Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University Clarksville, TN 37044 [email protected] www.apsu.edu/haralsonk

Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

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Page 1: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Speaker InformationKay Haralson

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Developmental Studies ProgramAustin Peay State University

Clarksville, TN [email protected]


Page 2: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding DyscalculiaDefinitions of DyscalculiaNo universal definition (a few samples)• An unexpected difficulty that some people

have in dealing with mathematical problems (Attwood)

• A condition that affects the ability to acquire arithmetic skills (The British Dyslexia Association, www.bda-dyslexia.org.uk)

• Having huge problems in math, in spite of being of normal intelligence (www.dys.dk)

Page 3: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Definitions of Dyscalculia• Difficulties in performing mathematics

calculations of certain types (www.dyscalculiainfo.org)

• A term referring to a wide range of life-long learning difficulties involving math. There is no single form of math disability, and difficulties vary from person to person and affect people differently in school and throughout life. (www.ld.org)

Page 4: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding DyscalculiaDiagnostic Criteria for Mathematics Disorder

(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, American Psychiatric Association)

• Mathematical ability, as measured by individually administered standardized tests, is substantially below that expected given the person’s chronological age, measured intelligence, and age-appropriate education.

• The math difficulties significantly interfere with academic achievement or activities of daily living that require mathematical ability.

• If a sensory deficit is present, the difficulties in mathematics ability are in excess of those usually associated with it.

Page 5: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding DyscalculiaSkills Impaired in Mathematics Disorder

(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, American Psychiatric Association)

• “Linguistic” skills: understanding or naming mathematical terms, operations, or concepts, and decoding written problems into mathematical symbols

• “Perceptual” skills: recognizing or reading numerical symbols or arithmetic signs and clustering objects into groups

• “Attention” skills: copying numbers or figures correctly, remembering to add in “carried” numbers, and observing operational signs

• “Mathematical” skills: following sequences of mathematical steps, counting objects, and learning multiplication tables

Page 6: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Underlying Causes (www.ldonline.org)

• Visual-spatial difficulties-trouble processing what the eye see

• Weakness in visual processing of numbers and mathematical situations

• Auditory processing difficulties- trouble processing and making sense of what the ear hears.

Page 7: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Underlying Causes (www.ldonline.org)

• Attention deficits

• Memory problems

• Information processing deficits

• Motor disabilities

• Problems with sequencing, organizing information

• Problems with understanding concepts and symbols

Page 8: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Prevalence of Dyscalculia • 5-8% of school age children (Strauss, 2003)

• 3-6% of population (www.bda-dyslexia.org)

• 6-7% of school age children (www.ldonline.org)

• 1% of all children (www.dys.dk)

• 1% of all school age children have Mathematics Disorder (DSM-IV-TR, 2000)

• 5-6% of all children (Adler, 2001)

Page 9: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Symptoms or Warning Signs by Age Young Children (www.ld.org)

• Difficulty with number sense• Difficulty learning to count• Trouble recognizing printed numbers• Difficulty with connecting the idea of a

number with what it represents in the real world

Page 10: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Symptoms or Warning Signs by Age Young Children (www.ld.org)

• Poor memory for numbers• Trouble organizing things in a logical way,

sorting by shape, size, color, etc.• Trouble recognizing groups and patterns• Trouble comparing and contrasting,

smaller/larger, taller/shorter

Page 11: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Symptoms or Warning Signs by Age School Age Children (www.ld.org)

• Trouble learning math facts• Difficulty developing math problem solving

skills• Poor long term memory for math functions• Not familiar with math vocabulary• Difficulty with measuring things

Page 12: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Symptoms or Warning Signs by Age School Age Children (www.ld.org)

• Avoiding games that require strategy• Visual-spatial difficulties hinder

comprehension of written mathematics• Difficulties reading a clock• Problems with time perception, leads to

problems with planning time required to complete a task

Page 13: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Symptoms or Warning Signs by Age Teenagers and Adults (www.ld.org)

• Difficulty estimating cost (shopping, groceries)

• Difficulty learning math concepts beyond basic math facts

• Poor ability to budget or balance a checkbook

• Trouble with concepts of time, such as going by a schedule or approximating time

Page 14: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Symptoms or Warning Signs by Age Teenagers and Adults (www.ld.org)

• Trouble with mental math• Difficulty finding different approaches to

one problem• Trouble with visualizing patterns, different

parts of a math problem or identifying critical information needed in problem solving

Page 15: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Signs That Difficulties With Math are Beyond “Normal” (www.ld.org, www.as.wvu.edu, www.dyscalculia.org)

• Good in verbal skills, but difficulty with math skills

• Good memory for printed words, but difficulty reading numbers or recalling numbers in sequence.

• Good with general math concepts, but frustrated when specific computation or organization skills need to be used.

