Written By: Dr. Paul M. Graden Published By: The Report No.: ueh001 Rev 1.7 12/11/08 Page 1 of 38

Understanding the Economy of Heaven - josephgate.comjosephgate.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/UEH_v1.7.docx  · Web viewMy study of God’s Word kept leading me back to needing more

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Written By: Dr. Paul M. Graden

Published By: The Joseph Gate


Report No.: ueh001 Rev 1.7 12/11/08 Page 1 of 30

ContentsIntroduction...........................................................................................4Align yourself with God’s priorities........................................................5God’s economy is based on the principle of inheritance.......................5A reclamation process...........................................................................6Jesus is waiting......................................................................................7A different way of life............................................................................8I just had to have more of God!.............................................................9Revolutionize your life.........................................................................11Align yourself with God’s plans............................................................13Bless my plans....................................................................................13Into the marketplace...........................................................................15Align yourself with God’s presence......................................................17God is everywhere at all times ...........................................................19Start a new direction...........................................................................21Align yourself with God’s provision......................................................22What you lack already exists...............................................................23Align yourself with God’s planting.......................................................24God is a god of multiplication!.............................................................24God will rebuke the devourer .............................................................26Immediate positioning in The Joseph Gate..........................................27

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© Copyright 2008 The Joseph Gate

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may give away this report as long as it is not altered in any way, falsely misrepresented or distributed in any illegal or immoral manner.


The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for informational purposes only. While every attempt has been made to verify the in-formation provided in this report, neither the author nor his affiliates/partners as-sume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This report is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. You should be aware of any laws which govern business transactions or other business practices in your country and state. Any reference to any person or business whether living or dead is purely coincidental.

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IntroductionOne of the earliest lessons God downloaded to me through my Joseph Gate, was that His economy was nothing like any economy that exists on the earth today. The earth is filled with many different economies.

In the United States of America, our economy is based on capitalism. Emphasis is on a free market driven by supply vs. demand. To a cer-tain extent, it is predictable. When the supply of a product grows, prices go down. When prices rise, the supply shrinks. This type of economy is in a constant state of flux. In this economic system, pri-vate ownership and distribution of goods is common.

Communist countries have economies controlled by the government. Private ownership and distribution of goods are prohibited. The gov-ernment allocates goods, resources and even set the prices. In theory, this system is based on the needs of society. Everyone is allocated the same share. There are no rich or poor. That’s the theory anyway.

Sandwiched between these two economic systems is socialism. This economic system is based on state ownership of capital. Major indus-tries are owned by various state entities that compete with each other. However, the pricing system is set by market demand.

All earthly economic systems are a variation of these three. All of us were raised in one of these systems. Like all children, we grow up ex-posed to one system and assume it is the norm.

However, all three economic systems are perversions of the economy of Heaven. Many people believe that Adam and Eve lived in the econ-omy of Heaven, but it was lost as a consequence of the fall of man. Heaven’s economy ruled in the Garden of Eden - man’s economy ruled outside the Garden.

While there is some underlying truth to this, the economy of Heaven has always been available to God’s children. The good news is that it still is today. Let’s look at some keys to living in the economy of

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You can learn more at www.josephgate.com.

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Align yourself with God’s prioritiesEvery economic system has a foundation – basic guiding principles that it is based on. God’s economy is no different.

God’s economy is based on the principle of inheritance

Let’s look at a couple of relevant scriptures:

“Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Your possession” (Ps 2:8).

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints” (Eph 1:18).

I could go on and on listing verses about the principle of inheritance. For now, I’ll leave that Bible study to you.

The point here is that Jesus was promised an inheritance by His Heav-enly Father. That inheritance is you and I. We are both His possession and His inheritance.

To function well in Heaven’s economy, we must recognize that Jesus Christ is the true owner. Next, we must align ourselves with His will - His purpose – on the earth.

For example, let’s look at Jesus’ own words:

“You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures” (James 4:3-4).

There are two interesting concepts here that we must understand:

1. When we pray or believe God for something, He looks at our motives before answering. Jesus makes it clear that prayers with wrong motives are never fulfilled.

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2. When our motives are wrong, it has to do with fulfilling our own pleasures or lusts.

