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JPRS: 19,489



No. 191

- Biology and Medicine Series -

ThLs report consists of abstracts of articles fromthe East European scientific and technical journals listed inthe table of contents below.

Tb20e of Contents


Microbiologia, Parazitologia, -pidemiologia, Bcbarest,Vol d, !T.o I, Jan-Feb 63 1

Revista do Zootehnie si Medicina Veterinarm, Bucharest,Vol 13, No 2, Feb 63 9


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STIRBU, A., Dr, TAINDEL, 0., Dr, STOIAH, I., Dr and TOACSBEN,7o., Dr. Work performed at the "Dr. I. * antacusino" Institute(Institutul "Dr. I. Cantacusino"), Bucharest.

"The Effectiveness of AntirabiesVaccination in Humanso"

Bucharest, Ot, robioloiub Zmielodd, ZidgmloogiPVol s, No i, Jan-.eb 1963, pp 1-10.

AbstrAott An attempt to eValuate the negative as wellas the positive effects of anti-rabies Vaccination on the.basis of the praotioal results obtained in Rumania andthe reports of world literature. . EmphAsizes that anti-rabies vaccination is completely specifict creates astrong and lasting immunity, as well as an immunity thatis both humoral and tissular.

Contains 2 tables and 25 references, many of themto pre-war literature.

... a...f....... --- -- a "aft.-M a aftaft" 0000a fe.

VITA, Alla, Dr, OANA, C., Dr, BORZAS,9 Uaterina, Dr, BELDI-MAN, V., Dr, GRIGORIU, Z., Dr, HURMUZACHE, To, Dr, GHDORGHIU,Molania, Dr, and WAINFELD, M., Dr. Work performed at theClinic for Contagious Diseases (Clinica do Boli Oontkgioase)of the Institute of Medicine (Institutul do Medioina), Iasi.

"Considerations on Two Epidemic Foci of Diphtheria."

Bucharest, Mi0robiolo ba. a 2Looia. _1ideaiologia,Vol 8, No 1, Jan-Feb 1963, pp 11-140

Abstract: A study based on the observation of two ruraldiphtheria foci. Both of them occurred in the fall(October-November) and the source of the disease was theschool; morbidity was waller in the pre-vaccinationperiod due to latent immunity. Both enisodes causedfamilial foci .-ith 2 to 5 infections; secondary infectionsdid not touch children below 3 years of age, reflectingthe proper vaccination of this age group, Earlier diag-nosis and isolation of the first cases would have preventedthe epidemics. Includes 11 references. .

S. . . . .. . . . . . .. ../i "••• : + • "•=•- - ,

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BARBT31JCU, E., Dr, RADIJCALU, St., Dr and Xl1ARC, Rad~a, Dr.Work verformed at the Shoreline Sanepid (Sanepidul Litora-lului)

"Sterilization of Carriers, a 1"ethod, for the Reductionof Morbidity Due to Diphtheria."'

Bucharest, Microbiologia, Parazitologia, Ei~idemigo).oia,Vol 8, NO 1, a-Fb 1963, pp 15-21.

Abstract: A1 stad- based or, 7 r Jptci atetag, 1betllween 5 ,,.fd 15 (_,rie o- `t:kexn older) 7.:h-*icho on.l e er (- ino cul at ed . .Iie stralins isolated from. thecarrie~rs and contactus, ts we.'l as i'cntý I ateFt

11 ~' to "e- -.1 ;h :~ tx n (4 strains) ,.n-d,.;i+tis toxiiron (2 strains's; types. 11)- cerriers were ste-rilizorl b,, usin.,:. ci.loramnr~henicol; t½.? ft is consideredan eff cýive rrethod, in adition to vacc-inations, for

ecreasin.t- ritnra orbiz]-ity.ln~crde~s " tabie ai.14 reI'erences -,f wehich 7 -,estern.

RT1uwd. I AL~)r-•3CU, M., Dr and ?IT--,A, P., Dr. Work performed at the1so 10 Sanepid. of Bucharest (Sanepidul 1ir 10, Bucuresti).

"Toxic Food Infection with Sh. sonnei in a Group ofPPupl 1S.

Buchare!st, kicrobiologia. Parazitologia. E-I~pidemiolopria,voi 8, No 1, Jan-Feb 19,63, pp 23-28.

