse for expression comes from the deeper Mind of God. This does not take away from individual characteristics or nature; but the angel cannot have a sense of pride, for example, because it has no sense of individuated inner self. (The fallen angels have separated from the

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angelic evolution and are a different category of beings). So the angel is wholly in a receptive meditative state when at rest and nothing is held back from complete surrender to ever deeper merging in God. The angel cannot think separate thoughts apart from God. The angel is moved to express outwardly when divine impulse moves it, and then it expresses according to what it was filled with.

And though we are different because we are at the human stage (i.e. stage of freedom that comes from being able to dwell in what is not of God), we can aspire to angelic consciousness. When we do this, we move into the deeper mind of the Higher Self. A first step toward this is to ‘starve’ the thinking separated mind (term described below), and surrender all lower mental/emotional states. In surrender we let go of the lower in favor of a higher order of being, and enter increasingly into the deeper mind.

I’ve spent many hours pondering on this over the last twenty years, and on how to achieve the angelic state in human form. And it is only in creating this program that I have found a path toward this. So you might consider this program as the culmination of a twenty-year quest. As things began to clarify, I was flooded with one realization after another, all supporting the move toward deeper surrender toward angelic consciousness in human form. It is my earnest desire in this program, to convey in practical and concrete terms, the way in which to achieve surrender to a higher order reality in day-to-day life.

* * * * *

Pause for a moment and consider your internal dialoguing self. How much of your inner world does that part take up? For many, the answer is 100% during waking hours, and only in sleep is there a reprieve. But the fact is that what you fill yourself with in waking life affects the level of reprieve from interference that you get in sleep. If you answered less than 100% then that is better than perhaps 95% of the population, so consider that you have a head start!

As you will understand from a description of the meditative mind in part II, the internal thinking part is hindering spiritual insight, inspiration, intuition and overall communication with spirit. That thinking mind is arresting spiritual growth as well as physical health, and is keeping you stuck in the lower vibrational illusory realm. The way to awakening starts first with stilling that thinking separated mind completely. That is the mind that creates the illusion, and so it must be stilled completely so that ‘problems’ are no longer sustained.

The second step to attaining to angelic consciousness is to change the nature of thinking and feeling so that you draw new content to your attention and focus and engage greater capacities within these faculties. In this manner, you can become spirit-filled when ‘at rest’. You can achieve this through immersing in spiritual truth and attuning feeling to what is of an eternal nature, and over time you will have so transformed both the content and the power of these soul faculties that you will not remember how life used to be!

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But you don’t have to wait until such time to move out of illusion and fill yourself with spiritual energy and power. You can start the process today, here and now, and get great effect in times of especial need. When you make surrender a new habit, you will make leaps and bounds in your spiritual awakening, openness and transparency in life. The process essentially is one of changing the point of awareness from which the mind operates from the separated thinking mind to the deeper mind awareness within. It entails becoming selfless in thinking and feeling, and you will be working toward that with the suggested exercises for week 1.

If you will give up the insulating and separating internal dialoguing part of the mind and allow the living light to pour into you consistently, you will quickly understand how that thinking mind is not necessary…. in fact it is not at all helpful and only serves to separate and increase the need for time. We dwell in time when we create outside of eternity…when we create and interact only with what is temporal. You will see that for all your ruminating, reasoning, justifying, assessing, judging, mentalizing, rehashing, etc. activity, close to 0% will have borne any fruit. How many of you are still in old patterns but just with new players and new twists? Less than 1% of humanity’s creations are worthy of entering into eternity; clearly, we are in the wrong mind. As you shut down the separated mind’s ability to think in you, you will also experience the healing power of the deeper mind on all levels of being.

The Higher Self Projects Outer Life

The Higher Self is not some higher aspect of “I” consciousness—it exists outside of our “I” and expresses in the world around us. Your Higher Self projects reality based on the vibratory patterns that you emit through thinking, feeling, and willing. As mentioned above, the Higher Self was supposed to be the puppeteer directing the “I” to experience its creations in this vibrational realm, but the “I” fell too deeply into matter, which then became its new master. Ever since, the Higher Self has been bound to express the lower vibrational patterns of a person’s beliefs, with the result being that its own consciousness is dimmed in this realm. As you learn to engage life with the understanding that it is mirroring your own beliefs and as you seek spiritual revelation and illumination of your distortions through all that appears in your life, you raise your vibration and allow your Higher Self to create according to its nature to an increasing degree.

In effect, as you do this you plunge to the infinite depth within being and move into ever higher vibratory states, greater understanding and wisdom, greater freedom and power, and wholeness of being. In vibrating in sync with your Higher Self thusly, your being and life begin the joyous dance-in-step that expands creation.

So long as your Higher Self and your “I” are not in resonant harmony, your life will present challenge and disharmony. But as you allow yourself to be increasingly spirit-filled in your inner life and always ready to express the guidance that stirs within with boldness and faith, then you move to an ever greater degree in sync with your Higher Self

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mind. In this manner, the Higher Self can express its full nature through life and your “I” is wholly devoted to the soul’s evolution.

So you need to start engaging a conversation with life as your subconscious that you seek to clarify, until a path is sufficiently cleared to start conversing with your Higher Self. At this point, you will more fully express your soul nature and experience being an emanation of divinity; you have then cleared the dross from the diamond that is your soul essence and can let it radiate and expand out into the world.

Most people are so caught up in the lower vibrations of perceiving the material world as real and are mentally immersed in consensual reality of duality and limitation, that their restricted awareness is preventing their Higher Self nature from expressing at all in life. We need to pierce the veils of consensual reality in our personal lives, thereby weakening them for others too. We must begin perceiving spirit in matter, in others, and in all situations and conditions. Perceiving spirit opens the communication channels. We can begin this process by stilling the thinking mind and allowing spirit to fill us in our inner life.

