UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 · UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 ... peatability and usefulness of protrusive jaw relation ... the same setting of the horizontal condylar guidances of the

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Page 1: UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 · UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 ... peatability and usefulness of protrusive jaw relation ... the same setting of the horizontal condylar guidances of the


AD :406 78 9





Page 2: UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 · UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 ... peatability and usefulness of protrusive jaw relation ... the same setting of the horizontal condylar guidances of the

NOTICE: When government or other drawings, speci-fications or other data are used for any purposeother than in connection with a definitely relatedgovernment procurement operation, the U. S.Government thereby incurs no responsibility, nor anyobligation whatsoever; and the fact that the Govern-ment may have formulated, furnished, or in any waysupplied the said drawings, specifications, or otherdata is not to be regarded by implication or other-wise as in any manner licensing the holder or anyother person or corporation, or conveying any rightsor permission to manufacture, use or sell anypatented invention that my in amy way be relatedthereto.

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A Thesis 'IPresented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree Master of Sieece d


4,-Frank Peter Rymarz D. D. S..

The Ohio State University4~1963

Approved by:

AdviserDepartment of'Prosthetic Dentistry

TISlA 11 A- ',, -Dr

Page 5: UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 · UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 ... peatability and usefulness of protrusive jaw relation ... the same setting of the horizontal condylar guidances of the



I would like to express my appreciation to my adviser, Dr.

Carl 0. Boucher, for his advice during the research and in the

preparation of this thesis. I would also like to thank Professor

George J. Kienzle of the School of Journalism forhis assistance

0in the preparation and editing of this thesis.

I wish to extend special thanks to the graduate students in

) prosthodontics who helped in this project.

I also wish to extend my gratitude to the United States Air

Force for making it possible for me to pursue this course of



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INTRODUCTION................................ 1

METHODS AND MATERIALS .3................... 3

RESULTS. .. 14

DBISCUSSJION .............................. 32

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .................... 41

REFERENCES ............................ 43


S!~i ! '


- -'- -- - -- -,--- - -- - --

Page 7: UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 · UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 ... peatability and usefulness of protrusive jaw relation ... the same setting of the horizontal condylar guidances of the



Figure Page

1. Pin-pointed incisal guide pin and incisal table

graph ............. ....................... 4

2. Condylar mechanism adjusted for 6 mm. of protrusion . . 5

3. Articulator set for making a 6 mm. record ............ 6

4. Plaster record trimmed to expose buccal cusps to

facilitate accurate adjustment .......... 11

5. Condyle track recorder ...... ................ ... 12

6. Condyle track recorder graphs for Subject 5D ..... ... 13

7. The mean condylar inclinations of the clinical

subjects--right side ........ ............... 30

8. The mean condylar inclinations of the clinicalsubjects--left side ..... ............... .... 31



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Table Page

I. Thirty degrees protrusive record adjustments ........... 15

II. Five degrees protrusive record adjustments ......... .. 16

III. Sixteen degrees protrusive record adjustments ....... ... 17

IV. Thirty-nine degrees right, forty-one degrees leftprotrusive record adjustments ... ............ ... 18

V. Forty-six degrees right, forty-nine degrees leftprotrusive record adjustments ......... ......... 19

VI. Fourteen degrees right, twenty-one degrees leftprotrusive record adjustments ....... ........... 20

VII. Summary of protrusive record adjustments .......... ... 21

k VIII. Data for the clinical subjects .... .............. ... 24

IX. Maximum variations from the smallest setting of onerecord to the largest setting of another recordfor each subject ..... ........................ 27

X. Comparison of the mean clinical resultsi . ........... ... 29



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tto 7g++


Opinions vary about the value of recording the inclination of

the condyle path with protrusive records.1-26,49 Some dentists

1-4believe recording this relation is merely a waste of time; there-

fore, they use the plain-line articulator technique. Others, who

use an adjustable articulator technique, favor recording this rela-

tion.5 -26,47-49

Previous research has raised doubts about the accuracy, re-

peatability and usefulness of protrusive jaw relation

records.1,30-33,44 To help determine the value of such records

this study investigated the following questions:

1. Do different dentists adjust the horizontal condylar

guidances of the articulator to the same setting using the same


2. Can several interocclusal eccentric protrusive jaw rela-

tion records of the same patient be adjusted to accurately repeat

the same setting of the horizontal condylar guidances of the


3'. How do protrusive records made with plaster compare to

those made with wax?


Page 10: UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 · UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 ... peatability and usefulness of protrusive jaw relation ... the same setting of the horizontal condylar guidances of the


4. What is the range of error if an average horizontal

condylar setting is used to determine the condyle path instead of

a protrusive record?,



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This study was divided into two parts--one in the laboratory,

the other in the clinic. In the laboratory a controlled study was

made of protrusive records, using two sets of complete dentures

mounted on a Dentatus ARL articulator. Records for one set of

dentures were made at 6 mm. and 3 mm. of protrusion; records for

the other set were made at 4 mm. and 2 mm. Six records were made

for each protrusion with plaster* and six records were made for

each protrusion with wax.** After the inclinations of the hori-

zontal condylar tracks*** were adjusted to a specific setting, one

C plaster and one wax record were made. This process was repeated

at five additional settings, as shown in Tables I to VI.

