Ultimate Offer Formula Program

Ultimate Offer Formula Programawakened.material.s3.amazonaws.com/Build the Killer... · Since all business comes down to an offer, the offer is where you want to lead you would-be

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Page 1: Ultimate Offer Formula Programawakened.material.s3.amazonaws.com/Build the Killer... · Since all business comes down to an offer, the offer is where you want to lead you would-be

Ultimate Offer Formula


Page 2: Ultimate Offer Formula Programawakened.material.s3.amazonaws.com/Build the Killer... · Since all business comes down to an offer, the offer is where you want to lead you would-be

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Contents 1.0 Concept Utilization .................................................................................................................................. 2

PowerPoint Slides ..................................................................................................................................... 2

Action Plans ............................................................................................................................................... 6

2.0 Organize Thinking ................................................................................................................................. 14

PowerPoint Slides ................................................................................................................................... 14

Action Plans ............................................................................................................................................. 17

3.0 Product vs. Service ................................................................................................................................ 24

PowerPoint Slides ................................................................................................................................... 24

Action Plans ............................................................................................................................................. 27

Template ................................................................................................................................................. 32

4.0 Lay It Out ............................................................................................................................................... 36

PowerPoint Slides ................................................................................................................................... 36

Action Plans ............................................................................................................................................. 40

Template ................................................................................................................................................. 51

5.0 Offer Breakdown ................................................................................................................................... 57

PowerPoint Slides ................................................................................................................................... 57

Action Plans ............................................................................................................................................. 60

6.0 Case Studies .......................................................................................................................................... 77

PowerPoint Slides ................................................................................................................................... 77

Action Plans ............................................................................................................................................. 80

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1.0 Concept Utilization

PowerPoint Slides

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Page 5: Ultimate Offer Formula Programawakened.material.s3.amazonaws.com/Build the Killer... · Since all business comes down to an offer, the offer is where you want to lead you would-be

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Page 6: Ultimate Offer Formula Programawakened.material.s3.amazonaws.com/Build the Killer... · Since all business comes down to an offer, the offer is where you want to lead you would-be

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1.0 Concept Utilization

Action Plans

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1.1 Conceptualize Thinking: Action Plan Now it comes down to where the rubber meets the road. Ensuring you are profitable selling your advice is what business is about. (Remember our definition of selling is knowing how to strategically frame your advice with the intention of making a profit.) Today people are making money for all kinds of intangible advice they have. This is the advice-based era. This is the age of specialized knowledge that comes from your non-formal education. There is a new revenue revolution going on in the world right now and it’s how to leverage yourself as an entrepreneurial expert using nothing BUT the advice you are currently giving away for free. Just a couple of years ago (in many cases just a few months–even *days* OR hours ago!) there was no such thing as a proposal planner or a ‘rent-a-friend’ or tv remote controller programmer. Or how about making money from your advice such as teaching and helping people to find their mate, assemble a photo album, name their baby, visit elderly parents…or even scatter ashes! (Can you believe that people actually pay someone for advice to do this or do it for them!) Within the last year advice that we all give away for free has now become incredibly valuable. And people—especially those with money—are willing to pay for this advice ‘hand over fist’ to maintain or exceed their current lifestyle. This is an exciting era! In fact—more exciting than when I was first able to escape my job as a Vice Principal 8 years ago! It’s the day and age of the specialist. But the kind of specialist that dominates as an entrepreneur doesn’t need a degree or years of post-secondary education. NOW, for the first time, ordinary people are becoming wealthy beyond measure.... all because they have a market place desperate for the advice they have learned outside of any formalized education. The market place is bigger than you can imagine and the good news is that it is only getting bigger. In Quick Home Business Profits I spend time revealing our proven and proprietary systems on how to analyze your everyday advice and build an advice-based business. One of the important principles I teach in this course is to realize there are only three ways to market—Tactic, Strategy, Perspective (TSP). Controlling the perspective or frame is EVERYTHING. Framing equals how you position everything you do. You are going to need a way to frame your offer.

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This is one of the most important concepts you need to understand and implement in business. Knowing how to frame your advice that easily leads your ideal clients to want to invest in your products and services is the most fundamental and important skill you can learn in business.

I am going to reveal my proven formula in this program—The Ultimate Offer Formula so you can see how I frame both a product and service. Clients are investing tens of thousands of dollars to have me mentor them on this process. Congratulations. You are now going to discover my system! Since all business comes down to an offer, the offer is where you want to lead you would-be purchasers—to your offer. As I am going to show you, you will need to know how to frame the price of your offer versus the value it will provide in order to close deals quickly and easily. This system will help you do just that! If you explore the why, how, and how much your offer will benefit the customer, you’ll be able to explain that value in terms they’ll understand and appreciate. Let’s now delve into my system.

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1.2 Education Based Selling: Action Plan From Quick Home Business Profits you will know that the goal of Education Based Selling is to make your prospective clients smarter. This is the key in the Recommendation Age. The typical sales and marketing strategy scenario, that used to work, only positions you from weakness and not strength. This means that almost all popular sales’ techniques and strategies do not work in the Recommendation Age. Your prospects do NOT want to buy. They do NOT want to be sold anything. But they do want to buy! There is a huge difference in what I have just stated. Popular sales’ strategies and systems do nothing but automatically put the entpreneur in a ‘begging’ position. This is the situation faced by most businesses today where they rely on typical sales methods that focus on ‘pushing’ their prospective clients to buy their products or services. The focus is on YOUR products/services…You selling them something…you ‘pushing’ at your potential customers. This is the wrong focus. Instead, the best method should focus on building a relationship. This focus will have the automatic benefit of placing you in the ‘power’ position ‘pulling’ your potential clients to you. Education Based Selling is the ultimate way to approach sales. My system will show you how to use this concept and frame your advice in a ways that your competitors do not. This system stresses the importance of focusing on strategically educating your target audience to WANT and BEG to do business with you. This type of selling and marketing ‘pulls’ your potential clients to you. This type of selling is able to do this as you focus on ‘teaching’ your target market to desire you. The focus in on THEIR problem (not your products and services)…Them purchasing something (Not you selling them something)…you ‘PULLING’ your target market to YOU as their trusted advisor. In order to follow the newer scenario—which I hope you can see is so much better—you must focus on making your potential client smarter! Here’s what Kirstyn Sierra says, author and co-creator of the Head First series of book… ‘Upgrade your user, not your product—Value is less about the stuff and more about the stuff the stuff enables….Don’t build better cameras—build better photographers.’ The concept of education-based selling is that you want to make your prospects smarter about what your competitors offer (or don’t offer). The goal is NOT to sell them anything BUT the focus is to strategically educate them to be wiser about the problems then what they currently understand or realize. The key with this type of education is to do the following: 5 Keys To Education-Based Selling 1. Make your potential clients more intelligent about their problems you solve. The more you

dimensionalize the problem, the more valuable your advice becomes.

2. Give them better education than what your competitors do. “Move the free line” to make it so obvious why someone needs to do business with you because your advice is so valuable. Within the

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first 30 seconds of talking to you, you should have strong positioning power where your potential clients see you as indispensable.

3. As you provide your education, do it in a way to put yourself in the power position. You must know how to frame your advice so you create a powerful ‘Value Stream’. Everything gleaned from you or your published advice must be calculated to provide you the maximum leverage.

4. Frame your advice in a way that gets your potential client to WANT to buy from you. (‘Pull’ marketing).

5. Provide you the opportunity to leverage yourself as the Trusted Advisor in the Recommendation Age in which we now live.

In fact, since you are one of the few people who knows we don’t live in the Information Age any longer, you know that the money is in shaping your advice into recommendations so you can leverage this new age—the Recommendation Age. In the Recommendation Age, the buying criteria has changed. As I mentioned earlier, push marketing no longer works. You must be able to pull your target market to you. Because your target doesn’t want to be sold to, (but they do want to buy), you need a way to leverage this change in focus. The best way I know how to do this is to assess your target market in multiple ways which compels them to do business with ONLY you. The HUGE win for you is this: You will build trust, make your prospects smarter and have them trusting ONLY your advice. The downside is this: There is an upfront investment in your prospects, but it’s worth it, if you follow the system in this program. By investing energy into making your prospects smarter, you build TRUST in your expertise and make them better customers. NOTE: Effective education requires that your offer be superior in some way to your competitors. It is necessary that you understand how to craft your uniqueness and build your competitive advantage (CA) in a clear systematic way to provide you position power. In Quick Home Business Profits I showed you how to create your CA in Module 5. One of the critical keys is you MUST understand your prospective client’s NEXT BEST ALTERNATIVE (NBA)—and pre-emptively eliminate it! In other words, you must know exactly what your top competitor(s) do and you must also have a way of educating your target market on their weaknesses without drawing specific attention to them. This point is so important that it leads to the key behind creating the Ultimate Offer and that’s understanding how to leverage Education-Based Selling with the next critical concept I want to share with you: Value-Based Selling..

