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UCC Sunday Bulletin 6-01-2014

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Office Hours

Offices are currently closed for break.

Offices will reopen Jan. 6th.

Sunday Mass

Daily Mass

Currently not offered due to break.

Usual schedule will resume Jan. 6th.

� For alternative Mass times at St. Austin’s see page 3 �


Currently not offered due to break.

Usual schedule will resume Jan. 6th.


Other sacraments

Baptism or Marriage

Fr. Ed | [email protected]

Fr. Jamie | [email protected]


Michael Flahive | [email protected]

Becoming Catholic

Dorothy Harper | [email protected]

Marriage Prep Workshop

Brandon Kraft | [email protected]

Religious Education

Julie Ulrich | [email protected]

June 1, 2014 | the ascension of the lord

“And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”

—Matthew 28:20

Your Ministry Team

A ministry of the Paulist Fathers

Close to Campus, Close to Christ

2010 University Ave. | Austin, TX 78705

Phone: 512.476.7351 | Fax: 512.476.7377


Connect with Us!



Monthly e-newsletter

Fr. Jamie Baca, CSP

Associate Director

[email protected]

Fr. Ed Nowak, CSP


[email protected]

Meghan Vail

Business Manager

[email protected]

Matthew Anderson

Administrative Assistant

[email protected]

Dorothy Harper

Campus Minister

[email protected]

Carol Filip

Development Associate

[email protected]

In fellowship with

Christina Sanchez

Team Leader

[email protected]

Madelin West


[email protected]

Ben Domingue


[email protected]

Michael Gonzalez


[email protected]




Office Hours

Monday - Thursday

10:00am - 4:00pm

Sunday Mass

10:30 am

8:00 pm

Daily Mass

Mon-Thurs 12:05pm

In the Blessed Sacrament Chapel

� For alternative Mass times at St. Austin’s see page 3 �


Mon & Tue 12:35pm

Or by appointment


Other sacraments

Baptism or Marriage

Fr. Ed | [email protected]

Fr. Jamie | [email protected]


Michael Flahive | [email protected]

Becoming Catholic

Dorothy Harper | [email protected]

Marriage Prep Workshop

Brandon Kraft | [email protected]

Religious Education

Julie Ulrich | [email protected]

Our mission is to provide pastoral care to the Roman Catholic community at The University of Texas at Austin

and to advance the spiritual, intellectual, and social life of the students, faculty, staff, and administration.

June 1, 2014 • The Ascension of the Lord

News and Announcements Reflection & Weekly Readings

Our Gi's to God

In what concrete ways are you living your faith

through service to others?








Acts 19:1-8; Jn 16:29-33

Acts 20:17-27; Jn 17:1-11a

Acts 20:28-38; Jn 17:11b-19

Acts 22:30;23:6-11; Jn 17:20-26

Acts 25:13b-21; Jn 21:15-19

Acts 28:16-20,30-31; Jn 21:20-25

Acts 2:1-11; 1 Cor 12:3b-7,12-13;

Jn 20:19-23

Readings for the week

Sunday, MAY 11, 2014

The total Sunday Collection was $2,185.55

MAY ONLINE GIVING: $8,029 (~$2,007.25/wk)

Weekly Expenses at the UCC: approx. $11,000

Building Debt: $89,987.90

More on contributing to the UCC?

Contact Carol Filip at [email protected]

UCC’s 2014 Wish List

Want to contribute to a specific need?

Please take a look at our wish list!

Used Washing Machine

50 New Monthly Donors ($50/month)

Carbos for Christ weekly spaghetti lunch ($100)

Semester of ministry activities for one student ($250)

Speaker Series ($500)

New Carpeting ($12,000)

Any gift you make to our ministry will help us bring the light of

Christ to more students at the University of Texas. Want to

make a difference? Contact Carol Filip at:

[email protected] Thank you!

Today’s Gospel is the conclusion of the book of Matthew. In His

final commandment Jesus tells us to baptize and to teach. How do

you teach the faith to your family and friends? Is there a way you

can help the religious education program at your parish?

Matching gift weekend was a success!

The grand total for MGW (April 25-27) was $98,175.65! Thank

you for your generosity and for your prayers! If you forgot to make

your gift, you can still help our ministry by giving online at


Busted Halo

Check out the Busted Halo Show, M-F,

from 6-9pm at Sirius 159/XM117. Also

check out bustedhalo.com!

Catholic services appeal (CSA) update

As of April 13, 2014, UCC

parishioners have pledged $9,106.41

to the CSA, which is 182% of our

goal of $5,000! Parishioners have paid $6,681.41 to the CSA,

which is 73% of the total amount pledged. Thank you all!

Black bag collection Today!

The Black Bag Collection this week will benefit

Annunciation Maternity Home in Georgetown, a

free, full-service home for young women in crisis

pregnancies. Services offered include housing,

continuing education, parenting and life skills

classes, job assistance, transportation, child care,

spiritual development opportunities, counseling, adoption referral,

and a two-year follow-up service of continuing education,

mentoring, prayer, and problem-solving. For more information,

please visit thematernityhome.org.

Summer schedule at the UCC

As of May 18 the UCC has switched to its summer schedule.

Look below for details.

Sunday Masses

10:30 am & 8:00 pm

Daily Masses

12:05 pm Mon-Thu


12:35 pm Mon & Tue

Building Hours

10:00 am - 4:00 pm Mon-Thu

Closed on Fridays

Our usual school-year schedule will resume in full on

Friday, August 22.

