UBD modifies APOL1-induced kidney disease risk Jia-Yue Zhang a,b,1 , Minxian Wang a,b,1,2,3 , Lei Tian c , Giulio Genovese d , Paul Yan a,b , James G. Wilson e , Ravi Thadhani f,4 , Amy K. Mottl g , Gerald B. Appel h , Alexander G. Bick f,i , Matthew G. Sampson j , Seth L. Alper a,b,i , David J. Friedman a,b , and Martin R. Pollak a,b,i,2 a Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA 02215; b Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115; c Stanford Cardiovascular Institute, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305; d Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02142; e Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS 39216; f Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114; g University of North Carolina Kidney Center, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC 27599; h Center for Glomerular Diseases, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY 10032; i Broad Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02142; and j Department of Pediatrics, University of Michigan School of Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Contributed by Martin R. Pollak, January 28, 2018 (sent for review September 22, 2017; reviewed by Ali Gharavi and Susan E. Quaggin) People of recent African ancestry develop kidney disease at much higher rates than most other groups. Two specific coding variants in the Apolipoprotein-L1 gene APOL1 termed G1 and G2 are the causal drivers of much of this difference in risk, following a re- cessive pattern of inheritance. However, most individuals with a high-risk APOL1 genotype do not develop overt kidney disease, prompting interest in identifying those factors that interact with APOL1. We performed an admixture mapping study to identify ge- netic modifiers of APOL1-associated kidney disease. Individuals with two APOL1 risk alleles and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) have significantly increased African ancestry at the UBD (also known as FAT10) locus. UBD is a ubiquitin-like protein modifier that targets proteins for proteasomal degradation. African ancestry at the UBD locus correlates with lower levels of UBD expression. In cell-based experiments, the disease-associated APOL1 alleles (known as G1 and G2) lead to increased abundance of UBD mRNA but to decreased levels of UBD protein. UBD gene expression inversely correlates with G1 and G2 APOL1-mediated cell toxicity, as well as with levels of G1 and G2 APOL1 protein in cells. These studies support a model whereby inflammatory stimuli up-regulate both UBD and APOL1, which interact in a functionally important manner. UBD appears to mitigate APOL1- mediated toxicity by targeting it for destruction. Thus, genetically encoded differences in UBD and UBD expression appear to modify the APOL1-associated kidney phenotype. APOL1 | UBD | FAT10 | kidney | FSGS K idney disease is much more common in people of recent African ancestry than in other groups. Two coding variants in the APOL1 gene are the drivers of much of this difference in disease risk (1, 2). The more common of these alleles, G1, encodes two amino acid substitutions near the C terminus of the protein that almost always occur together. The second risk allele, G2, is a two- amino acid deletion adjacent to the location of the G1 allele. Two risk alleles are required for these large increases in risk, consistent with a recessive mode of inheritance. It is remarkable that variants as common as APOL1 G1 and G2 have such a large effect on the risk of multiple forms of kidney disease. The increased risk in individuals compound heterozygous or homozygous for APOL1 risk alleles is approximately fourfold to sevenfold for hypertension-associated end-stage renal disease (H- ESRD), 17-fold for FSGS, and 29- to 89-fold for HIV-associated nephropathy (3, 4). The mechanism(s) of APOL1-associated kid- ney disease risk remain unclear. However, investigators have consistently shown, in cell culture and in vivo systems, that the high-risk APOL1 variants are toxic to cells (reviewed in ref. 5). Despite the high risk of kidney disease associated with APOL1, most people with a high-risk APOL1 genotype neither have nor develop kidney disease. Our rough estimates put the lifetime risk of nondiabetic ESRD and/or chronic kidney disease (CKD)-related mortality in people with a high-risk genotype at about 20%, in contrast to 2% to those without. This raises obvious questions: Why do some people with the high-risk genotype develop kidney disease but not others? Why do some develop early-onset FSGS and others late-onset progressive CKD and ESRD? Both genetic and nongenetic factors likely can modify the clinical phenotype associated with a high- risk APOL1 genotype, leading to various forms of overt kidney disease (and/or protecting against overt kidney disease) in some but not others. Here we show that variation at the UBD locus (also called FAT10) is a genetic modifier of the risk of FSGS in individuals with a high-risk APOL1 genotype. UBD encodes a ubiquitin-like protein modifier that targets proteins to the 26S proteasome for degradation (6, 7). Like APOL1, UBD is up-regulated in response to proinflammatory stimuli including IFN-γ (8). In a mouse model of HIV-associated nephropathy, UBD is among the most up-regulated genes in the kidney (9). Previous studies have shown that intrarenal Significance Two common variants in the APOL1 gene explain most of the high rate of kidney disease in people of recent African ancestry. However, not all APOL1 high-risk individuals develop kidney disease. Here we identified the UBD locus as a genetic modifier of APOL1 kidney disease using admixture mapping. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis patients have significantly increased African ancestry at the UBD locus, which associates with lower UBD gene expression. Using a cell-based system, we show that UBD and APOL1 interact functionally and that higher levels of UBD ex- pression mitigate APOL1-mediated cell death. These findings are important for understanding the genetic and functional modifiers of the human APOL1-associated phenotype and the biological pathways relevant to APOL1-associated cell damage. Author contributions: J.-Y.Z., M.W., M.G.S., S.L.A., D.J.F., and M.R.P. designed research; J.-Y.Z., M.W., P.Y., and J.G.W. performed research; J.G.W., R.T., A.K.M., and G.B.A. con- tributed new reagents/analytic tools; J.-Y.Z., M.W., L.T., G.G., A.G.B., S.L.A., D.J.F., and M.R.P. analyzed data; and J.-Y.Z., M.W., D.J.F., and M.R.P. wrote the paper. Reviewers: A.G., Columbia University; and S.E.Q., Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University. Conflict of interest statement: M.R.P. and S.E.Q. are coauthors on a 2014 review article. M.G.S. and G.B.A. are coauthors on several papers published in the past 4 years with A.G. D.J.F. and M.R.P. have filed patents related to ApoL1-associated kidney disease and own equity in ApoLo1 Bio, LLC. Published under the PNAS license. Data deposition: Data used in this study have been deposited on figshare (https://doi.org/ 10.6084/m9.figshare.5917771). 1 J.-Y.Z. and M.W. contributed equally to this work. 2 To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected] or [email protected]. 3 Present address: Program in Medical and Population Genetics, Broad Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02142. 4 Present address: Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA 90048. This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. 1073/pnas.1716113115/-/DCSupplemental. Published online March 12, 2018. 34463451 | PNAS | March 27, 2018 | vol. 115 | no. 13 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1716113115 Downloaded by guest on November 14, 2021