The articulator was equipped with a pin-pointed incisal guide

pin. A graph was placed on the incisal table (Fig. 1). The cali-

brated anterior stop screws of the articulator were turned in to

*Mirrotrue impression plaster, Whip-Mix Corp., Louisville,


**Extra-hard baseplate wax, Dentists' Supply Co., New York.

***The condylar tracks on the Dentatus articulator are 36

synonymous with the condylar guidances on the Hanau articulator.




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Vc~ 4

Fig. 1. pin-pointed incisal guide pin and incisal table graph.

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Fig. 2. Condylar mechanism adjusted for 6 mmn, of protrusion.

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C 4

Fig. 3. Articulator set for making a 6 mm. record.

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hold the condylar spheres in the desired number of millimeters of

protrusion (Fig. 2). The modified incisal guide pin was opened0

2 mm. This allowed exact positional duplication for the plaster

and wax records (Fig. 3).

Five dentists, graduate students in prosthodontics, adjusted

each of these records once. I adjusted each record three times--

first, after the second dentist, and lastly.

I computed the mean for the three adjustments of each record

that I made. I also computed the mean of the single adjustments

that were made by the five dentists for each record. I computed

the standard deviation for each series of record adjustments using

the raw score formula (s.d. w ,N(X2

-(X2 ) The resultsjN

of this portion of the study are shown in Tables I to VI. Table VII

summarizes these results.

Part Two was a clinical study of 15 subjects--10 dentulous and

5 edentulous. The dentulous subjects had at least 14 teeth in each

arch, with the exception of three who had one or more fixed bridges

restoring their occlusion. The edentulous subjects had well fitting

complete dentures which had been constructed at The Ohio State

University College of Dentistry by graduate students in prostho-

dontics. None of the subjects had symptoms of temporomandibular

joint disturbances.

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C 8

The procedure used on each dentulous subject was as follows:

Three plaster* and three wax** interocclusal protrusive jaw rela-

tion records were made with the anterior teeth in an edge-to-edge

relationship but not quite touching. The wax records were made47

using the technique advocated by Lauritzen. Tin foil (0.003 inch)

was cut into strips 1/8 inch wide and 3½ inches long. Extra hard'

baseplate wax was heated in a compound heater at 140OF until

thoroughly softened. A strip of tin foil was laid on the edge of

a sheet of softened wax; the wax was folded around the tin foil to

the desired thickness tor" each subject. This wax strip was cut into

two equal parts, each with k inch of tin foil protruding to serve

as a handle. These wax strips were then thoroughly softened in

a compound heater at 140'F before they were used. A plaster inter-

occlusal centric jaw relation record was made. Alginate impressions

were made and dental stone casts poured.

The Almore hinge bow**** was used to locate the hinge axis on

subjects 1, 2 and 3. The Dentatus face-bow with the orbital pointer

was used to locate the arbitrary hinge axis on all the other sub-

jects. The upper casts were then mounted on the Dentatus articulator

with the hinge bow or face-bow. This placed the casts on the

****Almore Manufacturing Co., Portland 36, Oregon.


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C 9

articulator in relation to the Frankfort plane. This was necessary

so that the condylar inclinations of the different subjects could

be compared. The lower casts were mounted on the articulator with

the plaster interocclusal centric jaw relation records. Each inter-

occlusal record was carefully trimmed to expose the buccal cusps to

insure accurate adjustment (Fig. 4).

Each protrusive record was adjusted three times and the adjust-

ments of the horizontal condylar tracks were recorded (Table VIII).

The mean of the adjustments of the condylar tracks on each side for

each subject were computed for the plaster records and for the wax

records. The articulator was placed in the condyle track recorder

(Fig. 5). Tracings were made for each subject with the condylar

tracks set according to the following: the mean of the plaster

records, the mean of the wax records and the average articulator

setting of 40. The deviations of the tracings of the plaster and

wax records from the 40' tracing were measured in millimeters at

the point that the anterior teeth were in an edge-to-edge protrusive

relationship (Fig. 6). These data were recorded and compared in

Tables VIII, IX and X and shown graphically in Figures 7 and 8.

The procedures for the edentulous subjects were the same as

those used on the dentulous subjects with the following exceptions.

The undercuts inside of their dentures were blocked out and dental


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~(7. 10

stone casts were poured in them. These casts with the complete

dentures were mounted on the articulator in the same way the

dentulous casts were. The data for this part of the study is also

shown in Tables VIII, IX, X, and Figures 7 and 8.


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Fig. 4. Plaster record trimmed to expose buccal cusps tofacilitate accurate adjustment.

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Q 3, 12

Fig, 5i Condyle track recorder.

( : ,

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Fig. 6. Condyle track recorder graphs for subject 5D.


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The data of part one, the controlled laboratory study, are

presented in Tables I to VII. Table VII summarizes these results.

The five dentists did not adjust the horizontal condylar tracks

of the articulator to the same setting using the same protrusive

record. The variations in their adjustments increased as the amount

of protrusion decreased.