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1.3 Value Based Selling: Action Plan Value Based Selling is the process of understanding and reinforcing the REASONS why your offer is valuable to the purchaser. This means that you must have a way of framing your advice to allow your

target market to draw its own conclusions (influenced using the Ultimate Offer Formula I am going to show you) about how you can specifically help them. One of Stephen Covey’s principles of highly effective people is they always ‘begin with the end in mind.’ This principle is critical in business and especially in the educational-based selling approach I am going to reveal to you. You want to educate your prospective clients to desire your OFFER (which is ultimately about having your potential clients want to invest in your solutions in the form of your products and services.) Value Based Selling is all about creating profitable transactions. Here is the ultimate transaction: You share your advice and your potential customer wants to give you money for your solution. NOTE: Business is ultimately about your FIRST profitable transaction. Anything short of your making money with your advice, you are simply wasting your time, and is no different than operating as a charitable organization. You are in business to make money. That’s what good business is about. How to View Pricing One of the biggest problems that entrepreneurs have—especially those just starting out—is they have no idea how to price the value they bring to the market place. It is important you understand a few principles about pricing. Harry Browne, author of Fail-Safe Investing, says this about price: ‘Everything you want in life has a price connected to it. There’s a price to pay if you want to make things better, a price to pay just for leaving things as they are, a price for everything.’ As I mentioned above about value based selling, this concept is really one of how you support the price. Understanding how to frame your offer is the best strategy you can implement in your advice-based business immediately! But first, I want to showcase four methods of pricing to ensure you see the differences and understand why #4 is the ONLY one I recommend to my clients. Four Methods Of Pricing 1. Replacement Cost. This is simply the cost of replacing something. Your door handle breaks or your

child’s basketball wears out from use and you buy a new one from your favorite store.

2. Market Comparison. How many times have you price shopped and decided to purchase from one company over another—all because of price. Guess what? If you understand how to frame your advice properly you will prevent market comparison.

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3. Discounted Cash flow/Net Present Value (How much is something worth if I can bring money in over time)—DCF/NPV is only used for pricing things that can produce an ongoing cash flow which makes it a very common way to price businesses when they’re sold or acquired.

4. Value Comparison. This is going to be our key focus in this program. Value Comparison is the most

important concept for those in the advice-based business. The key in creating your offer is to make yourself incomparable. You don’t want people to be make an identical comparison to someone else. If they are able to do this you are not properly differentiated as a business. The key is to know how to position your value (from your advice) so your potential customers are not able to compare you to others.

KEY NOTE: Many experts (probably most from what I have seen) that purport to teach people how to build an expert-based business insidiously trap people from really presenting value as they teach market comparison strategies and tactics that keep people undervaluing their advice. This is one reason why we teach our clients to invert their business funnel and turn their advice into premium priced programs and services. In this way we position them away from being viewed as others (as a commodity) and being viewed as incomparable—a category of one! In order to set up a proper Offer, here are some major barriers to selling you must overcome. This is the power of Value Comparison—the fourth pricing strategy and the one I am going to focus on in this program. Barriers To Selling In order to create an irresistible offer that your market place cannot say ‘no’ to, I want to introduce you to four critical barriers that prevent people from purchasing products and services from business owners. I am going to quickly highlight these four barriers so you can see the genius in how I create my product and service offers in Module 5 and 6. Here are the four major barriers to selling and a quick short summary of important skills to master to overcome them. 1. It costs too much (Use Framing and Value Based Selling. Compared to what?)

Use the power of a Bold Prediction to bring to life the MASSIVE problem they WILL face if they don’t move forward. People will move forward MORE based on what they will LOSE than what they will GAIN.

In Quick Home Business Profits (Module 5.5) I presented the power of knowing how to shape your advice as a Bold Prediction. This will increase the pain intensity you want your target market to feel if they don’t invest in your products and services. This is so important to assist the framing of your advice to Overcome Absence Blindness. Remember, most people do not understand they have a problem and those who do, don’t really understand the EXTENT of their problem. If they don’t realize what their loss is, they won’t see the urgent need. For

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example, if a company doesn’t realize it’s going to lose $10 million in the first place, it’s difficult to convince someone of that possibility.

2. It won’t work for me. (Social Proof – It’s easy! I can do it! It will work for me!)

Demonstrate that a) it’s easy, b) They can do it, and c) It will work for them with social proof that others have done it.

3. I can wait. (Use A Bold Prediction. Leverage Urgency And Pain.) Another BIG problem to overcome is what is referred to as the Normalcy Bias—The Normalcy Bias presents itself when someone knows they need to act or reap tremendous problems as the consequence, YET they continue along the same path of destruction. It’s the reason why many people didn’t leave New Orleans when Katrina hit—they simply didn’t think it would happen. One of the most effective ways I have found in terms of getting people over this hurdle is to concentrate on a dual sense of ANTICIPATION and URGENCY. The use of my Bold Prediction is helpful to demonstrate the urgency. Understanding what they really want contributes to the anticipation. Where do they want to be with their advice-based business in the next six months?

One other problem that needs to be addressed under the ‘I can wait’ barrier to sales is Absence Blindness. This really comes down to what people don’t know, they don’t know! If they don’t realize they have a problem in the first place, and if they don’t understand the extent of their problem, they will not understand or desire your solution to their unrealized problem. This means your advice is inconsequential to them. You must overcome this! The answer is similar to dealing with the Normalcy Bias problem. Focus on Education Based Selling that builds a better and bigger problem. Make this hurdle so big in their lives that there is no way they can ignore the pain that awaits them if they don’t invest in your products and services.

4. It's too difficult. (Use Multiple Weapons.) Best way to move forward on #4 , once you have their attention and permission, is to convince them the objection isn’t true, convince them the objection is irrelevant. Combine Framing (Frame your Value Stream), Value-Based Selling, Education Based Selling, Social Proof, Visualization should be able to close them.

In Section '2.0 Organize Your Thinking: Action Plan', I am going to show you how I take these concepts covered in 1.1 and organize my thinking about FRAME DOMINANCE and a VALUE STREAM. I am also going to teach you to leverage how people think so you can use ASK, TSP with Left and Right Brain Processes so you can teach your target market to ASSESS you as their Trusted Advisor. If you haven’t figured it out yet, this is the area I love best in business. I love to sell because my system makes it easy to position yourself as more than an authority—But as a Trusted Advisor.

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2.0 Organize Thinking

PowerPoint Slides

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2.0 Organize Thinking

Action Plans

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2.1 Organize Your Thinking: Action Plan There are two critical principles around selling. I want you to note these as you later examine the product and service models I use to sell. I also want you to stay focused on this in your own selling. Consider this for a moment. Why do all of us give away free advice? Now there are a ton of reasons why people do—and all of them find their real reasons from one of the six motives that drive human behavior—but there are a couple that come up most often. Most people give away free advice because they desire CREDIBILITY and they want to be viewed as smart and important to others — in other words they want to look good professionally. As tempted as you will be to begin teaching your target market from your wealth of advice, you are going to resist the temptation. You are instead going to FOLLOW my proven, repeatable and specific system for giving away your advice. You are going to learn how to FRAME your advice as an OFFER. Something that is so irresistible to your target market that they will WANT—DESIRE— to purchase your packaged advice as a product and/or service. You will become HIGHLY DESIREABLE—someone that is noticed by others—TRUSTED, ADMIRED, placed on a pedestal with any rock star or movie star, you are going to need to follow a system. You need a game plan. You need a road map that allows you to be very strategic. A road map that doesn’t follow what others tell you—that allows you to live a journey—go for your dreams—be the one desired. Here are two principles you must write down and chisel into your mind: 1. Always build anticipation before you build confidence.

Most people want to begin teaching others how to solve their problems right away without first building a better problem. One of the keys in making your offer irresistible is to focus first on building anticipation. You need to know how to create a VALUE STREAM so people buy from you first before you begin helping them fully: your goal is to sell your advice for money.

2. Always build a sense of urgency before you focus on importance.

If you don’t have a system for building urgency, you will make it very difficult to get people to invest in your products and services. In order to do this you need to know how to organize your thinking that allows you to share your advice in a way that builds to a climatic conclusion: Your prospective clients must WANT and highly DESIRE to do business with you. You need to know how to create a VALUE STREAM so people move immediately into the course of action you want them to take. That means you as a business owner must focus on creating a value transaction: Again, remember, your goal is to sell your advice for money. Now it’s time to organize your thinking. It’s important to remember, the most important component in business is the OFFER. All your advice you are positioning following the concepts about Education Based Selling, must be ultimately focused on presenting an offer.

