Göriach Ramingstein Obertauern Thomatal Fotos: Heiko Mandl, Ferienregion Lungau UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburg`s Lungau As an authentic living environment with distinctive traditions and a high level of bio-diversity, the Salzburger Lungau is proud to have been awarded the title of UNESCO Biosphere Park Salzburger Lungau & Kärntner Nock- berge. This international UNESCO distinction is given to regions with a unique combination of genuine and living traditions, authentic people, modern infrastructure, along with breathtaking nature. Which means, this third and biggest Biosphere Park in Austria serves as a model region for sustainable development. Info: Ferienregion Lungau T +43 (0)6477 8988, www.lungau.at Castles & Palaces 25 Schloss Moosham near Unternberg Amongst the common folk of the Lungau, Moosham was undoubtedly quite a bit less po- pular than it is today, serving as the administ- rative center of the region and the seat of the local governor, who exercised high justice on behalf of the prince archbishops. Those must have been terrible times indeed, for it was behind these castle walls that the witch trials were held! Guided Tours of the Castle Museum: April to September: Daily 10.00 am to 04.00 pm at the top of every hour October: Daily 11.00 am and 02.00 pm Closed Monday, open continuously in August Children’s Tours: May through September every Thursday at 10.00 am and 02.00 pm Prices: adults 10.00, children 5.00, groups of 20 or more 8.00, school classes 4.50 Info: Castle Management T +43 (0)6476 305, www.schlossmoosham.at 26 Mauterndorf Castle At Mauterndorf Castle - 13th cent. - the former toll station and occasional summer residence of the Salzburg prince archbishops, the Middle Ages come back to life. Set out on a spectacu- lar journey back through time: pass through the toll station, paying with coins of the re- alm; slip on your knightly garb - crank up your crossbow, learn first-hand the art of attack and defense, enjoy the hustle and bustle of a court banquet. Hours: 01 st May to 31 st October, daily 10.00 am to 06.00 pm, doors close at 04.30 pm Prices: adults 9.00, children (ages 6 to 14) 5.50, family ticket 22.50 (subject to change) Info: Castle Management T +43 (0)6472 7426, www.salzburg-burgen.at, SalzburgerLand Card accepted! 27 Finstergrün Castle near Ramingstein Old walls filled with youthful exuberance! How would you like to spend the night in a real castle? In Ramingstein, you have the opportunity to do just that. Overnight stay is possible from 01 st May until 15 th October. Guided Tours upon request! Info: Castle Management T +43 (0)6475 228, T +43 (0)699 18877077, www.burg-finstergruen.at Churches 29 St. Leonhard’s Pilgrimage Church/Tamsweg Generally regarded as one of the most beau- tiful Gothic country churches in the southern German-speaking region, known especially for its “Golden Window”. Guided tours are offered by appointment! Info: Marianne Resch T +43 (0)6474 6870 30 Pilgrimage Church/Mariapfarr Originally built in Romanesque style, the church acquired its current appearance in the 15 th cent. Nevertheless, visitors can still enjoy the 13 th and 14 th cent. frescoes. The church is currently closed due to renova- tions! Adjacent to the parsonage, you will find Joseph Mohr square with the “Silent Night Fountain”. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6473 8766, www.mariapfarr.at 31 Laurentius Church/Mariapfarr Probably the oldest church in the Lungau regi- on, in Althofen outside Mariapfarr. First chro- nicled in the year 923, this became the base for Christianization of the Lungau. Today’s building dates back to the 18 th century. Info: Elfriede Bauer T +43 (0)6473 8676 32 St. Gertrauden Filial Church Mauterndorf This Romanesque church in the community of St. Gertrauden is the oldest church in Mau- terndorf. A unique feature: “The Cemetery of Innocent (un-Christened) Children“. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6472 7949, www.mauterndorf.at 33 St. Wolfgang’s Church Mauterndorf Built in 1642, this church, along with its Mount Calvary, is enthroned high above the town. Aside from magnificent panoramic views, the crucifixion group on the south wall of the church is a particular draw for visitors. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6472 7949, www.mauterndorf.at 34 St. Bartholomew’s Parish Church/Mauterndorf This church in the town center features both Romanesque, as well as Early Gothic and Baroque elements. Especially noteworthy is the painting at the high altar, “The Martyr- dom of St. Bartholomew“, a work by J. Fr. Pireth dating from 1668. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6472 7949, www.mauterndorf.at 35 St. Paul’s Parish Church/Lessach After a fire in 1857, the church was rebuilt in Neo-Gothic style. During renovation work in 1984, the sun dial on the south side of the church, dated 1763, was discovered. The interior of the church has been renovated in recent years, while the new altar (very beautiful work of Lungau artist, Peter Brand- stätter) was consecrated in September 2010. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6484 813, www.lessach.at 36 Maria Hollenstein Pilgrimage Church/Ramingstein This small church was built in 1745 and consecrated in 1748. Maria Hollenstein is especially popular as a church in which to get married. It is open throughout the day and visitors are welcome daily. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6475 802 17, www.ramingstein.at 37 Pilgrimage Church of St. Augustine/St. Margarethen This church, whose history extends back to the year 1250, was for a long time the destination for pilgrimages in veneration of St. Augustine and the Virgin Mary. Numerous votive tablets indicate that Augustine was invoked especially by those suffering from eye maladies. The ceiling painting is by famous Lungau painter Gregor Lederwasch. The linden trees at St. Augustine’s church are protected under nature conservancy laws. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6476 812, www.stmargarethen.at 38 Parish Church of St. Michael Presumably in the 9 th /10 th century, the first church was built in St. Michael on the site of a pre-Christian place of worship. After this fell into disrepair around the year 1100, the new St. Michael’s Church was built and first chronicled in 1147. Circa 1500, the nave was added to the parish church and, together with the filial church of St. Martin, reconsec- rated in 1513. The octagonal charnel house - St. Wolfgang’s Chapel - probably dates back to the 14 th century. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6477 8913, www.sanktmichael.at 39 Filial and Pilgrimage Church of St. Egidius/St. Michael The “Egidikirche“ stands to the west of the market town above Dasl. It was first chronic- led in the 13 th century. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6477 8913, www.sanktmichael.at 40 Filial Church of St. Martin St. Michael This church is first chronicled in 1163 and stands in the St. Martin section of town. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6477 8913, www.sanktmichael.at 41 Sacred Heart Filial Church in Oberweissburg/St. Michael Oberweissburg, which is located to the north- west along the banks of the Zederhausbach, also belongs to the parish of St. Michael. The small church, with a domed turret on its ridge- line, was built in 1912/13 based on a design by Salzburg architect Paul Geppert. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6477 8913, www.sanktmichael.at Further Information UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburg`s Lungau Enjoyable Bike Rides in the Lungau region of Salzburg Highlights along the Mur Bike Path Small enough to still be an insider tip. Big enough to be able to offer a one-of-a-kind variety of mountain-bike tours. The new MTB network with 15 carefully selected tours featuring all levels of difficulty, as well as the exclusive valley-to-valley “Lungau EXTREM” tour, sets the pulses of bikers racing faster with ever vertical meter climbed. The new mountain-bike map includes descriptions, maps and elevation profiles for all of the routes and variants, plus an additional description of the “Lungau EXTREM”. The map is available at all local and regional tourist offices in Lungau for a price of 10. Further details can be found online at rad.lungau.at 01 Gontal Tour Start: St. Michael Distance: 33,4 km + 1,1 km + 2,5 km Lowest/Highest Point: 1.050 m/1.830 m Total gains: 965 Vm + 150 Vm + 125 Vm 02 Hollerberg Tour Start: St. Michael Distance: 11,9 km Lowest/Highest Point: 1.075 m/1.601 m Total gains: 526 Vm 03 Muritzen Tour Start: Muhr Distance: 14,6 km (one direction) Lowest/Highest Point: 1.123 m/1.752 m Total gains: 635 Vm 04 Rieding Tour Start: Zederhaus Distance: 15,5 km (one direction) + 7,4 km + 2,4 km Lowest/Highest Point: 1.205 m/1.712 m Total gains: 507 Vm + 400 Vm + 165 Vm 05 Trogalm Tour Start: Mauterndorf Distance: 19,3 km + 2,3 km Lowest/Highest Point: 1.123 m/2.072 m Total gains: 715 Vm + 264 Vm 06 Neuseß Tour Start: Mauterndorf Distance: 15,2 km Lowest/Highest Point: 1.098 m/1.550 m Total gains: 480 Vm 07 Lantschfeld Tour Start: Mauterndorf Distance: 21,0 km (one direction) Lowest/Highest Point: 1.123 m/1.450 m Total gains: 390 Vm 08 Fanningberg Tour Start: Mariapfarr Distance: 19,1 km Lowest/Highest Point: 1.090 m/1.480 m Total gains: 530 Vm 09 Longa Tour Start: Weißpriach Distance: 12,1 km (one direction) Lowest/Highest Point: 1.195 m/1.323 m Total gains: 406 Vm 10 Lignitz Tour Start: Mariapfarr Distance: 10,5 km (one direction) Lowest/Highest Point: 1.120 m/1.560 m Total gains: 440 Vm 11 Mitterberg Plus Tour Start: St. Andrä Distance: 25,7 km Lowest/Highest Point: 1.055 m/1.400 m Total gains: 535 Vm 12 Göriach Tour Start: Göriach Distance: 15,2 km Lowest/Highest Point: 1.170 m/1.839 m Total gains: 669 Vm 13 Lessach Tour Start: Lessach Distance: 15,3 km Lowest/Highest Point: 1.175 m/1.853 m Total gains: 665 Vm 14 Preber Tour Start: Tamsweg Distance: 35,9 km + 3,3 km Lowest/Highest Point: 1.022 m/1.862 m Total gains: 1.250 Vm + 350 Vm 15 Leißnitz Tour Start: St. Margarethen Distance: 6,9 km (one direction) Lowest/Highest Point: 1.050 m/1.750 m Total gains: 700 Vm Wellness & Swimming Attractions & Recreational Opportunities Mountain Lifts with a Summer Schedule Nature Parks & More SalzburgerLand Card On tour with the SalzburgerLand Card. So much to see and experience, with free admission to about 190 sights and attractions in SalzburgerLand. Valid: 01 st May to 26 th October 2015 6-day-card: Adults 62.00, Children 31.00 12-day-card: Adults 76.00, Children 38.00 from the 3 rd child and children under 6 years are free Info: Ferienregion Lungau T +43 (0)6477 8988, www.salzburgerlandcard.com FERIENREGION SALZBURGER LUNGAU Rotkreuzgasse 100 A-5582 St. Michael T +43 (0)6477 8988 F +43 (0)6477 8988 20 [email protected] www.lungau.at Other sightseeing destinations and special events are compiled in the “Summer Journal 2015“ and in our “Family Adventure Pro- gram” (available at all tourist offices and in the Lungau Region). Museums 45 Parish, Pilgrimage & Silent Night Museum/Mariapfarr Adjoining the pilgrimage church is the Silent Night & Pilgrimage Museum. Gaze in wonder at the silver altar, and browse documentati- on about the life and times of Joseph Mohr, who wrote the world-famous Christmas song “Silent Night!” here in Mariapfarr in 1816. Dates & Times: As posted! Special tours for 6 or more possible anytime with advance registration through Mariapfarr tourist office at T +43 (0)6473 8766. Prices: adults 5.00, seniors from 60 years on 4.00, youths 3.00, children 1.00, groups of 6 pers. or more 4.00 + guided tour through museum 1.00, + guided tour through church 1.00. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6473 8766, www.wallfahrtsmuseum.at, www.stillenachtmuseum.at 46 Lungau Museum of Regional History & Culture/Mauterndorf Experience Lungau traditions in all their uni- queness and diversity throughout the course of the four seasons. Also awaiting you are im- pressive depictions of life in the rural farming community. Open yourself to the magic and enchantment of beautiful minerals from the Lungau region. Dates & Times: June to September, 10.00 am until 05.00 pm. Guided tours by appointment! Info & Registration: Museum T +43 (0)676 9717276 or T +43 (0)6472 7393, SalzburgerLand Card accepted! 47 Lungau Heritage Museum Tamsweg Here you will find a fascinating cross-section of life in the town and country, tools, folk costu- mes, sacred art and examples of popular piety, a collection of furniture chests, Roman finds and much more. Guided Tours: beginning of June to mid September - Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 10.00 am and 02.00 pm, Wednesday at 10.00 am. Groups of 5 or more with advance registration. Market tour by phone registration. Info & Registration: Family Heitzmann T +43 (0)6474 6504, T +43 (0)650 9645833 or T +43 (0)664 4145685 48 Historic Maurergut Farm Zederhaus From a cultural and historical perspective, a particularly interesting farm in Zederhaus with natural stone walls, a traditional grain silo made of brick (known here as a “Troadkasten”) and the “stamp mill”. Tours: beginning of June until the end of Sep- tember, Wednesdays and Sundays from 02.00 pm to 05.00 pm (also possible outside of these times if you make an appointment by phone) Prices: adults 3.00, children 1.80, group prices (6 or more people) - adults 2.50, children 1.50 Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6478 801, T +43 (0)650 5550903, www.zederhaus.at 49 “Walcherhäusl” Museum Zederhaus A walk along the Mühlenweg (N) gives you the opportunity to visit this rustic museum with a wealth of information and examples of farm life. Tours: beginning of June until the end of Sep- tember: Thursdays and Sundays from 02.00 to 05.00 pm (also possible outside of these times by phone appointment) Prices: adults 3.00, children 1.80 Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6478 801, T +43 (0)650 5550903, www.zederhaus.at 50 Kodak History Camera Museum/Zederhaus The Camera Museum provides visitors with a cross-section of the Kodak company, including several hundred exhibits and the first detective camera. Hours: Year-round on the third Sunday of every month from 02.00 to 06.00 pm. July to September from 04.00 to 07.00 pm and by appointment. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6478 801, www.zederhaus.at Excursion Trips bike map included cycling-related tips sights, attractions and museums excursion destinations for the whole family Active Summers in the Lungau region of Salzburg 2015 Bike Rentals & Service Centres Mariapfarr 14 Sporthaus Franz Pichler Bike- and E-Bike Rentals, Service 5571 Mariapfarr, Bruckdorf 113 T +43 (0)6473 8206 offi[email protected] www.sport-pichler.at Mauterndorf 15 Sport Haradal Bike- and E-Bike Rentals 5570 Mauterndorf, Markt 54 T +43 (0)6472 7363 F +43 (0)6472 7363 4 [email protected] www.haradal.at 16 Sport Rest GmbH & co KG Bike- and E-Bike Rentals 5570 Mauterndorf, Schizentrum 416 T +43 (0)6472 200 44 offi[email protected] www.sport-rest.com 17 Bergbahnen Lungau Bike Rentals 5570 Mauterndorf, Schizentrum Mauterndorf T +43 (0)6472 8008 offi[email protected] www.bergbahnen-lungau.at 18 E-Mobil Graggaber E-Bike-Service 5570 Mauterndorf, Bundesstr. 230 T +43 (0)6472 7288 0 St. Margarethen 19 Arnold Sampl Bike Rentals and Service 5581 St. Margarethen Gewerbegebiet 193 T +43 (0)6476 562 F +43 (0)6476 563 [email protected], www.sampl.cc St. Michael 20 Sport Friedrich Bike- and E-Bike Rentals, Service 5582 St. Michael, Marktstr. 3 T +43 (0)6477 8246 F +43 (0)6477 8246 16 [email protected] www.sbg.at/sport-friedrich 21 Sport Rest GmbH & co KG Bike- and E-Bike Rentals 5582 St. Michael, Poststr. 