Abstract: A 'tl.uy 'based on 43 Cases o* inrf ection ýi"nh. sonnei in schiool chilerell a, e,-! bet-,.een 122 an.. 17 earsit ir observed tia t a L -.er- t i r TSi ts F, td I ic! ~r E 3f tstool- w'itnout- mucus or blood, a rarely encounteredch'.aracteristic in -:uc-.. in-fct.ions. Tw,,o r_11 Ti~e cases showedonly- tnae veneral clharacte-risti~cs of 1The disease, w-ithoutdicrestive svmywrtoms*

Includes 2 tables, anu 1 1Frencii, 4 Russian and- a'1ýuma,.nian references,

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JANTEA, Po, Dr, SOLOMON, e., Dr, mILOSASCU, P., Dr, BAD, D.,Dr., BISTRICEANU, R.. Dr, and SOIMARBANU, V., Technician.Work performed at the Department of Food Hygiene (Catedi-de Igiena a Alimentatieil) of the Medioal-PharmaceuticalInstitute (Institutul Medico-Farmaceutic), Bucharest.

"Contributions to the Study of the Incidence of k.ogMIBacteria in Meat Products and Foods."

Bucharest, Microblol oi. P iologia. iodealolo0iasVol 8, Nol, Jan-Feb 196P, pp 29-37.

Abstract: A study based on the question whether the presen-ce of the Proteus bacteria stems from the technologicalprocess or from subsequent handling , While thermic pro-cessing reduces the incidence of these bacteria to about2 percent, they may multiply to about 6.8 percent duringthe storage period preceding consumption. The predominantstrain isolated was Proue r bi (51.7 pereent), pro-m~g human proveniene.. Includes 3 tables and 57 references.


BOGDANESCU, Viorica, Dr and RACOTA, R., Biologist. Workperformed at the Institute of Phthisiology (Institutul deFtiziologie), Bu'charest.

"The Effect of Salts Formed Following the Treatment ofPathologic Products on tho Development of Microbacteria inCulture Media."

Bucharest, Microbiologig, Parazitologia. Epidemiolo0ia,Vol 8, No 1, Jan-Feb 1963, pp 39-44.

Abstract: A research study to investigate the effective-ness of the usual method of treating products with 4 per-cent sodium hydroxide, in the light of recommendationsfor the use of potassium hydroxide. Also studies theeffect of salts formed by the neutralization of alkaliswith various acids on the growth of tuberculosis bacilli.

Includes 4 tables and 7 references.


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GRIGORE, R., Dr and TRIFANG., Dr. Work performed at the"-"Pechea" Hospital (Spitalul "Pechea"), Galati Raion andthe Galati Regiune Sanepid (Sanepidul Regional din Galati).

"LeptosDir2s hebdomadis in Galati Regiune."

Bucharest, Microbioloa. Parazitolo ia. Efideiolo 10±,Vol 8, No 1, Jan-Feb 1963, pp 45-46.

Abstract [Authors' English summary modified]: The authorsreport the first case of leptospirosis hebdomadis in Ga-lati Regiune. The clinical and epidiemological diagnosiswas based on hepatorenal involvement, fever, leucocytes,increased sedimentation rate aond a consideration of the

* patient's occupation; it was confirmed by the determi-nation of the serotype by means of the lysis agglutinationtest. It was not possible to establish the source of in-fection or the route of transmission by epidiemologicalsurveys.Includes 7 Rumanian references.

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CRISTEA, I., Dr, BARA, C., Dr, CERNI, I., Dr, and SECASIU,V., Dr. Work performed at the Regional Veterinary Labora-tory (Laboratorul Veterinar Regional), Sf. Gheorghe andat the Clinical Laboratory of the Unified Hospital of Sf.Gheorghe (Laboratorul Clinic al Spitalului Unificat dinSf. Gheorghe).

"Mixed Toxic Food Infection with Cl. botulinum and Cl.perfrinaens."

Bucharest, Microbolo0ia. Parazitologia, Eidemiologia,Vol 8, No 1, Jan-Feb 1963, pp 49-54.

Abstract [Authors' English summary modified]: Describes 19cases of mixed botulin-perfringens food poisoningoccurring after eating a pig's blood sausage conservedin jars filled with lard. The biochemical and pathogeniccharacteristics of the Cl. perfringens strain isolatedare described.

Includes 1 table and 18 Rumanian references.