UBD modifies APOL1-induced kidney disease risk

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UBD modifies APOL1-induced kidney disease riskJia-Yue Zhanga,b,1, Minxian Wanga,b,1,2,3, Lei Tianc, Giulio Genovesed, Paul Yana,b, James G. Wilsone, Ravi Thadhanif,4,Amy K. Mottlg, Gerald B. Appelh, Alexander G. Bickf,i, Matthew G. Sampsonj, Seth L. Alpera,b,i, David J. Friedmana,b,and Martin R. Pollaka,b,i,2

aDivision of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA 02215; bDepartment of Medicine, Harvard MedicalSchool, Boston, MA 02115; cStanford Cardiovascular Institute, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305; dStanley Center for PsychiatricResearch, Broad Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02142; eDepartment of Physiology and Biophysics,University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS 39216; fDepartment of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114; gUniversity ofNorth Carolina Kidney Center, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC 27599; hCenter for Glomerular Diseases, Columbia UniversityMedical Center, New York, NY 10032; iBroad Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02142; and jDepartment ofPediatrics, University of Michigan School of Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Contributed by Martin R. Pollak, January 28, 2018 (sent for review September 22, 2017; reviewed by Ali Gharavi and Susan E. Quaggin)

People of recent African ancestry develop kidney disease at muchhigher rates than most other groups. Two specific coding variantsin the Apolipoprotein-L1 gene APOL1 termed G1 and G2 are thecausal drivers of much of this difference in risk, following a re-cessive pattern of inheritance. However, most individuals with ahigh-risk APOL1 genotype do not develop overt kidney disease,prompting interest in identifying those factors that interact withAPOL1. We performed an admixture mapping study to identify ge-netic modifiers of APOL1-associated kidney disease. Individuals withtwo APOL1 risk alleles and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)have significantly increased African ancestry at the UBD (also knownas FAT10) locus. UBD is a ubiquitin-like protein modifier that targetsproteins for proteasomal degradation. African ancestry at the UBDlocus correlates with lower levels of UBD expression. In cell-basedexperiments, the disease-associated APOL1 alleles (known as G1 andG2) lead to increased abundance of UBD mRNA but to decreasedlevels of UBD protein. UBD gene expression inversely correlates withG1 and G2 APOL1-mediated cell toxicity, as well as with levels of G1and G2 APOL1 protein in cells. These studies support a model wherebyinflammatory stimuli up-regulate both UBD and APOL1, which interactin a functionally important manner. UBD appears to mitigate APOL1-mediated toxicity by targeting it for destruction. Thus, geneticallyencoded differences in UBD and UBD expression appear to modifythe APOL1-associated kidney phenotype.

APOL1 | UBD | FAT10 | kidney | FSGS

Kidney disease is much more common in people of recentAfrican ancestry than in other groups. Two coding variants

in the APOL1 gene are the drivers of much of this difference indisease risk (1, 2). The more common of these alleles, G1, encodestwo amino acid substitutions near the C terminus of the protein thatalmost always occur together. The second risk allele, G2, is a two-amino acid deletion adjacent to the location of the G1 allele. Tworisk alleles are required for these large increases in risk, consistentwith a recessive mode of inheritance.It is remarkable that variants as common as APOL1 G1 and G2

have such a large effect on the risk of multiple forms of kidneydisease. The increased risk in individuals compound heterozygousor homozygous for APOL1 risk alleles is approximately fourfold tosevenfold for hypertension-associated end-stage renal disease (H-ESRD), 17-fold for FSGS, and 29- to 89-fold for HIV-associatednephropathy (3, 4). The mechanism(s) of APOL1-associated kid-ney disease risk remain unclear. However, investigators haveconsistently shown, in cell culture and in vivo systems, that thehigh-risk APOL1 variants are toxic to cells (reviewed in ref. 5).Despite the high risk of kidney disease associated with APOL1,

most people with a high-risk APOL1 genotype neither have nordevelop kidney disease. Our rough estimates put the lifetime risk ofnondiabetic ESRD and/or chronic kidney disease (CKD)-relatedmortality in people with a high-risk genotype at about 20%, incontrast to 2% to those without. This raises obvious questions: Why

do some people with the high-risk genotype develop kidney diseasebut not others? Why do some develop early-onset FSGS and otherslate-onset progressive CKD and ESRD? Both genetic and nongeneticfactors likely can modify the clinical phenotype associated with a high-risk APOL1 genotype, leading to various forms of overt kidney disease(and/or protecting against overt kidney disease) in some but not others.Here we show that variation at the UBD locus (also called

