u t itm aiffM i THE SUN THURSDAY JANUARY 2 1902 II If 1 I 1 I r- e I I THURSDAY JANUARY 2 1902 8it erlpttoni by Mall rtpld DAILY ir Month o t DAILY per Year a 0- 8UYUAY per 0- UAIMT AND SUNDAY ptr Year A 0 DAILY ANn SUNDAY Month 7 Pottage to totclcn countries added Tni SOH York CuT FARM Klojque No II ntAr flrmd Hotel an- KU que No 10 Iloulevtrd dM Capurlnea It for trttn4i vAo tit vUft maniurrlpli- rvHleatltn trtii la Ann rtjtctid arMn tt V nurt In oU cam trail lamp tlitl purpa- nrrc ldentnicct Inlma The remarkable thing Cuban election f parent ladk of shown by voters of the At this he report are meagre but they indl cute that oven at cuch centres of popu Utlon and political activity as Havan and Santiago tim number of Cubans went to tho polls wna small An In well understood this circum utonoo in part from the adopted by tho supporters of lUrvroL- Oiifi MASO who was an avowed candi date for the Presidency up to less than a fortnight ago when ho withdrew frou the contest with the other candl dates of the aocnllcd Democratic party upon tho pretext of dlssntisfnctior with the electoral nrrnnRements MARC and his party had ROM so for as to d v- mand of the United States authorities a postponement of the election Consequently tho ticket with Honor T at iti head was tho only ono in the field and there was no measurement whatever- of the political forces opposed to him find but an Of his actual strength Tho event foil tar short of tho Ideal warranted by dignity of the occasion the culmina- tion of Cubas long struRRle for the Jght to elect a President Nevertheless the election Is u de- cisive ns If it had been attended by a tremendous tnoiilfefltit Ion of public Interest and enthusiasm The chosen Kloctors will meet on Feb 24 after the American fashion and cost their ballots for PALMA The attitude of the Maso party if by their abstention from voting they to lay the foundation for repudiation pi the result ran accomplish nothing Unless indeed it takes an aspect which shall render It impossible for the United States to withdraw from the island at the expected time Loyal Cubans of all shades of political opinion will prepare to accept and sus- tain the coming Administration of Presi- dent PAulA Governor Oilrlls Second Message Governor Onrus views ns promul- gated in hit message to tho legislature yesterday regarding the need of greater economy in tho management of tho rtBylums nn l similar State institutions and upon tho question of the amend ment of tho Excise laws are BO well known that further comment upon them for the present nt least Is un- necessary Aside from his discus- sion of these topics tim noteworthy features of his messago are his recom- mendations concerning the canals and the Increased taxation of mortgages The Oovcrnor appears to favor pome- rt of gradual Improvement of the present canal systom rather than the expenditure of n groat sum of money upon a bnrgn or ship cnnal lie de- clare that thn people of the State will not willingly undergo taxation for the Milo constructing a funnel for the traffic of the far Went and that cannot be even to give th ort of Vow York FtntiMirnl remiltn The teniiinal facilities affoiilinl l y the railroads In Boston Baltimore Senport Sows itnd other rU are greater than those In N w York city and until the ranalboat own r ran hay rvjual In th iiwtutr of do kaci Mild nthT nxintiiiU lli lMi in of the 1nnnln iinist KU on under dravi- Mirk Xww York lUmU IIIIIM t in the mnlUT Ill ii v miir iliilnnm that thin prfliiuiiwry fur modern rUg raiMl ulrtMlril l the i4ttrilrwiii of UlilifM rrlir HIMl tlie lengthen MI I of i4iniirMiiiuc- ami I HkH i i l Die lk AI vkilb Iho il 4ti- irri iHrfMifW lV III- H f t l 111 MMlM- M f MM rm ft r- I mbe utt 0 ear B N faro rId for abut the on Inter t the who pro ls atonal Intone I j nnd j of roM I Inl II 11 fr I In tilt lt rlh I u t I I I- I t I i4 e 1- il 1- u- I J h a tr- II t Ir o I j A A J- t H e o 1 N- W o 1- J 1 i o- t I- 1 ft i per 7r i Tueeday l writing I policy 1 along i the corporations purpose this I 0 Oil sldsrat ton lies y tops thus IsHk lbs ij s4 ii tni aiihw lsts sssl igthu- Ilig if ihe us f a ussV rni Al4t h 1e it 1k N I4 M 1 IseU- VA sry frc 1 N WsM I ii a w ld a1 I 4 II uf- lb wssd saw flsMIflS SPk bS- I iw- iI su4 l lbs uP- I k 4Ww l4i 4- i Ii jsi 1 4eW- ib M1 d Nrnd Iw4 lb 14 14 4 4 4 I- i IS MI l Id M- k l10 id- liiI4 a 4 4 j ailN- I 1 4 014 4 I fl- U I4s 4 11 t II- b kks4- aJNluf 1 S Ii sai14 I 4 pe 1 im 4mw 4 I 44 m- 1w a U i 4 nk ci 1la4 nUM a ml I qutrimlS a < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > > > > < < < + In the Senate carrying Concerning corporations in the Governor complains that the combinations of capital are still refiuln to Incorporate within our State while very many of the great corporations of tho country actually transact of their business hero We thrrrfon lose a proportion of taxable valuitio that by right belongs to us At present stock of neither domfstlo nor foreign corporations which pay a tax on capital stock is under our laws In the hands of The Oov ernor maintains that this exemption should bo withdrawn from stockholders of foreign corporations unless these foreign corporations file with the tar of tho State a certificate of tbel incorporation and pay a tax upon capital stock annually He proposes a tax of one mill per dollar up to including a capital stock of 10000000 and J100 per 1000000 upon capitaliza- tion above that amount as tax to the State One other recommendation in the Gov ernors message engages attention that is tho suggestion that the funds the State known ns the school money should bo distributed uK n some other basis than they nro now This is long and justly agi our farming population school money is at present distributed on n per capita basis and as the cities of the during the last twenty five years drained tho popula tion of the agricultural portion latter section has been receiving far less school money than it formerly did and has been bearing an increasing weight of taxation for the purpose maintaining the Hchools in their old fashioned efficiency In many parts tho State the farmers are now corn to pay money as school than that other taxes corn blned Speaker NlXON In taking his chair in the Assembly yesterday made this matter ono the chief subjects of his address There ought to tx either a substantial increase in the common or the Superintendent of should have authority to distribute n larger measure of tho present fund among the weaker districts of the State The Secret of the Nervrs The despatch in Till SUN of Tuesday from Chicago containing the extrnor dinary announcement of a new hy- pothesis in relation to the dynamics of tho nervous system would liars received by world reasonable incredulity if there had not been attached to it a name so well known- in that sphere as Is the name of Prof JACQUES Lonn the author of n valuable book on the Physiology of the Drain Prof scientific standing Is so high assured that anything corning from him bearing on the subject in bound to receive more than a common degree of credit Tho time has ripe for the solu- tion of a problem of It luis been In so to soy for a long time that neuron energy and perhaps nil kinds of vital energy would ultimately lie determined to be n form of electrical force or manifestation It has been felt that our further progress in the Investigation of the nervous system would bo largely through n study of its dynamics and chemistry rather than through microscopical observation of elements In health and dis av account as given to rather the of a hypothesis as wo suave de- cribed it than a statement of facts and naturally tho scientific world must await tho publication in detail of the experimental and other tarts whirli are supposed to sustain the theories before it will be in a Ksition digest corroborate accept or the of Prof I orn mid his flllrague Or MaThEws These things have already of surmise among scientific imn lust tho preteld molecule of nerve arid- iiusciilar tiftftiiett are rollnldil that rontrartiliility of miiMle lilnn if- tlue to SoniC sort of rtifTeuiiiK or that nerve ells tliMi- WMeMe in simie M li way that leiirnn energy in n form uf plmlrifiil- lieuty Imve l li HtMllors inuiM lierelufiire IMIW f Ixilll- M t tll III tll fitfin Of M li l M leMlf- lllw iliM err if iMi MnrT H t live new f 4h 44 fur fortk l Mii lit MM I f l ft l 4t III- ml HtKmHimtt Hftil mtt llw- ul 4M Ml It jM- k t Mt Mf MH W- Mi IN Ot MM- MMt tray out large mOSt their table their And a and of a mater the of of pled mON f r school ben LEns kind len I to I hl f I I 1f I I MH tI 1HII UIIfnl- r f a1 I I I I 1- UI a N I v 4- n I t t I- r J f f r- r 1- J Ji r 4 I i- o 4 t t- I t- u I 1- j 0 N I- tt general Reeve The ap- propriation been this out- line pro- pounded re- ject theses hen mat- ters the aguulat ion i si rail and Ii 4PM4UI tkt iPi dUC IIISIC le will 1qisiiI Nes4I4U45I frt N iu suit fmetsy IstsI- d 110 Is will B5I vilhil- Mwl14 t4itIdi sitU w a ihd suM 10 fiUy Im a II sea as taj s45155 Iha ij- p irfl4I 4 14- I it k ss4ts sWa a i iiiM4 MIIdk4 4 ii sIP 1 lar4aI1b ia 4 5 IU ow4k- S M id t1- 4j w M 15 I Mi MNfl a I4 W- Ilu 4 0 I r w- ilI Sm N- d m 41 U ja J- Wd 4 4 a- dI l l 4 I4 4 I ad- m I 14 4 1 14 p4 I m P 5 a i 11 1 4P U- sti 4 M- is 4 1I 14t P ek4 tW I ie4 54 i I- apw4 III tIis a st 54 esLvta4aIe I ¬ ¬ <> < > < > < < < > > < < ° + that they will demonstrate u well a their interest to human race The Next Senator From New The New Jersey Legislature at Trenton on Tuesday next first duties will be to choose United States Senator to till the v coney caused Gen SEWELLS The term runs until 3 1607 than five The Trenton for this and desirable office la likely to be the more spirited because of the cxpectodnes of the call The aspirants have had no time for the usual prelim mary canvass The legislators not elected with a view to the of a United Senator circumstances than the actor of tho candidates who have denly sprung up lend more than Interest to tho present election Prominent among the names mentioned are those of JOHN W Gniaai- exGovernor and recently Attorney In McKiNLKTa Cabinet of Newark and EDWARD STOKES of Cumberland county President of the State Senate and Clerk in Chancery Mr Gmoosfl reputation is national He would make a