These are critical keys to functioning in God’s economy. God will never release His blessing unless it lines up with His eternal purpose – Jesus’ inheritance. Jesus Himself never desired a worldly thing when He lived on the earth – unless it had its fulfillment in His in-heritance.

A reclamation process

God does not have a problem with us experiencing pleasure. However, our earthly pleasures are misguided. When He created Adam and Eve, He placed them in a garden called “Eden”. In its root form, “Eden” means “pleasure and delight”.

Man was originally created to tend God’s Garden of Pleasure and De-light! God wanted man to be fruitful and multiply – to increase God’s pleasure and delight. Mankind was the key component to ex-panding God’s pleasure and delight.

Did you ever think about the fact that God Himself walked with Adam and Eve in the garden? His pleasure and delight was increased when He could share it with His highest creation.

They walked together every day! God came in physical form to walk and share His pleasure and delight with them. Physical form… it was Jesus! Even then, He was enjoying His inheritance - until the fall of man.

Mankind fell when God’s pleasure was no longer primary in Adam and Eve’s thoughts. Their own pleasure became primary.

Jesus shed his blood, took those lashes, died, rose from the dead, as-cended to Heaven – all so He could begin to restore his inheritance – His relationship sharing God’s pleasure and delight with man – with us!

In some respects it is a reclamation process. The process is not over; He is looking to each of us to do our part to restore His inheritance in

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its fullness.

Now consider this concept – Jesus is sitting in Heaven today, wanting to return for us, but has to wait. He is being retained in Heaven. See for yourself:

“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that he may send the Christ, who has been appointed for you — even Jesus. He must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets”. (Acts 3:19-22) NIV – Empahsis mine.

One of most successful lies of the enemy is that this verse is pointing to the future – deferred hope if you will. Look at verse 19 again, this time from the King James Version:

“Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19) KJV – Emphasis mine.

When we repent of asking God with impure motives; when we line our purposes up with Jesus’ inheritance; when our focus becomes God’s pleasure and delight – then the presence of the Lord comes. It brings refreshing as we know we are firmly planted in God’s will.

Jesus is waiting

God always intended His presence to be with us today – not at some distant point in the future. He is holding Jesus back until we get this and begin to function in it daily.

Like in the Garden of Eden, God wants to walk with us daily. However, instead of Jesus walking with us today, He sends His precious Holy Spirit.

This is the same Holy Spirit that breathed life into Adam. In the original Hebrew, the words breath and spirit are the same. This also applies in

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the Greek language.

When God breathed into Adam, He was depositing His Holy Spirit into him. This is what brought life into that old clay shell. It was subse-quent to this that Jesus came and walked with him.

When we are born again today, the Holy Spirit of God comes and takes up residence inside us – just like Adam. We are still waiting to walk with Jesus as Adam did.

The irony is that we have that backwards. Jesus is waiting to walk with us. He is waiting for us to walk in the economy of Heaven.

We must begin by looking internally. Why do we pray what we pray? Why do we want something? Are we seeing through God’s eyes? Is this desire burning in God’s heart?

If we can answer, “Yes” to these questions, we will feel His presence and know we are on the right track. We have begun our part of the journey toward Jesus receiving His inheritance.

The wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon, understood this princi-ple. While Jesus had not died for our sins yet, Solomon’s main concern was God’s pleasure and delight.

Solomon built a lavish temple for God. Only the best materials, crafts-men, tools, utensils, etc. were used. It was God’s desire at that time. It brought God pleasure and delight.

Consequently, God made sure that there was enough of this elaborate provision for Solomon to have a majestic home of his own - a palace that had no earthly counterpart.

“When we live to tend to God’s pleasure and delight, He takes pleasure and delight in blessing us – and blessing us abundantly” (Eph. 3:20; Jn. 10:10).

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A different way of life

In his wonderful book, Key’s to Heaven’s Economy, Pastor Shawn Bolz writes,

“Human beings often strive to gain and wield authority. They form human networks; they are focused on pleasing others, gaining positions – serving themselves, getting absorbed in politics, dominating others. This describes the human culture, the earthly economy.

