4 U uIw c u s a a i Spring a Rugs- I IBrussels W ton Velvets and I t 9x 2 Axminster Best as ¬ I sortment ever brought Ito this I Icity See them before yotiiI chase i v I I < < t I I I BENNETT and HI6GINS J I t Furniture and Undertaking Telephones 73 Main Street I p a p f THINK ABOUT THIS hGIo IAIL AN Y en afford to delay 1 the Y what avail is procasti nation Tbetin a few weeks prices will be higher ET UP tlorefore liavo your order now GET IN YOUR COAL NOW We Deliver Quickly Telephone 110 Rex Red Ash Jellico We have tho exclusive sale A trial order will cpnviuceyou that ours is a little better than you Lave been gettll1 elsewhere and possibly1e53 Full Weight orCoal Forfeited B II Luxon Bro For Rent Store non on First St Suitable lor- a h kind of business Apply at tf A Lobrovsky WANTED Young men with some knwCtfe of machinery to work en ou iutch new at nijiht Will have a c inpetent man to teach them the trade A good opportunity for steady young men wanting to learn to trade Hagan Gas Engiae Mfg Co tl73t For Sale Grocery outfit best stand in Rich ¬ mond OJJ Pigg nl73t Richmond Ky For Sale Nice seven room residence on North sreet Gocd deep lot barn und all 0 Mler necessary outbuikingH Price r jrht Applv to 17lt James Hunley For Sale number of thoroughbred White J > land turkeys Single gobblers l R i single hens 250 Trio consit is j of one gobbler and two hens 900 H P GILBERT 1 171 R t > No3 Richmond Ky To The Slaughter Mr J M Afcblll one of the best known grocers In the city announces tat lie will boinatouce to slaughter turkeys for Thanksgiving He will ply the highest market prices for gutt fat fowl Phone 209 n03f Notice to Ladies Having decided to establish a To- ilit Parlor in this city I hereby nvify tbe ladies that I anyiropared to d scalp and facial massaging hair dressing shampooing and mdnicur in r and earnestly solicit their patron 8e and support Will call at their Inmes MRS J C GEORGE 4nb 4t 142 E Main St I For Sale Mv farm of 260 acres good improve men IS and land less than 3 miles from Richmond all well set in grass except 2 acres which is now in corn This farm is on good pike dwelling with H r nn dfl g god dwelling rood plentyh be sold on leasonable terms and at a bargain WILSON TATE nl75t Richmond Ify Many of our people have read with delight that splendid ural story of New England Life entitled Quincy Alams S wver and also many were furtuuate to see the same presented by a crpible company at the opera hoaw a tcason or two ago It is gratifying to know that we will now be able fa- c mtinue our acquaintance with thew wholesouk folk of Mason Corner ai- M Susan Duncan numbersn her liet o gocd books as sequel to the above story entitled The further proceeding of Q icy Adams Sawyer nJ the Masju Corner Folk She will be gd to take orders for this and otk r b64 k8 for Chrlstmai J FarleyMarcb Mi11inery L J I t f Around Town J + A cold wave is predicted Get ready for donation day at the A C InfirmaryTuesday Nov 23 J Air J Wm Wagerasold Thursday to Muddycreek The turkey trade In Scot county opened up at fourteen cents per pound on foot delivered Cyphers Incubator for sale cheap also two brooders Tins incubator is as good as itwas when it lelt the shop C D Miller I7n2t Richmond Ky Shoe News or New ShoesI Either one Read Rice Arnolds get5otti For Sale A hQufe and lot of 5 acres with all necessary outbuildings and a twostory room on same Mrs G B Judy r 17n If Kirksvllle Ky I DEATHS- Mr and Mrs Seth Cates have the iympathy of many triends in the loss jf their little three year old daughter whose death occurred after a brief ill ¬ qess of brain fever Interment took place Saturday alternoon in tho Rich- mond I Cemetery Top Price Reached One of the biggest tobacco tales on record wes heM last Saturday at the Central Kentucky Tobacco Warehouse Lexington when the top price of 24 per hundred pounds was reached So far this Is a record breaker and all con ¬ cerned feel very happy over the result To Be Entertained at State University The midwinter meeting of the Ken ¬ tucky Press Association will be held at State University December 28 and 20 A committee composed of James K Patterson R O Stoll and C B Nicols will see to the proper entertain ¬ ment of the visitors House Burning Sheriff Broadd s arrested Charles Davis white here last Wednesday morning on a warrant from Bell county charging him with house burning Sheriff Jones from that county who is here will take avis back Davis was chased around two squares and several shots fired before he was cap ¬ tured MARRIED Mr Stanley Tudor and Miss Ruth Gum both of Valley View were united in marriage Monday at the County Clerks office by Rev Crutch field of the Methodist Church Mr Chester A Browning and Miss Stella Daniels both of Ii vine were married Monday by Rev Crutchfield at the Methodist parsonage Turkey Season Opens Gott Brothers the popular produce merchants of this city are buying turkeys for the Thanksgiving market crom now on big shipments will be made by this firm As heretofore these gentlemen will pay the highest possible market prices and it will be to your advantage to call and see them before disposing of your fowls Gott Bros have been in business in Rich ¬ mond for many years and have estab ¬ lished a reputation for fair dealing which is responsible for the great suc ¬ cess of tbe firm Not only the far ¬ mers of Madison but adjoining coun ¬ ties bring their produce of every de ¬ scription to Gott Bros 17no2t Resolutions WHEREAS In view ofthe loss we have ustained by the decease of our friend and brother Albert Rlchfur aid of the still heavier loss sustained by those who were nearest and den est to klm therefore be It KKSOIVEO That It Isbut a just tr ¬ bute kI the memory ot the deputed to gay that In regretting hIs removal MR atir midst we mourn for one who wf iia every way worthy of our rc sp t anil regard r j JtBSotvBO > That we i1coreiycon i < pe wiik the family of ilw deceased Qt tk8 dhpeHsatioa with which it bits d Divine Province to af hot tlUm awl eOJ elit tl1e m for eoN to Mtwko orders all Lte ort best adw110e obas ttattMtB ate ia aereyR- MOCTBD That tkitr heartfelt testl Beattl 9tor sypatlaYbe forwarded te theiitUyof oar dfpart4 4 frkad sad srwd on the reoerds of tale