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COSTIN, T.Dt, Dr. Work performed at the Regional SanepidLaboratory (laboratorul Sanepidului Regional), Banat.

"Pwily Stagyloaoocoal Poisoning with Pood Oontamiunated bya Nasal Gemi Carrier.

Buchaeast,' Yier -i io A lArag~tologi, .tdeiologia,Vol o8 N1 i, Jan-Feb 196.3, p 55-60.

Lbotract [Authov's English summary modified"* Describes3. cases of food poisoning caused by home-made sausages thathad. been contamdinated by the butcher who killed the pig*Th eaSme _0Oho Q aemovtic aue straih was1oolated nom-he butcMts nasal ade, the Bausages,and tae D pationt pathological products. The: strain was-_.;,Seif1ed am beloning to the Phage. II group.

mn 1udes 12 Westernt, Russiea, 12 Rumanian and 3the'• .ref er e.es.

.'.. ...... ...~t 4....... .n a. e

".rV._.,. A., DrR SIRUSIEVIOI, B., Dr and LUGHEL, I., Dr."W4ork performed at the 'RPR Institute of Hygiene and Public

Iteth (:n? titul de -giena si Sanatate Publica RPR),SQluj Branch. (Pi.iala Cluj) and at the Regional Sanepid• (3,aepida• R~eg•on"L ), tluj.

"Investigations of the Efficiency ot Incubatin EnrichedMedia at 43 DoFees Celsius with a View to tile Isolationof Salmonella.'

Buchareet, ic. o ± awo .logial 3idemiologia,Vol 8,Nao !, Jan-Feb 1963 pp 61-686

Abatraa (Authors' Englieh summary modifiedj: As part of asurvey for the detection of Salmonella carriers during anepidemic of ppx'aty'-hoid B fever in an endemic typhoid-pxaratyphoid region, 875 coprocultures azd 70 bile cultureswere effected. Both the enriched Kaufmann-Mueller mediumand an acid sodium eelenite medium were incubated at

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RUMANJIA -Bucharest; w=4Arobf~ioj2 "J 4 j"Vol at Nol, ,•t•rm-ro pp PP 6....00p

39 degrees Celsius and also at 43 dlgrees Colsiues, Inou-bation at 43 degrees led to a hi&ore proportion of positiveresults for 91-, .vaift Lv sa other S elaonllai

it had~~~~~ thI ti eeii~~n iotion of Saloonell•'L ~it had the &-oe- *-Utooy nthe doloots o z n3.la

carriers among former typhoid and parstyphoid patients asincubation at 39 degrees. Parallel coprocultures and bilecultures are reooomended, with inoubation of the media at37 degrees and 43 degrees Celsius*

Contains 3 tablso and 7 references, of which 2 arORumanian, 2 Russian, 2 British and. , oemano


8,IAHOV, B. N. of the Institute of Upidemiolo Microbic-logy and Hygione of Moldova (Institutul do Np•iemiologi#e,Microbiologoe si Igiena al Moldovei), Ohiinau, Moldavian88R.

"AntraxLu Skin rosts for the Doeostration of Allergy inSubjects Immunized by Various Methods Against Malignant.

Bucharoest, oVol 8,NO, •o-c 1 pp

Lb tAots Presents data on the reaction to antrauin ofpersons inoculated with various vaocines and by variousmethods# emphasiizng the dependence of the cutaneousallergic reaction on the dose and method of administrationof the vaccinee From the immunological point of viev,aerosol vaccination with doses of 6*vral million spores:is found to be the mostL effective*

Contains 2 tables and 19 Russian references*

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S3ABH3U, G., Dr and BRATESCO, G., Dr [affiliation not givenj

"Contribution of Russian Physicians to the Control of the1828-3829 Plague Epidemic in the Rumanian Principalities,"

Bucharest, MobiooIS- ZAsito~oi&.EDidemiOj9A.'to! 8, No 1, Jan-Feb 1963, pp 81-86.

AbSsrAot: An article reviewing the 1828-1829 pleguoutbreak and the efforts of Rumanian and Russian physi-cians to combat it.,


:EoNESCU, M.G., Dr and COMBI3SCU, C.N., Dr. Work performed

at the RumanianRailways Hospital No 2 (Spitalul CPR Nr 2).

"Quantitative Uroculture."

