Txt Free Pizza

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  • 7/27/2019 Txt Free Pizza


    CLASSIC COMPILATION #1 FREE PIZZACompiled by: DIzzIE (antikopyright 2007)

    This is the first textfile in a series that will put together classic scams centred around a particular

    theme. Most, if not all, of the content will not be new; rather, these compilations are mere

    attempts to bring all existing methods of achieving the same goal into one place for easy

    reference. Feel free to email me with any ideas you have that werent included, and theyll be

    added into subsequent versions of these compilations.

    What follows is a brief compendium of various existing methods you can use to score some free

    pizza. As usual, dont expect some of these tactics to work in all pizzerias, but do expect all of

    them to work in at least some locales. Naturally, some are geared towards larger chains, while

    others are best done in the smaller ones. Pick and choose whichever ones you think are right for

    your situation.

    ~Lets start with an age-old classic, The Phony Order Snatch. Ol Abbie wrote about it in Steal ThisBook back in 71, and its been popular ever since. Essentially, you just phone in an order for a

    pizza (Abbie recommends using a nearby payphone, though nowadays lots of pizza places let

    you order online (obviously this shouldnt be done from your own computer/IP address), and

    waiting around the phone just in case the pizza place calls back to confirm the order) with the

    delivery address being a particularly out of the way/top floor apartment that would require the

    delivery dude to travel the longest distance from zir car. Once zes out of the way, delivering the

    pizza, you simply stroll on out from your hiding spot and raid the (hopefully unlocked) delivery

    car, thus appropriating all of the other orders that could still be in the car.

    ~The Complaint #1. Stand behind someone in line and overhear their order. Youre particularlylistening for someone whos ordering take-out, but a dine-in order will suffice. Memorize the

    customers details (the order, time of order, name, phone number, address, etc) and hop along

    out of the pizza place (if you think youll look sketchy just lurking around and then leaving, you

    can come up to the order counter and ask some bullshit question akin to hey do you guys have

    peanut butter and skittles toppings? before leaving). In about an hour or so, call up the pizza

    place and start bitching about how you ordered pizza with toppings X and got one with toppings

    Y, with your kid being allergic to Y and how you had to toss the upchucked pizza out. Go on in

    this vein for a little while, and sooner or later (if the manager doesnt catch on as to what will shut

    you up) start implying and later (if the manager still doesnt catch on) insisting, that they give you

    a free pizza thats actually the correct one as a replacement for their fuckup.

    ~The Complaint #2. Instead of an immediate result as in the first complaint scam, this method will

    take more time, but has the added benefit of having a potentially reusable pay-out. Dig through

    the trashcans and/or dumpster around the pizza place to find some old (though not too old,

    preferably under a few days) receipts, obviously selecting either the largest/most expensive orders,

    or selecting the ones that youd enjoy eating the most. Next, write a formal letter addressed either

    to your local pizza branch or to its headquarters if there is one, pontificating at length (though

    keep the letter to about a page or less) about how you have been a long time royal customer,

    and have recently purchased xxx (whatevers on the receipt), only to have your whole family come

    down with diarrhoea/vomiting/nausea/etc. Do not, however, say that you went to the doctor. Ifyou do, the pizza place will want to see medical records to cover their own asses, and youll be

  • 7/27/2019 Txt Free Pizza


    shit out of luck. Make the complaint significant, but keep it mild enough so that you didnt seek

    any medical attention (this means saying something along the lines of I found a piece of glass

    that split my tongue in two is out, as theyd expect that to be something that youd go to the

    hospital for). Polish off the letter by stating that you are seriously

    disillusioned/disappointed/devastated with the quality of xxx brands dining establishments.

    Though, once again, dont overdo this by saying that youll never go there again; instead, let that

    be an implied threat that hangs in the air, hauntingly unstated. Finally, though its not absolutely

    necessary, you can explicitly state that you would like compensation for your most unfortunate

    dining experience. Include the receipt that you found along with the letter, and mail it off. Within a

    few weeks you should receive a soggy apology letter, along with either coupons for free pizza, or

    a check for the amount spent. In this case, a coupon would actually be better, as you could then

    proceed to make numerous copies of it to use over and over (for some more info on couponing

    see: http://www.rorta.net/index.php?page=couponing_v2, and

    http://www.rorta.net/index.php?page=complaintletterscam for other potentialities of the

    complaint letters cam).

    ~The Table Scrapper. Walk around through the pizza place looking for any unattended tables that

    have left some discarded remains. Gluttonous consumers often leave their food unfinished, and

    its going to get trashed anyway, so you might as well pick some up.

    ~The Snatcher. If you dont like table scraps, and the pizza place is the kind where dine-in orders

    are picked up by the diners themselves at the front counter, simply swoop in and pick up an order

    standing on the counter before the real customers do. Leave a random receipt or a stray

    electronic buzzer on the counter as a credibility prop, and then get the fuck out of there.

    ~The Late Order. Place an order for a pick-up about twenty or thirty minutes before the pizzaplace closes. Show up about five minutes before closing time and go in to pick up your pizza.

    Reach your hand casually into your pocket so as to pull out your wallet, only to act befuddled and

    begin feeling around for your wallet. Frown and apologetically begin to explain that you mustve

    left your wallet at home, and could you mind just waiting a bit while I go back and get it, itll be

    like twenty minutes, Im so sorry about that:(. The rub here lies in the fact that, not wanting to

    wait around for this dunce to go back for his wallet, the pizza place may just let you have the

    order for free. If, however, they begrudgingly do say fine, well wait, come back in about an hour

    or so when the place has closed down, and go look in the dumpster, which brings us to the next


    ~The Dumpster Dive. Orders that get fucked up are often tossed away into the trash. If you have

    issues with eating dumsptered food, resort only to consuming the boxed items, as those remain

    uncorrupted by the perceived evils of the dumpster. Visit the dumpster an hour or so after the

    place closes and then simply bring the dumpstered pizzas home and heat em up.

    For more ideas on how to get free food in general, check out the Hobo Papers #1

    (http://www.rorta.net/index.php?page=freefood) as well as the free food section of Stop Paying

    for Shit! The College edition (http://forum.rorta.net/showthread.php?t=735).

    More knowledge at www.dizzy.ws and www.rorta.net. Comments/additional methods to include infuture versions of this compilation can go to xcon0 a\\t y//a\\h//o\\ d.ot com.