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  • 7/25/2019 Types of Text.docx


    Discovery of the buoys, pulled ashore near Subic, is the latest

    in an endless series of episodes as the Philippines answers

    Chinas claim to the entire South China Sea. With the

    Philippines now committed to basing planes andships permanently at Subic Bay, the .S. may also want to

    base forces there while the Chinese build air and naval

    facilities in the Spratlys and threaten Philippine, !ietnamese,

    Brunei and "alaysian forces elsewhere in the island grouping.

    #orecasts of a return of .S. military power, however, may be

    premature. While the base at Subic is reopening ne$t year to

    Philippine forces in a palpably wea% attempt at countering

    Chinese claims to the South China Sea, Philippine officialsdismiss dreams of reprising the era of massive .S. air and

    naval power as fantasy. &ather, said a Philippine defense

    official, .S. forces will be in and out of Subic Bay as they have

    been ever since the sprawling 'merican naval base on the

    South China Sea was turned into a shopping area () years ago.

    MANILA - After their hit film "Just The Way You Are," Enrique Gil and Lia !oerano are set to do another romanti#

    mo$ie, this time %ith a#tor Gerald Anderson&

    The !tar 'inema film, "E$eryday I Lo$e You," %ill e dire#ted y Mae 'ru-Al$iar&

    "It feels (ood for )J and )udoy to reunite to(ether," Gil said, referrin( to his and Anderson*s #hara#ters in the series


    In the mo$ie, Gil +lays Ethan, %ho falls in lo$e %ith )a#olod lass Audrey !oerano, %ho is in a relationshi+ %ith

    Tristan Anderson&

    ".e (re% u+ %ith his father /asi *yun( mom niya +aran( ini%an an( ana/ niya doon sa dad, so he (re% u+ %ith the

    father /no%in( his mom ay umali/ sa first lo$e niya," Gil said of his #hara#ter& "A/o *yun( ti+on( aya% /on(

    ma(hintay, e$erythin( in order, fast-+a#ed, soran( ali/tad n( #hara#ter niya ni Lia&"

    !oerano, mean%hile, des#ries her #hara#ter as "$ery romanti#" and an "old soul&"

    "I*m the ty+e of (irl %ho /no%s ho% to %ait, %ho is $ery +atient," she said&

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    Anderson said he doesn*t mind ein( the third %heel in the team u+ of !oerano and Gil&

    "I*m e0#ited /asi n(ayon alam /o na an( +a/iramdam n( third sa lo$e team namin dati and ho% they handle *yun(

    #riti#isms, *yun( fans& )ut *yun( story na ito is $ery e0#itin(," he said&

    Tal/in( aout his #hara#ter, Anderson said1 "Luma/i /ami sa +roinsiya at soran( lo$e namin 2yun( #ity /un( saan/ami luma/i& &&& I am a family (uy mahal na mahal /o an( +amilya /o +ero somethin( ha++ened na #om+letely

    na(a(o an( uhay /o&"


    *he +untedby effrey -oldberg

    n a remote corner of 'frica, two 'merican conservationists did their utmost

    to prevent poachers from destroying an endangered species of elephant. n

    their /ealousness, did they go too far0

    School yields to protests

    WA!.INGT3N A4 Gallaudet 5ni$ersity*s oard of trustees #hose the dean of the s#hool*s 'olle(e of

    Arts and !#ien#es to e#ome the first deaf +resident in the 678-year history of the s#hool for the hearin(-


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    victory seemed unli%ely. "ount Saint "ichael were two sets down and St. 1eos certainly

    had the upper hand in the third set, dominating 2 points to (. 3ach time St. 1eos scored,

    they pounded the ground in unison, further intimidating an already sha%y Claremorristeam. So how, in these circumstances, did they snatch victory from the 4aws of almost

    certain defeat0

    Militants returned to the Philippine National Police the cell phones of two undercover

    cops as well as shields, truncheons and protective gears of antiriot policemen after

    their encounter during the protests on Monday.