Jesus, on the other hand, always demonstrated a different way of life. He showed that love wields the greatest authority and can displace any author-ity gained by human effort. Jesus created a new economy whose currency is spiritual hunger. An appetite not just for the trappings of Heaven but for its very core – hunger for Jesus!”1

Ask yourself if you are hungry for Jesus. If you are not, or think you could be hungrier, simply ask God to make you intensely hungry. Ask Him to change your heart – to fill your heart with His love. Ask Him for the ability to see others through His eyes.

Your life will never be the same. These are the types of prayers that line up with Jesus receiving His inheritance.

I’ll never forget when I first prayed this prayer. I was in my living room around midnight. I was dissatisfied with my spiritual progress (impa-tient?), as well as struggling with a number of things in the natural.

My study of God’s Word kept leading me back to needing more of Him. While I had prayed that prayer many times, there was a desperation about it that evening that I can’t describe. I just had to have more of God!

I just had to have more of God!

Every so often, I engage my imagination as I approach my Joseph Gate. Usually, once I start this process, God intervenes at some point and

1 Shawn Bolz – Keys to Heaven’s Economy: An Angelic Visitation From the Minister of Finance – page 80, North Sutton, NH, Streams Publishing House © 2005.

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takes over. He transforms my imagination into a vision. This was one of those times. I pictured myself approaching God’s Temple. My goal was to get into His presence – into the Holy of Holies. I remember be-ing so determined…

As I approached the temple, there was effort involved. There was a long flight of stairs to climb! It was as if God was testing me – was I hungry enough to make the climb?

After finishing the exhausting climb, I found myself at the entrance to the temple. Before me was a large altar. The altar where animals were sacrificed! I found myself climbing on top and lying on my back, stretched out upon the altar.

As I closed my eyes, I renewed my prayer. I asked God once again for His heart to replace my heart of clay. I pled with Him that I would love what He loves. Nothing else seemed to matter.

It was at this point when I felt the knife cutting deep into my chest. I was undergoing a heart transplant! In this vision, God replaced my heart with His own.

The love that flooded my soul was overwhelming. I remember bursting out into uncontrollable tears as He showed me my family, friends, pas-tor, business associates… I was seeing them through His eyes and feel-ing His intense love for them.

Suddenly, I was lifted off the altar and brought to the laver. Jesus met me there and began to methodically wash the blood from my body. Then, He dressed me in a white robe and led me toward the temple en-trance. I remember thinking that I never felt so clean before – inside and out.

We climbed the stairs together to the temple porch and entered the door into the Holy Place. As I walked through the door, I realized that Jesus was no longer beside me. To my left was the Great Menorah – the Golden Lampstand with its seven-branches.

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This menorah was fueled with special oil, so I was not surprised in the least when I encountered the Holy Spirit here. The oil smelled so sweet and was heavy to the touch. It was as if I was saturated with oil – with the anointing - both inside and out. My robe was saturated, yet still bright white.

I didn’t want to leave this moment, but I knew I had to move on. Be-hind me was the Table of Shew Bread. As I approached, Jesus met me again and we shared an intimate time as He fed me this special bread. My body felt so strong that I thought I could conquer anything.

Jesus pointed toward the back of the Holy Place, where I saw the Altar of Incense. This altar was right before the torn veil, leading into the Holy of Holies. This is where the High Priest would scoop up a handful of incense and some burning coals. He would pour the incense over the coals as he entered God’s presence.

I followed the biblical pattern and poured incense over the hot coals as I entered through the torn veil. The sweet smell of the burning incense was intoxicating. I was reminded that this represented my prayers lift-ing up to God. He receives my prayers as sweet smelling when I ask with His purposes in mind.

The atmosphere in the Holy of Holies was intense. The Ark of the Covenant was there and the giant cherubim. It seemed almost impos-sible to speak. I dropped down on the floor in a prone position and worshipped.

The rest is too personal to share. However, my life has never been the same. Seeing others through God’s eyes, feeling His love for others, aligning yourself with His purposes, will revolutionize your life, as it has mine.

Revolutionize your life

Applying this principle to your business will revolutionize your results. Take some time to evaluate why your business exists, or why you wish to start a new business. Does the true purpose stem from a

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burning desire to see Jesus receive His inheritance?

