(Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia w.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com #CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

(Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

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Page 1: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

(Un)employment in EU

EU strategies, policies and platforms for

youth employment and youth


02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatiawww.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com

#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 2: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

Economic and debt crises hit Europe hard!

Biggest crises after the Great Depression of the 1930s. Unemployment rates rose, especially youth

unemployment which had a lot of socio-economic and political consequences

Rise of inflation and prices Less employed -> less tax payers -> less taxes in

countries budget -> lower GDP’s and money for social benefits of unemployed

Lowered levels of investments because of risk and bigger interest rates

More and more people at risk of social inclusion or poverty which leads to marginalization and social exclusion of unemployed

The list goes on and on…Creative Entrepreneurship

02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatiawww.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com

#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 3: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

The scary numbersEurostat estimates that 23.022 million people (9.5% of work force) in the EU-28 were unemployed in August 2015. Lowest: Germany (4.5 %), Czech Republic (5.0 %) and Malta (5.1 %) Highest: Greece (25.2 %) and Spain (22.2 %)

Youth unemployment rates are generally much higher, even double or more than double, than unemployment rates for all ages. Youth unemployment rate in EU-28 is 20.7%. Lowest: Germany (7.1 %) and Denmark (10.7%) Highest: Greece (50.6 %), Spain (49.2 %) and Croatia (43.5%)

24,7% of population is at risk of social exclusion and poverty! (Eurostat 2013,latest statistic). In Bulgaria, this number is highest in EU with 40,1%; in Macedonia is 48,1%!

Creative Entrepreneurship02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

www.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 4: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

Call for united and cooperative approach

To address the crises and its political, social and economic consequences everywhere, European Union was calling for united approach, cooperation and coordination between all countries in order to prevent future crises and ensure smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

As a consequence of this call, numerous strategies, policies, measures, funds and programmes emerged that got very high priority on the EU political and economic agenda.

Creative Entrepreneurship02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

www.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 5: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

Europe 2020“To achieve a sustainable future, we must already look beyond the short term. Europe needs to get back on track. Then it must stay on track. That is the purpose of Europe 2020. It's about more jobs and better lives. It shows how Europe has the capability to deliver smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, to find the path to create new jobs and to offer a sense of direction to our societies.”

- José Manuel BARROSO, Europe 2020 preface

The Europe 2020 strategy is about delivering growth that is: smart, through more effective investments in education, research and innovation; sustainable, thanks to a decisive move towards a low-carbon economy; and inclusive, with a strong emphasis on job creation and poverty reduction.

Five headline targets have been agreed for the EU to achieve by the end of 2020. These cover 1) employment; 2) research and development; 3) climate/energy; 4) education; 5) social inclusion and poverty reduction. To ensure that the Europe 2020 strategy delivers, a strong and effective system of economic governance has been set up to coordinate policy actions between the EU and national levels.

Creative Entrepreneurship02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

www.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 6: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

The 5 targets for the EU in 2020

1. Employment 75% of the 20-64 year-olds to be employed

2. Research & Development  3% of the EU's GDP to be invested in R&D

3. Climate change and energy sustainability greenhouse gas emissions 20% (or even 30%, if the conditions are

right) lower than 1990 20% of energy from renewables 20% increase in energy efficiency

4. Education Reducing the rates of early school leaving below 10% at least 40% of 30-34–year-olds completing third level education

5. Fighting poverty and social exclusion at least 20 million fewer people in or at risk of poverty and social

exclusionCreative Entrepreneurship

02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatiawww.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com

#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 7: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

7 Flagship initiatives of Europe 2020

Smart growth Digital agenda for Europe Innovation Union Youth on the move

Inclusive growth An agenda for new skills and jobs European platform against poverty

Sustainable growthResource efficient EuropeAn industrial policy for the globalisation era

Creative Entrepreneurship02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

www.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 8: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020)

ET 2020 is a forum for exchanges of best practices, mutual learning, gathering and dissemination of information and evidence of what works, as well as advice and support for policy reforms.

4 EU objectives to address challenges in education and training systems and institutions by 2020: Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality; Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training; Promoting equity, social cohesion, and active citizenship; Enhancing creativity and innovation, including

entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training.Creative Entrepreneurship

02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatiawww.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com

#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 9: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

Renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field (2010-2018)

It has two main objectives: To provide more and equal opportunities for young people in

education and the job market To encourage young people to actively participate in society.

The EU Youth Strategy proposes initiatives in eight areas: 1) Education & training, 2)Employment & entrepreneurship, 3) Health & well-being, 4) Participation, 5) Voluntary activities, 6) Social inclusion, 7) Youth & the world, 8) Creativity & culture.