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Remember as you frame your offer, you want to make sure you pre-emptively eliminate people’s resistance to investing in your offer. In 1.2 Value Based Selling, I presented the four reasons preventing people from moving forward with you and what to do to prevent this from happening. The #1 way to prevent resistance is to create a PLAN. In this program, I am going to share with you my formulae for selling a product AND a service in Modules 5 and 6. Each of these programs is centered fully on the OFFER. What will your offer actually consist of and how are you going to present the value in a way that makes your offer incredibly attractive so your target market will WANT and DESIRE to invest in your product and/or service? My system will help you with this. As we organize our thinking there are two keys from the previous section to remember. The first is to understand that Education Based Selling is ultimately about setting up the offer and Value Based Selling is ultimately about why your OFFER is valuable to your customer. The role of Education Based Selling is to posture or make Value Based Selling natural and easy for your customer to see it as a no-brainer. I want to help you set up your offer for both a product and service easily and naturally following my proven and executable Ultimate Offer Formula™. In order to do this, I want to present two new important concepts, Frame Dominance and Value Stream.

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2.2 Frame Dominance: Action Plan You must ALWAYS educate your prospective buyers to eliminate any resistance to purchasing your product/service. You must educate them so you are always in the ‘power’ position so you have Frame Dominance. Frame Dominance is ultimately rooted in your ability to shape your advice in a way that you are always in the power position—and in a manner that naturally leads your listeners to select you as their ONLY option to solve their pressing problem(s). The temptation will be to provide your advice in a way that focuses on teaching others. Instead your focus is going to be on creating a plan or structure to deliver your advice. As I stated earlier you want to focus on strategically shaping your advice in a manner that is going to allow you to present an offer naturally and easily in the course of a regular conversation. You might hear online that ‘content’ is king. Actually, in the Recommendation Age, content is NOT king anymore. Context is king. Creating a better context than your competitors is most critical. Let me explain. Understanding how to structure context is greater than the actual content that you are delivering. Let me give you an example: I can tell you “I had a ball last night”. You have no idea what I stated because you lack enough context to understand. I could have meant I actually had a ball such as a basketball or a baseball in my hand. Or I could have meant I attended a dance last night. Or I could mean I had an unbelievable time last night which made me very happy. All of these definitions are plausible…the actual meaning comes down to the fact that more context is needed. The concept of building context is critical in making sure you provide your advice in a way that positions or postures you in a power position with EVERY discussion that you have. This is why you must be able to think very strategically from a plan before you say anything. No concepts are understood separate from context. You can’t know the meaning of ‘love’, ‘father’, or ‘donut’ unless you have a word picture that enlightens your brain as to what is really meant. To take this a step further, you must know how to leverage imagery with your own prospective customers. You must have a way of creating a ‘situation’ that will captivate their minds so they are ‘ready’ to listen to what you have to say. Frame Dominance leverages the types of context that you want to create so people always remember what makes you different.

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2.3 Value Stream: Action Plan As I mentioned in the previous section, in order to frame and provide critical context for your advice, you need a plan of how you are going to walk people through your advice that naturally leads them to your offer. The Value Stream must incorporate both Education-Based Selling and Value-Based Selling. The Value Stream you create must focus on getting your listener’s mind ready for a sale to be made. In order to do this, it is imperative that you educated them properly—using Education Based Selling—and get his/her mind to receive a number of ‘buying’ impressions. The Value Stream is the PLAN you have for knowing WHY and HOW you are going to dispense your advice to your potential customers. You are going to take the framework for developing the context for your advice and string or lead people each step on a journey to fulfill their GREATEST desires using the solutions you provide. 5 Principles Of A Value Stream The Value Stream should focus on the following five critical factors: 1. Your Value Stream should focus ultimately on making your target market want the thing you are

offering more than the money or trouble it costs them to buy it. 2. Your Value Stream must leverage GAIN and PAIN. As you FRAME every key piece of content you are

going to provide, you want to focus on both the Advantages and disadvantages to them personally for moving and alternatively not moving forward with you. The DESIRE for gain is known as the ability to persuade. Your listeners want to gain something and you must let them know how they will benefit from your advice. They DESIRE and WANT RESULTS! What are the specific results your product and service will offer them? You build DESIRE by understanding that product and service descriptions will NOT sell anything. Your potential clients must understand WHAT your product or service will DO for them.

3. Leverage GAIN by tying the six buying motives that influence EVERY decision that your listeners will

make. Your target market wants to know: The six prime motives that will get your target market into action… Self Indulgence Self Preservation Love Pride Duty Gain Your Value Stream must excite the right motive to make each listener hear what you have to offer her/him.

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4. Your Value Stream is about taking your target market on a journey to DESIRE the gains

(results/advantages) as well as understand the pitfalls that will the result of NOT taking the desired course of action you want them to take. The best way of doing this is to ALSO focus on the PAIN of not buying your product and/or service. The power of your Bold Prediction is crucial to leveraging this action. Just like every GREAT and EPIC journey provides potential for the greatest celebrations, the potential for the greatest disasters are also very real. Think of scaling Mount Everest. The journey to summit the mountain is cluttered with all kinds of potential disasters. Leverage PAIN using the power of a Bold Prediction.

5. A Value Stream is focused on how you are going to present your content in a way that leverages the

context you want to create for your listeners. A Value Stream is created by taking your most important concepts that position you away from the NBA in your market place. Your Value Steam combines the positioning power that your Education Based Selling Approach provides combined with the Value Based Selling (Offer) that you are always focused on. The point of your Value Stream is to lead close people on your offer.

Now you know the importance of creating Frame Dominance and Value Stream. The key question to ask yourself is this: What are the educational points so I can make my potential clients smarter than my competitors? How can I use Frame Dominance and a Value Stream to present an Offer that my market place can’t refuse—it must be irresistible—something they WANT and DESIRE? Here are some of the positional points I use in my business that I want to shape and frame strategically when sharing with others…

My definition of business

My proprietary system for creating free advice-based programs that position entrepreneurs to be the Trusted Advisor in their market place.

Inverted business funnel as the key to build an accelerated model for cash flow and scale-ability

Speed to Market systems for accelerated execution

Educate To Dominate Advanced Teaching Processes

Differentiate using a proven system

Turn every day advice into $5K, $10K, $50K programs

How I use testimonials and social proof

My Value Stream – My Product and Service Formula

My story


NOTE: All of my critical points of differentiation will be covered in the two Value Steams I reveal to you as I show you my proprietary formula on how to create an irresistible product and service offer in

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Module 5 of this program. The Value Steam that creates the positioning for this offer is revealed in Module 6. I am going to ensure I shape and frame my advice using the following principles so I ALWAYS maintain FRAME DOMINANCE.

Answers to the five reasons why people don’t buy

5 Keys to Education based selling?

NBA—What’s makes my system different?

What will people GAIN? (Tie to critical motives)

What will people LOSE? (What’s their PAIN)

Framing—What am I going to frame? (How will leverage ASK)

Social Proof?

How will I deal with Absence Blindness and Normalcy Bias?

Value Comparison (How will I ensure I am incomparable)

What are the key Advantages that my target market is REALLY interested in?

What are the critical problem(s) that you solve?

How can you relate the Advantages of your System into the Hungry Desires (Motives) that your target market has?

My Value Stream Formula for both a Product and Service will show you how to create FRAME DOMINANCE by dealing with these issues. Remember, Value-Based Selling and Education-Based Selling are intimately related to each other. One can’t live without the other. Again, Education-Based Selling is focused on the key components I laid out above. They are intertwined with the offer. The manner in which you Frame and construct your Value Stream is the direct link between both.

