Uncertainty Analysis in Ship Performance Monitoring 2014 1 Uncertainty Analysis in Ship Performance Monitoring L. Aldous a , T. Smith b , R. Bucknall c and P. Thompson d a,b Energy Institute, University College London, 14 Upper Woburn Place, London, WC1H 0NN, UK c Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College London, Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7JE, UK d BMT Group Ltd, Goodrich House, 1 Waldegrave Road, Teddington, TW11 8LZ, UK Corresponding author: L. Aldous, email a [email protected], phone number +44 (0)7887 441349 Keywords: Uncertainty, Noon report, Ship performance, Measurement, Monte Carlo, Continuous monitoring 1 Abstract There are increasing economic and environmental incentives for ship owners and operators to develop tools to optimise operational decisions, particularly with the aim of reducing fuel consumption and/or maximising profit. Examples include real time operational optimisation (e.g. ship speed and route choice), maintenance triggers and evaluating technological interventions. Performance monitoring is also relevant to fault analysis, charter party analysis, vessel benchmarking and to better inform policy decision making. The ship onboard systems (propulsion, power generation etc.) and the systems in which it operates are complex and it’s common for data modelling and analysis techniques to be employed to help extract trends. All datasets and modelling procedures have an inherent uncertainty and to aid the decision maker, the uncertainty can be quantified in order to fully understand the economic risk of a decision, if this risk is deemed unacceptable then it makes sense to re-evaluate investment in data quality and data analysis techniques. This paper details and categorises the relevant sources of uncertainty in performance measurement data, and presents a method to quantify the overall uncertainty in a ship performance indicator based on the framework of the “Guide to Uncertainty in Measurement using Monte Carlo Methods”. The method involves a simulation of a ship’s operational profile and performance and is validated using 4 datasets of measurements of performance collected from onboard in-service ships. A sensitivity analysis conducted on the sources of uncertainty highlight the relative importance of each. The two major data acquisition strategies, continuous monitoring (CM) and noon reported (NR), are compared. Abbreviations CM: Continuous Monitoring NR: Noon Reports

Uncertainty Analysis in Ship Performance Monitoring Draft Under Review

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Uncertainty Analysis in Ship Performance Monitoring Draft Under Review

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  • Uncertainty Analysis in Ship Performance Monitoring 2014


    Uncertainty Analysis in Ship Performance Monitoring

    L. Aldousa, T. Smithb, R. Bucknallc and P. Thompsond

    a,b Energy Institute, University College London, 14 Upper Woburn Place, London, WC1H 0NN, UK c Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College London, Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7JE, UK d BMT Group Ltd, Goodrich House, 1 Waldegrave Road, Teddington, TW11 8LZ, UK Corresponding author: L. Aldous, email [email protected], phone number +44 (0)7887 441349 Keywords: Uncertainty, Noon report, Ship performance, Measurement, Monte Carlo, Continuous monitoring 1 Abstract

    There are increasing economic and environmental incentives for ship owners and operators to develop tools to optimise operational decisions, particularly with the aim of reducing fuel consumption and/or maximising profit. Examples include real time operational optimisation (e.g. ship speed and route choice), maintenance triggers and evaluating technological interventions. Performance monitoring is also relevant to fault analysis, charter party analysis, vessel benchmarking and to better inform policy decision making. The ship onboard systems (propulsion, power generation etc.) and the systems in which it operates are complex and its common for data modelling and analysis techniques to be employed to help extract trends. All datasets and modelling procedures have an inherent uncertainty and to aid the decision maker, the uncertainty can be quantified in order to fully understand the economic risk of a decision, if this risk is deemed unacceptable then it makes sense to re-evaluate investment in data quality and data analysis techniques. This paper details and categorises the relevant sources of uncertainty in performance measurement data, and presents a method to quantify the overall uncertainty in a ship performance indicator based on the framework of the Guide to Uncertainty in Measurement using Monte Carlo Methods. The method involves a simulation of a ships operational profile and performance and is validated using 4 datasets of measurements of performance collected from onboard in-service ships. A sensitivity analysis conducted on the sources of uncertainty highlight the relative importance of each. The two major data acquisition strategies, continuous monitoring (CM) and noon reported (NR), are compared.

    Abbreviations CM: Continuous Monitoring NR: Noon Reports

  • Uncertainty Analysis in Ship Performance Monitoring 2014


    1. Introduction

    Ship operational performance is a complex subject, not least because of the various systems and their interactions in which a ship operates, the major factors are presented in Figure 1. At the ship level the ship design, machinery configurations and their efficiencies determine the onboard mechanical, thermal and electrical energy flows which, despite automation built in to the configuration mode settings at the ship design phase, there is still an appreciable level of human interaction during day to day operations. The environmental conditions (sea state, wind speed, sea/air temperature etc.) are dynamic, unpredictable and complicated to quantify, due in part to the characteristics of the turbulent flow fields by which they are determined. These environmental conditions exert an influence on the ships resistance and therefore the ship power requirements in differing relative quantities. The rate of deterioration in ship performance (engine, hull and propeller) is dependent on a vast array of variables; including the quality and type of hull coating and the frequency of hull and propeller cleaning which are also dependent on the ocean currents, temperature and salinity in which the ship operates. Further, the shipping industry operates in an economic sphere in which the global consumption of goods and global energy demand, and conditions in the various shipping markets determine operating profiles, costs and prices (see for example Lindstad (2013) which also explores environmental effects). In addition, technological investment, fuel efficiency and savings are complicated by the interactions between ship owner-charterer-manager [Agnolucci (2014)].

    Figure 1: Ship performance influential factors

    Data collection, either through daily noon reporting procedures or high frequency, automatic data acquisition systems, and data processing techniques such as filtering and/or modelling have so far proven to be useful tools in capturing and quantifying some of the intricacies and nuances of these interactions to better understand the consequences of operational decisions. These datasets and modelling outputs are applied in areas such as real time operational optimisation including trim adjustments, maintenance triggers, predicting and evaluating the performance of new technologies or interventions,

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    particularly for cost benefit analysis, fault analysis, charter party analysis, vessel benchmarking and to better inform policy decision making.