    Doris Cuario, Karapatan Southern Tagalog spoesperson, said this was their response

    to the PNP chief Director !eneral "icardo Mar#ue$, who vowed to file chargesagainst those who mauled Chief %nsp. &ntonio &nanayao 'r. and P() "eden


    *This is to show PNP chief Mar#ue$ that we, the rallyists, are respecting the rule of

    law,+ Cuario told reporters on Tuesday.

    "ead more http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/708614/militants-return-cops-


    -ollow us )inquirerdotnet on &witter inquirerdotnet on *aceoo+

    MANILA 549ATE9 - )ud(et !e#retary )ut#h Aad on Tuesday #onfirmed that le(islators ha$e allo#ations for their

    distri#ts in the 7:6; ud(et, %orth 4< trillion, on a +residential ele#tion year&

    Aad also said that (o$ernment #an de#lare sa$in(s anytime in the year, similar to the 9isursement A##eleration

    4ro(ram 9A4, %hi#h authoried the e0e#uti$e to %ithdra% and reali(n sa$in(s midyear&

    "There are allo#ations for distri#ts de+endin( on their needs and the 94W. =9e+artment of 4uli# Wor/s and

    .i(h%ays> and other a(en#ies in the infrastru#ture +ro$ision& 93T' =9e+artment of Trans+ortation and

    'ommuni#ations> and 9A =9e+artment of A(ri#ulture> ha$e allo#ated infrastru#ture +ro?e#ts in e$ery distri#t in e$ery

    +ro$in#e in e$ery re(ion& )ut let me em+hasie, there*s the 4resident*s ud(et messa(e that the fo#us of the 7:6;

    ud(et is the 88 +riority +ro$in#es," said Aad&

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    "Na+a/ala/in( /aran(alan an( +amunuan +o /ayon( lahat,@ he said&

    While many eyes %ere (lued to their s#reens and others ears to their radios, some +ersonalities %ere

    in$ited to %itness the !3NA li$e inside the 4lenary .all of the .ouse of the Be+resentati$es at the

    )atasan 4amansa 'om+le0 in Cueon 'ity&

    With a s+ee#h more than t%o hours lon(, some memers of the audien#e at the +resident*s final !tate of

    the Nation Address %eren*t ale to fo#us, e$entually su##umin( to slee+&

    Evolution of Media

    We live in a world that is dominated by the advances of technology that we hardly notice

    how it has influenced us, as well as our culture. 5ne ma4or field where this is most evident is

    in media. "edia has grown and e$panded in all forms, %eeping us updated with current

    events and news all over the world. *he days of the 6postman and the 6newspaper boy are

    gone. !arious forms of media, including the radio, television, computers and other

    electronic gadgets, feature the most advanced technology that enables a person to carry out

    an entire library of information in ones poc%et. ndeed, we are endowed with the means by

    which we could gain and utili/e information, without brea%ing a sweat. +owever, media has

    evolved not only in ways by which we could gain and utili/e information, but also in ways by

    which we create information. *his essay aims to resurface the basic yet fundamental

    importance for 7uestioning the impact of the evolution of media in our present day and age.

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    *he rise in technology triggered a ma4or historical transition of media, wherein we

    unconsciously emerge into a %ind of pluralistic society8 a %ind of pluralism that advocates

    the notion of information as something 6made rather than 6found. Society is driven towards

    information that creates an e$hilarating and intriguing story to tell. With this drive comes

    language, for language is inevitably bound up with culture. +erein, we see a defining

    moment in the evolution of media 9 the social construction of reality. :et one may as%, in

    what way does media construct reality0

    "edia constructs reality in its 7uest for substantial information through language. n effect,

    claims about reality amount to mere social constructs, which are mainly determined by

    institutions of power and the demands of the ma4ority. What remains may be a form of

    dehumani/ation wherein one no longer struggles to define oneself in search for truth, butrather, struggles to merely survive the present in search for power8 satisfaction which never

    remains content. 's a result, we are faced with the reification of reality wherein stories

    about people are fabricated to suit the demands of society. What remains is ones

    identification with his or her socially assigned typifications, a significant matter, which we

    often do not often recogni/e.