FAT10) is a genetic modifier of the risk of FSGS in individualswith a high-risk APOL1 genotype. UBD encodes a ubiquitin-likeprotein modifier that targets proteins to the 26S proteasome fordegradation (6, 7). Like APOL1, UBD is up-regulated in responseto proinflammatory stimuli including IFN-γ (8). In a mouse model ofHIV-associated nephropathy, UBD is among the most up-regulatedgenes in the kidney (9). Previous studies have shown that intrarenal


Two common variants in the APOL1 gene explain most of thehigh rate of kidney disease in people of recent African ancestry.However, not all APOL1 high-risk individuals develop kidneydisease. Here we identified the UBD locus as a genetic modifier ofAPOL1 kidney disease using admixture mapping. Focal segmentalglomerulosclerosis patients have significantly increased Africanancestry at the UBD locus, which associates with lower UBD geneexpression. Using a cell-based system, we show that UBD andAPOL1 interact functionally and that higher levels of UBD ex-pression mitigate APOL1-mediated cell death. These findings areimportant for understanding the genetic and functional modifiersof the human APOL1-associated phenotype and the biologicalpathways relevant to APOL1-associated cell damage.

Author contributions: J.-Y.Z., M.W., M.G.S., S.L.A., D.J.F., and M.R.P. designed research;J.-Y.Z., M.W., P.Y., and J.G.W. performed research; J.G.W., R.T., A.K.M., and G.B.A. con-tributed new reagents/analytic tools; J.-Y.Z., M.W., L.T., G.G., A.G.B., S.L.A., D.J.F., andM.R.P. analyzed data; and J.-Y.Z., M.W., D.J.F., and M.R.P. wrote the paper.

Reviewers: A.G., Columbia University; and S.E.Q., Feinberg School of Medicine, NorthwesternUniversity.

Conflict of interest statement: M.R.P. and S.E.Q. are coauthors on a 2014 review article.M.G.S. and G.B.A. are coauthors on several papers published in the past 4 years with A.G.D.J.F. and M.R.P. have filed patents related to ApoL1-associated kidney disease and ownequity in ApoLo1 Bio, LLC.

Published under the PNAS license.

Data deposition: Data used in this study have been deposited on figshare (https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5917771).1J.-Y.Z. and M.W. contributed equally to this work.2To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected] [email protected].

3Present address: Program in Medical and Population Genetics, Broad Institute of Harvardand Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02142.

4Present address: Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, LosAngeles, CA 90048.

This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1716113115/-/DCSupplemental.

Published online March 12, 2018.

3446–3451 | PNAS | March 27, 2018 | vol. 115 | no. 13 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1716113115




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expression of UBD is increased in individuals with glomerular dis-ease and a high-risk APOL1 genotype (10).By use of admixture mapping, we demonstrate that individuals

with a high-risk APOL1 genotype and FSGS have significantly in-creased African ancestry at the UBD locus compared with theirwhole genome background and compared with control groups at thislocus. African ancestry at the UBD locus is associated with lowerlevels of UBD RNA expression. Using cell-based experiments, wedemonstrate that UBD interacts with APOL1 to modify APOL1risk variant-mediated cell death. Specifically, we show that inductionof expression of the toxic variant forms of APOL1 in a cell systemleads to increased expression of UBD mRNA. Increased expressionof UBD leads to a decrease in the amount of the G1 and G2APOL1 protein (but not the nondisease-associated G0 form).

ResultsDetecting Ancestral Biases for FSGS in Individuals with High-RiskAPOL1 Genotypes. We genotyped DNA from 253 African Amer-ican (AA) individuals with either FSGS or nondiabetic ESRD toidentify potential loci that interact with and modify the APOL1-associated phenotype(s). We used admixture mapping to dis-cover genetic modifier(s) for the APOL1 high-risk genotypeindividuals (G1G1, G2G2, or G1G2) with FSGS, then comparedthe candidate loci with APOL1 high-risk individuals with ESRDand high-risk people without known kidney disease, conditionedon each person’s genome-wide admixture background. We alsocompared the genome-wide ancestries between different groups.We replicated our findings by genotyping an additional 62 FSGSsamples (Fig. S1 and Table S1).We examined FSGS as our primary phenotype of interest. Al-

though most forms of nondiabetic CKD are associated with theAPOL1 risk genotype, risk is much stronger with FSGS, a histologi-cally defined (and presumably a more uniform) phenotype. We de-veloped a ranked list of genomic loci, ordered by the degree ofancestry bias. We ranked loci by the number of SDs above (Africanancestry enriched) or below (European ancestry enriched) the aver-age African ancestry. For each SNP in the genome, we also applied alog likelihood ratio test (11) by comparing the disease-associatedmodel with the null model to estimate the ancestry disease risk.For admixture mapping, local ancestry was inferred by RFMix (12)