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3.0 Product vs. Service

PowerPoint Slides

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3.0 Product vs. Service

Action Plans

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3.1 Introduction: Action Plan The goal, as we move ahead in Module 3, is to give yourself the ability to appreciate fully the two Case Studies that I will use to showcase my formula for selling a product and service. One of the reasons I recommend the inverted business funnel is this model makes it easy to sell a service and increase the transactional size—in other words, you can make a lot more money. One of the many secrets I teach my clients around rapid business acceleration is I began my business by selling a service BEFORE I started selling a product. The reason I did this was the following reasons: First, I realized early on that selling a service was going to be easier than selling a product as people seemed to trust me quickly because of the high level of advice I was giving away for free. Second, as a former educator, I realized I could use my teaching skills in a way I had never imagined. Third, we live in a service-based environment where people are willing to pay high prices for assistance in getting things done that would otherwise remain elusive without the help. Fourth, the fastest way to create a scale-able company is to have programs that have high profit margins. A coaching program has potential margins of 95% or even higher with only processing fees eating into your margins. Fifth, I realized early it was easier to sell a high priced program (service) than it was a product—it’s actually easier to differentiate yourself! Consider this for a moment. This was something I thought about years ago when I started my own home-based business. Would you rather have 95% of a $19.00 product such as a book or report or would you rather have 95% of a $19,000.00 program? I hope you can see the latter allows you to grow your home-based business faster and also allows you to begin realizing some of your life long dreams to leave your job, and/or travel , and/or buy your dream home et cetera. Sixth, it is actually easier to get testimonials from people you are working with in a coaching or service-based relationship as their commitment level to doing what you want them to do is much greater than if you sold them a low end product or service. You MUST get testimonials (Social Proof) for your business, and working with others showcases your level of commitment and trust. Not only that, but it will increase your business confidence so much greater than ‘playing safe’ in first creating a product you don’t know if someone will buy or not. Seventh, the most important factor to me in creating a service first is while working with clients directly you understand and know EXACTLY what products you should create. That’s because you get to collect MARKETING DATA faster than those in your market place who play safe and/or focus on selling a product as their first step in business. Again, 99% of entrepreneurs waste a ton of time creating a product their market place does not WANT. This is why PRODUCT DATA should be dictated by

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MARKETING DATA. Yet, most entrepreneurs NEVER really create what is MOST fundamental to their business. Finally, to summarize the seven prior reasons, most experts and gurus teach people to create a product first (one they aren’t EVEN sure will sell!) and waste a ton of time doing what is least important in their business. To grow your business quickly, you need to master two important skills—sales and marketing—you need to understand how to view these in the Recommendation Age. As stated above, traditional sales and marketing tactics and strategies do not work anymore.

‘Push’ marketing is out; ‘Pull’ marketing is in.

I want you to understand marketing as ‘an assessment’. By following the Ultimate Offer Formula, you will learn to master how to assess your market place in choosing you. I would have my clients spend time creating advice-based marketing tools that close deals rather than wasting time creating a product (writing a book or some other time-consuming activity) that goes against the 7 points above. If ‘marketing = an assessment’, sales is ultimately focused on assessing your market to WANT to invest in your OFFER. In Quick Home Business Profits I revealed the three learning and teaching domains for chunking or shaping your advice. When it comes to teaching and learning, there are only three ways to communicate your learning: Attitudes (A), Skills (S) and Knowledge (K) or Just ASK™ as I refer to it as with my clients. (A) Is the framework or context you want to create to shape awareness. (S) Is the application of your specialized knowledge which is your system. (K) Is your specialized knowledge as set forth inside of your system for providing your solutions to your target market’s problem(s). Strategically creating the correct framework for your advice is really the (A) component—how you want them to ‘attend’ to the problem is the mindset you want to create for your system. The learning domain of (A) is incredibly important as this is the learning domain you are using to create the frame for your advice. We are moving toward making an offer which means you are going to have to shape your advice into a product and/or a service. The Value Proposition is equally critical in both a product and service offer. If we follow the principle I laid out in '1.0 Concept Utilization', you will remember I recommended you should price your products and services according to the concept of Present Value or Value Comparison. The key is you want to be able to frame your value in a way that makes you un-comparable to others. The distinction in a product and service is how you dimensionalize the value. The key difference is what Learning Domain you focus on with your OFFER.

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3.2 Service: Action Plan The Service you create should focus primarily on Application Domain (S). People want help with Application so (S) is HUGE and very critical! We live in a Service Oriented Society where people want other people to do something for them or help them succeed. It is indeed a GREAT time to be involved in the Service industry leveraged by understanding how to package your Offer. Anytime you can incorporate diagrams that reflect your competitive advantage, you are simply going to ensure people understand clearly what you can do. As I covered previously, the brain remembers visually and spatially, so you want to ensure that as you share your advice. You do so in a way that causes your potential client to CLEARLY remember what makes you different in a way that is highly DESIREABLE to him/her. You CANNOT go wrong. With a service, you want to ensure that you spend enough time creating diagrams you can leverage in your presentations. I personally am a huge fan of doing presentations so you can leverage the ‘Starbucks’ situation and close bigger deals quicker and easier. With a Service Offer, my Value Proposition will be more extensive than a Product Offer. I spend more time dimensionalizing the value so that people clearly understand what it is that you can do for them. With a Service-based Offer I want to ensure I dimensionalize the offer in a way that makes the PROBLEM huge and magnifies the DESIRE at the same time. Our Group Coaching Program is a ‘service’ that does more than just teach (K), it also helps people implement (A + S). The key in service based programs is to focus on helping others implement (S) what you recommend they do (K). Strategically creating the correct framework for your advice is really the (A) component—how you want them to ‘attend’ to the problem is the mindset you want to create for your system. The learning domain of ‘A’ is incredibly important as this is the learning domain you are using to create the frame for your advice.

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3.3 Product: Action Plan The Product that you create should focus primarily on Learning Domain (K). Look at the best advice you offer within your system and create a system from that to sell. For example, our Ideation Process™ (product) helps our clients build their Competitive Advantage very strategically. TSP Focus on a product is Tactic (T) or better Strategy (S) driven. For example, our Ideation Process™ is very much a Strategy driven product that provides assistance to entrepreneurs to help them strategically position their advice as a competitive advantage. I absolutely do present a new paradigm (P) for the users to consider…but the real focus of the product is (S) driven. Our Ideation™ Product is positioned as a lower end ‘product’ due to the fact it is a ‘teaching’ tool to help anyone understand how to use a process to create their differentiation. The focus on the Product is primarily (K); whereas, with a Service the focus is primarily on (S). Framework Principles Here are some critical variables to building a frame where you are going to incorporate these principles within HOW you give your advice away.

Competitive Advantage from both a positive (USP) and negative (Bold Prediction) perspective

Diagramming Your Competitive Advantage

Your greatest leverage, your emotional connection

ASK (Attitude, Skills, Knowledge)

What am I going to say and how am I going to say it—NOT just words, but video, 3rd person

Three Types Of Data I want to cover one other concept that is crucial to framework, and has to do with how to analyze SOHK (School of Hard Knocks) and your passion. I want you to examine your earlier Quick Home Business Profits '1.3 Analyse Your Advice: Template' with special focus on the Cost To Learn column. ACTION STEP: Now I want you to organize your thinking along the principles we’ve covered and start the outline of a product and/or a service of your own using '3.0 Product vs. Service: Template'. Be sure to list all the benefits you can think of. We will compare it, later, to a service and a product I sell. You will have access to the copy for our Ideation Product and our Event “Speed To Market New Stealth Guru Business System” service in '6.0 Case Studies'. You have permission to rip me off on what I do and use. This is one of the key advantages of this program. Keep the focus on creating an offer that focuses solely on a Value Comparison approach.

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3.0 Product vs. Service


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3.0 Product vs. Service: Template Now I want you to organize your thinking along the principles we’ve covered and start the outline of a product and/or a service of your own by answering the questions below. Be sure to list all the benefits you can think of. Keep the focus on creating an offer that focuses solely on a Value Comparison approach. What is Your Offer? Everything starts here! _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ How are you going to dimensionalize value so that you can provide a deal? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What becomes core component and what becomes Exclusive Bonuses? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

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What’s the major theme? Here it’s NEVER compete on price again. You need a system to position your advice away from price toward value. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What’s the critical Problem? You don’t have a way of creating unique positioning. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What are the strategic ways you are going to position your problem (will reflect your C.A. – your key positioning points? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

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What’s your Bold Prediction? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What are your critical advantages and benefits? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ The Offer is the most critical part of strategically positioning your advice. Anything said that is not focused on your offer in the copy that you write or during your consultations, is a waste of time. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

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4.0 Lay It Out

PowerPoint Slides

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4.0 Lay It Out

Action Plans

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4.1 Overview Of The Ultimate Offer Formula: Action Plan Because you know we live in the Recommendation Age, it is imperative that you know how to translate your ideas into an advice-based product and service offering that follows the guide lines I have set forth in this program. Particularly important and necessary is the ability to combine Education-Based Selling, Value-Based Selling, Frame Dominance into a Value Stream that leads your prospective clients to WANT to invest with you. As I have pointed out in this program, anything that smells of overt sales and marketing will simply turn off your prospective clients. That’s why traditional sales and marketing techniques and strategies no longer work—in fact, they assume you do not have FRAME DOMINANCE which further showcases the inadequacies of most of the sales’ programs that are still taught today. You need a system—a formula—that is crafted from the realities of the Recommendation Age. The

Ultimate Offer Formula below is what I use to create my Value Stream for both a product and a service. This formula is yours to use. Remember, I created this program so that you can follow what I am doing in Modules 5 and 6—the culmination of this program and the culmination of over 10,000 hours of research I have put into creating a product and service Value Stream. The best part of this program is that you have the right to literally rip me off. I want you to follow EXACTLY what I do to create a product and service based offer to my market place. The following is my Education-Based Selling formula that I use as a guide when I am writing copy for a product and service or scripting out an offer that I am going to make on a webinar or from the stage in front of a live audience.

