UB Medical Faculty Graduates Director of Wava Husada Hospital Submit by prasetyaFK on December 22, 2011 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 6763 MMRS FK-UB graduates the director of RS Wava Husada Malang, dr. Muhammad Arif Suryadi, MMRS Hospital Management Master Program (MMRS) Medical Faculty Universitas Brawijaya (FK-UB) graduates another student, dr. Muhammad Arif Suryadi, MMRS. The Director of Wava Husada Hospital Malang take the graduation ceremony on Tuesday (20/12) in the discussion room, second floor of PH Building. He take the education in MMRS FK-UB for two years and three months. The study program was chosen because he has been starting his career in hospital on management function. "With study, he expects to get new knowledge or insights on hospital management aside from the implementation of science in hospital to improve the service of hospital to the public. The alumni of Medical Education, class of 1996 advised that in the future MMRS FK-UB should be better and solid in developing its education. "I hope the alumni and the students can communicate well to improve MMRS", he said. The dean of FK-UB Dr. dr. Karyono Mintaroem, SpPA in his speech said, "this is the several times we graduate a student of MMRS who is active in the society. We on behalf of the institution congratulate the achievement". He specifically expects that there shall be a development of science on the real practice aside from keeping the communication with the almamater to improve MMRS. The event is also attended by Vice Dean III FK-UB, Head of Study Program, Secretary of Study Program, and several community members of FK-UB. To this day, MMRS has graduated 82 students who are spread and work in the society. [ang/nok/translated by: A. Yasmeen] Related Article Dissertation Exam of Adi Pramono Hendrata at Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Graduates 111 New Doctors 39 New Pharmacists Say an Oath

UB Medical Faculty Graduates Director of Wava Husada Hospital

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UB Medical Faculty Graduates Director of Wava Husada Hospital

Submit by prasetyaFK on December 22, 2011 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 6763

MMRS FK-UB graduates the director of RS Wava Husada Malang, dr. Muhammad Arif

Suryadi, MMRS

Hospital Management Master Program (MMRS) Medical Faculty Universitas Brawijaya (FK-UB) graduates another student, dr. Muhammad Arif Suryadi, MMRS. The Director of Wava Husada Hospital Malang take the graduation ceremony on Tuesday (20/12) in the discussion room, second floor of PH Building. He take the education in MMRS FK-UB for two years and three months.

The study program was chosen because he has been starting his career in hospital on management function. "With study, he expects to get new knowledge or insights on hospital management aside from the implementation of science in hospital to improve the service of hospital to the public. The alumni of Medical Education, class of 1996 advised that in the future MMRS FK-UB should be better and solid in developing its education. "I hope the alumni and the students can communicate well to improve MMRS", he said.

The dean of FK-UB Dr. dr. Karyono Mintaroem, SpPA in his speech said, "this is the several times we graduate a student of MMRS who is active in the society. We on behalf of the institution congratulate the achievement". He specifically expects that there shall be a development of science on the real practice aside from keeping the communication with the almamater to improve MMRS.

The event is also attended by Vice Dean III FK-UB, Head of Study Program, Secretary of Study Program, and several community members of FK-UB. To this day, MMRS has graduated 82 students who are spread and work in the society. [ang/nok/translated by: A. Yasmeen]

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