UNCTAD/CD-TFT 1 Basic Features of the Multilateral Systems of Patents and Regulatory Test Data Development Dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights Hanoi Foreign Trade University, 15 & 16 December 2008 Christoph Spennemann, Legal Expert Intellectual Property Team Division on Investment and Enterprise UNCTAD

UNCTAD/CD-TFT 1 Basic Features of the Multilateral Systems of Patents and Regulatory Test Data Development Dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights Hanoi

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Page 1: UNCTAD/CD-TFT 1 Basic Features of the Multilateral Systems of Patents and Regulatory Test Data Development Dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights Hanoi


Basic Features of the Multilateral Systems of Patents

and Regulatory Test Data

Development Dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights

Hanoi Foreign Trade University, 15 & 16 December


Christoph Spennemann, Legal Expert Intellectual Property Team

Division on Investment and EnterpriseUNCTAD

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Overview of presentation

• Protection of Patents under the Paris Convention, TRIPS Agreement and US – Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA)

• Protection of Regulatory Test Data under the TRIPS Agreement and the BTA

• Conclusions

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Patents under the Paris Convention

• Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (1883)

• As compared to Berne Convention (copyright): less detailed, only broad principles to address increased patenting activity under foreign jurisdictions

• National treatment (Art 3)

• Right of priority (Art 4)

• Independence of patents (Art 4bis)

• Compulsory licensing (CL) to prevent patent abuses (Art 5A)

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Patents under the TRIPS Agreement

• Major shift in international patent law: detailed provisions on patents and other IPRs

• Mandatory minimum standards of protection

• Right to choose method of implementation

• Introduction of most-favored nation (MFN) treatment into IP law

• Patents available for all areas of technology

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Minimum standards

• Members in domestic implementation of TRIPS rules • must not go below minimum standard of

protection• but they may provide higher protection

(« TRIPS-Plus ») • Example: minimum term of patent protection

= 20 years from filing date • Increasing number of FTAs with TRIPS-Plus

provisions • Example: US – Vietnam Bilateral Trade

Agreement (option to extend patent term in some cases)

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Right to choose method of implementation (1)

• By statute, adminitrative regulation, or allowing direct applicability of TRIPS

• By creating special IP courts or by leaving this up to ordinary courts

• By providing operational language for TRIPS provisions • E.g. patent available for invention that is

new, inventive & industrially applicable • TRIPS « flexibilities » major importance to

address local policy priorities

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Right to choose method of implementation (2)

• India – Mailbox Case (WTO Appellate Body/AB), 1997

• Controversy re India’s implementation of TRIPS patent provisions (transition period until 2005)

• India: WTO panels should not interpret a Member’s domestic law, as Members are free to choose way of implementation

• AB: rejected this view • WTO panels & AB may interpret domestic law to the

extent necessary to assess TRIPS compliance• Freedom to choose implemenation does not equal right

to self-certify TRIPS compliance

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Art 27 Non-discrimination

• Members must make patents available without discrimination • for any inventions (products or

processes)• in all fields of technology

• e.g. no exclusion of pharmaceuticals

• as to place of invention • whether imported or locally produced

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Optional exclusions from patentability

• Inventions against ordre public; morality; human, animal, plant life or health; environment

• Methods of medical treatment • Plants & animals

• Incl biological processes for production of plants & animals

• But not micro-organisms and non-biological production processes

• Plant varieties: either patent or sui generis system (UPOV or others) or combination thereof

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Patentability requirements

• Novelty• anything not available to public prior to the date of

patent application

• Inventive step (non-obviousness)• anything not obvious to person skilled in the art on

date of patent application, having regard to prior art (=existing knowledge)

• Industrial application (utility)• any invention that may be manufactured or used in

any commercial activity need for an industrial product

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Art 28 Rights conferred (1)

• Product patents: making, using, offering for sale, selling, or importing the substance

• Process patents: • Using the process (method-of-making)• Using, offering for sale, selling, or

importing product directly obtained by process (method-of-use)

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Art 28 Rights conferred (2)

• Product patents are wider than process patents• If process patent: competitor may reverse

engineer end product and re-assemble it through different process

• Infringement proceedings: Burden of proving difference of process must be put on defendant in certain cases

• If product patent: no re-assembly of product through different process, as substance as such is protected

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Exceptions to granted patent rights (1)

• General exception clause (Art 30 TRIPS)• Three-step test comparable to

copyright• Exceptions are limited (step 1)• No unreasonable conflict with normal

exploitation of patent (step 2) • No unreasonable prejudice to legitimate

interests of patent owner, taking into account legitimate third party interests (step 3)

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Exceptions to granted patent rights (2)

• Canada - Patent Protection of Pharmaceutical Products WTO Panel

• Non-discrimination also applies to Art 30 exceptions

• But differentiation for bona fide purposes does not amount to « discrimination »• Leeway to provide differential treatment if

justified by public health purposes?

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Art 31 Compulsory licensing (CL)

• Authorization by the government of a third party to use an invention without the consent of the right holder

• « Government use » if third party acts on behalf of the government

• TRIPS contains list of procedural rules • Members free to determine substantive

grounds for CL • Exception FTAs, incl US – Vietnam BTA: no

CL for patent abuse not amounting to antitrust violation

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Art 39 Protection of Regulatory Test Data

• Data submitted to drug regulatory authorities (DRAs) for marketing approval purposes• Pharmaceutical or agrochemical test data

• TRIPS authorizes different approaches:• Data exclusivity DRA may not rely on original

data for examination of subsequent submissions (USA; EU countries)

• Unfair competition approach no exclusivity reliance by DRA on original data speeds up market entry of generic competitors

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Protection of Regulatory Test Data under the BTA

• BTA Article 9(5), (6): exclusivity conferred upon pharmaceutical and agrochemical test data

• No approval of generic products (medicines) based on originator test data

• Term of exclusivity: normally not less than five years from date of approval granted to data originator

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• Paris Convention only laid down some general principles of international patent law

• TRIPS Agreement represents a major shift: minimum standards of patent protection

• Patentable are all areas of technology• Members maintain some flexibility of

implementation • FTAs/BTA take away some of this flexibility in

the area of patents & test data protection

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Christoph SpennemannLegal ExpertIntellectual Property TeamDivision on Investment and Enterprise (DIAE)UNCTADE-mail: [email protected]: ++41 (0) 22 917 59 99Fax: ++41 (0) 22 917 01 94http://www.unctad.org/tot-ip