As we move ever more into our Higher Self mind, we become what I refer to as spherical consciousness, wherein the depth of the center point determines the circumference or size of the circle (our scope of impact in life). In spherical consciousness nothing is resisted and all is embraced and utilized to expand into ever greater wholeness. As we deepen

within, we raise our vibration, and both periphery and center become co-resonant, and that is when our being is directly expressed in outer life. We realize that we are a point of consciousness experiencing as well as the experience itself, and we can bring infinite depth into the process. We merge awareness of the created ego-“I” with the creator Higher Self, and life can then be engaged as a spiral of ever greater self-understanding and expansion to ever greaterness. In our openness to spirit and

courageous surrender to life that gives up self-interest, we deepen or expand the center toward Source. As we engage ourselves as both created and creator, we awaken to the true mystery of life.

This world is only illusion when we look upon the material as real and fail to see the spiritual Will and Purpose behind it. When we see the spiritual in everything, the world is symbolic of an ever deeper reality. As center deepens or expands, so too does the life that meets us become more full and expansive, and thus do we enter into the fulfillment of co-creation.

Let me make an important observation here. You are not the creator of everything in your life presently. We interact with other ‘spheres’ of consciousness that can impact on our lives, but if the effects are negative, then there is room to grow in conscious awareness and self-sovereignty. Where you do not assume your power, others can have a negative impact because your life will default to serving their self-interest. But the deeper that you

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dwell within consciousness, the more your life becomes ordered by you alone, and the more will you realize that there is only you…alone and All One.

Four eternal principles are revealed as ancient secrets of success in a book by Tulshi Sen.5

These principles are to be meditated upon—one at a time for weeks or more— until they become powers of self-transformation. Each proclamation adds a new revelation that can rest upon the foundation of the ones before it. The mind of vertical-awaring recognizes these truths by returning the power to the indwelling consciousness that is the Creator. In the program, you will begin to experience these truths in your life; at some point your soul will become ignited from the realization. Reread part I several times and it will support you to understanding these four proclamations.

The Four Proclamations:

Consciousness Is the Creator. (Creation is out of no-thing—all is made with consciousness and by consciousness.)That Thou Art. (Everything is consciousness.)My Consciousness is the Creator. (As the Macrocosm so the Microcosm.)I Am the Creator. (I AM That I AM.)

The Two MindsIt is helpful to identify two minds on the spectrum of illumination: the separated thinking mind that dwells in the darkness of illusion, and the enlightened mind that dwells in a higher/deeper reality and operates functionally in this realm. The separated mind is filled with a continual stream of thoughts that prevent spirit from imprinting within it; it is continually consumed by the need to control conditions, defend or position itself, fulfil its misinformed agendas, and is run by fear and the need to maintain the misinformed stories about life that it believes in. The separated mind takes control of the indwelling consciousness by default and through influence of the consensus.

We learn to lead with thinking, and we value intellectual cleverness when we would do well to shun it! When we lead life with thought, we are separated, and that is why this minuscule part of our mind is also referred to as the thinking separated mind. Ideally, we are to allow thought to emerge from the depth of being, and imprint itself in the subconscious and conscious, and from there, the thinking separated mind gets its directives.

There is a third state of mind that acts as bridge from the separated to the enlightened mind: this is the mind of vertical-awaring that has learned to master all its levels of

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awareness from wounded self to higher self nature and is in a process of self-transformation. In vertical-awaring, every moment can be a moment of surrender to something truer, all reaction is stilled and used to deliberately dissolve the underlying fears, and life is embraced as a process that continually instigates deeper self-revelation.

The Thinking Separated Mind

The separated mind is also the thinking mind, because thought predominates and preoccupies the person. The thinking mind is one in which there is a more or less continual internal dialog prompted by what occurs in the external world or by some fixation or issue that cannot be resolved. Thinking from the separated mind keeps you stuck in dysfunction because this is the mind of misunderstanding and lies from which the problems originated. This is the mind that creates the personal hell or the comfortable illusion, as the case may be, which we think is reality. Any solution from this part of the mind will exacerbate a problem or redirect it into another problem that is really more of the same. Your thinking mind is the lemon, and though you may hope to get champagne, the best you can get from it is more sour lemonade.

The thinking mind seeks comfort, control, and security. It tries to cope with life through thinking and planning its strategies to avoid discomfort and fear. It does not welcome change or challenge. When in this mind there is continual repetition, no growth potential, and no higher creative thought that can penetrate it because it is the mind that tries to manipulate life and ends up coping with endless problems. The active thinking mind is a closed system filled with all manner of repetitive assessment, judgment, positioning, defence, agendas, self-interest, rationalization, worry, and negativity. And worse than a waste of brain cycles, the thinking mind locks you into the dysfunction that you want to overcome.

The thinking mind is one of self-preservation that is rooted in fear and insecurity. This part of the mind drives the sense of separation and creates the need for time. When we operate in the illusion outside of God, all that we do will have to be undone in the course of time. Even in people who are habitually positive, the thinking mind is restrictive as it operates linearly so that past is projected into the future, and logically as well, based in consensus reality. The consensus is what has produced the world of subjugation and mind control that we have today.