Bucharest, Mi robiologig, P s olosiao fidemiologia,7o1 8, No l, Jan-Feb 1963, pp 87-90.

iLbst: Describes a new method for quantitative uro-0aulture, which is superior to the classical methods inthe sense that it can differentiate better between po-aitive, false positive, and negative cultures. Themethod is simple and does not require excessive amountsof culture media or any materials that are hard to obtain.The complete results can be obtained in 48 hours, as withthe classic methods, and are easily interpretable byclinicians.

Includes 2 tables and 8 Western references.

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TOPCIUt Aurioat, Drt, TRODORESCU G., Oheoist and DRAGHICI,M*., Technidian. Work performed at the Section of theMAiorobe Physiology (Sectia de Pisioloie Mioobiana)the Pathogenic Cocci Section (Seotia Cooil Patogeni) of the"Dr. I Cantacu•ino" Institute (Institutul Dr. I. Cantaou-sino"), Bucharest.

"A New Medium for the Cultivation of Menineocooci,"

Bucharest, grobiologia. ZaXagjtqoloia. ftdem12&oW&PVol 8, No It Jan-Fab 1963, pp 91-94.

SAbstracts Describes the materials and methods used forthe preparation of a new culture medium for meningocooclthat also proved useful for the isolation of strains. Itcontains corn# glucose and agar extracts and, for moredifficultly cultivable strains such as t ype I (628), typeA Pasteur (52,136) and, type A Pasteur (52,437), defiri-nated s•e'a blood* It ij easily prg eje anj 20. tendS•, •eape thW the media usee so aa" tn~~e able and_

S.apr10 references.


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GLIGOR, V., Prof Dr, NED3LNIUC, V., Veterinarianand Col-laborators of the Institue of Zootechnical Research (Ins-titutul de Cercetar* Zootehnioe)

"Use of Stimulators in the Growth and Fattening of YoungSheep."

Bucharest, Revisla de Zoo0tenie si Aidiuina Veterinara.Vol 13, No 2, Fab 1963'pp 5-24.

Abstract (Authors' ,nglish summary modified]," This Ls" a report on a comparative study of the influence of

stimulants (surgical castration, methyl thiouracilý sin-tofolin, insulin and tissular gall-bladder extractS onthe growth and fattening processes in young sheep. Sixlots (5 experimental and one control) of each 10 head of4-month old Palas Merino male sheep were used. Duringthe experimental period, from July .20 to October 27, theanimals were kept indoors and the conditions of feeding


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Bucharest, Revlsta .d Zoote&nie si Medician Veterinara,Vol 13, No 2, Feb 1963, pp 5-24.

and care were the same for all lots. Determinations weremade of: increase in weight, fodder consumption, diges-tion of the food, nitrogen balance, glycemia, creatinuria,blood serum index, breathing changes and energy metabolismat rest, yield when slaughtered, chemical composition ofmeat and fat, and histological structure of the testicles.It was concluded that doses of 5 co of tissue extract peranimal at 10 day intervals resulted in the greatest gainof body weight (25.78%1 and at the same time improvedthe quality of the meat and especially of the fat.

Contains 15 tables and 30 references, of which5 German, 4 Russian, 7 Western and 14 Rumanian.


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BISTRICANA O, C.En gineer, of the Animal Raisng Sectionof the Higher Council of Agriculture (Seotia Oreeterii Ani-malelor din Consiliul Superior al Agriotulturil)

"Recovery of Natural Pastures and Meadows."

Bucharest, Reoedecina Veter±axVol 13, No 2, Feb 1963, pp.25-3.

Abstract: Emphasizes that regeneraticn measures areapplied in a differentiated manner dependint on the pedo-climatic conditions and the relief. Details varioustechniques to be used and the yields that may be expec-ted on the plains and the hilly or mountainous areas.

Includes 8 tables.

. . . . .. .. . ... .. .

VARGA, P., Rng, Candidate in Agricultural Sciences (Can-didat in StiinteAgricole), KRLLNRM BE., Dg and NICULBSCU,M. Eg of the Research Institute for Cereals and IndustrialPlants (Institutul de Cercetari pentru Cereale si PlanteTehnice).

"The Possibility of Increasing Fodder Production."

Bucharest, Revinja de Zoo0ehni0 ni Xedea VeUern. 9Vol 13, No 2, Feb 1963 ,pp 34-40.