and HAPMIX (13) programs. Both methods use data from ancestralpopulations (here African and European) as references to train astatistical model and then estimate the most likely ancestry states ofthe sequence of each query sample. We used the phased sequencingdata of 99 YRI and 99 CEU from 1000 Genomes Project Phase 3(14) as reference for RFMix. We also used the genotyping data of113 YRI and 112 CEU individuals from HapMap (15) as refer-ence for HAPMIX to replicate the ancestry inferring process. Asthe results of them were highly concordant, we present the resultsobtained using RFMix in this paper (Fig. S2).For each individual, after local ancestry inference, we de-

termined genome-wide ancestry and local ancestry at locithroughout the genome. The APOL1 high-risk genotype indi-viduals studied included individuals with FSGS, AA individualswith ESRD, AA individuals from the Jackson Heart Study with orwithout CKD, and high-risk individuals imputed from two collec-tions of samples available through the dbGAP database withoutkidney phenotype information but genotyped using the same plat-form as we used for the FSGS discovery and ESRD groups(phs000507 and phs000560) (Table S1).We first compared the overall percentage of European and Af-

rican ancestry in these different sample sets. Individuals with a high-risk APOL1 genotype had similar fractions of recent Europeanancestry except for the FSGS groups. The FSGS groups exhibitedmarkedly higher proportions of recent European ancestry, despitesharing the high-risk APOL1 genotype, which is exceedingly rareexcept in people self-identified as AA. This difference (Fig. 1A) mayreflect the methods of ascertainment and sample selection ratherthan any underlying biology as members of this FSGS cohort were

chosen on the basis of APOL1 genotype, whereas self-identified AArace was a prerequisite for entry into the other study groups.We then estimated the locus-specific African ancestry for each

group after normalizing global ancestry person by person, fol-lowing the method in Patterson et al. (16) to control the globalancestry difference between study groups. Using two complementarylocal ancestry inference algorithms and two sources of reference data(12, 13), we sought loci with ancestral bias greater than 3 SDs from

Fig. 1. Admixture mapping and locus fine mapping. (A) Comparison of ad-mixture in the different groups studied. The percentage of European (CEU)and sub-Saharan African (YRI) ancestry was compared. Individuals with a high-risk APOL1 genotype had similar fractions of recent African ancestry with theexception of the FSGS group, which exhibited markedly greater recent Euro-pean ancestry despite sharing a high-risk APOL1 genotype with all groups.FSGS.D represents the FSGS discovery group, and FSGS.R represents the FSGSreplication group. Significance was evaluated by t test. (B) Ancestral bias at theUBD locus for the different groups studied. At any locus, the ancestry deviatingfrom a normalized relative African ancestry of 0 was estimated. Positive valuesindicate enrichment of African ancestry, whereas negative values indicateenrichment of European ancestry. The UBD locus shows the largest bias to-ward enrichment of African ancestry in the FSGS discovery and replicategroup. The histogram bar distribution was estimated from empirical data, andthe curved line was fitted as a normal distribution against empirical data. FSGS.D represents the FSGS discovery group, and FSGS.R represents the FSGS rep-lication group. (C) Admixture mapping across the whole genome for FSGShigh-risk genotype individuals. P value was estimated by a likelihood ratio testmethod that determines ancestral bias at each locus, conditioned on each in-dividual’s global ancestry. The data from FSGS discovery and replication groupwere combined together for this estimation. (D) Fine mapping for causal variantsand UBD eQTL around the UBD locus. The blue curve shows the relative prob-ability where the causal variants are located based on the degree of ancestry bias.The blue shaded area is the 95% credible interval from the central area under thecurve peak, from 26,378,681 to 30,951,367 bp (hg19), containing 148 genes. Thearea under the entire curve was normalized as 1. Purple dots denote the P valuefor each SNP considered as an eQTL for UBD. The most likely causal locus coin-cides with the most significant eQTLs of the UBD gene. The vertical yellowdashed line indicates the location of the UBD gene. There are no UBD transcriptsdirectly overlapping with the most ancestry-biased region.

Zhang et al. PNAS | March 27, 2018 | vol. 115 | no. 13 | 3447








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the mean relative African ancestry in the FSGS group. We illustratethis approach by plotting the results for the Chr6p21.33–22.2 locusthat we term the UBD locus (Fig. 1B). This locus has African ancestry3.2 SDs beyond the mean in the discovery group and 2.3 SDs inreplication group.Other than the APOL1 locus itself on Chr22, only two loci

reached the 3 SD threshold: Chr6p21.33–22.2 (Table 1) andChr18q22.3–23 in the discovery group. The deviation at theChr6 locus was replicated in a second smaller FSGS group (Fig.1B and Fig. S2), whereas the locus on Chr18 did not replicate.For the Chr6 locus, a P value = 4.8 × 10−5 [false discovery rate(FDR) = 0.0061] representing the African ancestry bias wasobtained using the combined data from the FSGS groups. De-spite having more European ancestry at a genome-wide level, thehigh-risk APOL1 FSGS individuals were nevertheless enrichedfor African ancestry at the chromosome 6 locus (Fig. 1 and Fig.S1). Thus, we prioritized this locus for further evaluation.