IAdge AIbAB LcC Ir A tOUftrl Ceitto M m L4d1s M I r w o i Special Quality and Style 1 in Suits 15 m ic > < We set out determined to offer the best Fifteen Dollar Suits we have ever sold We searched the market and picked out the best from the besUnakers we paid cash and took off thediscount we cut our own profits to the very limit we squeezed into these suits every five cents worth of quality possible They are rich patterns in the newest greens brown and gray mixtures as well as plainer effects in wide variety they are tailored in the latest style and honestly made inside as well as out Come to see them they are matchless values at the pricer I 15OO Newest and best in Overcoats and Raincoats Hats arid B Caps Underwear Gloves Ties Etc The smallest boy or the most experienced man trades here in perfect security we have the same price our lowest price to one and all THE FOR L CJII II w II K = J Accepts Call Rev Scanlau has accpted the call to he pistorate of the Frst Prsbyterian Church and will arrive in this city the alter part ot this week and will occupy i1j pulpit on next Sabbath It is vely graifyingto all to know that the ser ¬ vices of to splendid a man have been secured anti isis coming is looked for ¬ ty trd to writ pleasure The church is in good condition in evry respect and rife new pastorate begins under the moot euroUi aitg circumstances Mr Scanlans family with not ccme for sev iial weeks Dant pay 30 cents for Bacon when yon can get Beechnuts Packing Cos Breakfast Bacon for 22J ctB per jar at T T Covington Co Handsome Bok We were presented last week with a handsome book entitled OJA Kentucky Girlwhose author is a former Madi- son ¬ county woman nowliving in Teti neesee andwho writes under the non Jeplume ol Anne SeArcy The front ispitce is a handsome picture of Mrs Charles Jett of this county formerly the beautiful and popular Miss An gelina Cobb of Stanford The book is lull of allusions to scenes and people of this section and its author is prominent ¬ ly connected in this county and the book should command a ready sale It is on sale at all Richmond drug stores Charlie Miller Wins a Prize By the investraant of honesty in dustry politeness capacity and physi ell energy in learning the grocery business Mr Charlie D Miller has been called up higher anti will on January 1 take the road as the traveling representative of the largest tea and coffee house in America at a salary of 1600 per annum aud all ex- penses ¬ with promotions tor increased efficiency later Jhe firm is the Bohea Importinz Co of Baltimore to whom we tender on behalf ot the pub lie here sincere congratulation upon acquiring the services of one of the most popular and expert salesmen ever In this community On January 1 Mr Miller will sever his connecti < n with MsTT Covitgtons grocery end enter upon his duties as a Knight of the Grip equipped in every way to build n wider reputation upon the splendid foundation he bus been rear ¬ ing here for excellence as a man in the true sense of that woid At Lexington Opera House Mrs Leslie Cirter the leading emo- tional ¬ actress in America today comes to the Lexington Opera House Thurs ¬ day Nov 25 Thanksgiving Matinee and night find will present the greatest success of tier career Vesla home The play Is a tense dramatic product ¬ ion oneof the vital problems of society of today a presentation that is more powerful and direct than a ermon and which while it entertains as any play should sends the audiences away trom the Theatre with the knowledge that be f ire them has moved the Panarama of the battle of good and evil the conflict which is eternal and which Js tbe ear ¬ heat couHict known to dramatic liia tory The play gives Mrs Carter the greatest opportunity she has ever had for display of that marvelous hisrJfde ability whwjh has won for ller n place tI tha farefreut ci the American stage Fur theplar she has had a BiW8nd elaborate production built and her sup¬ porting cawpany this year is one of inarkeJ excellMce The prices for Urn engagement will 1e for the Mti ee Lower I > f 150 Balcny1501 00 75e 1 for n it Lower floor j20J Btlcoay tie 1150 If Q7 cTbe sale of aati wW op4nNov Jor metisota to m ter ficottacelJII pMibaa INT MWf UM will rvi t H 4 D t 0000 Extra Free Voles Will be Added For Every 19 Re ¬ mittance on Subscrip ¬ tions For every ten doMnrs turned In on- subscrIptionsduring the week of Noy 15 to Nov 20 we will give 9003 extra tree votes This is positively thebest otTer that will be made during the con ¬ test It should induce oar contestants and their friends to pi t forth an extra effort in the work We will aleo give nine hundred extra free vptes as adverts d in last sue ot The Ohm ix for another week and it will diminish 100 votes each week hereafter Contestants get tht extra tree votes on old as well as new subscriptions Fur instance if the ten dollars are for all old or for part new they get the extra tree votei for every ten dollars turned in between Nov 15 und 20 If tlioy tnrn in twenty dollars during that time they get 18000 free votes and so on si you see it is to your advantage to gct m all you can by Nov 20 EXTRA PKIZE OOLD RIXG The extra prze a cold ring tur ¬ quoise set will be presented to the contestant not having already won a special prize who turns in the most subscriptions between Nov 8 and Nov 20th This is a handsome prize and should be quite an inducement fi r th > contestants to put forth their best if forts All votes count in the grand prizea 100 piano Get into the contest in earnest and secure come of the handsome prizes w ear e giving away and also get votes which will gc toward winning tha piano Se adver- tisement ¬ elsewhere fcr more particulars regarding the free vote offer Longer Season The directors of the Bluegrass League will meet in Lcxingtpn today anJ among the important matters that will be discussed will be the p1ayi ¬ tests besides the 120 played the sea ¬ son passed This matter has been considered by the directors for a long while and from all indications it looks as though the 1010 schedule will con ¬ sist of 130 or 140 games J If the Jone schedule ia dccldid on the Bluegrass League will open ORe month sooner than last year Most all club owners in the organization