1. Headline 2. Critical Advantages/Benefits 3. Key Problem + Dimensionalize it 4. Introduce Your Solution 5. Use a Case Study or example of how your system will solve a problem 6. Refer to your Competitive Advantage 7. Ensure your prospective clients understand how difficult it is to solve the problem (reveal parts

of your system) 8. Showcase your System 9. Explain how people have used your system and benefitted 10. Be specific about next step(s) 11. Bold Prediction 12. Desired Next Step 13. Leave your prospective clients on an emotional high.

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4.2 Right Brain (R)/Left Brain (L): Action Plan As you probably know, the brain is made up of two separate hemispheres with many unique features belonging to each. Each of these ‘brains’ sees something different. From the standpoint of how decisions are made, the right brain is the most important part of the equation. The right brain is the creative, imaginative part of the brain. This area responds the best in how you frame your advice around the 6 motives that control behavior. The left brain is the more analytical and detail-oriented part of the brain. This region of the brain is known to be more ‘rational’ than the right brain. However, based on the latest research, what experts once thought about how decisions are made is now incorrect. As I have pointed out previously, the right brain responds to ‘gain’ and the left brain answers to ‘pain’. So when it comes to how the brain makes decisions, as an entrepreneur here is what I

want you to understand about the genius of the Ultimate Offer Formula. The formula ensures the right and left brains of your potential clients are working together to maximize how your Offer is perceived.

As just noted, the right brain controls the decision making process. In other words, when people think they have made a left brain ‘logical’ decision, it turns out according to scientific research that the decision has already been made. The person is simply affirming what the right brain had already decided on.

The key with this formula is it leverages the ‘pain’ and ‘gain’ aspects of how people make decisions. Your market place will move forward with you based on the key advantages of your system—the results that you promise to them. As well, they will often invest in your offer faster if they understand what they will

lose if they don’t invest in your program. This is also what the Ultimate Offer Formula program does: it maximizes the interplay of how to position ‘pain’ and ‘gain’ in your Value Stream. Follow this proven process of building the right context for your advice and note the following: Frame the positive aspects of your system in a manner so the right brain responds to the big picture of what you can do for your market place (Advantage and Benefits). Frame these positive aspects from the standpoint of how your target market is going to gain something it really wants. Be careful how you frame the ‘features’ of your system. Always wrap the features (left brain) inside of right brain framework. When you follow my system you will see our education-based selling formula that focuses on properly framing our advice from a right-brain/left-brain approach. A great approach to leverage how the left-brain thinks is to position your Bold Prediction from the stand point of what your target market is going to lose if they don’t come forward and invest in your product or service.

1. Headline (R) 2. Critical Advantages/Benefits (R) 3. Key Problem + Dimensionalize it (L) 4. Introduce Your Solution (L) 5. Use a Case Study or example of how your system will solve a problem (R/L) 6. Refer to your Competitive Advantage (R/L)

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7. Ensure your prospective clients understand how difficult it is to solve the problem (reveal parts of your system) (L/R)

8. Showcase your System (L) 9. Explain how people have used your system and benefitted (L/R) 10. Be specific about next step(s) (L) 11. Bold Prediction (L/R) 12. Desired Next Step (R) 13. Leave your prospective clients on an emotional high. (R)

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4.3 10 Critical Copy Writing Essentials: Action Plan

The following are 10 principles I use to strategically position my products and services. Follow these 10 copy writing principles and understand their power in positioning your Value Stream. You will witness how I use them in '5.0 Offer Breakdown' and '6.0 Case Studies'. 1. Writing Is The Doing Part of Thinking. There is simply nothing more powerful than writing. The physical act of writing has been proven to aid in clarity and allow for accelerated focus better than any other activity. After all, at least 90% of all thinking is done at the subconscious level and the best way to tap into its power is by writing. The physical act of recording your thoughts on paper (it’s even better than tapping the keys on a keyboard!) is the most intense way of thinking. This reasoning is actually a very kinesthetic activity for the human mind. To make use of its power, you must understand that all thinking is simply the result of what I refer to as a Silent Q&A Session that every human being has with him/herself every day. If this is true, then as an entrepreneur, you can leverage this principle to influence human behaviour. Remember, your job is to influence human behavior by changing it! Your job in running an advice-based business is to assert influence by getting your potential clients to invest in your advice for solving their particular problems. As I stated earlier, your job as an entrepreneur is to make sure that your market place understands they have a problem in the first place. Secondly, you want to make sure you highlight the problem as completely as possible. Make the problem so LARGE, so OVERWELMING, so PAINFUL that your would-be customers MUST invest with you to eliminate the PAIN of not moving forward. This understanding of how the brain ‘thinks’ is crucial to your success. Because the brain thinks first by asking questions, the brain also responds in having to come up with an answer. This means that if you pose a question, it must come up with an answer. If it can’t, the brain will do everything possible to alleviate this situation. In other words, it is hardwired to seek an answer. The real nature of human behaviour is most of it is done unconsciously or from a semi-conscious situation. The brain will ‘quietly’ raise questions and answer itself automatically. For example, when you jump into your car to go to Starbucks or another favorite coffee or tea house, you don’t’ consciously have to ask yourself where are you going? Your subconscious mind does the thinking for you by posing the question. It then ‘quietly’ answers the question by directing the way you get there and for the most part out of the conscious realm. How often have you driven somewhere familiar and you can’t remember the actual drive? This is the subconscious mind doing it for you…more specifically the Reticular Activating System. If you want to influence human behaviour, become a master at interrupting the way people process information—ask better questions which naturally forces them to refocus and seek better answers. What does asking better questions do for your positioning? It makes the subconscious mind of your potential clients realize you have the answers. If you influence their Q&A sessions properly, you will position yourself as their only option.

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2. Sales And Marketing Are Your Twin Tickets To Freedom Business is about five important fundamental areas: Value Creation; Value Delivery; Sales, Marketing, and Profit Margins. One of my earliest ‘Speed-to-Market ‘principles I created early on in business, was to help top trainers, coaches and consultants build accelerated processes of business development. There is no better investment than in sales and marketing as without them your company cannot succeed. What’s important to note is not the importance of sales and marketing per se—it is absolutely fundamental to business—but in HOW you do sales and marketing in the Recommendation Age. Because we no longer live in the Information Age, traditional ways of ‘doing’ sales and marketing that require outdated tactics and strategies are simply—outdated! In other words, how you to do sales and marketing has gone through a social shift. People are more savvy. People are better educated. They listen to a few trusted advisors to make their decisions. This social shift is why you must know how to transform, shape and frame your advice into the role of an advisor and why Education-Based Selling, Value Based Selling, Frame Dominance and creating a Value Stream that turn your sales and marketing into strategically positioned advice, is paramount as I discussed in '1.0 Concept Utilization' and '2.0 Organize Thinking'. 3. Marketing = Greatest form of influence At the top of the list of just about every client I have worked with, ‘one-on-one’ is their desire to influence others and make a difference in their lives. This influence is the absolute essence of business and why entrepreneurs have created businesses down through the ages. You must have ways to change/influence human behaviour. The #1 way of influencing someone is to create a long term relationship with that person. And the absolute most superior way of doing this is to get your market place to spend money with you. If your market doesn’t spend money with you, there is no way of influencing them long term. Think of Starbucks for example. Because they sell great coffee, they have made millions of people dependent on them every day. Their marketing has resulted in a long term relationship where their loyal customers—I am one of them!— love to spend money with them EVERY DAY. Starbucks influence, in my life is HUGE. Without a Starbucks, I could never have built my own company as quickly as I have. Starbucks has done me a HUGE favor. They have marketed something that I ALREADY wanted to buy and have influenced my life and future not only for me but for my family. They have done this with marketing and the right kind of marketing: they are NOT a coffee company that serves people BUT in the words of Howard Schultz, ‘they are a people company that serves coffee.’ This distinction is so important to you and the success of your advice business that I don’t want you to gloss over this quickly. The distinction speaks to the Recommendation Age in which we live. If you want to influence people—and it should be the main reason you are in business!—your focus is to market to them in a way that makes your ideal clients WANT AND DESIRE to buy from you. NEVER lose sight of this truth.