In order to move into a higher mind that is no longer destructive, the thinking mind must be disempowered through continual deepening of self and striving toward spiritual truth and self-knowledge. When the thinking mind is stilled, the deeper awareness can engage, and we start the journey toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Functional Enlightened Mind

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The enlightened mind is the one that dwells in the Absolute in every moment of life. It is one in which the thinking mind has been eliminated, and there is no longer a sense of ego. It is empty, infinite space, immersed in feelings of an eternal quality, and dwelling outside of time. In enlightenment, the mind is at One with the Absolute on a continual basis; it is engaged in deep communion with the divine at all times, while able to function in this realm as necessary. And so its connection to this realm is a functional one. In the enlightened state, life in this realm is done for a specific mission and not out of necessity or need to learn. The enlightened mind recognizes itself as part of everything, and is no longer separate from anything. By its mere presence, the enlightened being changes the world.

The Bridge of Vertical-Awaring

In vertical-awaring the mind recognizes all levels of reality as may be present, and strives to deepen to the level of the Absolute. As the thinking mind takes over, the mind of vertical-awaring will still this part and lead itself into a deeper reality. The mind of vertical-awaring is in non-resistance at all times, moving into acceptance of what is present through the observer consciousness that strives to know the Absolute through self-revelation. It knows that growth occurs only as life is embraced and used to release what has control over us. This observer self is the anchor point that unifies all the separated parts of the psyche through its gentle compassion and its unwavering quest for freedom. It acknowledges the reactive parts but does not allow the mind to dwell there, rather it leads the mind to the deeper level of the Higher Self, where vaster stores of information are accessible and higher resolutions may come forth into life.

The observer self has infinite patience with the parts, yet conscientiously and uncompromisingly guards every moment of life, seeking opportunities to clear the distortions that stand in the way of union with the Divine. It does not fight with or control the many parts, but rather it chooses to not answer to them. (A wonderful discussion of this is contained in the GF audio, Secrets of Being Unstoppable). The observer self has nothing to defend and no agenda to fulfil other than to engage life honestly and courageously; it is stirred only by a desire to know the divine within and that happens upon letting go of fear and self-seeking, and being willing to reveal and flow the love that is the true nature of being.

The observer-self is master over the parts of the psyche and is in service to the Higher Self through ensuring that the ‘puppet’s strings are in the right hands’.

Fasting for the Separated Mind

As master, the observer utilizes the full vertical power of awareness in order to still the thinking separated mind, abort its endless illusion-creating and destructive perspectives

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and schemes, and engage the deeper mind that already dwells in the Kingdom. It is simple to transform anything in life—this process is simple, yet it requires conscientious and repeated application. You must put your thinking separated mind on a long-term fast.

We have all experienced a fast, and how taste is so much more vivid and amplified when you break the fast. And when you do, you start with the simplest of foods. Why? Because the heavy, richer foods are overwhelming. Before the fast, you could eat very rich and unhealthy foods without even tasting them fully or noticing their effects; but after the fast you are more sensitive and attuned. It is very hard to eat unhealthy foods after a long fast because you have been cleansed and your body is at a higher vibration. A similar thing will happen as you starve the separated mind.

You will notice that by preventing the separated thinking mind from indulging in thought, over time those thoughts will feel very disruptive and misaligned to you and you will no longer tolerate the indulgences. You will become far more sensitized to the insanity of the separated mind—in yourself as well as in others, and will no longer take part in it. And just as you become attuned to high vibrational foods when you fast and cleanse from time to time, so too will you become attuned to high vibrational thought and change your taste in thought. In other words, it becomes increasingly easy to no longer indulge in the separated mind and to enjoy creative thought that inspires and elevates.

You will feel safe in life, which makes you open to challenge. Our ability or our reticence to grow in life is due to our sense of safety; when we feel safe, we are able to move through the fears of new challenge that stretch our comfort zone. Otherwise we feel the lack of a safety net and will not embrace opportunities for expansion and transformation.

Another phenomenon of fasting is that your other senses can become more acute. Smell is one that is most affected, because it is complementary to taste. A complementary faculty to thinking is feeling. When you fast from thoughts of the separated mind you also stop indulging in negative emotional states, and you develop more refinement in feelings. As you still the separated mind, you will find that your Heart center can play a more prominent role and influence thought.

Continuing with the analogy, a person who habitually wallows in negativity is like someone who habitually overindulges in food or drink. And wallowing acts to numb life just as overeating and drinking can. As you still the separated mind, you will feel far more attuned to life and have greater clarity and perspicacity. Your interest and engagement in life will increase, you will perceive others more as you let go of self-absorption, and increase in compassion toward them.

Another interesting phenomenon is that you will appreciate stillness. In stillness, not only do you hear the deeper thoughts of your Higher Self, but also you will feel them as vibrations emanating from you to the world around you. The less noise within, the more your deeper thoughts will resound through your being and become broadcast to the

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wisdom-will substance of creation. In other words, you will naturally increase in creative power.

Unlearning to be the False Self so that the True Self can be Revealed

You don’t have to learn to be more loving, kind, or truthful. If you are trying to do this, then you are layering a lie on top of the false you that is also a lie. This is important to understand! There is too much surface kindness and so-called love that is not doing anything to heal this world. You cannot radiate the vibration of love if you are in the false self, because there is always some condition to it and so there is underlying fear. There can be no fear in love. If you are trying to be spiritual, then know that you are not succeeding! You are a spiritual being and you are love by nature! So if you are trying, you’ve already failed because you believe that you’re not. You have to unlearn being the false you, and allow the truth to be revealed. You may then expand and deepen from that place of true self, but the true self does not need to be what it is…it does not need to learn to be good because it is of divine nature…its essence is love.

So why is the separated mind such a key element in instigating such deep transformation? It’s because we have learned to lead with the thinking mind in life, and it is filled with erroneous beliefs and lies about life and who we are in it. If you try to undo all of its beliefs and lies, you are operating on its level to some degree. So we have to cut to the chase because the time for transformation is upon us. When you still the separated mind, you automatically begin the process of unravelling the false self.