are in favor of the now move The Wizard of Wiseland The action tf ActilinThe Wizard of Wiseland the big spectacular nauti ¬ cal extravaganza which is due at the Opara House on Thursday Nov25 muineeaad Bight lakes place on the Ule of Wiseland Imld its raythicaleflr roundings TLere Inc flowers animals and rocks converse with men as broth ¬ ers and there toothe rivers Bow with champague and tho rain whea it falls furnuhes ice cream to the thirety ground but sever mUll < To furnish e tfe e t d stage properties for thedepicUtmeftiie strange sights atnl tbitifts encoua wed oh its tabled shores wroearthy weti were forcedto journey ia lawginatioa te tile Isle ot Wiselaad Too seeatcv rt ut found Ilia task a cOtapawUve4y eMjr one fer the huid only to ds with lMeHt- 1ine the 4eiigr f prpnrties eOltlclnotbOOaMfttwitJ oatlf ne only liB bid te fiiIieihe8utl- aadahi living thfng into hahaiaahaie- The greatest master of lUiPeiZie3 AthericaEdwardS eJtof the Mtop- ohitan Opr Hoes New York was th relpce selected f if the tl1khow well be pceoud itwill be how M tbe bulging eyw of every boyad irift wise look MI 4s fiutietIuaray ef tMy lm MMfyM abJMte dlwf irtd dariw tM 11IIIite i t iewt14 IoIlthdw ol heWiUrd o Wfstss qi 10M Ut c- II i Ci- r + Heath Willis Dead Tucir Richmond friends who are legion were deeply grieved to learn ot thfl death of heath the youngest son of Capt and Mrs Joe B Willis of Crab Orchard Springs which occurred at St Louis Saturday night The young man went to 5t Louis about eighteen months ago and accepted a position with the Terminal Company which place he held at the time of his death He was taken to St Mary Hospital in that city about two weeks ago and pneumonia develop- Ing ¬ his parents were summoned to his bedside He grew rapidly worse until Saturday night when ho ex ¬ pired Every care and attention loving parents could provide were lavished upon him but all to no avail Heath who was a splendid specimen of man ¬ hood was twentythree years of age and was born in Richmond He will be remembered as a child by our citi ¬ curtcousI knew him when a little boy residing with his parents in tbis ciy Grow g- into young manhood he applied him ¬ self closely his industry and aptness attracting cuch attention lIe was a close observer of passing events and hii keen snso for the lilculous brought sunny a smile and laugh to those about him He was liberal to a fault while his kindness of heart brought happiness to many It has been truthfully said that Heath Willis was never so happy as when doing a kindness about him This will be testified to by the many guests of Crab Orchaid Springs wh le Heath was assisting his parents at the famous resort lie was a member of the Christian church Tho devotion between parents and son was boaut ful to behoM and the taking of this boy just as he had reached tho gi where ho coald be of so much pleasure and comfort to father ad mother is a slock which they can endure only by the assistance of Him who givothand takcth away To these griefstricken parents The Climax joins with their many Madison county friends in ex- tending deepest sympathy May Ho who dOethalf things well give them strength to benrip under tbfiirjieavy burdenof grid The rdmains were brought here Tuesday lor burial be¬ side other loved ones wha slcepIn the I beautiful Ruhnioni Cemetery after funeral services which will be held this afternoon at the Cbr i st ia n Church at 2 oclock MiHEndSale We desire to call theattention dour readers to the big Mill End Sale now going on at 33 V Elders stoiv Many big birgiiins are to be mnd and the store iac oVlld with purchasers from morning to nighty Engineers at Workon Power- House fOr peojla of this town aQnll liver what they believe to be itedait plans forth rower plant for JiM Central Kentucky Traction IIBCS ac corpse of Engineers eae over from LwcfUf torn Monday and have been at werfe evcrsiBM surveying slid plot tUig tb ground receBtlj ptirjfeased i bytbie coHpmy for IlK HIrpeseef erectlsR powerplaBt Ii is ecpect PAiWork 1a eaJMst tIl bogia Ia skort tima wken from 15 to JOO men will be eyii4oys2 at work cw the lHIikmg It s sMFtt rllen corn- ple4d which will W la bhttl six month a there will tea I yaid >< Li- tblItoI c ej1JIII toeper4m th- eP1a4vJii YSw04t I f 1 J = uiiw I 1 Our Buck ye a i 1119I1 Top Shoes at 350 w JSVTorth 400 > + i A corerfdr the price Eithr black or tan Full J 2 inch top raw hide strings heavy double soles select material throughout You cantt equal it elsewhere under 400 Come see it for yourself t By far the largest stock in Madison county of Lace Boots Bootees High Top Shoes and all kinds of good Winter Footwear for both men and boys Quality always higher than the price Headquarters for I I > Ban Band Rubbers > In every style You know their reputationN i COVINCTON IAKS STORE QUALITY olfertwkereas1 jiir Success cf Former Richmond Boy It is with plresure that his many old Richmond rinds note the success of adoptedhome orgaulzitiouu and incorporation of the well known firm of Mitchell Bake Smith Mr Prather who lor live years bas been bookkeeper for tho firm be conmi Secretary and Treasurer and will have entire supervision of the office work lie is s son of Rev James Prather of this city and is a young business man of excellent qualifica ¬ tions as is evidenced by his rapid rise in Lexingtons business circles Mysterious DisappearanceJ- esse the 1G year old son of Mr and Mrs John 15 Masters of Bilwin left home last Friday and his whereabouts alleyI dog followed him The dog returned home 72 haurs afterward but to far no trace of the boy has been found I- Ii soppJsed that the boy has gone to Illinois where relatives live or else met wi h foul play orrceident while out hunting Ills parents have tovcral theories about his miysterions disap pearance and the mother of the boy is almost distracted Following is the descripiou of the boy Blue ees blonde haiweight 140 pounds he wore a lisht corduroy cap black corduroy coat cottonade pants Elected VicePresident Mr Allen Ziring cl the J W Zuing Grain and Mill Co lics returned from LJttJ ton whore he attended the an nnal lneeiiig of the Lexingttn Credit Mens Association Mr Xtiring was elected Vicc1resideul for the coming year Tub Association