408 T +43 (0)6472 200 44 40 offi[email protected] www.sport-rest.com Tamsweg 22 Intersport Frühstückl Bike Rentals and Service 5580 Tamsweg, Kirchengasse 7 T +43 (0)6474 6655 F +43 (0)6474 6655 33 [email protected] www.fruehstueckl.at 23 Zweiradcenter Krug Bike Rentals and Service 5580 Tamsweg, Gartengasse 17 T +43 (0)6474 6780 E-Bike Service E-Bike Service E-Bike Service E-Bike Service E-Bike Service E-Bike Service E-Bike Service E-Bike Service LungauCard Die Ferienregion Lungau All-inclusive erleben Bicycle rental & service stations are indicated on the map with this symbol: The “Lungau EXTREM” boasts a total length of 158.3 km and almost 7200 meters in vertical gains. We recommend tackling the “Lungau EXTREM” in 4 stages: 1. Tamsweg - Göriach: 40,6 km l Total gains: 1.935 Vm 2. Göriach - St. Michael: 45,6 km l Total gains: 2.068 Vm 3. St. Michael - Katschberg - St. Michael: 34,7 km Total gains: 1.556 Vm 4. St. Michael - Tamsweg: 37,4 km l Total gains: 1.613 Vm This valley-to-valley tour is suitable for more athletic and experienced mountain bikers! Lungau’s sun-drenched high basin, perched at over 1,000 metres above sea level, is a paradise for cyclists. Star-shaped, like the spokes of a wheel, the romantic side valleys of the Lungau radiate outwards, just waiting to be “pedaled” by you. The difficulty of the various routes is indicated as follows: beginner intermediate expert 01 Mitterberg Tour ca. 200 vm, max. 12% gradient, ca. 30 km, starting point: Tamsweg From Tamsweg we enjoy a leisurely bike ride to St. Andrä, continuing on via Lintsching to Mariapfarr - a small break in the town center, including a visit to the Parish, Pilgrimage & Silent Night Museum (opening times as posted) is definitely worthwhile! Now via Bruckdorf and Seitling, we finally reach Mauterndorf, where you should be sure to visit Mauterndorf Castle. From the historic market square, we pass small St. Wolfgang’s Church (on a hill), leaving Mauterndorf in the direction of Begöriach. After this we come to Schloss Moosham, a castle woven in legend, where we would highly recommend taking a guided tour. Finally our ride takes us via Pischelsdorf and Flatschach to Unternberg, then alongside the Mur to Tamsweg. 02 Schwarzenberg Tour ca. 300 vm, max. 13% gradient, ca. 26 km, starting point: Tamsweg From Tamsweg along the banks of the Mur through the Madlinger Schlucht to the IsoSpan works. Once there, make a right towards Thomatal. Making a gentle, steady climb, you will cross the main road and continue on to Pichlern. At this point, you drop back down to Pichlern and Pischelsdorf, where you again return to the Mur Bike Path, which you will continue along in the direction of Tamsweg. 03 Prebersee Tour ca. 510 vm, max. 15% gradient, ca. 9 km, starting point: Tamsweg From the historic market square in Tamsweg, along the Preberstraße, past the agricultural school and the village of Haiden, you make your way up through several steep climbs until you reach the shores of the Prebersee at 1,514 m above sea level. We highly recommend circumnavigating this moorland lake with its info boards. Mountain bikers have other variants to choose from. 04 Lessach Spoke ca. 250 vm, max. 7% gradient, ca. 28 km, starting point: Tamsweg From Tamsweg via the Mitterbergrunde to Wölting, then continue along the banks of the Lessachbach, past old farmhouses, until you reach the beautiful village of Lessach. Next to the church you bike off to the right into the Lower Lessach Valley (toll charge for cars: 5.00 at the hut) to the Lenzenhütte (re- freshments available) or even further to the Lasshoferalm (elev. 1,250 m). For the return trip, you may wish to select the “Glanz” route, which leads past Gast- hof Neuwirt before feeding into the main road leading towards Tamsweg. Sight- seeing Tip: The cemetery in Lessach with its unique graves and charnel house. 05 Göriach Spoke ca. 500 vm, max. 6% gradient, ca. 30 km, starting point: St. Andrä In St. Andrä, making a right past the church and continuing along the banks of the Göriachbach, the little traveled country road leads you into the en- chanting Göriach Valley. Once in Göriach, make a right across a bridge to Hintergöriach. From there, ride ca. 8 km along a gravel road to the hut village - an ideal excursion destination for the whole family. On the return ride, when you get to the town center of Göriach, make a right towards Fern, which will take you to the village of Mariapfarr, a town with a uniquely healthful climate - the sunniest town in Austria. From Mariapfarr, the Stockerfeld will bring you to the River Taurach, then alongside the Taurach Railway back to St. Andrä. 06 Lignitz Spoke ca. 500 vm, max. 10% gradient, ca. 20 km, starting point: Mariapfarr You will leave the sign-posted Mitterberg Tour at the town hall in Mariapfarr and ride up towards Zankwarn. from where you will continue - past beautiful farmhouses - to Grabendorf. In Grabendorf, take a right in the direction of Kreischaberg/Lignitz, where you can also carry on along a paved road to the Wielandhof café and Kneipp spa. And from there, you have an option to take a gravel trail up to an elevation of 1,540 m and the Lignitzalmen! 07 Weisspriach Spoke ca. 270 vm, max. 10% gradient, ca. 35 km (roundtrip distance), starting point: Mariapfarr At the intersection in Seitling, you will leave the Mitterbergrunde and ped- al in the direction of Weisspriach. At the entrance to the valley, passing the unique, protected geographical feature known as the Longa Meanders, plen- ty of opportunities beckon you to enjoy the good air and crystal-clear moun- tain waters, and to thoroughly relax. At the end of the paved road, things continue at a more leisurely pace to the Dicktler and Grangler huts, where refreshments are served (toll charge for cars: 4.00 at the coin machine). Sightseeing Tip: In St. Rupert’s Chapel, which stands in the community of St. Rupert (shortly before Weisspriach), you can gaze upon frescoes dating back to the 11 th and 12 th centuries. 08 Tweng-Lantschfeld Spoke ca. 400 vm, max. 12% gradient, ca. 32 km, starting point: Mauterndorf From the historic market square in Mauterndorf, you ride past Mauterndorf Castle, taking the B99 towards Obertauern. At the Mauterndorf Ski Center, cross the bridge and you will come to a gravel path to the right. After about 8 km, you will reach the pleasant valley community of Tweng, at the foot of the Tauern Pass. At the end of town, you will take a left across a wooden bridge and cycle about 8 km through the magical countryside known as Twenger Lantschfeld. We would recommend taking a break on the viewing bridge next to the Twenger Tennfall (waterfall). 09 Zederhaus Spoke ca. 700 vm, max. 13% gradient, ca. 65 km, starting point: St. Michael – gently uphill as far as Riedingtal Coming from St. Michael, when you reach Unterweissburg switch to the Zeder- hauser Landesstrasse and continue with a leisurely bike ride to the village of Zederhaus. Between 24 th June and 15 th August, you can enjoy looking at the garlanded Prangstangen poles which are on display in the church there. Your ride now takes you on a paved road in the direction of Riedingtal Nature Park (toll charge for cars: 8.00 at the hut) - and it is also possible to take a side trip from the small community of Rothenwand to Nahendfeld. The overwhelm- ing alpine panorama of the nature park as well as several mountain huts and country inns await everyone who decides to take on this particular bike tour. 10 Muhr Spoke ca. 700 vm, max. 19% gradient, ca. 55 km, starting point: St. Michael From St. Michael, you ride alongside the Mur and via the small commu- nity of Glashütte to Schellgaden. There you continue along the Muhrer Landesstrasse to the village of Muhr. At the church here, garlanded Prang- stangen are on display from 29 th June until 15 th August. Continue on, via the picturesque village of Jedl, coming to the Arsenhaus (not staffed). The path to the right takes you up a 19% grade to the Muritzen car park – this is the ideal place for a rest stop. Mountain bikers can continue on to the Sticklerhütte elev. 1,752 m (toll charge for cars: 5.00 at the coin machine). 11 Mur Bike Trail The Mur River has its origins in the Lungau, in the National Park Community of Muhr! On this some 365 km-long route - with a drop of 1,700 vm, - you will accompany the river from the Lungau, through Styria, to Bad Radkersburg at the frontier of Slovenia. IMPORTANT! The numbering given to bike paths shown on the map does not correspond with the numbers displayed on the signs along- side the actual bike paths! 12 Golf Course in St. Michael 18-hole tournament course set amid impressive riverside meadows with ponds, wetlands and the Mur River itself - which golfers find themselves hav- ing to play across twice during their round. The 9-hole Par 3 course offers beginning golfers a great way to whet their appetite for this wonderful game! Info: Golfclub Lungau T +43 (0)6477 7448, www.golfclub-lungau.com 13 Murinsel recreation area/St. Michael The “Mur Island” was built alongside the River Mur – it is a popular recreation area with original features that include a “rest island“ with wooden bench seating, rocks to lie on, as well as a willow bower. Info: Tourist office T +43 (0)6477 8913, www.sanktmichael.at Cultural bike path - Folk-Heritage Year in Unternberg At the rest areas along the Mur bike path, the Mitterbergrunde, and the Schwarzenberg route through Unternberg, the young farmers association has depicted local folk customs by means of sculptures and figures made of wood, metal, and other natural materials. In addition, all customs are clearly described on information boards for the benefit of visitors. Trail route: Between the communities of Pischelsdorf and Neggerndorf. Barrier-Free Mur Bike Path The Barrier-Free Mur Bike Path makes it possible for wheelchair-users to ride the route using hand-bikes. A broader path and many conveniences for riders of hand-bikes. An accessible toilet (for people with impairments or disa- bilities) you can find in community Unternberg - at the parking place of the town hall. Bike Path of Legends & Myths Along the Mur Bike Path between Tamsweg and Ramingstein, you will find a world filled with a wealth of legends. As you pass by original bike-path stations with their carved info boards, you will learn so much about legends which are said to have occurred at these various locations, accompanied by additional fascinating facts about wood and the surrounding forests. Bike Pick-Up Service and Luggage Transportation Pick-up and drop-off service along the entire length of the Mur Bike Trail. Bacher Travel Agency T +43 (0)6477 8111, www.bacher-reisen.com Tips for Safe Cycling Equipment Severe head injuries may result from a cycling accident. Many of these injuries can be avoided by wearing a bicycle helmet. That’s why you should always wear a good-fitting bicycle helmet every time you ride – and that goes for adults as well as children. Children under 12 must wear a bike helmet by law. The accom- panying parent or adult is responsible to ensure the child does indeed wear a helmet. This law also applies to children under 12 who are being transported in a bicycle trailer or on a bicycle. Bright clothing, preferably with reflective strips, is important, especially in the dark or when visibility is poor. Important Rules of the Road To ensure your bike ride is safe, you must comply with some important rules of the road. Here is an excerpt: • Always give a hand signal when turning. • Slow down when approaching an intersection. • Keep within the speed limit and adjust your speed to your own abilities. • Always yield to traffic that has the right of way. • The road signs „Vorrang geben“ (“Give way”) and „Halt“ (“Stop”) also apply to cyclists. • Pedestrians have the right of way on pedestrian crosswalks/zebra crossings. • Be sure to keep a safe distance as you ride past parked cars, as well as from vehicles ahead of you. • Cycling against the flow of traffic on a one-way street is only allowed if there is an additional sign which expressly indicates you may do so! On residential one-way streets, cycling against traffic flow is generally permitted. • When riding a bicycle, you should always use the roadway unless there is a designated bike path, in which case the latter must be used. • Cycling on autobahns (motorways) and main trunk roads is prohibited. Cycling side-by-side is allowed on bike paths, biking roads, residential streets, in areas where pedestrians have priority over traffic and – on other roads with vehicular traffic – during training rides with racing bikes. When riding side-by- side, cyclists must use the right-most lane. Source: www.help.gv.at 28 Thurnschall Castle Ruins near Lessach Founded in about the year 1200, the castle is first chronicled at the beginning of the 13 th cen- tury. In 1242, the castle and the entire Lessach region were sold to the Archbishop of Salzburg. During archaeological excavations conducted in 2001, 8m-high remains of the fortified tow- er, as well as castle walls as much as 4m thick were unearthed. Many legends have been preserved through the generations about the “Thurnschallweibl” - the last lady of this castle. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6484 813, www.lessach.at 42 St. Augustine’s Chapel/St. Michael According to one legend, St. Augustine’s Chapel has been in existence since 283 AD. Many locals and guests visit the chapel for the “Augenstil Wasser”, water which is reputed to be able to alleviate eye ailments. Info: Tourist office T +43 (0)6477 8913, www.sanktmichael.at 43 St. George’s Pilgrimage Church & Bonze Statue/Thomatal Recently renovated, this pilgrimage church is a jewel and living testament to different ar- chitectural periods. Here you will find a ceiling painting by Seraphin Lederwasch, as well as the hand-powered bellows of an organ from the year 1812. The truly unique clock and striking mechanisms, as well as hand-rung bells, make this church – which has no electricity or heating – a very special place of worship, one where Ecclesiastical Counselor Valentin Pfeifenberger served for 50 years. A bronze monument to him, which was erected in 2004 after his death, depicts him riding on a donkey. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6476 250, www.thomatal.at 44 St. Rupert’s Parish Church Weisspriach Here you will find beautiful frescoes dating from the 11 th and 12 th centuries. You are wel- come to visit this church on your own during the daytime. Guided tours are offered, though only by appointment. Appointments: Hans Fuchs T +43 (0)6473 7073 Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6473 7014 14 51 The Taurach Railway Still huffing and puffing along to this day, through the countryside between Mautern- dorf and St. Andrä, is one of the last 760-mm narrow-gauge railways in Austria. Train Rides: 13 th June to 20 th September Info: Railway station Mauterndorf T +43 (0)6472 7088 or Mr. Haftel T +43 (0)664 2808302, www.club760.at, SalzburgerLand Card accepted! 52 The Murtal Railway Steam train between Murau and Tamsweg. Schedule: Timetable available from the rail- way station in Tamsweg and the Tamsweg Tourist Office. Info & Timetables: Railway station Tamsweg T +43 (0)6474 2216, www.club 760.at 58 Crushing Mill & Smelter Kendlbruck/Ramingstein Located right next to the main highway is the crushing mill, an important element in the ore- mining process. The previously roasted silver ore was crushed into hazelnut-sized dimensi- ons, or even smaller, at plants such as these. The Ramingstein crushing mill and the arch- bishops’ smelter were in operation until 1782. The Furnaces: The smelter consists of a blast furnace and, next to it, two fires in a ca. 19 m- high chimney. Hours: Can be visited at any time, special tours on request. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6475 802 17, www.ramingstein.at 59 Silver Mine/Ramingstein For over 350 years, silver mining was an impor- tant source of revenue for Ramingstein. A visit to the silver mine offers an experience with a hint of adventure, allowing you to acquaint yourself with medieval mining techniques as they were originally practiced and giving you a glimpse of what life was like for the miners working under- ground. Registration required! Hours: 01 st May until 31 st October Info & Registration: Family Hoffmann T +43 (0)676 7022369, www.silberbergwerk.net 60 Bundschuh Smelter/Thomatal Natural resources played a big role in the histo- ry of the Lungau from the Middle Ages until the 19 th century. This particular monument features a number of rare exhibits including an air-draft heater, a roasting furnace, lime kiln and water wheel. There is also a self-guided Miners’ Path out to the actual mining area itself. Tip: Also visit the newly built Hubertus Chapel located directly next to the Smelter Museum! Hours: 12 th May to the end of September - Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10.00 am to 04.00 pm; Sunday 03.00 to 06.00 pm. Groups by appointment! Prices: Adults 8.00, students 4.00, family ticket (2 adults + child) 18.00, groups of 10 or more 6.00 per person (during regular opening times). Info: Mr. Rainer T +43 (0)6476 202 31 or T +43 (0)664 73494952, www.hochofen-bundschuh.at, SalzburgerLand Card accepted! 