    The need to conduct uncertainty analysis is linked to the amplitude of the noise or scatter in the data relative to the underlying, longer term trends that are to be extracted. The ship system interactions give rise to scatter in the data, not only from inherent sensor precision but also from unobservable and/or unmeasurable variables. According to the central limit theorem (assuming independent, identical distributions), over time the scatter will tend to a normal distribution with zero mean. This time period is dependent on the data acquisition and processing strategy; the temporal resolution of sensors and data collection frequency, the sensor precisions and human interactions in the collection process and the modelling or filtering methods all play a part. There are also uncertainties in the data that will introduce a potentially significant bias in the results and this too needs to be understood and evaluated. The magnitude of the underlying trends to be identified are a function of the modelling application; for evaluating the performance of new technologies the signal delta, i.e. the improvement in ship performance, may be a step change of the order of 1-3% (as in the case of propeller boss cap fins) or up to 10-15% as in the case of hull cleaning or new coating applications where analysis of trends in the time domain is also necessary. Therefore, the required measurement uncertainty depends on the application and this drives the desired acquisition strategy which is of course constrained by costs; economic, time and resources.

    Acquisition strategies are broadly separated into two dominant dataset types. Noon report (NR) datasets are coarse but cheap to compile and readily available since they are currently in widespread use across the global fleet. The frequency of recording is once every 24 hours (time zone changes allowing) and the fields reported are limited, generally included as a minimum are ship speed and position, fuel consumption, shaft rotational speed, wind speed derived Beaufort number, date/time and draught. Given the economic and regulatory climate there has been a shift towards more complete, automatic measurement systems referred to in this paper as continuous monitoring (CM) systems. The uptake of these has been limited by installation costs in service while improved data accuracy, speed of acquisition, high sampling frequency (5minutes) and repeatability are cited as the key drivers. All datasets and modelling procedures have an inherent uncertainty associated and as a prerequisite the uncertainty must be quantified in order to fully understand the economic risk of the decision. The benefit of reducing uncertainty is a function of the uncertainty of the data relative to the change in ship performance, the former depends on the data acquisition strategy (noon reports vs continuous monitoring, for example) and the latter depends on the application (the technological / operational decision being made) and the cost-benefit of both determine the overall economic risk of the decision. If the economic risk is deemed unacceptable then it makes sense to re-evaluate investment in data quality and data analysis techniques.

    The uncertainty is also important because of the risks and costs that are associated with the decision derived from the measured ships performance. The desire to quantify these (in other industries) has led to the field of research into methods for risk based decision making. The application of these methods to the shipping industry is also important, for example, measurement and verification is cited as a key barrier to market uptake in fuel efficient technologies and retrofit. In order to secure capital, investment projects must be

  • Uncertainty Analysis in Ship Performance Monitoring 2014


    expected to yield a return in excess of some pre-defined minimum [Stulgis (2014)]. Weighing the economic risk of capital investment against the certainty of the effectiveness of a fuel efficient technology is therefore key. A study of the sensitivities of the uncertainty in the ship performance measurement is pertinent to inform where resources can be invested most effectively in order to reduce the overall uncertainty to the desired level; is the cost of obtaining additional information outweighed by the value of the improvement in the model from which the performance estimate is derived? [Loucks (2005)]. It is of course not just financial but legislative drivers that are significant in the uptake of fuel efficient technologies and modelling ship performance in this case is also important in order to establish if new policies have been effective either from a fleet wide or total global emissions perspective.

    An overview of uncertainty analysis methods and their application to ship performance measurement uncertainty is described in section 2. This paper is based on a similar framework but also employs an underlying time domain algorithm to simulate the ships operational profile and performance trends in order to propagate the errors through the model by Monte Carlo simulation. Section 3 presents a brief overview of ship performance methods and introduces the ship performance indicator used in this study, the sources of uncertainty in this measurement are then detailed and quantified in section 5. This method is validated using data from 4 ships; 1 continuous monitoring dataset and 3 noon report datasets, the validation results are presented in section 5.4. A sensitivity analysis is employed in section 7 to examine the effect of sensor characteristics and data acquisition sampling frequencies on the performance indicator uncertainty given the length of the performance evaluation period. Different acquisition strategies (based broadly on noon reporting and continuous monitoring acquisition strategies) are then compared. The type of data processing has also been considered and while this paper focuses on a basic ship model using filtered data, there is ongoing work that explores how the uncertainty may be reduced by using a ship performance model (normalising approach). Sections 8 and 9 present the results, discussion and conclusions.

    2. Uncertainty Analysis Methodology

    The aim of an uncertainty analysis is to describe the range of potential outputs of the system at some probability level, or to estimate the probability that the output will exceed a specific thresholds or performance measure target value [Loucks (2005)]. The main aim in the uncertainty analysis deployed in the quantification of performance trends is to estimate the parameters of the output distribution and to conduct a sensitivity analysis to estimate the relative impact of input uncertainties.

    Uncertainty analysis methods have evolved in various ways depending on the specific nuances of the field in which they are applied. However, a key document in the area of uncertainty evaluation is the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM) [JCGM100:2008 (2008)] which provides a procedure adopted by many bodies [Cox (2006)]. The methods of each adaptation essentially distil to that of the original GUM framework;

    1. Identify each uncertainty source and classify

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    2. Assign probability distributions and their parameters 3. Propagate the errors through the linearised model (also known as the data reduction

    equations (DRE) or transfer function) 4. Formulate the output distribution of the result and report overall uncertainty

    The GUM framework is itself derived in part from the work of Coleman (1990). The nomenclature and definitions of Coleman and Steele are consistent with those of the ANSI/ASME standard on measurement uncertainty; precision error is the random component of the total error, sometimes called the repeatability error, it will have a different value for each measurement, it may arise from unpredictable or stochastic temporal and spatial variations of influence quantities, these being due to limitations in the repeatability of the measurement system and to facility (equipment / laboratory) and environmental effects. The bias error does not contribute to scatter in the data but is the fixed, systematic or constant component of the total error; in a deterministic study it is the same for each measurement. Both types of evaluation are based on probability distributions.