Please keep in mind that you can have a secular business geared toward seeing Jesus receive His inheritance. One of my businesses is a learning center where we train people to become regis-tered nurses.

That doesn’t sound very spiritual does it? However, I learned that God doesn’t see it that way at all. Literally hundreds of students are ex-posed to my staff and me each week. We spend time praying with them and sharing God’s heart. We openly talk about the kingdom of Heaven whenever possible.

It’s not church and we don’t impose our beliefs on anyone. Yet, it amazes me every day how many people will call in or come early for class – just so they have some time for prayer, encouragement or fel-lowship.

We are also helping our community develop a nursing force which is badly needed. These people leave as RNs and spread God’s love throughout the community.

Finally, we are very much aware that God holds us accountable finan-cially. As far as we are concerned, 10% is not God’s – 100% is! He pro-vides for us through this and directs us how to use the rest.

You can learn more at www.josephgate.com.

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Align yourself with God’s plansBeing human, and I’m told being a man, this was a hard lesson to learn. It’s one that I have to pray about daily. To be honest, I still slip up with this one from time to time. Thank God for His grace!

Since Adam and Eve fell and were removed from the economy of Heaven, mankind has tended toward individuality. As a consequence, people tend to walk through life in a matter that is actually backwards from the economy of Heaven.

Bless my plans

What we tend to do is plan. This is especially true in business. If you are seeking investors or a commercial loan, you must have a business plan in our capitalist society.

When God led us to open the learning center, I fell back on strategies and tactics I’ve used most of my adult life. They worked every time! Guess what? They didn’t work so well with this business in this market.

I was perplexed! After all, I had been successful in the education field for decades. What I did next I believed to be biblical – I sought coun-sel. I thought about verses like these:

“Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of counselors they are established” (Prov. 15:22). NKJV

“Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety” (Prov. 11:14). NKJV

“For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, and in a multitude of counselors there is safety” (Prov. 24:6). NKJV

I called a series of meetings. Internally, I met with my board of direc-tors, chief financial officer, marketing director, and sales force. Exter-nally, I met with bankers, network partners, investors, business naviga-tors/counselors, local employers and strategic partner firms.

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With many of these professionals, I had a series of meetings over a number of months. The result was a new business plan! The only problem was that it didn’t work much better than my original plan.

In the meantime, God was sitting back waiting to get my attention. When I discussed this business with Him, it was to ask Him to bless my plans.

Finally, one day, He got through as I was reading the book of Jeremiah. This was a familiar passage that I have read hundreds of times. In fact, I have it memorized. You may have memorized it as well:

“‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the Lord, 'and I will restore your for-tunes…’” ( Jer 29:11-14).

It was one of those “rhema” moments where God’s Word came alive. My Joseph Gate was opened once again! Suddenly, I realized that God has plans for me! I’ve been going about this all wrong. Instead of asking Him to reveal His plans for me, I was asking Him to bless my plans!

Don’t get me wrong, I still believe in the wisdom of a multitude of counselors. But, I needed counsel about how to implement God’s plan for my business – not my plan.

With God’s plan, hard work is still necessary. The rewards, however, are great. It seems some days as if Heaven itself is moving on our be-half. God’s kingdom is supernatural and supernatural things began to happen.

The atmosphere itself at the learning center changed. It is amazing to watch an angry person walk in the door and see the anger melt away. People come just to hang out. They started bringing their friends and our business began to grow again. Truly, His ways are higher than our

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ways (Isa. 55:9).

You may be at a place today where your dream is undefined. You know that God has called you to something bigger than you are experiencing today. I encourage you to approach your Joseph Gate and ask God for His plan for your life or business. I guarantee that it will not resemble yours at all and will be of a scale that will knock your socks off!

You may also be surprised to learn that there are God given assign-ments available that have been abandoned by others or left unfulfilled upon their death. In the Bible, we see Elisha picking up Elijah’s mantle – his assignment if you will – and seeing twice the result that Elijah experienced.

One could argue that Benny Hinn has picked up Kathryn Kuhlman’s mantle (assignment). Other assignment transfers are generational. For example, Kenneth Hagin, Jr. picked up where his father left off, as did Joel Osteen.