Senator of the In sharpness of Intellect patriotic discernment and oratorical power no body will dispute that Mr DRYDEN has not been conspicuous in politics ho is a man of generally recognized with a Urge experience of large Mr STORES public career hitherto has been concerned oxcluslvol with State political and so that his name does not convey outside of New an impression of the importance possesses and deserves therein stands whore both SEWELL MOB at the beginning of eighties is excellent Senatorial timber there is more such tho woods The Hon JOHN seems to think so So far as geograph- ical considerations enter into the cue the Cumberland county statesman tho advantage Senator hall from Union county well In the upper third of the State while both Mr Dnt DEN and Mr GRIOOS are even more northerly citizens Tho line between North and South Jersey has always been something more than imaginary when it comes to tho apportionment offices of honor and trust At the time tho middle lino on the map is bi no means tho equator of population political influence in New Jersey Other tImings being equiil it should not bar out this time an available satisfactory North Jcrseyman The Pursuit of IrnMnni A bill has been introduced into the House of Representatives by Congress man BELL which deserves attention It provides that wherever it is shown by competent evidence in any pension ap- plication thnt the applicant while starv- ing in rebel prisons or camps during the Civil War joined the rebel army not with the good faiths and intent of fighting for time rebel onusn hut with n purpose of either saving his own life or himself from great suffering as such prisoner and that such prisoner did not really fight iRiinst the Initrd States forces then ho shall not b njnsidored as having in the Southern army end shall he relieved from nnv such charge in any pension application Having ottered a premium to those patriots who Ijctrnyd first tln ir own flog arid then the Hag hint they chr In preference thereto Mr HULL shouii coriistenry avid a second eecti nt Grinding with infamy those frolishi- rUonerH who died rntlier than give up- i he flag for which they html lxv n Ho should further provide that only the evidni of the doubly traitor un tension hunter hhould Ixi nec 5 bury to give them a chance at the pub- ic trough li e ti hardly l portMbl hat thu hill hall p M but it i to M lHiMd that Mr- IHIJ of I olorrido dixo iHit Hiirivuiti- ht r Ml elmiMiter of IIK pf ip ii- Milil etl fir M N J UMtblK- i at MMnii KMtil n tt llnM l kM- i iioMiow ant lli r n r wUl- IIJIIM Mav J oinnuliM nl vtHok MI MI iif k U i rbtiruiati Ttax- ro It lr MM K H4UMMI J wMl- I N w H M Prfl rW l H i i Yert IHM IM wlHcii ei or M- IM 4 fy Mil MM III I rfl4l- ultMi of Uw IWUIHIX h MU Mutt utaiaiM- ImUftl MMMir IW ft H iMrfii WH- iIt N I tO ItMMf M M l Mr w a w IM M- IIK KH nxaliMi ui M 0 hop met a Mach moro year high un State Tee Bud Genera O formerly now but abUt mater which- It abut and the HeN In has of same and and In I 110 II I las rff lUll t 1 < I U jIIIII a4 I r A- e It- III fit till 04lil II let II II- ttI oil oJ tN- I r I Hu H 1I- V IIwi fit r O 11- r If- UOf Woof I- f A aIo4 u u- f 1 their the Jersey will One death all were choice ordi- nary already JOHN first class educa- tional Jersey lie RaiN KEA been se light- ing I tew 41tI 111 l4qI uf iaaai4IWtkil Iii ths i 1 Md Imt s lsd f4 U iar a- SWaSb S i5Ma S4II5JU5- II IA puId edrstii4l t w- e1 bsi It eta usa J5- ti4 S i4u saI 4 1is4 s- a 4 11 S1 44 Iii I BI 4l 5mi SI ek lao iii i 4 P It 4 s 1- i k ba lji- I sM4 ii4 5w 1 ha4 Mk LMm4 5 Pi J s 51 4 I Msi b t as S I u- A k Wj sea k tss 5eem A- 44P5aMss SI I JM 14 se- d J I 41i tat IISSd 4 4i 4 i1Mi1ld 4 se Wt 4 lie Ns- p sa 1 id s- Mb Jd Igi SM5s- 4tWrr o 4- m I 1 51g I5 5 a a- d a 0lI 1 ii m 5 5 d- Sk 4 I4 4 1OI d 1 5U a4- S 4 tSaWis4 4 5511 S- 1sk a4a Jwi1 4- daj 1 rsqa sf ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < > + bar B pnbllc n Uwyeri O oaa- YKOUAN Wu appointed Mi miooeiwor This pruotloo was not followed by Oor- eroor BLACK who appointed Justice ConK Republican In the First district to iuc the Juitio JOHN Sitxiwicx D i ocrat and In the Second Judicial JBSSB JOHKBOK and FBKDXMO A Republicans to Justices WIlLIAM J OSBOBKB and AVOCBTC VAN WTOK resigned both of whom Democrats Before this Governor MOBTO had appointed WILLIAII W GOODBIC Republican In the same district to Justice CALVIN E PRATT Democrat Governor ROOSEVELT appointed JAMI A nLANdllARD and JOHN PaOCTOR Crisis Republicans to the places made by the deaths of Democratic Justices Fain CRICK SMYTH and HRXRT R BRCKMAN The new Juatloe STBCKLBR hu not afflllated with the Democracy would probably be as accurately by being denominated a Republican a Democrat The French who have carried experlmontfi with submarine vessels further than any other country have made a very Important test of these craft with complete success The Bouvine and the Valmy two coast defence vessels of high claaa approached the harbor o Cherbourg recently before daylight of their coming WM strut in from a signal station to the naval r- at tho port and two submarines the Narval and the Morse hastily put out to them the submarines had been sighted by the warships they sank below the surface made for the two attached dummy tonxxioea to their bat loms Then they withdrew rose to the surface and claimed to have torpedoed the incoming vesawls Those on tho Uou vines and the Valmy knew nothing of the approach of the submarines or of their hucccss until the torpedo boats roSe to the surface The Is said to have beet much more complete than any made pro and U held in Franco to prove the great valuo of nulunarlno In matters of dcfcnoo Several of Tnn Sovs correnpondonti- aro curious to know why so many public school graduate are wofully deficient 11 IP IIt composition It alleged that a large number of theta do not know a noun from an Uoyceles triangle or a verb from pw lleloplpod- Whatever theories may lj advanced for this Mnto of in the neighbor- hood of New York an Investigation of similar romtltioriH in Chicago tends to show that thin toapherc there by no means without responsibility at least so far a- coneirns the pupll ilefectivn orthography Some time the Hiifxrlntendent of Schools distributed blank among his teachers and each to write tlmreon her name mid birthplace and also to indicate the nxlent of her education n teacher th Information that sho horn In the month of Feb uary snottier was born In Oldwine- Oelwfln la and another mevliere in TontM w while another that she hued emlxlllshrd her eduriitlon by methoilR ot extentlon- r lrtlrr of Imlrrrnt Trinkets TO Till y nOB or Tlir Srv Sir One nf- joiir r p r1rr III desrriliink the New rilnhrniioii In lower Ilrnadway noted the liresnne In I he rrond of rertl rs offering inilerent trinkets rue thriutlne of the oT iioe BBilnsv mndetiy which sonic skin have ten ha kliiK throuctli the streets ilurtiiff recent hnlidar a on has been a roinnrkable ihnract rlstl of l ecn a dirty Inernult tptllrd to the Mciirinir of n variety of form or sort of luprrlmmlite which may well oirv the IIIOM Hud aim of folks thlncs- Ili mariner of n of thin ni rcliaii lli Is ven worse than the tnt of IM x tnce- Tli ho do I tin iillllnf l k a innlli liiuo And lirtiml drllkht in iliru tlliit their wnres under n s f women arid I iny lf laud the plisxiir of Intirfrrlnw Hh the peice n d hspilne of one of ho wn iimliliiK nn Ji rt lo per imd aii l veu- yearold cirl to n e puri s of him I miMt prdlcrs rr liceiicoil If rn iline u every tea on why their llreinrt- lioulM w reroked riiiniiisrlly by ihe new de- eeiiey mlnilnUI rIO Ion ana Ihor w a ilmilar ilim i li much eruertl aiteiniM in II lrMin the Mich Muff the str ei n rnimlwrnf pfsllnt were pro erutcd iTiininstlv and if memory HIVII me ilnhl Iliey wrr found iniy and fined niny or we iot want a mm Inertia Sm l lint we ili tiM wmit i HITI In- deiiry Ike new iiriiinl lniii of p ie isn- VK v ry sirilfli411 ninif if f hi mliil ir l n niil ni r H II rip nx rimilir ihs vermh off Ihe lr U I Niw Vfik l- In llrlniee of tie ew lurk loclUII- TmiH j ininr TNr Ki s ir io kial n ii rr r ifnitttig ike lwiUiir f X- ork rnk il Tfc ni n iif UN tte ii ih bei ini e Wnt g f w of e heal 01 don I l llulli liiiivl uf- ir r i ni inii till Hi tlurir i it in- H ile git a ilririii rfiuu 1 lir I i cii ill fcUU I ih U iine U4id- f hi k y 11 Hii 4 i 4 U ny I lu- ll r uf l n r n rilui liter t n Yrk i i rtin MI I 4 tto iW Hil4ir MII kir Vifket i k- III 4 ilirif 4 4 li j ll I ll III IU I It KM fllljltf- il r r 4 I Jk- liM 4 i 4M tr i fiMe V i iilW- i 4 k 4- r 4 4 I I 4 4 l M lM IM t M r district Win succeed deceased were succeed vacant and their much coast meet Before rhipN and I I I test Yously coast In punctuation and In Is a thin are asked nit wa university mot time her lIt I hn I 111 10111 LIt I Joe > II I off I sea 1 e It Itf loll I Hr 1111 If 1 4- II 1 It I ii 111 Nt I- wt 11 I I oj i Hjl 1t o- fr I oj I I 4 CO of H Ie 4 t 4 01 a1- eI toM tNat4- h P lot e- oWof et- If I Late re- cently class tIed a just news iq returned stated Years Street the ule 1 has CC nun ir i rid thin ils rreii lures the a these Ps era I yea ra Ha Je sputa I ii- in ussr t ash tar pls tei e 5 II lea and c half a- IvWiMOr s4hl Ia il hse- I t s1iiI a hi4 he sic 1 4 us soIV 41fr I I sip Ia 1i I IU 50 o4 rSii a e 54 a UI U Ni 4 ii- I a I a 4t i Iis 4 a d 111 cRust 4- ior 5s k tia ha4 N I 111- s N 4 a aI q- a 14l1 0 4iSad I a a aidS a- tl4lg I I ii f leo lI he I ia- d4 I 4 I a s as 111 1 4 e 41 f 1145 54- IIs a 54 I a a a4 1 5u S55 its II b li a I agd e5 1- as iaia4 l i 4- d i- S kius I I 55- s 5 4 i 14 l p s- e e4 d j- S w- ao a 5- el 1IL5 S a S a a 5 jjS- W 1 04 I- th 9 A a- O 5 e r a 4- a a l 4 a 1- w 5 5 s a 9 5 5I I I swase 4 4 a 4 C a- S i a- m 4 a h4- ISa I i S S1i- Sa 0 LMS- a 4 a so as- p 0 aa u- a a a s S- S S s a 4 a a a a Cal pa5 0 4 O 44a444 a 4aS Sa a > > > < < > > > > < > > > > < > < > < > > > < < < = EXHIBITION AT TIIB LKNt LJllRARY- UUioffrsptis by FontlnlAtour Neleet From fl P Avery Colleotton The oolleotlon of etchings and lithographs by artist of nineteenth century eluding over 17000 nsomplM whloh B P preeented last year to the Ne York Library la a rich mine upon which the curator can draw for periodical exhibition The