    The GUM specifies three methods of propagation of distributions:

    a. The GUM uncertainty framework, constituting the application of the law of propagation of uncertainty

    b. Monte Carlo (MC) methods c. Analytical methods

    The analytical method gives accurate results involving no approximations however it is only valid in the simplest of cases while methods a. and b. involve approximations. The GUM framework is valid if the model is linearised and the input probability distribution functions (pdfs) are Gaussian, this is the framework followed by the AIAA guidelines [AIAA (1999)] and the ITTC guide to uncertainty in hydrodynamic experiments (ITTC 2008) of which relevant examples include applications to water jet propulsion tests (ITTC 2011) and resistance experiments (ITTC 2008) and (Longo 2005). If the assumptions of model linearity and Gaussian input pdfs are violated or if these conditions are questionable then the MC method can generally be expected to lead to a valid uncertainty statement that is relatively straightforward to find. The Monte Carlo method was applied in the shipping industry by Insel (2008) in sea trial uncertainty analysis. A further advantage of the MC method is that a more insightful numerical representation of the output is obtained which is not restricted to a Gaussian pdf. Taking into account the different methods that can be applied in the case of ship performance analysis, the nature of the data available and the uncertainties associated with that data (both aleatory and epistemic), this paper follows the GUM approach and the errors are propagated through the model using the MCM. Instrument precision is evaluated from repeated random sampling of a representative pdf and instrument bias / drift is evaluated by elementary interval analysis with deterministic bounds. An output distribution is formed at each time step and the overall precision is based on the distribution of the coefficient of a linear regression of the performance indicator trend over repeated simulations. Further details of the method can be found in section 4.

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    3. Ship Performance Methods

    One aim of ship performance monitoring is to quantify the principal speed/power/fuel losses that result from the in-service deterioration (hull, propeller and engine). A performance indicator may be defined to identify these performance trends; performance is the useful output per unit of input. For a ship the most relevant unit of input is the fuel consumption. Sometimes, its useful to isolate the performance of the hull and propeller from that of the engine, in which case it is the shaft power that becomes the input to the performance indicator estimation. The most aggregate unit of output is transport supply, which for constant deadweight capacity and utilisation, ultimately comes down to the ships speed. One of the most basic methods to extract this information is to control all other influential variables (weather, draught, trim, water depth etc.) by filtering the dataset. An alternative method is to normalise each influential variable to a baseline by employing a model that quantifies the ships power/fuel for all environmental / operating conditions.

    The main problem of normalising is that the model used for the corrections may lead to uncertainties that arise from incorrect model functional form (or model parameters, depending on the training / calibration dataset integrity) due to either omitted variables or unknown effects. Instrument uncertainty also becomes important for all the input variables to the correction algorithm. On the other hand, from a richer dataset trends may be derived that have a more comprehensive physical significance and a larger dataset also reduces the uncertainty making the results applicable to both short and long term analysis. The filtering approach is easy to implement and interpret however filtering data removes many observations and the analysis must be done over a longer time period in order to collect adequate volumes to infer statistically significant results and to reduce the uncertainty to a level appropriate to the application. There is therefore a trade-off between uncertainty introduced due to the model form and the then required additional instrument uncertainty and the uncertainty arising from a reduced sample size, this is the focus of ongoing work. In this study the influential effects are controlled for by applying a filtering algorithm and the correction model in the simulation is therefore a function of ship speed and draft. A cubic speed-power relationship is assumed (ideally this would be sought from sea trials) and the admiralty formula is used to correct for draught, a simple linear relationship between displacement and draught is assumed.

    4. Method

    The simulation of the performance indicator is based on the difference between the expected power and the measured power. The measured power is equal to the expected power plus some linearly incremented power increase over time to simulate the effect of ship degradation (hull / propeller), the simulation also allows for the inclusion of some instrument error (precision, drift and bias) and model error. A sampling algorithm is able to simulate the effect of sample averaging frequency and the change in the number of observations. Further details regarding the nature and magnitude of these data acquisition variables are provided in sections 5, 6 and 7.

    The method is summarised by the following steps (Figure 2):

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    1. Identify sources of uncertainty (instrument / model) and assign pdfs 2. Actual Power, Ptrue,i: Define underlying ship performance (the truth) at the

    maximum temporal resolution; a. Operating profile: The ships loading condition is assumed to be 50% loaded

    and 50% ballast, the ships voyage speed variability is represented by a Weibull distribution.

    b. Environmental effects: The effect of small changes in the weather (within the 0 < BF < 4 filtering criteria) is allowed for by the inclusion of some daily speed variability, assumed to be normally distributed. This also includes other small fluctuations that may not be filtered for (acceleration for example)

    c. Time dependent degradation: Assumed to be linear with time (power increases ~5% per year) and independent of ship speed and draught, the ships speed decreases to simulate constant power operation

    3. Average actual power / speed / draught according to averaging frequency, fave 4. Measured Power, Pmeas,i: Add instrument uncertainties to Ptrue as random samples

    from pdfs assigned in step 1. 5. Expected Power, Pexp,i: Reverse calculate from measured power using the same

    model as in step 2 (assuming no degradation), add model uncertainty as random samples from pdfs assigned in step 1

    6. Percent change in Power, %Pi : 100(Pmeas,i - Pexp,i)/ Pexp,i 7. Repeat 4 to 6 n1 times at each time step to define the parameters, mean and

    standard error (!,si), of the pdf for %Pi at each time step 8. Randomly sample from each %Pi for the evaluation period length, teval and

    according to the number of observations, N, and calculate overall %P by linearly regressing %P on time and finding %P at time = teval,end

    9. Repeat step 8 n2 times to find the distribution parameters of the result, precision is twice the standard error (95% CI), the effect of bias is indicated by a change in the mean.