You do not have to learn to be yourself, you just have to learn to recognize the false self and not give it any creative space or time. You don’t have to process or understand all the delusions of the false self; you simply have to acknowledge them, have compassion for the part that feels stuck there, yet not tolerate its indulgences, and then bring it to a better place. In time, the delusions and lies will dissolve and those parts will be elevated and unified into a greater self. The process is simple; the practice is demanding but very effective; and the effects are profound.

* * * * *

Glimpse into Vertical-Awaring

In the mind of vertical-awaring, you know that life never happens to you, but always happens for you. Occultly, life emerges through sacrifice of higher consciousness that pours out its essence to birth new consciousness that can behold it. So the very nature of life is a sacrifice for you to reach enlightenment! Whether you actually are cause for some challenge in life, or whether you are ‘allowing’ someone else to cause things in your life is irrelevant; everything can be used to deepen self-revelation and awaken to greater power. In vertical-awaring you do not have to know what to attribute dysfunction to; the only objective is to embrace, release the old and surrender to a higher level of being that moves to greater wholeness.

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You cannot know the One within in compromise and lie. You move into truth by serving truth alone. You no longer answer to anyone but your divine nature. You learn to bring everything into at-one-ment, and thereby do you atone for the lies. No longer denying the shadow elements within, you allow them to be illuminated no matter what the cost feels like to the false self. In so doing, you move out of one-sidedness and special-interest of that false self, and into spherical consciousness or wholeness of your true divine nature that resists nothing and becomes fearless in facing fear.

Spherical consciousness is the transcendence of duality. You become the ever expanding sphere through deepening the center within…you have increasing presence and power by releasing resistance and filling out any one-sidedness or limiting perspective and become fully competent to meet whatever challenge comes your way. You avail yourself to the gift of life, and enter fully into reciprocity and harmony with creation and the Higher Beings out of whose sacrifice you were forged as well as the less evolved ones that await further forging by the light of your understanding and the fire of your soul. (More on this in the supplementary reading (weeks 1 and 2), A Great Ecosystem based on Reciprocity, below).

Understand that this happens gradually, but can be started right now. Vertical-awaring, with its non-resistance and tapping into deeper mind, is the path to get you fully connected to your Higher Self, which you can do no matter how bad life seems to you. And the more that you practice living from the observer perspective, the more acute will be your understanding of how life comes to meet you, the more attuned to truth, the more powerful at manifesting, and the more compassionate you will be with yourself and others in life.

I could teach you the exercise quickly because the process is fairly simple, but without the full background rationale and understanding, you will not believe that it will work and so will not do it conscientiously. And so you need to soak in these ideas and practice going deeper within. The Guy Finley talks provide wonderful guidance toward understanding/recognizing the lies of the scared fragmented parts, cultivating an observer self, and embracing life without resistance so that your deeper self may be revealed. The O’Donnell audios provide the mind training to reach the deeper states within, so that the observer mind can plunge into the depth of being and bring forth the illuminating vibrations that restore wholeness.

1Steiner. The Balance in the World and Man, Lucifer and Ahriman. Lecture 1.2 Tulshi Sen. Ancient Secrets of Success. P. 1063 http://www.kktanhp.com/4 Rudolf Steiner (1861 – 1925) was an Austrian philosopher, social reformer, spiritual scientist, seer, and founder of anthroposophy. He brought esoteric principle into education (Waldorf schools), farming (biodynamics), medicine, curative therapies (eurythmy), and established a true science of the spirit. He devoted his life to bringing in deepest understanding of the Christ Impulse because of its important to the future viability of mankind.5 Tulshi Sen. Ancient Secrets of Success. Omnilux. Copyright 2005 by Tulshi Sen

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Through repeated practice in going deeply within in meditation, you will learn to access those deeper states at will in the course of daily activities. The written material brings it all into a coherent whole and presents practical and effective resolution for any challenge that is in your life. And from that as basis, we will explore further how to attune to even higher powers within and engage life from the mind of your Higher Self in achieving more powerful manifestation and accelerated awakening. Everyone can master the technique and wield the power of vertical-awaring in life. If you will do the program conscientiously, you will be amazed at how dysfunctional your thinking was before!

* * * * *

Necessity is the mother of invention, and I discovered the process of vertical-awaring out of necessity to navigate through personal challenge. At the same time, I came across the O’Donnell audios and these helped me to go deeper. Interestingly, he also explored the planetary state and found much the same as we did in our exploration in the course of 2010-12, and also concluded that the way forward was to plunge within.

The most poignant discovery that I made with the VA method was a level of opacity around my core self, to which all dysfunction could be traced back. I could feel how it dampened efforts at self-transformation, and kept me from being totally unconditional in life. It was subtle, but there nonetheless. And I realized that this is the subtle effect of the original wound of separation that prevents most of us from moving into Higher Self consciousness.

We all learn to hide our essential nature at some point in childhood. And so we develop an opaque membrane around our core self, and learn to ‘read’ others and adjust our behaviors accordingly. So much of what we do is then a process of manoeuvring and positioning so that we are accepted and safe, and soon we too are operating out of the lower ego.

As I began the process of releasing more and more of it, I noticed that my feelings started to run deeper, compassion increased, as did openness and humility. Furthermore, with greater ‘core power’ came increased clarity on the disruptive patterns that I had been blind to. All this will unfold for you as you use the method daily. You will uncover what you had been blind to before. What remains hidden within us we bind others to through projection, and that is how we sustain the illusion in this realm. Mastering VA will therefore change those around you as well, as you will co-create a more expanded interactional field with them.