is a branch of the National Association of Credit Men which is one of the largest Com ¬ mercial oigaiiiz tints in the world Tit Lexington branch has a membership of S3 represantinz thopTiucipil jjUbert and Millers of Lexington Riclimaud Winchester Paris Versailles and Xicholusvflle atuiljJrOes of greacs ben fit and protection to all concerned Mr Zaring ii being warmly congrau hated upon his election to the Vi3e IVpsidtfiicy odd we might mention that Mr Clarence Williamson formerly ol this city Is the Secretary and Treasur er Cecilian Club Notes No mortf delightful cub ever cx ¬ isted than the Cccilian Club and the splendid programs which have been rendered not only at the three me t- ings ¬ ot the present season but in all former years are very encouraging and very enjoyable The meeting of last Wednesday was held with Mrs A R Burnam and tho program a sacred one was led by the Iiotes3 and was as fullows KoltCollGreat Oratorio Sitmera Piiper Palcstrlna > fa6lcr Music of Cutliol idsulhmNrs Ut1 1e1tou Duet vocal All RemeitilcrYrbin Verdis RcupToii 1zs Tate MjssXolnnd Funeral MarcliClioplnMrsKobtUurna in VocaiODltlne RcdeeiaicrGounod Mrsiraiiccr PaperJJaclitlioMuslciaiiT > fFrotcstanisnt Mrs Nenmeflenne- ttPianoSchubert Transcription by Liszt Jlrs Johnson Four Hands Larso JIandelr NrsCheulJult NrsPkkels SonGotolbn4 Mtsa Gottlieb Current Events =L JMfsallIffBliis The roll call brougkt out many it- te resting Items l among which wero skelckby jirsIIaBger of Dudley Back whosedekon Qcto er6tI1rento ell 0ne at the masters cdptioJtofflrdo r Music Hall CiftciiiRRt UaC kBJ majority votethe iCIII m Mud 1 0 wltWr w from the fMM Vtlw U <> MursI j r o 1 Popular City Official Mr T T Ijovln ton who was re elected this month to represent Normal precinct In the city Council ig per ¬ imps cne of lIe roost popular city of- ficials ¬ in Richmond This fact vasem ohaszad when the official dbunt gave Mr Covington a majority of 2G3 the largest vote of any candidate in the citywho had opposition The hearty endorsement given tbs popular c citizen < nd splendid btisinoisjnan IB exceed- ingly ¬ gratifying not only to Mr Cur ington but his lotion of friend through out the city and c tinty The fact that Me Covington has carved on tieoun elI several terms and was alto eJected and served in the capacity of Mayor of Rchmoiul and as a member of the Hoard of Education is sufficient evi Jence that any omen within the gift of the votcis of Richmond and Madison connty can be his for the asking Donation Day AIms been the custom since the P A C Infirmary beamo an institution lie Tuesday berore Thanksgiving will le observed as donation day A committee of ladies will be at the In Urinary all day to receive donations and it gees without saying Unit those will bets liberal ns heretofore Any¬ thing n provisions household art des linens china or gltiEBware hospital iec < tallies etc ull be guilefully K eclvcd Itcinmiilifr the date Tuesday Novembar 2J Horrible TragedyC- ash Mo ly a lifelong resilient of Kingston this couiity killed his wife WeJuefdaymcrjiuiybj severing her I heat almost from her body with a ritz ¬ or thin setting fire to the dwelling wallowed cjrbulic acid anti died al- most instantly There were 10 witnes ¬ ses to this hon ibe tragedy antI tin 01 ly cause assigned for the rut is that in i diunkcii feets Moody hecame anger ed at gonu trivial 111 tter and approach ioghs wifp Iron behind while she was seated in a chair an J slashed her throat rim earito ear With remarkable vital- ity she ran from the huilJnir a din ane of more tuna filly feet citnbed a fence and dropped into the road dead This atlraced the attention of neighbors who rushed to the scene in time to see Mooly ee lire to the buiMing and drink the acitl Ha died nlinuat instantly The neighbors euccedptl in extinguish ¬ ing llio burning building Moody evi ¬ dently hail jiri mi dilated edt deetruc iou He wrote a letfrard gave to a neighbor the day before tint tragedy in width he stated that he would not be t eelrntjnrid gave iitstiuctions regard leg isbUtlalbutthe recipient cf tle note did nol consider tfe matter ser ¬ iously thinking Hth4 LIla talk ot a drunkeBman Moody leo 6 II de amitlI tin eats Ilile In this city rut sday at whclv time he tpk from the exprb B ofilc3 a packaga of whiskey U joJy dwnod a good farm at Kli5 ton and was < comfortably situated so fart laaoces wete concetfed Ills wife iras ore of the mbat highly ft lip cted women of that hoc 11tyEm- bbngherJrfonds by tier arqaiilMU1 aticts ibe was a devout exab4M- t74Lin orlritiitn ehurCh s Mfe Fittlau of Missouri e1 CW They are survived by Tlfii I folfowifiMf cliildreB Mrs D Wf VVfete jMiii Mra Arih rBt Jdle f thra cuit > tfbd15 39ot1QrrW ta4 JMet toOkps ira RI4nso d- cykWtd7 J ICIEE Notice Ail hunters aro hereby warned not to trofpas Jon the farm nown aethe Z1 Hic3 place 1J miles horn Rich ¬ mood on Big Hill pike All violations will ba punished nccordcncy to lawI ll n Macs Hamilton Highest Market Einbry Moberly A Co will at once to slaughter turkeys for tho thanksgiving at pens at Moberly The highest I will be for fat fowl 122 or 812 riugsI r = JJJV J t aJ r = IliI IliS o 1 busiI ¬ F I ness and close out the JanuaI ¬ IIry I st I have many Ii1f myn E stock is all new and m things are going at a mprice < < < 1 J B WALKER Ii Ji > j r President O H CHUN VicePrcs OSCAR GAKRICK J Price begin market their station market price paid good Phone Waco rings B b olJ AITIT M VlccPrcp E A FAKKA Secy Trcns R L UAKBK ntr 1 Kentucky 1aao Tartia IIJ LEXINGTON KENTUCKY epJantin for IrSO loaded wagons and free stalls for 300 horses Re drying capacity one hundred thousand pounds per day and storage for thousands of hogsheads Our daily sales are grand with prices averaging close to 15 cents fQr all grads up to this time Send your tobacco as fast as ready and be assured of lair treatment and the best price Dont sell to f speculators as they must buy cheap enough to make a profit on your tobacco We look for prices to improve through the season J will greatly appreciate every load from my Resptr O H CHENAULT President iuiTit Christmas Photo S S I Get yours now and 5v the r c < avoKi ivUOn r > See our display McGmghey Sf M berley i I IJ1uiU I S i 0 t t