current one In the gallery of the Lenox Library U devoted to lithographs of FantlnLatour these there are one hundred and Mil example almost a complete rtnumt the painters work in this medium the complete collection in existence only rivalled In extent by that of Mr Charles L Fr r of Detroit- It in the early Ofc that a band youngish men used to foregather at print shop of In Paris They Dracquemont Manet Legroa Ilibo Vollon Tacquemont and FanllnLntoui and one practical result of their oonfabi- latlon with each other and with Cadart was publication of the work in eerii parts of the SociAtft des AquafortLstei whloh first appeared in Septemlwr UK Then the publisher bethought him of rom missioning lithograph and tnt three ach to four of tho group including Fanttr Latour The litter took to tho work such that jn one of the tout Introduced two designs returning subject TannbAuger the Venuslierg Love Disarmed The Education of and The Embroiderers But they not the qualities of line work that had looked for they wer studies in tone teemed to M Cadart detestable intennti savage It wax more out of than any other motive that ho lund some five prints of each pressed Some of these nay bo In the present collection For the next eleven years KontlnLatou made no Use of lithography IM on inde- pendent medium working however paxtol and no doubt practulng charcoal drawing a aids to study in the prepart tlon of his oil pictures In 1873 he wn Invited to attend tho Schumann Festival lit Bonn Though not an exponent u any instrument U profoundly musloa and he rctolved to be present to how hi admiration of tno great he was prevented from attending And friends and ho celebrated the occasion Parln by plnying the master works upon him he gave vent to feeling in own medium and drew To the of WaS tho inuaiiN of bringing him lack t lithography Then ho turned to the print ot at tho Y uu l a herowi one but notwlthf- itruiulng that fourteon hind brought maturity to MH judgment he found but rt w By this time lie was enamonxl of hitting an nil form of art suit a lad tunic A linmln lithographs Ii hevcnlythreo hundrni so and commencoil the erien of original which be tmlied in this collection It I to b noticed that with tow exceptions Fantlnl4itour not draw ii i till hut upon spernally prepare paper oalquo ni call it from which the transfer is made Thi method ties many nclvnn- tagm It obviates the necessity grind- ing t hn rtone to the required rough n a greet gain since highly polish stone is the vogue of tint the artlrt lisa but to choose of OUR of grain and atomic ex- actly ductk the offeot Tie HSO allows of much creator rapidity rind fr Tdom In thn dinwlng o list artist hand moviw almost ly anti result h all the charm of nrvN the drawing huts l ei transferred to tin stone them Is nothmc- lo prevent the modification of the dwn- by out Introduction t the lino upon the block nmiwiv is one of th rf ithngrnpliv- prfxIuriiiK an e iKile fttilritner ami trim It will repay visitor to study lint To and oliservo tin enchanting effect of HIP web of white lines tint It To the large eon IrxKln of dark und light n tisial ilnvlo when vorlitiK lilrcrt mx r il is to i 1 tho whlltw Hut in th her pr niii w r Itself supplier ih lilliM It Is Rtifi to out liian to NC pc nnd- hi llillity of srsuHnR A nil rai 50 if- lelii4Jlily toniw in ner ii e To Oil like whose wulaH- ilfliK i lowntil tour ttU tviity mid l inlr ce lii cpi a Kirtrsit of the Ktijcliiih Iliuravcr bd vin l corals and of u the lilt of 17- ith total cliflnnter et nllc i hits work in- tiiuilv of thn Ininrliative order liven thir of which all tnniiy ei li iMit thilr iMkutlful foruiN In iti tinfphtt hat Mivel l MM or- aiid I as through n- ell tie irtrrveiiinK midlum of thn artIsts aney o cnniiarlMiii tlm biu jnof actual life H outine nf tlilr funns melt into Iw i lri It- s mi ftrbliViineiil tit l iieHii e lhl- OIH lllllktr lllt fciV uf l llNlitV- mt lino I w hut 1 HIHi l itnur hns ilmH ami- u lllKr his Hulk I I el hut the iiuiHlc HotiMl irmliioi Tlu liuw- ver a iKitiil that Ui r nf thn ntuow nf IWHliij Sclniiiiaiii tint llr luiK il I fil I if the t tlim- n f lhe e inis loin h rtto Hni lniiiit lie tntoluitiau Midi Wll l llllol 11 M lrtluKiirwi me r elv wliat oi- nHiM i all Hn t Wri rtr l tie Its aknn U4f l I e full nl 1 u- li l IIKII Hi HMl e4i 1iri l t tut nui infMM U Mat WlfteMMl all Hill Nf4 tlin- l H4lr iid HMr l p i In- Iitril4li4e uf JKeH44i Hi ll- 44i t4 H r l i j i m n rl i inli1 rrfu- l kMitfiU n I1 r iMrfM I i IMAM tt II the In Mr liEs print this Ot of and most was of the Cadart the tones gusto he four at LoVe had been and curiosity he composer But his In WIth this hill the humann It old lItarl nIT rltAwl and lImu a 1t Ion 1 II TI JulIe loll rvver It lIlirly with nut t IrA s 11 rl I never l Ih h t f I taf I r fan I or t Ii 11111110 I III I IIP I tl1 I U I II I funa- I I II It I let lsd ftI Itf I II I I A I 1 I I a 04 a I ttI I f- Ou t 4 If ItO It of atIIr I J 1fII I lI5 1- 1E II ti wI 1 IIII 1IoMt4- If f t L ft t1r c ri o- IIt ao- 4III M 1 I II I ell 4 A il M I 6- I a I at I t 11 the Avery in- cluded with seen s may did e of trade papers yen acra ii t its leant 5 it ezicy t tat gem 1a1 scrnIs thai at I iu lit 1i i stoilr s s i Juts list t tiara cry seen aid firirra I at lust in it l1A e- I is It set I lois iii ii a p I t ion lI g lit I in A I a Icuss ruit h4 p4tiaIJ s t isis 5 i Ill I two I lAS 4al4 I a II 115 lIaf 4 seal is5II 4 i1ieOi I 11141 5- I sat et4Siag a I14e a4 osaty iii nMNfl4- is sss iaa4t am liii 5it54aa- a s pas l- i a 5a I4Ia i i C- IM4liMi 9011 4 a Ii I 14 141 15 5- lsi4ai 4 I I ssI s- di4l 4ja l lp 4 ei mliC I ii 0 0 r I Is- a I 41me I a 4- i M It 4l 14 dp- I s4 Ls I d 4 d 4a 44 ass Na ls 5 114 4 as las it s ts4o 141 4 at I 44as m si SI 4 4 4- I 0 45 5ia4 w 4 4- F 4E M4i 51 4 eessg t Cl Oas4515 4wsad i4 i 4i a id si iiit 4 a 4i 5d 1151 I 4 5 5 I a 1 Ill 5 C s 4 ICS a Is 5 lea 1 i s- e o I 4 a 04 e a- e S u4 4- I I ae4 S 04 l4 I i- a 5 a54 I a s- I t 5 10- a a- I 4 is 14 W 4 l 5 1 a I 4 I 0 V d a 1 4i C aS 5 I4s 5 I e4 sal a S 4 4- a i 0a4 s I- S 1st a I ti- 1k i < > < > > > > > < > + < RIVALS rUB corrov GIN New Process of Drllntlnr and Hnlll Cottonseed and rxtractlnt the Oil VASIUKOTON Jan private was in city today of Invention which ha been pronounced authorities on cotton and by eminent throughout the country to the t stride forward In the cotton since KH Whitney the cotton In the early part of the nineteenth tury It deals entirely with the and covers all steps In it treatmen from the time the seed leaves the gin the cotton removed to its Into refined oil making the abandonment of six Mtparate requiring thin u of a like Intricate machine It ooniprUei complete and perfect dollntlnff and of cottonseed by a secrot chemical procei in twenty minutes compared with mechanical meanii and hours require under the old process the recovery of the lint and hull of the wed In perfect con for paper stock of hugh quality compared Mlth the recovery of only a ma percentage In poor condition and worthlei M stock under the old process production of refined oil from the raced thrno operations occupying one hour twenty minutes ae compared with separate operations occupying many hours under this old method I Tho seed a It cornea from the gin In hulls and lint U treated by secret chemical solution which removf the hull entirely and dries the kernel mcnt of this ed Tho prooee reduce the weight of the seed onohalf and its twothirds for transportation to oil inlll while thu Cost icducwl 60 per cent a compared with tho methods of treating the seed The hulLs and removed from a of send by the now are sid to 1000 of stocks a with than 40o pounds I now In USD sod stock U worth In the condition loft by thin new l front StO to 20 a ton as compared with between 3 and 4 per ton for the paper tock recovered In conditIon by the usual method This alone would a net tRill of front 19 to ton or on thin last years product- it la contended would save to cotton growers of the South about 138000000 In the of extracting the oil oil cake from the chemical becomes adapted for use a a food product for or as a fertillrar usual method It Is to extract onlj abut 40 per cent of oil from the need while the new its backnr annnit makes the extraction of 100 vent and tho cost of crude oil bv the new method Is 60 per remit The oil refined by the secret procrfs I in addition it 1 t who hnvn made careful analysis equal to any olive oil on tie market while the cost ol refining la no greater than the present cost of refining crude cottonseed It IH proposed t the soed8 nd place on market in the Mine manner as peanuts Ire iKth salted and It 1 by tIe that they will time similar I also eon t grind the seed into meal for II food product u a ubstltiite for the cernils The of the Invention was tpio l In a plant of five tonus which Mil b on horo In Washing- ton ami it working was witnessed by- numtior of this cotton growers cottono U oil mn and chemists who are Interested III it Great Kelenllnn lt ieo erlet of tin Last collar Sir Vllllnm Irecci In n rec nt address Ufore tie Bocl ty of Arts enumerate the viiiitlflr ll coverle of th nineteenth century lo w u follows Tli rlilple of evolution fh nionilc sinmiire of inciter Thn exlvitiee of the ether undiil story theory of light Ti prlncli of elBOtromaBneitc Induction nnd elect The prlinliile of thn conservation of energy The he proceed in dliMi s nt length their Ihflueiirii upon we xrwct tn follow arid iiprl nent th m It the oour of evnlitun e eiiirct nvtinWlnn lu lie infltltierd liy ill iislii iriic whrti nctlrtf nw t tti innjl for power tin rc fr ludlvidiml wiiih th rursuit of hnowlwtje the oo nl il with dl eii the Hilritnre oiifirt of living and them fme n ITT lie it cir l tn ait In the future lh y hv In lh i lip it in y f coti of inmlrr inca lead to ttii Hiwnverjr I innny ilemeiiU i r x tn nv rf h one Im nliiilul of ndleli nil of hn art Inil v ri 1 inniilfr i iii I U IlKloriv of the U llll Inci- ih il in tin noh i n nl iiiiiiire HUhiiiuh- l reit U even fully nei pli cl thnn ll nlTir no rr Ut niw M V molnn- ii d In H iiy It nm iii p ieil sy uto- t tn uriiluUtlink nd f i nir Mill no full tb ny nf lt riHtucfd niit hat I roUin Mill i it i4 n In twentieth fi iiH iniliiiiliin rliliiliij Ulfill fn illi I h