Creative Entrepreneurship02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

www.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 10: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

The Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan

It is a blueprint for action to unleash Europe's entrepreneurial potential, remove existing obstacles and revolutionize the culture of entrepreneurship in the EU. It aims to ease the creation of new businesses and to create a much more supportive environment for existing entrepreneurs to thrive and grow.

The Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan identifies three areas for immediate intervention: entrepreneurial education and training to support growth

and business creation; removing existing administrative barriers and supporting

entrepreneurs in crucial phases of the business lifecycle; reigniting the culture of entrepreneurship in Europe and

nurturing the new generation of entrepreneurs.Creative Entrepreneurship

02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatiawww.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com

#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 11: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

Erasmus+Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020.

Education, training, youth and sport can make a major contribution to help tackle socio-economic changes, the key challenges that Europe will be facing until the end of the decade and to support the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy for growth, jobs, social equity and inclusion.

Europe 2020, ET2020 and EU Youth Strategy are integral part of Erasmus+ as its general objectives are to contribute towards the achievement of goals and objectives of those strategies.

Creative Entrepreneurship02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

www.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 12: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

What is the EU's role for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship?

Address the concerns of young people in employment strategies;

Invest in the skills employers look for; Develop career guidance and counselling

services; Promote opportunities to work and train abroad;

Support quality internships/apprenticeships;

Improve childcare and shared family responsibilities;

Encourage entrepreneurship.

Creative Entrepreneurship02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

www.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 13: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

According to you, how European Union is supporting youth entrepreneurship?

Any specific programmes you can think of?

Have you personally participated in any EU programme that supports or promotes youth entrepreneurship?

Creative Entrepreneurship02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

www.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 14: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

What are the barriers and challenges young entrepreneurs face in Europe?

Do you have your own business or tried/plan to start your own enterprise in the future?

If not, what stops you? What are the barriers or challenges you have?

Creative Entrepreneurship02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

www.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 15: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

1) EURES – European Job Mobility Portalec.europa.eu/eures

2) Your Europe Business portaleuropa.eu/youreurope/business/index_en.htm

3) EU programme for Employment and Social innovationec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=1081

4) Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs www.erasmus-entrepreneurs.eu

5) Access to Financeeuropa.eu/youreurope/business/funding-grants/access-to-finance/index_en.htm

6) Startup Europe and Enterprise Europe Networkec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/about-startup-Europe | startupeuropeclub.eu/


Creative Entrepreneurship02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

www.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

EU support and funding platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship

Page 16: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

What you should do? Prepare presentations for the platform you got Explore and research the portals and webpages as

much as possible (open different tabs/sections). Don’t copy the front page that everyone can see

and read by themselves for the presentations! Discover what the programmes are for?How they can be used? For who the programme are? Who can use them? If applicable, try to make account and learn how

the registration process go.Creative Entrepreneurship

02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatiawww.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com

#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 17: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

Are young people interested to use EU support platforms and available funds?

If yes, do they use them enough?

If not, why not? What is stopping them?

How we can bring them closer to them as youth workers and youth organisations?

Creative Entrepreneurship02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

www.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 18: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

Roger Hart’s Ladder of young people’s participation

1) Manipulation

Adults use young people to strengthen a cause and pretend that the cause is young person led.

2) Decoration

Young people are used to strengthen a cause, although adults do not pretend that the cause is young person led.

3) Tokenism

Young people appear to be given a voice, but in fact have little or no choice about what they do or how they participate.

4) Assigned, but informed

Young people are given a specific role and informed about how and why they are being involved. Creative Entrepreneurship

02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatiawww.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com

#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 19: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

Roger Hart’s Ladder of young people’s participation

5) Consulted and informed

Young people are consulted on adult initiated projects. The young people are informed about how their input will be used and the outcomes of the decisions made by adults.

6) Adult led, decisions are shared with young people

Adults initiate projects but the decision-making is shared with young people.

7) Young person led and directed

Young people initiate and direct a project. Adult role is supportive as motivator/mentor.

8) Young person led, shared decisions with adults

Young people initiate projects and decision-making is shared between young people and adults. These projects empower young people while at the same time enable them to access and learn from the life experience and expertise of adults.

Creative Entrepreneurship02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

www.cetcreativeentrepreneurship.wordpress.com#CETCreativeEntrepreneurship | #CEbyCET

Page 20: (Un)employment in EU EU strategies, policies and platforms for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship 02-09.10.2015, Djakovo, Croatia

Roger Hart’s Ladder of young people’s participation