The over-all standard deviation of the wax records, in the 4

and 6 mm. range, was greater than that of the plaster records. This

difference was not consistent as shown in Tables I to VII. There-

fore, from the results of part one no significant difference can be

shown between the use of plaster and wax records.

The data of part two, the clinical study, are presented in

Tables VIII, IX and X and in the graphs in Figures 7 and 8.

Since I mounted the dentulous casts in centric relation I felt

it would be interesting to measure the number of millimeters this

position was posterior to the centric occlusal position. The ana-

lyzing equipment used in this study made this easy. These measure-

ments are shown in Table VIII for each dentulous subject. The

average difference between these two positions was found to be

0.8 mm. with a range of 0 to 2.1 mm.




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21 L



R L R 11 R L R L

I. 30' All 29.7 30.6 0.8 0.7 29.4 32.4 3.8 3.0

6 & 4 nen. 29.9 30.5 0.4 0.9 29 30.7 2.3 2.5

P 30.4 30.5 0,4 1.5 31.2 31.9 1.7 2.2

W 29.5 30.6 0.4 0.2 26.8 29.5 2.9 2.8

II. 5 All 4.6 4.9 0.5 0.5 5.4 7 3.3 3.86 & 4 non. 5.1 4.9 0.3 0.5 5.3 6.6 2.7 3,2

P 4.9 4.9 0.4 0.4 5.9 7.3 2.7 3.7

W 5.3 4.9 0.2 0.6 4.7 5.4 2.7 2.7

I11. 16' All 15.4 16 0.6 0.8 16.8 18.2 3.6 2.86 & 4 nan. 16 15.6, 0.5 0.6 15.7 16.3 2.7 2.1

P 16 15.6 0.4 0.7 17.7 18.3 2.7 2.4

W 16 15.5 0.6 0.4 13.6 14.3 2.7 1.9

IV. 39'R, 41%L All 38.1 41.2 0.9 0.7 40.5 43.2 4.0 3.4

6 & 4 nmn. 38.5 41.4 0.6 0.4 39.1 42.8 3.3 3.7P 38.7 41.4 0.7 0.1 41.2 44.3 3.1. 2.6

w 38.4 41.4 0.3 0.7 37 41.3 3.5 4.9

V. 46*R, 49%L All 45.5 50.3 0.7 1.0 47.1 51.2 3.4 3.6

6 & 4 nan. 45.6 49.5 0.6 0.4 47.6 50.9 2.8 2.5

P 45.7 49.9 0.4 0.5 47.9 52.8 1.2 1.3W 45.6 49.1 0.8 0.2 47.2- 49.1 3.9 3.7

Vi. 14'R, 21%L All 13.5 21.6 0.8 0.8 14 21.4 3.2 3.4

6 & 4 nan. 14.1 21.5 0.5 0.5 15.2 22.1 2.3 2.9P 13.8 22.1 0.2 0.3 15.8 24.2 2.0 2.9

W 14.3 20.9 0.8 0.7 14.7 20.1 2.5 2.9

S.D. Part I 0.7 0.7 3.6 3.3

All 6 & 4 amn. 0.4 0.5 2.7 2.9All " P 0.4 0.6 2.2 2.5

All " W 0.5 0.5 3.2 3.1

Table VII. Suinaary of Protrusive Record Adjustments

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The amount of protrusion to allow the anterior teeth to meet

edge-to-edge is listed for each subject in Table VIII. The average

for the ten dentulous subjects was 5 mm. The average for the five

edentulous subjects was 5.4 mm. The average protrusion for all of

the subjects was 5.2 mm.

The adjustment of three interocclusal protrusive jaw relation

records of the same subject could not be adjusted to accurately

repeat the exact same setting of the horizontal condylar guides of

the articulator. The maximum variations from the smallest adjust-

ment of one record to the largest adjustment of another record in

the three record series for each subject are listed in Table IX.

The variations between these records were greater for the edentulous

than the dentulous subjects. The plaster records for seven subjects

and the wax records for five subjects were within the error of the

articulator adjustment. The error in the adjustment of the articu-

lator was not calculated in this study because of the many variables

affecting it. (See Discussion). The error that Posselt 3 0 ,31 re-

ported for the Dentatus articulator (4.60 rounded off to 50) was

used for this determination.

The condylar inclinations recorded with the plaster records

differed significantly from most of those recorded with wax records.

They differed on the right side from. -. 3° to -21.4o and on the left

side from 49 to a -14.16. It, was interesting to note that the


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maximum variations on the right side both occurred in the dentulous

subjects; while the maximum variations on the left side both occurred

in the edentulous subjects.

The average condylar inclinations for the subjects in this

study recorded with plaster records were 39.30 on the right side

and 38.20 on the left side. The average condylar inclinations with

plaster records for the dentulous subjects were 41.30 on the right i

side and 40.4' on the left side. The average condylar inclinations

of the edentulous subjects with plaster records were 35.40 on the

right side and 33.70 on the left side. The average condylar incli-

nations recorded with wax records were 30.10 on the right side and

32.60 on the left side. The average condylar inclinations for the

dentulous subjects with wax records were 33.90 on the right side and

33.80 on the left side. The average condylar inclinations with wax

records for the edentulous subjects were 22.60 on the right side and.