61 The “Sarchen” & Charnel House/Lessach Unique in all of Europe are the wooden grave borders - known as “Sarchen”. Cemetery regulations allow for exclusive use of cast- or wrought-iron crosses, as well as these “Sarchen” of prescribed dimensions. On the east side of St. Paul’s Parish Church you will find the Charnel House, a building about which nu- merous tales are told: The remains of the pious deceased were disinterred by the grave diggers of that time, washed, bleached in the sun and brought to the chapel of the dead, allowing the villagers to venerate their local holy figures. In 1996, a fresco was discovered on the ceiling. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6484 813, www.lessach.at 62 Medieval Judgment Site on Saling Hill/Mariapfarr Saling Hill in Bruckdorf was once a Thingplatz, or judgment site, for the Lungau region, a role that went all the way back to the Early Middle Ages. In 2006, the Village of Bruckdorf restored this historic site true to the original. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6473 8766, www.mariapfarr.at 63 “Alte Mühle” - Trattner Mill St. Margarethen This is the last preserved mill along the banks of the Karlsbergbach, having once served as a community mill for several local farmers and re- maining in operation until the 1950’s. Because water levels would rise and fall over the course of the year, this particular mill is known as a “cloud-burst mill”, often forced to stand still for weeks at a time. During such periods, the va- cant structure would frequently attract tramps, fugitives and even lovers. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6476 812, www.stmargarethen.at 64 “The Holy Family in Pine” Thomatal/Schönfeld At the Suppanalm, on the way from Bundschuh to Schönfeld, we find figures of the holy fami- ly, St. Leonhard and St. Barbara, carved into standing trunks of stone pine by sculptor, Ernst Adelsberger. In 2001, a splendid chapel was built over this group of figures. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6476 250, www.thomatal.at 53 SAMSUNN Vitality & Wellness Center/Mariapfarrr Want to truly unwind during your vacation and feel better than you have in years? Attractive rooms drenched in natural lighting, along with a rich variety of sauna and wellness opportu- nities, create the perfect ambience in which to escape the daily routine and leave stress far behind. Aside from our “hot rooms”, which are set at a variety of temperatures - ranging from a steam bath to a fiery hot sauna - you can also look forward to a comprehensive selection of fitness-, massage and beauty services. Info & Timetables: SAMSUNN Vitality & Wellness Center T +43 (0)6473 20020, www.samsunn.at, SalzburgerLand Card accepted! 54 Mariapfarr Outdoor Pool Hours: Beginning of June until the beginning of September (depending on weather conditions). Info: SAMSUNN Vitality & Wellness Center T +43 (0)6473 20020, SalzburgerLand Card accepted! 55 BadeINSEL Tamsweg Indoor pool with adventure area, open-air pool, sauna facility and mini golf. Hours: Beginning of June until the beginning of September (depending on weather conditions) from 09.00 am until 07.30 pm Info: BadeINSEL T +43 (0)6474 2312, www.badeinsel.at, SalzburgerLand Card accepted! 56 Mauterndorf Adventure Pool Outdoor pool with adventure area, mini golf. Hours: Beginning of June until the end of August (depending on weather conditions) from 10.00 am until 07.00 pm Info: Adventure Pool T +43 (0)6472 7632, SalzburgerLand Card accepted! 57 St. Michael Outdoor Pool Hours: Beginning of June until the end of August (depending on weather) Info: Outdoor Pool T +43 (0)6477 8564, SalzburgerLand Card accepted! 65 Josefshütte Thomatal/Schönfeld In memory of Ecclesiastical Counselor Valentin Pfeifenberger: Chapel in Schönfeld, rebuilt after a fire, a place of encounter, devotion and reflection. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6476 250, www.thomatal.at Riding and Horse-Drawn Carriages Mariapfarr/Weißpriach 66 Familie Angermann in Bruckdorf Riding and carriage rides with Haflinger horses. Info: Family Angermann T +43 (0)664 5257226 67 Alois Lankmayer Riding on Icelandic horses. Info: Family Lankmayer T +43 (0)664 4551728 68 Kirchnerhof Riding on Icelandic horses. Info: Mrs. Kobel T +43 (0)664 1225261 69 Hansalhof Guided treks on Icelandic horses and ponies in small groups as well as pony rides for children. Info: Family Rauter T +43 (0)660 6504672 70 Hacklhof In district Pirka, Riding on Icelandic horses. Info: Family Perner T +43 (0)650 8010594 Riding and Horse-Drawn Carriages St. Michael 71 Alpine Equestrian Center Katschberg Treks, riding lessons in the indoor riding arena, carriage and pony rides. Info: Mr. Neuschitzer T +43 (0)664 2844583, www.pferdezentrum-katschberg.at 72 Ponyalm Katschberg The Ponyalm is located inside Gontal nature sanctuary on the Katschberg. Here children can enjoy, watch, pet and ride ponies in all their variety. Hours: Begin of June to mid September. Info: Ponyalm T +43 (0)664 2844583, www.ponyalm.at 73 Neuhauserstadl Unterweißburg Carriage rides, 2 horse-power trips to your chosen excursion destination. Info: Family Seewald/Gruber T +43 (0)664 9064160, www.neuhauserstubn.at Riding and Horse-Drawn Carriages Tamsweg 74 Mehlhartlgut Horse and pony trekking, lessons, kids‘ rides, registration required! Info: Family Santner T +43 (0)664 1715450 75 Rossbacherhof Carriage rides, riding lessons on Haflinger horses, riding for people with handicaps. Info: Family Hönegger-Wieland T +43 (0)6474 6268, T +43 (0)664 4659188 Riding and Horse-Drawn Carriages in Tweng 76 Postgut Noriker Breeders & Riding Stables Horse-Drawn Carriages, Riding instruction on Noriker horses, treks, horse-assisted learning. Info: Family Klary T +43 (0)6471 20206, www.norikerzucht.at 77 Outdoorparc Lungau Mariapfarr The Outdoorparc Lungau was seemingly crea- ted for families and sports enthusiasts of every age: a modern Flying Fox with 7 stations and a total length of 460 m, a team parcours with a giant swing, pamper pole, climbing wall, and Jacob’s ladder, a street soccer area, a low-ropes course as well as a slide and trampoline for the little ones, a bouldering rock with an over 100 m2 climbing surface, rubber rafts, zorb ball, kayaks, and family boats. Snack bar also avail- able. Info: Outdoorparc Lungau T +43 (0)6472 20033, www.outdoorparc.com 78 Adventurepark Katschberg/St. Michael Austria’s biggest adventure park Since 2012: 3D Archery Park An adventure park with extra-special kick. The trail leads through the treetops, demanding lots of skill and courage from our adventurers. The absolute highlight is the Flying Fox Park XXL – as you soar down a zipline at dizzying heights above the ground! The high-ropes course on the Katschberg isn’t just a great challenge for individuals, it also strengthens cohesion and trust amongst families, schools, clubs and busi- nesses. NEW in 2015: 10 flying fox rides on the black-rated course + 20 stations f. children (3-5 years). 200 challenge stations in total. Hours: Please refer to the new 2015 brochure. Info: Mr. Seebacher T +43 (0)676 6370970, www.adventurepark-katschberg.at 79 Katschhausen Katschberg/St. Michael In “Katschhausen” nature & adventure world, visitors big and small can become part of the “Katschling Family” and experience a variety of natural phenomena. The modern, family- friendly playground includes high-quality play stations with slides and see-saws, coloring workshop, bridges, a water world, petting zoo and a relaxing picnic area. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)4734 630, www.katschberg-rennweg.at 80 Tennis & Bowling/St. Michael Tennis: One indoor court with a synthetic surface Bowling: 2 lanes Hours & Prices: Upon request! Info & Reservations: Sport Friedrich, T +43 (0)6477 8246, www.sbg.at/sport-friedrich 81 Paintball in St. Michael Experience Austria’s biggest paintball facility spanning over 20,000 m 2 . An unforgettable experience for families, schools, clubs, businesses. Hours: April until mid November Info & Registration: Markus Premm, T +43 (0)664 5118080 82 JUFA Lungau Sport & Recreation Area/St. Michael Beach volleyball court – competition-ready, fun court – suitable for soccer and basketball, net pyramid for free climbing, sand box, badminton equipment, see-saw, hill slides, and swings. Opening times: year-round – except for com- pany holidays Info: JUFA St. Michael T +43 (0)5 7083630, www.jufa.eu 83 Alpine Airfield Mauterndorf Austria’s highest alpine airfield. Open from April (if the landing strip is free of snow) until October. Info: Alpine Airfield T +43 (0)6472 7329, T +43 (0)688 8652391 or Mr. Gspandl T +43 (0)676 4281300, www.flugplatz-mauterndorf.at 84 RC Airfield Unternberg The airfield for remote-controlled planes at Schloss Moosham in Unternberg is one of the most beautiful in Austria. With a well-main- tained landing strip measuring 150 m by 20 m, you can fly there daily between 09.00 am and 07.00 pm during the summer. Guest Card is required. Planes must weigh under 20 kg and be no louder than 80 dB; an ideal setting for larger models and tow starts. Info: MFC Lungau T +43 (0)6474 6211, www.mfc-lungau.at Customs &Traditions Along with museums, churches, and old cast- les, Lungau also has unique customs: espe- cially impressive are the “Samson” and “Prang- stangen” processions. The splendidly dressed, wooden Samson figures, between 6 and 8 m tall, will wow you at several festival processions during the summer. The Prangstangen poles are garlanded with more than 50,000 flowers and can be admired at annual processions on 24 th June in Zederhaus and on 29 th June in Muhr. An additional highlight: the “Water Shoot” on the Prebersee (elevation 1,512 m). Every year on the last weekend in August, the marksmen aim and shoot at the reflection of the target in the water. The shot then ricochets off the water and (hopefully) hits the target on the shore. Events calendar: events.lungau.at Bike-Events 2015 25 th Tour de Mur – Anniversary Tour 04 th to 06 th June 2015 from St. Michael to Bad Radkersburg 8 th International Climate Protection Bike Tour Info: www.tour-de-mur.at „Lungauer Bikerrallye für Jedermann“ 15 th August 2015 in Tamsweg Info: www.tamsweg.info 85 Grosseckbahn Mauterndorf 8-passenger cabin lift Hours of Operation: 02 nd to 28 th June and 14 th to 29 th September: Every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday - 09.00 am to 04.00 pm* 29 th June to 13 th September: Daily - 09.00 am to 04.00 pm* *Cable car does not run in rainy or stormy weather! Info: Lungau lift company T +43 (0)6472 8008, www.bergbahnen-lungau.at, SalzburgerLand Card accepted! 86 Sonnenbahn Grosseck-Speiereck 8-passenger cabin lift Hours of operation: 28 th June to 13 th September: Every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday - 09.00 am to 04.00 pm* *Cable car does not run in rainy or stormy weather! Info: Lungau lift company T +43 (0)6472 8008, www.bergbahnen-lungau.at 87 Katschberg-Aineck Ski Area 3-seater chair lift Aineck Lift – car park at the Katschberg Pass Hours of Operation: 15 th to 28 th June and 07 th September to 16 th October: Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 09.00 am to noon and 01.00 to 04.00 pm*. 29 th June to 06 th September: Sunday to Friday - 09.00 am to 04.00 pm* (Saturday closed) *Cable car does not run in rainy or stormy weather! Info: Office Katschberg lifts T +43 (0)4734 83888, www.katschi.at, SalzburgerLand Card accepted! With the LungauCard, experience the Lungau region of Salzburg “All inclusive”! One card, five months, countless opportunities: With the LungauCard, awaiting holidaymakers are a wide variety of all-inclusive and discounted activities for the whole family. If you show your valid all-inclusive LungauCard, you will receive one-time free (with our All-Inclusive Partners) and/or discount- ed (through our Bonus Partners) use of numerous mountain lifts, sightseeing attractions and excursion destinations, out- door activities, museums, wellness centers, swimming pools and much more throughout the Lungau. The Card is valid from 01 st June until 31 st October for the duration of your stay at one of our participating accommodation providers. LungauCard partners are marked in this folder with the Lungau- Card-symbol. You can find all LungauCard partners in our Lun- gauCard brochure and on our homepage! Info: Ferienregion Lungau T +43 (0)6477 8988, card.lungau.at The LungauCard Credits: Publisher: Ferienregion Salzburger Lungau 2014, Rotkreuzgasse 100, 5582 St. Michael. Not liable for any errors, inaccuracies or changes, or for any potential consequences thereof! Text and/ or photographic materials may not be reproduced, distributed or stored in electronic media without the expressed permission of the publisher. Design: Die Medienwerkstatt GmbH, 5580 Tamsweg, www.diemedienwerkstatt.info Print: Samson Druck, 5581 St. Margarethen, www.samsondruck.at Pictures: Ferienregion Lungau, Tourist offices Lungau, Tourist office Katschberg-Rennweg, Heiko Mandl, Roland Holitzky, SalzburgerLand Tourismus, Paul Kößlbacher (www.paulk.at), Vital- & Wellnesscenter Samsunn, Elisabeth Fingerlos, Andrea Gürtler, Familie Wilczek, Jutta Kobel, Familie Klary, Andreas Neuschitzer, www.lungau.travel, www.adventurepark-katschberg.at, www.nationalparknockberge.at, Naturpark Riedingtal, Bergbahnen Lungau, Katschbergbahnen Map: arge kartographie, 3151 St. Georgen, [email protected] Map „Almsommer“: Heinz Vielkind, Panoramastudio Mountain biking in healthy alpine air with new mountain-bike map 15 improved and lengthened mountain-bike tours NEW: The exclusive valley-to-valley “Lungau EXTREM” tour Riedingtal Nature Park/Zederhaus Thanks to its cultural charm and scenic beauty, Riedingtal is a popular excursion destination for young and old alike. It’s a hiking para- dise with gentle valleys, though also rugged cirques and high peaks, crystal-clear tarns and charming, alpine chalets. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6478 801, www.naturpark-riedingtal.at Muhr the Natural Park Community The beauty and diversity of these mountain landscapes in the Hohe Tauern National Park are the reason why they were originally includ- ed as part of Central Europe’s biggest national park. The Mur, Austria’s second-biggest river, has its headwaters in this community. And it is from where that the famous Mur Bike Trail starts. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6479 218 or T +43 (0)650 9933415, www.muhr-info.at Preber Sports and Recreation Region Within quick, easy reach of Tamsweg is the Preber region, one of the popular excursion destinations for the Lungau’s locals and visi- tors alike. Whether that be to hike, bike, or to take a romantic stroll around the lake, punctu- ated by a stop-off at one of the area’s tradition- al country inns. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6474 2145, www.tamsweg.info Göriach Hut Village A hill-country village that is unique unto itself, easy to reach for seniors and even parents pushing a pram. It is just a 5-minute walk from the turn-around point. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6483 212 11, www.goeriach.at Nockberge Region Schönfeld/Karneralm In contrast to the craggy peaks of the Niedere Tauern, the gentle hills of the Nockberge nestle snuggly before our eyes. Experience the high valley in all its splendor. Discover the quiet you seek on sun- drenched mountain meadows and in the forest. Info: www.nationalparknockberge.at

UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburg`s Lungau...Göriach Ramingstein Obertauern Thomatal Fotos: Heiko Mandl, Ferienregion Lungau UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburg`s Lungau As an authentic

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Page 1: UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburg`s Lungau...Göriach Ramingstein Obertauern Thomatal Fotos: Heiko Mandl, Ferienregion Lungau UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburg`s Lungau As an authentic





Fotos: Heiko M

andl, Ferienregion Lungau

UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburg`s Lungau

As an authentic living environment with distinctive traditions and a high level of bio-diversity, the Salzburger Lungau is proud to have been awarded the title of UNESCO Biosphere Park Salzburger Lungau & Kärntner Nock- berge. This international UNESCO distinction is given to regions with a unique combination of genuine and living traditions, authentic people, modern infrastructure, along with breathtaking nature. Which means, this third and biggest Biosphere Park in Austria serves as a model region for sustainable development.

Info: Ferienregion Lungau T +43 (0)6477 8988, www.lungau.at

Castles & Palaces

25 Schloss Moosham near UnternbergAmongst the common folk of the Lungau, Moosham was undoubtedly quite a bit less po-pular than it is today, serving as the administ-rative center of the region and the seat of the local governor, who exercised high justice on behalf of the prince archbishops. Those must have been terrible times indeed, for it was behind these castle walls that the witch trials were held!Guided Tours of the Castle Museum:April to September: Daily 10.00 am to 04.00 pm at the top of every hourOctober: Daily 11.00 am and 02.00 pm Closed Monday, open continuously in August Children’s Tours: May through September every Thursday at 10.00 am and 02.00 pm Prices: adults € 10.00, children € 5.00, groups of 20 or more € 8.00, school classes € 4.50Info: Castle Management T +43 (0)6476 305, www.schlossmoosham.at

26 Mauterndorf Castle At Mauterndorf Castle - 13th cent. - the former toll station and occasional summer residence of the Salzburg prince archbishops, the Middle Ages come back to life. Set out on a spectacu-lar journey back through time: pass through the toll station, paying with coins of the re-alm; slip on your knightly garb - crank up your crossbow, learn first-hand the art of attack and defense, enjoy the hustle and bustle of a court banquet. Hours: 01st May to 31st October, daily 10.00 am to 06.00 pm, doors close at 04.30 pmPrices: adults € 9.00, children (ages 6 to 14) € 5.50, family ticket € 22.50 (subject to change)Info: Castle Management T +43 (0)6472 7426, www.salzburg-burgen.at, SalzburgerLand Card accepted!

27 Finstergrün Castle near Ramingstein Old walls filled with youthful exuberance! How would you like to spend the night in a real castle? In Ramingstein, you have the opportunity to do just that. Overnight stay is possible from 01st May until 15th October. Guided Tours upon request!Info: Castle Management T +43 (0)6475 228, T +43 (0)699 18877077, www.burg-finstergruen.at


29 St. Leonhard’s Pilgrimage Church/TamswegGenerally regarded as one of the most beau-tiful Gothic country churches in the southern German-speaking region, known especially for its “Golden Window”. Guided tours are offered by appointment!Info: Marianne Resch T +43 (0)6474 6870

30 Pilgrimage Church/MariapfarrOriginally built in Romanesque style, the church acquired its current appearance in the 15th cent. Nevertheless, visitors can still enjoy the 13th and 14th cent. frescoes. The church is currently closed due to renova-tions! Adjacent to the parsonage, you will find Joseph Mohr square with the “Silent Night Fountain”. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6473 8766, www.mariapfarr.at

31 Laurentius Church/MariapfarrProbably the oldest church in the Lungau regi-on, in Althofen outside Mariapfarr. First chro-nicled in the year 923, this became the base for Christianization of the Lungau. Today’s building dates back to the 18th century.Info: Elfriede Bauer T +43 (0)6473 8676

32 St. Gertrauden Filial Church Mauterndorf This Romanesque church in the community of St. Gertrauden is the oldest church in Mau-terndorf. A unique feature: “The Cemetery of Innocent (un-Christened) Children“.Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6472 7949, www.mauterndorf.at

33 St. Wolfgang’s Church MauterndorfBuilt in 1642, this church, along with its Mount Calvary, is enthroned high above the town. Aside from magnificent panoramic views, the crucifixion group on the south wall of the church is a particular draw for visitors.Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6472 7949, www.mauterndorf.at

34 St. Bartholomew’s Parish Church/MauterndorfThis church in the town center features both Romanesque, as well as Early Gothic and Baroque elements. Especially noteworthy is the painting at the high altar, “The Martyr- dom of St. Bartholomew“, a work by J. Fr. Pireth dating from 1668.Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6472 7949, www.mauterndorf.at

35 St. Paul’s Parish Church/LessachAfter a fire in 1857, the church was rebuilt in Neo-Gothic style. During renovation work in 1984, the sun dial on the south side of the church, dated 1763, was discovered. The interior of the church has been renovated in recent years, while the new altar (very beautiful work of Lungau artist, Peter Brand-stätter) was consecrated in September 2010. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6484 813, www.lessach.at

36 Maria Hollenstein Pilgrimage Church/Ramingstein This small church was built in 1745 and consecrated in 1748. Maria Hollenstein is especially popular as a church in which to get married. It is open throughout the day and visitors are welcome daily. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6475 802 17, www.ramingstein.at

37 Pilgrimage Church of St. Augustine/St. MargarethenThis church, whose history extends back to the year 1250, was for a long time the destination for pilgrimages in veneration of St. Augustine and the Virgin Mary. Numerous votive tablets indicate that Augustine was invoked especially by those suffering from eye maladies. The ceiling painting is by famous Lungau painter Gregor Lederwasch. The linden trees at St. Augustine’s church are protected under nature conservancy laws.Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6476 812, www.stmargarethen.at

38 Parish Church of St. MichaelPresumably in the 9th/10th century, the first church was built in St. Michael on the site of a pre-Christian place of worship. After this fell into disrepair around the year 1100, the new St. Michael’s Church was built and first chronicled in 1147. Circa 1500, the nave was added to the parish church and, together with the filial church of St. Martin, reconsec-rated in 1513. The octagonal charnel house - St. Wolfgang’s Chapel - probably dates back to the 14th century.Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6477 8913, www.sanktmichael.at

39 Filial and Pilgrimage Church of St. Egidius/St. MichaelThe “Egidikirche“ stands to the west of the market town above Dasl. It was first chronic-led in the 13th century. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6477 8913, www.sanktmichael.at

40 Filial Church of St. Martin St. MichaelThis church is first chronicled in 1163 and stands in the St. Martin section of town.Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6477 8913, www.sanktmichael.at

41 Sacred Heart Filial Church in Oberweissburg/St. MichaelOberweissburg, which is located to the north-west along the banks of the Zederhausbach, also belongs to the parish of St. Michael. The small church, with a domed turret on its ridge-line, was built in 1912/13 based on a design by Salzburg architect Paul Geppert.Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6477 8913, www.sanktmichael.at

Further Information

UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburg`s Lungau

Enjoyable Bike Rides in the Lungau region of Salzburg

Highlights along the Mur Bike Path

Small enough to still be an insider tip. Big enough to be able to offer a one-of-a-kind variety of mountain-bike tours. The new MTB network with 15 carefully selected tours featuring all levels of difficulty, as well as the exclusive valley-to-valley “Lungau EXTREM” tour, sets the pulses of bikers racing faster with ever vertical meter climbed.