The mind of vertical-awaring seeks transparency of this core essence. It seeks to become transparent to the true self and more and more like the angel who is spirit-filled when at rest. It seeks to surrender the lower ever more deeply so that the pure diamond essence of the soul may finally shine forth and begin to grow through ever higher experiences in life.

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As I was choosing audios from the Guy Finley collection for this course, I found one that speaks to the above experience directly (The Power to Remove Pain from the Past). It was not my favourite because it is rather dark stuff, but it so captures the process of healing that occurs when you practice the vertical-awaring method. And the beauty of VA is that you do not have to seek out all the lies you have lived by…they will find you in the unease, anxiety, and upset that you experience in daily life. The causes of those emotional reactions are what Finley refers to as the ‘stains that will not go away’, and the resolution is to bring light to them so that your true nature can be revealed.

The VA method is a process that allows the living light to work on the darkness or unconsciousness within us, bringing the opposing forces of good and bad together on the spectrum of reality, where they can serve the perfection of the Divine Plan for a higher order of being.

Cultivation of effective vertical-awaring is a process that will unfold to deeper levels over the course of the full program. The exercises from weeks 1 and 2 will establish new understanding and entrain the mind to go deeper, and then you will be ready for vertical-awaring in week 3.

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Appendix A: Supplementary Reading for Part I

1. Understanding The Etheric Body

This section presents the main characteristics of the etheric body, which is a primary focus of part I of the program.

Body of energy moving along over 72000 Nadis or energy channels that run through the body like roots of a plant, with the ‘bulb’ in the head region

Main base for the design of our life; contains blueprint for our physical body

Transformed amniotic sac (into which are imprinted propensities, powers, and potential events during gestation) is the etheric body that is ‘birthed’ around the change of teeth

Body of memory (memory gives us our sense of individuality and is foundational to who we are becoming)

Body of morality (character), which is key to our destiny

Body of habits/Body of time (related to rhythmic system, and rhythm in life is important for its health)

Lymph (related to karma and soul plan) and endocrine systems (evolutionary system) are part of the etheric body

Sensory bodyo Two-way bridge between physical body and astral/emotional body:

transmits the physical sensory impression through the etheric brain to the astral body, and transmits from the astral and higher levels down into the physical brain and nervous system

o Prana (or etheric life force energy) is what gives the sense-activity to the physical organs, and which transmits the outer vibration to the sense-centres

Essence (purified part) of etheric body at the end of life becomes part of our causal body that is the body of ‘cause’ for our incarnations through time. Causal archetypes (zodiac and planetary beings) work into present life, imprinting a person’s life in the amniotic fluid during the ten lunar months of gestation, which then becomes the etheric body that holds our karma and soul plans that unfold in seven year phases (each lunar month corresponds to a seven-year period).

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If you consider the characteristics of the etheric body, and the fact that it only becomes ‘unsheathed’ in the child around the change of teeth (age 6-7), then you will understand that a very young child has no sense of time yet as there is no ‘linear’ memory. As well, the child lives within the mother’s etheric forces in early years, and so the mother’s state of vitality and etheric health directly impact on the growth of the child. In effect, the child is ensouled by the mother from conception up to about the change of teeth.

As will become increasingly evident, the etheric body is under the agency of the Mother aspect of God (termed Primordial Mother). At night when we fall asleep, our astral-“I” bodies journey into the spirit realm of the Father, while the physical-etheric never leave the realm of matter or the Mother. The Yin aspect of God—the Primordial Mother—avails Herself in all ways to support the evolution of the Child to becoming like the Father. A healthy relationship to the Mother principle is therefore critical to the health of the etheric body. In part I, we will focus on healing and deepening the Mother principle to such an extent that there becomes re-established the umbilical cord to Primordial Mother’s energetic sustenance in the lower dantien energy center. When this connection is strong, we align to receiving all that we have need of in our life.

You will embody the Trinity as palpable powers within your being. By ‘Trinity’ I refer to the three aspects of God, namely, God as Father (spirit), God as Son (christed Child) (soul), and God as Mother (matter-body). Ideally, these are living powers within us that express on many levels. For example, each aspect of the Trinity corresponds to a different qi, known as the three treasures of life that sustain the life force field into which our body is projected by the indwelling consciousness. (The three treasures will be discussed further, below.)

As the etheric life body approaches its time of birth, it becomes important for the caregivers to uphold the rhythms for the child’s development. New senses awaken in early life, making it important to provide rich experience of those senses in order to support their development. Having the ideal experiences for each phase of development lays a strong foundation for courage, enthusiasm, freedom, and effectiveness in life to emerge in later years.

Rhythm helps to sustain the creational forces in our life. When we have rhythm, we do not have to ‘reinvent the wheel’, so to speak, or start from scratch on all that we do. Rhythm provides the structure for things to flow—it creates expectancy and so makes the flow easier. Expectancy in the child becomes a power of hope and establishes a healthy connection to cause and effect. Rhythm is a power of discipline that helps to sustain good habits, which build character. And character determines our destiny in life. With a strong character that has potency and courage for life, you will embrace whatever

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challenges come your way and move quickly through the lessons in order to take up your soul’s higher purpose.

Cycles are part of the great rhythms in our life, and the etheric body unfolds the cycles of consciousness through our lifetime (discussed in greater detail, below). Cycles give us the sense of time, and the etheric body is known as the time body. But these cycles do not complete in linear time; rather they play out in waves that recede and come to the fore at different points in life. Within the etheric body is held the mystery of true time. This will be discussed further from various angles in the course of the program.