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4. Marketing = An Assessment (Three fold litmus test: a. Pain; b. Choose you as the Standard; c. Eliminate Your Competition) Marketing in the Recommendation Age can be sped up very quickly if you have the tools to leverage how people make buying decisions. In '1.0 Concept Utilization', I shared with you the best way to price your products and services and this way is to make yourself incomparable. In order to do this, follow my three-fold litmus test for marketing yourself leveraging the #1 method by which all of us have been influenced—and that’s the use of assessment instruments both formally and informally. When I created the New Guru Model report, I shared a marketing concept publically for the first time that I have NEVER seen anyone else teach from. This concept is so critical to success that I want to highlight a few concepts of how your behavior has been shaped to date. Most people begin their advice-based business following the wrong information by many so-called experts. People are wrongly taught they should focus on creating a product first. That makes sense right? Every company sells either products and/or services. However, when you realize that most companies fail to become profitable, the problem is they do not first focus on marketing. The best way to channel your marketing is to focus on educating your target market to see a bigger problem that confronts them than they realized in the first place. Next, market your solution to their pain you stirred up and increased by your education. Focus your marketing on building a solution for the huge problem you spent time carefully educating your market place about. People will DESIRE your solution to a much larger extent. The more you speak to your market places’ desires, the more successful you will be. The key point I want you to understand is you should build a better problem before you build a better mousetrap! Or simply said, you want to focus on building a better problem before you focus on building out your product fully. This is one of the reasons I am a huge advocate of learning how to assess your target market using the power of assessment instruments. It’s the most fundamental way your behavior has been shaped. Let me explain. Your behaviour is primarily the result of all the formal and information assessments you have been subjected to since being born. When you were born, doctors assessed you. When you began school you began a long journey of being assessed by the educational system. But even more important is the myriad of ways you have been assessed informally and these ways have probably shaped your behavior in an even greater manner. Some examples of these informal assessments include what your parents told you that you could or could not do in life. Remember the time you shared a dream with someone and they rolled their eyes and ‘tsked’ you. You know the cynical sound someone makes when they don’t think you can achieve something or when they feel jealous about your trying to get ahead in life. Once you have built the problem sufficiently for your target market to feel in a way that provides you positioning power in the market place, you want to ensure you create an unfair advantage that will position yourself as the Standard of your market place. When you think about it, every market has a Standard: The U.S. currency is a standard, a unit of gasoline denominated in gallons is another standard. Every industry, every sport, every extracurricular activity has a standard. In Quick Home Business Profits, '7.0 Package Your Offer', I shared with you an example of how to create an educational/marketing

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advice-based product I use to position my company as a standard in the industry of business coaching. This is the use of a Consumer Awareness Guide. Finally, the education and marketing you create must ensure you are seen as your target market’s only option. Business is very competitive and if you don’t understand how to use Education-Based Selling, Value-Based Selling, and Frame Dominance, you will find it very difficult to build your advice-based business. This is why I spent considerable time covering these three crucial areas and why I am showing you my formula for selling a product and service in the coming modules. You must have a way that combines all three of these marketing components inside of a Value Stream that makes it PERFECTLY CLEAR YOU are your market place’s ONLY option. This means your job is to eliminate any threat that would prevent someone from spending money on your products and services. Remember, you cannot influence anyone if they don’t buy your products and services. You job is to frame your advice that ensures your target market WANTS and DESIRES to ONLY do business with you! One of the reasons I teach my clients to create and use business assessments is that properly done you can create a rating system that strategically eliminates your competitors. Again, assessments are the most powerful way to shape human behavior so you should be using them in your own business. This is the first product I teach my clients to create as this allows you to test your marketing immediately and allows you to do consultative selling. 5 Sales = Greatest Way of Changing Lives The act of completing a sale for any business is the ultimate culmination of influence. It is an ultimate goal of entrepreneurs worldwide…and that is the ability to influence others—to exert the power of change in their lives. This is a huge responsibility and one not be taken lightly. Think of your favorite restaurant—the absolute best place where you like to eat. This restaurant cannot influence you if it does not market to you the end result. It’s marketing should compel you to enter the restaurant with the goal of having you spend money. If you don’t spend money, this restaurant has no relevance to you and hence no influence. The concept of relevance is huge. The greatest reason companies do not survive is they become perceived as irrelevant. You visit your favourite restaurant because the food is superior in some form than any other restaurant in the genre. But what needs to be noted is without marketing sending people through the doors, and unless the establishment sells you tasty food, it ceases to be relevant—even though it has the best food in the industry. So the process of ensuring you buy its product/service s the key to its being relevant and influencing your life. 6. Sales = Consultation toward a specific recommendation Take the pressure off yourself in sales. Quit focusing on making money. Focus instead on closing the deal. Too many people worry about making money and end up putting too much pressure on themselves. One of my Speed to Market principles is, ‘Change your focus and you will change your emotional state’. By focusing on your potential client, you focus on what your client wants—by following the Ultimate Offer Formula™, you are simply engaging your market place from what they WANT and

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NOT what you want. You position yourself in a more neutral role. This allows you to position yourself as a Trusted Advisory role with the focus of guiding your market place toward what they want. Focus ultimately on consulting them toward a specific program that you recommend they invest in. Make your solution—your offer—irresistible to them. If you create perceived neutrality in the process and trust the system in this program to do your selling, you make it easy to position yourself as their advocate. Consultative selling is thus about the process and not on the sale. The Ultimate Offer Formula™ does just this. It will ultimately allow you to draw your ideal clients to you. 7. Sales Formula = Sum total of wow benefits X client proof X wow advantage (USP) X Prediction In Quick Home Business Profits, I shared with you my quick sales’ formula. This connects the quickest ways to eliminate resistance to your offer which I covered in '2.0 Organize Thinking'. When you focus on building a better problem first, you become clearer what really drives your target market to escape their pain. In this way you can use PAIN maximally against them by creating a Bold Prediction. As well, you can look at the keys to your system for solving the problem and focus in on your key benefits and advantages your system will allow your target market to GAIN. Connect the key advantages your market place is after to the six motives that drive their behavior to ensure you make yourself even more desire-able. Because people will do anything NOT to lose something or have something taken away, leverage your Bold Prediction in a way that showcases how your potential customers will lose if they don’t move forward with you. What will be taken away from them? What will they lose that they would love to gain? Of course as I previously discussed in '2.0 Organize Thinking', client proof is important as it allows your target market to live vicariously through the lives of your clients. They want to know your solution will work for them. They want to know how others’ lives have been changed. They want the hope your advice will work for them. They want to know what they will be able to do as a result of following your advice. Show them a better a tomorrow. Show them how the hidden desires they have which will be realized because of what you promise to give them. Remember, at the end of the day people buy results. Focus your results on the six motives driving human behaviour and you will be surprised how fast you can close deals quickly and easily. Human behaviour is VERY PREDICTABLE if you follow this system. Your potential clients will be putty in your hands! 8. Translation of The Sales Formula To Eliminate Your Target Market’s Negative Perception Ultimately your competitive advantage lies in the gap you must find and fulfill in your market. Every market-place has gaps or openings allowing savvy business owners to build their competitive advantage within and control if they can execute properly. If you focus your competitive advantage on the following you will build your business very strategically allowing you to execute in ‘Speed-to-Market’ fashion. The most strategic way to own your market places is to focus on the gap in your market that exists because your prospective clients have a very negative perception of what your competitors fail to do. In other words, always build your competitive advantage from the standpoint of what your potential clients’ negative perception is of your competitors.

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Human nature is primed toward negativity. If you have never considered this before, look around you. What does the news focus on? What do people do when there is an accident? (Even when it’s on the opposite side of a divided highway? They slow down of course!) Listen to the conversations at lunch hour in the lunch room at work? Are the conversations mostly positive or negative? Do people tend to celebrate or complain? I trust that you see these questions given with the intention of proving that people are negative. People are incredibly cynical, jaded, and guarded. This is exponentially true if you are in business. This trait is why you need to understand how to create your Value Stream that focuses on building your Competitive Advantage from the stand point of what your competitors fail to do and also from your target market’s jaded and cynical thinking about what your competitors fail to do. 9. Always focus on building Anticipation before you focus on building Confidence. Principles 9 and 10 go together as you will see. If you want to sell your every-day know how, passion and ideas, you need a system for knowing how to structure your advice. This is the genius of The Ultimate Offer Formula™. Principles 9 and 10 are critical to ensure you do not do the wrong kind of teaching first. This is why I have created this system, so you can see EXACTLY what I do and model the formula for your own business. One of the fundamental mistakes entrepreneurs make is thinking that content is king. Content is NOT king. Context is. Let me prove it to you. Research into the area of how we think has proven no ideas can be interpreted without a person first being hardwired to interpret these ideas. In other words, ideas NEVER come to us neutrally. They are always ‘interpreted’. Therefore, for ideas to be interpreted, context must be provided. Context determines everything as I proved in Quick Home Business Profits. This factor leads to the first of two concepts you should note when it comes to creating the proper context for your advice (Principle #9). Instead of beginning to teach your target market how to solve their problem, focus first on ensuring they understand the program they actually have. The best positioning advice I can recommend to you for your business is to first focus on building a better problem. By doing so, you build anticipation for what your solution will offer your target market. Most entrepreneurs make the fundamental mistake that their ideal clients are ready for the solutions they bring to the market place. This couldn’t be further from the truth. You must slay the twin enemies of Normalcy Bias and Absence Blindness I covered in '1.0 Concept Utilization'. By focusing on creating a bigger problem, you build huge anticipation for your solution. By increasing anticipation, you increase the emotional connection with your target market. And since this is the Recommendation Age, anything you can do to facilitate this relationship will bode very well for you as an entrepreneur.