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    Figure 2: Diagrammatic presentation of the method

    5. Sources of Uncertainty in Ship Performance Monitoring

    There are many different classification structures for the sources of uncertainty proposed in the literature, different both between industries to incorporate field specific nuances field and also within industries according to the specific application. Figure 3 outlines the key sources of uncertainty relating to ship performance monitoring.

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    Figure 3: Source of uncertainty in ship performance monitoring

    The sources of uncertainty presented in Figure 3 are discussed in detail in the sections that follow. Table 1 presents the relevant data acquisition variables (pdf and sampling algorithm parameters) input to the MC simulation and which are categorised as two different data acquisition strategies; noon reports (NR) and continuous monitoring (CM).

    DAQ decision variable Baseline input, NR

    Baseline input, CM

    Evaluation Period teval, days 90 270 90 270 Number of observations, N 24 72 2160 6480 Shaft power / FC sensor precision (1), % 5.00 0.51 Ship speed (STW) sensor precision (1), % 1.00 1.00 Draught sensor precision (1), m 1.00 1 Averaging frequency, fave samples/day 1.00 96 Daily speed variability, % 1.74 1.74 Model precision error, % 9.00 9 Table 1: Continuous monitoring and noon report data inputs

    5.1 Sampling

    Sampling error arises from the fact that a finite sample is taken from an infinite temporal population and because variable factors are averaged between samples. Both of these effects are investigated through a sampling algorithm that samples from the underlying ship performance simulation which is based on a maximum temporal resolution of 4 samples per hour.

    The number of observations in Table 1 are based on a sample rate which is, realistically, less than the sample averaging frequency because of periods when the ship is at anchor,

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    manoeuvring, waiting or in port and because of the filtering criteria. The days spent at sea depends on ship type and size, figures from the latest IMO GHG study (Smith 2014) show that for 2012 the average number of days at sea for all sizes of tankers, bulk carriers, containers and general cargo ships was 53%. This is similar to the results found from the 397 day CM dataset analysed in this study (51.5% at sea days), the results of which are presented in Table 2.

    Number of Observations % of All All data, 397 days 38112 100.0 At sea data 19618 51.5 Wind < BF 4 12799 33.6 Inliers 12798 33.6 Water depth > min* 9570 25.1 Table 2: Effect of filtering on the number of observations of a CM dataset. *See equation [1]

    The proportion of the results that are removed due to filtering depends on the environmental / operational conditions. From the CM dataset used in this study, after filtering, 25% of the observations for use in the ship performance quantification remained. The NR datasets that were used in this study showed a high variation in the data filtered for environmental conditions with 50% being the average, meaning that of the possible number of samples 26.5% were used in the ship performance quantification (generally NR data is only recorded while at sea).

    The averaging frequency is either equal to the underlying temporal resolution of the true ship performance parameters (96/day) as in the CM baseline, or 96 samples are averaged for a daily frequency (NR baseline). To simulate the effect of daily averaging of noon reported variables, a daily speed variability is included at a level of 1.74% of the ships speed. This was the outcome (median) of a study of the CM dataset covering a 396 day time period after filtering for outliers and wind speed > BF 4 (not sea water depth since this data is not generally recorded in the NR data) . The variability is due to the effects of ship accelerations, rudder angle alterations, wind speed fluctuations within 0 < BF < 4 range, and crew behaviour patterns (slow steaming at night for example), which arent included in the ship performance model or cant be filtered out in the NR data set. The variability is introduced into the simulation through the addition of normally distributed noise to the underlying true ship speed. The effect of averaging daily draught variability (i.e. due to intentional changes in trim or due to influences on trim due to fuel consumption) is not included but assumed to be negligible.

    The number of observations is also affected by the evaluation period length and the sensitivities of the overall uncertainty to this are investigated by evaluating both 90 day and 270 day periods. There is seen in some datasets the effect of seasonality, whereby weather fluctuations (even within the BF filtering criteria) cause discontinuities in the measured power and therefore a minimum of one years data collection is required. The presence of this is dependent on the cyclic nature and the global location of the ships operations and is difficult to generalise, it is therefore not included in this analysis.

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    5.2 Instrument Uncertainty

    Instrument uncertainties arise from variations attributable to the basic properties of the measurement system, these properties widely recognised among practitioners are repeatability, reproducibility, linearity, bias, stability (absence of drift), consistency, and resolution (ASTM 2011). Since the truth is unknown then bias, and by extension drift (change in bias over time), are epistemic uncertainties, and are assumed to be zero for all measurements in the baseline. Their effect on the overall uncertainty is investigated in the sensitivity analysis by an elementary interval analysis.

    Some manufacturers quote sensor precisions and/or accuracy which are assumed to reflect manufacturing tolerances, however these are not well documented or publicly available and also they are more likely to quote sensor repeatability calculated under laboratory conditions (same measurement system, operator, equipment) or reproducibility (different operator) and therefore likely to under estimate the actual precision in service conditions where different operators, equipment/facility and measurement system may increase the overall precision. Quoted shaft power sensor accuracies range from 0.25% (Seatechnik, http://www.seatechnik.com/) to 0.1% Datum Electronics (http://www.datum-electronics.co.uk/). The IMO resolution Performance Standards for Devices to Indicate Speed and Distance (IMO 1995) stipulate that errors in the indicated speed, when the ship is operating free from shallow water effect and from the effects of wind, current and tide, should not exceed 2% of the speed of the ship, or 0.2knots, whichever is greater. The shaft power in the CM is the addition by quadrature of an RPM sensor error of 0.1% (1) and a torque sensor error of 0.5% (1). Discussions with industry experts and experience of ship performance datasets suggest that the instrument precisions quoted in Table 1 are appropriate, however they are estimates and the sensitivity of the performance indicator to changes in these is explored in section 7. All sensors are assumed to be consistent during the simulation (no change in repeatability over time) and linear (absence of change in bias over the operating range of the measurement instrument). Sensor resolution is assumed to be reflected in the quoted sensor precision and not a restricting factor in the uncertainty of ship performance measurement.