eoii- mirir iinii ni i r mmui the nf or l r tusifri U ill lii lrli niul lu the f rni nf nre tin hi lievu nl I n 1 nM inMi i fullewed liv IM- or t II Ine iinailr i iin ii t l riin i nimiieri tally CUHK- IInui lii An- Ni i4 k4- H 4 It r4 U In r t lil 1 rM wl Ik- M 4t 41 1 Ilk Mai- M k 4 l WH f MI- l 4 J 4t4f IM M- mUKt IW M M I 4 H h Ifc Hi li M- i 4 4 MM W Ml 1A roLls this rI by ohem lie great Industry Invented Kin after has been pro- duction possible number- of the hulling this all lilt Ion All paper the In rid ten the or I bulk I ton compared lees amount- of a the arid paNIII II 0011 produc- Ing I sold I believed I I SI I sod this rOIl 1 hAt milT his I r rruil I II I ti I 111 III Ion I I r I lOft I I Ia j I to ury- I I I r 1 1 art 1 1 1 to 11 u tIII IIC r ci rIn 110 I 11110 I NIl u I t wWI lot IHI I 1 H 1M 11 11 a I t N All II III- Ia J aIIo- ot 10 s v Itvi I lei W r 1I I fill II 1 INttIH O tJ demon- stration lets ceo cotton- seed opera- tions this in- cased reaeat 11 process a I tie PnM fl1ItflI rat pte lag a s shet lye 5 row lie t 1st ton at tier a mere 4 5 dad ia iitarst iou I glint irs a a I tii o a iIt 0 use hal ski 4 se4i is mel has try ie S it i lbfr i I h I h nS itS 1 I o C ie satyr tintS r a tee ef ffr i 4 tu I ii- I I ci hiti hiI- alSi 55 ihhsaiUi sues leisi- I iiliu liii 1 114m Tsp a a 4 Is Vlsei 4 Sal a u I5lvIsJ S V la I aili ale IS Si la 1144- lw I 514 05 Ii IS 5 15 LI 150 I ais I Am i4i1 ala II MCSSSl 5 aIIidrI IS sliI ai4- I s4 e44 aS14 SI 4ia bwd 54 I V s ISbSa ss s laud 5 sal om b iIef a MIt 51111 dl fSIS sass Sass S aa 9iS1 I 4 ai S lsll I s 54 4 a4 ui Sb ha 4 as- I o so C INI 0554554 15- 1l1siI Sn asss4 4i 5- p bOIa I I 5S s 0 b 5 5 S 54 4lsp- a i 5 s 4 4 a a as is 554 i 5 05 5SIS 4- p4 e dp has l 4 i 1Ss a ONi 05 5 a SsOSd a as 5 0s 4 ylI 0 as 05 5 14 05 iadis 6 w005masp4 sass 0 4 05 asUJSfIIIr 4 05 0 1 SI M I S aS a5 s aas- I as 4 Sr SpaiSs d s as Sb 1554ld 54 04 1l- 05s 0 5 5 0Oia- a 05o4 05 01 4 a 4 05 05 5 p 5 5 pau pS i4- sss I o m- Cs 4 les 5- a tt140149 a 5 4MW S s- S S 05 jiarrlxa as so p 4- S 04 s- as a as s l- S l d w- a SaSS 1 4- 0e 554 55 024 1 i a kah 5 a p a 4 4 5 04s4 Is4 r a a a < ¬ > < < < > < < > < > > < > > < nOrTOn An Tin COOK Tbflr Relations Should He I1o rr CTitm teal lifTrct of Illihei From Mr Ianrel Of the art which thai be reckoned n- rllliry to of tncJIrlno there Ii mr probably which l o nealpctd by prnctiti- orr nf medicine II that of conldmr Mot medical men rettsnl tie kltclicn n heneat their notice and would scout thai lisa that nn special training In Its muterliiU nml itt mat od might be of service tn their rofe lon i power nd usefulness Much nn attltulf of mind U AS unwarrintcd n we liellevo It v Injudicious yet only are there very ninny suhitance which are common to the kltchn and to the dl n niiry n knowledge nf which therefore l Jiltincil hj their pre In otis If It does not Indicate n u- qtialntanc with the other but nmn iver rightly regarded the kitchen nOd the rtoox pity nlniont t hnpnrtnnt n In iittntning the sims of tie medical man at do this nnd the dl pf mury It In obviously of the irrrittc Imrwrtunc that If a physician orders a medicine he should ho able to tell that It li duly dl pen ed A similar argument may certainly h p plld to the products of the kitchen No mndlcnl man would Inner the importance of dirt both In heult end In dle e aol tlie cook may well IK regarded ai chlnf officer In the service of preventive medicine We do not hold Mlof nf nn old writer qtloUl In Dr V T Kernles Kitchen Phylc who Sara that the practitioner tins only to direct such food ns may contain the pirtlclt tht hits putlont mny tnnd In need of For example ore the kidneys diwuwd Then of oxdeer and sheeps kidneys Atthmat require dishes prepared from tie lungs of sheep deer calves hart and iamb Ar the Intestines Tlien he should or- I drr tripe tiollrd fried or Iricnn eed When this has in ntTil we hall h I hip to remove every dKonw Incident fo thai human body nw l tince of the cook only the art thera no affair as tills Hi recently proved value of tlie thyroid gland In treatment of lo take only one ttrlklna ln tince should bid us tn a clow lnt Te In this help thnt- surwtinces which t In the kitchen are able to nlTord us the treatment nf dUea e nnd not to regard tlie of healthy food for person i all Unit can or There Is a fund or Interest and of Informa- tion In the old account nf the vitriol proc ertle nnd t owern with which this earliest times Invented different articles nf diet Thus tell n that Cato thlnkN that after sit Ine hare tleep Is Induced hut thn common i op that after Mich food the body more lively nnd TAy for nine days he an rumor hut i o widespread a belief there be KOme Whether there l any true foundation tor such a belief or not nn Into time exnrt of flesh of various iinlman mind into mich articles of dirt for ln tince n- Hhellflsh which are known to have effects IIIon certain people would not only bo of Brent Intercut lead re- sults nf Brent therapeutic vulue Such ch em tii a mot ft line direction In which to turn some of tlm snort of IllnlcHl lil r r ituric nch ni ire urn III the future to more anil more extensively In connection nitii nil gen- eral There wlde d- l lef and theories with retard tn the effect of rilflVrrnt lood tuni In health Dd dKenwe Exact on mich points In scanty We cannot doubt that In eti- larun aol to define It hirer or Indirect ie cult of utility would be oli tamed liv for ln t nce are toinntoei- In the popular mind so widely nsnoeited with th of cancer We have no wfmterer for bellevlnc the item ti any rca onaliln foundation Yet how much do know 01 tlie H cml con tftuent- nf tie tomato IIa It nny title pro ertl It a n mutter nf fin t partlcu lady where nncr l esperlalir- cnmtnon Much and niu lion nre natural adjunct tn intclllircnt medical Interests In the kitcnen nnd wn inentlonnd mrrcly the rudt ohrlou of Hie many nnd that tic kitchen Utire t4- tn If ne tonor It wlti iiir t ti There I mother point view which lhi nok may be ti thn nld nf the prni lmr tint e- perlnielit worn to show driltf1 wlilrli noW mire only In formally prescribed ml- ttire or were more output of Mir ilnmot kitchen liow grateful nn n lt vi It oltii ill when H niedlcu IH lo he tiikin anti over lone IK riots of time to lie emir that the pntlent t tint crow areIe or furfctful l iver lii ten1 of taklnc ii draught ininre r nir In trt pill wrre withit Itring tIe tnt of Ie and without IHIHK it nun inieaiy Kin Lined the iMiert dinner itit iri r r it e can imiiin more cernin on hilt nnl the icnn order i ill I be mure con l t litly cnrried out ly cunnivaiie nn the part f the ivok tlan they ir i with the co- iiperitiiiri of the iJif iinl Siili n rrii linii- P pen ir ditie to tin liin i f the dirt tan y is on lie pnrt or tie menuid man it Ine work ol hit ml iidtil iHi tlie work nf utie he li porhip coitm tint witi- thltt fif its oter M r lllinllJ bun to bConie inre iitiiiiHiy acijimiiitod- Jehn llnlli Wsihernisn- Ku1 the MVffilntlfi i4ltll II cnmr I IUII irish IIMUimlA Is t- rfimlriit th wattirrunmin nr tn pt It I- 1litl Hi tlr r urrhfi il ihr wnluT ii t lira l i II epj f lurr ir WMI IM- lltknirn rufli ml tr t br Flfah rlruiuirhru In I n n Ni- Ihi mtilrt nrr r nipl iljr luinxl 44il- hr ibtve nanirtf tll In fkl rt and Itttut- hr riuniirl itn will li l rli i l unf u rinrli flilnr ip Ill Cii iimii Out l n i ill Urmt iirv n out h Ht- B IMUnt lt n IMH uU i llil- J vnHf u IU urrkli rluinm M l l inlin- niUlD tf II c11 ti l u mrt he Hull it rrl ufiU ir f ri ilt IM IAIII li wW HI M 4r i f ill 4 liiiMr l Mi- iii H lr i I TI tfl 441- 1urftlfl n l Il i IM4i- Mi Mt I Mil MI JIM M4 Illl4 II t f- i M4Mr l I H Vurf IJ- M4 UHttl 14- H l t t 4- riWlt 4 I 4M H 4 IMf W t- ttt M MMUMl f- I 4 4x4Me TilT that be coca lArt I I ii I let IIIrn vreeribr sti mad I u tlCfl comA h I I nUi be lrrrt kttehn a rll trnui tI hll1h 1I11 < mut n hIHtlon rhllII I Ill I ii I I ntl tlnlr 1I lllr n stud I hn I Iolorlrlli II r lot tip II n tIII drug- gist lie stws trotha diseased I pre us which Ill nuil is I grounts pint we t lucre p Oil tua r a inch most ItO I rout icitan t t loUie me iiii lit qa hi ii I Itch In I us r lilt t mil l i lot a t mnrly I In this fall 5 s fSC I tin finn ant aim a5 silk f till ace is 1 isO I S J a fly alt as sill V AS- a Self SIC s iNs ass a t44 tsPd hi lasri i4 ii ii IS S- teust arsd s a ipi IS SW lea 5i- S 5 5 MIi i 1 1 I I i a Ii 15 see Ski S 14 1 ii ISa j a 0 lUau 114 I 5 t SVil Sulli a a 54isse4 isolmna als 1eSP had kst 50 UI taas1iaa lie as a eUO I a ISP 0eUS M at- p l 5054 IiS I i 5 W SI- IssEsa 944 ala SI i i S0 ii 515- 1sao4rt ai SsuiC 555 5 a 5 uSa is u 4 5 Na 5 ivh1 ai IiI Sad a 5 5S 1 154 asH II 0 hiS w45544f ft si psi 5 all fld 0 IIaesl- S ls liIkaad It tsf5t- p w sw I- I srrs0 e sa 0 hI St t- teaa M 4 hiI 054 a4a a l5 Si h- Ia si 10 5hip54d as us ias 4 05 4 5 i 4 5 14 505 4 5 ees 4 05 05 ss asd- SN 5505 050 d SI i Is a MaS lb 4 b i0sa40 I ii 5 0 4 as- a S 445 I 1 I a sa I- 0jssdl a 5 05 55545 50 5 5 505 S 5 5 05 05154 S 05 f 5 SI 0 sb S 4 ap Sus Os 0 i 5 4 0 i Cf- a 4405 5054- l 5 aS- SS41 aa l04 4a 4 i ma i- I 05 410 0 SW 10 a ss- 0e L 4 S fl- 405 0- 5a 54 0- a4m a Sd a 5 5 5 6s S 50 5 a a 5 0- S a 05 S 4 a Sa a- a 5 5- aan S 0 S 5 5- 44I 4 5 5 oaa 04- wsi 4 r 5 5 4 > ¬ < < ¬ < ¬ < > > > < > > > > < > > < > < > < > < < > > > + + ° Tf1K It I Intere- at the A In ffali In EUio- ch r ctc Ilk Ztu- rwiulrlnj tlon TBI of little for the technics can give she r eerily the fine cats li- f Glory the Miss L- stnndn grace whrntli places iistml i Is tn tb free nn In the murder buena It t to i certain her urn up to as r HOPS K- 1evlvnlJ whom ration Knlckei no din eeernsi I a more JnAft 9- 1pxnctly yet fin Knectftf the dr ire Emery of the Atthl- oypfl of list which merits withoii of sinful only t- a fanntlo types over t the predot Couple utmost MATT T VI in Jan a Cot whoa per a- But the woman it t- it Otis m- Ing three lid he at thing Irving therm give an- playg in a mans tells tonic cided all redu aunt settle cihoo- tho Idea pro Sys- tijilti her to will g moth omit idi ho a nil tat flex t- azud list w reeds A- nhasr TWO 1 11 C- Lu Lii prvi1- 11th and SiMS 4 Iii I From iil 1 Pm- a 1410 all II 04t- y I ii m- lI al- Iar I JIIMi iii I pull- wnu il 01- OS I tho- Itae It I C ii- I a C a 44 5- cc Sal