30.10 on the left side.

The mean plaster and mean wax record for each subject varied

from the average 400 articulator adjustment. These differences are

shown in Table X and Figures 7 and 8. The maximum variations re-

corded with the plaster records were 15.,80 to -12.80 on the right

side and 11.60 to -12.1' on the left side. The maximum variations

recorded with the wax records were 11.40 to -35.10 on the right side

and 8.16 to -20.70 on. the left side.

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ID 0' 4 I 46 47 40 38.547.5 47 0.5 R 41 38 0

46 48 40 38

11 44 48 39 40.543 48 1.75 R 40.5 40 0.5 R43 47.5 41 39.5

I11 48 60 40 3850 59 0, 38.5 38.5 049 60 38.5 38

2D 1 3 I 48 52 48 4849 52 0 47 47 3 L50 52 50 49

II 50 53 46.5 46.548 52 1 L 48.5 49 1 L

48.5 52.5 49.5 50

I1I 51 49 47.5 4849 50.5 2.5 L 47 46 2 L50 49 48 48

3D 2.1 5 I 56.5 49.5 51.5 46.556.5 50 0.5 L 52 44 2.75 L56 49.5 52 45

II 54.5 46 51.5 45.556 46.5, 2.5 R 51 46 2 L56 46.5 51 46

III 55 48 51.5 4356 48 2 L 51.5 43.5 0.25' L56 48 51 42..5

4D 0.5 4 I 32 40.5 31 2332.5 38.5 0 31 23 032 38.5 32 22

1I 32 39 28 21.532 38.5 0.5 L 29 25 1- L

32.5 38 28 26

,III 32 34 30 2932 34 0.5 L 30 28 032 35.5 30 27.5

5D, 0.75 5 I 35 43 28 30-35 44 0.5 L 32 36 2.5 R36 44 29.5 30.5

II 35 43 24 2836 43.5 0 27 32 1 L

36.5 42.5 27 30111 36.5 42 28 36,

3i 38 0.5 R i4 28 0

32.5 M8 26 30.

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6D 1 5.5 1 34 36 36 3133 35 1 R 35 32 2 L33 35 34 30

II 40.5 34 38 3041 35 0.75-R 38 31 040.5 35 37.5 30

II 41 35 38 3141 34 0 37.5 31.5 0.25 R40 34 37 32

7D 0.75 3.25 I 44 45 39 4442.5 44 1 L 39.5 45 0.5 L42.5 43.5 38 43

II 41 41.5 37.5 42.540 40 1 L 38 45 0.5 R40 41.5 36 44

III 45 43 34 4045 43 1 L 35 39 044 42.5 36 41

8D 15 37 31.5 18 19.536.5 31.5 1 L i5 20 2 L37 31 18 19.5

II 35 29 16.5 2835 27.5 2.25 L 17" 28 2 LS36 28.5 18 28

III 37.5 21 23 2138 27 1 L 24 22 0.5 L37 30.5 24.5 22

9D 0.5 6.5 I 38 26.5 12.5 1638 27 2.5 L 12 16 2.2 L38 26 12.5 15

II 43 29 19 20.542.5 28 2 L 21 19 0.25 L43 29 22.5 21.5

III 40.5 29 24 2338.5 28.5 2 L 22.5 21 2.1 L40.5 28.5 23 21.5

10D 0.15 9.2 I 39.5 38 34 3938 38.5 1 L 32 38 2 L38 38 32.5 37.5

II 38.5 40 30 33.538 40.5 1 L 29 32.5 1.5 L38 39.5 28 32

III 34 36.5 27.5 3234 37 1 L 28.5 32.5 1 L33.5 37 28 33

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IE 5 I 22.5 26 2 3121 26 1 L 5 32 4.5 L20 28 0 31

11 30 38 25 3831.5 39 5.5 L 21 36 1.25 L32 38.5 24 38

III 29 37.5 15 3529.5 37 1 L 15 36 1 L29 38 16 36

2E 5 1 22 27 5 29.522 27 3 'R 5.5 30 2 R22 27 5 30.

II 20 32 4 3120 32 1 L 4 32 1 L20 32 3 32

III 2.5 17 6, 303 18 1.5 R 6 29 1.75 L3.5 17.5 6 30

3E' 5.25 1 39 33.5 27 32.539 35 2.75R 2•.5 33 1.5 R39 35 27.5 34

II 37.5 49 25 3637.5 49.5 2.5 R 23 36 2.5 R37.5 49.5 24 37

I111 39 47.5 30.5 39.538 47.5 1.75R 30 39 0.5 R38.5 47.5 30 39

4E 8 I 46 28 27.5 25.46 29 2 L 28 24 1 R46 29 27 24

11 36.5 21 29 27.537 20.5 1 L 30 28 4 L36 20.5 29 27.5

III 29.5 11. 31 21.530, 12 2 L 30.5 21 2 L30 12 30.5 21

5E 3.75 1 50 37 27.5 24.550.5 37.5 '1 R 30. 25.5 2.5 R51 37 27 24

II 52.5 37 4,1.5 3051 42 0.5 R 42 30.5 2.75 R50 42.5 41.5 30.5

III 57.5 44 27.5 2357 44 2 R 27.5 23.5' 2 R58 44.5 28 22,5'