Page 16: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Signs That Difficulties With Math are Beyond “Normal” (www.ld.org, www.as.wvu.edu, www.dyscalculia.org)

• Trouble with the concept of time: late, doesn’t remember schedules, can’t approximate how long a task will take, confused on past/future events

• Poor sense of direction, confusion on left/right orientation

• Easily disoriented and easily confused by changes in routine

Page 17: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Signs That Difficulties With Math are Beyond “Normal” (www.ld.org, www.as.wvu.edu, www.dyscalculia.org)

• Poor long term memory, will know math facts one day, not remember the next

• Fails to see big financial picture • History of academic failure contributing

to the development of learned helplessness in mathematics

Page 18: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding DyscalculiaIdentifying Dyscalculia (www.ldonline.org, www.dyscalculiainfo.org)

• Should include a one-to-one mathematics interview, including the use of manipulatives, i.e. coins, base ten block, geoboards, cuisenaire rods, tangrams, calculator. The interview should:

- focus on how the child does the mathematics

- explore the child’s ability to compute, make predictions based on understandingpatterns, sort in a logical way, organize space with flexibility, and to measure

Page 19: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Identifying Dyscalculia (www.ldonline.org, www.dyscalculiainfo.org)

- note strengths and weaknesses

- note whether child talks to herself, draws a picture to help understand a situation, asks for problem to be repeated

- see if child has the capacity to estimate before doing computations

• There are no universally accepted tests for diagnosing dyscalculia.

Page 20: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Identifying Dyscalculia (www.ldonline.org, www.dyscalculiainfo.org)

• “Tests for Dyscalculia” by Tony Attwood, First and Best in Education, Ltd.- general comparative tests used to help identify areas of difficulty to allow for remediation planning

• On-line diagnosis: The diagnosis does not carry official status, but you can obtain a letter of diagnosis, cost of $550. www.dyscalculia.org/diagnosis.html

Page 21: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Strategies to Help Students with Dyscalculia

(www.ldonline.org, www.ld.org, www.as.wvu.edu)

• First step must be to identify a student’s strengths and weaknesses, understand how a student learns best

• Use tutoring outside the classroom, with a one-on-one instructor

• Provide a distraction free place to work• Encourage repeated reinforcement and

specific practice

Page 22: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Strategies to Help Students with Dyscalculia

(www.ldonline.org, www.ld.org, www.as.wvu.edu)

• Use graph paper to organize work and ideas

• Use different approaches to memorizing math facts, formulas, rules, etc.

• Practice estimating as a first step to solve a problem

• Encourage students to work hard to “visualize” math problems, draw pictures, look at diagrams, etc.

Page 23: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Strategies to Help Students with Dyscalculia

(www.ldonline.org, www.ld.org, www.as.wvu.edu)

• Encourage verbalizing while problem solving, this uses auditory skills which may be a strength

• Try to relate problems to real life experiences

• Provide uncluttered worksheets, preferably lined

• Use rhythm or music to help memorize math facts, etc.

Page 24: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Strategies to Help Students with Dyscalculia

(www.ldonline.org, www.ld.org, www.as.wvu.edu)

• If possible, let student take tests one-on-one in the instructors presence.

• Allow extra time to complete work if needed

• Be aware if students become panicky, provide reassurance

• Monitor student progress on a frequent basis

Page 25: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

Strategies to Help Students with Dyscalculia

(www.ldonline.org, www.ld.org, www.as.wvu.edu)

• Teach important concepts to mastery• If needed, allow calculator use for basic

operations to allow focus on problem solving

• BE PATIENT- Math can be a traumatic experience and is highly emotional because of past failures.

Page 26: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

ReferencesAdler, B. What is Dyscalculia?, 2001,


Attwood, Tony. “Dyscalculia and Dyslexia, Two different issues, or part of the same problem”, First and Best in Education, Ltd., www.firstandbest.co.uk

The British Dyslexia Association, www.bda-dyslexia.org.uk

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC, 2000.

Page 27: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

ReferencesGeary, David C. “Mathematics Disabilities, What

We Know and Don’t Know”, www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/math_skills/geary_math_dis.html

Mercer, Cecil D. and Susan P. Miller, “Educational Aspects of Mathematics Disabilities”, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Vol 30, No. 1, pp 47-56, Jan/Feb 1997, www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/math_skills/mathld_mercer. html

National Center for Learning Disabilities, www.ld.org

Page 28: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

References Strauss, Valerie. “Trying to Figure Out Why Math is So Hard

for Some, Theories Abound: Genetics, Gender, How It’s Taught”, Washington Post, Dec. 2, 2003, www.washingtonpost.com/wp_dyn/articles/A26826-2003dec1.html

West Virginia University, www.as.wvu.edu/~scidis/dyscalcula.html

Wright, C. Christina. “Learning Disabilities in Mathematics”, www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/math_skills/math_1.html

www.dys.dk/eng/dysk.htmlwww.dyscalculia.org www.dyscalculia.org.ukwww.dyscalculiainfo.org

Page 29: Understanding Dyscalculia Speaker Information Kay Haralson Associate Professor of Mathematics Developmental Studies Program Austin Peay State University

Understanding Dyscalculia

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