Habits relate to functional memory, and our soul plan and karmic propensities pertain to memories of the deeper past. We carry memory imprints of the deeper past either as subconscious distortion that needs resolution in this lifetime or as powers that we have acquired through our efforts in the past. Furthermore, memory acts as foundation to character and life in much the same way as rhythm and good habits do. Character reflects the habits of our thinking and feeling nature that express in will impulses, and the biggest contributor to this is our memory of the past. How we remember the past is cause for the effects that we can expect in life. If we barely remember then life is skimmed over; if we remember badly then life is full of negativity.

The past is even processed rhythmically or cyclically in the course of life—unconsciously through the waking and sleep cycles (as we cycle through the different brainwave states) as well as though the seven-year life cycles wherein we revisit a specific period from childhood years (life forces this on us). And the subjective nature of memory reveals that this too will change as our character refines itself. As we illuminate memory, we also change our destiny. This is discussed at greater length, below.

Our most potent memories will be those established during the earlier phase of life, when we are still strongly within our mother’s influence, and so again, we see the power of the mother influence in the etheric body.

But even more simply, memory supports us in life in the same way as habits do, insofar as not having to reinvent the wheel or relearn from scratch for everything that we do. We don’t have to start all over in a relationship each time we are with a person; we don’t have to learn something from scratch each time we attempt it, and we can operate from a baseline of truth and wisdom in life.

Memory must serve the development of wisdom that becomes a present power, rather than be a force that fetters us to the past and sustains a sense of being flawed. In this regard, morality enters into the picture so that we awaken deeper levels of being through the lifecycles, which results in resolving of the past. When we understand that we are called to ever greater awakening to our god-self through the course of life, healing becomes a moral imperative in order to enter into our true humanity.

Morality is not so much about right living, as it is about right relationship to life as it unfolds through time. Moral living is a power of striving that gives us the impetus to

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expand our being beyond itself, and results in embracing and manifesting ideals in life. Rudolf Steiner6 describes how our moral ideals ray out from our being into the universe, like the rays of the Sun. And these rays—of all the human beings on earth— are rayed back to us from the spiritual Sun (of which the physical sun is but a reflection). We are continually taking in the coding from the moral ideals of humanity as a whole, and these direct our evolution forward.

Steiner further states that without ‘moral enthusiasm’ the world will die, as it then does not have the power to continue on into the future. Creation is a moral realm of love, and life is rooted in morality. Morality is life giving. Without morality, the life force of the etheric body depletes, and the forces of mortality predominate over the forces of regeneration.

Not only may we come to a right relationship to the past by the power of morality, but also to our karma, soul plans for life, and the evolutionary impulses that must be taken up at the present time. In other words, living by the moral imperative to heal and strive for ideal brings us to a right relationship with time as a confluence of past and future that comes to meet us in the present.

Time is not a linear reality. But we live within linear causation when we allow the past to condition us in the present; we then project past into the future and repeat things in life and this creates the world of illusion. Reality is ever new…only illusion has repetition. Reality has patterns, but they are never identical to one another. When we recognize the point of power as the present moment, and bring in the essence of transformation of the past into the present and allow ideals and striving to draw forth potentials from the field of future possibilities, we become a point of confluence for past and future to meet powerfully and synergistically in the present moment—the moment of infinite potential that operates in eternity. In this manner, by our moral vision and power, both past and future streams are made one, and great potential is made manifest in the present at a higher order reality.

We move from the horizontal playing out of cause and effect, to be cause of transcendence of effect to a higher order. We are cause for the future effect that we draw forth to us. In actual fact, when we are being conscious cause, effects no longer can be called ‘effects’, but rather are all part of cause. In heightened awareness, there is only cause and cause: cause as being from the Son to the Father, and cause as greater effect than we could have envisioned, from Father to Son.3

And so as we engage the past as a means to transcend and elevate our being to higher cause for effects that will capture our ideals and inspired visions, we also engage the

3 You will understand this more clearly from the audio RI-2, and reading about the Heart center and the zero point of hyper-simultaneity. 6 Rudolf Steiner (1861 – 1925) was an Austrian philosopher, social reformer, spiritual scientist, seer, and founder of anthroposophy. He brought esoteric principle into education (Waldorf schools), farming (biodynamics), medicine, curative therapies (eurythmy), and established a true science of the spirit. He devoted his life to bringing in deepest understanding of the Christ Impulse because of its important to the future viability of mankind.

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future as a stream of ever higher order. And this future operates for everyone in this realm. By engaging these streams of time, we enter into timelessness. In entering timelessness, we move into immortality and life.

Time as we know it is a concept only; the reality is that we live in the present moment that is duration. Cause and effect is time-bound; cause and cause exists within the holy instant or infinite potential. We have perception of time because we have a sense of past and future as objective realities. In truth, there is only consciousness, and deeper levels of awareness of consciousness. As we live for deepening consciousness, we follow life. These ideas will be discussed further in the section on Memory as Foundational Power.

So it is clear how rhythm, habit, memory character, morality, destiny and soul plan, true time, and life force energy are all related to life, and thus are all aspects of the etheric body. All these themes will be explored in part I of this program.

The etheric body imparts “life energy” (lifetrons) as well as the light-blueprint for what will be incarnated in the physical world. As you learn to engage the powers of the etheric body, you learn to create the blueprints or ‘grid’ of your goals and desires so that they can incarnate in form.

The goal of part one of the program is to enable conscious strengthening of the powers of the etheric body so that you move from overbearing forces of mortality to forces of regeneration and

new life. As you move into regeneration, you transcend the forces of chaos and unite with life. In this program, you will learn to create yourself anew, and to engage life from the deeper mind that can continually move you to a higher order of being. It is time to engage in conscious evolution of your being.