Table VIII. Data for the Clinical Subjects

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ID 7 13 2.5 2.5

2 3 4 3.5 4

3 2.5 4 1 4

4 0.5 6.5 4 7.5

5 1.5 2 5.5 8

6 8 2 4 2

7 5 5 5.5 6

8 3 4 8 8.5

9 5 3 12 8

10 6 4 5 7

IE 11.5 12.5 25 7

2 2 5 3 3

3 1.5 16 7.5 7

4 16.5 18 4 7

5 8 7.5 14 8

Table IX. Maximum Variations from the Smallest Setting ofOne Record to the Largest Setting of AnotherRecord for Each Subject.


Page 36: UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 · UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 ... peatability and usefulness of protrusive jaw relation ... the same setting of the horizontal condylar guidances of the


The condylar inclination on one side influenced the actual

path of movement of the condylar track on the other side. When a

condylar inclination was steeper on one side than the other the

effective path of protrusive movement was tipped. The graphs of

seven subjects illustrated this by tracing a path of a lower in-

clination higher than one of a steeper inclination. (See Figure 6

for subject 5D. The tipping of the effective protrusive path caused

an inclination of 38' to trace a steeper path than one of 400.)

The variation of the protrusive records was measured in milli-

meters from the average 40' setting at the point that the anterior

teeth were in an edge-to-edge protrusion. These measurements were

made on the graphs that had been traced for each subject on the

condyle track recorder. These measurements, although very small

and subject to error, presented an approximation of the amount of

error that could occur in the occlusion. They are listed in

Table X.

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.s-o.14'14010.0101'-440 001.14010-.. 10.00.1.A.M0.14010 0.1400101

01 -. r..j 01o.o�C044fl

�.9 �5d2dd 1o,�oo�oo.oo�0104 4 44 444 4114

04 1010- 404104 0-01' 0100-'�'01 jJ

01, oOfl004001 044'.. 441 0100.ooo0 4 oodllc 4 %S oio�oo

01.�o. co.14000-'01 01040101.01

11 .11.-I 0440110401401404001 40011410 01o40101� - -1010401010 4 444- ill 4444404 1. 01-0

04-04 0 04 01�..oro 44 01 0010-004 01010 0-01040014 11:2

00400.3004104010-40 0400100-0-10 04010 010100

4 4444444 44414


4W. 04 11101 0 014-.a,.-14. 01410.04040140 01

140101 p.1-.-1004010101014014 0104040440 01

4> 1004010 4.40 1 - -0401 -s 44444444 0

0400111 01404041 0141010-010101 404 01010 01

00 0440404414 00,101010'I 0101,,-1014014 10

14444��*-� '1104 0101410440 101014 001401 0.

011110.3010101010104010-001 000-00 44

0404 01 4444444444 4 01

11110111 .04a0404 0101 400100111

0-40001 01.4100000404011 014.01.0401404

00401040.40401.00 0l0-004404.10 01'��00

04114 .1401 0411 014 4 444114 44 4444 4

000- 04014401.3010 40040014 401 101 .� -

0 0010101.04040401001. 01 01 0 -

-- - 01.301 01404010104 01 01 04

01 ..4104fl01 0.0101 0Y0140304'�4 0 -


O0 -


0400101401 0 01 01

401 01b00-40140101�40-04010100-

* �04014 .34,140001001-001-0001401-01-s 0 0 04011�� 01010010010010101 0101001001401

404010 .0010-010441 01 01010- 01 01 0



010040-01 -014 .40 01- 4001010101001001 0101010001 01 0 01

4. 0 011

4 0 -

- 010140100-0040 - 0101001


____________ V

Page 38: UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 · UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 ... peatability and usefulness of protrusive jaw relation ... the same setting of the horizontal condylar guidances of the






Fig.7. he man ondyar ncliatins o th cliicasujcs-rgt ie


Page 39: UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 · UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 ... peatability and usefulness of protrusive jaw relation ... the same setting of the horizontal condylar guidances of the


Fig. 8. The mean condylar inclinations of the clinicalsubjects--left side.


Page 40: UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 · UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 ... peatability and usefulness of protrusive jaw relation ... the same setting of the horizontal condylar guidances of the


The variations in the condylar paths of different subjects and

frequently on opposite sides of the same person point out a need

for recording these relations. These facts are stressed in many

prosthodontic textbooks. 2 0 "2 5 Christensen 2 6 was the first to report

a. lowering of the mandible in the molar area during protrusion due

to the inclinations of the paths of the condyles (Christensen

phenomenon). It is this change in position that allows us to record

condylar inclinations with interocclusal protrusive jaw relation

records. Whether the recording of the condyle path is worthwhile

or not due to the shortness of the path during function requires

further investigation.