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Building Confidence comes after you focus on building the proper Anticipation for your solution. Ultimately, you will not provide the kind of confidence your potential clients are looking for until they buy from you. Never lose sight of completing the sale. It’s only AFTER the sale you can truly influence someone. 10. Always build Urgency before you build Importance. As I have previously taught you, important things do not motivate anyone anymore. All human behavior is regulated by desires. Principle #10 is the cousin to Principle #9. What I want you to realize here is you should focus on building a sense of Urgency before you showcase how important your advice is. Again, most entrepreneurs focus on teaching how important their solution is BEFORE they focus on making the problem they solve LARGER. If you don’t create urgency, people will always put off until tomorrow what you want them to do right now. The problem is that tomorrow seldom comes. This is, You are in business to sell your programs and services. First, focus on making a strong case for the problem you want them to understand, that gives you positioning power in the market place. What I recommend is you review '2.0 Organize Thinking' on the importance of how Principles 9 and 10 work together so that you can create a Value Stream that gets your market place to want to spend money with you. You will want to note how I build anticipation and urgency as you go through '5.0 Offer Breakdown' and '6.0 Case Studies'. With your product or service you will require a webpage/ad copy to sell it online/offline. Use these 10 Principles of Copywriting to guide you as you complete this process.

ACTION STEP: Using '4.0 Lay It Out: Template' write down your own unique material that relates to each of the 13 steps of the Education Based Selling Formula.

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4.0 Lay It Out


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4.0 Lay It Out: Template

Using the space below write down your own unique material that relates to each of the 13 steps of the Education Based Selling Formula.

1. Headline (R) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________




2. Critical Advantages/Benefits (R) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________




3. Key Problem + Dimensionalize it (L) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________




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4. Introduce Your Solution (L) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________




5. Use a Case Study or example of how your system will solve a problem (R/L) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________




6. Refer to your Competitive Advantage (R/L) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________




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7. Ensure your prospective clients understand how difficult it is to solve the problem (reveal parts of your system) (L/R)

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________




8. Showcase your system (L) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________




9. Explain how people have used your system and benefitted (L/R) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________




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10. Be specific about next step(s) (L) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________




11. Bold Prediction (L/R) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________




12. Desired Next Step (R) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________




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13. Leave your prospective clients on an emotional high. (R) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________




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5.0 Offer Breakdown

PowerPoint Slides

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5.0 Offer Breakdown

Action Plans

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5.1 Introduction: Action Plan

This is perhaps the most important module of The Ultimate Offer Formula. The goal again in positioning your advice using education based selling that naturally brings your listeners to an offer as a present or a gift to your market place. If you follow my proven process below, you will be able to do this naturally and quickly. The wrapping paper that makes your present (Your Offer) even more desire-able is the way in which you focused on educating your market place. One of the keys as I discussed in 1.0, is your ability to use value based selling. In 5.2 (Product Offer Breakdown) and 5.3 (Service Offer Breakdown) I will show you to two examples of what I do. The product is sold off our website periodically. The service is sold from stage in front of large audiences. Feel free to rip me off by modeling exactly what I do for BOTH a product and service. This is one of the purposes of this program. Modeling is the best way people learn so watch and implement using the formula from 5.2 and 5.3. The goal is for you is to see what I have done and model EXACTLY what I DO. This section begins with the end in mind. The focus is looking at two of my offers: a product and a service. The VALUE STREAM that sets up both of these offers is covered in 6.0. Action Step: Once you have finished going through '5.2 Product Offer Breakdown' and '5.3 Service Offer Breakdown' compare your offer material crated so far to what you just learned. Make any edits/changes as required and then have a look at module '6.0 Case Studies' to learn more about the Value Stream.

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5.2 Product Offer Breakdown: Action Plan This is a product that I created to assist entrepreneurs in helping them build their competitive advantage in the market place. Most entrepreneurs understand the necessity of being different in today’s market-place. In fact every so-called expert who purports to teach others to be different will tell those they coach they must be different. However, what I found missing in the market-place is that most people do not use any kind of proven system to ensure they are different or stand out. So there is no NBA (Next Best Alternative) in my industry that I know of after years of researching my industry. The key to the great OFFER with my product —The Awakened Ideation Process™ is that it provides what entrepreneurs want: An Unfair Competitive Advantage that allows them to realize high profit margins on premium priced programs. I also increase the sense of URGENCY And ANTICIPATION in the Offer section by reminding them what the Ideation Process will allow them to do. In other words I ensure there is congruity between the frame I established at the beginning of the VALUE STREAM (The beginning of the copy on the website) and the OFFER—what I want them to do next. Below is the copy from The Awakened Ideation Process™ website. Have a look at how I have laid out this website, and remember feel free to rip me off and lay your website EXACTLY as I have mine.

KEY ADVANTAGE: Listed as bullets and focused on desire and a short increased description of what they are getting, hence alternation between dark and normal font size.

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IP is the greatest source of wealth today. Tied into framing the importance of owning your own real estate!

Key Advantage: Strong USP will help you weather any storm. Problem: Stop competing on price.

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3 Exclusive Bonuses (sense of anticipation and urgency) NOTE: They are exclusive as no one is offering them...they are my own proprietary material. The value is denominated too to position and ensure that prospects know the great deal they are getting NOTE: Everything is focused on the OFFER. Never lose sight of the Offer. Anything that is not focused on the OFFER is your failure to direct and leverage and frame INTETION in your advice.

Graphic of the product: NOTE: The product is tied to the #1 desire that my prospects want - to become the #1 expert in their niche market.

Guarantee -

Eliminate resistance

by offering a money

back. (We don't do

this on our


coaching programs,

BUT, will do this for

a product)

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Order tied to a

strong SENSE OF

URGENCY, Limited

number at the

current price of $97

from regular price

of $497. (This

includes the "only

$97" as well)

Clear "Order Now"

Button, the

"Belcher Button"

has been shown to

test well.

Sign Off - With

DESIRE (to big profits) Testimonials (Case

Studies), Social Proof

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5.3 Service Offer Breakdown: Action Plan The key to the great OFFER with my service that I position during my speaking engagements in front of large crowds is something that no other business acceleration coaching program offers…daily assistance with a team of coaches—including myself—to help them create and sell their first premium priced program. As well we offer them access to our New York Publisher, assistance in creating an Authority Blog Site and a series of advice-based marketing tools that their competitors do NOT use to assist them to close high end deals quickly with their advice. I have laid out the OFFER part of my PowerPoint below (slide-by-slide) so you can what goes in to each of the slides.

Slide 1

OFFER I: Setting Up Offer

Transition To Close

(Increase anticipation slides 1 to 18)

Slide 2

Frame Differentiation

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Slide 3

Testimonial – Social Proof

Slide 4

Testimonials – Social Proof

Slide 5

Frame Critical Problem Around

Taking Action

(Bold prediction)

Slide 6

OFFER II: Value Proposition


Value Based Selling Offer

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Slide 7


Slide 8

Introduce Service – Framing as you


Slide 9

Frame Value Proposition

(Use statistics to showcase


Slide 10

Frame Value Proposition

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Slide 11

Competitive Advantage


Slide 12

Competitive Advantage (With visual aid)

Slide 13

Competitive Advantage

Slide 14

Competitive Advantage

Value Comparison

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Slide 15

Competitive Advantage: Value


Slide 16

Competitive Advantage: Value Justification

Slide 17

Competitive Advantage: Value Justification

Slide 18

Competitive Advantage: Value Justification

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Slide 19

Transition: Urgency

(Leverage bonuses)


Slide 20


(Division between offer and it’s


Slide 21

OFFER: Value Proposition

( Urgency to invest while bonus is


Slide 22

Value Justification

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Slide 23

Competitive Advantage


Slide 24

Competitive Advantage



Slide 25

Visual Representation Of Bonus

Slide 26

Competitive Advantage



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Slide 27

Competitive Advantage



Slide 28

Visual of private client site to build


Slide 29

Competitive Advantage

Value Justification


Slide 30

Competitive Advantage

Value Justification


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Slide 31

Competitive Advantage

Value Justification

Bonuses – Anticipation and Urgency

Slide 32

ULTIMATE OFFER: Value Comparison

Slide 33

Bonus – Urgency to invest while

bonus is available

Slide 34

Limited Bonuses – Scarcity and


First 20 People Only

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Slide 35

Limited Bonuses – Scarcity and


Desire Motive

Slide 36

Limited Bonuses – Scarcity and


Slide 37

Justify the reduced investment.