Still, many unfulfilled assignments are lying there waiting to be picked up and God may just ask you to do so. God wants to meet us at our Joseph Gates and open our spiritual eyes to the unfulfilled commissions lying all around us – our spiritual inheritance if you will.

Into the marketplace

I believe that we are living in an exciting period of history. God is redi-recting us toward the ministry model of the first century. He is moving ordinary people, like you and me, outside the church walls, into the marketplace.

The marketplace is where all the hurting people are; it is where Jesus ministered; it is where the apostles moved in their gifts. God is look-ing for men and women who are not afraid to take their Chris-tianity to the marketplace.

God is not looking for preachers to do this. He wants ordinary folk who will live their lives honestly, as Christians, in the marketplace. This type of ministry is more about actions than words. He wants us Report No.: ueh001 Rev 1.7 12/11/08 Page 16 of 30

to live kingdom principles in front of others – even our families.

This is one of the primary reasons that The Joseph Gate exists. People need to be taught how to live in the kingdom. Think about it, every-where Jesus went, His message was the same, the kingdom of Heaven, or the kingdom of God is upon you. There are simply too many refer-ences to list here.

When Jesus taught us to pray, His prayer included these words,

“Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt 6:10).

Living life with an open Joseph Gate requires this commitment. Literally, when we function in the marketplace, we are to bring Heaven to earth! Could life be more exciting than that? Would your business be transformed this way? The key is to discover God’s plan for your life and walk in it – at any cost. Don’t forget to expect the unexpected – after all, it is a supernatural kingdom!

You can learn more at www.josephgate.com.

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Align yourself with God’s presenceOne habit of mine is that I have a standing appointment with God – usually starting around 10:00 pm. By then, my family is in bed and I have some quiet time. This time of prayer is always unpredictable. It may last 15 minutes or go on for hours.

I spend time in thanksgiving, praise, worship, seeking God’s will, ask-ing for His provision, interceding for others, asking Him to reveal areas where I need forgiveness and seeking His leading for the following day.

While that seems like a lot, it is not the main focus of my time with God. You see, I learned a long time ago that those prayers don’t break through to heaven if I am not in His presence. It is one of the most important keys to answered prayer.

Let’s look at some examples in the Bible of people being led by God’s presence:

“The Lord was going before them in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them on the way, and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night. He did not take away the pillar of cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people” (Ex 13:21-22).

God led the Israelites out of slavery (captivity) in Egypt to the Promised Land. For the entire 40 year journey, He led them, appearing as a pil-lar of cloud by day and fire by night.

Take a fresh look at Moses’ prayer:

“If Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here. For how then can it be known that I have found favor in Your sight, I and Your people? Is it not by Your going with us, so that we, I and Your people, may be distinguished from all the other people who are upon the face of the earth?" (Ex 33:15-16).

God’s presence will distinguish you and me from all the other people

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on the face of the earth. Can you determine to meet God at your Joseph Gate and pray this prayer to Him?

Samuel was so tuned in spiritually – his spiritual senses so keen – that God’s presence was not only with him, but He did not let a single word of Samuel’s fall to the ground unfulfilled:

“Thus Samuel grew and the Lord was with him and let none of his words fail” (1 Sam 3:19-20).

David was so dependent upon God’s presence that he cried this out during a difficult moment,

“Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me” (Ps 51:11).

He always saw God in his presence (Acts 2:25).

The prophet Jeremiah cried out,

“You Yourself know that the utterance of my lips was in Your presence” (Jer 17:16).

Jonah lived in the presence of the Lord, until he was commissioned to go to Nineveh:

“But Jonah rose up to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord” (Jonah 1:3).

Peter urged the Jews at Pentecost,

“Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19) Emphasis mine.

When Paul counseled Timothy, he stated,

“I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of His chosen angels…” (1 Tim 5:21) Emphasis mine.

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James admonishes us with these words:

“Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you” (James 4:10) Emphasis mine.

Jude concludes his letter encouraging us. If you have any feelings of unworthiness or guilt keeping you from approaching God, consider his words,

“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy” (Jude 24) Emphasis Mine.

God not only leads us by His presence, but protects us as well:

“How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who fear You, which You have wrought for those who take refuge in You, be-fore the sons of men! You hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the conspiracies of man; You keep them secretly in a shelter from the strife of tongues” (Ps 31:19-20) Emphasis mine.

