1 UI Developer Online Training | www.iqonlinetraining.com UI Developer Online Training IQ training facility offers UI Developer Online Training. Our UI Developer trainers come with vast work experience and teaching skills. Our UI Developer training online is regarded as the one of the best online training in India. All our students were happy and able to find Jobs quickly in USA, UK, Singapore, Japan and Europe. UI Developer training online is your one stop solution to learn UI Developer at the comfort of your home with flexible schedules. IQ Training offers the UI Developer Online Course in a true global setting. Course Contents: 1. HTML Fundamentals Introduction HTML documents Demo: using doctype The head element Demo: using <head> The body element Using id and class attributes 2. HTML Text Headings Demo: Headings Block vs Inline Elements Demo: Block and Inline Elements Whitespace Demo: Whitespace Additional Text Elements Demo: Additional Elements 3. HTML Lists List Types

UI Developer Online Training UI Developer Online Training | 9. HTML Images and Objects Image and Object Concepts Demo: Adding Images Demo: Adding Objects

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1 UI Developer Online Training | www.iqonlinetraining.com

UI Developer Online Training

IQ training facility offers UI Developer Online Training. Our UI Developer trainers come with vast

work experience and teaching skills. Our UI Developer training online is regarded as the one of the

best online training in India. All our students were happy and able to find Jobs quickly in USA, UK,

Singapore, Japan and Europe. UI Developer training online is your one stop solution to learn UI

Developer at the comfort of your home with flexible schedules.

IQ Training offers the UI Developer Online Course in a true global setting.

Course Contents:

1. HTML Fundamentals Introduction

HTML documents

Demo: using doctype

The head element

Demo: using <head>

The body element

Using id and class attributes

2. HTML Text


Demo: Headings

Block vs Inline Elements

Demo: Block and Inline Elements


Demo: Whitespace

Additional Text Elements

Demo: Additional Elements

3. HTML Lists

List Types

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Demo: Creating Lists

Demo: List Rendering

4. HTML Links

Link concepts

Demo: Linking Documents

Understanding Targets

Demo: Linking to Targets

Additional Link Attributes

5. HTML Tables

Table Elements

Demo: Structuring a Table

Table Data

Spanning Columns and Rows

Formatting Tables

Demo: Table Formatting

6. HTML Form and Form Elements


HTTP Get Request


Form Input Elements

7. HTML forms fundamentals

Form Basics

Demo: Form Basics

Form Settings

Demo: Form Settings

8. HTML form inputs

Text inputs

Demo: Text inputs


Demo: Selections

Input attributes

Demo: Input attributes

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9. HTML Images and Objects

Image and Object Concepts

Demo: Adding Images

Demo: Adding Objects

10. HTML :

A. Introduction to HTML

Limitations of HTML

Introduction and Advantages of HTML

First HTML Document

Overview of New Features of HTML

B. Page Layout Semantic Elements



Section & Articles


Aside and more

C. Form Elements and Attributes

New Input Types

New Elements in Form

New Attributes in Form Tag

New Attributes in <input> Tag

D. Working with Canvas


Path and Curves

Drawing Lines, Rectangles and Circles

Text and Font

Color Gradiations

Drawing Images

E. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

Understanding SVG

Benefits of SVG

4 UI Developer Online Training | www.iqonlinetraining.com

Using SVG Tag

Comparing with Canvas

F. Media – Audio and Video

Audio and Source tags

Video and Source tags

Track tag

Mime types supported

Browser Compatibility

Programming using Javascript

G. Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop Events

Programming using JavaScript

H. Web Storage


Local Storage

Session Storage

Browser Compatibility

11. CSS:

A. Working with CSS

Introduction to CSS

Understanding Document Object Model

Introduction to style sheets

CSS Syntax

CSS Comments

B. The CSS Rules

Ways to work with CSS

External style sheet

Internal style sheet

Inline style

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C. CSS Selectors

The element Selector

The id Selector

The class Selector

Grouping Selectors

D. The CSS Cascade

Background Color

Background Image

Background Image – Repeat Horizontally or Vertically

Background Image – Set position and no-repeat

E. CSS Fonts & Typography

CSS Font Families

Font Style

Font Size

Text Color

Text Alignment

Text Decoration

Text Transformation

F. Working with Links and List

Styling Links

Common Link Styles

List Item Markers

Image as The List Item Marker

G. Working with Table

Table Borders

Collapse Borders

Table Width and Height

Text Alignment

Table Padding

Table Color

6 UI Developer Online Training | www.iqonlinetraining.com

H. CSS Color & Positioning

Web colors

hex colors

Color tools

I. CSS Box Model

Working with Content

Working with Padding

Working with Border

Working with Margin

J. CSS Display and Positioning

CSS Display and Visibility

How Elements Float

Turning off Float – Using Clear

Static Positioning

Fixed Positioning

Relative Positioning

Absolute Positioning

12. CSS3:

A. Working with CSS3

Introduction to CSS3


Box Model

B. CSS3 Borders

Working with border-radius

Working with box-shadow

Working with border-image

C. CSS3 Backgrounds



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D. CSS3 Gradients

Linear Gradients

Radial Gradients

E. CSS3 Text Effects



F. CSS Web Fonts

Creating custom fonts

Font Descriptors

G. CSS3 D Transforms

Working with translate

Working with rotate

Working with scale

Working with skew

Working with matrix

H. CSS3 D Transforms

Working with rotateX

Working with rotateY

I. CSS3 Transitions and Animations

Working with Animations

Working with Transitions

13. Java Script, jQuery, jQuery UI:

A. Javascript





If/else and equivalence

Object Literals


8 UI Developer Online Training | www.iqonlinetraining.com


Scope and Hoisting

B. jQuery – Introduction

JQuery Library

First JQuery Example

The Document Ready Function

How to escape a special character

C. jQuery – Selectors

Basic Selectors

Precise Selectors

Combination of Selectors

Hierarchy Selectors

Selection Index Filters

Visibility Filters

Forms Selectors

Forms Filters

D. Find Dropdown Selected Item

14. JQuery – Document Traversal - Getting a specific DOM element

A. jQuery – Event

Events Helpers

Attach Event

Detaching Events

Events Triggering

Live Events

B. jQuery –Effects

C. jQuery – HTML Manipulation

D. jQuery – UI

Working with UI frame work

Live examples

9 UI Developer Online Training | www.iqonlinetraining.com

15. Boot Strap:

A. Working with Bootstrap3

Introduction to Bootstrap3

Bootstrap History

Why Bootstrap

Embedding Bootstrap in to page

B. Bootstrap Grid System

Importance of Grid System

Grid Classes

Bootstrap Stacked/Horizontal

Bootstrap Grid Small

Bootstrap Grid Medium

Bootstrap Grid Large

Bootstrap Grid Examples

C. Bootstrap Text/Typography

Working with Text

Working with Contextual Colors and Backgrounds

D. Bootstrap Images

Rounded Corners



E. Bootstrap Jumbotron

Inside Container

Outside Container

F. Bootstrap Buttons

Button Styles






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Button Sizes





Active/Disabled Buttons

G. BS Button Groups

Vertical Button Groups

Nesting Button Groups & Drop Down Menus

H. Bootstrap Glyphicons

Glyphicon Syntax


Progress Bars

I. Bootstrap Pagination

Basic Pagination

Active State

Disabled State

Pagination Sizing

J. Bootstrap Pager

K. Bootstrap List Groups

L. Bootstrap Forms

M. Bootstrap Inputs

N. Bootstrap Carousel

11 UI Developer Online Training | www.iqonlinetraining.com

O. Bootstrap Plugins


Transition Plugin

Collapsible Plugin

Modal Dialog Plugin

Dropdown Plugin

Scrollspy Plugin

Tab Plugin

Tooltip Plugin

Popover Plugin

Alert Plugin

Button Plugin

Carousel Plugin

Affix Plugin

16. Angular JS:

A. Introduction to Angular

Angular Architecture

Working with Angular

Angular Version and Tools

Angular Seed

B. Controllers and Markup

Introduction to AngularJS Controllers

Controllers and Scope

Creating Controllers

Working with border-image

C. Working with colocations in AngularJS

Displaying Repeating Information

Demo with ng-repeat

12 UI Developer Online Training | www.iqonlinetraining.com

D. Working with events in AngularJS

Handling Events

Event Scope

Event Directives

E. Built-in Directives

Working with built in directives

Other Directives

F. Working with Expressions in AngularJS


G. Working with Expressions in Filters

Understanding Filters

Built-in Filters

H. Two Way Binding in AngularJS

Impotence of two way binding

Two Way Binding Demo

I. Validation

Importance of validation

Working example

Creating and Using Services

Introduction of services in AngularJS

Understanding importance of Services

Working with and Example