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1902-01... · u t itm aiffM i THE SUN THURSDAY JANUARY 2 1902 IIIf 1 I 1 I r-e I I THURSDAY JANUARY 2 1902 8it

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1902-01... · u t itm aiffM i THE SUN THURSDAY JANUARY 2 1902 IIIf 1 I 1 I r-e I I THURSDAY JANUARY 2 1902 8it


t itm aiffM i


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8it erlpttoni by Mall rtpldDAILY ir Month o tDAILY per Year a 0-

8UYUAY per 0-


Pottage to totclcn countries addedTni SOH York CuT

FARM Klojque No II ntAr flrmd Hotel an-

KU que No 10 Iloulevtrd dM Capurlnea

It for trttn4i vAo tit vUft maniurrlpli-

rvHleatltn trtii la Ann rtjtctid arMntt V nurt In oU cam trail lamp tlitl purpa-

nrrc ldentnicct InlmaThe remarkable thing

Cuban election fparent ladk of shown byvoters of the At thishe report are meagre but they indl

cute that oven at cuch centres of popuUtlon and political activity as Havanand Santiago tim number of Cubanswent to tho polls wna small

An In well understood this circumutonoo in part from theadopted by tho supporters of lUrvroL-Oiifi MASO who was an avowed candidate for the Presidency up to less thana fortnight ago when ho withdrew frouthe contest with the other candldates of the aocnllcd Democratic partyupon tho pretext of dlssntisfnctiorwith the electoral nrrnnRements MARC

and his party had ROM so for as to d v-

mand of the United States authoritiesa postponement of the election

Consequently tho ticketwith Honor T at itihead was tho only ono in the field and

there was no measurement whatever-of the political forces opposed to himfind but anOf his actual strength Tho event foiltar short of tho Ideal warranted by

dignity of the occasion the culmina-tion of Cubas long struRRle for theJght to elect a President

Nevertheless the election Is u de-

cisive ns If it had been attended by a

tremendous tnoiilfefltit Ion of publicInterest and enthusiasm The chosenKloctors will meet on Feb 24 afterthe American fashion and cost theirballots for PALMA The attitude ofthe Maso party if by their abstentionfrom voting they to lay thefoundation for repudiationpi the result ran accomplish nothingUnless indeed it takes an aspect whichshall render It impossible for the UnitedStates to withdraw from the island atthe expected time

Loyal Cubans of all shades of politicalopinion will prepare to accept and sus-

tain the coming Administration of Presi-dent PAulA

Governor Oilrlls Second Message

Governor Onrus views ns promul-gated in hit message to tho legislatureyesterday regarding the need of greatereconomy in tho management of thortBylums nn l similar State institutionsand upon tho question of the amendment of tho Excise laws are BO wellknown that further comment uponthem for the present nt least Is un-

necessary Aside from his discus-sion of these topics tim noteworthyfeatures of his messago are his recom-mendations concerning the canals andthe Increased taxation of mortgages

The Oovcrnor appears to favor pome-

rt of gradual Improvement of thepresent canal systom rather than theexpenditure of n groat sum of moneyupon a bnrgn or ship cnnal lie de-

clare that thn people of the State willnot willingly undergo taxation for theMilo constructing a funnel forthe traffic of the far Went and thatcannot be even to give th ort ofVow York FtntiMirnl remiltnThe teniiinal facilities affoiilinl l y therailroads In Boston Baltimore SenportSows itnd other rU are greater thanthose In N w York city and until theranalboat own r ran hay rvjual