    In the NR dataset, fuel consumption is generally recorded rather than shaft power; fuel flow meter accuracy ranges between 0.05 per cent and 3 per cent depending on the type, the manufacturer, the flow characteristics and the installation. Fuel readings by tank soundings are estimated to have an accuracy of 2-5% [Faber (2013)]. This uncertainty estimate does not include however additional uncertainties associated with the fuel consumption, for example fuel oil quality variation (grade and calorific value), pulsations in the circulation system, back flushing filters, the effect of cat-fine, waste sludge from onboard processing and inaccuracies in ullage measurements due to weather, fuel temperature etc. The use of fuel consumption as a proxy for shaft power is included by assuming a power sensor precision of 5% for the NR strategy.

    The draught uncertainty associated with draught gauges is of the order 0.1m, in noon report entries the draught marks at the perpendiculars may be read by eye and, depending on sea conditions, a reading error of 2 cm can be assumed (Insel 2008). However, noon report entries are often not altered during the voyage to record variability due to trim

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    and/or the reduction in fuel consumption and therefore a greater 1.0 m uncertainty is assumed. Often the draught field in CM datasets is manually input and therefore the same uncertainty applies.

    5.3 Model Uncertainty

    The model parameter uncertainty depends on whether a filtered or normalised (corrected by modelling interactions between variables) dataset is used to calculate the performance indicator.

    For a normalised dataset, model parameters and model form may be based on theoretical or statistical models, both of which have associated uncertainties. For example, the speed-power relationship is often approximated to a cubic however in reality the speed exponent may for example be between 3.2, for low speed ships such as tankers and bulk carriers, and 4.0 for high speed ships such as container vessels (MAN 2011). In a statistical ship performance model, the model parameter uncertainty is a result of the sampling error that occurs during the calibration/reference period. From this period a training dataset captures the ship performance in terms of a larger array of influential environmental/operational factors and the correction model is defined. Therefore some sampling error exists because the training dataset is a finite sample taken from an infinite temporal population, the instrument uncertainty discussed in the previous section will also be present in the training dataset. Model form uncertainty may arise because the variation in the data during the reference period is insufficient to capture the interaction between variables in the baseline performance, for example, if the ship is operated at only one draught then there will be no way to define the general relationship between draught, shaft power and other variables.

    For the filtered approach applied in this paper, the model parameter uncertainty is from the sea trial dataset. This has been investigated by Insel (2008) who found that from sea trial data of 12 sister ships that represented a wide variety of sea trial conditions a precision limit of about 7-9% of shaft power can be achieved. This uncertainty represents both model uncertainties (due to corrections applied to trial measurements) and instrument uncertainties for the measurement of torque, shaft rpm, speed, draught and environmental measurements etc. The author identifies the Beaufort scale estimation error as the key measurement error affecting the overall sea trial data uncertainty. The magnitude of the uncertainty induced in this method is assumed to be the same for both CM and NR simulations because the sea trial data is from the same source in both cases. It is notable however that because reliable methods do not currently exist, the influence of currents, steering and drift are not corrected for, for more details see Insel (2008).

    Model form uncertainty is notoriously difficult to quantify, in this paper the expected power and the measured power are based on the same model therefore the model form is assumed to be correct and no model form error is accounted for. Model form error in reality may arise from, for example, unobservable or unmeasurable variables that are not filtered for, the effect of these are exacerbated in NR datasets because fewer variables are recorded (such as acceleration and water depth).

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    5.4 Human Error

    Human error (which is often categorised as instrument uncertainty) may occur in any measurements when operating, reading or recording sensor values if the report completion is not automated. For example the noon data entry may not occur at exactly the same time each day, the recording of time spent steaming may not be adjusted to compensate for crossing time zones and it is possible that different sensors are used to populate the same field, for example, some crew may report speed from the propeller RPM and others report speed through water. The measurement of wind speed through crew observations may also be subject to uncertainties. Human error is not included in this current analysis.

    6. Experimental Precision Comparison

    The uncertainty of the performance indicator as calculated from the propagation of elemental uncertainties via the simulation method (NR baseline) was validated against the precision calculated from experimentally collected data from the same number of observations over the same length evaluation period. The overall uncertainty in both methods include uncertainties from the measurement sensor repeatabilitys, the sampling uncertainty (frequency and averaging effects) and model parameter uncertainty while only the experimental method also includes uncertainty from human error, model form, missing model parameters not filtered out (particularly in the NR dataset) and any possible measurement sensor non-linearity, bias or drift, the magnitudes of which are unknown. The data is filtered according to the following criteria where data is available, (outliers are removed manually):

    Mean draught is between ballast and design True wind speed is between BF 0 and BF 4 Ship speed is greater than 3 knots Water depth is greater than the larger of the values obtained from the two formulae: = 3 ! = 2.75 !!


    where h: water depth [m] B: ship breadth [m] TM: draught at midship or mean draught [m] Vs: ship speed [m/s] g: gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/s2)

    Table 3 shows the comparison of the methods, the simulation method through error propagation of elemental uncertainties tends to over-estimate the uncertainty.