Please pray for:

• Pope Francis & Bishop Joe

• Fr. Pat Hensy, CSP

• Diane Key

• Denali Huff

• Robert Schneider

• Fr. T. J. Martinez

• Joseph Slate

Prayer intentions can be submitted at: [email protected]

Please note if you would like to remain anonymous.

Prayer Intentions

Week At A Glance

St. Austin Parish

June 1, 2014 • The Ascension of the Lord

Mass Times

Saturday 5:00 pm

Sunday 7:30 am | 9:00 am | 11:30 am| 5:30 pm

Daily Mon–Fri 8:00 am | Mon-Thu 5:20 pm


Saturday 3:30-4:30 pm or by appointment

2026 Guadalupe St. • Austin, TX 78705 • 512.477.9471

Monday, May 26 | Monday of the 7th Week of Easter

12:05 pm Mass Blessed Sacrament Chapel

12:35 pm Reconciliation St. Paul Reconciliation Chapel

Tuesday, May 27 | Memorial of St. Charles Lwanga and Companions

12:05 pm Mass Blessed Sacrament Chapel

12:35 pm Reconciliation St. Paul Reconciliation Chapel

Wednesday, May 28 | Wednesday of the 7th Week of Easter

12:05 pm Mass Blessed Sacrament Chapel

Thursday, May 29 | Memorial of St. Boniface, Bishop and Martyr

12:05 pm Mass Blessed Sacrament Chapel

Friday, May 30 | Friday of the 7th Week of Easter

UCC CLOSED - No Daily Mass or other events/activities

Choir rehearsal schedule

Sundays 9:30 am, 7:00 pm Holy Spirit Chapel

Wednesdays 7pm Holy Spirit Chapel

Know a Fallen-away catholic?

Let them know about LANDINGS, a

program for discussing faith issues and

returning to the practice of the faith.

Eight sessions begin Thursday, April 24,

7:00-8:30pm at Triangle Park Residences Conference Room,

4600 W. Guadalupe Street. For more, contact [email protected].

Paulist News

Congratulations TO the newest Paulist!

Congratulations to UT and UCC alumnus Father

Jimmy Hsu, CSP, who was ordained to the priest-

hood last week, May 24 at 10:00 am by Bishop Joe

S. Vásquez of the Diocese of Austin. The ordination

took place at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle in

New York City. Please pray for Father Hsu!


“It is the will of God that we should leave

undone what we cannot do without trouble.

There is a point in the spiritual life when God

does most for us when we do the least for

ourselves. There are two shoals against which

we may make spiritual shipwreck: self-activity

and idleness. Freedom of spirit will guide

us safely between these. For without

interior freedom there can be no fidelity to

divine grace… for this liberty is of God. As

Paul writes in Roman (8:15) ‘For you have not received a spirit

that makes you a slave to fear, but you have received the spirit of

son-ship whereby we cry Abba Father.’

“All that the soul can ask, and what ought surely to be granted, is

to follow faithfully the invitations of grace and the impulses of

God’s Spirit. If the soul is guided by the Holy Spirit, it would not

do the least thing contrary to faith or the Church, for we are

taught inwardly by the Holy Spirit and outwardly by the holy

Church in the same grace.” [Spiritual Notebook, 1854]

Fr. Isaac Hecker, Founder

of the Paulist Fathers

Fr. Isaac Hecker QuBe

If you have asked Father Hecker to pray for you or for another person who

was ill, and you believe something miraculous has happened, please phone

Fr. Paul Robichaud, CSP, at (202) 269-2519 and tell him your story.

Around the Diocese

Upcoming retreats at Cedarbrake

All weekend retreats begin on Friday at 7 pm and

conclude with brunch on Sunday at 11 am. All

Days of Reflection begin at 9 am and conclude at

2:30 pm. All weekend retreats are $160 for a

shared room, $195 for a private room. Days of

Reflection are $35 (includes lunch).

June 6-11: Desert Solitude (silent retreat, centering prayer)

Wed, June 18: Back to Ordinary Time - Now What?

June 27-29: Going Deeper into the Water

Thurs, July 10: Seeing Christ in All People

For more detailed descriptions, updates, and registration, please

visit: www.austindiocese.org/cedarbrake

Men’s Discernment Dinner • Wed., June 11, 7 pm

For single, Catholic men (18 and older) with an openness to a

priestly vocation and discernment. The evening includes dinner,

prayer, and a presentation with discussion. The dinner will be held

Wednesday, June 11, 7-8:30 pm at Borromeo House. For more

information, contact the Vocations Office at (512) 949-2430.

Faith of Catholics • Wednesdays, 7:30 pm

Whether you’re new to the Catholic faith or just want a refresher

on the basics of what we believe, join us for Faith of Catholics on

Wednesday nights at 7:30 in the Our Lady of Guadalupe Room at

St. Austin. For more information, contact Michael Flahive at

[email protected].


vocation retreat & service week • 6/29-7/05

Registration is now open for “Search & Serve” in St. Louis,

Missouri. Single Catholic men and women ages 18-40 are invited to

join the Daughters of Charity and the Vincentian Fathers and

Brothers in a week of service and discernment. Room and board is

provided, but you are responsible for your own travel

arrangements. To learn more, including how to register, please

contact Marti Salas at [email protected]