In th iiwtutr of do kaciMild nthT nxintiiiU lli lMi in of the1nnnln iinist KU on under dravi-Mirk Xww York lUmU IIIIIM t inthe mnlUT Ill ii v miir iliilnnmthat thin prfliiuiiwry fur modernrUg raiMl ulrtMlril l the i4ttrilrwiiiof UlilifM rrlir HIMl tlie lengthen

MI I of i4iniirMiiiuc-ami I HkH i i lDie lk AI

vkilb Iho il 4ti-

irri iHrfMifW lV III-

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In the Senate carrying

Concerning corporations inthe Governor complains that thecombinations of capital are still refiulnto Incorporate within our State whilevery many of the great corporationsof tho country actually transactof their business hero We thrrrfonlose a proportion of taxable valuitiothat by right belongs to us At presentstock of neither domfstlo nor foreigncorporations which pay a tax oncapital stock is under our lawsIn the hands of The Oovernor maintains that this exemptionshould bo withdrawn from stockholdersof foreign corporations unless theseforeign corporations file with thetar of tho State a certificate of tbelincorporation and pay a tax uponcapital stock annually He proposesa tax of one mill per dollar up toincluding a capital stock of 10000000and J100 per 1000000 upon capitaliza-tion above that amount astax to the State

One other recommendation in the Governors message engages attentionthat is tho suggestion that the fundsthe State known ns the school moneyshould bo distributed uK n some otherbasis than they nro now This is

long and justly agiour farming population

school money is at present distributedon n per capita basis and as the citiesof the during the last twentyfive years drained tho population of the agricultural portionlatter section has been receiving farless school money than it formerlydid and has been bearing an increasingweight of taxation for the purposemaintaining the Hchools in their oldfashioned efficiency In many partstho State the farmers are now corn

to pay money as schoolthan that other taxes corn

blned Speaker NlXON In taking hischair in the Assembly yesterday madethis matter ono the chief subjectsof his address There ought to txeither a substantial increase in the

common or theSuperintendent ofshould have authority to distribute n

larger measure of tho present fundamong the weaker districts of theState

The Secret of the NervrsThe despatch in Till SUN of Tuesday

from Chicago containing the extrnordinary announcement of a new hy-

pothesis in relation to the dynamicsof tho nervous system would liarsreceived by worldreasonable incredulity if there had notbeen attached to it a name so well known-in that sphere as Is the name of ProfJACQUES Lonn the author of n valuablebook on the Physiology of the DrainProf scientific standing Is sohigh assured that anythingcorning from him bearing on the subjectin bound to receive more than a commondegree of credit

Tho time has ripe for the solu-

tion of a problem of It luisbeen In so to soy for a long timethat neuron energy and perhaps nilkinds of vital energy would ultimatelylie determined to be n form of electricalforce or manifestation It has beenfelt that our further progress in theInvestigation of the nervous systemwould bo largely through n study ofits dynamics and chemistry rather thanthrough microscopical observation of

elements In health and dis avaccount as given to rather theof a hypothesis as wo suave de-

cribed it than a statement of facts andnaturally tho scientific world mustawait tho publication in detail of theexperimental and other tarts whirli aresupposed to sustain the theories

before it will be in a Ksitiondigest corroborate accept or

the of Prof I orn mid hisflllrague Or MaThEws

These things have alreadyof surmise among scientific imn

lust tho preteld molecule of nerve arid-

iiusciilar tiftftiiett are rollnldil thatrontrartiliility of miiMle lilnn if-

tlue to SoniC sort of rtifTeuiiiK orthat nerve ells tliMi-

WMeMe in simie M li way thatleiirnn energy in n form uf plmlrifiil-lieuty Imve l li HtMllors

inuiM lierelufiire IMIW f Ixilll-M t tll III tll fitfin Of M li l

M leMlf-

lllw iliM err if iMi MnrT H t

live new f 4h 44 fur fortk l Mii

lit MM I f l ft l 4t III-

ml HtKmHimtt Hftil mtt llw-

ul 4M Ml It jM-

k t Mt Mf MH W-

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that they will demonstrateu well a their interest to

human race

The Next Senator From New

The New Jersey Legislatureat Trenton on Tuesday next

first duties will be to chooseUnited States Senator to till the vconey caused Gen SEWELLSThe term runs until 3 1607

than fiveThe Trenton for this

and desirable office la likely to bethe more spirited because of thecxpectodnes of the call The aspirantshave had no time for the usual prelimmary canvass The legislatorsnot elected with a view to theof a United Senatorcircumstances than theactor of tho candidates who havedenly sprung up lend more than

Interest to tho present electionProminent among the names

mentioned are those of JOHN W Gniaai-

exGovernor and recently AttorneyIn McKiNLKTa Cabinet

of Newark and EDWARD

STOKES of Cumberland countyPresident of the State Senate andClerk in Chancery

Mr Gmoosfl reputation is nationalHe would make a Senator of the

In sharpness of Intellect patrioticdiscernment and oratorical power nobody will dispute that Mr DRYDEN

has not been conspicuous in politicsho is a man of generally recognized

with a Urge experience of largeMr STORES public career

hitherto has been concerned oxcluslvolwith State political and

so that his namedoes not convey outside of Newan impression of the importance

possesses and deserves thereinstands whore both SEWELL

MOB at the beginning ofeighties

is excellent Senatorial timberthere is more such

tho woods The Hon JOHNseems to think so So far as geograph-

ical considerations enter into the cuethe Cumberland county statesmantho advantage Senator hallfrom Union county well In the upperthird of the State while both Mr DntDEN and Mr GRIOOS are even morenortherly citizens Tho line betweenNorth and South Jersey has alwaysbeen something more than imaginarywhen it comes to tho apportionmentoffices of honor and trust At thetime tho middle lino on the map is bi

no means tho equator of populationpolitical influence in New Jersey

Other tImings being equiil it shouldnot bar out this time an availablesatisfactory North Jcrseyman

The Pursuit of IrnMnniA bill has been introduced into the

House of Representatives by Congressman BELL which deserves attention It

provides that wherever it is shown bycompetent evidence in any pension ap-

plication thnt the applicant while starv-ing in rebel prisons or camps duringthe Civil War joined the rebel armynot with the good faiths and intent offighting for time rebel onusn hut with npurpose of either saving his own life orhimself from great suffering as suchprisoner and that such prisoner did notreally fight iRiinst the Initrd Statesforces then ho shall not b njnsidoredas having in the Southern armyend shall he relieved from nnv suchcharge in any pension application

Having ottered a premium to thosepatriots who Ijctrnyd first tln ir ownflog arid then the Hag hint they chrIn preference thereto Mr HULL shouii

coriistenry avid a second eecti ntGrinding with infamy those frolishi-

rUonerH who died rntlier than give up-

i he flag for which they html lxv nHo should further provide that

only the evidni of the doubly traitorun tension hunter hhould Ixi nec 5

bury to give them a chance at the pub-

ic troughli e ti hardly l portMbl hat thu hill

hall p M but it i to M lHiMd that Mr-

IHIJ of I olorrido dixo iHit Hiirivuiti-ht r Ml elmiMiter of IIK pf ip ii-

Milil etl fir M N J UMtblK-i at MMnii KMtil n tt llnM l kM-

i iioMiow ant lli r n r wUl-

IIJIIM Mav J oinnuliM nl vtHok MIMI iif k U i rbtiruiati Ttax-

ro It lr MM K H4UMMI J wMl-I N w H M Prfl rW l H i

i Yert IHM IM wlHcii ei or M-

IM 4 fy Mil MM III I rfl4l-ultMi of Uw IWUIHIX h MU Mutt utaiaiM-

ImUftl MMMir IW ft H iMrfii WH-

iIt N I tO ItMMf M M lMr w a w I M M-

IIK KH nxaliMi ui M



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bar B pnbllc n Uwyeri O oaa-YKOUAN Wu appointed Mi miooeiwor

This pruotloo was not followed by Oor-

eroor BLACK who appointed Justice ConKRepublican In the First district to iucthe Juitio JOHN Sitxiwicx D i

ocrat and In the Second JudicialJBSSB JOHKBOK and FBKDXMO ARepublicans to Justices WIlLIAMJ OSBOBKB and AVOCBTCVAN WTOK resigned both of whomDemocrats Before this Governor MOBTOhad appointed WILLIAII W GOODBICRepublican In the same district toJustice CALVIN E PRATT Democrat

Governor ROOSEVELT appointed JAMIA nLANdllARD and JOHN PaOCTOR CrisisRepublicans to the places madeby the deaths of Democratic Justices FainCRICK SMYTH and HRXRT R BRCKMAN

The new Juatloe STBCKLBR hu notafflllated with the Democracy

would probably be as accuratelyby being denominated a Republican aDemocrat

The French who have carriedexperlmontfi with submarine vesselsfurther than any other country havemade a very Important test of these craftwith complete success The Bouvineand the Valmy two coast defence vesselsof high claaa approached the harbor oCherbourg recently before daylightof their coming WM strut in from asignal station to the naval r-

at tho port and two submarines the Narvaland the Morse hastily put out tothem the submarines had beensighted by the warships they sank belowthe surface made for the twoattached dummy tonxxioea to their batloms Then they withdrew rose to thesurface and claimed to have torpedoedthe incoming vesawls Those on tho Uouvines and the Valmy knew nothing of theapproach of the submarines or of theirhucccss until the torpedo boats roSe tothe surface The Is said to have beetmuch more complete than any made pro

and U held in Franco to provethe great valuo of nulunarlno In mattersof dcfcnoo

Several of Tnn Sovs correnpondonti-aro curious to know why so many publicschool graduate are wofully deficient

11 IP IItcomposition It alleged that a largenumber of theta do not know a noun froman Uoyceles triangle or a verb frompw lleloplpod-