CraddockI studied the use of protrusive interocclusal jaw

relation records on three dentulous subjects. He used wax records,

made at various amounts of protrusion with and without biting

pressure. He tried to correlate the positions of the condyles in

the Glenoid Fossae with protrusive jaw relationships. He felt, as

many other dentists,6,12,29 that the protrusive record should be

made with the anterior teeth in an edge-to-edge relationship.


f !}

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He concluded that this amount of protrusion was usually insufficient

for accurate adjustment of the condylar guidances of the articu-

lator. Therefore, he felt that the use of protrusive records were

merely a waste of time.

30Posselt and Franzen reported on Nevakari's study of seven

subjects using protrusive interocclusal wax records to record

condyle path inclinations. The registrations and the readings were

also done by a second dentist. Nevakari found the variation between

the results of the two dentists to be too large to be of any value.

He therefore felt that wax records were unreliable for recording

condylar inclinations.

Posselt and.Franzen30 made a comparison study to Craddock's.I

They obtained a smaller standard deviation than Craddock had. The

only difference between their two methods was that Craddock had

mounted the casts for his study in centric occlusion on a Hanau H

articulator. Posselt and Franzen mounted their casts in centric

relation and oriented them to the Frankfort plane on a Dentatus ARL

articulator. Posselt and Franzen felt that the differences in

their results were due to using the retruded position and possibly

greater care in the handling of delicate wax records.

I agree with Posselt and Franzen that the small difference in

the mounting positions probably had little effect in the results,

but I agree.with them also that it might have. Studies have shown


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that in 90 per cent of adults centric relation is 1 mm. posterior

27 28to centric occlusion.2' Centric relation for the subjects in my

study averaged 0.8 mm. posterior to centric occlusion, with a rangei

of 0-2.1 mm. Adding a millimeter or so to the protrusive relation

on the articulator will increase the ability and accuracy to adjust

the condylar inclinations. The accuracy of the adjustment of pro-

trusive records to record condylar inclinations increases as the

amount of protrusion increases. This has been demonstrated in this

study and in many others.

Posselt and Nevstedt31 studied the condyle path inclinations

of 101 dentulous subjects. Dental students recorded these rela-

i tions with wax records under the supervision of instructors. They

observed a variation between 0 and 600. The condylar inclinations

of most of their subjects were in the 40 to 50' range in relation

to the Frankfort plane. The average inclination was 39.10 on the

right side and 40.4' on the left side. They felt that the condyle

path should be recorded when a patient has a condylar inclination

over 49' or under 310. They found this to occur in 50 per cent of

the subjects. Since the condyle path would have to be recorded to

find out whether the patient was average or not, this indeed seems

to indicate that the condylar inclination should be recorded.

Page 43: UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 · UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 ... peatability and usefulness of protrusive jaw relation ... the same setting of the horizontal condylar guidances of the

) 3530

Posselt and Franzen compared the condyle path inclination

obtained by five different dentists and found a difference of 50.

They felt that this small difference was due to the considerable

experience of these dentists with this technique. Each of these

dentists had adjusted the record three times and the mean and

standard deviation was calculated for each. The average standard'

deviation for the five dentists was 3.6, with a range of 1.8 to

4.8. They did not mention the amount of protrusion at which this

record was made. The average standard deviation for all the records

in part one of my study adjusted by five dentists were 3.6 on the

right side and 3.3 on the left.

The difference in the record adjustments of the author and the

five dentists in this study were mainly due to technique. Poor

adaptation of the record to the dentures by the adjusting dentist

caused some of the large variations in the 6 and 4 mm. records.

The varied hand position of the five dentists was another variable.

None of the five used exactly the same hand position each time to

hold the upper member of the articulator. I did, however, notice

that when the hand holding the upper member of the articulator into

the record was placed anterior to the dentures the inclinations

recorded were usually of a higher value. When the hand was placed

posterior to the mounted dentures, the adjustments recorded were.

usually of a lower value., Dentist III most often held the record


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in position on the dentures by holding the bottom tip of the

slightly raised incisal guide pin in his fingers. His results

could never be predicted. Dentist V usually used the method of

adjustment recommended in the Dentatus Articulator Instruction

Book. 3 7 None of the five dentists made effective use of their

tactile sense.34

Posselt recommends placing four fingers on the upper mount-

ing ring and exerting pressure over the middle of the casts to feel

when the upper cast is resting evenly in the protrusive record.

This is an excellent suggestion. It allows the use of tactile

sense to feel the correct adjustment in addition to just looking

to see the accurate adaptation of the record to the casts or den-

tures or. the articulator. The Hanau Articulator Instruction Book 3 6

suggests that .... "one hand might be placed on the upper member to35

exert slight pressure to sense the satisfactory seating." Boucher

recommends placing the fingers of one hand on top of the articulator

on the mounting screw to feel when the record is correctly adjusted.

46He also recommends looking through a magnifying glass to observe

the accurate adaptation of the protrusive record to the dentures or

casts on an articulator.

The Dentatus ARL articulator was selected for this study because

of its similarity to the popular Hanau articulator and its previous

use in similar research.