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    Evaluation period length


    Number of observations

    Error propagation of elemental

    uncertainties, %

    Statistical uncertainty

    calculation*, % CM 1 200 1392 2.16 1.4 NR 1 265 70 9.42 8.78 NR 2 377 81 8.67 6.00 NR 3 373 62 10.22 4.95

    Table 3: Statistical uncertainty calculation vs elemental uncertainty propagation for method 2, error reported as the confidence interval of P (95% level) as a percentage of mean shaft power (CM) or mean fuel consumption (NR)

    Figure 4 shows the experimental precision from the continuous monitoring dataset and the simulation results. The y-axis is the change in the number of samples for the same evaluation time period. The performance indicator uncertainties (plotted as a percentage of mean shaft power over the evaluation period) are similar, although again, slightly over estimated in the simulation. However the difference is again minimal and the comparison provides evidence in support of the use of the simulation and propagation of elemental uncertainty in this way.

    Figure 4: Simulation and experimental precision comparison for varying evaluation periods and sampling frequencies











    0 0 2 4 6 8 10

    % cha

    nge in nr o

    f sam

    ples (from baseline)

    Condence Interval, % of mean power

    Change samples per day, experimental precision

    Change samples per day, simulaAon

    Simula>on and Experimental Precision Comparison for Varying Sampling Sizes

  • Uncertainty Analysis in Ship Performance Monitoring 2014


    7. Sensitivity Analysis

    The sensitivity indices relate to the precision of the uncertainty in the overall performance indicator. The bias in the result is investigated and graphically represented also.

    7.1 Relative Effects of Data Acquisition Factors

    A local sensitivity analysis was conducted by computing partial derivatives of the output function (y) with respect to the input factors (xi). The output function, y is the precision of the measurand; twice the standard error of the P at time = teval (see section 4). The input factor is one of the data acquisition parameters of Table 4. Each factor is altered one-factor-at-a-time (OAT) and a dimensionless expression of sensitivity, the sensitivity index, SIi is used to measure changes relative to the baseline.

    ! = ! . ! The input parameter interval bounds reflect results from studies of actual data where possible or, in the absence of data, estimates of realistic values are made given the source of the uncertainties as detailed in section 5. Sensor precisions are induced by the addition of a normally distributed error, and in the baseline this is assumed to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation according to Table 4. Sensor bias is introduced by a deterministic offset to the mean of the normal distribution of the error.

    DAQ decision variable Baseline input SA input Evaluation Period (days), teval 90 270 90 270 Number of observations, N 24 72 45 135

    Power sensor precision (1) % 1 5 Power sensor bias % 0 3

    Draught sensor precision (1) m 0.1 1.5 Draught sensor bias m 0 1

    Ship speed sensor precision (1) % 1 5 Ship speed sensor bias % 0 3

    Ship speed sensor drift %/270 days (linear increase) 0 3

    Averaging frequency, fave, sample/day 1 96 Daily speed variability, % 1.74 3.76

    Model precision error, (1) % 1.5 9 Table 4: Adjustments to the baseline for the sensitivity analysis (SA)

    The increase in the sample size from 25.0% or 26.5% to 50% (presented in the table by the increase in number of samples, N) is to investigate the effect of increasing the sample size to that of a dataset that is normalised rather than filtered by increasing the number of observations to the total observations before filtering. The daily speed variability SA input represents the upper interquartile of the results of an investigation conducted on a CM dataset of time period length of 396 days. Model precision error represents the results of

  • Uncertainty Analysis in Ship Performance Monitoring 2014


    the study by (Insel 2008) who found 7-9% of shaft power to be the precision error in the sea trial data of 12 sister ships studied. If the ship reporting is speed over ground (SOG) rather than speed through the water (STW) then this will increase the uncertainty; a study of the difference between STW and SOG for 20 ships over 3 to 5 years indicates a standard deviation of 0.95knots, (Smith 2014). The effect of using SOG as a proxy for STW is therefore investigated by increasing the speed sensor precision to 5%. Likewise, power sensor precision is to reflect the effect of fuel consumption as a proxy for shaft power.

    7.2 Comparison of Data Acquisition Strategies

    The second study is to compare the uncertainty for the data acquisition parameters of a standard CM dataset with the data acquisition parameters of a standard NR dataset. The measurand is the uncertainty (SE at 95% confidence level) reported as a percentage of the parameter of interest, for the purposes of this investigation, the parameter of interest is the change in ship performance over time, i.e. increase in shaft power for a given speed and draught (e.g. due to hull fouling), this was set to linearly increase by 18% over 6months. This is a practical metric since it puts the uncertainty in a useful context and is of greater interest when comparing the data acquisition strategies however it is worth highlighting that the uncertainty measured in this way is not only representative of the impact of all the elemental uncertainties but it is also a function of the magnitude of the performance indicator itself and consequently of the time period of evaluation. For example, if the rate of deterioration was actually 10%/year and not 5% or if the evaluation time period was set to increase from 90 days to 270 days then in both cases the uncertainty would naturally decrease even if the elemental uncertainties were unchanged

    This was carried out for each of the two baselines (CM and NR, Table 1) and for two time periods of evaluation; 90 days and 270 days. This experiment is repeated once with an increase in number of observations (N) for both, and once with a reduction in model precision error Table 5.

    DAQ decision variable Alternative 1 NR

    Alternative 1 CM

    Alternative 2 NR

    Alternative 2 CM

    Evaluation Period days 90 270 90 270 90 270 90 270 Number of observations

    N 48 144 4320 12960 24 72 2160 6480

    Shaft power sensor precision (1) % 5 0.51 5 0.51

    Ship speed sensor precision (1) % 1 1 1 1

    Ship draught sensor precision (1) m 1 1 1 1

    Averaging frequency /day 1 96 1 96

    Model precision error (1) % 9 9 1.5 1.5

    Table 5: Input parameters for comparison of data acquisition strategies

  • Uncertainty Analysis in Ship Performance Monitoring 2014


    8. Results and Discussion

    8.1 Relative Effects of Data Acquisition Factors: Precision

    This section looks at sensitivities of the performance indicator uncertainty relative to the variations in the data acquisition decision parameter uncertainties (see section 7.1). The sensitivity index indicates the change in the parameter of interest (the precision of overall uncertainty quantified by 2) relative to the percent change in the input quantity examined (the data acquisition variable) and then weights it according to the relative size of each. For example, an SI of unity, similar to the case of the speed sensor precision, SI = 0.96 (Figure 5), indicates that the change in overall uncertainty due to a change in the precision of the speed sensor is almost exactly offset by the magnitude of the ratio of its absolute precision (5%) to the resultant overall uncertainty.