Fine Mapping at the Chr6 Locus.We performed fine mapping in aneffort to isolate causal variants and genes at the Chr6 locus. Basedon the log likelihood ratio score estimated by Eq. S1 (ADM test),which maximizes the likelihood for estimation of ancestry diseaserisk, we estimated the relative probability of each SNP (or itshighly linked sites) within the Chr6p locus as being causal, and alsothe 95% confidence interval for the causal allele of this locus (Fig.1D), following the method of Freedman et al. (17). The 95%confidence interval is located from 26,378,681 to 30,951,367 bp(hg19), containing 148 genes. The most ancestry-biased region islocated from 29,543,646 to 30,434,900 bp (hg19) and referred to asthe high-risk region hereafter.G1 and G2 both originated recently (18). We hypothesized that

variability in the APOL1 associated phenotype may be influenced bydifferences in expression of modifier genes because most GWASloci are located in regulatory regions (19, 20). By using the datafrom the Genetic European Variation in Health and Disease, AEuropean Medical Sequencing Consortium (GEUVADIS) Project(21) and normalizing the RNA sequencing data to control forconfounding factors (22, 23), we first checked for genes with cis-eQTL peaks (FDR ≤ 0.2) located in this high-risk region, where thepeak was defined as the most significant SNP that correlated withgene expression. The eQTLs were estimated using data availablefrom the YRI population to determine the effect of African an-cestry at the Chr6p locus. There are 33 genes that meet this cri-terion. We compared the population-level gene expression forthese genes between YRI and CEU populations (t test), as wehypothesized that gene expression difference was the driving forcefor ancestry bias at this locus. Only two genes meet both criteria,UBD and PPP1R18 (FDR < 0.2 for expression difference). Wefocused our attention on the UBD gene because UBD is amongthe three most highly up-regulated genes in glomeruli from ne-phrotic syndrome patients with a high-risk APOL1 genotypecompared with other genotypes (10). The most highly associatedSNPs in this region overlap with the SNPs that represent thestrongest eQTLs forUBD (Fig. 1 and Table S2). As shown in Fig. 2,the YRI individuals have, on average, significantly lower UBD

expression than those from the CEU population (P value = 8.4 ×10−4, FDR = 0.015). Taken together, this implies that higherAfrican ancestry at this locus is associated with lower levels ofUBD expression and prompted us to test the effect of UBDexpression on APOL1 in a cell-based system.We note that there are coding variants in UBD. Combinations

of these variants form haplotypes with different frequencies inAfricans and Europeans. However, these coding variants are notlocated in the region that shows the greatest ancestry bias in theFSGS samples. (We also performed functional testing of themajor haplotypes defined by these variants between the YRI andCEU populations and saw no difference in the effect of thesehaplotypes on APOL1-associated cell toxicity as below.)

Expression of APOL1 Risk Variants Leads to Up-Regulation of UBDTranscript but Reduces Endogenous UBD Protein Level. UBD is aubiquitin-like protein modifier (6). Both UBD and APOL1 are up-regulated in response to inflammatory stimuli and may play roles inthe innate immune system (10, 24, 25). Sampson et al. (10) showedthat UBD is among the three most up-regulated genes in glomerulifrom nephrotic syndrome patients with a high-risk APOL1 genotype.We therefore explored this interaction further using cellular assays.We previously generated T-REx-293 stable cell lines that express

Flag-tagged APOL1 G0, G1, and G2 isoforms under the control oftetracycline (tet) (26). An empty vector (EV) control cell line con-tains only the plasmid backbone. Induction of G1 and G2 expression(but not G0) leads to a marked increase in UBD mRNA (Fig. 3). Incontrast to UBDmRNA, endogenous UBD protein level was reducedin G1- and G2-expressing cells compared with untreated cells and

Table 1. Ancestry bias at UBD locus


Genome-wide average* 69.4% (148) 82.5% (282) 83.0% (360) 84.6% (504)UBD locus† 79.9% (171) 86.8% (297) 85.3% (370) 84.6% (504)Total haplotypes 214 342 434 596Odds ratio (95% CI) 1.77 (1.11–2.84) 1.40 (0.90–2.19) 1.19 (0.81–1.74) 1 (0.72–1.39)

Comparison of local ancestry at the UBD locus with genome-wide average of different APOL1 high-risk ge-notype groups. For the FSGS group, 59 discovery and 48 replication individuals were combined for this estimate,for a total of 214 haplotypes. The number in parentheses is the number of haplotypes. The ancestry bias oddsratio is 1.77 per UBD haplotype in the FSGS group, or 1.42 if estimated by the maximum likelihood method,multiplicative model.*Estimated by the genome-wide average ancestry proportion times the total number of haplotypes.†Directly counted through the ancestry label estimated by RFMix software at UBD.

Fig. 2. UBD gene expression in CEU and YRI populations. Each dot repre-sents an individual’s UBD gene expression (in EBV-transformed lympho-blastoid cell lines) measured by PEER method normalized reads per kilobaseper million (RPKM) mapped reads (23). Significance was evaluated by t test.