    Cataclysmic event of a certain age

    Geologists narrow date of an anomalous cooling event most likely

    triggered by a cosmic impact


    July 27, 2015


    University of California - Santa Barbara


    At the end of the Pleistocene period, approximately 12,800 years ago give or take a few

    centuries a cosmic impact triggered an abrupt cooling episode that earth scientists refer to

    as the Younger Dryas. New research has narrowed the date to a 100-year range, sometime

    between 12,835 and 12,735 years ago.

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    History of the English LanguageA short history of the origins and development of English

    The history of the English language really started with the arrival of

    three Germanic tribes who invaded Britain during the 5th century

    AD. These tribes the Angles the !a"ons and the #utes crossed the

    $orth !ea from what today is Denmar% and northern Germany. At

    that time the inhabitants of Britain s&o%e a 'eltic language. But

    most of the 'eltic s&ea%ers were &ushed west and north by the

    invaders ( mainly into what is now )ales !cotland and *reland. The

    Angles came from +Englaland+ ,sic- and their language was called

    +Englisc+ ( from which the words +England+ and +English+ arederived.

    ste+s you #an ta/e ri(ht no% that %ill ma/e today healthier than yesterday and +a$e the

    %ay for healthy li$in( tomorro%, too&

    .ere*s your #he#/list of +ra#ti#al healthy li$in( ti+s that are ready to (o& Let*s (et


    .ealthy Li$in( !te+ No& 61 Ta/e sto#/&

    Your first ste+ to%ard healthy li$in( is to (et a handle on your health status ri(ht no%&

    .ere*s your to-do list1

    Make appointments with your doctor and dentist.'at#h u+ on your routine s#reenin(

    andimmuniations, and ta/e the o++ortunity to as/ your do#torany questions you mi(ht ha$e&

    Gauge your girth.Measure your hei(ht and %ei(ht to#he#/ your )MI,and measure

    your %aist #ir#umferen#eto see if you*reo$er%ei(htand if your %aistline is +uttin( your health at


    Assess your activity..o% mu#h +hysi#al a#ti$itydo you (et in a ty+i#al %ee/D .o%

    intense is that a#ti$ityD .o% mu#h $ariety do you (et in your a#ti$ity, and ho% mu#h do you

    en?oy itD The '9' re#ommends that adults (et at least t%o and a half hours +er %ee/ of

    moderate-intensity aeroi# a#ti$ity or one hour and 6 minutes +er %ee/ of $i(orous-intensity

    aeroi# a#ti$ity, +lus mus#le-stren(thenin( a#ti$ities at least t%o days +er %ee/&

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    Keep a food diary.Write do%n e$erythin( you eat for a day -- and no fair s/i++in( the

    items you*re emarrassed aout& "The idea is to %rite it do%n &&& %ithout ?ud(ment," says

    Fathianne !ellers Williams, MEd, B9, L9, a nutritionist, %ellness #oa#h,and +ersonal trainer

    %ith 'afe 4hysique in Atlanta& "You #an*t #han(e %hat you*re not a%are of or don*t


    Check your mood and energy..ealthy li$in( in#ludes emotional %ellnessand

    adequate rest& .o% has your mood een latelyD Are you e0+erien#in( any sym+toms of

    de+ressionor an0ietyD 9o you usually slee+%ell for se$en to ei(ht hours a ni(htD

    Consider your social network..o% stron( are your #onne#tions %ith family and

    friendsD Are you +lu((ed in %ith so#ial or s+iritual (rou+s that enri#h your lifeD "4eo+le ha$e a

    fundamental need for +ositi$e and lastin( relationshi+s," '& Nathan 9eWall, assistant +rofessor

    of +sy#holo(yat the 5ni$ersity of Fentu#/y, tells WeM9&

    If you*re not thrilled %ith the ans%ers to some of those questions, rememer that the