    Figure 5: Sensitivities of the performance indicator uncertainty to model, instrument and sampling input uncertainties (evaluation time period: 90days)

    The exponent in the relationship between speed and power means that the performance indicator uncertainty is more sensitive to the speed sensor precision than either of the draught or shaft power sensor precisions. This highlights the importance of investment in high precision speed sensor, and the criticality of using speed through the water sensor rather than speed over ground (which may cause a precision of 5%, see section 7.1) which will have dramatic consequences for obtaining meaningful information from the data. CM systems that augment core data acquisition with additional measurement of GPS, tides and currents would provide a means to independently calculate and verify the speed through water measurement from speed over ground. The results emphasise the importance of a precise draught measurement which may be manually input, even in continuous monitoring systems, the overall uncertainty would benefit from investment in a draught gauge which also records potentially significant variations during the voyage (including in trim) rather than recording the draught at the last port call. If fuel consumption is used as a proxy for shaft power, which may cause an inaccuracy of 5% (due to uncertainties in the fuel

    0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

    Speed precision Model precision

    Draught precision Sample frequency Power precision Daily averaging

    Draught bias Power bias

    Daily speed variability Speed bias Speed driL

    Sensi>vity Index 90 days 270 days

  • Uncertainty Analysis in Ship Performance Monitoring 2014


    consumption measurement) then there could be a significant effect also on the overall uncertainty. The effect of sensor precision reduces over a longer evaluation period (270 days relative to 90 days) because over time the variability cancels and stabilises towards the mean. Sensor bias has a lesser relative effect on the overall precision, the order of significance is the same as for precision; speed, draught then power. For the speed sensor, the bias and drift cause the precision in the overall PI to increase because the increased Vmeas is compounded by the cubic relationship which causes P to drift (see next section, Figure 6) and therefore decreases the precision in the linear trend line of the PI. The drift in P means that the effect of bias and drift in Vmeas increases for a longer evaluation period. It is worth highlighting however that the presented magnitude of the effect is influenced by the input parameters of the ships operational profile and the rate of speed reduction over the time period. There is a similar but reduced effect occurring due to the draught and power bias also causing P to drift as the evaluation period increases but this is to a much lesser extent and small relative to the counteracting effect of increasing sample size which reduces the overall precision as the evaluation period increase. The uncertainty in the performance indicator is second most sensitive to changes in the model precision error, the model is the calibration or correction factor applied to correct for the ships speed as established from sea trial data which will have some level of uncertainty. The effect on overall uncertainty is significant because of how this translates to Pmeas through a cubic relationship. Instead of sea trial data, a continuous monitoring calibration/reference dataset representing a short period of operation may be used to derive the ship speed/power performance curve (the ship performance should be as close to stationary as practically possible during the time period). The advantage of the latter method is the increased number of samples in the dataset, even after filtering for environmental / operational conditions, which reduces the uncertainty. The CM dataset will also include the effect of technological enhancements made since the sea trial dataset was compiled; the effects of these more recent interventions may not vary linearly with the model input parameters and may therefore be incorrectly attributed to ship performance changes as measured during the evaluation period. The effect of model precision reduces over a longer evaluation period because over time the variability cancels and stabilises towards the mean. Increasing the sampling frequency is also significant because the overall standard error is inversely proportional to the square root of the sample size, the absolute values, when increased on a samples per day basis cause the effect over 270days to be more significant relative to 90 days. An increased sample size may be achieved by addressing root causes of outliers or missing data in the datasets (i.e. due to stuck sensors or human reporting errors); although this is also limited by the ships at-sea days and the days the ship operates in environmental/operational conditions outside the bounds of the filtering algorithm. There is therefore a considered trade-off to be made between the sample size and the model error which reflects the advantages of filtering over normalising (see follow up paper). The other sampling effect is related to the daily averaging frequency, the impact of this on the overall uncertainty is because the daily environmental fluctuations are captured; averaging a range of speeds will cause power due to higher speeds to be mistakenly attributed to deterioration in ship performance that in reality is not present. The actual

  • Uncertainty Analysis in Ship Performance Monitoring 2014


    influence on uncertainty is of course a function of the daily speed variability, and this interaction is not explicitly studied here however the 1.78% found from the data is realistic and the SA provides the relative significance under the assumption of linearity. The daily averaging effect is independent of evaluation period length because the daily speed variability is assumed to be constant over time.

    8.2 Relative Effects of Data Acquisition Factors: Bias

    Generally, the effects of the data acquisition factors studied do not affect the absolute mean of the performance indicator (the bias component of the overall uncertainty). Instrument bias however not only affects the precision component (as demonstrated in the previous section) but also biases the result; this is observable in Figure 6.

    Figure 6: Performance indicator bias with error bars indicating the confidence interval (95% level). The baseline performance indicator is highlighted by the red line

    The effect of increasing the STW sensor bias from 0 to 5% is to increase the average performance indicator value from 790 kW to 1196 kW. The graphic is indicative only since the exact magnitude of the effect is to some extent dependent on the operational profile but it is clear that in cases of sensor bias and drift the actual underlying deterioration trend is difficult to identify.