U Rugs- in Special Quality Suits Style Our Shoesnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt712j68432p/data/0165.pdfSpecial Quality and Style in Suits 1 15 m ic> < We set out determined to offer the

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Page 1: U Rugs- in Special Quality Suits Style Our Shoesnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt712j68432p/data/0165.pdfSpecial Quality and Style in Suits 1 15 m ic> < We set out determined to offer the

4 U uIwc us

a ai Spring a

Rugs-I IBrussels W ton Velvets and


t 9x 2 Axminster Best as¬

I sortment ever brought Ito this I

Icity See them beforeyotiiIchase i v


I < < t I



tFurniture and Undertaking

Telephones 73 Main StreetI p ap f




AN Yen afford to delay1 the

Y what avail is procastination

Tbetin a few weeksprices will be higher

ET UP tlorefore liavoyour order now


We Deliver QuicklyTelephone 110

Rex Red Ash JellicoWe have tho exclusive sale A

trial order will cpnviuceyou thatours is a little better than youLave been gettll1 elsewhere and

possibly1e53Full Weight orCoal Forfeited

B II Luxon Bro

For RentStore non on First St Suitable lor-

a h kind of business Apply attf A Lobrovsky

WANTED Young men with someknwCtfe of machinery to work enou iutch new at nijiht Will have ac inpetent man to teach them thetrade A good opportunity for steadyyoung men wanting to learn to trade

Hagan Gas Engiae Mfg Co


For SaleGrocery outfit best stand in Rich ¬

mond OJJ Piggnl73t Richmond Ky

For SaleNice seven room residence on North

sreet Gocd deep lot barn und all0 Mler necessary outbuikingH Price

r jrht Applv to17lt James Hunley

For Salenumber of thoroughbred White

J > land turkeys Single gobblersl R i single hens 250 Trio consit

is j of one gobbler and two hens 900H P GILBERT

1 171 R t> No3 Richmond Ky

To The SlaughterMr J M Afcblll one of the best

known grocers In the city announcestat lie will boinatouce to slaughterturkeys for Thanksgiving He willply the highest market prices forgutt fat fowl Phone 209 n03f

Notice to LadiesHaving decided to establish a To-

ilit Parlor in this city I herebynvify tbe ladies that I anyiropared tod scalp and facial massaging hairdressing shampooing and mdnicurin r and earnestly solicit their patron8e and support Will call at theirInmes MRS J C GEORGE

4nb 4t 142 E Main St I

For SaleMv farm of 260 acres good improve

men IS and land less than 3 miles fromRichmond all well set in grass except2 acres which is now in corn Thisfarm is on good pike dwelling withH r nn dfl g god dwelling roodplentyhbe sold on leasonable terms and at abargain WILSON TATE

nl75t Richmond Ify

Many of our people have read withdelight that splendid ural story ofNew England Life entitled QuincyAlams S wver and also many werefurtuuate to see the same presented bya crpible company at the opera hoawa tcason or two ago It is gratifyingto know that we will now be able fa-

c mtinue our acquaintance with thewwholesouk folk of Mason Corner ai-M Susan Duncan numbersn her lieto gocd books as sequel to the abovestory entitled The further proceedingof Q icy Adams Sawyer nJ theMasju Corner Folk She will be gdto take orders for this and otk r b64 k8for Chrlstmai








f Around Town J

+A cold wave is predicted

Get ready for donation day at theA C InfirmaryTuesday Nov 23 J

Air J Wm Wagerasold Thursday to

MuddycreekThe turkey trade In Scot county

opened up at fourteen cents per poundon foot delivered

Cyphers Incubator for sale cheapalso two brooders Tins incubator isas good as itwas when it lelt the shop

C D MillerI7n2t Richmond Ky

Shoe News or New ShoesIEither one Read Rice Arnoldsget5otti

For SaleA hQufe and lot of 5 acres with all

necessary outbuildings and a twostoryroom on same Mrs G B Judy

r 17n If Kirksvllle Ky I

DEATHS-Mr and Mrs Seth Cates have the

iympathy of many triends in the lossjf their little three year old daughterwhose death occurred after a brief ill ¬

qess of brain fever Interment tookplace Saturday alternoon in tho Rich-mondI Cemetery

Top Price ReachedOne of the biggest tobacco tales on

record wes heM last Saturday at theCentral Kentucky Tobacco WarehouseLexington when the top price of 24per hundred pounds was reached Sofar this Is a record breaker and all con ¬

cerned feel very happy over the result

To Be Entertained at StateUniversity

The midwinter meeting of the Ken ¬

tucky Press Association will be heldat State University December 28 and20 A committee composed of JamesK Patterson R O Stoll and C BNicols will see to the proper entertain ¬

ment of the visitors

House BurningSheriff Broadd s arrested Charles

Davis white here last Wednesdaymorning on a warrant from Bell countycharging him with house burningSheriff Jones from that county whois here will take avis back Daviswas chased around two squares andseveral shots fired before he was cap ¬


MARRIEDMr Stanley Tudor and Miss Ruth

Gum both of Valley View wereunited in marriage Monday at theCounty Clerks office by Rev Crutchfield of the Methodist Church

Mr Chester A Browning and MissStella Daniels both of Ii vine weremarried Monday by Rev Crutchfieldat the Methodist parsonage

Turkey Season OpensGott Brothers the popular produce

merchants of this city are buyingturkeys for the Thanksgiving marketcrom now on big shipments will bemade by this firm As heretoforethese gentlemen will pay the highestpossible market prices and it will beto your advantage to call and see thembefore disposing of your fowls GottBros have been in business in Rich ¬

mond for many years and have estab ¬

lished a reputation for fair dealingwhich is responsible for the great suc¬

cess of tbe firm Not only the far¬

mers of Madison but adjoining coun ¬

ties bring their produce of every de¬

scription to Gott Bros 17no2t

ResolutionsWHEREAS In view ofthe loss we

have ustained by the decease of ourfriend and brother Albert Rlchfuraid of the still heavier loss sustainedby those who were nearest and denest to klm therefore be It

KKSOIVEO That It Isbut a just tr ¬

bute kI the memory ot the deputed to

gay that In regretting hIs removalMR atir midst we mourn for one who

wf iia every way worthy of our rc

sp t anil regard r

j JtBSotvBO > That we i1coreiyconi< pe wiik the family of ilw deceasedQt tk8 dhpeHsatioa with which itbits d Divine Province to afhot tlUm awl eOJ elit tl1e m for

eoN to Mtwko orders allLte ort best adw110e obas

ttattMtB ate ia aereyR-

MOCTBD That tkitr heartfelt testlBeattl 9tor sypatlaYbe forwardedte theiitUyof oar dfpart4 4 frkadsad srwd on the reoerds of taleIAdge