God is everywhere at all times

From an everyday, practical standpoint, we need God’s presence lead-ing us all day long. The good news is that God is always there. Any theologian worth his paycheck will tell you that God is omnipresent. He is everywhere at all times.

The key to be led by God, as we read about over and over again in the Bible, is our awareness of His presence. The battle for this awareness starts in our minds and filters through our spiritual senses.

A thorough teaching about this is available through The Joseph Gate ar-ticle, entitled “Awakening Your Spiritual Senses”.

One role model of mine is a 17th century monk named Brother Lawrence. Brother Lawrence trained himself to be aware of God’s

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presence every moment of every day. He also was used mightily by God to train others to do so as well.

One winter day, while sitting under a tree, he had a revelation. The tree appeared dead, but was alive. It was simply waiting for spring to arrive and its appearance would change to reflect the life within.

He saw himself as that tree. He looked and felt spiritually dead, but knew that his spirit and appearance would change once “spring” came to his soul. In his thoughts, “spring” was the awareness of God’s pres-ence which would bring life.

Brother Lawrence was a cook at the monastery – not the most spiritual environment to foster such awareness. Yet, he was determined to do so and toward the end of his life, people travelled from afar to visit him in the kitchen and observe this vital relationship with his heavenly Fa-ther.

This training started with a prayer. Brother Lawrence asked God to make him aware of His presence continually. He cried out to God for more – not more things, but more of God!

The scriptures tell us that faith without works is dead (James 2:26). Works is best defined as “corresponding action”. Brother Lawrence knew that his prayer was insufficient to realize his goal. So, he devel-oped a series of corresponding actions.

At first, he set a timer for 5 minutes. When the timer went off, he would assess his thought for the past hour. Had his mind stayed fo-cused on God or had it wandered off?

If his mind wandered away from thought about God, he would repent. Then he reset his clock for another 5 minutes.

As he mastered keeping his thoughts focuses on God for 5 minute in-tervals, he changes the timer to 10 minutes and repeated the process.

The days and weeks went by and he found himself setting the timer in hours instead of minutes. Finally, a “download” and he knew it was Report No.: ueh001 Rev 1.7 12/11/08 Page 21 of 30

firmly established in him and he retired the timer for good. God was in the forefront of his thoughts. He was aware of God’s presence at all times.

I ask you once again to close your eyes, activate your imagination and approach God via your Joseph Gate. Ask Him to lead you, guide you, protect you, honor you before others – all through His presence with you.

Like Moses and David, ask that His presence never leave you. After all, how will the world know you are His should His presence depart? He promises to never leave you or forsake you.

Start a new direction

Imagine now your business being filled with His presence. You are in constant communion with Him. You become sensitive to His gentle nudging, His whispering voice. As you start a new direction, you hear Him say, “Yes, that’s the way” or “No, turn here instead”.

As you lie down to sleep, be aware of His presence. Ask him to speak to you through your dreams. Your Joseph Gate is even open when you are asleep. Solomon asked for wisdom in a dream and his life was never the same (1 Kings 3:5-14). Your life, your business will never be the same either.

You can learn more at www.josephgate.com.

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Align yourself with God’s provisionGod’s provision is yet another principle we find in scripture which many people completely miss. The principle is simple – God, as Jehovah Jireh, has created everything you will ever need before you were even conceived!

There is a law of biblical interpretation called the law of first mention. Theologians believe that the first time something is mentioned in the Bible, it establishes a pattern for every subsequent occurrence.

Did you ever wonder why God made man last? He was establishing a pattern. God created everything man would need first. He provided for mans’ needs before creating mankind.

Even after the fall of Adam and Eve, God provided. A quick glance of Genesis 3:21 pictures God provided clothing for them. While He had clothed them in His glory before the fall, now He clothed them in ani-mal skins.

However, this incident runs much deeper. God obtained these animal skins as a result of sacrificing the animals. God Himself provided the blood sacrifice required for fellowship to continue with man.

Abraham understood this when he was walking with his only son, Isaac, up the mountain to the threshing floor. Isaac saw that they were carry-ing everything necessary for a blood sacrifice, except the lamb. When he asked his father about it, Abraham said,

“And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering” (Gen 22:8). KJV Emphasis mine.