The new mountain-bike map includes descriptions, maps and elevation profiles for all of the routes and variants, plus an additional description of the “Lungau EXTREM”.

The map is available at all local and regional tourist offices in Lungau for a price of € 10.

Further details can be found online at rad.lungau.at

01 Gontal TourStart: St. Michael Distance: 33,4 km + 1,1 km + 2,5 kmLowest/Highest Point: 1.050 m/1.830 mTotal gains: 965 Vm + 150 Vm + 125 Vm

02 Hollerberg TourStart: St. Michael Distance: 11,9 kmLowest/Highest Point: 1.075 m/1.601 mTotal gains: 526 Vm

03 Muritzen TourStart: Muhr Distance: 14,6 km (one direction)Lowest/Highest Point: 1.123 m/1.752 mTotal gains: 635 Vm

04 Rieding TourStart: Zederhaus Distance: 15,5 km (one direction) + 7,4 km + 2,4 kmLowest/Highest Point: 1.205 m/1.712 mTotal gains: 507 Vm + 400 Vm + 165 Vm

05 Trogalm TourStart: Mauterndorf Distance: 19,3 km + 2,3 kmLowest/Highest Point: 1.123 m/2.072 mTotal gains: 715 Vm + 264 Vm

06 Neuseß TourStart: Mauterndorf Distance: 15,2 km Lowest/Highest Point: 1.098 m/1.550 mTotal gains: 480 Vm

07 Lantschfeld TourStart: Mauterndorf Distance: 21,0 km (one direction)Lowest/Highest Point: 1.123 m/1.450 mTotal gains: 390 Vm

08 Fanningberg TourStart: Mariapfarr Distance: 19,1 kmLowest/Highest Point: 1.090 m/1.480 mTotal gains: 530 Vm

09 Longa TourStart: Weißpriach Distance: 12,1 km (one direction)Lowest/Highest Point: 1.195 m/1.323 mTotal gains: 406 Vm

10 Lignitz TourStart: Mariapfarr Distance: 10,5 km (one direction)Lowest/Highest Point: 1.120 m/1.560 mTotal gains: 440 Vm

11 Mitterberg Plus TourStart: St. Andrä Distance: 25,7 kmLowest/Highest Point: 1.055 m/1.400 mTotal gains: 535 Vm

12 Göriach TourStart: Göriach Distance: 15,2 kmLowest/Highest Point: 1.170 m/1.839 mTotal gains: 669 Vm

13 Lessach TourStart: Lessach Distance: 15,3 kmLowest/Highest Point: 1.175 m/1.853 mTotal gains: 665 Vm

14 Preber TourStart: Tamsweg Distance: 35,9 km + 3,3 kmLowest/Highest Point: 1.022 m/1.862 mTotal gains: 1.250 Vm + 350 Vm

15 Leißnitz TourStart: St. Margarethen Distance: 6,9 km (one direction)Lowest/Highest Point: 1.050 m/1.750 mTotal gains: 700 Vm

Wellness & Swimming

Attractions & Recreational Opportunities

Mountain Lifts with a Summer Schedule

Nature Parks & More

SalzburgerLand Card

On tour with the SalzburgerLand Card. So much to see and experience, with free admission to about 190 sights and attractions in SalzburgerLand.Valid: 01st May to 26th October 20156-day-card: Adults € 62.00, Children € 31.0012-day-card: Adults € 76.00, Children € 38.00from the 3rd child and children under 6 years are freeInfo: Ferienregion Lungau T +43 (0)6477 8988, www.salzburgerlandcard.com


Rotkreuzgasse 100 A-5582 St. MichaelT +43 (0)6477 8988

F +43 (0)6477 8988 [email protected]

Other sightseeing destinations and special events are compiled in the “Summer Journal 2015“ and in our “Family Adventure Pro-gram” (available at all tourist offices and in the Lungau Region).


45 Parish, Pilgrimage & Silent Night Museum/MariapfarrAdjoining the pilgrimage church is the Silent Night & Pilgrimage Museum. Gaze in wonder at the silver altar, and browse documentati-on about the life and times of Joseph Mohr, who wrote the world-famous Christmas song “Silent Night!” here in Mariapfarr in 1816.Dates & Times: As posted! Special tours for 6 or more possible anytime with advance registration through Mariapfarr tourist office at T +43 (0)6473 8766.Prices: adults € 5.00, seniors from 60 years on € 4.00, youths € 3.00, children € 1.00, groups of 6 pers. or more € 4.00 + guided tour through museum € 1.00, + guided tour through church € 1.00.Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6473 8766, www.wallfahrtsmuseum.at, www.stillenachtmuseum.at

46 Lungau Museum of Regional History & Culture/Mauterndorf Experience Lungau traditions in all their uni-queness and diversity throughout the course of the four seasons. Also awaiting you are im-pressive depictions of life in the rural farming community. Open yourself to the magic and enchantment of beautiful minerals from the Lungau region.Dates & Times: June to September, 10.00 am until 05.00 pm. Guided tours by appointment!Info & Registration: Museum T +43 (0)676 9717276 or T +43 (0)6472 7393, SalzburgerLand Card accepted!

47 Lungau Heritage Museum TamswegHere you will find a fascinating cross-section of life in the town and country, tools, folk costu-mes, sacred art and examples of popular piety, a collection of furniture chests, Roman finds and much more.Guided Tours: beginning of June to mid September - Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 10.00 am and 02.00 pm, Wednesday at 10.00 am. Groups of 5 or more with advance registration. Market tour by phone registration. Info & Registration: Family Heitzmann T +43 (0)6474 6504, T +43 (0)650 9645833 or T +43 (0)664 4145685

48 Historic Maurergut Farm ZederhausFrom a cultural and historical perspective, a particularly interesting farm in Zederhaus with natural stone walls, a traditional grain silo made of brick (known here as a “Troadkasten”) and the “stamp mill”.Tours: beginning of June until the end of Sep-tember, Wednesdays and Sundays from 02.00 pm to 05.00 pm (also possible outside of these times if you make an appointment by phone)Prices: adults € 3.00, children € 1.80, group prices (6 or more people) - adults € 2.50, children € 1.50Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6478 801, T +43 (0)650 5550903, www.zederhaus.at

49 “Walcherhäusl” Museum ZederhausA walk along the Mühlenweg (N) gives you the opportunity to visit this rustic museum with a wealth of information and examples of farm life.Tours: beginning of June until the end of Sep-tember: Thursdays and Sundays from 02.00 to 05.00 pm (also possible outside of these times by phone appointment)Prices: adults € 3.00, children € 1.80Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6478 801, T +43 (0)650 5550903, www.zederhaus.at

50 Kodak History Camera Museum/ZederhausThe Camera Museum provides visitors with a cross-section of the Kodak company, including several hundred exhibits and the first detective camera. Hours: Year-round on the third Sunday of every month from 02.00 to 06.00 pm. July to September from 04.00 to 07.00 pm and by appointment.Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6478 801, www.zederhaus.at

Excursion Trips

bike map included cycling-related tipssights, attractions and museumsexcursion destinations for the whole family

Active Summersin the Lungau region of Salzburg 2015

Bike Rentals & Service Centres


14 Sporthaus Franz PichlerBike- and E-Bike Rentals, Service5571 Mariapfarr, Bruckdorf 113T +43 (0)6473 [email protected]


15 Sport HaradalBike- and E-Bike Rentals5570 Mauterndorf, Markt 54T +43 (0)6472 7363F +43 (0)6472 7363 [email protected]

16 Sport Rest GmbH & co KG Bike- and E-Bike Rentals5570 Mauterndorf, Schizentrum 416T +43 (0)6472 200 [email protected]

17 Bergbahnen Lungau Bike Rentals5570 Mauterndorf, Schizentrum Mauterndorf T +43 (0)6472 [email protected]

18 E-Mobil GraggaberE-Bike-Service5570 Mauterndorf, Bundesstr. 230T +43 (0)6472 7288 0

St. Margarethen

19 Arnold Sampl Bike Rentals and Service5581 St. Margarethen Gewerbegebiet 193T +43 (0)6476 562 F +43 (0)6476 563 [email protected], www.sampl.cc

St. Michael

20 Sport Friedrich Bike- and E-Bike Rentals, Service5582 St. Michael, Marktstr. 3T +43 (0)6477 8246F +43 (0)6477 8246 [email protected]/sport-friedrich

21 Sport Rest GmbH & co KG Bike- and E-Bike Rentals5582 St. Michael, Poststr. 408T +43 (0)6472 200 44 [email protected]


22 Intersport Frühstückl Bike Rentals and Service5580 Tamsweg, Kirchengasse 7T +43 (0)6474 6655F +43 (0)6474 6655 [email protected]

23 Zweiradcenter Krug Bike Rentals and Service5580 Tamsweg, Gartengasse 17 T +43 (0)6474 6780

E-Bike Service

E-Bike Service

E-Bike Service

E-Bike Service

E-Bike Service

E-Bike Service

E-Bike Service

E-Bike Service

LungauCardDie Ferienregion Lungau All-inclusive erleben

Bicycle rental & service stations are indicated on the map with this symbol:

The “Lungau EXTREM” boasts a total length of 158.3 km and almost 7200 meters in vertical gains. We recommend tackling the “Lungau EXTREM” in 4 stages:

1. Tamsweg - Göriach: 40,6 km l Total gains: 1.935 Vm2. Göriach - St. Michael: 45,6 km l Total gains: 2.068 Vm3. St. Michael - Katschberg - St. Michael: 34,7 km Total gains: 1.556 Vm4. St. Michael - Tamsweg: 37,4 km l Total gains: 1.613 Vm

This valley-to-valley tour is suitable for more athletic and experienced mountain bikers!

Lungau’s sun-drenched high basin, perched at over 1,000 metres above sea level, is a paradise for cyclists. Star-shaped, like the spokes of a wheel, the romantic side valleys of the Lungau radiate outwards, just waiting to be “pedaled” by you.The difficulty of the various routes is indicated as follows: • beginner • intermediate • expert

01 Mitterberg Tour •ca. 200 vm, max. 12% gradient, ca. 30 km, starting point: TamswegFrom Tamsweg we enjoy a leisurely bike ride to St. Andrä, continuing on via Lintsching to Mariapfarr - a small break in the town center, including a visit to the Parish, Pilgrimage & Silent Night Museum (opening times as posted) is definitely worthwhile! Now via Bruckdorf and Seitling, we finally reach Mauterndorf, where you should be sure to visit Mauterndorf Castle. From the historic market square, we pass small St. Wolfgang’s Church (on a hill), leaving Mauterndorf in the direction of Begöriach. After this we come to Schloss Moosham, a castle woven in legend, where we would highly recommend taking a guided tour. Finally our ride takes us via Pischelsdorf and Flatschach to Unternberg, then alongside the Mur to Tamsweg.

02 Schwarzenberg Tour •ca. 300 vm, max. 13% gradient, ca. 26 km, starting point: TamswegFrom Tamsweg along the banks of the Mur through the Madlinger Schlucht to the IsoSpan works. Once there, make a right towards Thomatal. Making a gentle, steady climb, you will cross the main road and continue on to Pichlern. At this point, you drop back down to Pichlern and Pischelsdorf, where you again return to the Mur Bike Path, which you will continue along in the direction of Tamsweg.

03 Prebersee Tour •ca. 510 vm, max. 15% gradient, ca. 9 km, starting point: TamswegFrom the historic market square in Tamsweg, along the Preberstraße, past the agricultural school and the village of Haiden, you make your way up through several steep climbs until you reach the shores of the Prebersee at 1,514 m above sea level. We highly recommend circumnavigating this moorland lake with its info boards. Mountain bikers have other variants to choose from.

04 Lessach Spoke •ca. 250 vm, max. 7% gradient, ca. 28 km, starting point: TamswegFrom Tamsweg via the Mitterbergrunde to Wölting, then continue along the banks of the Lessachbach, past old farmhouses, until you reach the beautiful village of Lessach. Next to the church you bike off to the right into the Lower Lessach Valley (toll charge for cars: € 5.00 at the hut) to the Lenzenhütte (re-freshments available) or even further to the Lasshoferalm (elev. 1,250 m). For the return trip, you may wish to select the “Glanz” route, which leads past Gast-hof Neuwirt before feeding into the main road leading towards Tamsweg. Sight-seeing Tip: The cemetery in Lessach with its unique graves and charnel house.