AIbABLcCIrA tOUftrl Ceitto

Mm L4d1s M



w oi

Special Quality and Style1

in Suits15 m ic



We set out determined to offer the best Fifteen Dollar Suits we haveever sold We searched the market and picked out the best from thebesUnakers we paid cash and took off thediscount we cut our ownprofits to the very limit we squeezed into these suits every five centsworth of quality possible

They are rich patterns in the newest greens brown and gray mixturesas well as plainer effects in wide variety they are tailored in the lateststyle and honestly made inside as well as out Come to see themthey are matchless values at thepricer

I 15OONewest and best in Overcoats and Raincoats Hats arid

BCaps Underwear Gloves Ties Etc

The smallest boy or the most experienced man trades here in perfectsecurity we have the same price our lowest price to one and all



Accepts CallRev Scanlau has accpted the call to

he pistorate of the Frst PrsbyterianChurch and will arrive in this city thealter part ot this week and will occupyi1j pulpit on next Sabbath It is velygraifyingto all to know that the ser ¬

vices of to splendid a man have beensecured anti isis coming is looked for¬

ty trd to writ pleasure The church isin good condition in evry respect andrife new pastorate begins under themoot euroUi aitg circumstances MrScanlans family with not ccme for seviial weeks

Dant pay 30 cents for Bacon whenyon can get Beechnuts Packing CosBreakfast Bacon for 22J ctB per jar at

T T Covington Co

Handsome BokWe were presented last week with a

handsome book entitled OJA KentuckyGirlwhose author is a former Madi-son


county woman nowliving in Tetineesee andwho writes under the nonJeplume ol Anne SeArcy The frontispitce is a handsome picture of MrsCharles Jett of this county formerlythe beautiful and popular Miss Angelina Cobb of Stanford The book islull of allusions to scenes and people of

this section and its author is prominent ¬

ly connected in this county and thebook should command a ready saleIt is on sale at all Richmond drugstores

Charlie Miller Wins a PrizeBy the investraant of honesty in

dustry politeness capacity and physiell energy in learning the grocerybusiness Mr Charlie D Miller hasbeen called up higher anti will onJanuary 1 take the road as thetraveling representative of the largesttea and coffee house in America at asalary of 1600 per annum aud all ex-


with promotions tor increasedefficiency later Jhe firm is theBohea Importinz Co of Baltimore towhom we tender on behalf ot the publie here sincere congratulation uponacquiring the services of one of themost popular and expert salesmen everIn this community On January 1

Mr Miller will sever his connecti < nwith MsTT Covitgtons grocery endenter upon his duties as a Knight of

the Grip equipped in every way tobuild n wider reputation upon thesplendid foundation he bus been rear ¬

ing here for excellence as a man in thetrue sense of that woid

At Lexington Opera HouseMrs Leslie Cirter the leading emo-


actress in America today comesto the Lexington Opera House Thurs ¬

day Nov 25 Thanksgiving Matineeand night find will present the greatestsuccess of tier career Vesla home

The play Is a tense dramatic product ¬

ion oneof the vital problems of societyof today a presentation that is morepowerful and direct than a ermon andwhich while it entertains as any playshould sends the audiences away tromthe Theatre with the knowledge that bef ire them has moved the Panarama of

the battle of good and evil the conflictwhich is eternal and which Js tbe ear ¬

heat couHict known to dramatic liiatory The play gives Mrs Carter thegreatest opportunity she has ever hadfor display of that marvelous hisrJfdeability whwjh has won for ller n place tItha farefreut ci the American stage

Fur theplar she has had a BiW8ndelaborate production built and her sup¬

porting cawpany this year is one ofinarkeJ excellMce The prices for Urnengagement will 1e for the Mti eeLower I> f150 Balcny1501 00 75e

1 for nit Lower floor j20J Btlcoay tie1150 IfQ7 cTbe sale of aati wW

op4nNovJor metisota to m ter ficottacelJIIpMibaa INT MWf UM will rvit




0000 Extra Free Voles Will beAdded For Every 19 Re¬

mittance on Subscrip ¬

tionsFor every ten doMnrs turned In on-

subscrIptionsduring the week of Noy15 to Nov 20 we will give 9003 extratree votes This is positively thebestotTer that will be made during the con ¬

test It should induce oar contestantsand their friends to pi t forth an extraeffort in the work

We will aleo give nine hundredextra free vptes as adverts d in lastsue ot The Ohm ix for another weekand it will diminish 100 votes eachweek hereafter Contestants get thtextra tree votes on old as well as newsubscriptions Fur instance if the tendollars are for all old or for part newthey get the extra tree votei for everyten dollars turned in between Nov 15und 20 If tlioy tnrn in twenty dollarsduring that time they get 18000 freevotes and so on si you see it is toyour advantage to gct m all you can byNov 20


The extra prze a cold ring tur¬

quoise set will be presented to thecontestant not having already won aspecial prize who turns in the mostsubscriptions between Nov 8 and Nov20th This is a handsome prize andshould be quite an inducement fi r th >

contestants to put forth their best ifforts

All votes count in the grand prizea100 piano Get into the contest

in earnest and secure come of thehandsome prizes w ear e givingaway and also get votes which will gctoward winning tha piano Se adver-tisement


elsewhere fcr more particularsregarding the free vote offer

Longer SeasonThe directors of the Bluegrass

League will meet in Lcxingtpn todayanJ among the important mattersthat will be discussed will be thep1ayi ¬

tests besides the 120 played the sea ¬

son passed This matter has beenconsidered by the directors for a longwhile and from all indications it looksas though the 1010 schedule will con ¬

sist of 130 or 140 gamesJ If the Jone schedule ia dccldid onthe Bluegrass League will open ORe

month sooner than last year Mostall club owners in the organizationare in favor of the now move

The Wizard of WiselandThe action tf ActilinThe Wizard

of Wiseland the big spectacular nauti ¬

cal extravaganza which is due at theOpara House on Thursday Nov25muineeaad Bight lakes place on theUle of Wiseland Imld its raythicaleflrroundings TLere Inc flowers animalsand rocks converse with men as broth ¬

ers and there toothe rivers Bow withchampague and tho rain whea it fallsfurnuhes ice cream to the thiretyground but sever mUll <