We are at the stage in evolution wherein we may incarnate the living power of Love—the etheric Christ—that imparts immortal life. As a collective, we must renew ourselves if we are to ensure a viable future for soul evolution. This living power of Love that is becoming increasingly present in the earth’s etheric body is what will carry our evolution into the future. We must wake up etherically in order to take in this powerful impulse of renewal. If we fail to take it in, we are moving on a path that is finite and no longer viable for our continued evolution…our bodies will no longer be capable of housing evolved souls, and the race will continue it current trend of devolution. Enlivening the etheric body will automatically open you to the living power of the Christ—regardless of whether you understand the esoteric teachings. You don’t have to understand the Christ; you need only understand love. And so the first step in conscious evolution at this time is to heal and consciously awaken the many powers of this body of formative life force

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energy. And as you take up this work, you will have increased enthusiasm, potency, and courage to embrace and shape a life of deeper purpose and meaning.

* * * * *

2- Space and Time in the Etheric Body"And remember that I am always with you until the end of time."

(Matthew 28:20)

Rudolf Steiner describes the macrocosmic Christ as the living Logos—the power of Love that has descended from the realm of space into the realm of time in which human incarnation takes place. Occultly, twelve is the number of space, and seven is the number of time. He goes on to say that from the Christ deed wherein this great macrocosmic Being united with humanity’s evolution ‘until the end of time’, the number twelve has come into the seven-foldness in us. And we see clearly in the etheric body, with its patterns of twelve and seven working into it, that it is a main hub of activity for the Christ power. It is said that we must aspire out of the realm of time into the realm of space.

Our life unfolds in seven-year phases, as we evolve each of the nine members of our being from birth to about age 63 (after that we are more or less in a phase of greater freedom). During gestation, the causal powers, zodiac and planetary beings, inscribe propensities and patterns in the amniotic fluid according to our soul’s plan for the lifetime. Things are not fated, but propensities, events, conditions are staged to some degree, while allowing for freedom. The essence of this fluid then becomes our etheric body when it is birthed at the change of teeth (around age 7).

The lymph and endocrine systems also pertain to the etheric body. Within lymph that courses through our body through willed movement is inscribed our soul's intentions, karmic propensities, soul distortions and potentials, etc. –all that was inscribed in the amniotic fluid for our life. And as we engage life and move with it, the lymph clarifies and carries evolutionary impulses that relate to us personally as well as collectively. The endocrine system is a system of supersensible cognition that drives our evolutionary potential once we engage with it. As we reach for spiritual understanding, the glands evolve and the hormones become increasingly complex. Hormones are spiritual blueprints for evolution; they are not like vitamins or minerals that are objective molecules of matter. Hormones are self-evolution schemata—subjective patterns guiding the evolution capacity of our being on all levels. The lymph is also involved in carrying hormones to where they need to go, so the more inner movement or growth, the more accelerated our evolution through the hormonal patterns of evolution that ignite within us. These understandings have emerged from two years or exploratory work.

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We are such a majestic and sublime complexity of divine engineering, and how else could the entire macrocosm be captured microcosmically if this were not the case? We have barely scratched the surface of our understanding, and the more that we understand, the deeper into the mystery that we will find ourselves, and the greater and weightier will be our questions. What we may be is infinite in potential.

The Christ is the macrocosmic Being that radiates life over our whole cosmos, and this power of life was seeded in the human being at the mystery of Golgotha. God incarnated as man, in order to seed the impulse within man to ascend into his Godhood. Man as a being in evolution through time, must find his way into space through transcending the time element.

Christ is the great Being of space, and so there are 12 apostles, 12 zodiac archetypes, and 12 hierarchies. There are also 12 sensory faculties (12 pairs of cranial nerves), 12 main endocrine glands. And while there are 4 main brackets of brainwave activity, I wonder whether there may be distinguishable states of mind within each one that establishes a 12-foldness. And importantly, the Heart chakra, which is the future organ of wisdom into which the power of love may deeply incarnate, is a twelve-petalled lotus. Steiner describes that when the twelve petals open through the attainment of six virtues (each working on a pair), a thirteen virtue can raise the organ to a higher level. This virtue is the love of freedom embodied, which ignites the Christ power within the Heart as the 13th in the circle of twelve (Christ among the apostles). (We will discuss the six virtues and present ways to their attainment in the course of the full program.)

Glimpsing the Bigger Story through Merging Space and Time

The above discussion may be a bit lofty for many, so I will bring it down to the practical. We must bring space and time together if we are to understand our soul plan for this lifetime. If we resist our past—try to put it behind us, repress emotionally, and leave it unexamined, we ‘leave time unchanged’ in a sense, and will never fully understand our soul’s intentions for this incarnation. We are not free as children, so what happens is orchestrated as a means to establish the focal challenges as well as the capacities that we will need later on to meet our highest destiny.

Already as young children (before we are taught to not be ourselves to varying degrees) we exhibit characteristics of our deepest nature, and these are elaborated in teen years. When you contemplate on your nature as a child, the wounds and major life-shaping events and conditions of life, the directions you took in life, etc. and reflect on how those played into the major events and life choices later in life, you will begin to see patterns. From this you can get a sense of the direction that your soul is seeking to explore. We will discuss this in greater detail in the section on Memory as Foundational Power (Part III).

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But as we do this, we step out of linear time and perceive it as ever widening cycles that ideally take on greater and greater momentum and creative power. We no longer see life as a linear process at all, but rather can recognize the great cycles in their ebbs and flows.