05 Göriach Spoke •ca. 500 vm, max. 6% gradient, ca. 30 km, starting point: St. AndräIn St. Andrä, making a right past the church and continuing along the banks of the Göriachbach, the little traveled country road leads you into the en-chanting Göriach Valley. Once in Göriach, make a right across a bridge to Hintergöriach. From there, ride ca. 8 km along a gravel road to the hut village - an ideal excursion destination for the whole family. On the return ride, when you get to the town center of Göriach, make a right towards Fern, which will take you to the village of Mariapfarr, a town with a uniquely healthful climate - the sunniest town in Austria. From Mariapfarr, the Stockerfeld will bring you to the River Taurach, then alongside the Taurach Railway back to St. Andrä.

06 Lignitz Spoke •ca. 500 vm, max. 10% gradient, ca. 20 km, starting point: MariapfarrYou will leave the sign-posted Mitterberg Tour at the town hall in Mariapfarr and ride up towards Zankwarn. from where you will continue - past beautiful farmhouses - to Grabendorf. In Grabendorf, take a right in the direction of Kreischaberg/Lignitz, where you can also carry on along a paved road to the Wielandhof café and Kneipp spa. And from there, you have an option to take a gravel trail up to an elevation of 1,540 m and the Lignitzalmen!

07 Weisspriach Spoke • ca. 270 vm, max. 10% gradient, ca. 35 km (roundtrip distance), starting point: MariapfarrAt the intersection in Seitling, you will leave the Mitterbergrunde and ped-al in the direction of Weisspriach. At the entrance to the valley, passing the unique, protected geographical feature known as the Longa Meanders, plen-ty of opportunities beckon you to enjoy the good air and crystal-clear moun-tain waters, and to thoroughly relax. At the end of the paved road, things continue at a more leisurely pace to the Dicktler and Grangler huts, where refreshments are served (toll charge for cars: € 4.00 at the coin machine). Sightseeing Tip: In St. Rupert’s Chapel, which stands in the community of St. Rupert (shortly before Weisspriach), you can gaze upon frescoes dating back to the 11th and 12th centuries.

08 Tweng-Lantschfeld Spoke •ca. 400 vm, max. 12% gradient, ca. 32 km, starting point: MauterndorfFrom the historic market square in Mauterndorf, you ride past Mauterndorf Castle, taking the B99 towards Obertauern. At the Mauterndorf Ski Center, cross the bridge and you will come to a gravel path to the right. After about 8 km, you will reach the pleasant valley community of Tweng, at the foot of the Tauern Pass. At the end of town, you will take a left across a wooden bridge and cycle about 8 km through the magical countryside known as Twenger Lantschfeld. We would recommend taking a break on the viewing bridge next to the Twenger Tennfall (waterfall).

09 Zederhaus Spoke •ca. 700 vm, max. 13% gradient, ca. 65 km, starting point: St. Michael – gently uphill as far as RiedingtalComing from St. Michael, when you reach Unterweissburg switch to the Zeder- hauser Landesstrasse and continue with a leisurely bike ride to the village of Zederhaus. Between 24th June and 15th August, you can enjoy looking at the garlanded Prangstangen poles which are on display in the church there. Your ride now takes you on a paved road in the direction of Riedingtal Nature Park (toll charge for cars: € 8.00 at the hut) - and it is also possible to take a side trip from the small community of Rothenwand to Nahendfeld. The overwhelm-ing alpine panorama of the nature park as well as several mountain huts and country inns await everyone who decides to take on this particular bike tour.

10 Muhr Spoke •ca. 700 vm, max. 19% gradient, ca. 55 km, starting point: St. MichaelFrom St. Michael, you ride alongside the Mur and via the small commu-nity of Glashütte to Schellgaden. There you continue along the Muhrer Landesstrasse to the village of Muhr. At the church here, garlanded Prang-stangen are on display from 29th June until 15th August. Continue on, via the picturesque village of Jedl, coming to the Arsenhaus (not staffed). The path to the right takes you up a 19% grade to the Muritzen car park – this is the ideal place for a rest stop. Mountain bikers can continue on to the Sticklerhütte elev. 1,752 m (toll charge for cars: € 5.00 at the coin machine).

11 Mur Bike Trail •The Mur River has its origins in the Lungau, in the National Park Community of Muhr! On this some 365 km-long route - with a drop of 1,700 vm, - you will accompany the river from the Lungau, through Styria, to Bad Radkersburg at the frontier of Slovenia.

IMPORTANT! The numbering given to bike paths shown on the map does not correspond with the numbers displayed on the signs along-side the actual bike paths!

12 Golf Course in St. Michael18-hole tournament course set amid impressive riverside meadows with ponds, wetlands and the Mur River itself - which golfers find themselves hav-ing to play across twice during their round. The 9-hole Par 3 course offers beginning golfers a great way to whet their appetite for this wonderful game!Info: Golfclub Lungau T +43 (0)6477 7448, www.golfclub-lungau.com

13 Murinsel recreation area/St. MichaelThe “Mur Island” was built alongside the River Mur – it is a popular recreation area with original features that include a “rest island“ with wooden bench seating, rocks to lie on, as well as a willow bower. Info: Tourist office T +43 (0)6477 8913, www.sanktmichael.at

Cultural bike path - Folk-Heritage Year in UnternbergAt the rest areas along the Mur bike path, the Mitterbergrunde, and the Schwarzenberg route through Unternberg, the young farmers association has depicted local folk customs by means of sculptures and figures made of wood, metal, and other natural materials. In addition, all customs are clearly described on information boards for the benefit of visitors. Trail route: Between the communities of Pischelsdorf and Neggerndorf.

Barrier-Free Mur Bike Path The Barrier-Free Mur Bike Path makes it possible for wheelchair-users to ride the route using hand-bikes. A broader path and many conveniences for riders of hand-bikes. An accessible toilet (for people with impairments or disa-bilities) you can find in community Unternberg - at the parking place of the town hall.

Bike Path of Legends & Myths Along the Mur Bike Path between Tamsweg and Ramingstein, you will find a world filled with a wealth of legends. As you pass by original bike-path stations with their carved info boards, you will learn so much about legends which are said to have occurred at these various locations, accompanied by additional fascinating facts about wood and the surrounding forests.

Bike Pick-Up Service and Luggage TransportationPick-up and drop-off service along the entire length of the Mur Bike Trail. Bacher Travel Agency T +43 (0)6477 8111, www.bacher-reisen.com

Tips for Safe CyclingEquipmentSevere head injuries may result from a cycling accident. Many of these injuries can be avoided by wearing a bicycle helmet. That’s why you should always wear a good-fitting bicycle helmet every time you ride – and that goes for adults as well as children. Children under 12 must wear a bike helmet by law. The accom-panying parent or adult is responsible to ensure the child does indeed wear a helmet. This law also applies to children under 12 who are being transported in a bicycle trailer or on a bicycle. Bright clothing, preferably with reflective strips, is important, especially in the dark or when visibility is poor.

Important Rules of the RoadTo ensure your bike ride is safe, you must comply with some important rules of the road. Here is an excerpt:

• Always give a hand signal when turning.• Slow down when approaching an intersection.• Keep within the speed limit and adjust your speed to your own abilities.• Always yield to traffic that has the right of way. • The road signs „Vorrang geben“ (“Give way”) and „Halt“ (“Stop”) also apply

to cyclists.• Pedestrians have the right of way on pedestrian crosswalks/zebra crossings.• Be sure to keep a safe distance as you ride past parked cars, as well as from

vehicles ahead of you.• Cycling against the flow of traffic on a one-way street is only allowed if there

is an additional sign which expressly indicates you may do so! On residential one-way streets, cycling against traffic flow is generally permitted.

• When riding a bicycle, you should always use the roadway unless there is a designated bike path, in which case the latter must be used.

• Cycling on autobahns (motorways) and main trunk roads is prohibited.• Cycling side-by-side is allowed on bike paths, biking roads, residential streets,

in areas where pedestrians have priority over traffic and – on other roads with vehicular traffic – during training rides with racing bikes. When riding side-by-side, cyclists must use the right-most lane.

Source: www.help.gv.at

28 Thurnschall Castle Ruins near LessachFounded in about the year 1200, the castle is first chronicled at the beginning of the 13th cen-tury. In 1242, the castle and the entire Lessach region were sold to the Archbishop of Salzburg. During archaeological excavations conducted in 2001, 8m-high remains of the fortified tow-er, as well as castle walls as much as 4m thick were unearthed. Many legends have been preserved through the generations about the “Thurnschallweibl” - the last lady of this castle.Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6484 813, www.lessach.at

42 St. Augustine’s Chapel/St. MichaelAccording to one legend, St. Augustine’s Chapel has been in existence since 283 AD. Many locals and guests visit the chapel for the “Augenstil Wasser”, water which is reputed to be able to alleviate eye ailments. Info: Tourist office T +43 (0)6477 8913, www.sanktmichael.at

43 St. George’s Pilgrimage Church & Bonze Statue/ThomatalRecently renovated, this pilgrimage church is a jewel and living testament to different ar-chitectural periods. Here you will find a ceiling painting by Seraphin Lederwasch, as well as the hand-powered bellows of an organ from the year 1812. The truly unique clock and striking mechanisms, as well as hand-rung bells, make this church – which has no electricity or heating – a very special place of worship, one where Ecclesiastical Counselor Valentin Pfeifenberger served for 50 years. A bronze monument to him, which was erected in 2004 after his death, depicts him riding on a donkey.Info: Tourist OfficeT +43 (0)6476 250, www.thomatal.at

44 St. Rupert’s Parish Church WeisspriachHere you will find beautiful frescoes dating from the 11th and 12th centuries. You are wel-come to visit this church on your own during the daytime. Guided tours are offered, though only by appointment. Appointments: Hans Fuchs T +43 (0)6473 7073 Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6473 7014 14

51 The Taurach RailwayStill huffing and puffing along to this day, through the countryside between Mautern-dorf and St. Andrä, is one of the last 760-mm narrow-gauge railways in Austria.Train Rides: 13th June to 20th SeptemberInfo: Railway station Mauterndorf T +43 (0)6472 7088 or Mr. Haftel T +43 (0)664 2808302, www.club760.at, SalzburgerLand Card accepted!

52 The Murtal RailwaySteam train between Murau and Tamsweg.Schedule: Timetable available from the rail-way station in Tamsweg and the Tamsweg Tourist Office. Info & Timetables: Railway station Tamsweg T +43 (0)6474 2216, www.club 760.at

58 Crushing Mill & Smelter Kendlbruck/RamingsteinLocated right next to the main highway is the crushing mill, an important element in the ore-mining process. The previously roasted silver ore was crushed into hazelnut-sized dimensi-ons, or even smaller, at plants such as these. The Ramingstein crushing mill and the arch-bishops’ smelter were in operation until 1782. The Furnaces: The smelter consists of a blast furnace and, next to it, two fires in a ca. 19 m-high chimney. Hours: Can be visited at any time, special tours on request. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6475 802 17, www.ramingstein.at

59 Silver Mine/Ramingstein For over 350 years, silver mining was an impor-tant source of revenue for Ramingstein. A visit to the silver mine offers an experience with a hint of adventure, allowing you to acquaint yourself with medieval mining techniques as they were originally practiced and giving you a glimpse of what life was like for the miners working under-ground. Registration required! Hours: 01st May until 31st OctoberInfo & Registration: Family Hoffmann T +43 (0)676 7022369, www.silberbergwerk.net

60 Bundschuh Smelter/Thomatal Natural resources played a big role in the histo-ry of the Lungau from the Middle Ages until the 19th century. This particular monument features a number of rare exhibits including an air-draft heater, a roasting furnace, lime kiln and water wheel. There is also a self-guided Miners’ Path out to the actual mining area itself. Tip: Also visit the newly built Hubertus Chapel located directly next to the Smelter Museum!Hours: 12th May to the end of September - Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10.00 am to 04.00 pm; Sunday 03.00 to 06.00 pm. Groups by appointment!Prices: Adults € 8.00, students € 4.00, family ticket (2 adults + child) € 18.00, groups of 10 or more € 6.00 per person (during regular opening times). Info: Mr. Rainer T +43 (0)6476 202 31 or T +43 (0)664 73494952, www.hochofen-bundschuh.at, SalzburgerLand Card accepted!