This pointed to the ram caught in the thicket that Abraham and Isaac ultimately sacrificed that day. It also pointed to God providing the ulti-mate lamb, Jesus.

Speaking of Jesus, did you ever stop and think about the wise men that came bearing gifts? It took three years for them to journey to Bethle-Report No.: ueh001 Rev 1.7 12/11/08 Page 23 of 30

hem, following that star. The provision they brought may very well have supplied all of Jesus’ needs while here on earth.

What you lack already exists

Jesus was not a poor man. His robe was so expensive that the soldiers refused to tear it up and distribute the pieces. They recognized the quality of material and seamless design. So, they cast lots to decide who would get this prized possession.

After the imprisonment of John the Baptist, Jesus moved to Capernaum. Many theologians believe that Jesus owned his own home in Caper-naum. He was a citizen who paid taxes only required of residents. An understanding of the culture of Jesus’ time would require this.

For the law of first mention to be valid, it means that the pattern estab-lished by God – His provision for man before creation – must carry over to us.

Consider that whatever you lack already exists. God established it be-fore He created you. Jesus told us that even the birds understand this (Matt 6:26).

You may be asking, if it already exists, where is it? Why can’t I see it? The simple answer is that it exists in the spirit realm and is awaiting your withdrawal into this physical realm.

How to make this withdrawal is outlined in scripture. However, it is too far off topic to be covered here. Look at The Joseph Gate reports about “The Glory of God” and “The Kingdom of Heaven” for discussions about this important topic – keys to aligning yourself with God’s provision.

You can learn more at www.josephgate.com.

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Align yourself with God’s planting“The Lord God planted a garden toward the east, in Eden; and there He placed the man whom He had formed” (Gen 2:8).

Most of my life, I read the biblical account of creation and didn’t catch this “planting”. I always thought that God spoke things into existence and they were mature.

However, the scripture clearly shows us that God “planted” the Garden of Eden. This means that He planted seeds that grew to maturity - it was an important process – one that God wants us to understand.

Look at the next verse:

“Out of the ground the Lord God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food” (Gen 2:9) Emphasis mine.

Close your eyes and imagine Adam and Eve in that garden – God’s Gar-den of Pleasure and Delight. All around them are trees and plants which are growing before their eyes and bearing fruit.

God expected them to learn by observing this process. Planting was followed by growth. The young trees needed care and it was their job to tend them. As they matured, the trees became stronger and needed less care.

All of a sudden, it was harvest time! As they harvested the fruit, the provision of God not only fed them, but produced seed – some 30, some 60, some 100 fold.

It was at this point that God expected them to imitate Him and plant the new seed. Once this step was accomplished, the process would re-peat itself and the garden would be enlarged each season - multiple times. God is a god of multiplication!

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God is a god of multiplication!

Jesus taught often in agricultural terms. He specifically discussed the 30, 60 and 100 fold return in the parable of the sower (Matt. 13:8). He likened faith to the smallest of all seeds – a mustard seed (Matt 13:31). He taught about tares (weeds) growing along with the maturing seed (Matt 13:24).

As you consider your business, think about the seed that has been planted. If your seed is insufficient, simply ask God as He promises:

“Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness” (2 Cor. 9:10).

Aligning with God’s planting for your business means you need to be-lieve for seed and sow them in faith.

Since you are probably not a farmer, let’s discuss your “seed” further. There are those who liken seed to money. Some preachers think in these terms. Many a sermon on sowing and reaping has been preached. The principle of giving and receiving has been similarly preached.

Please understand that I believe in giving and supporting the local church. It’s not my goal to discuss tithes and offering, etc. here. How-ever, the principle of giving and receiving (sowing and reaping) has been misunderstood by many.

As stated above, God provided seed to Adam and Eve. The seed came through the fruit. They didn’t give the seed away. They planted the seed to produce more fruit.

The giving comes from allocating the fruit, not the seed. As 2 Cor. 9:10 stated above, the seed was for sowing. It has to be sown into fertile ground; tended and cared for; watered; weeded and ultimately har-vested. The process then repeats itself.