Abstracta Describes the principal problems relating to theingreaslng of fodder production, such as the oulti-vation of fodder plants with high productivityp theextension of irrigated fodder cultivation, and the useof double cultivation through a differentiated applicationof agrotechnioal measures.

Includes 1 table.


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CIOLA, .,Dr of the Zootechnical Research Institute(Institutul do Cesrcetari Zootohnice)

"Early Births, an Important Means of Increasing Sheep Rais-• ing Productivity,"

"Bucharest, R v sta de Zotehni si Medeoina VeterjampVol 13#,No 2, Feb 1963, pp 41-45s

Abstract: Describes the results obtained in various stateand collective farms with earlier mating and births, poin-ting, out that this in an efficient means for increasing The-stock, raising the profitability and productivity ofsheep with fine or semi-fine wool, and strengthening thevitality of the animals. It is recommended that earlybirths be extended to all farms with adequate wintershelter and food supplies.

Includes 4 tables.

ROBU, V., kg of the Cobadin State Farm (GospodariaAgricola de Stat Gobadin).

"How Early Births Were Prepared at the Cobadin State Farm."

Bucharest, Revist& de Zootehnie '2 Medeoln VeteriaRa,Vol 13, No 2, Feb 1963, pp 46-49.

Abstract: Describes the experiences of this state farmin its program for early births of sheept and the effectof the technique with regard to increasing the stockand economic wealth of the farm.

Ancludes 2 tables.


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R11."l I A

1 SA CU . 1 -. Dr of the Ve enr!a i.s-pec-eoate of the. . .. .

1,igher Council of Agriculture (Insectia Veterinara dinConsiliul Superior al A4:'riculturii).

"I" lethods Used in the Prevention and -ontrol of Pork Pestand Its Current Status in Rumania."

Bulucharest, Revista de Zootehnie si ý.Iedecina Veterinara.Vol 13, ',o 2, Feb 1963, pp 50-54.

Abotract: _;escribes the methods used durinC the past15 years, with emphasis on the current measures involvingsuch z:odif ications as the aunlication of inactivated vac-cines in half-doses repeated in 7 to 14 days for thevaccination of youne: piglets, the use of pork-pest virus-that has been passed through rabbits simultaneously with1 "nti-pest serum, the anti-pest -,accination of reproductionr1.ows, etc.

-f --- --- --- --- --- --- ---$

.. 'vI.MGA, •. 1ý ., Dr of the "Pasteur" Veterinary and BioloE.:i-

cal Products Research Institute (Institutul de CercetariVeterinare si Biopreparate "Pasteur.")

"Some Data on hodular Cattle Dermatitis."

Bucharest, Revita de Zootehnie si 'Pledecina Veterinara,Vol 13, No 2, Feb %163, pp 55-60.

Abstract i Author's English suunary Maodifiedj: N6dulardFSmaTis in cattle was diagnosed in Rumania by meansof the characteristic skin lesions, bacterioscopic exa-mination and, in one unit, histopathological examination.The afflicted animals reacted to tuberculin. Where thesimultaneous tuberculination test was used, the reactionwas greater to mammal type tuberculin than to the birdtype, usually by 2 to 4 mm, in most cases; however, insome cases the two reactions were equal or were greaterfor the bird-type tuberculin.

L/1 Contains 8 figures and 9 references, of which 6 Rum,

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OMBCSC~t5 A., 0Dr o~f the Regional Veterinary Laboratory (La-boratoriul Veterinar Regioaal), Botosani and BODNARU, I., Dr-of -he Veterin.ary District No I (Circumecriptia Veterinra0L), BotfoorVd.

"Taratme,.t of Ricketteian Keratoconjunctivitis in CattleWith, Aureocyelizi."

Buchareet, dg Zootehnhae ,i Medeclna Veterina'a,Vo NO Pe 192~EU63f pp 61-65*

.I Ab-tract fAuthor's English summary modified]: The tetra-I Mir edzert a rioe, atsi&Statjc action 4- on Rioket-ti•- Oo.junctivae bovis and constitute teho-ice treatmentto replace the multitude of symptomatic treatments pr*-vio'Aily used. The authors recommend 1/30 aureocyolinointmentt nrepared with equal parts of vaseline and lano-2. iz. ( this amxture favors the spreading of the ointmenton the whole conjunctiva and on the surface of the eye-ball, thia a.llowirg a more complete penetration becauseSt 2•,: o in is miscible with the water end serosities)e The

- --- --- --- ---I

Buchsrest, _evista de Zootehnie as Medje.c . VeterinsatV.O .1"3't V' 2o Feb 1963t pp 6-65,.

oirtlment ebould not be more than 24 hours old. This oint-ment is 4iasier to apply than the collyria one, lasts longera.d Is abeorbed more gradually; it is also not so rapidlyeliminatfid 'by acle.rimal secretions.