61 The “Sarchen” & Charnel House/Lessach Unique in all of Europe are the wooden grave borders - known as “Sarchen”. Cemetery regulations allow for exclusive use of cast- or wrought-iron crosses, as well as these “Sarchen” of prescribed dimensions. On the east side of St. Paul’s Parish Church you will find the Charnel House, a building about which nu-merous tales are told: The remains of the pious deceased were disinterred by the grave diggers of that time, washed, bleached in the sun and brought to the chapel of the dead, allowing the villagers to venerate their local holy figures. In 1996, a fresco was discovered on the ceiling. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6484 813, www.lessach.at

62 Medieval Judgment Site on Saling Hill/MariapfarrSaling Hill in Bruckdorf was once a Thingplatz, or judgment site, for the Lungau region, a role that went all the way back to the Early Middle Ages. In 2006, the Village of Bruckdorf restored this historic site true to the original.Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6473 8766, www.mariapfarr.at

63 “Alte Mühle” - Trattner Mill St. MargarethenThis is the last preserved mill along the banks of the Karlsbergbach, having once served as a community mill for several local farmers and re-maining in operation until the 1950’s. Because water levels would rise and fall over the course of the year, this particular mill is known as a “cloud-burst mill”, often forced to stand still for weeks at a time. During such periods, the va-cant structure would frequently attract tramps, fugitives and even lovers. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6476 812, www.stmargarethen.at

64 “The Holy Family in Pine” Thomatal/SchönfeldAt the Suppanalm, on the way from Bundschuh to Schönfeld, we find figures of the holy fami-ly, St. Leonhard and St. Barbara, carved into standing trunks of stone pine by sculptor, Ernst Adelsberger. In 2001, a splendid chapel was built over this group of figures.Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6476 250, www.thomatal.at

53 SAMSUNN Vitality & Wellness Center/MariapfarrrWant to truly unwind during your vacation and feel better than you have in years? Attractive rooms drenched in natural lighting, along with a rich variety of sauna and wellness opportu-nities, create the perfect ambience in which to escape the daily routine and leave stress far behind. Aside from our “hot rooms”, which are set at a variety of temperatures - ranging from a steam bath to a fiery hot sauna - you can also look forward to a comprehensive selection of fitness-, massage and beauty services. Info & Timetables: SAMSUNN Vitality & Wellness Center T +43 (0)6473 20020, www.samsunn.at, SalzburgerLand Card accepted!

54 Mariapfarr Outdoor PoolHours: Beginning of June until the beginning of September (depending on weather conditions).Info: SAMSUNN Vitality & Wellness Center T +43 (0)6473 20020, SalzburgerLand Card accepted!

55 BadeINSEL TamswegIndoor pool with adventure area, open-air pool, sauna facility and mini golf.Hours: Beginning of June until the beginning of September (depending on weather conditions) from 09.00 am until 07.30 pmInfo: BadeINSEL T +43 (0)6474 2312, www.badeinsel.at,SalzburgerLand Card accepted!

56 Mauterndorf Adventure PoolOutdoor pool with adventure area, mini golf.Hours: Beginning of June until the end of August (depending on weather conditions) from 10.00 am until 07.00 pmInfo: Adventure Pool T +43 (0)6472 7632, SalzburgerLand Card accepted!

57 St. Michael Outdoor PoolHours: Beginning of June until the end of August (depending on weather)Info: Outdoor Pool T +43 (0)6477 8564, SalzburgerLand Card accepted!

65 Josefshütte Thomatal/SchönfeldIn memory of Ecclesiastical Counselor Valentin Pfeifenberger: Chapel in Schönfeld, rebuilt after a fire, a place of encounter, devotion and reflection.Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6476 250, www.thomatal.at

Riding and Horse-Drawn CarriagesMariapfarr/Weißpriach

66 Familie Angermann in BruckdorfRiding and carriage rides with Haflinger horses.Info: Family Angermann T +43 (0)664 5257226

67 Alois LankmayerRiding on Icelandic horses.Info: Family Lankmayer T +43 (0)664 4551728

68 KirchnerhofRiding on Icelandic horses.Info: Mrs. Kobel T +43 (0)664 1225261

69 HansalhofGuided treks on Icelandic horses and ponies in small groups as well as pony rides for children. Info: Family Rauter T +43 (0)660 6504672

70 HacklhofIn district Pirka, Riding on Icelandic horses. Info: Family Perner T +43 (0)650 8010594

Riding and Horse-Drawn Carriages St. Michael

71 Alpine Equestrian Center KatschbergTreks, riding lessons in the indoor riding arena, carriage and pony rides.Info: Mr. Neuschitzer T +43 (0)664 2844583, www.pferdezentrum-katschberg.at

72 Ponyalm KatschbergThe Ponyalm is located inside Gontal nature sanctuary on the Katschberg. Here children can enjoy, watch, pet and ride ponies in all their variety. Hours: Begin of June to mid September.Info: Ponyalm T +43 (0)664 2844583, www.ponyalm.at

73 Neuhauserstadl UnterweißburgCarriage rides, 2 horse-power trips to your chosen excursion destination.Info: Family Seewald/Gruber T +43 (0)664 9064160, www.neuhauserstubn.at

Riding and Horse-Drawn Carriages Tamsweg

74 MehlhartlgutHorse and pony trekking, lessons, kids‘ rides, registration required!Info: Family Santner T +43 (0)664 1715450

75 RossbacherhofCarriage rides, riding lessons on Haflinger horses, riding for people with handicaps.Info: Family Hönegger-Wieland T +43 (0)6474 6268, T +43 (0)664 4659188

Riding and Horse-Drawn Carriagesin Tweng

76 Postgut Noriker Breeders & Riding StablesHorse-Drawn Carriages, Riding instruction on Noriker horses, treks, horse-assisted learning.Info: Family Klary T +43 (0)6471 20206, www.norikerzucht.at

77 Outdoorparc Lungau MariapfarrThe Outdoorparc Lungau was seemingly crea-ted for families and sports enthusiasts of every age: a modern Flying Fox with 7 stations and a total length of 460 m, a team parcours with a giant swing, pamper pole, climbing wall, and Jacob’s ladder, a street soccer area, a low-ropes course as well as a slide and trampoline for the little ones, a bouldering rock with an over 100 m2 climbing surface, rubber rafts, zorb ball, kayaks, and family boats. Snack bar also avail-able.Info: Outdoorparc Lungau T +43 (0)6472 20033, www.outdoorparc.com

78 Adventurepark Katschberg/St. MichaelAustria’s biggest adventure park Since 2012: 3D Archery ParkAn adventure park with extra-special kick. The trail leads through the treetops, demanding lots of skill and courage from our adventurers. The absolute highlight is the Flying Fox Park XXL – as you soar down a zipline at dizzying heights above the ground! The high-ropes course on the Katschberg isn’t just a great challenge for individuals, it also strengthens cohesion and trust amongst families, schools, clubs and busi-nesses. NEW in 2015: 10 flying fox rides on the black-rated course + 20 stations f. children (3-5 years). 200 challenge stations in total. Hours: Please refer to the new 2015 brochure.Info: Mr. Seebacher T +43 (0)676 6370970, www.adventurepark-katschberg.at

79 Katschhausen Katschberg/St. Michael In “Katschhausen” nature & adventure world, visitors big and small can become part of the “Katschling Family” and experience a variety of natural phenomena. The modern, family-friendly playground includes high-quality play stations with slides and see-saws, coloring workshop, bridges, a water world, petting zoo and a relaxing picnic area. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)4734 630, www.katschberg-rennweg.at

80 Tennis & Bowling/St. MichaelTennis: One indoor court with a synthetic surfaceBowling: 2 lanesHours & Prices: Upon request!Info & Reservations: Sport Friedrich, T +43 (0)6477 8246, www.sbg.at/sport-friedrich

81 Paintball in St. Michael Experience Austria’s biggest paintball facility spanning over 20,000 m2. An unforgettable experience for families, schools, clubs, businesses. Hours: April until mid NovemberInfo & Registration: Markus Premm, T +43 (0)664 5118080

82 JUFA Lungau Sport & Recreation Area/St. MichaelBeach volleyball court – competition-ready, fun court – suitable for soccer and basketball, net pyramid for free climbing, sand box, badminton equipment, see-saw, hill slides, and swings.Opening times: year-round – except for com-pany holidaysInfo: JUFA St. Michael T +43 (0)5 7083630, www.jufa.eu

83 Alpine Airfield MauterndorfAustria’s highest alpine airfield. Open from April (if the landing strip is free of snow) until October.Info: Alpine Airfield T +43 (0)6472 7329, T +43 (0)688 8652391 or Mr. Gspandl T +43 (0)676 4281300, www.flugplatz-mauterndorf.at

84 RC Airfield UnternbergThe airfield for remote-controlled planes at Schloss Moosham in Unternberg is one of the most beautiful in Austria. With a well-main-tained landing strip measuring 150 m by 20 m, you can fly there daily between 09.00 am and 07.00 pm during the summer. Guest Card is required. Planes must weigh under 20 kg and be no louder than 80 dB; an ideal setting for larger models and tow starts. Info: MFC Lungau T +43 (0)6474 6211, www.mfc-lungau.at

Customs &TraditionsAlong with museums, churches, and old cast-les, Lungau also has unique customs: espe-cially impressive are the “Samson” and “Prang-stangen” processions. The splendidly dressed, wooden Samson figures, between 6 and 8 m tall, will wow you at several festival processions during the summer. The Prangstangen poles are garlanded with more than 50,000 flowers and can be admired at annual processions on 24th June in Zederhaus and on 29th June in Muhr. An additional highlight: the “Water Shoot” on the Prebersee (elevation 1,512 m). Every year on the last weekend in August, the marksmen aim and shoot at the reflection of the target in the water. The shot then ricochets off the water and (hopefully) hits the target on the shore. Events calendar: events.lungau.at

Bike-Events 2015

25th Tour de Mur – Anniversary Tour04th to 06th June 2015from St. Michael to Bad Radkersburg 8th International Climate Protection Bike Tour Info: www.tour-de-mur.at

„Lungauer Bikerrallye für Jedermann“15th August 2015in Tamsweg Info: www.tamsweg.info

85 Grosseckbahn Mauterndorf 8-passenger cabin liftHours of Operation: 02nd to 28th June and 14th to 29th September: Every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday -09.00 am to 04.00 pm* 29th June to 13th September: Daily - 09.00 am to 04.00 pm**Cable car does not run in rainy or stormy weather!Info: Lungau lift companyT +43 (0)6472 8008, www.bergbahnen-lungau.at, SalzburgerLand Card accepted!

86 Sonnenbahn Grosseck-Speiereck 8-passenger cabin liftHours of operation: 28th June to 13th September:Every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday - 09.00 am to 04.00 pm**Cable car does not run in rainy or stormy weather!Info: Lungau lift company T +43 (0)6472 8008, www.bergbahnen-lungau.at

87 Katschberg-Aineck Ski Area 3-seater chair liftAineck Lift – car park at the Katschberg PassHours of Operation: 15th to 28th June and 07th September to 16th October: Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 09.00 am to noon and 01.00 to 04.00 pm*.29th June to 06th September: Sunday to Friday- 09.00 am to 04.00 pm* (Saturday closed)*Cable car does not run in rainy or stormy weather!Info: Office Katschberg lifts T +43 (0)4734 83888, www.katschi.at, SalzburgerLand Card accepted!

With the LungauCard, experience the Lungau region of Salzburg “All inclusive”!One card, five months, countless opportunities: With the LungauCard, awaiting holidaymakers are a wide variety of all-inclusive and discounted activities for the whole family.

If you show your valid all-inclusive LungauCard, you will receive one-time free (with our All-Inclusive Partners) and/or discount-ed (through our Bonus Partners) use of numerous mountain lifts, sightseeing attractions and excursion destinations, out-door activities, museums, wellness centers, swimming pools and much more throughout the Lungau. The Card is valid from 01st June until 31st October for the duration of your stay at one of our participating accommodation providers.LungauCard partners are marked in this folder with the Lungau-Card-symbol. You can find all LungauCard partners in our Lun-gauCard brochure and on our homepage!

Info: Ferienregion Lungau T +43 (0)6477 8988, card.lungau.at

The LungauCard

Credits: Publisher: Ferienregion Salzburger Lungau 2014, Rotkreuzgasse 100, 5582 St. Michael.Not liable for any errors, inaccuracies or changes, or for any potential consequences thereof! Text and/or photographic materials may not be reproduced, distributed or stored in electronic media without the expressed permission of the publisher. Design: Die Medienwerkstatt GmbH, 5580 Tamsweg, www.diemedienwerkstatt.infoPrint: Samson Druck, 5581 St. Margarethen, www.samsondruck.atPictures: Ferienregion Lungau, Tourist offices Lungau, Tourist office Katschberg-Rennweg, Heiko Mandl, Roland Holitzky, SalzburgerLand Tourismus, Paul Kößlbacher (www.paulk.at), Vital- & Wellnesscenter Samsunn, Elisabeth Fingerlos, Andrea Gürtler, Familie Wilczek, Jutta Kobel, Familie Klary, Andreas Neuschitzer, www.lungau.travel, www.adventurepark-katschberg.at, www.nationalparknockberge.at, Naturpark Riedingtal, Bergbahnen Lungau, KatschbergbahnenMap: arge kartographie, 3151 St. Georgen, [email protected] „Almsommer“: Heinz Vielkind, Panoramastudio

Mountain biking in healthy alpine air with new mountain-bike map

15 improved and lengthened mountain-bike tours

NEW: The exclusive valley-to-valley “Lungau EXTREM” tour

Riedingtal Nature Park/ZederhausThanks to its cultural charm and scenic beauty, Riedingtal is a popular excursion destination for young and old alike. It’s a hiking para-dise with gentle valleys, though also rugged cirques and high peaks, crystal-clear tarns and charming, alpine chalets. Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6478 801, www.naturpark-riedingtal.at

Muhr the Natural Park CommunityThe beauty and diversity of these mountain landscapes in the Hohe Tauern National Park are the reason why they were originally includ-ed as part of Central Europe’s biggest national park. The Mur, Austria’s second-biggest river, has its headwaters in this community. And it is from where that the famous Mur Bike Trail starts.Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6479 218 or T +43 (0)650 9933415, www.muhr-info.at