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In Malachi 3, God promises:

“’Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this," says the Lord of hosts, "if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows. Then I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of the ground; nor will your vine in the field cast its grapes," says the Lord of hosts. “All the nations will call you blessed, for you shall be a delightful land," says the Lord of hosts’” (Mal 3:10-12) Emphasis mine.

Again, it is not my intent to get into a discussion of tithing here. But it is clear that apportioning your “fruit” to give to the church and the poor releases God to open the windows of heaven.

The “windows” are the same terms used for “doors” and “gates”, as in The Joseph Gate. When these “portals” open, God pours out a bless-ing. The blessing is so large that it overflows.

This blessing overflows into the spirit realm or dimension. It still needs to manifest itself in the natural, physical realm. This usually comes through other people (Luke 6:38). Could this be the definition of a “business” in the economy of Heaven?

So many Christians are sitting at home waiting for God to rain money or customers from the sky. After all, didn’t he promise to open the win-dows of heaven?

God will rebuke the devourer

But if you read the next verse, God promises something extraordinary. He will rebuke the devourer for you. You see, God expects you to take the fruit left over and remove the seed. That seed is to be planted in good ground. It is then that He will rebuke the devourer for you.

Crops are fragile and can be “devoured” by heat, wind, drought, in-sects and disease. One “devoured” crop can set a farmer back for a year or more.

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God’s promise is to rebuke the devourer so the crop grows to maturity and can be harvested. Then the process repeats itself. Tithes and of-ferings are the key to positioning yourself under that open window and seeing God rebuke the devourer.

Of course, if you have given all your seed away or spent it on other things, God has nothing to bless or protect from the devourer.

If you are in business, you have sown seed. You pay for rent or a mort-gage, utility bills, salaries, advertising, etc. All of this is spent in hopes of producing a profit (harvest).

Others invest their money in things like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. These too can grow to extraordinary size, but they also can be devoured.

However, the shame of it is that most people in the church today don’t have any seed in the ground. They work a job for someone else and live paycheck to paycheck - many barely scraping by each month.

They may be generous givers who tithe, give to the poor, work at homeless shelters, etc. Still, they have no seed in the ground, so God’s principles cannot operate.

Theirs is a life under the curse of the principle of addition. Their time is valued in dollars. They earn dollars for each hour they work. Income is limited because there are only so many hours a day available to them.

The economy of heaven operates through the principle of multiplica-tion. Seed multiplies! But these children of God are not aligned with God’s planting!

Immediate positioning in The Joseph GateIf God has met you at your Joseph Gate; if you have been given a dream from Him; if you know that He wants you to be wildly successful; if you have a sense of destiny in Christ – then you must find a way out of the addition trap and position yourself to be blessed multiple times over.

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The Joseph Gate is here to help you realize your potential in Christ. Following the biblical principles God has led us to emphasize, you can find your way out of the darkness.

Should you choose to join forces with us, you will be immediately posi-tioned for multiplication. You automatically qualify to be an affiliate of The Joseph Gate (free) and will be taught how to multiply your success. At the same time, you will learn the principles and steps required to see your own dream come to fruition.

If you are ready to accept a new calling on your life; to position yourself under the win-dows of heaven; to abandon the curse of the principle of addition; to finally take steps to-ward your Jeremiah 29 plan – then go the www.josephgate.com and join our team today!

It is time to operate in the economy of Heaven! May the journey to-ward your God-given dream begin…

Thanks for reading! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to for-ward it to them!

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Dreams! We all have them and they come from a variety of sources. Some we remem-ber, many are forgotten. Our most important dreams come from God. They bring guid-ance, encouragement warning – sometimes direction.

Should your God-given dreams involve starting a business based on Christian principles and strategies, our team of experts also provide an all in one package for one annual fee. Our members receive six special reports:

● Understanding the Economy of Heaven

● The Joseph Gate● Activating Your Spiritual Senses

● Creativity and the Glory of God● The Revival of Wisdom● Kingdom Strategies for Today’s World

We also provide a today message designed by God to coach, encourage and mentor you to see your dreams come to pass. More importantly, there is biblical training to assist you in learning God’s language.

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You can learn more at www.josephgate.com.

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