Slide 38

Call to Action – Order Form To


(Guarantee & value comparison)

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6.0 Case Studies

PowerPoint Slides

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6.0 Case Studies

Action Plans

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6.1 Introduction: Action Plan In '6.2 Product Case Study' and '6.3 Service Case Study' you will see specifically how I create two Value Streams using our Education Based Selling Formula (EBSF) from '4.0 Lay It Out'. The product is sold off our website periodically. The service is sold from stage in front of large audiences, these are the same product and service you seen the offer of in '5.0 Offer Breakdown'. The EBSF will make it easy for you to create an education-based selling flow to your advice that ultimately positions a strong value-based selling approach. NOTE: The EBSF is a format I use to chunk advice in a strategic manner. This process can be modified depending on the situation. What is important is that you learn how to structure/chunk your advice that makes for a strong value proposition i.e. a powerful OFFER. (Remember, that’s the objective to Value-Based Selling!) Each VALUE STEAM that you will witness has the goal of educating prospective clients in ways that position my company away from the NBA (The Next Best Alternative) in my market place. After going through this module you will NOT only be careful of how you give away your free advice, but you will learn how to use EBSF to build your own advice-based business. Action Step: Once you have finished going through '6.2 Product Case Study' and '6.3 Service Case Study' compare your sales material crated so far to what you just learned. Make any edits/changes as required and then get your sales page online in "speed-to-market" fashion.

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6.2 Product Case Study: Action Plan

Below is the copy from The Awakened Ideation Process website. Have a look at how I have laid out the VALUE STREAM part of this website. Remember you can find the offer section of the website in '5.2 Product Offer Breakdown: Action Plan'. I have included where I have used the Education Based Selling Formula (EBSF) from '4.0 Lay It Out' and Barriers to Selling (BTS) from '1.0 Concept Utilization'.

EBSF #1 Headline(R)

BTS #4 It's too difficult

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EBSF #2 Critical Advantage/ Benefits(R)

EBSF #3 Key problem(L)

EBSF #4 Introduce Your Solution (L)

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EBSF #5 Case Study (R/L)

BTS #2 It won't work for me.

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EBSF #6 Competitive Advantage (l/R)

EBSF #7 Part of the system (L/R)

EBSF #8 Showcase your system (L)

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After this section comes the offer section, you can see how we lay this out in '5.2 Product Offer Breakdown'.

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6.3 Service Case Study: Action Plan During my speaking engagements this is how I position my value system for my service. I have laid out the VALUE STREAM part of my PowerPoint below (slide-by-slide) so you can see what goes into each one of the slides.

Slide 1


Education Based Selling Formula

(EBSF) #1: Headline (R)

(The focus is to set up the OFFER)

Your USP In A Headline

Slide 2

EBSF #2:

Your Advantages

Critical Advantage/Benefit

Slide 3

EBSF #3:

Critical Question

Key Problem & Dimensionalize it

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Slide 4

Slide 4 to 9 = New Frame

Control Subconscious

Slide 5

Control Audience Frame

Slide 6

EBSF #4:

Critical Solution

Slide 7

5 Areas of Business

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Slide 8

EBSF #5:

Testimonial – Case Study – Social


Slide 9

EBSF #2:

Critical Advantage + Key Problem

(My competitive advantage + my

bold prediction)

Slide 10

Power of Contrast

(Set up Phase II – Value Based


Slide 11

EBSF #5:

Testimonial – Case Study – Social


(Example of how your system will solve problem.)

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Slide 12

Setup Value Based Selling (Phase II)

Slide 13

Slide 13 & 14 Your Guru Story

Slide 14

Your Guru Story con’t.

(Contrast former life with current


Slide 15

EBSF #6:

Competitive Advantage: ROIT


(Tie your back story into your

Competitive Advantage.)

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Slide 16

Slides 16 to 26 Your Guru Story

Slide 17

My Celebration With My Family

Slide 18

Your Guru Story – My Resignation


Slide 19

Slides 19 to 82: Showcase 7

Elements of ROIT Business

(How clients have benefitted and

specific next steps)

(How to go from frustration to freedom)

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Slide 20

Showcase Principle #1

By Framing Value Based Selling (VBS)

Inside Of Education Based Selling


(7 principles to create an ROIT

business that maximizes your value

in the market place)

Slide 21

Principle # 1.

Slide 22

Importance Of Non-Formalised


Slide 23

Critical Question

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Slide 24

EBSF #5:

Explain how people have you’re your

system and benefitted.

Testimonial – Case Study – Social


Slide 25

Showcase How An ROIT Business

Will Create Freedom

(Tied into your listeners 6 motives)

Slide 26

Showcase Principle #2

By Framing VBS inside of EBS

(Always tie in education based

selling (EBS) with value based selling

(VBS) )

Slide 27

Showcase System With Principle #2

(Tie system towards what your market wants)

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Slide 28

EBSF #8:

Slides 30 to 32 TSP - Frame

Importance Perspective

(How to analyze advice)

Slide 29

Frame The Perspective

(Key to controlling a market and

establishing yourself as the trusted


Slide 30

Slide 31

Frame (New Buying Criteria)

Diagram Competitive Advantage

Slides 33 to 36

(Demonstrate the power of the

inverted business funnel in creating

an ROIT Business to make selling

premium priced programs easy)

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Slide 32

EBSF #8:

Slides 34 to 50 Principle #1 (Key

positioning statement)

Principles on how to build/diagram

Competitive Advantage

Ideation Process, Key Principle –

Invert Business Funnel

Slide 33

Slide 34

Slide 35

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Slide 36

Never Compete On Price

Slide 37

Compete On Value

Slide 38

Assignment For Audience To

Complete This Chart To Examine The

Advice They Give Away For Free.

Slide 39

EBSF #5:

Testimonial – Case Study – Social


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Slide 40

Showcase Principle #3

Slide 41

Slide 42

EBSF #6:

Competitive Advantage Key Quote

Slide 43

EBSF #6: Diagram Competitive Advantage

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Slide 44

Importance Of Influencing A Person’s

Quick Perception Of You

(Slides 46 & 47)

Slide 45

Slide 46

The Importance Of Being The

Trusted Advisor

Slide 47

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Slide 48

We Don’t Live In The Information


(Ideas are not important. What is

critical is to turn your advice into

specific recommendations.)

Slide 49

EBSF #5:

Social Proof - Testimonial

Slide 50

Slides 52 to 56

You Must Frame Your Advice To

Leverage Milgrim’s Law & Zipf’s Law.

(NOTE: graphic reinforces words


Slide 51

Showcase Principle #4

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Slide 52

Always Tie Your System Towards

What Your Marketplace Wants!

Slide 53

Example Of A Company That Has A

Competitive Advantage

Slide 54

Example Of A Company That Has A

Competitive Advantage

Slide 55

Slides 57 to 67

Principle #3 (Present system in the

context of movement)

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Slide 56

EBSF #6:

Visually Show What An Unfair

Competitive Advantage Looks Like.

Slide 57

EBSF #6 and #2:

Tie Your Competitive Advantage

Back To Critical Advantages Of Your


Slide 58

EBSF #8:

Key Advantage Of Our System

Slide 59

Show What It Means To Be Stealth.

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Slide 60

EBSF #6:

Critical Advantage Quote

Slide 61

EBSF #5:

Testimonial – Case Study – Social


Slide 62

Showcase Principle #5

Slide 63

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Slide 64

EBSF #6:

Show Competitive Advantage

(What speed to market looks like

versus “normal” programs)

Slide 65

EBSF #6:

Key Competitive Advantage Quote

Slide 66

Showcase Principle #6

Slide 67

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Slide 68

Visual Representation Of Concept

Slide 69

The Importance Of Educate To

Dominate System

Slide 70

Position Advice Into 3 Learning


Slide 71

Free Advice-Based Products Should


(Your system for solving a problem)

Premium Priced Programs Should


(Application of knowledge to your clients situations)

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Slide 72

EBSF #6:

Reinforce Inverted Business Funnel


(by tieing what my marketplace

wants – to sell high priced programs)

Slide 73

EBSF #5:

Testimonial – Case Study – Social


Slide 74

Now Examine Advice By 3 Learning


Slide 75

Showcase Principle #7

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Slide 76

EBSF #6:

Competitive Advantage

(Sequential linear growth is too slow.

It is possible to make quantum leaps

of achievement and


Slide 77

Slide 78

The Chain Of Quantum Growth


Slide 79

How The First 6 ROIT Principles All Lead To The 7th.

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Slide 80

EBSF #5:

Testimonial – Case Study – Social


Slide 81


(Transition from Education Based

Selling Focus To Value Based Selling


(Transition To The OFFER)

After these slides comes the offer section, you can see how we lay this out in '5.3 Service Offer Breakdown'.