* * * * *

Human evolution takes place in time. There are seven planetary embodiments, and each one has imparted another level of consciousness. We are a seven-fold being composed of physical, etheric, astral, Ego-I, Manas, Buddhi, and Atma levels, which each corresponds to a different level of conscious development through our evolution (and each relates to a zodiac archetype and hierarchy of Beings that supported development in man). Of the twelve hierarchies, seven have ‘fallen’, which means they have a good and ‘evil’ aspects working within their evolution, while five have not fallen. And man’s seven-fold nature corresponds the ‘fallen’ hierarchies.

And so man must transmute the fallen aspects in this being by unfolding a higher power within, which comes from the realm that has not fallen. This power is the Christ Impulse, and as we take it up we ‘aspire to the zodiac’.7 As we reach up to higher transformation, so does the Christ pour Himself into us in sacrifice, supporting us to a twelve-fold nature and lifting us to a higher order through his Being as the thirteenth.

In continuing with the seven, there are seven bodhisattvas that will evolve over the course of human evolution (time), and they each aspire to some aspect of the macrocosmic Christ in order to support the way to transcend the fallen aspects that we must contend with. (In this regard, we see that the great Buddha was also a teacher of Christ consciousness.)

I am presenting this esoteric information in order to present a larger context for the work that we will be embarking upon in this program. While you will learn very practical exercises to awaken the sensory faculties, for example, it is useful to grasp the larger picture, because with it you will understand that not only does sensory intelligence (attunement and ability) mean that you understand more of the world, but it also makes you able to communicate with and to wield the cosmic creational powers of the realm beyond time.

When you achieve ‘vertical awaring’ (described below) and can access the mind at all levels, you open communication channels to all dimensions out of which you emerged and the higher dimensional selves of which you are part, and you bring those powers to bear in this reality. And as you aspire to the zodiac, i.e. you seek to know the higher intelligences of creation, you directly evolve the faculties within and learn to become truly human. Many exercises will be suggested that can become daily practice, and when you understand the deeper rationale and effect for your awakening, you will be sustained in motivation to strive ever onward into inner freedom, and many behaviors and habitual patterns will no longer feel appropriate to you.

7 Sergei Prokofieff, The Twelve Holy Nights and the Spiritual Hierarchies.

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With the following steps in this program, you will move into greater balance and wholeness within, and will be able to wield far greater creational power to make the evolutionary leap that we are called to at this time.

Healing the past, understanding your deeper story, and releasing all that no longer serves in order to embrace the higher reality that you are a Child of God in essence. This establishes a strong foundation for being that can meet the higher future that is moving toward us as potential.

Expanding sensory intelligences toward wholeness, and utilizing them in perceiving and creating in life.

Beginning to free thinking, feeling, and willing from the hindrances of bad habit and the controls of the past, the collective, and the forces of chaos and putting them in service to the higher deeper self within that may access the powers of the Trinity.

Understanding spiritual truth about life, its purpose, and who we are, so that you may shed beliefs that no longer serve.

And while everything that will be presented is practical for everyday living, understanding the deeper context helps you to approach becoming human with the utmost reverence. Afterall, as Steiner has stated, man is the religion of the gods! It is no small feat to create a race of co-creators who may access the full powers of macrocosm! And at this stage of the evolutionary plan, man must step up and establish his spiritual presence and power through reaching up toward spiritual understanding in all ways. There is no meaningful reality outside of spiritual reality; and if we operate from the separated mind that can only dwell in illusion, we will not successfully make the evolutionary leap.

* * * * *

3. Our Life Reflected Throughout the Cosmos

As I was working on this material I had a very interesting dream. (By the way, dreamtime is an untapped resource that can be used to accelerate awakening and manifestation, and you will learn ways to do this in the course of this program.) It was just a snippet within a very ‘big dream’ and I almost overlooked this part!

…There were workmen in the basement of the house, taking things apart because it was in need of repair. And they came to me and said, “Madam, do you want us to use the

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mirror for insulation as before…it seems a shame because it really is a show-piece and not really meant to be hidden in the walls…” I was a bit overwhelmed because so much was going on at once (very big dream), that I did not answer yet as my attention went elsewhere. But I saw the mirror and it was a rather imposing column of many facets, and I knew that it was somehow a treasure from which great things might be discovered. I wondered how it got behind the wall…but as I said I was preoccupied with other things.

Every aspect of the above scene has so much meaning, but I will just touch upon some of it in the context of this discussion.

When I woke up and examined this dream snippet, I realized that when we avoid really examining our life, we are hiding the ability to self-reflect, and thus hiding the mirror to insulate ourselves from the truth. There are many facets to self-reflection, and these are captured in the many senses that provide different perspectives that can flesh out understanding. And in this regard, the mirror is a treasure…but it was also described as a showpiece, which is something to be displayed in full view, and from the impression that it made on me it was quite a startling piece whose function or power had yet to be discovered. So clearly, life is no simple mirror…but much more. And a thought popped into my mind and my whole being responded vibrationally…

Not only is life a gift for the indwelling consciousness, but also a gift for the whole of creation. And when your life is a celebration of consciousness, it rays out for all beings to behold and expand by the light of your self-reflection. I elaborate on this very important understanding in the supplementary reading (weeks 1 and 2), The Great Ecosystem based on Reciprocity and Sacrifice. Life and consciousness within it is indeed the greatest wonder and mystery.

We ignite one another through the revelation of self that pours out into our lives in some manner. As we self-reflect in the mirror of light and become illuminated, this pours into our life that radiates out into the world…As we become illuminated, our light is reflected in the mirror for all to see, and this in turn awakens and illuminates others. Our life becomes a showpiece—not for what we accomplish but for what we are that is reflected in what we accomplish. When you engage life as a self-reflecting mirror and transform and radiate that out to the world, your life becomes an inspirational light to others that awakens them to who they are. And as this happens to an ever greater degree, your human self and Higher Self merge as a unified power.

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