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G0 cells (Fig. 3B). For comparison, we quantified the transcript levelof the ubiquitin gene UBB as well as the GABBR1 gene that overlapsin genomic location with UBD. The induction of APOL1 expressiondid not affect the mRNA level of either UBB or GABBR1 (Fig. S3).

UBD Overexpression Decreases APOL1 Risk Variants-Induced Cytotoxicity.Previous studies noted that UBD overexpression (27–29) may leadto apoptosis. We transiently transfected the APOL1 T-REx-293 stablecell lines with UBD (pCMV6-UBD-HA) or EV control (pCMV6-entry) for 24 h followed by 24 h tet induction of APOL1. Thecytotoxicity/viability ratio decreased significantly in G1 and G2 celllines in the presence of UBD-HA overexpression (Fig. 4A). Toconfirm whether the cytotoxicity/viability ratio correlated with UBDexpression, we transiently transfected different amounts of pCMV6-UBD-HA plasmid, balanced by EV plasmid to keep constant thetotal amount of transfected cDNA. As the UBD protein level in-creased, APOL1-associated cytotoxicity in G1 and G2 cell decreased(Fig. 4). This relationship was not observed in EV or G0 cell lines.

Inactivation of UBD by siRNA and CRISPR Leads to Increased APOL1-Induced Cytotoxicity. To investigate the association between thedose of UBD and APOL1-induced cytotoxicity, we inactivatedendogenous UBD via both siRNA and CRISPR. For knockdownof UBD by siRNA, we transiently transfected T-REx-293 cellseither with siUBD or with control siRNA and allowed the cells togrow for 48 h. In G1- and G2-expressing UBD knockdown cells,but not in cells treated with control siRNA, there was a substantialincrease in APOL1 G1- and G2-mediated cytotoxicity (Fig. 4D).Previous studies have shown that in HeLa cells, knockdown ofUBD by siRNA leads to cell death (30). However, here we did notfind any significant changes in cytotoxicity in EV and G0 knock-down cells. We note that the observed change in cytotoxicity didnot require particularly high knockdown efficiency (53%).For UBD gene inactivation by CRISPR, we infected the T-

REx-293 cells with virus and appropriate sgRNAs and controlsand then selected single colonies. Immunoblots were done toidentify cell colonies in which UBD was inactivated (Fig. 4F). InUBD-inactivated cells, G1- and G2-induced cytotoxicity becamesevere within 18 h of tet induction of APOL1 (Fig. 4E), morethan with siRNA knockdown, consistent with more complete UBDinactivation by CRISPR. In the EV and G0 cells, UBD in-activation did not alter cytotoxicity.

UBD Overexpression Leads to Decreased APOL1 G1 and G2 Protein butNot G0. To test whether UBD overexpression altered APOL1 levelsin T-REx-293 stable cell lines, we immunoblotted whole-cell lysatesprepared after transient transfection with UBD (pCMV6-UBD-HA), which overexpresses UBD with a hemagglutinin (HA) tag, orempty vector as a control, followed by tet induction for 24 h. Evenwith high levels of APOL1 induction in the stable cell lines, UBDexpression led to a clear decrease in G1 and G2 protein but nonoticeable change in G0 protein (Fig. 5A). Immunoblotting withanti-HA showed that UBD protein level is much lower in APOL1

G1- and G2-expressing cells compared with G0 cells, consistentwith the results of endogenous UBD protein level (Fig. 3B). Thissuggests increased degradation of both APOL1 and UBD. Weperformed RT-PCR to see if UBD overexpression affects APOL1protein level directly or rather influences APOL1 RNA level. UBDoverexpression had no effect on the mRNA level ofAPOL1 (Fig. 5B).

UBD Interacts with APOL1. These results imply that UBD interactswith APOL1 and targets it for degradation in the presence ofG1 or G2 alleles. To confirm an interaction between UBD andAPOL1 in vivo and the effect of proteasome inhibition on anysuch interaction, we performed coimmunoprecipitation (co-IP)experiments. T-REx-293 cells were tet-induced (50 ng/mL) for9 h, with or without proteasome inhibitor MG132 (or DMSO asnegative control) during the final 4 h. Lysates were subjected toIP with anti-FLAG (APOL1) and immunoblotted with anti-UBD. The interaction between UBD and each APOL1 variantwas more easily detected with proteasome inhibition (Fig. 6). Toconfirm the interaction of APOL1 and UBD, we performedbidirectional co-IP. We observed that the G0, G1, and G2 formsof APOL1 all coimmunoprecipitated with anti-UBD. Endoge-nous UBD protein was detectable by APOL1 IP as well.

DiscussionIn this study, we demonstrate that individuals with FSGS and ahigh-risk APOL1 genotype are enriched for recent African ancestryat the UBD locus. The moderate number of APOL1 high-risk


D m


A le





to G


H m



0 hr

12 hr

24 hr

EV G0 G1 G2 0



60 *** ***





Tet: EV G0 G1 G2 EV G0 G1 G2 - - - - + + + +

25KD-- 22KD--




Fig. 3. Induction of APOL1 G1 and G2 leads to up-regulation of UBDtranscripts but reduced UBD protein levels. (A) Quantitative PCR of UBD andGAPDH transcripts after APOL1 induction in T-REx-293 cells with tet (50 ng/mL;eight replicates). (B) Immunoblot of UBD, APOL1, and GAPDH after induc-tion with tet (50 ng/mL) for 24 h; four replicates. ***P < 0.01. Significancewas evaluated by t test. Error bar represents SD.