    +oint is to fi(ure out %here you are today so you #an set your healthy li$in( (oals& It*s

    not aout ein( "(ood" or "ad," "ri(ht" or "%ron(&"

    Small, cold, and absurdly far away, Plutohas always been selfish with its secrets. Since its discovery

    in ;2)'S's>ew +ori/ons spacecraftis scheduled to fly within ?,ational -eographic, >o Place 1i%e


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    he K to 12 Program coversKindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of

    primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High

    School [SHS])to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong

    learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development,

    employment, and entrepreneurship.

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    Sample Passage

    The )er(son homestead %as easier to find than many another, e#ause it o$erloo/ed a

    shallo%, muddy stream& This #ree/ (a$e a sort of identity to the farms that ordered

    u+on it& 3f all the e%ilderin( thin(s aout a ne% #ountry, the asen#e of human

    landmar/s is one of the most de+ressin( and disheartenin(& The houses %ere small and

    %ere usually tu#/ed a%ay in lo% +la#es2 you did not see them until you #ame dire#tly

    u+on them& Most of them %ere uilt of the sod itself, and %ere only the ines#a+ale

    (round in another form& The roads %ere ut faint tra#/s in the (rass, and the fields %eres#ar#ely noti#eale& The re#ord of the +lo% %as insi(nifi#ant, li/e the feele s#rat#hes

    on stone left y +rehistori# ra#es, so indeterminate that they may, after all, e only the

    mar/in(s of (la#iers, and not a re#ord of human stri$in(s&

    In ele$en lon( years John )er(son had made ut little im+ression u

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    'lright then, ll go to hell.E 9 "ar% *wain, TheAdventures of Huckleberry Finn.

    +uc% has been led to believe it would be sinful to help hisfriend im, a runaway slave. n this chapter, +uc% finds hisown moral compass and decides to do what he feels is the

    right thing, even though others have told him he would goto hell for it.

    When a child first catches adults outAwhen it first wal%sinto his grave little head that adults do not always havedivine intelligence, that their 4udgments are not alwayswise, their thin%ing true, their sentences 4ustAhis worldfalls into panic desolation. *he gods are fallen and allsafety gone. 'nd there is one sure thing about the fall ofgodsF they do not fall a little8 they crash and shatter or sin%deeply into green muc%. t is a tedious 4ob to build them upagain8 they never 7uite shine. 'nd the childs world isnever 7uite whole again. t is an aching %ind of growing.E 9ohn Steinbec%,East of Eden

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    *here, peeping among the cloud@wrac% above a dar% torhigh up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twin%le fora while. *he beauty of it smote his heart, as he loo%ed up

    out of the forsa%en land, and hope returned to him. #orli%e a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that inthe end the Shadow was only a small and passing thingFthere was a light and high beauty for ever beyond itsreach.E A .&.&. *ol%ien, The Return of the King

    wanted so badly to lie down ne$t to her on the couch, towrap my arms around her and sleep. >ot fuc%, li%e inthose movies. >ot even have se$. ust sleep together, inthe most innocent sense of the phrase. But lac%ed thecourage and she had a boyfriend and was gaw%y and shewas gorgeous and was hopelessly boring and she wasendlessly fascinating. So wal%ed bac% to my room andcollapsed on the bottom bun%, thin%ing that if people wererain, was dri//le and she was a hurricane.E 9 ohn-reen,Looking for Alaska

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    *here is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, ta%en at theflood, leads on to fortune8 5mitted, all the voyage of theirlife s bound in shallows and in miseries. 5n such a full sea

    are we now afloat, 'nd we must ta%e the current when itserves, 5r lose our ventures.E 9 WilliamSha%espeare,Julius Caesar