Whatever theories may lj advancedfor this Mnto of in the neighbor-hood of New York an Investigation ofsimilar romtltioriH in Chicago tends to showthat thin toapherc there by no meanswithout responsibility at least so far a-

coneirns the pupll ilefectivn orthographySome time the Hiifxrlntendentof Schools distributed blank among histeachers and each to write tlmreonher name mid birthplace and also toindicate the nxlent of her education

n teacher th Informationthat sho horn In the month of Febuary snottier was born In Oldwine-Oelwfln la and another mevliere inTontM w while another that

she hued emlxlllshrd her eduriitlon bymethoilR ot extentlon-

r lrtlrr of Imlrrrnt TrinketsTO Till y nOB or Tlir Srv Sir One nf-

joiir r p r1rr III desrriliink the Newrilnhrniioii In lower Ilrnadway noted theliresnne In I he rrond of rertl rs offeringinilerent trinkets rue thriutlne of the

oT iioe BBilnsv mndetiy which sonicskin have ten ha kliiK throuctli the streetsilurtiiff recent hnlidar a on has been a

roinnrkable ihnract rlstl ofl ecn a dirty Inernult tptllrd to

the Mciirinir of n variety of form or sortof luprrlmmlite which may well oirv theIIIOM Hud aim of folks thlncs-

Ili mariner of n of thin ni rcliaii lliIs ven worse than the tnt of IM x tnce-Tli ho do I tin iillllnf l k ainnlli liiuo And lirtiml drllkht in iliru tlliittheir wnres under n s f women arid I

iny lf laud the plisxiir of Intirfrrlnw Hhthe peice n d hspilne of one of hown iimliliiK nn Ji rt lo per imd aii l veu-yearold cirl to n e puri s of him

I miMt prdlcrs rr liceiicoil Ifrn iline u every tea on why their llreinrt-lioulM w reroked riiiniiisrlly by ihe new de-eeiiey mlnilnUI rIO Ion ana

Ihor w a ilmilar ilim i li mucheruertl aiteiniM in II lrMin theMich Muff the str ei n rnimlwrnf pfsllntwere pro erutcd iTiininstlv and if memoryHIVII me ilnhl Iliey wrr found iniy andfined

niny or we iot want a mm InertiaSm l lint we ili tiM wmit i HITI In-

deiiry Ike new iiriiinl lniii of p ie isn-VK v ry sirilfli411 ninif if f

hi mliil ir l n niil ni r H II rip nxrimilir ihs vermh off Ihe lr U I

Niw Vfik l-

In llrlniee of tie ew lurk loclUII-TmiH j ininr TNr Ki s ir i o kial

n ii rr r ifnitttig ike lwiUiir f X-

ork rnk il Tfc ni n iif UN tteii ih bei ini e Wnt g f w of

e heal 01 don I l llulli liiiivl uf-

ir r i ni inii till Hi tlurir i it in-

H ile git a ilririii rfiuu 1 lir I i

cii ill fcUU I ih U iine U4id-f hi k y 11 Hii 4 i 4 U ny I lu-

ll r uf l n r n rilui liter t

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UUioffrsptis by FontlnlAtour NeleetFrom fl P Avery Colleotton

The oolleotlon of etchings and lithographsby artist of nineteenth centuryeluding over 17000 nsomplM whlohB P preeented last year to the NeYork Library la a rich mine upon whichthe curator can draw for periodicalexhibition The current one In thegallery of the Lenox Library U devotedto lithographs of FantlnLatourthese there are one hundred and Milexample almost a complete rtnumtthe painters work in this mediumthe complete collection in existenceonly rivalled In extent by that of Mr CharlesL Fr r of Detroit-

It in the early Ofc that a bandyoungish men used to foregather atprint shop of In Paris They

Dracquemont Manet Legroa IliboVollon Tacquemont and FanllnLntouiand one practical result of their oonfabi-latlon with each other and with Cadartwas publication of the work in eeriiparts of the SociAtft des AquafortLsteiwhloh first appeared in Septemlwr UKThen the publisher bethought him of rommissioning lithograph and tnt threeach to four of tho group including Fanttr

Latour The litter took to tho worksuch that jn one of the toutIntroduced two designs returningsubject TannbAuger the VenusliergLove Disarmed The Education of

and The Embroiderers But theynot the qualities of line work that hadlooked for they wer studies in toneteemed to M Cadart detestable intenntisavage It wax more out ofthan any other motive that ho lund somefive prints of each pressed Some of thesenay bo In the present collection

For the next eleven years KontlnLatoumade no Use of lithography IM on inde-

pendent medium working howeverpaxtol and no doubt practulng charcoaldrawing a aids to study in the preparttlon of his oil pictures In 1873 he wnInvited to attend tho Schumann Festivallit Bonn Though not an exponent u

any instrument U profoundly musloaand he rctolved to be present to how hiadmiration of tno greathe was prevented from attending Andfriends and ho celebrated the occasionParln by plnying the master works

upon him he gave vent tofeeling in own medium and drew

To the ofWaS tho inuaiiN of bringing him lack tlithography Then ho turned to theprint ot at tho Y uu l

a herowi one but notwlthf-itruiulng that fourteon hindbrought maturity to MH judgment he foundbut rt w

By this time lie was enamonxl of hittingan nil form of art

suit a lad tunic A linmlnlithographs Ii hevcnlythreo

hundrni soand commencoil the

erien of original whichbe tmlied in this collection It I to bnoticed that with tow exceptionsFantlnl4itour not draw ii i

till hut upon spernally preparepaper oalquo ni

call it from which the transferis made Thi method ties many nclvnn-tagm It obviates the necessity grind-ing t hn rtone to the required roughn a greet gain since highly polishstone is the vogue of tintthe artlrt lisa but to choose ofOUR of grain and atomic ex-

actly ductk the offeot TieHSO allows of much creator rapidity rindfr Tdom In thn dinwlng o list artisthand moviw almost ly antiresult h all the charm ofnrvN the drawing huts l eitransferred to tin stone them Is nothmc-lo prevent the modification of the dwn-by out Introduction tthe lino upon the block nmiwiv isone of th rf ithngrnpliv-prfxIuriiiK an e iKile fttilritner ami trim

It will repay visitor to studylint To and oliservo tinenchanting effect of HIP web of white linestint It To the large eonIrxKln of dark und light n tisial ilnvlowhen vorlitiK lilrcrt mx r il is to

i 1

tho whlltw Hut in th her pr niiiw r Itself supplier ih lilliM It Is

Rtifi to out liian to NC pc nnd-

hi llillity of srsuHnR A nil rai 50 if-

lelii4Jlily toniw in ner ii eTo Oil like whose wulaH-

ilfliK i lowntil tour ttU tviitymid l inlr ce lii cpi a

Kirtrsit of the Ktijcliiih Iliuravcr bd vin lcorals and of u the lilt of 17-

ith total cliflnnter et nllc i hits work in-

tiiuilv of thn Ininrliative order liventhir of which all tnniiy ei

li iMit thilr iMkutlful foruiN Initi tinfphtt hat Mivel l MM or-

aiid I as through n-

ell tie irtrrveiiinK midlum of thn artIstsaneyo cnniiarlMiii tlm biu jnof actual life

H outine nf tlilr funns melt intoIw i lri It-

s mi ftrbliViineiil tit l iieHii e lhl-

OIH lllllktr lllt fciV uf l llNlitV-

mt lino I w hut 1 HIHi l itnur hns ilmH ami-

u lllKr his Hulk I I el

hut the iiuiHlc HotiMl irmliioi Tlu liuw-ver a iKitiil that Ui r nf thn ntuow nf

IWHliij Sclniiiiaiii tint llr luiKil I fil I if the t tlim-

n f lhe e inis loin h rttoHni lniiiit lie tntoluitiau Midi

Wll l llllol11 M lrtluKiirwi me r elv wliat oi-

nHiM i all Hn t Wri rtr ltie Its aknn U4f l I e full nl 1 u-

li l IIKII Hi HMl e4i 1iri l t

tut nui infMM U MatWlfteMMl all Hill Nf4 tlin-

l H4lr iid HMr l p i In-

Iitril4li4e uf JKeH44i Hi ll-

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> >






New Process of Drllntlnr and HnlllCottonseed and rxtractlnt the Oil

VASIUKOTON Jan privatewas in city today of

Invention which ha been pronouncedauthorities on cotton and by eminent

throughout the country to thet stride forward In the cotton

since KH Whitney the cottonIn the early part of the nineteenthtury It deals entirely with the

and covers all steps In it treatmenfrom the time the seed leaves the ginthe cotton removed to its

Into refined oil makingthe abandonment of six Mtparate

requiring thin u of a likeIntricate machine It ooniprUei

complete and perfect dollntlnff andof cottonseed by a secrot chemical proceiin twenty minutes compared withmechanical meanii and hours requireunder the old process the recovery ofthe lint and hull of the wed In perfect con

for paper stock of hugh qualitycompared Mlth the recovery of only a mapercentage In poor condition and worthleiM stock under the old processproduction of refined oil from the racedthrno operations occupying one hourtwenty minutes ae compared withseparate operations occupying many hoursunder this old method

I Tho seed a It cornea from the ginIn hulls and lint U treated by

secret chemical solution which removfthe hull entirely and dries the kernelmcnt of this ed Tho prooee reducethe weight of the seed onohalf and itstwothirds for transportation to oil inlllwhile thu Cost icducwl 60 per cent acompared with thomethods of treating the seed

The hulLs and removed from aof send by the now are sid to1000 of stocks awith than 40o pounds

I now In USD sod stock U worthIn the condition loft by thin new

l front StO to 20 a ton as compared withbetween 3 and 4 per ton for the

paper tock recovered In conditIonby the usual method This alone would

a net tRill of front 19 toton or on thin last years product-it la contended would save to cottongrowers of the South about 138000000

In the of extracting the oiloil cake from the chemicalbecomes adapted for use a a food productfor or as a fertillrarusual method It Is to extract onljabut 40 per cent of oil from the needwhile the new its backnr annnitmakes the extraction of