    The error bars in Figure 6 shows how results based on daily averaging for a short 90 day time period may be inconclusive; if for example, speed sensor precision is 5% then it might









    te Carlo Sim


    on: Av

    erage Pe



    Indicator, kW

    Performance Indicator Bias, 90 day evalua>on period

  • Uncertainty Analysis in Ship Performance Monitoring 2014


    not be possible to conclude (with 95% confidence) if the ships performance has improved or deteriorated.

    8.3 Comparison of Data Acquisition Strategies

    This sensitivity index is detailed in section 7.2. Figure 7 shows the results from the MC methods deployment to calculate uncertainty for a range of changes to the baseline data acquisition variables. As described previously, the uncertainty measured in this way is not only representative of the impact of all the elemental uncertainties but it is also a function of the magnitude of the performance indicator itself and consequently of the time period of evaluation.

    Figure 7: Simulation uncertainty sensitivity analysis results

    In all cases the simulation based on the CM baseline is demonstrating a significant improvement in uncertainty compared to the NR baseline for the same evaluation periods.

    For noon report data, a short evaluation period (3months) does not give useful results since the uncertainty is greater than 100% of the parameter of interest. This is to be expected since a low sample frequency, and reduced power sensor precision due to the use of fuel consumption as a proxy for shaft power, means that a longer time series is required to achieve the same uncertainty. In fact, the uncertainty of the 90 day CM baseline is similar to the uncertainty achievable from a 270 day NR dataset. Both these findings demonstrate a significant uncertainty benefit of CM data over NR data; this is of the order of 90% decrease in uncertainty.

    In many instances, shortcomings in the availability or precision of the measurements can be addressed through the deployment of an algorithm/model to normalise CM data. This should generally increase the sample size of data that can be deployed in the calculation of performance. The effect of increasing the sample size, as in alternative 1 is to further reduce the baseline uncertainty in the CM dataset to 2% for 270 days of data, this is as













    0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00


    AlternaAve 1

    AlternaAve 2

    Uncertainty as a Percentage of the change in Ship Performance


    ges to Inpu

    t Uncertain>e


    Eect of Input Uncertain>es on CM and NR baselines for Dierent Evalua>on Periods

    CM 270 days CM 90 days NR 270 days NR 90 days

  • Uncertainty Analysis in Ship Performance Monitoring 2014


    effective as reducing the model uncertainty from the sea trial data from 9% to 1.5% as in alternative 2, but arguably more achievable given resources.

    The extent to which the uncertainty is improved depends on the quality of the model used; it should be emphasised that every algorithm/model introduced will also increase the model form uncertainty as well as the number of data fields with a consequent possible increase in instrument uncertainty, this needs to be carefully considered to ensure that the addition of the algorithm produces an overall reduction in uncertainty. This analysis also assumes there is no bias and so if the sensors, in particular the speed sensor, are not calibrated or maintained then the positive effect of the increased time period on the overall uncertainty will be reduced (see section 8.1).

    There is no uncertainty included to model the influence of human error, therefore the results for the noon report model is perhaps optimistic, although the overestimation from the simulation, even for noon report data, in the experimental precision comparison of section 6 indicates that this might not always be an issue if procedures are in place to ensure careful reporting.

    9. Conclusions

    This paper proposes and describes the development of a rigorous and robust method for assessing the uncertainty in ship performance quantifications. The method has been deployed in order to understand the uncertainty in estimated trends of ship performance resulting in the use of different types of data (noon report and continuous monitoring) and different ways in which that data is collected and processed. This is of high relevance to the shipping industry, which regularly uses performance quantifications for operational decision making, and the method and results in this paper can both inform the decision making process and provide insight into how lower uncertainty in some of the key decision variables could be achieved. The desired level should be appropriate to the particular application (the technological / operational decision being made); this informs the appropriate data acquisition strategy as does an analysis of the cost-benefit of reducing uncertainty which should also be weighed against the economic, environmental or social risk of an incorrect decision.

    The results indicate the significant uncertainty benefit of CM data over NR data; this is of the order of 90% decrease in uncertainty, and is especially relevant to shorter term analysis. It has been shown in this analysis that the uncertainty of the 90 day CM baseline is similar to the uncertainty achievable from a 270 day NR dataset.

    The precision of the speed sensor is of fundamental importance when it comes to achieving low uncertainty and using SOG rather than STW is likely to have a dramatic effect on the overall uncertainty. The sensor precision however only affects the aleatory uncertainty of the performance indicator and the effect decreases over longer evaluation periods; the additional confounding factor in the uncertainty analysis is epistemic uncertainty which may be introduced through sensor bias and drift. Speed sensor bias and drift causes significant changes in the performance indicator, it is difficult to extract the underlying performance trend when bias or drift is present, after 90 days the effect on the precision of

  • Uncertainty Analysis in Ship Performance Monitoring 2014


    the overall performance indicator is negligible, however it becomes significant as the evaluation period increases, this highlights the importance of proper maintenance and calibration procedures. Routine sensor checks should be incorporated into the data acquisition strategy and onboard procedures. CM systems that augment core data acquisition with additional measurement of GPS, tides and currents also provide a means to independently calculate and verify the speed through water measurement from speed over ground.

    The number of observations in the dataset also has a significant effect, this can be achieved either through data representing a longer time series (which is less desirable for real time decision support tools), through a higher frequency of data collection (highlighting further the positive contribution of continuous monitoring systems) or through the use of data processing algorithms rather than filtering techniques whereby applying ship performance models enables a more comprehensive analysis. In the latter case, the resultant effect of the increased sample size (without considering additional model error or instrument uncertainties) is as effective as reducing the model uncertainty from the sea trial data from 9% to 1.5%, but arguably more achievable given resources.

    Acknowledgements The research presented here was carried out as part of a UCL Impact studentship with the industrial partner BMT group. The authors gratefully acknowledge advice and support from colleagues within the UCL Mechanical Engineering department and within UCL Energy Institute, in particular Dr David Shipworth, Energy & the Built Environment.

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