Preber Sports and Recreation RegionWithin quick, easy reach of Tamsweg is the Preber region, one of the popular excursion destinations for the Lungau’s locals and visi-tors alike. Whether that be to hike, bike, or to take a romantic stroll around the lake, punctu-ated by a stop-off at one of the area’s tradition-al country inns.Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6474 2145, www.tamsweg.info

Göriach Hut VillageA hill-country village that is unique unto itself, easy to reach for seniors and even parents pushing a pram. It is just a 5-minute walk from the turn-around point.Info: Tourist Office T +43 (0)6483 212 11, www.goeriach.at

Nockberge Region Schönfeld/KarneralmIn contrast to the craggy peaks of the Niedere Tauern, the gentle hills of the Nockberge nestle snuggly before our eyes. Experience the high valley in all its splendor. Discover the quiet you seek on sun- drenched mountain meadows and in the forest. Info: www.nationalparknockberge.at

Page 2: UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburg`s Lungau...Göriach Ramingstein Obertauern Thomatal Fotos: Heiko Mandl, Ferienregion Lungau UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburg`s Lungau As an authentic



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G o l f p l a t z




Röm. Meilenstein


Tauerntunnel(6 700 m)







e n d k e e s

H o c h a l m k e e s







































Ob.- -GiglachseeOberhüttensee




Landsch i t zseen









Seetaler See












































Atzenberger See



Ut. Langkarsee









Na t u r p a r k R i e d i n g t a l

G ö ß g r a b e n

P ö ll







L u n g au

R i e d i n g t a l

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R e g i on









Zaubernock Grünleitennock








Gr. Sonnblick






Mühlhauser Höhe




















Gr. Gurpitscheck



Gamskogel Seekarspitze








Ei h t












Hundstein HocheckKasereck




Mi t t e r b e r g












S c h w a r z e n b e r g








Radstädter Tauern

Großer Hafner








2944 2160













































2186 2350 2524

















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2614 26382740






























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St. Michael







St. Margarethen

St. Andrä












St. Nikolai

V o r d e r k r e m s

St. Martin


St. Peter


Stadl an d












Mal taberg

















Obere Au

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Karner Alm






St. Georgen













Unterm Fall













S o n n b

P a





Gensgi tsch

In der StadtSchwarzen-bichl


P e n k

P ö l l i t z

KlausenMoos Ebene


Oberdorf Unterdorf



St. RupertGrabendorf

Am Sand


Sonndörfl Kraischaberg




Begöriach Petzlmoos

F a n i n g b e r g






Am Moos




















Auf der Au


Z o i t z a c h

H a i d e n R e f l i n g

T r a n i n g



St. Leonhard








F r e s e n


L a m m

Sch ön fe l d













H i n t e r m u h r




































74 73








































































I 21















66 67




















22 2318























15 10






























arbeitsgemeinschaft kartographie©Keymotorwayfederal highwaymain roadother roadrail lineski-liftnational borderborder of national-parkwatersbuildingsforestchurchchapel



0 1 2 3 km

E-BikePartner E-Bikechargingpoint E-BikePartner/chargingpoint BicycleTrail BicycleTrail GolfCourse Castle Church Museum/Exhibition NarrowgaugeRailway Wellness SwimmingPool Funicular Self-guidedpaths&adventuretrails Excursionpoint/Freetime-active Mining Airport ModelAirfield BikeRental/Service PublicToilet Toiletforwheelchair-users



Beingabletorente-bikesmakesabikingvacationintheLungauregionasensationalexperience.Withouthavingtohuffandpuff,bikersareabletodiscovertheLungau’ssightsone-citybikesande-mountainbikes,aswellasex-ploresummitsandpassesalmosteffortlesslyvia500kmofmountainbiketrailssuitablefore-bikes.All of our current bike partners can be found at:rad.lungau.at




Göriach01 GasthofLacknerhof T+43(0)6483226 www.lacknerhof.com02 GasthofBauer T+43(0)6483225 www.sepp-bauer.at03 FerienhausChristine T+43(0)6483225 www.sepp-bauer.at

Lessach04 Lenznalm T+43(0)664133548705 Wildbachhütte T+43(0)664410751306 Premiumstationvis-à-vis T+43(0)800810102 GasthausNeuwirt

Mariapfarr07 Apartment&Panoramahotel „ZumGranitzl“ T+43(0)64738239 www.granitzl.at08 HotelGasthofHäuserlimWald T+43(0)64738288 www.haeuserlimwald.com09 SporthausPichler T+43(0)64738206 www.sporthaus-pichler.at10 Daslerhof,Bauer T+43(0)64738553 www.daslerhof.com11 HausChristophorus,Lasshofer T+43(0)64738432 www.haus-christophorus.com12 HausDorfer,Sampl T+43(0)64738481 www.sbg.at/samplhausdorfer13 Löcker-Landschützer T+43(0)64738274 www.sbg.at/loecker14 Fanningerwirt T+43(0)64738419 www.fanningerwirt.com15 Ferienwohnungen T+43(0)6644600482 www.stubn.at E.Bogensperger16 JausenstationWielandhof T+43(0)64737162 www.wielandhof.at17 Vital-undWellnesscenter T+43(0)647320020 www.samsunn.at Samsunn18 Hauptschule T+43(0)647382971 www.hs-mariapfarr.salzburg.at19 Premiumstationvis-à-vis T+43(0)64738212 www.mariapfarr.at Postpartner

Mauterndorf20 Apart-PensionLüftenegger T+43(0)64727306 www.lueftenegger-lungau.at21 PensionGrillhofer T+43(0)64727804 www.grillhofer.com22 HotelNeuwirt T+43(0)64727268 www.hotelneuwirt.at23 ApartmentResort T+43(0)64727230 www.hackenschmiede.com Hackenschmiede24 FerienhausLüftenegger T+43(0)64727306 www.lueftenegger-lungau.at25 HausTrattner T+43(0)64727434 www.haus-trattner.com26 PensionBarbara T+43(0)6472728816 www.pension-barbara.info27 HotelBinggl T+43(0)64727204 www.binggl.com28 BergbahnenMauterndorf T+43(0)647272023 www.camping-mauterndorf.at29 Wellness-undVitalhotelKarla T+43(0)64727365 www.hotel-karla.at30 BerggasthofJacklbauer T+43(0)64727028 www.jacklbauer.at31 AktivhotelSteffner-Wallner T+43(0)64727214 www.steffner-wallner.at32 Hotel-GasthofWeitgasser T+43(0)64727366 www.gasthof-weitgasser.at33 Speiereckhütte T+43(0)6801287645 www.speiereckhuette.com34 AutohausKarlGraggaber T+43(0)64727288 www.auto-graggaber.at35 Schwimmbad T+43(0)6472763236 BurgMauterndorf T+43(0)64727426 www.salzburg-burgen.at/de/ mauterndorf37 PremiumstationSparkasse T+43(0)800810102

Muhr38 GasthofPost-Mesnerwirt T+43(0)6479215 www.mesnerwirt.net39 SticklerhütteÖAV T+43(0)6479349

Ramingstein40 GasthofDurigon T+43(0)6475644 www.durigon.at41 Jagglerhof T+43(0)6769444180 www.jagglerhof.at42 BurgFinstergrün T+43(0)6475228 www.burg-finstergruen.at43 Raika T+43(0)647521044 PremiumstationRaika-Parkplatz T+43(0)800810102

St. Andrä45 GasthofAndlwirt T+43(0)64742355 www.andlwirt.at

St. Margarethen46 BiohofSauschneider T+43(0)64762970 www.biourlaub.at47 LandgasthofLöckerwirt T+43(0)6476212 www.loeckerwirt.at48 AlpengasthofSchlögelberger T+43(0)6476313 www.almdorf-lungau.at49 Kößlbacheralm T+43(0)6644236352 www.koesslbacheralm.at50 RadsportSampl T+43(0)6476562 www.sampl.cc

St. Michael51 Gasthof-LandhotelSchlickwirt T+43(0)64778915 www.schlickwirt.at MO-FRopenedfrom04.00pmon/weekendcontinously52 LandhotelStofflerwirt T+43(0)64778293 www.stofflerwirt.at53 Eckenhof,Schothorst-vanEck T+43(0)647720204 www.eckenhof.at54 AlpengasthofBacher T+43(0)4734318 www.gasthof-bacher.at55 St.MartinChalets,IVMServicesT+43(0)6644947208 www.stmartinchalets.at56 GasthofStranachwirt T+43(0)64778319 www.stranachwirt.com57 HapimagResort T+43(0)64777451 www.hapimag.com/stmichael58 PizzeriaCafePiazza T+43(0)64777594 www.pizzeria-piazza.at59 Premiumstationvis-à-vis T+43(0)800810102 Gemeindeamt

Tamsweg60 GasthausLudlalm T+43(0)64747552 www.preber.at61 IntersportFrühstückl T+43(0)64746655 www.fruehstueckl.at62 ZweiradcenterKrug T+43(0)64746780 www.zweirad-krug.at63 ÖAMTC T+43(0)647462000 www.oemtc.at64 Bahnhof T+43(0)6643405840 www.stlb.at65 PremiumstationMarktplatz T+43(0)64742145 www.tamsweg.info

Tweng66 LandhotelPostgut T+43(0)647120206 www.postgut.at

Unternberg67 GasthofPost-Gfrererstadl T+43(0)64746211 www.gfrererstadl.at68 GasthofSchilcherwirt T+43(0)64746222 www.schilcherwirt.at

Weißpriach69 Granglerhütte,FamilieBergmannT+43(0)64737310 www.hausbergmann.at70 Sauschneideralm,FelixMiksch T+43(0)64737094 www.sauschneideralm.at

Zederhaus71 GasthofKirchenwirt T+43(0)6478222 www.alpingasthof-kirchenwirt.at72 AlmgasthofKönigalm T+43(0)6642523297 www.koenigalm.at73 AlmgasthofSchliereralm T+43(0)6478484 www.schliereralm.at74 NaturparkhausRiedingtal T+43(0)6478801 www.naturpark-riedingtal.at




01 Boarnlacke02 EsserSee03 Ilgsee&Zaunersee04 Rothenwändersee05 Schlierersee06 Mühlbachsee07 Blauseen08 TwengerAlmsee09 Trogalmseen10 Giglachsee11 ObererSchönalmsee12 Oberhüttensee13 Wirpitschsee&Tiefenbachsee14 Lignitzsee15 Landwierseen16 Gralatisee17 Landschitzseen18 Zwerfenbergsee&Angersee19 Prebersee20 Rosaninsee21 Rotgüldensee22 Anderleseen

Alpine Huts Alpine Tarns

The brochure “Lungau Summer in the Hills” hut and tarn hikes

Info & Orders:FerienregionLungauT+43(0)64778988,wandern.lungau.atandinlocaltouristoffices.

Lungau Culture PathInfo:FerienregionLungauOfficeT+43(0)64778988,www.lungau.at

A Bee Path/GöriachInfo:TouristOfficeT+43(0)648321211orLeonhardGruberT+43(0)6483221or+43(0)6641511555,www.bienenlehrpfad.atB Children’s Adventure Path to the Wildbachhütte in LessachInfo:TouristOfficeT+43(0)6484813ortheKocherFamilyT+43(0)6644107513C Sun Path in Mariapfarr Info:TouristOfficeT+43(0)64738766,www.mariapfarr.atD “Pure Nature” Path MauterndorfInfo:TouristOfficeT+43(0)64727949,www.mauterndorf.atE Magic Forest Fun & Play Path Muhr Info:TouristOfficeT+43(0)6479218orT+43(0)6509933415F Passeggen “Execution Path” St. Andrä & Tamsweg Info:St.AndräTouristOfficeT+43(0)64742147andTamswegTouristOfficeT+43(0)64742145,www.hexenundzauberer.atG Leisnitz Water Path St. Margarethen Info:TouristOfficeT+43(0)6476812,www.stmargarethen.atH Forest Path/St. MichaelInfo:TouristOfficeT+43(0)64778913,www.sanktmichael.atI Alpine Herb Garden/St. MichaelInfo:TouristOfficeT+43(0)64778913,www.sanktmichael.atJ „Herzerlweg“ (Heart-Path) to the Gamskogelhütte Katschberg/St. MichaelInfo:TouristOfficeT+43(0)4734630,www.katschberg.atK Miners’ Path Thomatal/SchönfeldInfo:TouristOfficeT+43(0)6476250,www.thomatal.atL Forest Path/Unternberg Info:TouristOfficeT+43(0)6474621418,www.unternberg.atM Weisspriach Mushroom Nature Trail Info:TouristOfficeT+43(0)6473701414,www.mariapfarr.atN Mill Path/Zederhaus Info:TouristOfficeT+43(0)6478801,www.zederhaus.atO Alpine Pasture Path in Riedingtal Nature Park/Zederhaus Info:TouristOfficeT+43(0)6478801,www.naturpark-riedingtal.at


E-bike businesses and public toiletsin the heart of St. Michael


57 59

E-bike businesses in the heart of Mauterndorf









27 37

E-bike businesses and public toiletsin the heart of Mariapfarr







E-bike businesses in the heart of Tamsweg

Profile: ca.200vmlmax.12%gradientlca.30kmlengthMitterbergTour01