100 vent and tho cost ofcrude oil bv the new method Is

60 per remit The oil refined by the secretprocrfs I in addition it 1

t who hnvn made careful analysisequal to any olive oil ontie market while the cost olrefining la no greater than the present costof refining crude cottonseed

It IH proposed t thesoed8 nd place on market in theMine manner as peanuts IreiKth salted and It 1

by tIe that they will timesimilar I also eon

t grind the seed into meal forII food product u a ubstltiite for thecernils

The of the Invention wastpio l In a plant of five tonuswhich Mil b on horo In Washing-ton ami it working was witnessed by-

numtior of this cotton growerscottono U oil mn and chemists who areInterested III it

Great Kelenllnn lt ieo erlet of tinLast collar

Sir Vllllnm Irecci In n rec nt addressUfore tie Bocl ty of Arts enumerate the

viiiitlflr ll coverle of th nineteenthcentury lo w u follows

Tli rlilple of evolutionfh nionilc sinmiire of inciterThn exlvitiee of the ether undiil

story theory of lightTi prlncli of elBOtromaBneitc Induction

nnd electThe prlinliile of thn conservation of energyThe he proceed in dliMi s nt length

their Ihflueiirii upon wexrwct tn follow arid iiprl nent th m

It the oour of evnlitun e eiiirctnvtinWlnn lu lie infltltierd liy

ill iislii iriic whrti nctlrtf nw t

tti innjl for power tinrc fr ludlvidiml wiiih th rursuit ofhnowlwtje the oo nl il with dl eii theHilritnre oiifirt of living and themfme n ITT lie it cir l tn ait In the future

lh y hv In lh ilip it in y f coti ofinmlrr inca lead to ttii Hiwnverjr I innny

ilemeiiU i r x tn nvrf h one Im nliiilul of ndlelinil of hn art Inil v ri 1 inniilfr i iii

I U IlKloriv of the U llll Inci-ih i l in tin noh i n nl iiiiiiire HUhiiiuh-l reit U even fully nei pli cl thnn

ll nlTir no rr Ut niw M V molnn-ii d In H iiy It nm iii p ieil sy uto-

t tn uriiluUtlink ndf i nir Mill no full tb ny nf lt

riHtucfd niit hat I roUin Milli it i4 n In twentieth

fi iiH iniliiiiliinrliliiliij Ulfill fn illi I h eoii-mirir iinii ni i r mmui the nf

or l r tusifri Uill lii lrli niul lu the f rni nf nretin hi lievu nl I

n 1 nM inMi i fullewed liv IM-

or t II Ineiinailr i iin ii t l riin i nimiieri tally


IInui lii An-

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I 4 H h Ifc

Hi l i M-

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W Ml

1AroLls this rI


lie greatIndustry

Invented Kin

afterhas been pro-

duction possible

number-of the



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nOrTOn An Tin COOK

Tbflr Relations Should He I1o rr CTitmteal lifTrct of Illihei

From Mr IanrelOf the art which thai be reckoned n-

rllliry to of tncJIrlno there Ii mrprobably which l o nealpctd by prnctiti-orr nf medicine II that of conldmr Motmedical men rettsnl tie kltclicn n heneattheir notice and would scout thai lisa that nnspecial training In Its muterliiU nml itt matod might be of service tn their rofe lon ipower nd usefulness Much nn attltulfof mind U AS unwarrintcd n we liellevo It v

Injudicious yet only are there veryninny suhitance which are common to thekltchn and to the dl n niiry n knowledgenf which therefore l Jiltincil hj their pre

In otis If It does not Indicate n u-qtialntanc with the other but nmn iverrightly regarded the kitchen nOd the rtooxpity nlniont t hnpnrtnnt n In iittntningthe sims of tie medical man at do this

nnd the dl pf muryIt In obviously of the irrrittc Imrwrtunc

that If a physician orders a medicine heshould ho able to tell that It li duly dl pen edA similar argument may certainly h pplld to the products of the kitchen Nomndlcnl man would Inner the importanceof dirt both In heult end In dle e aol tliecook may well IK regarded ai chlnf officerIn the service of preventive medicine

We do not hold Mlof nf nn old writerqtloUl In Dr V T Kernles Kitchen Phylcwho Sara that the practitioner tins only todirect such food ns may contain the pirtlclttht hits putlont mny tnnd In need of Forexample ore the kidneys diwuwd Then

of oxdeer and sheeps kidneys Atthmatrequire dishes prepared from tie lungs ofsheep deer calves hart and iamb Arthe Intestines Tlien he should or-

I drr tripe tiollrd fried or Iricnn eed Whenthis has in ntTil we hall h

I hip to remove every dKonw Incident fo thaihuman body nw l tince of the cookonly the art thera

no affair as tills Hirecently proved value of tlie thyroid gland

In treatment of lotake only one ttrlklna ln tince should bidus tn a clow lnt Te In this help thnt-surwtinces which t

In the kitchen are able to nlTord usthe treatment nf dUea e nnd not to regard tlie

of healthy food for personi all Unit can or

There Is a fund or Interest and of Informa-tion In the old account nf the vitriol procertle nnd towern with whichthis earliest times Invented different articlesnf diet Thus tell n that CatothlnkN that after sit Ine hare tleep Is Inducedhut thn common i op that afterMich food the body more lively nnd TAyfor nine days he an rumorhut i o widespread a belief there

be KOme Whether therel any true foundation tor such a belief or notnn Into time exnrt

of flesh of various iinlman mindinto mich articles of dirt for ln tince n-Hhellflsh which are known to haveeffects IIIon certain people would not onlybo of Brent Intercut lead re-sults nf Brent therapeutic vulue

Such ch em tii a mot ftline direction In which to turn some of tlmsnort of IllnlcHl lil r r ituric nch ni ire urnIII the future to more anil more extensively

In connection nitii nil gen-eral There wlde d-

l lef and theories with retard tn the effectof rilflVrrnt lood tuni In health Dd dKenweExact on mich points In scantyWe cannot doubt that In eti-larun aol to define It hirer or Indirect iecult of utility would be olitamed liv for ln t nce are toinntoei-In the popular mind so widely nsnoeitedwith th of cancer We have no

wfmterer for bellevlnc the item tiany rca onaliln foundation Yet howmuch do know 01 tlie H cml con tftuent-nf tie tomato IIa It nny title proertl It a n mutter nf fin t partlcu

lady where nncr l esperlalir-cnmtnon Much and niulion nre natural adjunct tn intclllircntmedical Interests In the kitcnen nnd wn

inentlonnd mrrcly the rudtohrlou of Hie manynnd that tic kitchen Utire t4-

tn If ne tonor It wlti iiir t tiThere I mother point view which

lhi nok may be ti thn nld nf theprni lmr tint e-

perlnielit worn to show driltf1 wlilrli noWmire only In formally prescribed ml-

ttire or weremore output of Mir ilnmot

kitchen liow grateful nn n l t viIt oltii ill when H niedlcu

I H lo he tiikin anti over lone IK

riots of time to lie emir that the pntlent t

tint crow areIe or furfctful l

iver lii ten1 of taklnc ii draught ininre rnir In

trt pill wrre withit Itring tIe tnt ofIe and without IHIHK it nun inieaiyKin Lined the iMiert dinner itit iri r

r it e can imiiinmore cernin on hilt nnl

the icnn order i ill I be mure conl t litly cnrried out ly cunnivaiie nn the

part f the ivok tlan they ir i with the co-

iiperitiiiri of the iJif iinl Siili n rrii linii-P pen ir ditie to tin liin i f thedirt tan y is onlie pnrt or tie menuid man it Ine workol hit ml iidtil iHi tlie worknf utie he li porhip coitm tint witi-thltt fif its oter M r lllinllJbun to bConie inre iitiiiiHiy acijimiiitod-

Jehn llnlli Wsihernisn-Ku1 the MVffilntlfi i4ltll

II cnmr I IUII irish IIMUimlA Is t-

rfimlriit th wattirrunmin nr tn pt It I-

1litl Hi tlr r urrhfi il ihr wnluT ii t

lira l i II epj f lurr ir WMI IM-

lltknirn rufli ml tr tbr Flfah rlruiuirhru In I n n Ni-

Ihi mtilrt nrr r nipl iljr luinxl 44il-hr ibtve nanirtf tll In fkl rt and Itttut-hr riuniirl itn will li l rli i l unf u

rinrli flilnr ip Ill Cii iimiiOut l n i ill Urmt iirv n out h Ht-

B IMUnt lt n IMH uU i llil-J vnHf u IU urrkli rluinm M l l inlin-

niUlD tf II c11 ti l u mrthe Hull it rrl ufiU ir

f ri ilt IM IAIII li wW HI M 4ri f ill 4 liiiMr l Mi-

iii H lr i ITI tfl 441-

1urftlfl n l Il



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tillace is 1 isO

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Self SIC s iNs assa t44 tsPd hi lasri i4 ii ii IS S-

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5054 IiS I i 5 W SI-

IssEsa 944 ala SI i i S0 ii 515-

1sao4rt ai SsuiC 555 5 a5 uSa is u 4

5 Na 5 ivh1 aiIiI Sad a 5 5S 1

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Tf1K ItI

Intere-at the A

In ffaliIn EUio-

ch r ctcIlk Ztu-rwiulrlnjtlon TBI

of littlefor thetechnicscan giveshe reerilythe finecats li-

f GlorytheMiss L-

stnndngracewhrntliplacesiistml i

Is tn tbfree nnIn themurderbuena

It tto icertainher urn

up to asr



no dineeernsi I

a moreJnAft 9-1pxnctlyyet fin

Knectftfthe drireEmery

of theAtthl-


of listwhichmeritswithoii


sinfulonly t-

afanntlotypesover t






a Cot









Otis m-Ing


lidhe atthingIrvingthermgive an-


in amanstellstoniccidedallreduauntsettlecihoo-


Sys-tijiltiher towill gmothomitidi

ho anil tatflex t-


list wreeds

A-nhasrTWO 1

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andSiMS 4Iii IFrom

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