Fig. 4. UBD expression level alters APOL1 G1- and G2-induced cytotoxicity.UBD overexpression reduces APOL1 G1- and G2-induced cytotoxicity, whereasinactivation of UBD by siRNA and CRISPR leads to increased APOL1-inducedcytotoxicity. (A) Cell cytotoxicity/viability after 24-h treatment with tet (50ng/mL) in the presence or absence of transiently transfected UBD for an ad-ditional 24 h. (B) Cell cytotoxicity/viability after 24 h tet (50 ng/mL) treatmentwith transiently transfected UBD cDNA for an additional 24 h. (C) Immunoblotof overexpressed UBD-HA after transfection with the indicated relativeamounts of UBD cDNA. (D) Cell cytotoxicity/viability after 24 h posttransfectionwith or without UBD siRNA (siRNA or siCTRL) followed by 18 h tet induction(50 ng/mL) of the induced APOL1 variants. (E) Cell cytotoxicity/viability of theindicated APOL1 cell lines (with or without CRISPR inactivation of UBD)after 18 h tet (50 ng/mL) induction. (F ) Immunoblot of endogenous UBD inthe induced cell lines with (+) or without (−) CRISPR inactivation of UBD. (InA, B, D, and E, **P < 0.05, ***P < 0.01 vs. untreated cells, eight replicates.)Significance was evaluated by t test. Error bar represents SD.

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genotype FSGS samples available made admixture mapping amore robust approach than standard GWAS. GWAS tests associ-ation on a SNP by SNP basis, whereas admixture mapping tests forassociation based on ancestry block, greatly decreasing the multipletesting correction burden. The key comparison in a study such asthis is the relative amount of African (or European) ancestry atspecific regions of the genome compared with the genome as awhole. Here the strongest admixture signal we found at Chr6poverlaps precisely with the strongest UBD eQTLs. Expression ofthis gene is significantly different between people of African andEuropean ancestry, making differential UBD expression the likelydriver of this ancestry bias.Although we were able to localize an FSGS-modifying region

(a 95% credible interval), we do not have enough power to pin-point the causal position and SNP(s). We note that several HLAgenes are located in the high-risk region within the Chr6p locus.Under the assumption that ancestry-dependent risk at this locus isdriven by alterations in gene expression, we can exclude the HLAgenes because they do not show significant expression differencesbetween Africans and Europeans. However, ancestry-associateddifferences in UBD gene expression may also reflect a genetichitchhiker effect (31), driven by sequence differences in nearbyHLA genes or other genes. Together with the biological validationin this study as well as previous observations regarding UBD ex-pression (10, 32–34), there is strong support for the notion that theUBD gene plays a critical role in the regulation of APOL1-induced disease risk and that ancestry bias at this locus is associ-ated with increased risk of FSGS in the setting of a high-riskAPOL1 genotype. Nevertheless, we cannot definitely exclude

HLA genes as possible contributors. Further studies of largerpopulations of APOL1-associated FSGS may be able to betterdefine the specific SNPs that are driving ancestry bias and inaddition influencing the risk of FSGS. We note that our func-tional studies showed that coding differences in the major hap-lotypes of African and European populations do not explainUBD’s effect on APOL1-associated cell death, which is consis-tent with UBD expression rather than UBD coding sequence itselfas responsible for differences in APOL1-associated FSGS.UBD is an interesting gene for several reasons. HIV is the

strongest known nongenetic hit for the development of kidneydisease in the setting of a high-risk APOL1 genotype. UBD isamong the most highly up-regulated genes in HIV-infected cells(34). Both UBD and APOL1 are up-regulated in response to in-flammatory stimuli and may play roles in the innate immune sys-tem (10, 24, 25). Using an unbiased approach, Sampson et al.(10) showed that UBD is among the three most up-regulatedgenes in glomeruli from nephrotic syndrome patients with a high-risk APOL1 genotype. A mouse model of APOL1-associateddisease showed a similar change in UBD expression (32). Agenome-wide study of circulating APOL1 levels pointed towardUBD (or a locus near UBD) as an expression QTL for APOL1(33). Thus, genetic, transcriptional, and functional data all in-tersect at the UBD locus, strongly suggesting that it may play arole in modulating the effect of APOL1 variants on the kidney.The present study suggests that ancestry-dependent variation atUBD itself modifies the risk of APOL1-associated FSGS. Further-more, we show that at a cellular level, UBD and APOL1 interactas assessed by coimmunoprecipitation and functional effects onAPOL1-mediated cell death. The previous observation that UBD



Fig. 5. UBD overexpression leads to decreased expression of G1 and G2APOL1 protein. (A) Immunoblot of APOL1, UBD-HA, and GAPDH in T-REx-293 cells 24 h after transfection with or without UBD-HA cDNA followed bytet (50 ng/mL) induction of the indicated APOL1 variants for another 24 h.UBD overexpression leads to decreased expression of G1 and G2 APOL1 pro-tein without apparent change of G0 protein. (B) Quantitative PCR of APOL1(normalized to GAPDH) in the presence or absence of UBD-HA overexpressionand subsequent tet induction of APOL1. UBD-HA overexpression has no effecton APOL1 transcripts (four replicates).