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Posselt3 0' 3 1 reported an error of plus or minus 2.30 in the

adjustment of the horizontal condylar tracks of a Dentatus ARL

articulator. I observed a similar error in the adjustment of the

Dentatus ARL articulator that was used in this study. I found that

there were a couple of degrees of movement, depending upon the

amount of protrusion, during which I could observe no change in the

accurate appearing adaptation of the record to the dentures. This

movement was greater with small-amounts of protrusion and became

smaller with increased amounts of protrusion. Because of this

variability I did not attempt to measure this error. I felt that

it would differ in other articulators and even in the same one that

I used due to friction, wear, tolerance and how the articulator was

handled. I tried to adjust the condylar tracks of the articulator

to the center of this area of movement without looking at the

condylar inclination markings. I adjusted each side separately, then

rechecked the adjustment of each side again to improve the accuracy

of the adjustment. I attribute this technique to the production of

the small standard deviations of the records that I adjusted.

Therefore, I believe a better understanding of the limitations

and handling of the articulator could decrease the variation in ad-

justments by different dentists. The horizontal condylar guidances

of a Hanau type articulator should be adjusted to the highest point

of movement to keep the condylar spheres in direct contact with the

Page 46: UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 · UNCLASSI FIED AD :406 78 9 ... peatability and usefulness of protrusive jaw relation ... the same setting of the horizontal condylar guidances of the


lower tracks. The horizontal condylar guidances of an arcon type

articulator should be adjusted to the lowest point of movement to

keep the condylar spheres in direct contact with the upper tracks.

The differences shown between the plaster and wax records in

22this study require further investigation. Swenson stated some

reasons for these differences. "The registration will vary accord-

ing to the biting pressure exerted after the mandible has been pro-

truded. The greater the biting pressure, the flatter will be the

path. If taken in wax (intraoral), it will depend on how soft the

wax is at the time of registration. When it is registered with soft

plaster, the inclination obtained is usually steeper." The fact that

biting pressure will flatten the inclination was demonstrated by

record number III of subject 2E. One pin-point tooth contact on

the right side was believed to change the. path about 180 on that

side and 13' on the other side.

Possible factors accounting for the difference between the

plaster and wax records in this study are resiliency of the wax,48

uneven hardening of the wax, and changes in muscle tension as the

record sets. I believe the difference was due mainly to a very

slightly more resistance of the wax than the plaster. I had asked

the subjects about this. Most of them noticed no difference between

the plaster and wax closing resistance. A few thought there might

have been. a slight difference. Further research is recommended to

learn the answer to these problems.


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31Posselt and Nevstedt reported that they are not completely

convinced about the amount of difference in the condyle path which

1other authors report as being insignificant. Craddock, feels thait

a change of 100 changes the posterior occlusion only 0.5 mm. in the

3.1second molar area. Marolt pointed out that it requires 150 to

make this change. Nevakari 31 reports a change of 0.5 mm. or less

for 96 per cent from an average of 450. Hanau 4 9 felt that the maxi,

mum tolerance was 0.1 mm. but does not tell how he came to this


According to CraddockI the error in the occlusion at the second

molar would be one-half of the values listed in Table X. He made

this statement because he felt that the second molar is located

half way between the condylar and incisal guidances. Of course this

will vary with the position in the articulator that the casts or

dentures are mounted. My results in Table X differed from

Craddock's in most instances. The tipping of the effective protru-

sive path, as explained before, may be the reason for this


Studies have also been made on the type of articulator design

and how it effects protrusive movements. 3 0 ' 3 8 - 4 5 The results of

some of these studies have been somewhat conflicting.

It certainly appears that this and mos.t previous studies favor

the recording of the condylar inclinations. Of course this could be',e


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1• 40

because most of those who do not record it do not bother to mention

it. The big unanswered question appears to be whether the condyle

path is long enough during function to record it accurately or not.


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-Th-i-a-s.tudy-in~ves-t-i.gated-several aspects of interocclusal

eccentric protrusive jaw relation recordsAto help clarify the value

of their use. The findings of this study were:

.9-l-- •- ive dentists did not adjust the horizontal condylarý

tracks of the articulator to the same setting using the same pro-

trusive record. Awlehoughthwewre differences in the adjustments

of these records, the variations were not great enough to be able

to say that protrusive records are worthless. The variations tended

to increase as the amount of protrusion decreased. A better under-

standing of the limitations and hand-ingrof the articulator could

d'ecrease/h variation in adjustments by difference dentists.

*__2ý The adjustment of several protrusive interocclusal eccen-

tric jaw relation records of the same subject did not accurately

repeat the same setting of the horizontal condylar tracks of the

articulator. The variations that did occur were believed to be due

to error in the adjustment of the articulator, differences in posi-

tion and possibly to muscle tensions while the records were being



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'I L


3. In part one no significant difference could be shown

between the adjustment of plaster and wax records. In part two

almost all of the plaster records produced a steeper inclination

than the wax records. Further research is suggested to clarify

the reasons for this difference.

4. Although the findings presented here are not conclusive

they indicate some reasons for recording condylar inclinations with

protrusive records. Further research is necessary.

I J!

____ ___ ___ ___ ____ __ ,--- -.-

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l.- Craddock, F. W.: The Accuracy and Practical Value of Recordsof Condyle Path Inclination, J.A.D.A. 38: 697-710, 1949.