Contains 6 Rumanian references*


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p" NTCOLESCI, A.... A Dr of the Regional Health-Veterinary Labora-tory of Arges (Laboratorul Sanitar-Veterinar Regional Arges). .

"Results in the Treatment of Rickettsian Xeratoconjuncti-vitis in Calves."

Bucharest, Revista de Zootehnie Si Fledecina Veterinera,Vol 13, No 2, Feb 1963, pp 66.

Abstract: Reports that, with the exception of older cattle,treatment with 3-percent aureomycin ointment vith prmntosilor penicillin instillations applied alternativley at one-dayintervals or consecutively for a oeriod of 5 to 10 dayswas successful in 90 to 95 percent of cases.


- - - - - - - -n - -n - -n - -n- -n- -n- -n- -n- - -n n -n n -n n-n n-n n-n

SIMION, M. De., Veterinarian, of the "Pasteur" Veterinaryand Biological Products Research Institute (Institutul deCercetari Veteriiare si. Biopreparate "Pasteur"), Bucharest.

"Effect of Some Vaccinations on Sheep During the LactationPeriod."

Bucharest, Revista de Zootehnie si Medecina Veterinara.Vol 13, No 2, Feb 1963, pp 67-69.

Abstract: Emphasizes the importance of vaccinating sheepagainst gangrenous "mamite" and *contageous agalactia,which in most cases appear at the beginning of the lac-tation period. &dvises vaccination before birth of theyoung to avoid the lowering of milk production associatedwith vaccination, namely 20 to 30 percent for 3 to 4 daysfor gangrenous "mamite" and 10 to 13 percent for 2 daysfor agalactia.

Contains 2 graphs.


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(AROU.N.LADAT, ,F Dr of the 1g. Be f eso Hea1*h-VeterinawyDistriot (Circ'utasriptia. Banitar-;Veterinara UTg., -Bequ*and nA C., Veteriw, ian of the !g. 5eeuese iAseo-jLonul TE. Beo~eeo).

"An huootiaal fou of Mamma Variole, in Coe."

Vol 13,Njo 2v Feb I96ý, pp 70-71

Abt~Oi~ 4sauseee the mmnifeatationu, treatment and,17Ik•is of the disease on the basis of the experience

of the " agule . Rosu" collective farm where 67 of 74cows were affected.


IFTIOVICI, 1R.., Veterinarian [affiliation not tiveo]

"Problem of. lufacted Nucleic Acids in the Biology ofVirusee."

.Sucharejt 12_eAa .. g e g .edeeU& XeneilosVol 1 N•o 2t, Feb 1963# pp 72-75.

•p A review article on the matrix phenomenonVOIrffi ~ur* nucleic acids extracted -from animal andhuman viruses reproduce the respective infeotion inboth tissue clltivatione and experimental animals.'

Includes 2 Eiglish, 2 Russian and 4 thimanianref'erences.

S_ -

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tRA0HIOCI D.o Veterinarian of the *Pasteur* Veterinary andBiologicai Produocs Reeaproh Institute (nstitutul de Oe'rce-tar£ Vteerinare sl Bioprepswamt "ateun"),.

"wThe Moscov Disoussuons on the Coordination of the oleainti-fie Investigations of B erkAolosls, Pork Post, and of PorkGrippe and Viruas Pzosimo~a"Buoha aitem,V61 1% No ,prb150 p7-9

Abft c3 Revievw the prooeedi•gs of the Conferenoe thattoo Y- ee on 25 to 30 Junoe 1962 at the Union Institutefor Experimental Veteriary Medicine of MSosoov under thea&tpios* of the Toohnioal-Seientif4c Direotorati forCollaboration vith Foreijn Countries of the USSR Minintl7of Agrioulture. he oCon•orenoeo am attended bY delegateL

from Bulgra Hungax't last Geomany, Otter Mongolia#Poland#, Rw , the o S1 and oseohoulovakia.

S.N, . "T

102., -080O. 2000-1