To furnish e tfe e t dstage properties for thedepicUtmeftiiestrange sights atnl tbitifts encoua wedoh its tabled shores wroearthy wetiwere forcedto journey ia lawginatioa tetile Isle ot Wiselaad Too seeatcv rtut found Ilia task a cOtapawUve4y eMjrone fer the huid only to ds with lMeHt-1ine the 4eiigr fprpnrties eOltlclnotbOOaMfttwitJoatlf ne only liB bid te fiiIieihe8utl-aadahi living thfng into hahaiaahaie-

The greatest master of lUiPeiZie3AthericaEdwardS eJtof the Mtop-

ohitan Opr Hoes New York wasth relpce selected f if the tl1khowwell be pceoud itwill be how M tbebulging eyw of every boyad irift wise

look MI 4s fiutietIuaray ef tMylmMMfyM abJMte dlwf irtd dariw tM11IIIite i t iewt14 IoIlthdwol heWiUrd o Wfstss qi 10M






+Heath Willis Dead

Tucir Richmond friends who arelegion were deeply grieved to learnot thfl death of heath the youngestson of Capt and Mrs Joe B Willis ofCrab Orchard Springs which occurredat St Louis Saturday night Theyoung man went to 5t Louis abouteighteen months ago and accepted aposition with the Terminal Companywhich place he held at the time of hisdeath He was taken to St MaryHospital in that city about twoweeks ago and pneumonia develop-Ing


his parents were summoned tohis bedside He grew rapidly worseuntil Saturday night when ho ex¬

pired Every care and attention lovingparents could provide were lavishedupon him but all to no avail Heathwho was a splendid specimen of man¬

hood was twentythree years of ageand was born in Richmond He willbe remembered as a child by our citi ¬

curtcousIknew him when a little boy residingwith his parents in tbis ciy Grow g-

into young manhood he applied him ¬

self closely his industry and aptnessattracting cuch attention lIe was aclose observer of passing events andhii keen snso for the lilculousbrought sunny a smile and laugh tothose about him He was liberal toa fault while his kindness of heartbrought happiness to many It hasbeen truthfully said that Heath Williswas never so happy as when doing akindness about him This will betestified to by the many guests ofCrab Orchaid Springs wh le Heathwas assisting his parents at thefamous resort lie was a member ofthe Christian church Tho devotionbetween parents and son was boautful to behoM and the taking of thisboy just as he had reached tho giwhere ho coald be of so much pleasureand comfort to father ad mother is aslock which they can endure only bythe assistance of Him who givothandtakcth away To these griefstrickenparents The Climax joins with theirmany Madison county friends in ex-

tending deepest sympathy May Howho dOethalf things well give themstrength to benrip under tbfiirjieavyburdenof grid The rdmains werebrought here Tuesday lor burial be¬

side other loved ones wha slcepIn the I

beautiful Ruhnioni Cemetery afterfuneral services which will be heldthis afternoon at the Cbr i st ia nChurch at 2 oclock

MiHEndSaleWe desire to call theattention dour

readers to the big Mill End Sale nowgoing on at 33 V Elders stoiv Manybig birgiiins are to be mnd and thestore iac oVlld with purchasers frommorning to nighty

Engineers at Workon Power-

HousefOr peojla of this town aQnllliver what they believe to be

itedait plans forth rower plant forJiM Central Kentucky Traction IIBCS

ac corpse of Engineers eae over fromLwcfUf torn Monday and have been atwerfe evcrsiBM surveying slid plottUig tb ground receBtlj ptirjfeased


bytbie coHpmy for IlK HIrpeseeferectlsR powerplaBt Ii is ecpectPAiWork 1a eaJMst tIl bogia Iaskort tima wken from 15 to JOO menwill be eyii4oys2 at work cw thelHIikmg It s sMFtt rllen corn-

ple4d which will W la bhttl sixmonth a there will teaIyaid>< Li-

tblItoI c ej1JIII toeper4m th-eP1a4vJii YSw04t I



J =uiiw I 1

Our Buck ye ai

1119I1 Top Shoesat 350w

JSVTorth 400>+


A corerfdr the price Eithr black or tan Full J2 inch topraw hide strings heavy double soles select material throughout Youcantt equal it elsewhere under 400 Come see it for yourself


By far the largest stock in Madison county ofLace Boots Bootees High Top Shoes and all kinds of

good Winter Footwear for both men and boys

Quality always higher than the price Headquarters for II > Ban Band Rubbers


In every style You know their reputationNi




Success cf Former RichmondBoy

It is with plresure that his many oldRichmond rinds note the success of

adoptedhomeorgaulzitiouu and incorporation of thewell known firm of Mitchell BakeSmith Mr Prather who lor live yearsbas been bookkeeper for tho firm beconmi Secretary and Treasurer andwill have entire supervision of theoffice work lie is s son of Rev JamesPrather of this city and is a youngbusiness man of excellent qualifica ¬

tions as is evidenced by his rapid risein Lexingtons business circles

Mysterious DisappearanceJ-esse the 1G year old son of Mr and

Mrs John 15 Masters of Bilwin lefthome last Friday and his whereaboutsalleyIdog followed him The dog returnedhome 72 haurs afterward but to farno trace of the boy has been found I-

Ii soppJsed that the boy has gone toIllinois where relatives live or else metwi h foul play orrceident while outhunting Ills parents have tovcraltheories about his miysterions disappearance and the mother of the boy isalmost distracted Following is thedescripiou of the boy Blue eesblonde haiweight 140 pounds he worea lisht corduroy cap black corduroycoat cottonade pants

Elected VicePresidentMr Allen Ziring cl the J W Zuing

Grain and Mill Co lics returned fromLJttJ ton whore he attended the annnal lneeiiig of the Lexingttn CreditMens Association Mr Xtiring waselected Vicc1resideul for the comingyear Tub Association is a branch ofthe National Association of CreditMen which is one of the largest Com ¬

mercial oigaiiiz tints in the world TitLexington branch has a membershipof S3 represantinz thopTiucipil jjUbertand Millers of Lexington RiclimaudWinchester Paris Versailles andXicholusvflle atuiljJrOes of greacsben fit and protection to all concernedMr Zaring ii being warmly congrauhated upon his election to the Vi3eIVpsidtfiicy odd we might mention thatMr Clarence Williamson formerly olthis city Is the Secretary and Treasurer