2. Pleasure, M. A.: Occlusion of Cuspless Teeth for Balance and

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3. Kurth, L. E.: From Mouth to Articulator: Static Jaw Relations,J.A.D.A. 64: 517-520, 1962.

4. Porter, C. G.: The Cuspless Centralized Occlusal Pattern, J.Pros. Den. 5: 313-318, 1955.

5. Boucher, C. 0.: Current Status of Prosthodontics, J. Pros.Den. 10: 417-422, 1960.

6. Hickey, J. C., Boucher, C. 0. and Woelfel, J. B.: Responsibilityof the Dentist in Complete Dentures, J. Pros. Den. 12:

) 646, 1962.

7. Sears, V. H.: Comprehensive Denture Service, J.A.D.A. 64:531-551, 1962.

8. Dresen, 0. M.: Discussion of Interocclusal Records, J.A.D.A.57: 236-241, 1958.

9. Smith, E. H. Jr.: Registration of Centric and ProtrusiveRecords for Construction of Complete Dentures, J.A.D.A.

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10. Trapozzano, V. R.: Occlusal Records, J. Pros. Den. 5: 325-332, 1955.

11. Wright, W. H.: Condylar Adjustments, A Simplified Equipmentand Accurate Method for its Use in the Practice andTeaching of Full Denture Construction, J.A.D.A. 14:661-662, 1927.


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44 i

12. Owen, E. B.: The Condyle Path: Its Limited Value in Occlusion,J.A.D.A. 36: 284-290, 1948.

13. Hanau, R. L.: Full Denture Prosthesis - Intraoral Techniquefor Hanau Articulator Model H. ed. 4, Buffalo, N. Y.1930, Hanau Engineering Co.

14. Pearson, W. D.: Reducing Frictional Resistance in theOcclusion of Dentures, J. Pros. Den. 5: 338-341, 1955.

15. Lindblom, G.: The Value of Bite Analysis, J.A.D.A. 48:657-664, 1954.

16. Lucia, V. 0.: Modern Gnathological Concepts, St. Louis,1961, The C. V. Mosby Company.

17. Stuart, %. E.: A-curacy in Measuring Functional Dimensionsand Relations in Oral Prosthesis, J. Pros. Den. 9:220-236, 1959.

18. Francis, E. E. Jr.: Relations in Complete Denture Construc-tion, J. Pros. Den. 9: 367-373, 1959.

19. Christensen, P. B.: Accurate Casts and Positional RelationRecords, J. Pros. Den. 8: 475-482, 1958.

20. Prothero, J. H.: Prosthetic Dentistry, Chicago, 1928, Medico-Dental Publishing Company, pp. 21-24.

21. Anthony, L. P.: The American Textbook of Prosthetic Dentistry,,Philadelphia, 1942, Lea and Febiger Co., pp. 17-18.

22. Swenson, M. G.: Complete Dentures, ed. 4, St. Louis, 1959,The C. V. Mosby Company, pp. 166.

23. Nagle, R. J. and Sears, V. H.: Denture Prosthetics CompleteDentures, ed. 2, St. Louis, 1962, The C. V. MosbyCompany, pp. 297-300.

24. Sharry, J. J.: Complete Denture Prosthodontics, New York,1962, McGraw-Hill Book Company, pp. 116-118, 122-123,192, and 215.


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25. Schlosser, R. 0. and Gehl, D. H.: Complete Denture Prostheses,ed. 3, Philadelphia, 1953, W, B. Saunders Company, pp.20-23, 211-217.

26. Christensen, C.: The Problem of the Bite, Dent. Cosmos., 47:1184-1195, 1905.

27. Osborne, J. and Lammie, G. A.: Partial Dentures, Oxford,England, 1959, Blackwell Scientific Publications, p. 26.

28. Sicher, H.: Oral Anatomy, ed. 3, St. Louis, 1960, The C. V.Mosby Company, p. 176.

29. Clinical Guide for Removable Partial Dentures, University ofKentucky, College of Dentistry, Department ofProsthodontics, pp. 47-48.

30. Posselt U. and Franzen, G.: Registration of the Condyle PathInclination by Intraoral Wax Records: Variations inThree Instruments, J. Pros. Den. 10: 441-454, 1960.

31. Posselt, U. and Nevstedt, P.: Registration of the CondylePath Inclination by Intraoral Wax Records--Its PracticalValue, J. Pros. Den. 11: 43-47, 1961.

32.. Isaacson, D.: A Clinical Study of the Condyl, Path, J. Pros.Den. 9: 927-935, 1959.

33. Gysi, A.: Practical Application of Research Results in DentureConstruction, J.A.D.A. 16: 199-223, 1929.

34. Posselt, U.: Physiology of Occlusion and Rehabilitation,Philadelphia, 1962, F. A. Davis Company, pp. 131-133.

35. Boucher, C. 0.: Dental Prosthetic Laboratory Manual, Columbus,Ohio, 1959, The Ohio State University Book Store, pp. 39,40, 143, 149.

36. Hanua Articulator Technique, Buffalo, New York, HanauEngineering Company, Inc., pp. 9-11.

37. Instructions for Use of the Dentatus Articulators, Stockholm,Sweden, 1960, AB Dentatus Co.,, pp. 12, l3-14.

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