IP: a



IB: anti-UBD

IB: anti-APOL1

IB: anti-APOL1


IB: anti-UBD

MG132 + + + +

EV G0 G1 G2 B EV G0 G1 G2

IP: a



25KD-- 22KD--



25KD-- 22KD--



EV EV G0 G0 G1 G1 G2 G2

25KD-- 22KD--

25KD-- 22KD--

- + - + - + - +

IP: anti-HA



IB: anti-UBD


DMSO + - - - - + + +

Fig. 6. APOL1 and UBD interact. (A) T-REx-293 cells were tet-induced for 9 h,with or without 5 μM MG132 added during the final 4 h. Cells were then lysedand subjected to immunoprecipitation (IP) by anti-FLAG (APOL1) antibody, thenimmunoblotted with anti-UBD antibody. (B) The same experiment performed inthe presence of MG132, and immunoprecipitation (IP) by anti-FLAG (APOL1) oranti-UBD antibody, followed by immunoblotting with anti-UBD or anti-APOL1antibody as indicated. The interaction between APOL1 and endogenous UBD ismore easily detected in the presence of proteasome inhibition.

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is up-regulated in the kidney in the setting of APOL1-associatedglomerular disease, together with the observations presented here,suggests that intrarenal UBD up-regulation may limit renal injurycaused by up-regulation of APOL1 (10, 32).UBD encodes a ubiquitin-like protein that modifies and tar-

gets proteins for degradation via the 26S proteasome (6). Using acell-based system, we show that expression of the disease-asso-ciated G1 and G2 forms of APOL1, but not G0, leads to markedup-regulation of the UBD transcript. By contrast, less UBDprotein (endogenous or overexpressed) is detectable in this set-ting. Additionally, overexpression of UBD leads to a decrease inthe amount of G1 and G2 APOL1 (but not G0) protein that isdetectable in cells. G0, G1, and G2 all co-IP with UBD, and thisinteraction is more easily detected when the proteasome isinhibited. In the cell system used here, the G1 and G2 forms ofAPOL1 led to marked up-regulation of UBD transcript not seenwith the G0 form. In contrast to RNA, UBD protein is lower inG1 and G2 cells, suggesting much more rapid turnover of theUBD protein in the presence of G1 or G2 than with G0. Both thegenetic and cellular data suggest that UBDmay mitigate the toxiceffects of G1 and G2. In proinflammatory states where bothUBD and APOL1 are up-regulated, this may be particularlyrelevant. The association of FSGS with UBD eQTLs is consistentwith the model that UBD interacts with disease-associatedG1 and G2 forms of APOL1 and targets it for proteasomaldegradation, partially reducing its toxic effects (Fig. S4).In vivo, lower levels of UBD may lead to reduced protection

from APOL1-mediated toxicity, consistent with the observedeffects of UBD on APOL1-mediated cell toxicity. UBD SNPs thatare associated with lower level of UBD expression (as, on average,is seen in Africans compared with Europeans) are associatedwith higher FSGS risk. The opposite effects of UBD knockdownversus overexpression on cytotoxicity support this notion. UBDcan modify proteins covalently or noncovalently (35). The lackof UBD-dependent changes in apparent Mr of APOL1 as assessedby denaturing gel electrophoresis suggests that UBD does notcovalently modify APOL1.

The observations reported here raise several questions. Larger-scale human genetic studies may be able to further pinpoint specificvariants that control UBD expression and in turn modify the APOL1-associated kidney phenotype. Further elaboration of the UBD–APOL1 interaction in in vivo models could provide insightsinto approaches to mitigate APOL1-associated kidney diseasefor therapeutic benefit. Although we observe effects of UBD inthe context of APOL1, UBD may have a more general role in thedegradation of cytotoxic proteins in glomerular as well as non-glomerular renal cells. Altered expression of UBD in othermodels supports this notion (25, 34). In the case of humans, andin a mouse model of APOL1-associated disease, up-regulation ofUBD was observed in glomerular cells (10, 32). The natural ex-periment reported here suggests at least one potential thera-peutic opportunity for treatment of APOL1-associated disease:factors that modulate the turnover of APOL1 may represent apossible avenue for therapeutic intervention.

Materials and MethodsThe human genetics studies were approved by the institutional review board(IRB) at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. FSGS cases were ascertainedfollowing informed consent as part of a study of FSGS genetics ongoing since1996. Other genetic datasets were obtained through dbGAP and the JacksonHeart Study. Detailed description of admixture mapping and other geneticmethodologies used are described in SI Materials and Methods. Biochemicaland cell-based assays were performed following standard procedures asdescribed in SI Materials and Methods.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The authors thank the staff and participants of theJackson Heart Study (JHS). This work is supported by NIH Grants MD007092,MD007898, DK54931, and U54GM115428; US Department of Defense GrantW81XWH-14-1-0333; grants from the Ellison and Nephcure Foundations, andVertex Pharmaceuticals. The JHS is supported and conducted in collaborationwith Jackson State University (Grants HHSN268201300049C and HHSN268201300050C),Tougaloo College (Grant HHSN268201300048C), and the University of MississippiMedical Center (Grants HHSN268201300046C and HHSN268201300047C) con-tracts from National Heart Lung Blood Institute and National Institute onMinority Health and Health Disparities.

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