Cecilian Club NotesNo mortf delightful cub ever cx¬

isted than the Cccilian Club and thesplendid programs which have beenrendered not only at the three me t-


ot the present season but in allformer years are very encouragingand very enjoyable The meeting oflast Wednesday was held with Mrs A

R Burnam and tho program a sacredone was led by the Iiotes3 and wasas fullowsKoltCollGreat Oratorio SitmeraPiiper Palcstrlna > fa6lcr Music of Cutliol

idsulhmNrs Ut1 1e1touDuet vocal All RemeitilcrYrbin Verdis

RcupToii 1zs Tate MjssXolnndFuneral MarcliClioplnMrsKobtUurna inVocaiODltlne RcdeeiaicrGounod

MrsiraiiccrPaperJJaclitlioMuslciaiiT >fFrotcstanisnt

Mrs Nenmeflenne-ttPianoSchubert Transcription by Liszt

Jlrs JohnsonFour Hands Larso JIandelr

NrsCheulJult NrsPkkelsSonGotolbn4 Mtsa GottliebCurrent Events =L JMfsallIffBliis

The roll call brougkt out many it-te resting Items l amongwhich wero skelckby jirsIIaBgerof Dudley Back whosedekon Qcto

er6tI1rento ell 0ne at the masters

cdptioJtofflrdor Music Hall CiftciiiRRt UaC kBJmajority votethe iCIII mMud 10wltWr w from the fMM Vtlw U<>

MursI jr


Popular City OfficialMr T T Ijovln ton who was re

elected this month to represent Normalprecinct In the city Council ig per ¬

imps cne of lIe roost popular city of-


in Richmond This fact vasemohaszad when the official dbunt gaveMr Covington a majority of 2G3 thelargest vote of any candidate in thecitywho had opposition The heartyendorsement given tbs popular ccitizen< nd splendid btisinoisjnan IB exceed-ingly


gratifying not only to Mr Curington but his lotion of friend throughout the city and c tinty The fact thatMe Covington has carved on tieounelI several terms and was alto eJectedand served in the capacity of Mayor ofRchmoiul and as a member of theHoard of Education is sufficient eviJence that any omen within the gift ofthe votcis of Richmond and Madisonconnty can be his for the asking

Donation DayAIms been the custom since the P

A C Infirmary beamo an institutionlie Tuesday berore Thanksgiving

will le observed as donation day A

committee of ladies will be at the InUrinary all day to receive donationsand it gees without saying Unit thosewill bets liberal ns heretofore Any¬

thing n provisions household art deslinens china or gltiEBware hospitaliec < tallies etc ull be guilefully K

eclvcd Itcinmiilifr the date TuesdayNovembar 2J

Horrible TragedyC-

ash Mo ly a lifelong resilient ofKingston this couiity killed his wifeWeJuefdaymcrjiuiybj severing her I

heat almost from her body with a ritz ¬

or thin setting fire to the dwellingwallowed cjrbulic acid anti died al-

most instantly There were 10 witnes¬

ses to this hon ibe tragedy antI tin 01

ly cause assigned for the rut is that ini diunkcii feets Moody hecame angered at gonu trivial 111 tter and approachioghs wifp Iron behind while she wasseated in a chair an J slashed her throatrim earito ear With remarkable vital-

ity she ran from the huilJnir a din aneof more tuna filly feet citnbed a fenceand dropped into the road dead Thisatlraced the attention of neighborswho rushed to the scene in time to seeMooly ee lire to the buiMing and drinkthe acitl Ha died nlinuat instantlyThe neighbors euccedptl in extinguish ¬

ing llio burning building Moody evi ¬

dently hail jiri mi dilated edt deetruciou He wrote a letfrard gave to a

neighbor the day before tint tragedy inwidth he stated that he would not bet eelrntjnrid gave iitstiuctions regardleg isbUtlalbutthe recipient cf tlenote did nol consider tfe matter ser ¬

iously thinking Hth4 LIla talk ot adrunkeBman Moody leo 6 II de amitlItin eats Ilile In this city rut sday atwhclv time he tpk from the exprb B

ofilc3 a packaga of whiskeyU joJy dwnod a good farm at Kli5

ton and was <comfortably situated so

fart laaoces wete concetfed Illswife iras ore of the mbat highly ftlip cted women of that hoc 11tyEm-bbngherJrfonds by tier arqaiilMU1

aticts ibe was a devout exab4M-t74Lin orlritiitn ehurCh sMfe Fittlau of Missouri e1CW

They are survived by Tlfii I

folfowifiMf cliildreB Mrs D Wf VVfetejMiii Mra Arih rBt Jdle f thra cuit >

tfbd15 39ot1QrrWta4 JMet toOkps ira RI4nso d-

cykWtd7 J


Ail hunters aro hereby warned notto trofpas Jon the farm nown aetheZ1 Hic3 place 1J miles horn Rich ¬

mood on Big Hill pike All violationswill ba punished nccordcncy to lawIll n Macs Hamilton

Highest MarketEinbry Moberly A Co will at

once to slaughter turkeys for thothanksgiving at pens atMoberly The highest I

will be for fat fowl122 or 812 riugsIr

= JJJV J taJ r =IliIIliSo 1busiI¬


I ness and close out the

JanuaI ¬

IIry I st I have manyIi1fmynE stock is all new andm things are going at a

mprice < < <1


Ji >j rPresident

O H CHUNVicePrcs




market theirstation market

price paid goodPhone Waco rings





Secy TrcnsR L UAKBK

ntr 1 Kentucky 1aao Tartia IIJLEXINGTON KENTUCKYepJantinfor IrSO loaded wagons and free stalls for 300 horses Re

drying capacity one hundred thousand pounds per day andstorage for thousands of hogsheads Our daily sales aregrand with prices averaging close to 15 cents fQr all gradsup to this time Send your tobacco as fast as ready and beassured of lair treatment and the best price Dont sell to

fspeculators as they must buy cheap enough to make a profiton your tobacco We look for prices to improve throughthe season J will greatly appreciate every load from myResptr

O H CHENAULT PresidentiuiTit

Christmas Photo SS

I Get yours now and5v the r c

< avoKi ivUOnr

> See our display

McGmghey Sf M berleyi IIJ1uiU I

S i 0t
